General Chronology of the Mediterranean - Chronologies - IEMed

Page created by Margaret Sanders

General Chronology
of the Mediterranean

January 2005                                 ernment without mentioning an even-         unanimously condemns France for vio-
                                             tual ceasefire. On the 18th of January      lating the rights of the terrorist Ilich Ra-
The creation of the EU makes a step for-     ETA claims responsibility for a car bomb    mirez Sanchez, who was sentenced to
ward with the European Parliament’s          attack which injures a policeman and        life imprisonment in 1997. The prisoner
adoption of the Treaty establishing a        on the 30th of January, following a tele-   was kept in isolate confinement from
European Constitution. In Algeria, the       phone warning, a bomb explodes in De-       1994 to 2002 and again from March
Minister of Home Affairs confirms that       nia, a holiday resort in Southern Spain.    2004 onwards. The accusations, ac-

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the GIA has been disbanded. In Croa-         • On the 17th of January 8 people are       cording to which the prisoner was trea-
tia, the President Stipe Mesiv wins a        sentenced for having given logistic as-     ted in an inhuman and degrading way are
second term of office. From the first of     sistance and false documents to some        dismissed by a vote of 4 to 3.
January Turkey introduces a new cu-          suspects in the attacks of September the    • On the 31st of January the trial which
rrency. Spanish-Moroccan relations im-       11th 2001 in the United States.             will establish who was responsible for the
prove with the visit of the King of Spain,                                               fire in the tunnel of the Mont Blanc in
whilst Turkish-Greek relations deterio-      France                                      1999 starts. There are 4 companies and
rate following accusations against Tur-                                                  12 people in the dock over involuntary
key for violating Greek territorial wa-      • On the 3rd of January the trial of 4      homicide and negligence.

ters. At the same time Turkey reopens        people starts, including the Franco-Al-
relations with Israel. The Republic of       gerians Djamel Beghal and Kamel Daou-       Italy
Sprska in Bosnia-Herzegovina decides         di, accused of being members of the
to reinforce its cooperation with the        Al-Qaida cell in Paris responsible for      • On the 10th of January a ban on
ICTY and simultaneously Serbia and           organising attacks against American tar-    smoking in public places comes into
Montenegro attracts European and Amer-       gets in France. Beghal has supposedly       force throughout the country, causing
ican criticism for not collaborating with    confessed these facts in the United Arab    some protests as it involves fines for
the ICTY.                                    Emirates before being extradited to Fran-   the establishments and the smokers
                                             ce, where, he affirms he was forced to      who do not abide by the law.
Spain                                        confess under torture.                      • On the 25th of January the judge
                                             • On the 13th of January, the Minis-        Clementina Forleo from the court of Mi-
• On the 3rd of January, the Prime Min-      ter of Justice Dominique Perben calls       lan dismisses the accusations of terro-
ister José Luis Rodriguez Zapatero op-       for a criminal investigation to be held     rism against 4 Tunisians and a Moroccan
poses the “Ibarretxe Plan” describing it     against the arguments advanced by the       provoking criticisms from the Minister of
as secessionist and anti-constitutional as   leader of the National Front (extreme-      Foreign Affairs, the Vice Prime Minister
it suggested a “free association” be-        right party), Jean-Marie Le Pen. Ac-        Gianfranco Fini and the European Com-
tween Spain and the Basque country.          cording to these the German occupa-         missioner responsible for Justice and
On the 13th of January, Juan José Iba-       tion in France during the Second World      Freedom, Franco Frattini. She declares
rretxe, the Basque autonomous Presi-         War was benevolent. Such declara-           that it is necessary to make a distinction
dent, contests Zapatero’s request to         tions, according to the French press        between the defendant’s engagement
withdraw the plan. The Esquerra Repu-        laws, could lead to a prison sentence       in guerrilla activities for recruiting militants
blicana de Catalunya (ERC) threatens to      of up to 5 years.                           to fight against the American forces in
withdraw its support to Zapatero if he       • Between the 25th and the 29th of          Iraq and terrorism. On the 28th of January,
opposes the plan, since the minority go-     January, 12 people are arrested on sus-     the Court of Cassation (the Italian Su-
vernment needs backing from regional         picion of recruiting Muslims to lead the    preme Court) decrees that travelling to
and left-wing groups.                        “holy war” against the American forces      Iraq to take part to the insurrections is an
• On the 16th of January the Basque          in the United States.                       act of international terrorism.
terrorist organisation (ETA) declares to     • On the 27th of January, the Euro-         • On the 27th of January the trial of 47
be in favour of negotiating with the gov-    pean Court of Human Rights (ECHR)           people starts, including policemen, doc-
tors, nurses and prison warders, accu-         bombing of the city of Dubrovnik in           ternational Crisis Group declares that the
             sed of verbally and physically mistreating     1991.                                         situation in Kosovo is increasingly dan-
             anti-globalisation protesters during the                                                     gerous and could lead to severe riots or
             2001 G8 Summit in Genoa which left             Bosnia-Herzegovina                            even to a new war.
             hundreds injured and caused the de-                                                          • On the 14th of January the American
             ath of a demonstrator.                         • On the 8th of January, the President        ambassador, Michael Polt, announces
             • On the 28th of January, the Italian          of the Srpska Republic (the Serbian           that the United States decided to cut aid
             Court of Cassation blocks the extradi-         entity in Bosnia), Dragan Cavic, nomi-        to the country and withdraw technical
             tion of the Moroccan imam Mohammed             nates Pero Bukejlovic as Prime Minis-         advisers in the Serbian Ministries. They
             Rafik to his country, which suspects him       ter. The former Prime Minister resigned       threaten to take other punitive measu-
             of being involved in the Casablanca at-        at the end of December to protest             res if the government continues to chal-
             tacks of May 2003. The judge bases             against the dismissal of Bosnian Serb         lenge the ICTY.
             his decision on the risk of Rafik being tor-   officials accused of not cooperating          • On the 18th of January, the UN Se-

             tured or killed if extradited to Morocco.      with the International Criminal Tribunal      curity Council adopts resolution 1581
                                                            for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY). A few       (2005) allowing judges from the ICTY
             Malta                                          days following Bukejlovic’s nomination,       to finalise some active cases.
                                                            the authorities announce a certain num-       • On the 21st of January, the EU High
             • On the 14th of January, Amnesty In-          ber of measures in order to reinforce co-     Representative for the Common Foreign
             ternational requests to open an inquiry        operation with the ICTY. These include        and Security Policy (CFSP), Javier So-
             over information received according to         the creation of a team of 8 people on Jan-    lana, postpones his trip to Serbia and
             which, members of the Maltese armed            uary the 13th with responsibility for         Montenegro to discuss the reforms nec-
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             forces would have inflicted physical abu-      verifying whether anyone involved in the      essary to join the EU, as this country
             se on some asylum seekers and illegal          murder of over 7,000 civilian Muslims in      does not cooperate with the ICTY.
             immigrants. This happened at the im-           Srebrenica in 1995, still has an official
             migration detention centre of the army         position or is connected with the insti-      Macedonia
             barracks in Safi as they were peace-           tutions of Srpska or Bosnian Republic.
             fully protesting against the length of their   On the 15th of January, for the first time,   • On the 18th of January, the Europe-
             detention, the lack of information con-        the authorities of the Sprska Republic        an enlargement commissioner, Olli Rehn,
             cerning the development of their de-           hand a war crimes suspect over to the         declares in front of the European Par-
             mands for refugee status and humani-           ICTY, the Serbo-Croatian Savo Todovic.        liament Foreign Affairs Commission that

             tarian protection. Those who were              The latter is accused of taking part in the   there could be a new candidate country
             refused asylum already were complaining        management of the Kazneno-Popravni            to join the EU between now and the
             about the absence of information re-           Dom camp, where 300 prisoners were            end of the year if the commission con-
             garding their future.                          killed during the 1992-1995 war.              siders Macedonia’s arrangements suf-
                                                            • On the 17th of January, the ICTY            ficient. Macedonia is still just a “poten-
             Slovenia                                       condemns two Serbo-Croatians to 18            tial candidate country” at this stage.
                                                            and 9 years in prison for their involvement   Rehn announces that starting negotia-
             • On the first of January Slovenia takes       in the Srebrenica massacre.                   tions with Macedonia is one of his ob-
             over the presidency of the OSCE for            • On the 17th of January, 300 agents          jectives during his term of office ending
             2005.                                          of the Secret Service are dismissed in        in 2009. He stresses that progression
                                                            order to fulfil one of the conditions for     to candidate country status will depend
             Croatia                                        joining the NATO and the EU.                  on the type of answers Macedonia gi-
                                                                                                          ves to a questionnaire it is filling in, on
             • On the 2nd and 16th of January two           Serbia and Montenegro                         the quality of its technical measures, on
             rounds of Presidential elections take                                                        the country’s positive and constant po-
             place. The current President of the So-        • On the 10th of January, following the       litical evolution and on political reforms
             cial Democratic Party (SPH), Stipe Me-         assassination of a 16 year old Albanian       especially in the judicial field.
             siv, wins a second 5 year term of office.      by customs officers as he attempted to
             • On the 4th of January, the Minister of       cross the Macedonian border, thousands        Albania
             Foreign Affairs, Miomir Zuzul, is accused      of people of Albanian origins protest in
             of being involved in a corruption scan-        the streets of Presova. They request          • On the 10th of January, the Albanian
             dal and resigns.                               that the Serbian military and police units    Parliament adopts a new election law by
             • On the 31st of January, the Interna-         are replaced by international troops in       99 votes to 140, the first of a series of
             tional Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yu-    Albanian majority areas.                      reforms scheduled to anticipate this
             goslavia (ICTY), sentences Lieutenant          • On the 13th of January, a Nigerian          summer’s elections. The new law, elab-
             General Pavle Strugar, former com-             police officer from the United Nations In-    orated with the assistance of experts
             mander of the Yugoslavian navy, to 8           terim Administration Mission in Kosovo        from the OSCE, intends to resolve prob-
             years of prison for not attempting to          (UNMIK), is killed in Kosovo as his car       lems encountered in the past concerning
             prevent the attacks on civilians during the    explodes. On the 23rd of January, the In-     electoral rolls, constituencies and vote
count. Those in favour of the new law           (Kongra-Gel), who entered the country           solution refers to year 2000 UN report,
say that it will help to avoid a deadlock       via Iraq. In January, Turkey, the United        which states that Shabaa lands are part
such as the one in Ukraine after the sec-       States and Iraq meet in Ankara and              of Syria and not of Lebanon, undermi-
ond set of Presidential elections which         agree on a mechanism for sharing in-            ning Hezbollah’s activities, which the
was characterised by frauds, on top of          formation as well as discussing ways to         Lebanese government considers to be
silencing Western Countries’ critics who        cooperate in order to protect Turkey            a resistance movement for national li-
denounced the irregularities of previous        from potential terrorist threats coming         beration.
ballots.                                        from the north of Iraq.
                                                • On the 2nd of January, the President          Jordan
Greece                                          of the islamist party Virtue, Recai Kutan,
                                                criticises the strict conditions imposed        • On the 4th of January, the Jordan
• On the 10th and 14th of January, the          by the EU for Turkey’s entry and re-            State Security Court, announces the
Greek High Command denounce that                quests a Turkish referendum on joining          accusation of four islamists for their im-

Turkish coast guard patrol boats invaded        the EU.                                         plication in a plot intended to attack
Greek territorial waters by the islet of Imia   • On the 3rd of January, the Vice Pri-          Western tourists and Israelis as well as
(Kardak in Turkish), over which Turkey          me Minister and Minister of Foreign af-         some secret services members.
disputes Greek sovereignty. However,            fairs, Abdullah Gül, pays a visit to Israel     • On the 12th of January, NATO Se-
Ankara dismisses these accusations.             to discuss the re-launch of Middle East         cretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer,
Over the last months, Greek High com-           peace negotiations and to restore Is-           travels to Jordan to conduct the first vis-
mand has regularly accused Ankara of            raeli-Turkish relations, damaged after          it in Jordan from a high-ranking official
violating its national air-space and ter-       Recep Tayyip Erdogan described an Is-           of the Atlantic Alliance. This trip is in line

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ritorial waters.                                raeli raid on the Palestinian occupied          with the Alliance’s efforts to increase
• On the 20th of January, the Greek             territories as a political blunder. Gül is      the levels of “Mediterranean dialogue”.
Parliament introduces a law preventing          the highest member of the government            This is a cooperation program that has
media directors from entering into pub-         to have paid a visit to Israel since the Jus-   been in place for ten years and that
lic contracts. This, according to the           tice and Development party (AKP) came           NATO was committed to revitalise dur-
government is supposed to fight against         to power in 2002.                               ing its Summit at the end of June in Is-
the influence played over public life,          • On the 12th of January, The Guardian          tanbul. NATO’s intention is to match this
behind the scenes, by businessmen               announces that Turkey has sent over             cooperation program to that of the Part-
who are also press executives. The so-          1,000 moderate imams to Europe to               nership for Peace (PFP, offered to Eu-

cialist party (PASOK) votes against it,         promote a peaceful interpretation of is-        ropean countries and to ex-soviet re-
accusing the government of wishing to           lam.                                            publics in central Asia).
distance media directors in favour of
the opposition so that conservative             Syria                                           Egypt
business circles can profit from it. Most
Greek media, traditionally very partisan,       • From the 24th to the 27th of January,         • On the 5th of January, diplomats clo-
is controlled by half a dozen success-          the President Bashar al-Assad goes to           se to the International Atomic Energy
ful business men otherwise engaged              Russia to meet President Putin and              Agency declare that the UN Nuclear
in contracts within the public sector.          some senior officials. Both leaders sign        Watchdog has proof that secret nuclear
                                                a declaration about strengthening their         experiments have been carried out in
Cyprus                                          future relations which will be based on         Egypt, mostly during the 80s and 90s but
                                                friendship and cooperation. According           also last year. These could be used in
• On the 24th of January, the Greek-            to Israel, Russia sold some advanced            armament programs. Inspectors do not
Cypriot President, Tassos Papadopou-            missiles to Syria that could be employed        deem these conclusions alarming
los, nominates Andreas Gavrielides as           to reinforce Hezbollah’s military capacity,     enough to require a report from the IAEA
Minister for Health, after the forced res-      a group that Syria supports in Lebanon.         Board of Governors.
ignation of Constantina Akkelidou, found        On the 25th of January, a spokesman
guilty of interfering with justice by the       from the Russian Ministry of Defence            Libya
Court of Nicosia.                               declares to the news agency ITAR-TASS
                                                that Russia will not sell offensive wea-        • On the 23rd of January, a team of
Turkey                                          pons to Syria.                                  French lawyers from the NGO Lawyers
                                                                                                without Borders, goes to Libya to sup-
• On the first of January, Turkey intro-        Lebanon                                         port the defence of five Bulgarian nur-
duces a new currency eliminating 6 ze-                                                          ses sentenced to death for having in-
ros off the previous one.                       • On the 28th of January, the Security          fected Libyan children with the AIDS
• On the 2nd of January, Turkish se-            Council adopts resolution 1583 (2005),          virus.
curity forces, repel an attack by peo-          prolonging the mandate of the UN Inte-          • On the 29th of January, the French
ple suspected of being militants from           rim Force in Lebanon up to the 31st of          Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin de-
the People’s Congress of Kurdistan              July 2006. It is the first time that this re-   clares in an interview with the Tunisian
daily paper Ach-Chourouq that Libya is         wing the death or imprisonment of its          which is adopted by 500 votes in favour
             an “essential contact”, that it should find    leaders by security forces.                    to 137 votes against with 40 abstentions.
             its place in “le concert des Nations” as       • On the 8th of January, the Algerian          The majority of opponents are members
             well as on the regional map and adds           President Abdelaziz Bouteflika and the         of parliament from the United Kingdom,
             that France encourages the country’s           Prime Minister of Portugal Pedro San-          Poland and the Czech Republic and
             reinsertion programme.                         tana Lopes, sign a “treaty of good neigh-      come from Euro-sceptical political par-
                                                            bourhood and friendly cooperation” in Al-      ties. Amongst the arguments against
             Tunisia                                        ger. The treaty envisages in particular,       the Constitution, there is the socialist crit-
                                                            an annual summit between the Algerian          icism which describes the constitution
             • On the 18th of January, Manuel Ma-           and Portuguese leaders and high-level          as being anti-social and the catholic
             rín, President of the Spanish Congress         consultations between the Ministers of         criticism which refers to the Christian
             of deputies, pays a visit to Tunisia, in       Foreign Affairs from both countries. It        origins of European civilisation.
             order to strengthen parliamentary rela-        also supports cooperation in economic,         • On the 14th of January, the Euro-

             tions between the two countries by ac-         political, military, cultural and scientific   pean Commission announces that it will
             tivating the role of parliamentary friend-     fields. The visit concludes by signing a       take Portugal, Greece and Spain to the
             ship groups and organising periodical          certain number of cooperation agree-           European Court of Justice for breaching
             meetings. During a press conference,           ments between Algerian firms and their         Community provisions on the environ-
             before leaving Tunisia, Marín confirms the     equivalents from Portugal in the fields of     ment. Portugal is put on the spot for not
             creation of a friendship group with Tu-        construction, public works and railway         having created enough natural reserves
             nisia within the Spanish Parliament.           industry. Lopes and the Algerian Prime         for wild birds, for having reduced na-
             • On the 30th and 31st of January, the         Minister, Ahmed Ouyahia, also agree to         ture reserve surface areas for protected
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             French Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raf-         consolidate cooperation in the fishing         species and for not having implemented
             farin pays an official visit to Tunisia. Du-   sector and that of manufactured pro-           European rules on water resources pro-
             ring his talks with the Tunisian Presi-        ducts. Finally, Lopes opposed to the           tection. Moreover, the EC urges Lisbon
             dent Zine El Abidine Ben Ali and his           creation of a transit zone in the Magh-        to suspend the building of the Alqueva
             counterpart Mohamed Ghannouchi, he             reb countries for emigrants waiting for        dam, as it considers it to be detrimen-
             pleads for a collaborative immigration         their files to be dealt with in European       tal to the environment. If the European
             policy, with the aim of an immigration pol-    countries.                                     Court of Justice agrees with the Euro-
             icy that will simultaneously take into ac-                                                    pean Commission, the EU will be enti-
             count the needs of the host country and        Morocco                                        tled to fine its three Member Countries.

             those of the country of origin. He de-                                                        • On the 14th of January, Eurodeputies
             clares to be against a unilateral policy ba-   • From the 17th to the 19th of January,        gathered in a plenary session in Stras-
             sed on quotas. In an interview published       the King Juan Carlos of Spain pays an          bourg, re-elect Nikiforos Diamandouros
             on the 30th of January in the Tunisian         official visit to Morocco, an indication       as European Mediator. During his five-
             newspaper Le Temps, Raffarin states            of an improvement in relations between         year term of office, the mediator particu-
             that France will remain opposed to “the        the two countries after years of tensions      larly intends to set up a single telepho-
             establishment of transit centres outside       caused by territorial disputes and by          ne number covering all of the European
             the EU, notably in Maghreb, to filter can-     the problem of illegal immigration.            Union territory to have access to the
             didates for immigration”. Tunisia is also                                                     mediators’ network.
             against it. Both countries have approa-        European Union                                 • On the 17th and 18th of January, the
             ched the terrorism issue in a similar way                                                     Economic and Financial Affairs Council
             and Raffarin declares to be “very satis-       • On the first of January, Luxembourg          (EcoFin), fails once again to agree on
             fied” to re-establish the former cooper-       takes on the rotating presidency for the       SGP reforms. Germany’s proposal is to
             ation between Tunisia and France on            next six months. Re-launching the “Lis-        loosen the public deficit rule (3% of GDP)
             this matter. He was also pleased with the      bon Strategy”, with the objective of mak-      in order to allow for an excess of the def-
             exchange of information and the quality        ing the EU the most competitive area in        icit during stagnation of economic growth
             of relations between various services          the world, coming to an agreement on           or during expensive structural reforms.
             related to both countries. Finally, Raffa-     the budget for 2007-2013 and reforming         The proposal causes contentions be-
             rin declares that France will continue to      the Stability and Growth Pact (SGP)            tween France and Italy on one side, which
             support Tunisia’s economic and social          are amongst its priorities.                    are in favour, and on the other the re-
             modernisation.                                 • On the first of January, the Prime           maining European countries which fulfil
                                                            Minister of Luxembourg, Jean-Claude            the SGP criteria. Moreover, Germany re-
             Algeria                                        Juncker, also becomes the President of         quests that its contribution transfer to
                                                            Euro Group for two years, the group            the ex-communist Eastern region and the
             • On the 4th of January, the Minister of       that brings together the 12 member             country’s participation to the European
             Internal Affairs announces that the Ar-        countries that have adopted the Euro.          budget are taken into consideration when
             med Islamic Group (GIA), the second            • On the 12th of January, the Parlia-          calculating its public deficit. The com-
             biggest islamist rebel group active in         ment approves the Treaty instituting a         missioner for Economic and Monetary
             the country, has been disbanded follo-         Constitution for the European Union            affairs, Joaquin Almunia, describes the
German proposal as “constructive” whi-       South Iraq as part of a stabilisation for-    bruary, 20 alleged ETA members are
le the EU President, Jean-Claude Junc-       ce since November 2003, leave the             arrested.
ker, opposes to the exclusion of certain     country.                                      • On the 20th of February 77% of
categories of expenses from the SGP          • On the 20th of February, the Social-        Spanish people taking part in the Refe-
calculation and reminds Germany that it      ist Party (PS) wins the anticipated le-       rendum on the European Constitution
is not the only country responsible for      gislative elections against the Social        say “yes” (44% of Spanish people). This
European economy.                            Democrat Party coalition (PSD) and the        is the first referendum on the European
• On the 18th of January Airbus A380         People’s Party (PP), currently in power.      Constitution taking place. The Spanish
is unveiled; the model was designed by       The PS wins an absolute majority, the         Socialist party in power, the PSOE, as
France, Germany, Spain and the United        first one the party achieved since the res-   well as the main opposition party, the PP,
Kingdom and will come into service in        toration of democracy in 1974. These          were in favour of the “yes” campaign. The
2006. With its 800 people capacity, it       elections are all the more important as       “no” campaign was conducted by the
will be the world’s largest passenger        the electoral participation is the highest    Republican Left of Catalonia (ERC) and

aircraft.                                    in the last ten years (62%).                  the United Left (IU).
• On the 27th of January, Amnesty In-
ternational (AI), sends an open letter       Spain                                         France
to the Council and to the Commission to
denounce “the alarming situation of asy-     • On the first of February, the Deputies      • On the 11th of February, an alleged
lum seekers within the EU’s own bor-         Congress (Lower House) opposes the            member of the Moroccan Islamic Com-
ders”, the police suppression of an asy-     proposal of the autonomist Basque Pre-        batant Group (GICM) is arrested, sus-
lum seekers’ peaceful demonstration in       sident, Juan José Ibarretxe, describing it    pected of being involved in the Casa-

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Malta and a case of torture of both adult    as unconstitutional. This is to organise      blanca attacks of May 2003 and the
and minor afghans in Greece. AI said to      a referendum in the Basque Country            Madrid attacks of March 2004.
be “very concerned” that these viola-        on a statute of “free association” with       • On the 11th of February, two Corsi-
tions “have not been addressed by the        Spain. Ibarretxe declares that if he wins     can nationalists, Gérard Cianelli and
Council and the Commission”.                 the regional elections anticipated to be      Hervé Santelli, are sentenced to 10
                                             in April, he will go against the Congress’    and 8 years in prison for the bomb at-
                                             decision and will organise the referen-       tack aimed at Emile Zuccarelli, the
February 2005                                dum. “The plan Ibarretxe ” intends to in-     Mayor of Bastia in March 2002.
                                             crease the region’s autonomy, to set up       • On the 24th of February, the Paris

On the 14th of February, the former Le-      the Basque country’s own representa-          Court of Appeal orders Jean-Marie Le
banese Prime Minister Rafiq al-Hariri        tion in the EU and to create a union with     Pen, leader of the National Front Party
is assassinated and an unknown group         the Southern French Basque region.            (FN), to pay a fine of 10,000 euros for
claims responsibility for the attack. Sus-   • On the first of February, 4 members         encouraging racial hatred against Mus-
picions are immediately drawn to Syria       of a Moroccan family as well as a Spa-        lims in an interview given to Le Monde
and the United Nations set up an in-         nish citizen are arrested for the attacks     in 2003.
vestigation commission. The pro-Syrian       of the 11th of March 2004 in Madrid.          • On the 25th of February, three isla-
Lebanese government is ousted under          • At the beginning of February, the go-       mist militants, amongst which one Pa-
popular pressure. As for the rest of the     vernment announces that illegal immi-         kistani, Ghulam Mustafa, and two French,
Middle East, Jordan and Syria sign an        grants who are able to present a work         Hakim Mokhfi and Hassan al-Gheguer,
agreement putting an end to their bor-       contract and can justify at least six         are taken to court on suspicion of having
der disputes. For the first time since the   months of residence in Spain, will be eli-    helped Richard Reid, who attempted to
end of the conflicts, a Serb President vi-   gible for a residence and work permit of      explode shoe bombs on a Paris-Miami
sits Kosovo. In Portugal and Cyprus le-      up to one year starting from the 7th of       flight in December 2001. A fourth per-
gislative elections are anticipated. Cro-    February. According to the Prime Mi-          son, described as the Imam of the Mos-
atia appoints a new Prime Minister and       nister, these measures will allow Spain       que in Paris, is accused for breaching
Karolos Papoulias becomes Greece’s           to meet the demand for unqualified wor-       the Foreigners’ Law by taking in Reid.
new President. As regards to the EU,         kers in the country. The opposition party,    • On the 25th of February, the Minis-
both the growth and Employment stra-         the Popular Party (PP), as well as Fran-      ter of the Economy, Finance and In-
tegy and the European Commission’s           ce and Germany criticize this decision        dustry, Hervé Gaymard, resigns after
President Social and Environmental           as it will encourage immigration in Spain     the newspaper Le Canard Enchaîné re-
Agenda receive sharp criticism. Finally,     and Europe.                                   veals the exorbitant price of his luxury
Spain and Slovenia approve the Euro-         • On the 9th of February, a bomb ex-          apartment in Paris (14,000 euros per
pean constitution by referendum.             plodes near a conference centre in Ma-        month) paid using public funds.
                                             drid where King Juan Carlos is expect-        • On the 28th of February, the Natio-
Portugal                                     ed a few hours later; 40 people are           nal Assembly and the Senate approve
                                             slightly injured. The Basque terrorist        modifications to the French Constitu-
• On the 10th of February, the 127           group ETA claims responsibility for this      tion, making it compatible with the Eu-
Portuguese policemen deployed in             attack. On the 11th and 17th of Fe-           ropean Constitution and also allowing
the possibility of organising a referendum      new cabinet, presided by Pero Bukejlo-        Albania
             on the above mentioned European Cons-           vic, member of the Serb Democratic Party.
             titution.                                       • On the 24th of February, the Inter-         • On the 15th of February, the Turkish
                                                             national Criminal Tribunal for the former     Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan,
             Italy                                           Yugoslavia (ICTY) accuses two gene-           whilst on tour in the Balkans, declares
                                                             rals from the Bosnian Serb Army (VRS),        to Tirana that his country is firmly deci-
             • On the first of February, the former le-      Milan Gvero and Radivoje Miletic, of          ded on supporting Albania’s entry in
             ader of the Sicilian regional government        being involved in the Srebrenica and          NATO’s structures.
             and political ally of Silvio Berlusconi, goes   Zepa war crimes in 1995. Both men             • On the 23rd of February, the Alba-
             to court accused of having passed on in-        submit themselves to the ICTY respec-         nese justice clears the Prime Minister Fa-
             formation to the Mafia regarding some of-       tively on the 24th and 25th of February       tos Nano of accusations of arms dealing
             ficial inquiries. On the 18th of February,      On the 28th, Ramsim Delic, also mem-          between Albania and Kosovo in 1998.
             Morio Mori, Leader of the Italian Republic      ber of the VRS, submits himself to the        These allegations were made in No-

             Civilian Secret Service and Segio di Ca-        ICTY as he is suspected of having bre-        vember 2003 by a deputy from the op-
             prio, a high ranking police detective, find     ached laws and customs of war. During         position who could now be charged
             themselves summoned to court accused            the war he was responsible for foreign        with defamation.
             of having helped and supported the Ma-          voluntary Muslims found guilty of tortu-
             fia during the arrest of Salvatore Riina, a     ring assassinating and raping Bosnian-        Greece
             Sicilian Mafia leader, in 1993.                 Croat civil prisoners
             • On the 14th of February, the Euro-                                                          • On the 8th of February, the socia-
             pean Commission asks Italy for some as-         Serbia and Montenegro                         list Karolos Papoulias, elected by the
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             surances concerning its intention to au-                                                      Vouli (unicameral legislative parlia-
             thorise foreign buyouts of Italian banks,       • On the 2nd of February, Greece ex-          ment), becomes the new President of
             as the country is suspected of protec-          tradites Dejan Milenkovic to Serbia, a        Greece.
             tionism in the banking sector. The Pre-         member of Serbia’s main criminal group,       • On the 9th of February, the Euro-
             sident of the Italian central bank, the         the Zemun Gang, and the key suspect           pean Commission suggests giving Gre-
             Bank of Italy, is accused of hindering          in the assassination of the Serbian Pri-      ece an extra year (until the end of 2006)
             foreign companies’ attempts of buying           me Minister in March 2003.                    to comply with the budget deficit cri-
             out Italian banks.                              • On the 3rd of February, general Vla-        teria of the Stability and Growth Pact
                                                             dimir Lazarevic, accused of war crimes        (3% of GDP), before imposing sanc-

             Slovenia                                        for his actions during the war in Koso-       tions.
                                                             vo, submits himself to the. Criminal Tri-
             • On the first of February, the State           bunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY).       Cyprus
             House of Assembly (Lower House) ra-             This is after meeting the Serbian Prime
             tifies the European Constitution.               Minister, Vojislav Kostunica, who is put      • On the 20th of February, during the
                                                             under increasing pressure by the Inter-       anticipated legislative elections in the
             Croatia                                         national community to hand over fugiti-       Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus,
                                                             ve war criminals.                             the Turkish Republican Party led by the
             • On the 17th of February, the House            • On the 13th and 14th of February, the       pro-European Prime Minister Mehmet
             of Representatives (Lower House), ap-           Serbian President Boris Tadic, sets out       Ali Talat returns to power, increasing its
             proves of a cabinet reorganisation follo-       on an historical visit to Kosovo, the first   seats to 24 out of 50 in the Republican
             wing the resignation of the Minister of         one by a Serbian President since the          Assembly (unicameral).
             Foreign Affairs in January. The current         NATO bombings in 1999. Tadic affirms
             Minister for Integration, Kolinda Grabar Ki-    once again that Kosovo is Serbian and         Turkey
             tarovic, becomes the new Minister of Fo-        that its independence is unacceptable.
             reign Affairs. On the 27th of February, Ki-     • On the 22nd of February, the Prime          • On the 2nd of February, experts de-
             tarovic reproaches the EU for having lead       Minister of Montenegro, Miodrag Vla-          fuse an explosive packet found in a club
             the opening of Croatia’s entry negotiations     hovic, proposes a virtual independence        in Incirlik, generally frequented by Ame-
             to a deadlock by requesting, as a pre-          between Serbia and Montenegro. The            ricans.
             condition, the arrest of general Ante Go-       day after, the Serbian Prime Minister         • On the 5th of February demonstra-
             tovina, who is pursued for war crimes by        Kostunica rejects the proposal saying         tions take place in the capital Ankara to
             the International Criminal Tribunal for the     that it violates the Belgrade Agreement       protest against American foreign policy,
             former Yugoslavia (ICTY). She insists on        (March 2002) on the establishment of          as its presence in Iraq, while the Ame-
             the fact that Gotovina is not in Croatia.       the union of Serbia and Montenegro.           rican Secretary of State Condoleezza
                                                             On the 28th of February, the Minister for     Rice starts a two-day visit to Turkey.
             Bosnia-Herzegovina                              Foreign Affairs for Montenegro declares       • On the 7th of February, the President
                                                             that Montenegro wishes to join NATO           of the Human Rights Consultancy Coun-
             • On the 15th of February, the Sprska           and the EU as an independent member           cil, Ibrahim Kaboglu, and some of his col-
             Republic legislative power approves the         and not as part of the confederation.         leagues resign accusing legislative, ju-
dicial and executive powers of hindering     relations with Saudi Arabia. Even though      Syria
their work.                                  Syria immediately condemns the attack,
• On the 14th of February, Istanbul          the Lebanese opposition parties indicate      • On the 16th of February, the Syrian
Tenth Criminal Court acquits 8 of the 71     the Pro-Syrian administration and the         Prime Minister Mohammed Naji al-Itri,
people charged for the suicide attacks ta-   Syrian government as responsible for          meets the First Vice-President of Iran
ken place in Istanbul in November 2003.      Hahiri’s death. Since his resignation in      Mohammed Reza Aref. The two decide
• On the 15th of February, the Euro-         October 2004, the Prime Minister be-          to stand together against the threat of
pean Commission against Racism and           came increasingly more critical against       Americans who see them as the main
Intolerance (ECRI) within the Europe-        the Syrian military presence in Leba-         obstacles to the establishment of
an Council, publishes its report re-         non. On the 15th of February, the Uni-        peace and democracy in the Middle
questing the reduction of the role reli-     ted States withdraw their ambassador          East. The Minister of Foreign Affairs
gion has in Turkey. Amongst other things     from Syria. On the 16th of February,          Assistant, Walid al-Mu’allim, while ex-
it proposes to eliminate religion as a       during Hahiri’s funeral, thousands of         plaining the nature of Syria’s relationship

compulsory course in schools as well as      people gather together, holding up anti-      with Iran, declares to the London based
removing the religious reference from ID     Syrian slogans and insulting the Pro-         newspaper Al-Hayat, that this is a strat-
cards. On the 16th of February, Sevket       Syrian President, Emile Lahoud. On the        egic bond and not an alliance against
Kazan, vice-President of the Islamist        18th of February, the opposition groups       a third state.
Welfare Party, criticises the Justice and    call for an “independence uprising” and       • On the 19th of February, the Presi-
Development party currently in power for     requests for Lahoud Pro-Syrian regi-          dent Bashar al-Assad appoints his bro-
not seeing the “stratagem against our        me to step down in order to set up a          ther in law, general Asef Shawkat, as the
country”. Kazan declares that this report    new government which will organise a          head of the military intelligence service.

                                                                                                                                         Med. 2006
intends “to separate a nation from its       Syrian military pullout. Following this
moral values and to extend the crusa-        declaration, thousands of people in fa-       Jordan
des to Turkey”.                              vour of the opposition group together
• On the 22nd of February, during a mi-      in the centre of Beirut, where they stay      • On the 22nd of February, the King of
nistry reorganisation, the Prime Minister    throughout the month of February. On          Jordan Abdallah II, begins a European
Recep Tayyip Erdogan appoints Atilla         the 21st of February, during a visit to       tour in Spain centred on Near East de-
Koc as the new Minister for Culture and      Brussels, the American President G.           velopments.
Tourism, as a replacement of Erkan Mun-      W. Bush requests that Syria withdraws         • On the 28th of February, Jordan and
cu, a secular liberal from AKP who cri-      its troops from Lebanon. On the 24th          Syria sign an agreement resolving a long

ticised Erdogan’s attempt to criminalize     of February, the Lebanese Minister of         frontier dispute by exchanging lands on
adultery.                                    Defence, Abed Al-Rahim Murad, an-             their communal borders. Moreover, Syria
• On the 23rd of February, the Grand         nounces that he reached an agreement          and Jordan sign an agreement on fight-
National Assembly (GNA-unicameral)           with Syria for the withdrawal of all of its   ing against drugs traffic and organised
grants an amnesty to 677,000 students        troops to the valley of Bekaa, in line        crime as well as another 19 treaties in
who were expelled from universities af-      with the 1989 Taif Agreement which            the fields of culture, agriculture, com-
ter the 29th of June 2000, some for ha-      put an end to the Lebanese civil war. On      merce and transport.
ving refused to remove the Islamic head-     the 25th of February, the assistant of
scarf at university. They will be able to    Syrian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Wa-       Egypt
enrol at university again but the ban on     lid al-Mu’allim, declares that the Syrian
wearing the headscarf remains in full        government is ready to cooperate with         • On the first of February, Moham-
force.                                       the UN in order to apply resolution 1559      med Abdel Rahman Badawi, a key
• On the 23rd of February, two sol-          (2004) which requests the withdrawal          suspect in the October 2004 attack
diers are injured during clashes betwe-      of Syrian forces from Lebanon. He adds,       on Sinai, is killed during a confrontation
en the Turkish Army and the People’s         however, that it will be the Lebanese         between the police and islamists in the
Defence Force (HPG) in the south-east        government and Security Services’ res-        mountains near Ain Sudr. On the 22nd
of the country.                              ponsibility to ensure that internal secu-     of February, a Human Rights Watch
                                             rity is maintained. On the same day, a        report declares that the estimated
Lebanon                                      UN team, presided by the Irish Peter          2,400 people arrested without charge
                                             Fitzgerald, starts an investigation com-      following the October 2004 attack,
• On the 14th of February, the former        mission on Hahiri’s assassination. On         were victims of torture and inhumane
Prime Minister Rafiq al-Hariri is assas-     the 27th of February, the Lebanese go-        treatment.
sinated in Beirut in a car explosion as      vernment of Prime Minister Umar Kara-         • On the 27th of February, President
his convoy passes by, also causing the       mi steps down under popular pressure.         Hosni Mubarak announces important
death of 16 people and injuring 135. An      On the same day, during a heated par-         democratic reforms. While up to now the
unknown islamist Group (Victory and          liamentary session, some deputies from        President was not elected directly but
Jihad in Greater Syria) claims respon-       the opposition accuse the Karami go-          selected by legislative power and sub-
sibility for the attack against Hahiri,      vernment of having organised Hariri’s as-     mitted to a referendum, the reform mo-
which was carried out because of his         sassination.                                  difying article 76 of the constitution will
allow more candidates to come forward            reb countries have to work together to       which Germany and France oppose,
             for the Presidential elections taking pla-       guarantee the survival of their textile-     concerns the liberalisation of services
             ce at the end of 2005. Once approved,            clothing sector and to preserve their        providing that anyone or any company
             the amendment of article 76 will be sub-         market shares.                               can offer its services in another European
             ject to a referendum.                            • On the 22nd of February, the “Inter-       country as long as they respect the ru-
                                                              national Freedom of Expression Ex-           les of their country of origin (with the
             Libya                                            change” (IFEX), a large network of as-       exception of public services). On the
                                                              sociations campaigning for the freedom       9th of February, Durao Barroso presents
             • On the 5th of February, the French             of the press, accuses Tunisia of banning     a Social and Environmental Agenda to
             Minister of Defence Michèle Alliot-Ma-           newspapers, closing internet sites, im-      complement the Strategy. This envis-
             rie, goes to Libya to re-launch a military       prisoning people because of their opi-       ages the promotion of collective nego-
             cooperation which used to be produc-             nions or press activities and of resorting   tiation, a greater role given to trade
             tive but was spoilt by the years of em-          to torture.                                  unions in companies’ decisions and

             bargo. Alliot-Marie and her Libyan equi-                                                      greater environmental responsibilities
             valent, Abou Bakar Younes Jaber, sign            Algeria                                      for big enterprises. This agenda is cri-
             a master agreement establishing their fu-                                                     ticised for having an “anti-business”
             ture relations with regards to strategic         • At the beginning of February, the Al-      orientation.
             communication, military cooperation and          gerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika        • On the 16th of February, the EC de-
             weaponry issues.                                 was appointed honorary President of          cides to allocate 8 million euros to fi-
             • On the 6th of February, the Italian            the main pro-governmental party, the         nance information campaigns on the
             Minister of Internal Affairs Giuseppe Pi-        National Liberation Front (FLN), put-        Constitution in those member countries
Med. 2006

             sanu, during a business trip to discuss          ting an end to almost two years of in-       that are least informed. Eurosceptic par-
             immigration issues, reasserts the Italian        ternal disputes within the party betwe-      liamentarians condemn this decision
             government intention of assisting Tri-           en those in favour of Bouteflika and         describing it as propaganda.
             poli to find solutions geared towards            those supporting the former President        • On the 16th of February, the Party of
             promoting legal immigration as well as           Ali Benflis.                                 European Socialists (PSE) accuses the
             stopping clandestine immigration from            • At the beginning of February, the          EC President Barroso of compromising
             its origins. This includes a firm sup-           President appoints former President Ah-      the EC’s independence by turning up
             pression against clandestine organisa-           med Ben Bella as leader of the Natio-        in the Portuguese elections supporting
             tions responsible for it.                        nal Commission for a General Amnesty         his former Party, the Social Democratic

             • On the 10th of February, the Ameri-            (CNAG), which is responsible for the         Party (PSD).
             can Assistant Secretary of State for             amnesty of islamist rebels.                  • On the 17th of February, disagree-
             Near Eastern Affairs, William Burns, at                                                       ments continue within the Economic
             the end of his visit to Tripoli, reaffirms the   Morocco                                      and Financial Affairs Council (EcoFin) on
             United States objective to totally resto-                                                     the Stability and Growth Pact and par-
             re normal diplomatic relations with Lib-         • On the 14th of February, for the first     ticularly on the criteria fixing the public
             ya. On the 11th of February, the United          time King Mohammed VI appoints a ci-         deficit threshold to 3% of the GDP. Lu-
             States and Libya lift restrictions pre-          vilian, Yassine Mansouri, as head of the     xembourg presidency will have to draw
             venting each other’s diplomats’ from vi-         General Directorate of Studies and Do-       up one last reform proposal between
             siting their soil.                               cumentation (DGED), the Moroccan             now and March.
                                                              counter-espionage service.
             Tunisia                                          • On the 17th of February, the Minis-
                                                              ters for Foreign Affairs of the Arab Magh-   March 2005
             • On the 8th of February, Tunisia and            reb Union (UMA) get together in Ra-
             Algeria inaugurate a “collective memory”         bat. This meeting, which coincides with      Anti-Syrian demonstrations continue in
             museum in the bordering city of Ghar-            the 16th anniversary of UMA’s creation       Lebanon while the United Nations fact-
             dimaou (North Eastern Tunisia).                  in 1989, is dedicated to analysing the re-   finding inquiry report makes Syria indi-
             • On the 13th of February, the first pri-        gional group’s renewal prospects.            rectly responsible for the death of the for-
             vate Tunisian television channel starts                                                       mer Prime Minister Rafiq al-Hariri. In
             broadcasting.                                    European Union                               France, the National Liberation Front of
             • On the 14th and 15th of February, a                                                         Corsica – The Fighter’s Union (FNLC-
             seminar takes place in Tunis regarding           • On the 2nd of February, the President      UC) suspends its ceasefire. In Italy, the
             the “dismantlement of the Multifiber             of the European Commission (EC) José         Senate approves a controversial cons-
             Agreement and its repercussions on the           Manuel Durao Barroso, reveals the            titutional reform that reinforces the Pri-
             economies of the countries in the Arab           European Union Growth and Employ-            me Minister’s powers and increases re-
             Maghreb Union”; this was organised by            ment Strategy up to 2010. This strategy      gions’ autonomy. In Bosnia-Herzegovina,
             the Arab Maghreb Union and the Afri-             is described as being neoliberal and         the Croatian-born President is dismis-
             can Economic Commission. Tunis se-               excessively “pro-market”. One of the         sed from presidency and the Prime Mi-
             minar participants are unanimous: Magh-          strategy’s most controversial proposals,     nister in Kosovo resigns to submit him-
self to the ICTY. The EU postpones ope-      France                                         • On the 29th of March, the senate
ning entry negotiations with Croatia and                                                    introduces a law that raises the mini-
accuses Turkey of human rights viola-        • On the first of March, President Jac-        mum legal age for marriage from 15 to
tion. In Algeria, the fact-finding inquiry   ques Chirac promulgates an environ-            18 years in an attempt to fight against
on disappearance cases during the ci-        mental charter which gives constitutio-        forced marriages within the muslim
vil war excludes any State responsibi-       nal force to rights and obligations arising    community and other immigrant com-
lity.                                        from the need of protecting the envi-          munities.
Portugal                                     • On the 10th of March, the National           Italy
                                             Liberation Front in Corsica – The Figh-
• On the 4th of March, the Prime Mi-         ter’s Union (FNLC-UC), the main sepa-          • On the first of March, official statis-
nister José Socrates (Socialist Party PS)    ratist movement on the island, suspends        tics show that the public deficit has
announces the composition of his ca-         the ceasefire observed since Novem-            reached 3% of the GDP, the maximum

binet which will be approved on the          ber 2003 after the opening of the trial        threshold authorised by the EU Stability
12th of March. Two independents are          of 22 nationalists from Corsica. Amongst       and Growth Pact.
appointed to two vital roles: Diego Frei-    these was the suspected commander              • On the 3rd of March, the govern-
tas do Amaral, who was Minister of De-       of FNLC-UC, Charles Pieri accused of           ment majority within the Chamber of
fence and President of the UN General        extortion, embezzlement, of financing te-      Deputies (Lower House) stops a pro-
Assembly and who is very critical of the     rrorism and associating with criminals         portion of legislative reforms on financial
American foreign policy, is appointed        in a terrorist plot. On the 11th of March,     regulation which intends to prevent any
as Minister of Foreign Affairs. Luis Cam-    a bomb explodes outside a govern-              enterprise fraud, following the Parmalat

                                                                                                                                          Med. 2006
pose Cunha, former vice governor of          ment building in Ajaccio, injuring 5 peo-      scandal in 2004. The government rejects
the Portuguese Central Bank and re-          ple.                                           the amendments to the law on false ac-
nowned for his fiscal conservatism, be-      • On the 10th of March, the son of             counts, introduced not long after Ber-
comes Minister of Finance.                   former President François Mitterrand,          lusconi came to power. The opposition
• On the 22nd of March, the Assembly         Jean-Christophe Mitterrand, is the ob-         parties believe that the amendment sup-
of the Republic introduce reforms which      ject of a judicial investigation for having    pression supports Berlusconi’s econo-
intend to modernise the economy, bring       profited from embezzlement in Angola’s         mic interests.
back the 150,000 jobs lost under the         arms trade case.                               • On the 4th of March a diplomatic
previous government, achieve a 3%            • On the 15th of March, a court of Pa-         crisis erupts between the United States

increase in the annual GDP, raise inter-     ris sentences two French men of Alge-          and Italy after American troops shoot
nal investments and improve infras-          rian origin, Djamel Baghal et Kamel            Nicola Calipari, an Italian Secret Servi-
tructure.                                    Daoudi, to 10 and 9 years of prison res-       ces agent, just after he rescued the hos-
                                             pectively for being members of an Al-          tage Giuliana Sgrena in Iraq. On the
Spain                                        Qaida cell that was planning an attack         same day, the American President G. W.
                                             against American targets in France. Ano-       Bush expresses his regrets in a tele-
• On the 8th of March, the Moroccan          ther 4 people have been condemned              phone call to the Italian Prime Minister
Jaouad el Bourouti, suspected of ha-         to prison sentences going from 1 to 6          Silvio Berlusconi promising to conduct
ving collaborated with the perpetrators      years. During the trial, the court finds out   an inquiry to establish the exact cir-
of the Madrid attacks on the 11th of         that the person in charge of carrying          cumstances of Calipari’s death. The in-
March 2004, is arrested. On the 18th         out the suicide attack against the Ame-        cident relaunches requests to withdraw
and 19th of March, two brothers of Spa-      rican embassy was the Tunisian pro-            the Italian troops from Iraq. On the 15th
nish nationality, suspected of having hid-   fessional footballer, Nizar Trabelsi, who      of March Berlusconi announces that Ita-
den kamikazes in safe locations, are         was sentenced to 10 years in prison for        lian soldiers will leave in September
arrested.                                    similar offences in Belgium.                   2005, then retracts his statement two
• On the 11th of March, following the        • On the 21st of March in Paris the trial      days later.
inquiry on the Madrid attacks which          of 47 businessmen and politicians starts,      • On the 13th of March, a bomb pla-
brought to light the faults within the co-   amongst which are the former ministers         ced by the “Unabomber”, a serial bomb
ordination of security forces, the go-       Michel Giraud, Miche Roussin and Guy           planter, explodes in a church in Treviso
vernment introduces a series of mea-         Drut, accused of fraudulent party finan-       injuring a young child.
sures in order to reinforce the security     cing under the mandate of Jacques Chi-         • On the 15th of March, Cinzia Ba-
of the country against terrorist threats.    rac (1977-1995), who at the time was           nell, a member of the Red Brigades is
The Civil Guard, the Police and the Na-      the mayor of the city of Paris.                sentenced to 16 years in prison for being
tional Intelligence Centre will be linked    • On the 29th of March in Paris, the trial     involved in the murder of a government
together by a single command and will        of three French of Maghrebin origins           councillor in 2002.
have to share their information.1,000        and an Algerian starts, accused of ha-         • On the 17th of March, an Advocate
supplementary officers and 130 trans-        ving helped the assassins of Ahmed             General from the Court of Justice for
lators from Arab countries will be em-       Shah Masud, the Northern Afghan Allian-        the European Communities declares
ployed.                                      ce commander.                                  that the enterprise tax known under the
name of Irap is illegal because of its si-       • On the 11th of March, the former Mi-       September 1999 in Kosovo. He pleads
             milarity to VAT. The Finance Minister an-        nister of Internal Affairs of the Sprska     not guilty. On the 23rd of March, the
             nounces the tax abolition.                       Republic (Bosnian Serb entity), Mico         Assembly elects Bajram Kosume to re-
             • On the 23rd of March, the Senate               Stanisic, submits himself to the ICTY,       place him.
             (Higher House) approves a controver-             as suspected of being involved in the        • On the 15th of March, Kosovo’s Pre-
             sial constitutional reform which reinfor-        permanent relocation and ethnic cle-         sident, Ibrahim Rukova survives an as-
             ces the Prime Minister’s executive po-           ansing of non-Serbians between April         sassination attempt.
             wer, leads to the senate’s federalisation        and December in 1992 on what was
             and increases the autonomy of the 20             to become the “Serbian State” terri-         Macedonia
             Italian regions. On the same day, the            tory.
             Minister of Administration Reform and of         • On the 14th of March, Gojko Jan-           • On the 15th of March, the Criminal
             Decentralisation, Roberto Calderoli, a           kovic, the leader of a paramilitary group    Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia
             member of the Northern League, re-               responsible for invading the city of Foca    (ICTY), in its first conviction in Mace-

             tracts his threat of withdrawing from the        in Bosnia in 1992, who contributed to        donia, takes to court Ljube Boskovski,
             governmental coalition, which he made            the realisation of “rape camps”, gives       the former Minister of Internal Affairs
             because of the time taken to introduce           himself in to the ICTY after taking re-      and Johan Tarculovski, a former Mace-
             the above mentioned reform. The op-              fuge in Moscow for 4 years. He was ac-       donian policeman and the bodyguard of
             position parties criticise this reform which     cused of crimes against humanity and         the past President Boris Trajkovski. The
             allows the Prime Minister to disband             violations of the laws and customs of        two men are accused of violating the
             the legislative authority and to dismiss         war.                                         laws and customs of war during con-
             Ministers.                                       • On the 23rd of March, former Bos-          frontations between Macedonian se-
Med. 2006

                                                              nian Serb general, Vinko Pandurevic, is      curity forces and Albanian rebels in Lju-
             Croatia                                          transferred to the ICTY, accused of ge-      botno near Skopje at the beginning of
                                                              nocide, crimes against humanity, viola-      August which cost 10 Albanian lives.
             • On the 16th of March, the European             tions of the laws and customs of war and     Ljube Boskovski and Johan Tarculovs-
             Union Ministers of Foreign Affairs de-           of being involved in the Srebrenica mas-     ki are transferred to the detention unit
             cide to postpone entry negotiations with         sacre of 1995.                               of the ICTY respectively on the 24th
             Croatia which were due to start on               • On the 29th of March, the High Re-         and 16th of March.
             the following day. This is because of the        presentative of the International Com-       • On the 13th and 28th of March the
             country’s lack of cooperation with               munity, Lord Paddy Ashdown, dismisses        local elections take place for mayors

             the Criminal Tribunal for the former Yu-         the Croatian-born President Dragan Co-       and district council members. This is
             goslavia (ICTY) General Ante Gotovina’s          vic, from the tripartite presidency esta-    the first test for the reforms established
             arrest. No new date is proposed for the          blished in October 2002. The day after,      in the Ohrid Agreement, which put an
             beginning of negotiations. While Croa-           Covic is sentenced for corruption acti-      end to the Albanian insurrection re-
             tia reaffirms that Gotovina is not in the        vities committed before being appointed      questing more autonomy for the Slavs
             country, the ICTY declares that it can-          as President.                                in the country. The OSCE elections ob-
             not rely on Croatia’s full cooperation                                                        servation mission denounced nume-
             for as long as Gotovina is not submit-           Serbia and Montenegro                        rous irregularities during both rounds of
             ted to the ICTY. Austria, Hungary and                                                         voting.
             Slovenia favour the opening of nego-             • On the 7th of March, general Mom-
             tiations to congratulate Zagreb on re-           cilo Perisic, the Yugoslav Army former       Greece
             forms made. However the majority of              High Command Leader from August
             states are opposed to it, amongst                1993 to November 1998, submits him-          • On the 18th of March, the budget
             these are France, The Netherlands, The           self to the Criminal Tribunal for the for-   deficit official figures indicate a short-
             United Kingdom and Germany.                      mer Yugoslavia (ICTY), as he is accu-        fall of 6.1% of the GDP, well over the
                                                              sed of crimes against humanity and           government predictions (5.3%) and
             Bosnia-Herzegovina                               violations of the laws and customs of        the maximum threshold provided in the
                                                              war because of crimes committed by his       EU Stability and Growth Pact (3%).
             • On the 9th of March, there is the of-          troops in Bosnia and Croatia, amongst        The difference from the predictions is
             ficial inauguration of a special court in        which the Srebrenica attacks on civi-        due to excessive expenses incurred
             Sarajevo, to which the Criminal Tribu-           lians.                                       during the organisation of the 2004
             nal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY)             • On the 8th of March, Ramush Hara-          Olympic Games in Athens. This is the
             will transfer a certain number of trials.        dinaj, the Prime Minister of the disputed    highest deficit in the Euro-zone since
             Croatia is the first country in the re-          Serbian province of Kosovo, resigns to       the introduction of the Euro in 1999.
             gion to be entrusted independent jud-            submit himself to the ICTY that accuse       On the 29th of March, in order to re-
             gement in these affairs. Little by little this   him of crimes against humanity, violations   duce its external deficit, Greece in-
             court’s international judges and attor-          of the laws and customs of war for ac-       creases its indirect taxes on cigarettes
             neys will be replaced by Bosnian pro-            tions committed against Serbian, Alba-       and alcohol and rises VAT from 18 to
             fessionals.                                      nians and Roma between March and             19%.
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