Government Gazette - NSW Legislation

Page created by Matthew Arnold
Government Gazette - NSW Legislation
Government Gazette
                                          of the State of
                                     New South Wales
                                         Number 34
                                    Friday, 17 March 2017

The New South Wales Government Gazette is the permanent public record of official notices issued
by the New South Wales Government. It also contains local council and other notices and private
The Gazette is compiled by the Parliamentary Counsel’s Office and published on the NSW legislation
website ( under the authority of the NSW Government. The website
contains a permanent archive of past Gazettes.
To submit a notice for gazettal – see Gazette Information.

681		                                                   NSW Government Gazette No 34 of 17 March 2017
Government Gazette - NSW Legislation

                                  ACT OF PARLIAMENT ASSENTED TO
                               Legislative Council Office Sydney 14 March 2017
IT is hereby notified, for general information, that His Excellency the Governor has, in the name and on behalf
of Her Majesty, this day assented to the undermentioned Act passed by the Legislative Council and Legislative
Assembly of New South Wales in Parliament assembled, viz.:
Act No. 5, 2016 – An Act to amend the Biosecurity Act 2015 to make further provision with respect to biosecurity
certifiers, biosecurity auditors, accreditation authorities, fees, evidentiary certificates and biosecurity orders.
[Biosecurity Amendment Bill 2017]
David Blunt
Clerk of the Parliaments

                                 ACTS OF PARLIAMENT ASSENTED TO
                             Legislative Assembly Office, Sydney 14 March 2017
It is hereby notified, for general information, that His Excellency the Governor, has, in the name and on behalf of
Her Majesty, this day assented to the under mentioned Acts passed by the Legislative Assembly and Legislative
Council of New South Wales in Parliament assembled, viz.:
Act No. 6 — An Act to amend the Fines Act 1996 with respect to civil enforcement of fines; to enable the
enforcement under that Act of amounts payable under orders for restitution; and to make related amendments
to the Victims Rights and Support Act 2013. [Fines Amendment Bill]
Act No. 7 — An Act to amend the Sporting Venues Authorities Act 2008 to enable the transfer of certain assets,
rights and liabilities relating to Stadium Australia to Venues NSW; and for other purposes. [Sporting Venues
Authorities Amendment Bill]
Helen Minnican
Clerk of the Legislative Assembly

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Government Notices

                           GOVERNMENT NOTICES
                              Miscellaneous Instruments
                                     Declaration under section 89C(3)
I, the Minister for Planning, with the advice of the Planning Assessment Commission (dated 29 November 2016
and made publicly available on the 30 November 2016), declare the development specified in Schedule 1 on the
land specified in Schedule 2 to be State significant development under 89C(3) of the Environmental Planning
and Assessment Act 1979, for the purposes of that Act.
                                           SCHEDULE 1
Development for the purpose of an 18 hole golf course and associated works/facilities as described in the
development application (DA11/1728) submitted with Shoalhaven City Council.
                                             SCHEDULE 2
Land within Lots 5 & 6 of DP 106511, located within the Shoalhaven local government area.
Dated: 7/3/xvii
This Order takes effect upon publication in the Government Gazette

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Government Notices

                              Roads and Maritime Notices
                                        MARINE SAFETY ACT 1998
                                              MARINE NOTICE
                                                 Section 12(2)
                            REGULATION OF VESSELS – EXCLUSION ZONE
Lake Albert, Wagga Wagga – all navigable waters.
7am to 6pm Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 March 2017.
Competitive powerboat racing will be conducted on the waters of Lake Albert, Wagga Wagga, involving the use
of high speed power vessels which will be active in the area during the above times.
There will also be support vessels present to manage the event and competing vessels operating at speed presenting
a significant potential hazard to other waterway users.
An EXCLUSION ZONE is specified during the event and will comprise the entirety of Lake Albert. This will
in effect close the Lake between the above times for this event.
Unauthorised vessels and persons are strictly prohibited from entering the exclusion zone (the Lake) which will
be patrolled by Roads and Maritime vessels.
Penalties may apply (section 12(5) – Marine Safety Act 1998)
For full details visit the Roads and Maritime Services website –
Marine Notice: SO1728
Date: 14 March 2017
Mike Hammond
Principal Manager South, Boating Operations.

                                        MARINE SAFETY ACT 1998
                                              MARINE NOTICE
                                                 Section 12(2)
                            REGULATION OF VESSELS – EXCLUSION ZONE
Lake Mulwala – near the locality of the Mulwala Water Ski Club and within a buoyed area bounded:
    •   From a position adjacent to the Inglis Street public boat ramp, then
    •   South to a position adjacent to the Melbourne Street Bridge, then
    •   East to a position adjacent to the Yarrawonga Yacht Club (Victoria), then
    •   North to a position adjacent to the Inglis Street public boat ramp.
8am to 6pm Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 March 2017.
Competitive ski racing will be conducted on the waters of Lake Mulwala, as specified above, involving the use of
high speed power vessels which will be active in the area described above on both days during the above times.
There will also be support vessels present to manage the event, persons being towed at speed using tow-lines,
and persons in the water from time to time – presenting a significant potential hazard to other waterway users.
An EXCLUSION ZONE is specified during between the times specified above and comprising the area detailed

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No unauthorised vessels (i.e. vessels that are not already lawfully moored in the Zone) may enter the Zone
between the specified times. The Zone will be marked by buoys and patrolled by Roads and Maritimes vessels.
Due to high speeds involved in the event, Roads and Maritime urges all spectators to exercise extreme caution
when near the area including awareness of approaching race vessels and likely exit route in case of an emergency.
Penalties may apply (section 12(5) – Marine Safety Act 1998)
For full details visit the Roads and Maritime Services website –
Marine Notice: SO1734
Date: 14 March 2017
Mike Hammond

                                        MARINE SAFETY ACT 1998
                                              MARINE NOTICE
                                                 Section 12(2)
                            REGULATION OF VESSELS – EXCLUSION ZONE
Murray River – Torrumbarry, between Murray River kilometre marker 1638km and Murray River kilometre
marker 1648km.
7.30am to 6:00pm Saturday 1st April 2017, and
7:30am to 11:00am Sunday 2nd April 2017.
A fishing competition will be conducted on the waters of the Murray River, as specified above.
Due to the risk to safe navigation as a result of the large number of participating vessels, and amenity of
participating vessels, an EXCLUSION ZONE is specified for the duration of the event, comprising the entirety
of the River between the sections detailed above.
No unauthorised vessels may enter the Zone between the specified times. The Zone will be cordoned off by SES
volunteers and will be patrolled by Roads and Maritime vessels.
In addition, pursuant to Section 12(3) of the Marine Safety Act 1998, aquaplaning (including water skiing,
wakeboarding and tube riding) is prohibited within the Zone for the duration of the event.
All vessel operators and persons using the waters in the vicinity of the event must comply with the above
restrictions, keep a proper lookout, and exercise caution.
Penalties may apply (section 12(5) – Marine Safety Act 1998)
For full details visit the Roads and Maritime Services website –
Marine Notice: SO1732
Date: 9 March 2017
Mike Hammond
Principal Manager South, Boating Operations

                                              ROADS ACT 1993
                       Notice of Compulsory Acquisition and Dedication as Public Road
                                of Land at Oberon in the Oberon Council Area
Roads and Maritime Services by its delegate declares, with the approval of His Excellency the Governor, that
the land described in the schedule below is acquired by compulsory process under the provisions of the Land

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Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991 for the purposes of the Roads Act 1993 and further dedicates
the land as public road under section 10 of the Roads Act 1993.
Manager, Compulsory Acquisition & Road Dedication
Roads and Maritime Services
All that piece or parcel of land situated in the Oberon Council area, Parish of Oberon and County of Westmoreland,
shown as Lot 15 Deposited Plan 1185095, being part of the land in Certificate of Title 1/130125.
The land is said to be in the possession of the Estate of the Late Berice Pearl Robinson.
(RMS Papers: SF2016/271936; RO SF2012/057402)

                                              ROADS ACT 1993
          Notice of Dedication of Land as Public Road at Rixs Creek in the Singleton Council Area
Roads and Maritime Services, by its delegate, dedicates the land described in the schedule below as public road
under section 10 of the Roads Act 1993.
Manager, Compulsory Acquisition & Road Dedication
Roads and Maritime Services
All those pieces or parcels of land situated in the Singleton Council area, Parish of Darlington and County of
Durham, shown as Lots 12 and 13 Deposited Plan 1187455.
(RMS Papers: SF2017/041699; RO SF2012/000549)

                                              ROADS ACT 1993
          Notice of Dedication of Land as Public Road at Morundah in the Federation Council Area
Roads and Maritime Services, by its delegate, dedicates the land described in the schedule below as public road
under section 10 of the Roads Act 1993.
Manager, Compulsory Acquisition & Road Dedication
Roads and Maritime Services
All those pieces or parcels of land situated in Federation Council area, Parish of Bingagong and County of
Urana, shown as Lots 22 and 23 Deposited Plan 1218890.
(RMS Papers: SF2017/024532; RO SF2014/008903)

                                              ROADS ACT 1993
         Notice of Dedication of Land as Public Road at Bega in the Bega Valley Shire Council Area
Roads and Maritime Services, by its delegate, dedicates the land described in the schedule below as public road
under section 10 of the Roads Act 1993.
Manager, Compulsory Acquisition & Road Dedication
Roads and Maritime Services
All that piece or parcel of land situated in the Bega Valley Shire Council area, Parish of Bega and County of
Auckland, shown as Lot 6 Deposited Plan 1227644.
(RMS Papers: SF2017/050542; RO SF2012/002012)

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                                             ROADS ACT 1993
      Notice of Dedication of Land as Public Road at Chittaway Bay in the Central Coast Council Area
Roads and Maritime Services, by its delegate, dedicates the land described in the schedule below as public road
under section 10 of the Roads Act 1993.
Manager, Compulsory Acquisition & Road Dedication
Roads and Maritime Services
All those pieces or parcels of land situated in the Central Coast Council area, Parish of Tuggerah and County
of Northumberland, shown as:
Lot 17 Deposited Plan 255990;
Lots 13, 14 and 15 Deposited Plan 1204383;
Lot 7 Deposited Plan 259648; and
Lot 60 Deposited Plan 818089.
(RMS Papers: SF2017/050699; RO SF2012/019391)

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Government Notices

                             Mining and Petroleum Notices
NOTICE is given that the following applications have been received:
                                EXPLORATION LICENCE APPLICATIONS
No. 5465, OCHRE RESOURCES PTY LTD (ACN 112 833 351), area of 18 units, for Group 1, dated 1 March,
2017. (Cobar Mining Division).
No. 5466, OBERON GOLD PTY LTD, area of 69 units, for Group 1, dated 3 March, 2017. (Sydney Mining
The Honourable Don Harwin MLC
Minister for Resources

NOTICE is given that the following applications have been granted:
                                EXPLORATION LICENCE APPLICATIONS
No. 5309, now Exploration Licence No. 8499, THE AUSTRAL BRICK CO PTY LTD (ACN 000 005 550),
County of Camden, Map Sheet (9029), area of 13 units, for Group 5, dated 1 February, 2017, for a term until 1
February, 2020. As a result of the grant of this title, Exploration Licence No. 8429 has partly ceased to have effect.
No. 5322, now Exploration Licence No. 8522, ILUKA RESOURCES LIMITED (ACN 008 675 018), Counties
of Caira and Kilfera, Map Sheet (7529, 7530, 7628, 7629, 7630), area of 669 units, for Group 10, dated 1 March,
2017, for a term until 1 March, 2020.
No. 5328, now Exploration Licence No. 8503, CRISTAL MINING AUSTRALIA LIMITED (ACN 009 247 858),
Counties of Perry, Wentworth and Windeyer, Map Sheet (7330, 7331, 7430, 7431), area of 333 units, for Group
10, dated 6 February, 2017, for a term until 6 February, 2019. As a result of the grant of this title, Exploration
Licence No. 7449 has ceased to have effect.
                                       MINING LEASE APPLICATION
Singleton No. 488, now Mining Lease No. 1748 (Act 1992), COAL & ALLIED OPERATIONS PTY LTD
(ACN 000 023 656) AND HVO RESOURCES PTY LTD (ACN 608 108 952), Parish of Ravensworth, County
of Durham, Map Sheet (9033-2-S, 9133-3-S), area of 124.1 hectares, for the purpose of all purposes, dated 5
December, 2016, for a term until 5 December, 2037.
The Honourable Don Harwin MLC
Minister for Resources

NOTICE is given that the following applications have been withdrawn:
                                EXPLORATION LICENCE APPLICATIONS
No. 5284, SANDFIRE RESOURCES NL (ACN 105154185), County of Bland and County of Gipps, Map Sheet
(8329, 8330). Withdrawal took effect on 3 March, 2017.
No. 5293, ALLIANCE (NSW) PTY LTD (ACN 096 947 223), County of Roxburgh and County of Wellington,
Map Sheet (8832). Withdrawal took effect on 21 February, 2017.

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No. 5393, ARDEA EXPLORATION PTY LTD (ACN 137 889 279), County of Gordon and County of Wellington,
Map Sheet (8632, 8732). Withdrawal took effect on 2 March, 2017.
No. 5462, SILVER CITY MINERALS LIMITED (ACN 130 933 309), County of Monteagle, Map Sheet (8530).
Withdrawal took effect on 1 March, 2017.
No. 5463, OBERON GOLD PTY LTD, County of Argyle and County of St Vincent, Map Sheet (8827, 8828).
Withdrawal took effect on 7 March, 2017.
The Honourable Don Harwin MLC
Minister for Resources

NOTICE is given that the following applications for renewal have been received:
                                    APPLICATIONS FOR RENEWAL
Exploration Licence No. 5818, BROKEN HILL OPERATIONS PTY LTD (ACN 054 920 893), area of 10 units.
Application for renewal received 3 March, 2017.
Exploration Licence No. 6209, ALKANE RESOURCES LTD (ACN 000 689 216), area of 3 units. Application
for renewal received 2 March, 2017.
Exploration Licence No. 6516, NEW SOUTH RESOURCES LIMITED (ACN 119557416), area of 6 units.
Application for renewal received 5 March, 2017.
Exploration Licence No. 6525, NEW SOUTH RESOURCES LIMITED (ACN 119557416), area of 56 units.
Application for renewal received 5 March, 2017.
Exploration Licence No. 8241, SANDFIRE RESOURCES NL (ACN 105154185), area of 22 units. Application
for renewal received 3 March, 2017.
Exploration Licence No. 8256, THOMSON RESOURCES LTD (ACN 138 358 728), area of 10 units. Application
for renewal received 1 March, 2017.
Exploration Licence No. 8358, WENDY RUTH YARNOLD, area of 6 units. Application for renewal received
2 March, 2017.
The Honourable Don Harwin MLC
Minister for Resources

                               RENEWAL OF CERTAIN AUTHORITIES
Notice is given that the following authorities have been renewed:
Exploration Licence No. 5675, ALKANE RESOURCES LTD (ACN 000 689 216), Counties of Ashburnham,
Kennedy and Narromine, Map Sheet (8531, 8532), area of 87 units, for a further term until 17 January, 2023.
Renewal effective on and from 1 March, 2017.

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Exploration Licence No. 7626, ILUKA RESOURCES LIMITED (ACN 008 675 018), Counties of Caira and
Wakool, Map Sheet (7627, 7628), area of 89 units, for a further term until 11 October, 2019. Renewal effective
on and from 3 March, 2017.
Exploration Licence No. 8311, BROKEN HILL MINERALS PTY LTD (ACN 600 094 415), County of Windeyer,
Map Sheet (7132), area of 59 units, for a further term until 13 October, 2019. Renewal effective on and from
1 March, 2017.
Exploration Licence No. 8312, BROKEN HILL MINERALS PTY LTD (ACN 600 094 415), County of Tara,
Map Sheet (7130, 7131), area of 100 units, for a further term until 13 October, 2019. Renewal effective on and
from 1 March, 2017.
The Honourable Don Harwin MLC
Minister for Resources

                             REFUSAL OF APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL
Notice is given that the application for renewal in respect of the following authority has been refused:
                                                  ( Z16-0124)
Exploration Licence No. 7045, ICARUS MINES PTY LTD (ACN 140 149 515), County of Gipps, Map Sheet
(8331), area of 6 units. The authority ceased to have effect on 3 March, 2017.
The Honourable Don Harwin MLC
Minister for Resources

Exploration Licence No. 5878, formerly held by TRIAUSMIN PTY LTD (ACN 062 002 475) has been transferred
to OCHRE RESOURCES PTY LTD (ACN 112 833 351). The transfer was registered on 1 March, 2017.
Exploration Licence No. 5977, formerly held by CONRAD SILVER MINES PTY LTD (ACN 106 967 506)
has been transferred to CONRAD RESOURCES PTY LTD (ACN 614125521). The transfer was registered on
1 March, 2017.
Exploration Licence No. 7941, formerly held by TRIAUSMIN PTY LTD (ACN 062 002 475) has been transferred
to OCHRE RESOURCES PTY LTD (ACN 112 833 351). The transfer was registered on 1 March, 2017.
Exploration (Prospecting) Licence No. 1050, formerly held by CONRAD SILVER MINES PTY LTD (ACN
106 967 506) has been transferred to CONRAD RESOURCES PTY LTD (ACN 614125521). The transfer was
registered on 1 March, 2017.
Mineral Lease No. 5992 (Act 1906), formerly held by CONRAD SILVER MINES PTY LTD (ACN 106 967
506) has been transferred to CONRAD RESOURCES PTY LTD (ACN 614125521). The transfer was registered
on 1 March, 2017.
Mineral Lease No. 6040 (Act 1906), formerly held by CONRAD SILVER MINES PTY LTD (ACN 106 967
506) has been transferred to CONRAD RESOURCES PTY LTD (ACN 614125521). The transfer was registered
on 1 March, 2017.

690		                                                           NSW Government Gazette No 34 of 17 March 2017
Government Notices

Mineral Lease No. 6041 (Act 1906), formerly held by CONRAD SILVER MINES PTY LTD (ACN 106 967
506) has been transferred to CONRAD RESOURCES PTY LTD (ACN 614125521). The transfer was registered
on 1 March, 2017.
The Honourable Don Harwin MLC
Minister for Resources

NOTICE is given that the following applications have been received:
                              EXPLORATION LICENCE APPLICATIONS
No. 5467, AWATI RESOURCES PTY LTD (ACN 106 020 419), area of 49 units, for Group 1, dated 7 March,
2017. (Broken Hill Mining Division).
No. 5468, AWATI RESOURCES PTY LTD (ACN 106 020 419), area of 17 units, for Group 1, dated 7 March,
2017. (Broken Hill Mining Division).
No. 5469, AWATI RESOURCES PTY LTD (ACN 106 020 419), area of 50 units, for Group 1, dated 7 March,
2017. (Broken Hill Mining Division).
No. 5470, SA EXPLORATION PTY LTD (ACN 152 429 377), area of 37 units, for Group 1, dated 10 March,
2017. (Broken Hill Mining Division).
No. 5471, GOLD AND COPPER RESOURCES PTY LIMITED (ACN 124 534 863), area of 4 units, for Group
1, dated 10 March, 2017. (Orange Mining Division).
                                     MINING LEASE APPLICATION
No. 537, ARUMPO BENTONITE PTY LIMITED (ACN 001 831 483), area of about 108 hectares, to mine for
bentonite, dated 14 March, 2017. (Broken Hill Mining Division).
The Honorable Don Harwin MLC
Minister for Resources

NOTICE is given that the following applications have been granted:
                              EXPLORATION LICENCE APPLICATIONS
No. 5257, now Exploration Licence No. 8526, TUENA RESOURCES PTY LTD (ACN 614 119 103), County
of Georgiana, Map Sheet (8729, 8730), area of 62 units, for Group 1, dated 7 March, 2017, for a term until 7
March, 2022.
No. 5274, now Exploration Licence No. 8533, NBH RESOURCES PTY LTD (ACN 141 901 939), County
of Farnell, Map Sheet (7135, 7235), area of 59 units, for Group 1, dated 10 March, 2017, for a term until 10
March, 2019.
No. 5297, now Exploration Licence No. 8524, EVOLUTION MINING (COWAL) PTY LIMITED (ACN 007
857 598), County of Gipps, area of 100 units, for Group 1, dated 2 March, 2017, for a term until 2 March, 2023.
No. 5313, now Exploration Licence No. 8525, PROVIDENCE METALS PTY LTD (ACN 612933981), Counties
of Flinders and Kennedy, Map Sheet (8333), area of 67 units, for Group 1, dated 6 March, 2017, for a term until
6 March, 2020.
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No. 5321, now Exploration Licence No. 8528, ILUKA RESOURCES LIMITED (ACN 008 675 018), County
of Caira, Map Sheet (7628, 7629, 7728, 7729), area of 254 units, for Group 10, dated 7 March, 2017, for a term
until 7 March, 2020.
No. 5336, now Exploration Licence No. 8535, PTR RESOURCES PTY LTD (ACN 153 851 702), Counties of
Clive, Drake and Gough, area of 100 units, for Group 1, dated 10 March, 2017, for a term until 10 March, 2019.
No. 5350, now Exploration Licence No. 8531, THOMSON RESOURCES LTD (ACN 138 358 728), Counties
of Bourke and Cooper, Map Sheet (8228, 8229), area of 100 units, for Group 1, dated 8 March, 2017, for a term
until 8 March, 2020.
No. 5369, now Exploration Licence No. 8532, ARDEA EXPLORATION PTY LTD (ACN 137 889 279), County
of Gordon, Map Sheet (8532, 8632), area of 67 units, for Group 1, dated 7 March, 2017, for a term until 7
March, 2020.
The Honorable Don Harwin MLC
Minister for Resources

NOTICE is given that the following application has been withdrawn:
                               EXPLORATION LICENCE APPLICATION
No. 5312, SCANDIUM21 PTY LTD (ACN 008 755 155), County of Cunningham and County of Kennedy, Map
Sheet (8332). Withdrawal took effect on 10 March, 2017.
The Honorable Don Harwin MLC
Minister for Resources

NOTICE is given that the following applications for renewal have been received:
Exploration Licence No. 4232, NYMAGEE RESOURCES PTY LTD (ACN 154 131 138) AND AUSMINDEX
PTY LIMITED (ACN 003 287 634), area of 5 units. Application for renewal received 14 March, 2017.
Exploration Licence No. 6522, GRENFELL GOLD PTY LTD (ACN 106 245 238), area of 18 units. Application
for renewal received 10 March, 2017.
Exploration Licence No. 8245, EMX EXPLORATION PTY LTD (ACN 139 612 427), area of 30 units. Application
for renewal received 9 March, 2017.
Exploration Licence No. 8248, JODAMA PTY LTD (ACN 095 440 547), area of 8 units. Application for renewal
received 7 March, 2017.
Exploration Licence No. 8255, SILVER CITY MINERALS LIMITED (ACN 130 933 309), area of 11 units.
Application for renewal received 14 March, 2017.
The Honorable Don Harwin MLC
Minister for Resources

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Government Notices

                                RENEWAL OF CERTAIN AUTHORITIES
Notice is given that the following authorities have been renewed:
Authorisation No. 383, CENTENNIAL MANNERING PTY LTD (ACN 101 509 120), County of Northumberland,
Map Sheet (9231), area of 788.53 hectares, for a further term until 21 March, 2021. Renewal effective on and
from 7 March, 2017.
Exploration Licence No. 5498, NEWCASTLE COAL COMPANY PTY LTD (ACN 074 900 208), County of
Northumberland, Map Sheet (9132, 9232), area of 1475 hectares, for a further term until 23 July, 2019. Renewal
effective on and from 2 March, 2017.
Exploration Licence No. 5645, ARGENT (KEMPFIELD) PTY LTD (ACN 155 759 550), County of Georgiana,
Map Sheet (8730), area of 3 units, for a further term until 22 November, 2019. Renewal effective on and from
3 March, 2017.
Exploration Licence No. 5977, CONRAD RESOURCES PTY LTD (ACN 614125521), County of Hardinge,
Map Sheet (9138), area of 16 units, for a further term until 27 August, 2017. Renewal effective on and from 10
March, 2017.
Exploration Licence No. 6482, MANUKA RESOURCES LTD (ACN 611 963 225), Counties of Booroondarra,
Mouramba and Robinson, Map Sheet (7934, 8033, 8034), area of 92 units, for a further term until 18 November,
2021. Renewal effective on and from 7 March, 2017.
Exploration Licence No. 6483, BIACIL HOLDINGS PTY LTD (ACN 114 218 549), Counties of Hardinge
and Sandon, Map Sheet (9136, 9137), area of 55 units, for a further term until 21 November, 2019. Renewal
effective on and from 7 March, 2017.
Exploration Licence No. 6501, ISOKIND PTY LIMITED (ACN 081 732 498), County of Mouramba, Map Sheet
(8134), area of 15 units, for a further term until 5 January, 2020. Renewal effective on and from 7 March, 2017.
Exploration Licence No. 6661, CLANCY EXPLORATION LIMITED (ACN 105 578 756), Counties of Gordon
and Wellington, Map Sheet (8632), area of 24 units, for a further term until 15 November, 2019. Renewal
effective on and from 6 March, 2017.
Exploration Licence No. 6695, PEEL MINING LIMITED (ACN 119 343 734), County of Blaxland, Map Sheet
(8032), area of 29 units, for a further term until 8 January, 2020. Renewal effective on and from 1 March, 2017.
Exploration Licence No. 6706, 3E STEEL PTY LIMITED (ACN 140 046 939), Counties of Canbelego and
Cowper, Map Sheet (8135, 8136, 8235, 8236), area of 96 units, for a further term until 23 January, 2019. Renewal
effective on and from 3 March, 2017.
Exploration Licence No. 6854, EMX EXPLORATION PTY LTD (ACN 139 612 427), County of Yungnulgra,
Map Sheet (7436), area of 20 units, for a further term until 8 August, 2019. Renewal effective on and from 10
March, 2017.
Exploration Licence No. 6959, 3E STEEL PTY LIMITED (ACN 140 046 939), Counties of Mouramba and
Robinson, Map Sheet (8034, 8134), area of 24 units, for a further term until 30 November, 2018. Renewal
effective on and from 3 March, 2017.

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Exploration Licence No. 6960, 3E STEEL PTY LIMITED (ACN 140 046 939), County of Mouramba, Map
Sheet (8033, 8034, 8133, 8134), area of 71 units, for a further term until 30 November, 2018. Renewal effective
on and from 3 March, 2017.
Exploration Licence No. 6961, 3E STEEL PTY LIMITED (ACN 140 046 939), County of Blaxland, Map Sheet
(8032), area of 44 units, for a further term until 30 November, 2018. Renewal effective on and from 3 March,
Exploration Licence No. 7355, PEAK GOLD MINES PTY LTD (ACN 001 533 777), Counties of Flinders and
Mouramba, Map Sheet (8133, 8134, 8233), area of 25 units, for a further term until 24 June, 2021. Renewal
effective on and from 3 March, 2017.
Exploration Licence No. 7484, PEEL MINING LIMITED (ACN 119 343 734), Counties of Blaxland and
Mouramba, Map Sheet (8032, 8033, 8133), area of 59 units, for a further term until 23 March, 2019. Renewal
effective on and from 10 March, 2017.
Exploration Licence No. 7750, EVOLUTION MINING (COWAL) PTY LIMITED (ACN 007 857 598), Counties
of Bland and Gipps, Map Sheet (8330, 8430), area of 220 units, for a further term until 27 May, 2022. Renewal
effective on and from 7 March, 2017.
Exploration Licence No. 7953, WESTLIME PTY LIMITED (ACN 090 152 828), County of Ashburnham, Map
Sheet (8431), area of 6 units, for a further term until 27 June, 2019. Renewal effective on and from 10 March,
Exploration Licence No. 7977, EMC METALS AUSTRALIA PTY LTD (ACN 160 223 325), County of Flinders,
Map Sheet (8234), area of 12 units, for a further term until 16 October, 2022. Renewal effective on and from
6 March, 2017.
Exploration Licence No. 7989, GOLDEN CROSS OPERATIONS PTY. LTD. (ACN 050 212 827), County of
Wellesley, Map Sheet (8624, 8724), area of 16 units, for a further term until 23 October, 2018. Renewal effective
on and from 1 March, 2017.
Exploration Licence No. 8212, ENDEAVOUR MINERALS PTY LTD (ACN 063 725 708), Counties of Bligh
and Wellington, Map Sheet (8632, 8732), area of 40 units, for a further term until 12 December, 2019. Renewal
effective on and from 3 March, 2017.
Exploration Licence No. 8296, AU EXPLORATION PTY LTD (ACN 160 240 746), County of Farnell, Map
Sheet (7135, 7235), area of 18 units, for a further term until 20 August, 2022. Renewal effective on and from
10 March, 2017.
Exploration Licence No. 8309, BROKEN HILL MINERALS PTY LTD (ACN 600 094 415), County of Tara,
Map Sheet (7131, 7231), area of 32 units, for a further term until 13 October, 2019. Renewal effective on and
from 15 February, 2017.
Exploration Licence No. 8316, EMC METALS AUSTRALIA PTY LTD (ACN 160 223 325), County of Flinders,
Map Sheet (8234, 8334), area of 5 units, for a further term until 23 September, 2022. Renewal effective on and
from 7 March, 2017.

694		                                                          NSW Government Gazette No 34 of 17 March 2017
Government Notices

099 558 915), Parish of Orr, County of Evelyn, Map Sheet (7238-2-N), area of 400 hectares, for a further term
until 11 October, 2024. Renewal effective on and from 7 March, 2017.
Mining Lease No. 1405 (Act 1992), CADIA HOLDINGS PTY LIMITED (ACN 062 648 006), area of 3116
hectares, for a further term until 5 October, 2038. Renewal effective on and from 5 October, 2017.
Mining Lease No. 1449 (Act 1992), CADIA HOLDINGS PTY LIMITED (ACN 062 648 006), area of 99.16
hectares, for a further term until 5 October, 2038. Renewal effective on and from 5 October, 2017.
The Honorable Don Harwin MLC
Minister for Resources

Exploration Licence No. 8463, formerly held by EMMERSON RESOURCES LTD (ACN 117 086 745) AND
KENEX PTY LTD has been transferred to LACHLAN RESOURCES PTY LTD (ACN 610 889 882) AND
KENEX PTY LTD. The transfer was registered on 9 March, 2017.
Exploration Licence No. 8464, formerly held by EMMERSON RESOURCES LTD (ACN 117 086 745) AND
KENEX PTY LTD has been transferred to LACHLAN RESOURCES PTY LTD (ACN 610 889 882) AND
KENEX PTY LTD. The transfer was registered on 9 March, 2017.
The Honorable Don Harwin MLC
Minister for Resources

695		                                                        NSW Government Gazette No 34 of 17 March 2017
Government Notices

                                Primary Industries Notices

     Local Land Services (Approval of Form of
     Transported Stock Statement) Order 2017
     under the

     Local Land Services Act 2013

     I, SCOTT HANSEN, Director General, Department of Primary Industries, with the delegated authority of the
     Secretary of the Department of Industry, Skills and Regional Development in pursuance of section 18 of the
     Local Lands Services Act 2013 (“the Act”) and pursuant to section 127(2) of the Act, for the purposes of
     approving the form of transport stock statement, make the following Order.

     Dated this 9th day of March 2017.

                                                                                             SCOTT HANSEN,
                                                                                               Director General
                                                                                Department of Primary Industries
                                 (an office within the Department of Industry, Skills and Regional Development)
                                                                                                   by Delegation

     Explanatory note

     This Instrument is made under section 127(2) of the Local Land Services Act 2013 (the Act). The object of
     this Instrument is to approve a new transported stock statement for the purposes of Part 9 of the Act.

696		                                                            NSW Government Gazette No 34 of 17 March 2017
Government Notices

      Local Land Services (Approval of Form of Transported Stock
      Statement) Order 2017
      under the

      Local Land Services Act 2013

 1.      Name of Order

         This Order is the Local Land Services (Approval of Form of Transported Stock Statement)
         Order 2017.

 2.      Commencement

         This Order commences on the date it is published in the NSW Government Gazette.

 3.      Interpretation

         the Act means the Local Lands Services Act 2013.

         Note: Transported stock statement has the same meaning as in the Act.

 4.      Approval of documents as a transported stock statement

         The forms, as set out in Schedule 1, are approved as transported stock statements for the purposes
         of Part 9 of the Act.

697		                                                         NSW Government Gazette No 34 of 17 March 2017
Government Notices

                                             Schedule 1
                     Section 127 Approval of form of Transported Stock Statement
                                   Local Lands Services Act 2013

         eNVD – a completed electronic national vendor declaration
         obtained from the LPA website, the National Livestock
         Identification System website, or an eNVD licensed
         provider as specified by Meat and Livestock Australia.

698		                                                     NSW Government Gazette No 34 of 17 March 2017
Government Notices

                                  Crown Lands Notices
                              1300 886 235

                                           DUBBO OFFICE

                                            ROADS ACT 1993
                                  Transfer of a Crown Road to a Council
IN pursuance of the provisions of section 151, Roads Act 1993, the Crown road specified in Schedule 1 is
transferred to the Roads Authority specified in Schedule 2 hereunder, as from the date of publication of this
notice and as from that date the roads specified in Schedule 1 cease to be a Crown road.
The Hon Paul Toole, MP
Minister for Lands and Forestry
                                                Schedule 1
                            Parish –King; Parish – Gilgies, County – Canbelego
                                  Land District – Nyngan; LGA – Bogan
Crown road highlighted red on diagram hereunder:

                                                Schedule 2
Road Authority: Bogan Shire Council
File Ref: 16/10816 – W577575
Council Ref: SR60

Pursuant to section 121A of the Crown Lands Act 1989, I authorise by this Order, the purpose specified in
Column 1 to be an additional purpose to the declared purpose of the reserves specified opposite thereto in
Column 2 of the Schedule.
The Hon Paul Toole, MP
Minister for Lands and Forestry

699		                                                        NSW Government Gazette No 34 of 17 March 2017
Government Notices

COLUMN 1                                                COLUMN 2
RURAL SERVICES                                          Reserve No. 50376
                                                        Public Purpose: Public Recreation
                                                        Notified: 2 December 1914
                                                        File Reference: 16/09999

                                          GOULBURN OFFICE

IN the notification appearing in the NSW Government Gazette of 3 March 2017, folios 563 & 565, under the
heading “Transfer of a Crown Road to a Council” in Schedule 1 replace “Town & Parish – Binalong” with
“Town & Parish – Wingello”.
Minister for Lands and Forestry

                            APPOINTMENT OF TRUST BOARD MEMBERS
Pursuant to section 93 of the Crown Lands Act 1989, the persons whose names are specified in Column 1 of
the Schedule hereunder are appointed, for the terms of office specified in that Column, as members of the trust
board for the reserve trust specified opposite thereto in Column 2, which has been established and appointed as
trustee of the reserve referred to opposite thereto in Column 3 of the Schedule.
The Hon Paul Toole, MP
Minister for Lands and Forestry
COLUMN 1                             COLUMN 2                             COLUMN 3
Andrew George Divall (new            Towrang Stockade Trust               Reserve No. 79119
member)                                                                   Public Purpose: Preservation of
                                                                          Notified: 30 November 1956
For a term commencing the date
of this notice and expiring 20                                            Reserve No. 79121
February 2019.                                                            Public Purpose: Memorial
                                                                          Notified: 30 November 1956
                                                                          File Reference: GB80R58-004

                                             ROADS ACT 1993
                                    Transfer of Crown Road to a Council
In pursuance of the provisions of Section 151 of the Act, the Crown Road specified in Schedule 1 is transferred
to the roads authority specified in Schedule 2 hereunder as from the date of publication of this notice and as
from that date the road specified in Schedule 1 ceases to be a Crown road.
Minister for Lands and Forestry
                                                 Schedule 1
                                    Parish – Gurrundah; County – Argyle
                                          Land District – Goulburn
                                     LGA – Upper Lachlan Shire Council
Crown road/s shown coloured in red on diagram/s hereunder.

700		                                                         NSW Government Gazette No 34 of 17 March 2017
Government Notices

                                                  Schedule 2
Roads Authority:        Upper Lachlan Shire Council
Council Reference:      DAS17/26
Lands Reference:        17/02568

                                            GRAFTON OFFICE

                               NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD
In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road hereunder described is closed and the lands
comprised therein cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access that previously existed in relation
to the road is extinguished. Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public road, vests in the body
specified in the Schedule hereunder.
The Hon Paul Toole, MP
Minister for Lands and Forestry
                                     Parish – Bungambil; County – Bourke
                              Land District – Temora Central; LGA – Coolamon
Road Closed: Lot 2 DP 1224126
File No: 16/01542
On closing, the land within Lot 2 DP 1224126 remains vested in the State of New South Wales as Crown land.

                               NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD
In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road hereunder described is closed and the lands
comprised therein cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access that previously existed in relation
701		                                                          NSW Government Gazette No 34 of 17 March 2017
Government Notices

to the road is extinguished. Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public road, vests in the body
specified in the Schedule hereunder.
The Hon Paul Toole, MP
Minister for Lands and Forestry
                                        Parish – Mukki; County – Hawes
                                    Land District – Walcha; LGA – Walcha
Road Closed: Lot 2 DP 1218258
File No: 15/04047
On closing, the land within Lot 2 DP 1218258 remains vested in the State of New South Wales as Crown land.

                               NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD
In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road hereunder described is closed and the lands
comprised therein cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access that previously existed in relation
to the road is extinguished. Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public road, vests in the body
specified in the Schedule hereunder.
The Hon Paul Toole, MP
Minister for Lands and Forestry
                                     Parish – Glen Innes; County – Gough
                          Land District – Glen Innes; LGA – Glen Innes Severn Shire
Road Closed: Lot 3 DP 1227080
File No: AE07H135
On closing, the land within Lot 3 DP 1227080 remains vested in the State of New South Wales as Crown land.

                               NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD
In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road hereunder described is closed and the lands
comprised therein cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access that previously existed in relation
to the road is extinguished. Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public road, vests in the body
specified in the Schedule hereunder.
The Hon Paul Toole, MP
Minister for Lands and Forestry
                                       Parish – Urialla; County – Murray
                     Land District – Queanbeyan; LGA – Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional
Road Closed: Lot 4 DP 1224864
File No: 16/02497
On closing, the land within Lot 4 DP 1224864 remains vested in the State of New South Wales as Crown land.

                               NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD
In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road hereunder described is closed and the lands
comprised therein cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access that previously existed in relation

702		                                                          NSW Government Gazette No 34 of 17 March 2017
Government Notices

to the road is extinguished. Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public road, vests in the body
specified in the Schedule hereunder.
The Hon Paul Toole, MP
Minister for Lands and Forestry
                             Parishes – Wyndham, Bangheet; County – Murchison
                                    Land District – Bingara; LGA – Gwydir
Road Closed: Lots 2-3 DP 1220495
File No: 16/01430
On closing, the land within Lots 2-3 DP 1220495 remains vested in the State of New South Wales as Crown land.

                               NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD
In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road hereunder described is closed and the lands
comprised therein cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access that previously existed in relation
to the road is extinguished. Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public road, vests in the body
specified in the Schedule hereunder.
The Hon Paul Toole, MP
Minister for Lands and Forestry
                                    Parish – Irene; County – Westmoreland
                                   Land District – Bathurst; LGA – Oberon
Road Closed: Lot 1 DP 1226103
File No: 16/05089
On closing, the land within Lot 1 DP 1226103 remains vested in the State of New South Wales as Crown land.

                               NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD
In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road hereunder described is closed and the lands
comprised therein cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access that previously existed in relation
to the road is extinguished. Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public road, vests in the body
specified in the Schedule hereunder.
The Hon Paul Toole, MP
Minister for Lands and Forestry
                                Parishes – Greaves, Whalan; County – Benarba
                                  Land District – Moree; LGA – Moree Plains
Road Closed: Lot 1 DP 1188723
File No: 13/10883
On closing, the land within Lot 1 DP 1188723 remains vested in the State of New South Wales as Crown land.

                               NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD
In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road hereunder described is closed and the lands
comprised therein cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access that previously existed in relation

703		                                                          NSW Government Gazette No 34 of 17 March 2017
Government Notices

to the road is extinguished. Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public road, vests in the body
specified in the Schedule hereunder.
The Hon Paul Toole, MP
Minister for Lands and Forestry
                                      Parish – Timbarra; County – Drake
                                   Land District – Casino; LGA – Tenterfield
Road Closed: Lot 2 DP 1227286
File No: 15/06307
On closing, the land within Lot 2 DP 1227286 remains vested in the State of New South Wales as Crown land.

                               NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD
In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road hereunder described is closed and the lands
comprised therein cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access that previously existed in relation
to the road is extinguished. Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public road, vests in the body
specified in the Schedule hereunder.
The Hon Paul Toole, MP
Minister for Lands and Forestry
                                    Parish – Richmond; County – Richmond
                               Land District – Casino; LGA – Richmond Valley
Road Closed: Lot 1 DP 1227660
File No: 16/06225
On closing, the land within Lot 1 DP 1227660 remains vested in the State of New South Wales as Crown land.

                               NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD
In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road hereunder described is closed and the lands
comprised therein cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access that previously existed in relation
to the road is extinguished. Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public road, vests in the body
specified in the Schedule hereunder.
The Hon Paul Toole, MP
Minister for Lands and Forestry
                                      Parish – Hadleigh; County – Burnett
                                   Land District – Warialda; LGA – Gwydir
Road Closed: Lot 3 DP 1226379
File No: 16/04581
On closing, the land within Lot 3 DP 1226379 remains vested in the State of New South Wales as Crown land.

                               NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD
In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road hereunder described is closed and the lands
comprised therein cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access that previously existed in relation

704		                                                          NSW Government Gazette No 34 of 17 March 2017
Government Notices

to the road is extinguished. Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public road, vests in the body
specified in the Schedule hereunder.
The Hon Paul Toole, MP
Minister for Lands and Forestry
                                     Parish – Moorwatha; County – Hume
                                  Land District – Albury; LGA – Greater Hume
Road Closed: Lot 2 DP 1226147
File No: 16/04681
On closing, the land within Lot 2 DP 1226147 which was formerly Crown road remains vested in the State of
New South Wales as Crown land.
On closing, the land within Lot 2 DP 1226147 which was formerly council road becomes vested in the State of
New South Wales as Crown Land.

                               NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD
In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road hereunder described is closed and the lands
comprised therein cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access that previously existed in relation
to the road is extinguished. Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public road, vests in the body
specified in the Schedule hereunder.
The Hon Paul Toole, MP
Minister for Lands and Forestry
                                   Parish – Arthurs Seat; County – Arrawatta
                                    Land District – Inverell; LGA – Inverell
Road Closed: Lot 1 DP 1228513
File No: 16/07748
On closing, the land within Lot 1 DP 1228513 remains vested in the State of New South Wales as Crown land.

                               NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD
In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road hereunder described is closed and the lands
comprised therein cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access that previously existed in relation
to the road is extinguished. Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public road, vests in the body
specified in the Schedule hereunder.
The Hon Paul Toole, MP
Minister for Lands and Forestry
                                    Parish – Springmount; County – Sandon
                             Land District – Armidale; LGA – Armidale Dumaresq
Road Closed: Lot 1 DP 1212696
File No: 15/06224
On closing, the land within Lot 1 DP 1212696 remains vested in the State of New South Wales as Crown land.

705		                                                          NSW Government Gazette No 34 of 17 March 2017
Government Notices

                               NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD
In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road hereunder described is closed and the lands
comprised therein cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access that previously existed in relation
to the road is extinguished. Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public road, vests in the body
specified in the Schedule hereunder.
The Hon Paul Toole, MP
Minister for Lands and Forestry
                                   Parish – Marrinumbla; County – Wallace
                           Land District – Cooma; LGA – Snowy Monaro Regional
Road Closed: Lots 1-2 DP 1227663
File No: 16/07897
On closing, that part of Lot 1 DP 1227663 formerly Crown road remains vested in the State of New South Wales
as Crown land and that part of Lot 1 DP 1227663 formerly Council road becomes vested in the State of New
South Wales as Crown land.
On closing, the land within Lot 2 DP 1227663 remains vested in the State of New South Wales as Crown Land.

                               NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD
In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road hereunder described is closed and the lands
comprised therein cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access that previously existed in relation
to the road is extinguished. Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public road, vests in the body
specified in the Schedule hereunder.
The Hon Paul Toole, MP
Minister for Lands and Forestry
                            Parishes – Langi-Kal-Kal, Quandary; County – Bourke
                                Land District – Temora Central; LGA – Temora
Road Closed: Lot 1 DP 1212373
File No: 15/06323
On closing, the land within Lot 1 DP 1212373 remains vested in the State of New South Wales as Crown land.

                               NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD
In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road hereunder described is closed and the lands
comprised therein cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access that previously existed in relation
to the road is extinguished. Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public road, vests in the body
specified in the Schedule hereunder.
The Hon Paul Toole, MP
Minister for Lands and Forestry
                                        Parish – Ballina; County – Rous
                                    Land District – Lismore; LGA – Ballina
Road Closed: Lots 1-2 DP 1221472
File No: 10/06801

706		                                                          NSW Government Gazette No 34 of 17 March 2017
Government Notices

On closing, the land within Lots 1-2 DP 1221472 remains vested in the Council of the Shire of Ballina as
operational land.

                               NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD
In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road hereunder described is closed and the lands
comprised therein cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access that previously existed in relation
to the road is extinguished. Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public road, vests in the body
specified in the Schedule hereunder.
The Hon Paul Toole, MP
Minister for Lands and Forestry
                                       Parish – Uralla; County – Sandon
                                    Land District – Armidale; LGA – Uralla
Road Closed: Lot 2 DP 1221232
File No: 14/11221
On closing, the land within Lot 2 DP 1221232 remains vested in the State of New South Wales as Crown land.

                               NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD
In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road hereunder described is closed and the lands
comprised therein cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access that previously existed in relation
to the road is extinguished. Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public road, vests in the body
specified in the Schedule hereunder.
The Hon Paul Toole, MP
Minister for Lands and Forestry
                                       Parish – Condong; County – Rous
                                  Land District – Murwillumbah; LGA – Tweed
Road Closed: Lot 2 DP 1192509
File No: 10/14552
On closing, the land within Lot 2 DP 1192509 remains vested in the State of New South Wales as Crown land.

                               NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD
In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road hereunder described is closed and the lands
comprised therein cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access that previously existed in relation
to the road is extinguished. Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public road, vests in the body
specified in the Schedule hereunder.
The Hon Paul Toole, MP
Minister for Lands and Forestry
                                       Parish – Condong; County – Rous
                                  Land District – Murwillumbah; LGA – Tweed
Road Closed: Lot 1 DP 1192509
File No: 10/14552

707		                                                          NSW Government Gazette No 34 of 17 March 2017
Government Notices

On closing, the land within Lot 1 DP 1192509 remains vested in the State of New South Wales as Crown land.

                               NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD
In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road hereunder described is closed and the lands
comprised therein cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access that previously existed in relation
to the road is extinguished. Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public road, vests in the body
specified in the Schedule hereunder.
The Hon Paul Toole, MP
Minister for Lands and Forestry
                           Parishes – Carraa, Greaves, Coubal; County – Benarba
                                  Land District – Moree; LGA – Moree Plains
Road Closed: Lots 2-3 DP 1222045
File No: 16/02005
On closing, that part of the land within Lot 2-3 DP 1222045 which was formerly Crown road remains vested in
the State of New South Wales as Crown Land.
On closing, that part of the land within Lot 2 DP 1222045 which was formerly Council road becomes vested in
the State of New South Wales as Crown Land.

                               NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD
In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road hereunder described is closed and the lands
comprised therein cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access that previously existed in relation
to the road is extinguished. Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public road, vests in the body
specified in the Schedule hereunder.
The Hon Paul Toole, MP
Minister for Lands and Forestry
                                    Parish – Careunga; County – Stapylton
                                  Land District – Moree; LGA – Moree Plains
Road Closed: Lot 2 DP 1227329
File No: 16/07696
On closing, the land within Lot 2 DP 1227329 remains vested in the State of New South Wales as Crown land.

                               NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD
In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road hereunder described is closed and the lands
comprised therein cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access that previously existed in relation
to the road is extinguished. Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public road, vests in the body
specified in the Schedule hereunder.
The Hon Paul Toole, MP
Minister for Lands and Forestry

708		                                                          NSW Government Gazette No 34 of 17 March 2017
Government Notices

                                    Parish – Careunga; County – Stapylton
                                  Land District – Moree; LGA – Moree Plains
Road Closed: Lots 3-4 DP 1227329
File No: 16/07695
On closing, the land within Lots 3-4 DP 1227329 remains vested in the State of New South Wales as Crown land.

                               NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD
In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road hereunder described is closed and the lands
comprised therein cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access that previously existed in relation
to the road is extinguished. Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public road, vests in the body
specified in the Schedule hereunder.
The Hon Paul Toole, MP
Minister for Lands and Forestry
                                    Parish – Careunga; County – Stapylton
                                  Land District – Moree; LGA – Moree Plains
Road Closed: Lot 1 DP 1227329
File No: 16/07697
On closing, the land within Lot 1 DP 1227329 remains vested in the State of New South Wales as Crown land.

                               NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD
In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road hereunder described is closed and the lands
comprised therein cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access that previously existed in relation
to the road is extinguished. Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public road, vests in the body
specified in the Schedule hereunder.
The Hon Paul Toole, MP
Minister for Lands and Forestry
                                     Parish – Cobrabald; County – Vernon
                                    Land District – Walcha; LGA – Walcha
Road Closed: Lots 10-11 DP 1224178
File No: 16/05979
On closing, the land within Lots 10-11 DP 1224178 remains vested in the State of New South Wales as Crown

709		                                                          NSW Government Gazette No 34 of 17 March 2017
Government Notices

                                           GRIFFITH OFFICE

                                             ROADS ACT 1993
                            TRANSFER OF A CROWN ROAD TO A COUNCIL
IN pursuance of the provisions of section 151, Roads Act 1993, the Crown road specified in Schedule 1, is
transferred to the Roads Authority specified in Schedule 2, hereunder, as from the date of publication of this
notice and as from that date the road specified in Schedule 1 ceases to be a Crown public road.
Minister for Lands and Forestry
                                                 Schedule 1
                                     Parish: Stanbridge; County: Cooper
                                           Land District – Griffith
                                         LGA – Griffith City Council
The Crown road as shown shaded on the diagram below.
Width to be transferred: Whole width

                                                 Schedule 2
Roads Authority: Griffith City Council (Ref: Minute No. 17-056)
File Reference: 17/02117; W580659

                            APPOINTMENT OF TRUST BOARD MEMBERS
Pursuant to section 93 of the Crown Lands Act 1989, the persons whose names are specified in Column 1 of
the Schedule hereunder are appointed, for the terms of office specified in that Column, as members of the trust
board for the reserve trust specified opposite thereto in Column 2, which has been established and appointed as
trustee of the reserve referred to opposite thereto in Column 3 of the Schedule.
The Hon Paul Toole, MP
Minister for Lands and Forestry

710		                                                         NSW Government Gazette No 34 of 17 March 2017
Government Notices

COLUMN 1                             COLUMN 2                          COLUMN 3
Mark Andrew Quilter                  Sandigo Recreation And Hall Trust Reserve No. 89786
(new member)                                                           Public Purpose: Public Recreation,
                                                                       Public Hall
                                                                       Notified: 30 April 1976
For a term commencing the date                                         File Reference: GH89R162
of this notice and expiring 27
November 2019.

                                               HAY OFFICE

                   SECTION 34A(2)(b) OF THE CROWN LANDS ACT 1989
Pursuant to section 34A(2)(b) of the Crown Lands Act 1989, the Crown reserve(s) specified in Column 2 of the
Schedule is to be used or occupied under a relevant interest granted for the purpose(s) specified in Column 1 of
the Schedule where such use or occupation is other than the declared purpose of the reserve
The Hon Paul Toole, MP
Minister for Lands and Forestry
COLUMN 1                                                COLUMN 2
GRAZING; ACCESS TO WATER                                Reserve No. 61033
                                                        Public Purpose: Access
                                                        Notified: 15 March 1929
                                                        File Reference: 16/08425

COLUMN 1                                                COLUMN 2
GRAZING; CHANNEL; PUMP SITE                             Reserve No. 756333
                                                        Public Purpose: Future Public Requirements
                                                        Notified: 29 June 2007
                                                        File Reference: HY80H330

                                          MAITLAND OFFICE

                   SECTION 34A(2)(b) OF THE CROWN LANDS ACT 1989
Pursuant to section 34A(2)(b) of the Crown Lands Act 1989, the Crown reserve(s) specified in Column 2 of the
Schedule is to be used or occupied under a relevant interest granted for the purpose(s) specified in Column 1 of
the Schedule where such use or occupation is other than the declared purpose of the reserve
The Hon Paul Toole, MP
Minister for Lands and Forestry
COLUMN 1                                                COLUMN 2
SEAWALL                                                 Reserve No. 56146
                                                        Public Purpose: Generally
                                                        Notified: 11 May 1923
                                                        File Reference: 16/02785
                                                        Reserve No. 1011268
                                                        Public Purpose: Future Public Requirements
                                                        Notified: 3 February 2006
                                                        File Reference: 16/02785

711		                                                         NSW Government Gazette No 34 of 17 March 2017
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