Publications of the European Communities - E UR op - Archive of ...

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Publications of the European Communities - E UR op - Archive of ...


      of the European
of the European

This publication is also available in the following languages:

ES    ISBN   92-775-6745-7
DA    ISBN   92-775-6746-5
DE    ISBN   92-775-6747-3
GR    ISBN   92-775-6748-1
FR    ISBN   92-775-6741-4
IT    ISBN   92-775-6742-2
NL    ISBN   92-775-6743-0
PT    ISBN   92-775-6744-9

Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1990

ISBN 92-775-6740-6

Catalogue number: FX-55-89-051-EN-C

Printed in Luxembourg
Introductory note

This catalogue ¡s published annually in each of the nine         Alphabetical order
official languages of the European Community.
                                                                 The basis for the alphabetical order in the index, including
It comprises the monographs and series published by the          the index for titles and series is the Latin alphabet consisting
Institutions of the Community during the reference period,       of 26 letters, followed by the Greek alphabet:
as well as the periodicals C).
                                                                 a. b. c, d, e. f. g, h. i, j , k, I , m. n. o. p. q. r, s, t, u. v, w , x, y, z,
                                                                 α, β, γ, δ, ε. ζ, η, θ, ι, κ, λ, μ, ν, ξ, ο, π, ρ, ο, τ, υ, φ, χ, ψ, ω.
Arrangement of the catalogue
                                                                 Latin characters with accents or diacritic characters have
                                                                 the same order as their corresponding capital letters. Liga­
Publications of which English versions have been issued are      tures are treated as separate letters (e.g. æ ­ ae. ce ­ oe).
listed only in that language; otherwise another version, but     The German Β corresponds with ss. Examples:
only one. is included in the following order of choice:

                                                                 a ­ â. à. à, á. ä          o ­ ö. ø, ó
French                Spanish             Danish                 e ­ é. ê. è. ë             u ­ ü. ú
German                Portuguese          Greek                  n ­ ñ
Italian               Dutch               others

                                                                 How to obtain publications
Where other language versions also exist, cross­references
are provided by means of a code, in the following form (this
code should not be used for ordering purposes):                  Publications may be available for sale, free of charge, or of
                                                                 limited distribution. Those falling into the last t w o categories
                                                                 may be obtained from the issuing institutions, or, where
                         IT : 85 ­ 28
                                                                 they are published by the I nformation Offices of the Com­
                                                                 mission, from those offices whose addresses are given in
which means that the I talian version is described in the        the lists on pp. 4 and 5. Publications of limited distribution
Italian catalogue of 1985 under No 28. This number is            are, however, generally only for the attention of govern­
specific to each catalogue; it is a sequence number printed      ments of Member States, Community departments and
in consecutive order, opposite each entry in the classified      other authorities concerned.
                                                                 Orders for priced publications should be directed to the
The catalogue is divided into three parts, as follows:           Sales Offices listed on the inside back cover.

                                                                 All orders should quote the full title, as well as the I SBN or
Part I — The classified list provides a subject classification
                                                                 ISSN where such a number precedes the prices in the
of the titles included under 22 headings, each of which is
divided into subheadings (see p. 8).

                                                                 Abbreviations and conventional signs
Under each heading, monographs are listed first in alphabe­
tical order; there then follows a similar list of periodical
titles.                                                          The text languages of publications are indicated by the
                                                                 following abbreviations:

Each title is listed under every relevant heading but full
                                                                 ES     Spanish           EN English                IT I talian
bibliographic entries appear only once for each title. Each
                                                                 DA     Danish            FR French                 NL Dutch
secondary entry is followed by a cross­reference (in the
                                                                 DE     German            GA I rish                 FT Portuguese
right­hand margin) to the sequence number of the full entry.
                                                                 GR     Greek
Periodical titles appear in the classified list only as cross­
reference entries, full entries being found in Part I I .
                                                                 A sequence of such symbols separated by diagonal strokes
                                                                 denotes a publication in which different language versions of
Part II — Periodicals presents full details of each current      the same text appear under one cover.
Community periodical, listed alphabetically.
                                                                 Prices are without VAT.
Part III — The indexes of titles and series are listed
alphabetically and cross­refer, using the above­mentioned        (1) The COM Documents, EP Reports and ESC Opinions
sequence numbers, to the entries in Part I of the catalogue,         are listed in other catalogues, which are also edited in
in which the bibliographic information appears. These in­            each of the nine official languages and appear monthly
dexes cumulate throughout the year.                                  and annually.

                                                           ECONOMICO E SOCIALE ­ ECONOMI SCH EN SOCI AAL COMI TÉ ­
                                                           COMITÉ ECONÒMI CO E SOCIAL
Secrétariat général du Parlement européen
Direction générale du greffe et des services généraux
L­2920 Luxembourg                                          Division « Presse, information et publications »
Tél.: 4 3 0 01                                             Rue Ravenstein 2. B­1000 Bruxelles
                                                           Tél.: 519 90 11


Secrétariat général du Conseil                             Division « Information/Relations publiques »
Direction « Information et documentation »                 L­2950 Luxembourg
Rue de la Loi 170, B­104S Bruxelles                        Tél.: 4379­3142
Tél.: 234 61 11

                                                           TRIBUNAL DE CUENTAS DE LAS COMUNI DADES EUROPEAS ­ DE

                                                           12, rue Alcide De Gasperi
Division I X­C­1                                           L­1615 Luxembourg
Rue de la Loi 200. B­1049 Bruxelles                        Tél.: 4398­1
Tél.: 235 11 11


Service intérieur
L-2920 Luxembourg
Tél.: 4 76 21
Commission of the European Communities
                               Rue de la Loi 200, Β-1049 Bruxelles
Bureau en Belgique                                  Bureau à Marseil l e                                Office in Northern Irel and
Bureau in België                                    CMCI/Bureau 320                                     Windsor House
                                                    2, rue Henri­Barbusse                               9/15 Bedford Street
Rue Archimede 73                                    13241 Marseille Cedex 01                            Belfast BT2 7EG
1040 Bruxelles                                      Tél. 91 9146 00                                     Tel. 240 708
Archimedesstraaî 73                                 Télex 402 538 EURMA                                 Telex 74 117 CECBEL G
1040 Brussel                                        Télécopie 91 90 98 07                               Telefax 248 241
Tél. 235 38 44
Télex 26 657 COMI NF Β
Télécopie 235 01 66                                 Office in I reland
' Rue Belliard 97­113                               39. Molasworth Street                               Office in Wal es
  Belliardstraet 97­113                             Dublin 2                                            4 Cathedral Road
  1040 Bruxelles — 1040 Brussel                     Tel. 71 22 44                                       PO Box 16
  Tél.: 234 21 11                                   Telex 93 827 EUCO El                                Cardiff CF1 9SG
                                                    Telefax 71 26 57                                    Tel. 37 16 31
                                                                                                        Telex 497 727 EUROPA G
Kontor i Danmark                                                                                        Telefax 39 54 89
                                                    ' 43. Molesworth Street
Højbrohus                                             Dublin 2
Østergade 61                                          Tel. 71 91 00
Postbox 144
1004 Kobenhavn K                                                                                        Office in Scotl and
Tit.: 33 14 41 40                                   Ufficio in I talia                                  7 Alva Street
Telex 16 402 COMEUR DK                                                                                  Edinburgh EH2 4PH
Telefax 33 11 12 03 / 33 14 12 44                   Via Poli. 29                                        Tel. 225 20 58
                                                    00187 Roma                                          Telex 727 420 EUEDIN G
                                                    Tel. 678 97 22                                      Telefax 226 41 05
 DK­1217 Kebenhavn K                                Telex 610 184 EUROMA I
 Tlf.: 33 14 33 77                                  Telecopia 679 16 58

Vertretung in der                                   • Via IV Novembre. 149
Bundesrepublik Deutschland                            00187 Roma                                        United States of America
                                                      Tel. 679 06 18/679 05 07
Zitelmannstraße 22                                                                                      Washington
5300 Bonn 1                                                                                             2100 M Street. NW
Tel. 53 00 90                                       Ufficio a Mil ano                                   (Suite 707)
Fernschreiber 886 648 EUROP D                       Corso Magenta. 59                                   Washington, DC 20037
Fernkopie 6 30 09 50                                20123 Milano                                        Tel. (2021 862 95 00
                                                    Tel. 80 15 05                                       Telex 64 215 EURCOM NW
* Bundeskanzlerplatz                                Telex 316 200 EURMIL I                              Telefax 429 17 66
  Bonn­Center                                       Telecopia 481 85 43
  6300 Bonn
  Tel. 22 30 91
                                                    Bureau au Luxembourg                                New York
Außenstelle Ber   l in                              Bâtiment Jean Monnet B/0                            Suboffice to the Washington office
Kurfürstendamm 102                                                                                      3 Dag Hammarskjöld Plaza
                                                    2920 Luxembourg
1000 Berlin 31                                      Tél. 430 11                                         305 East 47th Street
Tel. 8 92 40 28                                                                                         New York. NY 10017
Fernschreiber 184 015 EUROP D                       Télex 3423/3446 COMEUR LU
                                                    Télécopie 43 01 44 33                               Tel. (212)371 38 04
Fernkopie 8 92 20 59                                                                                    Telex 012 396 EURCOM NY
Vertretung in München                                                                                   Telefax 768 27 18
Erhardstraße 27                                     Bureau in Nederland
8000 München 2                                      Korte Vijverberg 5
Tel. 2 02 10 11                                     2513 AB Den Haag
Fernschreiber 6 218 136                             Tel. 46 93 26
Femkopie 2 02 10 15                                 Telex31094EURCONL                                   Nippon
                                                    Telefax 64 66 19                                    Tokyo
Γραφείο στην Ελλάδα                                                                                     Europa House
                                                                                                        9­15 Sanbancho
2. Vassilissis Sofias                                ' Lange Voorhout 27A                               Chiyoda­Ku
TK. 11002                                              Oen Haag                                         Tokyo 102
106 74 Athina                                          Tel. 62 49 41                                    Tel. 239 04 41
Tel. 724 39 82/3/4                                                                                      Telex 28 567 COMEUTOK J
Telex 219 324 ECATGR                                                                                    Telefax 261 51 94
Telefax 724 46 20                                   Gabinete em Portugal
                                                    Centro Europeu Jaan Monnet
Oficina en España                                   Largo Jean Monnet, 1­10.°
                                                    1200 Lisboa
Calle de Serrano. 41. 5"                            Tel. 54 11 44                                       Schweiz ­ Suisse ­ Svizzera
28001 Madrid                                        Telex 18 810 COMEUR Ρ
Tel. 435 17 00/435 16 28                                                                                Genove
                                                    Telecópia 55 43 97                                  Case postale 195
Télex 46 818 OIPE
Telecopia 276 03 87                                                                                     37­39. rua de Vermont
                                                      Largo Jean Monnet. 1­6.c                          1211 Genève 20
' Calle Femôn Ror. 4                                  1200 Lisboa                                       Tél. 34 97 50
  28014 Madrid                                        Tel. 57 82 98                                     Télex 282 61/2 ECOM CH
  Tel. 429 33 52                                                                                        Télécopie 34 23 31

                                                    Office in the United
Bureaux de représentation
en France
                                                    Jaan Monnet House                                   Venezuela
Bureau à Paris                                      8 Storey's Gate
61. rue des Belles­Feuilles                         London SW1Ρ 3AT                                     Caracas
75782 Paris Cedex 16                                Tel. 222 81 22                                      Avenida Orinoco
Tél. 46 01 58 85                                                                                        Las Mercedes
Télex Paris 611 019 COMEUR                          Telex 23 208 EURUK G
                                                    Telefax 222 09 00/222 81 20                         Apartado 67 076
Télécopie 47 27 26 07                                                                                   Las Américas 1061 A
" 288. Bid. St. Germain                             ' 2 Quean Anne's Gate                               Tel. 91 61 33
  75007 Paris                                         London SW14 9AA                                   Télex 27 298 COMEU VC
  Tél. 45 50 34 11                                    Tel. 222 04 11                                    Telecopia 91 88 76

  Oficina de prensa e información del Parlamento Europeo — Europa­Parlamentets I nformationskontor — Presse­ und Informationsbüro des Europäischen Parlaments —
  Γραφείο Τύπου και Πληροφορία?/ του Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινοβουλίου — Information office of the Europaan Parliament — Bureau de presse et d'information du Parlement
  européen — Ufficio stampa e informazione del Parlamento europeo — Informatiebureau van het Europese Parlement — Gabinete de Imprensa a Informação do
  Parlamento Europeu.

sequence number-

                         28       Progress towards a common transport policy / Maritime

author -

                                Commission of the European Communities [Supplements to the
                                Bulletin of the European Communities - 5]
                                                                                                        series title
publication year-

language of the text -
                                                                                                    volume number
                                EN - 1985 - Supplement 5/85 - Bulletin EC - 68 pp.;
format -                       -17,6 χ 25,0; softcover; 141 g /

catalogue   number-
                                CB-NF-85-OOS-EN-C ISBN 92-825-5368-X
                                                                                                      ISBN number
price of the volume ■
                                ECU 2,21 ; IRL 1,60; UKL 1,40; USD 2 / Supplement to the
                                Bulletin of the European Communities: BFR i 100; IRL 17,50;
                                UKL 14,50; USD 18

                                ES: 85 - 28, DA: 85 - 28, DE: 85 - 28,
                               -GR: 85 - 28, FR: 85 - 28, IT: 85 - 28,
                                NL: 85 - 28, PT: 85 - 28

reference to the
edition in the
French catalogue

                         -28     Vers une politique commune des transports / Transports
                                maritimes - Commission des Communautés européennes
                                [Suppléments au Bulletin des Communautés européennes - 5]
                                FR - 1985 - Supplément 5/85 au Bulletin des CE - 72 p.; 17,6 χ
                                25,0 cm; broché; 281 g / Communication et propositions de la
                                Commission transmises au Conseil le 19 mars 1985 (Document établi
                                sur la base du document COM(85) 90 final)
                                CB-NF-85-005-FR-C ISBN 92-825-5369-8
                                ECU 2,21; BFR 100; FF 16 / Suppléments au Bulletin des CE: BFR
                                1 100; FF 166
                                ES: 85 - 28, DA: 85 - 28, DE: 85 - 28,
                                GR: 85 - 28. EN: 85 - 28, IT: 85 - 28,
                                NL: 85 - 28, PT: 85 - 28
List of headings

01     General, political and            0503   European Social Fund (ESF)       1302 internal market: technical
       institutional matters             0504   vocational training                   barriers
0101    general                          0505   health and safety                1390 miscellaneous
0102    European integration, European   0506   labour market and employment
        Union, enlargement               0507   social security                  14   Regional policy
0103    institutional matters            0590   miscellaneous                    1401 European Regional Development
0104    financial and budgetary                                                       Fund (ERDF)
        provisions                       06   Laws and procedures                1490 miscellaneous
0190    miscellaneous                    0601 treaties, intra-Community
                                              agreements and conventions
                                                                                 15     Environment and consumers
02   Customs union and free              0602 Community secondary
                                                                                 1501   environment
     movement of goods                        legislation
                                                                                 1502   consumers
0201 customs regulations                 0603 approximation of legislation
                                                                                 1590   miscellaneous
0202 free movement of goods              0690 miscellaneous
0290 miscellaneous
                                         07   Transport                          16   Scientific and technical
                                         0701 land, maritime and air transport        research
03   Agriculture                                                                 1601 research and information
                                         0790 miscellaneous
0301 albumens                                                                         management
0302 alcohol                                                                     1690 miscellaneous
                                         08   Competition
0303 cereals and rice
                                         0801 restrictive practices, dominant
0304 fruit and vegetables                                                        17     Education, culture
0305 hops                                                                        1701   education and training
                                         0802 concentrations
0306 milk and milk products                                                      1702   culture
                                         0803 monopolies
0307 flax, hemp and cotton                                                       1790   miscellaneous
                                         0804 intra-Community dumping
0308 oils and fats
                                         0805 State aids and other subsidies
0309 live trees and other plants
                                         0890 miscellaneous                      18     Tertiary sector, right of
0310 sericulture
                                                                                        establishment and freedom to
0311 sugar
                                         09     Taxation                                provide services
0312 tobacco
                                         0901   direct taxation                  1801   insurance and banking
0313 beef
                                         0902   indirect taxation                1802   commerce
0314 pigmeat
                                         0990   miscellaneous                    1803   liberal professions
0315 sheepmeat and goatmeat
                                                                                 1890    miscellaneous
0316 wine and viticulture
                                         10     Economic and monetary
0317 poultrymeat and eggs
                                                policy and free movement of      19   Development and cooperation
0318 seeds
                                                capital                          1901 food aid
0319 animal feedingstuffs
                                         1001   monetary policy                  1902 European Development Fund
0320 other agricultural products
                                         1002   economic policy                       (EDF)
0321 plant health
                                         1003   free movement of capital         1903 agreements with developing
0322 veterinary inspection
                                         1090   miscellaneous                         countries
0323 European Agricultural Guidance
     and Guarantee Fund (EAGGF)                                                  1990 miscellaneous
                                         11   External relations
0324 agricultural structures
                                         1101 multilateral relations and
0325 compensatory amounts and                                                    20   Statistics
                                              international organizations
     monetary measures                                                           2001 general statistics
                                         1102 commercial policy
0390 miscellaneous                                                               2002 national accounts, finance and
                                         1103 agreements with third countries
                                                                                      balance of payments
                                         1190 miscellaneous
04     Fisheries                                                                 2003 population and social conditions
0401   intra-Community legislation                                               2004 industry and services
                                         12   Energy
0402   extra-Community legislation                                               2005 agriculture, forestry and fisheries
                                         1201 Euratom
0490   miscellaneous                                                             2006 foreign trade
                                         1290 miscellaneous
                                                                                 2090 miscellaneous
05   Employment and social policy        13   Industrial policy and internal
0501 freedom of movement for                  market                             21     Documentation
     workers                             1301 Industrial policy: sectoral
0502 law and working conditions               operations                         22     Miscellaneous

                                                                                Doicimcid i dtaobh na n A on tachas leis na Comhphobail

Classified index                                                                Eorpacha - 1987 - All Institutions
                                                                                GA - 1989 : Eagrån 1987 - Vol. II - 693 Ich.: 21,0 *
                                                                                29,7 cm: hardcover: ± 1940 g
                                                                                FX-80-86-002-GA-C     ISBN 92-771-9309-3 / 92-771-9299-2
                                                                                ECU 81 / Praghas Vol. I / Praghas Vol. I + 11: ECU 104

                                                                                Du système monétaire européen à l'union monétaire                184

                                                                                EEC competition policy in the single market                      177
          General, political and institutional
01        matters                                                               Europe without frontiers - Completing the internal market -
                                                                                Directorate Coordination and preparation of publications -
                                                                                Commission of the European Communities [European
                                                                                Documentation - 2]
                                                                                EN - 1989 : 3rd. edition - 68 pp. : 16,2 χ 22,9 cm : stapled :
                                                                                ± 140 g / Manuscript completed in April 1989
0101 general                                                                    CB-55-89-245-EN-C       ISBN 92-825-9895-0
                                                                                Free of charge
                                                                                DA : 89 - 7, D E : 89 - 8, ES : 89 - 7, FR : 89 - 7,
                                                                                G R : 89 - 4, IT : 89 - 7, N L : 89 - 8, PT : 89 - 7
                                                                                The European financial common market                             209
     Paysages - L'Europe de la diversité                              339
                                                                                1992: The European social dimension                              128
     Proceedings of Jean Monnet centenary symposium organized
     by the Commission of the European Communities -                            A frontier-free Europe - D ivision IX/E/3 - Commission of
     Commission of the European Communities                                     the European Communities
     EN - 1989- 153 pp.: 16,2 χ 23,0 cm: softcover: ± 390 g /                   EN - 1988: 14,0 χ 20,0cm: stapled: ± 6 0 g
     Brussels. 10 November 1988                                                 CB-PP-88-A14-EN-C
     CB-54-88-223-EN-C           IS BN 92-825-9320-7                            free of charge
     ECU 3,50                                                                   DA : 89 - 6, D E : 89 - 6, ES : 89 - 6, FR : 89 - 6,
     DA : 89 - 1, D E : 89 - 1, ES : 89 - 1, FR : 8 9 - 1,                      GR : 89 - 3, IT : 89 - 6, N L : 89 - 6, PT : 89 - 6
     GR : 8 9 - 1 , I T : 8 9 - 1, N L : 8 9 - 1 , PT : 8 9 - 1
                                                                                I.' ordre juridique communautaire                                160
     Working together: The institutions of the European
     Community - Noël, E. - Commission of the European                          A people's Europe                                                161
     Communities [European D ocumentation]
     EN - 1988 : 1988 edition - 47 pp. : 16,2 x 22,9 cm : stapled :             Report on economic and monetary union in the European
     ± 80 g / This booklet discusses Europe's institutional
     mechanisms and provides basic information on the modus                     Community. Collection of papers submitted to the Committee
     operandi of the institutions of the EC                                     for the Study of Economic and Monetary Union                     186
     CB-S2-88-897-EN-C        ISBN 92-825-8526-3
     free of charge                                                             Le système monétaire européen - Origines, fonctionnement et
     DA : 89 - 2, D E : 89 - 2, ES : 89 - 2, FR : 89 - 2,                       perspectives                                                     187
     GR : 89 - 2, IT : 89 - 2, NL : 89 - 2, PT : 89 - 2
                                                                                L' unification européenne - Création et développement -
                                                                                Borchardt, K..-D . - Commission des Communautés
0102 European integration, European                                             FR - 1989 : 3e Édition - 87 p . : 16,2 x 22,9 cm: agrafé:
     Union, enlargement                                                          ± 180 g / Manuscrit terminé en juillet 1989. La brochure
                                                                                décrit la genèse, les objectifs, les succès et les échecs de
                                                                                l'oeuvre d'unification européenne
                                                                                CB-NC-90-00Í-FR-C          ISBN 92-826-0730-5
MONOGRAPHS AND SERI ES                                                          DE : 8 9 - 7 , FR : 89 - 8

      Ar Scatti A Chéile - We are all so interdependent that every              1992 and beyond                                                  321
      action by each one of us affects in some way or other the
      welfare and destiny of the rest of us - 01(l2fl988 -
      Hillery, Patrick J., President; The European University               PERIODICALS
      Institute, Badia, Fiesolana - Florence
      EN - 1989 - 18 pp.: 14,8 x 21,0 cm: stapled: ± 6 0 g /
      Eleventh Jean Monnet lecture                                                                                                               P46
      OY-55-89-1Í6-EN-C                                                         European University News
      Free of charge
      DE : 89 - 3, ES : 89 - 3, FR : 89 - 4, IT : 89 - 3

      Bericht zur Wirtschafts-und Wãhrungsunion in der                      0103 institutional matters
      Europäischen Gemeinschaft                                       181

      Collected Agreements concluded within the framework of                MONOGRAPHS AND SERI ES
      European cooperation in the field of scientific and technical
      research                                                                  Annua] Report 1988 - Economic and Social Committee
           - V o l . 5 : 1987-1988                                              E N - 1989- 121pp.: 14,8 χ 21,0cm: softcover: ± 180g
                                                                                EX-54-8S-061-EN-C            ISBN 92-8304145-1
      A common agricultural policy for the IWfl's                               ECU 8,50
                                                                                DA : 89 - 23, D E : 8 9 - 15, ES : 89 - 16, FR : 89 - 25,
                                                                                GR : 8 9 - 1 7 , IT : 8 9 - 2 2 , NL : 89 - 16, PT : 89 - 20
      Completing the internal market: An area without internal
      frontiers / The progress report required by Article 8B of the
      Treaty                                                                    The Commission's programme for 1989 - Commission of the
                                                                                European Communities [Supplements to the Bulletin of the
                                                                                European Communities - 2]
      Documents concerning the accessions to the European                       E N - 1 9 8 9 - 6 5 pp.: 17,6 χ 25,0 cm: stapled: ± 140 g /
      Communities - 1987 - All Institutions                                     Address by J. Delors, President of the Commission, to the
      EN - 1988 : 1987 edition - Volume II - 693 pp.: 21,0 χ                    EP and his reply to the debate. Strasbourg, 16 February and
      29,7cm: hardcover: ± 1940g                                                15 March 1989
      FX-80-86-002-EN-C      ISBN 92-771-9304-2 / 92-771-9294-1                 CB-NF-89-002-EN-C             ISBN 92-825-9358-4
      ECU 81 / Price volumell / Price volumes I + 1 1 : ECU 104                 ECU 3,80
      DA : 89 - 5, D E : 89 - 5, ES : 89 - 4, FR : 89 - 3,                      DA : 8 9 - 17, D E : 89 - 9, ES : 89 - 2 1 , FR : 89 - 23,
      GR : 89 - 5, IT : 89 - 4, NL : 89 - 4, PT : 89 - 3                        GR : 8 9 - 2 2 , IT : 89 - 21, N L : 89 - 26, PT : 89 - 18

Publications of the European Communities: 1989
10                                                               CLASSIFIED I NDEX

     Community public finance - The European budget after the                     ECU 6,50
     1988 reform - Commission of the European Communities                         DA : 89 - 19, D E : 89 - 16. ES : 89 - 14, FR : 89 - 20,
     EN - 1989 - 116pp.: 21,0 χ 29,7 cm: softcover: ± 340 g                       GR : 89 - 20, IT : 8 9 - 17, NL : 8 9 - 13, PT : 8 9 - 15
     CB-S5-89-62S-EN-C     ISBN 92-825-9830-6
     ECU 10,50
     DE : 89 - 17, FR : 89 - 19

     Corps diplomatique accrédité auprès des Communautés                     20   1.' ordinamento giuridico comunitario - Louis, J. V., Prof. -
     européennes                                                                  Commissione delle Comunità europee [Prospettive europee]
                                                                                  IT - 1989 : 3a edizione riveduta e aggiornata - 199 p. :
12   Court of Auditore of the European Communities - Court of                     17,6 χ 25,0 cm : brossura : ± 390 g
     Auditors of the European Communities                                         CB-56-89-392-1T-C     ISBN 92-826-0664-3
     EN - 1989- 24 p p . : 12,0 x 18,0 cm: stapled: ± 40 g                        ECU 10,50
     (Annex loose leaf)                                                           IT : 89 - 20
     Free of charge
     DA : 8 9 - 2 5 , D E : 89 - 21, ES : 89 - 25. F R : 89 - 15,
     GR : 89 - 14, IT : 89 - 14, NL : 89 - 22, PT : 89 - 25
                                                                                  A publisher for Europe - EUR-O P - O ffice for O fficial
13   Court of Auditors: Annual report concerning the financial                    Publications of the European Communities - Office for
     year 1988 together with the institutions' replies - Court of                 Official Publications of the European Communities
     Auditors of the European Communities [Official Journal of                    EN - 1989- 11 pp.: 17,3 χ 25,0 cm: stapled: ± 40 g
     the European Communities, series C : Information and                         FX-5S-89-431-EN-C
     Notices -312]                                                                Free of charge
     EN - 1989 - 342 pp.: 21,0 χ 29,7 cm: softcover: ± 670 g /                    DA : 89 - 15, D E : 89 - 26, ES : 89 - 12, FR : 89 - 21,
     Adopted at the meeting on 9 November 1989                                    GR : 8 9 - 12, IT : 8 9 - 10, N L : 8 9 - 2 4 , PT : 8 9 - 13
     FX-AC-89-312-EN-C        ISSN 0378-6986
     ECU 38,50
     DA : 89 - 26, DE : 89 - 22, ES : 89 - 26, FR : 89 - 16,
     GR : 89 - 15, IT : 89 - 15, N L : 89 - 23, PT : 8 9 - 2 6
                                                                             22   Rapport annuel 1987 - Fondation européenne pour
     ECSC coal research - Annual report 1988                         2
                                                                         ™        l'amélioration des conditions de vie et de travail
                                                                                  FR - 1989 - 61 p . : 21,0 x 29,7 cm: broché: ± 275 g /
     Euratom Supply Agency - Annual report 1988                      233          Part 1: Tour d'horizon de l'année; part II: Aclivil. en cours;
                                                                                  part III: Annexes
                                                                                  SY-52-88-3S6-FR-C       ISBN 92-825-7929-8
14   The European Commission and the administration of the
     Community - Hay, R., D irect.Gen. - Commission of the                        ECU 6
     European Communities [European D ocumentation - 3]                           DA : 89 - 10, D E : 89 - 14, ES : 89 - 15, FR : 89 - 24,
     EN - 1989 - 63 pp. : 16,2 χ 22,9 cm : stapled : ± 140 g /                    IT : 89 - 24, NL : 89 - 15, PT : 89 - 19
     Manuscript completed in May 1989. Description of the
     European civil service : origins, tasks, originality and
     CB-NC-89-003-ES-C         ISBN 92-825-9907-8
     Free of charge                                                               Thirty-fourth Review of the Council's work (yearly) -
     DA : 89 - 12, D E : 8 9 - 10, ES : 89 - 18, FR : 89 - 14,                    01 ¡01 ¡86-31112/86 - Council of the European Communities
     GR : 89 - 18, IT : 89 - 11, N L : 89 - 12, PT : 89 - 10                      EN - 1988 - 211 pp.: 14,8 χ 21,0 cm: softcover: ± 280 g
                                                                                  BX-48-87-961-EN-C      ISBN 92-824-0434-X
15   Facts sheets on the European Parliament and the activities of                ECU 6,80
     the European Community - European Parliament                                 DA : 89 - 21, D E : 89 - 24, ES : 89 - 22, F R : 89 - 9,
     EN - 1989: 21,0 χ 29,7 cm: softcover: ± 1040 g                               GR : 89 - 13, IT : 89 - 25, NL : 89 - 19, PT : 89 - 21
     PE 122.000
     AX-53-88-24S-EN-C         ISBN 92-823-0163-4
     ECU 17,50
     DA : 89 - 13, D E : 89 - i 1, ES : 89 - 13, FR : 89 - 18,
     GR : 89 - 19, IT : 8 9 - 1 9 , NL : 89 - 11, PT : 89 - 14               24   Thirty-fifth review of the Council's work (Yearly) -
                                                                                  01/01/87-31/12/87 - Council of the European Communities
16   Forging ahead: European Parliament 1952-1988 - European                      EN - 1989 - 210pp.: 14,8 χ 21,0 cm: softcover: ± 280 g
     Parliament                                                                   BX-53-88-172-EN-C           ISBN 92-824-0600-8
     EN - 1989 : 3rd edition - 228 pp.: 21,0 χ 29,7 cm:                           ECU 8,50
     softcover : ± 550 g / This publication covers the activity of                DE : 8 9 - 2 5 , ES : 89 - 23, FR : 89 - 10, GR : 89 - 21,
     the European Parliament over a five-year period, i.e., an                    IT : 8 9 - 2 6 , N L : 89 - 18
     electoral period
     AX-S2-88-72S-EN-C       ISBN 92-8234154-0
     ECU 20
     DA : 89 - 22, D E : 89 - 20, ES : 89 - 9, FR : 89 - 12,
     GR : 8 9 - 16, IT : 89 - 9, NL : 8 9 - 21, PT : 89 - 9
                                                                             25   Statement on the broad lines of Commission policy -
                                                                                  Commission of the European Communities [Supplements
17   Twenty-second General Report on the Activities of the                        to the Bulletin of the European Communities - 1]
     European Communities 1988 (yearly) - Commission of the                       E N - 1 9 8 9 - 2 5 pp.: 17,6 χ 25,0 cm : stapled : ± 320 g /
     European Communities                                                         Statement presented by J. Delors. President of the
     EN - 1989 - 458 pp.: 16,2 χ 22,9 cm: softcover: ± 700 g                      Commission, to the EP and reply to the ensuing
     CB-55-89-027-ES-C       ISBN 92-825-9348-7                                   Parliamentary debate
     ECU 12,50                                                                    CB-NF-89-OOl-EN-C           ISBN 92-825-9659-1
     DA : 89 - 9, D E : 89 - 1 2 , ES : 8 9 - 17, FR : 89 - 26,                   ECU 3,80
     GR : 89 - 9, IT : 89 - 23, NL : 89 - 9, PT : 89 - 22                         DA : 89 - 14, D E : 89 - 19, ES : 8 9 - 11, FR : 89 - 17,
                                                                                  G R : 8 9 - 11, IT : 8 9 - 16, N L : 89 - 25, PT : 89 - 12
18   Graphic Manual - D irectorate-General Information:
     Commission of the European Communities
     ES/DA/DE/EN/FR/GR/IT/NL/PT - 1989 - 19 p p . : 21,0 χ
     29,7 cm : stapled : ± 5 g / G raphic M annual for all
     applications of the EC-Commission's symbol and logotype                 26   Synopsis of the work of the Court of Justice of the European
     CC-S549-964-9A-C                                                             Communities in 1986 and 1987 and record of formal sittings
     Free of charge                                                               in 1986 and 1987 - Court of Justice of the European
     DA : 89 - 16, D E : 89 - 13, ES : 89 - 19, F R : 89 - 13,                    Communities
     GR : 8 9 - 10, IT : 8 9 - 1 8 , N L : 89 - 14, PT : 89 - 16                  EN - 1989- 202 p p . : 17,7 χ 24.8 cm: softcover: ± 400 g '
                                                                                  This synopsis is intended for judges, lawyers and
19   Guide to the Council of the European Communities (half-                      practitioners as well as teachers and students of Community
     yearly) - 01110/1988 - Council of the European                               law
     Communities                                                                  DX-54-88-239-EN-C          ISBN 92-829-0177-7
     EN - 1989 - II/1988 - 161 pp.: 14,8 χ 21,0cm: softcover:                     Free of charge
     ±220 g                                                                       DA : 8 9 - 2 0 , D E : 89 - 23, ES : 89 - 24, FR : 8 9 - 11,
     BX-S448-174-EN-C       ISBN 92-824-0624-5                                    GR : 89 - 23, IT : 89 - 13, N L : 89 - 20, PT : 89 - 24

                                                                                                    Publications of the European Communities: 1989
CLASSIFIED INDEX                                                              11

PERIODICALS                                                                 PERIODICALS

     European Parliament                                              P44        Avrupa

                                                                                 Bulletin of the European Communities
     European Political Cooperation Documentation Bulletin                            -Volume 22                                               Ρ8
         - V o l . 4 - 1988
                                                                                 Community Report                                             Ρ14

0104 financial and budgetary p rovisions                                         Dossier Europa                                               Ρ20

                                                                                 ξ. -News                                                     Ρ21

MONOGRAPHS AND SERIES                                                            Echos de l'Europe                                            Ρ 24

                                                                                 EF-avisen                                                    Ρ26
     The Community budget: the facts in figures - Commission
     of the European Communities
     E N - 1989 : Edition 1989 - I03pp.: 29,7 χ 21,0 cm:                         Eur-Info                                                     Ρ33
     softcover : ± 260 g
     CB-55-89-S76-EN-C      ISBN 92-825-9716-4                                   Europa-bericht                                               Ρ36
     ECU 10
     DE : 89 - 29, FR : 89 - 29                                                                                                               Ρ38
                                                                                 Europa van morgen

     E.C. International Investment Partners                           185        Europe - M agazine of the Europe Communities                 Ρ.19

28   Financial report 1988 - European Coal and Steel                             European File                                                Ρ43
     Community - Commission of the European Communities
     EN - 1989 - 34th financial report - 84 pp., 17 ill.(col.),                  Euroscail                                                    Ρ47
     11 graphs (col.): 21,0 χ 29,7 cm: softcover: ± 340 g
     CB-S6-89-231-ES-C      ISBN 92-826-0693-7                                   La semaine européenne                                        Ρ76
     Free of charge
     DE : 89 - 28, ES : 89 - 29, FR : 89 - 28, IT : 89 - 29,
     NL : 89 - 28                                                                Télex 12                                                     Ρ79

                                                                                 Ευρωπαϊκή επικαιρότητα                                       Ρ85
29   Guide to the reform of the Community's structural Funds -
     Commission of the European Communities

                                                                            02 Customs
     EN - 1989 : Document - 104 pp.: 21,0 x 29,7 cm:
     softcover: ± 300 g                                                                 union and free movement
     ECU 11,25
                            ISBN 92-826-0029-7                                 of goods
     DA : 89 - 30, DE : 89 - 30, ES : 89 - 30, FR : 89 - 30,
     GR : 89 - 28, IT : 89 - 30, NL : 89 - 29, PT : 89 - 30

30   Report (Annex to the 1987 ECSC Annual Report) on the
     accounting and financial management of the European Coal
                                                                            0201 customs regulations
     and Steel Community - 1987 - Court of Auditors of the
     European Communities
     E N - 1 9 8 9 - 8 0 pp.: 21,0 x 29,7 cm: stapled: ± 240 g /
     This present report was adopted by the Court of Auditors at
                                                                            MONOGRAPHS AND SERIES
     its meeting f 9 November 1988. The Commission's replies are
     annexed                                                                32   Customs valuation - Commission of the European
     MY-5448-247-EN-C                                                            Communities
     Free of charge                                                              EN - 1989 : Public document - 481 pp.: 21,0 x 29,7cm:
     DA : 89 - 27, DE : 89 - 27, ES : 89 - 28, FR : 89 - 27,                     softcover: ± 1200 g
     GR : 89 - 27, IT : 89 - 28, NL : 89 - 30, PT : 89 - 29                      CB-5S-89-229-EN-C     ISBN 92-825-8835-1
                                                                                 ECU 38,25
                                                                                 DE : 89 - 35, ES : 89 - 35, FR : 89 - 35, GR : 89 - 32,
PERIODICALS                                                                      NL : 89 - 32, PT : 89 - 35

                                                                            33   European customs inventory of chemicals - A guide to the
      EIB-Information                                                 P28        tariff classification of chemicals in the Combined
                                                                                 Nomenclature - Commission of the European Communities
                                                                                 EN - 1988 : public document - 640 pp.: 21,0 x 29,7 cm:
                                                                                 softcover: ± 1560 g / The work includes 32000 chemical
0190 miscellaneous                                                               names and nine languages and replaces the previous edition
                                                                                 in the Customs Tariff, published in 1981
                                                                                 CB-S2-88-348-EN-C         ISBN 92-825-7919-0
                                                                                 ECU 33,75 / Per single-language volume / Per nine-volume
                                                                                 set (nine languages): ECU 232
MONOGRAPHS AND SERIES                                                            DA : 89 - 33, DE : 89 - 34, ES : 89 - 33, FR : 89 - 32,
                                                                                 GR : 89 - 33, IT : 89 - 34, NL : 89 - 33, PT : 89 - 33
      Europe against cancer                                           100
                                                                            34   Explanatory notes to the combined nomenclature of the
                                                                                 European Communities - Commission of the European
      Index 1985 - Bulletin des Communautés européennes               495        Communities
                                                                                 E N - 1 9 8 7 : Public document-533 pp. : 21,0 x 29,7cm:
                                                                                 softcover: ± 1330 g
      Eighteenth Report on Competition Policy                         180        CB-50-87-461-EN-C        ISBN 92-825-7813-5,
                                                                                 ECU 25,50: BFR 1 100: IRL 20: UKL 17,50:
      Research on the "Cost of non-Europe" - Basic findings - The                USD 30,50
      completion of the internal market - A survey of European                   DE : 89 - 32, ES : 89 - 34, FR : 89 - 34, IT : 89 - 35,
      industry's perception of the likely effects - Nerb, G. ;                   NL : 89 - 35, PT : 89 - 34
      Smyth, C. - Commission of the European Communities
      EN - 1988 : Public document - Volume 3 - 306 pp. : 21,0 χ             35   Explanatory notes to the combined nomenclature of the
      29,7 cm : softcover : ± 760 g                                              European Communities - 1989 edition - Commission of the
      CB-PP-88-D14-EN-C              ISBN 92-8253610-3                           European Communities
      ECU 25,50                                                                  EN - 1989 : Public document - 536 pp.: 21,0 χ 29,7 cm:
      DA : 89 - 31, DE : 89 - 31, ES : 89 - 31, FR : 8 9 - 31,                   softcover: ± 1300 g
      GR : 8 9 - 3 1 , IT : 8 9 - 3 1 , NL : 8 9 - 3 1 , PT : 89-31              CB-5S-89-956-EN-C      ISBN 92-825-96344

Publications of the European Communities: 1989
12                                                         CLASSIFIED INDEX

     ECU 42
     DE : 89 - 33, FR : 89 - 33
                                                                     0313 beef

03 Agriculture                                                       PERIODICALS

                                                                          Animal production - Quarterly statistics                      P4
0301 albumens

MONOGRAPHS AND SERIES                                                0314 p igmeat
     Recueil des actes agricoles
         -Tome XII: Viande de porc, etc.                       152
                                                                     MONOGRAPHS AND SERIES
0304 fruit and vegetables
                                                                          Recueil des actes agricoles
                                                                              -Tome X I I : Viande de porc, etc.
     Recueil des actes agricoles
         -Tome IV/l : Fruits et légumes (l)                    143   PERIODICALS
     Recueil des actes agricoles
         -Tome IV/2: Fruits et légumes (2)                     144
                                                                          Animal production - Quarterly statistics                      P4
     Recueil des actes agricoles
         -Tome IV/3: Fruits et légumes transformés, etc.      145

0305 hop s                                                           0315 sheep meat and goatmeat

MONOGRAPHS AND SERIES                                                MONOGRAPHS AND SERIES
     Recueil des actes agricoles
         -Tome VII I/1 : Tabac, houblon                        MS
                                                                          Programme de recherche Agrimed - L'évaluation des ovins et
                                                                          des caprins méditerranéens                                    395
0306 milk and milk p roducts
     Recueil des actes agricoles
         -Tome Χ/1 : Produits laitiers                        150         Animal production - Quarterly statistics                      P4

     Recueil des actes agricoles
         -Tome X/2 : Produits laitiers                        151
                                                                     0316 wine and viticulture
0308 oils and fats
                                                                     MONOGRAPHS AND SERIES
     Recueil des actes agricoles
         -Tome IX/l : Matières grasses (1)                    146         Recueil des actes agricoles
                                                                              - T o m e X I V / 1 : Vin                                 154
     Recueil des actes agricoles
         -Tome IX/2: Matières grasses (2), etc.               147
                                                                          Recueil des actes agricoles
                                                                              - T o m e X I V / 2 : Vin                                 I55
0309 live trees and other p lants
                                                                          Recueil des actes agricoles
MONOGRAPHS AND SERIES                                                         - T o m e X I V / 3 : Vin                                 IM.

     Recueil des actes agricoles
         -Tome IV/3: Fruits et légumes transformés, etc.      145
                                                                     0317 p oultrymeat and eggs
0311 sugar
                                                                     MONOGRAPHS AND SERIES
     Recueil des actes agricoles
         -Tome XIII : Sucre                                   153    36   Alternative improved housing systems for poultry -
                                                                          Kuit, A.R., (ed.); Ehlhardt, D.A., (ed.); Blokhuis, H J . ,
                                                                          (ed.) - Directorate-General Agriculture; Commission of the
                                                                          European Communities [Agriculture]
0312 tobacco                                                              EN - 1989- vi, I 6 3 p p . : 16,2 χ 22,9cm: softcover:
                                                                          ± 290 g / P roceedings of a seminar held at the Spelderholt
                                                                          Centre for P oultry Research and Extension, Beekbergen
MONOGRAPHS AND SERIES                                                     (The Netherlands),17-18 Mav 1988
                                                                          EUR 11711 EN
     Recueil des actes agricoles                                          CD-NA-U-7U-EN-C             ISBN 92-825-9929-9
         -Tome VIII/1 : Tabac, houblon                        148         ECU 13,75

                                                                                            Publications ot the European Communities: 1989
CLASSIFIED INDEX                                                               13

     Recueil des actes agricoles                                              0323 Europ ean Agricultural Guidance and
         -Tome XII: Viande de porc, etc.
                                                                                   Guarantee Fund (EAGGF)

0320 other agricultural p roducts                                             MONOGRAPHS AND SERIES
                                                                              40   A common agricultural policy for the 1990's - Directorate
                                                                                   Coordination and preparation of publications -
MONOGRAPHS AND SERIES                                                              Commission of the European Communities [European
                                                                                   Documentation - 5]
                                                                                   EN - 1989 : 5th edition - 90 pp. : 16,2 χ 22,9 cm : stapled :
     Deuxième colloque noyer-noisetier - Germain, E., (éd.) -                      ± 180 g / Manuscript completed in July 1989
     Direction générale Agriculture; Commission des                                CB-55-89-358-EN-C ISBN 92-826-063S-X
     Communautés europeennes [Agriculture]                                         Free of charge
     FR/EN- 1989-viii, 202 p.: 16,2 x 22,9cm: broché:                              DE : 89 - 40, ES : 89 - 40, IT : 89 - 40, PT : 89 - 40
     ± 330 g / Recueil des communications, Bordeaux (France),
     6-7 septembre 1988. Quelques articles en anglais. Colloque                    Guide to the reform of the Community's structural Funds
     tenu sous l'égide d'Agrimed
     EUR 12005 FR/EN
     CD-NA-12-O05-2A-C ISBN 92-825-9975-2                                          Recueil des actes agricoles
     ECU 16,25                                                                         -Tome II/l : FEOGA - Généralités, Garantie
     FR : 89 - 37
                                                                                   Recueil des actes agricoles
                                                                                       -Tome H/2: FEOGA - Orientation                              142
     Programme de recherche Agrimed - Les espèces ligneuses à
     usages multiples des zones arides méditerranéennes                 397
                                                                              0324 agricultural structures
0321 p lant health
                                                                              MONOGRAPHS AND SERIES
                                                                                   Application of computerized EC soil map and climate data -
MONOGRAPHS AND SERIES                                                              Van Lanen, H.A.J., (ed.); Bregt, Α.Κ., (ed.) - Directorate-
                                                                                   General Agriculture; Commission of the European
                                                                                   Communities [Agriculture]
     Bilan des connaissances et des applications de l'agriculture                  EN - 1989 - vi, 254 pp.: 16,2 χ 22,9 cm: softcover:
     biologique et intérêt pour l'agriculture communautaire.                       ± 400 g / P roceedings of a workshop held in Wageningen
     Situation des pays de la CEE. I: Allemagne, Belgique,                         (The Netherlands) 15-16 November 1988
     Danemark, Espagne, France                                                     EUR 12039 EN
          -Volume l                                                     330        CD-NA-12-039-EN-C ISBN 92-825-9979-5
                                                                                   ECU 20

     Bilan des connaissances et des applications de l'agriculture             42   Les exploitations agricoles des zones défavorisées et de
     biologique et intérêt pour l'agriculture communautaire.                       montagne de la Communauté - Commission des
     Situation des pays de la CEE. II: Grand-Duché de                              Communautés européennes
     Luxembourg, Grèce, Irlande, Italie, Pays-Bas, Portugal,                       FR - 1989 : Document public - 136p.: 21,0 x 29.7cm:
     Royaume-Uni                                                                   broché: ± 320 g
          -Volume 2                                                     331        CV-56-89-772-FR-C ISBN 92-826-O084-X
                                                                                   ECU 12,75
                                                                                   FR : 89 - 43
      European Community: Forest health report, 1987-1988               335   43   Farm accountancy data network: An A to Ζ of
                                                                                   methodology - Commission of the European Communities
                                                                                   EN - 1989 : Public document - 105 pp.: 21,0 x 29,7 cm:
                                                                                   softcover: ± 260 g
0322 veterinary insp ection                                                        CB-57-89-087-EN-C ISBN 92-826-0096-3
                                                                                   ECU 8,75

                                                                              44   Farm accountancy data network: Handbook of legislation,
MONOGRAPHS AND SERIES                                                              instructions, notes for guidance - Commission of the
                                                                                   European Communities
                                                                                   EN - 1988 : Public document - Section III: The farm
                                                                                   return - 91 pp. : 21,0 x 29,7 cm : softcover : ± 240 g /
      Aerosol sampling in animal houses - Wathes, CM., (ed.);                      Document updated in January 1988
      Randall, J.M., (ed.) - Directorate-General Agriculture;                      CB-52-88-550-EN-C ISBN 92-825-8581-6
      Commission of the European Communities [Agriculture]                         ECU 9,75
      EN - 1989 - vi, 141 pp.: 16,2 x 22,9cm: softcover:                           ES : 89 - 46, FR : 89 - 46, IT : 89 - 46
      ± 260 g / P roceedings of a workshop held at the University
      of Bristol, Department of Animal Husbandry, 26-28 July                  45   The future of rural society - Commission of the European
      1988                                                                         Communities [Supplements to the Bulletin of the European
      EUR 11877 EN                                                                 Communities - 4]
      CD-NA-ll-877-EN-C ISBN 92-825-9866-7                                         EN- 1989-67 pp.: 17,6 x 25,0 cm: stapled: ± 140 g /
      ECU 12,50                                                                    Commission communication transmitted to the Council and
                                                                                   to the European P arliament on 29 July 1988
                                                                                   (COM(88) 501 final)
      Field study into the international transport of animals and                  CB-NF-88-004-EN-C ISBN 92-825-9073-9
      field study concerning the stunning of slaughter animals -                   ECU 3,50
      Commission of the European Communities                                       DA : 89 - 45, DE : 89 - 46, ES : 89 - 44, FR" : 89 - 42,
      EN - 1989 : Document - 62 pp.: 21,0 x 29,7 cm:                               GR : 89-41, IT : 89 - 44, NL : 89 - 46, PT : 89 - 45
      softcover : ± 180 g
      CB-55-89-592-EIS-C ISBN 92-825-9551-X                                        Management of water resources in cash crops and in
      ECU 6,25                                                                     alternative production systems - Plancquaert, Ph., (ed.) -
      FR : 89 - 39, NL : 89 - 39                                                   Commission of the European Communities [Agriculture]
                                                                                    EN- 1989-vi, 152 pp.: 16,2 x 22,9 cm: softcover:
                                                                                    ± 250 g / P roceedings of a workshop organized by the D.G.
      The rules governing medicinal products in the European                       for Agriculture of the CEC, held in Brussels, 24-25
      Community - Veterinary medicinal products                                     November 1988
          -Volume V                                                                 EUR 11935 EN

Publications of the European Communities: 1989
14                                                                CLASSIFIED I NDEX

     CD-NA-ll-935-EN-C ISBN 92-826-0671-6                                        Topinambour (Jerusalem artichoke)                               4(13
     ECU 12,50
     Programme de recherche Agrimed - Premier   colloque                    PERIODICALS
     "Cultures alternatives non excédentaires11                       398
                                                                                 Agricultural markets: Prices                                     PI

0390 miscellaneous                                                               Agricultural prices                                              P2

                                                                                 Agricultural Prices                                              P3
                                                                                 Crop production - Quarterly statistics                          PI7
     Agricultural income - Sectoral income index analysis 1988        469
                                                                                 EC Agricultural Price Indices: Monthly results / Half-yearly
     Agricultural prices 1979-1988                                               statistics                                                      Ρ 23
47   The Agricultural Situation in the Community - 1988 Report -                 Green Europe                                                    I'M
     Commission of the European Communities
     EN - 1989 : 14th published version of the annual Report -
     425 pp., 9 figs: 16,2 χ 22,9 cm: softcover: ± 630 g /
     Published in conjunction with the "Twenty-second General
     Report on the Activities of the European Communities"
     CB-53-88-899-EN-C ISBN 92-825-9084-4
     ECU 25,50
                                                                            04 Fisheries
     DA :89-49, D E :89-49, ES :89-49, FR :89-50,
     GR : 89 - 47, IT : 89 - 49, NL : 89 - 50, PT : 89 - 49

     Analysis of agricultural trade - EC-developing countries               0490 miscellaneous

     Computerization of land use data                                350
                                                                            MONOGRAPHS AND SERI ES
     Economic accounts for agriculture and forestry                  472
                                                                                 Landwirtschaft - Statistisches Jahrbuch 1989                    473
     Energy saving by reduced soil tillage - Bäumer, Κ., (ed.);
     Ehlers, W., (ed.) - Directorate-General Agriculture;
     Commission of the European Communities [Agriculture]
     EN - 1989 - viii, 178 pp.: 16,2 χ 22,9cm: softcover:
     ± 300 g / Proceedings of a workshop held in G öttingen
     (Federal Republic of Germany) 10-11 June 1987
     EUR 11258 EN
                                                                            05        Employment and social policy
     CD-NA-ll-258-EN-C ISBN 92-825-9978-7
     ECU 15

     The green telematics challenge                                         0501 freedom of movement for workers
     The impact of biotechnology on agriculture in the European
     Community to the year 2005 - D irectorate-General
     Agriculture - Commission of the European Communities                   MONOGRAPHS AND SERI ES
     EN - 1989 : Public document - 169 pp.: 21,0 χ 29,7 cm:
     softcover: ± 420 g
     CB-SS-89-277-EN-C ISBN 92-825-8849-1                                        Freedom of Movement in the Community - Entry and
     ECU 15                                                                      Residence - Séché, J.-C. - Commission of the European
                                                                                 EN - 1988 : Public document - 69 pp.: 21,0 χ 29,7 cm:
     Intensive farming and the impact on the environment and the                 stapled: ± 220 g
     rural economy of restrictions on the use of chemical and                    CB-01-03-B04-EN-C ISBN 92-825-8660-X
     animal fertilizers                                              336         ECU 7,50
                                                                                 DA : 89 - 51, D E : 89 - 52, ES : 89 - 52, FR : 89 - 52,
     Landwirtschaft - Statistisches Jahrbuch 1989                    473         GR : 89-51, IT : 89 - 52, NL : 89 - 51, PT : 89-52

     Manuale dei conti economici dell'agricoltura e della                        A guide to working in a Europe without frontiers - Séché, J.-
     silvicoltura                                                    474         C. - Commission of the European Communities
                                                                                 EN - 1988 : Public document - 253pp.: 21,0 x 29,7cm:
     Manuel sur les comptes économiques pour l'agriculture et la                 softcover: ± 700 g
     sylviculture                                                    475         CB-PP-88-004-EN-C ISBN 92-825-8067-9
                                                                                 ECU 18,50
                                                                                 DA :89-52, D E : 89-51, ES : 89- 51, FR : 89 - 51,
     Programme de recherche Agrimed - Les cultures tropicales et                 GR : 89 - 52, IT : 89 - 51, NL :89-52, PT : 89 -51
     subtropicales pour les régions méditerranéennes                 396
                                                                                 Initial and continuing vocational training and work migration
     Progresser ensemble - Coordination de la recherche agricole
     (Programme 1984-1988)                                           399         in Europe                                                        81

     Recueil des actes agricoles
         -Tome VIII/2: Semences,fourrages,pois...                     149   0502 law and working conditions
     Social Europe - Supplement: Seminar on the social aspects
     of the common agricultural policy - D irectorate-General
     Employment, Social Affairs and Education - Commission                  MONOGRAPHS AND SERI ES
     of the European Communities [Social Europe -
     supplements - 3]
     EN- 1989-82 pp.: 21,0 x 29,7 cm: stapled: ± 220 g /                        Adapting shiftwork arrangements - Corlett, E.N.;
     Seminar - Brussels, 24 to 26 June ¡987                                     Queinnec, Y.; Paoli, P. - European Foundation for the
     CE-NC-89-003-EN-C ISBN 92-825-9775-X                                       Improvement of Living and Working Conditions
     ECU 5,65 / Supplement / Annual subscription: Social                        EN - 1989- 116 pp.: 14,4 χ 20,4 cm: softcover: ± 198 g /
     Europe (General review) ECU 31 : Social Europe (with                       The Information Booklet Series : Booklet N° 8
     supplements) ECU 76                                                        SY-52-88-114-EN-C ISBN 92-825-7901-8
     DE : 89 - 50, FR : 89 - 48                                                 ECU 8,50

                                                                                                  Publications of the European Communities: 1989
CLASSIFIED I NDEX                                                                15

54   Catalogue of publications 1988 - European Foundation for                      SY-14-88-004-EN-C ISBN 92-825-8711-8
     the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions                              ECU 5
     EN- 1988-52 pp.: 17,4 χ 24,9 cm : stapled : ± 100g/
     This catalogue lists all the publications issued before the end         64    Working conditions and the small and medium-sized
     of 1988                                                                       enterprises - United Kingdom - European Foundation for
     SY-52-88-914-EN-C ISBN 92-825-8729-0                                          the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions
     free of charge                                                                EN- 1989-40 pp.: 21,0 χ 29,7 cm : softcover : ± 180 g
     IT : 89 - 55                                                                  SY-14-88-001-EN-C ISBN 92-825-8708-8
                                                                                   ECU 5
55   The changing face of work: researching and debating the
     issues - European Foundation for the Improvement of
     Living and Working Conditions                                           PERIODICALS
     EN - 1989 - 152 pp.: 21,0 χ 29,7 cm: softcover: ± 400 g
     SY-S2-88-590-EN-C ISBN 92-825-8595-6
     ECU 10
                                                                                   Earnings: Industry and services                                 Ρ22
56   Conditions de travail dans les petites et moyennes entreprises
     - Belgique - Fondation européenne pour l'amélioration des
     conditions de vie et de travail
     FR- 1989-80 p.: 21,0 x 29,7 cm : broché : ± 275 g                       0503 European Social Fund (ESF)
     SY-1448-002-FR-C ISBN 92-825-8709-6
     ECU 6,25
     FR : 89 - 57
                                                                             MONOGRAPHS AND SERI ES
     I.' évaluation des pratiques de gestion participative dans les                Guide to the reform of the Community's structural Funds          29
     PME et les coopératives
           -Tome I : Synthèse. Tome II : Études de cas                 195
57   Industrial relations in small and medium-sized enterprises -
     Auer, P.; Fehr-D uda, H. - Commission of the European
                                                                             0504 vocational training
     Communities [Enterprise Policy]
     EN - 1989 : Document - 285pp.: 21,0 χ 29,7cm:
     softcover : ± 750 g / Final report                                      MONOGRAPHS AND SERI ES
     CT-55-89-875-EN-C ISBN 92-826-0109-9
     ECU 24
                                                                             65    Adult vocational guidance in Spain - November 1988 -
58   New information technologies and office employment -                          CEDEFOP - European Centre for the D evelopment of
     European comparisons - Mandón, Ν. - CEDEFOP -                                 Vocational Training
     European Centre for the D evelopment of Vocational                            EN - 1989 : CEDEFOP D ocument- 155pp.: 21,0 χ
     Training                                                                      29,7 cm: softcover: ± 380 g
     EN - 1989 : CEDEFOP D ocument - 132pp.: 21,0 χ                                HX-56-89-829-EN-C ISBN 92-826-0787-9
     29,7 cm : softcover : ± 280 g                                                 ECU 5
     HX-53-88-350-EN-C ISBN 92-825-8946-3
     ECU 5                                                                   66    Ausbildung der Ausbilder - Eine Dokumentation -
     DE : 89 - 59, ES : 89 - 61, IT : 89 - 60, NL : 89 - 61                        Grávalas, Β. ; Meissner, V. - CEDEFOP - Europäisches
                                                                                   Zentrum für die Förderung der Berufsbildung
59   New information technology and participation in Europe:                       DE- 1989 : Dokument CED EFOP - 209 S.: 21,0 x
     The potential for social dialogue - Fröhlich, D. ; Fuchs, D. ;                29,7cm: brochiert: ± 500 g
     Krieger, H.; European Foundation for the Improvement of                       HX-56-89-352-DE-C ISBN 92-826-0657-0
     Living and Working Conditions                                                 ECU 5
     EN - 1989 - 244 pp.: 21,0 χ 29,7 cm: softcover: ± 650 g                       DE : 89 - 67
     SY-55-89-891-EN-C ISBN 92-825-9624-9
     ECU 12,50                                                               67    Continuing training in enterprises for technological change -
                                                                                   Behrens, Α.; Greig, F.W.; Beretti, Α.; Rajan, Α., Fricker
      New semi-sheltered forms of employment for disabled persons                  J.M. - CEDEFOP - European Centre for the D evelopment
      - An analysis of landmark measures in the Member States of                   of Vocational Training
      the European Communities                                         115         EN- 1988 : CEDEFOP D ocument - 95 pp.: 21,0 x
                                                                                   29,7 cm: softcover: ± 240g
60   Office automation - A technological revolution and its                        HX-53-88-148-EN-C ISBN 92-825-8477-1
     impact - European Foundation for the Improvement of                           ECU 5
     Living and Working Conditions                                                 ES : 89 - 74, FR : 89 - 82, IT : 89 - 77
     EN - 1989 - Information Booklet Series Booklet No. 10 -
     56 pp.: 14,8 χ 20,9 cm: softcover: ± 100 g                                    Définition d'une stratégie de formation de futurs
     SY-S2-88-792-EN-C ISBN 92-825-8625-1                                          entrepreneurs et développement d'outils pédagogiques-
     ECU 5                                                                         Rapports de synthèse nos 1 et 2                                 310
     DA : 89 - 58, D E : 89 - 54, ES : 89 - 55, FR : 89 - 54,
     GR : 89 - 53, IT : 89 - 54, NL : 89 - 59, PT : 89 - 54
                                                                             68 D istance learning for heads of firms and managerial staff in
                                                                                 the small-business sector in France - Rennard, M.;
61   Participation Review: A Review on Fundation Studies on                      Weygand, F. - CEDEFOP - European Centre for the
     Participation - Cressey, P. ; European Foundation for the                   Development of Vocational Training
     Improvement of Living and Working Conditions                                EN - 1989 - 144 pp.: 21,0 x 29,7 cm: softcover: ± 420 g
     EN - 1988 - 118 pp.: 16,0 χ 23,5 cm: softcover: ± 190 g                     HX-53-88-108-EN-C ISBN 92-825-8470-4
     SY-52-88-663-EN-C ISBN 92-825-8602-2                                        ECU 5
     ECU 10                                                                      FR : 89 - 80
     ES : 89 - 54, FR : 89 - 59
                                                                             69 D istance training for management and administrative staff in
      Rapport annuel 1987                                              22        small and medium-sized enterprises and craft firms in Italy -
                                                                                 Bucciarelli, C. - CEDEFOP - European Centre for the
62   Technologischer Wandel und Partizipation - November                         Development of Vocational Training
     1986 - Di Martino, V. - Europäische Stiftung zur                            EN - 1989 : CEDEFOP D ocument - 93 pp.: 21,0 x
     Verbesserung der Lebens- und Arbeitsbedingungen                             29,7 cm: softcover: ± 240 g
     DE - 1989- 71 S.: 14,7 χ 20,6cm: brochiert: ± 125 g/                        HX-52-88-978-EN-C ISBN 92-825-8466^6
     Informationsbroschürenserie Broschüre Nr° 7                                 ECU 5
     SY-49-87-915-DE-C ISBN 92-825-7555-1                                        IT : 89 - 76
     ECU 4.60
     DE : 89 - 62, ES : 89 - 62, GR : 89 - 54, IT : 89-61.                   70 D istance training for management in small and medium-sized
     NL : 89 - 58                                                                enterprises and craft undertakings in Spain - Sarramona, J.;
                                                                                 Ferran Ferrer, J. - CEDEFOP - European Centre for the
63    Working conditions and the small and medium-sized                          Development of Vocational Training
      enterprises - Ireland - European Foundation for the                        EN - 1989 : CEDEFOP D ocument - 98 pp.: 21,0 x
      Improvement of Living and Working Conditions                               29,7 cm: softcover: ± 260 g
      EN - 1989- 38 pp.: 21,0 χ 29,7 cm: softcover: ± 175 g                      HX-53-88-124-EN-C ISBN 92-825-8496-8

Publications of the European Communities: 1989
16                                                                  CLASSIFIED I NDEX

     ECU 5                                                                    80   In-Firm trainers of young people in the framework of the dual
     ES : 89 - 85                                                                  vocational training system of the Federal Republic of
                                                                                   Germany - July 1988 - Von Guardi, R. : Schulz, W. -
                                                                                   C E D E F O P - European Centre for the D evelopment of
71   Educational and vocational guidance for the long-term                         Vocational Training
     unemployed in the Netherlands - D e Vries, Β. - C E D E F O P -               EN - 1989 : C E DE F O P document - 91 pp.: 21,0 χ
     European Centre for the D evelopment of Vocational                            29,7 cm: softcover: ± 28Ö g
     Training                                                                      HX-S6-89-344-EN-C          ISBN 92-826-0651-1
     EN - 1989 : C E DE F O P D ocument - 9 0 p p . : 21,0 χ                       ECU 5
     29,7cm: softcover: ± 180g                                                     DE : 8 9 - 7 2 , FR : 89 - 79
     HX-56-89-805-EN-C      ISBN 92-826-0784-4
     ECU 5
                                                                              81   Initial and continuing vocational training and work migration
                                                                                   in Europe - Schmidt, F.; Chômé, G. - C E D E F O P -
     Educational and vocational orientation for the adult                          European Centre for the D evelopment of Vocational
     unemployed and in particular the long-term unemployed in                      Training
     Denmark - Aagaard Hansen, C. - C E D E F O P - European                       DE/EN - 1989 - 313 p p . : 21,0 χ 29,7cm: softcover:
     Centre for the D evelopment of Vocational Training                             ± 760 g / Results of the sub-conference 'Vocational
     EN - 1989 : C E DE F O P D ocument - 64 pp.: 21,0 x                           education and employment ', part of the Congress 'Culture in
     29,7 cm : softcover : ± 160 g                                                 transition', Berlin, March 1988
     HX-56-89-796-EN-C       ISBN 92-826-07834                                     HX-55-89-221-2C-C       ISBN 92-825-9440-
     ECU 5                                                                         ECU 10
                                                                                   DE : 89 - 69
73   Enseignement et formation techniques et professionnels - Le
     rôle des partenaires sociaux - Le cas de la Grèce -                      82   First invitation conference on databases for education and
     Doukakis, D .-L. ; Apostolidis, L. ; Papatheodosiou, T. ;                     training - Club D - Manpower Services C. : Berlin Senate ;
     Bouzakis, S. - C E D E F O P - Centre européen pour le                        C E D E F O P - European Centre for the D evelopment of
     développement de la formation professionnelle                                 Vocational Training; Commission of the European
     FR - 1989 : D ocument C E D E F O P - vii, 115p.: 21,0 x                      Communities
     29,7 cm: broché: ± 300 g                                                      EN - 1989 : C E DE F O P D ocument - 86 p p . : 21,0 χ
     HX-55-89-827-FR-C        ISBN 92-825-9839-X                                   29,7 cm : softcover : ± 180 g / Organhed by CEDEFOP,
     ECU 5                                                                         Berliner Weiterbildungsdatenbank, G uilford Educational
     FR : 89 - 74, GR : 89 - 66                                                    Services Ltd. Berlin: 1-3 June 1988
                                                                                   HX-55-89-188-EN-C        ISBN 92-825-9366-5
                                                                                   ECU 5
     Evaluation of the Comett programme                                 417        FR : 89 - 68

     Exploratory study of the role and activities of 'Centres of              83   The Liguria-Lyons project: A positive experience of
     excellence' in the textile industry in four EEC Member                        cooperation between regions of the European Economic
     States - C E D E F O P - European Centre for the                              Community - Bobbio, Valentino - C E D E F O P - European
     Development of Vocational Training                                            Centre for the D evelopment of Vocational Training
     EN - 1988 : C E D E F O P D ocument - ¡ii,147 p p . : 21,0 x                  EN - 1989 : C E DE F O P D ocument - ¡v, 89 pp.: 21,0 χ
     29,7 cm: softcover: ± 320 g                                                   29,7 cm: softcover: ± 260 g
     HX-53-88-366-EN-C         ISBN 92-8254936-6                                   HX-55J9-811-EN-C        ISBN 92-825-9835-7
     ECU 5                                                                         ECU 5
     FR : 89 - 75, IT : 89 - 94                                                    FR : 89 - 89, IT : 89 - 87

                                                                              84   Management education for small and medium-sized
     La formación profesional en España - Bibliografía básica -                    enterprises in the European Communities - Holzer, Rainer -
     INEM - Cedefop - Centro Europeo para el D esarrollo de                        C E D E F O P - European Centre for the D evelopment of
     la Formación Profesional                                                      Vocational Training
     ES - 1989 : C E DE F O P D ocumento - 153 págs.: 21,0 χ                       EN - 1989 : D ocument C E D E F O P - vi, 129 pp.: 21,0 x
     29,7 cm : rústica : ± 340 g                                                   29,7 cm : softcover : ± 400 g
     HX-55-89-196-ES-C       ISBN 92-825-9368-1                                    HX-S5-89-803-EN-C           ISBN 92-825-9842-X
     ECU 5                                                                         ECU 5
     ES : 89 - 75                                                                  DE : 8 9 - 6 8 , FR : 8 9 - 8 1 , IT : 89 - 78

76   Formation des formateurs des jeunes en entreprise - Juin                 85   Orientation et information professionnelle pour adultes, en
     1989 - Quere, M. - C E D E F O P - Centre européen pour le                    particulier pour chômeurs de longue durée en France -
     développement de la formation professionnelle                                 Jacckle, D . ; Willems, J.-P. ; Vial, C. - C E D E F O P - Centre
     FR - 1989 : D ocument C E D E F O P - xii, 61 p . : 21,0 x                    européen pour le développement de la formation
     29,7 cm: broché: ± 120 g                                                      professionnelle
     HX-5649-699-FR-C       ISBN 92-825-9666-4                                     FR - 1989 : D ocument C E D E F O P - iv, 116 p. : 21.0 x
     ECU 5                                                                         29,7cm: broché: ± 300g
     FR : 89 - 84                                                                  HX-S649-821-FR-C         ISBN 92-8264)786-0
                                                                                   ECU 5
                                                                                   FR : 89 - 87
     La formation professionnelle en France - Voisin, A. -
     C E D E F O P - Centre européen pour le développement de la
     formation professionnelle                                                86   El papel de los interlocutores sociales en la formación
     FR - 1988 - 2 0 7 p . : 21,0x 29,7cm: broché: ± 560g                          profesional en España - Mayo 1989 - Megia, E. ;
     HX^I9-87-971-FR-C         ISBN 92-825-8251-5                                  Villarejo, E. - Cedefop - Centro Europeo para el D esarrollo
     ECU 5                                                                         de la Formación Profesional
     DE : 89 - 70, FR : 89 - 85, IT : 89 - 79                                      ES - 1989 : C E DE F O P D ocumento - vii, 219 págs.: 21,0 χ
                                                                                   29,7 cm : rústica : ± 560 g
                                                                                   HX-56-89-376-ES-C       ISBN 92-825-0663-5
78   The in-company trainer of young people in the United                          ECU 5
     Kingdom - July 1988 - Evans, K., D r; D ovaston, V.;                          ES : 89 - 87
     Holland, D . ; Brown, Α., et al. - C E D E F O P - European
     Centre for the D evelopment of Vocational Training                       87   Promotion of cooperation among research and development
     EN - 1989 : C E DE F O P D ocument - viii, 103 pp.: 21,0 χ                    organizations in the field of vocational training
     29,7 cm: softcover: ± 200 g                                                   Working meeting papers: 3 to 5 July 1989 - C E D E F O P -
     HX-S6-89-304-EN-C      ISBN 92-8264)640-6                                     European Centre for the D evelopment of Vocational
     ECU 5                                                                         Training
     FR : 89 - 77                                                                  EN - 1989 : C E DE F O P document - iii, 232 pp.: 21,0 χ
                                                                                   29,7 cm: softcover: ± 580 g
                                                                                   HX-56-89-700-EN-C        ISBN 92-825-9668-0
79   In-company trainers of young people in Irish industry -
                                                                                   ECU 5
     December 1988 - McGennis, B. ; Scott, L. - C E D E F O P ■
                                                                                   FR : 89 - 90
     European Centre for the D evelopment of Vocational
     EN - 1989 : C E DE F O P D ocument - viii, 79 pp.: 21,0 χ                88   Promotion of cooperation amongst research and development
     29,7 cm: softcover: ± 200 g                                                   organizations in the field of vocational training
     HX-56-89-320-EN-C      ISBN 92-826-0645-7                                     Working meeting papers: 13 and 14 September 1988 -
     ECU 5                                                                         C E D E F O P - European Centre for the D evelopment of
     FR : 89 - 78                                                                  Vocational Training

                                                                                                     Publications ot the European Communities: 1989
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