General Handbook 2020/2021 - Families who enroll agree with the terms and provisions set forth in the Desert Christian Schools handbook.

Page created by Curtis Hayes
General Handbook 2020/2021 - Families who enroll agree with the terms and provisions set forth in the Desert Christian Schools handbook.
 General Handbook
Families who enroll agree with the terms and provisions set forth
          in the Desert Christian Schools handbook.
General Handbook 2020/2021 - Families who enroll agree with the terms and provisions set forth in the Desert Christian Schools handbook.
Desert Christian Schools
    Administrative Team                                    A Letter to Parents from the
Dave Pratt                                                 School Administrator
School Administrator

Vickie Chin                                                Dear DCS Family,
Operations Manager
                                                           I thank you for partnering with Desert
Karen Allen                                                Christian Schools for the education of
Learning Tree Preschool Director                           your child. This decision about your
                                   child’s education is one of the most important parental decisions
Robin Kruzner
Elementary School Principal
                                   you will have to make. By choosing DCS, your child will be
                                   surrounded by teachers and other staff that will guide, direct,
Lisa Costello                      educate, and love them. Not only will they receive excellent
Middle School Principal            academic instruction, but their emotional, physical, and spiritual
                                   needs will also be addressed. Your child will be trained to interact
Brian Roseborough
High School Principal              with their world through a biblical worldview.
                                   Throughout this year the teachers and staff will strive to glorify
Jan Hallam
Business Manager                   God in all that we say and do in and around your child. That
                                   includes driving the bus, sweeping the sidewalk, serving lunch as
Shannan Case                       well as teaching in the classroom. Students will be challenged to
Director of Community Relations    do their best and rise to a level they did not know they could
Rob Dietzel
Director of Development            If you have not made up your mind to enroll in DCS, please come
Heather Welch
                                   for a tour, visit a classroom, attend a sporting or musical event and
Office Manager/Admissions          you will see why Desert Christian Schools could be a great partner
                                   with you and your child.
Ron Schmidt
Facilities Director                Sincerely,

Hannah Johnson
Home Education Programs Director   Dave Pratt
Maria Williams                     School Administrator
Peach Factory Director
                                   Desert Christian Schools
Kathryn Dimmitt
Gym Center Director
Desert Christian Schools Handbook

                                                             Table of Contents
                                                                      GENERAL HANDBOOK

INTRODUCTION                                                                                  Policy for Student Computer Usage ..........................13
Desert Christian Schools’ Mission ............................. 1                             Social Media Policy .......................................................14
Desert Christian Schools’ Vision ............................... 1                            Cyberbullying .................................................................15
Desert Christian Schools’ Strategy............................. 1
Desert Christian Schools’ Human Sexuality                                                     FINANCIAL INFORMATION
      Statement .............................................................. 1              Tuition and Fees ...........................................................15
Desert Christian Schools’ Core Values ..................... 1                                 F-1 Visa Students ..........................................................15
Desert Christian Schools’ Statement of Faith .......... 1                                     Family Accounts............................................................15
Desert Christian Schools’ Christian Education                                                 Payments ........................................................................16
      Philosophy ............................................................ 2               Returned Check Policy .................................................16
Desert Christian Schools’ Learning Philosophy ...... 2                                        Tuition Assistance.........................................................16
Desert Christian Schools’ Creation Philosophy ...... 3                                        Ministry Discount .........................................................17
Desert Christian Schools’ Missions Philosophy ...... 3                                        Military Discount ..........................................................17
Desert Christian Schools’ Expected Schoolwide                                                 Fundraising Events .......................................................17
      Learning Results .................................................. 3                   Fundraising by Student Organizations ......................18
Desert Christian Schools’ History ............................. 3                             DCScrip and Merchant Support Program ................18
Accreditation ................................................................. 4             Fund Development.......................................................18
Affiliations ..................................................................... 4          DCS Annual Fund ........................................................18

PROGRAM DESCRIPTIONS                                                                          ACADEMIC STANDARDS AND
The Learning Tree ........................................................ 4                  PROCEDURES
Desert Christian Elementary School ......................... 4                                Teaching Staff ................................................................18
Desert Christian Middle School ................................. 4                            Standard Course of Study ............................................18
Desert Christian High School..................................... 4                           Student Recognition .....................................................18
Academic Support Programs ...................................... 4                            Textbooks and Materials..............................................18
Desert Christian Home Education Programs .......... 4                                         Additional Teacher Assistance ....................................19
International Student Program ................................... 5                           Bible Version .................................................................19
Fine Arts Program ........................................................ 5                  Standardized Testing Program ....................................19
Peach Factory ................................................................ 5              FACTS ............................................................................19
Enrichment Programs ................................................. 5
Summer School ............................................................. 5                 CAMPUS PROCEDURES
Summer Clinics ............................................................. 5                Office Hours ..................................................................20
Libraries ......................................................................... 5         Inclement Weather .......................................................20
                                                                                              DCS Alert System and Calls to Home.......................20
GENERAL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES                                                               Campus Security ............................................................20
Admissions and Enrollment for New Students ...... 6                                           Security Cameras ...........................................................20
International Students.................................................. 7                    Smoke Free Campus.....................................................20
Re-enrollment ............................................................... 7               Student Supervision Responsibility ............................20
Student and Family Changes ...................................... 7                           Before and After School Care (Peach Factory) ........21
DCS Family Partnership.............................................. 7                        Lost/Stolen Items Responsibility ...............................21
Summer Participation .................................................. 8                     Crisis Management and Security Plan........................21
Nondiscriminatory Student Policy............................. 8                               Knight’s Café .................................................................21
Right to Terminate and Refuse Service .................... 8                                  Food Allergies................................................................22
Demonstration of Religion ......................................... 8
Lifestyle Purity .............................................................. 8             HEALTH INFORMATION
Sexual Harassment ....................................................... 9                   Procedures......................................................................22
Concern Resolution Process ....................................... 10                         COVID-19 Health Procedures ...................................22
Release of Student Directory Information ............... 11                                   Immunizations...............................................................22
Volunteer Guidelines ................................................... 12                   Insurance Responsibility ..............................................23
Logo Use ........................................................................ 13
Desert Christian Schools Handbook

                                                             Table of Contents
Traffic Plan .................................................................... 23
Bicycles ........................................................................... 24       MINIMUM AND NON SCHOOL DAYS
DCS Vehicles ................................................................ 24              CALENDAR................................................................25
Bus Referral Process .................................................... 24

STANDARDS FOR DRESS .................................. 24

                                                                    ELEMENTARY HANDBOOK

Our Purpose .................................................................. 1              Textbooks and Materials..............................................7
Principal ......................................................................... 1         Homework .....................................................................7
                                                                                              Late Daily Homework Policy ......................................7
CAMPUS PROCEDURES                                                                             Student Absent Work Make-up Procedure...............7
School Hours ................................................................ 1               Grading and Reporting to Parents .............................8
Arrival and Departure .................................................. 1                    Honor Roll .....................................................................8
Student Pick-up............................................................. 1                ACCESS .........................................................................9
Attendance Policy ......................................................... 2                 Star Reading/Accelerated Reader...............................9
Telephone Usage .......................................................... 3                  Field Trips ......................................................................9
Fundraising Requirement ............................................ 3                        Outdoor Education Camps .........................................9
Main Campus Library .................................................. 3                      Music ...............................................................................9
                                                                                              Physical Education........................................................9
COMMUNICATION .............................................. 3                                Computer Education ....................................................9
                                                                                              Student Activities ..........................................................10
STANDARDS OF CONDUCT                                                                          After-School Sports Program .....................................10
School Rules .................................................................. 3             Clubs ...............................................................................10
Steps to Discipline ........................................................ 4                ACSI Activities ..............................................................10
Disciplinary Action....................................................... 5                  Room Representatives..................................................10

SPIRITUAL, ACADEMIC, AND EXTRA-                                                               STANDARDS FOR DRESS
CURRICULAR INFORMATION                                                                        Dress Standards for Elementary Students ................11
Christian Training ........................................................ 6                 Dress Down Guidelines...............................................13
Chapel............................................................................. 6
                                                                                              CURRICULUM OVERVIEW ...............................14

                                                                MIDDLE SCHOOL HANDBOOK

GENERAL INFORMATION                                                                           Student Pick-up .............................................................1
Our Purpose .................................................................. 1              Telephone Usage ...........................................................2
Principal ......................................................................... 1         Student Visitation..........................................................2
Communication ............................................................ 1                  Fundraising Requirement.............................................2
                                                                                              Lockers and Locks ........................................................2
School Hours ................................................................ 1               STANDARDS OF CONDUCT
Arrival and Departure .................................................. 1                    Conduct at All Times ...................................................3
Desert Christian Schools Handbook

                                                             Table of Contents
Conduct on Campus .................................................... 3                      Student Work Make-up Procedure ............................9
Conduct in Classrooms ............................................... 4                       Tardy and Deficiency Policy .......................................10
Cell Phones .................................................................... 4
Electronic Devices ....................................................... 4                  EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITES
How Misconduct is Handled ...................................... 5                            Student Activities ..........................................................11
                                                                                              Field Trips ......................................................................12
ACADEMIC INFORMATION                                                                          Music ...............................................................................12
Class Materials............................................................... 5              Regulations for Extra-Curricular Activities ..............12
Textbooks and Materials ............................................. 5                       Standards for Eligibility................................................12
Middle School Library ................................................ 5                      ACCESS .........................................................................13
Math Classes .................................................................. 5             Leadership ......................................................................13
Accelerated Reader ....................................................... 5                  Worship Team ...............................................................13
Homework..................................................................... 6               Readers’/Math Auction ...............................................13
Long Term Projects ..................................................... 6                    After School Clubs .......................................................13
Late Work Policy .......................................................... 6                 Interscholastic Sports ...................................................13
Extra Credit Guidelines ............................................... 6                     Yearbook ........................................................................14
Grading and Reports to Parents ................................ 6
Academic Honors......................................................... 7                    STANDARDS FOR DRESS
Specialized Training ..................................................... 7                  Dress Standard for Middle School Students.............14
                                                                                              Dress Down Guidelines...............................................16
ATTENDANCE POLICIES                                                                           MS PE Dress Code .......................................................17
Parent Responsibilities ................................................. 8
Student Responsibilities............................................... 8                     CURRICULUM OVERVIEW ...............................18
Types of Absences ....................................................... 8

                                                                   HIGH SCHOOL HANDBOOK

GENERAL INFORMATION                                                                           Music ...............................................................................4
Our Purpose .................................................................. 1              Physical Education........................................................4
Principal ........................................................................ 1          Grading and Reports to Parents .................................4
Vice Principal ................................................................ 1             End of Semester Exams ..............................................4
Athletic Director ........................................................... 1               International Students ..................................................5
College Counseling Department ................................ 1                              Grade Changes ..............................................................5
hsconnection ................................................................. 2              Advanced Placement (AP) Courses ...........................5
Service Hours Requirement ........................................ 2                          Dual Credit Courses .....................................................5
Chapel............................................................................. 2         Transfer Credit ..............................................................5
Church Attendance Requirement .............................. 2                                Transcripts .....................................................................5
Communication ............................................................ 2                  Summer School Coursework ......................................5
Fund Raising Requirement.......................................... 2                          Academic Honors .........................................................5
                                                                                              Weighted Grade Point Average (GPA) .....................5
ACADEMIC STANDARDS AND                                                                        Principal’s List ...............................................................6
PROCEDURES                                                                                    Honor Roll .....................................................................6
Diplomas Offered ........................................................ 3                   Graduation Honors ......................................................6
Academic Counseling .................................................. 3                      Graduation Requirements ...........................................6
Concurrent College Enrollment ................................. 3                             Graduation Ceremony..................................................7
Textbooks and Materials ............................................. 3                       Academic Letter ............................................................8
Homework..................................................................... 3               California Scholarship Federation ..............................8
Long-Term Projects and Papers ................................ 4                              National Honor Society ...............................................8
Extra Credit Guidelines ............................................... 4                     Academic Probation Policy .........................................8
Desert Christian Schools Handbook

                                                          Table of Contents
Academic Integrity ....................................................... 8               EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES
                                                                                           Standards of Eligibility .................................................19
CAMPUS PROCEDURES                                                                          Restrictions for Ineligibility .........................................19
School Hours ................................................................ 9            Regulations for Extracurricular Activities .................19
Arrival and Departure .................................................. 9
Closed Campus ............................................................. 9              ATHLETICS PROGRAM
Student Sign-Out .......................................................... 10             Philosophy of Athletics Statement .............................20
Senior Off-Campus Lunch ......................................... 10                       Distinctives.....................................................................20
Students Leaving Campus For Lunch ....................... 10                               Athletics Program Goals..............................................21
Career Center ................................................................ 10          School Equipment ........................................................21
Health Procedures ........................................................ 10              Standards for Student-Athletes ...................................22
Personal Possessions .................................................... 10               Practice and Competition Apparel .............................22
Cell Phones .................................................................... 10        Conduct of Athletes .....................................................22
Electronic Devices ....................................................... 10              Requirement to Earn an Athletic Letter....................22
Telephone Usage .......................................................... 11
Vehicle and Parking Regulations................................ 11                         STUDENT ACTIVITIES PROGRAM
Lockers and Locks ....................................................... 12               Philosophy of Student Activities Statement .............23
STANDARDS OF CONDUCT                                                                       Program Goals ..............................................................24
Spiritual Life and Conduct .......................................... 12                   Structure of Clubs .........................................................24
General Standards ........................................................ 13              Requirements to Earn a Club Letter ..........................24
School Environment .................................................... 14                 Conduct of Club Members..........................................24
Classroom Environment ............................................. 14
How Misconduct is Handled ...................................... 14                        STANDARDS FOR DRESS
Behavior Probation Policy .......................................... 16                    Dress Standard for High School Students ................24
                                                                                           Dress Down Guidelines...............................................27
ATTENDANCE POLICY                                                                          Academic Catalog General Information ...................28
Parent Responsibilities ................................................. 16
Student Responsibility ................................................. 17
Work Permits ................................................................ 17
Student Work Make-up Procedure ............................ 17
Tardy and Deficiency Policy ....................................... 18

                                       Revised 8.20—Note: Revisions are printed in bold italics
Desert Christian Schools Handbook

                                                                      DESERT CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS’ CORE
INTRODUCTION                                                          VALUES
DESERT CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS’                                                Creating a safe environment for students
                                                                         Partnering with families in their child’s
Desert Christian Schools exists to glorify Jesus                          education
Christ in all that we do by educating with excellence
the whole student; spiritually, intellectually, socially,                Valuing people: students, parents, and staff
and physically.                                                          Integrating Biblical truth in all we say and do
Luke 2:52 And Jesus grew in wisdom and in stature,                       High level academics
and in favor with God and man.
                                                                         Being excellent in everything we do
We will provide an exceptional and comprehensive                         Developing the whole child
Biblically-integrated education to equip students to                     Developing Christian leaders
excel, to impact their world for the glory of Christ,
fulfilling God's purpose for their lives.                             DESERT CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS’
                                                                      STATEMENT OF FAITH
STRATEGY                                                              As a school we commit ourselves to the following
                                                                      statement of faith, which will be the basis of our
We will develop the tools necessary for our                           instruction:
students to think clearly and listen carefully with
discernment       and      understanding;       reason                We believe . . .
persuasively and articulate precisely; understand life                In one God, Creator of all, infinitely perfect and
from a Biblical worldview; and do all with joyful                     eternally existing in three Persons: Father, Son, and
submission to God. We will instruct our students                      Holy Spirit. That Jesus Christ is true God and true
to love God with all their heart, soul, mind, and                     man, conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the
strength, and love others as much as they love                        Virgin Mary. He died on the cross as a sacrifice for
themselves. Our students will be taught to be                         our sins, rose bodily from the dead, and ascended
socially graceful and spiritually gracious, desiring to               into heaven where, at the right hand of God, He is
grow in understanding of God and Christ-likeness;                     our High Priest and Advocate.
to have a heart for the lost and a commitment to
share the Gospel and their lives with those around                    That the ministry of the Holy Spirit is to glorify
them. We will train our students to possess all of                    Christ, convict men, regenerate the believing
these characteristics with humility and gratitude to                  sinner, and indwell, guide, and empower the
God.                                                                  believer for godly living and service.

DESERT CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS’                                             The Bible to be the only inspired Word of God,
HUMAN SEXUALITY STATEMENT                                             without error in the original, the complete
                                                                      revelation of God’s will for the salvation of men,
We believe that God has commanded that no                             and the final authority for all Christian faith and life.
intimate sexual activity be engaged in outside of a
marriage between one man and one woman. We                            That all people are sinners and have fallen short of
believe that any form of fornication, adultery,                       the glory of God. Only by the grace of God,
homosexuality, lesbianism, bisexuality, and                           through faith in Jesus Christ can salvation and
pornography are sinful perversion of God’s gift of                    spiritual life be obtained.
sex. We believe that God disapproves of and                           That the shed blood of Jesus Christ and His
forbids any attempt to alter one’s gender by surgery                  resurrection provide the only ground for
or appearance. (Gen. 2:24; Gen. 19:5, 13; Lev. 18:1-                  redemption and only those who receive Christ are
30; Rom. 1:26-29; 1 Cor. 5:1; 6:9; 1 Thess. 4:1-8;                    born of the Holy Spirit and are the children of God.
Heb. 13:4)
                                                                      That the true Church is composed of all who have
                                                                      been regenerated by saving faith and are united as

                                                            [GEN 1]
Desert Christian Schools Handbook

the Body of Christ of which He is the Head.                       DESERT CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS’
                                                                  LEARNING PHILOSOPHY
In the personal, imminent return of our Lord Jesus
Christ and that this "Blessed Hope" has a vital                   At DCS, we believe there are two important
bearing on the personal life and service of the                   principles that facilitate academic excellence in a
believer.                                                         learning program. The first principle is "age-
                                                                  appropriate academics." This means that subject
In the bodily resurrection of the dead: the believer
                                                                  matter and learning concepts are carefully reviewed
to eternal joy with the Lord and the unbeliever to
                                                                  to be presented at the most advantageous time in a
judgment and everlasting punishment.
                                                                  child's or young person's maturation process. In
DESERT CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS’                                         doing this, teaching and learning can take place with
CHRISTIAN EDUCATION PHILOSOPHY                                    maximum efficiency. For example Six- and seven-
                                                                  year-old children easily grasp concepts that may
We live in a world with two views of life. It is from
these two opposing worldviews man contemplates                    take weeks for the four- or five-year-old child.
his existence and finds value and purpose in life.                We also know that effective learning is sequential.
We believe God is the center of His creation.                     Learning is most effective when it is built on a
                                                                  strong foundation of well-understood supportive
Man can only be understood in context of a God-
                                                                  concepts. Moving too quickly through
centered worldview. Our potential, our reason, and
                                                                  foundational concepts will create a base of
our purpose are enveloped in the fact that man is
                                                                  understanding that is simplistic and will not
the centerpiece of God's creation.
                                                                  support more advanced thinking skills.
God's Word, the Bible, is His revelation to man.
The daily lives of God's people will be changed as                The second principle of our learning philosophy is
                                                                  "the involved learner." We believe that the most
a result of knowing and studying God's Word.
                                                                  effective learning takes place when the child or
Absolute truth and objective reality are found only
                                                                  young person is a participant in the learning
in a worldview focused on God.
                                                                  process. This principle has very specific application
Education must address the needs of the "whole                    to the early childhood and lower elementary child
man." A Christian approach to education will                      who understands concepts on the concrete rather
ensure sensitivity to the unique needs of each                    than the abstract level. It is our goal to involve all
individual. The imparting of God's knowledge and                  students in the learning process in order to create
wisdom is the goal of Christian education. The                    excellence in the learning experience.
desire to be a life-long learner of His truth is the
                                                                  These two principles of learning are exemplified in
mark of a maturing disciple.
                                                                  Jesus’ teaching. He always waited until the
The education of a child or young person must be                  appropriate time to teach a concept. He also
a cooperative effort with the family. It is the                   involved His learners with the world around them
parent’s responsibility to see that children are                  (e.g. a fig tree, a coin, and a net). Jesus' role as the
taught a proper understanding of the world. Thus                  "Master Teacher" was not to pour all the
Christian education becomes a partnership                         knowledge He had into the heads of His followers,
between parents, the church, and the school in this               but instead He carefully waited until the
important task of exploring and discovering a God-                appropriate time and circumstances to teach His
centered worldview.                                               truth. In doing this, His followers were participants
Education itself is not the answer to man's                       in the learning process and eagerly waited for the
problems. It is only as we start with the knowledge               next installment of learning from the Lord.
of an all-knowing and loving Creator that we can                  We want to nurture and train our students in the
successfully educate.                                             truth of God's Word. By presenting academics in
In this process of education, we will not only                    an age-appropriate time frame and involving the
impart wisdom and knowledge for this world, but                   learner in the learning process, young people will
we will prepare man for eternity!                                 develop into eager lifelong learners.

                                                        [GEN 2]
Desert Christian Schools Handbook

DESERT CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS’                                                 participating in activities which promote
CREATION PHILOSOPHY                                                        fitness and health
At DCS, we feel a strong duty to teach creation                   Develop socially by:
science as a basis for understanding our origins.
We believe that God created all that we know ex                           maintaining respectful and caring
nihilo (out of nothing). All life is a wonderful gift                      interpersonal relationships within and
from God to be respected and cared for.                                    across all cultures
A true understanding of the present world requires                        participating in the community as
correlation of all the data of science within the                          responsible citizens
framework of the Bible. This includes the                         Develop spiritually by:
following thoughts:
                                                                          considering the invitation to accept Jesus
       Special creation of all things occurred in                         Christ as Savior and Lord
        six literal days,                                                 seeking a deeper relationship with God
       The fact of the universal flood is evidenced                       through prayer, Bible study, and other
        by both Biblical and geological record,                            disciplines of the Christian life

       Biblical genealogies are for origin purposes              Develop intellectually by:
        making it difficult to use them for                               applying critical thinking skills in all
        establishing absolute time prior to                                academic disciplines
                                                                          communicating effectively through the
       Man’s theories of fossil and geological                            written and spoken word
        record of time are contradicted by physical
        evidence,                                                 DESERT CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS’
       Man's methods of dating are often based
        on circular reasoning and a “belief” in a                 In the fall of 1968, the leaders of First Baptist
        very old earth.                                           Church (now known as Grace Chapel) began
                                                                  seeking God’s direction for the future of the
DESERT CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS’                                         church. At that time the church was located on
MISSIONS PHILOSOPHY                                               Lancaster Blvd. and limited in the ability to expand.
At DCS, missions education and involvement have                   In 1972 a move was made to a new site on 15th
been identified as an important part of the                       Street West, and plans were developed to build a
program. Students and staff may be involved in                    new church structure which included an
missions experiences both locally and globally.                   educational unit.
This occurs through an ongoing relationship with                  The Family Learning Center was opened as a
mission organizations or through opportunities for                ministry of First Baptist Church in 1977 with one
students and staff to participate in short term                   kindergarten class, several preschool classes, and an
mission outreach trips. Opportunity is also                       after school care program for community school
provided to share resources with people in need.                  children called Peach Factory. Expansion to a grade
The entire school community is thereby able to                    school took place in 1979 when first and second
extend God's love in the Antelope Valley and                      grade classes were added. The school continued to
around the world.                                                 add grades until a K-8 program was fully
                                                                  established. In 1985 a physical enrichment program
DESERT CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS’                                         was introduced that included gymnastics, dance,
EXPECTED SCHOOLWIDE LEARNING                                      and baton.
                                                                  A major step was taken in 1988 with the change of
Students at Desert Christian Schools will -                       name to Desert Christian Schools and the opening
Develop physically by:                                            of Desert Christian High School, which grew by
                                                                  one class per year, yielding its first graduating class

                                                        [GEN 3]
Desert Christian Schools Handbook

in 1992. A support program for parents who                        concerning Christian education.
wished to teach their children at home was
established in 1991 as an extension of the Desert                 PROGRAM DESCRIPTIONS
Christian Schools’ ministry.
                                                                  THE LEARNING TREE is a preschool program
First Baptist Church released the leadership of the               that offers full-day care for children from the ages
school in 1998 to form a separate non-profit                      of eighteen months through five years old, and a
corporation that would assume responsibility for                  half-day nursery school experience for children
Desert Christian Schools and develop new                          three or four years old. Social, language and motor
ministries to accomplish its mission. In the ensuing              development, coupled with a variety of enrichment
years the main campus and the high school campus                  experiences, are a part of both programs. The
were purchased, the home education program                        preschool operates in three locations, one on the
expanded to include independent study classes, the                main school campus, one at 43260 Challenger Way
gymnastics center opened classes to the                           on the east side of Lancaster, and one located at
community, the preschool opened a second                          39625 20th Street West in Palmdale.
campus located on the east side of Lancaster, the
Runner Student Activity Center and a state-of-the-                DESERT         CHRISTIAN          ELEMENTARY
art gymnastic center were built on the main                       SCHOOL is a transitional kindergarten through
campus, an international student program was                      fifth grade program that is designed to evangelize,
established, and athletic and academic programs                   educate, and equip children for godly living.
expanded to meet the growing needs of the school                  Students are provided with a sound educational
community.                                                        foundation in a nurturing academic environment.
                                                                  The elementary school is located on the main
In July 2015, Desert Christian Schools merged back                school campus.
under the umbrella of Grace Chapel. This puts
both the school and church in a stronger position                 DESERT CHRISTIAN MIDDLE SCHOOL is
in all areas of ministry, and both the school and the             designed to provide a caring, student oriented,
church communities are thriving.                                  Christ-centered setting for inspiring, enthusiastic,
                                                                  and cooperative young people in the sixth, seventh,
God has richly blessed Desert Christian Schools in                and eighth grades. It is a foundational program that
many ways. Attendance has grown from 94                           prepares students for high school. The middle
students in 1977, to a current enrollment of nearly               school is located on the main school campus,
1200 students. Additionally, the ministry has                     adjacent to the elementary school.
expanded from one campus to programs at four
locations. The faculty, staff and administration                  DESERT CHRISTIAN HIGH SCHOOL offers a
praise God for the opportunity to partner with                    robust curriculum preparing ninth through twelfth
parents in providing a Christian education                        grade students for college, university, or career
experience for children and youth in the Antelope                 pursuits. Students are challenged to develop and
Valley.                                                           mature in faith, academics, interpersonal
                                                                  relationships, social awareness, individual talents,
ACCREDITATION                                                     leadership, and service. The high school campus is
Desert Christian Schools has been accredited by                   located at 2340 West Ave. J-8 in Lancaster.
the Association of Christian Schools International                ACADEMIC SUPPORT PROGRAMS are
(ACSI) and Western Association of Schools and                     available for students who face academic challenges
Colleges (WASC) since 1988. The current renewal                   and need a specific intervention. The Advantage
will run through 2025.                                            Program offers additional academic support to
AFFILIATIONS                                                      middle school students with identified learning
                                                                  needs. The high school offers the REACH and
DCS is affiliated with the Association of Christian               At-Risk programs for helping students tackle
Schools International. ACSI provides teacher                      the rigors of high school.
certification, leadership seminars, teacher and
administrator conferences, and representation of                  DESERT CHRISTIAN HOME EDUCATION
Christian schools in state and national issues                    PROGRAM exists to provide support and
                                                                  encouragement to families who have chosen to

                                                        [GEN 4]
Desert Christian Schools Handbook

offer a Christ centered education for their                       The Desert Christian Gymnastics Center is also
children at home. It exists to honor God’s word                   open to the community and offers gymnastics for
and parents, offer practical opportunities,                       every age and ability, from Mom/Pop & Me classes
provide mentorship from veteran homeschool                        (starting at eighteen months old) to adult classes,
moms, and encourage through connecting                            and advanced Junior Olympic competition teams
families.                                                         for boys and girls.
INTERNATIONAL STUDENT PROGRAM is                                  Please note that the availability of this resource
open to international students who attend under an                is subject to change via guidelines and current
F-1 visa. After acceptance to the program and the                 data in regards to COVID-19.
payment of fees, an I-20 form will be issued to the
                                                                  SUMMER SCHOOL is a program for first through
student. DCS is open to international students in
                                                                  eighth grade students. Classes are offered in the
kindergarten through eleventh grade who are
                                                                  mornings daily for four weeks.
residing with their parents and to students in grades
one through eleven who are living with a verifiable               SUMMER CLINICS provide opportunities during
blood relative. International students in grades                  the summer for children and may include
seven through eleven may be living with a guardian                volleyball, cheer, gymnastics, and basketball clinics.
or host family not related to them.
                                                                  LIBRARIES on our three campuses support the
FINE ARTS PROGRAM includes instrumental                           ministry of the school by making books and other
and choral music, worship, drama, and art, which                  resources available to students, parents, and staff.
are offered throughout the transitional                           Libraries are open on regular school days. Main
kindergarten-twelfth grade curriculum as classes                  campus library services are available to students
or clubs. Please note that this program is                        during various posted hours. Elementary students
subject to change via new guidelines and                          must be accompanied by a parent to access the
current data in regards to COVID-19.                              library before school on Tuesday through
                                                                  Thursday. The middle school library is open
PEACH FACTORY provides before and after
                                                                  various posted hours. The primary research sources
school care for children in transitional kindergarten
                                                                  for high school students are online and most
through eighth grade. Peach Factory is available
                                                                  students choose to use their own devices for that
from 6 a.m. until school begins and continues after
                                                                  purpose. The high school computer lab is available
school until 6 p.m. Supervision and planned
                                                                  to students each school day by arrangement. There,
recreational activities including crafts and games
                                                                  students have additional access to online services
are provided. Peach Factory is available during the
                                                                  for their research needs. Limited hardback volumes
summer and on most school holidays.
                                                                  for student use are available in the classroom
ENRICHMENT PROGRAMS offer enrichment                              libraries of individual teachers. Please note that
experiences in gymnastics and cheerleading. The                   the availability of this resource is subject to
main campus program of beginning recreational                     change via guidelines and current data in
gymnastics and cheer is offered for Desert                        regards to COVID-19.
Christian students in preschool through fifth grade.
The beginning recreational gymnastics experience                  GENERAL POLICIES AND
emphasizes basic skills for the development of                    PROCEDURES
strength, flexibility, and coordination. Basic
                                                                  Families who enroll at DCS agree to the DCS
gymnast routines are also taught.
                                                                  Parent Handbook in its entirety including all
The beginning cheerleading program teaches                        changes and amendments that may be made
partner stunts, pyramids, jump techniques,                        throughout the school year. A current handbook
tumbling, music routines, and cheers.                             with amendments is accessible on FACTS under
                                                                  Resource Documents.
Desert Christian Gymnastics offers the nationally
known CheerBears program for children four years
old through second grade. This is an hour long class
filled with cheers and tumbling.

                                                        [GEN 5]
Desert Christian Schools Handbook

ADMISSIONS AND ENROLLMENT FOR                                                     The state of California requires
NEW STUDENTS                                                                      the document to show:
                                                                                          i.   Name of student
All students will be accepted and enrolled into the
                                                                                         ii.   Date of birth
school following these procedures:
                                                                                        iii.   Place of birth
1.   Starting Point
                                                                    Documents     can be uploaded with
            a.   Tour recommended                                   application, faxed to (661)948-0858, or
                                                                    emailed to
2. Complete
                                                                5. ES: Kindergarten Assessment (if
            a.   Admission Online Application at
                                                                   necessary)/Principal Family Interview (TK-5)
                 the admissions tab                             MS: Family Consultation with Principal.
3. Pay                                                          HS: Student and Principal Interview (9- 12 grade)
            a.   $50 application fee and an                     (The elementary, middle, and high school offices
                 enrollment fee of $260 for one                 will contact parents to set up the appointment.)
                 student or $470 per family
                                                                Kindergarten students with June-December
                 (TK-12 only).
                                                                birthdays will have a Kindergarten Assessment in
            b. The application fee is non-
                                                                order to determine the best academic placement for
               refundable. The enrollment fee is
                                                                each student.
               only refunded if a student is not
               accepted into DCS.                               6. Acceptance
4. Submit Documents within 7 days to                                         a.   Notification of acceptance is
   Admissions                                                                     given in a timely basis of
                                                                                  completing the application
            a.   Latest report card
                                                                                  process and receipt of all
            b. Latest Standardized Test Scores                                    required documents or
               (if available)                                                     assessments.
            c. HS Forms                                         7. Enrollment
                    i. DCS Transportation
                                                                             a.   Both parents must sign and
                                                                                  submit the Handbook and
                   ii. Academic and Pastor
                                                                                  Financial Agreement form within
                       Reference Form
                                                                                  5 business days of acceptance.
                      iii. Transcript (10th-12th)
                      iv. Computer Use Form                     8. Orientation
            d. Immunization Records                                 All new families to the elementary and middle
                    i. (1st Grade must include                      school are expected to attend the orientation
                       physical)                                    meeting held at the end of the summer in
                   ii. (7th Grade must have                         August.
                       proof of TDAP Booster)
                                                                Accepted students will be placed on a principal’s
                  iii. (All students new to
                                                                wait list when a grade level is filled. When a space
                       California must present
                                                                is available, our protocol allows for student
                       documentation of a
                                                                selection which benefits the needs of each
                       Mantoux TB test or
                                                                classroom and the student body as a whole. An
                       screening (given within
                                                                effort will be made to enroll students who are
                       12 months of school
                                                                accepted earliest, but there is no guarantee.
                                                                Middle School:
            e. Birth Certificate
                                                                Grades and credits transferred from other
                                                                institutions or homeschool are not merged with

                                                      [GEN 6]
Desert Christian Schools Handbook

grades from DCMS. Grades and credits start to                     INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS
accumulate when the student begins. A student
                                                                  Admission for all new International Students is
must complete at least two quarters of school at
                                                                  handled through the International Student
DCMS to graduate with the class.
                                                                  Program office. Please contact Cheryl Corlew,
Students entering DCMS from our elementary                        International Student Program Coordinator, at
school are not automatically accepted. Selection         or at 661-723-7441.
for all middle school students is based on their                  Students may apply for kindergarten through
effort to do their best in academics and citizenship.             eleventh grade who are residing with their parents
                                                                  and students in grades one through eleven who are
High School:
                                                                  living with a verifiable blood relative. International
Academic and Pastor References are sent to those                  students in grades seven through eleven may be
listed on the application form. The two must                      living with a guardian or host family not related to
include a present academic teacher or counselor                   them.
and someone in leadership at the student’s church.
After the student interview, an additional
                                                                  Re-enrollment for the following school year begins
assessment may be required of applicants to
                                                                  in January. Family accounts must be current
determine acceptance. An official transcript will be
                                                                  prior to completion of re-enrollment. Families
requested from the previous school when the
                                                                  currently enrolled with DCS will receive
student is officially enrolled.
                                                                  priority re-enrollment for a short period of time
        Students who are considered for                           before enrollment is opened to the general
        enrollment into high school are people                    public.
                                                                  Beginning with the 2021/2022 school year, the
            Have accepted Jesus Christ as their                  re-enrollment process for all DCS programs
             personal Savior.                                     will be completed online. Families will receive
                                                                  an email with instructions on how to access the
                     International students, as                  online re-enrollment packet in mid-to-late
                      part of our outreach                        January. TK-12 enrollment fees for the
                      provision, will be considered               2020/2021 school year are $260 per student or
                      for admission without yet                   $470 per family. Enrollment fees for the
                      professing Christian faith.                 2021/2022 year will be released in January 2021.
            Are members or actively involved in a                Enrollment fees will be due at the time of
             Bible-believing Christian church                     packet submission. Families will be asked to
             whose doctrinal position supports the                sign the financial and handbook agreement,
             DCHS statement of faith.                             and select a payment plan for the coming year
                                                                  as part of completing the re-enrollment
            Have demonstrated on a standardized                  process. Once paid, re-enrollment fees are non-
             test that they are adequately prepared               refundable. Enrollment fees for returning
             to achieve well in high school.                      families will increase after March 31, 2021.
            Have a satisfactory citizenship record               STUDENT AND FAMILY CHANGES
             in the school they are presently
                                                                  Parents need to inform the school office of any
                                                                  changes that occur during the school year regarding
            Are achieving at least an average of a               addresses, telephone numbers, or alternate
             "C" grade in the present school year.                emergency contact persons.
            Desire to attend Desert Christian                    DCS AND FAMILY PARTNERSHIP
             High School and are willing to comply                DCS staff believes in partnering with families to
             with the school's standards as printed               deliver a quality education that includes helping
             in the handbook.                                     students develop intellectually, spiritually, socially,
                                                                  and physically. Parents are informed and

                                                        [GEN 7]
Desert Christian Schools Handbook

responsible for financial arrangements, discipline,                   DEMONSTRATION OF RELIGION
absences, tardies, and grade reports.
                                                                      DCS is a Christian school with a Christian mission
Administrators have the right to design and limit                     and statement of faith. As such, its purposes and
the participation of parents and students to ensure                   practices are decidedly Christian.
harmonious cooperation among families, faculty,
                                                                      Therefore, all students, regardless of religious
staff, and students. (This includes but is not limited
                                                                      affiliation or lack thereof, will be required to
to parent classroom visits, providing distance
                                                                      participate in teaching and practices such as chapel,
between students, and preventing detrimental
                                                                      Bible classes and times of prayer. In addition,
parent behavior.)
                                                                      demonstrations of other religions will not be
SUMMER PARTICIPATION                                                  permitted on campus.
Students are restricted from participating in any                     LIFESTYLE PURITY
school associated summer activities until
                                                                      Because there are many different views in the world
enrollment or re-enrollment is complete. This
                                                                      regarding sexual practice, and because students are
includes, but is not limited to, athletic practices (e.g.
                                                                      confronted on a regular basis with sexual images, it
football, cross country, volleyball, or soccer);
                                                                      is understandable that students may be confused
camps or retreats (e.g. yearbook or leadership); and
                                                                      about the Biblical standards to which he or she
rehearsals (e.g. drumline or worship team).
                                                                      should adhere. Students are expected to live by
NONDISCRIMINATORY STUDENT                                             standards of conduct that are consistent with
POLICY                                                                Scripture.
DCS admits students of any race, color, national                      The school believes that God’s design for intimate
and ethnic origin, to all the rights, privileges,                     sexual conduct is reserved for marriage between
programs, and activities accorded or made available                   one man and one woman and that He has
to students at the school. It does not discriminate                   forbidden certain behaviors according to Scripture.
on the basis of color, national and ethnic origin in                  This includes sexual contact between those who are
administration of its policies.                                       not married, whether heterosexual or homosexual.
                                                                      Prohibited sexual contact includes, but is not
                                                                      limited to, heavy petting, physical contact with or
                                                                      without clothing with another person for sexual
DCS reserves the right to terminate service to a                      gratification, sexual intercourse, oral sexual
student at any time. There are two basis for this.                    activities, public exposure of one’s genitals or
As a Christian school, DCS has educational and                        breasts, and the use of pornography (Leviticus 18).
religious objectives, as well as beliefs, which guide                 Moreover, students should make every effort to
its actions and efforts. Thereby first, it is                         avoid compromising situations which might give
reasonable to expect a student to cooperate with                      the appearance of being involved in such activities.
these objectives and beliefs. Secondly, it is
                                                                      The school also desires for each student to develop
reasonable to expect parents to cooperate with the
                                                                      a Biblical understanding of his or her sexual nature
school as they understand these rules and
                                                                      as a young man or woman. This development is
objectives, and have signed a document to certify
                                                                      especially meaningful when students face
their agreement. Therefore, when a student or
                                                                      conflicting ideas of acceptable cultural norms. The
family refuses to cooperate with and support
                                                                      school believes that, in God’s providence, He
DCS, the right to terminate enrollment will be
                                                                      created human beings as male and female in His
                                                                      own image (Genesis 1:27); that the character of
As DCS has no obligation to provide service, it also                  each person as a man or a woman (sometimes
reserves the right to refuse service. If a potential                  referred to as “sex” or “gender” or “gender
student is not believed capable of meeting                            identity”) is determined by God at the individual’s
academic, belief, or behavior standards, service may                  conception and is revealed in physical form at the
be refused. Similarly, if a parent is not believed to                 individual’s birth (Psalm 139:13-16); and that the
be cooperative and supportive or willing to meet                      character of the individual as a man or a woman is
financial obligations, service may be refused.                        not open to change later in life. Deuteronomy 22:5

                                                            [GEN 8]
Desert Christian Schools Handbook

states, “A woman shall not wear man’s clothing,                             Submission to the conduct is explicitly or
nor shall a man put on a woman’s clothing; for                               implicitly made a term or condition of an
whoever does these things is an abomination to the                           individual's academic status or progress.
Lord your God.” Students must not dress in
clothing that does not reflect their own gender.                            Submission to or rejection of the conduct
                                                                             by the individual is used as the basis of
For these reasons, the school regards confusion                              academic     decisions    affecting   the
over one’s sexual identity, and identifying oneself                          individual.
as homosexual, gay, lesbian, transsexual,
transgender, or other similar classification, as                            Submission to or rejection of the conduct
contrary to God’s design and a mark of the sinful                            by the individual is used as the basis for any
nature of mankind. The school believes it is                                 decision affecting the individual regarding
important that a student not adhere to or use such                           benefits and services, honors, programs, or
a classification to identify him or herself, but rather,                     activities available at or through this
remain open to understanding his or her sexual                               school.
nature in the context of Scripture and the work of
                                                                            The conduct has the purpose or effect of
the Holy Spirit. The school, therefore, will not
                                                                             having a negative impact upon the
permit a student to classify him or herself as such,
                                                                             individual's academic performance, or of
or to condone, promote or advocate the use of such
                                                                             creating an intimidating, hostile, or
classifications by others, believing that to do so is
                                                                             offensive educational environment.
inconsistent with Scripture and God’s creation for
healthy sexual development (Genesis 19:4-5,                          Examples
Leviticus 18:22, 20:13, Romans 1:26-27, 1
                                                                     Unwelcome sexual conduct of this type can include
Corinthians 6:9-11, and Jude 7). Students who                        a wide range of verbal, visual or physical conduct
violate these standards may be subject to                            of a sexual nature. Among the types of conduct,
disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal                   which would violate this policy, are the following:
from the school.
SEXUAL HARASSMENT                                                           Unwanted      sexual        advances       or
DCS has a policy that forbids sexual harassment of
students by employees or by other students.                                 Offering academic benefits in exchange
                                                                             for sexual favors;
Student Sexual Harassment
                                                                            Making or threatening reprisals after a
DCS is committed to maintaining an academic                                  negative response to sexual advances;
environment in which all individuals treat each
other with dignity and respect and which is free                            Visual conduct such as leering, making
from all forms of intimidation, exploitation and                             sexual gestures, display of sexually
harassment. DCS is prepared to take action to                                suggestive objects or pictures, cartoons or
prevent and correct any violations of this policy.                           posters;
Anyone who violates this policy will be subject to
discipline, up to and including termination or                              Verbal conduct such as making or using
expulsion.                                                                   derogatory comments, epithets, slurs and
                                                                            Verbal abuse of a sexual nature, graphic
"Sexual harassment" means unwelcome sexual                                   verbal commentaries about an individual's
advances, requests for sexual favors, and other                              body, sexually degrading words used to
verbal, visual, online, or physical conduct of sexual                        describe an individual, suggestive or
nature, made by someone from or in the work or                               obscene letters, notes or invitations;
educational setting, under any of the following
conditions:                                                                 Sexually motivated physical conduct such
                                                                             as touching, assaulting, impeding or
                                                                             blocking movements; and

                                                           [GEN 9]
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