General System Requirements Spacewell Apps - Customer ...

Page created by Timothy Clark
General System Requirements Spacewell Apps
Document status            LIVE

Document owner     Thomas Verdyck

     Recommended devices
     Tips for buying a good device
              User experience
              Other considerations
              Test before buying large quantities
     System requirements update policy
     Software Requirements (OS version)
     Recommended device settings
     Software Requirements for side-loaded apps
     Hardware Requirements
     Data usage
              MCS Room Display
              Work Assistant
     Server & Network Requirements
              Network setup for Qbic devices
     Not Doing

     Get insight on the minimal hardware & software requirements needed for running an app of the Spacewell Software suite.
     Help the support team to easily tackle performance related service tickets.
     Help Sales staff, Project engineers and Spacewell customers to define requirements during (pre) project scoping.

Recommended devices
     Spacewell does not recommend any specific device for using Spacewell apps. The scope of test devices Spacewell uses to develop high
     qualitative apps changes dynamically every month based on worldwide benchmarks of typical and popular devices. This way we makes
     sure our apps are always fully tested on a wide range of devices.

Tips for buying a good device

     As with so many electronic items, the rule of thumb is: more expensive devices have better "specs" (more memory, etc.) and will
     therefore provide a faster and more pleasant user experience. This is probably the most important consideration you will have to make
     when obtaining a new device.
     If the top 5 productivity apps available on the official stores can be ran without issues; the MCS apps will also run smoothly.

User experience
     Invest in a device with a screen of sufficient size (at least 5” for a mobile phone and 10" for a tablet). The buttons, plans, drawings and
     texts will be big enough for most of your users; all this will increase the ease of use.
     Spacewell apps do not support dark/high contrast modes out of the box.
          Choose for devices with a certain continuity, do not choose device models which are end of life. If a device breaks down, it is interesting
          to be able to replace it with a similar device. It is always easier if your entire workforce can (continue to) work on the same (type of)
          Buy a device with a recent version of the subject operating system. Currently this means you need at least a device running Android
          version 7.0 or higher and an Apple device running iOS 11 or higher. In this way, Spacewell can continue to supply apps that are
          compatible with your selected device in the coming years. Until which day in the future a certain Android or iOS version will be supported
          is impossible to say, but when you buy an device with a modern OS version today you still have a support lifetime of at least 3 years.
          When opting for a low-end device (a device which is close to the minimal system requirements), you should keep in mind this device
          might fall below the system requirements next time the requirements are being reviewed by Spacewell (see next chapter for more info).
          Spacewell advises to buy mid-range devices for a good equilibrium between price, performance and lifetime.

Other considerations
          Most mobile devices are not ruggedized. This means that they are often not resistant to falling, are not waterproof and start showing
          malfunctions faster in dusty environments. If you think ruggedized devices are desirable, you should specifically look for them. There are
          also companies that focus on this type of equipment.
          If you want to use NFC, your device needs to support it. So you have to check the specifications carefully.
          If you are not sure WiFi is available in all zones where you wish to use the Spacewell apps, it's best to look for devices with a 4G SIM slot
          (sometimes referred to as "cellular"). Don't forget you will also have to pay for a data subscription.

Test before buying large quantities
          Test devices in small quantities before ordering larger amounts. All apps which comply to the rules described below are theoretically
          ready for use. Spacewell however does recommend running a small scale proof of concept before acquiring large numbers of devices,
          especially when opting for Android devices. Android vendors are free to implement their own version of the operating system without
          being bound to any common standards. In practice this means obscure Android vendors phones and special phone editions of common
          vendors should be tested thoroughly. Common market Android devices are generally compliant to these rules.

System requirements update policy
          System requirements are a dynamic fact, they need to be updated on yearly basis in order to allow our apps to keep on evolving based
          on the latest trends and evolution. The market of mobile devices is still evolving at fast pace (new operating system versions are released
          on yearly basis and performance of devices doubles every 2 years), this means devices will become outdated faster compared to the
          more and more stabilizing world of PC's.
          Spacewell releases new system requirements every year; to give customers insight on the evolution of system requirements Spacewell
          also publishes the system requirements of the past year and the upcoming year.
          Devices which are no longer compatible with the system requirements might no longer function as desired. In most cases working on an
          outdated device will lead to serious performance issues.

Software Requirements (OS version)

Operating       Version                                              Comments

                2017         2018         2019          2020

Android        4.4.X and    5.0 and up    5.0 and up    5.1 and up   (Less than 12% of devices still uses Android version 5.0 or lower: https://developer.andr

iOS            9.X and up   10.X and      11.X and up   12.X and     (Less than 7% of devices still uses iOS version 11 or lower:
                            up                          up           support/app-store/)

Windows -      Windows      Windows       N/A (**)      N/A (**)     (*) MCS 15.0 is the last version which will support Windows Phone 8.1 apps. As of MCS
Phone          Phone        Phone                                    16.0, only Windows 10 is supported.
               8.1.X (*)    8.1.X (*)
                                                                     (**) Windows Phone is being discontinued by Microsoft. Windows Phone apps will no
               Windows      Windows                                  longer be supported as from 2019.
               10 mobile    10 mobile
Windows -   Windows          Windows      Windows          Windows    (*) MCS 15.0 is the last version which will support Windows 8.1 apps. As of MCS 16.0,
 PC &        8.1 PRO (at      8.1 PRO      8.1 PRO (at      10 Fall    only Windows 10 is supported.
 Tablet      least            (at least    least            Creators
             Update 1         Update 1     Update 1         Update     2019 is the last year Spacewell supports Windows 8.X apps. This means apps prior to
             must be          must be      must be          (version   MCS 16.0 will no longer be support on Windows in 2020.
             installed) (*)   installed)   installed) (*)   1709)
                              (*)                                      (Windows 8.X support will be discontinued by Microsoft in 2023.)
             Windows                       Windows
             8.1              Windows      8.1
             Enterprise (     8.1          Enterprise
             *)               Enterprise   (*)
             Windows                       Windows
             10 Fall          Windows      10 Fall
             Creators         10 Fall      Creators
             Update           Creators     Update
             (version         Update       (version
             1709)            (version     1709)

Recommended device settings

 ID    Operating               Recommendation

 1     All                     Spacewell apps are compatible with the device's default font size. Changing the font size of the device might lead to

Software Requirements for side-loaded apps
Side-loaded apps are apps which are not installed via the official stores (Android Play Store, Apple App Store and Microsoft Store). Apps which
are installed via the Spacewell app store are considered           as side-loaded apps.

 Operating system             Comments

 Android                      Users must allow installation of apps from unknown sources. (Allow installation of non-Market apps.)

 iOS                          Users must specifically trust "MCS NV" as a trusted app developer in order to launch apps.

 Windows - Phone                    MCS must be trusted as app developer by adding a workplace account for MCS.
                                    Specific for MWM on myMCS 15.0 (and prior): The myMCS Dashboard app must be installed prior to the
                                    installation of any other app. The myMCS Dashboard app manages tasks in the background for all future
                                    Windows Phone myMCS apps.

 Windows 8.1                        The user's tablet/desktop must be added to the company’s Active Directory domain in order to run myMCS apps.
 Enterprise - PC &                  The AD user must at least have local admin rights in order to complete the installation. Alternatively, the apps
 Tablet                             can be installed via distributed deployment systems like: Active Directory Group Policies, Device Management
                                    tools etc.
                                    2019 is the last year MCS supports Windows 8.X apps. This means apps prior to MCS 16.0 will no longer be
                                    support on Windows in 2020.

 Windows 10 - PC &                  The user must at least have local admin rights in order to complete the installation. Alternatively, the apps can be
 Tablet                             installed via distributed deployment systems like: Active Directory Group Policies, Device Management tools etc.

More information about the app installation process can be found in the app installation manuals.

Hardware Requirements


 Benchmarking (AnTuTu Benchmarking app)
Specification     Minimal value                                                                                                       Comments

                  2017                       2018                              2019                        2020

General Score     24.000                     31.000                            31.000                      32.000

Hardware requirements

Specification     Minimal value                                                                                                       Comments

CPU Model         • CPU cores: 4             • CPU cores: 4                    • CPU cores: 4              • CPU cores: 4
                  • CPU frequency: 1,4 MHz   • CPU frequency: 1,4 MHz          • CPU frequency: 1,4 MHz    • CPU frequency: 1,4 MHz

RAM               1,5 GB                     1,5 GB                            1,5 GB                      2 GB

(free) Internal   250 MB                     350 MB                            350 MB                      400 MB                     More offline
System                                                                                                                                storage
Storage                                                                                                                               capacity might
                                                                                                                                      be required
                                                                                                                                      based on app

Resolution        720 X 1028 (5")            720 X 1028 (5")                   720 X 1028 (5")             720 X 1028 (5")

Resolution        768 x 1280 (7")            768 x 1280 (7")                   768 x 1280 (7")             768 x 1280 (7")

Display type      Touchscreen                Touchscreen                       Touchscreen                 Touchscreen

Display           Supported                  Supported                         Supported                   Supported                  Multitouch is
multitouch                                                                                                                            required for
                                                                                                                                      some features.

Mobile            3G                         3G                                4G                          4G                         3G connection
Connection                                                                                                                            (or higher) is

WLAN              Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n       Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n              Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac     Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac    Wifi
                                                                                                                                      connection is

GPS               Supported                  Supported                         Supported                   Supported                  GPS support
                                                                                                                                      is required for
                                                                                                                                      some features.

Camera            VGA                        VGA                               VGA                         VGA                        Camera
                                                                                                                                      support is
                                                                                                                                      required for
                                                                                                                                      some features.
                                                                                                                                      A camera with
                                                                                                                                      auto-focus is
                                                                                                                                      if QR code
                                                                                                                                      scanning is


Benchmarking (AnTuTu Benchmarking app)

Specification                                                           Minimal value                                          Comments

                                                                        2017            2018       2019         2020

General Score                                                           10.000          13.000    61.000     90.000

Supported phones
Oldest generation of devices supported                                     iPhone 4S    iPhone 5      iPhone 5S     iPhone 6

                                                                           iPod touch   iPhone 5C     iPad Air      iPhone 6 Plus

                                                                           iPad 2                     iPad Mini 2   Ipad Air 2

                                                                           iPad Mini                  iPad Mini 3   iPod Touch

                                                                                                                    Ipad Mini 4


                         2019                    2020   2021

Hardware requirements

Specification            Minimal value                            Comments

CPU Model                Intel x86/x64                           Intel core i3 7th generation or above recommended. Older generation core i5 and i7
                         processor.                              processors might offer similar performance.

RAM                      2 GB                                    4 GB or more preferred.

(free) Internal System   10 GB                                   Windows 10 OS performance degrades considerably when PC starts running out of disk
Storage                                                          space.

                                                                 SSD storage delivers major performance improvements over HDD.

Resolution (tablet)      1360 x 768 (11") or

Display type             Touchscreen

Display multitouch       Supported                               Multitouch is required for some features.

Mobile Connection        4G                                      Tablets with 4G connection support are recommended.

WLAN                     Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n                    Wifi connection is highly recommended.

GPS                      Supported                               GPS support is required for some features.

Camera                   VGA                                     Camera support is required for some features. A camera with auto-focus is highly
                                                                 recommended if QR code scanning is required.

Data usage

MCS Room Display

Operation                                Data usage            Real life example for a day for 5 meetings

Refresh calendar (assuming 5         6KB                       For a refresh interval of 5 minutes, the app will refresh the screen (60*24)/5 = 288
meetings in a day)                                             times in a day.

                                                               Total usage= 6KB*288 = 1.8 MB per day

Book meeting using MRD               100KB + 6KB               Assuming 5 meetings are booked per device per day, the total usage will be around 50
                                     (refresh calendar)        0 KB per day

End meeting manually                 20KB + 6KB                Assuming 3 meetings were explicitly ended via the device ended before the scheduled
                                     (refresh calendar)        end time, total data used will be 100KB per day

Extend meeting                       30KB + 6KB                Assuming 2 meetings per day are extended via the device, total data usage will be 100
                                     (refresh calendar)        KB per day

        Taking the above example of daily usage as an approximate, the monthly data usage will be 2.5 MB * 30 days = 75 MB per month.
If we take into account that the usage varies considerably per device, and accounting for data usage during initial setup, a 150-200
           MB per month data plan will be more than sufficient.
           If the planned usage for the customer is differs much from the above example, data usage can be calculated based on the data
           usage volumes mentioned above.

Work Assistant

 Operation      Data usage                                          Real life example (per day)

 Login         20 KB                                                    An auto re-login happens after a session idle time of 30 minutes. A
                                                                        working day is on average 8 hours long. Hence, the app will perform an
                                                                        auto re-login approximately (8 * 2) 16 times per working day: 320 KB

 Refresh       100 – 800 KB (average: 450 KB)                           The floorplan reloads on every login event, the app performs an auto
 floorplan                                                              re-login around 16 times per day. So: 16 * 450 KB = 7,2 MB
 (or change
               (The size of the floorplan depends on the size of
               the drawing.)

 Open work          Details: 40 – 80 KB per WO (average 60              On average a worker opens a work order every 10 minutes (6 times an
 order              KB)                                                 hour). On average a work order contains a single icon and 2 pictures:
                    Icons: 5 KB per icon                                 (60 KB + 5 KB + 600 KB) * 6 * 8 = 31,92 MB
                    Pictures: 300 KB per picture

                    Pictures & WO details are cached, so in
                    case the same WO is opened multiple
                    times; this will not influence the data

         An average user will consume around 40 MB per day. During a normal working month (21 working days) this results in a data
         consumption of around 850 MB per month.
         These numbers are based on a user which uses the app during the complete working day (example: when the app is installed on a
         tablet which is mounted on a cleaning trolley). When users only use the app to check the progress of the work sporadically this will
         reduce the data consumption proportionally.
         Depending on the number of apps installed on the device and the frequency of updates pushed by the individual app distributors
         data consumption can be heavily influenced. For example: the Chrome browser app is around 30 MB in size and is updated by
         Google at least once per month. This form of data consumption could be avoided by disabling these kind of updates over data
         connections (and only allowing it via WIFI connections).

Server & Network Requirements

The MCS Mobile apps require a direct connection to the MCS Web Portal. The apps handle authentication and other communication via web
service hosted as part of the MCS Web Portal installation. It is important to take the following into account:

1) Intermediate (3rd party) login methods implemented for additional security and/or SSO purpose ( e.g. Windows Authentication through NTLM
or any others) are not supported. In case such an intermediate step in authentication is required, MCS can create a custom app which specifically
supports the required 3rd party authentication. Please contact your account manager for more information.

2) The app needs to be able to communicate with the MCS Web Portal. When the MCS Web Portal is deployed on an internal network which is
not accessible from outside the network, the app will only be able to connect successfully when residing in the same network.

Network setup for Qbic devices
Qbic devices offer convenience in remote configuration, content management and steering the hardware in general, without requiring any
extensive server setup. A Qbic device enables this by behaving like a server itself. Each Qbic device connected to the network is a self-sufficient
server capable of communicating with clients via the REST API it exposes over it's IP address. This REST API allows remote clients to steer the
content and hardware of the Qbic device.
While such a setup offers great convenience, there are obvious trade-offs to be made in terms of security. Typical web servers used for hosting
enterprise or consumer applications support in-built tooling to enable web security via measures like certificate checks, enforcing https, data
encryption, user authentication etc. All this cannot be expected from a very lightweight standalone web server running on each Qbic device. Such
a setup has the below drawbacks:

     1. Qbic REST API is consumed over HTTP. The more secure HTTPS protocol is not supported. HTTP traffic can be easily read/intercepted
        by any individual who has access to the network, as it is not encrypted.
     2. Any user connected to same network as the Qbic device can query and communicate with the device API, enabling them to change
        device configuration and the content.
     3. Qbic does provide a password feature to lock the Qbic API, but it comes with questionable efficacy.
             a. The password is set and authentication performed over http, which means the traffic (including the password) can be intercepted
                 and read (as described in point (1) above).
             b. Features like password reset/forgot password are not supported, which essentially means that the device needs to be factory
                 reset every time the password is lost.

Taking the above into account, it is concluded that Qbic device configuration and content management API is only as secure as the network the
device connects to. Limiting access to the network OR IP addresses assigned to Qbic devices is the only viable security solution to prevent
unauthorized configuration or content manipulation on the device. Our recommendations are listed below.

              Restrict access and strongly secure the network the Qbic devices connect to. Setup a separate secure network for Qbic
              devices, if possible.
              Never connect Qbic devices to an open/public/guest network where unauthorized people can gain access to the device.
              Only the company admin(s) responsible for configuring the Qbic devices should have access to the private IPs or the network
              of the Qbic devices.
              Secure the device with a password. Remember the password or note it down somewhere, as it cannot be retrieved once lost.

Note: The above details are purely from the Qbic devices remote hardware control and content URL management perspective. All app and user
data is completely secure as app communicates over HTTPS directly with MCS/COBUNDU back-end.

Below is a list of questions to be addressed as a result of this requirements document:

 Question            Outcome
Why is Fall       All Spacewell Xamarin apps are build using the MVVMCross framework, which is the key binding framework between
Creators Update   business logic and data (shared) and UI on different platform. New versions of the framework are released from time to time
(1709) the        with a lot of bug fixes, stability and performance improvements, as well as new features.
supported          The latest version of the framework (MVVMCross 6.x) is being used in most Spacewell Windows apps. The major
Windows 10        difference between version 6.0 and earlier versions is that 6.0 requires .NET Standard 2.0 as its base library. .NET
version for UWP   framework is an integral part of Windows, which allows different apps to run/execute on Windows platform.

                   .NET Standard 2.0 for UWP is only supported on Windows 10 from the Fall Creators update and above. The below
                  developer blog by Microsoft explains the changes in more detail.


                  Quoting from the blog:

                   “You also need to be running on and targeting Windows 10 Fall Creators Update, which will be released later this month.
                  .NET Standard 2.0 support for UWP required changes in Windows 10 that are shipping in Fall Creators Update. These
                  changes established a new baseline for UWP tools.”

                  “Targeting Windows 10 Fall Creators Update
                  In order to use .NET Standard 2.0 in UWP, you need to target Fall Creators Update (FCU) as the minimum version of your
                  UWP project. That’s because .NET Standard 2.0 contains many APIs that require FCU to make them work in the context of
                  the UWP execution environment, specifically AppContainer.”

                  If all the above details are put together, the conclusion that can be derived is that the UWP apps using the latest version of
                  MVVMCross can only be run on a Windows 10 PC having minimum Fall Creators Update (1709) installed and this is how
                  Microsoft wants to proceed in the future.

                   As the Fall Creators update itself was released in Oct 2017 to all Windows 10 users, the requirement should not cause an
                  issue to a majority of users. The only users who will face a challenge are those who have not updated their Windows 10 for
                  more than a year. Microsoft recommends at least a semi-annual update on the OS to be published to all users, including
                  enterprise users.


                   The other set of users who might face an issue are the ones on a Win 10 LTSB (long term servicing branch) version, for
                  which the last release was in 2016. This is a temporary situation and should be solved when an LTSB update expected in
                  fall 2019 will update Win 10 to 1809 version. This update was expected in spring 2019, but was deferred due to some nasty
                  bugs observed in the 1809 standard rollout.

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