Getting more money for your property - Karl Gillon Real Estate Agent

Page created by Clinton Tucker
Getting more money for your property - Karl Gillon Real Estate Agent
Getting more
money for your
Getting more money for your property - Karl Gillon Real Estate Agent
Hi, I’m Karl Gillon
I have more than 25 years of experience selling homes to Australians as well as to
overseas buyers, continuing the family tradition that spans over 5 generations of Re
al Estate Agents. During this time, I have developed a unique set of skills to e
nsure I am able to overcome any obstacle to negotiate the highest possible
sale price.

I have enjoyed public success as an auctioneer on the hit TV series “The Block”,
winning the show for contestants Brad & Lara, and breaking the record for the show
by achieving $500,000+ above reserve. The result saw me invited back to appear on
the show another 2 consecutive times.

What sets me apart from other industry leaders?

Over 25 years of experience where I have sold in every possible property cycle. As
most people are already aware and aQer many years of solid growth, the property
market is going through a natural correcRon. This correcRon is what is commonly
referred to as a Buyers Market. When the buyer is in a stronger posiRon to negoRate,
the need for an experienced agent skilled in handling buyer objecRons, knows how to
reply with the right response and ensures you achieve the highest possible sale price.
Getting more money for your property - Karl Gillon Real Estate Agent
Why choose Karl Gillon and Ray White Broadbeach Waters
                                                                          Being the largest Real Estate Agency in Australasia, Ray White prides
                                                                          itself on being Australia’s favourite and most trusted agency. With just
I’m excited to be part of the Ray White Broadbeach Waters sales team.
                                                                          under 1000 offices across 10 countries, the larger Ray White Group is
Ray White’s award-winning reputaRon for success spans more than
                                                                          backed by knowledge, systems and training that has seen the agency
110 years.
                                                                          become an industry leader.

For me, the move to Australia’s leading real estate company made
                                                                          Ray White has maintained the dominant market share on the Gold
sense. LisRng your property with Ray White enables you access to
                                                                          Coast for many years enabling them to meet more buyers than any
thousands of potenRal agents and buyers they are connected with.
                                                                          other agency.

This unrivalled database and level of buyers, in the hands of a skilled
agent such as myself, helps create more compeRRon and demand for
your property, and leads to the highest possible sale price.
Getting more money for your property - Karl Gillon Real Estate Agent
Why Karl Gillon &
Ray White
Broadbeach Waters
are the right choice
Getting more money for your property - Karl Gillon Real Estate Agent
Satisfaction guaranteed

If you are ever unhappy with the level of service that we guarantee, you can end our
exclusive contract at any time.
Effective Marketing

          Access to every relevant                         You’ll never have to
         marketing tool in Australia                       worry about follow ups

           Including advanced web-based
   marketing, enabling us to either tailor a
       marketing plan that best suits your
                                               1       3
                                                           Detailed weekly buyer activity
                                                           reports keep you informed
                                                           throughout the campaign. The report
    property and budget to help generate                   also shows you we are chasing up all
   maximum exposure and buyer enquiry.                     enquiries to ensure we generate
                                                           maximum amount of interest.

      Australasia’s largest website                2       High Quality Photography
   Selling more property and meeting more
  buyers than any other agency in Australia            4   High quality photography and video
                                                           designed to make your property
                                                           stand out from the crowd.
Effective Marketing

                     1 million          1,000
  Combined weekly readership.           Individually owned offices
 Ray White is Australia's largest       in over 10 countries
      property print advertiser.

       More open homes than
                                    T   Over 1 million
                                        Visits to
        any other real estate.          every month
Decades of experience

As a skilled agent & auctioneer with more than 25 years experience selling property in the
competitive Australian market, I’m highly trained and skilled to negotiate the highest price for every
home. I get engaged to sell.

Add to this the Ray White Group, which offers more than 60,000 properties for sale each year with
the widest selection of real estate of any group in Australasia. With this combined experience you can
rest assured that the sale of your property is in safe hands.
Skilled Negotiation

As a veteran skilled negoRator, my consistent presence throughout your campaign ensures
your property receives the Rme and a_enRon required to achieve the highest possible
price, not just the quickest sale.
Available for Inspections

I will always make myself available for inspection times that suit you. Prime open times suit buyers and help drive
more traffic. More traffic equates to more potential buyers having the opportunity to inspect your home.
Follow ups - a given
All buyer enquiries registered and responded to ASAP. I will make same day contact and
ensure ongoing communicaRon with every interested buyer unRl the highest possible price
is achieved.
Regular and Honest Feedback

I will forward honest and regular feedback received from buyers and forward all offers submitted. I
will maintain daily contact throughout the campaign and e-mail detailed weekly activity reports that
show who is and isn’t interested, at what level, and reasons why. This level of detail will not only give
you comfort that no stone has been left unturned, but will assist you in setting your reserve at a price
you are happy to sell for.
Proven Track Record
Ray White sells 6 properRes every hour. Their vast network of potenRal buyers in the
hands of a skilled agent like myself, means you have the best possible chance of selling
your property at the highest possible price.
FREE Download of my E-book

                                  Everything you need to know to prepare your property to sell for top
                                  dollar is in my FREE eBook. “Selling your Home for More”; which has
                                  been supplied as part of my submission.

                                  ✓ Preparing your property for the best chance of selling for top dollar

                                  ✓ Tips on cleaning you property to create more space

                                  ✓ Selecting and working with your agent to get the best possible result

                                  ✓ Tips on staging your property so buyers understand how to utilise and arrange the

                                  ✓ Making a spectacular first impressions and literally wow-ing potential buyers

Get your copy at
Property Appraisal

             Setting the right price is key to generating demand. There are a number of
             variable factors that need to be taken into consideration when assessing
             the potential market value of a property. When recommending a selling
             price the following are factors considered:

             ✓ The condition and facilities of your home

Request an   ✓ Where your property is located

 Appraisal   ✓ Recent comparable property sales in area

             ✓ What comparable properRes are currently in the marketplace

             ✓ The popularity of the area with buyers

             ✓ The average days on the market before a sale

             ✓ Dwelling and land size

             ✓ Age of dwelling and date of last renovaRon and improvements made

             ✓ The state of the national and local property market
Methods of Sale

Next we need to consider whether you prefer your property to be sold by
Auction, Expression of interest or For Sale. Each has it’s own benefits so
choosing a sale type generally comes down to a combination of what your age
nt recommends will suit the property and what you are most comfortable with.
AucRons are a very effecRve way to sell your home, as the buying
community knows you are commi_ed to making an immediate sale.

The number one reason a vendor and agent selects the AucRon
method of selling is buyers oQen get emoRonally connected to the
property and will therefore get caught up in the compeRRon of the
AucRon and bid far higher than they had anRcipated.
AUCTION                                                             ADVANTAGES
AucRons are a very effecRve way to sell your home, as the buying     ✓ Competitive bidding drives up prices
community knows you are commi_ed to making an immediate sale.
                                                                    ✓ You determine the terms and conditions
The number one reason a vendor and agent selects the AucRon
                                                                    ✓ You are protected by your reserve price
method of selling is buyers oQen get emoRonally connected to the
property and will therefore get caught up in the compeRRon of the   ✓ You control your marketing budget
AucRon and bid far higher than they had anRcipated.
                                                                    ✓ Buyers can still make early offers

                                                                    ✓ An auction date forces buyers to take action

                                                                    ✓ Sales are unconditional with no cooling off period
“Expressions Of Interest” are a closed silent aucMon where all bids are kept secret unMl a specific Mme set by you. The
highest bidder wins if the offer is accepted.
Your reserve and all bids can be kept 100% private. The Buyer holding the highest offer at the closure date wins the right
to negoMate exclusively with the Vendor for 24 hours.
“Expressions Of Interest” are a closed silent aucMon where all bids are kept secret unMl a specific Mme set by you. The
highest bidder wins if the offer is accepted.
Your reserve and all bids can be kept 100% private. The Buyer holding the highest offer at the closure date wins the right
to negoMate exclusively with the Vendor for 24 hours.

✓ Buyers can’t base their offer off other bids              ✓ It only takes one interested party to drive pricing up

✓ You don't have to accept the highest offer                ✓ Less stressful & more private than a public Auction

✓ Helps determine true market value                         ✓ A closure date forces buyers to take action

✓ You control your marketing budget

✓ Buyers don’t get to assess how many genuine offers there are

✓ You don’t have to disclose your reserve or other offers submitted
The most tradiMonal of the selling methods, the standard For Sale allows vendors to set a fixed price on the property. For

SALE   a successful transacMon to occur and avoid the property being on the market too long, it’s important to set a realisMc price
       from day one.
The most tradiMonal of the selling methods, the standard For Sale allows vendors to set a fixed price on the property. For

        SALE                    a successful transacMon to occur and avoid the property being on the market too long, it’s important to set a realisMc price
                                from day one.


✓ Asking price is set

✓ You can set a deadline or choose not to

✓ More open selling process

✓ You can advertise the asking price

✓ Buyers prefer this method as your reserve is public
Engaging Digital

Our multi-faceted campaigns, ensure the correct demographic and target audience is being reached,
working together for maximum impact and enquiry.

Whilst print is a crucial tool, social and digital marketing provides an interactive
gateway to potential buyers on a global scale.

                       w w w. r a y w h i t e b r o a d b e a c h w a t e r s . c o m . a u

                       w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m /
                       r wbr oadbeac hwat er s and r w m e r m a i d w a t e r s /
Advanced Internet Marketing

      Why you need Advanced Internet Marketing (AIM)

      Look bey ond the                               Facebook Ads                                          Goog le Ads
      tradi ti onal proper ty                        Ca pt iva t in g F ac ebo o k a d s a re a n          A h ug e n um b e r o f p e o p l e use
      web sit es                                     in t e g r al pa r t o f ou r A IM so l ut i o n .
                                                     W h e n u s ed in c o mbi na t i o n w i t h
                                                                                                           G o o g l e s e a rc h e v e ry d a y t o f i nd
                                                                                                           p ro p e rt y - o ft e n t o s a v e t i m e
                                                     o u r un i qu ely p ow er f u l a d t a rg e t i ng   a c c e ss i ng t r a d i t i o n a l p ro p e r t y
      AIM f inds b oth p as si ve an d               a nd re -t ar g et i ng o f a ds , w e                w e b si t e s . B y m a t c h i n g t h e se
      acti ve buy ers - many o f wh o m              a ch ie ve e xc e llen t e n ga ge m e nt a n d       se a rc h e s t o y o u r p rop e rt y w e
      are not lo o ki ng o n the t r a dit io na l   rea ch mo re of th e rig h t p e o p l e .            sh o w y o ur a d s - o ft e n a b o v e t h e
      rea l es tate web site s. Tapp i ng                                                                  se a rc h re s ul t s .
      into the phe nomenal po we r o f
      Goo g le & Facebo o k is t he m o st
                                                     Google Di splay
      effec tive way to rea ch pe o ple              Ads                                                   Retarg et ing &
      matching the re lev ant t a rg e t in g
      f or y our p ro pe rty. Imp o rt a n t ly,
                                                                                                           Tar geting
                                                     In t e r n e t u se r s s ee Goo gl e D i sp l a y
      it' s great val ue f or m on ey t o o .        Ad s a ll t h e t ime . We u se t he se               A d v a nc e d t a r ge t i ng m a t c h e d t o
                                                     s am e t yp es o f ad s t o sho w c a s e             y o u r p ro p e rt y a nd a re a m e a n s A I M
                                                     yo u r pro per t y a s peo p l e s urf t he           fi n d s m o re p ro sp e c t i v e b uy e rs
                                                     n et , wi t h e n g ag in g c on t e n t t h a t      o nl i ne . R e t a rg e t i n g a d t e c h no l o g y
                                                     g et s mo re pe o ple c lic k i ng t o se e           k e e p s y o ur p ro p e r t y i n fro nt o f
                                                     mo re a bo u t yo ur l ist i n g .                    p o t e n t i a l l y i n t e re st e d b uy e rs m o re
                                                                                                           o ft e n t o d ri v e e n ga g e me nt fu r t he r.
Buyer Enquiry Pie Chart

        8%                                                                                            22%
         Print                                                                                         Referal

        2%                                                                                            24%
         Other                                                                                             Online

                 As a general rule I recommend spending around 1% of your target sale figure
                     on your marketing budget to tap into the largest possible buyer pool.

                                                                                             **Source: Macquarie Bank Report – real estate benchmarking 2012
Print is an essenMal element of a successful markeMng

Print                 campaign that taps into 100% of the buyer pool. Print
                      markeMng comprises local newspapers like the Gold
                      Coast BulleMn.

✓   Print will help bring in more genuine buyers than just internet marketing
✓   Shows potential buyers you are a serious vendor with a genuine intent to sell your property
✓   Very useful to attract the passive Buyer who is not
    necessarily looking at the web based portals
✓   Print can stimulate word of mouth marketing
✓   Print has a long lifespan in homes and cafe’s driven
    by quality editorial content
✓   Print maintains a large readership, many of which are interested in property
The Gold Coast Bulletin
This local publicaRon is the most popular choice by Vendors looking
adverRse their property for sale. It is also the most popular local
paper where buyers go to looking for homes to buy.

Saturday CirculaRon of GC BulleRn is 33,934 and Readership is

67% of Saturday Gold Coast BulleRn readers are moved to buy
products and services they have read about, and eight in ten of them
(82%) share what they read and see with others.
Chinese Newspaper
                    Queensland Property Weekly

                    The Queensland Property Weekly magazine is the leading
                    Queensland’s Residential and commercial property
                    outside English media with news, features and information
                    for property buyers, developers and investors.

                    With Circulation of 10,000 copies per issues, it is
                    distributed free at more than 50 locations throughout
                    Brisbane and Gold Coast. Our distribution is concentrated
                    in areas with dense Asian population, providing efficient
                    distribution and excellent coverage of all areas such as
                    Brisbane City CBD, Chinatown, Aspley, Sunnybank,
                    Sunnybank Hills, Runcorn, Robertson, Logan, Eight Mile
                    Plains and Gold Coast. You will also find our newspaper
                    stands at selected real estate agents.

                    Queensland Property Weekly aims to introduce a network
                    of Chinese buyers to the Australian real estate market and
                    at the same time offer the best value advertising in their
The rise of the great Chinese consumer

                             China boasts some of the wealthiest people on the planet and they have their eyes set on
                             international property.

                             Top destinations for Chinese property buyers

                             - Sydney             - Gold Coast
                             - Melbourne          - Perth
                             - Brisbane

                             ‘                    ‘

   102 million                          22 million                                             67.5 million
Upper middle class Chinese         High net worth Chinese                                 Affluent Chinese by 2020

                                                                                                                             **Source: McKinsey & Company
Our Resources
                                       ConnecMng you to Foreign Buyers

                 Hong Kong                Ray White Live
                                                                                China Desk
                   Office                 Online Auctions

Beijing office                                                                               Juwai

     WeChat              Translation Services                       Weibo
Internet Marketing

 Internet markeMng is by far the most important and best
 performing of all markeMng channels as far as reach and

 Popular internet marketing methods;
Internet Marketing

 Internet markeMng is by far the most important and best
 performing of all markeMng channels as far as reach and

 Popular internet marketing methods;

 ✓ Social Media
Internet Marketing

 Internet markeMng is by far the most important and best
 performing of all markeMng channels as far as reach and

 Popular internet marketing methods;

 ✓ Social Media

 ✓ YouTube
Internet Marketing

 Internet markeMng is by far the most important and best
 performing of all markeMng channels as far as reach and

 Popular internet marketing methods;

 ✓ Social Media

 ✓ YouTube

 ✓ Real Estate Websites
Internet Marketing

 Internet markeMng is by far the most important and best
 performing of all markeMng channels as far as reach and

 Popular internet marketing methods;

 ✓ Social Media

 ✓ YouTube

 ✓ Real Estate Websites

 ✓ Agency Website

Internet markeMng is by far the most important and best
performing of all markeMng channels as far as reach and

Popular internet marketing methods;

✓ Social Media

✓ YouTube

✓ Real Estate Websites

✓ Agency Website

✓ Property Specific Website
The Marketing Funnel
The winning formula for selling more

                                       ATTE N TION
                                                     At the acenMon stage we acract potenMal buyers by
                                                     building awareness.

                                                     ✓ Social Media

                                                     ✓ Print Advertising

                                                     ✓ Personal Databases

                                                     ✓ Real Estate Websites

                                                     ✓ Flyers

                                                     It is at the acenMon stage the funnel is widest to
                                                     generate as much acenMon as possible.
The Marketing Funnel

                                     At the interest stage we educate buyers on the
                       ATTE N TION   features of your home, the locaMon and asking price.

                       INTEREST      ✓ Agency Websites

                                     ✓ Print Brochures

                                     ✓ Property Specific Websites

                                     ✓ Follow Up Phone Calls

                                     ✓ Flyers

                                     All enquiries are databased and communicated with
                                     throughout the sale process. It is at this stage we
                                     invite buyers to an open home or back for a second
The Marketing Funnel

                       ATTE N TION
                                     At the desire stage of the funnel we foster the buyers
                                     interest with the open homes and aucMons.

                                     ✓ Buyers Attend Auctions

                                     ✓ Follow Up Phone Calls
                       DESIRE        ✓ Contract Negotiations

                                     This is where the buyers start to become invested
                                     owning your property and we can start with contract
The Marketing Funnel

                       ATTE N TION   At the acMon stage buyers submit offers for private
                                     sale or bid at aucMons.

                                     ✓ Acceptance of Offers

                                     ✓ Auction Bidding

                       DESIRE        ✓ Private Negotiation

                                     ✓ Contract Terms


                                     Once the highest possible price has been negoMated,
                                     and if it is at a level the Vendor is happy with, the
                                     property is sold, if not the property remains for sale.
The Marketing Funnel

                                                      ATTE N TION

                                                                                       At the advocacy stage both buyers and vendors
                                                                                       become brand advocates. Ideally, on compleMon of a
                                                      INTEREST                         sale, both the Purchaser and Vendor are happy with
                                                                                       the level of service they received leading to referral


                                                                                       ✓ Join the database

                                                      ACTION                           ✓ Purchase additional properties

                                                                                       ✓ Contract Negotiations


                       “Th e con ce pt of t h e Mar ket i n g Fu n n e l i s t h at more qu ali fi e d bu ye rs c re ate s more comp et i t i on
                                                            wh i c h le ads to a h i g h e r sale p r i ce .”
Contact Us
  phone. 0411 746 746

 Find Us
  address. Shop 7/1 Sunshine Blvd
  Broadbeach Waters QLD 4218
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