Page created by Sarah Robbins

                      Global Mobility Services:
                      Taxation of International
                      Assignees – Netherlands


Taxation issues &
related matters for
employers &
employees 2019

                       Last Updated: April 2016
                       This document was not intended or written to be used, and it    Menu
                       cannot be used for the purpose of avoiding tax penalties that
                       may be imposed on the taxpayer.
Last Updated: February 2019
This document was not intended or written to be used, and it cannot be used for the purpose
of avoiding tax penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer.

          Introduction:   International assignees working in the              4
          Step 1:         Understanding basic principles                      5
          Step 2:         Understanding the Dutch tax system                  7
          Step 3:         What to do before you arrive in the                22
          Step 4:         What to do when you arrive in the                  27
          Step 5:         What to do at the end of the tax year              30
          Step 6:         What to do when you leave the Netherlands          32
          Step 7:         Other matters requiring consideration              34
          Appendix A:     Rates of tax                                       36
          Appendix B:     Calculation of taxable income                      37
          Appendix C:     Double-taxation agreements                         39
          Appendix D:     Social security agreements                         41

          Appendix E:     Netherlands contacts and offices                   42

        Additional Country Folios can be located at the following website:
        Global Mobility Country Guides

                                  Global Mobility Country Guide (Folio)       3
International assignees
working in the Netherlands
PwC is the world's leading provider of
professional services. The People and
Organisation network works together
with its clients to find solutions for the
challenges they encounter when
transferring people from one country
to another.

This brochure is intended to inform
foreign nationals and their employers
about tax, social security and
immigration issues in the Netherlands.

This guide is not exhaustive and
cannot be regarded as a substitute for
professional advice addressing
individual circumstances.
Nevertheless, answers will be found to
most of the questions raised by an
expatriate or his/her employer. More
detailed advice should be sought
before any specific decisions are made
about these issues.

More information can be obtained
from our Dutch offices specializing in
People and Organisation’s Global
Mobility Services (see Appendix E).

4       People and Organisation
Step 1:
Understanding basic principles
The scope of taxation in the             The tax year                          Partners
                                         2. The Dutch tax year runs from       3. Partners of expatriate
1.   A foreign national working in          January 1st to December 31st.         employees are independently
     the Netherlands will, in general,                                            liable to Dutch tax on their
     become liable to Dutch tax. The                                              (employment) income. Under
     main taxes are:                                                              conditions a partner may
                                                                                  qualify as a ‘fiscal partner’ for
        Income tax;                                                              Dutch tax purposes. A 'fiscal
        Wage tax;                                                                partner' is defined as a spouse
                                                                                  or a legally registered partner.
        Dividend tax;                                                            Under certain conditions,
                                                                                  couples living together who are
        Gift and inheritance tax;                                                not married or registered are
                                                                                  also (automatically) regarded as
        Real estate occupancy tax;
                                                                                  fiscal partners.
        Real estate transfer tax;
                                                                                   Fiscal partners are (as
        Social security                                                           mentioned) independently
         contributions.                                                            liable to Dutch tax on their
                                                                                   income. However, for so-called
                                                                                   joint income and deductions,
                                                                                   fiscal partners may choose
                                                                                   which partner will take the joint
                                                                                   income/deductions into
                                                                                   account in his/her income tax

                                                                    Global Mobility Country Guide (Folio)         5
Determination of residence            The most important criteria in    5. In practice, an expatriate is
                                      this respect are as follows:         generally considered a resident
4. Under Dutch tax law, an                                                 of the Netherlands if:
   individual’s place of residence       Where a permanent home
   for tax purposes depends upon          is maintained;                         As a married person, his
   all facts and circumstances                                                    family accompanies him to
   applicable to the personal            Where employment duties                 the Netherlands; or
   situation. These facts and             are performed;
   circumstances are used to                                                     As a single person, he stays
                                         Where the individual's                  in the Netherlands for more
   determine where the center of
                                          family resides;                         than one year.
   an individual’s personal and
   economic life is located. If the      Where the individual is       Expatriate status
   center of the individual’s             registered with the local     (30% ruling)
   personal and economic life is          authorities;
   located in the Netherlands, he                                       6.       Under certain conditions, a
   or she is considered to be a          Where bank accounts and                foreign employee assigned to
   resident of the Netherlands for        other assets are                       the Netherlands may be
   tax purposes.                          maintained; and                        granted the right to be taxed
                                         The intended length of stay            in accordance with a special
                                                                                 Dutch tax regime, called the
                                          in the Netherlands.
                                                                                 30% ruling. This ruling is
                                                                                 outlined in detail later on in
                                                                                 this brochure.

6       People and Organisation
Step 2:
Understanding the Dutch tax system
Taxation of resident individuals
Taxable income                           Box 1:                                           Allowable expenses relating
                                                                                           to employment and home
7.   Residents of the Netherlands        9. Box 1 includes an individual’s                 ownership.
     are subject to Dutch tax on their      taxable income from work and
     world-wide income. This world-         home ownership. This type of          Box 2:
     wide income is divided into            income includes the following:
     three different types of taxable                                             11. Box 2 includes an individual’s
     income. Each type of income is              Employment income;                  taxable income from a
     taxed separately under its own                                                   substantial interest (defined
                                                 Home ownership of the               further on in this brochure).
     schedule, referred to as a 'Box'.            principal residence (i.e.
     Each Box has its own tax
                                                  deemed income lowered by        Box 3:
     rate(s). The individual's                    mortgage interest
     combined taxable income is                   deduction);                     12. Box 3 includes an individual’s
     determined on the basis of the                                                   taxable income from savings
     aggregate income in these three             Gains from self-                    and investments (investment
     boxes.                                       employment and other                yield tax).
                                                  professional activities;
8. For fiscal partners, some of the                                               Employment income
   income is taxed jointly (joint                Periodic receipts and
   income/deductions). With few                   payments;                       13. Employment income includes
   exceptions, income must be                                                         all direct or indirect cash
   recognized at the time it is                  Benefits relating to income         payments or benefits in kind.
   received or offset, is put at the              provisions (e.g. refund of          Benefits in kind are generally
   disposal of the individual,                    annuity premiums).                  taxed at market value.
   begins bearing interest or is                                                      However, if the benefit in kind
                                         10. This taxable income is subject           is required for the proper
   collectible and receivable.
                                             to deductions for:                       performance of the employment
     Appendix B contains an                                                           activities, the individual is taxed
                                                 Expenses relating to income
     overview of how taxable income                                                   on what he saves (i.e. costs he
                                                  provisions, such as annuity
     is calculated.                                                                   avoids incurring by virtue of the
                                                  premiums provided that
                                                                                      provision of the benefit). There
                                                  certain conditions are met;
                                                                                      are fixed valuation rules
                                                 Personal deductions;                regarding certain benefits in
                                                                                      kind (e.g. for company car,
                                                                                      (restricted) shares, housing
                                                                                      and meals).

                                                                       Global Mobility Country Guide (Folio)           7
14. In principle, all                   iii. The following expenses can        o   Extra-territorial costs
    reimbursements made by the               be reimbursed tax free in             (which includes the tax
    employer to the employee are             addition to the 1.2% budget           free allowance under
    considered (taxable) wage.               (below listed expenses are            the 30% ruling);
    However, 4 types of exceptions           the so-named ‘specific
    apply to this general rule.              exemptions’):                     o   Business related
                                                                                   moving expenses;
    i.   The employer has under the         o   Travel expenses at EUR
         work-related cost scheme a             0.19 per kilometer;            o   Discounts on company
         budget of 1.2% of the total                                               products.
         fiscal wages of its                o   PC’s and mobile phones
                                                when necessary for an      iv. So-named intermediary
         employees to reimburse
                                                employee’s                     costs (costs paid by the
         incurred expenses tax free                                            employee on behalf of the
         amongst the employees.                 employment activities;
                                                                               employer) can also be
    ii. A limited number of                 o   Business related               reimbursed tax free in
        workplace related facilities            expenses for temporary         addition to the 1.2% budget.
        that fall within the scope of           stay (e.g. hotel and           Intermediary costs are for
        the 1.2% budget (such as                meal expenses);                example costs of a business
        working clothes,                                                       related meal or gasoline for
                                            o   Business related               a company car paid by the
        consumptions and meals at               expenses regarding
        the workplace) are valued                                              employee who can
                                                courses, seminars,             afterwards claim the
        at nil or are valued (very)             symposia, business
        low.                                                                   expenses from his
                                                literature, etc.;              employer.
                                            o   Study expenses;

8        People and Organisation
Tax credit                                     tax-facilitated pension for        Principle Residence
                                               salary in excess of EUR 107,593.
15. A general tax credit will apply to         It might therefore be advisable    20. The principal residence is taxed
    all taxpayers. In addition, there          for employees who participate          in Box 1 based on the property’s
    are a number of specific tax               in a foreign (non-EU) pension          fixed (deemed) rental value.
    credits that are applied on a              scheme and whose salary                This rental value is based on the
    case-by-case basis. The most               exceeds EUR 107,593 to seek            property's fair market value as
    important specific tax credit is           further guidance on the impact         determined by the local
    the labor rebate. Taxpayers who            of these limitations. Making           authorities. The deemed rental
    receive business profits, income           further arrangements might be          value ranges from 0%-0.65% of
    from employment or income                  recommended, to ensure that            the fair market value. The
    from independently performed               their pension scheme still suits       deemed rental value on
    services are entitled to claim             their whishes.                         property valued higher than
    this credit.                                                                      EUR 1,080,000 is EUR 7,020
                                         Foreign pension schemes                      plus an additional 2.35% of the
Social security and                                                                   value above EUR 1,080,000.
pensions                                 18.     The Dutch Tax Authories can
                                                 assign a foreign pension         21. Interest paid on (mortgage)
16. Payments that employees make                 scheme as a recognized Dutch         loans related to the principle
    to foreign social security and               pension scheme. As a result,         residence is in principle
    pension schemes may be tax                   the foreign pension scheme           deductible in Box 1 for a
    deductible if the schemes would              does qualify under Dutch law,        maximum period of 30 years.
    qualify under Dutch law. Please              which means that payments            However, from January 1, 2013
    note that employers                          to the pension scheme are tax        the conditions under which an
    contributions to foreign social              deductible. For employees            individual can benefit from the
    security and pension schemes                 from the EU/EEA a                    (mortgage) interest deduction
    can be taxable (and employees                simplified procedure applies         have become more strict. A
    contributions non-deductible) if             for recognition of the foreign       distinction should therefore be
    the schemes are non-qualifying.              pension scheme.                      made between loans that
    Upon emigration, the Dutch tax                                                    already qualified as a mortgage
    authorities may issue a              Home ownership                               loan for a principal residence
    precautionary tax assessment                                                      (‘eigenwoningschuld’) on
    on the capital sum of company        19.     Individuals who own
                                                 property in the Netherlands          December 31, 2012, and
    pension accrued (or, depending                                                    mortgage loans that did not
    the applicable tax treaty, on the            will be liable to pay tax on
                                                 this (deemed) source of              qualify as a mortgage loan for a
    amount of contributions that                                                      principle residence at that
    were subject to Dutch tax relief)            income in the Netherlands. A
                                                                                      moment (e.g. mortgage loans
    in order to retain their right to            distinction should be made
                                                 between a property that is           concluded for a principal
    levy tax on that amount.                                                          residence from January 1, 2013
                                                 considered to be the
17. The tax beneficial build-up of               individual's principal               onwards).
    pension entitlements is capped               residence and a property
    to a maximum income. For                     owned for other purposes.
    2019, the maximum salary
    amounts to EUR 107,593. It is
    no longer possible to accrue

                                                                       Global Mobility Country Guide (Folio)         9
22. For mortgage loans that did not          occur to mortgage loans that             3 taxation is explained further
    qualify as a mortgage loan for a         were concluded prior to                  on in this brochure). The
    principle residence on                   January 1, 2013, or situations           mortgage interest paid for this
    December 31, 2012 and where              where the property for which             type of real estate is not tax
    transitional law is not                  the mortgage loan was                    deductible. However, under
    applicable, the new conditions           concluded qualified as a                 conditions, certain exceptions
    can be summarized as follows:            primary residence previously.            may apply (under which Box 1
                                                                                      treatment and thus mortgage
        The interest on (mortgage)      25. Furthermore, from January 1,             interest deduction is still
         loans will only be                  2014, the maximum effective              allowed), when the home is to
         deductible if the mortgage          tax rate against which the               be sold or a new home is bought
         is fully repaid within a            mortgage interest is deducted            or for a property under
         maximum period of 30                has started to decrease                  construction.
         years;                              annually. In 2019, the
                                             maximum effective tax rate is        Substantial interest (Box 2)
        These loans must be repaid          49%.. As from 1 January 2020
         periodically on the basis of        the percentage at which the          28. In Box 2, income from a
         a fixed pattern (e.g. linear/       interest is deducted per annum           substantial interest is taxed,
         annuity), which is included         is to be decreased in four stages        less the allowable losses and
         in the loan                         of three percent to ultimately           expenses from that substantial
         agreement/contract as well.         37.05 percent in 2023.                   interest. Generally, a taxpayer
         For foreign loans proof                                                      earns income from a substantial
         needs to be provided (strict    26. If an individual has no                  interest if he/she owns at least
         deadlines apply);                   (mortgage) loan, or the                  5% of the shares in a company.
                                             (mortgage) interest paid is              The Box 2 tax rate is 25%.
23. For loans that do not meet the           lower than the deemed rental
    above-mentioned conditions               value, the individual will be        Investment yield tax
    and where the transitional rules         granted a deduction on the           (Box 3)
    are not applicable, the mortgage         deemed rental value (i.e. the
    interest deduction will no                                                    29. In Box 3, income from savings
                                             difference between the deemed            and investments is taxed.
    longer be allowed.                       rental value and the interest            Rather than taxing the actual
24. For mortgage loans that                  paid). From 2019 onwards, this           income received from saving
    qualified as a mortgage loan for         difference may only be partially         accounts, bonds, shares and
    a principle residence on                 deducted in box 1. This                  real estate, Dutch law assumes a
    December 31, 2012 (and in                deduction will be reduced                fixed return on investment (see
    specific other situations),              annually.                                Appendix A) on net assets
    transitional rules apply. If         Real estate owned for other                  (assets less liabilities). The
    transitional rules apply, the        purposes                                     value and fiscal qualification of
    interest paid can be deducted                                                     the assets on January 1 is
    for a maximum period of 30           27. In case real estate does not             decisive. This fixed ROI is taxed
    years, irrespective if the               qualify (or no longer qualifies)         at a fixed rate of 30%. However,
    mortgage loan is being paid off          as a principal residence, the real       an amount of 30,360 euros is
    or not during this period. A             estate and the related                   exempted from this taxation.
    careful assessment is required           (mortgage) loan are taxed in             For partners this is 60,720
    in situations where changes              Box 3 rather than in Box 1 (Box          euros.

10       People and Organisation
Deductions                                  called lucrative investment              premiums towards (temporary)
                                            (carried interest arrangements)          old age annuities and a
30. Extraordinary expenditures,             under taxation in Box 1. The             survivor's annuity.
    personal pledges and donations          income from a lucrative
    are tax deductible within limits.       investment, both income and          Personal deductions
    A distinction is made between           capital gains, will, in principle,
    deductions relating solely to                                                37. Personal deductions are
                                            be taxed in Box 1 rather than            deductible from income (in
    Box 1 income and those relating         Box 3, and as such, be taxable
    mainly to the taxpayer's                                                         chronological order) in Boxes 1,
                                            at progressive tax rates (up to
    personal circumstances.                                                          3 and 2.
31. Insofar as these personal                                                    38. The following expenses are
                                        Commuting expenses                           considered personal
    deductions exceed the (positive)
    income in Box 1, they will be       34. With respect to costs of                 deductions:
    deducted from Box 3 income              traveling by public transport, a            Alimony and other
    and, thereafter, Box 2 income.          fixed amount can be deducted
                                                                                         maintenance obligations;
    Any remaining balance may be            as commuting expenses. The
    carried forward to the next             fixed amount depends on the                 Specific medical and health
    year(s).                                distance traveled and the                    expenses (under restriction
                                            number of days traveled per                  of limited costs);
Incentive income and                        week. Costs of traveling
executive remuneration                      associated with traveling by car            Weekend care expenses for
                                            or motorbike cannot be                       handicapped close relatives
32. Income and benefits from
                                            deducted.                                    older than 21 years;
    equity based remuneration is
    generally taxable at the moment     35. Employers can reimburse actual              Study costs and other
    the benefit becomes                     costs of commuting tax free                  educational expenses (From
    unconditional (shares) or at the                                                     2020 onwards, this
                                            regardless the way of travel with
    moment the benefit is exercised                                                      deduction will be replaced
                                            a maximum of EUR 0.19 per
    (stock options). The income is                                                       by a subsidy for every
                                            kilometer. Insofar as the                    person that has obtained a
    pro-rated for the period it is          reimbursement exceeds EUR                    minimum level of education
    earned (e.g. the vesting period)        0.19 per kilometer, the excess is            as determined by the
    in case the individual worked           considered taxable wage. If                  government);
    and was taxable in more than            communting takes place with
    one country during this period.         public transport, the actual                Charitable donations;
    The Dutch taxable income is             costs can be reimbursed tax
    determined based on the net             free.                                Foreign tax relief
    benefit (i.e. gross benefit minus
    any exercise price paid).           Life annuity premiums                    39. According to Dutch tax law,
    Furthermore, a discount applies                                                  resident individuals are taxed
    on the taxable value in case of a   36. Life annuity premiums are                on their worldwide income.
    holding lock or forced                  deductible under certain                 However, tax treaties concluded
    postponed exercise date.                conditions, amongst those the            by the Netherlands and other
                                            existence of a pension gap.              unilateral provisions of law may
33. The rules regarding ‘excessive’         Other tax deductible premiums            result in the exemption of
    remuneration have brought so-           for life annuities include               certain types of foreign-sourced

                                                                      Global Mobility Country Guide (Folio)         11
income from Dutch taxation.            the credit method (i.e. actual      Taxation of non-resident
     According to most tax treaties         foreign tax paid). Nonetheless,     individuals
     the Netherlands has concluded,         exceptions may apply if certain
                                                                                Taxable income
     the following types of income          conditions are met. Some
     may be exempted from Dutch             countries also levy withholding     43. An individual's residency status
     taxation:                              taxes (source tax) on dividend          is determined as described in
                                            and interest payments to Dutch          the section entitled
        Income from a business or          residents. In general, such             "Determination of residence",
         profession, provided that          foreign withholding tax is              above.
         the income is generated by         credited against Dutch income
         a foreign permanent                tax payable.                        44. Similar to residents of the
         establishment or fixed base;                                               Netherlands, individuals who
                                        Wage withholding tax                        qualify as non-residents for tax
        Income from employment,                                                    purposes are taxable in the
         provided that the Dutch        41. Employment income is                    Netherlands based on the Boxes
         resident spends more than          generally subject to wage tax           system. They are liable to pay
         183 days in a 12 month             withholding. Wage tax is levied         tax on their Dutch sourced
         period (or in a tax or             as a prepayment of income tax.          taxable income in Boxes 1, 2
         calendar year) in the              The wage tax rates are based            and 3. This comprises the
         foreign country or the             upon the income tax rates,              following:
         remuneration is (deemed to         taking into account general and
         be) paid by an employer            labor levy rebates. If the          Box 1:
         resident in that foreign           amount of wage tax withheld is
         country or borne by a              lower than the ultimate income              Taxable income from
         permanent establishment of         tax liability, or if no tax is               current or past employment
         the employer in that               withheld, tax will be due on the             performed in the
         country;                           receipt of a provisional or final            Netherlands;
                                            income tax assessment after                 Taxable income from
        Directors' fees received in        having filed a Dutch annual
         respect of a directorship of                                                    lucrative investments in the
                                            income tax return.                           Netherlands;
         a foreign-resident
         company;                       Other taxes                                     Gains from self-employment
        Income from foreign real       42. The most important other taxes               and other activities in the
         estate.                            levied by the Netherlands are:               Netherlands attributable to a
                                                                                         Dutch permanent
40. Generally, the exemption is                Inheritance and gift tax;                establishment or
    calculated as a pro-rata                                                             representative;
    reduction of the amount of                 Real estate transfer tax;
    Dutch tax computed on the                                                           Certain periodic benefits and
                                               Real estate tax; and                     payments;
    individual's world-wide income
    (exemption with progression                Road tax.                               Income received in the
    method). However, the                                                                employee's capacity as a
    avoidance for double taxation       Further details can be found later
                                                                                         managing or supervisory
    for director’s fees is under most   on in this brochure.
                                                                                         director of a Dutch
    tax treaties concluded, based on                                                     company;

12       People and Organisation
   Home ownership of the                  the aggregate 183 days in a         from employment abroad if the
       principal residence (deemed            calendar year, tax year or          income was subject to taxation
       income);                               any twelve months period            in the other country and if the
                                              commencing or ending in             taxation rights on this income
Box 2:                                        the fiscal year concerned           are allocated to the foreign
      Dividend and (capital) gains           (depending on the tax               country in question.
       from a company in the                  treaty); and
                                                                              Definition employer in tax
       Netherlands in which the              The individual’s salary is      treaties
       taxpayer has a substantial             paid or borne by an
       interest;                              employer who is not a           47. The policy guidelines on the
                                              resident of the Netherlands;        definition of “employer” in the
Box 3:                                                                            employment article of tax
      Income from real estate                                                    treaties have been set out in a
       located in the Netherlands            The individual's salary costs       specific Decree published by the
                                              are not borne by a                  Dutch Ministry of Finance. The
       (other than the principal
                                              permanent establishment or          Decree solely applies in case of
                                              fixed base in the                   assignments to a separate legal
      Entitlements relating to real          Netherlands.                        entity in the country of
       estate in the Netherlands;                                                 employment (it does not apply
                                       Deemed country of                          to assignments to permanent
      Profit-sharing entitlements     employment                                 establishments). Furthermore,
       relating to companies whose                                                the assignment must be in the
                                       46. A non-resident employee
       management is based in the                                                 context of an exchange
       Netherlands (except if the          (employed with an employer
                                                                                  programme or career
       shareholding qualifies as a         who is a Dutch wage tax
                                           withholding agent), who                development, or in situations
       lucrative investment which                                                 where the employee in question
                                           performs part of his
       is taxed in Box 1).                                                        has a specific expertise. Based
                                           employment duties in the
                                                                                  on the Decree, in some cases it
Employment income                          Netherlands and part outside
                                           the Netherlands, is deemed to          can be assumed that –
45. Under Dutch tax law, all income        have carried out 100% of his           irrespective of who is actually
    derived by non-residents from          employment duties in the               bearing the employment costs –
    employment duties physically           Netherlands. Consequently, the         the host country employer is
    performed in the Netherlands,          non-resident is in principle           not considered as the tax treaty
    is in principle subject to Dutch       liable to pay Dutch income tax         employer when an assignment
    income tax. However, according         on his total employment income         does not exceed 60 days over a
    to most tax treaties concluded                                                twelve-month period. This relief
                                           (not only on the part of the
    by the Netherlands, the                employment income that                 is intended for group entities as
    employment income is                   relates to Dutch workdays).            defined in the Dutch Wage Tax
    exempted from Dutch taxation                                                  Act (which means that a 1/3
                                           Subject to double taxation
    if the following three                 treaties between the                   equity stake is required).
    cumulative conditions are met:         Netherlands and other                  Groups that do not satisfy this
                                                                                  requirement, but do present
                                           countries, the deemed country
      The individual is present in                                               themselves as a group, can file
                                           of employment provisions do
       the Netherlands for a period                                               an application with the Dutch
                                           not apply to income earned
       or periods not exceeding in

                                                                   Global Mobility Country Guide (Folio)        13
tax authorities to request             any exercise price paid).               lucrative investment and if the
     corresponding application of           Furthermore, a discount applies         substantial interest route is
     the Decree.                            on the taxable value in case of a       chosen.
                                            holding lock or forced
48. When an employee is subject to          postponed exercise date.            54. The Dutch taxation on
    Dutch wage tax, the foreign                                                     severance payments that relate
    (formal) employer is in             50. Specific rules regarding                to activities performed in
    principle liable to remit wage          ‘excessive’ renumeration apply          different countries, is based on
    tax. In other words, the home           to income from lucrative                the OESD guidelines. This
    country employer will have to           investments (i.e. both income           means for example that the
    register in the Netherlands and         and capital gains). These gains         (actual) severance payment is
    process a Dutch (shadow)                will, in principle, be taxed in         allocated for tax purposes
    payroll. However, there is a            Box 1 rather than Box 3, and, as        according to the taxation on the
    general facility to transfer the        such, be taxable at progressive         regular employment income
    wage tax withholding obligation         tax rates (up to 51,75%).               during the twelve months
    from the home country (formal)                                                  preceeding the termination of
    employer to a Dutch entity          51. For non-residents, where and to         employment.
    within the same concern. As             the extent (taxable) activities
    such, the Dutch entity can take         are performed in the                Director's fees
    over the withholding obligation         Netherlands, (part of) the
                                            lucrative investment is subject       55. Generally, based on most
    from the home country
                                            to taxation in the Netherlands            Dutch tax treaties,
    employer. A request should be                                                     incomeearned as a managing
    filed with the Dutch tax                based on Dutch domestic tax
                                            legislation. However, it should           or supervisory director of a
    authorities in this respect.                                                      company that is domiciled in
                                            be determined on a case-by-
Incentive income,                           case basis whether the                    the Netherlands is fully
executive remuneration                      Netherlands also have the right           taxable in the Netherlands. It
                                                                                      is irrelevant in this respect
and severance payment                       to levy tax on the income from
                                            lucrative investments based on            whether the director’s duties
49. Similar to resident taxpayers,          the applicable tax treaties.              are actually carried out in the
    non-resident taxpayers are                                                        Netherlands.
    generally taxed in the              52. Furthermore, for individuals
                                            who arrive in the Netherlands       Personal deductions
    Netherlands on income and
    benefits from equity based              after January 1, 2009, whilst       56. A non-resident taxpayer is
    remuneration at the moment              holding a lucrative investment          granted with the following
    the benefit becomes                     and who did not qualify as non-         personal deductions:
    unconditional (shares) or is            residents for Dutch tax
    exercised (stock options). The          purposes prior to the date of              Foreign social security
    income is pro-rated for the             arrival for this (lucrative)                contributions paid in
    period it is earned (e.g. the           investment, a step up to the fair           relation to Dutch sourced
    vesting period) in case the             market value of the lucrative               employment income,
    individual worked in more than          investment on the date of                   provided that certain
    one country during this period.         arrival will be applied.                    conditions are met;
    The Dutch taxable income is
                                        53. Finally, different rules may               Contributions made to a so-
    determined based on the net
                                            apply in case of an indirect                called qualifying pension
    benefit (i.e. gross benefit minus

14      People and Organisation
scheme (limitations may            applies, in principle, to non-          can qualify as qualifying non-
        apply);                            resident taxpayers who operate          resident taxpayers of the
                                           a company via a permanent               Netherlands (this rules out
       Expenses for income                establishment in the                    third country residents).
        provisions, such as annuity        Netherlands. The amount of the          Furthermore, the Netherlands
        premiums and premiums              tax portion of the employed             will only grant the benefits to
        for disability or accident         person’s tax credit will be based       the extent that the non-resident
        insurance provided that            on the worldwide employment             taxpayer is not able to
        certain conditions are met;        income. Furthermore, on basis           effectuate these deductions in
       Interest and costs on              of tax treaties, Ministerial            the home country.
                                           Decrees and EU law, non-
        (mortgage) loans for real                                              Income tax rates
        estate, provided that the          residents may also be entitled to
        real estate qualifies as a         the income tax part of various      61. For non-resident employees,
                                           levy rebates normally only              the income tax rates are the
        principal residence for
        Dutch tax purposes. This           available to residents.                 same as for resident taxpayers.
        includes, for example, the                                                 However, in the Netherlands,
                                       59. If non-residents are covered by         the social security tax rates are
        scenario in which the              the Dutch social security               levied together with the tax
        former Dutch principle             scheme, they are entitled to the        rates. As such, for employees
        residence is for sale or is        social security part of all             not covered by the Dutch social
        being sold, provided certain       applicable evy rebates                  security system, taxation on box
        limitations in time are met.                                               1 income (e.g. employment
        Kindly note that as of         Qualifying non-resident                     income) is effectively levied at
        January 1, 2015, it may be     status                                      “lower” tax rates due to the
        necessary for non-residents                                                exclusion of the social security
        to be considered as            60. As of January 1, 2015 the option        tax rates. (see Appendix A).
        qualifying non-resident in         regime (‘keuzeregeling’) has
        order to be eligible for           been revoked and replaced by        Other taxes
        Dutch mortgage interest            the ‘qualifying non-residents’
                                           regime. As a consequence, only      62. Non-resident taxpayers may
                                           non-residents who meet the              also be subject to other taxes.
Levy rebates                               conditions to be considered as          The most important of these
                                           qualifying non-resident                 taxes are:
57. The Dutch levy rebates consist         taxpayers of the Netherlands
    of both an income tax and a                                                       Inheritance and gift tax;
                                           (i.e. individuals who earn 90%
    social security part.                  of their worldwide income in               Real estate transfer tax; and
58. As of 1 January 2019, non-             the Netherlands and meet
                                           certain other conditions) are              Real estate tax.
    qualifying non-resident
    taxpayers who are resident in          eligible for personal/familial
                                                                                   Information about these taxes is
    an EU member state, the EEA,           deductions, tax credits, etc.
                                           normally only available to              summarized further on in this
    Switzerland or the Carribean                                                   brochure.
    Netherlands will be given the          Dutch tax residents. Please note
    statutory right to the tax             that only residents of EU
                                           countries, Liechtenstein,
    portion of the employed
    person’s tax credit. The same          Norway, Iceland, Switzerland,
                                           Bonaire, Sint Eusatius or Saba

                                                                    Global Mobility Country Guide (Folio)            15
tax". The term "partial"              The employee should have
                                                 indicates that, even if the            lived outside a 150 km
Special regime for
                                                 employee qualifies as a                radius from the Dutch
expatriates (30% ruling)                         resident of the Netherlands,           borders for more than 2/3rd
General                                          he is treated as a non-                out of 24 months before
                                                 resident taxpayer for Box 2            being recruited to work in
63. The 30% ruling is a special tax              and Box 3 income, but as a             the Netherlands, in order to
    regime available for inbound                 resident taxpayer for Box 1            be considered as incoming
    employees who meet certain                   income. Hence, he is                   employee.
    conditions. Before explaining                eligible for all general and
    these conditions in more detail,             personal allowances in         Specialist test
    please find below the main                   connection with Box 1, as
    features of the 30% ruling:                                                 65. The 30% ruling only applies to
                                                 well as for tax credits;           employees with special skills or
        Upon granting of the 30%               The employee involved, and         knowledge not readily available
         ruling, a maximum of 30%                his/her spouse, can                on the Dutch labor market
         of an employee’s gross                  exchange their foreign             (specific expertise). The specific
         income from current                     drivers’ license for a Dutch       expertise is assessed on the
         employment is considered                driver’s license without           basis of a (taxable) salary norm.
         to be a reimbursement for               taking a Dutch driving test.       When an employee meets this
         extraterritorial costs and                                                 salary requirement, he is in
         can therefore be                Conditions                                 principle deemed to meet the
         reimbursed tax free (i.e.                                                  condition of specific expertise.
         regardless of the actual        64. Please find below the most             The following three salary
         extraterritorial costs              recent conditions under which          requirements can be applicable:
         incurred). This means that          the 30% ruling can be applied:
         if the conditions of the 30%                                                  General (taxable) salary
                                                The employee should be                 norm: EUR 37,743 (or EUR
         ruling are met, the                     assigned to the
         employee will only be taxed                                                    53,919 including full 30%
                                                 Netherlands, or recruited              allowance);
         on 70% of his employment                from abroad for the
         income. This will result in a           purpose of employment in              Masters (Msc) younger
         substantially reduced                   the Netherlands (i.e.                  than 30 years of age: EUR
         effective tax due (i.e. the             inbound employee criteria);            28,690 (or EUR 40,986
         effective maximum rate is                                                      including full 30%
         reduced to 36.2% (70% x                The employee must be                   allowance);
         51,75%)).                               employed by a Dutch
                                                 resident employer or a                Scientific personnel,
        The employer is allowed to              foreign employer who is a              researchers and (specialist)
         reimburse school fees                   wage tax withholding agent             physicians under training of
         relating to the education of            in the Netherlands;                    designated educational
         the employee's child(ren) at                                                   institutes: no salary norm.
         an international school free           The employee must have
         of Dutch tax;                           specific skills or knowledge   66. In addition, the specific
                                                 not readily available on the       expertise should still not or
        The employee can opt to be              Dutch labor market ('the           hardly be available on the
         "partially liable to Dutch              specialist test');                 Dutch labor market. The

16       People and Organisation
scarcity of the expertise may be         company. However, the Dutch             the 30% ruling in 2019 or 2020
    checked for certain specific             Supreme Court ruled on                  due to this new legislation,
    groups of employees where the            October 12, 2007 that, provided         transitional law will be
    salary level is not a sufficiently       that all conditions are met, a          applicable. In case of employees
    distinctive criterion for specific       supervisory board member                who have used the 30% ruling
    expertise.                               could be allowed to benefit from        for five years or longer in 2019
                                             the 30% ruling, as supervisory          or 2020, transitional law of two
PhD Graduates                                board members are in most               years maximum will be
67. If university doctorates move to         cases treated as employees for          applicable. The ruling will end
    the Netherlands (or a country            Dutch wage tax purposes.                as of 1 January 2021 at the
                                             However, as of 1 January 2017           latest (i.e. unless the original
    within the 150 km radius from
    the Dutch country borders) to            opting-in is recuired for               end date would be reached
    obtain their PhD and start to            supervisory board members to            earlier). In case of employees
                                             still benefit from the 30%              who have not yet used the 30%
    work in the Netherlands
    afterwards, they can in                  ruling, as supervisory board            ruling for five years in 2019 or
    principle not benefit from the           members are as of January 1,            2020, the end date of their
                                             2017 no longer treated as               eiligibility for the 30% ruling is
    30% ruling, as they cannot be
    considered as inbound                    employees. As of 1 January              reduced with three years. For
    employees for the 30% ruling             2018 non executive directors of         some expats this means that
                                             a one tier board of a listed            their 30% also ends as of 2021.
    (i.e. they are not posted or
    recruited from abroad).                  company are also no longer
                                             treated as employees and also       71. The period for which
    However, a specific exemption                                                    individuals qualify as employee
    applies in their case, allowing          need opting-in to benefit from
                                             the 30%-ruling.                         in the meaning of the Dutch
    them to obtain the 30% ruling if                                                 Wage Tax Act is considered a
    they take up a Dutch                 Period of validity                          deemed period of work for the
    employment within one year                                                       purpose of reduction rules.
    after obtaining their PhD. For       69. As of 1 January 2019, the               With this rule, it is avoided that
    completeness’ sake it is noted           maximum term of the 30%                 (statutory) directors and
    that university doctorates still         ruling is reduced from eight to         members of the supervisory
    need to meet the salary norm,            five years. The ruling will be          board of Dutch companies, who
    which depends on their age               applicable as long as the               in the past have benefitted from
    (younger than 30 or not)                 conditions are met. Periods of          the 30% ruling, can obtain the
    and/or where they will be                previous stay and employment            ruling in the future again whilst
    working (educational and                 in the Netherlands during the           only a reduction is applied on
    research institutes or other).           last 25 years are deducted from         days physically spent in the
                                             the maximum duration period             Netherlands.
Supervisory board                            of the 30% ruling. This rules out
members                                      almost all Dutch national           72. Please note the tax free 30%
                                             employees who return to the             allowance can only be paid
68. Until October 12, 2007
    members of the supervisory               Netherlands at some stage in            during the period the 30%
    board of a Dutch entity were             their international career.             ruling is applicable. Based on
                                                                                     the current legislation, for
    not able to benefit from the         70. The five years term will also
    30% ruling, as they were not                                                     inbound assignees the
                                             apply to existing cases. For            applicability of the 30% ruling
    considered employees of the              existing expats that would lose

                                                                      Global Mobility Country Guide (Folio)         17
ceases on the last day of the            employees pay themselves are              Tax and social security
     wage period following the                not tax deductible.                        equalization payments; and
     period in which the employee’s
     Dutch employment ends (i.e.                                                        Reimbursements for losses
     for most employees on the last                                                      on the sale of assets due to
                                          Other reimbursements and                       the transfer.
     day of the month following the       allowances
     month in which the Dutch                                                    76. In addition, an employer may
     employment ends). Please note        74. As mentioned, under the 30%            reimburse certain expenses tax
     that a lower Dutch court in 2015         ruling, the employer is allowed        free if they are incurred wholly
     has made the judgement that              to reimburse a maximum of              because of the expatriate's
     the applicability of the 30%             30% of the employee's salary           employment outside the
     ruling also ceases when the              from current employment                country of origin. The actual
     employer suspends the                    (excluding 30% allowance) tax          moving expenses and, in
     employee from active duty,               free as a reimbursement for            addition, an amount of EUR
     predecing the formal end of the          extraterritorial expenses              7,750 can be reimbursed tax
     employment.This has effect on            incurred. Any other                    free. Examples of other tax free
     the application of the 30%               reimbursement of actual                expenses are:
     ruling on the remuneration               extraterritorial expenses by the
     during this period and                   employer to the employee in               Professional expenses
     potentially also for the potential       addition to the 30% allowance              incurred on business trips;
     (future) continuation of the             will be considered as taxable
     ruling with a new employer.              income (or should be deducted             Limited business mileage at
                                              from the 30% tax free                      EUR 0.19 per kilometer;
School fees                                   allowance). If the actual                  and

73. When the 30% ruling is                    extraterritorial expenses
                                                                                        Professional education
    granted, the actual cost of               incurred are higher than 30% of            expenses otherwise
    attendance at an international            the employee's total salary, it            incurred in connection with
    primary or secondary school,              might therefore be more
    reimbursed by the employer,               beneficial not to apply the 30%
    will not be considered as                 ruling and to reimburse the
    taxable wage to the employee,             actual expatriate expenses
                                              instead.                           Wage withholding tax
    provided that the costs are
    limited to tuition fees and if        75. Allowable business expenses        77. The 30% ruling is granted on a
    arranged by the school,                   (not being extraterritorial            case-by-case basis. The
    transport. A Dutch school with            expenses) can be reimbursed            application must be filed with
    an "international stream" also                                                   the Dutch tax authorities within
                                              tax free in addition to the 30%
    qualifies as an international             allowance. The following               four months after the start of
    school if the school is in                payments do not qualify as             the Dutch employment in order
    principle only available for                                                     for the ruling to be applicable as
                                              allowable business expenses
    children of employees working             and are considered as taxable          of the start date. If the
    outside their home country.               reimbursements and benefits:           application is filed after the four
    The maximum tax-free term of                                                     months period, the ruling (if
    reimbursement is also set at five            Foreign-service premiums;          granted) will be applicable as of
    years. School fees that                                                          the month following the month

18       People and Organisation
in which the application was          advice should be sought on a
    filed. If the foreign employee is     case by case basis in this
    assigned to the Netherlands to        respect. The 30% ruling may
    work for a foreign employer           also have an impact on the
    that does not have sufficient         amount of Dutch social security
    substance in the Netherlands          contributions due (if applicable)
    (for tax purposes), then the          and the build-up of Dutch social
    foreign employer should apply         security entitlements of the
    be appointed as a wage tax            expatriate.
    withholding agent by the Dutch
    tax authorities before filing the     Similar to resident and non-
    application for the 30% ruling.       resident individuals, expatriates
                                          who qualify for the 30% ruling
Foreign tax relief                        may also be subject to other
                                          taxes. The most important of
Expatriates covered by the 30%            these taxes are:
ruling who reside in the
Netherlands are liable to tax on             Inheritance and gift tax;
their worldwide employment
income. Consequently, if they                Real estate transfer tax;
receive employment income which,             Real estate tax; and
under a tax treaty, is liable to tax in
another country, foreign tax relief          Road tax.
can be claimed. Expatriates covered
by the 30% ruling who do not reside       Information about these taxes is
in the Netherlands are only liable to     summarized further on in this
Dutch tax on the portion of their         brochure.
employment income that relates to
activities actually carried out in the
Netherlands. Kindly note that
applying the 30% ruling may have
an impact on the relief for double
taxation that the non-resident
employee is eligible for in the home
country. Also note that special rules
apply to US nationals, residing in
the Netherlands who are covered by
the 30% ruling.

Other matters

78. The 30% ruling may have an
    impact on the amount of
    pension rights which can be
    built-up tax free while working
    in the Netherlands. Expert

                                                                     Global Mobility Country Guide (Folio)   19
The Dutch Social                        81. The national insurance            Dutch health insurance. This
Security System                             contributions paid by an          means that the individual
                                            employee are not deductible       should conclude a health
                                            from his taxable income.          insurance with a Dutch health
79. The Netherlands has an                  National insurance                insurance company. The
    extensive compulsory social             contributions and income taxes    employer's contribution to the
    security system, including              are included as a single tax in   Health Insurance Act
    national health insurance and           the first and second income tax   (amounting to 6.95 %) is paid
    employee’s insurances.                  brackets (see Appendix A).        on a maximum amount of EUR
    Employees only pay                                                        55,927 on an annual basis
                                        Dutch employee’s                      (maximum amount is EUR
    contributions with respect to
                                        insurance schemes                     3,886.93).This contribution
    the national insurance and the
    Dutch health insurance.             82. Dutch employee’s insurance        should be processed via the
                                                                              payroll. This amount does not
                                            schemes are provided for in the
Dutch national insurance                                                      need to be processed via the
                                            following legislation:
                                                                              individuals’ pay slips and does
80. Under Dutch law, the national                                             not constitute taxable income
                                               Unemployment Insurance
    insurance schemes cover all                                               for the employee anymore. In
                                                Act ("WW");
    residents of the Netherlands,                                             addition, the employee should
    regardless of their employment             Occupational Disability       pay a fixed contribution per
    status. In general, non-                    Insurance Act ("WIA");        year (the so-called "nominale
    residents are covered if they are                                         premie") per adult to the health
    employed in the Netherlands                Sickness Benefits Act
                                                                              insurance company. This
    and if their employment income              ("ZW");
                                                                              amount varies per health
    is subject to Dutch wage                                                  insurance company (average for
                                        83. Generally speaking, no
    withholding tax. The national                                             2019: EUR 1,420 and an own
                                            employee’s insurance
    insurance schemes are provided                                            contribution of EUR 385).
                                            contributions are due if
    by the following legislation:
                                            activities are performed in the
        General Old Age Pensions           Netherlands for a period not
         Act ("AOW");                       exceeding six months, provided
                                            that they are performed by a
        Dependants Benefits Act            non-resident employee under
         ("ANW");                           an employment contract with a
                                            non-resident employer. This
        General Act for Long Term
                                            exemption is not applicable if
         Care (“WLZ”);
                                            the EU Regulation or a social
        General Child Benefit Act          security treaty is applicable.
                                        Dutch Health Insurance Act

                                        84. According to the Health
                                            Insurance Act, an individual,
                                            who is mandatory covered by
                                            the Dutch social security
                                            system, should conclude a

20       People and Organisation
EU/EEA nationals                           continue to apply the old EU       Some social security treaties also
                                           Regulation 1408/71 for third       apply to third-country nationals and
85. EU rules apply to the temporary        country nationals. Please note     to family members. We recommend
    assignment of an employee              that Denmark has not adopted       that you check the treaty provisions
    from one EU* country to                the old Regulation for third       in each individual case.
    another (under EU Regulation           country nationals and will not
    883/04). The rules direct that,        adopt the new Regulation           In Appendix D you can find an
    under certain conditions, the          either.                            overview of countries with which
    employee remains subject to the                                           the Netherlands has concluded
    social security system of his      Other nationals                        social security treaties.
    home country, provided that
    the duration of the transfer       88. Non-EU/EEA or Swiss                *EU = Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria,
    does not exceed 24 months.             nationals** employed in the        Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic,
    This is an exception to the main       Netherlands are covered by the     Denmark, Estonia, Finland,
    rule that employees are                Dutch social security system.      France, Germany, Greece,
    compulsorily covered under the         However, social security           Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia,
    social security system of the          agreements between the             Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta,
    country in which they work. It         Netherlands and some other         Poland, Portugal, Romania,
    is possible to extend this             countries may entitle the          Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden,
    coverage for a period of up to         employee to an exemption from      The Netherlands and the United
    five years (in general, depends        paying Dutch social security       Kingdom.
    per country). Special rules            contributions. This relief is
                                           similar to the provisions for an   **EEA = European Union plus
    apply to employees who work in                                            Norway, Liechtenstein, and
    more than one EU Member                EU/EEA or Swiss national.

86. The EU Regulation 883/04 has
    entered into force on May 1,
    2010. This Regulation is
    applicable to all EU countries.
    Under certain conditions the
    previous EU Regulation
    1408/71 remains applicable for
    situations which started before
    May 1, 2010.

87. The scope of EU Regulation
    883/04 is applicable to third
    country nationals from
    January 1, 2011. This relates
    only to moves between EU

    The UK does not participate in
    this new Regulation for third
    country nationals. They

                                                                   Global Mobility Country Guide (Folio)         21
Step 3:
What to do before you arrive in the
Immigration formalities in             Application for a (MVV)                       South Korea;
the Netherlands                        visa
                                                                                     United States of America;
89. A Dutch immigration procedure      90. In order to enter the
    must be started for foreign            Netherlands third country                 Vatican City.
    nationals who want to reside           nationals may be subject to        91. Foreigners who have the
    and/or work in the                     entry visa requirements,               nationality of these countries
    Netherlands. In general, a             depending on nationality and           may come to the Netherlands
    Dutch employer needs to obtain         duration of intended stay. In
                                                                                  without an MVV. Their
    a work permit to arrange legal         case a foreigner comes to the          residence permit application
    employment in the                      Netherlands for a stay shorter         can be started while they are
    Netherlands. Depending on the          than three months a short term
                                                                                  still residing abroad or shortly
    nationality and duration of            (Schengen) visa may be                 after their arrival in the
    intended stay, an entry visa           required. When coming to the           Netherlands in case their
    and/or residence permit are/is         Netherlands for a period longer
                                                                                  intended stay exceeds three
    required. For a stay of more           than three months a long term
    than four months in a                  entry visa (in Dutch so-called
    timeframe of six months,               MVV) may be required prior to      92. In case the company of the
    registration at the town hall of       arrival in the Netherlands. A          foreign national is registered as
    the municipality of residence is       visa is an annotation, placed in       an recognized sponsor and the
    required. EU/EEA and Swiss             the foreigner's passport,              foreign national is in possession
    nationals are exempted from            enabling the foreigner to enter        of a valid residence permit
    the entry visa, work and               the Netherlands. The nationals         issued by another Schengen
    residence permit requirement.          of the following countries are         country no long term entry visa
                                           exempted from the MVV                  (MVV) is required.
                                                                              93. Foreigners must obtain an entry
                                              Australia;                         visa prior to enter the
                                                                                  Netherlands from the Dutch
                                              Canada;                            embassy/consulate in the home
                                              Japan;                             country or from the country
                                                                                  where the foreigner has legal
                                              Monaco;                            residence (e.g. be in the
                                                                                  possession of a residence
                                              New Zealand;                       permit and passport valid for at

22      People and Organisation
least six months at the moment          migrant residence permit                 have found a job after this
     of collection of the entry visa).       procedure, the employer is not           search year in the Netherlands,
                                             required to arrange for a                their employer can apply for a
94. The regular procedure for the            separate work permit for the             residence permit as a Highly
    application of a MVV has to be           employee. Instead, the                   Skilled Migrant, if the gross
    started simultaneously with the          employer applies for a                   wage of EUR 2,364 per month
    application of a work permit             residence permit that will               (EUR 2,553.12 including 8%
    and residence permit. In                 entitle the employee to work             holiday pay) (figure 2019) is
    general a MVV will be issued             and reside in the Netherlands.           met.
    after a work permit has been             For the highly skilled migrant
    granted.                                 procedure, it is not relevant       101. The spouse/partner can also
                                             whether the employee is already          work in the Netherlands if the
95. MVV applications in                                                               employee holds a highly skilled
    combination with a work permit           employed by the Dutch
                                             company or not or hired from             migrant permit. The
    will in principle be granted                                                      partner/spouse can obtain a
    within six to eight weeks of the         abroad as a new recruit by a
                                             Dutch company. The highly                dependent highly skilled
    date that documents have been                                                     migrant permit which allows
                                             skilled migrant procedure can
    received by the authorities.                                                      employment without a
                                             only be used if the employer has
In cases other than work, obtaining          the status of an acknowledged            separate work permit.
a MVV can take up to three months.           sponsor issued by the Dutch
                                                                                 II. Highly Skilled Migrant
                                             Immigration Authorities.
Application for a work                                                               work permit procedure
permit                                   99. For immigration purposes, a         102. If the employee will have to
                                             person qualifies for this
96. Dutch employers who hire a                                                        work in the Netherland for less
                                             procedure if the intended stay           than 90 days, a work permit as
    foreign employee must obtain a           in the Netherlands exceeds
    work permit for him/her from                                                      a highly skilled migrant can be
                                             three months and the salary              applied for, provided that all
    the first day he/she will work in        threshold is met. In 2019 the            conditions are met. The
    the Netherlands (see 'Penalties          gross monthly threshold is EUR
    for non-compliance' under                                                         processing time of the
                                             4,500 (EUR 4,860..00                     application is approximately 2
    102). No work permit is                  including 8% holiday pay) or             to 3 weeks. In order to be able
    required for employees who are           EUR 3,299 (EUR 3,562.92
    nationals of the EEA and                                                          to make use of this possibility,
                                             including 8% holiday pay) for
    Switzerland excluding Croatian                                                    the employer has to be an
                                             applicants under 30 years of             acknowledged sponsor and the
    nationals.                               age. The processing time of the          employee must fulfil a key
                                             application is approximately 2
97. There are several work permit                                                     position or must have at least a
                                             to 3 weeks.                              Bachelors degree.
    procedures, under paragraphs I
    – V the most common                                                               The gross monthly salary
    procedures are outlined.             100. For recently graduated                  threshold for this work permit
                                              students, who studied in the            is EUR 4,500 (EUR 4,860.00
I.   Highly skilled migrant                                                           including 8% holiday pay) or
                                              Netherlands, possibilities exist
     residence permit                                                                 EUR 3,299 (EUR 3,562.92
                                              to obtain a residence permit to
     procedure                                                                        including 8% holiday pay) for
                                              look for a job as a highly
                                              skilled migrant for a period of         applicants under 30 years of
98. This is the most commonly used
                                              one year (starting after their          age (figures 2019).
    procedure in the Netherlands.
    Under the highly skilled                  graduation). As soon as they

                                                                      Global Mobility Country Guide (Folio)        23
III. Intra company transfer                  Dutch education. Before the         IV. Exceptions and special
                                             start of the apprenticeship, the        rules on work permits
103. The conditions for the intra            student should have a valid
     company transfer procedure              Dutch residence permit for          108. Exception 1: EEA and Swiss
     include the following:                  study and the employer should            nationals do not require a
                                             have a contract governing the            work permit.
        The foreign employee
         must be assigned from a             apprenticeship signed by the        109. Exception 2: spouses and
                                             university, the student and the
         company abroad to the                                                        partners - actually living
         Dutch company within the            employer.                                together - of a Dutch or
         same global group;             V. Regular procedure                          European employee in the
                                                                                      Netherlands can obtain a
        The international group of     105. In case no exceptional                   residence permit for the
         companies need to have an           application procedures are               purpose "stay with
         annual turnover of at least         applicable, the procedure for            partner/husband". The
         EUR 50 million;                     new recruited employees most             residence permit should
        The foreign employee is in          likely needs to be followed.             include the notification that no
         the possession of at least a        This is a more time-consuming            work permit is required.
                                             procedure because of the
         bachelor degree, has a                                                  110. Exception 3: if the foreign
         management or key                   prerequisites of prior
                                             notification of the vacancy and          employee is in the possession
         position and has a monthly                                                   of a residence permit under
         gross wage of at least EUR          fulfilling recruitment efforts.
                                                                                      the heading 'Arbeid vrij
         4,500 (EUR 4,860.00            106. The employer should actively             toegestaan', no work permit is
         including 8% holiday pay)           investigate whether personnel            required. This type of
         (figure 2019);                      is available on the EEA labor            residence permit is open for
        In addition, trainees can           market. First of all, the                employees that have:
         under certain conditions            employer should therefore
                                             advertise the vacancy in                    An uninterrupted
         also be assigned on an                                                           residence permit and work
         intra company base. A               several newspapers
                                             throughout the EEA and                       permit for at least five
         traineeship program                                                              years, directly preceeding
                                             professional journals, during a
         outlining the tasks and                                                          the application for this
         objectives must then be             period of five weeks, and fulfill
                                             sufficient additional                        new residence permit; or
         available and a gross
         monthly wage must be                recruitment activities.                     A permanent residence
         paid of EUR 3,299 (EUR         107. Secondly, the employer has to                permit.
         3,562.92 including 8%               report the job vacancy with the
         holiday pay, figure 2019).                                              111. Other exceptions: the
                                             Dutch employment authorities             following individuals do not
IV. Students                                 (“UWV Werkbedrijf”) for at               need a work permit (list is not
                                             least five weeks, or for three           exhaustive):
104. Employers are no longer                 months when the labor market
     required to obtain a work               for this kind of positions is               Foreigners that reside
     permit for students who, as             very tight. We also recommend                abroad and who are
     being a part of their study at a        the employer to report the job               incidentally in the
     Dutch institution, must follow          vacancy with EURES                           Netherlands for business
     a mandatory apprenticeship in           (European Employment                         purposes provided that the
     the Netherlands during their            Services).                                   employee stays in the

24       People and Organisation
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