Redundancy assistance - Mine Super Financial Advice

Page created by William Thornton
Mine Super Financial Advice

Key Contacts

Find out more about your rights, conditions
and entitlements in the workplace
Fair Work Ombudsman at
or call 13 13 94.

If you’re a union member and want advice
or representation
Australian Unions at
or call 1300 486 466.

Find out what government assistance
and family tax benefits you may be
entitled to
Centrelink at

Book in for free financial seminars and
discuss your eligibility for benefits
Go to or call the
Financial Information Service (FIS) on 13 23 00

Find out how to upgrade your skills or
retrain for a new job
Department of Employment, Skills, Small
and Family Business at
or call 1300 488 064

If you’re interested in starting your
own business
Read the Australian Government’s Starting a
business guide at

To find advertised job positions
Australian JobSearch at
or call 13 62 68
Use this workbook to.................................................................................. 4
When I was made redundant ..................................................................... 5
What is redundancy and what are my rights?........................................... 6
How much redundancy pay am I entitled to?............................................ 7
How will my redundancy payment be taxed?............................................ 8
Where will my next ‘pay cheque’ come from?..........................................10
What happens to my death and disablement and
income protection insurance if I’m made redundant?............................12
Social security............................................................................................14
What should I do with my redundancy payment?....................................15
Budgeting while between jobs..................................................................16
Tips on finding a new job.......................................................................... 20
Coping emotionally after redundancy..................................................... 22
Getting financial advice............................................................................ 26

Use this workbook to:
     + know your rights
     + find financial and emotional help
     + consider your options for what to do with your redundancy payment
     + work out a budget to get you through
     + get tips when applying for a new job

 At Mine Super Financial Advice,             This guide will help you work through some
                                             of the things you should think about.
 we understand that it can be
                                             Have you also thought about getting some
 overwhelming trying to make                 financial advice?
 sense of your finances along with           Did you know that Mine Super Financial Advice
 the stress of being out of work.            can provide you with advice about redundancy?
                                             Mine Super Financial Advice specialises in
                                             superannuation and retirement planning, wealth
                                             creation, tax minimisation, estate planning and
                                             personal insurance, and can advise you on the
                                             best way to deal with your redundancy payment.

When I was made redundant

I parked up the rear dump and                           The redundancy payment was a fair amount,
                                                        but I didn’t understand the tax and I certainly
killed the engine. It was the end                       didn’t know what we needed to do. Should we
of a grueling 12 hour day and the                       pay off some of the mortgage? Will I be able to
end of my shift. I was looking                          get any Centrelink benefits? Should I put the
forward to getting home to see                          money in the bank and use it to cover my costs
                                                        until I get a new job?
my wife and kids after being away
                                                        It was my wife who suggested I call Mine Super.
all week.
                                                        She’d read some of the stuff my super fund sends
As I walked over to the crib room, my supervisor        me and said they’ve got a financial advice service
called me over to his office and told me to sit         affiliated to the fund called Mine Super Financial
down. ‘Mate, I guess you’ve noticed the                 Advice. We gave them a call and got in to see an
contractors have been put off. Well, the mine just      adviser. That was probably the smartest thing
isn’t making money at the moment and I’m afraid         we did!
they’re also starting to lay off the permanents.’       The adviser sat down with us and went through
I felt like somebody just punched me in the guts.       our assets and debts, helped us work out a
You didn’t have to be a rocket scientist to know        budget then laid out a basic plan to see us
what was going to happen next.                          through until I could find a new job. He explained
‘I’m not real happy about it, but they’re               how Centrelink works and what I would get
mothballing the entire crew and I have to let all       once I qualified for the Newstart Allowance.
you blokes go. The company wants you to finish          He even talked to us about managing the
up at the end of your next shift. There’ll be a         emotional stuff. He told us how redundancies are
redundancy payment. The details are in this             one of the most stressful experiences couples
envelope. I’m sorry, but there’s just nothing I         have to go through and it can cause marriage
can do about it.’                                       problems, depression and all sorts of issues.
                                                        He then told us where to go to get help if we went
I didn’t even open the envelope. I just put it on the
                                                        through any of these things.
front seat of my car and drove home. I was
completely numb. I never imagined I’d lose my           As it turned out, it took me about six months
job. I’ve been a good worker, hardly taken a sick       before I got another job back in the mines. Going
day, always done whatever I’ve been told to do.         to see Mine Super Financial Advice was a smart
Why me? I’ve got a mortgage, kids at school and         move. With their help we kept our standard of
my wife only works part-time. There are lots of         living up, didn’t fall behind on our mortgage and
other blokes at the pit who are just about ready to     managed to pay our bills. It was such a relief to
retire. Why not give them the redundancy?               have money sorted and just focus on getting
                                                        another job.
When I got home I sat down with my wife and told
her the news. She cried and that only made it
seem worse. We just didn’t see it coming. What
are we going to do? How would we pay the bills?

What is redundancy
 and what are my rights?
 Redundancy happens when,                             Period of                        Minimum notice
 through no fault of your own,                        continuous service               period
 an employer no longer requires the                   Up to 1 year                     1 week
 job to be done by anyone or when                     1-3 years                        2 weeks
 an employer becomes insolvent                        3-5 years                        3 weeks
 or bankrupt.                                         More than 5 years                4 weeks

                                                     If you’re over age 45 with a minimum of two years continuous
 Why is my job being made redundant?                 service your employer must provide an additional week of
 A redundancy happens when:
 + the job you’ve been doing is replaced by new      Is this a ‘genuine redundancy’?
   technology                                        Under Australian employment law, a person’s
 + business slows down due to lower sales or         dismissal is a ‘genuine redundancy’ if the
   production                                        employer:
 + the business relocates                            + no longer needs the person’s job to be done by
 + a merger or takeover happens                        anyone because of changes in the business’s
 + the business restructures or reorganises.           operational requirements, and
 Minimum period of notice                            + followed any consultation requirement
 If you’re employed at a black coal mine site,         with their employees or relevant union in a
 the Black Coal Mining Industry Award (2010)           modern award, enterprise agreement or your
 states that if you’re made redundant, you’re          employment contract that applies to implement
 entitled to a minimum four weeks notice.              a redundancy.
 If you’re not employed at a black coal mine site,
 your notice period will depend on the National
 Employment standards, or any award, enterprise
 agreement or employment contract that applies
 to you. The National Employment Standards
 outline the following minimum notice periods:

How much redundancy pay
am I entitled to?
Your redundancy payment will                         Exercise 1: How much am I entitled to?
generally consist of outstanding                     For those under the National Employment
wages, unused annual and long                        Standards, use the table below to work out your
                                                     severance pay.
service leave and severance pay.
                                                      Employee’s period of               Redundancy pay period
If you’re employed directly at a black coal mine      continuous service with the        based on ordinary time
site, the Black Coal Mining Industry Award (2010)     employer on termination            rate of pay
states you’re entitled to severance pay equal to                          but less
                                                         At least
one ordinary week’s pay for each completed year                            than
of employment. You’re also entitled to                    1 year           2 years       4 weeks
retrenchment pay equal to two ordinary weeks’             2 years          3 years       6 weeks
pay for each completed year of employment.                3 years          4 years       7 weeks
This makes a total of three ordinary weeks’               4 years          5 years       8 weeks
pay for each completed year of employment.                5 years          6 years       10 weeks
Some black coal mine sites have individual                6 years          7 years       11 weeks
enterprise agreements and you might be entitled           7 years          8 years       13 weeks
to severance and retrenchment pay that differs            8 years          9 years       14 weeks
from the above standard industry awards.                  9 years         10 years       16 weeks
If you don’t work at a black coal mine site, the         10 years             -          12 weeks*
amount of severance pay is determined by the
National Employment Standards, and any award,
enterprise agreement or employment contract          What if you don’t receive your entitlements?
that applies to you. Your severance pay will be      If your employer finds you other acceptable
and is based on your continuous years of service     employment or can’t afford your redundancy
and your ‘base rate of pay’.                         payment, they can apply to the Fair Work
                                                     Commission to reduce the amount they need
Your base rate of pay                                to pay. This could be reduced to a specified
This is the rate of pay for your ordinary hours of   amount or nil. If this happens, you may be able
work, but not including:                             to get financial help from the government’s
+   incentive-based payments and bonuses             Fair Entitlements Guarantee. See page 11 for
                                                     more information.
+   loadings
+   monetary allowances
                                                           Handy tip!
+   overtime or penalty rates                              Keep in mind that your redundancy payment could
+   any other separately identifiable amounts.             affect your eligibility for the private health insurance
                                                           rebate or your exemption from the Medicare Levy
                                                           Surcharge. It may also affect your Family Tax Benefits,
                                                           Child Care Benefit or School Kids Bonus.

                                                     * Long Service Leave entitlements provide the rationale for
                                                       reducing the redundancy pay entitlement for employees
                                                       who have a period of 10 years’ continuous service or

How will my redundancy
 payment be taxed?
 Redundancy payouts aren’t taxed
 like regular income. You’ll get a                        Exercise 2: What’s your tax free
 tax break because this money has                         amount?
                                                          Here’s how to work out your tax free amount:
 to support you and your family until
                                                          (Years of service x $5,496) + $10,989 = tax
 you find a new job.                                      free amount.
 If you receive a genuine redundancy and you’re not       Step 1: How many years have you
 of Age Pension qualifying age, you’re entitled to a      worked for your employer?
 tax free portion as part of any redundancy payment
 received. Redundancies for those Age Pension                                            x $5,496 =
 qualifying age and over are not entitled to this tax
 free portion.                                              $
 Contact Mine Super Financial Advice or your
                                                          Step 2: Take the figure from step 1 and
 accountant for professional assistance with the
                                                          add $10,638
 taxation of your redundancy payment. To check
 if you’re at Age Pension qualifying age, look up                                        + $10,989 =
 your Date of Birth in the table to the right.
 Tax free amount                                          This result is your tax free amount.
 The maximum tax free redundancy payment
 you can receive in the 2020-21 financial year is
 $10,989, plus $5,496 for each completed year of        Age Pension Qualifying Age
 service. These amounts are increased on 1 July          Date of birth
 each year.
                                                         Before 1 July 1952          65 years
                                                         From 1 July 1952
                                                                                     65 years and 6 months
                                                         to 31 December 1953
                                                         From 1 January 1954
                                                                                     66 years
                                                         to 30 June 1955
                                                         From 1 July 1955 to 31
                                                                                     66 years and 6 months
                                                         December 1956
                                                         From 1 January 1957
                                                                                     67 years

How the rest of your redundancy                                 Date of birth             Preservation age
payment is taxed                                             Before 1 July 1960                 55
The rest of your redundancy payment is taxed             1 July 1960 – 30 June 1961             56
as an Employment Termination Payment, or ETP.            1 July 1961 – 30 June 1962             57
You may need to pay tax on this amount.
                                                         1 July 1962 – 30 June 1963             58
An ETP can be made up of the redundancy                  1 July 1963 – 30 June 1964             59
payments that are in excess of the tax-free limits.
                                                             After 30 June 1964                 60
This includes:
+ payment in lieu of notice                           In addition, a ‘whole of income’ cap may apply to
+ compensation for loss of employment                 these payments and this could result in you
+ unused rostered days off                            paying a higher rate of tax. It’s therefore advised
+ unused sick leave                                   that you seek financial advice in most instances,
+ and of course, the redundancy payment amount.       in particular for those individuals who have a
However, an ETP doesn’t include:                      substantial amount of long service leave, annual
+ payments for unused annual leave or leave loading   leave and/or sick leave.
+ payments for unused long service leave              ^ For the 2020-21 financial year.

                  Amounts up to    Amounts over
   Your age at     $215,000 or      $215,000 or
     end of          whole of         whole of
 financial year   income cap of     income cap
                    $180,000^       of $180,000^
     Under         Up to 32%,        Up to 47%,
  preservation      including         including
      age         Medicare Levy     Medicare Levy

      Over         Up to 17%,        Up to 47%,
  preservation      including         including
      age         Medicare Levy     Medicare Levy

Where will my next
       ‘pay cheque’ come from?
       There’s assistance available to                                                    Exercise 3: Your financial support
       help you take control of your                                                      resources
       finances and reduce some of the                                                    Answer the questions below to see where you
       pressure and stress.                                                               might need financial help and where to find it.

        What financial help is       List the financial help you can think of
        available or is there        ....................................................................................................................................
        someone who can help me
        find out what help I can     ....................................................................................................................................
        get?                         If you can’t think of any, read the rest of this section for possible options.

        How will redundancy
                                           I’ll be fine, we have a safety net – review your budget so you stay on track.
        change my financial
                                            See page 17.
                                            I need to look at my finances to get through this – Mine Super Financial Advice can
                                             provide financial advice to help you through this period. See below for contact details.
                                            I don’t know how I’ll manage, I need help – read the rest of this section for some of
                                             your options. You may also want to seek financial advice. See below for contact details.

        Have I got a realistic             Yes. That’s great. Read the rest of this section to make sure you’ve covered all your
        budget?                             options.
                                            No – See page 17 to work through this.

        Can I do this on my own or         Do this on my own. Read the section below and review your budget on page 17 to make
        do I need professional              sure you’ve covered everything.
        financial advice?                  Need advice but don’t know where to start. Mine Super Financial Advice can help.
                                            See below for contact details

       How can Mine Super help me?                                                        You can also access your super under specified
                                                                                          compassionate grounds. These include medical
       Financial advice                                                                   treatment and transport, mortgage assistance,
       Mine Super members can get financial advice                                        modifications to home and transport to
       from Mine Super Financial Advice about                                             accommodate a severe disability, funeral
       redundancy. If you would like to be put in                                         assistance and care for a terminal medical
       touch with Mine Super Financial Advice,                                            condition. For more information call the
       call us on 13 64 63.                                                               Australian Taxation Office (ATO) on 13 10 20.
       Access your super                                                                  Does anything change with my Mine Super
       If you’re off work for an extended period of                                       membership?
       time, and are experiencing hardship and meet                                       No. Once you’re a Mine Super member you
       government criteria, you can apply to access                                       can stay with the fund for life. Even if you
       some of your super under ‘hardship’ provisions.                                    leave the coal industry, your future employer
       To apply call Mine Super and ask for the Apply                                     contributions can still be paid to your Mine
       for a financial hardship payment from your                                         Super account. To find out how to do this,
       super form.                                                                        go to

+ 10
Who else can help?                                    Fair Entitlements Guarantee
                                                      If you’re owed certain employee entitlements
Your bank or credit union
                                                      after losing your job because your employer went
If you have loans, such as a mortgage, and tell
                                                      bankrupt or into liquidation, you may be able to
your bank or credit union that you’ve been
                                                      get financial help from the government’s Fair
retrenched, it’s likely they’ll have a policy about
                                                      Entitlements Guarantee. This is a legislative
helping customers facing financial hardship.
                                                      safety net scheme of last resort, with assistance
For example, making changes to your loan
                                                      available for:
repayments. You should also check if
redundancy insurance is attached to your loan.        +   up to 13 weeks of unpaid wages
                                                      +   unpaid annual leave and long service leave
If your bank or credit union isn’t being helpful,
you can raise this with their complaints area         +   up to five weeks unpaid payment in lieu of notice
or call the Australian Financial Complaints           +   up to four weeks unpaid redundancy
Authority on 1800 931 678 (free call).                    entitlement per full year of service.

Centrelink                                            For more information call 1300 135 040
                                                      or to lodge a claim for assistance visit
Income support
                                             It’s important to lodge
Centrelink can pay you income support while
                                                      your claim form as soon as possible as strict
you’re looking for another job. Keep in mind
                                                      time limits apply.
waiting periods usually apply before you can start
receiving payments. The length of the waiting         Can I claim on my income protection insurance?
period usually depends on the number of weeks         If you have income protection insurance through
your redundancy payment covers, so a 12 week          your super fund, such as Mine Super, your
payment equals a 12 week waiting period. You          insurance won’t cover you for redundancy.
may also be subject to income and assets tests        This is because the law only allows super funds
for some benefits, such as Newstart Allowance.        to provide income replacement if you’re sick or
                                                      injured and off work for an extended period. See
Job search help
                                                      page 13 for more information.
Centrelink can also help you find work via Job
Services Australia (JSA). Depending on your           If you have income protection insurance outside
circumstances, JSA can help with:                     super, you may be covered for redundancy. If
                                                      you’re not sure, contact your insurer to check.
+ job search training and assistance, such as
  resume preparation and advice on the best
  ways to look for work                                     Handy tip!
                                                             edundancy provides a good opportunity to review
+ access to telephones, computers, stationery               your total insurance needs, as your circumstances
  and employment vacancy listings                           could change dramatically. Mine Super Financial Advice
                                                            can help work out what you need. If you would like to
+ access to training, skills development and
                                                            be put in touch with Mine Super Financial Advice, call us
  other assistance.                                         on 13 64 63.
Visit to find out more.
                                                      Long-service leave
                                                      If you’re eligible and facing redundancy, you might
                                                      be able to use your accrued long service leave as
                                                      another way of earning income while between jobs.
                                                      For more information speak to your employer
                                                      or, if you’re working in the black coal mining
                                                      industry, contact Coal LSL on 1300 852 625 or

                                                                                                                        + 11
What happens to my death and
   disablement and income protection
   insurance if I’m made redundant?

   If you have death and disablement   Can I keep my Mine Super Income
   and/or income protection            Protection insurance if I’m made
   insurance, it’s important you       redundant?
   understand what happens to          Yes you can. Your Income Protection insurance
                                       will stay in place for 12 months after you cease
   this insurance when you’re
                                       employment, as long as there’s enough money
   made redundant.                     in your account to pay for this insurance.

   This section only applies if you    If you find another job within 12 months your
                                       cover will continue and you should tell us your
   have death and disablement and      new job and salary. If we don’t know about your
   income protection insurance         new job (because you don’t tell us or your new
   through your Mine Super account.    employer doesn’t send us contributions), your
   If you have this insurance          cover will stop after 12 months of you finishing
                                       your previous job.
   elsewhere, you should contact
                                       If you find another job between 12 to 18 months,
   your insurer as the rules can be    your cover will be automatically reinstated if
   different.                          your new employer pays your super guarantee
                                       into your Mine Super account. Your reinstated
                                       cover will be based on your new salary. Please
                                       let us know this amount so we can update your
                                       You should check if you get additional income
                                       protection insurance with your new job, as
                                       generally you can only claim on one income
                                       protection policy at a time. Before you cancel
                                       any insurance you should compare the insurance
                                       terms and seek professional advice.

+ 12
Can I claim on my income protection
                                                        For more information about when you’re eligible to
insurance if I’m made redundant and                     make a disablement claim, you should read our
not working?                                            Product Disclosure Statement and Insurance Guide.
                                                        You can find both at
Mine Super income protection insurance only
replaces part of your pay if you become sick or
injured and can’t work. This means you can’t       Do I have to do anything once I start
make a claim for being made redundant.             working again?
On the other hand, if you’re made redundant and    The cost of your Mine Super insurance is linked
then become sick or injured, you’ll be able to     to the type of job you do. We call these ‘job
make a claim. However, please note:                classifications’. When you start a new job with an
+ you’ll only be covered for the first 12 months   employer who pays your super into your Mine
  you’re unemployed                                Super account, you should tell us your new job
+ the amount you’re eligible to claim reduces      so we can give you the correct job classification
  over the 12 month period, as it’s based on       and charge you the correct amount for your
  your earnings for the 12 months prior to         insurance.
  making a claim                                   If you start a new job with an employer who
+ your cover will remain current for as long as    doesn’t pay your super into your Mine Super
  there’s enough money in your account to pay      account, you can keep your Mine Super insurance.
  for your insurance.                              However, you should check if you get the same
                                                   type of insurance in your new job and consider if
If you have an income protection policy with
                                                   you need both.
another provider, your other policy may cover
you for redundancy. You can contact them to        For income protection insurance, it’s also
ask if you’re covered.                             important that we have your new salary. We use
                                                   your salary to calculate your cover amount. If you
Can I keep my death and disablement                don’t tell us your salary, we’ll use a salary of
                                                   $80,000 pa to calculate your cover. If you have
insurance if I’m made redundant?
                                                   previously told us your salary under your old job,
Yes, you can keep your death and total and
                                                   we’ll continue to use that salary unless you tell us
permanent disablement insurance and be
                                                   your new salary or we’ve been authorised to
covered even when you’re unemployed. Your
                                                   receive your salary from your new employer and
cover will remain current for as long as there’s
                                                   they provide it to us.
enough money in your account to pay for your
insurance. How you’re assessed for total and
                                                        To tell us your job classification and salary,
permanent disablement might change if you
                                                        fill in a Change my insurance form available in this
make a claim while you’re not working.                  booklet. You can also use this form to change the
                                                        standard waiting and benefit periods on your income
                                                        protection insurance. If you need another copy of this
                                                        form, please go to

                                                                                                                 + 13
Social security

   When you’re made redundant and                       What happens if I spend all my money?
   receive a redundancy payment                         If you spend your leave entitlements or
   you won’t immediately be able                        termination payments on expenses that aren’t
                                                        considered ‘unavoidable or reasonable’,
   to get social security payments.                     you’ll still have to serve the waiting period.
   This means it’s important you                        These expenses might include making lump
   don’t spend your redundancy                          sum mortgage or rent payments or paying for
   money too quickly and then not                       an overseas holiday.
   have enough money to meet your                       If you have to spend money on expenses that
                                                        are considered ‘unavoidable or reasonable’,
   living expenses.                                     your waiting period might be reduced. These
                                                        expenses might include essential repairs to a
   Can I receive social security benefits               car or home and essential medical expenses.
   after I’m made redundant?
   A redundancy payment is designed to provide you      Are there any exemptions to the above
   with enough money to cover your cost of living for   waiting periods?
   a period of time after you stop working. If you      Yes. If you can demonstrate that you’re in severe
   receive a redundancy payment you might have to       financial hardship as a result of having to use
   wait before you can get an income support            your leave entitlements or termination payments
   payment from Centrelink. This waiting period is      to pay any unavoidable or reasonable costs,
   usually the length of time the redundancy covers     you might be eligible to have the waiting periods
   and is known as the Income Maintenance Period.       waived. Find out more information on page 10.

   What is the Income                                       Handy tip!
   Maintenance Period?                                      For more information about social security and
                                                            Centrelink payments, go to the Services Australia
   The Income Maintenance Period is the period of           website
   time the leave and redundancy payments you
   have received are treated as income. For example,
   a 10 week redundancy payment is likely to result
   in a 10 week Income Maintenance Period from the
   date you received your redundancy payment.

   How long do I have to wait to submit
   my application to receive income
   support payments?
   You should submit your application straight away.
   If you don’t, it could mean you’ll have to wait
   longer than necessary to receive your payments.

+ 14
What should I do with my
redundancy payment?
There are no rules about what to                     What if I don’t want to go back to work?
do with your redundancy payment.                     If you’re close to retirement age and have
Unless you already have another                      enough super savings, you could consider
                                                     early retirement.
job lined up, you should view your
                                                     If you’re 60 or over there’s generally no tax
payment as a funding base for                        payable on lump sum withdrawals from your
maintaining your lifestyle while                     super. If you’re under 60, you may need to pay
you’re looking for a new job - not a                 some tax.
financial windfall.                                  Withdrawal tax on super
With such a large amount of money sitting in         Your super is divided into a tax free component,
your bank account, it can be easy to spend too       which mainly consists of any after-tax
much. If it runs out before you’re able to find a    contributions you’ve made, and a taxable
new job, you might need to tighten your budget       component, which is the rest of your account.
more than expected.                                  The table below shows what tax applies to your
Also, keep in mind that while paying off some
debt or topping up your super can be great uses         Your age          Taxable component
for your redundancy payment, it’s important to
have a plan for what you may do if it takes longer                    0%. You don’t need to
                                                      Age 60+         include this in your tax      0%
than you expect to find a new job. If you put your
money where you can’t access it in the future,
you won’t have any options if you run out of                          0% up to $215,000 for
disposable income.                                                    2020-21. Withdrawals
                                                                      above this threshold are
                                                                      taxed at your marginal tax
Some options for your                                                 rate or 17%, whichever
                                                                                                    any benefit
redundancy payment                                    Preservation
                                                      age to age 59
                                                                      is lower, which includes
                                                                      the Medicare Levy.
                                                                                                    due to
What you do with your redundancy payment                              This money is treated as
depends on your personal circumstances, but                           assessable income and
                                                                      therefore could affect your
some possible uses include:                                           HELP debt payments and
+ Maintain your existing lifestyle or continue to                     Medicare Levy surcharge.
  provide for your family and pay your rent or
                                                                      Taxed at your marginal tax
  mortgage while you’re out of work.                                  rate or 22%, whichever is     0%,
+ Pay off some debt, but ensure you can take                          lower, which includes         including
                                                      Under           the Medicare Levy.            any benefit
  some money back if you need to. For instance,       preservation    This money is treated as      withdrawn
  if you put money into your mortgage, make sure      age             assessable income and         due to
  your account has redraw facilities.                                 therefore could affect your   terminal
                                                                      HELP debt payments and        illness.
+ If you’re over preservation age (see page 9)                        Medicare Levy surcharge.
  you can put money into super and open a pre-
  retirement pension to draw down a regular
  income. Once you return to work you can make
  additional before-tax contributions to your        Get financial advice!
  super and save tax, while continuing to top up     You’re likely to have a lot of questions about
  your income using your pension.                    redundancy and what it means for your financial
+ If you’re close to retirement and have enough      and lifestyle plans. Speaking to a financial adviser
  super savings, you could consider early            can help you make major financial decisions.
  retirement.                                        See page 26 for more information.

                                                                                                                  + 15
Budgeting while between jobs

   Keeping a budget is a great way to
                                                      Handy tip
   stay in control of your spending so                 ake sure your insurance policies, such as total and
   you don’t run out of money before                  permanent disablement (TPD), death and terminal
                                                      illness (DTI), income protection, home and contents and
   you find a new job.                                health cover, are paid up. While some people may
                                                      consider insurance cover as discretionary, it’s essential
                                                      for your financial protection.
   A budget can help you:                             Also, if your TPD, DTI and income protection insurance
                                                      premiums are being paid from your super, you can
   + find areas where you can reduce your spending,
                                                      continue paying premiums even without a regular
     such as pay TV or magazine subscriptions.        income. If you do decide to cancel this insurance, getting
     Discretionary expenses can add up, so            it back later may be hard, as you may need to undergo
     reviewing them can make a big difference         extensive health checks and if you experience health
                                                      issues, you may no longer be eligible.
   + keep your eye on your spending, so if you’re
                                                      Before making a decision about your insurance
     running out of money you can take action         cover, we strongly recommend speaking to a
     early. It can be easy to spend your redundancy   financial adviser.
     payment too quickly.

+ 16
Exercise 4: Making your budget
Use the worksheet below to get a clear picture of your regular expenses.
In the first column, ‘Current expenses’ write down the amount you spend each month
(or any other timeframe, as long as you’re consistent) on each item. In the second column,
‘New budget’, think about where you could cut your spending until you’re back at work.

Current expenses                                 New budget
General expenses
Rent or mortgage                 $               Rent or mortgage                      $
Repairs                          $               Repairs                               $
Gas                              $               Gas                                   $
Electricity                      $               Electricity                           $
Water                            $               Water                                 $
Telephone/mobile                 $               Telephone/ mobile                     $
Rates                            $               Rates                                 $
Body corporate fees              $               Body corporate fees                   $
Pay TV                           $               Pay TV                                $
Furniture                        $               Furniture                             $
Appliances                       $               Appliances                            $
Gardening                        $               Gardening                             $
Groceries                        $               Groceries                             $
Pest control                     $               Pest control                          $
Internet                         $               Internet                              $
Computer games/software          $               Computer games/software               $
Printer cartridges/refills       $               Printer cartridges/refills            $
Other                            $               Other                                 $
Subtotal                         $               Subtotal                              $
Education expenses
School fees                      $               School fees                           $
University or TAFE fees          $               University or TAFE fees               $
Tuition                          $               Tuition                               $
Books and uniforms               $               Books and uniforms                    $
Camps/excursions                 $               Camps/excursions                      $
Music/dance lessons              $               Music/dance lessons                   $
Other                            $               Other                                 $
Subtotal                         $               Subtotal                              $
Personal expenses
Clothes and shoes                $               Clothes and shoes                     $
Hair and beauty                  $               Hair and beauty                       $
Laundry/dry cleaning             $               Laundry/dry cleaning                  $
Other                            $               Other                                 $
Subtotal                         $               Subtotal                              $

                                                                                             + 17
Exercise 4: Making your budget Continued

       Current expenses                       New budget
       Debt expenses
       Car loan                         $     Car loan                         $
       Credit cards                     $     Credit cards                     $
       Personal loans                   $     Personal loans                   $
       Store cards                      $     Store cards                      $
       Lay-bys                          $     Lay-bys                          $
       Other                            $     Other                            $
       Subtotal                         $     Subtotal                         $
       Super contributions              $     Super contributions              $
       Regular savings                  $     Regular savings                  $
       Regular investments              $     Regular investments              $
       Other                            $     Other                            $
       Subtotal                         $     Subtotal                         $
       Home and contents                $     Home and contents                $
       Car                              $     Car                              $
       Health                           $     Health                           $
       Income protection                $     Income protection                $
       Total and permanent disability   $     Total and permanent disability   $
       Death and terminal illness       $     Death and terminal illness       $
       Trauma                           $     Trauma                           $
       Other                            $     Other                            $
       Subtotal                         $     Subtotal                         $
       Medical expenses
       Doctor                           $     Doctor                           $
       Medicines                        $     Medicines                        $
       Dentist                          $     Dentist                          $
       Eye care                         $     Eye care                         $
       Tests/pathology                  $     Tests/pathology                  $
       Chiropractor                     $     Chiropractor                     $
       Physio                           $     Physio                           $
       Other                            $     Other                            $
       Subtotal                         $     Subtotal                         $
       Transport expenses
       Car registration                 $     Car registration                 $
       Parking                          $     Parking                          $
       Fuel                             $     Fuel                             $
       Repairs/maintenance              $     Repairs/maintenance              $
       Public transport                 $     Public transport                 $
       Motorist association             $     Motorist association             $
       Tollways                         $     Tollways                         $
       Other                            $     Other                            $
       Subtotal                         $     Subtotal                         $

+ 18
Exercise 4: Making your budget Continued

Current expenses                                          New budget
Weekends away                         $                    Weekends away                                 $
Short holidays                        $                    Short holidays                                $
Annual holidays                       $                    Annual holidays                               $
Pet expenses                          $                    Pet expenses                                  $
Other                                 $                    Other                                         $
Subtotal                              $                    Subtotal                                      $
Other expenses
Childcare                             $                    Childcare                                     $
Child support payments                $                    Child support payments                        $
Gifts                                 $                    Gifts                                         $
Donations                             $                    Donations                                     $
Hobbies and sports                    $                    Hobbies and sports                            $
Subscriptions                         $                    Subscriptions                                 $
Movies and DVDs                       $                    Movies and DVDs                               $
Restaurants and take away             $                    Restaurants and take away                     $
Alcohol and cigarettes                $                    Alcohol and cigarettes                        $
Pet food                              $                    Pet food                                      $
Other pet costs                       $                    Other pet costs                               $
Birthday parties                      $                    Birthday parties                              $
Sporting activities                   $                    Sporting activities                           $
Books                                 $                    Books                                         $
Music                                 $                    Music                                         $
Memberships                           $                    Memberships                                   $
Cinema and concerts                   $                    Cinema and concerts                           $
Other                                 $                    Other                                         $
Subtotal                              $                    Subtotal                                      $
Total current expenses                $                    New monthly budget                            $

    Handy tip!
    To create a sense of stability between jobs, consider setting up your own pay system by depositing your redundancy pay
    into a high-interest online account and arranging for regular amounts to be automatically transferred into a different
    account you access for living expenses. This can help with budgeting and create a sense of normality and regularity of
    cash flow. For more tips about managing money, visit

                                                                                                                             + 19
Tips on finding a new job

       It’s important to start your hunt for                 What to include in your cover letter
       a new job as soon as possible.                        + In the first paragraph explain why you’re
                                                               writing to the employer, mentioning the
       Below are some tips to help you                         position you’re applying for and where you
       get back to work quickly.                               heard about it.
       One thing to keep in mind when looking for a job is   + In the next paragraph show that you’re suited
       to use a number of different methods. For               for the job. Summarise your qualifications,
       instance, checking newspapers and online job            skills, abilities and experience. Focus on what
       sites and registering with a recruitment agency.        the employer wants to know, not what you want
       Also, as many jobs aren’t formally advertised, use      from them.
       any contacts you might have to widen your search.     + Finally, tell them why you want to work for
                                                               their business and the type of person you are.
       If your job’s been made redundant you could
                                                               Mention the personal qualities you think they’re
       receive immediate access to free personalised
                                                               looking for.
       employment services through Job Services
       Australia. They have programs and services to         + Make sure you include your contact details
       help you connect with employment opportunities.         and keep the letter to less than one page.
       Visit or phone 13 62 68.               Also mention any attachments, including your
                                                               resume and any work examples.

       Updating your resume                                  Job interview tips
                                                             Being prepared for your interview means
       Before you start job hunting, one of the first
                                                             you’ll feel more confident. Some things you
       things to do is update your resume. Try to be as
                                                             can do include:
       brief as possible and use a simple and clear
       presentation. It’s wise to keep your resume under     + Practice answering common interview questions,
       two pages and use sensible headings to divide up        such as why you should be chosen for the job.
       the content.                                          + Spend time finding out about the job you’re
       On the next page is a basic resume you can use          applying for and the business to show you’re
       as a template to create your own.                       really interested.
                                                             + If you have gaps in your employment history,
       Applying for jobs                                       mention any study, volunteer work or other
       When you find a job you’d like to apply for,            activities you completed during this period.
       you’ll need to write a cover letter to send           + Plan your trip to the interview so you know where
       with your resume.                                       you’re going and how long it will take. Plan to
       Your cover letter should be carefully crafted to        arrive at least 10 minutes early.
       grab the employer’s attention and quickly show        Once you’re at the interview, do your best to appear
       why you’re a candidate who has the skills and         calm, friendly and confident, even though you may
       experience the business is after.                     be nervous. If you’re asked a question you’re not
                                                             sure about, ask for clarification to show you’re not
                                                             afraid to ask questions to get things right. If you’re
           Handy tip
           For more hints and tips visit    not sure of how to answer a question, taking a
                                                             moment to think about it is perfectly OK and shows
                                                             you don’t panic under pressure.
                                                             After the interview think about how you went and
                                                             think about how you could improve. Perhaps you
                                                             were asked a really tough question and want to have
                                                             an answer ready if you’re asked that question again.

+ 20
                                                                                                         John Smith
                                                                                                  10 Anywhere Road
                                                                                                   Suburb QLD 4000
                                                                                                     M: 0401 123 456

Career objective
I aim to secure a challenging role as a safety adviser in the mining industry where I can work in a team to implement
effective safety standards and company systems. I offer flexibility and commitment and can work various shifts, having
demonstrated a track record as a results-orientated, motivated leader with the ability to meet goals and objectives.

Education and training
2008 Certificate IV in Workplace Training and Assessment Mine Training Education, Australia |
2003 Diploma of Occupational Health and Safety Institute of Technology |

Demonstrated skills and abilities
•   Ability to manage, supervise, direct and train staff and contractors.
•   Risk assessment, industrial relations and inspections.
•   Oversee and implement effective company systems.
•   Develop practical safety standards aligned to organisation objectives.
•   Conflict resolution to achieve positive outcomes.
•   Understanding of relevant regulations, trends and updates about best practices in safety.
Work history
June 2011– current – Safety Adviser (FI/FO) at Mining Company Australia Pty Ltd
101 Coal Street, Resourceville QLD 4001
Company profile: Mining Company Australia won the lead construction contract for the large-scale Coal Mine
Key duties:
•   Work in a team to design and implement effective construction safety standards.
•   Develop practical safety standards aligned to organisation objectives.
•   Monitor contractor health and provide guidance and advice.
•   Conduct investigations and execute outcomes.
•   Undertake regular inspections and audits, managing outcomes.
March 2006–May 2011 – Safety Case Adviser at Big Miner Ltd
40 Sandy Road, Pricetown QLD 4400
Company profile: An Australian coal mining pioneer since 1967, Big Miner is a leading coal mining company
supplying Australian and Asian customers.
Key duties:
•   Support development of Upstream and Downstream facility Safety Cases and Pipeline Management Plans.
•   Develop content for the safety report in line with project and regulatory requirements.
•   Assist in development of project safety cases.
•   Interpret and provide guidance on Australian regulations and legislation.

April 2002–February 2005 – Safety Adviser at Start Up Mining Ltd
99 Atrode Street, West Queensland QLD 4800
Company profile: Start Up Mining listed on the Australian Securities Exchange with key projects located
across Queensland.
Key duties:
•   Assist with implementing safety improvements.
•   Liaise with operational, maintenance and management to ensure safety management systems are effective.
•   Help prepare safety and emergency response plans and develop training programs.
•   Ensure safety policy and procedures are followed.
Peter Moon			                             Steven Rogers
General Manager 			                       Project Supervisor
Mining Company Australia Pty Ltd          Big Miner Ltd
M: 0411 678 900 			                       M: 0423 888 123

                                                                                                                         + 21
Coping emotionally after
       Redundancy refers to a job
       becoming redundant, not an                             Exercise 5:
       employee becoming redundant.                           How are you feeling?
                                                              Below are common types of feelings people
       It’s important to remember this                        may feel when their job is made redundant.
       isn’t your fault.                                         Tick the ones you may be experiencing at
       While some people may be happy at the                     the moment
       prospect of a large redundancy payment,                Problems sleeping
       it’s also normal to feel shock, distress, anger,       Fatigue
       guilt, worthlessness or helplessness when
                                                              Appetite loss
       your job is made redundant. These emotions
       are often the most difficult part of a redundancy,     Forgetfulness or vagueness
       but should decrease over time.                         Anxiety or fear
       Despite these short-term emotional effects,            Moodiness
       it’s important to keep things in perspective           Muscle tension, pain or other physical
       and remain flexible. Redundancy is just another        symptoms, such as heartburn,
       life experience and sometimes when things like         headaches, rashes
       this happen it can work out for the best. You may      Frustration, anger, intolerance
       find a better job or use the opportunity to change
                                                              Less social
       your priorities in life, such as spending more time
       with your family. There is no shame in being made      Loss of direction
       redundant. It’s just business – an unfortunate         Embarrassment and guilt
       down side of business.                                 If you experience the symptoms you’ve
                                                              ticked for more than two or so weeks or
       Your family                                            they’re impacting your life, you could be at
       Your family may also experience pressure and           risk of developing depression or anxiety.
       tension due to your redundancy. Ask yourself:          We recommend that you speak to your
       + whether you’ve discussed the situation with          doctor or find someone to talk to by calling:
         your partner and how it will impact your             + beyondblue on 1300 224 636 or visit
       + if you and your partner have explained what          + Lifeline on 13 11 14 or visit
         happened to your children
       + if your family needs extra emotional support
       + how can you keep life as normal as possible
         for the kids                                               remember that
       + what fun things can you still do as a family?              redundancy isn’t
                                                                    anyone’s fault
       When discussing redundancy with your family,
       explain that while it will likely affect household
       spending, this will only be for a limited time. It’s
       also important to point out that what has
       happened isn’t anyone’s fault.

+ 22
Exercise 6: Staying on top of your emotions
Fill in the table on the next page to find solutions to your worries. Even if none of the solutions
seem appealing, this exercise may help you find the best one for your circumstances.

Below is an example to show you how to use this table.

                                                                                                  Add up your
                                                                                                  scores for the
                      How can you                What’s the advantage and                         advantages and
What’s your           deal with this             disadvantage of this option?                     disadvantages for
worry?                problem?                   Assign a value to each idea.                     each solution.

 Identify           List all your        Write a score out of 10 (based on level of                       The best
 what you’re        ideas without        importance or strength) next to each                             suited solution
 worried            judging them.        advantage (giving a positive value eg +8) and                    is the one with
 about.                                  disadvantage (giving a negative value eg -5).                    the highest
                                         While the best option may have many                              score.
                                         disadvantages, sometimes one advantage
                                         can outweigh all these.

Worry:                                 Advantage               + Value   Disadvantage           - Value
 Don’t feel like   Force myself to     I might get back into      8      I’ll be a downer and      -7
 seeing my         see them            things                            not much company
 friends                               Chance to talk about       9      I won’t enjoy myself      -8
                                       what happened

                                       Total value                17     Total value               -15        17 – 15 = 2
                   Just stay home      I don’t have to worry      2      I won’t feel any          -2
                   for a while         about anything                    better

                                       Total value                2      Total value               -2          2–2=0
                   Go out and do       Chance to clear my         8      I might feel lonely       -5
                   something on        mind
                   my own              Get back into things       7

                                       Total value                15     Total value               -5         15 – 5 = 10

Adapted from: beyondblue’s Structured Problem Solving Worksheet
                                                                                       10 is the highest score
                                                                                       so going out and doing
                                                                                       something on your own is the
                                                                                       best solution to this problem

                                                                                                                            + 23
Exercise 6: Staying on top of your emotions Continued
       Fill in the table below to find solutions to your worries. Even if none of the solutions seem appealing,
       this exercise may help you find the best one for your circumstances.

       Worry                              Advantage         + Value   Disadvantage       - Value
        Worry 1:

                                          Total value                 Total value

                                          Total value                 Total value

                                          Total value                 Total value

       Worry                              Advantage         + Value   Disadvantage       - Value
        Worry 2:

                                          Total value                 Total value

                                          Total value                 Total value

                                          Total value                 Total value

       Worry                              Advantage         + Value   Disadvantage       - Value
        Worry 3:

                                          Total value                 Total value

                                          Total value                 Total value

                                          Total value                 Total value

+ 24
Ideas for solving your worries
                                                     Who can help?
+ Get support from friends and family who can
   help you stay positive.                           Mates in Mining
+ Stay healthy by maintaining a balanced diet        Phone 1300 642 111
   and doing regular exercise, such as walking.      Mates in Mining is an industry suicide
   Regular exercise can boost mood.                  prevention organisation focusing on raising
+ Avoid drugs and alcohol as this can worsen         awareness, building capacity, providing help
   your emotional state and increase your risk       and research.
   of developing depression. It may also further     Beyond Blue
   strain your finances.                             Phone 1300 22 4636
+ Realise you’re not alone and the feelings          Visit
   of uncertainty you’re experiencing are
   being shared by many others. By sharing
                                                     You may be eligible for a Medicare rebate for
   your story with supportive friends and
                                                     consultations with a psychologist, social
   colleagues, you may find they’re going
                                                     worker or occupational therapist in mental
   through similar feelings.
                                                     health if you’re referred by a GP, psychiatrist
+ Try to see the positives. While this can be
                                                     or pediatrician. Call Medicare on 13 20 11.
   hard to do, this could be an opportunity to
   re-evaluate your goals and perhaps take on        Lifeline
   new challenges.                                   Lifeline provides access to crisis support,
+ Although redundancy is a life changing event,     suicide prevention and mental health
   many people later claim it was an enlightening    support services, including anxiety and
   experience – it got them out of a rut and         depression. Call Lifeline’s 24 hour crisis
   propelled their career to the next level.         support service on 13 11 14.
   This is an opportunity to plan the next five to
   20 years of your working career.

                                                                                                       + 25
Getting financial advice

   Mine Super Financial Advice can                   Competitive, transparent fees
   provide the personal financial                    Everyone’s different, which means there’s no one
   advice and planning you need                      size fits all approach to financial advice. That’s
                                                     why Mine Super Financial Advice offers a range
   to make confident decisions.                      of advice options to help you create, manage and
   Did you know Mine Super Financial Advice          protect your wealth, from simple super-related
   specialises in superannuation and retirement      phone advice to full financial plans.
   planning, wealth creation, tax minimisation,      Advice is available over the phone or face to face
   estate planning and personal insurance, and can   and if the advice is super-related, your fees can
   advise you on the best way to deal with your      be deducted from your Mine Super account.
   redundancy payment?
                                                       If you would like to be put in touch with Mine
                                                       Super Financial Advice, call us on 13 64 63.

+ 26
                                                 Standard choice form

For use by employers when offering employees a choice of fund
and by employees to advise their employer of their chosen fund.

Section A: Employee to complete
1    Choice of superannuation (super) fund
     I request that all my future super contributions be paid to: (place an X in one of the boxes below)

       The APRA fund or retirement savings account (RSA) I nominate         Complete items 2, 3 and 5

                      The self‑managed super fund (SMSF) I nominate         Complete items 2, 4 and 5

              The super fund nominated by my employer (in section B)        Complete items 2 and 5

2    Your details

     Employee identification number (if applicable)

     Tax file number (TFN)

          You do not have to quote your TFN but if you do not provide it, your contributions may be taxed at a higher rate.
      Your TFN also helps you keep track of your super and allows you to make personal contributions to your fund.

3    Nominating your APRA fund or RSA
     You will need current details from your APRA regulated fund or RSA to complete this item.
     Fund ABN       16 457 520 308
     Fund name
       Mine Superannuation Fund
       Fund address
       Locked Bag 2020

     Suburb/town                                                                                      State/territory   Postcode
       Newcastle                                                                                       NS W              2 3 0 0
     Fund phone       1 3 6 4 6 3
     Unique superannuation identifier (USI)     1 6 4 5 7 5 2 0 3 0 8 0 0 1
     Your account name (if applicable)
     Your member number (if applicable)

     Required documentation
     You need to attach a letter from your fund stating that they are a complying fund and that they will accept contributions from
     your employer. Correct information about your super fund is needed for your employer to pay super contributions.

NAT 13080‑08.2014                                     Sensitive (when completed)                                               Page 1
4   Nominating your self-managed super fund (SMSF)
    You will need current details from your SMSF trustee to complete this item.
    Fund ABN
    Fund name

    Fund address

    Suburb/town                                                                                           State/territory   Postcode

    Fund phone
    Fund electronic service address (ESA)

    Fund bank account
    BSB code (please include all six numbers)                             Account number

    Required documentation
    You need to attach a document confirming the SMSF is an ATO regulated super fund. You can locate and print a copy of
    the compliance status for your SMSF by searching using the ABN or fund name in the Super Fund Lookup service at
    If you are the trustee, or a director of the corporate trustee you can confirm that your SMSF will accept contributions from
    your employer by making the following declaration (place an ‘X’ in the box below):
         I am the trustee, or a director of the corporate trustee of the SMSF and I declare that the SMSF will accept contributions
         from my employer.
    If you are not the trustee, or a director of the corporate trustee of the SMSF, then you must attach a letter from the trustee
    confirming that the fund will accept contributions from your employer.

5   Signature and date
    If you have nominated your own fund in Item 3 or 4, check that you have attached the required documentation and
    then place an ‘X’ in the box below.

         I have attached the relevant documentation.

                                                                                                    Day           Month        Year

    Return the completed form to your employer as soon as possible.

Page 2                                             Sensitive (when completed)
Section B: Employer to complete
    You must complete this section before giving the form to an employee who is eligible to choose the super fund into which you
    pay their super contributions.

          Sign and date the form when you give it to your employee.

6   Your details
    Business name

                                                                                                 Day       Month          Year

7   Your nominated super fund
    If the employee does not choose their own super fund, you are required to pay super contributions on their behalf to the fund
    that you have nominated below:

    Super fund name

    Unique superannuation identifier (USI)

    Phone (for the product disclosure statement for this fund)

    Super fund website address

Section C: Employer to complete
          Complete this section when your employee returns the form to you with section A completed.

8   Record of choice acceptance
    In the two months after you receive the form from your employee you can make super contributions to either the fund you
    nominated or the fund the employee nominated. After the two‑month period you must make payments to the fund chosen
    by the employee.

          If you don’t meet your obligations, including paying your employee superannuation contributions to the correct fund,
      you may face penalties.

                                Day      Month          Year                                     Day       Month          Year
    Date employee’s choice                                              Date you act on your
    is received                                                         employee’s choice

          Employers must keep the completed form for their own record for five years. Do not send it to the Australian
      Taxation Office, the employer’s nominated fund or the employee’s nominated fund.

    The ATO does not collect this information; we provide this form as a means for employees to identify and provide necessary
    information to their employer. An employer is authorised to collect an employee’s TFN under the Superannuation Industry
    (Supervision) Act 1993. It is not an offence for an employee not to quote their TFN. However, quoting a TFN reduces the
    risk of administrative errors and if the employee does not quote their TFN their contributions may be taxed at a higher rate.
    An employee can get more details regarding their privacy rights by contacting their superannuation fund.

                                                 Sensitive (when completed)                                                      Page 3
Mine Superannuation Fund
                                                                                  Locked Bag 2020 Newcastle NSW 2300
                                                                                  t 13 MINE (13 64 63) | f 02 4962 3469
                                                                                  e |

Complying Superannuation Fund Notice
Mine Superannuation Fund is a resident regulated superannuation fund and complies with the Superannuation
Industry (Supervision) Act 1993. The Fund’s Trustee, AUSCOAL Superannuation Pty Ltd ABN 70 003 566 989,
confirms that it has not received, nor does it expect to receive, written notice directing it not to accept further

Fund Information
 Fund Name                                  Mine Superannuation Fund

 Superannuation Fund Number                 1340 309 48

 SPIN                                       COS 0001AU

 Unique superannuation identifier           16457520308001

 MySuper authorisation                      16457520308485

Contributions and rollovers to the Mine Superannuation Fund
Employer contributions – We can accept employer contributions made on behalf of any employee who is a member
of the Fund. We offer a MySuper product and we’re eligible to be a default fund for employers. We encourage
employers to confirm with the Australian Tax Office that their contribution method is a complying one and to use a
clearing house to make contributions.
Member contributions – We can accept regular and lump sum contributions (minimum amounts can apply).
Members can make these contributions using their online account, by BPAY or by electronic funds
transfer (EFT). For more information, go to or give us a call on 13 64 63.
Rollovers – Members can transfer their other super accounts into their Mine Super account. To do this they will
need to complete a Transfer Form which is available from our website or by calling us on 13 64 63.
Before deciding to join the Mine Superannuation Fund please read our Product Disclosure Statement (PDS). For
more information about Mine Super, including our PDS, visit our website or give us a call on 13 64 63.

Mine Super
Important information
This is general information only and does not take into account your financial situation, needs or objectives.
Before acting, you should consider whether the information is appropriate for you. This information is based
on our understanding of current Australian laws and assumes they will remain unchanged.

Mine Superannuation Fund ABN 16 457 520 308
Trustee: AUSCOAL Superannuation Pty Ltd ABN 70 003 566 989 AFS licence 246864                       CAN200031/J4735/140120
You can also read