Irish Investment Limited Partnership Law Amendments: Q&A - 16 March 2021

Page created by Lance Hansen
Irish Investment Limited Partnership Law Amendments: Q&A - 16 March 2021
Irish Investment Limited Partnership Law
Amendments: Q&A
                                  16 March 2021
Irish Investment Limited Partnership Law Amendments: Q&A - 16 March 2021
Comparison of Limited Partnership Laws in Ireland, Luxembourg, Cayman
Islands and Delaware
                     IRELAND                        LUXEMBOURG                     LUXEMBOURG                   CAYMAN ISLANDS               DELAWARE
                     INVESTMENT LIMITED             COMMON LIMITED                 SPECIAL LIMITED              EXEMPTED LIMITED             LIMITED PARTNERSHIP
                     PARTNERSHIP (“ILP”)            PARTNERSHIP (“SCS”)            PARTNERSHIP (“SCSp”)         PARTNERSHIP (“ELP”)          (“DLP”)

 Implementing        Investment Limited             Law of 10 August 1915 on       Law of 10 August 1915 on     Partnership Law (2013        Delaware Revised Uniform
 Legislation         Partnerships Act, 1994, as     Commercial Companies,          Commercial Companies,        Rev.) and Exempted           Limited Partnership Act
                     amended by the                 Section III, sub-section 1     Section III, sub-section 2   Limited Partnership Law      (“Del LPA”)
                     Investment Limited             (“Lux LP Law”)                 (“Lux LP Law”)               (2018 Rev.) (“ELP Law”)
                     Partnerships (Amendment)
                     Act 2020 (“ILP Act”)

 Alternative name    comhpháirtíocht theoranta      société en commandite          société en commandite        Not applicable               Not applicable
                     infheistíochta                 simple                         spéciale

 Basic Structure

 Required Partners   An ILP requires at least       A SCS is a partnership         A SCSp is a partnership      An ELP must have least       A DLP is a partnership
                     one general partner and at     established by contract,       established by contract,     one general partner and      consisting of two or more
                     least one limited partner      between one or more            between one or more          one limited partner.         persons and having one or
                                                    partners with unlimited        partners with unlimited                                   more general partners and
                                                    liability and one or more      liability and one or more                                 one or more limited
                                                    partners with limited          partners with limited                                     partners.
                                                    liability.                     liability.

 Formation Process   An ILP comes into              A SCS is created through       A SCSp is created through    A partnership, limited or    To form a DLP, one or
                     existence when the ILP is      the partnership agreement      the partnership agreement    otherwise, shall not be an   more persons, but not less
                     authorised by the Central      (a private deed), which        (a private deed), which      exempted limited             than all the general
                     Bank of Ireland (CBI) under    includes the name,             includes the name,           partnership unless           partners, must execute a
                     the ILP Act. An application    principal office address,      principal office address,    registered as such.          certificate of limited
                     for authorisation must be in   purpose, and a description     purpose, and a description                                partnership. The DLP is
                                                                                                                To register a partnership
                     a form approved by the         of each partner’s              of each partner’s                                         formed at the time of filing
                                                                                                                as an ELP, the general
                     CBI and be accompanied         contributions. The             contributions. The                                        the initial certificate of
                                                                                                                partner must submit to the
                     by an authorisation fee, a     partnership agreement is       partnership agreement is                                  limited partnership with the
                                                                                                                Registrar of Limited
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Irish Investment Limited Partnership Law Amendments: Q&A - 16 March 2021
IRELAND                        LUXEMBOURG                     LUXEMBOURG                   CAYMAN ISLANDS                 DELAWARE
                INVESTMENT LIMITED             COMMON LIMITED                 SPECIAL LIMITED              EXEMPTED LIMITED               LIMITED PARTNERSHIP
                PARTNERSHIP (“ILP”)            PARTNERSHIP (“SCS”)            PARTNERSHIP (“SCSp”)         PARTNERSHIP (“ELP”)            (“DLP”)
                copy of the partnership        filed with the Luxembourg      filed with the Luxembourg    Partnerships in the            Delaware Secretary of
                agreement, a statement         Business Registers (RCS).      Business Registers (RCS).    Cayman Islands a               State or at any later date
                containing certain                                                                         statement setting out          specified in the in the initial
                prescribed information and                                                                 certain prescribed             certificate, if there has
                such further particulars or                                                                information and pay the        been substantial
                information as the CBI may                                                                 required registration fee. A   compliance with the
                specify for the purposes of                                                                certificate of registration    statute.
                determining the                                                                            issued by the Registrar
                application. The CBI issues                                                                shall be conclusive
                a certificate of                                                                           evidence that the
                authorisation for the ILP,                                                                 requirements of the ELP
                which is conclusive                                                                        Law have been complied
                evidence of compliance                                                                     with in respect of the
                with all the requirements of                                                               formation and registration
                the ILP Act in respect of                                                                  of an ELP.
                the formation and
                authorisation of an ILP.

 Duration       Limited or unlimited.          Limited or unlimited           Limited or unlimited         Limited or unlimited           Limited or unlimited

 Purpose        An ILP shall have as its       An SCS may have any            An SCSp may have any         An ELP may be formed for       An DLP may carry on any
                principal business, to be      purposes other than            purposes other than          any lawful purpose to be       lawful business, purpose or
                expressed in the               unlawful purpose or a pour     unlawful purpose or a pour   carried out and undertaken     activity, except the
                partnership agreement          pose contrary to public        pose contrary to public      either in or from within the   business of banking.
                establishing the ILP, the      purpose.                       purpose.                     Cayman Islands or
                investment of its funds in                                                                 elsewhere upon the terms,
                real or personal property of                                                               with the rights and powers,
                whatever kind (including                                                                   and subject to the
                securities) and wherever                                                                   conditions, limitations,
                located.                                                                                   restrictions and liabilities
                                                                                                           mentioned in the ELP Law
                                                                                                           but an ELP shall not
                                                                                                           undertake business with
                                                                                                           the public in the Cayman
                                                                                                           Islands other than so far as
                                                                                                           may be necessary for the
                                                                                                           carrying on of the business
                                                                                                           of that ELP exterior to the
                                                                                                           Cayman Islands.

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Irish Investment Limited Partnership Law Amendments: Q&A - 16 March 2021
IRELAND                         LUXEMBOURG                       LUXEMBOURG                     CAYMAN ISLANDS                  DELAWARE
                     INVESTMENT LIMITED              COMMON LIMITED                   SPECIAL LIMITED                EXEMPTED LIMITED                LIMITED PARTNERSHIP
                     PARTNERSHIP (“ILP”)             PARTNERSHIP (“SCS”)              PARTNERSHIP (“SCSp”)           PARTNERSHIP (“ELP”)             (“DLP”)

 Partner Interests   Partners in the ILP hold        Partners in the SCS hold         Partners in the SCSp hold      Partners hold interests in      Partners hold interests in
                     partnership interests.          partner interests, which         partner interests, which       the ELP, which may be           the DLP, which may be
                     “Capital accounts” and          may be “unlimited” partner       may be “unlimited” partner     general partner interests or    general partner interests or
                     “shares” are not specifically   interests or “limited”           interests or “limited”         limited partner interests.      limited partner interests.
                     recognised by the ILP Act.      partner interests. “Capital      partner interests. “Capital    “Capital accounts” and          “Capital accounts” and
                                                     accounts” and “shares” are       accounts” and “shares” are     “shares” are not specifically   “shares” are not specifically
                                                     not specifically recognized      not specifically recognized    recognized by the ELP           recognized by the DEL
                                                     by the Lux LP Law.               by the Lux LP Law.             Law.                            LPA.

 Series Permitted    Yes. The ILP Act provides       Not addressed by the Lux         Not addressed by the Lux       Not expressly permitted by      Yes. An umbrella structure
                     that an ILP may be              LP Law, but generally            LP Law, but generally          the ELP Law, but generally      (referred to as a “series” is
                     established as an umbrella      permitted. However, for an       permitted. However, for an     permitted as a matter of        permitted. Each series
                     fund, that is, an ILP which     “alternative investment          “alternative investment        Cayman contract law.            may have its own
                     is divided into a number of     fund” (AIF) to have multiple     fund” (AIF) to have multiple                                   separately designated
                     sub-funds (or series.)          series (i.e., an umbrella        series (i.e., an umbrella                                      general partner.
                                                     fund), it must satisfy the       fund), it must satisfy the
                                                                                                                                                     A partnership agreement
                                                     conditions of a “reserved        conditions of a “reserved
                                                                                                                                                     may establish or provide
                                                     alternative investment           alternative investment
                                                                                                                                                     for the establishment of 1
                                                     fund” (RAIF).                    fund” (RAIF).
                                                                                                                                                     or more designated series
                                                                                                                                                     of limited partners, general
                                                                                                                                                     partners, partnership
                                                                                                                                                     interests or assets.
                                                                                                                                                     Any such series may have
                                                                                                                                                     separate rights, powers or
                                                                                                                                                     duties with respect to
                                                                                                                                                     specified property or
                                                                                                                                                     obligations of the limited
                                                                                                                                                     partnership or profits and
                                                                                                                                                     losses associated with
                                                                                                                                                     specified property or
                                                                                                                                                     obligations, and any such
                                                                                                                                                     series may have a
                                                                                                                                                     separate business purpose
                                                                                                                                                     or investment objective
                                                                                                                                                     A protected series requires
                                                                                                                                                     that the certificate of
                                                                                                                                                     incorporate includes notice
                                                                                                                                                     of a series structure, and
{S2748121; 6}                                  3                                    6005.565.20732875.v3
Irish Investment Limited Partnership Law Amendments: Q&A - 16 March 2021
IRELAND                       LUXEMBOURG                   LUXEMBOURG                 CAYMAN ISLANDS                  DELAWARE
                     INVESTMENT LIMITED            COMMON LIMITED               SPECIAL LIMITED            EXEMPTED LIMITED                LIMITED PARTNERSHIP
                     PARTNERSHIP (“ILP”)           PARTNERSHIP (“SCS”)          PARTNERSHIP (“SCSp”)       PARTNERSHIP (“ELP”)             (“DLP”)
                                                                                                                                           the partnership agreement
                                                                                                                                           permits the formation of the
                                                                                                                                           different series, that proper
                                                                                                                                           records are maintained for
                                                                                                                                           the segregation of assets
                                                                                                                                           and liabilities among the
                                                                                                                                           series. A protected series
                                                                                                                                           will be shielded from the
                                                                                                                                           liabilities and obligations of
                                                                                                                                           the DLP itself, and from
                                                                                                                                           other series. A series
                                                                                                                                           formed prior to August 1,
                                                                                                                                           2019 (before the
                                                                                                                                           designation of registered
                                                                                                                                           and protected series) is
                                                                                                                                           now a protected series.
                                                                                                                                           A registered series is a
                                                                                                                                           protected series that has
                                                                                                                                           also filed in its certificate of
                                                                                                                                           registered series with the
                                                                                                                                           Delaware Secretary of
                                                                                                                                           State. A registered series
                                                                                                                                           has the same rights,
                                                                                                                                           powers and obligations as
                                                                                                                                           a protected series if the
                                                                                                                                           same statutory
                                                                                                                                           requirements have been
                                                                                                                                           met. However, a
                                                                                                                                           registered series will be
                                                                                                                                           able to obtain its own
                                                                                                                                           certificate of good standing.

 Classes Permitted   Classes of limited partners   Not addressed by the Lux     Not addressed by the Lux   Classes are not expressly       A partnership agreement
                     are expressly provided for    LP Law, but generally        LP Law, but generally      provided for in the ELP         may provide for classes or
                     in the ILP Act.               permitted.                   permitted.                 Law, they but are referred      groups of limited partners
                                                                                                           to in several sections of the   having such relative rights,
                                                                                                           ELP Law.                        powers and duties as the
                                                                                                                                           partnership agreement may
                                                                                                                                           provide, and may make

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Irish Investment Limited Partnership Law Amendments: Q&A - 16 March 2021
IRELAND                         LUXEMBOURG                 LUXEMBOURG               CAYMAN ISLANDS                DELAWARE
                    PARTNERSHIP (“ILP”)             PARTNERSHIP (“SCS”)        PARTNERSHIP (“SCSp”)     PARTNERSHIP (“ELP”)           (“DLP”)
                                                                                                                                      provision for the future
                                                                                                                                      creation in the manner
                                                                                                                                      provided in the partnership
                                                                                                                                      agreement of additional
                                                                                                                                      classes or groups of limited
                                                                                                                                      partners having such
                                                                                                                                      relative rights, powers and
                                                                                                                                      duties as may from time to
                                                                                                                                      time be established,
                                                                                                                                      including rights, powers
                                                                                                                                      and duties senior to
                                                                                                                                      existing classes and
                                                                                                                                      groups of limited partners.
                                                                                                                                      A partnership agreement
                                                                                                                                      may provide for the taking
                                                                                                                                      of an action, including the
                                                                                                                                      amendment of the
                                                                                                                                      partnership agreement,
                                                                                                                                      without the vote or
                                                                                                                                      approval of any limited
                                                                                                                                      partner or class or group of
                                                                                                                                      limited partners, including
                                                                                                                                      an action to create under
                                                                                                                                      the provisions of the
                                                                                                                                      partnership agreement a
                                                                                                                                      class or group of
                                                                                                                                      partnership interests that
                                                                                                                                      was not previously

 Debt Obligations   Any debt or obligation          Debt securities may be     Debt securities may be   Any debt or obligation        A judgment creditor of a
                    incurred by a general           issued by the SCS.         issued by the SCSp.      incurred by the GP in the     general partner of a limited
                    partner in the conduct of                                                           conduct of the business of    partnership may not levy
                    the business of the ILP                                                             an ELP shall be the debt or   execution against the
                    shall be a debt or                                                                  obligation of the ELP.        assets of the general
                    obligation of the ILP.                                                                                            partner to satisfy a
                                                                                                                                      judgment based on a claim
                                                                                                                                      against the limited

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Irish Investment Limited Partnership Law Amendments: Q&A - 16 March 2021
IRELAND                       LUXEMBOURG                       LUXEMBOURG                     CAYMAN ISLANDS                 DELAWARE
                      INVESTMENT LIMITED            COMMON LIMITED                   SPECIAL LIMITED                EXEMPTED LIMITED               LIMITED PARTNERSHIP
                      PARTNERSHIP (“ILP”)           PARTNERSHIP (“SCS”)              PARTNERSHIP (“SCSp”)           PARTNERSHIP (“ELP”)            (“DLP”)
                                                                                                                                                   partnership, except in
                                                                                                                                                   certain situations.

 Derivatives          Pursuant to regulation, the   Not expressly addressed          Not expressly addressed        Not expressly addressed        A limited partnership shall,
                      assets of an ILP may be       under the Lux LP Law.            under the Lux LP Law.          under the ELP Law.             subject to such standards
                      invested in derivatives.                                                                                                     and restrictions, if any, as
                                                                                                                                                   are set forth in its
                                                                                                                                                   partnership agreement,
                                                                                                                                                   have the power and
                                                                                                                                                   authority to make contracts
                                                                                                                                                   of guaranty and suretyship
                                                                                                                                                   and enter into interest rate,
                                                                                                                                                   basis, currency, hedge or
                                                                                                                                                   other swap agreements or
                                                                                                                                                   cap, floor, put, call, option,
                                                                                                                                                   exchange or collar
                                                                                                                                                   agreements, derivative
                                                                                                                                                   agreements or other
                                                                                                                                                   agreements similar to any
                                                                                                                                                   of the foregoing.

 Powers of Attorney   Unless otherwise provided     Not expressly addressed          Not expressly addressed        Where a partnership            Unless otherwise provided
                      in a partnership              under the Lux LP Law.            under the Lux LP Law.          agreement purports to          in a partnership agreement,
                      agreement, an ILP has the     Under Luxembourg law,            Under Luxembourg law,          create or grant a power of     a limited partnership has
                      power and authority to        however, all powers of           however, all powers of         attorney, including an         the power and authority to
                      grant, hold or exercise a     attorney are revocable,          attorney are revocable,        irrevocable power of           grant, hold or exercise a
                      power of attorney,            even those that are              even those that are            attorney, that power shall     power of attorney, including
                      including an irrevocable      purportedly irrevocable.         purportedly irrevocable.       be deemed validly to have      an irrevocable power of
                      power of attorney.                                                                            been executed as a deed        attorney.
                                                                                                                    and if required duly
                                                                                                                    witnessed on execution of
                                                                                                                    the partnership agreement.

 Partner Liability    General Partner               Unlimited Partners               Unlimited Partners             General Partner                General Partner
                      The general partner has       “Unlimited partners” are         “Unlimited partners” are       If the assets of the ELP are   A general partner of a DLP
                      unlimited liability for the   jointly and severalty liable     jointly and severalty liable   inadequate to satisfy the      has the liabilities of a
                      debts and obligations of      for the SCS’s obligations.       for the SCSp’s obligations.    claims of its creditors, the   partner in a partnership
                      the ILP. If there is more                                                                     general partner will be        that is governed by the
                      than one general partner,                                                                                                    Delaware Uniform
{S2748121; 6}                                   6                                  6005.565.20732875.v3
Irish Investment Limited Partnership Law Amendments: Q&A - 16 March 2021
IRELAND                         LUXEMBOURG                      LUXEMBOURG                    CAYMAN ISLANDS                  DELAWARE
                INVESTMENT LIMITED              COMMON LIMITED                  SPECIAL LIMITED               EXEMPTED LIMITED                LIMITED PARTNERSHIP
                PARTNERSHIP (“ILP”)             PARTNERSHIP (“SCS”)             PARTNERSHIP (“SCSp”)          PARTNERSHIP (“ELP”)             (“DLP”)
                this liability is shared on a   Limited Partners                Limited Partners              liable for all debts and        Partnership Law to persons
                joint or several basis.                                                                       obligations of the ELP.         other than the partnership
                                                “Limited partners” are only     “Limited partners” are only
                                                                                                                                              and the other partner.
                Any provision whether           liable for contributing a       liable for contributing a
                                                                                                                                              Under the Delaware
                contained in the ILP            specific amount                 specific amount
                                                                                                              Limited Partners                Uniform Partnership law, all
                agreement or in any             constituting their              constituting their
                                                                                                                                              partners are liable jointly
                contract with an ILP for        partnership interests.          partnership interests.        The limited partners will not
                                                                                                                                              and severally for all
                exculpating a general                                                                         be liable for the debts and     obligations of the
                partner from, or                                                                              obligations of the ELP          partnership unless
                indemnifying him against,                                                                     except as may be provided
                                                                                                                                              otherwise agreed by the
                any liability which would                                                                     by the limited partnership
                                                                                                                                              claimant or provided by
                otherwise attach to him in                                                                    agreement.
                respect of any negligence,
                default, breach of duty or
                breach of trust of which he
                                                                                                                                              Limited Partner
                may be guilty in relation to
                an ILP is void.                                                                                                               A limited partner is not
                                                                                                                                              liable for the obligations of
                However, an ILP may
                                                                                                                                              a DLP unless he or she is
                indemnify a general partner
                                                                                                                                              also a general partner or, in
                against any liability
                                                                                                                                              addition to the exercise of
                incurred by him in
                                                                                                                                              the rights and powers of a
                defending proceedings in
                                                                                                                                              limited partner, he or she
                which judgement is given
                                                                                                                                              participates in the control of
                in his favour or in which he
                                                                                                                                              the business.
                is acquitted.
                In addition, an ILP may
                purchase and maintain
                insurance for the general
                partner in respect of this
                Limited Partner
                The definition of a limited
                partner in the ILP Act, as
                amended, establishes that
                the limited partner is not
                liable for the obligations of
                the ILP beyond the amount
                of capital contributed or

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Irish Investment Limited Partnership Law Amendments: Q&A - 16 March 2021
IRELAND                        LUXEMBOURG                         LUXEMBOURG                       CAYMAN ISLANDS                 DELAWARE
                        INVESTMENT LIMITED             COMMON LIMITED                     SPECIAL LIMITED                  EXEMPTED LIMITED               LIMITED PARTNERSHIP
                        PARTNERSHIP (“ILP”)            PARTNERSHIP (“SCS”)                PARTNERSHIP (“SCSp”)             PARTNERSHIP (“ELP”)            (“DLP”)
                        undertaken to be
                        contributed by the limited
                        partner to the ILP.
                        A limited partner gains the
                        benefit of limited liability
                        once the ILP is authorised
                        by the CBI.
                        This benefit is granted to a
                        limited partner on the basis
                        that the limited partner is
                        prohibited from taking part
                        in the conduct of the
                        business of the ILP.

 Disregard of Limited   If a limited partner takes     A limited partner shall be         A limited partner shall be       If a limited partner takes     A limited partner is not
 Partner Limited        part in the conduct of the     jointly and severally liable       jointly and severally liable     part in the conduct of the     liable for the obligations of
 Liability              business of the ILP in its     to third parties for (a) any       to third parties for (a) any     business of an ELP in its      a DLP unless he or she is
                        dealings with persons who      commitments of the SCS in          commitments of the SCSp          dealings with persons who      also a general partner or, in
                        are not partners, that         which such limited partner         in which such limited            are not partners, that         addition to the exercise of
                        limited partner shall be       participated and carried out       partner participated and         limited partner shall be       the rights and powers of a
                        liable in the event of the     any act of management              carried out any act of           liable, in the event of the    limited partner, he or she
                        insolvency of the ILP for      vis-à-vis third parties or (b)     management vis-à-vis             insolvency of the exempted     participates in the control of
                        debts of the ILP incurred      regularly carried out any          third parties or (b) regularly   limited partnership, for all   the business. However, if
                        during the period that he so   act of management vis-à-           carried out any act of           debts and obligations of       the limited partner does
                        participates in the conduct    vis third parties.                 management vis-à-vis third       that ELP incurred during       participate in the control of
                        of the business as though                                         parties.                         the period that he             the business, he or she is
                                                       The Lux LP Law specifies
                        he were for such period a                                                                          participates in the conduct    liable only to persons who
                                                       specific actions that a            The Lux LP Law specifies
                        general partner.                                                                                   of the business as though      transact business with the
                                                       limited partner may take           specific actions that a
                                                                                                                           he were, for that period, a    DLP reasonably believing,
                        The ILP Act specifies          but which do not constitute        limited partner may take
                                                                                                                           general partner, but he        based upon the limited
                        specific actions that a        participating in the control       but which do not constitute
                                                                                                                           shall be liable only to a      partner’s conduct, that the
                        limited partner may take       of the business of the SCS.        participating in the control
                                                                                                                           person who transacts           limited partner is a general
                        but which do not constitute                                       of the business of the
                                                                                                                           business with the ELP          partner.
                        taking part in the conduct                                        SCSp.
                                                                                                                           during the period with
                        of the business of the ILP.                                                                                                       The DE LPA specifies
                                                                                                                           actual knowledge of his
                                                                                                                                                          specific actions that a
                                                                                                                           participation and who then
                                                                                                                                                          limited partner may take
                                                                                                                           reasonably believed the
                                                                                                                                                          but which do not constitute

{S2748121; 6}                                     8                                     6005.565.20732875.v3
Irish Investment Limited Partnership Law Amendments: Q&A - 16 March 2021
IRELAND                         LUXEMBOURG                       LUXEMBOURG                     CAYMAN ISLANDS                 DELAWARE
                       INVESTMENT LIMITED              COMMON LIMITED                   SPECIAL LIMITED                EXEMPTED LIMITED               LIMITED PARTNERSHIP
                       PARTNERSHIP (“ILP”)             PARTNERSHIP (“SCS”)              PARTNERSHIP (“SCSp”)           PARTNERSHIP (“ELP”)            (“DLP”)
                                                                                                                       limited partner to be a        participating in the control
                                                                                                                       general partner.               of the business of the DLP.
                                                                                                                       The ELP Law specifies
                                                                                                                       specific actions that a
                                                                                                                       limited partner may take
                                                                                                                       but which do not constitute
                                                                                                                       participating in the control
                                                                                                                       of the business of the ELP.

 Limited Partners      A limited partner does not      A limited partner may act        A limited partner may act      A limited partner does not     A limited partner does not
 Serving on Advisory   take part in the conduct of     as a member of a                 as a member of a               take part in the conduct of    participate in the control of
 Committees            the business of the ILP         management body or an            management body or an          the business of an ELP by      the business by virtue of
                       solely by (i) serving on any    agent of a manager of the        agent of a manager of the      virtue of consulting with      consulting with or advising
                       board or committee (such        SCS, even if the manager         SCSp, even if the              and advising a general         a general partner or any
                       as an advisory committee)       is an unlimited partner, or      manager is an unlimited        partner or consenting or       other person with respect
                       of the ILP, or established      may execute documents            partner, or may execute        withholding consent to any     to any matter, including the
                       by, or as provided for in the   on the manager’s behalf          documents on the               action proposed, in the        business of the DLP, or to
                       partnership agreement in        under the manager’s              manager’s behalf under the     manner contemplated by         act or cause a general
                       respect of, a general           corporate signature, even        manager’s corporate            the partnership agreement,     partner or any other person
                       partner, the limited            acting as a representative       signature, even acting as a    with respect to the            to take or refrain from
                       partners or the partners        of the SCS, without              representative of the          business of the ELP.           taking any action, including
                       generally; (ii) appointing,     incurring joint and several      SCSp, without incurring                                       by proposing, approving,
                       electing or otherwise           liability, provided that the     joint and several liability,                                  consenting or disapproving,
                       participating in the choice     capacity in which the            provided that the capacity                                    by voting or otherwise, with
                       of a representative or any      limited partner is acting is     in which the limited partner                                  respect to any matter,
                       other person to serve on        indicated.                       is acting is indicated.                                       including the business of
                       any such board or                                                                                                              the DLP.
                       committee; (iii) acting as a
                       member of any such board
                       or committee either directly
                       or by or through any
                       representative or other
                       person, including giving
                       advice in respect of, or
                       consenting or refusing to
                       consent to, any action
                       proposed by the general
                       partner on behalf of the ILP
                       and exercising any powers

{S2748121; 6}                                    9                                    6005.565.20732875.v3
IRELAND                         LUXEMBOURG                      LUXEMBOURG                    CAYMAN ISLANDS                  DELAWARE
                   INVESTMENT LIMITED              COMMON LIMITED                  SPECIAL LIMITED               EXEMPTED LIMITED                LIMITED PARTNERSHIP
                   PARTNERSHIP (“ILP”)             PARTNERSHIP (“SCS”)             PARTNERSHIP (“SCSp”)          PARTNERSHIP (“ELP”)             (“DLP”)
                   or authorities or performing
                   any obligations as a
                   member of any such board
                   or committee in the manner
                   contemplated by the
                   partnership agreement.

 Minimum Capital   No minimum capital              No minimum capital              No minimum capital            No minimum capital              No minimum capital
 Requirements      requirements.                   requirements.                   requirements.                 requirements.                   requirements.

 Form of Limited   The contribution made by a      The contributions of the        The contributions of the      The contribution of a           The contribution of a
 Partner Capital   limited partner to the          partners to the SCS may         partners to the SCSp may      partner means cash,             partner may be in cash,
 Contribution      capital of the ILP may be       be made in cash, in kind or     be made in cash, in kind or   property, services or other     property or services
                   satisfied in cash or other      by way of services (apport      by way of services (apport    assets which a partner          rendered, or a promissory
                   property provided that in       en industrie).                  en industrie).                contributes to the capital of   note or other obligation to
                   the case of a non-cash                                                                        an ELP in its capacity as       contribute cash or property
                   contribution, the value of                                                                    partner, but it does not        or to perform services
                   the relevant property shall,                                                                  include any moneys lent by
                   for the purposes of                                                                           a partner to an ELP.
                   satisfying the obligation to
                   contribute to the capital of
                   the ILP, be the fair and
                   appropriate value of the
                   property at the time of
                   transfer of the property to
                   the ILP. The contribution
                   made by a limited partner
                   to the capital of the ILP
                   shall not be satisfied by the
                   provision of any services or
                   loans by the limited

 Allocations of    A limited partner may           The distribution and            The distribution and          Not specifically addressed      Distributions of cash or
 Distributions     receive out of the capital of   repayments to partners, as      repayments to partners, as    by the ELP Law. As a            other assets of a DLP shall
                   the ILP a payment               well as the conditions in       well as the conditions in     general matter of contract      be allocated among the
                   representing the return of      which the SCS may require       which the SCSp may            law, allocations of             partners, and among
                   any part of his contribution    they be repaid are              require they be repaid are    distributions of cash or        classes or groups of
                   to the partnership in the                                                                     other assets of an ELP          partners, in the manner
                   circumstances provided for                                                                    may be made among the
{S2748121; 6}                                10                                  6005.565.20732875.v3
IRELAND                          LUXEMBOURG                       LUXEMBOURG                    CAYMAN ISLANDS                 DELAWARE
                      INVESTMENT LIMITED               COMMON LIMITED                   SPECIAL LIMITED               EXEMPTED LIMITED               LIMITED PARTNERSHIP
                      PARTNERSHIP (“ILP”)              PARTNERSHIP (“SCS”)              PARTNERSHIP (“SCSp”)          PARTNERSHIP (“ELP”)            (“DLP”)
                      in the partnership               governed by the                  governed by the               partners, and among            provided in the partnership
                      agreement, provided the          partnership agreement.           partnership agreement.        classes or groups of           agreement.
                      net asset value of the ILP                                                                      partners, in the manner
                      is greater than zero.                                                                           provided in the partnership

 Allocations of       The profits and losses of        Profits and losses of a SCS      Profits and losses of a       Not specifically addressed     The profits and losses of a
 Profits and Losses   an ILP shall be allocated        shall be shared among all        SCSp shall be shared          by the ELP Law. As a           DLP shall be allocated
                      among the partners, and          partners in proportion to        among all partners in         general matter of contract     among the partners, and
                      among classes or groups          their partnership interests,     proportion to their           law, allocations of profits    among classes or groups
                      of partners, in the manner       unless otherwise provided        partnership interests,        and losses may be made         of partners, in the manner
                      provided in the partnership      in the partnership               unless otherwise provided     among the partners, and        provided in the partnership
                      agreement.                       agreement.                       in the partnership            among classes or groups        agreement.
                                                                                        agreement.                    of partners, in the manner
                                                                                                                      provided in the partnership

 Separate Legal       No. An ILP does not              Yes. (Law of 12 July 2013        No. A SCSp does not           No. An ELP does not have       Yes. A DLP is a separate
 Personality          constitute a legal entity        [EC Regulation 2157/2001,        constitute a legal entity     separate legal personality.    legal entity from its
                      separate from its partners.      art. 16.1] ) The law             separate from its partners.   All letters, contracts,        partners, the existence of
                      The ILP Act provides that        recognizes the SCS as a                                        deeds, instruments or          which as a separate legal
                      all letters, contracts, deeds,   commercial company with                                        documents must be              entity shall continue until
                      instruments and                  legal personality (i.e.,                                       entered into by or on behalf   cancellation of the DLP’s
                      documents whatsoever             separate from that of its                                      of the general partner on      certificate of limited
                      shall be entered into by the     members).                                                      behalf of the limited          partnership.
                      general partner on behalf                                                                       partnership.
                      of the ILP.

 Transfers of         A limited partner may            Transfer of partnership          Transfer of partnership       Subject to the ELP Law, a      A partnership interest is
 Partnership          assign absolutely the            interests of unlimited           interests of unlimited        limited partner may transfer   assignable in whole or in
 Interests            whole or any part of his         partners and limited             partners and limited          the whole or any part of the   part. However, an
                      partnership interest and an      partners, require the            partners require the          partner’s limited              assignment of a
                      assignee shall, as of the        consent of the partners or       consent of the partners or    partnership interest but       partnership interest does
                      date of such assignment,         limited partner, unless the      limited partner, unless the   only with the prior written    not entitle the assignee to
                      become a limited partner         partnership agreement            partnership agreement         consent of the general         become or to exercise any
                      with all of the rights and       provides otherwise.              provides otherwise.           partner                        rights or powers of a
                      obligations of the assignor                                                                                                    partner. It only entitles the
                      relating to the ILP,                                                                                                           assignee to share in such
                      including the obligation of                                                                                                    profits and losses, to
                      the assignor to make                                                                                                           receive such distribution,
{S2748121; 6}                                   11                                    6005.565.20732875.v3
IRELAND                         LUXEMBOURG                      LUXEMBOURG                     CAYMAN ISLANDS                DELAWARE
                       INVESTMENT LIMITED              COMMON LIMITED                  SPECIAL LIMITED                EXEMPTED LIMITED              LIMITED PARTNERSHIP
                       PARTNERSHIP (“ILP”)             PARTNERSHIP (“SCS”)             PARTNERSHIP (“SCSp”)           PARTNERSHIP (“ELP”)           (“DLP”)
                       contributions in respect of                                                                                                  and to receive such
                       the partnership interest or                                                                                                  allocation of income, gain,
                       the part thereof assigned.                                                                                                   loss, deduction, or credit or
                                                                                                                                                    similar item to which the
                                                                                                                                                    assignor was entitled, to
                                                                                                                                                    the extent assigned.
                                                                                                                                                    A DE LPA organized as a
                                                                                                                                                    fund that is offered only to
                                                                                                                                                    “accredited investors” or
                                                                                                                                                    “qualified purchasers” in a
                                                                                                                                                    private offering generally
                                                                                                                                                    requires that the transferee
                                                                                                                                                    also be an accredited
                                                                                                                                                    investor or a qualified
                                                                                                                                                    purchaser, as the case
                                                                                                                                                    may be.
                       The ILP Act provides that,
 Amendment of the                                      The following amendments        The following amendments       Not specifically addressed    A partnership agreement
                       where the partnership
 Limited Partnership                                   require the approval of the     require the approval of the    by the ELP Law. As a          may provide for the taking
                       agreement so stipulates,
 Agreement                                             partners:                       partners:                      matter of contract law, as    of an action, including the
                       an alteration in the
                                                                                                                      provided in the partnership   amendment of the
                       partnership agreement            amendment of the                amendment of the            agreement.                    partnership agreement,
                       may be made if every              corporate purpose                corporate purpose                                         without the vote or
                       partner to the partnership       change of nationality           change of nationality                                     approval of any limited
                       agreement has been given         conversion or liquidation       conversion or liquidation                                 partner or class or group of
                       notice of the proposed
                                                       The partnership agreement       The partnership agreement                                    limited partners, including
                       alteration and the alteration
                                                       shall determine, among the      shall determine, among the                                   an action to create under
                       is approved by a majority
                                                       other decisions, those that     other decisions, those that                                  the provisions of the
                       of the partners to the
                                                       are not required to be          are not required to be                                       partnership agreement a
                       partnership agreement. In
                                                       taken by the partners.          taken by the partners.                                       class or group of
                       certain circumstances, an
                                                                                                                                                    partnership interests that
                       alteration in a partnership     The partnership agreement       The partnership agreement                                    was not previously
                       agreement may be made if        shall also set out the          shall also set out the                                       outstanding.
                       the depositary                  conditions for taking such      conditions for taking such
                       of the ILP has certified in     decisions.                      decisions.
                       writing that the alteration
                       does not prejudice the
                       interests of the limited

{S2748121; 6}                                   12                                   6005.565.20732875.v3
IRELAND                       LUXEMBOURG                     LUXEMBOURG                    CAYMAN ISLANDS              DELAWARE
                      INVESTMENT LIMITED            COMMON LIMITED                 SPECIAL LIMITED               EXEMPTED LIMITED            LIMITED PARTNERSHIP
                      PARTNERSHIP (“ILP”)           PARTNERSHIP (“SCS”)            PARTNERSHIP (“SCSp”)          PARTNERSHIP (“ELP”)         (“DLP”)

 Management of the Limited Partnership

 Management           An ILP must have at least     The management of a SCS        The management of a           An ELP must have at least   A DLP must have at least
                      one general partner, which    is carried out by one or       SCSp is carried out by one    one general partner.        one general partner. A
                      is a corporate entity with    more managers, who may         or more managers, who                                     general partner is a person
                                                                                                                 The general partner is
                      legal personality.            but need not be unlimited      may but need not be                                       who is named as a general
                                                                                                                 responsible for the
                                                    partners, designated in        unlimited partners,                                       partner in the certificate of
                      Directors of a general                                                                     management of the ELP.
                                                    accordance with the            designated in accordance                                  limited partnership and who
                      partner (or general
                                                    partnership agreement.         with the partnership                                      is admitted to the DLP as a
                      partners, where there are
                                                                                   agreement.                                                general partner, and
                      more than one general         Each manager may on
                                                                                                                                             includes a general partner
                      partner in an ILP) require    behalf of the SCS take any     Each manager may on
                                                                                                                                             of the DLP and a general
                      to be pre-approved by the     action necessary or useful     behalf of the SCSp take
                                                                                                                                             partner associated with a
                      CBI.                          to the fulfilment of the       any action necessary or
                                                                                                                                             series of the DLP.
                                                    corporate object.              useful to the fulfilment of
                      The general partner also
                                                                                   the corporate object.                                     Except as provided in the
                      must appoint an
                                                                                                                                             DE LPA or in the
                      “alternative investment
                                                                                                                                             partnership agreement, a
                      fund manager” (AIFM),
                                                                                                                                             general partner of a DLP
                      which also acts in an
                                                                                                                                             has the rights and powers
                      oversight capacity.
                                                                                                                                             and is subject to the
                      The AIFM conducts the                                                                                                  restrictions of a partner in a
                      primary business of the ILP                                                                                            partnership that is
                      and can either itself                                                                                                  governed by the Delaware
                      manage the assets of the                                                                                               Revised Uniform
                      ILP or delegate the                                                                                                    Partnership Act.
                      management to a separate
                                                                                                                                             [(Delaware Revised
                      investment manager.
                                                                                                                                             Uniform Partnership Act)
                                                                                                                                             All partners are liable jointly
                                                                                                                                             and severally for all
                                                                                                                                             obligations of the
                                                                                                                                             partnership unless
                                                                                                                                             otherwise agreed by the
                                                                                                                                             claimant or provided by

{S2748121; 6}                                 13                                 6005.565.20732875.v3
IRELAND                         LUXEMBOURG                         LUXEMBOURG                       CAYMAN ISLANDS                 DELAWARE
                        INVESTMENT LIMITED              COMMON LIMITED                     SPECIAL LIMITED                  EXEMPTED LIMITED               LIMITED PARTNERSHIP
                        PARTNERSHIP (“ILP”)             PARTNERSHIP (“SCS”)                PARTNERSHIP (“SCSp”)             PARTNERSHIP (“ELP”)            (“DLP”)
                        In accordance with the ILP
 Management                                             Managers who are not               Managers who are not             If a partnership agreement     A partnership agreement
                        Act, a general partner of
 Liability                                              unlimited partners shall be        unlimited partners shall be      provides that where a          may provide that (1) a
                        the ILP is personally liable
                                                        liable in accordance with          liable in accordance with        partner fails to perform any   general partner who fails to
                        for the debts and
                                                        Article 59. [Article 59: The       Article 59. [Article 59: The     of its obligations under, or   perform in accordance
                        obligations of the ILP.
                                                        directors shall be liable to       directors shall be liable to     otherwise breaches the         with, or to comply with the
                        Provided a limited partner
                                                        the company in                     the company in                   provisions of, the             terms and conditions of,
                        is not involved in the
                                                        accordance with general            accordance with general          partnership agreement that     the partnership agreement
                        conduct of the business of
                                                        law for the execution of the       law for the execution of the     partner may be subject to      shall be subject to specified
                        the ILP, that limited partner
                                                        mandate given to them and          mandate given to them and        or suffer remedies for, or     penalties or specified
                        shall not be liable for the
                                                        for any misconduct in the          for any misconduct in the        consequences of, the           consequences, and (2) at
                        debts or obligations of the
                                                        management of the                  management of the                failure or breach specified    the time or upon the
                        ILP beyond the amount so
                                                        company’s affairs. They            company’s affairs. They          in the partnership             happening of events
                        contributed or undertaken
                                                        shall be jointly and               shall be jointly and             agreement or otherwise         specified in the partnership
                        to be contributed.
                                                        severally liable towards the       severally liable towards the     applicable under any law       agreement, a general
                                                        company or any third               company or any third             then those remedies or         partner shall be subject to
                                                        parties for damages                parties for damages              consequences shall not be      specified penalties or
                                                        resulting from the violation       resulting from the violation     unenforceable solely on        specified consequences.
                                                        of this [law of 10 August          of this [law of 10 August        the basis that they are
                                                        2015 on commercial                 2015 on commercial               penal in nature.
                                                        companies] or the articles         companies] or the articles
                                                        of the company. They               of the company. They
                                                        shall be discharged from           shall be discharged from
                                                        such liability in the case of      such liability in the case of
                                                        a violation to which they          a violation to which they
                                                        were not a party, provided         were not a party, provided
                                                        no misconduct is                   no misconduct is
                                                        attributable to them and           attributable to them and
                                                        they have reported such            they have reported such
                                                        violation to the first general     violation to the first general
                                                        meeting after they have            meeting after they have
                                                        acquired knowledge                 acquired knowledge
                                                        thereof.]                          thereof.]

 Requirement to have    The ILP Act confirms that       EU substance                       EU substance                     At least one of the general    There is no requirement
 Local General          an overseas (i.e., non-Irish)   requirements apply, i.e.,          requirements apply, i.e.,        partners must be either an     that the general partner be
 Partner and/or Local   company may be                  material decisions must be         material decisions must be       individual resident in the     organized in Delaware or in
 Directors              appointed as the general        made in Luxembourg.                made in Luxembourg.              Cayman Islands, a              the U.S.
                        partner to an ILP. The ILP                                                                          company incorporated or
                        Act does not require the                                                                            registered as a foreign

{S2748121; 6}                                    14                                      6005.565.20732875.v3
IRELAND                          LUXEMBOURG                     LUXEMBOURG                  CAYMAN ISLANDS                DELAWARE
                       INVESTMENT LIMITED               COMMON LIMITED                 SPECIAL LIMITED             EXEMPTED LIMITED              LIMITED PARTNERSHIP
                       PARTNERSHIP (“ILP”)              PARTNERSHIP (“SCS”)            PARTNERSHIP (“SCSp”)        PARTNERSHIP (“ELP”)           (“DLP”)
                       directors of a general                                                                      company in the Cayman
                       partner to be resident in                                                                   Islands, an ELP, or a
                       Ireland.                                                                                    registered foreign limited

 General               The partnership agreement        The partnership agreement      The partnership agreement   Where an exempted limited     Unless otherwise provided
 Partner/Manager       may allow the general            may allow the managers to      may allow the managers to   partnership has more than     in the partnership
 Right to Delegate     partner to delegate its          delegate their powers to       delegate their powers to    one general partner and       agreement, a general
                       powers to one or more            one or more agents who         one or more agents who      the ELP Law gives an          partner of a DLP has the
                       delegates who are liable         are liable only for the        are liable only for the     authority, consent or power   power and authority to
                       only for the performance of      performance of their           performance of their        but not an obligation or      delegate to one or more
                       their mandate.                   mandate.                       mandate.                    liability, to the general     other persons any or all of
                                                                                                                   partner, the partnership      the general partner’s rights,
                                                                                                                   agreement may specify         powers and duties to
                                                                                                                   which general partner is      manage and control the
                                                                                                                   entitled to exercise that     business and affairs of the
                                                                                                                   authority, consent or power   DLP. Any such delegation
                                                                                                                   to the exclusion of any       may be to agents, officers,
                                                                                                                   other general partner.        and employees of the
                                                                                                                                                 general partner or the DLP
                                                                                                                                                 and by a management
                                                                                                                                                 agreement or another
                                                                                                                                                 agreement with, or
                                                                                                                                                 otherwise to, other
                                                                                                                                                 persons. Unless otherwise
                                                                                                                                                 provided in the partnership
                                                                                                                                                 agreement, such
                                                                                                                                                 delegation by a general
                                                                                                                                                 partner of a DLP shall be
                                                                                                                                                 irrevocable if it states that it
                                                                                                                                                 is irrevocable.

 Other Attributes and Considerations

 Ownership of          Assets of the ILP are held       Not expressly addressed in     Registrations and other     Assets of the ELP are held    Assets may be held directly
 Limited Partnership   by the general partner for       the Lux LP Law.                formalities regarding the   or deemed to be held by       or indirectly, including in
 Assets                the benefit of the partners.                                    assets pooled within the    the general partner on        the name of the limited
                       All ILP assets must be                                          SCSp or on which it has     statutory trust as an asset   partnership, through a
                       entrusted for safe keeping                                                                  of the ELP.                   nominee or otherwise.
                                                                                                                                                 Assets associated with a
{S2748121; 6}                                      15                                6005.565.20732875.v3
IRELAND                          LUXEMBOURG                          LUXEMBOURG                        CAYMAN ISLANDS                DELAWARE
                         INVESTMENT LIMITED               COMMON LIMITED                      SPECIAL LIMITED                   EXEMPTED LIMITED              LIMITED PARTNERSHIP
                         PARTNERSHIP (“ILP”)              PARTNERSHIP (“SCS”)                 PARTNERSHIP (“SCSp”)              PARTNERSHIP (“ELP”)           (“DLP”)
                         to a regulated depositary                                            any right shall be made in                                      protected or registered
                         domiciled in Ireland.                                                the name of the SCSp.                                           series may be held directly
                                                                                                                                                              or indirectly, including in
                                                                                                                                                              the name of such series, in
                                                                                                                                                              the name of the limited
                                                                                                                                                              partnership, through a
                                                                                                                                                              nominee or otherwise.

 Asset Diversification   No requirement under the         No requirement under the            No requirement under the          No requirement under the      No requirement under the
 Requirements            ILP Act.                         Lux LP law.                         Lux LP laws.                      ELP Law.                      Del LPA.

 AIFMD-Passport          Yes.                             Yes.                                Yes.                              No.                           No.

 Tax                     As a collective investment       A SCS is tax transparent,           A SCSp is tax transparent,        There are no capital gains,   By default, a DLP is
                         undertaking, an ILP is not       that is, the SCS is not             that is, the SCSp is not          income, withholding, estate   considered as a
                         subject to tax at the level of   subject to ccapital gains,          subject to ccapital gains,        or inheritance taxes in the   “partnership” for U.S.
                         the investment fund on           income, withholding, estate         income, withholding, estate       Cayman Islands. On            federal income tax
                         income and gains.                or inheritance taxes in             or inheritance taxes in           application by a general      purposes, that is, a pass-
                         Investors are subject to tax     Luxembourg. Partners are            Luxembourg. Partners are          partner an ELP can expect     through vehicle where
                         on their income from the         subject to tax on their             subject to tax on their           to receive an undertaking     profits and losses of the
                         ILP in their own home            income from the fund in             income from the fund in           from the Governor in          DLP are paid by the
                         country.                         their own home country.             their own home country.           Cabinet that no form of       partners rather than the
                                                                                                                                taxation will apply to the    DLP.
                                                          A SCS organized as a                A SCSp organized as a
                                                                                                                                ELP or to any partner
                                                          RAIF that does not invest           RAIF that does not invest                                       A DLP also may “check to
                                                                                                                                thereof in respect of the
                                                          in “risk capital” (i.e., a RAIF     in “risk capital” (i.e., a RAIF                                 the box” to be taxed as a
                                                                                                                                operations or assets of the
                                                          that is required to abide by        that is required to abide by                                    C-Corporation, and make
                                                                                                                                ELP or the partnership
                                                          diversification                     diversification                                                 elections, such has to be
                                                                                                                                interest for a period of up
                                                          requirements) is required           requirements) is required                                       taxed as a “real estate
                                                                                                                                to 50 years from the date
                                                          to pay an annual                    to pay an annual                                                investment trust,” or REIT,
                                                                                                                                the undertaking is given.
                                                          subscription tax (taxe              subscription tax (taxe                                          which is tax opaque.
                                                          d’abonnement) of 0.01% of           d’abonnement) of 0.01% of
                                                          NAV, subject to certain             NAV, subject to certain
                                                          exemptions.                         exemptions.

 Default Designation     Partnership                      Partnership                         Partnership                       Partnership                   Not applicable
 under U.S. federal
 income tax law if
{S2748121; 6}                                      16                                       6005.565.20732875.v3
IRELAND                        LUXEMBOURG                        LUXEMBOURG                       CAYMAN ISLANDS                DELAWARE
                         INVESTMENT LIMITED             COMMON LIMITED                    SPECIAL LIMITED                  EXEMPTED LIMITED              LIMITED PARTNERSHIP
                         PARTNERSHIP (“ILP”)            PARTNERSHIP (“SCS”)               PARTNERSHIP (“SCSp”)             PARTNERSHIP (“ELP”)           (“DLP”)

 Eligibility to “Check   Yes                            Yes                               Yes                              Yes                           Not applicable
 the box” to elect
 corporate (including
 “real estate
 investment trust”
 (REIT) status)

 Registered Office       An ILP shall at all times      (Law of 12 July 2013 [EC          The domicile of a SCSp is        An ELP must have a            Each DLP shall have and
                         maintain a registered office   Regulation 2157/2001, art.        located at the seat of its       registered office in the      maintain in the State of
                         in Ireland and a principal     16.1] ) The domicile of a         central administration (i.e.,    Cayman Islands. If the        Delaware a registered
                         place of business in Ireland   commercial company                its head office). Until          general partner(s) is a       office, which may but need
                         which may be at the same       (which includes a SCS) is         evidence to the contrary         Cayman company, an ELP,       not be a place of its
                         address, to which all          located at the seat of its        shall have been finally          a foreign registered          business in the State of
                         communications and             central administration (i.e.,     bought, the central              company, or a foreign         Delaware.
                         notices may be addressed.      its head office). Until           administration is deemed         registered partnership, it
                                                        evidence to the contrary          to coincide with the place       will also require corporate
                                                        shall have been finally           where its registered office      administration support.
                                                        bought, the central               is located as specified in its
                                                        administration is deemed          partnership agreement.
                                                        to coincide with the place
                                                        where its registered office
                                                        is located.

 Depositary and          An ILP must have an            Not addressed by the ELP          Not addressed by the ELP         Not addressed by the ELP      Not addressed by the DE
 Other Service           Ireland domiciled              Law. Other laws, however,         Law. Other laws, however,        Law. Other laws, however,     LPA. Other laws, however,
 Providers               depositary and                 may impose various                may impose various               may impose various            may impose various
                         administrator.                 requirements to engage            requirements to engage           requirements to engage        requirements to engage
                                                        service providers that meet       service providers that meet      service providers that meet   service providers that meet
                         As an AIF, it must have an
                                                        minimum eligibility               minimum eligibility              minimum eligibility           minimum eligibility
                         appointed AIFM (which can
                                                        conditions                        conditions                       conditions.                   conditions.
                         be its GP).
                         An ILP also is required to
                         have a local auditor and
                         legal adviser.

{S2748121; 6}                                    17                                     6005.565.20732875.v3
This document and any discussions set forth herein are for informational purposes only, and they should not be construed as legal advice. Any such advice
must be addressed to particular facts and circumstances involved in any given situation. Information relating to Luxembourg law and the law of the Cayman
Islands is based solely on the contents of those laws referenced above. Information relating to Luxembourg law is based solely on English translations of laws
that the authors believe to be, but do not guarantee as, accurate. Neither Sullivan & Worcester LLP nor LK Shields Solicitors LLP is authorized to practice law
in Luxembourg or the Cayman Islands. Review or use of this document and any discussions does not create an attorney‐client relationship with Sullivan &
Worcester LLP or LK Shields Solicitors LLP. To the extent that this document may contain suggested provisions, they will require modification to suit a
particular transaction, jurisdiction or situation. Please consult with an attorney with the appropriate level of experience if you have any questions. Any tax
information contained in the document or discussions is not intended to be used, and cannot be used, for purposes of avoiding penalties imposed under the
United States Internal Revenue Code. Any opinions expressed are those of Sullivan & Worcester LLP or LK Shields Solicitors LLP.

{S2748121; 6}                                18                             6005.565.20732875.v3
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look after everything else.


Management                  We are a multi-jurisdictional management company dedicated to supporting asset managers, by
                            providing a European regulated framework, backed up with local expertise and the infrastructure
Company                     of the Davy Group. Our industry knowledge combined with our experience ensures we deliver
                            better outcomes for our clients, making Davy Global Fund Management a natural partner for your
Services                    European funds.

Independent, European       We are an authorised Super ManCo, providing regulatory oversight and governance services in
fund solutions managed by   compliance with the Central Bank of Ireland Fund Management Companies - Guidance (CP 86).
local experts within a
global network.             With offices in Dublin, London & Luxembourg, we are uniquely positioned to provide you with local,
                            independent governance and fund compliance solutions across multiple jurisdictions. These include
                            regulatory oversight, risk, distribution and portfolio management services for UCITS and AIFs.

Davy Global Fund Management (DGFM) is part of the Davy group, an Irish
                                headquartered financial services firm established in 1926 and with over 700 staff and
                                offices in Ireland, the UK and Luxembourg. Davy provides a range of wealth and asset
                                management services to individuals, corporations and institutions and DGFM is
                                Davy’s asset management and fund services provider. DGFM manages a wide range of
                                asset strategies in mandates and funds in Ireland, Luxembourg and other EU
                                jurisdictions. It provides regulatory management and investment management
                                services to traditional equity or debt funds, hedge funds, ETFs and a wide range of
                                other strategies including real estate, private equity, private credit, infrastructure and
Michael Humphreys               renewables. Michael deals with many US managers forming new funds or seeking to
Director                        access EU capital for existing funds. Michael is a chartered financial analyst, a
London office
                                chartered accountant, and a qualified tax expert, with extensive experience in
13th Floor, Dashwood House,     structuring and executing large complex transactions including regulated funds and
69 Old Broad Street             with a career spanning regulated funds, private equity, banking, taxation, treasury
London EC2M 1QS
+44 7775 334 888                and asset classes including renewable energy and real estate.
Grant Thornton is Ireland’s fastest growing professional services firm.

With over 1,450 people in 7 offices across Ireland and 56,000 located in over 143
countries around the world, we bring you the local knowledge, national expertise and
global presence to help you and your business succeed – wherever you’re located.

Grant Thornton’s offering to the financial services industry is unique in that our team
brings a wide range of experience with backgrounds in banking, insurance, investment
markets, regulation, professional practice and academia. This is along with Grant
Thornton’s global reach with a presence in all of the major financial centres and more
than 100 markets around the world.
Brian has extensive experience in advising clients with regard to the establishment
                         of all types of regulated investment funds and fund managers in Ireland.
                         He also advises on the following:
                             •   capital market transactions
                             •   cross border structured finance transactions
                             •   securitisation (including aviation) deals
                             •   structuring acquisitions
                             •   disposal of business assets
Brian Murphy                 •   restructuring of group operations
Partner                      •   cross border lending/financing
Financial Services Tax
                             •   determining appropriate fund structure and domicile from a regulatory and tax
13-18 City Quay              •   international tax planning and the impact of OCED
Dublin, D02 ED70
+353 1 6805 703
                             •   EU and other international developments

   Our private equity group utilises our award-winning M&A capability and draws on the skills and expertise of
    our specialist teams including Finance, Employment and Intellectual Property.

   In addition, we have a dedicated Financial Services team that focuses on the establishment of private equity
    funds, particularly structured as Investment Limited Partnerships, and investors’ participation in such funds.

   The diversity of our client base, including private equity houses, multi-asset managers, portfolio companies,
    sovereign wealth funds and pension funds, enables us to provide expert legal advice on market terms across
    all investment structures, including regulated investment funds, such as the Investment Limited Partnership.
David specialises in financial services, with a focus on the authorisation, launch and
                            ongoing operation of all types of investment funds across the liquidity spectrum. He
                            regularly advises asset managers on the laws and regulations applicable to AIFs
                            domiciled in Ireland, with a particular focus on the application of AIFMD, the use of
                            the Investment Limited Partnership and the regulation of AIFMs in Ireland.

                            David, and the Financial Services team at LK Shields, are lauded by leading legal
                            ranking directories including Legal 500, Chambers and Partners and IFLR100.

David Naughton              In particular, David and the team regularly:
Partner                     •   advises a wide-range of clients across private equity, credit, infrastructure and
Financial Services
                                real estate in relation to structuring of investment funds and global marketing of
39/40 Upper Mount Street        investment funds;
Dublin, D02 PR89, Ireland   •   provides strategic advice in relation to governance and other compliance
+353 1 637 1585          arrangements to comply with changes in EU / Ireland financial services regulation;
                            •   advises on the establishment of new financial services businesses in Ireland.

Our global business

Sanne at a glance

         2,000+                            22              £250bn+
           People worldwide              Jurisdictions            Assets under

      In fund and
                                Business process
                                                         FTSE   250
                                                          Listed business
 administration services

                   1                                             2                                                    3
                   Fund Services                                 Corporate Services                                   Portfolio & Data Services
                       Establishment                               Governance, fiduciary                               Portfolio investment monitoring
                       Governance and administration                and administration services                         Portfolio monitoring
                       Investor services                           Employee incentives and independent                 Data management
                       Financial reporting                          trustee services                                     and consolidation
                       Tax, regulatory and compliance              Treasury                                            Compliance
                                                                    Accounting and financial reporting
                                                                    Regulatory, tax and compliance support

           4                                             5                                                    6
           Loan Agency Services                          AIFM & ManCo Services                                Depositary Services
              Facility and Security Agent                  Rent a ManCo                                        Cash monitoring
              Bond and Security Trustee                    Fund distribution                                   Record keeping
              Sub-agency services                          Risk management                                     Oversight
              Third-party loan administration              ManCo hosting
              Portfolio Monitoring                         South Africa ManCo
Client-centric approach
        We stand out because we’re absolutely focused on our clients
           Professionalism               Partnership
                        Sets us apart,   Strengthens us,
               builds your reputation    offers you more

Technology                                                 Specialism
Sharpens our edge,                                         Gives us focus,
delivers your needs                                        provides you clear outcomes

                      Standards          Scale
                    We raise the bar,    Gives us perspective,
              so you can expect more     gives you reach
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