Go on a 'sonic journey' with Jordan - Jazz Unlimited

Page created by Marion Flores
Go on a 'sonic journey' with Jordan - Jazz Unlimited
Volume 17 Issue 11

                                                                                                                                  NOVEMBER 2020

                                                                                                                          Happy Thanksgiving!

Jazz Unlimited Board
David Miller President
                                                               Go on a ‘sonic journey’

Chris Peppas “CP”
                                                                    with Jordan
 Vice President                                                                      By CP Christopher Peppas
  Correspondent at Large

Yvonne ZarconeTreasurer
                                                    I f there was such a thing as a ‘Poster Boy’
                                                      for the Jazz Unlimited of Greater Milwau-
                                                    kee High School Scholarship Fund, then
                                                                                                                              Jordan earned a
                                                                                                                              couple of the scholar-
                                                                                                                              ships and the now
                                                    Jordan Rattner would most certainly qualify                               23-year old used them
Bev Alper Secretary                                 to be one.                                                                as stepping stones
BeverlyAlper@JazzUnlimitedMKE.org                                                                                             toward a career as a
Bill Seaman Sergeant-at-arms                                                                                                  professional musician.
BillSeaman@jazzunlimitedmke.org                                                                       Having been in the audience when he
                                                                                                      auditioned, it can be said that this was no
Jennifer Rueth Editor                                                                                 giveaway. Rattner earned every penny.
JenniferRueth@JazzUnlimitedMKE.org                                                                    One year, he helped with set up and accom-
Keith Watling                                                                                         panied almost all of the musicians that he
 Administrator & Webmaster                                                                            was competing against.
                                                                                                      His largesse was not lost on the judges.
                                                                                                      Neither was his considerable talent.
       JU Board Meeting                                                                               If you ever wondered where your donations
         SECOND MONDAY                                                                                at the Jazz Jams, your membership dues or
   Joe's K Ranch • 6:30 pm                                                                            other contributions go, wonder no more.
   4840 S Whitnall Ave, Cudahy                                                                        “It was amazing,” Jordan said of winning the
                                                                                                      prizes. “I used them for a couple of pro-
                                                                                                                                    continued on page 2
Inside This Issue
Jordan Rattner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1             JAZZ UNLIMITED OPEN JAM EVERY 4TH SUNDAY
JU Jazz Jam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
The music of Chris Peppas . . . 2                                BARBARA STEPHAN QUARTET
  and Ricky Orta, Jr.                                                           Jeff Stoll (keys), Joe Turano (sax),
Another giant lost. . . . . . . . . . . 2                               Joe Zarcone (drums) & Barbara Stephan (vocals)
Who’s Gigging Where . . . . . . . 3
Events. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3                       SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22 | 1-4 PM
JU Advertising Costs. . . . . . . . 4                                   JOE’S K RANCH | 4840 S Whitnall Ave, Cudahy
Special Patrons. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
                                                                                   Ages 18 and under admitted free!
Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
                                                              $5 Donation at the door supports the Jazz Unlimited Scholarship Fund
JU T-Shirts for sale. . . . . . . . . . 5
                                                             Not a member? We want you NOW! $10/Student* (* full time student 24 or younger)
Brewtown Eatery . . . . . . . . . . . 5
  Blues Jazz Jam                                                    $35/Single | $45/Couple | $100/Patron* | $250/Corporate* (* free ads)
                                                                  More information at JazzUnlimitedMKE.org All donations are tax deductible.
Joe’s “K” Ranch. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
                                                                          JU events at Facebook.com/JazzUnlimitedMKE.org/events
David Miller Live Music. . . . . 5
Jazz @ noon @ the Skylight . . 6                                  We’re having a pre-Christmas Cookie sale at the
North Shore Collision. . . . . . . 6                            November 22 JAZZ Jam! Let us do the Baking for you !
Bistro on the Glen . . . . . . . . . . 6                            Tell your friends..! Hope to see you there !
Go on a 'sonic journey' with Jordan - Jazz Unlimited
2                                                 JAZZ UNLIMITED NEWSLETTER                                        NOVEMBER 2020

continued from page 1
grams. It allowed me to attend ‘Guitar Sessions’ at Berklee                                           direction of jazz. And even
(College of Music in Boston) one year and a for five week stay                                        as a teenager, he had an easy,
there the next year.”                                                                                 breezy style some musicians
“It was just an incredible opportunity. I got to play with a                                          never attain.
group of Jazz All-Stars. It was a big deal,” Jordan said.                                             The young Rattner has been
He didn’t have to go far to hear a guitar player. His father,                                         doing a deep dive into the
Mark, has been playing jazz around town for years.                                                    genre and has been getting
                                                                                                      into Bop.
Jordan took a rather circuitous route before landing on the
                                                                                                      “I have been working
jazz genre. “I first got into
                                                                                                      on that more recently,”
Beatles songs, Albert King and
                                                                                                      Jordan said. “They say that
then into the harder rock like
                                                                                                      when it comes to Bop, you
(Jimi) Hendrix and (Eric)
                                                                                                      study it your whole life.”
Clapton,” he said.
                                                                                                      Jordan is getting into the
His father and two of the area’s
                                                                                                      60s, specifically artists like
best player/teacher/mentors,
                                                                                                      Chick Corea that he has only
Neil Davis and Paul Silbergleit,
                                                                                                      begun to “dip into.”
gently nudged him in the
                                                                  Like most musicians, Rattner has been involuntarily fur-
                                                                  loughed by the pandemic. He hasn’t played any live gigs since
                                                                  early in 2020, only a few live streams.
                                                                  But he hasn’t been idle that whole time. Jordan wrote a song,
                                                                  “Lost & Found” and he recently recorded a music video for it.
                                                                  It is scheduled to be released on December 4 on Spotify, Apple
                                                                  Music and other platforms. It was done at “Electric Air
                                                                  Studios” in his new home, Miami, Florida.
                                                                  “When this pandemic winds down, I want to book more gigs
                                                                  in 2021. That would be cool.”
                                                                  Good music is good music and you can hear a lot of good stuff
                                                                  across the spectrum of genres.
                                                                  Rattner speaks to that when he said: “I want people to expand
                                                                  their palate. Music is visceral, sensitive, reflective and rooted
                                                                  in their experiences. I want to take them on sonic journeys.”
                                                                  Needless to say, this is one talented young man who is worthy
                                                                  of your time and attention when we can again gather together
                                                                  and soak in the sheer bliss that is a live musical performance.
                                                                  I can think of no one better to go on a sonic journey than
                                                                  Jordan Rattner.

                                                                     Another giant lost
                                                                       The Milwaukee Jazz Community lost a giant talent and
                                                                       fixture on the local scene when Lem Banks passed away
                                                                       last month. Lem had a voice that was reminiscent of
                                                                       many of the all-time jazz greats and unlike any other at
         CP/R – the music of                                           the same time.
    Chris Peppas & Ricky Orta, Jr.               He was the Pharaoh of Phrasing and had a vocal range that could scale
                                                 Mt. Everest.
      Saturday, 11/14 • 8-11 pm
                                                 Most recently, Lem was playing third Saturdays at The Packing House as the
       Mary’s Caddyshack                         frontman of Top Shelf with Jeff Stoll on keys, Alvin Turner on sax and Omar
      1959 S. 124th St., New Berlin              on drums. COVID-19 stopped his performing and lymphoma ultimately
              262-788-5425                       took his life. He will be missed.
Go on a 'sonic journey' with Jordan - Jazz Unlimited
NOVEMBER 2020                                   JAZZ UNLIMITED NEWSLETTER                                                       3

                                     WHO’S GIGGING WHERE?
                                         n   Caroline’s                             n   The Suburban Bourbon
                Please check with        401 S Second St, Milwaukee                 S76W17745 Janesville Rd, Muskego
                                         414-221-9444                               262-682-4406
               venues for updates
                                         Please check venue for updates.            SATURDAY, 11/7 (8-9 10 PM)
               and cancellations!                                                   Frank Sinatra Big Band Show
                                         n   the cheel                              SATURDAY, 11/14 (7-9 PM)
                                         105 S Main St, Thiensville
n   Ally’s Bistro                                                                   Swing Explosion Big Band
N72w13350 Lund Ln, Menomonee Falls                                                  Please check venue for updates.
262-251-9727                             Please check venue for updates.
FRIDAY, 11/6 (7-9 PM)
                                                                                    n   Transfer
                                         n   Jazz Estate                            101 W Mitchell St, Milwaukee
Scotch & Soda                            2423 N Murray Ave, Milwaukee               414-763-0438
FRIDAY, 11/13 (7-9 PM)                   414-964-9923
H2K Trio                                                                            Please check venue for updates.
                                         Please check venue for updates.
FRIDAY, 11/20 (7-9 PM)
Sue Russell & the Men in Black           n   The Packing House
FRIDAY, 11/27 (7-9 PM)
                                         900 E Layton Ave, Milwaukee
J.Ryan Trio                              414-483-5054
                                         FRIDAY, 11/6 (6-9 PM)
n   The Bay Restaurant                   Jeff Stoll
342 E Silver Spring Dr, Whitefish Bay    FRIDAY, 11/13 (6-9 PM)
                                                                                                    OF GREATER MILWAUKEE
414-455-3045                             Jeff Stoll                                       Visit our website @
Please check venue for updates.          FRIDAY, 11/20 (6-9 PM)
                                         Carmen Nickerson & Kostia Efimov.              JazzUnlimitedMKE.org
n   Blu
424 E Wisconsin Ave, Milwaukee           FRIDAY, 11/27 (6-9 PM)                         or visit us on Facebook
414-298-3196                             Jeff Stoll                                     @ Jazz Unlimited MKE
FRIDAYS, 11/6, 13,20, 27 (6-10 PM)
                                         Please check venue for updates.
Live Music
Please check venue for updates.              Email lisitngs, events and steady gigs to JenniferRueth@JazzUnlimitedMKE.org

 Sign up as a Patron or Corporate                                 David “Harmonica” Miller Presents
 Member and receive one free ad
 per month for an entire year!                                       WISCONSIN ANNUAL
                                                                 BLUES HARMONICA FESTIVAL!
    Please join                                              Friday, November 19, 2021 • 6-10 pm

                                                The Suburban Bourbon, S76W17745 Janesville Rd, Muskego
                                                      Featuring stellar harmonica players (lineup to come)!
                                               Advance tickets online $10 at WisconsinAnnualBluesHarmonicaFestival.
                                                eventbrite.com until 5 pm 11/19 or $15 when doors open at 5:30 pm

                This space could be yours
              for $50 per month or is FREE
               for the annual Patrons and
                Corporate memberships!

                                                                                            Want your Gig(s) listed?
                                                                                     Send date, time, musician/band and venue
                                                                                      to JenniferRueth@JazzUnlimitedMKE.org
Go on a 'sonic journey' with Jordan - Jazz Unlimited
4                                                                                 JAZZ UNLIMITED NEWSLETTER                                                NOVEMBER 2020

                                                                                 STEADY GIGS!
                                                                                  FIRST WEDNESDAY (6:30-9:30 PM)                            FRIDAYS (7-10 PM)
                          Please check with                                  New South Rampart Street Parader                             Dave Braun Trio
                         venues for updates                                     Organ Piper Pizza Palace                                 HobNob Restaurant
                                                                                  4353 S 108th St, Greenfield                           277 Sheridan Rd, Racine
                         and cancellations!                                            1ST THURSDAY (6:30 PM)
                                                                                                                                  FRIDAYS 9/18, 11/13, 12/11 (7:30 PM)
            EVERY MONDAY (NOON-1 PM)                                              Dr. Jeffrey Hollander
                                                                                      Blu at the Pfister                             Drive With Horns
Jazz at Noon w/Don Linke & guests                                                                                                   Mezcalero Restaurant
    The Skylight Bar & Bistro                                                   424 E Wisconsin Ave, Milwaukee
                                                                                                                               6869 W Forest Home Ave, Greenfield
     158 N Broadway, Milwaukee                                                        THURSDAYS (5:30-8:30 PM)
                         2ND MONDAYS                                                Smith & Binder Jazz                                    SATURDAYS (6-9 PM)
One More Time Big Band (1:30-3:30 PM)                                              Corvina Wine Company                       Ellen Winters & Luke Edgewood
    American Legion Post 449                                                     6038 W Lincoln Ave, West Allis                         Jazz Standards
    3245 N 124th St, Brookfield                                                          THURSDAY (6:30 PM)                           Vino Cappuccino
         The Rhythm Aces (6-9 PM)                                                   All Star SUPERband                          2848 N Brookfield Rd, Brookfield
             Bollywood Grill                                                       O’donoghue’s Irish Pub
                                                                             13225 Watertown Plank Rd, Elm Grove                         SATURDAY, 10/ 9 (7:30 PM)
        1038 N Jackson St, Milwaukee                                                                                                 Drive With Horns
                                                                                         1ST FRIDAY (6-8 PM)
    LAST MONDAY OF EACH MONTH (6-9 PM)                                                                                              Mezcalero Restaurant
                                                                                     Brett Westfahl/
  The Eric Jacobson Quartet                                                                                                    6869 W Forest Home Ave, Greenfield
                                                                               Nathan Pflughoeft Quartet
Mason Street Grill (Pfister Hotel)
                                                                                 Hudson Business Lounge
    425 E Mason St, Milwaukee                                                                                                           EVERY 4TH SUNDAY (1-4 PM)
                                                                                 310 E Buffalo St, Milwaukee                                JU Open Jam
              TUESDAYS (8 PM-MIDNIGHT)
                                                                                         1ST FRIDAY (6-9 PM)                               Joe’s K Ranch
      Steve Peplin & Neil Davis                                                           Dick Eliot
           Stage Right Bar                                                                                                         4840 S Whitnall Ave, Cudahy
                                                                                         Clark Hotel                           $5 at the door • Ages 18 & under free!
           Mirimar Theater                                                          314 W Main St, Waukesha
     2844 N Oakland Ave, Milwaukee
                      TUESDAYS (6-9 PM)
           Blues & Jazz Jam
                                                                                         Submit applications by the 1st Friday in March
  w/Jeff Stoll, Joe Zarcone &                                                      Scholarship Competition occurs the 3rd Sunday in March
    David Harmonica Miller
           (masks required)                                                            Download your application at cutt.ly/JUScholarshipApplication
          Brewtown Eatery
  5121 W Howard Ave, Milwaukee                                                  QUESTIONS? Email David Miller at DavidMiller@JazzUnlimitedmke.org
Those sitting-in, please bring your guitar
  & amp, bass & amp, or drumsticks.                                                                 Thanks to our Corporate Donors
   Vocalists bring your microphone!
  Keyboard, drum set & PA available.                                                     The Sharon Lynne Wilson Center • Steinway Piano Gallery
 All jazz & blues musicians welcomed!                                                             Black Box Fund • North Shore Collision
             Food available.
                                                                                       Become a PATRON or RENEW Your Membership Today
Jamie Breiwick/Mark Davis Duo
Mason Street Grill (Pfister Hotel)
                                                                             November 2020    Thanks to our Special Patrons                                     &
                                                                                                                                                                     New Patron

    425 E Mason St, Milwaukee                                                     Bistro on the Glen             Norman & Daryl Grier             Phillip Pospychala
                                                                                     Brett Boneck                    Nancy Herro                   Floyd Raterink
    Jazz Unlimited Newsletter                                                  Denny & Marilyn Boneck                Hal Horneffer                    August Ray
        Advertising Costs                                                          Mary Fran Cahill                 Russ Jankowski                 Jennifer Rueth
                                                                                     Mike Cascio                     Gary Kavalar                     Sue Russell
    Full page Ad .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . $125                Cheel LLC                     David Koenig                     Stan Sehler
    1/2 page Ad .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . $75         Mike & Pat D’Amore               Judith Kornemann             Sam & Sheldyn Steffke
    1/4 page Ad.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . $50      David Miller Live Music              Marge Laflin              The Suburban Bourbon
    1/6 page Ad.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . $35          Ron DeVillers                     Carole Lers                    Janet Treacy
    1/8 page Ad.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . $25     Dave & Kate Dombrowski                Diane Loren                    Robert Vrakas
                                                                               Don Cangrejo Restaurant           Marcus Corporation                 Jerry Weitzer
           Visit us on Facebook @                                                     Lisa Edgar                    Michael Mecha          Barry Zalben & Marianne Walsh
            Jazz Unlimited MKE                                                     Deirdre Fellner               Lawrence O’Connell           Harold & Valerie Zimdars
Go on a 'sonic journey' with Jordan - Jazz Unlimited
NOVEMBER 2020                                      JAZZ UNLIMITED NEWSLETTER                                                 5

   ATTENTION! Please note annual membership due date in upper right corner
     of the mailing label (Month/Year}. If dues not paid by this date you will be
            dropped from the membership list and newsletter mailing.

                                           JOIN OR RENEW TODAY!
                ESTABLISHED IN 1971

                 MEMBERSHIP DUES: 1-YEAR SUBSCRIPTION                                      From our award winning steaks
                                                                                           & fully stocked bar to our Sand
                                                                                           Volleyball, Horseshoe Courts
Address*_____________________________________________________________                      & Beer Garden...Joe's K Ranch
                                                                                               has a little for everyone.
                                                                                               Visit the K Ranch today!
State*___________ Zip*_________________ Phone*________________________________
                                                                                           Jazz Unlimited Open Jam
Email*_______________________________________________________________                          every 4th Sunday!
                                                                            * = Required
                                                                                             Open 11am 7 Days a week!
        q $250 Corporate* q $100 Patron/Jazz Club* (*FREE ADS)
                                                                                           4840 S Whitnall Ave, Cudahy
q $45 Couple q $35 Single q $10 Student* (*full-time student 24 or younger)                       kranch.com

                         Scholarship Donation: $____________
                         Please make checks payable/mail to:
  Jazz Unlimited of Greater Milwaukee • 1123-A Hawthorne Pl, Pewaukee 53072
               or visit JazzUnlimitedMKE.org/become-a-member

 Jazz Unlimited T-Shirts on Sale                                           ONLY
 All Jazz Unlimited t-shirts are now only $10                             $
 each! So, grab your embroidered t-shirts at
 our open jams on the 4th Sunday from
 1-4 pm at Joe's K Ranch before they’re
 gone. Because, once they're gone, they’re
 gone! We hope to see you at our next event!
 To find out where, visit tinyurl.com/y6os2292

                  Blues & Jazz Jam                         featuring
        Jeff Stoll (keyboard, bass, vocals) • Joe Zarcone (drums) &
          David “Harmonica” Miller (harmonica, guitar, vocals)
                            Every Tuesday from 6-9 PM
    Brewtown Eatery • 5121 W Howard Ave, Milwaukee • (414) 321-3900
 An all-age, family-friendly venue with a variety of delicious and affordable entrees.
Go on a 'sonic journey' with Jordan - Jazz Unlimited
Send Memberships to:
1123-A Hawthorne Pl
Pewaukee WI 53072
General Questions: 414-375-9895
Email: Info@JazzUnlimitedMKE.org
Website: JazzUnlimitedMKE.org

                  MISSION STATEMENT
 The Mission of Jazz Unlimited of Greater Milwaukee is to support
 the art of jazz in all its forms and encourage local jazz musicians,
 composers and venues by cultivating an interest in jazz through
 local live performances, youth scholarship opportunities and
 community outreach throughout the Greater Milwaukee area.

           By-Laws: https://cutt.ly/JUByLaws

     Please submit all listing requests
    and changes for gigs and events to

     Please visit us on Facebook at

                                                                        Special considerations for JU Corporate members

                                                                        NORTH SHORE COLLISION
                                                                        5700 W Hemlock St • Milwaukee, WI 53223
                                                                          414-727-4777 • Fax: 414-727-4778

                                                                                        For more information please visit:
Go on a 'sonic journey' with Jordan - Jazz Unlimited Go on a 'sonic journey' with Jordan - Jazz Unlimited Go on a 'sonic journey' with Jordan - Jazz Unlimited Go on a 'sonic journey' with Jordan - Jazz Unlimited
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