Governor General Julie Payette on exploring Canada - and space - QUARTERLY MAGAZINE DECEMBER 2018 - iPolitics

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Governor General Julie Payette on exploring Canada - and space - QUARTERLY MAGAZINE DECEMBER 2018 - iPolitics

  Governor General Julie Payette on
  exploring Canada — and space
Governor General Julie Payette on exploring Canada - and space - QUARTERLY MAGAZINE DECEMBER 2018 - iPolitics
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Governor General Julie Payette on exploring Canada - and space - QUARTERLY MAGAZINE DECEMBER 2018 - iPolitics
                          DECEMBER 2018 | HOLIDAY SEASON

                                             Christmas dinner:
                                             Cooking with cannabis

Governor General Julie

Payette on exploring Canada
— and space

                                             Gifts from the

                                             iPolitics 2018
Books for the political
junkie on your list              7           Naughty or Nice
Governor General Julie Payette on exploring Canada - and space - QUARTERLY MAGAZINE DECEMBER 2018 - iPolitics
            Alexandria Shannon


             Heather Bakken

                                                 Letter to Santa
             Catharine Fulton
              Larissa Liepins
              Marco Vigliotti

              Kelsey Johnson
                Holly Lake
              Kady O’Malley
             Charlie Pinkerton                   Christmas fashion ...
              Marieke Walsh

              Chloe E. Girvan
                                                 and a few faux pas      14
             L. Ian MacDonald

           Matthew Usherwood

             DIGITAL & DESIGN
                Sarah West
                                                 The holiday songs
             BUSINESS TEAM
              Adam Burnett
             John Butterfield
                                                 you love to hate        25
             Emily Emberson
             Callie Sanderson

        Marguerite Marlin (Editor)
            Savannah Awde
            Rafaa Chehoudi
                                                 Merry mixing:
               Sam Chilton
              Felixe Denson
              Brendan Edge                       holiday drink guide
           Rachel Emmanuel
              Dana Hatherly
               Lisa Johnson
            Albert Kaprielian
             Anik Laferriere
              Codie Mitchell
               Sarah Nixon
          Christian Paas-Lang
               Curtis Rafter
                                                 Christmas season
             Madison Ranta
           Vincent Rocheleau
               Kevin Smith
                                                 on the Hill             31
            201-17 York Street
       Ottawa, ON K1N 5S7 Canada
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                                                 iPolitics 2018 Quiz     34
Governor General Julie Payette on exploring Canada - and space - QUARTERLY MAGAZINE DECEMBER 2018 - iPolitics
Chloe Girvan - GG Interview

                                                       Photo: Sgt Johanie Maheu, Rideau Hall © OSGG-BSGG, 2017

Governor General      All the newspaper articles and
                      YouTube videos in the world could
                                                             folding chairs surrounding a worn
                                                             wooden desk.
                      not have prepared this writer for
Julie Payette on      meeting Governor General Julie
                      Payette in person.
                                                             She is warm, soft-spoken and a
                                                             natural storyteller who frequently

exploring Canada
                                                             punctuates her answers with
                      Inside an empty yoga studio at         questions like, “Would you like me
                      Ottawa’s Southminster United           to tell you more?”
— and space           Church, which was borrowed
                      for the interview, Payette blends
                                                             Before becoming Canada’s 29th
                                                             Governor General in October
BY CHLOE E. GIRVAN    in easily with other enthusiastic      2017, Payette built an impressive
                      supporters of the local arts scene.    career as an engineer, computer
                      Here tonight for a concert by          scientist, and military jet captain.
                      the Ottawa Baroque Consort             She was also the first Canadian
                      — featuring fellow soprano             female astronaut to board the
                      Ellen McAteer, who recently            International Space Station.
                      accompanied her as a delegate
                      on a trip to Africa — Payette          For her, the decision to accept the
                      tucks herself into one of the          Governor General appointment

                                                                       DECEMBER 2018 IPOLITICS MAGAZINE 1
Governor General Julie Payette on exploring Canada - and space - QUARTERLY MAGAZINE DECEMBER 2018 - iPolitics

                                                                                    Photo: Sgt Johanie Maheu, Rideau Hall © OSGG-BSGG, 2017

was almost instantaneous. “When                 breadth of things required, often         to come from a scientific and
the prime minister and the country              with zero preparation. This new           technological background, and
calls, there is only one answer,”               career did not come with the              delight in being able to encourage
she said. “My son said, ‘Let’s go!’             instruction manuals, procedures,          excellence and careers in STEM
and we didn’t hesitate.”                        process and training of my past           (science, technology, engineering
Noting that Rideau Hall isn’t                   job, but brought with it the same         and math).”
the easiest place for a teenager                importance, responsibility, and           Payette also firmly believes
to grow up, especially given its                knowledge that failure is not an          Canada must continue to invest in
isolated location, Payette has                  option.”                                  science and innovation. “Science
nothing but praise for her son. “He             Calling the constitutional duties of      is so important, as it describes the
is really a good guy, who, when                 her role her greatest responsibility,     world that we live in and is the
accompanying me to events, takes                Payette chooses the “unbelievable         reality we experience every day. It
his role very seriously, and I am               experience of being able to               is our understanding of how things
very grateful for that.” When later             honour Canadians and recognize            work and how to use what we
asked to name her greatest life                 excellence” as the aspect of the          know to go further.”
accomplishment, she replies, “I am              job she feels most privileged to          As the commander-in-chief of
a very proud mom.”                              have. “We get to reward folks             Canada, the Governor General also
Payette also endured challenges                 all the time, and partner with            plays a major role in recognizing
of her own during her first year                organizations to help them reward         and supporting Canada’s military
as Governor General. “For me, it                others in their particular field. I       and their families both in
was the absolute diversity and                  am also the first Governor General        Canada and abroad. This year’s

Governor General Julie Payette on exploring Canada - and space - QUARTERLY MAGAZINE DECEMBER 2018 - iPolitics

Remembrance Day ceremonies
and commemoration of the 100th
anniversary of the Armistice of
the First World War was another
opportunity for Payette to
witness and engage in powerful
discussions about war.
“This year, we talked a lot about
war and what it represents,
both in Belgium and … at the
Silver Cross Mother luncheon
that we hold right after the
Remembrance Day ceremony.
This is such an important time,
because there we have with us a
mother who has lost her son, a
member of the Canadian Armed
Forces, in dire circumstances,
and who represents all mothers
who have lost a child. I think
we have concluded that war
is what happens when we
collectively fail, when we fail to
resolve our differences, to find a
compromise, or just reach across.
“The First World War stands as
an example of the destruction
that can happen when things go
too far and when egos take over
from rationality. Unfortunately,
wars still happen, and that is
where the effort of remembrance
is so important. To honour those
who have fallen, those who have
been injured, the families, loved
ones and civilians who have their
lives destroyed, but also to teach
the young ones to strive to get
Born and raised in Montreal, it
was the years she spent working
and living outside Canada that
cemented Payette’s patriotism.
“When you go abroad — and
I think this is true for every
nationality — home is home,
                                                Photos: Sgt Johanie Maheu, Rideau Hall © OSGG-BSGG, 2017
and it means something. It
made me very much appreciate
what makes Canadians who
they are. I think we are a young
country, full of excitement and
optimism. Would you like to hear

                                                               DECEMBER 2018 IPOLITICS MAGAZINE 3
Governor General Julie Payette on exploring Canada - and space - QUARTERLY MAGAZINE DECEMBER 2018 - iPolitics
Governor General Julie Payette on exploring Canada - and space - QUARTERLY MAGAZINE DECEMBER 2018 - iPolitics

my completely unscientific and
unproven theory on why I think
we are optimistic?”
With encouragement to proceed,
Payette says, “Every three
months, we become hopeful for
the next season. We are now
enjoying the first snow of winter,
but in three months, we will be
done with snow and ice and
looking forward to the crocuses
and daffodils of spring, to taking
a chair outside, even though it is
10 degrees, and to the smell of
the air when it starts to get nice
and the days get longer. And then
we look forward to summer and
swimming in the lake, festivals
and vacations. Autumn next
arrives with brightly coloured
leaves, apples, back to school
and new beginnings. And soon,
we are looking to the first snow
After travelling the country
extensively over the past year
and before, Payette says the
North is the place she wishes
every Canadian could visit.
“Canada is an Arctic nation, with
its geographical centre located in
Baker Lake, Nunavut. The North
is incredible to see, part of us,
and truly magnificent.”
In images taken before boarding
the Space Shuttle Endeavour,
and after piloting a Canadair
CT-114 Tutor jet (also flown by
the Snowbirds), Payette appears
calm and happy, prompting
the question: Is she afraid of
anything? She responds with
a quote by Nelson Mandela. “I
learned that courage was not the
absence of fear, but the triumph
over it. The brave man is not he
                                                Photos: Sgt Johanie Maheu, Rideau Hall © OSGG-BSGG, 2017
who does not feel afraid, but he
who conquers that fear.” To this,
she adds, “I strongly believe that
everybody has a spark or two
or many, an interest burning in
one’s heart that makes us want
Governor General Julie Payette on exploring Canada - and space - QUARTERLY MAGAZINE DECEMBER 2018 - iPolitics

to go further. Me, I had always                 space. So perhaps, if there is any     mom.” With no offence to Elvis, a
wanted to fly airplanes.”                       surprise, it is how true that is.”     lifetime of performing in choirs has
When asked if anything about                    Back on Earth, her home is also        made Handel’s Messiah Payette’s
space surprised her, she smiles.                inhabited by cats Yuri Gagarin         ultimate holiday soundtrack.
“We aren’t too surprised by space               and Valentina Tereshkova, named        Listing education, children,
by the time we get there, which                 after the first man and woman to       fairness, equity, diversity and equal
is a good thing; surprises mean                 go to space. An athlete who stays      distribution of riches as some of
that we didn’t prepare well! We                 healthy with daily exercise, Payette   the issues she feels passionately
are eager to go and execute the                 also finds joy at rest in “lots of     about, it’s likely that Payette’s
mission, and if we look calm                    things,” such as spending time and     holiday gift to Canada this season
prior to takeoff, it is because we              sharing laughter with her family.      will be her continued advocacy for,
have been very well trained and                 The holidays are also a time to        and commitment to, the people
prepared. We are the very lucky                 gather and celebrate. Calling          and country she holds dear.
ones that get to fly, but there                 herself a “gourmand,” which            “I always say to every person from
are thousands of people behind                  loosely translates to “a person        Canada that there is no reason
us that work at the planning,                   who loves good food and drink,”        why you cannot fulfill your wildest
organization, construction and                  she’s unable to choose a favourite     dream here, and that is why we are
management of all of these                      holiday dish. “We always do a          so lucky. They have to believe me
missions. As a junior astronaut,                Christmas tree and hang the            when I say, ‘You can trust me on
you spend years listening to                    ornaments to Elvis Sings Christmas     this one: The sky is not the limit.’ ”
your colleagues speak of the                    Songs, a tradition started by my
magnificence of the Earth from

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Books for the political
junkie on your list
With the Yuletide nearly upon us, it’s a
safe bet that if you’re flipping through
this magazine, you likely have at least
one Canadian political obsessive on your
shopping list this year.

                   While there’s no shortage of books     that if book sales are sufficiently robust, it might just
                   documenting the psychodrama            spark a matched set of sequels in which Harper offers
                   playing out south of the border —      “brief and candid essays” from his time in office, with
                   Michael Wolff’s Fire and Fury, Bob     Chrétien weighing in on the populist phenomenon.
                   Woodward’s Fear: Trump in the White    There’s also former
                   House, and David Frum’s Trumpocracy,   governor general David
                   just to name three — it would be a     Johnston’s Trust: Twenty
                   shame not to include a little CanCon   Ways to Build a Better
                   when stuffing stockings this year.     Country — which, we
In that spirit, we’ve put together a list of books,       should note, has earned
movies and television series to please even the           a nod of approval
pickiest of partisans                                     from reporter Kelsey
on the Canadian                                           Johnson’s mom.
political spectrum.                                       For a lighter touch that
For starters, why                                         nevertheless conceals
not bundle two very                                       a razor-sharp edge,
different offerings                                       Rick Mercer wraps up
from two very                                             his tenure as Canada’s
different prime                                           ranter laureate with the
ministers for the                                         aptly titled Final Report.
ultimate cross-aisle
reading experience:
Jean Chrétien’s My
Stories, My Times and
Stephen Harper’s
Right Here, Right Now.
We can only hope

                                                                                       DECEMBER 2018 IPOLITICS MAGAZINE 7

                                                                              Meanwhile, on the DVD front,
Other book suggestions:                                                       while it may not be Canadian,
                                                                              Yes Minister: The Complete
                                                                              Collection is at least set against
                                                                              the comfortingly familiar
    •    For the poetry-lover: The                                            backdrop of Westminster-style
         Flame, a collection of                                               parliamentary democracy, and
         poems and other selections                                           is, after all, still among the most
         from the notebooks of the                                            note-perfect political comedy
                                                                              series ever made. Although we
         late Leonard Cohen.
                                                                              must admit it’s gotten a run
    •    For the inner child: John                                            for its money in recent years,
         Oliver’s A Day in the Life of                                        thanks to both the original
         Marlon Bundo or Stephen                                              The Thick of It and its American
                                                                              counterpart, Veep.
         Colbert’s Whose Boat Is This
         Boat?                                Just to be sure, why not pick up all three and hold a do-it-
                                              yourself viewing marathon on Boxing Day?
    •    For an actual child: The
                                              Finally, if for one reason or another one of the names left on
         Wonky Donkey by Craig
                                              your last-minute to-buy-for list happens to belong to Prime
         Smith and Katz Cowley will           Minister Justin Trudeau, we have it on excellent authority that
         leave you in stitches.               his personal wish list includes: Tanya Talaga’s All Our Relations,
    •    For the sore loser: Patrick          which explores youth suicide in Indigenous communities, and
                                              Le jeu de la musique, a collection of short stories by Quebec
         Brown’s Takedown:
                                              writer Stéfanie Clermont. We’re also told he’s hoping to get
         The Attempted Political              the new seasons of Kim’s Convenience and Fugueuse.
         Assassination of Patrick
                                              Meanwhile, Green Party Leader
         Brown or Maxime Bernier’s            Elizabeth May’s suggested stocking
         Doing Politics Differently: My       stuffers include Toronto Star bureau
         Vision for Canada                    chief Susan Delacourt’s ahead-of-
                                              its-time Shopping For Votes: How
    •    For the fiction-lover:
                                              Politicians Choose Us and We Choose
         Washington Black by Esi
                                              Them, as well as Peter Russell’s
         Edugyan, winner of the               Two Cheers for Minority Government
         2018 Giller Prize                    and Turning Parliament Inside Out,
    •    For the local historian: The         a collection of essays edited by
                                              former New Democrat MP Kennedy
         quirky, yet lovable, Lost
                                              Stewart that offers “practical ideas
         Ottawa by David McGee is a           for reforming Canada’s democracy”
         solid choice.                        from contributors across the
                                              ideological spectrum, including
                                              current Commons denizens Scott
                                              Simms, Michael Chong and May
                                              (While we requested similar intel from the offices of the other
                                              party leaders, not a single one got back to us by deadline, so if
                                              you happened to wind up with Andrew Scheer in your Secret
                                              Santa exchange, you’re on your own.)

There will be an extra spark to Christmas dinner this year.

                                                 Don’t panic; government regulations haven’t reached into your kitchen to mandate
                                                 that turkey must be served instead of roast beef (yet) — but there’s a special
                                                 something in the air this year. Can you smell it?
                                                 The Liberals’ long-awaited campaign promise to legalize cannabis was delivered on
                                                 Oct. 17. Yet by setting the date just days after Thanksgiving, the government made

                                                 Christmas dinner the first holiday meal that Cousin Eddie-like relatives will get the
                                                 chance to slip a little extra somethin,’ somethin’ into.
                                                 But because the Liberals don’t yet want you smoking your weed and eating it too,
                                                 Canadians can’t yet buy pot in food form; they have to wait till next Oct. 17 for
COOKING WITH CANNABIS                            producers of gummy bears and chefs alike to unleash their edible creations on the
                                                 For this year’s feast, your guide to getting high off Christmas dinner is brought to
                                                 you by the combination of the wonders of the Internet and the mind of a 23-year-
BY CHARLIE PINKERTON                             old who, at his own family feasts, tends to be relegated to cranberry-sauce duty.
                                                 We’re not reinventing the wheel here. There’s a reason why Christmas dinner never
                                                 changes, and that’s because it’s unbeatable. These pot-infused recipes will keep
                                                 that holiday taste you know and love, while adding the perfect touch of potency.

 The Bud Bird                                                            Canna-berry sauce
 Ingredients:                                                            Ingredients:
 •    1 cup water                                                        •    1 cup water
 •    2/3 cup unsalted butter                                            •    1/2 cup olive oil
 •    8 grams cannabis                                                   •    6 grams cannabis
 •    12-lb turkey                                                       •    2 cups cranberries, fresh or frozen
 •    salt                                                               •    1 cup sugar
 •    pepper                                                             Directions:
 •    additional herbs (optional)                                        Grind cannabis, but not so fine that it goes through
 Directions:                                                             your strainer.
 Make cannabis butter: Grind cannabis to small, but                      Combine oil and cannabis in a slow-cooker set to
 not fine, bits. Bring one cup of water to a boil in a                   low heat for six hours. Stir occasionally. Don’t let oil
 medium saucepan. Add 2/3 cup unsalted butter. Once                      temperature exceed 240 F. Heating at slightly below
 melted, add ground cannabis. Leave on low heat for                      this temperature will allow the THC in the cannabis to
 two hours, stirring occasionally. Do not let this mixture               transfer into the oil without burning.
 come to a rolling boil.
                                                                         Strain and store oil. Discard excess cannabis.
 Strain cannabis and butter mixture through a cheese-
                                                                         In a medium saucepan over medium heat, combine
 cloth into a bowl, squeezing the cloth of the liquid
                                                                         sugar, water and cranberries. Stir occasionally until
 before discarding the substance left in the cloth.
                                                                         sugar dissolves and cranberries are soft, about 10
 Refrigerate the product in the bowl until the butter
                                                                         minutes. Increase heat slightly and cook until cranber-
 separates from the water.
                                                                         ries burst, about 10 minutes.
 Strain again, this time keeping the substance inside
                                                                         Add cannabis oil and let simmer for a minute. Add
 the cheesecloth. Put aside.
                                                                         additional sugar to flavour.
 Turkey time: Preheat oven to 350 F. Put turkey in large
 roasting pan and spread cannabis butter over the
 bird. Add seasonings — salt, pepper and other herbs
 — to your liking.                                                   The Ontario Cannabis Store offers various strands on its website,
                                                                     so the marijuana of choice should be left to the chef, although
 Cook turkey for 13 minutes per pound (a 12-pound
                                                                     products like “Moon,” “Harmonic” and “North Star CBD” sound
 turkey means it should be cooked for two hours and
                                                                     too good to be true for Christmas time. Take care when venturing
 36 minutes). Baste turkey with cannabis-butter runoff               into high-THC territory; you don’t want to be calling it quits
 every 30 minutes.                                                   before sugar cookies are served, now, do you.
                                                                     Proceed as usual with the rest of your typical sides and fixings
                                                                     — and voilà! You’ll have a delicious, packed-with-pot Christmas
                                                                     feast for the whole family (except members below the age of 18
                                                                     in Quebec and Alberta and under 19 in every other province and
                                                                     Hallelujah, and please enjoy responsibly.

                                                                                                   DECEMBER 2018 IPOLITICS MAGAZINE 9
Ho l i d a y                                                                  Keeping with the spirit of the
                                                                              season, we asked each federal

                                                                              leader what they would like to gift
                                                                              other leaders for Christmas. Here’s
                                                    FROM                      what they came up with.
                                                    THE                                                    BY KELSEY JOHNSON

                                                                                               Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
                                                                                               is leader of the Liberal Party of
                           Maxime Bernier is a former
                           Conservative cabinet minister
                           who left the party this year                           Andrew Scheer: a climate plan!
                           to form the People’s Party of
                                                                                  Jagmeet Singh: a “JagMeet & Greet” with
                           Canada. His gift list has been
                                                                                  Roch Voisine
                           translated from French to English.
                                                                                  Elizabeth May: matching friendship bracelets
            Justin Trudeau: A pipe to smoke pot                                   that say “I pricing pollution.”
            Andrew Scheer: A copy of my autobiography,                            Maxime Bernier: a gift basket of world-class
            Doing Politics Differently: My Vision for Canada                      Canadian dairy products.
            Elizabeth May: The Politically Incorrect Guide                        Mario Beaulieu: for ideas on how to bring
            to Climate Change by Marc Morano                                      people together, a signed copy of Common
            Mario Beaulieu: A real leader                                         Ground by Justin Trudeau
            Jagmeet Singh: A seat in the House of

                         Andrew Scheer is leader of the Conservative Party of
                         Canada. *Editor’s note: Mr. Scheer did not get back to
                         us by press time, so the iPolitics team came up with
                         some suitable gift ideas.*

                        Justin Trudeau: A one-way ticket to India, since he
                        enjoyed the last trip so much
                        Jagmeet Singh: A handmade knit tie to add to his collection
                        Elizabeth May: Earplugs — so she doesn’t have to listen to the
                        yammerings of her seatmate, Maxime Bernier
                        Mario Beaulieu: A loudspeaker — so he can actually get
                        people’s attention
                        Maxime Bernier: A gift card for his local party-supply store

Mario Beaulieu is interim
                                                                                         leader of the Bloc
                      Jagmeet Singh is leader of the New                                 Québécois. His list was
                      Democratic Party of Canada. *Editor’s                              translated from French to
                      note: Mr. Singh did not get back to us by                          English.
                      press time, so the iPolitics team crafted this
                      list on his behalf.*                             Justin Trudeau: We wanted to buy a
                                                                       hanger for his clothes, considering all his
    Justin Trudeau: Bollywood dance lessons                            travels, but our credit card is full.

    Andrew Scheer: a stuffed dinosaur and the movie Ice Age            Jagmeet Singh: A mirror. Convenient to
                                                                       watch his back.
    Elizabeth May: an honorary NDP membership
                                                                       Andrew Scheer: A subscription to the
    Mario Beaulieu: A lifetime supply of Quebec cheese                 National Post. Finally, an objective
    Maxime Bernier: Leadership for Dummies                             newspaper! And a subscription to
                                                                       the National Enquirer, so he can read
                                                                       credible and serious news.
                                                                       Elizabeth May: A giant cork-stopper for
                                                                       the Trans Mountain pipeline
                                                                       Maxime Bernier: Can you buy a Christmas
                                                                       present for the Grinch? Coal is full of CO2,
                                                                       so it must be good for the trees.
Elizabeth May is leader
of the Green Party of
Justin Trudeau: A “Build your own
pipeline” LEGO set (all the fun and
none of the dilbit)
Jagmeet Singh: A seat in the House of
Andrew Scheer: A subscription to
the eminent journal Nature Climate
Change, to fill a gap in his education
Mario Beaulieu: A permanent leader
for the Bloc Québécois
Maxime Bernier: A lifetime supply of
good, Canadian, supply-managed milk

                                                                                   DECEMBER 2018 IPOLITICS MAGAZINE 11
                H 0H0
   Dear St. Nick                                                                             th   these letter
                                                                                                                   s, isn’t
                                                                       y the     ca se   wi                          and have
                                     ,   bu t   th at’s generall                    on   Pa  rl ia ment Hill —
                    met befo      re                                    ng he   re                                   m really
   We’ve never                    ca ll  y   th e  oldest buildi                ea k  —  in    a  few weeks, I’
                     m techni                            once, so to
                                                                             sp                              you might
   it? While I’                    ck ” more than                                 in  a big way. As
                     th  e  “b  lo                                    co  mi ng                                      to make
   been around                      nt  .  I’  ve  got comp     an y
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                         my mo   me                                            in
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                     th  e   Ho us e  of Commons wi              ar  s.
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                                                              ye                                                          ce
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     list), some                     le  ng  e  wh en  they’re                       ll ed   to  ge th er a list
                         m a chal                                                 pu
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      From one imag
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      FOR THE MPS:                                                    is  n’ t  te ch nically allo                ru le s.  My
                                                           coffee                                       by th  e
                       of   tr av el   mugs: While                w   re  si de nt s will abide
      • Leak-p     ro                                tee my ne
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           chamber, ther                   li  ni ng  thanks you in
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                                                            e Speake     r:   No                            r profession
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       • A talkin                       yb  e  tw o,   ac tually;                      es  pe ci  al ly   middle-s
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            question peri                                                          mm on  s  Procedure and                       —
                                                                 House      of  Co                               who you are
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        • New copies                                                  memb
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             and you do,                                                                   er s   and tablets
                                                                    phones,      co mp ut                             really want
                                  de sk  s:   Th at way, all                     de ba te  ,  as   we know they
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              to.  Bu
                                                                   il di  ng ’s   ne w roof is ma                   pr ob ab ly not
                                          ur e  pa ds : The bu                          ls    es ca la te, it’s
                                furn  it                                       e le  ve                                   to use
          • Heavy-duty                         te ri ng   when the nois                       in   ca se MPs decide
               protect it fr
                                   om   sh  at                             hand —    ju st                                , but you
                                        ve    fu rn iture pads on                      at   th  at ’s   ever happened
                                     ha                                             th
               a bad idea to                                   ruments. Not
                        de  sk s  as   pe rcussion inst
               their                                                                                                          natural
               never know.                                                               is    ne w  Ho us e comes with
                                                                             cause th                                       ads. We
                                             d  su n- pr oof hats: Be                     to   pr ev en  t sunburned he
                                -appro   ve                                           g
           • Parliament                                          need somethin                                 umm, coverage
                           we ’r e  pr  ob ably going to                mb  er s  ha ve   less natural,
                light,                                       some me
                                      tell you that
                don’t need to
                than others.                                                                                     ts caused by
                                                                                    e  th  e  pressure poin
                                                                     to re    li ev                                strain of
                                  s:   MP s   wi ll need them                   at io ns ,   as   well as the
                               er                                            ov
            • Foam roll                                   e standing                                  the floor.
                                     lves all thos                                 sleeping on
                 giving themse                              It ’s   no  t  ea  sy
                                     ng marathons.
                 midnight voti


   •  A Hill tunnel and/or reliable
                                     bus services, since, you kno
      relegated to the Government                                  w, they’ve been
                                   Conference Centre all the way
      Extra snow removal, salt and                                down the street.
                                    gravel during the winter mon
      welcomed; we don’t want anyone                             ths would also be
                                      falling and breaking a hip!
     winter boots are another goo                                   Extra-grippy
                                  d option.
  • Sunglasses, to protect the
                                ir eyes from being blinded by
     put this —colourful, Canada-in                            the — how shall I
                                     spired carpet motif.
  As a working man yourself, you
                                  know it takes a village to gov
  — at least, that’s what the                                     ern a nation
                               elves have told me. So in the
  I’ve come up with a few other                               spirit of giving,
                                 items for those special folks
  Parliament ticking.                                           who help keep

  •  For the Parliamentary Press
                                   Gallery, a physical work spa
     functioning Wi-Fi, charging                                 ce that has
                                   stations, lots of access to
     enough desk space for all. I’m                              hot coffee and
                                      sure journos wouldn’t say no
     Room” when Centre Block renova                                  to  a new “Hot
                                     tions are done, either. And
    throw a mini-bar into the mix                                  if you want to
                                    , well, let’s just say you’d
    list next year. And the year                                   be on the “nice”
                                    after that.
 • For the library/cafeteria/
                                cleaning/security staff, as
    “hello”s and “thank you”s for                             many friendly
                                     their work and service as you
    muster. Seriously, the buildi                                   r elves can
                                    ng wouldn’t function without
 • For my friend, Centre Blo
                              ck, an on-budget and on-time
    as painless as possible. May                             renovation that is
                                   he soon be asbestos-free!
 • For all: Detailed maps, may
                                 be even in Google Maps form,
   building, since I know everyo                                of the new
                                   ne is going to get lost.
If you have any spare worker
                             s, I’m sure Public Works wou
help — but please beware: Wit                               ldn’t refuse the
                               h Ottawa’s public service sti
Phoenix pay-system debacle,                                   ll caught in the
                             there’s no guaranteed they’l
be worth slipping a few mitts-                             l be paid. It might
                                full of $20s in their stocki
over. I can’t promise the abs                                 ng to hold them
                              ence of red tape — even if you
North Pole’s best ribbon-cutte                                   do send us the
                                rs — but I know you’re fond
so maybe that’ll make things                                  of the colour red,
Yeah, I know. That’s a stretc
And, finally, on a more person
                               al note: Please, please Santa,
bring the gold curtains over                                   don’t let them
                              from Centre Block. Those thi
all they’re going to do is blo                             ngs are ghastly and
                               ck out my new natural light.
not be sad AT ALL if they hap                                Secretly, I would
                              pened to get caught by the Ete
made their way over — by acc                                 rnal Flame as they
                             ident, of course — and went
ball of glory. They’ve had a                              down in a blazing
                              good run, after all.
With that, may the year 2019
                              be as exciting for you as I
me.                                                        know it will be for

Your friend,
West Block

                                                                 DECEMBER 2018 IPOLITICS MAGAZINE 13
Chantal Sc
                                                                       had and C
                                                                                hloe E. Gir
                                                                                           van. Photo
                                                                                                     s: Matt U

                                                            Is this Santa hat a great way to accessorize an

   Christmas fashion ...                                    outfit? Is there a better option?
                                                            Your Santa hat is ideal wear for volunteering at a
                                                            children’s holiday party or while ringing a bell to
   and a few faux pas                                       raise money. Alternatively, big earrings are the
                                                            number 1 accessory of the moment. The bigger
   BY CHLOE E. GIRVAN                                       the better, and a pair with sparkle, light or feathers
                                                            will transform an office look to cocktail chic.

   Chloe Girvan     Thank you for meeting with me           What’s a good gift to impress anyone on your
   today. Do you like my outfit?                            list?
   Chantal Schad      No.                                   Cashmere is such a luxury item for both men
                                                            and women. A cashmere throw is lovely for
   (lengthy awkward silence devoid of eye contact)          women and can be worn over the shoulders, as
                                                            a scarf, or to stay cozy while travelling. Men love
       Cool. What are some current holiday and winter       receiving a nice cashmere scarf, too.
       fashion musts?
       Sparkle is huge this year, and not just for the      Are there any festive or winter trends for men?
       holiday season. It looks great for day or evening    Of course! We’re seeing a lot more colour and
       under a blazer or in a puffer jacket, like one we    pattern in men’s collections. A neutral suit with
       carry by Montreal designer Nicole Benisti. We’re     a patterned shirt, either bright or subtle, is a hot
       seeing a lot of gold, silver and other metallics.    look into the New Year.
       Lurex is also perfect for adding a bit of shimmer.
                                                            Do men need to wear a tie?
       Can I wear sneakers with an evening gown?            It’s always good to start the evening wearing a tie
       I wear sneakers almost every day, but not for        and transition to open-neck halfway through the
       evening. If you have sore feet, a beautiful flat     night.
       will do the trick. Pay attention to your footwear,
       as the wrong shoe can easily wreck a gorgeous        How about wearing an extra-long tie with a
       outfit. Never purchase shoes that you can’t walk     mushroom-shaped tip?
       in, and invest in a quality shoe bag for winter.     This is Canada, be polite.

   Visit schad on Sussex Drive or online to find these looks and more.
   Contact Chloe E. Girvan to borrow light-up Christmas-tree slippers and motorized angel wings.

It’s not all work
in the precinct ...
The House Warming Party attracted
people from all parties and political
stripes to celebrate the return of the
42nd Canadian Parliament.
Guests raised a glass to Canada’s
parliamentarians and raised more
than $1,200 for tornado victims.

                                     Policy, Prudence & Prosecco
                                     was the theme at the last
                                     Budget Party.
                                     What’s it going to be this        &
                                                                       THE BUDGET PARTY
                                     coming year?
                                                                           SPONSORED BY:
                                     Join us at the Metropolitan
                                     Brasserie to find out.
                                     Stay tuned for post-budget
                                     chatter & bubbly in early 2019.

Photos: Fred Chartrand

                                                                        DECEMBER 2018 IPOLITICS MAGAZINE 15
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In-house events are salon-style gatherings
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                                                                                                            BY HOLLY LAKE

                                                               Nor do we envy the position Tony Clement now finds
So, it’s that time of year again.                              himself in. The parliamentary career of the longtime
                                                               Tory MP and party stalwart burst into flames late this
No, not for overindulging at the office party and taking
                                                               year after his penchant for messaging young women
the Christmas tree for a seductive spin across the dance
                                                               late at night on social media came to light — as did
floor — though if that does happen somewhere, we
                                                               attempts to extort him as a result. Not exactly the best
wouldn’t say no to the photos!
                                                               situation for a member of the secretive National Security
’Tis the season to break out our annual “Naughty and           and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians to
Nice” list. Santa’s not the only one keeping track, you        find himself in. But as Christie Blatchford noted in the
know!                                                          National Post, “When it comes to lust, brains are the first
                                                               thing to go out the window.”
                                                               The former cabinet minister was booted from the
As you may (or likely don’t) recall, Phoenix topped            Conservative caucus when it became clear the one-time
last year’s Naughty list. The federal government’s             incident he initially revealed was anything but. He’s
problematic payroll system deserves to hold onto its title     probably not faring much better on the home front;
again this year. It’s truly a gift that keeps on giving that   there are bound to be some awkward family dinners in
way. The problem is, it’s not so inclined to give people       the Clement household over the holidays.
the pay they’ve earned. In that regard, it’s certainly
giving Scrooge a run for his money.                            Of course, Clement isn’t alone in the bad-behaviour
But hey, we’ll give a shout-out to those working to try to
fix it. We don’t envy you.                                     In February, allegations of harassment landed on
                                                               Saskatchewan MP Erin Weir. He was kicked to the caucus

                                                                                          DECEMBER 2018 IPOLITICS MAGAZINE 19
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                                                              Ford said Kimber “lasted about a
                                                              minute” after his office found out about
                                                              the accusations. In both cases, the
                                                              premier said the complainant asked to
                                                              be protected.
                                                              Most recently, in his new book, former
                                                              Progressive Conservative leader Patrick
                                                              Brown accused Finance Minister Vic
                                                              Fedeli of sexual misconduct, which Ford
                                                              has dismissed as a “disgusting smear campaign.”
                                                              Of course, Brown himself stepped down as party leader
                                                              in January amid allegations of sexual misconduct,
                                                              which he has repeatedly denied. He’s now the mayor of
NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh. iPolitics/Matthew Usherwood         That same month, Jamie Baillie was forced out as leader
                                                              of Nova Scotia’s Progressive Conservative Party following
curb in May after an investigation found the allegations      an investigation into “allegations of inappropriate
to be credible. NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh said it was          behaviour.”
clear Weir was unwilling to take responsibility for his
actions, which meant “any rehabilitative approach” was
“untenable.” That didn’t stop Weir from fighting to get
back in, insisting his reinstatement “constitutes the only    On to things that stank. We’re looking at you,
just outcome.” By September, Weir was looking for an          #ClamScam. While we think Dominic LeBlanc did a lot of
external review of the investigation into the allegations     great work as fisheries minister, what went down when
against him, but Singh panned that idea. All is not well in   he issued a lucrative Arctic surf clam licence to the Five
the NDP family as a result, especially in Saskatchewan,       Nations Clam Company earlier this year was beyond
where some 67 key members of the party have called            fishy. And in September, Ethics Commissioner Mario
for Weir’s reinstatement.                                     Dion agreed, finding that LeBlanc violated conflict-of-
So, needless to say, nothing about this situation is Nice.
Neither was the one that Quebec NDP MP Christine
Moore found herself in. After an injured veteran accused
her of sexual harassment and inappropriate conduct
as an elected official, she was cleared by a third-party
investigation in May.
The NDP had launched the investigation and suspended
Moore’s caucus duties as a result of allegations that
surfaced belatedly of an inappropriate sexual encounter
— and subsequent interactions — with Glen Kirkland
after his appearance at a House of Commons committee
in 2013.
                                                              Dominic LeBlanc. iPolitics/Matthew Usherwood
Meanwhile in Ontario, the first real scandal of Doug
Ford’s new government came in November when                   interest rules. The move was awash in controversy from
Ontario Trade Minister Jim Wilson stepped down                the moment it was announced in February. Five Nations
suddenly. He originally said it was to seek treatment         had partnered with Premium Seafoods of Nova Scotia,
for addiction, but it soon came to light he was facing        which is run by Edgar Samson, the brother of Liberal MP
allegations of sexual harassment. It would be days            Darrell Samson. Later, another former Liberal MP, Todd
before Premier Ford acknowledged what was really              Russell, now president of NunatuKavut, was brought
going on.                                                     on as a partner. iPolitics confirmed in May that Five
                                                              Nations had initially been led by Gilles Thériault, who
Around the same time, Ford’s director of issues
                                                              is the first cousin of Jolène Richard — LeBlanc’s wife.
management, Andrew Kimber, also resigned in the wake
                                                              LeBlanc denied the family connection played any role,
of a separate harassment complaint.
                                                              telling the House of Commons that Thériault was one of
About Kimber and Wilson’s exits, Ford said: “They’re          his wife’s 60 first cousins. But in politics, like elsewhere,
done, they’re gone, see ya later.”                            perception is reality.

                                                                                                 DECEMBER 2018 IPOLITICS MAGAZINE 21

While new Fisheries Minister Jonathan Wilkinson                      issue and important story of our time, and May sounds
insisted in August there was nothing fishy about it                  the alarm accordingly at every opportunity. Some
all, his department has scrapped the whole plan and                  dismiss her as alarmist, but we think she’s spot-on in her
announced the process would start again from square                  assessment of the attention this warrants.
one.                                                                 And she always returns our calls, so there’s that.

Moving on to Mad Max and the Peeps. As a nod to                      We think it was awfully nice of Foreign Affairs Minister
Gladys Knight and the Pips, that’s what we’ve dubbed                 Chrystia Freeland to invite U.S. Trade Representative
Maxime Bernier and his newly formed People’s Party of                Robert Lighthizer to dinner at her house in October,
Canada. (It amuses us and that’s what counts.)                       once a new NAFTA was agreed to.
                                                                     As sources told CBC News’ Katie Simpson, theirs was a
                                                                     difficult relationship for a long time, which was certainly
                                                                     not helped by the fact that Lighthizer is known to be
                                                                     moody. Over the course of more than a year of testy
                                                                     trade talks, Canadian officials never knew if they’d be
                                                                     met with “SpongeBob or cranky Bob” when they arrived
                                                                     at the table. Those of you who watch SpongeBob
                                                                     SquarePants will appreciate the difference!

MP Maxime Bernier. iPolitics/Matthew Usherwood

We have Mad Max at the bottom of the Naughty list,
because we think he belongs on the Nice list, too. As
a vocal lot ourselves, we’re all for speaking one’s mind
and taking a stand. Frankly, there’s not enough of it in
politics. So while we don’t always agree with what shoots
from Bernier’s mouth, we appreciate someone who has
the gonads to express their opinion — and who marches
to the beat of their own drum, even when it means                    Official White House Photo/Evan Walker
breaking with the Conservative band and going off to
find new bandmates.                                                  There was yelling and name-calling by some, but,
                                                                     with an even-keeled approach, plenty of maple candy
But lord, some of what he says stops even us in our                  (Lighthizer’s a fan), and Freeland’s unfailingly chipper
tracks at times! At the very least, he keeps it interesting.         demeanour at the helm, the Canadian team managed
                                                                     to keep the good ship USMCA (as U.S. President Donald
                                                                     Trump eventually named it) on course.
Nice                                                                 So our kudos to the entire team. “Nice” is a Canadian
                            Let’s start with Elizabeth May, as she   stereotype, but sometimes it serves us well. Also, a
                            now shares a bench in the House with     shout-out to the reporters who were stuck on the trade-
                            Mad Max. An odd couple, yes, but so      deal beach in weather hot and cold.
                            far, they seem to be getting along.
                            We include the Green Party leader
                                                                     We’ll also always tip our hat to standing up and saying
                            on our Nice list because we see
                                                                     “sorry.” That’s what Prime Minister Justin Trudeau did
                            her as one of the few politicians
                                                                     in November when he delivered a federal apology to
                            on Parliament Hill who see the big
                                                                     the survivors and families of 900 German Jews whose
                            picture — and how everything the
Green Party Leader                                                   pleas for asylum were ignored by Canada during the
Elizabeth May. iPolitics/   government does is part of that.
Matthew Usherwood           Climate change is the most pressing


It was 1939 when the captain of the MS St. Louis tried in                    and sent thousands of troops to America’s southern
vain to find homes for his passengers looking for refuge                     border to meet a caravan of migrants walking across
in Cuba and the United States. They were turned away                         Mexico — men, women and children who’ve walked
there, and again when they tried to dock in Halifax.                         more than 4,000 kilometres from Central America to
Then-prime minister William Lyon Mackenzie King                              flee persecution, poverty and violence in their home
rejected their request for a safe harbour, forcing the                       countries of Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador.
ship back to Europe. More than 250 people on that ship
would later die in the Holocaust.
The decision to turn the country’s back on European
Jews was “unacceptable then, and it is unacceptable
now,” Trudeau said, adding the federal government
“failed” a test of its humanity. “Their cries for help were
left unanswered, for Canada deemed them unworthy of
a home, and undeserving of our help.”
The sentiment was echoed by every party in the House
of Commons that day.
Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer said it’s “a sign of
a healthy society to be able to look at history clearly                      Photo: Pexels.
and see both the light and the dark, to celebrate our
achievements, but to also mourn our failings.” He added:
”There is no shame as a country in acknowledging                             We’ll also give a shout-out to the Senate for finally
shameful acts in our past. The real shame would be in                        voting to send the Free Willy bill to the House. Despite
forgetting them.”                                                            Conservative Sen. Don Plett’s attempts to sink it using
                                                                             every procedural stalling tactic in the books, the support
NDP leader in the House of Commons, Guy Caron, said                          was there to set the whales and dolphins free from the
the passengers were fleeing anti-Semitism, unaware it                        Red Chamber after nearly three years of being beached.
had crossed the ocean before them.                                           Free Willy made his leap to the upper house in October.

                                                                             Now, some may say this belongs on the Naughty list.
                                                                             This now-infamous jaunt by our prime minister to India
                                                                             in February was a gong show of epic, embarrassing
                                                                             and international proportions. Trudeau even poked fun
                                                                             at the debacle during the Parliamentary Press Gallery
                                                                             dinner in May (as did every other party leader, and
                                                                             several U.S. late-night TV hosts). But god, we had some
                                                                             good laughs about it in the newsroom. The bhangra
                                                                             dancing! The outfits! The photos! It was Evening Brief
                                                                             In October, Andrew Scheer hopped a plane to India
                                                                             to “repair” the relationship he said Trudeau had
                                                                             “damaged,” promising there’d be no dancing or celebrity
                                                                             chefs. What fun is there in that, we ask? Whatever you’re
                                                                             doing, there should always be dancing!
NDP leader in the House of Commons, Guy Caron. iPolitics/Matthew Usherwood
                                                                             On that note, we hope your holidays are happy. Our
                                                                             advice is to eat, drink, and be merry — and of course
“Intolerance has no place here, yesterday, today and                         spend time with family and friends, even if some of
tomorrow,” he said.                                                          them also deserve to be on the Naughty list!
The statements were in stark contrast to what was                            While we hope there were lessons learned, anyone who
playing out south of the border, where 11 people                             can have fun at their own expense gets a pass on a lump
had been killed just days before at the Tree of Life                         of coal from us.
synagogue in Pittsburgh. They also came in a year when
Trump drove a policy that separated migrant children
from their parents and held those children in cages,

                                                                                                        DECEMBER 2018 IPOLITICS MAGAZINE 23
C hanne
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                                                                          BY MARIEKE WALSH

    h sl i d a y                                             Ahh, the holidays. ‘Tis the season of special

                                                             smells, family traditions — and, yes, those
                                                             festive ear worms you either love to hate or
                                                             hate to love.
                                                             As you brace yourself for weeks of endless
                                                             holiday music blasted over the mall’s sound
                                                             system, we asked MPs to share with us their
                           YOU LOVE                          most-hated holiday tunes. They did not
                           TO HATE                           disappoint. Allow us to present a holiday playlist
                                                             that’s fit for the office Grinch.

Track 1                                                       Track 4
Who: Conservative MP Bev Shipley, Liberal MP Darren           Who: Green Party Leader Elizabeth May
Fisher and NDP MP Cheryl Hardcastle                           Song: Jingle Bell Rock
Song: Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer by Randy             Reason: “No Christian could hate a Christmas Carol;
Brooks, performed by The Irish Rovers                         Christmas carols are hymns,” May told iPolitics. The
Reason: For the record, Shipley still loves this song. The    same rule does not apply, however, to “idiot commercial
same can’t be said for his family.                            holiday music,” which May said “can be very painful.”
A retired dairy farmer, Shipley says he used to get up
early on Christmas morning and head to the barn to do         Track 5
the morning milking. Upon his return, at around 6 a.m.,       Who: Liberal MP Ken McDonald
he would load up the family’s record player and blast         Song: The Hat I Got for Christmas Is Too Beeg by Mel Blanc
the tune at full volume to wake up the rest of the house.     Reason: McDonald doesn’t actually hate the song, but his
It’s a tradition he continues today — even if he no longer    wife does, he told iPolitics. “I like it. I torment her with it,”
milks cows. He loves it. “I can’t say the same for some       McDonald said. “I actually sing it. I don’t think I’ve heard
members of my family,” he chuckled.                           a Christmas song that I don’t like. I love Christmas —
Fisher says he hears the song too much and consider it        from being a child until now, it’s a big event and it’s great
sacrilegious. “I was going to say (I hate songs) like ones    family time for us and we try to keep the traditions alive.”
that have had multiple remakes, like by Bon Jovi or
Bruce Springsteen, but I actually don’t mind all those,”      Track 6
Fisher said.                                                  Who: Liberal MP Robert-Falcon Ouellette
Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer is too “unpleasant”        Song: Ave Maria, a classic performed by many artists,
for Hardcastle’s liking. “It just gives you an unpleasant     many times
visual,” she said.                                            Reason: Ouellette says Ave Maria reminds him of being
                                                              a child and hearing the same songs over and over again.
                                                              “It’s not very exciting. I’d like to hear a rock version or a
Track 2                                                       heavy metal version; I think that would be kind of cool.”
Who: People’s Party of Canada Leader Maxime Bernier
Song: O Come, Divine Messiah, a traditional carol             Track 7
Reason: None given.                                           Who: Liberal MP Hedy Fry
                                                              Song: Jingle Bells, the “Batman Smells” rendition
Track 3                                                       Reason: “Pure annoyance.”
Who: Conservative MP John Barlow
Song: Christmas Don’t Be Late by Alvin and the                Track 8
Chipmunks                                                     Who: the iPolitics newsroom
Reason: “It’s really annoying.” (Fair enough.)                Song: Silent Night
                                                              Reason: It’s seriously depressing. Need we say more?

                                                                                            DECEMBER 2018 IPOLITICS MAGAZINE 25
‘Tis the season for Secret Santas,
                                                                       holiday get-togethers and season’s
                                                                       greetings. We reached out to

Merry mixing
                                                                       some of the many embassies
                                                                       located in Ottawa and Canada’s
                                                                       missions abroad for their tips for
                                                                       infusing some liquid holiday cheer
                                                                       into the weeks ahead.
                                                                       While some will keep their
    H O L I D AY D R I N K G U I D E                                   celebrations classic with, in the
                                               BY IPOLITICS            words of the French embassy,
                                                                       “CHAMPAGNE!!!” others will
                                                                       indulge in traditional tipples and
                                                                       creative cocktails. Here is what
                                                                       embassy staff will be sipping this

          Posada Punch
          Submitted by the Mexican Embassy
          •     1 kilogram diced guavas
          •     1 kilogram apples, cut into six slices         Damrak Gin & Tonic
          •     1 kilogram peeled and sliced sugarcane         Submitted by the Embassy of the Kingdom of
          •     500 grams peeled, diced and pitted
                                                               the Netherlands
                                                               • 1.75 oz Damrak gin
          • 250 grams prunes
                                                               • 5 oz tonic water
          • 250 grams raisins
                                                               • 1-2 orange slices
          • 1 cinnamon stick
                                                               Fill a copa glass with ice cubes. Pour in the
          • Sugar, as desired
                                                               Damrak gin and top with tonic. Garnish with
          • 1 bottle of red wine
                                                               two orange slices and a cinnamon stick. Stir
          • Rum or brandy, as desired
          Place all fruits, cinnamon and sugar in a pot
          with enough water to cover them. Simmer,
          covered, for 1 hour. Uncover and pour in the
          wine, let boil for 10 more minutes. The better
          the wine, the better the punch will taste. If
          it’s too cold outside or if you enjoy a strong
          punch, try pouring some rum or brandy
          into it; your Posada will be an even greater
          success, we guarantee it. Serve hot in clay
          jugs. Serves 16.                                    Bohemian Cocktail
                                                              Submitted by the Embassy of the Czech Republic
          Recipe from the book Recetario del Cine
                                                              • 1 part Becherovka bitters
          Mexicano by Marie-Pierre Colle Corcuera,
                                                              • 0.5 part freshly pressed lemon juice
          1996, p.19.
                                                              • 0.25 part elderflower cordial
                                                              • 0.75 part fresh pineapple juice
                                                              Shake all ingredients and strain into ice-filled
                                                              glass. Garnish with a slice of cucumber.


                                                   Arctic Fizz
                                                   Submitted by the Embassy of Canada in
                                                   • 45 mL Ungava gin
                                                   • 30 mL lemon juice
                                                   • 15 mL simple syrup
                                                   • 90 mL soda
                                                   • Garnish: orange zest and a cherry
                                                   Load all ingredients (except soda and garnish)
                                                   into a Boston shaker. Shake well and strain
                                                   over ice in a highball glass. Garnish with
Orange-plum Glühwein                               orange zest and cherries and finish with soda.
Submitted by the Embassy of Germany
• 2 litres sweet red wine
• 200 mL orange juice
• 400 grams plums
• 1 cup white sugar
• 1 tsp dark rum                               Winter Pimm’s punch
• 1/2 tsp cinnamon                             Submitted by the British High
• 2 star anise                                 Commission in Ottawa
• 3 cloves                                     Think Pimm’s is just for summer?
• 1 vanilla bean                               Christmas — and the folks at the British
Pour the sugar into a pot and heat over        High Commission in Ottawa — beg to
medium heat until it caramelizes and           differ.
becomes light brown. Add the washed            • 500 mL Pimm’s
and pitted plums and stir them together        • 500 mL brandy
with the caramelized sugar for a minute        • 1½ litres apple juice
(on high heat). Deglaze the sugar and          • 2 cinnamon sticks
plums with the orange juice and add all        • apple, sliced
the spices (vanilla bean, star anise, cloves   • orange, sliced
and cinnamon) at the same heat.                • ice
Let everything boil for about 2 minutes.       There’s nothing fancy involved in making
                                               this punch. Just toss it all into a jug, stir,
Add the red wine and turn down to              and pour. Keep it simple — not bad
medium heat again. Do not let the wine         advice for the holiday season.
boil or the temperature in the pot to
exceed 75 C.
Let everything simmer for 10-15 minutes,
checking the temperature regularly with a
Remove the pot from the stove, add the
dark rum and pour everything through a
sieve. Two tablespoons of honey can be
added if extra sweetness is desired.
Don‘t let the mulled wine cool down, since
it’s supposed to be enjoyed hot! Serves
By Christian König, chef

                                                                       DECEMBER 2018 IPOLITICS MAGAZINE 27

   Irish coffee                                              Gemmer Bier (Ginger Beer)
   Submitted by the Embassy of Ireland                       Submitted by the High Commission of South Africa
   • 1 cup freshly brewed hot coffee                         South Africa’s Christmas beverage of choice
   • 1 tbsp brown sugar                                      is ginger beer, which is best enjoyed with
   • 1 jigger Irish whiskey (1 1/2 ounces or 3 tbsp)         homemade scones. Since Christmas falls during
   • Heavy cream, slightly whipped                           the summer season in South Africa, ginger beer
   Fill a mug (it should be footed if you’re going           is the best way to cool down in the extreme
   for the real thing!) with hot water to preheat it,        heat. “You will find it in almost every household,”
   then empty. Add 1 tbsp dark brown sugar into              said the South African High Commission’s third
   the mug. Pour hot coffee into mug and stir to             secretary of administration, Puleng Mbinda
   help dissolve the sugar. Blend in Irish whiskey.          Here’s how to make a 20-litre batch.
   Carefully spoon whipped cream onto the top of             • 20 litres water
   the coffee. Ideally, you want to do this by pouring       • 250 mL ground ginger
   it gently over the back of spoon. Serve hot.              • 2.5 kilograms brown sugar
   Michael Hurley, deputy head of mission at the             • 20 grams instant yeast
   Embassy of Ireland, says adding the cream is the          • 15 mL bicarbonate of soda
   critical step: “It’s meant to sit on top. If you’re not   • 15 mL tartaric acid
   gentle enough with the cream, it will gloop in            • 40 mL lemon essence (optional)
   there. It tastes the same, but it doesn’t look the        • 250 grams raisins
   same.”                                                    Bring 10 litres of water to a boil before adding
                                                             the ginger and boiling for another five minutes.
   If you’re under the weather over the holidays             Pour that mixture into a bucket that holds 20
   and forgoing festivities, the Embassy of Ireland          litres. Then add the sugar and stir until it dissolves
   has your back with a recipe for hot whiskey               before adding the remaining water. Once
   that will have you back on your feet in no time:          lukewarm, sprinkle in the yeast and continue
   Simply pour whiskey in a glass and top it up with         stirring. Then add the bicarbonate of soda, tartaric
   hot water, but put a spoon in first to prevent            acid, lemon essence and raisins. Mix this well
   breaking the glass.                                       before covering and brewing to mature for 12-24
   Toss in some brown sugar and a handful of                 hours. After brewing, strain, then gradually pour
   cloves, and you’ll be feeling better in no time.          into sterilized glass bottles to refrigerate. Serve
                                                             chilled on a sunny South African Christmas Day.

Swedish Glögg
Submitted by the Embassy of Sweden
This recipe for glögg is served at the Swedish Ambassador’s residence
during the holidays. It goes well with gingerbread and blue cheese.
• ¾ cup vodka
• 1/2 cinnamon stick
• 1 slice of ginger
• 5 cloves
• Seeds from 8 cardamom pods
• 1 strip of orange peel (use a potato peeler)
• 1 teaspoon vanilla sugar
• 1 ¼ cup granulated sugar
• 1 bottle of red wine
• Blanched almonds
• Raisins
Crush the spices and let them soak in the vodka for 2 days. Add the
orange peel and vanilla sugar and let sit for one more day before
straining out the spices. Pour the wine and vodka mixture into a pot, add
the sugar and heat it to 70 C. (It must not boil!) Serve in small cups with
peeled almonds and raisins. Skål!

                                                                                      DECEMBER 2018 IPOLITICS MAGAZINE 29
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