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                                TECHNOLOGY NEWS MAGAZINE
                             Andhra Pradesh l Telangana l Tamilnadu l Pondicherry l Karnataka l Kerala
                             Vol-15 Issue-01, Krishna, August - 2020, Pages-16, `40/-

                                          BECAUSE IT’S NOT JUST VIDEO.
                                                 IT’S INSIGHT.
                                                     Surveillance solutions from edge to core

Authorised Partners : Telangana : PL Computers, : 9246352400 | Andhra Pradesh : PL Computers, : 9871987066 • Emerald, : 7702191204 • Krishna Computer Peripherals, : 9246476588 • Shweta Computer Park,
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: 9840753857 • Hi-Focus Electronics India Pvt. Ltd., : 9500087331 • Supreme Computers India Pvt. Ltd., : 9840083388 • Pelikan Office Automation P. Ltd., : 09840095577 • Vajawat Computers,
: 8610378019 • Metro Enterprises, : 9841316448 | Coimbatore : Navkar Infotech Private Ltd., : 9894717316 | Kerala : A.J. Distributors, : 9496281396 • Digital World, : 9847017020 • Forerun Computers,
: 9544800281 Yobel Systems, : 9142444405

      Production of Rs. 11.50 lakh crore and Exports of Rs. 7 lakh
                  crore expected over next 5 years
                                                                                                           lead to total production of about INR 11,50,000
                                                                                                           crore (INR 11.5 lakh crore). Out of the total pro-
                                                                                                           duction, companies under Mobile Phone (Invoice
                                                                                                           Value INR 15,000 and above) segment have pro-
                                                                                                           posed a production of over INR 9,00,000 crore,
                                                                                                           The companies under Mobile Phone (Domestic
                                                                                                           Companies) segment have proposed a produc-
                                                                                                           tion of about INR 2,00,000 crore and those under
                                                                                                           Specified Electronic Components segment have
                                                                                                           proposed a production of over INR 45,000 crore.
                                                                                                           The scheme is expected to promote exports
                                                                                                           significantly. Out of the total production of INR
                                                                                                           11,50,000 crore in the next 5 years, more than
                                                                                                           60% will be contributed by exports of the order
                                                                                                           of INR 7,00,000 crore.The scheme will bring addi-
                                                                                                           tional investment in electronics manufacturing to
                                                                                                           the tune of INR 11,000 crore.
                                                                                                           The scheme will generate approximately 3 lakh
In his address to media at a Press Conference         cable under the scheme from 01.08.2020.              direct employment opportunities in next 5 years
marking the conclusion of application window          A total of 22 companies have filed their appli-      along with creation of additional indirect employ-
under the Production Linked Incentive Scheme          cation under the PLI Scheme. The international       ment of nearly 3 times the direct employment.
(PLI), Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad, Union Minister       mobile phone manufacturing companies that            Domestic Value Addition is expected to grow
for Electronics & IT, Communications, Law and         have applied under Mobile Phone (Invoice Value       from the current 15-20% to 35-40% in case of
Justice said that PLI scheme has been huge suc-       INR 15,000 and above) Segment are Samsung,           Mobile Phones and 45-50% for electronic compo-
cess in terms of the applications received from       Foxcon Hon Hai, Rising Star, Wistron and Pega-       nents.
Global as well as Domestic Mobile Phone manu-         tron. Out of these, 3 companies namely Foxcon        With the demand for electronics in India expected
facturing companies and electronic components         Hon Hai, Wistron and Pegatron are contract man-      to grow manifold by 2025, Hon’ble Minister
manufacturers. Industry has reposed its faith in      ufacturers for Apple iPhones. Apple (37%) and        expressed confidence that PLI scheme and other
India’s stellar progress as a world class manufac-    Samsung (22%) together account for nearly 60%        initiatives to promote electronics manufacturing
turing destination and this resonates strongly        of global sales revenue of mobile phones and this    will help in making India a competitive destina-
with Prime Minister’s clarion call of AtmaNirbhar     scheme is expected to increase their manufactur-     tion for electronics manufacturing and give boost
Bharat – a selfreliant India. Minister further said   ing base manifold in the country.                    to AtmaNirbhar Bharat. Creation of domestic
that “we are optimistic and looking forward to        Under Mobile Phone (Domestic Companies) Seg-         champion companies in electronics manufactur-
building a strong ecosystem across the value          ment, Indian companies including Lava, Dixon         ing under the Scheme will give fillip to vocal for
chain and integrating with the global value           Technologies, Bhagwati (Micromax), Padget Elec-      local while aiming for global scale.
chains, thereby strengthening electronics manu-       tronics, Sojo Manufacturing Services and Opti-       Under the leadership Prime Minister Shri Nar-
facturing ecosystem in the country”.                  emus Electronics have applied under the scheme.      endra Modi and his visionary initiatives like the
Production Linked Incentive Scheme (PLI)for           These companies are expected to expand their         “Digital India” and “Make in India” programmes,
Large Scale Electronics Manufacturing was noti-       manufacturing operations in a significant manner     India has witnessed an unprecedented growth in
fied on 1st April, 2020. PLI Scheme extends an        and grow into national champion companies in         electronics manufacturing in the last five years.
incentive of 4% to 6% on incremental sales (over      mobile phone production. 10 companies have           The National Policy on Electronics 2019envisions
base year) of goods under target segments that        filed applications under the Specified Electronic    positioning India as a global hub for Electronics
are manufactured in India to eligible companies,      Components Segment which include AT&S,               System Design and Manufacturing (ESDM) by
for a period of five years subsequent to the base     Ascent Circuits, Visicon, Walsin, Sahasra, Vitesco   focusing on size and scale, promoting exports
year (FY2019-20). The scheme was open for filing      and Neolync.                                         and enhancing domestic value addition by creat-
applications till 31.07.2020. Incentives are appli-   Over the next 5 years, the Scheme is expected to     ing an enabling environment for the industry to
                                                                                                           compete globally.

                      Apple starts production of the iPhone 11 in India:
                                       Make in India
In a move to boost Narendra Modi’s Dream              iPhone Xr, as one of the two premium                 Apple previously manufactured the iPhone
of “Make in India”, Apple started produc-             phones that Apple assembles in India.                Xs, iPhone SE (2016) and the iPhone 7 in
                    ing its flagship smart-           But, Apple has not yet announced price               India. Apple is reportedly looking into
                    phone, iPhone 11, in              reduction for iPhone 11 in India, as the com-        beginning production of the new iPhone
                    India at the Foxconn              pany still sells iPhone 11 mobile handsets           SE at the Wistron facility in Bengaluru and
                    plant near Chennai.               that were made in China. However, Apple              there are plans to produce the iPhone 11
                    This was informed by              is planning to increase the production in            Pro models in Foxconn, Chennai too. This
                    Commerce and Indus-               phases to begin exporting the iPhone 11              would mark a significant shift in iPhone
                    try Minister Piyush               from India, and which will likely lead to a          production out of China and into India,
                    Goyal. The iPhone 11              price cut locally. Producing the iPhone 11           where Apple is drawn to the benefits of the
                    will be joining the               in India could possibly save Apple about             Government’s Production Linked Incentive
                                                      22% in import duties per device.                     (PLI) scheme.

CELL IT, VOL-15, ISSUE - 01			                               		               2		             		                              KRISHNA, August -2020
CELL IT, VOL-15, ISSUE - 01			   		   3		   		   KRISHNA, August -2020
Huawei Lands Top Spot in Second Quarter Smartphone                                                           EDITORIAL
      Market Despite Largest Ever Market Decline                                                               EDITOR: Dinesh Shyam Sukha
                                                       in China, has been strong,” said Ryan Reith, vice       CO-ORDINATOR : Siddhi
                                                       president, Worldwide Mobile Device Trackers.            PRODUCTION & OPERATION: Ramayya
                                                       “The question now becomes what does demand              POSTAGE & PACKING: L.N.Rao
                                                       look like with so much uncertainty around the           ADVERTISING SALES: V.K.Gupta
                                                       world. We have already seen OEMs moving more            DESIGN : Dikshit
                                                       aggressively with their 5G portfolios both in           CREATIVE DESIGNER: MKVS
                                                       terms of production and price points. However,          ACCOUNTS: Murthy
                                                       we still see consumer demand for 5G being low,
                                                                                                               MAGAZINE CUSTOMER
                                                       so the supply-side push is likely to produce very
                                                       high-priced competition.”
                                                                                                     , 9246402144
                                                       Smartphone Company Highlights
Worldwide smartphone shipments decreased               Huawei for the first time reached the number 1
16.0% year over year in the second quarter of          position with 55.8 million smartphones shipped          All products, brands, service names
2020 (2Q20), according to preliminary data             in 2Q20 despite a small decline of 5.1% year over       mentioned may be trademarks of their
from the IDC. In total, companies shipped 278.4        year. With the overall market declining even            respective owners
million smartphones during 2Q20. Although this         faster, Huawei also achieved its highest-ever
a larger decline than in the first quarter, it was     share (20.0%) of the global smartphone market.
expected as major economies around the globe           This was driven by Huawei’s tremendous growth           more budget-friendly devices. Looking ahead, the
were in lockdown for the majority of 2Q20 due          in China – almost 10% year on year – which offset       launch of four new potential models will signal
to the pandemic.                                       the large declines the company faced in every           Apple’s entry in the world of 5G and challenge
“Smartphones shipments suffered a huge decline         other region. Looking forward the impact of             Android 5G devices that have been out for more
in Q2 as they directly correlate to consumer           the U.S. technology ban will continue to create         than a year.
spending, which had a massive reduction                uncertainty for Huawei in foreign markets.              Xiaomi shipped 28.5 million devices maintaining
due to the global economic crisis and rising           Samsung shipped 54.2 million smartphones in             its number four position and achieving a 10.2%
unemployment brought on by the widespread              2Q20, finishing a close second with 19.5% share.        market share despite a decline of 11.8%. Although
lockdowns,” said Nabila Popal, research director       However, the Korean giant suffered a 28.9% year-        Xiaomi faced a large year-on-year drop in both
with IDC. “This, combined with the closure of          on-year decline, the most significant among the         China and India, the lockdown and anti-China
retail stores, especially in regions where online      Top 5 vendors. While the A series continues to          sentiment in India had a larger impact on the
shopping is less common, compounded the                perform well contributing to the majority of its        vendor with a 50% year-on-year drop despite
negative effect on smartphone sales. In addition,      volume, premium devices such the Galaxy S20             maintaining its number one position.
consumers spent significantly other technologies,      and the Galaxy Z Flip, unfortunately launched           OPPO returned to the Top 5 this quarter with
such as PCs, monitors, and tablets, to facilitate      in the peak of the pandemic, are facing sales           24.0 million units and 8.6% market share despite
mandatory work from home and distance                  challenges despite price reductions.                    a 18.8% year-on-year decline. Roughly 60% of
learning, leaving an even smaller share in the         Apple shipped 37.6 million iPhones in 2Q20,             OPPO’s shipments were to its domestic market
shrinking consumer wallet for smartphones.”            which placed the company in third with 13.5%            of China, which was a key factor in getting the
From a regional perspective, Asia/Pacific              share of the market. iPhone shipments managed           vendor back into the top 5 globally. In China,
(excluding China and Japan), Western Europe,           to climb 11.2% year over year thanks to the             the A series was again the volume driver while
and the United States declined 31.9%, 14.8%,           continued success of its iPhone 11 series and           the new Reno 4 series performed much better
and 12.6% respectively. China fared slightly           the timely launch of the new SE (2020). The new         than expected due to very competitive pricing.
better with a decline of 10.3% and arguably            SE found success as it managed to effectively           Meanwhile, in India, OPPO’s second largest
shows some early signs of market recovery. “The        target the lower-priced segment, which bodes            market, the vendor faced challenges in both
smartphone supply chain ground to a halt when          extremely well for the vendor in this time of           supply and demand with factory shutdowns and
the pandemic hit. However, recovery, specifically      crisis where consumers are shifting towards             consumers facing the anti-China sentiment.

        Flipkart Group announces the launch of Flipkart Wholesale
             aimed at transforming the kirana retail ecosystem
The Flipkart Group, India’s homegrown                  and enable growth and prosperity for kiranas            cer, Flipkart Group, said, “As the e-commerce
e-commerce group, announced the launch                 and MSMEs.                                              pioneer in India, the Flipkart Group has trans-
of Flipkart Wholesale, a new digital market-           Kiranas and MSMEs are central to India’s                formed the shopping experience for millions
                       place that will help            retail ecosystem and Flipkart Wholesale will            of Indian consumers. With the launch of
                       transform the kirana            focus on meeting their needs by providing               Flipkart Wholesale, we will now extend our
                       retail ecosystem in             small businesses a wide selection at signifi-           capabilities across technology, logistics and
                       India by leveraging             cant value, powered by technology to make               finance to small businesses across the coun-
                       cutting-edge        and         their lives easier. Whether in grocery, general         try. The acquisition of Walmart India adds
                       locally      developed          merchandise or fashion, these businesses will           a strong talent pool with deep expertise in
                       technology. As part of          have one-stop access to an extensive selec-             the wholesale business that will strengthen
                       this launch, the Group          tion of products with attractive schemes and            our position to address the needs of kiranas
                       also announced the              incentives, supplemented with data-driven               and MSMEs uniquely. With this development,
acquisition of 100% interest in Wal-Mart India         recommendations for stock selection, deliv-             the Flipkart Group will further build upon
Private Limited, which operates the Best               ered through a fast and reliable network to             the synergies across its businesses to drive
Price cash-and-carry business, to leverage the         drive greater efficiencies and better margins.          greater value and choice for end-consumers
strong wholesale capabilities of the company           Kalyan Krishnamurthy, Chief Executive Offi-             and businesses alike.”

CELL IT, VOL-15, ISSUE - 01			                                		                4		             		                                KRISHNA, August -2020
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CELL IT, VOL-15, ISSUE - 01			                                                                       		                           5		                       		                                                      KRISHNA, August -2020

                 HCL Rated Overall #2 in HfS Top 10 on                                                                 MSCI announces strategic alli-
                                                                                                                       ance with Microsoft to acceler-
                  Agile Software Development 2020                                                                              ate innovation
HCL Technologies, a leading global technology                      Commercial Models, Talent Development & Strat-      MSCI Inc and Microsoft Corp. have formed a stra-
company, continues to be recognized for its                        egy, Methodology & Approach and Vision for          tegic alliance to accelerate innovation among the
global leadership and prowess in Agile Software                    Investments. HCL’s flexible and responsive cul-     global investment industry. By bringing together
Development. In a recent assessment by HfS, HCL                    ture backed by strong global talent, pricing and    the power of Microsoft’s cloud and AI technolo-
has been ranked overall #2 out of 18 players fea-                  commercial competitiveness and the ability to       gies with MSCI’s global reach through its portfo-
tured in the research.                                             fully adopt agile development makes it a leading                                          lio of invest-
The research report, HfS Top 10: Agile Software                    provider of digital transformation services.                                              ment deci-
Development 2020, highlights HCL’s client-fo-                      The report also acknowledges HCL’s acquisitions                                           sion support
cused approach with offerings in the sweet-spot                    and partnerships, solution portfolio and global                                           tools,    the
of value and service excellence. HCL has been                      scale in terms of Agile professionals & delivery    companies will unlock new innovations for the
rated amongst top 3 players across multiple                        centers that complement its strong execution        industry and enhance MSCI’s client experience
parameters including Client Results, Pricing &                     and innovation capabilities.                        among the world’s most sophisticated investors,
                                                                                                                       including asset managers, asset owners, hedge
  Wipro to acquire 4C, a leading Salesforce multi-cloud                                                                funds and banks.
                                                                                                                       Initially, the companies will focus on migrating
         partner in Europe and the Middle East                                                                         MSCI’s existing products, data and services onto
                                                                                                                       Azure as its preferred cloud platform in stages,
Wipro Limited, a leading global information tech-                  Price, Quote (CPQ) and Billing solutions. 4C has    starting with its Index and Analytics solutions
nology, consulting and business process services                   successfully delivered over 1500 projects, for      followed by its Environmental, Social and Gov-
                                          company, announced       more than 500 customers and is one of EMEA’s        ernance (ESG) products and ratings; Real Estate
                                          that it has signed a     most certified Salesforce partners with over 1000   data and solutions; and MSCI’s risk analytics plat-
                                          definitive agreement     Salesforce certifications.                          form Beon. By modernizing MSCI’s data and ana-
                                          to acquire 4C, one of    With over 350 employees based out of local          lytics services and infrastructure, the companies
                                          the largest Salesforce   offices in London, Paris, Brussels, Copenhagen      will be able to deliver new capabilities which will
                                          partners in UK, Europe   and Dubai, 4C has a robust Salesforce practice      help investors more swiftly and efficiently man-
                                          and the Middle East.     in the UK, France, Benelux, the Nordics and the     age data and understand the drivers of risk and
                                          Established in 1997      United Arab Emirates regions. This acquisition      performance.
   Harish Dwarkanhalli with its headquarters                       significantly strengthens Wipro’s position as a     In addition, MSCI and Microsoft will explore col-
   President, Cloud Enterprise Platforms
          (CEP), Wipro Limited.          in Mechelen, Belgium,     leading provider of Salesforce solutions in these   laboration opportunities to drive climate risk
4C is an independent Salesforce Platinum Part-                     markets. Wipro has a well-established Salesforce    and ESG solutions, leveraging Microsoft’s Azure
ner and one of the leading customer-centric                        business in the Americas, Japan and Australia       and Power Platform and MSCI’s ESG and climate
consultancies in Europe and the Middle East.                       which was reinforced with the Appirio acquisi-      solutions capabilities. This future collaboration,
4C has deep capabilities across multiple Sales-                    tion in 2016. 4C will be consolidated as part of    in line with both organizations’ commitment to
force clouds including Sales, Marketing, Field                     Wipro’s Salesforce practice, which provides mar-    sustainability, is intended to help investors better
Services and specializes in transforming Quote-                    ket leading solutions globally around multiple      understand and interpret the business risks and
to-Cash processes with Salesforce’s Configure,                     Salesforce clouds and its ecosystem of products.    opportunities that climate change brings.

  Dassault Systemes Partners in Drug Discovery Hackathon 2020
Dassault Systèmes has partnered in the Drug                        tèmes is offering academic researchers, faculty     “As the world has come together to fight the
Discovery Hackathon 2020 (DDH2020), a joint                        and participants of the hackathon, access to        COVID-19 pandemic, we at Dassault Systèmes
                        initiative of AICTE                        BIOVIA Discovery Studio powered by 3DEXPERI-        are fully committed to enabling the ecosystem
                        (All India Council for                     ENCE platform to assist in the search for rapid,    in its endeavor to find effective cures and vac-
                        Technical Education),                      safe and effective therapeutic drugs against        cines at the earliest,” said Deepak NG, Man-
                        CSIR (Council of Sci-                      COVID-19. Dassault Systèmes is also offering        aging Director, India, Dassault Systèmes. “Our
                        entific and Industrial                     technical video trainings and demonstrations        partnership in the Drug Discovery Hackathon
                        Research), CDAC (Cen-                      on in silico drug discovery that include target     2020 represents this unwavering commitment
                        tre for Development of                     identification and modeling, virtual screening,     to empower Life Sciences industry and the
                        Advanced Computing)                        pharmacophore screening aiding discovery of         broader healthcare ecosystem, from those
                        and supported by the                       novel candidates, bioactivity predictions, and      working in research and clinical development,
Office of Principal Scientific Advisor, Govt. of                   toxicity assessment with machine learning           to manufacturing and patient care, at the fore-
India, NIC (National Informatics Centre) and                       algorithms to the participants and researchers      front of the race to contain and fight COVID-
MyGov. Under the partnership, Dassault Sys-                        of the hackathon.                                   19.”

     Rajeev Gupta takes charge as new CFO of L&T Technology Services Limited
L&T Technology Services Limited (LTTS), a global                   Rajeev joins LTTS from Birlasoft where as CFO he    include leadership roles with Jardine Lloyd
                      leading pure-play engi-                      was part of the leadership team that successfully   Thompson, Amazon, InterGlobe Technologies,
                      neering services com-                        executed a complex acquisition with merger/         Capgemini and PwC.
                      pany, announced the                          demerger as well as integration of the acquired     In Capgemini, Rajeev was involved in the start-up
                      appointment of Rajeev                        company. He was also instrumental in commer-        of Capgemini India and played an instrumental
                      Gupta as the company’s                       cial structuring of a large-multi-million dollar    role in growing the India business from a size of
                      new Chief Financial Offi-                    win.                                                200 people to over 35,000 employees. He was
                      cer (CFO). Rajeev replaces                   Rajeev comes with over 24 years of experience       also involved in the restructuring of the Capgem-
                      P Ramakrishnan, who will                     in Financial Management, of which 17 years are      ini US business and turning it around to achieve
now assume a new role in the L&T Group.                            in the technology industry. His earlier stints      profitability.

CELL IT, VOL-15, ISSUE - 01			                                           		                6		            		                              KRISHNA, August -2020
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CELL IT, VOL-15, ISSUE - 01			                                		                  7		             		                               KRISHNA, August -2020

     Tenda’s surveillance cameras for the protection                                                        Qualcomm Announces World’s Fastest
                                                                                                               Commercial Charging Solution
                   of your loved ones                                                                       Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. announced Qual-
In today’s world, Security and Surveillance have     solutions and devices have a range of IP Cameras                             comm® Quick Charge™
                      become the most import-        for both household and commercial uses.                                      5, the fastest commercial
                      ant aspect of our life in      Tenda IP Cameras acts as a protector, against any                            charging technology for
                      terms of safeguarding, pri-    criminal activity at your home or your surround-                             Android devices, which deliv-
                      vacy, and fighting criminal    ing area like theft, etc, and helps in guarding your                         ers unprecedented mobile
                      activities. Due to these       privacy. Today, the majority of households use IP                            phone charging speed and
                      challenging environments,      Cameras to gaze upon their family members and                                efficiency   improvements
                      new surveillance technolo-     valuable essentials and protect them for theft. A      compared to previous versions while enabling
gies are being introduced every day and one such     good security camera has to perform well and           new battery technology, accessories, and safety
technology is Security and Surveillance Cameras      should be able to tackle wind, rain, hail, and all     features. The world’s first commercially viable fast
and Tenda, a leading provider of surveillance        sorts of other weather changes.                        charging platform to support more than 100W
                                                                                                            charging power in a smartphone, Quick Charge
           Kingston Launches Its Next-Gen KC2500                                                            5 is engineered to allow users to charge devices
                                                                                                            from 0 to 50 percent battery power in just five
                          NVME PCIE SSD
Kingston Technology, a world leader in memory
                                                     In India
                                              will be available in India with MRPs of INR 8,500
                                                                                                            minutes – representing the fastest mobile phone
                                                                                                            charging capabilities available. Quick Charge
products and technology solutions, launched          (250GB), INR 15,500 (500GB), INR 27,500 (1TB),         5 also uses Qualcomm® Battery Saver and the
                                                     INR 46,500 (2TB2).                                     new Qualcomm® Smart Identification of Adapter
                                                     KC2500 is available in capacities up to 2TB2           Capabilities technology to support unparalleled
                                                     housed in a compact M.2 2280 form factor that          efficiency and help extend the battery life cycle
                                                     saves space for other components while allow-          on a users’ device.
                                                     ing users to take advantage of PCIe speeds. The        “Quick Charge 5, our fastest and most versatile
                                                     self-encrypting SSD supports a full-security suite     charging solution, will enable consumers to enjoy
KC2500, its next generation M.2 NVMe™ PCIe           for end-to-end data protection using AES-XTS           their devices for longer periods of time, without
SSD for desktop, workstations and high-perfor-       256-bit hardware-based encryption. It allows the       worrying about the time required to recharge. We
mance computing (HPC) systems. This new SSD          usage of independent software vendors with TCG         are proud to expand our technology portfolio and
delivers powerful performance using the latest       Opal 2.0 security management solutions such as         make accessible 100W+ charging a commercial
Gen 3.0 x 4 controller and 96-layer 3D TLC NAND.     Symantec™, McAfee™, WinMagic® and others.              reality,” said Ev Roach, VP Product Management,
With speeds1 up to 3,500MB/s read and up to          KC2500 has built-in Microsoft eDrive support,          Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. “We work closely
2,900MB/s write, KC2500 combines outstanding         a security storage specification for use with Bit-     with manufacturers to create industry-leading
performance and endurance that improves work-        Locker.                                                devices that meet consumers’ demand for more
flow for desktop, workstation and power users. It                                                           immersive and accessible mobile experiences.”

 MediaTek’s First Ultra-low Power 800GbE MACsec PHYs MT3729                                                      Samsung Introduces Latest
MediaTek announced the commercial availability       and service providers to enable secure, reliable
                                                                                                                  Range of Storage Devices
of its MT3729 product family of 800GbE (Dual         and high-speed data transfer for modem net-            Samsung, India’s biggest and most trusted
                     400GbE) MACsec retimer          working infrastructure.                                smartphone and consumer electronics brand,
                     PHYs designed for the high-     Data center demand for 400GbE and above net-           announced the launch of its new range of stor-
                     speed and ultra-low power       working is expected to see strong growth by the        age devices – Portable SSD T7, a fast and compact
                     data transmissions needs of     end of 2020 and will eventually make up more                               external storage device and
                     data centers and 5G infra-      than 25 percent of industry shipments by 2024,                             the internal 870 QVO SSD,
                     structure applications, in      according to industry analysts. The MT3729 prod-                           world’s largest client Sol-
                     addition to the stringent       uct family is ideal for line cards or switch fabrics                       id-State Drive (SSD) to boast
security requirements of these applications. The     to build multi-terabit network servers, switches                           a capacity of up to 8TB.
MT3729 family uses MediaTek’s industry-lead-         and routers with secure high-speed data links and                          Designed to be a daily driver,
ing 56G PAM4 SerDes technology available as          highly accurate Class-C precision time protocol        Samsung’s Portable SSD T7 combines sleek,
a standalone application-specific standard part      (PTP) timestamping features.                           compact design with the fastest transfer speeds
(ASSP), and will equip Tier-1 network equipment                                                             currently available based on the USB 3.2 Gen 2
                                                                                                            standard. This business card sized portable SSD

              Intel RealSense Technology Selected by                                                        can be slipped into nearly any pocket and holds
                                                                                                            up to 2TB of data. The portable SSD T7 can reach
                        RightHand Robotics                                                                  maximum read and write speed of 1,050MB/s and
                                                                                                            1,000MB/s, respectively, nearly twice as fast as its
Due to the global pandemic, this year’s e-com-       is an autonomous robotic piece-picking solution        predecessor, the Portable SSD T5. It is the per-
                              merce sales are on     and labor multiplier that allows for rapid order       fect storage solution for photographers, console
                              the rise. Growth       fulfillment with little to no human contact.           gamers, archiving users, media and business pro-
                              in online retail has   The Intel RealSense D415 provides each RightHand       fessionals.
                              placed    increased    robot with the ability to discern objects and their    Setting a new standard for high-capacity con-
                              pressure on ware-      locations in a bin, while avoiding collisions when     sumer storage, the internal 870 QVO SSD is a sec-
                              houses to keep up      pulling them out. The camera also provides the         ond-generation quad-level cell (QLC) flash drive.
with higher volumes of orders and with social-dis-   data that helps RightHand Robotics improve its         Featuring an industry-leading capacity of up to
tancing protocols that have restricted the num-      platform over time. Depth images from the Intel        8TB, the new SSD delivers an uncompromising
ber of staff allowed on-site. Massachusetts-based    RealSense D415 gathered over millions of indi-         mix of speed, storage capacity and reliability.
RightHand Robotics addresses these challenges        vidual picks help RightHand learn the best way         The 870 QVO SSD is an ideal solution for general
with its RightPick2 robot, powered by the Intel®     for the robot to approach different shapes and         users who require terabyte capacity SSDs for an
RealSense™ D415 Depth Camera. The RightPick2         classes of items.                                      improved everyday computing experience.

CELL IT, VOL-15, ISSUE - 01			                              		                8		             		                               KRISHNA, August -2020

   Syska Group ventures into smart wearables, launches                                                           HONOR Launches First Wi-Fi 6
                                                                                                                       Plus HONOR Router 3
       the sleek & cool SW100 Smart Watch in India                                                            In line with an increasing consumer appetite to
                                                                                                              embrace a more connected society, the Internet
Syska Group, the leading FMEG brand in India          devices in Indian market, with the smart wearable                                   of Things is transform-
announced its venture into the Smart Wearable         category seeing rapid growth. India’s wearables                                     ing and improving our
segment with the introduction of the sleek and        market continues to see strong growth, regis-                                       lives through wireless
                            cool SW100 Smart          tering 168.3% on-year growth in 2019 shipping                                       connections. To max-
                            Watch. The launch         a total of 14.9 million units of wearable devices.                                  imize the potential of
                            of this latest product    Smartwatches continued to lead the watch cat-                                       the connected home,
                            from the Syska stable     egory with 61.1% share in 2019 and grew 53.6%           global technology brand HONOR today unveiled the
                            is a momentous one,       from the previous year. The demand for wearable         launch of the brand’s first Wi-Fi 6 Plus router – the
                            given that the com-       technology will further rise in the coming years        HONOR Router 3.
                            pany now brings its       owing to the increasing inclination toward fitness      Equipped with a Gigahome Wi-Fi 6 Chipset, a dual-
                            innovation and tech-      and healthcare. Syska has always been at the fore-      core 1.2 GHz CPU along with a number of Wi-Fi 6
                            nology prowess to         front of launching new and innovative products          benefits, the HONOR Router 3 achieves ultra-fast
an all-new industry segment. In the new normal        that cater to the evolving customer needs. The          speeds and stable connections ensuring a faster
COVID-19 scenario, maintaining good health is         company has entered the smart wearable cate-            and smoother network experience. The HONOR
crucial for one’s physical and mental well-being.     gory at the most opportune time when individu-          Router 3 is available to pre-order1 for just €79.90
The new Syska Smart Watch will enable users to        als are looking to boost their immunity through         in HIHONOR Germany, HIHONOR France, HIHONOR
prioritize their health and allow them to track       workouts and yoga sessions at home.                     Spain and HIHONOR Netherlands from today and
their fitness regimen while working out at home.                                                              customers in Italy can pre-order in HIHONOR Italy2
There is an increasing demand for fitness related                                                             from 24th July.

                                                                                                                 D-Link brings Wi-Fi 6 enabled
 Realme unveils realme 6i starting at INR 12,999 in India                                                               Routers to India
realme has introduced its newest realme 6 series      trendy and stylish look. It will be available in two    D-Link, one of the pioneers in internet connec-
member, the realme 6i. Designed to deliver            colors variants – Lunar White and Eclipse Black.        tivity solutions in India announced the launch
                             powerful        per-     Speaking at the launch, Madhav Sheth, Vice Pres-        of its Wi-Fi 6 enabled routers – DIR-X1560 and
                             formance with a          ident, realme and CEO, realme India said, “We           DIR-X6060. With this
                             smooth       experi-     are excited to bring the new addition to realme 6       D-Link (India) Ltd.
                             ence, realme 6i          series for our valuable customers in India- realme      made new addition to
                             is equipped with         6i. With realme 6i, we wanted more consum-              its EXO line of routers
                             MediaTek      Helio      ers to experience the cutting-edge features at a        that will now come
                             G90T, fabricated         more affordable price and continue the legacy           with Wi-Fi 6 features – for exceptional capacity,
                             using the 12nm           of realme 6 series smartphones. The realme 6i is        efficiency, and speed.
                             process and comes        an all-rounder smartphone bound to deliver the          Wi-Fi 6 or AX Wi-Fi is the latest IEEE 802.11
                             with 6.5-inch 90Hz       most powerful performance in the segment with           standard which not only delivers greater speed
                             Ultra Smooth Dis-        MediaTek G90T, and provide users an exhilarating        and capacity, but also reduces network conges-
                             play.                    viewing experience with its pro display of 90Hz.        tion and improves device battery life, perfect for
The smartphone houses a 4300mAh battery and           Thanks to our ‘Made in India’ capabilities, realme      the multi-device home. In the current scenario
comes with a 20W charger in the box however, it       6i will be available not only online, but also across   where digital life is the new reality and working/
supports 30W flash charge. realme 6i design has       offline in royal club partners ”                        studying from home has become the new nor-
been inspired by nature’s simplicity, giving it a                                                             mal, along with mass adoption of smart devices
                                                                                                              and simultaneous bandwidth heavy activities like
                                                                                                              4K/8K streaming – Wi-Fi 6 efficiencies are engi-
 OPPO unveils new variant for OPPO F15 at `16990                                                              neered to perfectly meet the demands of the
                                                                                                              modern-day household.
OPPO, the global smart device brand is geared         phone choice.
up to announce the new storage variant for its        Widely appreciated by consumers for its sleek              NETGEAR Introduces Orbi Mesh
best selling F series smartphone, the OPPO F15        and lightweight design, the OPPO F15 fits com-           Router RBK852 with Wi-Fi 6 Support
in India.                                             fortably in one hand and slips into the pocket          Netgear, the leading provider of the latest and
Previously available in stellar 8GB+128GB com-        without feeling bulky. Secured with a fast In-Dis-                             innovative Wi-Fi network-
bination, the smartphone will now be available        play Fingerprint Unlock 3.0 that provides a                                    ing system has added new-
                             in 4GB+128GB com-        smooth unlock experience, fast charging support                                est product to its existing
                             bination. OPPO F15       with 20W VOOC Flash Charge 3.0 that charges                                    Wi-Fi Mesh technology
                             is a perfect combi-      the phone to 50% in mere 30 minutes of charge                                  lineup to tackle the dead
                             nation of premium        and a 4000 mAh big battery, OPPO F15 offers                                    spots and daily networking
                             design and impec-        users longer hours for a hassle-free experience.                               challenges. The new Wi-Fi 6
                             cable performance.       OPPO F15 comes equipped with a 48MP Ultra               AX6000 Tri-band Mesh System (RBK852) joins the
                             It not only matches      Wide-Angle Macro Quadcam that delivers supe-            Orbi Mesh lineup, the company’s existing flagship
                             up to the customer’s     rior shots even at much wider angles. The 16MP          system at an attractive price point.
                             daily usage demands,     selfie camera with an f/2.0 aperture and new            The next-gen Orbi Wi-Fi 6 Mesh System is designed
but also their style, enabling them to flaunt their   algorithm behind the AI Video Beautification fea-       for the connected world of today and the future.
coolness quotient.                                    ture provides customized beautification adjust-         The RBK852 is a combination of two biggest
A design marvel, OPPO F15 weighs only 172g            ments, which optimizes facial details. With a           technologies for wireless home networking i.e.
with just 7.9mm thickness, making it one of the       90.7% screen-to-body ratio combined with an             Mesh and Wi-Fi 6. The Mesh technology has been
slimmest designed and trendy looking smart-           FHD+ AMOLED Screen that has a 2400 x 1080               around for a while but the Wi-Fi 6 is still relatively
phones in its price segment. Its amazing features     resolution, the OPPO F15 offers an ultra-clear and      new, over the next year or so, many devices will
and its trendy design make it the perfect smart-      immersive viewing experience.                           see the new wireless standard show up more and
                                                                                                              more as Wi-Fi 6 the future now.

CELL IT, VOL-15, ISSUE - 01			                               		                9		              		                                KRISHNA, August -2020

Apple commits to be 100 percent carbon neutral
  for its supply chain and products by 2030
Apple unveiled its plan to become carbon neu-        Apple’s Climate Roadmap                              its entire supply chain to clean power.
tral across its entire business, manufacturing       Apple’s 10-year roadmap will lower emissions         • Apple now has commitments from over 70
supply chain, and product life cycle by 2030.        with a series of innovative actions, including:      suppliers to use 100 percent renewable energy
The company is already carbon neutral today for      Low carbon product design: Apple will con-           for Apple production — equivalent to nearly 8
its global corporate operations, and this new        tinue to increase the use of low carbon and          gigawatts in commitments to power the man-
commitment means that by 2030, every Apple           recycled materials in its products, innovate in      ufacturing of its products. Once completed,
                                                                                                          these commitments will avoid over 14.3 million
                                                                                                          metric tons of CO2e annually — the equivalent
                                                                                                          of taking more than 3 million cars off the road
                                                                                                          each year.
                                                                                                          • New and completed projects in Arizona, Ore-
                                                                                                          gon, and Illinois bring Apple’s renewable capac-
                                                                                                          ity for its corporate operations to over 1 GW
                                                                                                          — equivalent to powering over 150,000 homes
                                                                                                          a year. Over 80 percent of the renewable energy
                                                                                                          that Apple sources for its facilities are now from
                                                                                                          Apple-created projects, benefitting communi-
device sold will have net zero climate impact.       product recycling, and design products to be as      ties and other businesses.
“Businesses have a profound opportunity to help      energy efficient as possible.                        • Globally, Apple is launching one of the largest
build a more sustainable future, one born of our     • Apple’s latest recycling innovation — a robot      new solar arrays in Scandinavia, as well as two
common concern for the planet we share,” said        the company is calling “Dave” — disassembles         new projects providing power to underserved
Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO. “The innovations pow-         the Taptic Engine from iPhone to better recover      communities in the Philippines and Thailand.
ering our environmental journey are not only         key materials such as rare earth magnets and         Process and material innovations: Apple
good for the planet — they’ve helped us make         tungsten while also enabling recovery of steel,      will tackle emissions through technologi-
our products more energy efficient and bring         the next step following its line of “Daisy” iPhone   cal improvements to processes and materials
new sources of clean energy online around the        disassembly robots.                                  needed for its products.
world. Climate action can be the foundation for      • The company’s Material Recovery Lab in Aus-        • Apple is supporting the development of the
a new era of innovative potential, job creation,     tin, Texas, which is focused on innovative elec-     first-ever direct carbon-free aluminium smelting
and durable economic growth. With our com-           tronics recycling technology, is now partner-        process through investments and collaboration
mitment to carbon neutrality, we hope to be a        ing with Carnegie Mellon University to further       with two of its aluminium suppliers.
ripple in the pond that creates a much larger        develop engineering solutions.                       • Today the company is announcing that the
change.”                                             • All iPhone, iPad, Mac, and Apple Watch devices     first batch of this low carbon aluminium is cur-
Apple is providing detail on its approach to         released in the past year are made with recycled     rently being used in production intended for
carbon neutrality with a roadmap for other           content, including 100 percent recycled rare         use with the 16-inch MacBook Pro.
companies, as industries look to reduce their        earth elements in the iPhone Taptic Engine — a       • Through partnerships with its suppliers,
impact on climate change. In its 2020 Environ-       first for Apple and for any smartphone.              Apple reduced emissions from fluorinated gases
mental Progress Report — released today —            • Apple decreased its carbon footprint by 4.3        by more than 242,000 metric tons in 2019. Flu-
Apple details its plans to reduce emissions by       million metric tons in 2019 through design and       orinated gases are used in the manufacturing
75 percent by 2030 while developing innovative       recycled content innovations in its products.        of some consumer electronics components and
carbon removal solutions for the remaining 25        Over the past 11 years, Apple has reduced the        can contribute to global warming.
percent of its comprehensive footprint.              average energy needed for product use by 73          Carbon removal: Apple is investing in forests
To support these efforts and beyond, Apple           percent.                                             and other nature-based solutions around the
is establishing an Impact Accelerator that will      Expanding energy efficiency: Apple will iden-        world to remove carbon from the atmosphere.
focus on investing in minority-owned busi-           tify new ways to lower energy use at its corpo-      • Apple is announcing today a first-of-its-kind
nesses that drive positive outcomes in its           rate facilities and help its supply chain make the   carbon solutions fund to invest in the resto-
supply chain and in communities that are dis-        same transition.                                     ration and protection of forests and natural
proportionately affected by environmental haz-       • Through a new partnership with Apple, the          ecosystems globally.
ards. This accelerator is part of Apple’s recently   US-China Green Fund will invest $100 million         • In partnership with Conservation Interna-
announced $100 million Racial Equity and Jus-        in accelerated energy efficiency projects for        tional, the company will invest in new projects,
tice Initiative, focused on efforts that address     Apple’s suppliers.                                   building on learnings from existing work like
education, economic equality, and criminal jus-      • The number of facilities participating in          restoring degraded savannahs in Kenya and a
tice reform.                                         Apple’s Supplier Energy Efficiency Program           vital mangrove ecosystem in Colombia. Man-
“We’re proud of our environmental journey            grew to 92 in 2019; these facilities avoided over    groves not only protect the coasts and help
and the ambitious roadmap we have set for the        779,000 annualised metric tons of supply chain       support the livelihood of those communities
future,” said Lisa Jackson, Apple’s vice president   carbon emissions.                                    where they grow, but they also can store up to
of Environment, Policy and Social Initiatives.       • Last year, Apple invested in energy efficiency     10 times more carbon than forests on land.
“Systemic racism and climate change are not          upgrades to over 6.4 million square feet of          • Through its work with The Conservation
separate issues, and they will not abide sepa-       new and existing buildings, lowering electricity     Fund, the World Wildlife Fund, and Conserva-
rate solutions. We have a generational oppor-        needs by nearly one-fifth and saving the com-        tion International, the company has protected
tunity to help build a greener and more just         pany $27 million.                                    and improved the management of over 1 million
economy, one where we develop whole new              Renewable energy: Apple will remain at 100           acres of forests and natural climate solutions in
industries in the pursuit of giving the next gen-    percent renewable energy for its operations —        China, the US, Colombia, and Kenya.
eration a planet worth calling home.”                focusing on creating new projects and moving

CELL IT, VOL-15, ISSUE - 01			                              		               10		            		                              KRISHNA, August -2020

 65% Drop Malware Drop in India, Ransomware Jumps 20% Worldwide
he SonicWall Capture Labs threat research team              tage of the boundary-less ecosystem.                      coronavirus, the pandemic has proven lucrative for
                                         published          “Exploiting the new raft of vulnerabilities in less       cyberattackers,” said Debasish. “Recognising the
                                         the mid-year       secure situations and preying on fear, cyberspace         heightened cyber risks is important for companies
                                         update      to     has seen a significant jump in phishing during global     working remotely, especially without the full pro-
                                         the       2020     shelter-in-place orders in March and ransomware           tection of corporate firewalls and other security
                                         S o n i c Wa l l   through the first half of 2020. Cybercriminals are        measures. In this hyper-distributed IT reality, busi-
                                         Cyber Threat       also increasingly using non-standard ports to evade       nesses should adopt a fundamentally new approach
                                         Report,            detection and deploy malware, despite a continua-         to mitigate cyber threats and have a comprehensive
                                         highlight-         tion of a downward trend in malware volume since          cybersecurity model to do so.”
ing increases in ransomware, IoT malware attacks,           November 2019 and a 32% decline in encrypted              Malware-laden COVID-19 Emails
opportunistic use of COVID-19 pandemic, systemic            threats.”                                                 The combination of the global pandemic and
weaknesses and growing reliance on Microsoft                Changing Landscape Leads to Waning Malware                social-engineered cyberattacks has proven to be an
Office files by cybercriminals.                             Volume                                                    effective mix for cybercriminals utilizing phishing
The analysis shows India, along with a few other            During the first half of 2020, global malware attacks     and other email scams. Dating as far back as Feb. 4,
countries, have experienced a decrease in mal-              fell from 4.8 billion to 3.2 billion (-24%) over 2019’s   SonicWall researchers detected a flurry of increased
ware volume. Interestingly, India experienced 64%           mid-year total. This drop is the continuation of a        attacks, scams and exploits specifically based around
reduced malware volume. However, this does not              downward trend that began last November.                  COVID-19 and noted a 7% increase in COVID-related
imply that it is a safer world. India’s malware rates       There are regional differences in both the amount         phishing attempts during the first two quarters.
plummeted in April, but by June had nearly reached          of malware and the percentage change year over            As expected, COVID-19 phishing began rising in
Q1 levels.                                                  year, highlighting shifting cybercriminal focus. For      March, and saw its most significant peaks on March
The report analyzes threat intelligence data gath-          example, the United States (-24%), United Kingdom         24, April 3 and June 19. This contrasts with phishing
ered from 1.1 million sensors in over 215 countries         (-27%), Germany (-60%) and India (-64%) all experi-       as a whole, which started strong in January and was
and territories. Few salient features of the mid-year       enced reduced malware volume.                             down slightly globally (-15%) by the time the pan-
update to the 2020 SonicWall Cyber Threat Report            IoT Continues to Serve Threats                            demic phishing attempts began to pick up steam.
are:                                                        Work-from-home (WFH) employees or remote                  Office Lures Remain a Staple
• 24% drop in malware attacks worldwide                     workforces can introduce many new risks, including        Microsoft Office is a necessity with millions of
• 50% rise of IoT malware attacks                           Internet of Things (IoT) devices like refrigerators,      employees now more remote and dependent on the
• 7% of phishing attacks capitalized on COVID-		            baby cameras, doorbells or gaming consoles. IT            business productivity suite of applications. Cyber-
19 pandemic                                                 departments are besieged with countless devices           criminals were quick to leverage this shift, as Son-
• 176% increase in malicious Microsoft Office 		            swarming networks and endpoints as the footprint          icWall threat researchers found a 176% increase in
file types                                                  of their corporate expands beyond the traditional         new malware attacks disguised as trusted Microsoft
Commenting on the cyber threat landscape, Deba-             perimeter.                                                Office file types.
                        sish Mukherjee, SonicWall           Researchers at SonicWall found a 50% increase in IoT      Leveraging SonicWall Capture Advanced Threat Pro-
                        Vice President of Regional          malware attacks, a number that mirrors the number         tection (ATP) with Real-Time Deep Memory Inspec-
                        Sales, APAC, said, “With more       of additional devices that are connected online as        tion™ (RTDMI) technology, SonicWall discovered
                        people working from home            individuals and enterprise alike function from home.      that 22% of Microsoft Office files and 11% of PDF
                        during the COVID-19 pan-            Unchecked IoT devices can provide cybercriminals          files made up 33% of all newly identified malware
                        demic, the abrupt shift to          an open door into what may otherwise be a well-se-        in 2020. The patent-pending RTDMI™ technology
                        remote working has sparked          cured organization.                                       identified a record 120,910 ‘never-before-seen’ mal-
                        an unprecedented increase in        “While instituting widespread work-from-home              ware variants during that time — a 63% increase
cyber threats as opportunistic hackers take advan-          policies to help reduce the risk of contracting the       over the first six months of 2019.

  Cash rules the roost but urban Indian businesses record growth in accepting digital payment
Going contact free is gradually becoming the new            ever, amongst the users of UPI/ eWallet, the share        worst of crises that our generation has witnessed
normal but Indian businesses still have a long way          of cash is much lower at 58%. This indicates that         and with no notes to refer to, Indian business enti-
to go. Kantar, world’s leading data, insights and           businesses using UPI/ eWallet are also adopting           ties are resorting to technology adoption, in order
consulting company’s annual report on digital               other Digital Payment options in addition to UPI/         to stay afloat. Our idea of financial transaction have
adoption and usage trends in India, ITOPSTM 2019            eWallets.                                                 always been cash and that thought process has
report indicate that about 42% of urban businesses          Tier 1 cities of Delhi and Mumbai lead the adop-          been very deep rooted in our minds. We have seen
are aware of UPI/ eWallet as a means of receiving           tion of UPI/ eWallets with about 45% of businesses        the first round of adoption of digital payments
payments from their customers and about 29% of              having adopted it. Interestingly, smaller cities like     post demonetisation. However, Covid-19 crisis
them use UPI/ eWallet for receiving payments. The           Rohtak, Haldia, etc. also show high adoption with         has accelerated technology adoption amongst the
report further states that, given the size, close to        more than one in every three businesses adopting          urban businesses and digital payment receipts is at
half of the businesses using digital payments are in        UPI/eWallets though transaction volumes are low.          the core of this shift. Our data indicate that about
the retail segment and the ones relatively averse to        This indicates the penetration of UPI/ eWallets           a third of the urban businesses have started explor-
digital adoption are travel, trade, transport, logis-       goes beyond the larger cities and there is definitely     ing the possibility of adopting digital payments for
tics and education.                                         a demand for merchant transactions in the smaller         their business since the lockdown. We believe that
However, in spite of the fact that about 29% of busi-       cities too which is driving businesses to adopt such      this shift amongst businesses is here to stay as
nesses are accepting UPI/ eWallet, in terms of the          services for their customers.                             businesses realize the ease with which they can do
share of total receipts of businesses, UPI/ eWallets        Talking about the eWallet usage amongst Indian            their business, especially, in the urban cities.”
account for only 6% of the total receipts. Amongst          business units, Biswapriya Bhattacharjee, Executive       ITOPSTM is an annual syndicated study of Kantar
businesses that adopt UPI/ eWallets users too,              Vice President, Insights Division, Kantar, stated,        to determine the penetration, usage and profile of
about 23% of the total receipts are through UPI/            “UPI/eWallet and digital transaction has become           technology and digital products amongst Micro &
eWallet.                                                    almost a necessity in this pandemic-hit world.            Small businesses in Urban India. Launched in 1996,
As per ITOPS 2019, cash continues to have the               Indian businesses have started adopting UPI/ eWal-        the study is in its 24th year. ITOPS 2019 covered
dominant share of the market. Across the entire             lets in a big way in recent times, having thrown          about 7000+ businesses across 35 cities and urban
market, the share of cash is currently 87%. How-            into the deep end of the pool. Covid-19 is the            locations.

CELL IT, VOL-15, ISSUE - 01			                                     		                  11		             		                                KRISHNA, August -2020
The Next Hyper-Connected
                          Experience for All
On July 14, Samsung released a white paper            ing upon the experience and ability we have          onds (μs), 50 times the peak data rate and one-
entitled “The Next Hyper-Connected Experi-            accumulated from working on multiple genera-         tenth the latency of 5G. A comparison of key
ence for All.” outlining the company’s vision         tions of communications technology, including        performance requirements between 6G and 5G
for the next generation communication sys-            5G. Going forward, we are committed to lead-         is shown in the diagram below.
tem, namely 6G. The white paper covers vari-          ing the standardization of 6G in collaboration       The architectural requirements of 6G include
ous aspects related to                                                       with various stakehold-       resolving the issues arising from the limited
6G, including techni-                                                        ers across industry, aca-     computation capability of mobile devices as
cal and societal meg-                                                        demia and government          well as implementing AI right from the initial
atrends, new services,                                                       fields.”                      phase of technology development and enabling
requirements, candi-                                                         In the white paper, Sam-                                     the flexible inte-
date technologies and                                                        sung expects that the                                        gration of new
an expected timeline                                                         completion of the 6G                                         network entities.
of standardization.                                                          standard and its earli-                                      The     trustwor-
Samsung’s vision for                                                         est     commercialization                                    thiness require-
6G is to bring the                                                           date could be as early as                                    ment addresses
next hyper-connected                                                         2028, while mass com-                                        the security and
experience to every corner of life. To accel-         mercialization may occur around 2030. Both                                          privacy     issues
erate research for 6G, Samsung Research, the          humans and machines will be the main users of                                       arising from the
advanced R&D hub within Samsung Electronics’          6G, and 6G will be characterized by provision                                       widespread use
SET Business, founded its Advanced Communi-           of advanced services such as truly immersive         of user data and AI technologies.
cations Research Center in May of last year.          extended reality (XR), high-fidelity mobile holo-    The white paper also introduces candidate
“While 5G commercialization is still in its initial   gram and digital replica.                            technologies that could be essential to satisfy
stage, it’s never too early to start preparing for    Whereas 5G requirements mainly focused on            the requirements for 6G. These include the use
6G because it typically takes around 10 years         performance aspects, Samsung defines three           of the terahertz (THz) frequency band, novel
from the start of research to commercializa-          categories of requirements that have to be met       antenna technologies to enhance the cover-
tion of a new generation of communications            to realize 6G services – performance, archi-         age of high frequency band signals, advanced
technology,” explained Sunghyun Choi, Head            tectural and trustworthiness requirements.           duplex technologies, the evolution of network
of the Advanced Communications Research               Examples of 6G performance requirements are          topology, spectrum sharing to increase the effi-
Center. “We’ve already launched the research          a peak data rate of 1,000 Gbps (gigabits per         ciency of frequency utilization and the use of AI
and development of 6G technologies by build-          second) and air latency less than 100 microsec-      in wireless communications.

      68% OF Data Available To Business Goes
Seagate Technology plc, a world leader in data        • Data management is increasingly important as       majority of respondents say that DataOps is
storage and management solutions, today               data proliferates. IDC projects that over the next   “very” or “extremely” important, only 10% of
released Rethink Data: Put More of Your Data to       two years enterprise data will grow at a 42.2%       organizations report having implemented Data-
Work—From Edge to Cloud. The report—based             annual rate.                                         Ops fully. The survey demonstrated that, along
                               on a survey of 1500    • Only 32% of data available to enterprises is put   with other data management solutions, DataOps
                               global enterprise      to work. The remaining 68% is unleveraged.           leads to measurably better business outcomes.
                               leaders,      which    • The top five barriers to putting data to work      It boosts customer loyalty, revenue, profit, cost
                               was commissioned       are: 1) making collected data usable, 2) manag-      savings, plus results in other benefits.
                               by Seagate and         ing the storage of collected data, 3) ensuring       “The findings of this study illustrating that more
                               conducted by the       that needed data is collected, 4) ensuring the       than two-thirds of available data lies fallow in
                               research firm IDC—     security of collected data, and 5) making the dif-   organizations may seem like disturbing news,”
                               identifies today’s     ferent silos of collected data available.            said Phil Goodwin, research director, IDC and
                               most pressing data     • Managing data in the multicloud and hybrid         principal analyst on the study. “But in truth, it
                               management chal-       cloud are top data management challenges             shows how much opportunity and potential
                               lenges, and solu-      expected by businesses over the next two years.      organizations already have at their fingertips.
tions to them. It pinpoints the amount of data        • Two thirds of survey respondents report insuf-     Organizations that can harness the value of their
available to enterprises that goes unused: 68%.       ficient data security, making data security an       data wherever it resides—core, cloud or edge—
“The report and the survey make clear that win-       essential element of any discussion of efficient     can generate significant competitive advantage
ning businesses must have strong mass data            data management.                                     in the marketplace.”
operations,” says Seagate CEO Dave Mosley.            The report identifies the missing link of data       The survey queried 1500 respondents—500 in
“The value that a company derives from data           management: data operations, or DataOps. IDC         the Asia Pacific and Japan region, 475 in Europe,
directly affects its success.”                        defines DataOps as “the discipline connecting        375 respondents in North America, and 150 in
The most significant findings include:                data creators with data consumers.” While the        China.

CELL IT, VOL-15, ISSUE - 01			                               		               12		            		                              KRISHNA, August -2020
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