Green Tracking of Light Rail: Creating Future-Focused Biophilic Transport Infrastructure - Biophilic Cities

Page created by Rodney Sparks
Green Tracking of Light Rail: Creating Future-Focused Biophilic Transport Infrastructure - Biophilic Cities
                                                                                                                   for Aotearoa New Zealand               well-being of water; 2) the              runoff, leading to streams that
                                                                                                                   are the Essential Freshwater           health needs of people; and              have higher flood peaks and
                                                                                                                   reforms. They demand immediate         3) the social, economic and              more erosive power, transport
                                                                                                                   improvement to our freshwater          cultural well-being of people            more pollutants and sediment,
                                                                                                                   systems and the need to bring          and communities. Following such          and have fewer species and
                                                                                                                   waterways to a healthy state           directions, it can be reasonably         less complex ecosystems.
                                                                                                                   within a generation. Te Mana o         interpreted that councils should         Compounding this is the
                                                                                                                   te Wai (roughly translated: the        take steps to ensure that                fact that the more we drive,
                                                                                                                   power/authority of the water)          infrastructure supports Te Mana o        not only do we require more
                                                                                                                   is the central concept and sets        te Wai. For transport, this means        impervious surfaces to drive on,
                                                                                                                   out the directions local body          building infrastructure that firstly     we also increase the number
                                                                                                                   authorities (city, district and        has low pollutant generation             of tyres, which are major
                                                                                                                   regional councils in Aotearoa          and secondly can actively treat          sources of heavy metals and
                                                                                                                   New Zealand) need to take to           pollutant loads by sequestering          microplastics, released to the
                                                                                                                   improve waterways. Key to this         contaminants within its structure,       environment as they wear. Tyres
                                                                                                                   are the principles of governance       ensuring any discharged                  are 1-2% zinc oxide by weight,
                                                                                                                   and stewardship, where those           water is filtered and cleaned            added during vulcanization
                                                                                                                   with authority must prioritize         before entering the receiving            to make tyres harder wearing
                                                                                                                   (improving and enhancing               environment.                             and longer lasting. In Tāmaki
                                                                                                                   where required) the health of                                                   Makaurau Auckland, zinc is
                                                                                                                   waterways now and into the             But, our current transport               a major contaminant in our
                                                                                                                   future to ensure the needs of          paradigm remains inherently              marine receiving environments,
                                                                                                                   future generations are sustained.      polluting. Centering cars and            where too much zinc
                                                                               Figure 1: Vitoria-Gasteiz Tramway
                                                               Image Credit: wikimedia/Basotxerri (CC BY-SA 4.0)
                                                                                                                                                          private vehicles in our urban            creates toxic conditions for
                                                                                                                   To give effect to Te Mana o            spaces creates swathes of                macroinvertebrates and small
                                                                                                                   te Wai, councils must apply            impervious surfaces. This results        benthic organisms that are
 Green Tracking of Light Rail: Creating Future-                                                                    the following hierarchies of
                                                                                                                   obligation: 1) the health and
                                                                                                                                                          in “Urban Stream Syndrome”,
                                                                                                                                                          where paved areas create faster
                                                                                                                                                                                                   integral parts of the food web.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Wear and tear on road surfaces
 Focused Biophilic Transport Infrastructure                                                                                                                                                        from tyres is estimated to
                                                                                                                                                                                                   directly contribute 10% of all
 By Ed Clayton                                                                                                                                                                                     microplastics in the world’s
 Background                           Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland’s           airport, an approximately 20km
                                      once extensive tramways were         line that will access areas                                                                                             None of the above is new.
 Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland             removed and replaced with            expected to host around 17% of                                                                                          Auckland Council recognizes
 is the largest city in Aotearoa      trolley buses. At the same time,     the population growth and 33%                                                                                           that roads carrying more than
 New Zealand. Home to around          a decision was made to focus on      of the job growth occurring in                                                                                          10,000 vehicles per day are
 1.5 million people, it has been      building a motorway network at       the next 30 years2 (Figure 2).                                                                                          high contaminant generating
 experiencing rapid growth and        the expense of extending the                                                                                                                                 activities. To mitigate this, such
 now houses around 30% of the         commuter rail system.                Essential Freshwater Reforms                                                                                            roads should have treatment
 national population. Congestion      Now, a light rail network has                                                                                                                                devices within the corridor
 is a hot topic in the media          been proposed to alleviate           Recently, new national water                                                                                            that can do a mix of reducing
 with estimates that it costs the     congestion and help enhance          management legislation has                                                                                              pollution and runoff. Yet
 city up to $1.3 billion (NZD)        community connection for             provided a driver to turn this                                                                                          retrofitting existing roads is
 annually, or around 1.4% of the      several different routes             light rail route into a biophilic                                                                                       challenging because these
 GDP. While undoubtedly this          (ironically, down some of the        transport asset that can provide                                                                                        treatment devices generally take
 congestion is due to growth,         very same tram routes removed        not just improved access, but           Figure 2: Potential Auckland Light Rail route showing two different central     up more room than is available
 it has roots in several historic     70 years ago). The first of these    a myriad of other benefits as                alignments, to be decided. City centre is at the north end of the route,   without a drastic reshaping
 decisions made in the 20th           is the connection between the        well. The new national direction              airport is at the south end. Contains data sourced from the LINZ Data     of the corridor. Changing our
 century. In the 1950’s and 1960’s,   city center and the international    governing water management                                                 Service licensed for reuse under CC BY 4.0   vehicle powertrains from
                                                                                                                                                                                    BIOPHILIC CITIES JOURNAL VOL. 4 NO. 2 | MAY 2022 | 41
Green Tracking of Light Rail: Creating Future-Focused Biophilic Transport Infrastructure - Biophilic Cities
internal combustion to electric        increased visual green space.         of vegetated swales for pre-
 or hydrogen will not address           They reduce the noise associated      treatment before discharge to
 tyre wear, or reduce impervious        with light rail vehicle movement,     raingardens, removing sediment
 surfaces either.                       lower urban heat island effects,      in swales and ensuring efficient
                                        and have lower embedded               infiltration in the raingardens.
 Knowing that we need to                emissions as there is less            Native groundcover plants could
 improve our waterways but              concrete used in construction.        be used to provide a rough
 continuing to design systems           The Parramatta Light Rail line,       surface texture that slows water
 for cars that create toxic             currently under construction          movement, keeping water visible
 freshwater environments leads          in Western Sydney, Australia,         at the surface when it rains
 to incompatible outcomes.              has 10% of its length as grass        and providing food for bees
 The requirements of Te Mana            track. Where used, this has           and pollinators when dry. In
 o te Wai legislation will place        reduced the required concrete         areas where road stormwater
 responsibilities on local              by 81% compared to standard           discharges to streams and
 government that creates conflict       construction and overall the          marine areas, we could remove
 with building roads as normal.         project reduced carbon emissions      contaminants generated from
 Application of biodiversity net-       by 36% due to material reuse and      tyres. Where possible, clean
 gain concepts can help explore         recycling.                            water would soak to the aquifers
 the choices we face (Knight-                                                 below in much the same way
 Lenihan 2019). We need to              Most importantly for this             as it does now, but at slower
 ask the question “What would           discussion, grass tracks allow        and more manageable rates. In
 urban transport look like if the       surface water to soak in, thereby     places where the corridor has
 fundamental requirement was a          removing contaminants and             a wide margin, trees could be
 net-gain in water quality?”            slowing stormwater runoff with        planted to create a linear forest
                                        studies showing up to 90%             (Figure 3). We know that climate
 Green Light Rail                       of rain falling within the rail       change is likely to deliver more
                                        corridor soaking in and being         extreme heat events that impact
 We may have an answer if we            used by the plants. Yet, these        on rail systems, trees can create
 can build a light rail network that    tracks are not designed with          a more consistent microclimate
 is integrated with engineered          water quality outcomes as a           that shade and protect the
 swales and biofiltration devices.      priority. Usually, these tracks are   infrastructure.
 The use of “lawn” or “grass”           built to delineate the light rail
 tracking in light rails is extensive   lines, stop cars from using them,     While the final alignment of
 in Europe and implemented              and provide aesthetic quality to      Auckland light rail is yet to be
 in a range of other countries          local areas.                          decided, the alignment will likely
 including China, the U.S.,                                                   be adjacent to roads carrying
 Australia and Spain (Figures 1         The proposed idea of “green”          between 15,000 and 25,000 vpd,
 and 3). These tracks incorporate       tracking takes these ideas one        all classified as high contaminant
 grasses and groundcover plants         step further and prioritises the      generating activities. Some of
 over infilled soil. Often, the         water quality outcomes as a           this overlies fractured basalt
 only visible parts of the light        fundamental design requirement.       zones where stormwater is
 rail network will be the rails         How this might look is similar to     directed to soakage (and
 themselves and the overhead            the photos of European examples       then to aquifers) or combined
 wires. Such designs have               but with specific engineered soils    stormwater/sewer networks. The
 important benefits. Compared           designed to infiltrate and treat      aquifers feed urban catchments
 to a standard concrete light           contaminants. Cross sections          that in turn discharge to
 rail surface, they improve air         would be altered to drain water       coastal areas under permanent
 quality by helping filter airborne     from road surfaces to a center        swimming bans. Other areas
 contaminants and improve               running light rail line. Effective    have more standard stormwater
 community wellbeing through            treatment trains would consist        systems that discharge directly                       Figure 3: Grass tracks, Barcelona
                                                                                                                   Image Credit: wikimedia/addshore (CC BY-SA 3.0)
Green Tracking of Light Rail: Creating Future-Focused Biophilic Transport Infrastructure - Biophilic Cities
to urban streams. Treatment for                enough hard space in between          Auckland Light Rail team with
      these roads is sporadic at best                for stations, vehicle crossings and   considering environmental and         Resources:
      with gross pollutant traps only                intersections.                        climate outcomes while making
      at a select few locations (usually                                                   these decisions. This could be        Auckland Council. 2013. “Auckland           968. Available at https://environment.        Walsh, C.J., Roy, A.H., Feminella, J.W.,
                                                                                                                                 Unitary Plan stormwater management               Cottingham, P.D., Groffman, P.M. &
      not good enough to filter out                  Continuing this design along          the example we need to take a         provisions: Technical basis of              freshwater-te-mana-o-te-wai-factsheet.        Morgan, R.P. 2005. “The urban stream
      microplastics and particulate                  the proposed light rail line, we      systems approach to transport         contaminant and volume management                                                         syndrome: current knowledge and
      bound contaminants such                        could build such a system to tie      infrastructure and put our            requirements.” Auckland Council             New Zealand Institute of Economic             the search for a cure.” Journal of
      as zinc). Making a conscious                   into the central city where plans     freshwater systems first when we      Technical Report TR2013/035. Available      Research. 2017. “Benefits from                the North American Benthological
      decision to put water quality                  are afoot for a revitalized Queen     plan infrastructure, together with    at        Auckland road decongestion.” Report           Society. 24(3):706-723. https://doi.
                                                                                                                                 media/1651/tr2013-035-auckland-             to the Employers and Manufacturers
      outcomes first means that we                   Street in the central city. Much      an urban design process that                                                                                                    org/10.1899/04-028.1.
                                                                                                                                 unitary-plan-stormwater-management-         Association, Infrastructure New Zealand,
      could build light rail with swales             discussion has been had around        addresses not just the light rail     provisions-no-appendices.pdf.               Auckland International Airport Ltd,
      and raingardens that can treat all             daylighting the stream buried         line but the adjacent land use                                                    Ports of Auckland Ltd, National Road
      of the runoff from adjacent road               during the colonial settlement        too.                                  Auckland Light Rail. https://www.           Carriers Association. Available at https://
      surfaces (see Figures 4 and 5 for              (Waihorotiu). Together with the                                                     
      example designs).                              green light rail it would make a                                                                                        uploads/2021/08/Benefits-Auckland-
                                                                                                                                 Cheng, Hefa, and Martin Reinhard.           Roads-Decongestion-Report.pdf.
                                                     green and blue space that could                                             2010. “Field, Pilot, and Laboratory
      As an example, to treat the 4.9                create a stunning biophilic linear    Ed Clayton is a freshwater            Studies for the Assessment of Water         Novales, Margarita, and Emilio
      km stretch of Dominion Road                    transport network from the city       scientist and a committee             Quality Impacts of Artificial Turf.”        Conles. 2012. “Turf track for light rail
      between the two proposed                       center to Māngere (Figure 7).         member of the non-profit              Prepared by the Department of Civil and     systems.” Transportation Research
                                                                                                                                 Environmental Engineering, Stanford         Record. 2275(1):1-11. https://doi.
      stations at Mt. Roskill Junction                                                     Sustainability Society, a technical
                                                                                                                                 University for the Santa Clara Valley       org/10.3141/2275-01.
      and Dominion Road Junction (see                Next Steps                            interest group of Engineering         Water District. Available at https://www.
      the proposed 2016 Dominion                                                           New Zealand. He lives in Tāmaki        Parramatta Light Rail. 2021. “Parramatta
      Road route map, Figure 6), only                As this article is written, it        Makaurau (Auckland).                  Water%20Use%20Impacts%20of%20               Light Rail achieves ‘leading’ ISCA Design
      1500 m of swales and 150 m of                  is unknown if the planned                                                   Artificial%20Turf.pdf.                      rating.” https://www.parramattalightrail.
      raingardens would be needed                    light rail for Tāmaki Makaurau                                                                                
                                                                                                                                 Kelly, S. 2010. “Effects of stormwater on                                                  Figure 6:
      (assuming treatment efficiencies               Auckland will have green tracks.                                            aquatic ecology in the Auckland region.”                                                   Proposed Dominion
                                                                                                                                                                             Pfautsch, Sebastian, and Vanessa
      as described in Auckland                       Likely a detailed design with                                               Prepared by Coast and Catchment             Howe. 2018. “Green Track for                   Road route map
      Council’s GD01 document).                      route selection and station                                                 for Auckland Regional Council.              Parramatta Light Rail: A Review.”
      These would not be needed in a                 location will be released soon.                                             Auckland Regional Council Document          Western Sydney University. https://doi.
                                                                                                                                 Type 2010/021. Available at https://        org/10.26183/5c05fc021efb3.
      continuous stretch, rather short               From consultation documents
      sections of treatment could be                 it is clear that the central                                                tr2010-021-ecological-impacts-from-
      targeted at suitable areas with                government has charged the                                                  stormwater-in-the-auckland-region-a-

                                                                                                                                 Knight-Lenihan, Stephen. 2019.
                                                                                                                                 “Biodiversity net-gain in New Zealand:
                                                                                                                                 Adding biodiversity values.” New
                                                                                                                                 Zealand Planning Institute Planning
                                                                                                                                 Quarterly 214:13-17.

                                                                                                                                 Kole, Pieter Jan, Ansje Löhr, Frank
                                                                                                                                 Van Belleghem, and Ad M.J. Ragas.
                                                                                                                                 2017. “Wear and Tear of Tyres: A
                                                                                                                                 Stealthy Source of Microplastics in the
                                                                                                                                 Environment.” International journal
                                                                                                                                 of environmental research and public
                                                                                                                                 health. 14(10):1265. https://doi.

                                                                                                                                 Ministry for the Environment and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Figure 7
                                                                                                                                 Ministry for Primary Industries. 2020.
                                                                                                                                 “Essential Freshwater: Te Mana o te Wai
                                                                                                                                 factsheet.” Publication number: INFO

Figure 4: Raingarden design, Jellicoe St. Auckland                                         Figure 5: Vegetated swale, Seattle                                                                               BIOPHILIC CITIES JOURNAL VOL. 4 NO. 2 | MAY 2022 | 45
Green Tracking of Light Rail: Creating Future-Focused Biophilic Transport Infrastructure - Biophilic Cities Green Tracking of Light Rail: Creating Future-Focused Biophilic Transport Infrastructure - Biophilic Cities Green Tracking of Light Rail: Creating Future-Focused Biophilic Transport Infrastructure - Biophilic Cities
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