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Guide - Compliance with the Data Protection Act 2019: How We Can Help You




          T   he World Health Organisation (WHO)
              categorised the severe acute respiratory
          syndrome novel Coronavirus 2 (COVID-19)
                                                             To assist our clients, we have highlighted
                                                             below certain areas and issues to be
                                                             considered by businesses, investors and
          as a pandemic. Pursuant to this, on 15 March       transaction teams during this period.
          2020, President Cyril Ramaphosa declared
          a national state of disaster in South Africa       For more information regarding the legal
          in terms of the Disaster Management Act,           effect of a National State of Disaster, what
          2002, as amended (DMA) and on 18 March,            regulations may and have been issued
          Regulations in terms of section 27(2) of the       pursuant to the National State of Disaster
          DMA were published with immediate effect,          and a summary of the regulations, directions,
          with subsequent amendments published on            ministerial statements and key regulatory
          25 March, again on 26 March and most recently      statements and publications pertaining
          on 2 April (the Regulations). A twenty one         to COVID-19, please see our COVID-19 –
          day national lockdown, restricting freedom of      Key Regulatory Changes in South Africa
          movement and other rights, was announced           Guide and for more detailed sector specific
          by the President, effective from midnight on       newsflashes, please see our COVID-19 client
          Thursday 26 March 2020 to 16 April 2020,           facing portal (accessible at https://www.
          which period may be extended if required.
          Government has announced bold measures to
          contain the spread of the virus in South Africa.

          We live in increasingly turbulent and
          unpredictable times and whilst it is early,
          the impact on our economy and businesses
          will be significant.

Guide - COVID-19: Impact on Businesses and Investments in South Africa



          I   n this note, we discuss the following potential
              legal issues that may arise as a result of the
          COVID-19 crisis on businesses operating in South
                                                                   •   Insolvency and restructuring - *new
                                                                       (financial distress, operational restructuring,
                                                                       financial restructuring, director duties,
          Africa. We have reflected next to each topic where           business rescue and liquidation)
          it is new or updated since our last publication          •   Procurement - *updated (a full overhaul to
          dated 19 March 2020.                                         cater for numerous changes)
                                                                   •   Tax considerations - *updated (full overhaul
          •      Business continuity - *new (the concept of            to outline considerations arising out of the
                 essential service providers, ongoing corporate        Draft Disaster Management Tax Relief Bill
                 actions and good practice)                            and Draft Disaster Management Tax Relief
          •      Contractual considerations - *updated                 Administration Bill)
                 (for electronic signatures)                       •   Insurance considerations - *updated (for
          •      M&A and capital markets considerations -              new regulatory guidance)
                 *updated (for MOI amendment considerations        •   Cyber-crime - *new (cautioning against
                 and dividend requirements for JSE                     cyber-attacks)
                 listed entities)                                  •   Intellectual property - *new (transaction
          •      Corporate action considerations                       and business considerations due to shut
          •      Disclosure requirements for JSE listed                down of the registration office)
                 companies - *updated (for financial reporting     •   Financial Services Regulatory Sector
                 and auditing time concessions, further price          considerations - *new (regulatory guidance)
                 sensitive information and trading statement       •   Telecommunication
                 clarification and REIT information)                   considerations - * updated
          •      Banking and finance considerations                    (for new regulations and directives)
          •      Commercial property considerations                •   Shipping, aviation and logistics
          •      Employment considerations – *updated (a full          considerations - * updated (a full overhaul
                 overhaul to cater for numerous changes)               to cater for numerous changes)
          •      Remuneration considerations                       •   We will continue to track these and
          •      Employee benefit considerations                       other developments through our specific
                 - *new (retirement fund and medical scheme            newsflashes on the topics and intermittently
                 considerations)                                       updating this note.
          •      Access to courts - *updated (a full overhaul to
                 cater for numerous changes)
          •      Data protection considerations
          •      Consumer law considerations
          •      Competition/ Antitrust considerations
                 - * updated (for prioritisation of matters
                 before the Commission, restrictions on
                 excessive pricing and exemptions from
                 restrictive horizontal and vertical practices)

Guide - COVID-19: Impact on Businesses and Investments in South Africa


          Summary of Key Legal
          Considerations for Businesses
          Impacted by COVID-19

          In this briefing, we discuss the following        dispensing or transportation of liquor and
          potential legal considerations that may be        the closure of retail shops, etc. It is advisable
          relevant as a result of the COVID-19 crisis       that you contact your attorney if there is any
          on businesses operating in South Africa:          question of whether or not your business falls
                                                            within this exemption to the Regulations.
                                                            Although whether or not you fall within the
          Essential service providers                       exceptions set out in the Regulations is the
                                                            determining factor as to whether or not your
          As mentioned above, pursuant to the               business may operate within the category of
          Regulations issued under the DMA, South           exempted businesses, the Minister of Trade and
          Africa has been placed under national             Industry has announced that all businesses that
          lockdown, restricting freedom of movement         consider themselves exempted (i.e. involved
          and other rights, effective from midnight         in the manufacturing, supply, or provision of
          on 26 March 2020 to 16 April 2020, which          an essential good or service) are required to
          period may be extended if required. Among         seek approval from the Department of Trade,
          other things, these Regulations provide           Industry and Competition in order for them
          that during the lockdown, all businesses          to trade during the period of the lockdown.
          and other entities must cease operations,         Such businesses are required to apply to
          except for any business or entity involved        the Companies and Intellectual Property
          in the manufacturing, supply, or provision        Commission (CIPC) Bizportal website at
          of an essential good or service, save where and obtain a certificate
          operations are provided from outside of           from the Commission confirming that they
          South Africa or can be provided remotely by       do in fact fall within the exemption. The
          a person from their normal place of residence.    certificate can then be used as evidence
                                                            to authorities. Certain sectors also have
          As to what constitutes an essential good          industry specific requirements in this regard
          or service has been the subject of much           (i.e. the mining sector is required to apply
          debate and is an evolving area of law.            to the DMRE instead of the CIPC).
          There is a specific list of these goods
          and services which is attached to the             It is important to note that false applications
          Regulations, supplemented by numerous             to the CIPC will be taken as a fraudulent
          Ministerial directives. There are also specific   application and will render a business, as
          exclusions stipulated in the body of the          applicant, liable to criminal prosecution and
          Regulations, such as those limiting the sale,     sanction. Further, the office of the Minster has

Guide - COVID-19: Impact on Businesses and Investments in South Africa

subsequently released further communications            regulations (i.e. the telecommunications sector),
which clarify that no companies will be                 some of which are discussed in more detail
prejudiced by any delay in the system and               in the body of this note. It is critical that each
that it is not a requirement that companies             business is aware of its corporate responsibilities
complete registration before lockdown.                  and regulations in its particular sector. If you
                                                        require guidance in this regard, please reach out
The Regulations also provide that the head              to your attorneys for assistance.
of an institution providing essential services
must determine essential staff to provide               2. CONTRACTUAL CONSIDERATIONS
those services and authorise them in writing.
For certain sectors, this requires additional           COVID-19 threatens the ability of contracting
approvals from the relevant regulatory body             parties to meet their obligations or perform
(i.e. persons performing essential services             as required under the relevant agreement
in the agricultural sector will also need               regulating their relationship. Faced with a
approval from the nearest agricultural centre,          public health crisis largely beyond their control,
etc.). This is dealt with in more detail below          contracting parties may find it impossible to
in the chapter dealing with employees.                  fulfil those obligations on time or at all. At the
                                                        same time, those parties may themselves face
Other corporate actions                                 non-performance or delayed performance by
                                                        counterparties. The impact on businesses in
Extensions have been given for many corporate           these uncertain times may be significant.
actions (i.e. the filing of certain annual
returns, audit requirements for listed entities,         Parties should review their agreements
etc). Our recommendation is to make every               to assess their risks and seek to limit the
effort to comply with all ordinary regulatory           risk of their non-performance or non-
requirements and corporate actions. If you              performance by a counterparty and, in
are faced with obstacles in doing so, reach             doing so, should consider the following:
out to your attorney to understand whether
or not a dispensation has been provided for             •   Breach of agreement:
that corporate action and the recommended                   Businesses should assess which of their
course of action. We have dealt with some of                obligations are potentially affected/disrupted,
the corporate actions that are most materially              which might result in a potential breach of an
impacted by the COVID-19 lockdown in                        agreement. The consequences of such breach
more detail in the body of this note (i.e. the              must be considered and a plan implemented
calling of meetings, - under the Corporate                  to ameliorate such consequences. For
Proceedings heading, the declaration of                     instance, a party might be liable for damages
dividends - under the M&A Considerations                    suffered by the other party. The type of
heading, and audit requirements for listed                  damages must be assessed as they may
entities - under the Disclosure heading below).             be too “remote” to claim as such loss was
                                                            never, at the time of entering the agreement,
Good practice                                               considered by the parties. There is also a
                                                            responsibility for a party to take reasonable
Several sectors have released codes of                      steps to mitigate its losses. Another result of
good practice (i.e. for agro processing, etc.),             breaching a term of an agreement might be
directives (i.e. for hygiene related matters) and           that a party may have the right to terminate


              the agreement as an event of default may                •   Variation and waiver of obligations:
              be triggered. Businesses must be aware of                   As a consequence of COVID-19, parties
              clauses with unforgiving time constraints                   that are unable to fulfil their contractual
              for certain actions, where any delay will be                obligations in strict conformity with the
              significant and may entitle the other party to              contract may ask their counterparty to
              terminate the agreement. A breach of contract               accept defective performance or to waive
              may be countered with several defences,                     the obligation completely. A party facing
              such as limitations of liability or force majeure           such requests should be careful to ensure
              clauses contained in the agreement or                       that in granting an indulgence that it is
              supervening impossibility, discussed in                     not inadvertently varying the contract
              more detail below.                                          or waiving its contractual rights. By
                                                                          contrast, a party seeking an indulgence
          •   Suspension, variation or termination of                     should ensure that any variation or waiver
              contractual obligations:                                    is effective and binding on the counter-
              Parties seeking to be excused for non-                      party. In both instances, the parties must
              performance can rely on either the general                  carefully consider whether the contract in
              common law defence of supervening                           question contains a non-variation clause
              impossibility of performance or on a force                  requiring any variation to be reduced to
              majeure clause included in their contract                   writing and proceed accordingly.

              •   Supervening impossibility of                        •   Mitigation of loss: A party suffering
                  performance is a common law defence                     damages as a consequence of breach
                  that suspends or in some cases terminates               not excused by a force majeure clause or
                  a party’s obligations where an irresistible             the common law defence of supervening
                  force (vis major) or unforeseeable                      impossibility is under an obligation to
                  accident (casus fortuitous) has made                    mitigate its losses. For example, should
                  fulfilment of its contractual obligations               a customer breach its obligations to
                  impossible. The defence applies generally               purchase from a supplier, the supplier
                  to all contracts and may be relied upon                 must attempt to sell its product
                  in the absence of a force majeure clause.               elsewhere. If no attempt is made to do
                  In general, our courts have restricted the              so, the supplier may be precluded from
                  scope of this defence so that it applies                claiming damages.
                  in very limited circumstances. However, if
                  the alleged impossibility of performance        •   “Material Adverse Change” provisions:
                  is a consequence of COVID-19 and                    When reviewing their agreements, business
                  compliance with government directives               should be alert as to whether any “material
                  and norms such as social distancing,                adverse change” (MAC) or “material adverse
                  a court might find that public policy               effect” (MAE) provisions are triggered as a
                  dictates that parties should be relieved of         result of the outbreak. Such clauses ensue as
                  their obligations so that they can comply           a result of specific negotiations between the
                  with these directives. In the event of a            parties and might permit a party to avoid, or
                  supervening impossibility of performance,           otherwise alter, the terms of an agreement
                  the risk of being placed in breach and              should the outbreak or its effects be
                  facing a possible damages claim (whilst             categorised as a MAC or cause a MAE.
                  the event continues) is mitigated.

Guide - Compliance with the Data Protection Act 2019: How We Can Help You

    The MAC clause usually also covers MAE                   this stage, only LawTrust and the South
    and vice versa. MAE are usually defined as               African Post Office are accredited providers
    any material adverse effects on the business,            of advanced electronic signatures.
    assets, properties, results of operations or
    financial conditions of a particular company.        Essential service providers
    MAC or MAE provisions are mainly found
    as a condition precedent to an agreement             •   New Contracts: Depending on your
    or to qualify the seller’s representation and            contractual position (for example, as a supplier
    warranties in an agreement. Such clauses may             or a customer), make sure to include a force
    trigger a price review and thus fundamentally            majeure clause if you intend to suspend either
    impact the value of a deal.                              parties’ obligation to perform should COVID-19
                                                             prevent such performance. Consider including
    A significant challenge will be negotiating              in the definition of “force majeure” epidemics,
    MAC or MAE provisions in new transactions.               pandemics or other events that may result
                                                             from an epidemic or pandemic, including
•   Electronic signatures: In terms of the                   mandatory quarantines or any restrictions on
    Electronic Communications and Transactions               the importation of goods into the country.
    Act, 2002 (ECTA), an electronic signature                Ensure that the clause provides for a
    is legally binding whether or not the parties            notification requirement and deals with the
    have expressly agreed to the use of an                   issues that may arise if a force majeure event
    electronic signature and provided they have              (such as COVID-19) occurs e.g. care of the
    not specifically excluded the application of             project pending completion works. Negotiate
    the principles in the ECTA. It is also possible          clear MAC or MAE provisions carefully
    for contracting parties specifically to agree to         considering whether or not the outbreak, its
    use electronic signatures. Where the parties             possible duration and its forecasted effects for
    agree to use electronic signatures, then an              the business should fall within the provisions.
    ordinary electronic signature may be used
    unless the parties have stipulated that only an      •   Commercial Mitigation: Parties should take
    advanced electronic signature can be used.               pro-active steps to mitigate their commercial
    An electronic signature can be any type of               risks as a result of the COVID-19 event and
    digital marking that is used by a person to              prepare for the interruption of their operations
    be bound by a document or to authenticate                or those of their commercial counterparties
    a record, and can be any sound, symbol or                arising from impossibility to perform existing
    process attached to or associated with an                contracts or the eventuating of a material
    electronic record by the person intending to             adverse change/effect.
    sign the record. Where signature is required
    or prescribed by law (i.e. where legislation         Note:
    requires that a document be “signed”),               •   Cancellation of consumer contracts and
    but the law does not indicate the type of                associated insurance considerations are dealt
    signature to be used, then only an advanced              with below.
    electronic signature may be used in order
    to comply with the signature requirement.            •   A proper assessment of the impact of
    An advanced electronic signature can only                COVID-19 on the contractual obligations of
    be obtained from a provider accredited by                parties requires a case-by-case/contract-
    the Department of Communications. At                     by-contract analysis and companies should


              conduct a full review of their contracts to          agreements. In addition, it would be useful
              assess their risk. Bowmans have an artificial        to bear in mind that regulatory bodies
              intelligence (AI) tool, Kira, which we have          may undergo closure, at which stage the
              trained to identify force majeure clauses in         implementation of many transactions,
              agreements. If you would like the assistance         which are often dependent on successfully
              of our AI in the review of your agreements,          making regulatory filings, may be delayed.
              please reach out to your attorney.                   Some of these regulatory closures are
                                                                   dealt with in more detail in the body of this
          3. OTHER M&A/ CAPITAL MARKETS                            note (i.e. as it pertains to amending the
          CONSIDERATIONS                                           constitutive documents of the company,
                                                                   filing merger filings and intellectual
          •   Boards will need to actively evaluate                property registrations).
              opportunities for transactions not
              previously available, be prepared to             •   Memorandum of Incorporation (MOI)
              respond to potential activist attacks or             amendments cannot be filed during the
              other offers or actions by those capitalising        lockdown period. This is because the CIPC
              on the current situation, actively engage            is closed for the filing of documents that
              with regulators, each other, shareholders            cannot be processed automatically. This
              and other stakeholders and act quickly to            may impact the timing and implementation
              implement changes within the organisation            of transactions that are dependent on the
              necessary to mitigate risks, manage liquidity        acceptance by the CIPC of an amended
              and align corporate strategies.                      MOI. Parties to an agreement of this kind
                                                                   should contact their attorneys to discuss
          •   Due diligences may need to be reworked               alternative options.
              logistically, particularly where physical data
              room restrictions apply or on-site visits        •   Warranties and indemnities in transaction
              are required for accuracy and verification.          agreements will need to be carefully
              In addition, the focus of ongoing due                considered and negotiated, with detailed
              diligences is likely to shift towards the            disclosures and a considered approach to
              ability of the target to conduct business            the concept of “knowledge” and exclusions
              optimally, in relation to the ability of             associated with that concept.
              employees, service providers and suppliers
              performing at the expected efficacy              •   Access to funding either as conditions to
              rate, and the appetite of customers in               the agreement or otherwise will need to be
              changing times.                                      considered understanding the entity’s lines
                                                                   of credit its ability to satisfy obligations.
          •   Regulatory or third party approvals which
              have been granted in respect of specific         •   Roadshows which are usually held in
              time periods may no longer be sufficient             person will need to be reconsidered. It
              to conduct all activities which need to be           should be possible to hold the roadshows
              completed within the available timeframes.           electronically as virtual meetings,
              In this case, discussions should be arranged         depending on any applicable underlying
              with such parties in order to decide                 documentation which may direct the
              whether or not amendments are required               content to be shared and the manner of
              to the applicable approvals and related              presenting it to investors.

Guide - Compliance with the Data Protection Act 2019: How We Can Help You

•   Where Solvency and liquidity resolutions           must allow shareholders to communicate
    are triggered as part of a transaction, the        concurrently and to participate effectively in
    anticipated impact of COVID-19 will need to        the meeting, and the notice of the relevant
    be taken into consideration in the directors’      meeting must inform shareholders of the
    assessment of the forecasted financial             availability of that form of participation,
    position of the relevant company.                  including necessary information.

•   Plans to declare dividends and dividend            Annual general meetings (AGMs) of public
    policies may need to be reconsidered               companies are generally held in person,
    by boards if the liquidity available to the        where only shareholders physically present
    company is constrained. The Johannesburg           in person or by proxy may vote, although
    Stock Exchange Limited (JSE) has                   shareholders may otherwise participate
    pronounced on the topic of cancelling              electronically. Where notices convening
    payment, postponing or changing to the             a physical meeting have already been
    value of declared dividends, confirming            issued, companies might wish to consider
    that dividend announcements in respect             converting that meeting to a virtual meeting,
    of JSE listed companies must comply with           and may need to issue an announcement
    the corporate actions timetable. After the         or fresh notice to shareholders postponing
    finalisation announcement has been made            the meeting to a later date and providing
    and the last day to trade has passed, a            details on how shareholders may access the
    dividend variation will not be permissible.        meeting (at that later date) electronically.
    Changes to pertinent details between the
    finalisation date and the last day to trade        The question of whether a general meeting
    (which do not include cancelling dividends)        or an AGM may be held electronically or not
    will result in starting the corporate action       will have to be determined depending on the
    timetable afresh. Issuers may only cancel a        constitutional documents of the company
    dividend and the resultant payment prior           as well as the circumstances around the
    to the finalisation date. A process has been       company in question, with particular regard
    set out for certain dividend variations to         to, inter alia, the jurisdiction of any relevant
    be made for JSE listed companies. Please           regulators, including the Companies Tribunal
    reach out to your attorney for more detail.        (in respect of potential Companies Act
                                                       breaches), the JSE (for listed companies)
4. CORPORATE PROCEEDINGS/                              and the Takeover Regulation Panel (where
HOLDING MEETINGS                                       an affected transaction is involved).

One of the measures introduced to combat               There are a number of service providers who
the spread of COVID-19 is the prohibition of           provide virtual meeting platforms which enable
gatherings. This prohibition should be taken           a meeting to be conducted entirely through
to include shareholder meetings. In terms of           electronic means, including over the internet.
the Companies Act of 2008 (Companies Act),             Companies would do well to start the process
a shareholders’ meeting conducted entirely             of selecting the appropriate service provider
by electronic communication (i.e. virtual              and testing the suitability of that service
meeting) is permissible, unless prohibited by          provider’s technology for the company’s
the company’s MOI, but key parameters apply.           needs. In choosing a suitable virtual meeting
In particular, the electronic communication            platform, a board will have to consider the


          nature of its shareholder base and whether its          content; variation on the timing and nature
          shareholders are likely to have the resources           of the assurance report; and/or other
          to meaningfully participate through the                 unusual reporting variations on a case by
          chosen platform. For instance, if a company             case basis.
          wishes to employ a virtual meeting platform
          that requires high speed internet access, it is         On 3 April 2020, in consultation with
          important to consider whether the majority              the JSE, the Financial Sector Conduct
          of the company’s shareholders are likely to             Authority (FSCA) granted several blanket
          have access to the internet at the optimal              dispensations, subject to conditions. Please
          speed required by the platform in question.             reach out to your attorney if you require
                                                                  any guidance in this regard.
          Ultimately, companies will need to balance
          their obligations to conduct shareholder            •   Price sensitive information and trading
          meetings in a manner that complies with                 statements: Companies listed on the
          their duties under the law, on the one                  JSE are required to make an immediate
          hand, and, on the other hand, to protect                announcement to the extent that any
          the health and safety of their shareholders             unpublished specific or precise sensitive
          and other members of the community in                   information exists, which, if made public,
          the context of the COVID-19 outbreak.                   would have a material effect on the price
                                                                  of that company’s securities, amounting to
          5. DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENTS                              price sensitive information. The impact of
                                                                  COVID-19 on specific circumstances of the
          The effect of COVID-19 may trigger several              JSE listed company may amount to price
          disclosure obligations for JSE Listed entities          sensitive information and would necessitate
          under the JSE Listings Requirements and                 an announcement. Similarly, the JSE Debt
          the JSE Debt Listings Requirements. The                 Requirements also require disclosure
          JSE has released a number of clarification              of price sensitive information, including
          communications in this regard. Certain of these         consideration of the ability of the debt
          requirements and clarifications are listed below:       issuer to service the debt.

          •   Financial reporting obligations: IFRS               Trading statements must be published
              measurement and disclosure in relation              by JSE listed companies as soon as
              to equity and debt listed companies may             such companies are satisfied that (a) a
              be impacted by COVID-19 with regard to              reasonable degree of certainty exists that
              fair values, impairment assessments and             for the period to be reported on next, the
              accounting estimates.                               financial results will differ by at least 20%
              The JSE has, through several                        (or 15% for property companies under
              communications, acknowledged the                    specified circumstances) from recent
              challenges regarding timeous publication            financial results or a recent profit forecast
              of financial results during this time,              provided in relation to such period; or (b)
              encouraging engagement with the JSE                 the aforementioned difference is less than
              through sponsors in this regard. It has             the percentages set out herein, but are
              undertaken to consider, among other                 viewed by the company to be important
              things, extensions; variations of the content       enough to warrant release of a trading
              of financial information relating to minimum        statement. COVID-19 may well have an

Guide - Compliance with the Data Protection Act 2019: How We Can Help You

    impact on the anticipated financial results            up holistically in order to cover
    of a JSE listed company and may need to                the impact of international COVID-19
    be disclosed as such.                                  resultant restrictions. Panic buying,
                                                           shortage of goods usually imported from
    On 25 March 2020, the JSE stated that                  China or the EU, inefficiencies and the like
    price sensitive information and trading                may have severe global economic impact.
    statements are key at this time, requesting            Risk factors have always been disclosed
    additional information. Trading statements             as a matter of practice, but are even more
    should be considered where the relevant                important after amendments to the JSE
    differences are less than 20% but                      Listings Requirements in recent times,
    sufficiently important. Prescribed minimum             making them mandatory. Amplified risk
    information must be provided to the JSE via            factor disclosures works will be beneficial
    the sponsor for a reporting variation. The             towards providing investors with adequate
    reporting variation should be followed up              background in coming to settling on
    by a SENS announcement.                                informed investment decisions.

•   Annual report: Material risks must be              •   Audit procedures and internal controls will
    disclosed in the annual report pursuant                require coordination, as audit personnel
    to paragraph 8.63(s) and 7.F.7 of the JSE              may face restrictions from access to on-
    Listings Requirements. All material risks              site facilities required in the auditing
    which are specific to the issuer, its industry         process. It would be prudent for audit
    and/or its securities must be specifically             committees to meet more frequently
    disclosed and grouped together in a                    under the current circumstances.
    coherent manner. On 25 March 2020, the
    JSE provided transitional provisions with          6. BANKING AND FINANCE CONSIERATIONS
    regard to Section 8 disclosures in the
    annual report, based on the preparation            COVID-19 may have a significant impact
    involved in the publication and distribution       upon the ability of borrowers to meet their
    of annual reports.                                 obligations under their existing funding
                                                       arrangements. This may particularly be the
•   REITS: The JSE has expressed concern               case for borrowers whose earnings derive from
    for REITS who may lose REIT status due             industries which have been most impacted
    to temporary inability to fully comply             by measures imposed by the Government
    with the JSE Listings Requirements, but            or otherwise by changing public behaviour
    has not proposed a solid solution at this          in light of COVID-19, for instance the leisure
    stage. Issuers are encouraged to engage            and hotel industry and the logistics industry
    with their sponsors to assess the impact of        (including airlines). Borrowers whose funding is
    Covid-19 on its business and its ability to        secured by securities, the value of which may
    comply with Section 13 of the JSE Listings         continue to be impacted by market volatility,
    Requirements, and engage with the JSE if           will likely also have cause for concern.
    they will not have the continued ability to
    comply with such requirements.

•   Risk factor Disclosures in pre-listing
    statements and circulars should be ramped


          Faced with the default or potential                        undertakings) will depend upon the breadth
          default of borrowers as a result of non-                   of the concept as negotiated by the parties.
          performance or delayed performance,                        Care should be taken to consider whether the
          parties should consider the following:                     MAE concept applies to individual members
                                                                     of the Group or the Group taken as a whole
          •   Financial covenants may be adversely                   and which underlying metrics are being tested
              impacted by COVID-19, particularly should              in asserting this clause. Which party falls to
              they be based on underlying earnings and/              make any determination of the occurrence of
              or liquidity of the borrower or borrower               a MAE will also vary on a case by case basis
              group. Lenders may seek to exercise any                (or clause by clause). Even if the ramifications
              rights relating to more regular or ad hoc              of COVID-19 could be interpreted to result in
              reporting and certification of financial               an MAE, whether such clauses would be relied
              covenants, in order to monitor financial               upon to call a default is uncertain as lenders
              performance and borrowers may seek a                   have historically been cautious of relying upon
              temporary loosening of such covenants                  the concept.
              in order to alleviate pressure during this
              period of uncertainty, particularly if long        •   With the exception of those discussed above,
              term projections of underlying company                 other events of default typically contained in
              performance remain strong.                             standard finance documents and which may
                                                                     also be relevant, include:
          •   Transactions which are backed by
              securities, the value of which may be                  •   cross default to other financial
              adversely impacted by the volatility of                    indebtedness and/or underlying
              markets, may also see share cover ratios                   material contracts of the borrower;
              slip towards default, with lenders potentially         •   insolvency and financial distress (as
              seeking additional or alternative                          financial distress is forward looking,
              qualifying security.                                       over the next 6 months, this may be
                                                                         a particularly sensitive trigger);
          •   Funding arrangements do not typically include          •   actions or steps taken with regard to
              force majeure provisions that contracting                  any compromise with creditors;
              parties may otherwise seek to rely upon                •   cessation of (all or a substantial part of)
              to excuse non-performance due to events                    a borrower’s business.
              outside of their control. In addition, it would
              be extremely difficult to rely upon any            •   Borrowers should also be conscious of their
              common law protection that a concept such              information undertakings and any positive
              supervening impossibility may otherwise                obligations they may have to inform lenders
              provide as, in the absence of a collapse of            of circumstances which may result (or might
              underlying financial systems, the repayment            reasonably be expected to result) in a default
              of money could not be said to be impossible.           or MAE or of any other information material
          •   Most facility agreements should contain a              to the funding and any security. Pro-active
              MAE concept and whether lenders seek to rely           engagement with lenders on potential
              upon such clauses in order to limit utilisations       issues that may arise may be advisable in
              of facilities on the basis that an MAE is a            the circumstances.
              draw-stop event or call events of default
              (or trigger thresholds for representations or

Guide - Compliance with the Data Protection Act 2019: How We Can Help You

•   To the extent that financial covenants may               subdivision, consolidation and leasehold
    be breached or other defaults continuing,                diagrams and sectional plans will be
    borrowers may be unable to satisfy drawdown              impaired. This will have a knock effect
    conditions under their revolving facilities and          on the implementation and timing of
    may therefore seek to draw down before such              transactions.
    circumstances exist.
                                                         •   The contractual relationships between
Some agreements may include market flex                      landlords and tenants: Undoubtedly, retail
provisions which may be called upon by lenders               trade will be adversely effected – simply
if the conditions required to exercise the rights            put, consumers will be reluctant to visit
under the such provisions have been met.                     retail centres and retail trade will suffer.
                                                             Similarly, the downturn in the economy
7. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY                                       resulting from COVID-19 will impact the
                                                             turnover of commercial tenants. All of
The effects of COVID-19 will undoubtedly                     this will constrain the ability of tenants
be felt in the Commercial Property                           to service their rental obligations and,
sector. Principally, we envisage that                        in turn, effect the ability of landlords to
issues may arise with regard to:                             meet their corresponding debt obligations.
                                                             There is a lot of law in this space and it is
•   The functioning of the Deeds Registries:                 recommended that you reach out to your
    Like many other businesses, the effective                attorneys for contextual advice.
    functioning of our Deeds Registries is
    dependent upon the staff and officials of            •   The implementation of developments:
    the Deeds Registries. Deeds Registries                   The ability of developers and contractors
    being closed or operating on skeleton staff              to deliver developments on time will
    or physical access to Deeds Registries                   be hampered by the effects which
    being restricted will undoubtedly impair the             COVID-19 will have on their workforces
    ability of the Deeds Registries to register              and the availability and delivery of
    transactions. Registration is critical to                goods and materials to sites.
    Commercial Property transactions closing
    and this will delay the implementation of            Guidance of Business
                                                         •   Transactions which are already in the
•   The functioning of Municipalities: The                   process of being implemented will need
    comments made in relation to the Deeds                   to be reviewed to assess any delays in
    Registries apply equally with regard to                  implementation which may arise from
    Municipalities and other Governmental                    any of the considerations referred to
    Departments (including the office of the                 above. Where applicable, the parties to
    Surveyor General). The ability of such                   such transactions should endeavour to
    Municipalities to issue rates clearance                  agree realistic extensions to cater for any
    figures and certificates, approve building               delays which may be experienced which
    plans, subdivisions, consolidations and                  are outside of the control of either party.
    other town planning procedures will                      Guidance should be sought from our
    be impaired. Similarly the ability of the                Commercial Property team in this regard.
    office of the Surveyor General to approve


          •   Landlords should have regard to their          reasonably practicable to eliminate or mitigate
              existing leasing arrangements and should       any hazard or potential hazard to the safety
              begin engaging with tenants who are            or health of employees, before resorting to
              most at risk. Leasing arrangements             personal protective equipment; b) the provision
              should also be reviewed to assess the          and maintenance of systems of work, plant
              extent to which reliance can be placed         and machinery that is as far as reasonably
              on force majeure provisions. In the same       practicable, safe and without risk to health;
              vein, tenants should also begin assessing      c) providing such information, instructions,
              their positions. Ultimately, landlords and     training and supervision as may be necessary
              tenants will need to engage constructively     to ensure, as far as reasonably practicable, the
              with one another to find commercial            health and safety at work of its employees;
              solutions to the challenges which may be       and d) enforcing such measures as may be
              experienced – strict reliance on contractual   necessary in the interests of health and safety.
              provisions in the context of COVID-19 will     If faced with an allegation that an employer
              undoubtedly result in reputational harm.       has failed to provide and maintain a working
              Where applicable alternative arrangements      environment that is safe and without risk to
              will need to be reduced to writing and the     the health of its employees, the employer
              guidance of our Commercial Property team       would need to be able to demonstrate that
              can be sought.                                 it has done everything that is “reasonably
                                                             practicable” in the circumstances.
          •   Developers and contractors should similarly
              consider projects which are underway and/      •   Restricting access to the workplace: The
              or which are being planned and allowance           General Safety Regulations published
              should be made for any delays likely to be         under OHSA prohibit an employer from
              experienced. Discussions with counter-             permitting a person to enter a workplace
              parties to projects should begin sooner            where the health and safety of such person
              rather than later.                                 is at risk. An employer is entitled to post up
                                                                 a notice to its premises, if necessary in the
          8. EMPLOYMENT CONSIDERATIONS                           interests of health and safety, prohibiting
                                                                 the entry of unauthorised persons, and
          Considerations outside of the lockdown period          no person may enter or remain at the
                                                                 premises without the permission of the
          Specific provisions apply during the                   employer. Employers may impose rules
          lockdown period. These are dealt with                  on their employees in order to ensure a
          below. We first consider the position                  safe working environment and, in addition,
          outside of the lockdown period.                        it may place conditions on entry to its
                                                                 premises. Employers may exclude persons
          Ensuring a safe and healthy work environment           from their premises if they do not abide
                                                                 by those rules. The employer should then
          The Occupational Health and Safety Act,                take appropriate steps, such as requiring
          1993 (OHSA) imposes a duty on employers                all entrants to the premises to sanitize
          to ensure, as far as reasonably practicable,           their hands and feet, requesting that they
          a safe and healthy working environment                 complete an information register (see
          for their employees. This duty includes, for           below), requiring persons to submit to a
          example: a) taking such steps as may be                temperature test (see below) and, on the

Guide - Compliance with the Data Protection Act 2019: How We Can Help You

    basis of the aforegoing, and if deemed                 the person has disclosed recent travel to
    necessary, require the person concerned to             a location where COVID-19 incidents have
    leave the premises.                                    been reported or there exists a reasonable
                                                           apprehension of exposure etc.) to determine
•   Logging and recording all access to                    whether or not to allow the person
    the workplace: Any third parties who                   concerned into the premises.
    enter the workplace including, but not
    limited to, clients, service providers, and/       •   Sanitisation facilities: In terms of the
    or contractors, should be required to                  Facilities Regulations issued in terms of
    complete an information register detailing,            OHSA, employers must provide sanitary
    among others, their names, telephone                   facilities in accordance with the National
    numbers, address, e-mail address, and                  Building Regulations and, importantly: a)
    identity number, as well as disclosure/s on            provide soap or a similar cleansing agent
    recent international travel as well as any             free of charge to its employees. While this
    other reasonable apprehension of having                must be provided in the sanitary facilities,
    been exposed to COVID-19. If there exists a            it is advisable to make tissues and hand
    reasonable apprehension that the individual            sanitizers available in boardrooms and
    has been exposed to COVID-19, or that s/               other public spaces at the workplace; b)
    he has tested positive for COVID-19, then              provide disposable wipes so that commonly
    the employer may exclude the person from               used surfaces (for example, doorknobs,
    entering the premises or require the taking            keyboards, remote controls, desks) can be
    of a temperature test, but would need to               wiped down by employees before use; c)
    obtain the person’s informed consent in                provide running hot and cold water (or pre-
    doing so (see below).                                  mixed hot and cold water) for wash basins;
                                                           d)maintain all rooms and facilities in a
•   Temperature checks: If there exists a                  clean, hygienic, safe, whole and leak-
    reasonable apprehension that the individual            free condition; and e) routinely clean
    may have been exposed to COVID-19,                     all frequently touched surfaces in
    temperature checks may be conducted.                   the workplace, such as workstations,
    The privacy of the individual should be                countertops, and doorknobs/ handles.
    respected in conducting the test, and the
    test must be done with the individual’s            •   Ventilation: The Environmental Regulations
    informed consent. Such consent does                    issued in terms of OHSA provide, inter alia,
    not need to be given in writing, but it is             that the employer must ensure that the
    advisable to obtain written consent for                premises are ventilated in such a way that
    purposes of proof. The manner in which the             the air breathed by the employees does
    test is conducted must be as non-invasive              not endanger their safety. Where there is
    as possible, and the use of temperature                a danger of unsafe air, the employer must
    scanners, as opposed to thermometers                   provide the employees (and must ensure that
    placed in a person’s ear or mouth, is                  they correctly use) respiratory protective
    recommended. If the individual objects to              equipment of a type that reduces their
    the test, the employer may legitimately rely           exposure to a safe level. Businesses are
    on other relevant information at its disposal          therefore required to ensure that the air-
    (e.g. an observation test for excessive                conditioning systems at their premises do not
    sneezing, coughing, and/or whether or not              expose the employees to the risk of infection.


          Must the employer notify the authorities?           Employees must accordingly obey the
                                                              health and safety rules and procedures laid
          While COVID-19 amounts to a Notifiable              down by the employer and carry out any
          Medical Condition (NMC), this obligation falls      lawful instructions given in this regard.
          on health care providers and not employers.
          Every doctor or nurse, laboratory, and medical      In terms of section 14(d) of OHSA, if an
          scheme in both the public and private health        employee becomes aware of a situation that
          sector who diagnoses a patient with any one         is unsafe or unhealthy, s/he must report
          of the NMC must report the case. Failure            the situation to the employer as soon as
          to report a NMC is a criminal offence.              practicable. This may include a suspicion
                                                              that a fellow-employee or customer/client
          What are an employer’s legal obligations            exhibits flu-like symptoms or is running a
          towards people who are not employees                fever, or any other information which would
          in the context of COVID-19?                         give rise to a reasonable apprehension that
                                                              the fellow-employee or customer/client
          Section 9 of OHSA provides that every               may have been exposed to and/or infected
          employer shall conduct its undertaking              by COVID-19. (A reasonable apprehension
          in such a manner as to ensure, as far as            may exist where an individual has recently
          reasonably practicable, that persons other          travelled internationally, has been in contact
          than those in its employment that may be            with someone who had tested positive for
          directly affected by its activities are not         COVID-19, or who displays flu-like symptoms.)
          exposed to hazards to their health or safety.
          In addition, every self-employed person             What if an employee disobeys the
          must conduct her/his undertaking in such            employer’s rules on health and safety?
          a manner as to ensure that s/he and other
          persons affected by her/his activities, are not     Employees who act in violation of an
          exposed to hazards to their health and safety.      employer’s health and safety rules or who
                                                              disobey reasonable and lawful instructions
          In so far as there exist service level agreements   in relation to health and safety rules may
          between employers and clients, and/or service       be subjected to appropriate disciplinary
          providers, the employer should be cognisant         action. Blatant disregard for such rules or
          of the terms contained in these agreements          instructions could potentially be a ground
          and how the presence of COVID-19 in the             for a dismissal on the basis of misconduct.
          workplace may impact these agreements
          e.g. force majeure and breach clauses etc.          Can the employer be legally
          What are an employee’s legal obligations            liable if an employee contracts
          in the context of COVID-19?                         COVID-19 at the workplace?

          OHSA imposes a duty on employees to take            It is important to remember that “reasonably
          reasonable care for her/his own health and          practicable” measures must be taken by an
          safety and that of other persons who may be         employer to provide and maintain a working
          affected by her/his actions or omissions; and to    environment that is safe and without risk to the
          co-operate with the employer to enable a duty       health of its employees. A proper assessment
          imposed by the employer to be complied with.        of what would be reasonably practicable must
                                                              accordingly be made in the circumstances

Guide - Compliance with the Data Protection Act 2019: How We Can Help You

of each case. If taken too far, such measures          Employee-absence
could be challenged on the basis of being
unreasonable but, if not taken when necessary          If an employee is able to work remotely, s/he
to safeguard the health and safety of the              would not require leave. S/he would continue
workplace, an employer may be found to have            to work and would continue to be paid.
been negligent and liable for the consequences.
                                                       The Basic Conditions of Employment
The Compensation for Occupational Injuries             Act (the BCEA) recognises certain forms
and Diseases Act, 1993 (COIDA) protects                of leave, which may, depending on the
the employer from delictual liability in               circumstances, be applicable to the
respect of an employee who contracts                   employee’s absence as a result of COVID-19.
an illness during the course and scope of
her/his employment. An employee who                    •   Sick leave: In the event that an employee
contracts an occupational disease can claim                displays flu-like symptoms or runs a fever,
compensation from the Compensation Fund                    the employee may be required to take
without having to prove the employer’s                     sick leave. BCEA entitles employees to
negligence. However, if the employer was                   30 (thirty) days’ paid sick leave in every
in fact negligent, the employee may receive                sick leave cycle. Where an employee has
increased compensation and the cost of such                exhausted her/his sick leave entitlement,
increased compensation may be passed on                    the employee may be required to take
to the employer in the form of increased                   annual leave. If no annual leave is available,
assessment rates. COIDA only protects                      then absence due to illness may need to be
employers against claims arising out of injuries           unpaid.
or diseases contracted by their employees
in the course and scope of employment.                 •   Annual leave: Employees are entitled
                                                           to 15 (fifteen) working days’ statutory
Can the employer be liable if a third party                annual leave per annum on full pay. This
contracts COVID-19 through contact with                    entitlement may be increased by agreement
the employer’s premises or employees?                      between the employer and the employee.
                                                           In terms of section 20(10)(b) of the BCEA
As stated above, COIDA only protects                       in the absence of agreement between the
employers against claims arising out of                    employer and employee, the employer may
injuries or diseases contracted by their                   require that annual leave be taken at a time
employees in the course and scope of                       determined by the employer.
employment. Customers or clients who
contract a disease due to their contact                •   Family responsibility leave: Employees
with an employer’s workplace and/or                        are entitled to 3 (three) days’ family
interaction with the employer’s employees                  responsibility leave per annum, which may
would have to institute a civil claim, and                 be taken to care for a sick child, or that
the normal delictual principles will apply.                may be taken in the event of the death of a
                                                           close family member. Family responsibility
                                                           leave is not applicable where the employee
                                                           needs to care for a child who is not sick, but
                                                           who, as a result of school closures, must
                                                           be looked after. In such circumstances, the


              employee may need to take annual leave.         potentially be the case if, with the help of
              This is subject to the employee having          technology, employees are able to work from
              annual leave available, and is subject to       home. In these circumstances, the employer
              the business needs of the employer.             would continue to pay the employees who
                                                              are working remotely in the ordinary course.
          •   Special leave: While an employer may not
              grant employees less favourable leave than      Where remote working is not possible or
              what is contained in the BCEA, they may         feasible (e.g. in the case of teachers, pilots,
              provide more favourable entitlements. In        or public-facing staff etc.) the employer will
              instances where a reasonable apprehension       need to consider whether the employee’s
              exists and an employee is self-quarantined,     absence will be paid or not. This is because
              the employer may decide to regard the           the absence would not be as a result of any
              absence as a form of “special leave” in         of the recognised reasons for employee-
              respect of which the employee would be          absence, such as annual leave, sick leave, family
              entitled to be paid. Special leave is not a     responsibility leave, parental leave, or maternity
              legislated form of absence and an employer      leave. Rather, the reason for the absence is
              is not legally required to offer such leave.    the employer’s obligation to establish and
              This is because the absence would not be        maintain a safe and healthy work environment.
              as a result of any of the recognised reasons
              for employee-absence, such as those listed      If the temporary closure is for a short
              above. Rather, the reason for the absence       period only, the employer may decide to
              is the employer’s obligation to establish       regard the absence as a form of special
              and maintain a safe and healthy work            leave in respect of which the employees
              environment.                                    would be entitled to be paid.

          •   Unpaid leave: Where an employee has             In certain instances, the employer may wish to
              exhausted her/his entitlement to statutory      consider unpaid absence, or temporary lay-
              paid annual leave, sick leave, and/or family    offs. In these circumstances, the employment
              responsibility leave, then any further leave    relationship remains in place, but the employee
              taken (in the absence of being able to work     is not required or permitted to attend at work
              remotely and/or special paid leave granted      and is not entitled to be paid. The first thing to
              by an employer) would need to be unpaid.        consider here is whether or not there are any
                                                              applicable collective or industry arrangements
          Business closures                                   regulating the issue. In particular, parties to
                                                              some bargaining councils (like the Metal and
          If alternative preventative measures are            Engineering Industry Bargaining Council)
          inappropriate or prove insufficient to ensure the   have concluded collective agreements that
          safety of employees or visitors at the workplace,   permit employers to lay-off staff or initiate
          employers may need to consider a temporary          short-time measures where unforeseen
          closure of the workplace. This should only be       circumstances halt production. It may also
          a measure of last resort, after the employer        be that the individual employment contracts
          has considered all other options. Where it          of the employees contain appropriate
          is possible for employees to work remotely,         provisions that would entitle the employer
          the employer may require that employees do          to suspend the contract due to unforeseen
          so for the duration of the closure. This could      circumstances and not to pay the employee.

Guide - Compliance with the Data Protection Act 2019: How We Can Help You

                                                       employer may refer a dispute to the CCMA.
Outside of these arrangements, the general             After a certificate of non-resolution is issued, or
rule is that an employer may not unilaterally          a period of 30 days has lapsed, the employer
suspend and/or vary an employment contract             may give notice of a lock-out. The employees
and stop payment and/or change the terms               would then be denied access to the premises
and conditions of employment. There is,                and the employer’s IT systems, without pay,
however, an argument that unforeseen                   until they agree. In these circumstances, the
circumstances that expose the employer and             employer may not utilise replacement labour.
the employees to significant and severe risk to
health and safety, may entitle the employer to         Unilateral changes
temporarily close operations and stop payment
on the basis of “supervening impossibility”            The general rule is that changes to terms and
of performance. These are unchartered                  conditions of employment may not be effected
waters in the employment context and,                  unilaterally and employees’ consent is required.
ideally, the employer should try and attempt           The risk in the case of unilateral implementation
to reach agreement with the employees                  is that the employees may continue to tender
on how such absence would be treated.                  their services on their agreed terms and
                                                       sue the employer for specific performance.
Section 189 / 189A Process                             Alternatively, employees may require restoration
                                                       of the status quo in terms of s64(4) of the
If alternative measures (such as remote                Labour Relations Act; or they may embark on
working) are not reasonably practicable                strike action. In some cases, these risks may
or if preventative measures to safeguard               be more apparent than real and employers
the workplace prove insufficient to ensure             willing to take these risks, may potentially
the safety of employees or visitors at the             implement certain changes to working hours
workplace, then as a measure of last resort, the       and/or pay unilaterally. Again, this is a complex
employer may consider closing operations and           area of law and advice should be obtained.
imposing temporary lay-offs or short-time/part-
time work. This could potentially be done under        Considerations during the lockdown period
the umbrella of a retrenchment consultation
process in terms of section 189/189A of the            How do employers’ OHSA duties
Labour Relations Act. This is a complex area           work during the Lockdown?
of law and legal advice must be obtained.
                                                       The duties that an employer has under
Demanding changes to terms and                         the OHSA would extend to circumstances
conditions of employment                               where such an employee renders services
                                                       to the Company remotely from home.
Another option is for the employer to make a
demand regarding changed working times and             For purposes of the OHSA, the employee’s
a reduction in pay. Employees who do not agree         ‘workplace’ would be her/his home. Ordinarily,
to the employer’s proposals, may face being            how the employer will ensure a healthy and safe
locked out in accordance with the provisions           working environment would depend on the sort
of the Labour Relations Act. In essence the            of work that is being carried out from home
parties would be required to negotiate to              and what equipment and assistance may need
deadlock. If agreement is not reached, the             to be provided to employees by their employer.

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