Page created by Dan Garrett
The secunet Customer Magazine                         2 | 2019

                                                                                                   100,000 SINA
                                                                                                WORKSTATIONS S
                                                                               in Public
                                                                             × 100,000

On the way to the secure cloud                              Telematics in healthcare
secustack offers cloud computing for organisations          Next, please: now it’s the turn of hospitals
with very strict security requirements

                                                                                                   Military-grade information security
                                                                                           9       on the go: secure remote access at
                                                                                                   a NATO IT infrastructure

                                                                                                   Integrated border control application IGA 2.0 –
     4      Digitalisation in Administration:
                                                                                                            fit for the border control of the future
            Finally Combined: E-Files and Classified Information
     6      Integrated Border Control Application IGA 2.0:
            Fit for the Border Control of the Future                                                                                         6
     8      PKI at the Federal Employment Office:
            Trust in cheque card format

     9      Secure Remote Access at a NATO IT Infrastructure:
            Military-Grade Information Security on the Go

    12      Software Innovation Campus Paderborn:
            “We are Researching the Software Innovations
            of the Future”

    Technologies & Solutions
    14      100,000 SINA Workstations S Delivered:
            Modern Working in Public Administration × 100,000
    18      Encrypted Video Communication not only with
            ­ elicopters: Exclusive Live Transmission from
            Several Kilometres Up
    22      Telematics in Healthcare: Now it’s the Turn of Hospitals
    24      Data Security in Cloud Computing: Joint Venture secustack
            for Secure Data Processing in the Cloud
    26      Building Automation: How to Secure a Smart Building                   News in Brief
    29      German Federal Police: Mobile Document Checks                         30   Another Record Year for it-sa
            via a Smartphone App

                                                                                  31   Dates – January to June 2020
                                                                                  31   Imprint

2        SECUVIEW – 2  | 2019


Dear Readers,
even though, strictly speaking, the current decade includes the year 2020: we are already at
the end of the “2010s”, as they’re commonly known. For the IT security industry in general,
and secunet in particular, this past decade has been a time of change and growth.

High-level IT security technologies, which were originally designed for highly specialised niche
markets, have become widely prevalent. An example: around ten years ago the forerunner
to the later SINA Workstation S had just been approved by the German Federal Office for
­Information Security. Today, this crypto client is the stand-
 ard workplace in numerous regional and federal authorities,
 and has modernised and digitalised work processes in
 public administration thanks to its mobility and flexibility. In
 our cover story we trace this development and show the
 diverse range of possible applications SINA Workstation
 offers in its different forms today.

A second example: the secunet eID PKI suite, our
construction kit for public key infrastructures and a further
cornerstone of our product portfolio, only left the secunet
development unit in 2010. Today, solutions based on this
suite can not only be found in their original deployment
sphere of biometrics and identity checks, but also in
industry and energy supply.

There is no end in sight for this evolution. Advancing
digitalisation and connection require more and more areas
of the state, economy and society needing protection to
be equipped with high-performance IT security technology.
Public administration, security and defence authorities
have made excellent progress in this respect. Again and
again, there are exciting new projects here, as the articles
about secure e-files and SINA installations in military
helicopters show.

The changes will be even bigger in sectors that have a lot of catching up to do. This includes
industry first and foremost. Securing connected machines in production facilities is a signifi-
cant challenge for the operators. Today, there are already solutions available to address this
challenge. In the article in this edition of secuview on building automation we outline another
topic with considerable potential with respect to IT security.

Artificial intelligence, 5G, autonomous driving – the 2020s are likewise going to be shaped by
topics relevant to IT security. They are bound to be no less fascinating.

I hope you enjoy reading our magazine. Have a great 2020!

Axel Deininger


                                                  DIGITALISATION IN ADMINISTRATION

                                Finally Combined: E-Files and
                                    Classified Information

                The transition to electronic files (‘e-files’) in the German
                 ­Government’s ministries and federal authorities will be
       completed over the next few Public administration, too, is to benefit from                       confidentiality of the information contained
            years. One challenge has the potential offered by digitalisation. To                        within the files needs to be ensured in order
        so far remained unresolved, achieve this, in 2013 the German e-Gov-                             to guarantee that citizens’ personal data is
                                          ernment law was passed. This requires the                     protected. Secondly, the content needs to
         however: until now, normal majority of federal authorities to convert their                    be available at all times in order to facilitate
     e-files and classified informa- previously paper-based files to electronic                         seamless administrative processes – ul-
      tion have had to be managed solutions – the aim is paperless adminis-                             timately the e-file is expected to become a
                                          tration. This transformation is already in full               cornerstone of efficient administration centred
        separately, which has led in swing: the so-called “E-Akte Bund” (federal                        around citizens. Thirdly, the integrity of the
       particular to additional costs e-file) is currently being tested in various                      e-file is highly significant in making adminis-
      and media disruptions where ministries and authorities through a series of                        trative processes transparent – here the issue
                                          pilot projects. The forerunner of the initiative is           at stake is nothing less than the rule of law in
           information has only been the Ministry for Justice, which is expected to                     German authorities.
         classified at a later point in have completed the majority of the conversion                       These requirements apply to an even larger
          its life cycle. How can this by the start of 2020. In other ministries and                    extent at a particular area of record keeping:
                                          authorities the process will take place over the              handling classified information (in German
    obstacle be overcome without next few years and is expected to continue                             “Verschlusssachen”, VS). Information that
    jeopardising the confidentiality until 2024.                                                        it is in the public interest to keep secret is
       of the classified information?        Germany’s “Länder” (federal states) are at                 classified according to one of four secrecy
                                          a similar point: they are also required to im-                classification levels – depending on the
       A joint solution from Materna plement e-files, and North-Rhine Westphalia                        level of protection required: RESTRICTED,
       and secunet has established (NRW), for example, which brought in the                             CONFIDENTIAL, SECRET or TOP SECRET.
        the interoperability of e-files NRW e-Government law, is anticipated to                         Authority employees who work with classified
                                          complete the introduction of e-files by 2022                  information are assigned the corresponding
          and classified information, with the assistance of Materna Information &                      protection grade, which indicates which kind
       and thus marks another step Communications SE and Ceyoniq Technology                             of documents they are authorised to view.
         on the journey towards the GmbH.                                                               This is also referred to as security clearance.
                                                                                                        From CONFIDENTIAL level upwards indi-
    digitalisation of administration. Confidentiality, availability, integrity                          viduals must undergo a security check prior
                                                    Even more than in other digitalisation pro-         to being authorised. Even then, if someone
                                                    jects information security plays a significant      is authorised to a particular security clear-
                                                    role in the introduction of e-files: firstly, the   ance level, the principle of a “need-to-know

                                                              E-file solution                                                     SINA client

                                                                                           SECRET       RESTRICTED

          Thanks to the joint solution created
                                                             E-file client                                                 “Open”           Secured
         by Materna and secunet, e-files can                                                                             processing        processing
           now be transferred to the secured                 E-file server
      collaboration area of SINA Workflow at
                 the point of being classified.

4      SECUVIEW – 2  | 2019

basis” still applies: the individual should
only be granted access if this is objectively
necessary – and not before, nor to a greater
extent than is necessary. In addition it must be
possible to prove in a legally robust way which
individual has viewed and processed which
classified data and when. This is stipulated in
the Federal Government’s Classified Informa-
tion Directive (Verschlusssachenanweisung,
VSA) and in the VSAs set out by the German
federal states.

Standard for confidential digital
Today, classified information can generally be
stored, processed and transmitted digitally.
So far, however, it has only been possible
to do this separately from e-files. Many fed-
eral and regional authorities use the Secure
Inter-Network Architecture (SINA), which
secunet developed on behalf of the German
Federal Office for Information Security (BSI),
for processing classified information. Cryp-
tographic mechanisms are used that ensure
the confidentiality and integrity of the data at
all times.
   With the verification procedure also re-
quired by the VSA it is, however, still a com-
mon but very laborious practice to revert to
paper-based documentation – or to special
solutions that are not connected to the rest
of the infrastructure. SINA Workflow arose to
rectify this failing. The solution ensures that
every piece of information in the system con-
tains legally robust records of any processing
or administrative steps that have been carried        Avoiding additional costs and                                    Due to the German e-Government
out. SINA Workflow also implements the                media disruptions                                                     law, in most federal authorities
                                                                                                                          paper-based files will soon be a
“need-to-know” principle digitally by docu-           Materna and secunet have now put forward
                                                                                                                      thing of the past. But with regard to
menting users’ statements of intent relating          a solution that avoids the extra work of du-                       digitalising classified information,
to specific information for the avoidance of          plicated documentation administration: SINA                     special measures have to be taken.
doubt. SINA Workflow is executed technically          Workflow and the e-file nscale from Ceyoniq
as an integrated system of secure workplaces          can be integrated thanks to a new interface
and special servers with integrated electronic        that enables seamless transmission of a
registry of classified information and central        normal administrative file through to classified
network storage.                                      status.
   The secured distribution concept can also             In practical terms this happens as follows:       processed in accordance with the VSA and,
be used across different authorities and fed-         an electronic file is classified at a particular     for example, joint underwriting can be effected
eral states. For instance, it thereby enables         point in time. The new interface transfers it        by using this security environment.
different security authorities who work with          to SINA Workflow, adhering to standards for             Authorities that utilise SINA Workflow can in
sensitive data to collaborate because the             the electronic exchange and singling out of          future not only avoid recourse to paper when
access permissions for processing classified          official records such as XDOMEA. The classi-         handling classified information and collaborate
e-files through SINA Workflow are imple-              fied e-file is subsequently no longer available      across institutions and federal states; they can
mented in accordance with the regulations.            in the system for normal e-files, but is only        also benefit from the fact that interoperability
   Since up to now there has not been an              available from the repository of classified infor-   with e-files leads to another hurdle to the
interface between SINA Workflow and the               mation – in an encrypted form and protected          digitalisation of public administration being
systems for processing normal, non-classified         from unauthorised access. Here, the “need-           removed.
e-files, the two file types have been managed         to-know” principle applies. The handling and
separately. Files that were only classified at a      transmission are regulated in an audit-proof                  Norbert Müller
later point in their life cycle therefore had to be   way that ensures tracking and verifiability.
created again.                                        The classified electronic documents can be


                               INTEGRATED BORDER CONTROL APPLICATION: IGA 2.0

                    Fit for the Border Control of the Future

                International travel is ever increasing; at the same time,
    ­terrorism and organised crime are raising expectations from the
       public and politicians regard- For members of the Schengen area crossing              In addition to the existing complexity,
         ing the quality of the checks the EU’s external borders at busy German further requirements for stationary border
      at Schengen external borders. airports handling large numbers of passen- control are already on the horizon: following
                                           gers has been faster and easier since 2014: the resolution by the EU Parliament, the EU’s
          Despite the extensive regu- The EasyPASS border control system has biometric Entry / Exit System (EES) is due to
        latory provisions, IT systems automated the process of matching the be implemented by 2022. This will eliminate
      can help to limit waiting times person to the electronic identity document, the previous stamping procedure for pas-
                                           specifically the passport or ID card. Passen- sengers from third countries and instead
           at border checkpoints. The gers complete the border control process by will establish an electronic register. These
       complexity of the IT systems passing through automated border control passengers will then be digitally registered
        must remain manageable for systems – the secunet easygates – virtually with four fingerprints and a facial image dur-
                                           autonomously. This results in a much faster ing border control at the Schengen external
      officials, however, to allow the border check and shorter waiting times.            border. Through automatic checks can then
       systems to provide beneficial                                                      later be determined, whether a traveller has
    support. The integrated border         Greater     efficiency   needed                exceeded the maximum duration of a short
                                           Manual border control at stationary border stay (90 days within 180 days) for example.
      control application (IGA) 2.0 is control counters was still a laborious process,
        an important step forward in however – and therefore time-consuming for
                                                                                              Read more about the planned Euro-
       this respect, and has already both officials and passengers: when checking             pean Entry / Exit System in the special
                                           people, the officials had to manually send re-
       been used at over 1,000 Ger- quests to several central registers and search            report in secuview 1 / 2019:
       man border control counters. databases that were not connected to each       

          It combines IT systems that other. Names, dates of birth and document
                                           numbers were queried individually in each
             were previously separate, system – from the visa database, VIS, to the Compulsory biometrics from 2022
                   delivering a genuine INPOL search database. Having this variety With the introduction of the Entry / Exit Sys-
                        efficiency gain. of applications is not only inconvenient; but tem, border control officials will need to add
                                                also error-prone.                           biometric data collection and maintenance
                                                                                            in accordance with EES provisions to their
                                                                                            existing border control responsibilities such
                                                                                            as verifying documents and questioning and
                                                                                            checking people. Without the supporting
                                                                                            technology and further optimised processes it
                                                                                            will not be possible to take on these additional
                                                                                            tasks – at least not without the existing border
                                                                                            control processes taking longer.
                                                                                               As a first step towards a supporting sys-
                                                                                            tem to compensate respective efforts, the
                                                                                            German Federal Police had developed the
                                                                                            integrated border control application (IGA) 1.0:
                                                                                            this application brought together all registers
                                                                                            and databases relevant at that point in time.
                                                                                            However, the solution could not, or could only
                                                                                            with difficulty be extended to include further
                                                                                            border control procedures and registers,
                                                                                            such as the Entry / Exit System, databases
                                                                                            for airline passenger data (Passenger Name

6      SECUVIEW – 2  | 2019

Records, PNR), or other police workflow sys-       checking procedure will be more efficient,         of the system through internal surveys and
tems such as mission control centre systems,       since officials will be able to concentrate on     pilot phases. The results of these influenced
process management systems, border control         the more relevant exceptions.                      the subsequent planning and development
records, EasyPASS or kiosk systems.                    Alongside those currently in existence, new,   work. The design of a graphic user interface
                                                   additional systems can be linked in the future:    that provides optimal support to the work of
IGA 2.0: link between different                    such as the planned EES and – currently – the      border control officials also played a key role.
IT systems                                         PNR passenger data system.                         Here, too, user requirements and wishes were
This was the starting point for IGA 2.0. The           Overall, IGA 2.0 acts as a central link be-    taken into consideration. The roll-out across
new application did not have to be redevel-        tween existing IT systems and border officials.    Germany was completed at the end of Octo-
oped from scratch by any means. Rather,            Furthermore, it ensures seamless information       ber 2019; since then, IGA 2.0 has contributed
secunet bocoa was already available as a           flow between the federal authorities involved –    to making controls at the EU’s external bor-
modular solution, and the German Federal           i. e. the German Federal Police, the Federal       ders future-proof and efficient.
Police already had experience using it, e. g.      Office of Administration and the Federal Office
for mobile police searches and in EES pilot        for Information Security. The solution currently            Eyck Warich
projects.                                          handles up to 185,000 manual border con-
    IGA 2.0 conveniently brings together the       trols at German airports – per day.
results of visual and electronic document
checks, the results from the background            Staff can concentrate on core
systems and analysis of biometric data, and        policing duties
displays them in a manageable way for the          Thanks to IGA border control officials are re-
border control officials. Through appropriate      lieved of time-consuming routine tasks such
filtering and visualisation of relevant discrep-   as operating a variety of dedicated technical
ancies or inconsistencies the officials can        systems and manually evaluating data. The
comprehend and evaluate the checking               time gained with the collection of data can be
procedure at a glance. If required, they can       used for plausibility and document checks,
analyse the relevant details in greater depth.     further raising the security standard.
Furthermore, they do not have to enter the            The human factor plays an important part
data manually several times over, and ideally      in the introduction and roll-out: the German
won’t have to enter it manually at all. The        Federal Police evaluated the acceptance

IGA 2.0 relieves
border control
officials – as
pictured here at
Hamburg Airport –
of time-consuming
routine tasks.


                                              PKI AT THE FEDERAL EMPLOYMENT OFFICE

                                   Trust in Cheque Card Format
    The German Federal Employment Office (BA),           The trust centre is responsible for issuing         Which other features can you map
    one of the largest authorities in Germany,           and administrating digital certificates. These      through the PKI?
    operates a public key infrastructure (PKI) that      are applied to the BA personnel ID cards, for       Employees can use the personnel ID cards
    forms the background solution to the multi-          instance. Employees use these personnel ID          not only to register at PC workstations, but
    functional personnel ID cards belonging to BA        cards for authorisation at their PC worksta-        also at applications by means of Single
    employees. secuview caught up with Holger            tions, for instance. In order to generate and       Sign-On. Employees can also add qualified
    Scheetz, Head of the trust centre at the BA,         distribute the certificates we operate a central    signatures to documents using their personnel
    about the authority’s experiences with PKI.          public key infrastructure (PKI) in the trust        ID cards, as well as encrypt or decrypt emails.
                                                         centre. This solution consists of various com-      In addition, entry to the service buildings and
    Mr Scheetz, where is the trust centre                ponents such as a certification authority as        employment-related time-keeping is con-
    located within the BA’s organisational               well as registration authorities for applying for   trolled via the personnel ID cards. The solution
    structure?                                           and issuing new certificates and personnel ID       therefore gives employees of the BA and the
    Holger Scheetz: The trust centre fits within         cards, which are regularly audited with regard      job centres everyday access to central secu-
    the BA’s provider of trust services (VDA),           to compliance with the requirements of the          rity functions.
    which is anchored within the BA’s IT sys-            eIDAS Regulation. All in all, this ensures that
    tems house. This internal IT service provider        the certificates in use are always trustworthy.     The PKI has been deployed in its current
    operates one of the largest IT landscapes in                                                             form since 2014 and, since then, has
    Germany and has approximately 170,000 PC             What originally triggered the PKI solution?         undergone continuous updating. What
    workstations. These workstations belong to           The BA is one of the largest authorities in Ger-    practical insights have you gathered
    the BA itself, as well as to joint facilities with   many. Adapting to the growing and changing          using it?
    municipal institutions, including job centres.       demands of the job market, the BA increas-          First of all, the solution and the updates car-
                                                         ingly implements internet-based applications        ried out are transparent and easy for users
    What is the trust centre’s core area of              anchored in the objectives of the BundOnline        to apply – this aspect alone helps to keep
    responsibility?                                      initiative. Social data are transmitted as part     support and administrative workloads at man-
                                                         of many of these business processes. In order       ageable levels. The current solution, which se-
                                                         to comply with the protection requirements          cunet successfully designed for us five years
                                                         of these data the corresponding IT security         ago, has a modular structure and is stable to
                                                         measures had to be taken. This challenge            run. The interfaces provisioned allowed us to
       Holger Scheetz has worked in the                  was taken up with the deployment of cryp-           implement some enhancements. We have
       BA’s IT systems house since 2004.                 tographic processes within an intelligent           been working constructively together with the
       During this time here he has worked               solution combined with a smartcard. This            experts at secunet for around 15 years now.
       in many areas of IT, including being              necessitated building a PKI.
       part of the project group that built the                                                              Do you envisage enhancements at
       BA’s PKI. Since September 2010 he                                                                     present?
       has led the trust                                                                                     Due to the service life of the solution some
       centre and its                 IN INTERVIEW                                                           product updates are forthcoming. We are cur-
       operational team.                                                                                     rently also carrying out a review of the solution
                                                                                                             with regard to amended legal and operational
                                                                                                             requirements. This is bound to result in further
                                                                                                             action being required for the future.

                                                                          Head office of the German
                                                                         Federal Employment Office
                                                                                       in Nuremberg

8       SECUVIEW – 2  | 2019

                                                                                                     A Boeing E-3A (AWACS) aircraft at
                                                                                                      the NATO Air Base Geilenkirchen


                Military-Grade Information Security
                             on the Go

         At the NATO Air Base Geilenkirchen which operates the
 Boeing E-3A Component Sentry known as the AWACS aircraft,
  staff members rely on a SINA The NATO Air Base Geilenkirchen is the                     secuview: Lt Col Kammer, what was the
    solution that allows them to main operating base of the NATO Boeing                   initial CIS challenge the NAEW & C Force
  access classified information E-3A Component Sentry, one of two opera-                  had to face?
                                  tional elements of the NAEW & C Force. It is            Lt Col Kammer: Nowadays operational
remotely. secuview spoke with located on German territory, adjacent to the                advantage derives from the ability to collect,
    Lt. Col Hans-Peter ­Kammer German-Dutch border. Originally built and                  process, and disseminate an uninterrupted
         who is heading the CIS operated by the British Royal Air Force after             flow of information. In 2018, we were looking
                                  World War II, the base was handed over to               for a ‚secure remote access‘ capability to
  Plans & Policy Branch (FHCP) the German Air Force in 1968. In 1980, NATO                enable such information flow at the NATO
           of the NATO Airborne started its E-3A Component operations at the              RESTRICTED classification level and issued
         Early ­Warning & Control Air Base Geilenkirchen. Today, approximately            a statement for a need. The requirement was
                                  2,000 military and civilian personnel from 16           meant to facilitate remotely situated person-
               (NAEW & C) Force. NATO member nations work there.                          nel, mainly during deployment or duty travel,
                                           The CIS Plans & Policy Branch (FHCP) is        with access to various network resources and
                                        responsible for the development of NAEW & C       services such as mission planning tools / data,
                                        Force’s strategic communication and informa-      the PILS application (Programme Integrated
                                        tion systems (CIS) plans, as well as the devel-   Logistics System), and other mission essential
                                        opment and operational deployment policies        information.
                                        and orders covering the NAEW & C Force CIS.


                                                                                                               Approximately 2,000 military and
                                                                                                               civilian personnel from 16 NATO
                                                                                                               member nations work at the
                                                                                                               NATO Air Base Geilenkirchen.

                                                                                                           with one guest system in the internal security
                                                                                                           network and simultaneously surf the Internet
                                                                                                           with another system – without running the
                                                                                                           risk of compromising your own network with
                                                                                                              Access to connected devices and inter-
                                                                                                           faces detected by a guest system is carried
                                                                                                           out under the control of the SINA security
                                                                                                           operating system. All hard disk access and
                                                                                                           network connections are automatically en-
                                                                                                           crypted by SINA. Users can only access the
                                                                                                           encrypted data with a PIN-protected SINA
                                                                                                           ID token which contains the configuration
     What kind of system did you have in mind?          including logistics and technical support          data and security associations for the SINA
     All in all, the proposed system was sup-           personnel, deployed mission crew and other         Workstation. It also serves as secure stor-
     posed to enable users to securely access           types of personnel who have to travel tem-         age for cryptographic keys and certificates.
     the NATO RESTRICTED network when                   porarily for duty as well as personnel at the         As a VPN gateway, the SINA L3 Box is a
     they are physically outside their respective       MSEC (Mission Systems Engineering Centre).         key component of the central IT infrastructure.
     NATO environments. Specifically, the system                                                           The data exchange between the SINA com-
     needed to provide a secure encrypted Virtual       What was the solution you ultimately               ponents is securely transmitted via encrypted
     Private Network (VPN) for transmitting NATO        deployed?                                          VPN tunnels.
     RESTRICTED data over an unclassified               In February 2019 we made the decision to
     network. We also looked for state-of-the-art       migrate to a SINA (Secure Inter-Network
     multi-­domain, multi-tenancy workstations and      Architecture) solution that allows for a ‚secure
     secure access control mechanisms including         remote access‘ capability. This proven, multi-­
     user tokens. Also, we wanted the infrastruc-       domain, multi-tenancy solution, developed
     ture to provide our system administrators with     by secunet on behalf of the German Federal
     full administration capability for the clients,    Office for Information Security (BSI), included
     the capability for issuing and re-issuing the      the deployment of 30 SINA Workstations S
     tokens for users as well as the ability to re-     (crypto clients in a laptop format), with a back
     new (refresh) and upgrade the installed base       end consisting of SINA L3 Box S devices
     periodically.                                      (IPsec-secured VPN gateways) as well as a
        The desired system also needed to have          designated SINA Management solution.
     accreditation in accordance with the NATO
     security regulations and policies, be accred-      What were the reasons you chose a
     ited to NATO RESTRICTED use and be listed          SINA solution?
     on the NATO Information Assurance Product          The SINA Workstation runs so-called guest
     Catalogue (NIAPC) to ensure compliance.            systems such as Windows and their appli-
        Furthermore, the capability needed to sup-      cations in a virtualised environment. Parallel
     port different user types: there are key leader-   operation of several isolated guest systems,
     ship users at the NAEW & CF Headquarters,          which can also be assigned to different se-
     users at the NAEW & CF E3A Component               curity domains, makes it possible to work

10       SECUVIEW – 2  | 2019

   SINA Management is used centrally for        Could you give us a brief indication of
system administration, remote configuration     the next steps?
and SINA software updates for all SINA L3       Given the successful introduction and deploy-
Boxes in the network. The configuration         ment of the SINA capability at the NATO Air
updates include network configurations and      Base in 2019, the NAEW & C Force is looking
security associations. Integrated Public Key    to launch Phase 2 in 2020 and expand the
Infrastructure (PKI) with the associated user   initial ‘secure remote access’ capability to
management supports critical administrative     more personnel on- and off-site.
processes involving SINA L3 Box smart
cards. This specifically includes customisa-             Jerome Kühnert
tion, generation and updating of keys and
cryptographic parameters, and adminis-
tration of the associated PINs and PUKs. A
SINA administrator can grant or revoke rights
and change the configuration from a remote
location.                                                                       IN INTERVIEW
                           Lt Col Hans-Peter Kammer was born on 13 May 1961 in
                           Wuerselen close to Aachen. After graduating from High School         Lt Col Hans-Peter Kammer
                           in 1981 he joined the German Armed Forces as a conscript. In         Head CIS Plans & Policy Branch,
                           1982 he began his career as a non-commissioned officer and           NATO Airborne Early Warning &
                           platoon leader of a Signals Squadron stationed in Cologne. In        Control Force
                           1991 he began studies in the field of electrical engineering and
                           commissioned in 1994. He has served in different positions as
                           a member of the NAEW & C Force since 1999. Lt Col Kammer is
                           married and has two grown-up children.

                                                                                                          A Geilenkirchen-based Boeing
                                                                                                       E-3A ­aircraft, commonly known as
                                                                                                                        AWACS, in full flight


                                   SOFTWARE INNOVATION CAMPUS PADERBORN

                              “We are Researching the Software
                                 Innovations of the Future”

                Since March 2019 secunet has been a member of the
         ­Software Innovation Campus Paderborn, or SICP for short.
              Collaboration between The Software Innovation Campus Paderborn Digital innovations as a product of
        science and industry at the (SICP) is an interdisciplinary research and interdisciplinary collaborations
            University of Paderborn innovation association where businesses In the five competence areas of the SICP –
                                      and science jointly explore and put digital Cyber-Physical Systems, Digital Business,
           has led to the creation of innovations into action. The SICP develops Digital Security, Smart Systems and Software
            a place for research and solutions to brand new kinds of challenges in Engineering – around 30 working groups from
              innovation, knowledge digital society, but also implements real-world the faculties for Electrical Engineering, Com-
                                      concepts and systems efficiently, securely puter Science and Mathematics, Economics
     transfer and h­ uman resources and in a scalable way. “With the construc- and Cultural Studies at the University of Pa-
                       ­development. tion of the new Zukunftsmeile 2 building on derborn are developing multidisciplinary new
                                              Fürstenallee in Paderborn, in close proximity      concepts, methods, technologies and tools
                                              to the Fraunhofer Institute for Mechatronic        for large distributed and intelligent systems,
                                              Systems Design IEM and the University of           secure wireless communication, agile and
                                              Paderborn Heinz Nixdorf Institute, we are          people-centric development of interactive
                                              realising a research campus where we will          and socio-technical systems, digital business
                                              be able to develop digital innovations in a        models, data-driven decisions, intelligent cus-
                                              particularly effective and agile way through       tomer management and adaptive business
                                              the close interlinking of science and industry,”   processes. “We always view digital innova-
                                              says Dr Stefan Sauer, Managing Director of         tions as a close interlocking of organisation
                                              the SICP and Manager of the Software Engi-         and IT: digital transformation can only be
                                              neering competence area. “We see the close         successful if we develop software and sys-
                                              collaboration between science and industry         tems on the basis of the application context,
                                              as a crucial factor for success in turning re-     transform organisational structures effectively,
                                              search results into marketable innovations,”       and empower people to create and utilise
                                              Sauer adds.                                        digital innovations,” explains Christoph Plass,
                                                                                                 spokesman of the SICP.

                                                                                                     The SICP steering committee
                                                                                                     (left to right): Holger Funke (secunet
                                                                                                     Security Networks AG), Josef Tillmann
                                                                                                     (S&N Invent GmbH), Christoph Plass
                                                                                                     (UNITY AG), Prof. Gregor Engels
                                                                                                     (University of Paderborn), Dr Stefan
                                                                                                     Sauer (University of Paderborn),
                                                                                                     Jörg Wehling (Atos Information
                                                                                                     ­Technology GmbH), Prof. Holger Karl
                                                                                                      (University of Paderborn)

12     SECUVIEW – 2  | 2019

“Digital Security” at the SICP                       is researching measures such as secure IT           the German Federal Office for Information
In the era of the digital transformation, In-        architectures, progressive cryptographic pro-       Security (BSI). The aim of the SICP fellowship
dustry 4.0 and the Internet of Things, the           cedures and digital identities and developing       is to further develop this relationship, carry
security aspect in particular is one of the core     joint solutions. These topics are supported         out joint projects, bachelor and master the-
challenges for our modern information society.       by multidisciplinary expertise in topics like       ses, and attract highly trained students and
“In our area of competence we are therefore          agile and hybrid software development meth-         graduates to secunet.
investigating methods for how security can           ods, static and dynamic program analysis,              You can find more information at
be integrated more extensively even at the           or software quality assurance and testing.
design stage, and how it can be guaranteed
for the entire life cycle. Our goal is to make the   secunet is a member of the SICP                              Dr Stefan Sauer, SICP
concept of ‘digital security’ understandable,        Since March 2019 secunet Security Networks
sustainable and demonstrable,” says Prof.            AG has been a member of the SICP and, as                     Holger Funke, secunet
Eric Bodden, Director of the Digital Security        one of the leading providers of IT security for    
competence area.                                     businesses and authorities, has been supple-
   Distributed systems are increasingly used,        menting the SICP Digital Security competence
e. g. in cloud computing or in service-oriented      area in particular. “We are delighted to have
or micro-service architectures. The associated       an extremely capable partner at our side in
distributed computing and storage of data in         secunet, who also regularly supports us at
virtual environments calls for more data com-        the Paderborn Day of IT Security, which we
munication on the one hand; and the use of           have staged for 14 years,” says Dr Simon
external providers on the other. “In this situ-      Oberthür. “Thanks to its many experts, high
ation, security vulnerabilities can easily arise     degree of specialist and methodological
from the use of complex systems and the              expertise, together with its broad panoply of
constant connectivity. The fundamental aims          innovative ideas, we see the SICP as an ideal
of IT security for us are, therefore, maintaining    forum for exchange and discussion,” says
information security and protecting privacy          Holger Funke, Principal at secunet Security
rights,” states Dr Simon Oberthür, Manager           Networks AG. The fellowship is thus building
of the competence area and scientist at the          on a long-standing, trusting relationship and
University of Paderborn. To this end, the SICP       joint activities and project plans, including for

                                                                                                             Zukunftsmeile 2: The SICP will be housed
                                                                                                                   in this new building as of next year.
                                                                                                                         Simulation (c) Matern Architekten,
                                                                                                                                          Goldbeck GmbH

Technologies & Solutions

                                      100,000 SINA WORKSTATIONS S DELIVERED

                                    Modern Working in
                              Public Administration × 100,000

      The digital transformation does not stop at classified informa-
     tion and other sensitive data. On behalf of the German Federal
     Office for Information Security “The SINA Secure Inter-Network Architecture can, for instance, work in a classified network
         (BSI), secunet developed a is one example of a successful public-private and, at the same time, surf the (unsecured)
       solution that would offer the partnership,” BSI President Arne Schönbohm internet. In addition they have access to their
                                       stated in October 2019 at the world’s largest familiar work environment (e. g. MS Windows)
       requisite security and, at the trade show for IT security, it-sa in Nuremberg. at all times, without jeopardising the security
        same time, be user-friendly: Axel Deininger, secunet’s CEO, met Schön- of the data in the classified networks with
          the SINA Workstation. The bohm to mark a special occasion: 100,000 which they work concurrently. Two-factor au-
                                       SINA Workstations S delivered. The cryp- thentication and hard drive encryption prevent
         cryptographic client, which tographic clients secure workstations within a unauthorised parties from gaining access to
        was originally conceived as number of authorities in Germany and Europe, the sensitive data.
      a special solution for specific including in many federal ministries. Thanks
                                       to their mobility and flexibility they have rev- Confidential information from
         purposes, has since estab- olutionised work flows in authorities, where RESTRICTED to SECRET
        lished itself as the standard handling sensitive or classified documents is As is the case with other SINA components,
        PC in public administration, part of everyday responsibilities. Today, de- the SINA Workstation is available in a range
                                       spite the stringent security requirements, their of different basic models for disparate se-
         where it facilitates modern, employees can fulfil their responsibilities just curity requirements: in principle, the SINA
          mobile working. In autumn as independently when working from home Workstation S (for ‘standard’) is approved for
           2019 secunet announced or while out and about as employees in the RESTRICTED classification level; the SINA
                                       private sector can. The key phrase is “new Workstation E (‘extended’) for up to CONFI-
           a milestone. The success work”. The security of the sensitive informa- DENTIAL; and the SINA Workstation H (‘high’)
           story continues, however: tion is guaranteed at all times. And develop- for up to SECRET level. In accordance with
           the solution is continually ment is ongoing: “We will continually adapt the security requirements prevalent in the
                                       SINA to meet users’ needs and address their various authorities and institutions the SINA
           being developed and new work scenarios,” says Deininger.                     Workstation S is primarily used in public ad-
                user ­requirements and                                                  ministration, while the SINA Workstation H is
             ­technologies integrated. SINA:    a secure    environment,                used in military and other contexts. The latter
                                                versatile hardware                                 has, for example, become established as the
                                                The portfolio of SINA solutions is multi-layered   standard client in the context of the German
                                                and always offers the right product for the        Federal Armed Forces’ HaFIS programme
                                                different requirements. At its core SINA builds    (harmonisation of management information
                                                a secure environment with sophisticated            systems).
                                                encryption technology that serves to transmit         Concurrently with this, the SINA Worksta-
                                                sensitive and classified information over po-      tion is available in various form factors, e. g. as
                                                tentially unsecured networks like the internet.    a desktop, laptop or tablet. The SINA Terminal
                                                IPsec-secured Virtual Private Networks (VPN)       falls into an entirely separate category. This
                                                are used to achieve this.                          thin client only displays graphic data and
                                                   The SINA Workstation functions as the           emits audio signals; furthermore it accepts
                                                client in these secure networks. It offers the     mouse and keyboard input. The actual pro-
                                                advantage that several guest systems of            cessing of classified information takes place
                                                differing secrecy levels that are sealed off       on remote terminal servers.
                                                from each other can be run in parallel on one         The SINA Workstations E and H are, in ad-
                                                device. This is achieved through virtualisation    dition, available in ultra-robust versions that
                                                technology. The users can easily move be-          remain reliably usable even in unfavourable
                                                tween the guest systems by just a mouse            physical conditions: they are resistant to heat,
                                                click, without having to use different devices     cold, dust, vibrations and humidity.
                                                to access different security domains. They

14     SECUVIEW – 2  | 2019
Technologies & Solutions

Virtualisation: at the sharp end of
technological evolution                                     The success principle of the SINA
The project concept for SINA originally came
about through the call for secure communi-
                                                            Workstation is based on client virtualisation.
cation in connection with the move of large                 secunet is driving this technology forward
parts of the German Federal Government
from Bonn to Berlin. In this context, the Ber-              significantly with SINA Workstation, like
lin-Bonn Information Network (IVBB) was set
up to connect the highest-level federal author-
                                                            cloud computing is driving forward server
ities. In addition, there was a general need for            virtualisation.
suitable encryption for classified information
on an internet protocol level and, together                 Armin Wappenschmidt, Head of Network & Client Security,
with this, a deployment prospect for secure                 Public Authorities Division, secunet
communication via wide area networks. At
the end of the 1990s the BSI therefore drew
up a draft concept for SINA. In December           environments. secunet experimented sub-            En route to an authority standard
1999 secunet Security Networks AG was              sequently with virtualisation technologies         When the SINA Workstation was first brought
commissioned by the BSI to develop the SINA        and ultimately developed the concept for the       to life the supposition was that there would
product line.                                      SINA Workstation together with the BSI. A          be demand for around 1,500 workstations.
    Initially, at the start of the 2000s, secure   virtualisation solution from manufacturer In-      Today it is clear that the market has evolved
VPN networks were set up with SINA L3              noTek brought about a breakthrough, which          rather differently than had been anticipated.
Boxes as VPN gateways and PCs were con-            secunet extensively adapted and developed          With 100,000 installations of the SINA Work-
nected to them. The next step involved the         for SINA – and which continues to be devel-        station S alone, the SINA product family has
SINA Terminals, which linked a SINA L3 Box         oped. InnoTek later went to the technology         become an authority standard.
and a display component. With the increasing       provider Sun Microsystems, which was in turn
prevalence of SINA many users were keen to         taken over by the Oracle hardware and soft-
have entire PCs (fat clients), with which they     ware corporation. The virtualisation solution is
could work directly in their usual Windows         marketed under the name VirtualBox.

Technologies & Solutions

                                                                                                    SINA Remote Admin Server. Their successful
                                                                                                    implementation proved that SINA was suitable
                                                                                                    for mass roll-outs.
            guest system 1       guest system 2      guest system 3
                                                                                                     Users demand a variety of
         wlan hotspot app –      MS windows –        voiP telephony –                               ­applications
               open               reStriCted          reStriCted
                                                                                                    The SINA Workstation spread very rapidly
                                                                                                    within Germany’s public institutions, which
                                                                                                    soon led to a concomitant rise in users’ de-
                                                                                                    mands. Users expected that more and more
                                Sina workstation                                                    of the applications that they were reliant on
                                                                                                    as part of their day-to-day work should also
                                                                                                    be mapped in the SINA Workstation: from the
                                                                                                    connection of printers and scanners to USB
                                                                                                    support for headsets for audio conferences,
                                                                                                    right through to video telephony with Skype
                                                                                                    for Business. Implementing these require-
                                                                                                    ments within the secure, virtualised SINA
                                                      One milestone on this path came in the        environment was often challenging, yet these
                                                   mid-2010s, when several federal ministries       challenges were overcome time and again.
                                                   were fully fitted out with SINA Workstations.       A further example: since 2015 SINA has
                                                   This gave rise to brand new challenges again:    been compatible with the biometric middle-
     On the occasion of delivering 100,000         previously, the spotlight was purely on secu-    ware secunet biomiddle. This enables those
     SINA Workstation S representatives from
                                                   rity; now the question was also how a mass       in specialist roles – such as border control
     the BSI and secunet met at it-sa 2019.
     From left to right: Dr Günther Welsch,        roll-out and the administration of very large    officials – to hook up biometrics hardware
     Arne Schönbohm (both BSI),                    SINA installations could be successful without   like passport readers and fingerprint scan-
     Axel ­Deininger (secunet),                    entailing an excessive workload. The answer      ners. The SINA Workstation is also used
     Dr Gerhard ­Schabhüser (BSI),                 lay in automation: the new challenges were       successfully in mobile identity control and for
     Dr Kai Martius (secunet)
                                                   tackled with the SINA Install Server and the     registering people.

16      SECUVIEW – 2  | 2019
Technologies & Solutions

        The SINA Workstation is available
      in various form factors – the picture
       shows a version in a laptop format.

   The SINA Workstation presents users with
a range of software applications through its
SINA apps, which were originally developed
in response to requests from individual clients.
These applications can be started as separate
guest systems and fulfil defined tasks. One
example is the SINA WLAN Hotspot app. This
enables users to establish a secure VPN con-
nection even at unsecured public hotspots.

Convenient and secure internet
At the top of the list of many office IT users is
convenient internet usage that is as free as
possible of restrictions. Unsecured access to
the internet does, however, represent one of
the biggest gateways for malicious software,
which not only affects the target system, but
which can also jeopardise the confidentiality
of the data. Many users in public authorities
therefore used to have to switch to a separate         The option of starting individual Windows          In addition to the simple usability of the
PC workstation if they wanted to conduct            applications in their own virtualised environ-     SINA Workstation, users are also focussed
research on the internet. Other, more conven-       ments, which potential malicious code cannot       on mobile usage. Tablet solutions are already
ient solutions were always merely a compro-         break out of, provides additional security. This   available and other mobile form factors will
mise when it came to security aspects.              principle underpins special partner solutions      follow.
   The SINA Workstation opens up an elegant         such as Bromium Secure Platform, which can            So what does the future of the SINA Work-
way forward here by making a version of the         be integrated within the SINA Workstation.         station look like? The old contradiction of se-
secunet safe surfer solution available, which       The tried and tested external protection of        curity and convenience has increasingly fallen
is based on the BSI’s ReCoBS (Remote                the SINA environment is thus enhanced by           away. The objective is a cryptographic client
Controlled Browser System) architecture. The        a further, internal protection mechanism for       that can hardly be differentiated from conven-
internet browser is not itself implemented on       Windows applications.                              tional user systems, but that still meets security
the local Windows system requiring protec-                                                             requirements from high to highest.
tion, but within a quarantine system that is        The future: small, mobile, intuitive
implemented outside of the sensitive network        The increasing popularity of the SINA Work-                  Armin Wappenschmidt
area – in the case of the SINA Workstation,         station is leading to more and more new user
as a further virtualised guest system. The          groups coming into contact with it. This is
user controls the browser within his Windows        one of the reasons that the evolution of SINA
workstation remotely, as it were, and can           is moving in the direction of simple, intuitive
thereby work with sensitive data or critical        interfaces, which take away the need for spe-
networks, and simultaneously access the             cialist training for SINA users. For example,
internet – without the former limitations. Even     a new graphical user interface is currently in
functions like uploads and downloads, as            progress, which will further improve the user
well as a printer connection are conveniently       experience. The aspect of accessibility is also
available thanks to a data lock.                    on the agenda.

Technologies & Solutions


                               Exclusive Live Transmission from
                                    Several Kilometres Up

         Digital communication has featured in military infrastructures
               in a big way. The requirements are becoming ever more
             exacting: today, airborne In the armed forces increasing demands with            continuous network availability irrespective of
     platforms such as helicopters, respect to agility and flexibility on deployment          the environment infrastructure. Moreover, the
         reconnaissance aircraft and have led to a growing need for live video                SCP supports terrestrial networks. With both
                                        communication. This enables missions to be            types of connection there is the challenge that
          drones not only need to be coordinated, supported and led dynamically.              the networks available on the deployment
             connected to IT systems On a practical deployment, such as on recon-             usually only have moderate bandwidth availa-
           and, for example, transmit naissance and monitoring missions, HD video             ble and have high latency. The SCP therefore
                                        material is streamed live to central command.         prepares the video data in such a way that
      image data; they also need to Status reports are therefore far more accurate            they can be transmitted in high quality despite
        deliver high-resolution video and up-to-date.                                         the unfavourable conditions. If necessary, the
        footage in real time while on      In the area of medical service support the         users can decide whether an optimal image
                                        encrypted video and data transmission in real         resolution or optimal motion dynamics should
     deployment – at RESTRICTED time enable a plethora of different telemed-                  be achieved when processing – depending on
      secrecy level. To achieve this, icine applications. In addition to the trans-           the tactical benefit.
     several of the German Federal mission of vital data in emergency situations,               The SCP is made up of two components:
                                        teleradiology, teleparasitology and telederma-        a hardware decoder / encoder and a pro-
            Armed Forces’ helicopter tology, it is also possible to provide support           cessor unit. The combination of these two
           models carry the SCOTTY with a sonographic examination in real time
        Communication Platform on via a specialist in the country of origin.
                                           One traditional use case is bi-directional
            board, which is fitted with video and speech transmission in the form
       SINA encryption technology. of a video conference used as a modern
            The high security solution leadership tool. Last but not least, the system
                                        also serves to transmit media reports from the
        SINA, which has formed the deployment territory, whether for internal com-
          IP cryptographic backbone munication or external reporting purposes.
       of the Federal Armed Forces         These types of scenario are executed
                                        technically with the assistance of separate
           for years on the ground, is computer systems on board of aircrafts or
       thereby now tapping into the vehicles. SCOTTY, a company headquar-
               vertical dimension too. tered in Austria, produces solutions for this
                                              purpose. The SCOTTY Communication Plat-
                                              form (SCP) enables data, photos, audio and
                                              HD video material to be beamed live from the
                                              air, land and high seas – preferably via sat-
                                              ellite communication, because this ensures

                                                     The Sikorsky CH-53 is a medium-­
                                                   weight transport helicopter that has
                                                   been operational on a large number
                                                  of the Federal Armed Forces’ foreign
                                                          deployments in recent years.

18     SECUVIEW – 2  | 2019
Technologies & Solutions


Grob G520 Egrett
                                  CH 53



                                      Eagle IV

            SCP powered by SINA S in use

            SCP in use

            in preparation / further deployment options

            SINA L3 Box S

                                                                                      elements enables a series of applications,
                                                                                      including bi-directional video communication,
                                                                                      unidirectional video streaming and video re-
                                                                                      cording. The transmission of technically less
                                                                                      challenging information arising through the
                                                                                      deployment, such as audio material or simple
                                                                                      data, is effected over the SCP too.
                                                                                         In order to transmit the information not
                                                                                      only so it is readily available and of sufficiently
                                                                                      high quality, but also so it is tap-proof, one
                                                                                      version of the SCP is equipped with the
                                                                                      SINA cryptographic system. As part of the
                                                                                      “SCOTTY Communication Platform powered
                                                                                      by SINA S”, SINA is now leaving the ground
                                                                                      and boarding the Federal Armed Forces
                                                                                      helicopters on deployments at heights of
                                                                                      up to several kilometres above ground.
                                                                                      The joint solution by SCOTTY and secunet
                                                                                      is approved for the German VS-NUR FÜR
                                                                                      DEN DIENSTGEBRAUCH secrecy level,
                                                                                      as well as for NATO RESTRICTED and EU
                                                                                      RESTRICTED / RESTREINT UE levels interna-

Technologies & Solutions

        How is communication protected specif-       between the SINA components are securely            ensures that only the SINA components af-
     ically? The SINA component in the SCP in        transmitted in encrypted VPN tunnels. In            fected can decrypt the data – even with high
     the helicopter functions as an IPsec secured    doing this it is immaterial which potentially       data throughput, in order to enable applica-
     VPN gateway. As a counterpart, one (or more)    unsecured network is used for the data              tions such as video communication.
     SINA L3 Box S is required on the ground         transfer – e. g. the internet, or, in the present      For the time being, two types of Federal
     and integrated within the respective military   instance, via satellite-based connections.          Armed Forces helicopter models in Germany’s
     IT infrastructure there. The data exchanged     RESTRICTED level-compliant cryptography             air force are flying missions with SCP pow-
                                                                                                         ered by SINA on board. One of the two is the
                                                                                                         Sikorsky CH-53, a medium-weight transport
                                                                                                         helicopter that has been operational on a
                                                                                                         large number of foreign deployments in recent
                                                                                                         years. For many years the CH-53 has been
                                                                                                         the Federal Armed Forces’ beast of burden
        The SCP’s                                                                                        in Afghanistan. From transporting troops to
        hardware platform                                                                                connecting flights, transfer of special forces
                                                                                                         to the deployment territory through to medical

                                                                      SCOTTY Group Austria GmbH provides a comprehensive range of com-
                                                                      munications solutions, specifically tailored to application in defence, civil
                                                                      protection and surveillance. SCOTTY facilitates audio, video and data
                                                                      transmission where there is no infrastructure: in the field, on wheeled
                                                                      vehicles, ships, and in the air.
                                                                         SCOTTY, founded in 1993, has tremendous experience in providing
                                                                      solutions for critical applications under challenging circumstances.
     The encrypted video and data transmission
     in real time enable a plethora of different                      Armed forces worldwide use SCOTTY equipment and rely on the
     telemedicine applications.                                       long-standing experience and know-how to take communication to
     (c) SCOTTY                                                       remote locations which are difficult to access. SCOTTY products can
                                                                      be integrated into aircraft, helicopters and vehicles. The transmission of
                                                                      video recordings in real time to the command centre makes surveillance
                                                                      operations as well as reconnaissance missions more efficient and allows
                                                                      rapid action.

20      SECUVIEW – 2  | 2019
Technologies & Solutions

           The SCP is not only designed
        for use in helicopters, but also in
         aircraft (such as the Grob G520
        Egrett pictured here), land-based
                       vehicles and ships.
                                (c) SCOTTY

evacuation: the platform has been used for
many years for a host of missions in this
deployment territory, which is challenging not
only because of the climatic conditions.
   A further type of helicopter with SCP
powered by SINA S on board is the new
lightweight multi-purpose Airbus Helicopters
H145M. The scope of application for this
helicopter includes supporting land-based
and maritime special operations, as well as,
in future, fire support, evacuation support and
reconnaissance missions. The German navy is
also planning to implement the SCP powered         deployment capabilities are extended. This in
by SINA S: in future, the IT security solution     turn leads to new requirements, specifically
will transmit and safeguard video communi-         with regard to the quality, availability and con-
cations in the new tactical NH90 Sea Lion          fidentiality of the data transmitted. To cover fu-
marine transport helicopters.                      ture requirements for military IT infrastructure
   As a hardware component for aviation, spe-      as well, SINA is continually being developed
cial requirements apply to the SCP: ultimately,    in close collaboration with the Federal Armed
the solution needs to function securely even       Forces.
under extreme conditions, such as those in
play within a plane or helicopter. The standard              Dr Michael Sobirey, secunet
DO-160G sets out requirements for tolerance
with respect to environmental factors, as                    Dr Mario Polaschegg,
well as for the electromagnetic compatibility.               SCOTTY Group
This includes the temperature range in which       
the system has to function faultlessly, the air
pressure, the resistance in terms of electro-
magnetic radiation as well as, in particular,
the resilience to cope with vibrations and
knocks, which, especially when it comes to
helicopters, can be very extreme. The SCP
passed the test procedure for this standard
   In principle, the SCP is not only designed
for aviation, but also for land-based vehicles
and ships. The same applies to the product
versions with SINA functionality. There is cur-
rently a project in plan to integrate the system
into land-based vehicles.
   IT systems have become integral compo-
nents within overarching military systems,
which alter their capabilities and, in turn,
generate new requirements. This is espe-              Dr Michael Sobirey                      Dr Mario Polaschegg
cially evident in the example of live HD video        Head of Defence division,               Head of Customization,
communication: where flying platforms                 secunet                                 SCOTTY Group
are equipped with this functionality their

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