Happy Chanukah! - and Happy Tu B'Shevat! With Your Temple Beth El Family - ShulCloud

Page created by Richard Perez
Happy Chanukah! - and Happy Tu B'Shevat! With Your Temple Beth El Family - ShulCloud
Happy Chanukah!

      With Your Temple Beth El Family

  and Happy Tu B’Shevat!
November - December 2021 - January 2022
Cheshvan - Kislev - Tevet - Shevat 5782
Happy Chanukah! - and Happy Tu B'Shevat! With Your Temple Beth El Family - ShulCloud
                        TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S
3          COMING EVENTS              13        PRESCHOOL

4          PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE        1 4 - 1 6 CHAI-LIGHTS
5          GET TO KNOW YOUR E.D.      17        SISTERHOOD

6          A VIEW FROM THE BIMAH      18        B R O T H E R H O O D /A D U LT                 ED

7          CANTOR’S NOTES             19        JLC NEWS

8          SOCIAL ACTION              20        B.E.T. YOUTH

10         MAZEL MOMENTS              23        LIFE CYCLE EVENTS
12         WELCOME NEW MEMBERS        24        FUNDS & DONATIONS
Not receiving our weekly e-newsletter?                                Follow us on social media!
Email marketing@tbehollywood.com to stay connected!                   @templebethelofhollywood

                 GET TO KNOW TEMPLE BETH EL
    CLERGY                                     SENIOR STAFF
    Rabbi Allan Tuffs                          Jeff Jacob, Executive Director
    Cantor Manny Silver                        Linda Latos, Finance Director
    BOARD OF TRUSTEES                          Rachel Kaplan, Marketing Director
    Officers:                                  Donna Anton, Preschool Director
    Scott Singer, President                    Barbara Segal, Jewish Learning Center Director
    Marvin Luterman,                           David Mankes, Camp & Youth Director
    VP of Administration                       Dawn Zasloff, Cemetery Administrator
    Sharon Tanenhaus,
    VP of Membership & Programming
    Stuart Scherline, Secretary                Temple Beth El
    Al Levine, Treasurer                       1351 S. 14th Avenue
    Trustees:                                  Hollywood, FL 33020
    Ruth Gantman          Susie Lewis
    Ken Gottlieb          Alexander Lewy
    Sam Grussgott         Micki Mallinson
                                               Office: (954) 920-8225
    Randy Kominsky        Scott Owens
                          Barbara Samuels
                                               Preschool: (954) 921-7096
    Marni Lamberk
                          Ruthie Schwartz      Email: temple@tbehollywood.com
    David Lazarovic
    Ursula Leon-Marans    Brent Spechler       Website: templebethelhollywood.org

                                       2 | CONNECTIONS
Happy Chanukah! - and Happy Tu B'Shevat! With Your Temple Beth El Family - ShulCloud
Monday, November 1...................................................................Women’s Spirituality Group
Thursday, November 4.................................................................Sisterhood Meeting
Saturday, November 6..................................................................B’nai Mitzvah Exploratory Shabbat Service
Wednesday, November 10..........................................................Kristalnacht Presentation
Thursday, November 11...............................................................Veterans Day: Office & School Closed
Tuesday, November 16.................................................................B.E.T. Youth Teen Tuesdays
Wednesday, November 17..........................................................Adult Education: Dr. Alan Mason
Thursday, November 18...............................................................TBE Book Club
Friday, November 19.....................................................................Family Shabbat
Wednesday, November 24.........................................................Preschool Closed
Thursday, November 25...............................................................Thanksgiving Day:
                                                                                        Office, Preschool, & Cemetery Closed
Friday, November 26.....................................................................Office & School Closed
Sunday, November 28..................................................................Erev Chanukah: TBE Lights Up the Night!
Tuesday, November 30.................................................................Brotherhood Meeting + Poker Game

Friday, December 3.......................................................................Chanukah Shabbat Dinner
Sunday, December 5.....................................................................Brotherhood Bikers
Monday, December 6....................................................................Women’s Spirituality Group
Wednesday, December 8.............................................................Sisterhood Girls’ Nite Out
Thursday, December 9..................................................................Sisterhood Meeting
Tuesday, December 14.................................................................B.E.T. Youth Teen Tuesdays
Wednesday, December 15..........................................................Adult Education
Thursday, December 16...............................................................TBE Book Club
Monday, Dec. 20 - Thursday, Dec. 30.......................................Winter Mini Camp (No Camp Dec. 24)
Friday, December 24.....................................................................Office & School Closed
Saturday, December 25................................................................Chinese Dinner & a Movie
Friday, December 31.....................................................................Office & School Closed
Tuesday, December 28.................................................................Brotherhood Meeting + Poker Game
Monday, January 3.........................................................................Women’s Spirituality Group
Friday, January 7............................................................................Shabbatini
Thursday, January 13....................................................................Sisterhood Meeting
Friday, January 14..........................................................................Family Shabbat
Saturday, January 15.....................................................................Jazz Night
Sunday, January 16........................................................................Tu BiShevat Family Kayaking Adventure
Monday, January 17......................................................................MLK Jr. Day: Office & School Closed
Tuesday, January 18......................................................................B.E.T. Youth Teen Tuesdays
Wednesday, January 19................................................................Sisterhood Lunch & Movie
Thursday, January 20....................................................................TBE Book Club
Tuesday, January 25......................................................................Brotherhood Meeting + Poker Game
Saturday, January 29.....................................................................Full Moon Havdalah
                                                       3 | CONNECTIONS
Happy Chanukah! - and Happy Tu B'Shevat! With Your Temple Beth El Family - ShulCloud
Don’t Forget to Laugh!                                 up a dark day.
                                                      Think about what you used to laugh about – and
During these past many months, all we heard was
                                                      with whom! Also, think about what you do not
COVID-19 and how to not get it. As of now, laugh-
                                                      find funny. You probably remember jokes, films, or
ter might be the only contagious thing that you
                                                      situations that made you laugh. You can then in-
actually want to catch. So laugh whenever you get
                                                      tegrate them back into your everyday life. Maybe
the chance, and laugh hard even when people give
                                                      you have a favorite comedy that you haven’t seen
you funny looks. The right kind of person will start
                                                      in a long time, or you could read a few chapters
laughing too, without even knowing why.
                                                      from a particularly funny novel. On social media,
The writer Mark Twain once said, “Humor is tragedy cat content is still king – so feel free to watch fun-
plus time.” This is good advice to follow, because    ny animal videos if you like little furballs.
it often helps to change your perspective and to
                                                      With a healthy dose of humor, we not only cope
find something funny. For example, you might ask
                                                      more easily with everyday life but also during par-
yourself: What is happening to me right now – will I
                                                      ticularly difficult and challenging times. Especially
be able to laugh about it in three months? Another
                                                      when we have a terrible day, private or job-relat-
possibility is to imagine that a mishap does not hap-
                                                      ed issues, or even health problems, humor proves
pen to us, but another person. Of course, this only
                                                      to be our knight in shining armor. It does not
applies to minor mishaps, but if someone stumbles
                                                      change our predicament itself, but it does lower
or slips on a banana peel, we laugh according to the
                                                      our stress levels and helps us see the world with
Superiority Theory out of sheer malicious joy.
                                                      different eyes.
The good news for people, who sometimes feel like
                                                      Humor is, of course, a subjective thing. There are
they might have forgotten how to laugh: humor can
                                                      always going to be jokes that you think are fun-
be practiced. Especially as humor comes in many
                                                      ny but others don’t, and vice versa. Our comedy
ways. It does not always have to be roaring laugh-
                                                      sensibilities are a combination of a lot of things,
ter, a little smile is sometimes enough to brighten
                                                      including life experiences that may make us more
                                                      sensitive to certain subjects and less sensitive to
                                                      others. With all that in mind, can there really be a
                                                      “funniest joke”?
                                                       Funniest Joke? Maybe!
                                                       A priest, a minister, and a rabbi want to see who’s
                                                       best at his job. So they each go into the woods,
                                                       find a bear, and attempt to convert it. Later they
                                                       get together. The priest begins, “When I found
                                                       the bear, I read to him from the Catechism and
                                                       sprinkled him with holy water. Next week is his
                                                       First Communion.”
                                                       “I found a bear by the stream,” says the minister,
                                                       “and preached God’s holy word. The bear was so
                                                       mesmerized that he let me baptize him.”
                                                       They both look down at the rabbi, who is lying on
                                                       a gurney in a body cast. “Looking back,” he says,
                                                       “maybe I shouldn’t have started with the circum-
                                                       If this made you laugh, let me know. If it didn’t

                                                       make you laugh, please let Rabbi know, it’s his
                                            4 | CONNECTIONS
Happy Chanukah! - and Happy Tu B'Shevat! With Your Temple Beth El Family - ShulCloud
A Q&A with Jeff Jacob                                               retention, motivates, unifies people from all walks of life,
                                                                    soothes…and speaks to the heart and soul - where real and
How did your Jewish Journey lead you to TBE? The journey to         lasting change can take place. I listen and play many differ-
TBE has not been a straight line, but more like a “Long and         ent types of music. My “go-to” artists include Springsteen,
Winding Road.” I grew up mostly in the Conservative stream          U2, Needtobreathe, The Avett Brothers, Tom Petty, The
of Judaism, and spent summers at the JCC summer camp of             Beatles, Johnny Cash, Bon Jovi, Old Crow Medicine Show,
Greater Washington - first as camper, and then all the way          John Mellencamp, REM, and Billy Joel…to name a few.
through high school years as a counselor. The most rewarding
experiences there included my first baby steps working with a       What is your favorite program you’ve ever produced or worked
special needs population when I took the role of Mainstream         on? I’ve been blessed to work on such a large number and
Counselor at their Travel Camp. I can recall teaming up with        variety of programs and events, but a few certainly stand
another counselor in a “Fireman’s Carry” so that we could           out. Sitting on the planning committee for the “Nashville
transport a wheelchair-bound camper a few hundred yards             Jewish-American Music Festival” as well as producing the
over rocky terrain from the bus to the river for a whitewater       CD “Jewish Songwriters of Nashville: Sing Reflections of
rafting trip. This was not easy, but the look on the camper’s       Judaism” were both memorable experiences for me. One of
face when we hit those rapids made it so worthwhile! I also         my favorite programs was called “Songwriters for Soldiers”
spent six summers in their summer theatre program - four as         done with a cool non-profit called THE BEAT OF LIFE at Ft.
a camper/actor, and two as Assistant Director. These produc-        Campbell in Clarksville, KY, home of the 101st Airborne.
tions left an indelible footprint on my creative soul.              This program was multi-faceted, but at its root was about
After college I moved to Nashville, where after many years          using music and collaboration as healing mechanisms for
“away from the fold” I became heavily involved with the Jewish      veterans battling PTSD who were not responding well
Community as a lay leader. My time and effort were primarily        enough to traditional therapy. We teamed up HIT Songwrit-
dedicated to the Reform and Chabad movements during these           ers each with a therapist and a soldier in need of assistance.
years. Music and social action were core elements in nearly all     Over the course of a weekend, these service men and wom-
the programs and initiatives in which I was involved.               en told their personal PTSD stories through songwriting.
                                                                    The culmination of the project was a benefit concert and CD
What are you excited to launch at TBE? There is SO much I           of all the compositions. This was a “lightening in a bottle”
am excited about from a programs perspective at TBE. And            moment for the songwriters, soldiers, and their families. And
yet, as we ideate and plan, we are all still so cognizant of the    it reiterated to me how powerful storytelling, collaboration,
limitations Covid may put upon us with new surges, or exist-        therapy, caring, and songwriting can be.
ing fears. We really want to be as careful as possible with the
health of those in our community, and feel it is inherent upon      Tell us about your family. My parents live in Delray Beach,
us to be a leader in that regard. That being said, we really plan   and are one of the main reasons I left Nashville for South
on ramping up the amount, and variety, of our music program-        Florida, along with my sister, her husband, and her daugh-
ming and services here at TBE. What does that mean? Well,           ters - my nieces Hannah and Carrie. My oldest niece just
we’re in early planning stages for both a “Jewgrass Shabbat”        went to study in South Korea and I’m so excited for her. My
and a “Rock Shabbat” as well. These services will incorporate       wife Karen is a long-time Hollywood resident and had been
new arrangements to old favorite prayers, as well as original       a school teacher for over 20 years, and my son Jonah is a
compositions, along with some great additional musicians. If        junior “sports guy” at David Posnack High School. We have
you’ve ever been to a Country Honky Tonk, or a Rock Festival/       two awesome pitbull mixes, Cocoa and Laney, and a beauti-
Tent Revival, that is the energy we hope to tap into - at least     ful white Persian cat named Scooby.
from time to time. We’d love to involve the parents in our
schools in these programs so if you love to rock, or just are
great at getting the word out, let us know!

What tikkun olam practices are you passionate about? There
are so many parts of the world that need fixing. So much
darkness that needs to be met with light. I’m passionate about
racial equity/justice, income inequality, animal welfare, climate
change, affordable healthcare to name just a few areas. I’m
excited for us to hopefully re-launch our Haiti Project, and per-
haps collaborate with those from other faiths and backgrounds
on some creative projects and initiatives.

What kind of music do you like to jam out to? One of the few
universal languages, along with laughter and tears, music is
so much more than entertainment. It inspires, assists with           JEFF JACOB                         jeff@tbehollywood.com
                                                      5 | CONNECTIONS
Happy Chanukah! - and Happy Tu B'Shevat! With Your Temple Beth El Family - ShulCloud
     Bless Adonai, O my soul: Adonai my God, You are very
           great; You are clothed in Glory and majesty,
                  wrapped in a garment of light.”
                       –Psalm 104:2
What did King
David mean when
he wrote that God
is wrapped in a
garment of light?
First of all, we must
understand that light
comes in different
frequencies and wave
lengths. The human
eye detects only a
tiny fraction of the
light present in the
universe. The light we
do see is refracted
through a spectrum
revealing only the
colors of the rainbow,
and no more. Most of
the light surrounding                                            directly. In Exodus 33:18 Moses asks God, “Oh, let me be-
us is invisible to us. These forms of light include ultravio-    hold Your Presence. And He (God) answered, “I will make
let, infrared, Gamma, and X-rays, which can be detected          all My goodness pass before you…but you cannot see My
only with sophisticated electro-magnetic instruments.            face… for no person can see My face and live.”
Undoubtedly, there are many more kinds of light yet to
                                                                 The idea that God’s light can only be seen when clothed in
                                          be discovered by
                                                                 a garment might be understood through the workings of
                                                                 a florescent light bulb. A florescent bulb is an empty glass
                                          Jewish mystics         tube - a vacuum through which ultraviolet light, invisible
                                          sometimes de-          to the human eye, is projected. The inside of the tube is
                                          scribed God as         coated with phosphorus which interacts with ultraviolet
                                          the purest form of     light waves, creating a visible light illuminating our homes
                                          light, containing      and offices.
                                          all that is neces-
                                                                 Everything in the universe, including us, is a garment
                                          sary for creating
                                                                 through which God’s light can radiate. A spiritually-inclined
                                          and sustaining all
                                                                 person is attentive to the outer garment, as a means to
                                          existence. Evidence
                                                                 allow the inner light to shine in the world. For us Jews, this
                                          of that light can be
                                                                 involves the performance of mitzvot - acts of compassion
                                          seen all around us,
                                                                 and justice. It is through us that God’s light is visible in the
                                          even though we
                                          cannot gaze at it

                                         RABBI ALLAN TUFFS EMAIL: RABBI@TBEHOLLYWOOD.COM
                                                    6 | CONNECTIONS
Happy Chanukah! - and Happy Tu B'Shevat! With Your Temple Beth El Family - ShulCloud
“MUSIC HAS healing power. It has the ability to                It all came about because of the COVID-19 pandemic. No
take people out of themselves for a few hours.”                longer could I meet with our young people in my office for
                                                               weekly lessons. So for the past year and a half, I’ve been
Those are the words of superstar entertainer Elton John -      meeting individually with my students on FaceTime.
and I wholeheartedly agree with them!
                                                               Two years ago, I didn’t even know what FaceTime was! It’s
So....please circle Saturday night January 15 on your calen-   an app that I use on my cell phone enabling me to see the
dars. That’s when fabulous music will ring through Temple      person with whom I’m having a conversation. And it’s a
Beth El! On that night I will be bringing four tremendous      great tool for Bar and Bat Mitzvah lessons.
jazz musicians to our ballroom for Jazz Night - and you will
enjoy music and camaraderie that will make for an unfor-       At first, I thought it was “weird” to be teaching kids this
gettable evening. Our Ballroom will be set up like a jazz      way. But guess what? Teaching my students “virtually” has
club and we’ll have great music, booze, food, and fun!         turned out to be great! It’s clear to me that FaceTime and
                                                               Zoom are the way of the future!
Let’s face it - it’s time to get out and start enjoying life
again! As we sing every year at the Passover Seder - DAY-      Coming together “virtually” has also worked wonders for
ENU! Enough with the COVID pandemic!                           my weekly Adult Ed class on Wednesday nights. Our class
                                                               has really grown and come together as a loving, cohesive
Hopefully, our community will be well on the way to per-       group that looks forward to seeing each other online every
fect health by the New Year, and it will be safe to congre-    week!
gate in large numbers and enjoy each other’s company be-
cause we are planning even more innovative and exciting        So we’ve been forced to grow and adapt thanks to the
music programs in 2022. I hope to see you there!               COVID-19 pandemic - and that’s a good thing!

On another note, SOMETIMES we receive great blessings
in life from unexpected places or circumstances! Such is
the case with my new way of teaching our Bar and Bat
Mitzvah students.

                EMAIL: mota1231@gmail.com

                                                   7 | CONNECTIONS
Happy Chanukah! - and Happy Tu B'Shevat! With Your Temple Beth El Family - ShulCloud
                                                         Help Repair the World:
                                                                  Donate to the
                                                              Spechler Family Mitzvah Fund
                                                         visit templebethelhollywood.org/donate
                                                            or checks can be mailed to Temple Beth El
                                                                with “Mitzvah Fund” in the memo.
Thanks to everyone who contributed to the High           Chanukah Items:
Holy Days Food Drive for the Cupboard! In addition       Chanukah candles
to our year-round food drive, Women’s Spirituality       Vegetable oil (no larger than 24 oz)
Group is now collecting items for Holocaust survi-       Potato pancake mix
vors residing in Broward County, also supported by       Apple sauce
the Cupboard.                                            Chocolate coins “gelt”
The Cupboard provides 1 roll of paper towels and 4       Please drop off donations to the Women’s Spirituality
rolls of toilet paper per month to each of our survi-    Group donation bin at TBE.
vors. If you would like to donate items to this drive,   A message from the Cupboard:
please note that the toilet paper packages should        We are also collecting funds to provide frozen Turkeys
contain no more than 4 rolls (or provide individually    for our younger families and prepared thanksgiving
wrapped rolls). Paper towels must be single wrapped      meals will be available for all our Holocaust survivors
rolls.                                                   and seniors.
The Cupboard’s Thanksgiving and Chanukah Food            Again, heartfelt thanks for everything our Beth El fami-
Drive is also ongoing. Chanukah starts just 3 days       ly does for us. We could never do this without you.
after Thanksgiving, on November 28th. This is why        Chag Sameach!
the pantry will be distributing both Thanksgiving and
Hanukkah items:                                          Lourdes (Lu) Fiegler
                                                         Cultural Community Liaison, The Cupboard
Thanksgiving Items:
Mashed Potato Mix
Stuffing Mix
Canned Cranberry sauce
Canned Pumpkin
Canned Green beans

                                                                                    Want to do a
                                                                                       within the
                                                                                 TBE community?
                                                                                   We’d love your
         For volunteer opportunities, or to join TBE’s Social Action (and Caring) Committee,
                contact Sharon Tanenhaus, at (954) 604-8666 or daniasha@aol.com.

                                               8 | CONNECTIONS
Happy Chanukah! - and Happy Tu B'Shevat! With Your Temple Beth El Family - ShulCloud
All programs (unless otherwise noted) available via:
                     Facebook Live | Livestream | YouTube Live | and NEW Roku

                                       7:30 pm | Shabbat Service

     9:30 am | Torah Study & Shabbat Morning Service (via Zoom) meeting ID: 834-1371-2298*

 Beginning January 26 @ 11:30 am | Class with Rabbi Tuffs (via Zoom) meeting ID: 868 0041 1201*
              6 pm | Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Judaism... Class
                   with Cantor Manny (via Zoom) meeting ID: 940 8228 7996*
This schedule is subject to change. Please check www.templebethelhollywood.com/livestream for updates.
           *Call the TBE office or email temple@tbehollywood.com for Zoom password or questions.
Happy Chanukah! - and Happy Tu B'Shevat! With Your Temple Beth El Family - ShulCloud
                       LAYLA ROSENBAUM + SASHA ROSENBAUM
                                       September 4, 2021
Layla is a 9th grader at                                                   Sasha is 12 years old
Western High School.                                                       and in 7th grade at
When she’s not in                                                          Indian Ridge Middle
school, you can find her                                                   School. Her interests
on the basketball court.                                                   include playing soccer,
She loves taking                                                           spending time with
family trips, yoga,                                                        family and friends,
playing with her dogs                                                      swimming, designing
Harley and Reese,                                                          jewelery, and playing
music, and                                                                 pickle ball.
spending quality time                                                      She also loves home
with friends and family.                                                   design and aspires to
Layla also enjoys                                                          one day become an
creating digital art and                                                   architect or interior
media designs.                                                             designer.

                                  COOPER                                               ILAN
                                 SALPETER                                             ROJKES
                                  September                                        November 27,
                                   11, 2021                                           2021
                                 Cooper is a 7th                                Ilan was born
                                 grade student                                  on September
                                 at Indian Ridge                                6, 2008. He is
                                 Middle School.                                 the first son of
                                 She spends                                     Alexis and Pau-
                                 most of her                                    la Rojkes. He
                                 days at the                                    has a brother
                                 dance studio      Jonah Rojkes and two dogs Tank and Diesel.
                                 which is like     His hobbies are playing the guitar, coding and
                                 her second        mountain biking. He loves Italian food and
  home. Cooper enjoys hanging out with her         vanilla ice cream. He also works out to become
  friends and family. She is very grateful for     healthy and strong.
  Rabbi Tuffs and Cantor Manny’s guidance
  through her Bat Mitzvah journey.                 He is also starting to learn how to play piano
                                                   and how to ride his mountain bike better.

                                        10 | CONNECTIONS
                                 DANIEL                                              HAILEY
                                 KAPLAN                                             CHAIKEN
                             January 8, 2022                                     January 22, 2022
                            Daniel was born in                                  Hailey is in 7th
                            Miami Beach, FL.                                    grade at Summit
                            He is a student at                                  Questa Montessori
                            Pine Crest School                                   School in Davie, FL.
                            in Fort Lauderdale.                                 Hailey enjoys
                            Daniel enjoys trav-                                 sports such as ten-
                            eling, biking, snow                                 nis and volleyball.
                            skiing, weight lift-                                Hailey was on last
                            ing and being with                                  year’s principal’s
                            his camp friends.                                   list. She was invited
His mitzvah project will be to form a team for     the last two years to play the piano at the Flor-
the Walk to End Alzheimer’s, in memory of his      ida Federation Music Clubs Junior Convention.
Mimi and Saba Aharon. We are so proud of           This year, she has been invited to apply for the
Daniel.                                            National Junior Honor Society. Hailey enjoys
                                                   preparing for her Bat Mitzvah with Ms. Barbara
                                                   and Cantor Manny. She also enjoys youth group
                                                   with David. Hailey loves animals and, of course,
                                                   her dog Sadie.

                                               MY THREE SONS + A NEW DAUGHTER!
                                            In July, Walter Dorfman expanded his family by legal-
                                            ly adopting his two adult stepsons, Drs. Max and Leo
                                            Berman Ferreti. Walter already had his original son, Ari
                                            Dorfman, a police officer, so now he has three sons!
                                            Walter and his wife Diane Berman have been married
                                            for 21 years so Walter lived with Max and Leo through
most of their formative years and he already felt that they were his sons so he wanted to make it
official. The judge who presided over the zoom hearing was just thrilled as she stated she rarely
gets to conduct a hearing that results in good news!

Max Berman Ferretti and his longtime partner, Megan
Frederick, got married on September 11, 2021. They
live in Pennsylvania where it is legal to get married on
your own without an officiant, just witnesses, so they
did just that. Max is doing Post doctoral research on
viruses at University of Pennsylvania. Megan is getting
her PhD in Immunology at UPenn. Max started Sunday
school at TBE in the 3rd grade and continued on to
become a Bar Mitzvah and a Confirmand. He is the son
of Diane Berman and Walter Dorfman.

                                         11 | CONNECTIONS
             REBECCA CHACOS
                                                  when Rebecca approached us about converting to
               August 19, 2021
                                                                            Judaism. As a daughter
Upon her conversion
                                                                            of a holocaust survi-
ceremony, the entire
                                                                            vor, I cried knowing
TBE community
                                                                            that the traditions of
welcomed Rebecca to
                                                                            Judaism would con-
the family! Her future
                                                                            tinue to grow and be
mother-in-law, Barbara
                                                                            celebrated as Rebecca
Schultz, TBE Preschool’s
                                                                            and Steven begin their
incomparable registrar,
                                                                            marriage and build a
and her husband Marc
                                                                            Jewish home for their
are kvelling:
                                                                            future family. We love
“Marc and I are elated                                                      you and your family,
that Rebecca chose our                                                      Rebecca, and can’t wait
son to love for the rest                                                    to meld our families
of their lives,”                                                            into one.”
Barbara said. “She is
                                                                            Rabbi Tuffs will offi-
warm, compassionate,
                                                                            ciate the wedding of
loving and has a great
                                                                            Rebecca Chacos to
sense of humor. What
                                                                            Steven Schultz on
more could one want
                                                                            January 8, 2022.
for your child? Then the day came

  Nordin & Howard Weinberger                                  Carole Huberman
         Sarina & Ken Mayer                                         Jill Bloom
          Adele Wasserstrom                         Yanina Zilberman & Avi Shuster
     Rebecca Averbook Gilbert                               Sabrina Zimmerman
     Rebecca & Steven Schultz                              Gail Wyman-Krasnow

  If you have any feel-good news to share, send it along with photos. We would love to feature it
           in our next issue of Connections! Please email temple@tbehollywood.com.

                                        12 | CONNECTIONS
                                                             11      Veterans’ Day: School Closed
                                                             24 - 26 Thanksgiving: School Closed
    DONNA ANTON                                              28      Chanukah Begins - Light Up the Night
          PRESCHOOL DIRECTOR                                 December
                                                             20 - 31 Winter Break: Mini Camp Available
          Teaching Our Children                              3         Return to School
During his Yom Kippur sermon, Rabbi spoke of the             17        MLK Jr. Day: School Closed
special relationship that Judaism brought to the par-
                          ent-child relationship. Before
                          Abraham, it was customary to                                   we treat that gift with great
                          treat children as their parents’                               care. We know how special all
                          property. Therefore, parents                                   children are and we are quite
                          could do what they wanted                                      honored that so many of you
                          with their children, including                                 trust us with the enormous
                          selling them. But when Abra-                                   responsibility to help your chil-
                          ham was spared by God from                                     dren learn and grow while they
                          having to sacrifice his son                                    are with us.
                          Isaac, God told Abraham that
                                                                                          My staff and I have such a
                          children were God’s creation
                                                                                          wonderful mix of children at
                          and therefore children did not
                                                                                          our school. Jews and gentiles,
                          “belong” to their parents. On
                                                                                          many from cultures other than
                          the contrary, children were
                                                                                          our own, many whose families
God’s creation and God entrusted parents with their
                                                                                          speak languages other than
children. As such, parents have a responsibility to nur-
                                                             English in their homes. They are an example of the world
ture, care for, and educate their children. This was quite
                                                             we live in today. While the news is full of so much dis-
radical at the time and it took centuries before most of
                                                             agreement in our country, it is incredibly refreshing to see
the world accepted how special children were.
                                                             all of these children, the true future of our world, playing
My staff and I know how special this responsibility is.      and enjoying time with
In the Shema, the holiest prayer in Judaism, we are in-      each other, completely
structed veshenant-                                          oblivious to the differ-
am levanecha - “and                                          ences in their back-
you shall teach your                                         grounds. We at the
children.” This sym-                                         TBE Preschool know
bolizes the import-                                          how lucky we are to
ant mission we ac-                                           witness this and we
cept here at the TBE                                         thank you for allowing
Preschool.       Your                                        us the privilege to care
children are God’s                                           for the gifts that God
gift to all of us and                                        has given you.

                                                13 | CONNECTIONS
Eat & Greet

...while this
  guy grills
  the meat!

                  14 | CONNECTIONS
I’m just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake...

           shake lulav, shake lulav!
                    15 | CONNECTIONS
Blessing of the Pets was PAWsome!

           16 | CONNECTIONS
                                                                    For our children, the last time they experienced a “normal”
                                                                    school year was in 2018-2019, which means that for half of
                                                                    JLC students, they have never experienced a normal school
                                                                    year. For those that remember 2018-2019, it is probably
                                                                    just a faded memory, so I am noticing that we must learn
                                                                    “how” to be together again.

                                                                    To remedy our togetherness slide, not the Covid slide, I
                                                                    have incorporated a beautiful curriculum, written by the
                                                                    Jewish Education Center of Cleveland, into our religious
                                                                    studies. Each week we study a component of wellness: La
                                                                    Bri’ut. Children explore different Jewish texts, folklore, and
                                                                    important values that help to build resiliency, personal and
                                                                    communal health, and wellness, like building a shelter of
                                                                    peace, finding inner strength and courage, loving kindness,
                                                                    and finally community!

                                                                    In a related topic, I have noticed that this year has become
                                                                    incredibly hectic. We spent a lifetime in front of a camera,
                                                                    and now the world is open for us all to explore. It may seem
                                                   T’filah at JLC
                                                                    a bit overwhelming. It has been that way for me. I’d like to
                                                     Ms. Barb       share some strategies that have been helpful to me:

                                                                       - Organizing my time
                                                                       - Listening to relaxing music
                                                                       - Watching a funny show
                                                                       - Calling a friend
                                                                       - Mindfulness (https://mindfullme.org/) My students!
                                                                       - Picking up a new hobby
                                                                       - Exercise

                                                                    We will all be stronger because we are getting through this
   Mazal Tov to our Consecrants!                                    strange year together as a K’hilah Kedosha (sacred commu-
SCHEDULE                                                            nity).
JLC Sundays,
9:30 am - 12:30 pm                                                  B’ruach (with spirit),

NOVEMBER                                                                                         Barb
11/6  B’nai Mitzvah Exploratory Shabbat @ 10:30 am*
           5th-7th grade and their families
11/7 JLC - Daylight Saving Time Ends
11/14 JLC
11/19 Family “Camp” Shabbat + Dinner @ 6:15 pm*
11/28 Happy Chanukah! Light Up the Night @ 6 PM*
12/5 JLC - Dreidel Competition
12/12 JLC
1/9    JLC - Welcome Back!                                  Bubbles: an integral JLC learning tool
1/14   Family “Resolutions” Shabbat + Dinner @ 6:15 pm*
1/16   Tu Bi’shvat Nature Encounter - Kayaking at                                                    For more information,
       Dr. Von D. Mizell-Eula Johnson State Park @ 9:30 am*                                          contact Barbara Segal,
1/23   JLC                                                                                              Jewish Learning
1/29   Full Moon Havdalah with Rabbi Allan*                                                             Center Director
1/30   JLC
                                                                                                        (954) 920-8225
*These programs are open to the entire tbe community - join us!

                                                    19 | CONNECTIONS
                             Living a ‘BET-ter’ Life

                                                         WHAT’S POPPIN?
                                                       JOIN OUR PROGRAMS IN PERSON!!
                                                        We are very excited to be
                                                       getting back to normal this
                                                      year. Introducing the newest
                                                       opportunity for our children
                                                         to get involved in youth
                                                      group: Yachad – for children
                                                             in K-2nd Grade!
                                                      SUNDAYS, 12:30-1:30 PM:
                                                      Grades K - 2

                                                               Grades 3 - 5

                  Word Bank
   Thanksgiving    Chanukah              donut
      turkey          latke           New Years Eve
      family         dreidel            fireworks     1/23
     thankful         gelt             countdown                              Grades 9 - 12
      gravy            oil              midnight      ALL BET YOUTH: 1/30
   cranberries     apple sauce

  For info on meaningful
                                                      TEEN TUESDAYS
 youth engagement, email                              5:30-7:30 PM:
or text “Youth Group” to                              11/16
   (786) 505-WOLF(9653)                               12/14                   Grades 6 - 8

                                                      1/18           Follow us @betyouth
For schedule updates, visit
                                   20 | CONNECTIONS

    Join TBE’s Brotherhood for laugh-
ter, fellowship, sports talk, and discus-
sions about how to serve and support                            Join                         Join TBE Book club!
            the community.
       UPCOMING EVENTS                                                                        Thursdays Monthly
        Brotherhood Bikers                                                                         via   Zoom
        Sundays @ 8:30 am:                                                                    10:30 am - 12 pm
                                               We are a welcoming group of women with a
      December 5 & February 6                  common goal: to help the synagogue and the
 UPCOMING MEETINGS @ 6:30 pm                                                                     Meeting ID:
                                                       community. Learn more at
     Tuesday, November 30                       templebethelhollywood.org/sisterhood
     Tuesday, December 28
      Tuesday, January 25                               Upcoming Events                         November 18
                                                           Girls’ Nite Out:                      Empire Falls
 Annual Membership is just $36.
                                                         December 8 @ 5 pm                    by Richard Russo
           Contact Alex Lewy,                              Lunch & Movie:
         Brotherhood President,
                                                         January 19 @ 12 pm
  at alex@lewy.us for more information.
      templebethelhollywood.org                       Upcoming Meetings
            /brotherhood                             Thursdays @ 10:30 am
                                                            Back In Person!
                                                  November 4 | December 9 | January 13

                                                     Annual Membership is just $36.
                                                         Contact Ruthie Schwartz,
                                                            Sisterhood President,
                                                        at ruthierudyrrs@gmail.com
                                                            for more information.

                                                                                                December 16

                                  Women’s                                                         Book TBD

                        Spirituality Group                                                       January 20
                                                                                                  Book TBD
   Eager to grow and learn from the mysteries of Jewish tradition? WSG is an oppportunity
   to embrace each other and together awaken to a broader perspective.                        To join Book Club,
                                                                                             or for Zoom Meeting
   Mondays Monthly at 7 PM via Zoom | Meeting ID: 111 946 847
   November 1 - Dr. Ronel Corbin on How to Heal the Stomach                                       password,
   December 6 - Holiday Traditions                                                          contact Hinda Smith at
   January 3 - Lucy Lichtblau on Spiritual Recovery Programs                                   hindasmith2368

       For Zoom password or for more information, contact:                                        @gmail.com
       Betty Glazer at (786) 693-0875 or bettyglazer@icloud.com

                                                 22 | CONNECTIONS
                         ADULT BIRTHDAYS                                           WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES
November                   December                      January                   November
2 David Mandel             2 Danae Owens                 1     John Newburger      15   Paula Steinberg & Howard Marmorstein
2 Kevin Novorro            4 Yanina Zilberman            3     John Ury            17   Jeri & Charles Rowars
2 Susan Lazarus            5 Sandra Gurowski             4     Daniel Mukamal      17   James & Barbie Stern
3 Silas Hoover             7 Cindy Cossin                5     Michael Saffan      18   Susie & Steven Lewis
4 Audrey Efros             7 Stephen Weiss               5     Ron Kaplan          20   Michele & Scott Singer
5 Ruth Gantman             9 Adele Wasserstrom           5     Micki Mallinson     22   Kelly & Gregory Dell
7 Sarina Mayer             10 Lisa Steinberg             6     Madelyn Rappaport   24   Helena & Eric Fordin
9 Alina Macaulay           10 Carole Rubenstein          7     David Marans        24   Ruthie & Rudy Schwartz
9 Samantha Cossin          12 Barbara Miller             8     Perry Plant
9 Amy Housman              13 Randy Puretz               10 Frances Bernstein      December
11 Lorena Bejar-Mukamal    14 Ellen Schinder             10 Jami Landen            3    Ginger & Manny Silver
12 Yoav Barnavon           14 Susie Lewis                14 Aaron Margolis         5    Faye & Leonard Redlich
12 Gillian Mallinson       15 Lisbeth Wrubel             16 Ann Aboulafia          7    Debra Kash-Feldman & Buddy Feldman
12 Marc Schultz            16 Cindy Chamides             17 Faye Redlich           8    Linda Scharf & David Silverstone
13 Heather Needelman       16 Gloria Kopelov             17 Roy Ans                16   Francine & Herbert Tobin
15 Russell Schachere       17 Charlotte Garfield         17 Rebecca Freedman       17   Michelle & Richard Wolfe
16 Frances Housman         19 Harry Cooper               18 Barbara Lovenvirth     19   Debra & Robert Holtzman
20 Brent Spechler          21 Kelly Dell                 19 Fay Bean               23   Ellen & Mark Axinn
20 Julie Spechler-Fink     22 Lucy Lichtblau             20 Marilyn Faber          24   Frances & Michael Housman
20 Chyenne Mallinson       23 Miette Burnstein           20 Isadore Feldman        24 Jill & Tom Bloom
20 Sabrina Zimmerman       24 Richard Leebow             20 Linda Pravder          25 Judith & Kenneth Lebensburger
21 Aaron Henshaw           24 Jacquelyn Needelman        21 Paula Rojkes           26 Jill & Kevin Novorro
26 Arlene Rosenstock       25 Barbara Samuels            21 Jessica Lewy           28   Miette & Myron Burnstein
26 Judith Lebensburger     28 Trudy Lechner              22 Agnes Borhegyi         30   Lillian & Charles Levine
27 Michael McGowan         28 Joel Lefkowitz             22 Gerry Dubman
29 Darren Wrubel           29 Howard Schachere           22 Bonny Oppenheim        January
29 Milton Jacobs           29 Linda Scharf               24 Randy Kominsky         2    Eleonora & Ariel Lisjak
30 Gregory Steinberg       30 Tobi Margolis              24 Sondra Grussgott       7    Olivia & Stewart Kasner
                           31 Francine Tobin             28 Barbara Drabkin        14   Gloria Heitner & Perry Blank
                           31 Manny Silver               29 Avi Shuster            14 Jami & Michael Landen
                           31 Scott Singer                                         15   Ingrid & Gall Gotfried
                                                                                   23   Carole Rubenstein & Michael Schleifer
            CHILDREN’S BIRTHDAYS                                                   24   Shiela & Aaron Margolis
November                    December                January                        24   Bonny & Steven Oppenheim
1   Lauren Robbins          4    Shayna Steinberg   5        Zoe Lazarovic

25 Jordan Liotta            4    Emma Robbins       19       Hailey Chaiken

26 Jewell Segal             21 Andie Weiss          19 Joshua Lamberk
                            21 Jordan Margolis      19 Amanda Lamberk
                                                                                              @ TBE!
                            26 Jesse Silverstone    20       Selene Weiss

                            29   Ethan Dell         25       Sofia Mukamal
                                                    28       Lyla Wolkowitz
                                                    30       Cody Hoover

                                                              23 | CONNECTIONS
CANTOR’S DISCRETIONARY FUND                                                 Ruthie & Rudy Schwartz
Audrey Efros, in appreciation of High Holy Day services
                                                                            LIVESTREAMING FUND
Jessica Hecht, to Manny, the cantor who we love
                                                                            Victor Elbaz
Melissa & Barry Hikin, in appreciation of services
                                                                            Judi & Kerry Lebensburger
Harriet Lonshein, in memory of Itta Nomkin’s mother
                                                                            Sharon Refsin
Sharon & Neil Tanenhaus, thanking Cantor for “Always”
DODIE WEINSTEIN AND BOB GOLDBERG ADULT EDUCATION FUND                       Ruthie & Rudy Schwartz, in honor of Ruthie’s birthday
Dodie Weinstein, in memory of Lisa Patullo
                                                                            RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND
JAYNE ESACK BOTANICAL FUND                                                  Audrey Efros, in appreciation of High Holy Day services
David Esack, in memory of James Derbyshire
                                                                            Terry & Michael Greenhawt
David Esack, in memory of Lisa Patullo
                                                                            Melissa & Barry Hikin, in appreciation of services
Karen Budowsky                                                              Jeffrey Langer

FRIDAY NIGHT MUSIC FUND                                                     Susan & Paul Stein
Eva Abramczyk, in memory of her husband Rudolf Abramczyk & friend           Collette & Tom Valentin
Steve Prince
                                                                            RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUND
Norri Gluck, in memory of her father, Michael Gluck                         Jan Buyers, in honor of Ms. Barbara Segal & Jewell for all their love and
Deborah Greenberg                                                           time on Sunday morning podcasts during the pandemic

Dee & Al Levine, in honor of their 22nd wedding anniversary                 ROSE EDUCATION FUND
                                                                            Marlene Rose, in memory of Jerry Abraham
Barbara & Marc Schultz, in honor of Rebecca’s conversion
                                                                            Marlene Rose, in memory of Elliot Bloch
Sharon & Neil Tanenhaus, in honor of their anniversary
                                                                            Marlene Rose, in memory of Howard Malin
Elaine & Robert Baer                                                        SISTERHOOD FLORAL FUND
                                                                            Dr. Barbara Drabkin, in memory of her mother, Rose S. Drabkin
Diane Berman & Walter Dorfman, in memory of Lisa Patullo
                                                                            Helena & Eric Fordin, in honor of Daniella’s Bat Mitzvah
Jill Bloom, in memory of her parents, Harold & Janice Cohen
                                                                            Rebecca & Justin Freedman, in honor of Matilda & Oliver’s B’nai Mitzvah
Deena Landsman, in memory of Marilyn Gruder
                                                                            Fay Bean & Mark Kerner, in honor of their anniversary
Deena Landsman, in memory of Shirley Scherline
                                                                            Suzanne, Trudy, & Ben Lechner, in honor of Jake’s Bar Mitzvah
Ursula Leon-Marans, in memory of Marilyn Gruder
                                                                            Judge Sandy Perlman & Brian Silber, in honor of their parents, Barbara
Andre, Marilyn and Erik Danesh Charitable Fund                              & Fred Perlman and Nancy Nanes, and in memory of their grandparents
                                                                            Mary & Sidney Silber
Bonnie & Marvin Luterman, in memory of Bonnie’s mother,
Florence Feinstein                                                          Shakara & Matt Rosenbaum, in honor of Sasha & Layla’s B’nai Mitzvah
Isaak Manashirov, thanking Rabbi for helping with the loss of Nicole &      Allison & Marc Salpeter, in honor of Cooper’s Bat Mitzvah
Ruslan Manashirov
                                                                            Barbara & Marc Schultz, in honor of Rebecca’s conversion
Mildred Raffe
                                                                            Ruthie & Rudy Schwartz, in honor of Ruthie’s birthday
Elaine Robin, in appreciation for Rabbi Tuffs and Sharon Tanenhaus
                                                                            Julie Spechler Fink, in memory of her husband, George Fink
Barbara Samuels & Stanley Leskin, in honor of Eva Abramczyk’s birthday
                                                                            Spechler, Fink, & Shrago Families, in memory of Elsie & Dr. David
Ruthie & Rudy Schwartz, wishing Dee Levine a speedy recovery                Spechler and George Fink
Ruthie & Rudy Schwartz, in memory of Dr. Lee Pravder                        Ellen Wacher, in memory of her brother, Warren Wacher
Ellen Wacher                                                                SPECHLER FAMILY MITZVAH FUND
                                                                            Eva Abramczyk, in memory of Florence Feinstein
Marilyn & Burt Black, in memory of Eva & Harry Schinder                     Eileen & Randy Kominsky, in memory of Eleanor Wynn
Marilyn & Burt Black, in memory of Sara & Myer Kirsner                      Bonnie & Marvin Luterman, in memory of Lisa Patullo
Marilyn & Burt Black, in memory of Rose Black                               Barbara Samuels, in memory Steve Prince
Marilyn & Burt Black, in memory of George Black                             Gisele & Brent Spechler, in memory of Lisa Patullo
Marilyn & Burt Black, in memory of Steven London                            Sharon & Neil Tanenhaus, in memory of Lisa Patullo
Suzanne Gunzburger, in memory of Bert Black                                 Robin Wolfer, in appreciation of Sharon and Rabbi for including her family
                                                                            in their prayers
Bernie Schinder, in memory of his mother, Eva Schinder
                                                                            TORAH RESTORATION FUND
Ellen & Bernie Schinder, in memory of Florence Feinstein                    Eva Abramczyk, in memory of Lisa Patullo
Ellen & Bernie Schinder, in memory of Eva & Harry Schinder                  YAHRZEIT MEMORIAL FUND
Ellen & Bernie Schinder, in memory of Sara & Myer Kirsner                   Eva Abramczyk, in memory of her husband, Rudolf Abramczyk
Ellen & Bernie Schinder, in memory of Rose Black                            Eva Abramczyk, in memory of her friend, Stephen Prince
Ellen & Bernie Schinder, in memory of George Black                          George Adler, in memory of his wife, Violet Adler
Bernie & Ellie Schinder, in memory of Steven London                         Ronda Amar, in memory of her mother, Irene Katz
HANNAH & AL LIPTON EARLY CHILDHOOD SCHOLARSHIP FUND                         Judy Anderson, in memory of her mother, Enid Ravitz
Hannah Lipton, in memory of her brother-in-law, Gordon (Chubby)             Judy Anderson, in memory of her father, Herb Ravitz
                                                                            Ellen Axinn, in memory of her parents, Matilda & Arthur Dorfman
Hannah Lipton, in memory of her husband, Jack Wolfe
                                                                            Karen Budowsky, in memory of her aunt, Helen Goldstein
                                                                            Karen Budowsky, in memory of her mother, Dorothy Schlissel
Ellen Wacher
                                                                            Karen Budowsky, in memory of her father, Philip Schlissel
Janet Krop & Larry Davis
                                                                            Walter Coleman, in memory of his mother, Sarah Coleman
Linda Scharf & David Silverstone

                                                                  24 | CONNECTIONS
Cindy Cossin, in memory of her grandparents, Fannie & J.P. Frank            Harriet Lonschein, in memory of her father, Isador Zimmerman
Cindy Cossin, in memory of her mother and brother, Selma &                  Shiela Margolis, in memory of her brother, Hyman Haffner
Barry Hilsenroth
                                                                            Shiela Margolis, in memory of her father, Morris Haffner
Cindy Cossin, in memory of her goddaughter, Jamie Lynn Leamon
                                                                            Alan H. Spritz, in memory of his father, Irving Spritz
Cindy Cossin, in memory of Nancy Sheinker-Leamon
                                                                            Jacquelyn Needelman, in memory of her mother, Sylvia Plasner
Gerry Dubman, in memory of her husband, Howard Dubman
                                                                            Howard Pohl, in memory of his grandfather, Herman Levitt
Gerry Dubman, in memory of her son, Jeff Dubman
                                                                            Howard Pohl, in memory of his grandfather, Harry Pohl
Gerry Dubman, in memory of her daughter, Leslie Dubman
                                                                            Mildred Raffe, in memory of her mother, Helen Bain
Shirley Fischler, in memory of her father, David Balter
                                                                            Leonard Redlich, in memory of his father, Milton Redlich
Shirley Fischler, in memory of her husband, Abraham Fischler
                                                                            Faye Redlich, in memory of her mother, Ida Samuels
Shirley Fischler, in memory of her mother in law, Esther Fischler
                                                                            Elaine Robin, in memory of her mother, Augusta Klein
Shirley Fischler, in memory of Shirley Modiano
                                                                            Lillian Schoenfeld, in memory of her brother in law, Paul Schoenfeld
Renee Goldsmith, in memory of her father, Ira Goldsmith
                                                                            Rudy Schwartz, in memory of his father, Moshe Schwartz
Sam Grussgott, in memory of his father, Pinkas Grussgott
                                                                            William Shure, in memory of his grandfather, Herman Miller
Sondra Grussgott, in memory of her father, Daniel Morris Zappia
                                                                            William Shure, in memory of his grandmother, Julia Miller
Susan Heiden, in memory of her father, Albert Lipsky
                                                                            William Shure, in memory of his mother, Jacqueline Shure
Jerome Hesch, in memory of his wife, Joni Braunstein
                                                                            Ellen Silvers, in memory of her mother, Sally Silvers
Milton Jacobs, in memory of his father, Samuel Jacobs
                                                                            Damon Solomon, in memory of his mother, Doris Solomon
Cecelia Kaflowitz, in memory of her son, Allen Kaflowitz
                                                                            Rebecca Taragano, in memory of her husband, Barrie Kaye
Arlyne Kamen-Frankel, in memory of her sister, Adele Kamen
                                                                            Francine Tobin, in memory of her father, Murray Griss
Lois Kaye, in memory of Barrie Kaye
                                                                            Ellen Wacher, in memory of her cousin, Steven Wacher
Janet Krop, in memory of her mother, Sarah “Sunny” Atlas
                                                                            Lawrence Winton, in memory of his mother, Bess Winton
Hannah Lipton, in memory of her daughter, Ferne Friedman
                                                                            Allen Zack, in memory of his mother, Florence Zack
Judith London, in memory of her mother, Eva Schinder

 My thanks and gratitude to Sisterhood, Brotherhood, the Board, and all the staff and members of Temple
 Beth El who contributed to making the brunch in my honor and that day in June so very special. Everyone
          at TBE will always have a place in my heart and be a part of my family. ~ Shai Habosha

        TO THESE ADDITIONAL FUNDS:                                            ADVERTISE IN CONNECTIONS
  • Adult Education Fund                                                     CONNECTIONS publication dates are as follows:
  • Bar/Bat Mitzvah Fund                                                     August 1 (Advertising deadline June 30)
  • Capital Fund                                                             November 1 (Advertising deadline September 30)
  • David and Lillian “Lu” Kaplan Children’s Education                       February 1 (Advertising deadline December 30)
  • Albert and Birdie Einstein Foundation                                    May 1 (Advertising deadline March 31)
  • Emas Family Rabbinic Community Development
    Endowment Fund                                                           Advertising Rates per Insertion
  • Endowment Fund                                                           We prefer a minimum of 4 insertions (one year).
  • Abe and Shirley Fischler Religious School Fund                           Full Page - $150 member; $300 non-member
  • Gunzburger L’Dor V’Dor Fund
  • Fred Lippman Family Cantorial High Holiday Fund                                       Size: 7-1/2” wide by 9-7/8” high
  • Hannah & Al Lipton Scholarship Fund                                      Half Page - $90 member; $180 non-member
  • Prayer Book Fund                                                                      Size: 7-1/2” wide by 4-3/4” high
  • Preschool Fund                                                           Quarter Page - $45 member; $90 non-member
  • Rachlin Scholarship Fund
  • Religious School Fund                                                                 Size: 3-3/4” wide by 4-3/4” high
  • Shabbatini                                                               Eighth Page (Business Card)
  • Sisterhood Service to the Blind Fund                                                  $30 member; $60 non-member
  • Tzedakah                                                                                Size 3-3/4” wide by 2-1/4” tall
    WWW.TEMPLEBETHELHOLLYWOOD.ORG/DONATE                                     Artwork must be saved as 300 DPI with embedded colors and fonts,
             OR BY MAILING A CHECK TO                                        JPEG, TIF, or PDF format.
           TEMPLE BETH EL OF HOLLYWOOD                                       Ads in our TRENDING email blast are also available starting at $75
        WITH THE FUND NAME IN THE MEMO.                                      per insertion. We prefer a minimum of four insertions.
                 APPEAR IN THE NEXT.                                         Prices do not include creating artwork.
        THANK YOU FOR YOUR UNDERSTANDING.                                    Email marketing@tbehollywood.org with questions.

                                                                    25 | CONNECTIONS

  Our Accelerated Prep Program offers custom tailored
         classes with both our Rabbi and Cantor.
Have a traditional Torah service in our beautiful Sanctuary
         and celebrate this important milestone.
   Call (954) 920-8225 or visit templebethelhollywood.org/bmitzvah
Your ticket to excellence in education

If you can dream it, you can be it!
                                        VPK PLUS
                       Higher Level Learning: Noon - 3 pm
      Students will stretch their thinking and get a deeper understanding
      of subjects. Moving beyond Who, What, When, Where, and Why is
        important to create a solid base of content knowledge, helping
                      them become self-directed thinkers.

                           Subject Areas Include:
           off *   We accept VPK certificates of eligibility.
* Registration for new families only.

Call (954) 921-7096 for a tour or visit templebethelhollywood.org/preschool
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