Happy Christmas - In this issue: CIT Students' Union

Page created by Lauren Daniels
Happy Christmas - In this issue: CIT Students' Union
CIT Students’ Union Magazine
Volume Twenty Two, Issue 4

H a p p y C h ri st m a s

 In this issue:
 • Study Breaks schedule
 • Tribute to CIT President Dr Barry O’Connor
 • WIN One-4-All vouchers in our fun competitions
 ... and much more                               Your Union Your Voice

  See page 8                                                   See page 8
Happy Christmas - In this issue: CIT Students' Union
SuperValu Financial Services t/a SuperValu Insurance is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.

                                                                        Merry Christmas

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Happy Christmas - In this issue: CIT Students' Union
  4      SU OFFICERS - WHAT’S THE CRAIC!                                ALUMNI NEWS
  6	                                                                    CONSIDER VACCINATION
                                                                              A piece from CIT Medical Centre
         Schedule of events from your Students’ Union                    FLYNNERS FLYING
         aimed at de-stressing students                                  COLUMN
  8	                                                                    CAREERS SERVICE NEWS
         L                                                            16      SOCIETIES
         5 ways that learning in college is different from                    Featuring Wistem, CIT Marketing Soc and
         learning in school                                                    The Photographic Soc

  10	                                                                   COMPETITIONS
         A photographic tribute to the outgoing                               Enter online...WIN One-4-All vouchers...simple!
         CIT president

                                           Last issues winners: Maths puzzle - Alannah O’Flaherty Quiz: Mackenzie Davin

                        Like us:               facebook.com/citsu Follow us:                                         twitter.com/citsu
                          Instagram:                   cit_su Snapchat:                          cit_su                  www.citsu.ie

              CIT Students’ Union,                VP Education Zack Nutchanat                         Advertising Opportunities
              Bishopstown, Cork.                  sueducation@cit.ie                                  CIT has 17,000+ full and part-time students with
                                                  VP Welfare Cian O’Driscoll                          over 1,500 staff. Why not use expliCIT to promote
              Tel: 021 433 5274                                                                       your business to this large audience?
              Web: www.explicit.ie                                                                    Our copy deadlines, advertising rates and techni-
                                                  Projects Officer Stephen Foley                      cal specifications are available from our website
                                                  dg_citsu@cit.ie                                     www.citsu.ie and upon request from the Publica-
      CITSU      CITSU                            Communications Officer Niamh Cronin                 tions Office in hardcopy or via email.
expliCIT Production, Design & Advertising                                                             expliCIT magazine is published monthly by CIT Students’
                                                  Entertainments Officer Laura Callaghan
Keith Brown, supublications@cit.ie                                                                    Union. The views expressed in the magazine are those of
                                                  Event@cit.ie                                        their authors and are not necessarily those of CIT Students’
CIT SU President Aisling O’Mahony                 Entertainments Manager Mick O’Mahony
                                                                                                      Union. All articles and pictures are the property of their
                                                                                                      respective owners and should not be reproduced without
supresident@cit.ie                                Event@cit.ie                                        their permission.

Happy Christmas - In this issue: CIT Students' Union
                                                           CIT SU updates
H                                                                                   STUDY BREAKS
        ello all, welcome to
        another segment of
                                                                                    Study Breaks which was for-
        What’s The Craic!
                                                                                    merly known as Exam DeStress
Thankfully we have exited Lev-                                                      was set up to try give you an
el 5 Lockdown, we thank you                                                         hour to take your minds off
for abiding by the Guidelines                                                       study, pressure and the stress
and keeping not only yourself                                                       of the continuous assesment,
safe and well but also your                                                         exams and project completion!
friends, family, classmates                                                         On Wednesday the 9th at 8pm
and Staff of CIT safe and well                                                      we host ‘Who Wants to be a
too. With this in mind we must                                                      Zoomonaire’ – a play on Who
not take our eyes off the prize                                                     Wants to be a Millionaire. On
as they would say and keep                                                          the 15th at 1pm we are host-
wearing a mask, sanitizing                                                          ing an hour of Meditation.
your hands and following the                                                        On Wednesday 16th we are
current set of Guidelines!                                                          running ‘Jingles Bells Music
                                        Movember is the leading global or-
POSITIVE MIND AND BODY                                                          To receive the Zoom Link, please
                                        ganisation connected to changing
CAMPAIGN                                                                        email: event@cit.ie and simply state
                                        the face of men’s health! Big thanks
(9th to 12th November)                  to all those that took part and those
                                                                                the event you wish to attend.
Positive Mind and Body was a great                                              From the 7th December we are run-
                                        that donated to the great cause!
success with high levels of engage-                                             ning The 12 Days of CITSU, which
                                        The CIT Movember Team was led
ments with our keynote speakers:                                                will be Social Media Competition
                                        by Student Ambassador Oisin
Eric Marah, Daragh Fleming,             Gahan and we should have a total        run across Facebook and Instagram
Rob Heffernan, Da Silly Heads.          figure of what is raised soon and       where the daily winner (registered
                                        final adding up and donating is still   students only) can win a €50 One4All
Each Webinar brought different
                                        taking place!                           Voucher. So watch our socials!
tips and advice on how to look af-
ter both your physical and mental
health. We thank all those that took.
There is also a Health and Wellbe-
ing Initiative that was set up and
if you would like to register for a
FREE Wellbeing Pack. Register on
This initiative concentrates on three
1.   Physical Health.
2.	Creating Connections (not only
    with class but other students
    and staff).
3.   Emotional Wellbeing.

Happy Christmas - In this issue: CIT Students' Union
Ireland’s only national student-
led teaching awards, the Teaching
Hero Awards are organised by the
National Forum, in collaboration with
the Union of Students in Ireland and
other student unions, to recognise
outstanding teaching in Irish higher
education. Themed “Students shin-
ing a light on those who make a dif-
ference”, the 2020 awards will rec-
ognise and value those who teach.
Over 250,000 students registered
at Ireland’s universities, institutes of
technology and private colleges, in-
cluding CIT, can nominate teaching
staff who inspired them during their
learning journey in higher educa-
tion. Students make nominations by
submitting a short personal piece
that explains why the person they
have nominated is their ‘Teaching
Hero’. This nomination is open in
CIT from December 8 to 22, 2020.
See page 8 for link to nominate.

Yours sincerely,
AISLING, CIAN & ZACK,                      Let it snow!

      Want a FREE Wellbeing Pack compliments of CIT?
                                                Register at:

Happy Christmas - In this issue: CIT Students' Union
        SUPPORT YOU?

    CAREERS SERVICE                           LIBRARY
       SERVICE                             AWARDS OFFICE

                                         ACADEMIC SUCCESS

      ADMISSIONS                             ACADEMIC
        OFFICE                            LEARNING CENTRE

                                           ACCESS SERVICE

        STUDENT                              STUDENT

    REPROGRAPHICS &                        INNOVATION &
     CARD SERVICES                           ENTERPRISE

       SOCIETIES                          MATURE STUDENTS
        SPORTS                              OMBUDSMAN



Happy Christmas - In this issue: CIT Students' Union
Hosted by MC Fleming, CIT Students & Staff are eligible to win €50 One-4-All voucher prizes
     Wednesday December 2nd at 8pm - CATCHPHRASE
     Wednesday December 9th at 8pm - Who wants to be a ZOOMONAIRE               Prizes kindly
                                                                               sponsored by:
     Wednesday December 16th at 8pm - Jingle Bells Music BINGO
A simple, guided MEDITATION to alleviate any stress or anxiety - with Dee O’Connor
      Tue 15th December at 1pm
      All are welcome
Register at email: event@cit.ie

A daily €50 / €30 / €20 ONE-4-ALL VOUCHER GIVEAWAY takes place on
CIT SU Facebook and Instagram pages from December 7th.
Visit us every day for your chance to WIN!

Happy Christmas - In this issue: CIT Students' Union

                             WHO IS YOUR TEACHING

                             STUDENTS SHINING A LIGHT ON
                             T H OS E W H O M A K E A D I F F E R E N C E

                                                                      MY TEACHING
                                 MY TEACHING HERO GAVE               HERO GAVE ME              MY TEACHING HERO
                                 ME THE CONFIDENCE TO. . .            SELF-BELIEF.             INSPIRED ME TO. . .

                                            MY TEACHING HERO                         MY TEACHING HERO
                                            REALLY CARED WHEN. . .                   MOTIVATED ME TO. . .

    Nominate here:                      https://www.teachingandlearning.ie/teachingheroes/

Happy Christmas - In this issue: CIT Students' Union
5 ways that learning in college is
different from learning in school

        t school your days were filled          ule each student is also expected to do       like. You are just beginning on a new
        with classes. When you went             3 hours of independent work.                  phase in your learning and it may take
        home you likely did the home-                                                         some time to adjust to the changed
work or study that the teacher had              2. You will need to plan for yourself        expectations. If you feel like you could
assigned. If you listened in class and             how you manage your study time             improve your grade with a bit of extra
did all the work your teacher asked you                                                       help get in touch with the Academic
to do, you were probably doing enough           The lecturers expect you to be able to        Learning Centre. We have lecturers
to do well. Even if you were off school         make your own schedule for how to             from all over the college working indi-
for a week or two for midterm or Easter         use this independent study time. You          vidually with students to help them out
your teachers probably assigned revi-           need to become an efficient independ-         with their modules.
sion or past exam questions for you to          ent learner. Nobody is going to tell you
do in this time. That’s why, for many           how to organise your days to get every-             4. You’ll need to manage
people, we know they can find college           thing that you need to do done. Getting                your own deadlines
very different.                                 good at this is one of the best ways you
So, we in the Academic Learning Cen-            can guarantee your success in college.        In school if you needed to complete a
tre have identified some of the ways              If your lecturer gives you problem          big project, e.g. your junior cert science
that learning in college is different from      sets or tutorial sheets but there are no      project, your teacher probably planned
learning in school:                             marks going for them don’t fool your-         for everyone to be finished weeks
                                                self into thinking you don’t need to          ahead of the real deadline. They likely
1. Listening in class is not enough
                                                do them. This is the lecturers’ way of        made out a plan and nudged or even
2. You need to plan for yourself how                                                         nagged all students to keep on top of
                                                helping you to plan your independent
    you manage your study time                                                                the work. If someone fell behind the
                                                study. They are basically saying, ‘this is
3. Grading schemes are different               the type of thing you need to be able         teacher might even have called their
4. Y ou are responsible for meeting            to do to succeed in this module’. If          parents. That is all very different in col-
      the deadlines your lecturers set          you don’t ask a question about these          lege. Your lecturer will not plan out for
                                                in the tutorial your lecturer will assume     you how to spread the work to meet
5. Your subjects, Your passion, Your
                                                you have it all under control. If you do      your deadlines. They will not nag you
                                                have a question, you need to learn to         if you fail to submit. This is up to you
                                                be brave enough to ask it. It’s very likely   now.
 1. Listening in class is not enough            that other people in the class are won-       If you’d like to improve how you ap-
                                                dering about the same thing but are too       proach your time and deadlines why
Listening in lectures will not be enough.       embarrassed to ask.                           not get in touch with the Academic
You will need to go over your notes             You need to take control of your inde-        Success Coaches? They’ll help you to
again afterwards and make sure you un-          pendent learning, but you don’t need to       work out a strategy that works for you.
derstand them. If there are parts you do        do it alone. If you study best with oth-
not understand you will need to figure          ers, then try to find others in your class       5. You are studying the subject
out where you can find the information          who feel the same way.                              you are passionate about
to fill in the gaps. In college a lot of your
learning happens outside lecture times.                                                       In school you had some choice about
This is the time that you get to process         3. The grading system is different           the subject you did but a lot was out
the information presented in lectures                                                         of your control. You probably did some
and try to figure out how it connects           If you have always been used to getting       compulsory subjects, and your choice
with other things you already know.             high marks in school don’t be disheart-       subjects may have been limited by
                                                ened if they drop a bit when you start        what the school offered or what fitted
To find out how much time you are ex-
                                                college. Higher than 70% in a college         the timetable. Now you’ve chosen to
pected to spend on each module out-
                                                assessment is considered very good.           come to college for your chosen topic.
side of scheduled lectures you need to
                                                Don’t think of it as a H3 or O3, it’s a       Hopefully, you are passionate about
look at the module descriptor. In CIT
                                                first-class honours (H1) grade. That is       the subjects you are studying, or at the
you can find your module descriptors
                                                the top grade in college.                     very least you have a dream job in mind
at https://courses.cit.ie. Just put in your
                                                                                              that this course is bringing you closer
module code and click search. In each           Try not to be too hard on yourself if your
                                                                                              to. When the going gets tough remem-
module descriptor there is a section            grades are not as good as you would
                                                                                                                 ber that!     Even if
entitled ‘Module Work-
                                                                                                                  you don’t like a par-
load’. This is an example
                                                                                                                  ticular module re-
from a 1st year Statistics
                                                                                                                  member that it has
module in CIT.
                                                                                                                  been put in your
This module has 3                                                                                                 programme        be-
hours of lectures, 1 tu-                                                                                          cause people who
torial hour and 1 lab                                                                                             have gone before
hour. The red box often                                                                                           you found it to be
gets glossed over. To be                                                                                          important for their
successful in this mod-                                                                                           careers.

Happy Christmas - In this issue: CIT Students' Union
F a r e we l l

  A tribute in photos to Dr Barry O’Connor. A short trip
 down memory lane showing Barry’s strong connection
           to students!  Deir pictiúr míle focal!

The Students’ Union will
mark Barry’s impending
retirement in a number of
ways in the next while but
        for now...
Go raibh míle maith agat
agus buile dea-ghuí thar
   ceann na mac léinn
         go léir.

                                                The CIT Alumni Office, in collaboration with the Student Engagement Of-
                                                fice and the MA in Public Relations Class of 2020 developed an Alumni
                                                Podcast Series featuring graduates, friends and new
                                                connections. The aim of the Alumni Podcast Series was to reconnect
                                                graduates with their alma mater and share their career stories with current
                                                students and staff.
                                                Graduates were from different fields of work and study and conversations
                                                on climate change to education from personal hardships to developing
                                                confidence emerged.
                                                You can download the podcasts at
                                                 Season two of the Alumni Podcast Series will be released in 2021.

     Recently on Radio One, Drivetime, a CIT graduate was interviewed about his edu-
     cational journey. Tim Long, who has just completed his Honours Degree in Con-
     struction Management, as a mature student, has overcome huge adversity in his
     life. His story and how he turned his life around with the help of education, is truly
     The link below is to an article that was on the Examiner that details some of the
     difficulties and challenges he encountered in his life.
      Timmy, together with James Leonard (who featured on the Tommy Tiernan Show),
     launched an excellent podcast series in the last number of months. They share
     their stories and others, highlighting issues around crime, addiction, recovery and
     justice. I would highly recommend this podcast.

 CONGRATULATIONS!                                         Congratulations to CCAD Graduate & Lecturer Eileen Healy on her
                                                          major feature in the current issue of the American Pastel Journal.
                                                          The eight-page article (attached) features a range of images of
                                                          her figurative work “from life” and discussion of her influences
                                                          and other inspiration. This local, internationally recognised artist
                                                          is available for commissions.
                                                          More images (including some of her popular “lockdown” still life
                                                          work), information and contact details are available here:


While we are all waiting for the arrival of the COVID 19 vaccine it is important
to remember other vaccines that should be considered.

Flu vaccine
Influenza is a highly infectious, acute illness of the respiratory tract with systemic symptoms which is most
prevalent from December to April. The flu vaccine is inactivated; therefore, you do not get the flu from it. This
year the HSE is particularly encouraging all at risk groups to get the flu vaccine to protect themselves and
reduce strain on our health services. “At risk groups” include those with Chronic illness, like Asthma, Diabetes,
Coeliac disease and those working in Health Care setting. It is available in the medical centre.

Measles, Mumps and Rubella Vaccine
There has been a worldwide increase in cases of Measles. There has been an increase in the incidence of
Mumps in Ireland. College students are at particular risk. It is recommended that you should have two con-
firmed doses of MMR vaccine. If you have not had two doses of the vaccine please contact the Medical Centre.

Have you never been vaccinated as a child?
If you were not vaccinated in childhood and would like to be considered for vaccination please book an
appointment to speak to one of the medical or nursing staff. Unfortunately, there is no catch-up programme in
place for students over 18 years for the HPV vaccine and this would need to paid for privately by the individual.

Calling all Biomedical and Social Care students
As part of their studies Biomedical science students are recommended to be vaccinated against Hepatitis A
and B and Diphtheria, Polio and Tetanus. Social Care students are encouraged to consider vaccination against
Hepatitis B, Diphtheria, Tetanus and polio and Influenza.

If you have any questions on any vaccinations please do not hesitate to contact the medical centre to
schedule an appointment to discuss with one of the medical or nursing staff.

CIT Medical Centre is located in the Student Centre. CIT Medical Centre is now open by appointment only. No walk-in service available at pre-
sent. Please call CIT Medical Centre on 021 4335780 for an appoinment. http://www.mycit.ie/medical
Phonelines are open from: Monday to Thursday 8.30am – 4.30pm Friday 8.30am – 12.30pm CLOSED for lunch 1.00pm-1.30pm

Flights of
 Fancy…                 Flynner’s Flying Column
A Christmas Message for the year that was 2020...
And so 2020, the year that the Covid19 Pandemic took over               er, what makes it different is that at least we all had the outlets
our lives, is nearing its unlamented close. And here’s hoping           to spread our sense of feeling and emotion on what can be an
that we will celebrate Christmas in the correct spirit, however         intense time of year, and now Covid19 has taken them away for
different it is going to be.                                            2020, maybe we should look at ourselves and each other and
                                                                        remember that Christmas means a lot more than just superficial
There will be talk about why we are not able to meet up with our        and abstract behaviour and attitude that goes on every year?
friends and relatives in the same manner that we do every year.         Yes. Christmas in the pre-Covid world was just as lonely, isolat-
However, let us look at it this way. In the previous Christmasses       ing and damaging on mental health on many people as it is – in
before the pandemic, we were able to meet family and friends,           fact that bit more so – in these unprecedented times?
the pubs, restaurants, hotels and nightclubs were opened all
hours and there was shopping every day of the festive sea-              So, this Christmas, please take this opportunity to enjoy what
son. In fact one of the biggest senseless rules was that parties        family and friends really mean towards each other instead of
and shopping all had to be completed by 6pm Christmas Eve,              taking each other for granted every festive season, for what
otherwise Christmas was ruined... only for the same things re-          lockdown taught us was that in times of emergency, these are
garding shopping, parties and HOLD IT! - the notorious 12 Pub           the very ones we can fall back on in times of crisis; after all,
Rituals to recommence first thing St. Stephens Morning an to            economies and society can be rebuilt into a better new world.
continue till we were all feeling blue come at least January 2nd.       For there is a vaccine on the way, the global economy will re-
                                                                        bound and Joe Biden‘s US Presidential Election Victory will
For the Christmas 2018 issue, I wrote about what people were            hopefully see a new dawn for democracy. And we will be back
going to be doing for Christmas, and listed a ton of not-so-nice        to normal before we know it. This is all a lesson for us all never
things that was guaranteed to occur Festive Season, and sadly,          to take basic living for granted and appreciate what we have
not too much of that is going to change this year either. Howev-        while it is around in our brief time on this planet. SLAINTE!

 Santa Claus Is Coming To Town! HO HO HO! The Jolly Big Guy
 with the Beard with Reindeer in the Sky all the way from the North
 Pole with prezzies for us all as long as ye are good! Ah c’mon!
 I’m gonna let ye all in where Santa had its origins and evolution...
 • In pagan times, the Germanic and Norse/Finnish Religions had
    their Santas in the form of Yule and Wodan respectively. In the
    Norse religion, Wodan was a bearded agent of Odin who rode
    on a reindeer called Joulupukki and descended gifts down the
    chimneys of their most devout followers during the Winter Sol-
    stice, December 21st. Yule Trees were ascended by communi-
    ties to express their gratitude before the night of passage.
 • St Nicholas was a 4th C. Christian Bishop in Turkey who gifted       Nast established Santa as the Jolly Man who loved his treats
    to the poor and granted three impoverished daughters of a de-        in the 1860s. Letter writing, treats under the tree, it all came
    vout Christian dowries so they would not become prostitutes.         into the legend.
    He is celebrated as a bearded canonical bishop in Continental
                                                                        • The 1910s saw Santa cast as a Corporate figure for the first
                                                                           time firstly through Santa visiting department stores in Britain,
 • The feast day of St Nicholas actually falls on 6th December,           Europe and America, then during the 1930s with Coca Cola
    and thus various European countries have their own way of              and its Xmas advertising that continues today with the Santa
    commemorating him, and he is generally presented as a white            Coke Truck Run. Other companies and groups were quick to
    bearded man with Red robes mounted on a white horse with               follow suit. The first Santa College was established by Charles
    gifts for the community anytime between the 6th December-6th           W Howard in 1937. while kids in Europe can go visit Santa in
    January. In Russia, he is commemorated on the 6th Jaunary,             Finland (Lapland), kids in America go visit Santaland in Alaska,
    the Russian Xmas Day because of the Russian Calendar.                  so the Jolly Man has two HQs on the Arctic Circle!

 • In England, these beliefs were all merged as Father Christmas       • And remember... in Cork, we pronounce it... SANTY!! Merry
    during the 16th Century as a man of generosity and cheer. Dur-         Xmas Everyone and here is hoping for a better 2021!!
   ing the Puritan reign of Cromwell, when fun was banned, a
   way of defiance was people running through the communities,
   knocking on the doors and chiming: “HO HO HO, Merry Xmas!!”          OH! A FINAL THOUGHT FOR 2020...
   This would help inspire Charles Dickens’ ‘A Christmas Carol”
   in the 19th Century.                                                 I am surprised Donald Trump did not lose the election by a far, far
                                                                        wider margin. Sure he promised his supporters he would build
 • As the 18-19th Centuries progressed, the character of Santa         a wall on the Mexican frontier, at Mexican expense. Whatever
    Claus became more enlightened, with various writers inventing       happened to that? And why are his supporters not all the more
    the myths of Mrs Claus, the Elves, Rudolph and the Reindeer         outraged at his backtracking of that particular promise? It should
    team all merged into the overall theme. In America, Santa was       show that if you buy into that, you buy into anything! CAVEAT
    established in Pennsylvania as Kris Kringle. US writer Thomas       EMPTOR: LET THE BUYER BEWARE.

A survey is open now from the Careers Service
designed to hear your views and priorities for
career development as a CIT Student. Please
take the time to complete the survey so we can
improve services for you in relation to getting
ready for your future work life.



                          IF THIS SOUNDS LIKE YOU,

 By Elaine Muscheidt

                                                                 Academic course based societies
                                                                                                               2020                       Comm
                                                                            Automotive                 automotive@citsocieties.ie

  WiSTEM CIT is a society whose foundation is based on                       Marketing                 marketing@citsocieties.ie
                                                                       Physical Sciences               physicalsciences@citsocieties.ie
  bringing together women who study Science, Technology,                                                                                  Energy &
  Engineering and Maths in CIT, in order for them to share       Activities instructor led societies
  their passions and experience. Orlaith McGowan and Ci-          Alexander Technique                  alexandertech@citsocieties.ie

  ara Sheehan, two 3rd Year Mechanical Engineering stu-          Interest societies focusing on a specific hobby                           Interna
  dents, realised there was desire and a need for women to                     Airsoft                 airsoft@citsocieties.ie
  be represented in the traditionally male dominated STEM             Anime & Manga                    anime@citsocieties.ie
  field courses in CIT. From this the Women in STEM Society             Cyber Security                 cybersecurity@citsocieties.ie

  was established. The vision: to create a space for women in                 Esport .                 esport@citsocieties.ie

  STEM courses to find support and assistance during their               Photographic                  photographic@citsocieties.ie
                                                                         Programming                   programming@citsocieties.ie
  college and working lives. Since its founding in 2019 WiS-      Pool & Board Games                   gamescsm@citsocieties.ie
  TEM CIT has had an avalanche of interest, with close to 300                    Sci-Fi                scifi@citsocieties.ie
  new members this semester alone!
                                                                            Societies Office Opening Hours
                                                                           Monday - Friday 10:00am —4:00pm
                                                                                   By appointment only

                                                                                            Office Support &
                                                                                            general queries
                                                                                          Fintan O' Leary

     Founding members Ciara and Orlaith at a WiSTEM event.

  WiSTEM are active in collaborating with leaders in indus-
  try such as Pfizer, Stryker, and MSD plus many more. This
  has led to a number of extremely successful webinar events
  that have run throughout the year. These events allow for
  networking amongst students and professionals in STEM.
  These connections are just part of what Orlaith finds re-
  warding about her role as co-chairperson. WiSTEM has of-
  fered its members the opportunity to make friends from the
  different CIT courses and campuses.

  For Ciara, the adaptability and survival of WiSTEM through-
  out the pandemic has been a source of joy. Events like
  the Freshers Social and the WiSTEM quiz night came as
  a pleasant break from college work for the co-chairperson
  and all those that attended.

  To continue with the role of highlighting women represen-
  tation, WiSTEM is currently focused on a Women in Tech
  event which is causing a lot of excitement with its mem-
  bers. 2021 will be bringing more industry led webinars and a
  variety of social events.

  For those that are interested in joining the society please
  visit www.societies.cit.ie
  Upcoming WiSTEM events can be followed on:
  Facebook - wistemsocietycit Instagram - wistemcit
  Linkedin - Wistem Society CIT and Twitter - WiSTEMCIT
  Breaking barriers. Inspiring Change.

CIT MARKETING SOC DIGS DEEP                                                                            By Andrew Dunne, Treasurer

Since our new committee convened just over a month ago, we’ve               of Sales and Marketing at The Montenotte Hotel.
achieved more than we reasonably could have expected in such a
short space of time. From trade secrets to Toy Show; we’ve learned          We also held a LinkedIn workshop which was hosted by Gearoid
and delivered in ways we never anticipated.                                 Buckley, Group Marketing Manager at LinkedIn itself. This was par-
                                                                            ticularly useful for first and second year students who may wish
At the start of November, we launched our first giveaway, by part-          to go out on placement next year; it’s a fantastic platform to make
nering with Rochestown Park Hotel; who generously donated a                 yourself known to the business and marketing community in both
voucher for one nights bed and breakfast. We decided to charge for          Cork and Ireland.
entry and donate all proceeds to Cork Simon. In the end we raised
over €200. In a very difficult year, we felt one of our priorities should   We also launched our Cork Business of The Week initiative, we
be to give back to those who need help most.                                invited students to nominate and vote for Businesses which they
                                                                            felt had excelled in marketing and customer service despite the
Continuing our partnership with BUMBLEance, we were offered the             pandemic. Our first two winners being West Cork Burger Company
opportunity to take over their social media for The Late Late Toy           and Umi Falafel.
Show. As luck would have it, it turned out to be the best one in our
living memories. Two of the children, Jack Beattie and Adam King,           With all this achieved in just under two months of our new com-
were some of the ‘King Bees’ of BUMBLEance, they undoubtedly                mittee being instated, we feel the future is bright. We encourage all
stole the hearts of Ireland and the wider world. The Toy Show ap-           students of any background whatsoever to join us and get involved,
peal has raised over 6.5 million euros and counting, with the pro-          we’re always open to new faces and new ideas. We’re looking for-
ceeds going to incredible children’s charities all across the country.      ward to seeing what we can all achieve in December and the com-
                                                                            ing new year as an end to this global crisis is within reach. There are
Throughout November, we continued to host guest speakers and                many stories yet to be written and told, so don’t be afraid to come
workshops. These events were all well received and gave the CIT             and tell your story at CIT Marketing Society!
community valuable insights into the world of marketing and busi-
ness alike. Some speakers included Jennifer Power, the Head of              Students can sign up to the society through the link on our
Marketing for McDonalds Ireland and Raymond Kelleher, Director              Instagram page or through the CIT Sign Up to a society page’.

                                                                 2nd place: €25 prize
                                                                    Lisa Higgins

                                                    The results of the recent Photogra-
                                                    phy Society competition which chal-
                                                    lenged students to produce the best
                                                    photograph with the title - ‘Living Our
            1st Place: €50 prize                                                                                 3rd place: €15 prize
              Nomah Sullivan                                                                                         Fionn Healy
      CHOICE Q’S!
              Simple Christmas Quiz!
     TO WIN A €30 ONE-4-ALL
         Sponsored by http://societies.cit.ie

                                  FOR YOUR CHANCE
                                      TO WIN A
                                    €50 One-4-All

                                                                       Sponsored by:
                                                            AnSEO - CIT Student Engagement Office
                                                             and CIT Department of Mathematics
                                                                  as part of Maths Positive.

     Email your answer with your name, student number,
      class and postal address to: supublications@cit.ie
18                        Last issues winners: Maths puzzle - Alannah O’Flaherty Quiz: Mackenzie Davin
FIND THE WORD IN THE                           Prize kindly
                                              sponsored by:

CHRISTMAS TANGLE &                           AnSEO

WIN A €50 ONE-4-ALL!

                         Find the word within the tangle.
                         Hint: yuletide themed! Only 10%
                         of people can solve the puzzle
                         in less than 30 seconds, so start
                         your timer now!

Email your answer with your name, student number,
 class and postal address to: supublications@cit.ie

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