Happy Mother's Day 2021 - The Family of Saint Gerald 9310 S. 55th Court Oak Lawn, Ill. 60453 May 9, 2021 6th Sunday of Easter - cloudfront.net

Page created by Ricardo James
Happy Mother's Day 2021 - The Family of Saint Gerald 9310 S. 55th Court Oak Lawn, Ill. 60453 May 9, 2021 6th Sunday of Easter - cloudfront.net
The Family of Saint Gerald
    9310 S. 55th Court
   Oak Lawn, Ill. 60453
       May 9, 2021
  6th Sunday of Easter

          Happy Mother’s Day
Happy Mother's Day 2021 - The Family of Saint Gerald 9310 S. 55th Court Oak Lawn, Ill. 60453 May 9, 2021 6th Sunday of Easter - cloudfront.net
Family of St. Gerald                  Page 2                                 May 9, 2021

                                    On This Day

   When times are tough, sometimes we need an encouraging voice or uplifting story to
help get us through. Seeing that it is Mother’s Day I have decided to write about Mothers.
Where do I start? I believe all the first’s were with mom, the first voice we heard, the first
cuddle, the first smile. Mom was always there.

   Mom could fix anything. As little as a scraped knee, to as huge as a broken heart,
mom was always there with her soft touch and caring ways. As kind and gentle as moms
are, they are also very strong especially when it comes to their family.

    I often think about our Blessed Mother and how very strong she was to witness her
only son Jesus Christ, who was tortured and then crucified. I cannot even imagine what
torment she must have endured. However, on the other hand when I think of Our Lady I
always think of her as very kind, gentle and a compassionate woman.

   My mom had a huge heart. She would help anyone in need. She taught my brothers
and me so many things. Two things that really stand out are loyalty and kindness. This is
my second year without my mom and I truly miss her every day. I will tell you I love being
a mom. There is nothing in the world like it. My husband and I are very blessed to have
two wonderful children Dan and Megan. I never thought it could get any better and then
my granddaughters Charlotte and Cameran came along. Being with the two of them is
pure happiness and joy.

  On this Mother’s Day, I know we will all be remembering our moms. If you are lucky
enough to still have your mom hug her and thank her for everything she has done for
you. If she is no longer here, and is celebrating Mother’s Day in heaven with our Blessed
Mother please say a prayer thanking her. Wishing you all a Blessed Mother’s Day.

   Kate Zagata
Happy Mother's Day 2021 - The Family of Saint Gerald 9310 S. 55th Court Oak Lawn, Ill. 60453 May 9, 2021 6th Sunday of Easter - cloudfront.net
Family of St. Gerald                                   Page 3                                                     May 9, 2021

                                                                     The Stewardship of our Family of Saint Gerald
                                                                          01/24/21 $       5/2/21
                                                                                               1/31/21 $
                                                                          Collections      $6958.00
                                                                          Utilities Off
                                                                                    $      $3214.00
                   Mass Schedule                                         Utilities         $585.00
                                                                         Give figures
                                                                               Centralinclude masses, giveCandles
                                                                                           $1553.00         central and
                                                                         Total in. Thank you  for your continued
                                                                                           $12375.00      Easter support.

Sunday, May 9                                                            Our parish
                                                                         These figuresfamily
                                                                                                          give central
                                                                                                                your support
                                                                                                                        and      and
 7:30am Catherine Gallo, Catherine & Slavko Matic,                  cannot
                                                                                     Thank you
                                                                                                     your you
                                                                                                               are notsupport.
                                                                                                                         able to be
                                                                    here Our
                                                                                        you depends
                                                                                               for remembering
                                                                                                       upon your support
                                                                                                                   your financial
          Christina Gallo, Mildred Uidl, Spec Int for Caole Dauer
                                                                    commitment     to our
                                                                         cannot exist     faith community
                                                                                       without              and each
                                                                                                 you. When you         other.
                                                                                                                 are not  able to be
 9:15am Dolores & Jerome Kochan, JoAnn Streppa,                          here we thank you for remembering your financial
          Catherine Fekete, Jean Martin, Doris Meany                     commitment to our faith community and each other.
11:00 am Cathy McAvoy, Louis & Anna Fanelli, Maria Zanichelli,
          Therese M. Langan, Victoria Zagata, Grace Ferris,                     MISSION STATEMENT
          Mary Kay Arnold, Janet Ivey, Helen Welsh,
                                                                       We are the Family of St. Gerald-
          Michele Cesaro, Marie Revoir, Daniel Morales,
                                                                       People of God, brought together in the
          Carlos Morales, Maria Lopez, Ardith T. Claussen,
                                                                       Eucharist as the Body of Christ. We gather as
          Colette McGinnis                                             sisters and brothers with the Lord, welcoming
Monday, May 10                                                         and inviting others to journey with us to
8:00am Liv and Decd Mem of SVDP                                        become more like Christ. We strive for
Tuesday, May 11                                                        spiritual fulfillment by building a community
8:00am Jacqueline Giebelhausen                                         of love and service.
Wednesday, May 12
8:00am Leahy & Broderick Families, Denise Fingleton,
          Stanley Walent, Tom & Betty Forbes
Thursday, May 13
8:00am Elva Cogdal, Shirley Basidore, Rev Francis Blum,
         Rev Kevin Stanley
                                                                        Martin Daniel Brown
Friday, May 14                                                           Son of Daniel & Cathleen Lally Brown
8:00am Rose & Patrick Hynes, Christy Heins, Cathy Chambers
 Saturday, May 15
 5:00pm Barbara Revis, George Marovich
                                                                       We congratulate our parents and families,
                                                                        whose child was welcomed into the new life
 Sunday, May 16
                                                                       of Baptism. May God protect this little one,
 7:30am Daniel Broderick, August Demma, Poor Souls in                   reborn into the Family of God.
 9:15am Dan Carroll, Jacqueline Giebelhausen, Joseph Streppa,
          Rita M. Kulpa, Lois Barker
11:00 am Rita Wallner, Robert L. Ferris, Fei Family,
          Grant Family, Mary Josephine Delles,
          Mary Jean Walsh, Cesario Cojuangco Lim,                                           Patrick Carmody
          Souls in Purgatory

                                                                           May choirs of angels welcome him
Happy Mother's Day 2021 - The Family of Saint Gerald 9310 S. 55th Court Oak Lawn, Ill. 60453 May 9, 2021 6th Sunday of Easter - cloudfront.net
Family of St. Gerald                Page 4                          May 9, 2021

May 15-16              MASS TIMES   LECTOR          EUCHARISTIC MINISTER

                        5:00PM         R Smith        J Anderson, N Smith

                        7:30AM         D Paraga       P Butkus, T Paluck

                        9:15AM         F Bertucci     S Harrington, L Harrington

                        11:00AM        D Czaja        M Blaha, C Vendetti
Happy Mother's Day 2021 - The Family of Saint Gerald 9310 S. 55th Court Oak Lawn, Ill. 60453 May 9, 2021 6th Sunday of Easter - cloudfront.net
Family of St. Gerald                     Page 5                                      May 9, 2021

                           St. Gerald Early Childhood Program
                            “A Great Place to Learn & Grow”

                                        Preschool 3
                   *Children must be 3 years of age before September 1st
                       *Class meets Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday
                              *Optional Monday and/or Friday

                            Pre-Kindergarten (4 year old)
                  *Children must be 4 years of age before September 1st
                  *Class meets Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday
                                    *Optional Friday

                          Junior Kindergarten (5 year old)
              *Children must be 5 years of age September 1st-December 1st
                              *Class meets Monday-Friday

                          Preschool 3, Pre-Kindergarten,
                               Junior Kindergarten
                                  School Hours…
                             Half Day 7:50am-11:00am

                                Pray for the sick list

Baby Anthony-1                     Roselyn Peary-4            In order to add a person’s name to our
Baby G.-1                          Bruce Renz-4          Pray for the sick listing, the person that is
Carol Carroll-4                    Carol Sitarz-2        ill or a relative must call. Please call the
Patricia Griffin-4                 Linda Stearns-4       office at 708 422-0234 to add the name of
Samantha Latarski-2                Gene Martyn-2
                                                         the person that is ill. We will keep the
Joyce Meredith-2                   Robert Walsh-1
Lucas Patrick-1
                                                         names of the sick for 4 weeks. After 4
                                                         weeks we will clear the list. If you want to
                                                         add yourself or a loved one on again
                                                         please call the office.
Happy Mother's Day 2021 - The Family of Saint Gerald 9310 S. 55th Court Oak Lawn, Ill. 60453 May 9, 2021 6th Sunday of Easter - cloudfront.net
Family of St. Gerald                         Page 6                                    May 9, 2021

                The Family of Saint Gerald www.stgerald.com Oak Lawn, Illinois
  WEEK END LITURGIES                                     Weddings should be scheduled at least six
  SATURDAY 5:00 p.m.                                  months in advance. Please contact the Wedding
  SUNDAY 7:30, 9:15, 11:00                            Coordinator.
  MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 8AM                              Baptisms are celebrated every Sunday. Parents
                                                         are expected to go through a Baptismal
                                                         preparation session. Classes are held on the
  NOT OPEN AT THIS TIME                                  third Thursday of the month at 7PM in the Par-
   THE SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION                       ish Meeting Room. Please call the Parish Of-
   Saturdays,4:00-4:30 p.m. please call the parish       fice to register for the class.
   office for an appointment.
Happy Mother's Day 2021 - The Family of Saint Gerald 9310 S. 55th Court Oak Lawn, Ill. 60453 May 9, 2021 6th Sunday of Easter - cloudfront.net
Family of St. Gerald                     Page 7                                May 9, 2021

                                    ST. GERALD PARISH STAFF

                       Rev. Robert Pajor…………Pastor frrpajor@stgerald.com
                       Rev. Michael Flynn………. Associate Pastor
                       Rev. William Browne…….. Resident
                       Rev. Mr. Michael Fekete….Deacon mfekete@archchicago.org
                       Mr. Thomas Forbes……….Parish Business Manager tforbes@stgerald.com
                       Mrs. Kemberly Markham Principal kmarkham@stgerald.com
                       Mr. Leo McGinnis…………Coord. of Religious Education rey@stgerald.com
                       Mrs. Sandy Weber…………Ministry of Care sweber@stgerald.com
                       Ms. Leah Andricopulos……Music Director musicopulos@gmail.com
                       Ms. Debbie Janicke……….. Dev Director development@stgerald.com
                       Mrs. Laura Kowalski………Wedding Coordinator lkowalski@stgerald.com
                       Mrs. Kate Zagata…………...Bulletin Editor kzagata@stgerald.com
                       Parish Office 9310 S 55th Ct.
                       Telephone 708 422-0234
                       Fax 708 422-0822
                       School 9320 S 55th Ct.
                       Telephone 708 422-0121
                       Fax 708 422-9216
                       Religious Education (REY) Office 708 423-0458
                       Convent 708 422-0280
Happy Mother's Day 2021 - The Family of Saint Gerald 9310 S. 55th Court Oak Lawn, Ill. 60453 May 9, 2021 6th Sunday of Easter - cloudfront.net
Saint Gerald #587

9310 s. 55TH Court
Oak Lawn, Illinois 60453

708 422-0234

Kate Zagata

Ms Publisher 2003
Windows 7
Adobe Acrobat 9.0

Hp Color Laserjet 2550

Cover through 1-8
SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS-We want 450 bulletins this time. Please deliver the bulletins to the
                     Parish Office not the church. The parish office is the building south of
                     the church. Thank you.
Happy Mother's Day 2021 - The Family of Saint Gerald 9310 S. 55th Court Oak Lawn, Ill. 60453 May 9, 2021 6th Sunday of Easter - cloudfront.net Happy Mother's Day 2021 - The Family of Saint Gerald 9310 S. 55th Court Oak Lawn, Ill. 60453 May 9, 2021 6th Sunday of Easter - cloudfront.net
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