Harvest News - St. Isidore Church

Page created by Carrie Pham
Harvest News - St. Isidore Church
Harvest News
 MAY 2 9, 2 02 2

Since the time Jesus         second time to “bring        Let us continue to learn   Chris Kozlowski
died, there have been        salvation to those who       about Him, serve Him       BUSINESS MANAGER
people anxiously             eagerly await Him.”          (by serving others) and    CHRIS@STISIDORE.CHURCH
awaiting His return. At      You may wonder what          praise Him as we as
first, they were both        eagerly waiting looks        a community eagerly
anxious and scared           like. In a way, the Church   await Him. Amen!
because they did not         is set up to help us in
know how to move             this effort.
forward without Him.
Once Jesus made              As a Church, we come
appearances post-            together to learn. As
Resurrection, we as a        a Church, we assist
people became more           those in need through
emboldened. Now, we          many various outreach
wait again. It seems to      efforts. This Sunday’s
me that the more time        Gospel states that the
that passes, the less        people of Jerusalem
fervent our collective       were continually in the
efforts become.              temple praising God,
                             and we as a Church,
This weekend’s second        do that through the
reading from the book        global celebration of
of Hebrews states            the Mass and through
that Christ will come a      receiving the Eucharist.
Harvest News - St. Isidore Church
A Prayer for Memorial Day
                             Gracious God,
                         On this Memorial Day,
                 we pray for those who courageously
           laid down their lives for the cause of freedom.
                 May the examples of their sacrifice
              inspire in us the selfless love of Your Son,
                         our Lord Jesus Christ.
                Bless the families of our fallen troops,
                  and fill their homes and their lives
                    with Your strength and peace.
         In union with people of goodwill of every nation,
                   embolden us to answer the call
                    to work for peace and justice,
                  and thus, seek an end to violence
                    and conflict around the globe.
                   We ask this through your name.

Author Unknown. Memorial day prayers. Xavier University. Retrieved May 24, 2022, from

Harvest News - St. Isidore Church

        MAY 29
                                                                            JUN 2
         7:30 AM Mass CH                                                    8:00 AM Communion Service CH
         9:30 AM Mass CH                                                    11:00 AM Young at Heart RC
         11:30 AM Mass CH                                                   5:00 PM Festival Basket Assembly FCR
         5:30 PM Mass CH                                                    6:30 PM Altar Society Mtg RC
                                                                            7:00 PM Hispanic Rosary SH
                                                                            7:00 PM Teen Ensemble Rehearsal MR & CH

        MAY 30
                                                                            JUN 3
         OFFICE CLOSED                                                      7:00 AM Adoration CH
         9:00 AM Mass CH                                                    8:00 AM Mass CH
                                                                            8:45 AM Friday Fellowship SH

        MAY 31
                                                                            JUN 4
         6:30 AM Men's Bible Study                                         STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL SIGN-UP
         8:00 AM Mass CH                                                    9:00 AM Strawberry Festival Mtg ECR
         9:00 AM Life is Messy RC                                           3:15 PM Confessions CH
         1:30 PM Comfort Crafters SH                                        4:00 PM First Saturday Rosary CH
                                                                            4:30 PM Mass CH

        JUN 1
                                                                            JUN 5
         8:00 AM Mass CH                                                    STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL SIGN-UP
         9:30 AM Scripture Group RC                                         7:30 AM Mass CH
         7:15 PM A Biblical Walk Through The Mass RC                        9:30 AM Mass - Graduation Reception CH
         7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal MR                                         10:30 AM RCIA ECR
                                                                            11:30 AM Mass CH
                                                                            5:30 PM Mass CH
                                                                            6:30 PM S.I.T.E. YR

      A-Atrium, CH-Church, CR-Classrooms, CY-Courtyard, ECR-Executive Conference Room, FCR-Front Conference Room FO-Front
      Office, GS-Gathering Space, K-Social Hall Kitchen, MR-Music Room, PL-Parking Lot, OS-Off Site, RC-Resource Center, REC-
      Rectory, SH-Social Hall, YR-Youth Room,  Virtual, HSW-Holy Spirit Wing, HFW-Holy Family Wing

3                            ASCENSION OF THE LORD                                                               MAY 29, 2022
Harvest News - St. Isidore Church
SAT. MAY 28 4:30 PM            WED. JUN 1 8:00 AM             SUN. JUN 5 9:30 AM
†   Anthony Pakizer BDAY       †   John Maslonka 18TH ANNIV   †   Carlo Lalama
    Family                         Sister                         Bonnie Amicangelo
† Stanley & Susan Gondek                                      †   John Alderete
    Todd Gondek and Family                                        Friends
                                                              †   Frank Bruck BDAY
                               THU. JUN 2 8:00 AM
                                                              †   Dennis Smarsh BDAY
                                   Communion Service              Family
SUN. MAY 29 7:30 AM
†   Gus & Mary Spriet
                               †   Antonia Valentini
†   Msgr. Ferdinand DeCneudt       Daughter                   SUN. JUN 5 11:30 AM
                               †   Pellerito Family
†   Eleanor Kaslatas               Daughter                   †   Robert Mason
    Battani Family                                                Family
†   Helen Doan
    Kelly Doan
†   Jerry Schmeiser
    Comfort Crafters           FRI. JUN 3 8:00 AM             SUN. JUN 5 5:30 PM
                                   Menard & Daniel Families
                                   Family                     †   Jose Pulian ANNIV
                               †   Dolly Ellis                    Luciene & Ronaldo Freitas 25TH WED ANNIV
                                   Haight & Loewen Families
SUN. MAY 29 9:30 AM                                               Family
                               †   Glenn Koss BDAY
                                   Richard & Jeanne Koss

SUN. MAY 29 11:30 AM
                               SAT. JUN 4 4:30 PM
†   Fred Chlubiski
                               † Anna Vassallo
†   Kirk P. Dyer                   Donna Schmidt
    Kevin & Kathy Mott
                               † Tom & Connie McDonough
    Fr. Ron Victor                 Bisdorf Family
    Joe Seger
                               † Larry Prudhomme
                                   Wife, Sherri
                               † Mary Barone BDAY
SUN. MAY 29 5:30 PM
                               † Frances Finocchio
                               † Frank Kulinski, Jr. BDAY

MON. MAY 30 9:00 AM
    Memorial Day
                               SUN. JUN 5 7:30 AM
                               †   Eleanor Kaslatas
TUE. MAY 31 8:00 AM                Evelyn Edwards
                                   Ron & Mary Lou Pratt
†   Shirley Furton             †   John Viet Nguyen
    Sister, Christine              Kelly Doan
†   Stefano DeBillis           †   Gerald Bocci
    Wife                           Diane Dimambro
†   Josephine Buffa ANNIV

Harvest News - St. Isidore Church
ST. VINCENT                                                 BABY PANTRY
                                                                Our wish for you:

                                                                We wish we could personally thank each and every
                                                               one who donates. However, we very seldom have your
    Above all, let your love for one another be intense,        names, and without names, we can only thank our
    because love covers a multitude of sins. Be hospitable      wonderful donors via this Bulletin. We sincerely hope
    to one another without complaining. As each one has         you read our thanks to you. Please know how grateful
    received a gift, use it to serve one another as good
                                                                we are for your continued support. May God bless each
    stewards of God’s varied grace.
                                                                and every one of you who donate our needed items,
    - 1 Peter 4:8-10
                                                                money, and gift cards to stores that stock baby supplies.

                                                                Right now, as you know, prices are high and tragic
                                                                but true, many low-income families are unable to
    We have received a multitude of blessings from God
                                                                provide necessary items for their families. They are so
    and use those blessings to serve others. We are
                                                                appreciative of the help we are able to provide thanks
    abundantly blessed by your generosity in the amount of
                                                                to your donations. Please continue donating to help
    donations given to the pantry even as prices continue
                                                                us. With your generosity, we are able to assist the less
    to rise.

    Please keep our pantry list in mind as you shop in stores
                                                                If possible, please donate:
    or online this week. Our needs are:
                                                                • Canned, powdered formula (generic is ok)
        Jar Spaghetti Sauce
                                                                • Size 5 and Size 6 diapers
        Men's Deodorant
                                                                • Boys Pull-Ups size 4T-5T
                                                                • Goodnights (nighttime underwear) size L (fits 10-12)
        Pancake Mix
                                                                • Breast feeding pads
                                                                • A & D Ointment with NO zinc (generic with NO zinc
        Canned Carrots
                                                                  ointment is also ok)
        Canned Pineapple
                                                                • Baby lotion
                                                                • Puffs
        Ramen Noodles
        $25 Gift Cards – Kroger or Meijer
                                                                On Memorial Day: Let us always remember to honor and
        Depends - Women’s Size Large (Store Brand OK)
                                                                pray for those who have died to preserve our freedom,
                                                                all who have served our country, and those who serve
    “Great occasions for serving God come seldom but little
    ones surround us daily.” (St. Francis de Sales)
                                                                God Bless America!

    God Bless,
    St. Isidore St. Vincent de Paul Society

5                                              ASCENSION OF THE LORD                                        MAY 29, 2022
Harvest News - St. Isidore Church
PRAYER BLANKET                                                READINGS
Prayer blankets and shawls are available. Please stop in      Acts 1:1-11;
the church office to pick up a free blanket or shawl.         Ps 47:2-3, 6-7,8-9;
                                                              Eph 1:17-23 or Heb 9:24-28; 10:19-23;
                                                              Lk 24:46-53
Dear Lord Jesus Christ, right before your Ascension into      MONDAY
heaven you told your apostles to be His witnesses to the
                                                              Acts 19:1-8;
ends of the earth upon receiving the Holy Spirit. May
                                                              Ps 68:2-3ab, 4-5acd, 6-7ab;
I be similarly inspired to spread your Gospel message
                                                              Jn 16:29-33
in word and deed, according to your will for me. And
may I do so prudently and joyfully, with your help, your
guidance, and your grace!
- Ascension of the Lord Prayer (ourcatholicprayers.com)       Zep 3:14-18a;
                                                              Is 12:2-3, 4bcd, 5-6;
                                                              Lk 1:39-56
We all know people who struggle with a serious or
chronic illness, loneliness, financial problems, a troubled
family member, or the death of a loved one. Such              WEDNESDAY
suffering can last for years.                                 Acts 20:28-38;
                                                              Ps 68:29-30, 33-35a, 35bc-36ab;
We can offer hope and comfort. Take a prayer blanket          Jn 17:11b-19
or shawl to a person who needs to know we care about
them. Blankets and shawls are available (free of charge)
in the parish office. All items are handmade by crafters      THURSDAY
dedicated to this ministry. We pray for all recipients and
encourage parishioners to do the same. Our prayer is          Acts 22:30; 23:6-11;
that God will keep people safe. We consider our items a       Ps 16:1-2a & 5, 7-8, 9-10, 11;
hug from Jesus for that person needing comfort.               Jn 17:20-26

“Faith, hope, and love are the currency of eternity. Lord,
make me wealthy in these.” (Prayer by Alice Camille -         FRIDAY
writer, religious educator and retreat leader)
                                                              Acts 25:13b-21;
                                                              Ps 103:1-2, 11-12, 19-20ab;
                                                              Jn 21:15-19
Thank you for your participation in this ministry,
“The Comfort Crafters”
                                                              Acts 28:16-20, 30-31;
                                                              Ps 11:4, 5 & 7;
                                                              Jn 21:20-25

                                                              Acts 2:1-11;
                                                              Ps 104:1, 24, 29-30, 31, 34;
                                                              1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13 or Rom 8:8-17;
                                                              Jn 20:19-23

Harvest News - St. Isidore Church
S.I.T.E. YOUTH MINISTRY                                     FAITH FORMATION
                                                                   GRADES 1-8
       Youth in grades 9-12 & their friends are invited!
                                                                   For more information, visit our website:
       Contact Beth Beebe at (586) 286-1700 ext. 2116              stisidore.church/connect/faith-formation

                 UPCOMING EVENTS                                              UPCOMING EVENTS

                     Sun, May 29 // No Mtg                           JUNE 13 // 6:30 PM
                   Sun, Jun 5 // 6:30 PM Mtg                         Vacation Bible School - All Volunteers Meeting
                Sun, Jun 12 // FOP Mtg - Off-site                    Social Hall

                                                                 VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL PREP

    TEEN MISSION TRIP                                            Climb aboard for the best week of summer! Mark
                                                                 your calendar: July 25–July 29.

                                                                 The fun starts at 9:15 AM
    JULY 17-23, 2022 // MAUMEE, OHIO                             and will end at 12:30 PM.
                                                                 Registration is now available in
    Join together with the youth of St. Therese of Lisieux       the Parish Office!
    and St. Francis–St. Max for a mission trip. (You need
    not be a member of S.I.T.E. to go on the trip.)              Adult Volunteers needed for:
                                                                  • Bible Adventure: Lead skits
    Group Mission Trips create short-term, domestic trips           & Bible Story everyday
    for youth groups. Each year, over 15,000 participants         • Loco Motion Games: Lead
    serve through their home repair and community                   outside games & activities
    service mission trips. These trips are open to all,           • Imagination Station: Lead
    ages 14-20. When a person volunteers with Group                 in fun crafts
    Mission Trips, they have the opportunity to engage in
    meaningful service projects that have a lasting impact       Teen Volunteers (7th Grade and up!) needed for:
    on residents and communities around the country.              • Crew Leaders: You'll be assigned a group of kids
                                                                    & travel with them to their stations
    From organized service projects to a Jesus-centered           • Station Assistants: Work with the Station Leader
    program that sparks deep conversations and daily                to help prepare fun for the crews
    devotions, these mission trips are designed to help           • Service Hours available for Confirmation & High
    youth and adults grow in their relationship with Jesus.         School Students

    Our mission trip is taking place in Maumee, Ohio from
    July 17-23 and is perfect for high school students,
    teens, and adults. The trip offers one afternoon away
    from the mission work. This year we will be using that           GOD BLESS OUR CATECHISTS!
    afternoon to visit the Toledo Zoo.
                                                                     We are so blessed at St. Isidore to have a
    We currently have 13 teens and 4 adults who have                 group of Catechists who lovingly share their
    signed up. If interested, please contact Beth Beebe              faith with our children. We are so grateful for
    (586.286.1700 or beth@stisidore.church).                         all you did during Faith Formation 2021-22.
                                                                     The FF Team wishes you all a fun and relaxing
                                                                     summer. God Bless you and your families!

7                                                   ASCENSION OF THE LORD                                    MAY 29, 2022
Harvest News - St. Isidore Church
SHOW                              STRAWBERRY
AUDITIONS                         PATCH

Monday, June 20 from 7-9 PM       Can we count on you? The
For an audition time, contact:    Strawberry Festival cannot
Amy Righi:                        happen without the generous
(586) 286-1700 x 2109             support of our parishioners. The
amy@stisidore.church.             St. Isidore Strawberry Patch is
                                  ready and strawberries are ripe
All Ages, talents, G-rated acts   for the picking! Each berry has a      VOLUNTEERS
are welcome! Talent show
starts Friday, June 24–5:30 PM
                                  need for the festival listed on it.
                                  Please take a strawberry or two.
                                                                         STILL NEEDED
                                                                         We are in need of a great
                                  After you have purchased the item
                                                                         number of volunteers (550
Cash prizes!                     listed on the berry, please return
                                                                         in total) to operate the
1st Prize $100.00                 it to the gathering space with the
                                                                         Festival. We've made it
2nd Prize $75.00                  strawberry. No time to shop? There
                                                                         easy for you to sign up for
3rd Prize $50.00                  are gift card needs as well. Please
                                                                         areas and times that will fit
                                  return all gift cards to the office.
                                                                         with your schedule.
                                  It’s as easy as pie! The St. Isidore
                                  Strawberry Festival Committee
                                  thanks you “berry” much for your             Sign up today at
                                  support!                                    stisidore.church/
Harvest News - St. Isidore Church

    REST IN PEACE                                                 BAPTISMS                   MAY 21 / 22

         THELMA M. MILLER                                                BECKHAM MICHAEL RAK
                                                                         Son of Michael and Katie
         Entered eternal life on May 3

         JOHN LEMANSKI                                                   CREDENCE MANGUIAT CEREZO
                                                                         Son of Christian and Lea Grace
         Entered eternal life on May 14

         JAN (JOHN) MANKIEWICZ                                           LIAM DOMINICK GANHS
                                                                         Son of Eric and Nicole
         Entered eternal life on March 31

         RICHARD GDOWSKI                                                 LILIANA MARIE VANDO
                                                                         Daughter of John and Jena
         Entered eternal life on May 16

                                                                         HENRY WILLIAM YOUNG
                                                                          Son of Jason and Melissa


    The Prayer Wall is a
    place on our website                             Praying for my brother-n-law who having knee             strength

    where anyone can share                            surgery on Friday to have strength to get through
    a prayer intention and                            this.
                                                      Requested by Ann Riddell
    also pray for others.
    There is an option for
    the requester to ask to
    have someone contact                             Lord please help my daughter in her search for a         personal

    and pray with them as                             job and a home. She really needs You!
                                                      Requested by Worried Mom

                                                     Healing from my knee surgery and healing for my          personal
                                                      brother in law from prostate issues. Thanks.
                                                      Requested by Paul Dolfus

                                                     For guidance and mental health!!                         personal
                                                      Requested by Kjw

                                    Write your own prayer request on our Prayer Wall:

9                                           ASCENSION OF THE LORD                                          MAY 29, 2022
Harvest News - St. Isidore Church

FIRST SATURDAY                           K OF C                                  BID FOR LIFE
ROSARY                                   EXEMPLIFICATION                         AUCTION/DINNER
SATURDAY, JUNE 4 // 4:00 PM              THURSDAY, JUNE 9 // 6 PM                TUESDAY, JUNE 14 // 5:30 PM

Please join fellow parishioners as       The Knights of Columbus are pleased     A benefit dinner in support of Right
we pray the most holy rosary as          to host an exemplification ceremony     to Life of Michigan will be held at the
Our Blessed Mother encourages us         for inducting Catholic Men into the     Vintage House in Frazer. The evening
to pray. We will finish in time for      K of C using the three lessons of       will feature live auction items that
                                         Charity, Unity, and Fraternity. This    include a Tops Golf Resort package,
personal reflection before the 4:30
                                         ceremony lasts less than one hour       a one week stay at a condo in Cocoa
Mass.                                    and everyone is invited to attend.      Beach, Florida, and MSU football
                                                                                 tickets. In addition, there will be a
                                         This ceremony teaches our time-         silent auction that has something for
                                         honored principles in a way that is     everyone and a 50/50 raffle.
                                         appropriate for today. It presents
                                         the lessons of Charity, Unity, and      For more information, please call
                                         Fraternity in powerful contemporary     (586) 774-6050 or register at RTL.org
                                         language. Everyone is invited to
                                         attend this exemplification ceremony.
                                         It will significantly enhance a man’s
                                         first impression of the Order and
                                         should do the same for his family and

SCHOOL YOUTH                                                                     THE CHOSEN
EVENTS                                                                           TUES OR WED, JUNE 21 OR 22
SUNDAY, JUNE 12 // 6:30 PM
                                                                                 Join fellow parishioners as we delve
Ever feel like life is a tug of war?                                             into and watch the first two seasons
(That's a picture from our last Family                                           of the series The Chosen. This first-
of Parishes High School Youth Event.)                                            ever, multi-season series about the
If you're in grades 9 - 12 and looking                                           life of Christ is one tens of millions
to have some fun while spending time                                             of people won’t stop talking about
with like minded teens, join us! Our                                             (watch.angelstudios.com/thechosen).
next event is Sunday, June 12. To get
the details for this and future events                                           Morning or evening sessions available:
join REMIND by texting @fopyo to                                                 Mornings: 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
(815) 569-4547.                                                                  Tuesdays; 6/21/22 - 10/18/22
Question can be directed to Beth                                                 Evenings: 7:15 PM - 8:45 PM
Beebe at: beth@stisidore.church or                                               Wednesdays; 6/22/22 - 10/19/22
(586) 286-1700.
                                                  No cost. Max of 40 per session.
                                                  Register by: June 13 at the parish
                                                  office. Contact Beth Beebe at: beth@
                                                  stisidore.church or (586) 286-1700 for
                                                  more info.

         S t . T h e r e s e o f L i s i e u x D i s c i p l e s h i p Fo r m at i o n
                                                             June 13,

              Slice of
                                                                                         HOLY LAND
                                                                                         FEBRUARY 6, 2023

             SUMMER                                                                      Join our Family of Parishes led by Fr.
                                                                                         Chris Talbot on a pilgrimage to the
                                                                                         Holy Land this winter. The package

                                                                                          • Round trip airfare from Detroit
                                                                                          • Meeting/assistance upon arrival
                                                                                            and departure at airport
                                                                                          • Porterage at airport and hotels
                                                                                          • 8 overnights at 4 star hotels
                                                                                          • Daily buffet breakfast and dinners
                                                                                            in the hotels, begins with dinner on
                                                                                            arrival day and ends with breakfast
                                                                                            on departure day. Farewell Dinner
                                                                                            on last night.
                                                                                          • 3 lunches including the “St Peter’s
     Pizza, games, face painting and inflatables!                                           Fish” lunch on the Sea of Galilee
         Fire Truck and Sidewalk Chalk Contest                                            • 7 full days sightseeing as per
                                                                                            program with Catholic guide and
          Bring a friend and a beach towel!                                                 more!

              Family fun for kids 3-12                                                   More info:

       6:00pm-8:00pm on the Parish Grounds
      To register scan the code.
      Questions? ec@stthereseparish.ws

11                                        ASCENSION OF THE LORD                                                  MAY 29, 2022

                                                           Baby in the Womb at 36 Weeks

                                                           Baby is now approximately 18-19 inches long and
                                                           about 6 pounds. Hearing is extra sharp, the brain
                                                           continues to grow rapidly, but the head bones
                                                           remain soft and flexible to navigate the birth
                                                           canal. Baby is plumping up and is less wrinkled,
Calling all 2022 High School and College Graduates         starting to look more like the baby you'll meet
of St. Isidore Church. Come and celebrate your             at birth in a few weeks. Baby is too big to move
accomplishments with your parish family on Sunday,         around a lot but can still kick strongly. Most
June 5, 2022 at the 9:30 AM Mass.                          babies have dropped in a head down position.
Graduates are invited to wear their gowns to this
Mass. (Schools will release the cap and gown early         Baby is developing
if you mention you are attending a graduation Mass         sleep patterns and the
at your church.) You are encouraged to also wear           fingernails have reached
cords, sashes, medals, etc., but please, no caps.          the end of the fingers.
                                                           Lungs need to mature a
Mass will be followed by a complimentary breakfast         bit more. Almost all babies
for the graduate and their family provided by our          born now will live.
Knights of Columbus!

We would like to publish each of our graduate’s
pictures in the bulletin and on our website. In order to
meet the bulletin deadline, we must have your picture
submitted by May 31.

To RSVP for Mass, reception and submit your photo
you can do so either electronically (preferred) at
or return the form below with a photo to the parish
office. (Pictures dropped off will be returned at the

NAME: _________________________________

SCHOOL: _______________________________

PARENTS: ______________________________



[ ] YES [ ] NO

[ ] YES [ ] NO




If you are a practicing Catholic male, 18 years or older
and would like more information about becoming a
Knight, please contact Frank Oldani, Grand Knight,
at (248) 515-9945 or Dennis Jarzombek, Membership
Director, at (586) 838-8500.
                                                              Let's make time to speak personally to Jesus. Join fellow
                    Scan this QR code to be directed          church members each Wednesday, from the comfort
                    to the K of C website. Now through        of your home, workplace, etc., in spending ten minutes
                    June 30, 2022 – scan code and             in prayer anytime day or evening. Enlist your family, a
                    enter Promo Code: MCGIVNEY2020            friend, or perhaps you prefer a quiet place to meditate.
                    for 12 months of free online              Prayers can be formal or not, including singing or
                    membership.                               reading scripture. You could offer your work, a kind act,
                                                              or make a sacrifice as your prayer. We are called to be a
                                                              holy people (set aside for sacred use). As we focus our
                                                              mind and heart on Jesus, He transforms us, re-creating
KNIGHT OF THE MONTH                                           us into the ones he desinged us to be.
The Saint Isidore K of C Council monthly recognizes a
“Knight of the Month” and a “Family of the Month” for their
efforts in serving the council/parish/community. Shown
                                                              This week's Intention: Protection of Children and The
are Chris Jacks and Chijioke (& Laura) Oparaji receiving
certificates for May’s Knight and Family of the Month from
Grand Knight Frank Oldani at the May General Membership
                                                              Suggested Prayer: Lord God, Your Son commanded his
                                                              disciples to "Let the children come to me." Look with
                                                              kindness upon us and help us to shepherd your children,
                                                              and lead them into your loving embrace, so that they
                                                              may know your life and your love.

                                                              We ask this through the same Jesus Christ, your Son, our
                                                              Lord, Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the
                                                              Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever. Amen.

                                                              Suggested Activity: Hug a child

                                                              Evangelization Committee
BREAKFAST THANK YOU!                                          EVANGELIZATION@STISIDORE.CHURCH
Thank you for your attendance at the May 22nd pancake
breakfast. With your help and support, we were able to
raise $700 that will be used for the benefit of others.
We hope you enjoyed the food and the fellowship of this
breakfast. It was very nice sharing breakfast with you. As
always, your continued support of our events is greatly
appreciated, as they would be fruitless without your
involvement. We pray for your safety, good health and
God’s blessings as we go through summer. We hope to see
you at the Strawberry Festival and at our next Pancake
Breakfast in the fall.

God Bless You and Yours,
Knights of Columbus – Council 7200

13                                              ASCENSION OF THE LORD                                     MAY 29, 2022
Bob Agius                  Georgiann Kaptur         Bob Pattison               Alan Slowke
Mary Agius                 Kathy Karpinski          David Patton               Dennis Slowke
Avakian Family             Kenneth Karpinski        Natalie Perini             Bob Spence
Arceni Barrocal            Maysoon Kashat           Christopher Pierzynski     Mary Ann Stafford
Scott Bell                 Marge Kehoe              Theodore Pierzynski        John Strauch
Meagan Betcher             Tom Kehoe                Louisa Pietrowsky          Laura Suskiewicz
Joyce Biebuyck             Helen Ruth Kless         Janet Poxon                Breanne Talmadge
Jonathan Bisdorf           Joseph Klingkammer       Sharon Prizgint            Anthony Tancredi
Dennis Boyd                Janet Kopczyk            Marge Pullen               Cathy Terry
Thomas Breen               David Laudicina          Eric Racette               John Terry
Carol Chianese             Dave LeFevre             Albert Reider              Ranelle Tokarczyk
Frank Chianese             Michael Lepoudre         Cindy Reider               Katelyn Tomasello
Pam DeClercq               Don Macioce              Gary Ross                  David VanBelois
Edmond Essad               Geri Marini              Karen Rothenhauser         Fr. Ron Victor
Isaiah Ford                Tracy Schmitz Marshall   Bea Russell                Andrea Vinicki
Tony Garrisi               Janet McDonald           Don Russell                Jerry Warren
Jason Grzelak              James McNichol           Carolyn Sands              Curtis Wellhausen
Barbara Haworth            Brianna McSorley         Charlene Sapienza          Prisca Yamessi
Mike Jamula                Maurice L. Monserez      Christopher Sapienza       Judy Zado
Greg Johnson               Kathy Mooney             Michael Sapienza
Phil Kadets                Jeri Nofs                David Schoeder

PFC Tanner Adkins, Army – Afghanistan               Maj. Jeffrey Jablonski, Army – Michigan
PO Henry J. Altermatt, Navy - Japan                 Staff Sgt. Logan Jabouri, Marines
WO1 Jeremy Bentley, Army – Iraq                     J. Jackson, Navy
Pvt. Troy Ciaramella, Army – USA                    Staff Sgt. Ethan Jensen, Air Force – Afghanistan
GySgt. Sean Collins, Marines – USA                  PFC Sean R. Kellogg, Marines California
Hannah Cook, Marines – USA                          Sgt. Griffin Kozak, Marines – California
Captain Theresa Corsentino, Marines - USA           Sgt. Edward Kujawa, Marines
Sgt. Brian Dahl , Army – Afghanistan                Jason Kurpiewski, Navy – Afghanistan
Sgt. Tyler Dean, Army – Kuwait                      Audrey Lynch, Marines – North Carolina
Spec. John Deapen, Arty - Iraq                      Spec. Michael Manning, Army – Afghanistan
PFC Anthony Difatta, Army – Afghanistan             Connor McDonald, Navy – Texas
Sgt. Blake Doetsch, Marines                         Tristan Newton, Navy
CPL Brian Domzalski, Marines                        Courtney Osborne, Navy – Afghanistan
PFC E3 Jeffrey Frame, Army                          PFC Matt Piotke, Army – Iraq
Justin Francis, Army                                MC2 Jeffrey Richardson, Navy – Afghanistan
WO4 Jason Gaboury, Army – USA                       SSgt Justin Santiago, Air Force – Guam
Sgt. James Galowski Jr., Army – Middle East         Joel Sebastian, Army
PFC John Gellert III, Army                          Chief John C. Sbraccia, Navy – Kuwait
Michael Giacalone, Coast Guard                      Sr. Airman Jeremy Spanski, Air Force – Afghanistan
Lt. Alison J. Grzywacz, Navy                        CPL Jeremiah Stewart, Army – Afghanistan
LCDR David R. Grzywacz, Navy                        Gjelosh Vata, Army
CPL Alexander Hendzell, Marines                     Pvt Andre Ventmiglia, Army – USA
LCpl David Horton, Marines – Afghanistan            LS1 Justin Wood, Navy - Djibouti
Ethan Hund, Air Force - Saudie Arabia               Thomas Yombor, Army Ranger 1/75


                                             Rev. Ronald Victor                                                      Rev. Matt Ellis
                                             PASTOR                                                                  ASSOCIATE PASTOR

                                              frron@stisidore.church                                                 frmatt@stisidore.church

                                              2105                                                                   2107

     Rev. Mr. Jeff Loeb                                                     Dawn Ormsby
     DEACON                                                                 CATECHIST COORDINATOR
      jeff@stisidore.church     2120                                       dawno@stisidore.church       2111

     Tony Kendzierski                                                       John Kovacik
     PASTORAL MINISTER                                                      RCIA COORDINATOR
      tony@stisidore.church     2108                                       rcia@stisidore.church      2115

     Chris Kozlowski                                                        Claire Toupin
     BUSINESS MANAGER                                                       CHILDREN'S CHOIR DIRECTOR
      chris@stisidore.church      2114                                     claire@stisidore.church     2109

     Debbie Rak                                                             Helen Pugh
     OFFICE MANAGER                                                         ADMIN SUPPORT
      debbierak@stisidore.church      2104                                 helen@stisidore.church      2100

     Ann De Rey                                                             Dawn Kehoe
     FAITH FORMATION DIRECTOR                                               ADMIN SUPPORT
      ann@stisidore.church      2110                                       dawn@stisidore.church       2102

     Matt Kush                                                              Kathy Homrocky
     MUSIC + CREATIVE DIRECTOR                                              ADMIN SUPPORT
      matt@stisidore.church      2126                                      kathy@stisidore.church      2103

     Amy Righi                                                              Andrea Schroeder
     MUSIC + LITURGY DIRECTOR                                               BOOKKEEPER
      amy@stisidore.church      2109                                       andrea@stisidore.church

     Heather Herbst, RN, BSN                                                Ron Pakizer
     PARISH NURSE                                                           PROCUREMENT AGENT
      heather@stisidore.church      2123                                   ronp@stisidore.church      2113

     Beth Beebe                                                             BILL HICKS, EDWARD KOTULSKI, GABRIEL PAULS, RON RYAN,
      beth@stisidore.church       2116                                     maintenance@stisidore.church        2114

                                                                            Sunday Support Staff
                                                                            GRACE BRUCK, RACHEL JOHN, MINDY NGUYEN,
                                                                            KAREN XOSPA ANAYA

15                                                            ASCENSION OF THE LORD                                                   MAY 29, 2022
             AS OF 5/23/2022                                                        GET IN TOUCH
       Budget This Week
                                                                                            586-286-1700
       $18,837                                                      $22,067
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       Fiscal Year to Date                                                                   https://stisidore.church
       $1,050,841                                                 $1,037,163                  18201 23 Mile Rd.
                                                                                              Macomb Twp. 48042

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       $0                                                          $183,262         about the bulletin?
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The 2021 CSA Campaign concluded on April 30, 2022. By all                           stisidore.church/bulletin
accounts the 2021 campaign was a success with more than
$160,000 scheduled to be returned to St. Isidore.

*The 2022 CSA Campaign is underway with a goal of $183,262.                         OFFICE HOURS
Please prayerfully consider supporting this effort.

                                                                                    MON. - THURSDAY
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                     Visit stisidore.church/give for the safest
                    and easiest way to support St. Isidore
                                                                                    8:30 AM - 4:00 PM


    FEATURED SPONSOR                                                                8:30 AM - 1:00 PM

                                                                                    LUNCH HOUR
    Each week, we feature one of our generous ad                                    12:00 - 1:00 PM (M, W, Th, F)
    sponsors who help to defray all publishing costs                                12:00 - 1:30 PM (T)
    which the church would otherwise incur. Please
    patronize the sponsors on the back of this bulletin
    and thank them for their kind generosity.

    This week’s sponsor is:
    18290 Sumpter Forest Dr.
    Macomb, MI 48042

Ages 7+   May 22, 2022 • John 14:23-29

© 2022 CRI • PO Box 9290, Canton, OH 44711 • www.ChildrensBulletins.com
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