Healthcare Technology
The Business of Healthcare in a World of

Integrative insights on emerging opportunities

April 30, 2020
Andrew Walsh
Main: 312-258-1400
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First Analysis
Technology Team
Matthew Nicklin
Managing Director

Andrew Walsh
Managing Director

Joseph Munda
Vice President

Tracy Marshbanks
Managing Director

                                About First Analysis
                                First Analysis has a nearly four-decade record of serving emerging growth compa-
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First Analysis                  and safety and lowering healthcare costs

1 S. Wacker Dr., Suite 3900     Molecular Healthcare: Genetic sequencing, next-generation sequencing, and the chal-
Chicago, IL60606                lenges and opportunities at hand
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First Analysis Quarterly Insights                                                               April 30, 2020

                 The Business of Healthcare in a World of

                 In our lifetime, there has not been a singular     healthcare ecosystem, there have been
                 event that has so rapidly impacted life on a       highly publicized anecdotes of collaboration
                 global scale as the novel coronavirus, SARS-       and innovation. We have seen Bauer, a man-
                 CoV-2, aka COVID-19. History will tally the        ufacturer of ice hockey equipment, pivot to
                 final comparison, but it’s not hyperbole to        producing face shields for frontline workers.
                 at least contextualize COVID-19 in the same        We have seen the maker of Absolut Vodka
                 conversation as the world’s great plagues,         and Jameson’s Irish Whiskey converting
                 including the Bubonic Plague (14th century),       production facilities to instead produce hand
                 Smallpox (16th century), or the Spanish Flu        sanitizer. General Motors has allocated pro-
                 (early 20th century). And this is for a virus      duction capacity to sourcing and assembling
                 that was unknown and undocumented – any-           critical ventilator systems.
                 where in the world – as recently as 180 days
                 ago.                                               Rapid-Cycle Diagnostic Innovation
                 In addition to the impact that COVID-19 is         In more traditional healthcare technology
                 having on personal lives, it is also dramat-       sectors, we have seen similar emphasis on
                 ically affecting the business of healthcare.       rapid-cycle innovation. The laboratory and
                 COVID-19 is wreaking havoc on the front            diagnostic industry has been under tremen-
                 lines of healthcare, turning nurses, doctors       dous pressure to make up for critical delays
                 and emergency room staff into modern-day           in the adoption of a global standard for
                 superheroes. It has consumed much of the           COVID-19 testing. Since COVID-19’s arrival in
                 available capacity of virtually every health-      the U.S., we have seen rapid advancements
                 care system and emergency room across              in the spectrum of available testing options,
                 the U.S. – if not by filling beds with patients,   including improvements in polymerase chain
                 then at least by creating concern about virus      reaction (PCR) testing and the introduction
                 transmission and causing patients to other-        of serologic testing.
                 wise stay away from the traditional consump-
                 tion of healthcare.                                PCR testing was the original basis for deter-
                                                                    mining the presence of COVID-19 in patient
                                                                    populations and is still the gold standard
                                                                    for diagnostic evaluation. The limitation of
                 OPPORTUNITY IN A TIME OF CHAOS                     PCR testing is its reliance on bench evalua-
                 Where COVID-19 is altering, temporarily            tion in a traditional CLIA laboratory setting.
                 at least, our understanding of normal, it is       In efforts to dramatically shorten response
                 creating opportunity for others. Across the        time and expand capacity for testing, the

April 30, 2020                                            3                                            First Analysis
Variation of the Levels of SARS-CoV-2 RNA and Antigen, IgM and IgG after infection

                 Source:   Diazyme Laboratories Inc.

                 FDA has begun to extend Emergency Use             successfully navigated the active incuba-
                 Authorizations (EUA) for point-of-care test-      tion and contagious periods of the virus, and
                 ing alternatives. It was this EUA that allowed    may have developed a degree of immunity to
                 the adaptation of Abbott Lab’s ID NOW, an         the COVID-19 virus. It is this immunity along
                 established point-of-care testing platform, to    with active virus testing that will, literally and
                 be used for COVID-19 evaluation in a physi-       figuratively, re-open the door from today’s
                 cian setting.                                     shelter-in-place orders and return pockets
                                                                   of society back to productive, functioning
                 Much more recently there has been discus-         activity.
                 sion about the use of serologic testing for
                 COVID-19, which is a complement to the PCR
                 test in that serologic testing doesn’t indicate
                                                                   Healthcare Technology on the
                 the basic presence (or not) of a virus; rather,   Front Lines of COVID-19
                 it highlights the presence of virus antibodies,   In addition to the rapid evolution of diagnos-
                 which are generated within a week or two of       tic capabilities, we have also seen the effec-
                 a patient contracting the virus.                  tive deployment of enabling technologies in
                                                                   support of COVID-19 efforts. Two key exam-
                 As a larger percentage of the population          ples of this have been the combined use of
                 becomes exposed to COVID-19, serology be-         data and visualization tools, as well as the
                 comes the more relevant test from a popula-       rapid deployment of virtual care technologies.
                 tion health management perspective, in that
                 it can confirm the presence of IgM and/or         Large-scale data without the proper contex-
                 IgG antibodies. From a practical standpoint,      tual lens can be overwhelming at best and
                 a test result that confirms the presence of       dangerous at worst due to the potential for
                 IgG antibodies, but no longer the presence        misinterpretation. However, when large data-
                 of IgM antibodies, means the patient has          sets are combined with the right visualiza-

April 30, 2020                                           4                                               First Analysis
tion framework, the results can be extremely       Virtual Care in the Spotlight
                 powerful. Consider the Johns Hopkins Coro-
                                                                    As the depth and breadth of the impact
                 navirus website (
                                                                    COVID-19 is having on the U.S. healthcare
                 html). With no paid advertising or keyword
                                                                    system has become clear, there has been a
                 efforts, this site went from nonexistent before
                                                                    rapid adoption of various virtual care tech-
                 February of this year to over 75M visits in
                                                                    nology solutions to: (1) serve as a triage-style
                 March alone. It has become the de facto
                                                                    care extender to limit further strain on finite
                 source for macro and micro information about
                                                                    acute care resources and (2) deliver care in a
                 COVID-19 incident rates, testing rates, hospi-
                                                                    manner that minimizes exposure for patients
                 talization rates and fatality rates.
                                                                    and caregivers in a physical setting, con-
                 As the spread of COVID-19 became inevita-          sidering the highly contagious nature of the
                 ble, clinical experts have emphasized the im-      virus.
                 portance of “flattening the curve” – reducing
                                                                    This collective enhancement to the care
                 the rate of infection to decrease the likelihood
                                                                    delivery system has created growth oppor-
                 of overwhelming the capacity of the health-
                                                                    tunities for companies that have developed
                 care system. This public health strategy led
                                                                    AI powered chatbot point solutions, as they
                 to shelter-in-place orders across cities and
                                                                    offer a means for hospitals, physician practic-
                 states within the U.S. Considering the impor-
                                                                    es, and even insurance companies to engage
                 tance of social distancing as the key miti-
                                                                    patients with technology. These solutions
                 gation strategy, how do we demonstrate the
                                                                    can be standalone in nature or deeply inte-
                 collective adherence to these directives? Un-
                                                                    grated into EMR or care management solu-
                 acast, an innovative data science company,
                                                                    tions, asynchronous or synchronous in their
                 focuses its efforts on quantifying “human mo-
                                                                    engagement style with patients, and can be
                 bility” via the use of anonymized cell phone
                                                                    deployed on the front end of an encounter
                 GPS data. In response to the COVID-19 crisis,
                                                                    (i.e. “symptom checker”) or used for aftercare
                 Unacast has developed a social distancing
                                                                    follow up. While their use is still nascent and
                 scorecard based on comparative movement
                                                                    the ROI picture incomplete, these AI technol-
                 analysis, that grades, county-by-county, the
                                                                    ogy solutions are a valuable relief valve for
                 degree to which we’re staying put. At the
                                                                    the overall system during this crisis of peak
                 time of publication, the entire U.S. has earned
                                                                    demand in acute care settings.
                 itself a C-, with only two states at a B- or
                 better (Michigan = B- ; Nevada = B+). Aca-
                 demic overachievers of the country, unite!

                                                                    TapCloud, an AI-powered remote patient en-
                 The infectious nature of a disease like
                                                                    gagement platform, has answered the call to
                 COVID-19 highlights the importance of
                                                                    support providers and patients alike by creat-
                 immediately deployable data solutions. In
                                                                    ing workflow solutions specifically designed
                 considering the capacity challenges present-
                                                                    for the challenges of COVID-19. In addition to
                 ed by the pandemic, Enli Health Intelligence,
                                                                    patient triage, its solution enables asynchro-
                 a KLAS-leading population health software
                                                                    nous post-diagnosis aftercare through daily
                 vendor, developed a COVID-specific care
                                                                    care plans, nuanced symptom monitoring
                 coordination solution (eC3) geared at keep-
                                                                    and intervention efficacy tracking. The com-
                 ing lower-risk patients out of the hospital
                                                                    pany is also looking beyond current shelter-
                 and under surveillance between encounters.
                                                                    in-place mandates and is offering employers
                 More importantly, as it developed eC3, it
                                                                    workforce screening and triage solutions to
                 knew time was of the essence. Total cycle
                                                                    minimize workforce risk and maintain compli-
                 time from ideation to taking its first site live
                                                                    ance with evolving OSHA reporting require-
                 was 72 hours. The next implementation took
                                                                    ments. The capacity demands of COVID-19
                 just two hours. Ten days later, the application
                                                                    have highlighted the value of TapCloud to its
                 was running at provider and health system
                                                                    existing client base, as it has seen a 10x in-
                 locations across 14 states!
                                                                    crease in daily screenings across its platform.

April 30, 2020                                            5                                             First Analysis
While COVID-19 has presented an opportuni-         has issued blanket waivers around the use
                 ty for emerging use case validation on virtual     of telehealth, meaning providers and health
                 care technology solutions, it has brought          systems don’t need to apply for an individual
                 telehealth fully into the mainstream. The tech-    1135 waiver – by definition, any authorized
                 nology underlying telehealth solutions has         provider is automatically authorized to act in
                 been available in some form or fashion for         accordance with the waiver.
                 the better part of the past 10-15 years, but it
                 has remained a solution only available on the      Specifically, the following changes have been
                 margins of the overall delivery system. The        made via these 1135 waivers:
                 best indicator of this is reimbursement policy
                                                                    y Effective March 6, 2020, Medicare can
                 – while Medicare only makes up a portion of
                                                                      now pay for an office, hospital or other
                 the overall U.S. healthcare funding pool, its
                                                                      visit furnished via telehealth across the
                 willingness (or not) to incorporate a solution
                                                                      country, including a patient’s place of
                 into CMS payment policy has always served
                                                                      residence. This waiver applies to doctors,
                 as a strong proxy for broader market adop-
                                                                      nurse practitioners, clinical psychologists
                 tion. Until very recently, Medicare saw tele-
                                                                      and licensed clinical social workers.
                 health largely as a means to improve access
                 to specialty care in rural communities, where      y Healthcare providers can practice, up to
                 the pool of available providers is far more          their defined scope of practice, across
                 limited. In these rural communities, payment         state lines. While this ruling doesn’t elim-
                 policy required patients to travel to a clinic,      inate interstate licensing entirely, it does
                 hospital or other medical facility to “receive”      give providers the ability to treat patients
                 telecare in order to qualify an encounter as         in states other than their state of practice.
                 eligible for reimbursement. Such a narrowly
                 defined use case severely limited the utility of   y Separate from, but as a result of, these
                 telehealth for the broader market. Additional-       1135 waivers, CMS announced on April 10,
                 ly, state-level medical board licensing re-          2020, that Medicare Advantage organiza-
                 quirements presented a significant challenge         tions and other organizations that submit
                 to broader adoption, as the ability to deliver       diagnoses for risk adjusted payment (i.e.
                 “virtual” care across state lines was very lim-      Medi-Medi plans) are able to submit di-
                 ited, and in many cases nonexistent. Based           agnoses for risk adjustment that are from
                 on these systemic restrictions, telehealth has       telehealth visits.
                 largely been limited to remote patient moni-
                 toring under payer-sponsored care manage-
                 ment programs, where its use is not depen-
                 dent on qualifying as a billable encounter or
                 clinical place of service. Again, it has had its
                                                                    It is difficult to overstate the impact of these
                 place in the overall delivery system, but that
                                                                    policy changes. The telehealth industry has
                 “place” has been artificially constrained in
                                                                    been working for years to gain clinical rel-
                 comparison to what the underlying technolo-
                                                                    evance and scale as an additional “place of
                 gy could offer.
                                                                    care” in the healthcare delivery continuum.
                 Overnight, these constraints on telehealth         Based on these 1135 waivers, that relevance
                 have been lifted. In response to the consump-      is now real. For example, Zipnosis, a white
                 tion demands that COVID-19 has placed on           label telehealth company that powers virtual
                 the delivery system and contagion threats          visits and triage services for 51 large health
                 associated with face-to-face interaction,          systems across the country, has seen a 36x
                 CMS has made sweeping changes to all               increase in utilization on its platform just
                 aspects of previously restrictive policies         since the onset of COVID-19. Monthly visit
                 regarding the use of telehealth. Under Sec-        volume jumped from approximately 37,000
                 tion 1135 of the Social Security Act, when         visits in February to over 412,000 visits in
                 the President declares a disaster or emer-         March! In addition to changing the place of
                 gency under the National Emergencies Act,          care – and therefore reducing the potential
                 the HHS Secretary has the authorization to         for unnecessary exposure – Zipnosis has
                 issue Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP and HIPAA           also used the flexibility of its telehealth plat-
                 waivers (“1135 waivers”) to help beneficiaries     form to prioritize COVID-19 related testing.
                 access care in times of declared emergency.        ZipTicket allows a provider to order COVID-19
                 In the case of the COVID-19 pandemic, HHS          testing for a patient in the context of a virtu-

April 30, 2020                                            6                                              First Analysis
al visit. ZipTicket serves as a “fast pass” for     In a world where medical visits are virtually
                 higher risk patients, integrating lab tests and     eliminated other than for COVID-19 related
                 clinical decision support to offer a faster test-   care, these MA plans would have no mecha-
                 ing solution for both providers and potential       nism to quantify, document and substantiate
                 COVID-19 patients.                                  HCC or Star Ratings-related revenue, which
                                                                     can account for as much as 70% of total MA
                 In addition to the positive impact of these         plan revenue.
                 waivers on the relevance of telehealth ven-
                 dors, they are also a critical buoy for Medi-
                 care Advantage plans during the uncertainty
                                                                     Looking Beyond COVID-19
                 of COVID-19. As a result of shelter-in-place        The global crisis that has been created by the
                 restrictions during the pandemic, non-emer-         COVID-19 pandemic has a reach that extends
                 gent healthcare utilization is down signifi-        far beyond the healthcare sector, and its
                 cantly. It is estimated that encounter volume       impact will likely continue long after the bio-
                 has fallen anywhere from 50-90% since the           logic threat is contained. The lasting result of
                 arrival of COVID-19, so absent an accelerated       the pandemic will cut deep and will be painful
                 rush during a presumed return to normal in          for many – both on personal and professional
                 the second half of 2020, health plans would         levels.
                 have limited encounters across their collec-
                 tive membership for the calendar year. On a         For innovative companies in the healthcare
                 sustained basis, this could be catastrophic         community, the crisis presents a window of
                 for Medicare Advantage plans, all of whom           opportunity to help save lives and significant-
                 are dependent on medical encounters as the          ly reduce operating strain on the U.S. health-
                 basis for documenting the health acuity of          care system, and as such should create a
                 their membership as well as demonstrating           sustained opportunity for growth and long-
                 adherence to key HEDIS quality measures             term market adoption that will extend well
                 under the Medicare Star Ratings program.            beyond these days of acute crisis.

April 30, 2020                                             7                                             First Analysis
Payer, Provider Technology Exhibits
                    Resilience in the Face of COVID-19
                    First Analysis’ Provider and Payer Technol-          Relatedly, Payer Technology valuations have
                    ogy indices are quickly regaining ground             shown tremendous momentum as measured
                    lost due to COVID-19. Provider Technology’s          by enterprise value / LTM revenue, reaching
                    stock performance has reached, albeit briefly,       4.09x from their COVID-19 low of 2.80x.
                    its pre-COVID-19 appreciation high of 20%.

HCIT Quarterly Report Public Comparables
($ in millions)                                   Revenue Growth                                    Enterprise Value /
                                                                                             Revenue             EBITDA
                                        LTM       2018A-    2019A    LTM Gross   EBITDA
Company                               Revenue     2019A    -2020E      Margin    Margin    LTM      2020E     LTM        2020E

Payer Technology
Benefitfocus (BNFT)                    $295.7     14.3%    (11.5%)     51.3%     (5.2%)    1.62x     1.83x    NMF        18.1x
Castlight Health (CSLT)                $143.3     (8.4%)   (7.5%)      58.8%     (24.7%)   0.49x    0.53x     NMF        NMF
eHealth (EHTH)                         $543.8     101.4%   24.4%       99.3%     19.8%     4.81x     4.16x    24.3x      19.6x
EverQuote (EVER)                       $248.8     52.4%    28.0%       93.6%     (2.4%)    4.03x     3.14x    NMF        NMF
HealthEquity (HQY)                     $532.0     85.2%    46.8%       61.3%     30.9%     9.48x    6.46x     30.7x      19.9x
HMS Holdings (HMSY)                    $626.4      4.7%    12.4%       37.5%     22.5%     4.16x    3.70x     18.5x      14.0x
Inovalon Holdings (INOV)               $642.4     21.7%     9.2%       73.9%      27.7%    5.82x    5.34x     21.0x      16.0x
MAXIMUS (MMS)                         $3,040.4    24.9%    (0.2%)      22.6%     13.4%     1.44x     1.44x    10.7x      10.6x
                               Mean    $759.1     37.0%    12.7%       62.3%     10.3%     3.98x    3.32x     21.0x      16.4x
                             Median    $537.9     23.3%    10.8%       60.1%     16.6%     4.09x    3.42x     21.0x      17.1x
Provider Technology
Allscripts Healthcare (MDRX)           $1,771.7    1.2%    (0.8%)      46.8%      5.5%     1.13x     1.13x    20.6x      6.5x
Cerner Corp. (CERN)                   $5,714.5     6.1%    (1.4%)      81.2%     19.8%     3.93x    4.00x     19.8x      13.1x
Change Healthcare (CHNG)              $3,280.7    (0.6%)    2.7%       58.5%     30.4%     1.03x     1.00x     3.4x      3.2x
Computer Programs & Sys. (CPSI)        $274.6     (2.1%)    0.7%       52.5%     12.5%     1.61x     1.60x    12.9x      9.3x
Evolent Health (EVH)                   $846.4     35.0%    13.6%       23.3%     (7.2%)    1.03x     0.91x    NMF        30.9x
Health Catalyst (HCAT)                 $154.9     37.6%    13.9%       51.4%     (29.5%)   4.98x    4.37x     NMF        NMF
HealthStream (HSTM)                    $250.5      9.7%    (9.3%)      61.1%      13.7%    2.61x    2.84x     19.0x      18.0x
NextGen Healthcare (NXGN)              $538.6      1.6%     3.0%       57.9%      7.1%     1.47x     1.42x    20.7x      8.6x
Nuance Comm. (NUAN)                   $1,821.7     0.4%    (19.1%)     59.2%     20.3%     3.69x    4.57x     18.2x      18.2x
Omnicell (OMCL)                        $897.0     13.9%     9.4%       48.7%     12.8%     3.34x    3.05x     26.2x      16.1x
Premier (PINC)                        $1,239.5    26.1%     3.1%       69.7%     43.9%     1.90x     1.84x     4.3x      4.0x
R1 RCM (RCM)                           $1,186.1   36.6%    11.2%       16.7%      11.8%    1.48x     1.33x    12.6x       6.7x
Tabula Rasa HealthCare (TRHC)          $284.7     39.4%    19.6%       36.3%      1.6%     5.35x    4.48x     NMF        31.2x
Teladoc Health (TDOC)                  $605.5     32.4%    49.8%       65.0%      (4.1%)   21.37x   15.61x    NMF        NMF
                               Mean   $1,347.6    16.9%     6.9%       52.0%      9.9%     3.92x    3.44x     15.8x      13.8x
                             Median    $871.7     11.8%     3.1%       55.2%     12.2%     2.25x    2.34x     18.6x      11.2x
Source:     Capital IQ.

April 30, 2020                                                 8                                                  First Analysis
HCIT Quarterly Report Indexed Performance: 1-Year
                          Provider Technology             Payer Technology                       S&P 500                       NASDAQ
                 Stock Price
                                                                                                                            Overall performance, %

                 (10)%                                                                                                                     (3.6)


                     Apr-19    May-19   Jun-19   Jul-19   Aug-19      Sep-19   Oct-19   Nov-19   Dec-19   Jan-20   Feb-20   Mar-20

                 Enterprise Value / LTM Revenue 1

                  4.00x                                                                                                                    4.09x
                  2.50x                                                                                                                    2.36x
                      Apr-19   May-19   Jun-19   Jul-19      Aug-19   Sep-19   Oct-19   Nov-19   Dec-19   Jan-20   Feb-20   Mar-20

                 Source:       Capital IQ, First Analysis.
                 Notes:        (1) Displays the median revenue multiple of the constiuent companies for payer and provider indices

                 While Provider companies appear to have                           due to Teladoc’s recent performance fueled
                 outperformed Payers in the short-term,                            by increased demand for remote care. Pro-
                 Payer businesses exhibit higher revenue                           vider organizations, while larger and more
                 growth rates and gross margins, which are                         established, exhibit lower gross margins and
                 reflected in higher valuation multiples. Al-                      growth rates relative to their Payer counter-
                 though provider organizations have higher                         parts.
                 average revenue multiples, this is primarily

April 30, 2020                                                          9                                                         First Analysis
M&A Remains Steady Through 2019, Makes
                 a Strong Showing in 1Q20
                 M&A activity exhibited strong momentum in                        in an industry characterized by favorable
                 the first quarter of 2020 with over 65 HCIT                      reimbursement tailwinds increasingly em-
                 transactions, as 2019 finished in line with the                  powering hospitals and health systems to
                 past four years. While a number of factors                       fully realize the value of virtual care. Prior
                 contribute to this momentum, the primary                         to the onset of COVID-19, 40% of hospitals
                 factors include an increase in the need for                      surveyed reported planning to increase their
                 chronic care, the rise in consumer-friend-                       budgets for telemedicine solutions, with 61%
                 ly healthcare models, a willingness of large                     of hospital revenue forecasted to come from
                 strategic players (Amazon, Apple etc.) to                        managed and value-based care models by
                 explore healthcare technology lines of busi-                     2021. In an industry now characterized by
                 ness, and the rise of virtual care models.                       hyper-growth due to COVID-19, virtual care
                                                                                  will be a crucial strategy to improve consum-
                 Regarding 1Q20 M&A, of note was Teladoc’s                        er engagement, ensure consistent quality and
                 announced acquisition of InTouch Tech-                           manage healthcare’s rising costs as provider
                 nologies, which specializes in the delivery                      resources are stretched thin and patients’
                 of virtual care. The announcement comes                          ability to access healthcare providers face-
                 during a period when the demand for virtual                      to-face is limited.
                 care services is poised for significant growth

                 HCIT M&A 2Q18 - 1Q20 1
                 ($ in millions)
                                                                                                                   70        69
                       # of Transactions
                       Avg. Deal Size
                                                  61                         61
                                                                                             58         58
                                                             54                     55



                                                                                   $78                 $112

                                               2Q18        3Q18          4Q18      1Q19     2Q19       3Q19        4Q19      1Q20
                      Total Deal Size        $17,553      $5,317        $9,299     $859    $9,094      $894        $779     $8,183
                 Source:       Capital IQ, Pitchbook, First Analysis.
                 Notes:        (1) Average deal size only considers those deals with reported enterprise values.

April 30, 2020                                                          10                                                First Analysis
Select Industry M&A Transactions, 1Q20 (Sorted by date of announcement)
($ in millions)                                                                                                                 Enterprise
                                                                                                                  Enterprise      Value/
Date              Target              Target Business Description                          Buyer                    Value        Revenue
3/26/2020         Insig Corp.         Owns and operates an online telehealth plat-         WELL Health
                                      form which connects patients with healthcare         Technologies              $1.4             -
                                      providers                                            (WELL)
3/25/2020         Keona Health        A healthcare software company, develops              The Riverside
                                      automated patient communication software that        Company
                                                                                                                      -               -
                                      helps healthcare professionals communicate
                                      with their patients
3/17/2020         NarrativeDx         Develops a data analytics solution for hospitals     Press Ganey
                                                                                                                     $13           3.24x
3/12/2020         The StayWell        A health empowerment company, provides em-           WebMD Health
                  Company             ployee health and wellbeing programs for em-         Corp.                      -               -
                                      ployers to engage and motivate their workforce
3/10/2020         U.S. State and      Develops technology-enabled solutions for ad-        Veritas Capital Fund
                  Local Health and    ministration and operations of health programs       Management
                                                                                                                   $5,000          3.57x
                  Human Srvcs Bus.    throughout the U.S.
                  of DXC Technology
3/10/2020         YouScript           YouScript Incorporated develops precision            Invitae Corporation
                                      prescribing software solutions for healthcare        (NYSE:NVTA)               $63              -
3/9/2020          HealthEdge          Develops integrated financial, administrative,       The Blackstone
                  Software            and clinical software platform for healthcare        Group                    $730            5.12x
3/9/2020          HcT2 Co.            Offers a communication and scheduling solution       HealthStream
                                                                                                                     $25            7.81x
                                      for nurses                                           (HSTM)
3/4/2020          TeraRecon           Develops and delivers enterprise medical image       SymphonyAI Group
                                      management and visualization solutions for                                      -               -
                                      healthcare enterprises worldwide
2/27/2020         AlertMD             Designs and develops mobile platform and solu-       PaySimple
                                      tions for charge capture, patient care alerts, and
                                                                                                                      -               -
                                      secure messaging for hospital and healthcare
2/24/2020         Connexient          Develops MediNav, a turn-by-turn mobile indoor       Everbridge (EVBG)
                                                                                                                     $26           4.40x
                                      navigation software for the healthcare market
2/18/2020         Able Health         Provides cloud-based pay-for-performance and         Health Catalyst
                                      risk adjustment solutions for care managers and      (HCAT)                    $22           5.52x
2/13/2020         B4Health            Develops vendor management system (VMS)              AMN Healthcare
                                                                                                                     $32           1.90x
                                      software for healthcare facilities                   Services (AMN)
2/11/2020         Forerunner          Doing business as RXTransparent, develops a          Inmar
                  Holdings            cloud based software for the healthcare supply
                                      chain to provide regulatory compliance, drug                                    -               -
                                      supply chain analytics, and inventory transpar-
1/29/2020         Stratus Video       A language services company, provides video          AMN Healthcare
                                      remote interpretation, over the phone interpre-
                                      tation, onsite interpretation, telehealth interop-
                                                                                                                    $475           3.99x
                                      erability, and translation solutions and services
                                      to hospitals and clinics in the U.S. and interna-
1/28/2020         Wheel               A digital health company, operates a tech-en-        Charles River
                                      abled marketplace for healthcare companies           Ventures; Silverton;
                                                                                                                    $13.9             -
                                      and clinicians                                       Tusk Venture, Asset
                                                                                           Mgmt Arm
1/27/2020         Revenue Well        Develops and distributes a marketing and             Marlin Equity
                  Systems             patient communication software for dental            Partners                   -               -
1/23/2020         Intelerad Medical   Develops and provides medical imaging busi-          HgCapital; Novacap
                                                                                                                    $849              -
                  Systems             ness solutions and services                          Investments

April 30, 2020                                                        11                                                       First Analysis
Select Industry M&A Transactions, 1Q20 (Sorted by date of announcement)
($ in millions)                                                                                                                  Enterprise
                                                                                                                   Enterprise      Value/
Date              Target                Target Business Description                          Buyer                   Value        Revenue
1/22/2020         VisionTree            Provides cloud-based patient-centered health         Brainlab AG
                  Software              record management, communication, and health
                                                                                                                       -               -
                                        data management software solutions to aca-
                                        demic and community healthcare orgs.
1/21/2020         Excel Medical         Develops remote monitoring platform and other        Hill-Rom (HRC)
                                                                                                                      $30           3.23x
                  Electronics           systems for healthcare industry
1/16/2020         WiserTogether         Provides shared decision-making tools to             Evive Health
                                        consumers, employers, health plans, payers,
                                        and providers. Its decision-making tools enable
                                                                                                                       -               -
                                        consumers to achieve better health outcomes;
                                        and employers, health plans, and payers to save
1/14/2020         Connected Care        Comprises DCX device connectivity software,          Masimo Corp.
                  Business of           VCX patient vitals software, HBox connectivity       (MASI)                   $47              -
                  NantHealth            hub, and shuttle interface cable solutions
1/13/2020         Lumere                Provides a cloud-based workflow and reporting        Global Healthcare
                                        platform for hospitals and doctors which helps       Exchange
                                                                                                                       -               -
                                        health systems to eliminate clinical variation and
                                        unnecessary costs
1/13/2020         Intelligent InSites   Develops automation software solutions for the       Infor
                                                                                                                       -               -
                                        healthcare industry
1/13/2020         TRIGGR                Designs and develops a predictive system of          SonarMD
                                        care for addiction recovery that supports users                                -               -
                                        on their personal path to long-term remission
1/12/2020         InTouch               Doing business as InTouch Health, provides           Teladoc Health
                  Technologies          technology-enabled solutions to healthcare           (TDOC)
                                                                                                                      $600           7.06x
                                        organizations for the delivery of clinical care
1/10/2020         Tonic Solutions       Develops and operates an online medical data         SCI Solutions
                                                                                                                       -               -
                                        collection platform
1/10/2020         SCI Solutions         Develops SaaS-based solutions for healthcare         R1 RCM (RCM)
                                                                                                                      $200             -
1/9/2020          Blue Mesa Health      Digital therapeutics company, develops and           Virgin Pulse
                                        operates a platform to deliver diabetes preven-                                -               -
                                        tion program
1/9/2020          Amplity Insights      Designs and develops de-identification soft-         Publicis Healthcare
                                        ware that provides real time data from medical       Solutions                 -               -
                                        reports to patients and healthcare providers
1/9/2020          Centauri Health       A healthcare technology and services company,        ABRY Partners
                  Solutions             designs and develops cloud-based software
                                        and comprehensive data management solutions                                    -               -
                                        for risk adjustment and quality-based revenue
1/8/2020          Yaro                  Operates as a mobile-first digital navigation        Virgin Pulse
                                        and health literacy platform to help consumers
                                        better understand, find, and pay for healthcare                                -               -
                                        services according to their specific needs and
1/8/2020          CareCloud Corp.       Owns and operates cloud based practice man-          MTBC (MTBC)
                                        agement, electronic health record, and medical                                $40            1.12x
                                        billing software solutions
1/7/2020          Evariant              Provides a healthcare platform for healthcare        Healthgrades
                                        organizations to identify opportunities, measure     Operating Company
                                        marketing campaigns against reportable return                                  -               -
                                        on investment (ROI), and improve patient and
                                        physician engagement

                                                                                                                        Mean        4.27x
                                                                                                                      Median        3.99x

Source:           Capital IQ, Pitchbook, First Analysis.

April 30, 2020                                                          12                                                      First Analysis
Private Investment Remains Active Through
                     Q1 2020
                     Private funding sources continue to drive                           line with funding amounts from a year prior.
                     the majority of investment in HCIT relative                         Furthermore, while the number of transac-
                     to public investment, accounting for ~60%                           tions reached a two-year low of 138 in the
                     of total dollars raised between private and                         first quarter, average deal size remained high
                     public sources. Prior to the impact of COVID-                       at an average of $15.6M.
                     19, private investments in 1Q20 remained in

                      HCIT Private Placements 2Q18 - 1Q20 1
                      ($ in millions)                            220
                            # of Transactions                                                         203
                                                                                  189       183                             183
                            Avg. Deal Size            181

                                                                              $11.8                   $11.9                 $12.6
                                                     $8.8                                  $9.6                  $9.5

                                                    2Q18        3Q18          4Q18         1Q19       2Q19       3Q19       4Q19         1Q20
                           Total Deal Size         $1,343      $2,914        $1,729       $1,428     $1,720      $1,011     $1,475      $1,434
                      Source:       Capital IQ, Pitchbook, First Analysis.
                      Notes.        (1) Average deal size only considers those deals with reported enterprise values.

Select Private Placements: 1Q20 (Sorted by date of announcement)
($ in millions)                                                                                                                            Total
                                                                                                                  Raise      Amount       Amount
Date              Target           Target Business Description                     Investors                      Type       Raised       Raised
3/31/2020 PatientPay               Develops and delivers billing, electronic       Mosaik Partners               Growth        $6.2        $15.2
                                   payment, and reconciliation solutions                                         Round 4
                                   that allow patients, medical groups,
                                   and hospitals to manage expenses in
                                   the healthcare environment
3/30/2020 Olive                    Provides artificial intelligence and RPA        General Catalyst Partners;    Growth Undisclosed         N/A
                                   solutions for healthcare organizations          Ascension Ventures; Drive     Round 6
                                                                                   Capital; Oak HC/FT
3/20/2020 AristaMD                 A digital health company, focuses on            Cigna Ventures;               Series B     $18.0        $44.7
                                   improving the specialty referral process        MemorialCare Innovation
                                   through its platform                            Fund; Avalon Ventures;
                                                                                   Stanford Health Care; Cigna
                                                                                   Ventures; Univ. of Colorado
                                                                                   School of Medicine,
                                                                                   Endowment Arm

April 30, 2020                                                               13                                                       First Analysis
Select Private Placements: 1Q20 (Sorted by date of announcement)
($ in millions)                                                                                                                      Total
                                                                                                             Raise     Amount       Amount
Date              Target        Target Business Description                  Investors                       Type      Raised       Raised
3/20/2020 98point6              Provides primary care services to pa-        West Street Capital            Series D    $43.0        $124.5
                                tients through its application in the U.S.   Partners
3/17/2020 Pristine              Develops and markets a single use            Undisclosed                    Growth      $18.0        $18.0
          Surgical              digital imaging platform                                                    Round 1
3/10/2020 Fruit Street          Operates a digital wellness and tele-        Undisclosed                    Growth      $17.0        $20.0
          Health                health platform for patients to pursue a                                    Round 1
                                healthier lifestyle
3/10/2020             Powers leading healthcare systems'           Seven Peaks Ventures; B        Series C    $8.1          $21.7
                                virtual convenience care, allowing them      Capital Group Management
                                to deliver high-quality care
3/6/2020          Urgent        Provides a cloud-based referral auto-        Connecticut Innovations;       Series A    $2.7          $6.3
                  Consult       mation platform that streamlines the         Meyer Ventures; Health
                                referral process                             Catalyst Capital Mgmt
3/5/2020          VIDA          Provides clinical imaging software and       First Analysis Corp.; The      Series C    $13.1         $21.9
                  Diagnostics   analysis services                            Angels' Forum; Iowa
                                                                             Farm Bureau Federation,
                                                                             Endowment Arm;
3/4/2020          Suki AI       Develops artificial intelligence enabled     Flare Capital Partners;        Series B    $20.0        $35.0
                                voice assistant for doctors                  VR Adviser; First Round
                                                                             Capital; Breyer Capital;
                                                                             Epsilon Health Investors
3/4/2020          HealthiPASS   Provides patient centric payment sys-        Fifth Third Capital Holdings   Growth Undisclosed        N/A
3/3/2020          Alignment     Along with its subsidiaries, operates        Fidelity Mgmt & Research       Series C   $135.0        $375.0
                  Healthcare    as a healthcare services company             Co.; T. Rowe Price; Durable
                                focusing on providing population health      Capital Partners
                                management services to health sys-
                                tems and provider groups in the U.S.
3/3/2020          Health Data   Develops an analytics and predictive         Undisclosed                    Venture     $16.0        $16.0
                  Analytics     platform for clinical risks measurement
3/2/2020          PharmaCCX     Operates a platform that catalyzes the       Undisclosed                    Series A    $7.0         $10.3
                                pricing and procurement of medicine
                                by healthcare payers and accelerates
                                patient access to the medicines avail-
                                able for their diseases
2/28/2020 Pager, Inc.           Pager, Inc. develops and operates an         Health Catalyst Capital        Series B    $22.0         $51.6
                                on-demand service platform that con-         Management LLC; New
                                nects patients with healthcare in their      Enterprise Associates, Inc.;
                                home, office, and hotel.                     Lux Capital Management;
                                                                             Three Fields Capital;
                                                                             Horizon Blue Cross Blue
                                                                             Shield of NJ Management
                                                                             Employees Retirement Plan;
                                                                             Goodwater Capital, LLC
2/27/2020 Axial                 Connects patients, providers, and            .406 Ventures; Sandbox         Series C    $15.0         $41.9
          Healthcare            health plans with a platform that covers     Industries; BCBS Venture
                                the substance use spectrum                   Partners; Oak HC/FT
2/27/2020 Rivet Health          Operates a SaaS based healthcare             Menlo Ventures; Pelion         Series A    $8.3          $8.3
                                revenue cycle management software            Venture Partners; Lux
                                for providers and patients                   Capital Mgmt
2/23/2020 HealthJoy             Owns and operates an online health-          Health Velocity Capital;       Series C    $30.0        $48.5
                                care decision platform that helps con-       U.S. Venture Partners; EPIC
                                sumers protect out-of-pocket expenses        Ventures; Chicago Ventures
                                through better decisions

April 30, 2020                                                          14                                                      First Analysis
Select Private Placements: 1Q20 (Sorted by date of announcement)
($ in millions)                                                                                                                          Total
                                                                                                                 Raise     Amount       Amount
Date              Target         Target Business Description                     Investors                       Type      Raised       Raised
2/21/2020 Lyra Health            Operates a platform that connects               Institutional Venture          Series C    $75.0        $175.5
                                 employers with mental healthcare                Partners; Glynn Capital;
                                 providers                                       MeriTech Capital; VR
                                                                                 Adviser; CVF; Tenaya
                                                                                 Capital; Casdin Capital;
                                                                                 Greylock Partners;
                                                                                 Providence Ventures
2/19/2020 PocketPills            Develops a mobile application for medi-         WaterBridge Capital            Series A    $5.6          $7.6
          Pharmacy               cation management                               Advisors
2/18/2020 Epharmix               Develops clinically validated and con-          Nueterra Capital Mgmt;         Growth Undisclosed        N/A
                                 dition-specific communication tools for         OSF Ventures; 1984             Round 6
                                 healthcare industry                             Ventures; UnityPoint Health
2/14/2020 Intelycare             Provides on-demand staffing services            Endeavour Vision; Kaiser       Series B    $45.0        $59.6
                                 for healthcare organizations                    Permanente Ventures;
                                                                                 Generator Ventures
2/13/2020 Seqster                Develops a patient-centric software-            Takeda Pharmaceutical Co.      Venture Undisclosed       N/A
                                 as-a-service (SaaS) platform that
                                 provides interoperability and allows
                                 the members, payer, provider, clinical
                                 research enterprise employees, or pa-
                                 tients to import medical data from elec-
                                 tronic health records (EHR), genetic,
                                 and fitness data from distinct sources
2/7/2020          MedPilot       Offers an AI-driven patient relationship        JumpStart, Investment Arm;     Growth      $1.5          $4.0
                                 management platform                             Plymouth Growth; Hudson        Round 5
                                                                                 River Capital; Valley Growth
2/7/2020          RubiconMD      Provides an online platform that en-            Deerfield Management;          Series C    $18.0        $39.0
                                 ables primary care clinicians to discuss        Waterline Ventures;
                                 their eConsults with top specialists to         Heritage Medical Systems;
                                 provide care                                    Optum Ventures
2/5/2020          Verana         A software company, focuses on                  GV; Bain Capital Venture;      Series D   $100.0        $137.8
                  Health         bridging the information gap between            Casdin Capital; Define
                                 healthcare providers and mobile diag-           Ventures
2/5/2020          Nursing        Doing business as GENTO Platform,               Palisades Growth Capital       Series A    $5.0          $7.8
                  Without        develops a mobile staffing app built
                  Walls          for nurses who focus on Home Health
2/4/2020          Hinge Health   Designs and develops digital health-            Bessemer Venture;              Series C    $90.0        $140.8
                                 care solutions for employees to recover         Insight Venture; Atomico
                                 from musculoskeletal disorders                  Investment; Lead Edge
                                                                                 Capital Mgmt; Quadrille
                                                                                 Capital; Eleven Two Capital;
                                                                                 Heuristic Capital Partners
2/4/2020          Vineti         Builds technologies that support thera-         Cardinal Health (CAH);         Series C    $35.0        $96.4
                                 peutic development and delivery                 Canaan Partners; Threshold
                                                                                 Ventures; Novartis Pharma;
                                                                                 Kite Pharma, Inc.; Casdin
                                                                                 Capital, LLC; Section 32;
                                                                                 Hive Ventures; LifeForce
2/3/2020          Inbox Health   Develops a patient communication                Connecticut Innovations;        Seed       $3.5          $9.4
                  Corp.          platform for medical billers in the U.S.        I2BF Global Ventures;
                                                                                 Collaborative Fund;
                                                                                 StartUp Health; Commerce
                                                                                 Ventures; Healthy Ventures

April 30, 2020                                                              15                                                      First Analysis
Select Private Placements: 1Q20 (Sorted by date of announcement)
($ in millions)                                                                                                                      Total
                                                                                                             Raise     Amount       Amount
Date              Target         Target Business Description                  Investors                      Type      Raised       Raised
1/30/2020 Carevive               A technology & services co, develops         HLM Venture; LRVHealth;       Series C    $7.5         $14.8
          Systems                workflow and patient engagement solu-        Debiopharm Innovation
                                 tions for customers in the U.S.              Fund; Cerner Capital Mgmt;
                                                                              Philips Health Technology
1/29/2020 CareWorx               Provides technology solutions to senior      BDC Capital; Comerica         Growth      $18.9        $35.9
                                 care organizations in North America          Bank, Banking Investments     Round 2
                                 and internationally
1/29/2020 4G Clinical            Provides randomization and trial supply      First Analysis Corp.,         Venture Undisclosed       N/A
                                 management services for pharmaceu-           Schooner Capital
                                 tical companies and clinical research
                                 organizations worldwide
1/27/2020 uLab                   Develops a software technology for           Park West Asset               Series D    $18.0        $24.4
          Systems                digital dental treatment planning for        Management
1/21/2020         mPharma        Develops an app that enables physi-          Undisclosed                   Growth Undisclosed        N/A
                  Data           cians and pharmacies to prescribe and                                      Round 4
                                 locate medicines for patients
1/17/2020         eClinical      Provides clinical data management            Summit Partners               Growth      $19.3         $19.3
                  Solutions      solutions in the U.S.
1/15/2020         Modern         Develops a mental health platform for        John Doerr; Kleiner Perkins   Series B    $31.0        $56.4
                  Health         companies that value the emotional           Caufield & Byers; Founders
                                 well-being of their workforce                Fund; Afore Capital
1/14/2020         Medsphere      Provides healthcare information tech-        TPG Sixth Street Partners     Growth      $40.0        $136.6
                  Systems        nology solutions                                                           Round 5
1/14/2020         Glass Health   Doing business as Anagram, provides a        CareCredit; KEC Ventures;     Growth      $9.1          $15.1
                                 software platform that assists health-       Rogue Venture; Launchpad      Round 3
                                 care professionals with the intricacies      Digital Health; Waterline
                                 of health insurance networks                 Ventures; Healthy Ventures
1/14/2020         Avail          Develops software that remotely con-         Undisclosed                   Series A    $15.0        $28.0
                  Medsystems     nects healthcare experts to practi-
1/14/2020         Limelight      Develops and delivers a quoting, un-         Launchpad Digital Health      Growth Undisclosed        N/A
                  Health         derwriting, and proposal platform for
                                 the employee benefits industry
1/13/2020         Concerto       Develops the healthcare software eu-         Declaration Partners; AB      Series B   $150.0        $150.0
                  HealthAI       rekaHealth                                   Private Credit Investors;
                  Solutions                                                   SymphonyAI Group;
                                                                              Maverick Ventures
1/13/2020         Vesta          Develops a healthcare technology             Oak HC/FT; Deerfield          Series A    $30.0        $30.0
                  Healthcare     platform to connect caregivers to the        Mgmt; Kaiser Permanente;
                                 care team                                    Lux Capital Mgmt;
                                                                              CareCentrix; Generator
                                                                              Ventures; Nationwide
                                                                              Ventures; The Epstein
1/13/2020         drchrono       Provides an electronic health record         SQN Venture Partners           Debt       $20.0        $52.9
                                 platform for physicians and patients                                       Round 3
1/9/2020          Aver           A health information technology com-         Cox Enterprises; Hearst       Series C    $27.0        $50.6
                                 pany, provides software for creating         Ventures; NCT Ventures;
                                 and managing bundles                         Heritage Group; GE
                                                                              Ventures; Drive Capital
1/8/2020          nference       Offers an AI based software platform         Mayo Clinic Ventures;         Series B    $60.0         $71.4
                                 that synthesizes siloed biomedical           Matrix Partners; Matrix
                                 knowledge for triangulating unstruc-         Capital Management; NTT
                                 tured and structured information from        Venture Capital
                                 biomedical literature, and molecular
                                 and real world datasets

April 30, 2020                                                           16                                                     First Analysis
Select Private Placements: 1Q20 (Sorted by date of announcement)
($ in millions)                                                                                                                            Total
                                                                                                                Raise       Amount        Amount
Date              Target          Target Business Description                   Investors                       Type        Raised        Raised
1/8/2020          Komodo          Develops and provides a platform              Andreessen Horowitz;           Series C       $50.0        $50.0
                  Health          that offers healthcare data to deliver        Felicis Ventures; IA
                                  real-time healthcare intelligence and         Ventures; Oak HC/FT
1/7/2020          Ride Health     Develops a SaaS product platform              Activate Venture Partners;      Seed          $6.2          $6.3
                                  which enables healthcare providers to         BioAdvance; StartUp
                                  schedule, request, and pay for rides on       Health; Leading Edge
                                  behalf of patients to and from medical        Ventures; Newark Venture
                                  appointments                                  Partners; Anthro Ventures
1/7/2020          Fibroblast      Operates a referral management plat-          Undisclosed                     Debt       Undisclosed      N/A
1/6/2020          LynkCare        Develops a Software as a Service              BIP Capital                   Pre-Series      $2.5          $7.1
                                  (SAAS) solution for multi-disciplinary                                          A
                                  care planning
1/1/2020          Zelis           Develops healthcare cost management           Bain Capital Private Equity    Growth         $20.5        $20.5
                  Healthcare      and payment solutions                                                        Round 3
Source:           Capital IQ, Pitchbook, First Analysis.

April 30, 2020                                                             17                                                         First Analysis
HCIT Quarterly Report Public Comparables Appendix
                 ($ in millions)                                                               Revenue Growth                                 Enterprise Value /
                                                                                                                   LTM      LTM
                                                                                                                                         Revenue              EBITDA
                                                          Market      Enterprise     LTM       2018A-    2019A    Gross    EBITDA
                 Company                                   Cap          Value      Revenue     2019A    -2020E    Margin   Margin    LTM       2020E       LTM     2020E

April 30, 2020
                 Payer Technology
                 Benefitfocus (BNFT)                       $325.2       $477.7      $295.7     14.3%    (11.5%)   51.3%    (5.2%)    1.62x      1.83x     NMF      18.1x
                 Castlight Health (CSLT)                   $108.8       $70.3       $143.3     (8.4%)   (7.5%)    58.8%    (24.7%)   0.49x     0.53x      NMF      NMF
                 eHealth (EHTH)                           $2,789.0     $2,617.3     $543.8     101.4%   24.4%     99.3%    19.8%     4.81x      4.16x     24.3x    19.6x
                 EverQuote (EVER)                         $1,047.7     $1,001.6     $248.8     52.4%    28.0%     93.6%    (2.4%)    4.03x      3.14x     NMF      NMF
                 HealthEquity (HQY)                       $3,935.8     $5,045.2     $532.0     85.2%    46.8%     61.3%    30.9%     9.48x     6.46x      30.7x    19.9x
                 HMS Holdings Corp. (HMSY)                $2,483.5     $2,606.4     $626.4      4.7%    12.4%     37.5%    22.5%     4.16x     3.70x      18.5x    14.0x
                 Inovalon Holdings (INOV)                 $2,828.9     $3,741.4     $642.4     21.7%     9.2%     73.9%     27.7%    5.82x     5.34x      21.0x    16.0x
                 MAXIMUS (MMS)                            $4,302.1     $4,366.9    $3,040.4    24.9%    (0.2%)    22.6%    13.4%     1.44x      1.44x     10.7x    10.6x
                                                 Mean     $2,227.6     $2,490.9     $759.1     37.0%    12.7%     62.3%    10.3%     3.98x     3.32x      21.0x    16.4x
                                               Median     $2,636.3     $2,611.9     $537.9     23.3%    10.8%     60.1%    16.6%     4.09x     3.42x      21.0x    17.1x
                 Provider Technology
                 Allscripts Healthcare Solutions (MDRX)   $1,089.6     $1,993.8     $1,771.7    1.2%    (0.8%)    46.8%     5.5%     1.13x      1.13x     20.6x    6.5x
                 Cerner Corporation (CERN)                $21,832.7   $22,480.4    $5,714.5     6.1%    (1.4%)    81.2%    19.8%     3.93x     4.00x      19.8x    13.1x
                 Change Healthcare (CHNG)                 $3,342.7     $3,363.0    $3,280.7    (0.6%)    2.7%     58.5%    30.4%     1.03x      1.00x      3.4x    3.2x

                 Computer Programs & Systems (CPSI)        $334.1       $442.4      $274.6     (2.1%)    0.7%     52.5%    12.5%     1.61x      1.60x     12.9x    9.3x
                 Evolent Health (EVH)                      $600.7       $873.4      $846.4     35.0%    13.6%     23.3%    (7.2%)    1.03x      0.91x     NMF      30.9x
                 Health Catalyst (HCAT)                    $946.3       $770.7      $154.9     37.6%    13.9%     51.4%    (29.5%)   4.98x      4.37x     NMF      NMF
                 HealthStream (HSTM)                       $765.8       $653.9      $250.5      9.7%    (9.3%)     61.1%    13.7%    2.61x     2.84x      19.0x    18.0x
                 NextGen Healthcare (NXGN)                 $730.6       $790.4      $538.6      1.6%     3.0%     57.9%     7.1%     1.47x      1.42x     20.7x    8.6x
                 Nuance Communications (NUAN)             $5,444.2     $6,728.1    $1,821.7     0.4%    (19.1%)   59.2%    20.3%     3.69x      4.57x     18.2x    18.2x
                 Omnicell (OMCL)                          $3,011.5     $2,995.0     $897.0     13.9%     9.4%     48.7%    12.8%     3.34x     3.05x      26.2x    16.1x
                 Premier (PINC)                           $2,340.2     $2,349.7    $1,239.5    26.1%     3.1%     69.7%    43.9%     1.90x      1.84x      4.3x    4.0x
                 R1 RCM (RCM)                             $1,160.3     $1,756.3     $1,186.1   36.6%    11.2%     16.7%     11.8%    1.48x      1.33x     12.6x     6.7x
                 Tabula Rasa HealthCare (TRHC)            $1,314.3     $1,523.6     $284.7     39.4%    19.6%     36.3%     1.6%     5.35x     4.48x      NMF      31.2x
                 Teladoc Health (TDOC)                    $12,971.0    $12,936.9    $605.5     32.4%    49.8%     65.0%     (4.1%)   21.37x    15.61x     NMF      NMF
                                                 Mean     $3,991.7     $4,261.3    $1,347.6    16.9%     6.9%     52.0%     9.9%     3.92x     3.44x      15.8x    13.8x
                                               Median     $1,237.3     $1,875.1     $871.7     11.8%     3.1%     55.2%    12.2%     2.25x     2.34x      18.6x    11.2x
                 Source: Capital IQ.

First Analysis
                 This document is provided by First Analysis for informational purposes
                 only. This document is an overview and analysis of trends and is not
                 intended to provide investment recommendations or investment analy-
                 sis on any specific industry or company. Neither the information nor any
                 opinion expressed constitutes a solicitation by us of the purchase or
                 sale of any securities. This is not a complete analysis of every material
                 fact regarding any company or industry. The opinions expressed herein
                 reflect our judgment at this date and are subject to change. The infor-
                 mation has been obtained from sources we consider to be reliable, but
                 we cannot guarantee its accuracy. Past performance and any projec-
                 tions herein should not be taken as an indication or guarantee of future
                 events. First Analysis Securities Corp. (FASC) may act as financial advi-
                 sor and/or underwriter for companies mentioned in this report. Venture
                 capital funds associated with First Analysis Corp., the parent of FASC,
                 may have interests in companies mentioned in this report. This report
                 may contain information which was previously included in a First Analy-
                 sis Equity Research Report. More information is available on request by
                 calling (312) 258-1400 or by writing to: First Analysis, One South Wacker
                 Drive, Suite 3900, Chicago, IL 60606. FASC is a registered broker/dealer
                 with FINRA and member SIPC.
                 Copyright 2020 First Analysis Securities Corp.

April 30, 2020                          19                                      First Analysis
First Analysis has a nearly four-decade record of serving emerging growth companies, established industry
leaders, and institutional investors in emerging high-growth segments in technology and healthcare, both
through its venture capital investments and through First Analysis Securities Corp. (FASC), which provides
investment banking and related services. FASC is a FINRA-registered broker-dealer and member SIPC. First
Analysis’s integrative research process underpins all its efforts, combining 1) dynamic investment research
on thousands of companies with 2) thousands of relationships among executives, investors, and other key
participants in our focus areas, yielding a deep, comprehensive understanding of each sector’s near-term
and long-term potential.
One South Wacker Drive, Suite 3900  Chicago, IL 60606  312-258-1400 
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