HELPING SCOTLAND RECOVER - JUNE 2021 - Bank of Scotland ...

Page created by Marshall Wallace
HELPING SCOTLAND RECOVER - JUNE 2021 - Bank of Scotland ...
JUNE 2021
As Scotland begins to ease out of               This year our strategic offering is set to
lockdown, Bank of Scotland Foundation           be enhanced with our collaboration with
is focused on supporting charities              the Bank of Scotland Academy – an online
through the ongoing challenges they             resource to improve the skills of charities,
face and Helping Scotland Recover.              businesses and people through lessons and
We're delighted to announce our grant
programmes for the rest of 2021 which see a     Our first ever Online Event in May this year
mix of our Reach and Change programmes.         saw many of our funded charities hear from
We're also offering funding for unrestricted    a panel of speakers sharing examples and
core costs through our Change programme         learnings on the strategic topics of ‘Digital’
for the first time. Over £690,000 of Reach      and ‘Building Resilience’. We know from
grants have been awarded to 50 charities        feedback from charity attendees that the
in 2021 so far, making a strong community       two sessions were of great value, so we’re
impact across Scotland. Charities who           making our Online Event highlights video
applied to our multi-year Invest programme      available to all here.
will be notified mid-June of their outcome
when we expect to distribute a further £1.5m.   We have a long journey ahead for all of
                                                us and funding, as well as strategic support,
In addition to financial support, Lloyds        will be as crucial as ever for charities as
Banking Group colleagues continue to            the impact of the pandemic continues.
mentor some of the charities we fund,           Working in partnership with Lloyds Banking
providing strategic support and expert          Group, we’re proud to play our part in
guidance to strengthen their services.          Helping Scotland Recover.
HELPING SCOTLAND RECOVER - JUNE 2021 - Bank of Scotland ...
                                                 Reach                             Change
In February 2021, our annual donation
from Lloyds Banking Group was almost             Reach will make positive          Change will have a large-scale, long
£5m, enabling us to confidently plan             and lasting change in             term, positive impact on charities
the ways that we would support                   communities across                and communities across Scotland.
charities during 2021, both through our          Scotland. Charities with          Charities with an income of between
grants programmes and by providing               an income of £1.5m                £500k - £2m can apply for capital
                                                 or less can apply for             costs, project costs or unrestricted
support beyond funding alone.
                                                 £1,000-£25,000 over               core costs of £50,000-£100,000
Our Matched Giving programme                     one year to support               per annum over 1-2 years to ensure
continues to be a valuable source                people through varying            they can provide continued, reliable
of income for charities thanks to the            stages of their lives.            support for people.
fundraising and volunteering efforts
of Lloyds Banking Group colleagues.
Colleagues have found innovative ways
to support charities during lockdown
including virtual bucket collections, solo    GRANT PROGRAMMES                                  The second half of the year will see us focus
                                                                                                on a grants programme strategy that will Help
                                                                                                                                                   their resources, allowing them to respond
                                                                                                                                                   quickly to a changing environment and
marathons and selling recipe books they
have created, raising funds for small,
                                              JUNE - DECEMBER 2021                              Scotland Recover from the pandemic with a          deploy resources accordingly.
                                                                                                mix of Reach and Change programmes.
local charities as well as larger, national                                                                                                        Offering up to £200k over two years, our
charities close to their heart.               In the first five months of the year we           For the first time, charities will be able to      Change programme will extend a lifeline
                                              have awarded over £690,000 of grants to           apply for unrestricted core costs through          to charities allowing them to apply for
Our Charity Mentoring programme               50 charities through our Reach programme,         our Change programme. We hope that                 whatever is their greatest priority and area
has also continued throughout lockdown,       addressing areas such as mental health,           unrestricted core cost funding will give           of need - whether that be capital costs,
with the Group’s colleagues and the           financial vulnerability and social isolation.     charities greater flexibility over how they use    project work or unrestricted core costs.
charities they help moving to remote
mentoring until such time that restrictions
ease and face-to-face meetings can take       Programme Dates June – December 2021
place again.

Our partnership with the Group also             PROGRAMME
                                                                                      OPEN                                      CLOSE                                   GRANTS AWARDED
gives us access to new initiatives and we       (Charity income criteria)
are pleased to launch our collaboration
with the Bank of Scotland Academy. The
                                                        Reach (Less than £1.5m)       12 Noon Thursday 3rd June                 12 Noon Tuesday 8th June                Mid-July 2021
Academy offers charities a huge variety
of online lessons and webinars in digital,
life and work skills and is an exciting                 Reach (Less than £1.5m)       12 Noon Monday 26th July                  12 Noon Thursday 29th July              Mid-September 2021
opportunity for us to help charities and
their beneficiaries develop and improve.
                                                        Change (£500k-£2m)            12 Noon Tuesday 31st August               12 Noon Thursday 9th September          End of November 2021
We are very proud of our partnership
with the Group and look forward to
continuing this relationship throughout                 Reach (Less than £1.5m)       12 Noon Monday 20th September             12 Noon Thursday 24th September         End of November 2021
2021 and beyond.
HELPING SCOTLAND RECOVER - JUNE 2021 - Bank of Scotland ...
                                                The Maxwelltown Information Centre             When Covid lockdowns prevented people            negate the need to decide between heat
                                                is a community centre and garden based         accessing the centre for help, the charity       and food; signposting to mental health
                                                in the heart of Dundee’s Coldside. They        quickly adapted, switching mainly to             organisations; financial support and much
                                                are committed to improving the quality         telephone support. This way, they could          more.
                                                of life for the local community and to         continue to help individuals take control
                                                combatting social exclusion, poverty,          of their lives by addressing the day to day      Alison Goodfellow, Project Manager at
                                                disadvantage, and discrimination.              issues affecting them, such as poverty, debt,    Maxwell said, “Due to the pandemic, more
                                                The centre provides a welcoming                unemployment and poor health.                    people have needed to access food than
                                                and empowering environment, open                                                                ever before and have had more issues to
                                                to everyone, to socialise, access              The initial role of the Project Worker was to    contend with too. However, we’ve learned
                                                information and learn new skills such          support those in the local area, but during      that we can adapt when needed and still
                                                as creative gardening, cooking and             the pandemic the charity was supporting          maintain support for those who need it.
                                                upcycling.                                     people Dundee-wide through its call line.
                                                                                               Every individual who contacted them was          "Thanks to the funding from Bank of
                                                The charity received a grant of £15,140        able to access emergency food within that        Scotland Foundation, our Project Worker
                                                from the November Reach programme              working day and offered support for the          has been able to support a wider range
                                                in 2019 to fund the salary of an existing      reasons that lead to food insecurity. The        of people across Dundee, rather than just
                                                part-time Project Worker and enable them       majority of these people received further        our local community and enabled our vital
                                                to continue supporting up to 750 people        support, including access to local food          service to continue to help people access
                                                who were facing financial crisis and food      larders that provide low cost, nutritional       food and mitigate food insecurity.
                                                insecurity.                                    food; help applying for fuel vouchers to

                                            continue transforming services using             barriers and improve accessibility and the        children and young people through music.
                                            digital tools to break down barriers and         strategies charities are implementing to          Elanor Gunn, Acting Head of Centre from
                                            improve accessibility.                           develop the skills necessary to embrace           Sistema Scotland provided an overview of
                                                                                             long-term digital change.                         how the charity adapted their Big Noise
                                            Hosted by our Chair, Phillip Grant, our guest                                                      project over the last 12 months to continue
                                            speakers included Ross McCulloch, Founder        Throughout the Building Resilience Session        supporting their children and young people
                                            Third Sector Lab; Sally Dyson, Head of Digital   our panel provided real insight and food for      and shared a wonderful video showcasing
                                            Participation, SCVO; Nancy Campbell,             thought as they talked through ways in which      their hard work. (The 5-minute video can be
                                            Strategic Development Manager, MS Therapy        charities can provide well-being support          viewed on our Facebook & Twitter pages.)
                                            Centre; Jemma Waters, Head of Responsible        to their staff, volunteers and beneficiaries,
                                            Transformation, Lloyds Banking Group,            how charities can use partnership working         The key take-way and most common piece
                                            Frances Simpson, Support in Mind, Anna           to capitalise on one and others capabilities      of advice that emerged from our Online
On the 19th of May, we hosted our very
                                            Fowlie, SCVO and Kirsty McNab, Scottish          and information relating to the wealth of         Event was the importance of embracing
first Online Event to give charities and
                                            Sports Futures who all provided different        resources available to support well-being         new challenges and focussing on what you
third sector leaders the opportunity
                                            perspectives relating to their expertise in      and resilience.                                   can do, rather than what you can’t do.
to share the excellent ways they have
                                            regards to Digital and Building Resilience.
overcome challenges, adapted services                                                        As part of the event, we welcomed Sistema         We thank everyone for joining us and
and built resilience throughout the         During our Digital Session our panel gave        Scotland for our ‘Bringing Funding to Life’       helping shape the discussion of the event.
pandemic. The conversation was both         wonderful perspectives covering the ways         section, to demonstrate the impact of their       Our 25-minute highlights video can be
reflective and forward thinking, looking    organisations can use digital solutions to       Bank of Scotland Foundation funding of over       viewed via this link.
back over the last twelve months but        overcome challenges, how organisations are       £184k in 2019. Sistema Scotland is a charity
also looking at ways the third sector can   promoting digital inclusion to break down        based in Govanhill transforming the lives of
HELPING SCOTLAND RECOVER - JUNE 2021 - Bank of Scotland ...
                                                                                            The last year has been one of the most            As we look towards Helping Scotland
                                                                                            challenging years faced by the Foundation         Recover, I’m pleased to offer charities, staff
                                                                                            and indeed the whole of Scotland. I must          and volunteers access to the new Bank of
                                                                                            recognise at the outset the huge efforts          Scotland Academy where they can learn
                                                                                            from the Foundation team and the Board            new skills to develop and improve
                                                                                            that ensured we could continue to support         themselves and their organisations.
                                                                                            Scotland’s charities throughout the
                                                                                            Covid-19 pandemic. I am hugely grateful           Lastly, I must acknowledge the support
                                                                                            for their dedication and professionalism          of our sole funder, Lloyds Banking Group.
                                                                                            throughout the year.                              We are hugely grateful for the Group’s
                                                                                                                                              annual donation that has enabled us to offer
                                                                                            In the last twelve months our strategy has        a range of grants programmes to charities
                                                                                            been adapted to ensure we can distribute          across Scotland that will help to provide
                                                                                            our funding effectively, efficiently and          people with opportunity and equality and
                                                                                            quickly to charities - including increasing the   make positive, sustainable change.
                                                                                            frequency of our grant funding, amending
                                                                                            the income criteria to enable more charities      From everyone at Bank
                                                                                            to apply and allowing charities to apply for      of Scotland Foundation,
                                                                                            larger amounts of funding. Our changes            we hope that you stay
                                                                                            have brought stability to charities during very   safe and well.
                                                                                            challenging months and helped them meet
                                                                                            the immediate and longer term needs of
                                                                                            some of Scotland’s most vulnerable people.

                                                                                            The energy and determination of charity
BANK OF SCOTLAND ACADEMY                                                                    staff and volunteers throughout the
                                                                                            pandemic has been inspirational, from
                                                                                                                                              Philip Grant,
                                                                                            moving to providing services online,
We are excited to announce a new              of Scotland Foundation, giving charities      distributing hundreds of food parcels to
collaboration with the Bank of Scotland       across Scotland the skills and confidence     those most in need and tackling isolation.
Academy, which provides further               to thrive and help their users at this
opportunity for us to offer charities         unprecedented time.”
support beyond funding alone.
                                              The Academy offers a range of topics
The Academy aims to help Scottish             including:                                    Contact details                                   Follow us on
charities, businesses and people with their                                                 Correspondence address:                            	 w
confidence and capability by offering a       •   Finding and securing your perfect job     The Mound, Edinburgh EH1 1YZ                           bankofscotlandfoundation
huge variety of lessons and webinars in       •   Managing your business’ finances          Telephone: 0345 124 1351                           @BofSFoundation
digital, life and work skills. The Academy
                                              •    uilding a social media and marketing
                                                  B                                         Email: enquiries@
is open to everyone, easy to follow, and
completely free. Jemma Waters, Head
of Responsible Transformation, Group          •   Keeping an organisation safe and secure   Website:
                                                                                                                                              Registered charity: SC032942.
                                                                                                                                              Company Limited by Guarantee: SC229825.
Transformation, Lloyds Banking Group said                                                           Registered office: The Mound, Edinburgh EH1 1YZ
                                              You can access the academy at
“We’re delighted to be working with Bank
HELPING SCOTLAND RECOVER - JUNE 2021 - Bank of Scotland ... HELPING SCOTLAND RECOVER - JUNE 2021 - Bank of Scotland ...
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