Seeing the face of Jesus in All - Catholic Charities - Catholic Charities of the Diocese ...

Seeing the face of Jesus in All - Catholic Charities - Catholic Charities of the Diocese ...
2020–2021 Annual Report
          Catholic Charities
           Seeing the face
           of Jesus in All
Catholic Charities of the
Diocese of Green Bay Inc.
was established in 1918
and is dedicated to serve
those living within the
16 counties the diocese
covers in northeastern
Wisconsin. Our outreach
to communities covers an
abundance of needs, from
mental health services to
financial health education
and more. Our goal is to
continue to create a safe,
supportive haven in the
areas which we proudly
  Child & Family
  Financial Health
  Refugee &
  Immigrant Services
  Living Justice Advocacy

                             This annual report is brought to you by
                             The Catholic Charities & Living Justice
                             Mission Team and is not under direction
                                 of The Compass editorial team.                 (920) 272-8234
Seeing the face of Jesus in All - Catholic Charities - Catholic Charities of the Diocese ...
Seeing the face of Jesus in All
A message from Bishop
                    Dear Brothers and Sisters      our community have achieved better mental          of more-populated areas. I am eager to see
                    in Christ,                     and financial health, they have adopted            what God will do through the dedicated
                                                   children, and they have become citizens.           service of our Catholic Charities staff!
                    As I write to you this year,   Throughout this turbulent year, I have
                    I am reflecting on all that    witnessed our staff grow in their reliance on      Friends, none of this would be possible
                    has happened in our            Jesus to lead us through difficult times. As       without your generous support of our work.
                    world and in our church in     their own faith has grown and developed,           I am immensely grateful for your sacrificial
                    the past year. Navigating      they have beautifully shared that faith with       giving and the impact it is making in the
                    the challenges of the          the people they serve, making Christ more          mission field that is the Diocese of Green
                    COVID-19 pandemic has          known in our world.                                Bay. Thank you for joining us in serving the
                    required faith, patience,                                                         people of northeastern Wisconsin and being
fortitude and resilience. We are beginning         While the challenges of this past year have        the face of Christ for our community. May
to see hopeful signs that this difficult time is   given us time for reflection and opportunities     God bless you for your ongoing commitment
coming to an end, and with that we can look        for growth, it is now time for us to move          to this important ministry here in the Diocese
back at the growth we have experienced and         forward in bold action guided by the Holy          of Green Bay!
look ahead to where God is leading us.             Spirit. We have an opportunity to live the
                                                   lessons delivered to us through the trials of      Sincerely yours in Christ,
Under the leadership of our new director,          the pandemic. Catholic Charities has already
Karmen Lemke, the staff of Catholic Charities      begun to embrace this Spirit of action,
has grown immensely in this past year. They        especially in their efforts to reach out to
have learned how to be present to the              communities in the Northwoods. They have
people they serve even when they cannot be         built relationships with folks in our parishes     The Most Reverend David L. Ricken, DD, JCL
there in person. They have found new ways          and the wider community that will allow them       Bishop of Green Bay and
to support their clients in achieving their        to serve more people, especially in areas          Chairman of the Catholic Charities Board
goals. Because of their dedication, people in      that often lack the resources and support

A closer look at Catholic Charities
Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Green
Bay traces its origins to 1915 when Bishop
Paul Peter Rhode encouraged the Catholic           We are missionary disciples striving to lead
laity to assist Catholic people in need            all people to the Kingdom of God.
through a social service delivery system. In
1918, in consultation with the seven pastors       Mission
in the city of Green Bay, the agency structure     As friends and followers of Jesus, we are
was formally organized and the Green Bay           devoted to fostering households and
Diocese Apostolate was established. Since          communities of discipleship through the
the beginning, the organization has been           mission and ministry of the Catholic Church.
known by three different names: The Green
Bay Diocese Apostolate, Catholic Social            Faithful to the teachings of the Church in
Services, and its current name — Catholic          the areas of social justice, we stand with
Charities.                                         the poor, advocate for life and break down
                                                   barriers of injustice.
           Children,                                                                                                     Connect to Inspire
      Family and General                           PURPOSE
                                                   As missionary disciples, Catholic Charities                  Embrace People’s Hearts
          Assistance                               labors in our communities inviting and
      185 individuals received parenting           serving those who have often been left                                Empowered to Act
        support or adoption services               out or felt alone to know and experience
       511 agency intake calls received            the tremendous and abundant love of God                                 Explore Potential
             for direct assistance                 through his Son, Jesus Christ.
                                                                                                    Nurture Abundant Life and Growth
Seeing the face of Jesus in All - Catholic Charities - Catholic Charities of the Diocese ...
Seeing the face of Jesus in All
Catholic Charities
services highlights                                                        Corporate Board
Guided by the social teachings of the                                        of Directors
Church, Catholic Charities has been                                 Most Reverend David L. Ricken, Chairman
serving God’s people                                                    Very Reverend John W. Girotti,
                                                                                 Vice Chairman
for more than 100 years.
                                                                           Karmen Lemke, President
This past year we have
                                                                           Tammy Basten, Secretary
accompanied more than                                                    Deacon Peter Gard, Treasurer
4,000 persons of all faiths                                                Deacon Robert Hornacek
throughout the Diocese of                                                   Sister Natalie Binversie              Financial
Green Bay, walking with                                                            Matt Gelb                       Health
them on their life’s journey.                                                                                   Assisted 165

CHILD AND FAMILY                                                   Refugee and Immigrant
Catholic Charities provides domestic infant, intercountry,         We are called to welcome the stranger. Many refugee and
relative and stepparent adoption services. Our services are        immigrant families with no place to turn become engaged in our
guided by Matthew 18:5, “And anyone who welcomes a little          services in adjustment of legal status, refugee resettlement and
child like this on my behalf is welcoming me.” Our staff assists   support that helps them become self-sufficient.
expectant parents with creating an adoption plan that respects
their decision to choose life and prepares prospective adoptive    Living Justice Advocacy
parents to welcome a child to their family through adoption.
                                                                   Catholic Charities serves the needs of the community by raising
Additional services include support and education to birth
                                                                   awareness about issues of injustice and attacks on human dignity,
parents, adoptive parents and adoptees throughout the adoption
                                                                   and applies the wisdom of the Church to these issues. By sharing
process as well as post adoption.
                                                                   our faith in Jesus Christ and the principles of Catholic Social

Financial Health                                                   Teaching, we strive to inspire people to develop creative and life-
                                                                   giving responses to injustice in our community – locally, nationally
Many individuals and families in our community live in poverty.    and globally. Through education, advocacy and communication,
Through our Financial Health services clients are given the        we collaborate with parishes, schools and community groups
tools they need to make sound decisions about resources and        to elevate the voices of the marginalized and to address the
set new financial goals to help them take the steps to get out     systemic issues that contribute to injustice in our society.
of poverty. This program also assists those who are looking at
possible foreclosure or bankruptcy giving the client alternative
options that they may not have been aware of previously.
                                                                   here for you
                                                                   For others that find
                                                                                                       MENTAL HEALTH
Counseling                                                         themselves falling
                                                                   through the cracks                   cOUNSELING
When life has become overwhelming and thoughts turn dark,          and needing a bit
many individuals have turned to our Mental Health Services,        of help, Catholic                  Cared for 903
which provide professional individual, family and marriage         Charities may provide               individuals
counseling. Regardless of ability to pay, our services can offer   coordinated services
hope and help so that people enjoy the fullness of life God has    including direct
                                                                                                     Conducted 5,121
given.                                                             assistance.                           sessions
Seeing the face of Jesus in All - Catholic Charities - Catholic Charities of the Diocese ...
Seeing the face of Jesus in All
Statement of revenue
and expenses                                                                              Blessed are the Poor
                                                                                           God of bounty,
Finances                                                                                   your son Jesus embraced poverty

                                                                                                                                                              Prayer from Catholic Charities USA
Sources of Income 2020-21:                                                    Charities    and taught that the poor are
State, Federal and County Contracts.............................$109,129                   blessed, for “theirs is the kingdom
Fees for Services........................................................... $645,857      of God.” Help us to step out of our
Bishop's Appeal........................................................... $965,653        certainties and comforts and keep
United Way................................................................... $193,068     our eyes fixed on him, so we can
Contributions - Loan Forgiveness...................................$447,900                both see and serve him in the faces
Donations and Investment Income........................... $1,583,457
                                                                                           of the poor. Amen.
            Per Audit:............................................$3,945,064                  1825 Riverside Dr. | P.O. Box 23825 | Green Bay, WI 54305
            2021–22 Budget.................................$2,860,527                                  (920) 272-8234 |
            Total Assets.........................................$2,961,932
            Total Net Assets..................................$5,839,856

Program Expenditures
                                                                                                 MENTAL HEALTH
                                                                                                 A focus on school-based
Administration/Support (Misc)...................................... $422,346                   mental health in partnership
Adoption and Birth Parent Services............................. $325,583                       with Connections for Mental
Living and Social Justice.............................................. $124,249              Wellness and Greater Green Bay
                                                                                                 Community Foundation.
Immigration & Refugee Services.................................. $275,719
Budget/Debt Counseling............................................. $315,367                   Available now - Mental Health
                                                                                                First Aid training to people
Clinical Services............................................................ $855,340              around the Diocese.
Government Contracts................................................. $108,292
             Per Audit:............................................$2,426,896
                                             Catholic Charities of the Diocese of
                                                  Green Bay is a 501(C)3 not for
                                                                                                        New WEBSITE: Check it out!
                                                              profit organization.        Three impact stories from the Gala, to help you stay “inspired to act”
                                                                                                  are featured on our website:
Seeing the face of Jesus in All - Catholic Charities - Catholic Charities of the Diocese ...
Seeing the face of Jesus in All
Director’s Reflection
                  Gratitude, hope and light.     This past year has certainly been challenging     goal to serve 10,000 people by 2025. As
                  These are just several of      in many ways. Through it all, the dedicated                        The Serenity Prayer
                                                                                                   the Church, we wish to be more present in
                  the words that come to         team at Catholic Charities continued to           greater ways in our communities. This will
                  mind as I reflect on the       provide critical services without interruption.   happen over a period of time as we transition
                  last year.                     We supported families and children through        our ministries and the ways we deliver
                                                 our highly respected adoption and family          services. We look forward to serving in new
                    I am grateful to be                                                            collaborative ways, reaching those in need
                                                 support services. We leaned on telehealth
                    called to serve as the                                                         and forming new partnerships along the way.
                                                 capabilities and completed more than
                    new director of Catholic
                                                 5,000 mental health counseling sessions.          Your support of Catholic Charities continues
                    Charities for the Diocese
                                                 We continued to welcome and comfort the           to make a difference in the lives of so many
                    of Green Bay. I bring to
                                                 stranger through immigration and refugee          people. Together, we are able to serve all
my new role a passion for helping others
                                                 services. And, during the toughest times,         of God’s people by bringing them healing,
and a love for Jesus. For the past 103 years,
                                                 we were able to meet an increased demand          peace and, ultimately, to the Kingdom of
Catholic Charities has been caring for the
                                                 for budget and housing counseling services.       God. Thank you for walking with us on this
least of our brothers and sisters. As we look
                                                 These are just a few of the ways Catholic         journey and for your continued prayers.
to the future, our vision is to build on that
                                                 Charities helped families and individuals in
wonderful foundation and to be known as the                                                        Peace and blessings,
preferred faith-based social service agency in
northeastern Wisconsin. We want to be the        As we look to the future, we realize some
hands and feet of Jesus, looking to him as       things will not return to the way they were. We
his disciples, helping one person at a time,     are embarking on a bold and ambitious vision      Karmen M. Lemke
helping one community at a time, giving          of bringing the heart and hands of Christ to      Director, Mission Team Leader, and
hope and bringing light to those in darkness.    even more of those in need: an ambitious          President of Catholic Charities Board

        2021 Gala
       raised over                                                                                                    Save the Date
    $97,000 through
        generous                                                                                                     May 19, 2022
    sponsorships and                                                                                                        GALA
       donations!                                                                                                      back in-person

                                                          we did it!
Seeing the face of Jesus in All - Catholic Charities - Catholic Charities of the Diocese ...
Seeing the face of Jesus in All

a big Thank You
to all of our 2021 Gala Sponsors!
          Founding Sponsors

            Gold Sponsor

           Silver Sponsors

           Bronze Sponsors
Seeing the face of Jesus in All - Catholic Charities - Catholic Charities of the Diocese ... Seeing the face of Jesus in All - Catholic Charities - Catholic Charities of the Diocese ...
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