Herzlich Willkommen Welcome - Information zur Sprachen- Wahl für Klasse 8 Information regarding foreign language choice for grade 8

Page created by Jon Hayes
Herzlich Willkommen Welcome - Information zur Sprachen- Wahl für Klasse 8 Information regarding foreign language choice for grade 8
Herzlich Willkommen
Information zur Sprachen-
Wahl für Klasse 8

Information regarding foreign
language choice for grade 8
                      Mittelstufenleitung / Grade Head 5-9
Herzlich Willkommen Welcome - Information zur Sprachen- Wahl für Klasse 8 Information regarding foreign language choice for grade 8
Herzlich Willkommen Welcome - Information zur Sprachen- Wahl für Klasse 8 Information regarding foreign language choice for grade 8
1. Fächerwahl in der Mittelstufe (5-9)
   Choice subjects at the Middle School (5-9)

ab Kl. 6/ from gr. 6          zusätzlich ab Kl. 8/
                              in addition from gr. 8
1x                            1x
- Afrikaans                   - Sprache/ language
- Xhosa                       - Schauspiel/ Drama
- Französisch/French          - Wirtschaft/ EMS
                              - Werken/ D&T
Herzlich Willkommen Welcome - Information zur Sprachen- Wahl für Klasse 8 Information regarding foreign language choice for grade 8
2. Sprachenwahl ab Kl. 6 für 4 Jahre
   Language choice from gr. 6 for 4 years

                              Präsentation/ Introduction
    Afrikaans                     Nicole Barnett
    Französisch/French            Kim Tshaka
                                  Werner Schrodt
Herzlich Willkommen Welcome - Information zur Sprachen- Wahl für Klasse 8 Information regarding foreign language choice for grade 8
Why should your child learn Afrikaans?

l Afrikaans is beautiful, powerfully descriptive and easy to learn!
l If your child writes the SA Matric, they need 2 South African
l Every DSK student has to do at least two years of Afrikaans or
  Xhosa. (start gr 6 or 8)
l If Afrikaans is chosen in grade 6, learners are able to choose other
  non language subjects (design and tech / EMS) in grade 8.
l It broadens communication regionally, nationally and internationally
l It has international academic recognition – is taught in Russia,
  America, New Zealand and Poland.
Herzlich Willkommen Welcome - Information zur Sprachen- Wahl für Klasse 8 Information regarding foreign language choice for grade 8
l We teach Afrikaans at the First Additional Language level. Pupils
 are taught Language, Literature, Poetry and a love for reading.
 We do a variety of orals as well as written work. We write one
 main Language test per term, with short vocab, spelling and
 dictations in between. By the end of grade 9, pupils can choose
 Afrikaans for Matric - regardless of whether the students choose
 Kombi or NSC stream (unlike French / Xhosa.)

l From gr 10 - 12 we follow the IEB curriculum, which ensures that
 pupils are ready for University.
Herzlich Willkommen Welcome - Information zur Sprachen- Wahl für Klasse 8 Information regarding foreign language choice for grade 8
What will they do in Afrikaans lessons?

l Read novels!
Herzlich Willkommen Welcome - Information zur Sprachen- Wahl für Klasse 8 Information regarding foreign language choice for grade 8
lWatch movies!
Herzlich Willkommen Welcome - Information zur Sprachen- Wahl für Klasse 8 Information regarding foreign language choice for grade 8
lListen to music!
Herzlich Willkommen Welcome - Information zur Sprachen- Wahl für Klasse 8 Information regarding foreign language choice for grade 8
lPractise speaking and hearing Afrikaans.
Advantages of learning IsiXhosa

l IsiXhosa is one of the 11 official languages in South Africa.

l It is spoken by over 20 million people across the nation.

lLearning isiXhosa forms the basis of understanding other
 Nguni languages e.g. IsiZulu, IsiSwati, and IsiNdebele.
The Importance of IsiXhosa in S.A

l It is in high demand in the job industry in S.A e.g. media,
 medicine, law, and pharmacy, one needs to understand

lIt’s a popular language internationally as it fascinates
 tourists and those who can not speak it.

lIt also helps in strengthening relationships between diverse
 cultures, building up a global family.
Misconceptions about IsiXhosa

lSome have misconceptions that isiXhosa is a difficult
 language to learn, because of the clicks. IsiXhosa has three
 main clicks and they are much easier than you think.

lThe structure of the isiXhosa language is different compared
 to the structures of European languages, and once you have
 accepted that, you will realise that isiXhosa is an easy
 language to learn.

lLearning Xhosa is truly an African experience (you learn
 about African culture).
IsiXhosa at the DSK!

l Remember those who choose Xhosa don’t have to do

lLearners will be assessed through their written and oral

lIf you want to open up a whole new culture through
 language for your children, give them this opportunity to join
Thank you!!
Danke Schon!!
Baie Dankie!!
French at DSK – beginners 6 and 8
                 DSK FRANÇAIS               24.07.2018

                           POURQUOI CHOISIR LE
                               FRANCAIS ?
                      WHY FRENCH IN SCHOOL ?
                       WARUM FRANZOESISCH ?
French at DSK – beginners 6 and 8

10 gute Gründe, Französisch zu lernen !
l1. Eine Sprache, die überall auf der Welt gesprochen wird
Französisch wird von mehr als 200 Millionen Menschen auf 5
Kontinenten gesprochen. Zur Frankophonie gehören 68 Staaten
l 2. Eine Sprache als Trumpf bei der Stellensuche
ein Plus im Lebenslauf , bessere Chancen auf dem internationalen
Arbeitsmarkt. , u.a. Kanada, Schweiz, Belgien und auf dem
afrikanischen Kontinent
l3. Sprache und Kultur
Französische ist die Sprache der Gastronomie, der Mode, des Theaters, des Films,
des Tanzes und der Architektur. Französisch ermöglicht Ihnen Zugang zu den
Originaltexten, zu Kino und Musik. Französische ist die Sprache Molières, Edith
Piafs, Alain Delons und --- Zinedine Zidanes!
The only languages spoken on all continents:
             English and French
French – how to understand the winners
2b. Weitere Wahlfächer ab Klasse 8
    Other Choice Subjects from Grade 8

zusätzlich ab Kl. 8/
in addition from gr. 8   Präsentation/ Introduction
- Sprache/ language
- Schauspiel/ Drama         Daniela Schleusener
- Wirtschaft/ EMS           Allan Kuhudzai
 -   Werken/D&T             Ashanti Maunder

Benefits of Drama as a subject:

üsafe room for personal creativity and thinking
üenhancing self awareness and self esteem
üTraining of imagination and empathy
üpracticing of communication skills
üphysical fitness

    holistic approach: Emphazising on the whole body and mind set, Drama not
  only has benefits for the personal development on the self of the learners but
  might also improve the performance in other subjects.

 Students need to:

 • …be willing to perform on stage and put themselves into the
   focus of the spotlight
 • … enjoy working with others
 • … to be open for experiments and willing to share ideas
 • … like reading (a lot) > also “older” (classical Drama) texts
 • … enjoy jumping into different roles
 • … like working and thinking creatively
 • … be prepared to do extra work outside classes
 • … be prepared to show emotions
 • and are willing to take feedback constantly.
Content Grade 8 and 9

l History of Drama and Theatre
l How to use the voice and the body
l Scriptwriting
l Improvisation
l Terminology of Drama
l Methods in Drama (face and body movement etc.)
l Elements of production
l Stage setting
l Lighting and sound
l Costumes and Make-up
l Music and dance
l Excursions to the theatre (even outside the classes)
l Workshops with professionals
l Musicals/ Musical theatre
Drama as a subject vs. Drama as extra mural

Drama as a WPF = is a subject, which means there are marks !

• participation = 80%
• Tests = 20%
• 4 lessons/ week (Drama- AG > 2h/week)

• It is not about playing on stage all the time there is also a
  curriculum that has to be followed.

• Drama in school as a subject is not a stage or acting school even
  though some topics are the same.
for your attention J!
Definition: Economic and Management Sciences is concerned with
how individuals and business organisations in today’s economic
environment try to satisfy people’s needs by producing goods and
EMS is a subject that draws from a number of different disciplines:
Economics                             Entrepreneurship
Science of scarcity –       the           The process of business
problem of limited resources to           creation, development and
satisfy   human needs and                 maintenance      by    an
wants.                                    entrepreneur.
                           EMS DRAWS
          Psychology                              Accounting
The study of human behaviour             The systematic recording,
to understand why people                 reporting and analysis of
behave as they do individually           financial transactions of a
or in group.                             business.

The Science of scarcity: Limited resources to satisfy needs and wants.
l Microeconomics: Market and price theory – laws of supply and demand.
l Macroeconomics: How economic forces such as inflation and
  government fiscal policies affect business.
Problem: How do producers (businesses) satisfy needs and wants?

Definition: The systematic
recording, reporting and
analysis of the financial
transactions of a business.

Four important tasks of
financial management in a
1. Financing decisions
2. Investment decisions
3. Operational decisions
4. Distribution decisions

 The systematic study of human behaviour; deals with theories
 of personality, mental processes, emotions and behaviour.
 Aims at understanding why human beings behave as they do
 individually or in a group. Customers and employee relationship
 with business owners are important.

Subject Choice for Grade 8

             Design & Technology
      aims to help equip our learners for
          living & working in a highly
              technological world.

Learners will develop their practical skills & ability to:

lProblem solve & seek out design solutions.

lTake the initiative in approaching their tasks, working both

independently & collaboratively.

lDevelop their time management & tool management skills.

lTake responsibility for making decisions & taking action.

Our students are encouraged & taught to:

l Make use of Information & Communication Technology (ICT)
  when working on various design projects.

l They will learn to use digital resources & programs to help them
  become better designers who are able to create beautiful
  prototypes & products.

l They will practice innovation & practically build projects by hand.

lTypography          lArchitecture
lGraphic Design      lFashion Design
lAdvertising         lManufacturing
lCommunication       lSustainability
lProduct Design      lInteraction Design
lTechnical Drawing   lDesign Thinking

3. Wie beeinflusst die Wahl der zweiten
   Sprache in Klasse 6 die weitere Fächerwahl
   für die Jgst. 8 und 9?

  How does the choice of language in grade 6
  impact on further subject choices for
  grades 8 and 9?
Subject choices for Grades 6-9, 8-9
and their future implications for Grades 10-12
Beispiel 1/ example 1

Kl./gr.                            Wahlfach/ Choice Subject
5                                -                      -
          4 Jahre/ years !

6                            Afrikaans                  -
7                            Afrikaans                  -

                                            2 Jahre / years
8                            Afrikaans    8
9                            Afrikaans    9
Beispiel 2/ example 2

Kl./gr.           Wahlfach/ Choice Subject
5            -                         -
   4 Jahre/ years !

6       Xhosa/IsiXhosa                 -
7       Xhosa/IsiXhosa                 -

                             2 Jahre / years
8       Xhosa/IsiXhosa      8
9       Xhosa/IsiXhosa      9                  9
Beispiel 3/ example 3

Kl./gr.                           Wahlfach/ Choice Subject

5                             -                                         -
    4 Jahre/ years !

6                      Französisch/ French                              -
7                      Französisch/ French                              -

                                                 2 Jahre / years
8                      Französisch/ French   8                     Afrikaans
9                      Französisch/ French   9                     Xhosa/ IsiXhosa
Beispiel 4/ example 4

           Deutscher Zweig          Englischer Zweig
           German Stream            English Stream

10        Französisch/ French   !     Xhosa/IsiXhosa
11            oder/ or                   oder/ or
             Afrikaans                 Afrikaans
Zusammenfassung/ Summary

Bitte beachten/ Please keep in mind:

-   Afrikaans im NSC & Kombi-Abitur/ Afrikaans for NSC & Kombi-Abitur
-   Französisch für sprachbegabte Schüler oder solche, die nach Europa
    zurückkehren wollen/ French in grade 6 for language talented learners or
    learners returning to Europe
-   Afrikaans oder isiXhosa in Kl. 8, wenn Französisch in Kl. 6/
    Afrikaans or isiXhosa in grade 8 if French in grade 6
-   2 südafrikanische Sprachen Pflicht für 2 Jahre (inkl. Englisch)/
    2 SA languages compulsory for 2 years (English incl.)
-   Französisch meistens nicht im NSC/ French often not in NSC
-   Xhosa nicht im Kombi-Abitur/ isiXhosa not in Kombi-Abitur
Austeilen und Einsammeln der Formulare
durch den Klassenlehrer/
class teachers will distribute and collect forms

Schülerveranstaltung/ learner event
26. Juli/ July 26th, 2018 (this morning)

Stichtag/ deadline
15. August/ August 15th, 2018

          Info at www.dsk.co.za
Fragen?/ Questions?
4. Fächer Deutscher Zweig (10-12)
   Subjects German stream (10-12)

 Verpflichtend/ Compulsory
                                             9 or 10
  1. Deutsch/ German Home language
  2. Englisch/ English Home Language     Fächer/ Subjects
  3. Mathematik/ Mathematics
  4. Geschichte/ History
  5. Life Orientation/ Sport

 Verpflichtende Wahlfächer/ Compulsory Choice Subjects
  6.     Afrikaans oder/or Französisch/French
  7.     Musik/Music oder/or Kunst/Arts
  8.-10. Physik/Physics, Chemie/Chemistry, Biologie/Biology
         (mindestens 2/3, at least 2/3)
5. Fächer Englischer Zweig (10-12)
   Subjects English Stream (10-12)

 Verpflichtend/ Compulsory
  1. Englisch/ English Home Language
  2. Mathematik/ Mathematics or Math-Lit
  3. DAF/ German Second Additional Language
  4. Life Orientation

 Verpflichtende Wahlfächer/ Compulsory Choice Subjects
  5. Life Science oder/or Physical Science
  6. Afrikaans oder/or IsiXhosa
Zusatzfächer (mind. 1!)/ additional subjects (at least 1!)
 7.-? Accounting
      Business Studies
      Computer Application Technology
      Design                           at least 7 subjects
      Life Science or Physical Science
      Visual Arts

for a fee: Information Technology, Advanced Programme
           Mathematics, Advanced Programme English
Fächer Englischer Zweig (10-12)
 Subjects English Stream (10-12)

Fächer Deutscher Zweig (10-12)
 Subjects German stream (10-12)
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