Highway diversion, creation and stopping up orders - Guidance Notes January 2020 - Sections 247 and 257 of the Town & Country Planning Act 1990

Highway diversion, creation
    and stopping up orders
    Sections 247 and 257 of the Town & Country Planning Act 1990

                                    Guidance Notes
                                                   January 2020
John Richardson
Inclusive Growth Directorate
Birmingham City Council
1 Lancaster Circus
P.O. Box 28
B1 1TU


Web: www.gov.uk/government/publications/stopping-up-and-diversion-of-highways

Telephone: (0121) 303 7954

1 Lancaster Circus
B4 7DJ

P.O. Box 28
B1 1TU

highway diversion, creation and stopping up orders - contact details

1. Purpose                                              1

2. Legislation                                          2

3. Procedure - Section 247 Orders                       3

4. Procedure - Section 257 Orders                       5

5. Contacts and further advice                          6

6. Consultation                                         7

7. Revisions                                            9

                                    highway diversion, creation and stopping up orders - contents
1   1. Purpose
    These guidance notes provide advice on the procedures for the stopping-                      A developer is advised to notify
    up and diversion of highways pursuant to section 247 and 257 of the                          the Local Planning Authority of any
    Town and Country Planning Act 1990. This is of relevance to developers,                      paths not shown on the Highway
    their agents, transport and town planning consultants, legal advisors,                       Register and whether he considers
    government departments and local authorities. These notes incorporate                        there may be highways under
    the procedural changes brought about by the Growth and Infrastrucure                         Section 31, Highways Act 1980.
    Act, 2013 1 that enable applications for stopping up Orders to be
    submitted in advance of planning permission being granted. An important                      It is a developer’s responsibility
    point to remember; it is a criminal offence to obstruct or otherwise                         to consider fully whether there is
    interfere with the highway or any public rights of way (PROW) without the                    a need to pursue a stopping-up
    authority to do so. Orders cannot be made reptrospectively.                                  application for highways/footpaths
                                                                                                 affected by development. Failure
                                                                                                 to address this issue at the time
    1.1 Identification of Highways                 Where routes are identified as                of the submission of a planning
    A developer should physically                  highway, whether publicly or                  application may cause considerable
    inspect the site at an early stage,            privately maintainable, and they              delays at a later date.
    preferably prior to submission of a            are affected by development, then
    planning application, and identify             a statutory order, usually under the          Where the developer has indicated
    all possible highway routes crossing           terms of the Town and Country                 the presence of possible highways,
    the site on a plan. This exercise              Planning Act 1990, will be required           where Section 31of the Highways
    should cover both vehicular and                to stop up or divert the highways.            Act 1980, might apply, the Local
    pedestrian routes, whether formal              Other routes, although not shown              Planning Authority may include a
    or informal (desire lines, etc) and            on the Highway Register, may                  resolution to authorise the stopping
    complete relevant section of the               have become highway through                   up/diversion of highway under
    planning application form.                     long usage under the provisions               Section 247 or 257 of the Town and
                                                   contained in Section 31, Highways             Country Planning Act 1990.
    A developer should then forward a              Act 1980.
    copy of that plan to:                                                                        The inclusion of this resolution is
                                                   A developer must weigh up and                 to prevent a further loss of time at
    Transportation and Connectivity                consider whether a deemed                     a later stage should the developer
    Highways Information                           dedication is likely to have                  decide he needs to proceed with
    Inclusive Growth Directorate                   occurred. Legal advice from his               the stopping-up/diversion of the
    Birmingham City Council                        solicitor may be required on this             affected highway.
    1 Lancaster Circus                             point.
    Lancaster Circus Queensway                                                                   Local Planning Authorities must
    Birmingham                                     1.2 Planning Process                          publicise any planning application
    B2 2JE                                         In preparing a planning application           which affects highway, right of way
    Telephone: 0121 464 6846                       for submission, a developer should            to which Part iii of the Wildlife and
    This requirement is to obtain a view           assess the impact of his proposed             Countryside Act 1981 applies (i.e a
    on which of the routes are shown               development on all the highways/              way which is, or ought to be, shown
    on the Highway Register are/or                 routes across the site as discussed           on a definitive map).2
    maintained by the Council.                     in 1.1. The planning application
                                                   should preferably contain a
    Note:                                          statement of the impact on
    The Highway Register will only                 highways, and where, for example,
    identify routes already known to               a diversion is appropriate it should
    be highway.                                    be included within the design of
                                                   the development.

     Growth and Infrastructure Act 2013, Chapter 27, Part 11, amending Section 253 of the Town
    and Country Planning Act: ‘Procedure in anticipation of planning permission”.

    Article 8 of the Town and Country planning (general development procedure) Order 1995.

    highway diversion, creation and stopping up orders - purpose
2. Legislation                                                                                                                           2

2.1 Definitions                                  2.2 Section 247 Town and                        2.3 Section 257 Town and
Highway:                                             Country Planning Act 1990                       Country Planning Act 1990
Highway is defined in common law                 This section states that the                    In the case of footpaths and
as a way over which all members                  Secretary of State may, by order,               bridleways this section empowers
of the public have the right to pass             authorise the stopping-up or                    a Local Planning Authority to make
and repass. Their use of the way                 diversion of any highway if he is               a stopping-up or diversion order
must be as of right and not on                   satisfied that it is necessary to               (at a cost to the developer) if it is
sufference or by licence. Highways               do so to enable development 3                   satisfied that it is necessary to do
may be classified as follows:                    to be carried out in accordance                 so for the purpose described in
•    “all -purpose highway” means                with planning permission granted                Section 247.
     one which may be used by all                under Part III of the above Act, or
     classes of traffic, including all           to be carried out by a government               When a planning application
     motor vehicles, vehicles drawn              department.                                     involving a footpath closure/
     by animals, pedal cycles and                                                                diversion is recommended for
     animals being ridden, led or                This section is used for the                    approval it will incorporate the
     driven;                                     stopping-up of all purpose                      following:-
                                                 highways, ie those used by vehicles.
•    “carriageway” means a way                   However footpaths can also be                   “That the Director of Legal
     forming all, or part of, a                  stopped up and diverted pursuant                Services be authorised to make
     highway (other than a cycle                 to the above Act.                               an Order in accordance with the
     track) over which the public                                                                provisions of Section 257 of the
     have a right of way for the                 When a planning application                     Town and Country Planning Act
     passage of vehicles;                        involving a stopping up order is                1990”.
•    “footpath” means a highway                  recommended for approval it will
     over which the public have a                incorporate the following:-                     The officers report should also
     right of way on foot only, not                                                              address briefly the effect of the
     being a footway;                            “That no objection be raised                    footpath closure/diversion and
                                                 to the stopping-up of (name                     give details of any objections to
•    “footway”means a way over                   of highway, if any) and that the                the closure/diversion raised during
     which the public have a right               Department for Transport (DFT)                  consultations.
     of way on foot only (commonly               be requested to make an Order
     called the pavement).                       in accordance with the provisions               The planning application should
•    “bridleway” means a highway                 of Section 247 of the Town and                  also contain a plan identifying the
     over which the public have                  Country Planning Act 1990”.                     footpath(s) to be stopped up or
     rights of way on foot, bicycle                                                              diverted. In the case of a diversion
     and on horseback, or when                   The planning application should                 the diverted route should also be
     leading horses, with or without             also contain a plan identifying the             shown.
     a right to drive any sort of                area(s) of highway to be stopped
     animal along the highway.                   up, diverted, provided or improved              Note:
     There is no other right of way              and anotated in accordance with                 The views of the Highway Authority
     on a bridleway.                             Form TCPA 247.                                  must be sought, at an early stage
                                                                                                 and before an application is made.
•    “Cycletrack” means a way                    The officers report should also
     constituting or comprised in a              address briefly the effect of the
     highway, over which the public              road closure/diversion and give
     have a right of way on pedal                details of any objections to the
     cycles, with or without a right of          closure/diversion raised during
     way on foot. There is no other              consultations.
     right of way on a cycle track.

 “subject to the following provisions of this section, in this Act, except where the context
otherwise requires, “development”, means the carrying out of building, engineering, mining
or other operations in, on, over or under land, or making of any material change in use of any
buildings or other land”.

                                                               highway diversion, creation and stopping up orders - legislation
3   3. Procedure - Section 247 Orders
    Form TCPA 247 (stopping-up and diversion of highways) will normally            interested parties can lodge
    be completed and forwarded to the Department for Transport (DFT)               objections regarding the loss of the
    by the Planning Department for City Council applications. In the case          highway/public right of way.
    of private development the developers would usually be expected to
    make the application. Where a highway is to be stopped up/diverted,            Copies of the Order must also be
    the application should specify the alternative routes available or to be       made available at a local public
    provided.                                                                      office for inspection and can also
                                                                                   be obtained from the National
                                                                                   Transport Casework Team.
    When considering the application        The following items should be
    the Secretary of State must be able     submitted with the application:-       Both the draft Order and notice
    to understand the effect of the         • Copy of planning permission          will be sent to those who may
    development on the highway. The            decision notice.                    be affected or have an interest
    Secretary of State can also include     or                                     in the proposed “stopping-up”.
    within an Order directions for the                                             These include utility companies
                                            •    Copy of the planning              and your local authority (statutory
    provision or improvement of any
                                                 application and any highway       consultees).
    other highway. The developer will
                                                 authority correspondence.
    normally be required to pay the
                                                                                   It is the responsibility of the
    cost of such work. He must also         •    One set of the site layout        applicant/developer or developing
    know that the Highway Authority              plan(s) as approved by the        department to ensure that the
    have been fully consulted on the             above planning permission.        notices are posted/maintained
    proposed stopping-up or diversion.      or                                     during both objection periods.
    When applying in advance of             •    ONE set of the site layout        The notices should be displayed/
    planning permission, it will be              plan(s) proposal as submitted     maintained in a prominent position
    necessary to enclose a copy of the           with the planning application.    at each end of the area of highway/
    planning application along with any                                            footpath to be “stopped-up”.
    associated highway and site layout      •    One plan indicating the site
                                                 boundary edged red and the        NB. Failure to comply with these
    plans (it is not necessary to provide
                                                 existing highway boundary         requirements will result in a delay
    elevation plans).
                                                 within the approved site edged    to the Order being made.
    To ensure that applications are              blue.
    dealt with expeditiously, it is in                                             3.2 Objections
    the applicant’s interest to have        •    Two copies of an existing         Objections to the proposed
    had discussions with the planning            highway layout plan showing       Order will be copied to the
    authority and the highway authority          the highway to be stopped up      applicant/developer or developing
    prior to submitting a stopping up            or diverted, including any new    department. It is their responsibility
    application. As once a draft Order           highways to be maintained         to negotiate with the objector(s)
    has been published, any changes              at the public expense or any      with a view to resolving the issues
    to the area(s) to be stopped up may          improvements.                     raised. If objections cannot be
    require restarting the process, thus    •    One unmarked copy of the          resolved then under section
    diminishing the benefit of making            stopping up plan.                 252(4) of the Town and Country
    an early application.                                                          Planning Act 1990, the Secretary
                                            •    One copy of any Compulsory        of State has the authority to
    Additionally, any post planning              Purchase Order (if applicable).   cause a local inquiry. However,
    permission amendments to                                                       under section 252(5) of the
    development schemes that                                                       1990 Act, if he is satisfied that
                                            3.1 Consultation - Process
    increase/alter the area(s) of highway                                          there are special circumstances
                                            Once the details of an application
    land to be stopped up may require                                              which make the holding of an
                                            have been agreed with this office,
    a new Stopping Up Order                                                        inquiry uneccessary (and that the
                                            the draft Order and public notice
                                            will be produced containing details    outstanding objections are not
    Applications without planning
                                            of the proposal (see diagram           Utility Companies), then he has the
    permission will be processed up to
                                            page 4). The publication of the        discretion to dispense with that
    the making of the Order. Applicants
                                            draft Order notice in at least         inquiry and can issue a decision
    will need to provide this office with
                                            one local newspaper and in the         based on the information that he
    a copy of the planning decision
                                            London Gazette triggers the 28         has on file.
    notice before the Order can be
    made.                                   day consultation period in which

    highway diversion, creation and stopping up orders - procedure s247

3.3 Making an Order                     •      Whether a written                                     3.5 Costs
The Stopping Up Order will only be             representations period or a                           There are currently no fees involved
made when the following criteria               public inquiry is required to                         in this process for highways outside
have been met:                                 consider any objections – this                        of London borough Authorities.
• The planning permission                      will considerably extend the
   decision notice has been                    time before a decision can be
   received and                                made.
•   All objections have been
    withdrawn formally, or                                              Stopping Up of Highway - Stage 1
•   If written representations have     Application received by the Department for Transport
                                                                                                      Application registered by the Casework Team and
                                                                                                      initial check carried out to ensure all documentation is
    been considered, or                 Casework Team via email or post                               attached

•   An inquiry has been held, and
    the inspector’s report and          Once the draft Order, notice and plan are approved,
                                                                                                      Application assisgned and assessed by casework officer
    recommendations have been           publication of the notice is arranged.
                                        Draft documents sent to applicant, consultees and             who prepares draft Order, notice and plan
    considered.                         placed on deposit

Once the above criteria have
been met a decision will be made        Applicant arranges for the draft notice to be displayed
                                        on site at either ends of the highway to be stopped up        Date of publication - start of 28 day consultation period
on whether the Order should             on or before the date of publication
be finalised. The decision will
be notified to the applicant and
interested parties. Additionally            Objections received are sent to applicant to resolve
                                                                                                      No objections received - the order can be made following
                                                                                                      the expiry date of the consultation period
a notice regarding the decision
will be published in the same
manner as the draft Order.                                 Objections unresolved                        Objections cleared
Once the Order is published, it
is subject to a six week period
within which challenges to the
validity of that Order can be made
                                             Full Public Inquiry         Written Representation
in the High Court.The Order
would cease to have effect if the
planning permission expires or                             Decision letter issued
the development could not be
                                                                        Stopping Up of Highway - Stage 2
3.4 Timescales                                            Not made order process                                        Made Order process
The Department aims to process
Orders where there are no
                                               Not made notice created by casework officer            Made Order, notice and plan created by casework officer
objections within 13 weeks from
receipt of all necessary information.
However it should be noted that         Once the not made notice is approved the publication          Once the made Order notice and plan are approved, the
                                        of the notice is arranged. Notice also sent to the            publication of the notice is arranged. Made documents
certain factors will impact on this     applicant and consultees                                      sent to the applicant and consultees
• Whether planning permission
                                                            Date of publication
    has been granted at the time
    the stopping up application is
    submitted;                          Date of publication - start of 6 week High Court               Applicant displays made notices at either ends of the
                                        Challenge period                                               highway being stopped up

•   Whether objections are made
    to the draft Order;                           End of High Court Challenge period - Highway can be stopped up to enable development to take place

•   Whether changes are made
    to the area(s) to be stopped
    up following the draft Order
    publication;                        Diagram: Section 247 procedure

                                                  highway diversion, creation and stopping up orders - procedure s247
5   4. Procedure - Section 257 Orders
    The procedure is the same as a Section 247 order (as described in steps          •   Whether planning permission
    3.1 to 3.3, however, the Local Authority will carry out the process (costs of        has been granted at the time
    which will be charged to the applicant/developer) including consultation             the stopping up application is
    with the utility companies.                                                          submitted;

    In the case of Diversion Orders,         Birmingham City Council                 •   Whether objections are made
    the Order will not come into effect      will normally expect you (the               to the draft Order;
    (ie the existing path may not be         developer) to pay for the full cost
    removed or obstructed) until:-           of an Order, which on average           •   Whether changes are made
                                             amounts to approximately £10,000.           to the area(s) to be stopped
    1. The design/specification of           However if you are applying for
       the proposed path has been                                                        up following the draft Order
                                             more than one path the costs will           publication;
       checked and approved by               be greater.
       BCC Transportation Private
       Developments Team.                                                            •   Whether a written
                                             The costs are split into two
                                                                                         representations period or a
                                             payments, the first payment is
    2. The diverted route is in                                                          public inquiry is required to
                                             payable once the order is Made
       place and notification has                                                        consider any objections - this
                                             and advertised, the second is
       been received by the Legal                                                        will considerably extend the
                                             payable upon Confirmation of the
       Services Department that the                                                      time before a decision can be
                                             Order. Developers will be invoiced
       route has been inspected                                                          made.
                                             direct by Birmingham City Council’s
       and meets the requirements            Finance & Legal Department.
       of the Transportation Private                                                 4.3 Scope
       Developments Team.                    These costs include the                 Orders pursuant to Section 257
                                             administration of the order as well     can only be made in advance of
    Once the above have been                 as two newspaper adverts which          development being carried out.
    complied with, the Local Authority       are required by the legislation.        These Orders cannot be sought
    will take steps to bring the                                                     retrospectively.
    Diversion Order into effect.             In the case of diversion orders
                                             there will be additional costs as
    4.1 Costs                                discussed in points 1 and 2. These
    The Local Planning Authority may         are currently set by Birmingham
    recover costs from a developer           City Council’s Transportation and
    requesting the Authority to make         Connectivity Private Developments
    an Order, as outlined in “The Local      Team. Developers will be invoiced
    Authorities (Charges for Overseas        direct by Transportation and
    Assistance and Public Path Orders)       Connectivity.
    Regulations 1996”.                       Written confirmation from the
                                             developer (including Council
    These Regulations state that:            Departments) that such costs will
                                             be met, is required prior to an
    “Authorities may charge for the          Order being made.
    administrative costs incurred
    in the making of an Order. The
                                             4.2 Timescales
    amount which may be charged
                                             The Department aims to process
    must not exceed the costs actually
                                             Orders where there are no
    incurred and, in the case of
                                             objections within 13 weeks from
    opposed Orders, a charge may be
                                             receipt of all necessary information.
    made only for the administrative
    costs incurred up to the point           However it should be noted that
    where the Order is submitted             certain factors will impact on this
    to the Secretary of State for            timescale:
    determination and, where
    such Orders are subsequently
    confirmed, in advertising that

    highway diversion, creation and stopping up orders - procedure s257
5. Contacts and further advice                                                                                         6

Birmingham City Council                  Tarndip Singh Sidhu
Mahroof Malik                            Senior Solicitor
Lead Rights of Way Officer               Legal and Finance Department
Transportation and Connectivity          Finance and Governance
Highways Information                     Birmingham City Council
Inclusive Growth Directorate             10 Woodcock Street
Birmingham City Council                  Birmingham
1 Lancaster Circus                       B7 4BL
Lancaster Circus Queensway               Telephone:
Birmingham                               0121 303 3188
B2 2JE                                   Email:
Telephone:                               tarndip.sidhu@birmingham.gov.uk
0121 464 6846
mahroof.malik@birmingham.gov.uk          Department for Transport
                                         Neil Crass
                                         National Transport Casework Team
Sharon Nembhard                          Department for Transport
Private Developments Officer             Tyneside House,
Infrastructure Delivery,                 Skinnerburn Road,
Transportation and Connectivity          Newcastle Business Park,
Inclusive Growth Directorate             Newcastle upon Tyne,
Birmingham City Council                  NE4 7AR
1 Lancaster Circus                       Telephone:
Lancaster Circus Queensway               020 7944 4162
Birmingham                               020 7944 4115 (general number)
B4 7DQ                                   Email:
Telephone:                               nationalcasework@dft.gsi.gov.uk
0121 675 8734

John Richardson
Senior Planning Officer
Inclusive Growth Directorate
Birmingham City Council
1 Lancaster Circus
Lancaster Circus Queensway
B1 1TU
0121 303 7954

                                    highway diversion, creation and stopping up orders - contacts and further advice
7   6. Consultation
    The following statutory undertakers    Communications - Virgin Media       Birmingham City Council
    (utility companies) and services       National Plant Enquiries            Roads and Footpaths
    are consulted in all cases by either   Scimitar park                       Mahroof Malik
    Birmingham City Council or the         Courtauld Road                      Lead Rights of Way Officer
    Department for Transport.              Basildon Essex                      Transportation and Connectivity
                                           SS13 1ND                            Highways Information
    Gas - National Grid UK                 email:                              Inclusive Growth Directorate
    email requests only                    plant.enquiries.team@virginmedia.   Birmingham City Council
    plantprotection@uk.ngrid.com           co.uk                               1 Lancaster Circus
                                                                               Lancaster Circus Queensway
    Electric - National Grid UK            Communications - Easynet            Birmingham
    email requests only                    Telecom (BSkyB)                     B2 2JE
    plantprotection@uk.ngrid.com           NRSWA Department                    Telephone:
                                           Network Infrastructure & Planning   0121 464 6846
    Electric - Western Power               BSKYB Telecommunications            Email:
    Distribution, Wayleaves                Services Ltd                        mahroof.malik@birmingham.gov.uk
    Pegasus Business Park, Herald Way,     70 Buckingham Avenue
    East Midlands Airport,                 Slough                              Street Lights, Highway Drainage
    Castle Donnington                      SL1 4PN                             and Street Funiture
    Tel: 02476 195721                      Tel: +44 (0) 207 032 3234/250       Kamyar Tavassoli
    email:                                 email:                              Infrastructure Manager
    wpdwayleavesmidlands@                  nrswa@bskyb.com                     Street Services Division
    westernpower.co.uk                                                         Highways
                                           Communications - Cable &            Inclusive growth Directorate
    Water - Severn Trent Water             Wireless (Vodafone Ltd)             Birmingham City Council
    (Sewerage) Asset Protection            email requests only                 1 Lancaster Circus
    Regis Road                             osm.enquiries@atkinsglobal.com      Lancaster Circus Queensway
    Tettanhall                                                                 B4 7DQ
    Wolverhampton WV6 8RU                  Police - West Midlands Police       Tel: 0121 303 7346
    Tel: 01902 793871                      Lloyd House
    email:                                 Colmore Circus                      Private Developments
    new.connections@severntrent.co.uk      Queensway                           Sharon Nembhard
                                           Birmingham                          Private Developments Officer
    Water - Severn Trent Water             B4 6NQ                              Infrastructure Delivery,
    (Clear Water) Asset Protection                                             Transportation and Connectivity
    Miscellaneous Income,                  Fire - West Midlands Fire Service   Inclusive Growth Directorate
    PO Box 5311,                           Chief Fire Officer                  Birmingham City Council
    Coventry,                              Fire Service HQ                     1 Lancaster Circus
    CV3 9FL                                99 Vauxhall Road                    Lancaster Circus Queensway
    email:                                 Birmingham                          Birmingham
    new.connections@severntrent.co.uk      B7 4HW                              B4 7DQ
    Communications - British               Ambulance - West Midlands           0121 675 8734
    Telecommunications Plc                 Ambulance Service                   Email:
    Openreach                              Regional Ambulance Headquarters     sharon.nembhard@birmingham.gov.uk
    Repayments Alterations                 Millennium Point
    PP2.35E Midland ATE                    Waterfront Business Park,
    60 Station Street                      Waterfront Way
    Birmingham                             Brieley Hill
    B5 4AL                                 West Midlands
    Tel: 0121 230 4243                     DY5 1LX

    highway diversion, creation and stopping up orders - consultation

The Ramblers
Mr M Bird
Footpaths Secretary
Warwickshire Area
Ramblers’ Association
16 Melford Hall Road
West Midlands
B91 2ES

Depending upon the location of
the development, the following
may not always be consulted:
Water Supplies (Sutton
Coldfield Area)
South Staffordshire Water Works
Green Lane
West Midlands

River and Water Courses
Environment Agency
550 Streetsbrook Road
B91 1QT

                                  highway diversion, creation and stopping up orders - consultation
9   7. Revisions
    August 1995                            March 2011
    (4) Procedure. Wording of              Department for Transport revised
    recommendations as advised by          contact and address.
    BCC Legal Services.                    November 2011
                                           Revised wording of notes.
    July 1996                              Updated contact/utilities/services
    (8) Contacts and Consultation List.    names and addresses.
    November 1996: Revised
    Regulations for recovery of costs.     January 2012
                                           Revised wording in accordance
    May 1998                               with BCC Street Services Division
    (4) Procedure - Section 257.           comments.

    November 1998                          March 2013
    Contacts and Consultation List.        DFT change of address and
                                           statutory undertakers address
    November 2000                          changes.
    Costs and general revisions (4).
                                           June 2013
    June 2003                              Procedural changes brought about
    Revised contacts.                      by the Growth and Infrastructure
                                           Act 2013.
    October 2004
    Consultaion List.                      February 2017
                                           Revised contacts and URLs.
    January 2005                           Costs in relation to S257 Orders.
    GOWM change of address &
    contact numbers.                       May 2017
                                           Revised contacts and wording in
    July 2006                              accordance with Infrastructure
    GOWM changed name to                   Delivery, Transportation and
    Department for Communities and         Connectivity comments.
    Local Government (DCLG).
                                           August 2019
    April 2008                             Costs updated.
    Department for Communities
    and Local Government (DCLG)            January 2020
    - reviewed casework, three new         Contacts/addresses updated
    centralised Teams - Revised

    Dec 2008
    Statutory Undertakers List.

    June 2009
    Statutory Undertakers List.

    September 2009
    Statutory Undertakers List.

    May 2010

    highway diversion, creation and stopping up orders - revisions

highway diversion, creation and stopping up orders - revisions
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