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University of Hawai‘i at Hilo   HOHONU 2018   Vol. 16

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    Academic Journal
           University of Hawai‘i at Hilo

University of Hawai‘i at Hilo    HOHONU 2018   Vol. 16

                        Hohonu is a publication funded by
                      University of Hawai‘i at Hilo student fees.

                All production and printing costs are administered by:
                            University of Hawai‘i at Hilo
                            Board of Student Publications
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                    All rights revert to the writers upon publication.
All requests for reproduction and other propositions should be directed to the writers.

The views and opinions expressed in these articles are those of the authors and do not
     necessarily reflect the views and opinions of Hohonu, or any of its affiliates.

                             Cover photo by Carlie Reader.

University of Hawai‘i at Hilo          HOHONU 2018           Vol. 16

Table of Contents

Chum in the Water
By: Anderson, Kaleigh................................................................................................................................................ 1

Sustainable Clean Energy and Hawai‘i’s Movement Away from Fossil Fuel Reliance
By: Dancer, Brandon.................................................................................................................................................. 5

The Mana Wahine of Hawai‘i
By: Dasalla, U‘ilani.................................................................................................................................................... 8

Ab-Seuss-Lutely: The Benefits of Dr. Seuss Books
By: Figueira, Misty.................................................................................................................................................... 11

Psychoanalytic Examination of Stranger Things’ Eleven:
Trials and Tribulations of Childhood Trauma on the “Child-Hero”
By: Gronowski, Chrisovolandou “Vol”..................................................................................................................... 14

Understanding What it Means to Be Asian-American
By: Macasieb, Sharlene............................................................................................................................................ 17

West Coast Tensions: The Push for Internment in World War II
By: Miura, James...................................................................................................................................................... 20

The Effects of Seating Arrangements on Small Group Leadership Emergence
By: Morris, Juliann.................................................................................................................................................... 26

Immigration Assimilation vs. Native American Assimilation
By: Nicolas, Christine............................................................................................................................................... 30

Benign Neglect: The Foreign Policy Towards Ebjä of the Republic of Marshall Islands
By: Sergeyev, Artem................................................................................................................................................. 33

Darwin, Spiegelman, and Foucault: The Connection between Science, Memoir, and Critical Theory
By: Staats, Kimberlee J.............................................................................................................................................. 37

The Colonization of Aotearoa: A Historiography
By: Traub, Wainani.................................................................................................................................................. 41

University of Hawai‘i at Hilo    HOHONU 2018   Vol. 16

University of Hawai‘i at Hilo       HOHONU 2018   Vol. 16

L-R: Misty Figueira, Annalisa Ching, Heather Simon, U‘ilani Dasalla

                                             Letters from the Editors

        I had always wanted an editing job and was so happy to be chosen as a general editor! I am glad I am got to know
everyone since I was hired in October. This is not to say that the process was not difficult at times; I honestly was not
initially prepared for how much work goes into editing, especially electronically. It took a lot of focus and a methodical
approach to work that, even in doing well in school, I had never really used. I learned more about grammar, structure,
and even those pesky bibliographies (kind of kidding!) that I had never known. Nevertheless, I finally learned how to
use Google Drive, and I really enjoyed working with a variety of authors. These awesome people were open to the
new experience with me of getting their fascinating and diverse papers ready to be in top shape for publication! Still,
none of this would have been possible without the amazing Hohonu team that let me participate in their journey,
including vibrant meetings and events! I am so thankful that I was able to be part of such a hardworking, patient, and
good-humored team! Thanks so much!!


Annalisa S. Ching

University of Hawai‘i at Hilo    HOHONU 2018   Vol. 16

      Being a general editor for Hohonu has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. I became active
in student life, more outgoing, and sharpened my grammar and editing skills. The selection process for this year’s
issue was grueling, and we had so many amazing papers to choose from; each paper I read taught me a lot about
the students who attend University of Hawai‘i at Hilo. We are diverse, cultured, and intelligent on every level, and
the 2017-18 issue, Vol. 16, greatly reflects this. To the authors who were published this year: thank you so much for
submitting your academic work and for being extremely cooperative and hardworking throughout the editing process.
Without you, there would be no Hohonu issue, and for that you are greatly appreciated.
      I also want to give a huge mahalo to my Hohonu team! To Misty and Annalisa: I am so incredibly grateful to have
worked alongside wonderful human beings, filled with life and love for others and their work. We created a humble,
respectful, and enjoyable environment in the office, as well as outside of it. To Mama Heather: we’ve only met this
year, and I feel like I’ve known you for a lifetime. Thank you for taking me under your wing and being understanding
and compassionate through all the curveballs life threw us; you have no idea how awesome of an Editor-in-Chief
you are. To our faculty/staff advisors: Kirsten Mollegaard, Justina Mattos, and Maile Boggeln: Thank you for being
our shadows, both supporting and advising Hohonu. Finally, to BoSP: Thank you for taking such great care of your
“children,” because what you all do is marvelous and does not go unnoticed.
      I enjoyed this opportunity to work in a publication and create new friendships and connections, and I am forever
grateful for the fond memories.The only regret I have is not having applied last academic year, because I think I could
have been a bomb Editor-in-Chief! It’s my last year at University of Hawai‘i at Hilo, and it has been the most fantastic
one of my undergraduate career. I am truly honored to have been a General Editor for this incredible publication.

Me ke aloha,

U‘ilani Dasalla

Hi everyone!

       This has been an amazing year working for Hohonu. There were some challenges, but for the most part, the
entire process went really smoothly. And so, as a result, I have some Thank You’s:
       Annalisa - It was so cool getting to meet and work with you, my fellow gluten-free buddy! Your positive attitude
and calm, understanding demeanor is admirable. I appreciate you and every time you offered me snacks!
       Mama Heather - You are were a phenomenal Editor-in-Chief and an even greater person. You were truly the best
“Mama” of Hohonu, as you were nothing but cool, calm, and collected, from beginning to end. Your caring attitude
is something I will forever be grateful for. I really cannot express how great of an experience it was working under
you - you were the best. I am sad you are graduating because I will miss you so much, but I know you will go so far in
whatever you choose to do!
       U‘i - My fellow hair sister and maaaary! I appreciate your work ethic, how much work you put into Hohonu, the
“can-do” attitude that you put into everything you do, and most importantly: your curls! I will miss you so much when
you graduate, but you better believe I’m visiting!
       Kanilehua’s staff, BOSP’s staff, Gramma, Maile, Matt, and everyone who works in the building where my loud
voice can be heard - Thank you for helping us to make this issue possible and for not minding my loud laughs either,
       Everyone who submitted - We literally could not have had this issue without you! It was a really competitive
selection process because every paper was special. Congratulations if you were published! Thank you to everyone
who was patient with me through the whole process of editing papers and getting them ready. And please, please,
submit again next year if your paper was not published!
       The biggest and best Thank You of all - To you, the reader! You are a huge part of Hohonu.
       If you have made it this far, congratulations! Haha. I am incredibly proud of this issue. I hope that you genuinely
enjoy all of the hard work and talent that is showcased and that you learn something new. After you are done reading,
please pick up a copy of our sister publication, Kanilehua. You will not be disappointed!

Me Ke Aloha,

Misty Figueira
General Editor

University of Hawai‘i at Hilo     HOHONU 2018   Vol. 16

       Editor-in-Chief is a title I never thought I would hold. However, this experience has been one that will live
forever in my memory. Much of the time, I felt like I was not doing anything--my team is THAT good. I knew that I
was growing as a person and as a leader, but I was not sure what effect that was having on this publication. I am so
incredibly grateful to my team for all of their hard work, for making my job seem easy when I imagined it was going to
be the most stressful, and for stepping up and taking responsibility for their work.
       Annalisa~ It has been my pleasure to get to know you, to see a different perspective through you, and to be able
to work with you. I am blessed to know you. You light up a room when you walk into it, as you are almost always
smiling and laughing. I am grateful for all of the energy and time you put into this publication this year.
       U‘ilani~ Wow! You came bursting into my life at the beginning of the year like a bolt of lightning. You have
brightened my world more than you will ever know. I am so extremely grateful for all you have done for this publication
and your drive to always want to do more is inspiring.
       Misty~ You, Misty, are one of the strongest women I know. I mean that with EVERY ounce of my being. Your
perseverance is second to none. I am so grateful to you for all of the effort and energy you have put into helping make
this year’s issue what it is. Through all of the struggles, you never lost sight of our goal.
       BOSP~ Gabby, Hannah, Ciarra, Veronica, Eddie, and April-- I could not have asked for a better Board to work
under. You helped to make my life easy this year. Thank you for all of your ideas, your generous support, and
everything that you have done to help Hohonu be the best that it can be.
       Advisors~ Dr. Kirsten Mollegaard, Dr. Justina Mattos, and Maile Boggeln-- Mahalo Nui for all of you have done
for me and for Hohonu. We could not have done this without your support and guidance. I thank you all from the
bottom of my heart.
       And lastly, to ALL of the students at UH Hilo ~ THANK YOU! We do this for you.

Signing off,
Heather K. Simon

University of Hawai‘i at Hilo     HOHONU 2018   Vol. 16

University of Hawai‘i at Hilo   HOHONU 2018     Vol. 16

Chum in the Water                                                    order to help save the film, Spielberg was counting on
                                                                     Williams to create a strong score that would produce
    Kaleigh Anderson                                                 a dark and sweeping identity for the shark. The score
                                                                     was meant to match the increasing blood pressure of the
        “In the twilight of July 1, 1916, 25-year-old                shark, representing its internalized zeal before attacking
Charles Vansant bled to death in a beachfront hotel in               its unlucky targets. Even if a fin appeared from the water,
New Jersey. Several men had pulled his maimed body                   if William’s “duh-dumm” theme was not heard, then
from the water” ignorant to the cause of such malicious              there was no reason to worry or panic (Filmtracks).
wounds. Two weeks later, three more people were dead                        Researchers have found a connection between
(McCall). In 1975, a masterful, visceral and realistic               horror movie music and the screeches of young
science-fiction, suspense/horror-disaster film was                   frightened animals. It is believed there are biologically-
released onto the silver screen -- one that tapped into              ingrained reasons why sudden, dissonant sounds and
the most primal of human fears (Dirks). Jaws dominated               minor chords, like the Williams’s “duh-duh” cords in
the box office and gave birth to a new perspective of                Jaws, make humans apprehensive. These off-setting
sharks that paralleled with a deadly stereotype—one that             noises trigger a naturally rooted response by making us
is killing sharks by the millions every year. The stereotype         think our young are threatened, thus producing anxiety
of sharks today is due to the media’s influence over                 (Haggin). Alongside the predatory label placed on
shark’s behavior, thus creating a significant fear of the            sharks, Jaws triggered in us the fear of these fish with
species in the general public. In turn, this fear reduces            two musical notes that continue to produce high torment
a lack of compassion for the mysterious fish, making                 whenever heard. However, Jaws is not the only source of
conservation efforts problematic.                                    highly publicized media to have slandered the image of
        One hundred and two years ago in 1916, the                   sharks.
“New Jersey Shark Attacks” commenced the beginning                          Films that have plots paralleling an overly
of a mass-media stereotype that continues to cling to                carnivorous shark antagonizing humans have titles
sharks today. When the attacks occurred, people were                 that reflect the negativity and violence that the sharks
skeptical. At this time, people were fairly certain that             in the films portray. Films such as Sharknado (2013),
sharks could not bite people. People knew sharks ate the             Jaws of Death (1976), Red Water (2003), Deep Blue Sea
flesh of other ocean creatures but there was dispute over            (1999), The Shallows (2016), and Blue Demon (2004) all
whether they would—or could—bring down a human.                      suggest villainous sharks (Thompson). Child-based films
What were once thought to be frightening-looking yet                 with antagonist sharks include The Little Mermaid and
essentially benevolent animals became man-eating                     Finding Nemo.
predators (McCall). And so began the fear of sharks.                        In The Little Mermaid, Ariel and Flounder explore a
This new attitude brought us Jaws, the 1974 Best Seller              shipwreck, but they encounter a horrific shark that attacks
novel written by Peter Benchley, and a year later, one of            them. The shark’s eyes are yellow and red; suggesting the
the first and greatest horror films ever made. The novel             archetype of devilish tendencies and horror. The shark’s
and film were based on these real-life Jersey attacks and            mouth and teeth are overly exaggerated to give off a
thus a very real and terrifying antagonist emerged. Jaws             monstrous identity and produce fear in the audience.
embodied the ultimate stereotype placed on sharks and                This Disney depiction teaches children that sharks are
captured that violent image in such a convincing way                 blood-thirsty predators that will eat anything in their
that it laid the stepping stones for future movies, books,           paths. However, in contrast, Finding Nemo’s “Bruce”
TV shows, and even news reports to portray sharks in a               (named after Spielberg’s machine) is a well-known and
monstrous light. The trailer of Jaws proceeds with the               even well-liked character in the film. Because Finding
epitome of the stereotype, when the narrator expresses               Nemo is a family/children’s film, Bruce’s appearance is
the following to viewers:                                            made to draw children’s attention to his gigantic girth,
        There is a creature alive today who has survived             toothy grin, and beady eyes. These physical aspects
        millions of years of evolution without change,               highlight the stereotypical shark-image that the media
        without passion, and without logic. It lives to              has shaped. However, in contrast to his appearance,
        kill. A mindless eating machine, it will attack and          Bruce’s personality —despite being unpredictable—is
        devour anything. It is as though God created                 friendly. His welcoming character is clearly displayed
        the devil and gave us – JAWS. (IMDb)                         during the “shark meeting” inside the sunken submarine
        In Jaws, Spielberg’s ingenious mechanical shark,             where Bruce and his two companions, Anchor, and
respectively named “Bruce,” devoured his human prey                  Chum, recite their motto.
whole and demolished a sturdy fishing boat while                            I am a nice shark, not a mindless eating machine.
swimming in his victim’s blood, capturing the man-eating                    If I am to change this image, I must first change
label perfectly (Dirks). Because Bruce malfunctioned                        myself. Fish are friends, not food. (Finding Nemo)
ninety percent of the time during production, the twenty-            This motto directly relates back to the opening trailer
five-foot shark would have lacked intimidation without               of Jaws and suggests that Disney is trying to alter the
John Williams’ iconic, two-noted music progression. In               perception of a shark’s behavior by twisting the stereotype

University of Hawai‘i at Hilo   HOHONU 2018     Vol. 16

the media has always placed on sharks. However, after                ecosystem could collapse (Collier). Many species
smelling blood, Bruce’s friendly façade disappears.                  sit at the top of the food chain, keeping other marine
He turns violent when his primal instincts take over,                animal populations in check. Some sharks feed on the
demonstrating his blood-thirstiness and exemplifying the             sick and weak, helping prey populations stay healthy
shark stereotype once more. In the media, it is not only             (Edmonds). Due to media influences, people visualize
films that have cast sharks’ images into the dark depths             sharks as demons from the depths rather than a vital part
of society’s nightmares, but TV shows also contribute to             in the oceans’ balance of the food chain. It is because
sharks’ downfall.                                                    of this media warp and misunderstanding that sharks’
       For the past twenty-seven years, Discovery                    importance is not widely known. According to the
Channel has ruled the airways for a week in late June or             International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN),
early July to shower a cascade of shark documentaries                shark populations have been on a rapid decline due to
onto the public. At its best, Shark Week educates viewers            overfishing, environmental loss, finning, and pollution.
about the most misunderstood animals on the planet,                  Still, some sharks have felt this decline more than others,
while inspiring them to protect the oceans. However, at              landing them on the IUCN’s endangered species list.
its worst, Shark Week does the opposite: perpetuating                        One species of shark that is on the IUCN’s “Red
fear and misunderstanding. “The absolute worst of Shark              List of Threatened Species” is the Rhincodon typus or
Week did not just sensationalize the reality of sharks;              whale shark. Whale sharks are known around the world
it mockumentary-ized it, using fake experts and videos               as being gentle giants, as they are the world’s largest
in specials such as ‘Megalodon: The Monster Lives.’                  living fish, but its name perceives it to be a whale-sized,
Viewers reacted strongly to this specific special due to             toothy predator—again highlighting the stereotype that
the fact that there was not a shred of relative evidence             just the word “shark” implies teeth and danger. The
that suggested that megalodons exist, and yet the show               whale shark is a magnificent creature to behold. In its
aired in the context of an educational TV channel”                   average 100-120 year lifespan it can grow to be sixty feet
(Shiffman). Discovery Channel’s revered Shark Week                   long, weighing more than a few school buses combined
also aired plenty of specials focusing on sharks attacking           (WWF). However, due to its gentle nature, slow moving
people, but many of the sharks on the specials, such                 speed, large size, and long maturation development,
as “Ten Deadliest Species of Sharks” have never been                 it is easy prey for international fishing industries and
associated with a single human fatality. The American                illegal trading (The Nature Conservancy). Unlike many
Elasmobranch Society, the world’s largest professional               of its flesh-eating distant relatives of shark species, whale
organization of shark scientists, has urged social media             sharks are filter feeders; their large 5-foot mouths engulf
style guides to retire the phrase “shark-attack” in favor of         and filter water through their gills to pick out plankton
more accurate and less inflammatory words scaled to real             (WWF). This shark is not a man-eating shark; rather, it
risks and outcomes, such as “shark/human encounters”                 is completely friendly with people, but nonetheless, its
or “interaction” (Shiffman).                                         name and large size still produce anxiety for those who
        In regards to real risks and outcomes, Discovery             may not be familiar with the species. Whale sharks, like
states in their Shark Week website that “Rather than                 many other sharks, are poorly understood due to their
being afraid of sharks, people should be afraid for sharks,          rarity and irregular migration patterns, thus hindering
as their populations are seriously threatened.” Despite              conservationists’ abilities to protect them. Despite their
Shark Week’s fabricated specials, the ultimate goal of the           uniqueness, the whale sharks’ magnificence is often
week-long spectacle is to promote conservation efforts               overlooked by the ocean’s most popular, but also most
for sharks and bring awareness to sharks’ depleting                  misunderstood predator: the great white shark.
numbers. Discovery quotes that “There is no Shark                            The Carcharodon carcharias, or great white shark,
Week without sharks. Sharks are disappearing. Scientists             has dominated the media’s stereotype of the man-eating
have seen crucial populations drop 90 percent in just                monster that lurks beneath the ocean’s surface. The great
one generation. Together, we CAN protect them through                white is the largest predatory fish on the earth. According
national and international efforts and to ban the trade of           to E. O. Wilson, an American biologist, researcher,
shark fins.” This statement summarizes the problematic               theorist and author, great whites are a “... a top carnivore,
decline of sharks and highlights the fact that sharks are            a killing machine, and the last free predator of man—the
creatures that need to be protected. The media, perhaps              most frightening animal on earth”(Marinebio). However,
unknowingly, has caused misunderstandings about                      this common perception of these increasingly threatened
sharks’ behavior -- contributing to a lack of knowledge              animals is changing as we disregard portrayals of them
about different types of sharks, which thus threatens the            in traditional media, and learn more about them with the
existence of the species as a whole.                                 help of technology and social media.
       Sharks of all shapes and sizes are apex predators;                    As waterproof video cameras, GoPros, become
playing a critical role in the ecosystems they inhabit. If           more popular, people are increasingly filming these
sharks became extinct, the populations of crustaceans,               massive beasts—and expanding scientists’ views on the
fish, and marine mammals could increase dramatically,                upper limit for white shark size and their unpredictable
setting off a ‘cascading’ effect, whereupon the entire               mannerisms. The massive popularity of social media

University of Hawai‘i at Hilo   HOHONU 2018      Vol. 16

has also increased awareness and conservation efforts                occurs in the shark’s natural habitat with no human
for the depleting numbers of white sharks. Christopher               provocation of the shark. “Provoked attacks” occur
Lowe, a shark biologist at California State University               when a human initiates physical contact with a shark,
in Long Beach, states that this new technology and use               e.g. a diver is bitten after grabbing a shark, attacks on
of social media is the thing that has changed the game               spearfishers and those feeding sharks, bites occurring
for sharks today. He’s hoping education will help limit              while unhooking or removing a shark from a fishing net,
injuries at the beach and generally prevent people from              etc. Of the remaining thirty cases, eighteen involved bites
freaking out when they see a fin in the water (Long                  to motorized or non-motorized marine vessels (“boat
Beach Press-Telegram). Social media’s involvement                    attacks”), two involved shark-inflicted post-mortem
with conservation efforts was demonstrated clearly in                bites (“scavenge”), four were cases in which the shark-
2015, off the western coast of Mexico’s Baja California,             human interaction could not be confirmed based on the
Guadalupe Island’s biologist Mauricio Hoyos Padilla                  available data, and one case involved a diver in a public
posted a Facebook video of what he claims is the biggest             aquarium (French). On average, there is less than one
great white shark ever filmed: an approximately twenty-              shark-attack death every two years in the United States,
foot long female dubbed Deep Blue. Most great whites                 according to records. Almost 6,000 people die from
are around twelve to fourteen feet long. Deep Blue,                  tripping and falling at home each year, thus highlighting
despite her length, was also thought to have been very               the outrageous over-publicization by the media of shark
pregnant due to the size of her massive girth and was                attacks when the chances of being attacked by a shark
thus pronounced the largest shark ever filmed. The video             are slim to none (WNYY). However, with the increasing
went viral, and Hoyos Padilla—as well as Lowe—believe                global climate, more people are likely to be at beaches
that Deep Blue’s video, as well as more knowledge of                 where shark migration patterns and their food sources
sharks, can help dispel some of their myths. “For one,               are most prevalent. Peter Benchley, the author of the
the majority of white sharks won’t immediately swim up               1974 novel Jaws, stated that “We provoke a shark every
and attack you,” says Lowe. The video captures Deep                  time we enter the water where sharks happen to be, for
Blue nonchalantly gliding next to a diver on top of a                we forget: The ocean is not our territory - it’s theirs.”
cage. She is just curious and is instinctually investigating         Regardless of shark’s dominance on the oceanic food
the odd creatures in her waters (Wei-Haas). Sharks are               chain, they are becoming an increasingly popular menu
believed to purposely attack humans due to the films                 choice for their top predator: Humans.
that have falsified their behaviors, when really, if they                   Protecting sharks from finning has become a topic
do attack, it is usually a case of mistaken identity.                of discussion in many countries, but China and other
       The National Oceanic and Atmospheric                          Asian countries continue selling shark fin soup, despite
Administration (NOAA) explains that sharks do not                    the recent uproar. Shark finning is the number one
normally hunt humans. Assuming a large, predatory                    reason why shark species have drastically plummeted
shark has not been exposed to human flesh before, it is              in the past century (Stop Shark Finning). In the Ming
probably used to biting into thick-tissued, fatty sea lions,         Dynasty, shark fin soup was only served to the elite class
seals and similar-bodied prey. Surfers and swimmers                  and the Emperor, symbolizing wealth. The demand for
can mistakenly be depicted as a shark’s normal kill due              shark fins has increased massively, in line with China’s
to their similar size and shape and sometimes sharks                 enlarged prosperity, primarily due to the cultural identity
will investigate potential food items by taking a taste.             paralleled with the fins and the symbol of fortune the
Unfortunately, given their many rows of sharp teeth, a               soup offers (Fairclough). Most sharks mature in seven
few shark species can cause an individual to bleed to                to fourteen years, making their numbers recover slowly
death with just a single bite. (Discovery). The majority             from overfishing. It does not take much imagination to
of shark attacks leave victims with serious lacerations              see the devastating impact that this menu choice has on
and possibly detached limbs, since sharks, like dogs,                shark populations (Stop Shark Finning). The majority of
instinctively grab and roughly shake their prey with their           the Chinese media does not display the negative impact
teeth before killing it. Contrary to what brutal shark films         shark fin soup has on the global scale of shark populations,
suggest, this powerful fish does not eat people whole.               thus contributing to the fact that media has a tremendous
If a shark mistakenly bites a human, it will normally                amount of influence on the way people see sharks and
release the individual, and swim away (Discovery).                   what can or cannot be done for them. Because the soup
This behavior is evident when analyzing shark-human                  is a symbol of prosperity and is a delicacy, people have
encounters.                                                          the opportunity to gain a better social class reputation by
       The International Shark Attack File (ISAF)                    eating it. However, this appetizer is rapidly killing sharks
investigated 155 incidents of alleged shark-human                    to the point that it is wiping them off the face of the earth:
interaction occurring worldwide in 2017. Eighty-eight                       Sharks have survived for 450 million years and
cases represent confirmed unprovoked shark attacks on                       yet we are on course for killing them off within
humans. Thirty of the remaining cases were confirmed                        a few years. If finning continues, there will be no
as provoked attacks on humans. “Unprovoked attacks”                         more shark fin soup, other seafood species will
are defined as incidents where an attack on a live human                    disappear, and the oceans will no longer support

University of Hawai‘i at Hilo   HOHONU 2018    Vol. 16

       the healthy balance of sea life that we need to               Long Beach Press-Telegram. “Shark Lab’s Chris Lowe
       survive. (WildAid)                                                 Says We All Need to be Smarter About
China and other countries that divulge in the “delicacy”             Swimming With Sharks.” 30 July 2016. Web. Accessed 8
of eating shark fins in broth are only contributing to the                March 2018.
loss of the environment. If the media does not speak                 Marinebio. “Great White Shark.” Web. Accessed 19
out strongly on the subject in these finning countries, it                April 2016.
is only a matter of time before all hope is lost for sharks.         McCall, Matt. National Geographic. “2 Weeks, 4
                                                                          Deaths, and the Beginning of America’s Fear
The correlation is evident between the media’s role in
                                                                          of Sharks.” 2 July 2015. Web. Accessed 9 April
creating a negative stereotype for sharks, the lack of                    2016.
public compassion for the species, and sharks’ depleting             Padilla, Mauricio Hoyos. “Deep Blue the biggest
numbers.                                                                  shark ever recorded fbdown net.” YouTube. GNC,
       Sharks have always been the dominant predators                     11 November 2015, https://www.youtube.com/
in the oceanic food chain, but within the duration of                     watch?v=hFHy4N_SFO4. Accessed 15 April 2016.
one hundred-and-two years since the 1916 “New Jersey                 Shark Week. “Sharkopedia- All about Sharks.” Discovery
Shark Attacks,” their existence has scared the human race                 Web. Accessed 10 April 2016
into believing that they are demons swimming below the               Shark Week. “Why Do Sharks Attack?” Discovery. Web.
surface of any water source. The media’s influence on                     Accessed 19 April 2016.
sharks’ persona correlates with the lack of conversation             Shiffman, David. “The Best and Worst of Shark Week:
                                                                          Good for Sharks, Bad for Science.” WIRED. 9
efforts and the general acceptance of certain cultures
                                                                          August 2013. Web. Accessed 9 April 2016.
turning sharks into human prey by making cultural                    Stop Shark Finning. “Shark Fin Soup Facts.” Web.
cuisine’s out of them. However, within the last ten                       Accessed 10 April 2016.
years due to the influx of social media and the internet,            The Nature Conservancy. “Whale Sharks.” Web.
conservation efforts for the fish are expanding, and their                Accessed 9 April 2016.
numbers beginning to increase. The film industry is                  Thompson, Robin. “50 Jawsome Shark Movies.” List
slowly fading out of the “Jaws era” and documentaries                     Challenges. Web. Accessed 9 April 2016.
on sharks’ behaviors are becoming widespread. Hoyos                  Wei-Haas, Maya. “Is This The Biggest Great White Shark
Padilla, who captured the largest shark on film, wrote                    Ever Filmed?” National Geographic. 14 August 2015.
on Facebook, “When I saw Deep Blue for the first time,                    Web. Accessed 19 April 2016.
there was just one thought in my mind: Hope” (Padilla).              WildAid. “Shark Fin Soup.” Web. Accessed 10 April
                                                                     WNYY Radio. “25 Shocking Things More Likely to Kill
                                                                          You than a Shark.” Progressive Talk. 2013. Web.
Works Cited                                                               Accessed 19 April 2016.
Benchley, Peter. “Peter Benchley Shark Quotes.” Brainy
     Quotes. Web. Accessed 19 April 2016.
Collier, Ralph. “Conservation and Education.” Shark
     Research Committee. Web. 10 April 2016
Dirks, Tim. “Filmsite Movie Review- Jaws (1975).”
     Filmsite. AMC Networks. Web. Accessed
     10 April 2016.
Edmond, Molly. “Shark Facts vs. Shark Myths.” World
     Wide Funding (WWF). Web. Accessed 8 April
Fairclough, Caty. “Shark Finning: Sharks Turned Prey.”
     Ocean Portal. Smithsonian National
     Museum of Natural History. Web. Accessed 11 April
Filmtracks. “Editorial Review- Jaws.” 25 March 2009.
     Web. Accessed 10 April 2016.
French, Lindsay. “Yearly Worldwide Shark Attack
     Summary.” International Shark Attack File.
     Florida Museum of Natural History. University of
     Florida. 2015. Web. Accessed 7 March 2018.
Haggin, Patience.“Why is Scary Music Scary? Here’s the
     Science.” Time Inc. 19 June 2012.
     Web. Accessed 9 April 2016.
IMDb. “Jaws (1975).” Web. Accessed 9 April 2016.
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).
     “Glyphis gangeticus.” Web. Accessed 9 April 2016.

University of Hawai‘i at Hilo   HOHONU 2018     Vol. 16

Sustainable Clean Energy and                                          photovoltaic systems. Additionally, there are many different
                                                                      ways to harness the power of the sun besides using solar
Hawai‘i’s Movement                                                    panels for electricity. Solar systems, using black colored
                                                                      piping containing water, have become a popular way to
Away from Fossil Fuel                                                 naturally heat the water needed in a typical household.
Reliance                                                              Of course, if the sun fails to penetrate the clouds, solar
                                                                      systems are not provided the necessary energy to function.
    Brandon Dancer                                                    Most Hawai‘i households install rooftop solar panels as
                                                                      a cheaper alternative to shareholder-owned utility costs.
Abstract                                                              Furthermore, Hawai‘i has a weather pattern that highly
                                                                      supports solar energy harvesting. However, solar is just
       This paper examines the various sources of
                                                                      one of several sustainable energy sources.
sustainable, renewable, and clean energy as well as
the methods of capturing that energy. It explores the
                                                                      Wind Power
importance of sustainable energy, its limitations, and its
concerns.                                                                     Wind is claimed to be the most viable alternative
       Keywords: sustainable, renewable, clean energy,                source of energy, and on some Hawaiian Islands, it is
solar power, wind power, hydropower, tidal stream,                    available 40 percent of the time, which is among the best in
barrage, tidal lagoons, wave energy, geothermal energy                the nation (Mellino, 2015). The most common translation
                                                                      from wind to electricity comes in the form of a large wind
Sustainable Clean Energy and Hawai‘i’s Movement                       turbine, which is much like a windmill. Wind turbines are
Away from Fossil Fuel Reliance                                        surprisingly quiet and have little impact on birds and other
                                                                      aviary wildlife when compared with conventional fuels
        Due to the dwindling resource known as fossil fuels
                                                                      that pollute the air and water. This electricity generation
and its growing processing costs, there is a developing
                                                                      is non-polluting and also does not consume water, unlike
movement towards clean and sustainable energy sourcing.
                                                                      some other forms of this same generation. Currently,
Hawai‘i is the first state in the US to declare a 100 percent
                                                                      wind turbines are typically used for pumping water
renewable energy standard by no later than 2045. It is
                                                                      and powering communication grids; however, a higher
currently being called the most aggressive clean energy
                                                                      utilization of wind energy could considerably lower
goal in the nation (Mellino, 2015). Due to initiatives like
                                                                      fossil-fuel-generated energy consumption. Farmland can
the Hawai‘i commitment to clean power, it is increasingly
                                                                      be limited, and only so much land can be devoted to
evident that our community is moving towards a more
                                                                      wind turbine energy generation; therefore, even further
reliable, brighter tomorrow. Hawai‘i holds eleven of
                                                                      expansion of other sources is necessary to meet the energy
the thirteen climate zones and is, therefore, the perfect
                                                                      consumption demands of current cities.
example for utilization of naturally occurring sources of
        The question must first be asked, what is sustainable
energy? Sustainable energy comes from a non-exhaustible                      The ocean is considered a renewable resource
source and meets present needs, while also not taking                 because of the endless cycle that water undergoes on the
away from future generation’s power sources. Fossil fuels             planet. The ocean is a source of both thermal and kinetic
are limited and continued use of this resource at the current         energy. Although it is difficult to develop technology that
rate will be more environmentally destructive than before             can convert the ocean’s energy into electricity, the energy
as supplies are depleted and methods like fracking and                contained in the ocean can still be utilized. Cool deep-sea
oil fields are explored to meet the demand. A renewable               water has been experimented with in order to replace the
energy is a naturally occurring system that exerts energy,            traditional energy usage for air conditioning. Makai Ocean
which then is replenished on a human timescale.                       Engineering, Inc. has been contracted by the Office of
Environmentally, fossil fuels are poisonous to wildlife and           Naval Research (ONR) to develop and research seawater
vegetation and their byproducts are equally an irreversible           air conditioning. This method uses deep sea water pumped
footprint on our waste stream. This brings along the                  to a cooling station, and then to the building needing to
alternative idea: clean energy, which ideally is a gathering          be cooled. Using this method, the desired cooling of air
of energy that does not negatively impact lifeforms on                can be achieved using only one-tenth of the energy used
Earth. The current options for clean, renewable, and                  in traditional air conditioning (Makai Ocean Engineering,
sustainable energy list the following systematic energy               2015). This method of renewable energy is best for
systems: solar, wind, hydropower, geothermal heat, and                ensuring an energy efficiency much greater than current
organic vegetation.                                                   methods.

Solar Power                                                           Using the Tides for Energy
      Primarily, the sustainable energy source that is taking               Kinetically, scientists have attempted to develop
to the roofs of houses all over the Hawaiian Islands, are             technologies that are essentially wind turbines that use

University of Hawai‘i at Hilo   HOHONU 2018     Vol. 16

water currents instead of wind currents. There are three              water, producing kinetic energy that can be connected
common ways of harnessing the energy of ocean tides:                  to machines for various uses. Greek engineers used this
tidal streams, barrages, and tidal lagoons.                           method more than 2,000 years ago in order to grind wheat
        Tidal Stream. A tidal stream is a fast-flowing path           into flour. Additionally, in 1880, water turbines were used
of water, and the method of energy production places                  to run a dynamo for the purpose of producing arc lighting.
turbines that resemble windmills underwater and rely on               Arc lighting is a light source created by a consistently
the movement of water to turn the blades. This method is              running spark between two conductors. This method
difficult because the turbines often disrupt the very flow of         provided street lighting at Niagara Falls, New York, with
water to be harnessed. However, the turbine blades move               direct current electricity (Office of Energy Efficiency &
very slowly, allowing marine life to avoid getting caught             Renewable Energy, 2016).
in the system. The first tidal stream system in the world             Water energy is sometimes difficult to harness when
was constructed in Northern Ireland at Strangford Lough,              compared with our current fossil fuel model due to the
where the tides move at speeds of four meters per second              availability of technology. If the technology used to
(National Geographic, 2011).                                          harness water energy was cheap enough to produce and
        Barrage. The barrage is a large dam that generates            advanced enough to be efficient across different parts of
tidal energy using the same methods as a dam. The method              the world, then perhaps water energy would be a more
utilizes flowing water with a barrage then allows small               attractive alternative to fossil fuels.
openings in the obstruction through which water can
flow, while simultaneously turning installed turbines. The            Geothermal
environmental impact of this method can be huge. The                         Geothermal energy is an almost household term
water being kept from flowing will no longer support the              in Hawai‘i when referring to renewable or clean energy
organisms that exist in the lagoon area and will most likely          available due to the volcanic nature of the Hawaiian
be disrupted to the point of population loss. The fish are            Islands. Steam that naturally occurs from the molten lava
trapped and can be caught in the quickly moving turbines.             under the earth can be used to run generators that create
Additionally, birds may choose to migrate because of                  electric power. The heat from the depths of the land can
dwindling food sources. Despite zero fuel costs, a barrage            be diverted to households in order to provide warmth.
is much more expensive compared to a single turbine
and requires heavy machinery for construction as well                 Geothermal Power Plants
as consistent supervision to monitor power output levels
(National Geographic, 2011).                                                 One method of geothermal energy extraction
        Tidal Lagoon. A tidal lagoon is a body of water that          is called the hot dry rock method. Deep in the earth’s
is enclosed by natural coastline barriers or by man-made              crust, at least two holes must be bored. Then, water is
barriers. The method of capturing this energy is much like a          fed down at high pressures to the super-heated rock and
barrage in the way turbines are turned using the filling and          is received through the other bored channel in the form
emptying flows of the lagoon. Unlike a barrage, however,              of steam, which can then be used to run a generator.
the barrier can be built along or using the naturally exiting         Another geothermal energy retrieval method is done by
coastline. The environmental impact of a tidal lagoon                 tapping into a naturally occurring steam vent and using
system is surprisingly low. Marine animals could swim                 the pressures to operate a generator (Lawson, 2005).
around the structure, which could be built with materials                    Dry steam power plant. A dry steam power plant
like rock. Sharks would be unable to penetrate into the               uses steam as its primary fluid and generally transports
lagoon, so fish would likely thrive, causing birds to migrate         naturally occurring steam to a turbine, which runs
to the area. Consequently, the power generation would                 an electricity-producing generator. The steam power
likely be low because the tides rise and fall only twice              eliminates the need for fossil fuels as the means of turning
a day. Currently, there are no functioning examples of a              the turbine and effectively removes the need for fuel
tidal lagoon system; however, China is constructing a tidal           storage/transportation. The Geysers in Northern California
power plant located at the Yalu River near the border of              is the largest single source dry steam power plant still
North Korea (National Geographic, 2011).                              in operation (Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable
        Capturing Wave Energy. In the basic construction              Energy, 2016).
of the system, a lifted bowl-like structure is built. Then, a                Flash steam power plant. The flash steam power
connected ramp is faced toward the waves of the ocean.                plant is the most common type of geothermal power
The shape of the ramp is like a wide-open mouth, which                generation plant in operation to this day. This method
narrows in an uphill fashion. The narrowing of the ramp               involves pumping water down to a level where the
propels the momentum of the water up the ramp and into                surroundings are naturally heated by the earth. Then,
the bowl-like structure. From there, the water can be led             using high-pressure rates, the water is pumped back up
by gravity back into the ocean through a turbine generator            into a low-pressure tank. The rapid change in pressure
(Lawson, 2005).                                                       causes a sudden vaporization of most of the water,
        Historical Tidal Power. River water has been                  hence the term “flash.” The vapor is then used to drive
utilized in history with large wheels being spun by flowing           a turbine which runs an electrical generator. If any liquid

University of Hawai‘i at Hilo   HOHONU 2018      Vol. 16

remains in the tank, it can be “flashed” again to extract the         percent of the electricity generated on Kauai will come
maximum amount of energy (Office of Energy Efficiency &               from sustainable energy sources (D’Angelo, 2015).
Renewable Energy, 2016).
      Binary cycle power plant. A binary cycle method                 Conclusion and Realization
is much like the other two general methods of power                           The quest for clean, renewable, and sustainable
generation, but different in the following way: the water/            energy seems conceptually simple. The challenge comes
steam never comes in direct contact with the turbine                  from the inability to have power when none of the sources
generator. The moderately geothermally heated water                   are currently generating power. In other words, the real
(below 400°F) is pumped into a heat exchanger, where                  difficulty is perfecting the systems of power storage. There
the heat is transferred to a liquid with a much lower                 are two types of efficient energy storage: kinetic and
boiling point than water. That liquid “flashes” at a lower            chemical. To realize non-polluting, renewable, alternative
temperature and becomes vaporized by the heat from the                energy sources, the best alternative energy storage is based
water, running the turbine, which drives the electrical               on kinetics. One of the most common examples of kinetic
generator. The “binary” term refers to the two different              storage combines hydropower and solar. During peak
liquids used in this geothermal system. This method is a              generation hours, excess energy is used to pump water
closed loop system, where virtually nothing other than                uphill into a reservoir, then during peak consumption
water vapor is emitted into the atmosphere. Because                   hours, the water is gravity fed down the slope through
most geothermal resource locations are typically below                a turbine. This type of system is necessary if hopes are
300°F, this method is very viable and will most likely be             high to create a consistent system that meets demands.
the system utilized in future geothermal power generation             Additionally, many sources of energy generation could
plants (Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy,               be combined in order to make a dependable system from
2016).                                                                inconsistently predictable sources.
                                                                              Once we can reach the point of non-reliance on
Concerns and Limitations                                              fossil fuels or carbon-emitting fuels like coal, we can be
        The limitations and problems associated with                  closer to solving the impending crisis of global climate
some of these sources of renewable energy are seemingly               change due to the extreme excess of carbon in our
inevitable but must be taken into consideration when                  atmosphere. Without converting current energy demands
contemplating this type of energy.                                    from non-sustainable fuels to clean renewable sources,
        Biomass. With biomass, the crops that are grown               humanity, and life as we know it is surely doomed.
for energy and fuels take the growing space that could
be used for food crops. When the biomass is used to                   References
generate electricity by being burned, like any combustion,
carbon dioxide, and other pollutants are released upon                D’Angelo, C. (2015, November 3). Hawai‘i makes another big
                                                                           move toward 100 percent renewable energy. Retrieved from
ignition. Despite the ability to harness energy from plant
                                                                           HuffPost Science: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/
combustion, further study is needed on the balance of                      hawaii-utility-scale-solar_us_56380aace4b00a4d2e0ba84b
water usage, air pollutants, and ecosystem damage before              Lawson, B. (2005). Hydroelectric Power. Retrieved from
biomass can be considered a sustainable energy source                      Electropaedia: http://www.mpoweruk.com/hydro_power.htm
(Union of Concerned Scientists, 2015).                                Makai Ocean Engineering. (2015). U.S. Navy invests in research
        Hydropower. When looking at hydroelectric                          and development of seawater air conditioning technology.
renewable energy plans, flooding and drought are                           Retrieved from Makai Ocean Engineering: http://www.
important factors contributing to the success or failure of                makai.com/makai-news/2015_1_27_us_navy_invests_in_rd_
energy generation. Additionally, natural landscapes can                    of_swac/
essentially be hurt or even ruined upon the expensive                 Mellino, C. (2015, June 11). EcoWatch. Retrieved from EcoWatch:
initiation of a hydroelectric power plant on a stream or                   http://ecowatch.com/2015/06/11/hawaii-renewable-energy-
waterfall (Lawson, 2005). Therefore, the benefits of certain
                                                                      National Geographic. (2011, June 14). Tidal energy.
renewables must be balanced against the drawbacks in                       Retrieved from National Geographic: http://education.
order to be truly sustainable into the future.                             nationalgeographic.org/encyclopedia/tidal-energy/
                                                                      Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy. (2016).
Hawai‘i’s Energy Antithesis                                                Electricity generation. Retrieved from Energy.gov: http://
      The realization of Hawai‘i’s progress toward 100                     energy.gov/eere/geothermal/electricity-generation
percent clean energy is most evident on the island of                 Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy. (2016). History
                                                                           of hydropower. Retrieved from Energy.gov: http://energy.
Kauai. The Kauai Island Utility Cooperative (KIUC) has
recently completed a 12 megawatt, $54 million, 60-acre                Union of Concerned Scientists. (2015, November 12). How
solar array consisting of more than 59,000 solar panels.                   biopower works. Retrieved from Union of Concerned
KIUC claims they will replace 1.7 million gallons of                       Scientists: http://www.ucsusa.org/clean_energy/our-energy-
imported oil a year with the facility and will generate 20                 choices/renewable-energy/how-biomass-energy-works.
percent of Kauai’s daytime needs. By the end of 2015, 37                   html#.VuEIbPkrLVY

University of Hawai‘i at Hilo   HOHONU 2018        Vol. 16

The Mana Wahine of Hawai‘i                                                  Kahuna also decided that there should be four nights
                                                                            of worship dedicated to the four major gods, Käne,
     U‘ilani Dasalla                                                        Lono, Kü, and Kanaloa, all of whom were male. On
                                                                            these nights, men could not sleep with women. Wäkea
In Western societies, women have faced unfair societal                      sneakily used this time to seduce Ho‘ohökükalani, and
expectations, some of which included having to act                          she became häpai10 with Häloanaka, who was stillborn.
in a quiet and reserved way. However, there are                             His body was buried and grew to become the first kalo.11
those who rose up and did great things; these women                         Later, another child was born from Ho‘ohökükalani,
can now be classified as feminists. In Hawai‘i, there                       named after his older brother Häloa, the first kanaka.12
was no difference. There were quite a few strong,                            After Wäkea’s unfaithfulness, Papa left him for another
outspoken women. Pre-European contact Hawai‘i was                           lover and gave birth to the island of O‘ahu. Wäkea
extremely different than what Hawai‘i grew to be after                      had relations with others as well and created Moloka‘i
missionaries first introduced Christianity in the early                     and Läna‘i. After a period of time, Papa and Wäkea
1800s. Unfortunately, throughout both time periods,                         reconvened and birthed the rest of their children, the
women were still treated as inferior Although they had                      remaining islands: Kaua‘i, Ni‘ihau, Lehua (atoll), and
the lower hand throughout the history of Hawai‘i, in                        Kaho‘olawe, who became the afterbirth. The ‘aikapu is
both folklore and reality, many Hawaiian women were                         said to have sprung from this version of the island creation
strong and intellectual even while facing instances of                      stories, and although Papahänaumoku is respected and
oppression. Women were treated as having a lower                            revered as the earth mother, she endured a lot. The
status for reasons influenced by folklore and European                      story of Wäkea’s overwhelming urge to be unfaithful to
contact, yet some specific female Hawaiians and deities                     Papa had established the reasoning for a law: one that
really stood out in the patriarchy. The list is long, but                   separated the men from the women, creating the illusion
the goddesses Papahänaumoku, Pele, and Laka, and ke                         that women are inferior.
ali‘i1 Ka‘ahumanu, Pauahi, Ke‘elikölani, Queen Emma,                               Furthermore, ancient Hawai‘i had many other
Lili‘uokalani, and Ka‘iulani were exemplary mana                            rules that separated men and women. Not only were
wahine.2                                                                    they eating separately, but their food was even cooked
        Every culture has a set of stories and legends that                 in a different imu.13 Additionally, women could only eat
are didactic in ways that shape the future by teaching                      certain foods. It was kapu to consume pork, banana,
people how to conduct themselves in society. Aspects                        coconut, and certain types of fish. If a woman was
of the Hawaiian culture, such as oral traditions and laws,                  found in her husband’s sanctuary or at another man’s
confirm the pressure put on women. Papahänaumoku,                           eating house, she suffered the death penalty. However,
or Papa, is known as the earth goddess and makuahine3                       a husband could enter his wife’s eating house with
of all Hawaiian people. Her story involves how the                          no penalty. This shows the status that men held over
kapu4 system was implemented in ancient Hawai‘i. This                       women. Although there were eating taboos, the family
mo‘olelo5 depicting the birth of the Hawaiian islands is                    did have a house in which, if not eating or worshipping,
a story in which Papahänaumoku and Wäkea’s union                            they could interact freely with each other. Women did
first birthed a human daughter named Ho‘ohökükalani.                        stay in different housing while menstruating, called the
After her birth came the islands of Hawai‘i and Maui.                       hale pe‘a14 (Malo 52). Men thought women were dirty
However, Wäkea longed for Ho‘ohökükalani because                            because of menstruation, so it became kapu to sleep in
she was very beautiful. He asked the kahuna6 for help                       the same hale15 during her monthly cycle. Additionally,
and he implemented a new law. It was a religious law                        it was recognized that their society was dominated
called ‘aikapu7 that then separated male and females                        by males, in both the ‘akua16 and the kanaka realm.
from eating with one another. Males became la‘a8 and                        Men were considered very sacred and, as mentioned
females were haumia9 because of menstruation. The                           previously, even the four primary gods are male.
                                                                            Although there was much segregation overall and the
  In the Hawaiian Language, or ‘Ölelo Hawai‘i, this translates to the       gods were all male, women were allowed to participate
words royalty or monarch.
  In the Hawaiian Language, or ‘Ölelo Hawai‘i, this translates to the       in religion and worship, giving them a bit of autonomy.
word strong women.
  In the Hawaiian Language, or ‘Ölelo Hawai‘i, this translates to the       10
                                                                               In the Hawaiian Language, or ‘Ölelo Hawai‘i, this translates to the
word mother.                                                                word pregnant.
  In the Hawaiian Language, or ‘Ölelo Hawai‘i, this translates to the       11
                                                                               In the Hawaiian Language, or ‘Ölelo Hawai‘i, this translates to the
word taboo or forbidden.                                                    word taro.
  In the Hawaiian Language, or ‘Ölelo Hawai‘i, this translates to the       12
                                                                               In the Hawaiian Language, or ‘Ölelo Hawai‘i, this translates to the
word story.                                                                 word person.
  In the Hawaiian Language, or ‘Ölelo Hawai‘i, this translates to the       13
                                                                               In the Hawaiian Language, or ‘Ölelo Hawai‘i, this translates to the
words Hawaiian priest.                                                      words underground oven.
  In the Hawaiian Language, or ‘Ölelo Hawai‘i, this translates to the       14
                                                                               In the Hawaiian Language, or ‘Ölelo Hawai‘i, this translates to the
words sacred eating.                                                        words menstrual house.
  In the Hawaiian Language, or ‘Ölelo Hawai‘i, this translates to the       15
                                                                               In the Hawaiian Language, or ‘Ölelo Hawai‘i, this translates to the
word sacred.                                                                word house.
  In the Hawaiian Language, or ‘Ölelo Hawai‘i, this translates to the       16
                                                                               In the Hawaiian Language, or ‘Ölelo Hawai‘i, this translates to the
word defiling.                                                              word god.

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