Holy Family Catholic Church - Pastor: Fr. Roy Baroma June 19 Corpus Christi - Parishes Online

Page created by Louise Mendoza
Holy Family Catholic Church - Pastor: Fr. Roy Baroma June 19 Corpus Christi - Parishes Online
Holy Family Catholic Church
                     Pastor: Fr. Roy Baroma
                     June 19~ Corpus Christi

                                          WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE
                                            Saturday Vigil: 5:00PM
                                             Sunday Mass: 8:30AM
                                             Vietnamese: 3:00PM

                                               Saturday: 3:30 - 4:30PM
                                                   Daily Mass
                                              Tuesday-Friday 8:30AM
                                                  Rosary 8:05AM

Welcome to our growing parish community. Wherever you may be in your
spiritual journey, we invite you to be part of our community. If you are visiting
you are always welcome here, and if you wish to register you can find our
registration forms online on our parish website or you can pick one up at the
parish office.
                      505 17th St. SE, Auburn, WA 98002
                 Office Hours Monday-Friday 8:30AM-3:00PM
                      Office Phone number: 253-833-5130
                       Office Fax number: 253-833-3421
                     Website: www.holyfamilyauburn.org

                                      Holy Family School
                                        Pre-K– 8th Grade
                              School Phone number: 253-833-8688
                                School Fax number: 253-833-9311
                              School Website: www.hfsauburn.com
Holy Family Catholic Church - Pastor: Fr. Roy Baroma June 19 Corpus Christi - Parishes Online
Weekend Mass Intentions                                                             Online Giving
Saturday 06/18                                                  Please consider using online giving. You can donate using
5:00PM Peter Bernardo +                                         your credit card or EFT. You can go online through our
Sunday 06/19                                                    website www.holyfamilyauburn.org and click the link or contact
8:30AM Jose Daep +                                              Susan Hoptowit in the parish office 253-833-5130, ext. 204 for
11:00AM Ricardo Soriano +                                       questions and/or assistance in setting up your account.
Weekday Mass Intentions
06/24 Holy Family Parishioners
                                                                Remember In Your Prayer
         Events this week at Holy Family                        Those who are ill:
Sunday, June 19                                                 Leslie Blumenstein                   Henry Dufour
Father's Day                                                    Karinanna Heimernan                  Kate Igwebuike
8:30 AM Mass                                                    Theresa Oguakwa                      Barney Carnino
                                                                Audrey Duke                          Cristian Perez
11:00AM Mass
                                                                Tony Linder                          Meribeth Water-Lewis
3:00PM Vietnamese Mass
                                                                Mary Ruley                           Mercy Frink
Monday, June 20                                                 Rosemary Lufkin                      Barbara Boley
Parish office closed                                            Shari Zacher                         JR Iriarte
Tuesday, June 21                                                John Miller                          Erlinda Collantes
No Daily Mass                                                   Marcia Collucio                      Annette James
Wednesday, June 22                                              Brenda Priest                        Wayne Priest
No Daily Mass                                                   Faye Truskowski                      Luz Manalo
                                                                Rowena Habla                         Judy Doll
Thursday, June 23
                                                                Lori Margetan                        Betsy Custis
No Daily Mass                                                   Bob Boyd                             Zenaida Ugaddan
Friday, June 24                                                 Paulette Ketner                      Laural Russ
8:30AM Daily Mass                                               Alica Bowles                         Ginny Anderson
Saturday, June 25                                               Susan Harrison                       Sylvia Ugaddan
5:00PM Vigil Mass                                               Felisa Lisacki                       Emrald Urndgo
Sunday, June 26
8:30 AM Mass
11:00AM Mass                                                      Holy Family School Principal Search
3:00PM Vietnamese Mass                                          Holy Family Catholic School, Auburn is searching for our
                                                                next principal to start on July 1, 2022. They will find a
                                                                welcoming, engaged and supportive parish and parent
Sacrament Preparation Reminder                                  community at HFS. Our one class per grade Pre-
  Next year’s sacrament preparation classes will begin in       Kindergarten through 8thgrade allows us to meet the
September for student in year one and year two                  diverse needs of all our students. Consider the advantages
preparation. If you know of a child in our parish who will be   of a small school with enormous opportunities and
in first grade or higher next fall, that has not begun          supportive network.
preparation for First Reconciliation or First Eucharist,
please contact Lindsay Carter to add the family to our          If anyone knows of a candidate please contact Catherine
August mailing list                                             Banning at the Parish Office at 253-833-5130.

                                                                Interested applicants can email cover letter and resume to
         St. Vincent de Paul Society                            cbanning@holyfamilyauburn.org and they must complete a
                                                                full application in Applitrack through the Office for Catholic
During the past 2 years of the pandemic St Vincent DePaul in
                                                                Schools @: Careers & Employment - My Catholic School
    has continued to provide help to those in need in our
   We have helped with both housing and utility payments
    helping to prevent utility termination and evictions. In                 Holy Family School
  addition, we have provided more than 3500 bags of food.
             Thank you for your contributions.                  Dear Holy Family Community,

                                                                We are currently enrolling for the 2022-23 school year,
“Let us be buried with Christ by Baptism to rise with Him;      please contact the school if you are interested in our Pre-K
let us go down with Him to be raised with Him; and let us       program!
rise with Him to be glorified with Him.” St. Gregory of
Nazianzus                                                       God Bless,

Pg. 1 June 19, 2022                                “The Lord has done great things for us; we are filled with joy”
Holy Family Catholic Church - Pastor: Fr. Roy Baroma June 19 Corpus Christi - Parishes Online
                                                 Feast of Corpus Christi
On this Sunday we celebrate the Feast of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, which is also called Corpus Chirsti.
Jesus chose the time of the Jewish Feast of Passover to fulfill what he had announced at Capernaum – giving his
disciples his body and his blood as the true bread of heaven. When Jesus commands his disciples to eat his flesh and
drink his blood, he invites us to take his life into the very center of our being. That life which he offers is the very life of
God himself. To accept Jesus as the bread of heaven is not only life and spiritual nourishment for this world but glory in
the world to come.

The principal fruit of receiving the Eucharist or Lord's Supper is an intimate union with Christ. When we receive Holy
Communion and when we celebrate this solemn feast of Corpus Christi, we are making a great act of faith. Today we
publicly profess our faith that what appears mere bread and wine is really the Body and Blood of Jesus, because He
said so. Holy Communion is therefore the essence and center of our lives. When you approach the Table of the Lord,
what do you expect to receive? Do you hunger for the “bread of life”?

                                         Welcome our newest Soldiers for Christ!
“Come, Holy Spirit! Fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your Love. Send forth your Spirit and they
shall be created, and you will renew the face of the earth. Amen.”

On Friday, June 3rd, our Middle School, High School and Adult Confirmation candidates were confirmed by Abbot
Marion Qui-Thac Nguyen, O.S.B. to complete their faith journey of Initiation into our Catholic Church. We express our
gratitude to our catechists, team leaders, parent volunteers, Women’s Society ladies, altar servers, cantors, musicians
and everyone who extended their help and service to our celebration. Most of all, thank you sponsors, parents, and to
our pastor Father Roy for your love, support and prayers. Congratulations to everyone!

                                                   Happy Father's Day
Happy Father's Day to all the fathers, grandfathers, and those who may play a fatherly role to our youth. May the love of
God the Father be always reflected in the way you protect and care for your loved ones. God bless you on your special

                                         Olive Wood from Bethlehem

July 16th and July 17th, we are having olive wood carvings available to purchase after all masses. The proceeds are to
support Christian Catholic families in the Holy Land since it is the major source of income for them there. More than 75
families in Bethlehem Hand carved these items . They are very beautiful and unique items. (Nativities, Crucifixes,
Rosaries, Statues) The Christian population has dropped from 22% to less than 2% in the past two decades. And this is
a way to support them to stay there. Thank you in advance for your support.

Pg. 2 June 19, 2022                                                      “The LORD has done great things for them”
Holy Family Catholic Church - Pastor: Fr. Roy Baroma June 19 Corpus Christi - Parishes Online
Staff                                                   Saint of the Week
                  Pastor: Fr. Roy Baroma:                                               loyolapress.com
                 Fr.roy@holyfamilyauburn.org                                     Saint Aloysius Gonzaga
                                                                                        Feast day June 21
             Deacon: Deacon Richard Werner
        Pastoral Assistant: M. Catherine Banning:                  Do your parents have plans for you? As soon as Aloysius
             cbanning@holyfamilyauburn.org                         was born, his parents began planning for his future. His
                                                                   mother wanted him to be a priest. His father was
               School Principal: Renee Almy:                       determined to have his oldest son become a military
                   ralmy@hfsauburn.com                             leader or famous political figure—anything but a priest.
       School Office Administrator: Lorena Brock
                hfoffice@hfsauburn.com                             At the age of five, Aloysius
                                                                   was sent to a military camp
           Parish Bookkeeper: Susan Hoptowit:                       to get started on his career.
              shoptowit@holyfamilyauburn.org                       His father must have been
            Parish Secretary: Anthony Corpuz:                       very pleased to see his son
              acorpuz@holyfamilyauburn.org                          marching at the head of the
                                                                    platoon of soldiers around
           Children’s Ministry : Lindsay Carter:                    the campgrounds. His
               lcarter@holyfamilyauburn.org                        mother and his tutor were
        Youth Ministry Associate: Jocelyn Arida:                   extremely displeased,
              jarida@holyfamilyauburn.org                          however, when Aloysius
                                                                   came home using the rough,
              Pastoral Care Leader: Pat Barr:                       coarse language of the
             pastoralcare@holyfamilyauburn.org                     camp. At the age of seven,
         Marriage Coordinator: Rosemary Busby:                     Aloysius received a special
               rbusby@holyfamilyauburn.org                          insight from God. While other boys were dreaming about
                                                                   being military heroes or heads of wealthy estates,
                                                                   Aloysius thought of other matters. He decided to become
                                                                   a saint, and he began acting on that decision. He prayed
                                                                   long hours at night and fasted several times a week.
               Please contact the Parish Office                    While he was on a visit to Spain with his parents, Aloysius
                for information on preparation                     read the lives of saintly Jesuit missionaries, and he
                 and scheduling of baptisms.                       decided to become a Jesuit. His father and some other
                                                                   relatives tried hard to change his mind. It was a fierce
                   CONFIRMATION                                    battle of wills, but after several years, Aloysius won. With
             Sacramental preparation is handled                    his father’s permission, Aloysius gave his large inheritance
              through the Youth Ministry Office.                   to his brother and joined the Jesuit order at 17 years of
                      MATRIMONY                                    age. The novice director, who was in charge of training
                                                                   Aloysius, told him to cut down on his long hours of prayer
    By appointment at least 6 months in advance by the
                                                                   and to give up some of his fasting and other penances.
     couple. No arrangements should be made before
                                                                   Aloysius obeyed willingly. He understood that obedience
           contacting the Marriage Coordinator.
                                                                   was better than “doing his own thing.”
          (The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)             When Aloysius was 23, a serious epidemic broke out in
             Any person interested in becoming                     Rome. Aloysius volunteered at once to help in the
            Catholic please contact Parish Office.                 hospital. At that time hospitals were not the clean, orderly
                                                                   places with which we are familiar today. It was very easy
           ANOINTING OF THE SICK                                   to catch an illness. That is what happened; Aloysius
               Please contact the Parish Office                    became very ill. No medicine could help him. Aloysius was
                                                                   not afraid to die.
    Please contact Parish Office to make arrangements              Aloysius shows that young people are not too young to
                                                                   become saints. During his life he had focused on doing
                                                                   what God wanted—serving and loving God and his
“Patience is power. Patience is not an absence of action;
rather it is "timing" it waits on the right time to act, for the
right principles and in the right way.” ― Fulton J. Sheen

Pg. 3 June 19, 2022                                                                   “Restore our fortunes, O LORD”
Holy Family Catholic Church - Pastor: Fr. Roy Baroma June 19 Corpus Christi - Parishes Online
Children’s Ministry
Vacation Bible School
Register Now! Zoomerang VBS 2022 is coming to Holy Family this summer July 11 th-15th
in person! In order to make our program successful this year we still need volunteers.
If you can help full or part time, we have many ways to be involved to suit your schedule
and interests. We are still in need of adults to help guide our groups to and from each
 station and more youth leaders to lead our groups. Please call Lindsay Carter at
253-833-5130 or e-mail lcarter@holyfamilyauburn.org, for more information. Registration
 forms are now available on the parish website or in the parish office, or can be found
online at https://holyfamilyauburn.myanswers.com/zoomerang/.
Volunteer Trainings on Zoom: June 19th @ 4PM; June 29th @6:30PM; July 6th @7PM

Sunday Liturgy of the Word for Children at Home

Gospel Reflection & Activity for Children: Discuss the Gospel with your children (Luke 9:11b-17)
Discussion: Speak to the children about how Jesus knew he was going to die, but wanted to enable his disciples to
realize that he would always be among them, loving them, helping them, strengthening them. Are there times in our lives
when we celebrate an event with a special meal? When? What do you eat on those occasions? (Help the children see
that certain foods become symbols of what we are celebrating, these special things make the event real and remind us
of past celebrations, as the Passover did for the Jews) · Show the children the gifts of bread and wine, which will
become the body and blood of Christ. Help them make the connection between Mass and Jesus’ words, “Do this in
memory of me.” · What happens at Mass? At our celebration of the Eucharist we remember the meal that Jesus shared
with his friends the night before he died; and we share in his death and resurrection. We believe that through the power
of God the bread and wine truly become Jesus’ body and blood. This is a mystery to us, but we believe it because we
have faith.

Activity: In the gospel, Jesus shared bread with this friends. In his culture, sharing bread was a sign of
friendship and commitment. People share these same bonds at family dinners and other special

Share some fresh bread at your next family meal. Involve your family members in making the bread. Then,
when your family is first gathered around the table, bless God for his goodness, break the bread, and give
a small piece to each member. Remind your family members they are bonded to each other, like a loaf of
bread. Compare this family "agape" with Communion when Jesus united his followers with shared bread.

Activity taken from: https://www.aucklandcatholic.org.nz/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Body-and-Blood-LOWWC-Year-
C.pdf and http://www.word-sunday.com/Files/c/CorpusChristi-c/F-CorpusChristi-c.html

            Knights of Columbus                                               Adult Faith Formation
                                                                    Do you know of anyone who wishes to be a Catholic? Do
         A Catholic Family Fraternal Service                        you have loved ones who have been away from the
         Organization for over 135 years                            church and want to return and re-learn more about the
                                                                    Catholic faith? If you are planning to get married in the
                                                                    Catholic Church and are missing the Sacrament of
 If you have questions about the knights, contact Daryl
                                                                    Confirmation, we can help you complete this process in
  Dougherty at 253.951.4401 or Don Hall at 253.740.2894 or
                                                                    your life journey. Our RCIA meetings are on Thursdays
                                                                    from 7-9 PM in the Parish Center. Please call the Parish
                                                                    Office, 253-833-5130.

“Do not think that love in order to be genuine has to be
extraordinary. What we need is to love without getting tired. Be    “Prayer is not asking. Prayer is putting oneself in the
faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength   hands of God, at his disposition, and listening to his voice
lies.” ― Mother Teresa                                              in the depths of our hearts.” ~ Mother Teresa

Pg. 4 June 19, 2022                                                          “The LORD has done great things for us…”
Holy Family Catholic Church - Pastor: Fr. Roy Baroma June 19 Corpus Christi - Parishes Online
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Holy Family Catholic Church - Pastor: Fr. Roy Baroma June 19 Corpus Christi - Parishes Online Holy Family Catholic Church - Pastor: Fr. Roy Baroma June 19 Corpus Christi - Parishes Online
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