Saint Joseph Catholic Church

Page created by Leon Keller
Saint Joseph Catholic Church
Welcome to Historic

                                                     Saint Joseph
                                                  Catholic Church
June 27th, 2021
Fr. Timothy P. Andres, O. Carm., Pastor
Deacon Doug Starasinich
416 N. Chicago Street
Joliet, IL 60432 | 815‐727-9378
Weekend Assistants
Fr. Joe Atcher, O. Carm.
Fr. James Lewis, O. Carm.
Fr. Jeff Smialek, O. Carm.
Rectory Hours
Monday through Thursday, 7:30AM—3:30PM
Friday, 7:30AM—1:00PM
Parish Website
Facebook, Under ‘Pages,’
St. Joseph Catholic Church,
Joliet, Illinois
St. Joseph Joliet Museum
Twitter, @stjosephjoliet
Fr. Timothy P. Andres, O. Carm., Pastor
Deacon Doug Starasinich
Cheryl Gimbel, Coord. of Parish Services
Judy Halsne, Office Manager
Jen Meredith, Office Assistant
Scott Pucel, Facilities Manager
Richard Cabay, Park Mgr./Cemetery Sexton,
Cemetery: 815-722-6016

                                            St. Joseph Parish Mission Statement
                                            “As living members of the Body of Christ, the people of St. Joseph Parish embrace the Traditions
                                            of the Church as given to us by Christ. Empowered by the Holy Spirit we teach, live, and love one
                                            another as brothers and sisters in Christ, and celebrate the Word of God as a faith-filled commu-
                                            nity that welcomes all who seek the truth. We celebrate the presence of God in our midst through
                                            worship, service, and catechesis. In accordance with the teachings of the Church, we work to
                                            assist all parish members in discerning the truths of our faith and the moral obligation to which
                                            we are called to live the Gospel.”
Saint Joseph Catholic Church
Mass Intentions for the Week                                                             Flame of Faith
Saturday, June 26 — Vigil
 4:00 p.m. Richard Doblemann (A) (Friends)                                                           In Memory Of
 4:00 p.m. Raymond & Vida Jakovich (Family)                                                      James Frieders
 4:00 p.m. Len & Shirley Micklich (Family)
 4:00 p.m. Vershay/Babich Families (Joe & Mary Babich)
Sunday, June 27— Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
 8:30 a.m. John Lukancic (St. Joseph Slovenian Catholic League)                    Prayer for Vocations
 8:30 a.m. Felix Mavec (Mary Mavec)
 8:30 a.m. Serdar Family (Mary Fran Smaron)
                                                                                         by Pope Francis
 8:30 a.m. Anthony & Sophie Sraj (Nancy Sraj)
10:30 a.m. For the People of St. Joseph (Pro Popolo)                                     God our Father,
10:30 a.m. Theresa Esler (Altar & Rosary Society)                                 You made each of us to use
10:30 a.m. John W. Horvat (A) (Family)
10:30 a.m. Luis & Lucia Martinez (B) (Family)                                    our gifts in the Body of Christ.
Monday, June 28— St. Irenaeus                                               We ask that You inspire young people
 8:30 a.m. William & Frances Heathcoat (Family)
 8:30 a.m. Matthew Kochevar (B) (Sister)                              whom You call to priesthood and consecrated life
Tuesday, June 29— Sts. Peter & Paul                                            to courageously follow Your will.
 8:30 a.m. Jim Edgerly (Family)
 8:30 a.m. Walter R. & Anna Ferguson (Family)                            Send workers into Your great harvest so that
Wednesday, June 30— The First Martyrs of the Holy Roman                              the Gospel is preached,
                                                                                 the poor are served with love,
8:30 a.m. Richard Dobelmann (B) (Friend)
8:30 a.m. Richard & Mary Kubinski (A) (Peggy Kubinski)                            the suffering are comforted,
Thursday, July 1— St. Junipero Serra                                and Your people are strengthened by the sacraments.
 8:30 a.m. Frank J. Gersich (Dennis Gersich)
                                                                             We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Friday, July 2— Weekday
 8:30 a.m. Suellyn Booklund (Theresa Chaloka & Sharon                                         Amen
 8:30 a.m. Fr. Robert (Bob) Galinac, OFM (G. Michael Rozman)
                                                                  ~For an increase of vocations to the priesthood,
Saturday, July 3 — Vigil                                          diaconate, and religious life, especially in the Diocese
 4:00 p.m. Furdek Family (Family)
 4:00 p.m. Marilyn Jakovich (Ron & Jane Kohl)                     of Joliet, we pray to the Lord. ~
 4:00 p.m. Norma Moresco (Michalak Family)                                        Lord, hear our prayer.
 4:00 p.m. Frank Nemanich, Jr. (Robert & Carol Hunsley)
 4:00 p.m. Bob Zobel (Jim & Laurie Malinowski)
                                                                   A very special thank you to our
Sunday, July 4— Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time                 “Gardening Angel,” Mary Jane
 8:30 a.m. Joe Babich, Sr. (A) Family (Joe & Mary Babich)          Rougeau, for beautifying the
 8:30 a.m. Frank J. Gersich (Laura Vranich)                        rectory and Church grounds
 8:30 a.m. Anton Kaluza (Frank & Lillian Cepon)                    with such pretty flowers. We
10:30 a.m. For the People of St. Joseph (Pro Popolo)               appreciate all you do for us!
10:30 a.m. Maria Hurtado (Loza Family)
10:30 a.m. Martin Lopez (Family)
10:30 a.m. Shirley Randolph (Family)
                                                                  Today is the Peter’s Pence Collection, a worldwide collec-
                                                                  tion that supports the activities of the Holy See through
                                                                  which Pope Francis governs the Church and exercises his
                                                                  charitable works. When used for charitable outreach,
                                                                  funds from this collection help those most in need. Take
                                                                  this opportunity to join with Pope Francis and be a sign of
                                                                  mercy. Please be generous today. For more information,

                                               2 Page | St. Joseph Catholic Church
Saint Joseph Catholic Church
Saint Joseph Catholic Church
Ministry Schedule                              Live the Liturgy– Inspiration for the week
                                                                   “Do not be afraid, just have faith.” God does not rejoice in our
June 26th & 27th                                                   demise or our destruction. Rather, He made us in his image
                                                                   and desires that we have life. He also desires that we be
 4:00 PM B. Schelli
 8:30 AM H. Lawson                                                 healed and know His loving touch. There is great power in an
10:30 AM A. Ceja                                                   embrace offered in love. The touch of another can heal
Extraordinary Ministers:                                           wounds and restore life. There is also power in faith. Faith can
 4:00 PM B. & M. Schelli                                           turn us toward the truth and turn us toward God. Both love
 8:30 AM A. Bruno, A. Koncar                                       and faith can lead us to hope that no matter what we encoun-
10:30 AM L. Engelman, C. Frieders                                  ter, God will sustain us in being. He will not allow us to perish.
                      July 3rd & 4th                               God can profoundly change how we see Him, ourselves, and
                     Lector:                                       one another. God desires that we turn toward Him and be
                      4:00 PM S. Planinsek                         healed of all that wounds and binds us so that we can be free
                      8:30 AM B. Guardia*                          and enjoy the fullness of life. We are asked to arise and walk
                     10:30 AM C. Kadela*                           proudly with this life-giving faith. Reach out and share this
                     Extraordinary Ministers:                      faith with someone this week so that they too can receive
                      4:00 PM B. & D. Zelinski                     God’s life changing embrace and heed His call to wholeness.
                      8:30 AM M. Clarke, S. Walters                There are many in our world wandering around aimlessly
                     10:30 AM C. Frieders, C. Kadela               without hope. Bring it to them.
                     *If Mass is at the Grotto @ 9:30 AM,
                      B. Guardia will lector.                                         Our Weekly Offering
                                                                    June   20th,   2021

               Marriage Banns                                         Weekly Offering………………………………..
                                                                      Infirmed & Retired Priests………………
         Please pray for the following couple as they
        prepare to receive the Sacrament of Marriage.                 Additional Donations………………………..             $      445.00

         III   Joseph Battistoni & Cassandra Boll                   May God bless you for your support of St. Joseph Parish!
                         July   3rd,   2021
                                                                                   Memorial donations were received in
                                                                                   remembrance of Theresa Esler. We thank her
        Holy Baptism                                                               family and friends for the generous donations
                                                                                   made in her honor.
     We welcome newly baptized
    Camila Maria-Antonia Nunez,
 daughter of Manuel & Victoria, to our
 parish family. May the prayers of our                             Sunday: Wis 2:23-24/Ps 30:2-13/2 Cor 8:7-9, 13-15/Mk 5:21-43
parishioners support the family as they                            Monday: Gn 18:16-33/Ps 103:1-4, 8-11/Mt 8:18-22
   raise Camila in the Catholic faith.                             Tuesday: Acts 12:1-11/Ps 34:2-9/2 Tm 4:6-8, 17-18/Mt 16:13-19
                                                                   Wednesday: Gn 21:5, 8-20/Ps 34:7-13/Mt 8:28-34
                                                                   Thursday: Gn 22:1-19/Ps 115:1-9/Mt 9:1-8
                                                                   Friday: Gn 23:1-4, 19; 24:1-8, 62-67/Ps 106:1-5/Mt 9:9-13
                Pray for Our Sick                                  Saturday: Eph 2:19-22/Ps 117:1-2/Jn 20:24-29

Walter Adamic         Dorothy Kabara          Pat Riley
Margaret Andres       Bob Keca                George Rozman                    Pray for Those Who Serve
Joe Babich            Phyllis Keca            Jonita Ruth               Spec. Rafael Arias                   Mia Erickson
Anthony Bendy         John Konopek            James Sefcik               Andrew Bender                     Melissa Gonzalez
John Block            Fr. Michael Kottar      Gavin Springsteen        Sgt. Nikolas Borrego                  Jessica Juarez
Erica Ceballos        Benjamin Lawson         Nancy Sraj                  Lindsey Carroll                    Miguel Juarez
Michelle Darguzis     Mary Ann Mavrin         Helen Stewart              Matthew Carroll              Sgt. John M. Khandzhayan
Veronica Fairman      Pat McGinnis            Leo Tibbitts               Cpt. Peter Collins      Sgt. Mariela Sanchez-Khandzhayan
Carolyn Grady         Terry Meyer             Diana Tyda               LTC David M. Conner                   Wyatt Lawson
Jean Haas             Bernice Nemanich        Ann Vidmar                Michael A. Elmore               Jared Anthony Mason
Kris Horn             Andy Nunez              Delores Wilson            Michael J. Elmore                Charles B. Ritzler IV
Barbara Hoyt          Mary Papesh             Edmund Zelko               Mitchell Elmore                      Augie Spoto
Joe Jonish            Charles Raub            Marge Zobel              LTC Donald Erickson                  Drake Urbancic
                                                                          Holly Erickson
       and for all those who have no one to pray for them.

                                                4 Page | St. Joseph Catholic Church
Saint Joseph Catholic Church
Kids Corner— June 27th, 2021                                         The feast day of St. Junipero Serra is celebrated on July 1st.
 In today’s Gospel, a little girl was so sick that people thought
                                                                      St. Junipero Serra was born Miguel Jose Serra on the Island of
 she was dead. However, Jesus said she was just asleep. He
                                                                      Mallorca, Spain in 1713. At a young age Miguel joined the
 held her hand and said, “Get up, little girl.” Every day you
                                                                      Order of St. Francis of Assisi taking the name Junipero which
 work hard doing chores at home and learning at school. If you
                                                                      was the name of St. Francis’ original companion friar. Until he
 are tired and do not want to get out of bed, Jesus will hold
                                                                      was 35, he was a student and then a professor. He was well
 your hand and say, “Get up and enjoy the day.”
                                                                      known for his preaching ability.
 Prayer                                                               Suddenly he gave up his life as a professor. He volunteered to
 Lord, help me get out of bed quickly to learn about world.
                                                                      serve in the Franciscan missions in the new world. He traveled
 Mission for the week                                                 by ship to Vera Cruz, Mexico and then walked with a compan-
 Make a ‘Get Well’ card and give it to someone who is sick.           ion the 250 miles to Mexico City. The Franciscans of Mexico
                                                                      were asked to take over the missions in Baja, California. It
                                                                      became Father Serra’s responsibility. Bl. Serra established
 Reconnect With Your Faith this Summer                                nine of the missions in California. He baptized over 6,000 peo-
• Visit a shrine                                                      ple and confirmed over 5,000. He died at the age of 70 and is
I recently discovered a little hideaway in St. John, Indiana,         buried at Mission San Carlos Borromeo.
which is fairly close to where I live. It is the home of the Shrine
the Shrine of Christ’s Passion, where life-sized images of Jesus
                                                                      Blessed Junipero Serra was beatified in 1988. Pope Francis
and His disciples are laid out on the property in stone. After I      canonized St. Junipero Serra on Sept. 23, 2015 while visiting
heard about this shrine, I realized that there are many easily        the United States. He is the first saint to be canonized on US
accessible places all over the country that we can visit for a day    soil. He is the patron saint of vocations.
of prayer and pilgrimage. Take your family on a little road trip
to discover what holy places are near you, and you may be
pleasantly surprised at how your children will be spiritually
touched by the experience.
• Build a Mary garden
Prayer gardens allow a person time in solitude to contemplate,
pray, and meditate by reflecting on the sacred space that
includes specific flowers, statues, or grottos. Mary gardens
include flowers named after Our Lady, such as roses, lilies,
marigolds, Our Lady’s Tears, among other countless varieties.
If you have the space in your yard, carve out some time in the
summer to make this a family endeavor of transforming a
particular space into one that is dedicated to Mary. You can add
special touches, like benches and statues. Once it is complete,
pray a family rosary together and encourage everyone to spend
time as they wish to pray outside.
• Make a time capsule
Everyone likes the idea of burying treasure and opening it up
years later. Collect photos, holy cards, favorite prayers or even
Bible verses, fond memories, and other trinkets or memorabilia                  Check us out on Social Media!
to include in your time capsule.
• Create a scavenger hunt                                                      St. Joseph Catholic Church, Joliet, Illinois
Scavenger hunts are always a hit for the young and old alike, so                     St. Joseph Park, Joliet, Illinois
why not make yours specific to learning about the Faith? There
are some fantastic ideas online on how to make this typical                                      Twitter
activity an opportunity for you and your kids to grow in                                 St Joseph Church Joliet,
knowledge of the Faith. Most Catholic scavenger hunts aren’t                                  @stjosephjoliet
designed for moving outdoors, but you can creatively ponder
ways to get your family moving on a treasure hunt for medals
of saints, holy cards, or little figurines you have buried or hid-
den outside that correspond with questions you come up with.
                                                     Jeannie Ewing
                                                5 Page | St. Joseph Catholic Church
Saint Joseph Catholic Church
Don’t forget to turn in Raffle Tickets!!
                                                                   Please continue to turn in your tickets. Sold raffle tickets
Saturday, June 26th                                                can be returned until Sunday, June 27th. Winners will be
Chaplet of Divine Mercy, Litany, & Rosary, 3—3:45 PM               drawn on June 28th or June 29th. Thank you for your un-
Confessions, 3:00—3:30 PM                                          wavering support of our parish!!
Mass, 4:00 PM (At Church)
Parish Museum Open House, 4—6 PM
2nd Collection, Peter’s Pence                                                              The next meeting of the Prayer
                                                                                           Shawl Ministry will be Friday, July
Food Pantry collection
                                                                                           2nd, at 9:30 AM in Ferdinand Hall.
Sunday, June 27th                                                                          All are welcome to attend. No prior
Polka Mass, 10:30 AM, Cemetery Grotto                                                      experience necessary. Please call
Carry-out Chicken Dinner                                                                   Donna if you have any questions,
Classes of ’95, ’96, ’70, ’71, ’45, & ’46 Reunions, Park Hall                              815-546-9037.
2nd Collection, Peter’s Pence
Food Pantry collection                                                       The 2nd collection next week is for
Monday, June 28th                                                                 Maintenance & Repair.
Daily Mass, 8:30 AM
Adoration Chapel, 9:00 AM—Noon
Tuesday, June 29th
Daily Mass, 8:30 AM
Adoration Chapel, 9:00 AM—Noon
                                                                    The Rectory will be closed Monday, July 5 th ,
Wednesday, June 30th
Daily Mass, 8:30 AM                                                    in observance of Independence Day.
Adoration Chapel, 9:00 AM—11:00 AM
                                                                  Diocesan Wedding Anniversary Mass
Thursday, July 1st                                                The Diocese of Joliet will hold its 43rd Annual
Daily Mass, 8:30 AM                                               Wedding Anniversary Mass In-person and LIVE-
Adoration Chapel, 9:00 AM—Noon                                    STREAMED on Sunday, August 29, 2021, at 2:00
Friday, July 2nd                                                  p.m. at the Cathedral of St. Raymond in Joliet. If you are
Daily Mass, 8:30 AM                                               celebrating either your 25th or 50th anniversary this year,
Adoration Chapel, 9:00 AM—Noon                                    please contact the parish office so that we may submit
Prayer Shawl, 9:30 AM, Ferdinand Hall                             your name to the Diocese for a formal invitation. Those
                                                                  celebrating over 50-year anniversaries do not receive a
Saturday, July 3rd                                                formal invitation, but will be able to register to attend at a
Chaplet of Divine Mercy, Litany, & Rosary, 3—3:45 PM              later date.
Confessions, 3:00—3:30 PM
Mass, 4:00 PM                                                     Part-time Youth Minister— St. Dominic, Bolingbrook
2nd Collection, Maintenance & Repair                              St. Dominic Parish in Bolingbrook, Il is seeking to hire a
Sunday, July  4th— Happy Independence Day                         part-time Youth Minister. The goals for ministry with
Mass, 8:30 & 10:30 AM (If held at Grotto, ONLY 9:30)              adolescents, is to empower young people to live as disciples
2nd Collection, Maintenance & Repair                              of Jesus Christ in our world today, to draw young people to
                                                                  responsible participation in the life, mission, and work of
                                                                  the Catholic Church, and to foster the total personal and
St. Joseph Parish received a rebate from Food4Less of             spiritual growth of each young person. The candidate must
$51.17. This rebate is a result of fourteen parishioner           have excellent communication and organizational skills and
households who shopped at Food4Less and presented                 minister in a collaborative style with parish and school
their community rewards card during the period of March           staff. Qualifications include a college degree in Catechetical
1 through May 31, 2021. If you would like a Food4Less             Leadership, Youth Ministry or theology related field. Must
card, please call the rectory and we will mail one to you.        have experience working with youth in a faith-based
Thank you to everyone who participates in this program to         environment. Must be a practicing Catholic who models a
raise money for our parish!                                       Christian lifestyle and who possesses a mature spirituality
                                                                  and a committed faith life. To apply for this position, please
                                                                  send your resume to St. Dominic Parish, 440 E. Briarcliff,
                                                                  Bolingbrook, IL 60440 or email to Chris Hannigan-Wiehn at

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Saint Joseph Catholic Church Saint Joseph Catholic Church Saint Joseph Catholic Church Saint Joseph Catholic Church
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