Homecoming 2018 Game On! October 15-20 - The First Academy

Page created by Ann Dawson
Homecoming 2018 Game On! October 15-20 - The First Academy
Homecoming 2018

    Game On!
  October 15-20
Homecoming 2018 Game On! October 15-20 - The First Academy
Table of Contents
                        Homecoming 2018

                          Preschool     3
                       Lower School     4
                      Middle School     6
                     The First Hope     9
                    Classical School    10
                      Upper School      13
                A Friday Full of Fun!   16
               Homecoming Dance         19
Upper School Homecoming Schedule        20
          Homecoming T-Shirt 2018       21
               Banner Competition       22
  Banner/Hall Decorating Guidelines     23
  Upper School House Point Scoring      25
Homecoming 2018 Game On! October 15-20 - The First Academy
                                  Infants-3-year olds
                                    October 15-19

                                        Monday: Crazy Hair/Hat Day
• Thursday, October 19:
  9:30am - Donuts for Dads’             Tuesday: Sock Day

• Friday, October 20:                   Wednesday: Tacky/Mismatch Day
  9:15am - Donuts for Dads’
                                        Thursday: Glasses Day (students may wear fun
  9:25am - Walk together as
                                        glasses of their choice)
  Preschool to Parade line-up by
  Henry Chapel                          Friday: Blue & Gold Day
  9:30am - All Preschool students &     (Wear your TFA Colors or your 2018 Homecoming
  familes walk in Homecoming            Shirt)
  4:00pm - Fall Carnival (see page 16
  for more details)
  7:30pm - Come cheer on the
  Royals at the football game!
Homecoming 2018 Game On! October 15-20 - The First Academy
Lower School
                                    K4-6th Grade
                                    October 15-19

                                       Monday: Crazy Hair/Hat Day
It’s Spirit Week in the Lower
                                       Tuesday: Sock Day
School. Spirit dress code for the
week includes:                         Wednesday: Tacky/Mismatch Day

• TFA t-shirts (uniform, sports        Thursday: Glasses Day (students may wear fun
  team, fine arts, etc.)               glasses of their choice)

• Appropriate bottoms                  Friday: Blue & Gold Day
  (uniform shorts or pants,            (Wear your TFA Colors or your 2018 Homecoming
  jeans, jean shorts, or jean          Shirt)

• Regular dress code for
Homecoming 2018 Game On! October 15-20 - The First Academy
Lower School

K—4th grade students will prepare to show school spirit at Friday’s parade by
making spirit items such as shakers or paw prints in their classrooms. The
parade route will be filled with blue and gold!

5th and 6th grade students will participate by making banners to be
displayed in the parade.

• All 5th and 6th grade students are given the opportunity to sign-up for a
  date and time to help with this project.

• All banners are created on school property at various assigned locations
  from 3:15pm until 4:15pm.

• Students are responsible for informing parents if they are participating in
  this project.

• Any parent interested in supervising should contact the appropriate
  grade level Parent Association Captain. Assistance from parents is greatly

• Library Aides and Safety Patrols will march in the parade.

Remember, the Homecoming Parade is scheduled for Friday, October 19 at
9:30am around Loop Road. Come enjoy the banners, the band, the
cheerleaders, and more!

Please join us at the Homecoming football game against West Park Prep
(7:30pm kick-off) and the halftime crowning of our new King and Queen. If
you plan on attending, admission to the game is free of charge for students
and $7.00 for adults.
Homecoming 2018 Game On! October 15-20 - The First Academy
Middle School
   7th-8th Grade
Homecoming 2018 Game On! October 15-20 - The First Academy
The celebration of Homecoming starts with the completion of the Middle
School banner for the parade. Student grade level presidents & House
representatives are given the responsibility of designing their grade’s
banner. Middle School banners will be created on campus on Saturday,
October 14 from 10:00am to 2:00pm. Sign-up will be available for all
students to participate. Any parent interested in assisting with supervision
should contact Dr. Holter.

                      Middle School Dress-Up Days
                            October 15-19

• Monday: Theme Day. Dress-up as your favorite game piece, or game in
  general. This can be done as a group or individually.

• Tuesday: “Built 2 Last.” Each house takes a letter and dresses up in
  something that begins with that letter. (B-Athanasius, U-Edwards, I-
  Elliot, L-Tozer, T-Wesley)

• Wednesday: Solos, Duos, or Squads. Dress-up with your friend or
  squad in a dynamic and fun costume of your choice.

• Thursday: #TBT-Throwback Thursday. Bring back what used to be cool!
  Clothes, hair styles, music trends, accessories, and more!

• Friday: Homecoming shirt and House Spirit dress-up day. Students
  may wear their 2018 Homecoming t-shirt or any TFA shirt along with
  jeans or TFA uniform bottoms. Accessorize in your house colors for the
  pep rally!
Homecoming 2018 Game On! October 15-20 - The First Academy
Middle School

                     The following items are not acceptable:

• Tank tops                              • Low cut shirts/blouses

• Spaghetti straps, strapless, midriff   • Tight-fitting outfits
                                         • Pajama pants
• Torn clothing
                                         • Any non-uniform clothing not
• Outfits above 5” from the knee           joining in the theme of the day

• Full face paint

• Masks

                       FRIDAY, OCTOBER 19 SCHEDULE:

 Homecoming Alternative Schedule/Half day. The Parade will be at 9:30am,
 followed by the pep rally. School will dismiss at 12:15pm for the day.

 Please join us at the Homecoming football game against West Park Prep
 (7:30pm kick-off) and the halftime crowning of our new King and Queen. If
 you plan on attending, admission to the game is free of charge for students
 with ID’s and $7.00 for adults.
Homecoming 2018 Game On! October 15-20 - The First Academy
The First Hope
Homecoming Week is scheduled for October 15-19 this year, and we
can’t wait to enjoy the week full of Super Mario, Pac-Man, Monopoly,
Jenga, and more! We will kick off the day on Friday, October 19 with a
parade at 9:30 am. The carnival will take place on Friday evening from
4:00 to 7:00 pm, followed by the Homecoming Football Game at 7:30 pm
at PSAC! We look forward to sharing all of the fun Homecoming festivities
with the entire TFA community and hope you will mark your calendar for
this exciting week!

                      The First Hope Dress-Up Days
                              October 15-19

• Monday: Crazy Hat/Hair Day (All Grades)

• Tuesday: Crazy Socks Day (ELP, T+ Primary Classes, & Inclusion K-5)
  Favorite Game Piece/Character Day (T+ Int, T+ Sec, Inclusion 6-12)

• Wednesday: Tacky/Mismatched Day (All Grades)

• Thursday: Glasses & Spirit Wear (ELP, T+ Primary Classes, & Inclusion
  Throwback Thursday (T+ Int, T+ Sec, Inclusion 6-12)

• Friday: Blue & Gold/Spirit Wear (All Grades)
Homecoming 2018 Game On! October 15-20 - The First Academy
The Classical School


The Classical School families are invited to join the fun of the Homecoming
parade on Friday, October 19, at 9:30am around Loop Road. Come enjoy
the sound of the TFA band, banners created by our own students, and much
more. We hope to see you there!

Come experience the Homecoming football game against West Park Prep
(7:30pm kick-off). If you plan on attending, admission to the game is free of
charge for students with ID’s and $7.00 for adults.

                             TCS Dress-Up Days
                               October 15-19

• Tuesday:
  -Grades K-5: Crazy sock day. Students may wear funny socks
  -Grades 6-12: Theme Day. Dress-up as your favorite game piece, or
  game in general. This can be done as a group or individually. Judging
  will take place during Royal Recharge and prizes will be awarded.

• Thursday:
  -Grades K-5: Glasses/Spirit Wear Day. Students may wear fun glasses of
  their choice. Students may also wear spirit wear. Today is the day to wear
  your Homecoming t-shirt if your purchased one.
  -Grades 6-12: #TBT-Throw Back Thursday. Bring back what used to be
  cool! Clothes, hair styles, music, trends, accessories, and more! Judging
  will take place during Royal Recharge and prizes will be awarded.
The Classical School

                    The following items are not acceptable:

• Tank tops

• Spaghetti straps, strapless, midriff tops

• Torn clothing

• Outfits above 5” from the knee

• Low cut shirts/blouses

• Tight-fitting outfits

• Pajama pants

• Full face paint

• Masks

• Any non-uniform clothing not joining in the theme of the day

Friday, October 19: Join us to grab a donut and watch the parade with all of
your classmates. Check your email inbox for more details regarding time
and location of this event.

The Homecoming Pep Rally for all grades will immediately follow the parade
on Friday, October 19.

Saturday, 7:30pm: Homecoming Dance for 9-12 grade students in the
Student Center (see page 19 for more information).
Upper School
   9th-12th Grade
Homecoming Court

Each grade level voted for members to represent them on the 2018
Homecoming Court. Students were asked to choose their representatives
based on the following character traits:

• Integrity: Consistently choosing the purity of truth over popularity

• Encouragement: Love and compassion put into action

• Reliability: Diligent in carrying out tasks, trustworthy

• Loyalty: Committed to friends, family, school, and God

• Leadership: Sets a good example, stands up for and/or stands apart from

• Respectfulness: Honors people, property, and thinks of others before self

On Friday, September 28, students in grades 9-12 will be voting for our
Homecoming King & Queen during their House group time. Results will be
announced during halftime at Friday evening’s Homecoming football game.
We hope you will come and share the excitement!

                                Court Eligibility

The Royal House Leadership of The First Academy determined that it is
important to recognize a variety of students, giving more students the
opportunity to be on the court. Therefore, students who are selected for
Homecoming Court will not be eligible for Homecoming Court again until
their senior year. This decision will ensure that more students are recognized
and highlighted throughout the year.
2018 Homecoming Court

Freshman Class

Cameron Koon                      Tristan Merritt

Mallory McDonald                  Everett Simpson

Sophomore Class

Mikayla Guidice                   Burton Pringle

Tiffany Rojas                     Tyler Crump

Junior Class

Mariana Alemany                   Ryan Oliver

Isabel Crist                      Rafe Thomas

Catherine Harris                  Alex Shields

Senior Class

Abigail Moore                     Matthew Edwards

Lindsey Newsom                    Sutton Hardy

Macy Laegeler                     Cooper Billsborough

McKenzie VandenBrekel             Grant Spears
           A Fr i d a y Fu l l oCourt
                                f Fu n !


   All divisions are welcome to join us around Loop Road near the Lower
School and the Cramer Family Field House at 9:30am on Friday, October 19.
 Come out to see the grade level and House banners, local police force, the
              band, football team, homecoming court, and more!

                                    PEP RALLY

  The All-School Pep Rally will immediately follow the parade and will take
   place in the Cramer Family Field House. There will be fun sing-alongs,
                      contests for all ages, and more!


  All of our families are invited to join us from 4:00 to 7:00pm in the Upper
School lot for the Fall Carnival! This is a free event full of fun activities for kids
and adults of all ages! Food trucks will be available for dinner and will be the
                    only attendee cost. You can RSVP HERE!

                                FOOTBALL GAME

Please join us for the Homecoming football game against West Park Prep at
                 7:30pm, immediately following the carnival.

            If you plan on attending, admission to the game is free
              of charge for students with ID’s and $7.00 for adults.
Dress-Up Days

 On Thursday, September 13, during chapel, the Homecoming Court will
 share, by way of a fashion show, various ideas for each of the themed dress-
 up days. Students are welcome to use one of the ideas displayed, or come
 up with their own outfit within the theme. Please note that the following items
 are acceptable, or regular uniforms must be worn.

 • T-shirts related to the day’s theme

 • Wigs & hats

 • Sunglasses (must be off during class)

                    The following items are not acceptable:

• Tank tops

• Spaghetti straps, strapless, midriff     • Low cut shirts/blouses
                                           • Tight-fitting outfits
• Torn clothing
                                           • Pajama pants
• Outfits above 5” from the knee
                                           • Any non-uniform clothing not
• Full face paint                            joining in the theme of the day

• Masks
                Theme Day: Dress-up as your favorite
 Monday         game piece, or game in general. This
                can be done as a group or individually

                Built 2 Last: Each house takes a letter
                and dresses up in something that begins
                with that letter (B-Athanasius, U-
                Edwards, I-Elliot, L-Tozer, T-Wesley)

                Solo, Duos, or Squads: Dress-up with
Wednesday       your friend or squad in a dynamic and
                fun costume of your choice

                #TBT, Throwback Thursday: Bring back
                what used to be cool! Clothes, hair
                styles, music, trends, accessories, and

                Homecoming shirt and House spirit
                dress-up day: Students may wear their
                2018 Homecoming t-shirt or any TFA
                shirt along with jeans or TFA uniform
                bottoms. Accessorize in your House
                colors for the pep rally.
Homecoming Dance
              Upper School Students Only, Grades 9-12

      Homecoming will be a dessert-only dance held in the Student Center at First
      Orlando on Saturday, October 20, at 7:30pm. We encourage students to
      enjoy dinner at a restaurant of choice prior to the dance.

                                    TICKET PURCHASE

      Tickets may be purchased online HERE and are $45.00 per ticket until
      October 19. Outside guests must complete the “Outside Guest Form”.

                                    DRESS GUIDELINES

                Gentlemen                                        Ladies

• Suit                                         • Long dress (slit in dress may not be
                                                 more than 3/4” above the knee)
• Blazer/coat/dress pants
                                               • Short dress (may not be more than 3”
• Dress shirt/tie                                above the knee)

• Reminder: Must be clean shaven               • Modest neckline (no cleavage

                                               • Proper Fitting (skin-tight/snug fitting
It is highly recommended that ladies have        dresses should not be worn)
  their dresses approved by Mrs. Adams
                                               • Midriff may not show (no cut-outs or
 prior to ticket purchase. Email pictures to     see-through material). If a two piece is
   angelaadams@thefirstacademy.org or            worn, the top must overlap the bottom
             stop by US room 154
                                               • Modest looking back (no lower than
                                                 6-8 inches from the top of the
2018 Upper School Homecoming Schedule
Day/Date             Event                      Time              Location

              Court Fashion Show
 9/13                                      8:15am-9:15am          Faith Hall

 9/13         Court Fashion Show           During Chapel          Faith Hall

 9/28       Voting for King & Queen         During House            N/A

 10/14          Hall Decorating           1:00pm-4:00pm         US Building

 10/15      Theme Day “Game On”            7:50am-3:15pm            N/A

              Powder Puff Games
 10/15                                    6:30pm-8:30pm            PSAC
              (Concessions Open)

           Built 2 Last-Dress-up as the
 10/16       letter assigned to your       7:50am-3:15pm            N/A

 10/17      Solos, Duos, and Squads        7:50am-2:40pm            N/A

 10/17           Court Practice           1:05pm-2:40pm            PSAC

 10/18     #TBT- Throwback Thursday        7:50am-3:15pm            N/A

           Homecoming Shirt/House
 10/19                                    7:50am-12:15pm            N/A
             Colors & Accessories

 10/19               Parade               9:30am-10:00am         Loop Road

 10/19              Pep Rally             10:00am-11:00am          CFFH

 10/19              Carnival              4:00pm-7:00pm       US Lot/Loop Road

 10/19           Football Game            7:30pm Kick-Off          PSAC

 10/19      King/Queen Coronation         8:00pm (Halftime)    Football Field

 10/20        Homecoming Dance            7:30pm-10:00pm       Student Center
Homecoming T-Shirt

Homecoming T-shirts may be purchased online HERE
    Available in sizes Youth Small - Adult XXL

               Shirts are $15 each
Upper School Banner
    Decorating Competition

        Judges: Please circle the grade level and point value.

               Grade Level:      9     10     11    12

1. Plans submitted on time       10 Points
   One day late                   5 Points
   More than one day              0 Points

2. Adherence to rules             10 Points
   One violation                  5 Points
   More than one                  0 Points

3. Adherence to Homecoming theme
                              0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

4. Most creative use of theme and Royals Victory at Homecoming game
                                  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

5. Displayed TFA and a lion in a creative way
                                    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

6. Represented and displayed the Royal House colors, name, and animal
                                 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

                  GRAND TOTAL OF POINTS __________
Banner/Hall Decorating

1. Class sponsors should meet with students/parents to secure a location on
   campus where the banner may be painted. Security and weather
   protection should be considered.

2. Banner plans, a list of materials being used on the banner (aside from
   paint), maps, and directions to the banner site must be turned in to the
   Upper School Event Coordinator on or before Monday, October 1, 2018
   for approval.

3. Budget for banners/hall decorations is $250 (including supplies for the
   pole). Each class will be given $250 cash plus the tax exempt forms to be
   used for purchasing supplies. Receipts and any remaining cash must be
   turned in by Friday, October 19, to the Events Coordinator. Please place
   cash/receipts in an envelope with the House name on the outside.

4. Each House will have an individual banner theme that ties into the “Game
   On” theme.

5. Banners may be constructed with anything found or purchased within the
   budgeted amount. However, electronic devices and motors cannot be
   used as part of the design.

6. Adults may not be involved in banner building/design/labor, etc.

7. No banner may exceed the original size of the banner provided, including
   any additional decals or art.

8. Banner design participation for House points must take place on Saturday,
   October 13, from 10:00am to 2:00pm. No one may begin working on
   their banner until October 3 when all designs have been approved. Last
   minute adjustments may be made upon arrival to school on the day of the
   parade. Class time may not be missed and normal tardies and absences
Banner/Hall Decorating

9. It is the responsibility of the class sponsors to ensure faculty and adult
   supervision at the banner site during all design sessions. At least two
   adults must be present at all times.

10. Banner holders and one adult must be responsible for bringing the
    banner to PSAC for display the night of the Homecoming game.

11. Banners must be on campus (FBO Welcome Center B parking lot) no later
    than 8:00am on Friday, October 19. Please allow for travel time from the
    construction location to campus.

12. Banners will be judged during the Homecoming Parade line-up on Friday,
    October 19, at approximately 9:15am. Judging will be based on use of
    theme, creativity, originality, and adherence to the rules. Please see
    attached rubric on page 25 & 26.

                               Banner Clean Up

Each class is responsible for banner disposal. After display at the
Homecoming game, there will be a dumpster available for disposing of the
banners. Each House is responsible for dumping their banner in the trash
and keeping their pole and storing their pole for the next year. If the school
can find a location to store all five poles we will do so, but as of now they are
to be stored individually off-campus.
House Point Scoring

Dress Up Days

      1st place:      100 points
      2nd place:      75 points
      3rd place:      50 points
      4th place:      25 points
      5th place:      0 points

House Attendance at Powder Puff

      1st place:      100 points
      2nd place:      75 points
      3rd place:      50 points
      4th place:      25 points
      5th place:      0 points

House Competitions at the Pep Rally

      1st place:      100 points
      2nd place:      75 points
      3rd place:      50 points
      4th place:      25 points
      5th place:      0 points

Hall Decorations

      1st place:      100 points
      2nd place:      75 points
      3rd place:      50 points
      4th place:      25 points
      5th place:      0 points
House Point Scoring

House Banner Competition

      1st place:      100 points
      2nd place:      75 points
      3rd place:      50 points
      4th place:      25 points
      5th place:      0 points

50 bonus points for the BEST COSTUME OF THE DAY for each dress up day.
Judging for this will be done behind the Upper Lobby each day at Royal
Game On!
October 15-20
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