Housing, Welsh Language and Local Government - WELSH LABOUR POLICY FORUM 2021 Second stage consultation document

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Housing, Welsh Language and Local Government - WELSH LABOUR POLICY FORUM 2021 Second stage consultation document

Housing, Welsh
Language and
Local Government
Second stage consultation document
Housing, Welsh Language and Local Government - WELSH LABOUR POLICY FORUM 2021 Second stage consultation document
Housing, Welsh Language and Local Government - WELSH LABOUR POLICY FORUM 2021 Second stage consultation document
Housing, Welsh
    Language and
    Local Government
    Second stage consultation document

PRACTICAL INFORMATION                       4

THE ROAD TO 2021                            5


SUSTAINABLE HOUSING                         7


HOMELESSNESS                                9

WELSH LANGUAGE                              10

LOCAL GOVERNMENT                            11

LOCAL ELECTIONS                             11

ELECTED COUNCILLORS                         12

REGIONAL WORKING                            12



CULTURE, WALES AND THE WORLD                13

WALES: A NATION OF SANCTUARY                13
Housing, Welsh Language and Local Government - WELSH LABOUR POLICY FORUM 2021 Second stage consultation document
Practical information
STAGE 2 AND NEXT STEPS                                   AT THE MEETING
Rather than setting out developed policy                 Make sure you have arranged for someone to chair
proposals, the Stage 1 consultation brought              the meeting and a note taker so that people’s
together ideas and experiences from all sections         views are recorded for any submissions to the
of the party to inform the direction of Welsh            consultation.
Labour’s future policy. Stage 2 is less general in
                                                         It is a good idea to let people know a little bit
its approach, bringing those ideas together and
                                                         about the consultation and how devolution means
testing whether the direction of travel is the right
                                                         a greater level of autonomy for Welsh Labour to
                                                         develop made-in-Wales solutions which cover a
The documents are not intended to be definitive          broad range of potential laws, taxes and policies.
statements of policy, but to facilitate a more
                                                         Your meeting could begin with opening remarks
concrete discussion of the options presented
                                                         from your local/regional Welsh Labour AM who
in Stage 1. Members, affiliates and local parties
                                                         will have experience and insight into the issues
are of course encouraged to include comments
                                                         covered in the consultation. You may also wish to
and ideas on the broader challenges they see as
                                                         ask one of your constituency’s Welsh Policy Forum
crucial for consideration by the party or any issues
                                                         representatives to introduce the session and chair
not covered in the documents.
                                                         the discussion.
Stage 2 will conclude in early summer 2020. After
                                                         As a rough guide we suggest 30 to 45 minutes
this, Final Policy Documents will be drafted, and
                                                         discussion for each paper. Following the group
representatives and their organisations will be
                                                         discussions, it is always a good idea to choose
invited to submit detailed amendments ahead of
                                                         someone from each group to feedback their ideas.
a meeting to debate and vote on amendments
                                                         These ideas can be written up and sent as the
and the documents (as amended) in the autumn of
                                                         basis of your submission.

                                                          HOW TO RESPOND
Here are some things to think about when holding
an event:                                                 Please send your responses to
                                                          welshlabourpolicy@labour.org.uk, putting
First, decide which issue(s) to cover. The                ‘STAGE 2 POLICY CONSULTATION’ in the
consultation has been designed so that each               subject line of the email.
of the six topics covered can be the focus of an
event/discussion.                                         You can also post a response, marked for the
                                                          attention of the Policy Officer, to the Welsh
Depending on how many people you are                      Labour office at Welsh Labour, 1 Cathedral
expecting at your event you may wish to split into        Road, Cardiff, CF11 9HA.
groups to discuss different documents before
providing feedback to the wider meeting.                  When preparing a response, please indicate
                                                          whether you are responding as an individual
As the consultation runs until June 2020, you may         or on behalf of a Branch, CLP, Labour Group
want to consider running more than one event in           or affiliated organisation. Please note that
order to cover all areas of the consultation or at        you can submit reports from workshops and
least those of greatest interest.                         discussions held at other forums to provide
Please do share the consultation with branch              members with more opportunities to take part
secretaries so that they are able to hold additional      in this process.
discussions. Branches may find discussions at             CONSULTATION DEADLINE
their meetings a useful opportunity to focus on
one area of particular interest within a policy topic.    The deadline for Stage 2 submissions is
                                                          Monday 15 June 2020.

Housing, Welsh Language and Local Government - WELSH LABOUR POLICY FORUM 2021 Second stage consultation document
The road to 2021
The 2021 Assembly elections will be the most
challenging our party has faced since the dawn of
devolution. Brexit has turned our politics upside
down and more than a decade of punishing UK
Conservative Government austerity has taken its
toll on individuals and communities across the
The next Assembly election campaign will be our
chance in Wales to set out a different road ahead
in the next decade. An opportunity to develop
a compelling vision of the stronger, greener and
fairer Wales we all want to see. That work will be
captured in our manifesto for the campaign – the
work on which has already begun through our
policy process.
This second stage policy document brings
together the exciting ideas put forward by
members across the country through consultation
responses and workshop events during stage one
                                                       stage of the policy process is an important step in
over the last year.
                                                       developing a winning policy platform – a Labour
It develops our thinking on those ideas and helps      platform – to take into those Assembly elections
lay the foundations for the next Welsh Labour          and to take Wales into the next decade.
manifesto for the Assembly elections due to take
                                                       I’m proud of what we have done since 2016 to
place in May 2021.
                                                       implement the manifesto on which we won that
I want to thank all the party members, local policy    election. We’ve already met our manifesto pledge
forums, trade unions and affiliates who have fed       to raise the capital threshold for residential care to
into this process so far and I want to see the next    £50,000 three years early and we’ve rolled out our
stage of the process opened up to ever more            childcare offer ahead of schedule.
members, and the contribution each can make.
                                                       We’re on track to exceed the 100,000 good quality
These documents build on Labour’s record in            Apprenticeships pledge we made; we’ve opened
power in Wales as well as our work in Westminster      the £80m NHS Treatment fund we promised and
and in local government. They are aimed at             we will deliver £100m of additional funding into
helping us to develop a radical platform for           our schools.
government in the next decade.
                                                       But progressive politics is about understanding
Of course, building that progressive platform          our past in ways which help us shape our future.
won’t be easy given the Tory squeeze on Welsh          It’s about setting out a compelling vision of the
Government finances. If budgets in Wales had           journey ahead and taking people with us on that
simply stood still over the last decade, the Welsh     road. To do that you need ideas and you need
Government would have £800 million more                vision - and that’s what this policy process is
to spend on public services. Indeed, had they          designed to help us, together, to achieve.
followed the trend of growth in public expenditure
since 1945 we would have had an extra £6 billion
at our disposal.
But Labour has faced these challenges before           Mark Drakeford
and at its best we are a beacon of hope for the        First Minister of Wales and
future in spite of the challenges we face. This next   Leader of Welsh Labour

                                                           HOUSING, WELSH LANGUAGE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT         5
Housing, Welsh Language and Local Government - WELSH LABOUR POLICY FORUM 2021 Second stage consultation document
INCREASING THE SUPPLY OF                                 “ WE SHOULD CONTINUE TO
AFFORDABLE HOMES                                           HAVE HIGH AMBITIONS FOR
Everyone, no matter what their circumstances, has          THE DEVELOPMENT OF NEW
a right to a decent home. This right is denied to          SOCIAL HOUSING.”
too many. Under the Conservative Governments
of the 1980s housing ceased to be a public                 – Monmouth CLP
Between April 1981 and March 2019, the Right to
                                                     housing as a key priority. It has stated
Buy and Right to Acquire resulted in the loss of
                                                     categorically that Welsh Labour understands the
around 140,000 local authority homes and 3,600
                                                     role a good quality, affordable home can play in
Housing Association properties. This is equivalent
                                                     supporting the wellbeing, health and prosperity of
to 45% of the total stock.
                                                     local communities.
Welsh Labour ended the right to buy and is
                                                     The statistical projections are that Wales will need
committed to building good quality homes from
                                                     8,000 new homes a year, of which 4,000 homes
which individuals and families can create secure
                                                     are social housing for rent.
and successful futures.
                                                     Social housing plays a vital role in meeting
A Welsh Labour Government delivered 10,000 new
                                                     housing need and the lower rents help people
affordable homes between 2011 and 2016 and with
                                                     who cannot find a home from the housing market,
an investment of £1.7bn is set to deliver 20,000
                                                     either by buying or renting from a private landlord.
affordable homes by 2021.
                                                     Welsh Labour had been calling on the UK
In the last Assembly term Labour in Wales brought
                                                     Government to lift the housing revenue borrowing
5,000 empty houses back into use and helped
                                                     cap for many years. In October 2018 this was
3,000 home buyers through Help to Buy – Wales.
                                                     done, which will allow Local Authorities to develop
But there is more to do.
                                                     more homes.
In the national strategy, Prosperity for All, the
                                                     Welsh Labour will work with partners in the local
Welsh Labour Government has recognised
                                                     authorities; registered social landlords and with

Housing, Welsh Language and Local Government - WELSH LABOUR POLICY FORUM 2021 Second stage consultation document
The Welsh Labour Government has already
“	LOCAL AUTHORITIES SHOULD                            accepted the UK Committee on Climate Change
  BE ABLE TO ACCESS FINANCE                            (UKCCC) recommendations to reduce our
                                                       emissions by 95%, by 2050 with an ambition to
  SO THAT BUILDING SOCIAL                              achieve net zero carbon.
  AND AFFORDABLE HOUSING IS                            In making this declaration we were building
  NOT THE RESPONSIBILITY OF                            upon a series of actions that the Welsh Labour
  PRIVATE DEVELOPS.”                                   Government had already put in place over the past
                                                       three years.
 – Vale of Glamorgan CLP
                                                       Firstly, the Environment (Wales) Act in 2016 set
                                                       out legally binding emission reduction targets to
                                                       be met by 2050 and the Future Generations Act
 the construction industry to increase radically the
                                                       requires us to find sustainable, joined up solutions
 supply of new social housing for rent.
                                                       to these problems.
 It will work with all parts of the public sector to
                                                       Secondly, in 2017 a Welsh Labour Cabinet set a
 release publically owned land for this purpose,
                                                       bold and ambitious programme for government in
 ensuring that we build houses in sustainable,
                                                       ‘Prosperity for All’ - decarbonisation is one of its
 well connected places which are attractive and
                                                       six priorities.
 engaging places to live.
                                                       And finally, in March this year the Welsh Labour
 Welsh Labour is examining the business case
                                                       Government published its Low Carbon Delivery
 to establish a ‘new land agency’ to undertake
                                                       Plan which contains detailed sector-by-sector
 support the better use of land assets for public
                                                       emissions profiles and policies and proposals to
 purposes in Wales.
                                                       achieve a low-carbon Wales.
                                                       This Low Carbon Delivery Plan makes its
 SUSTAINABLE HOUSING                                   position clear – the Welsh Labour Government
 New houses must be quality houses and a key           will continuously raise its expectations in order
 measure of quality will be that these homes will      to meet the challenge of climate change and
 have the lowest possible carbon footprint in terms    maximise the wellbeing of Wales through the
 of both their construction and their future energy    transition to a low carbon economy.
 Welsh Labour’s investment in the Welsh Housing            “	GREEN HOUSING THAT IS
 Quality Standard (WHQS) ensures that many of                PREFERABLY SUPPLIED AND
 our most vulnerable people live in decent homes.
                                                             MANUFACTURED IN WALES .”
 In October 2019 93% of social housing dwellings
 had met WHQS and all social landlords in Wales              – Dwyfor Meirionnydd CLP
 are on track to deliver it by December 2020.
 Since 2004 the Welsh Labour Government                Welsh Labour knows that homes are a major
 has invested £1.7 billion into social homes via       contributor to Greenhouse Gases - contributing
 Major Repairs Allowance (MRA) and Dowry. This         27% of emissions - so they have to be part of the
 investment has generated community benefits           solution. That is why housing has been a major
 amounting to £2 billion over the life of the          focus for Welsh Government’s action for change.
 programme. This means the creation of local jobs,
 training and apprenticeship opportunities.            A Welsh Labour Government launched the
                                                       Innovative Housing Programme in 2017. To date the
 The Climate Emergency is probably the biggest         programme has committed to support 51 schemes
 challenge the modern world has faced. Welsh           across Wales to deliver new housing models that
 Labour has demonstrated its commitment to             help meet greenhouse gas reduction targets and
 tackling climate change by declaring a climate        address housing need and fuel poverty.

                                                          HOUSING, WELSH LANGUAGE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT     7
Housing, Welsh Language and Local Government - WELSH LABOUR POLICY FORUM 2021 Second stage consultation document
Over the course of the three years the programme      The Act provides a new, streamlined and reformed
has provided over £91 million of support to build     basis for residential letting in Wales, with
1,438 new innovative homes of which 1,013 are         significant benefits for anyone who rents their
affordable housing.                                   home. Mandatory written contracts will clearly
                                                      set out all the relevant rights and responsibilities
When it comes to the Climate Emergency, the
                                                      of landlords and contract-holders. Arrangements
biggest challenge we face is the 1.4m homes that
                                                      for joint contracts, will stop one joint contract-
already exist. The rate of replacement is very low
                                                      holder acting alone to end the contract, helping to
so most of the homes we have today will still be
                                                      prevent unintentional homelessness.
with us in 2050.
                                                      Importantly, the Act offers protection against
32% of homes in Wales were built before 1919.
                                                      retaliatory evictions – when a landlord evicts
We have some of the oldest and least thermally
                                                      a tenant in response to a request for repairs or
efficient homes in Europe. The average is EPC
Band D, lower than the rest of the UK, and a long
way from where they need to be.                       The introduction of a Fitness for Human
                                                      Habitation standard for all privately rented
These homes need to meet the needs of future
                                                      properties, including regulations setting out
generations and be near zero carbon helping the
                                                      requirements for smoke and carbon monoxide
environment and lifting households out of fuel
                                                      alarms and electrical safety testing.
                                                      There is more we can do, in particular to address
This is why Welsh Labour has set out significant
                                                      widely held concerns about the use of ‘no
ambitions to drive forward decarbonisation across
                                                      fault evictions’. That is why the Welsh Labour
all tenures of existing housing stock.
                                                      Government is consulting on increasing the
The challenge is huge. Welsh Labour’s                 notice a landlord must give when seeking to end a
achievement on WHQS demonstrates it is possible       contract.
to deliver effective, major retrofit programmes
                                                      The consultation proposes tripling, from two
with substantial community benefits.
                                                      months to six months, the notice that a landlord
Energy retrofitting our homes is not just a major     must give when seeking to end a standard
opportunity to significantly reduce our carbon        occupation contract under section 173 of the Act.
emissions and meet our targets but to tackle fuel
                                                      The consultation also proposes restricting the
poverty, improve comfort and quality in homes,
                                                      issue of a section 173 notice until six months after
create jobs and promote training, supply chains
and industries in Welsh communities.
                                                         “	THE SOCIAL DISLOCATION AND
Welsh Labour supports a range of housing tenures             EDUCATION ARISING FROM THE
to meet varied housing needs. We invest in                   TERMINATION OF ASSURED
programmes to support social and intermediate                SHORTHOLD TENANCIES ARE
rented housing, as well as affordable home                   IMMENSE. THEY EFFECTIVELY
                                                             DENY MANY PRIVATE RENTING
Tenants need peace of mind when renting a                    TENANTS THE OPPORTUNITY
property. Nobody should be denied the chance to
feel secure in their own home and to plan ahead for
                                                             TO BECOME ROOTED IN THEIR
the future.                                                  COMMUNITY AND TO GIVE THEIR
Our Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016 is key to
                                                             FAMILIES A HOME RATHER THAN
making renting a positive choice and achieving               JUST A SHELTER.”
security of tenure. We are now in the process of
implementing this important Act.
                                                           – Vale of Clwyd CLP

Housing, Welsh Language and Local Government - WELSH LABOUR POLICY FORUM 2021 Second stage consultation document
the occupation date of the contract. The Act           Prosperity for all sets out this vision for a Wales
currently sets this at 4 months.                       where everyone has a safe home that meets their
                                                       needs and supports a healthy, successful and
Taken together, the effect of these two key
                                                       prosperous life.
features would be that contract holders would
enjoy 12, instead of 6, months initial security of     The UK Conservative Government’s ongoing cuts to
tenure.                                                welfare and nine years of austerity have increased
                                                       pressures of homelessness and rough sleeping.
In progressing this agenda, under Welsh Labour,
                                                       There has been an 18% rise in the number of people
tenants in Wales, will enjoy greater security of
                                                       assessed as being at risk of homelessness, but
tenure; protection from retaliatory evictions and
                                                       interventions by local authorities in Wales have
greater assurance of safety standards. However,
                                                       prevented homelessness in 68% of cases.
in the event that a landlord needs to take back
possession of the property, they will have much        Welsh Labour is committed to working together,
longer to plan for the move.                           across the public and third sectors, to prevent all
                                                       forms of homelessness and where it cannot be
Welsh Labour will review the impact of the Act
                                                       prevented ensure it is rare, brief and un-repeated.
and take further action to improve tenant security
where the need is identified.                          In recognition of the scale of the issue, Welsh
                                                       Labour has invested over £20m this year alone to
Thanks to action by the Welsh Labour
                                                       specifically prevent and relieve homelessness. This
Government, the Renting Homes (Fees etc.)
                                                       funding has supported a range of statutory and
(Wales) Bill has now become law. This Act bans
                                                       non-statutory services to help those who do not
letting fees in Wales.
                                                       have a secure place to live.
The Act makes it an offence to charge a tenant
any payment that is not specified as a ‘permitted
payment’ by the legislation. This means tenants           “	MANY POLICY AREAS MUST
cannot be charged for such things as an                       COME TOGETHER AND
accompanied viewing, receiving an inventory,                  TAKE A HOLISTIC VIEW OF
signing a contract, or renewing a tenancy.
It is estimated the Act will save tenants almost
£200 per tenancy.                                           – Monmouth CLP
The Act will cap holding deposits, paid to reserve
a property before the signing of a rental contract,
to the equivalent of a week’s rent and create          However, homelessness remains at unacceptably
provisions to ensure their prompt repayment. It        high levels in Wales and the root causes show little
will also give the Welsh Government the power,         sign of abating particularly in view of the continued
should it wish to use it in the future, to limit the   economic uncertainty we face.
level of security deposits.                            A Welsh Labour Government has taken significant
                                                       strides forward in embedding a preventative
                                                       approach. In large part this has been delivered
HOMELESSNESS                                           through the introduction and subsequent
The Labour Government in Wales is committed            implementation of Part 2 the Housing (Wales) Act
to preventing and addressing all forms of              2014.
homelessness.                                          Implementation of the Act by local authorities
Homelessness is about far more than just rough         across Wales has made a significant difference with
sleeping. Rough sleeping is the most acute and         over 23,000 households prevented from falling into
visible form of homelessness but other forms of        homelessness since 2015.
homelessness make up 94% of homeless people            Over that period Local Authorities, who are at the
in Wales. This includes temporary or unsuitable        forefront of our prevention agenda, have done an
accommodation, sofa surfing and emergency              admirable job maintaining prevention rates in the

                                                          HOUSING, WELSH LANGUAGE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT       9
Housing, Welsh Language and Local Government - WELSH LABOUR POLICY FORUM 2021 Second stage consultation document
face of increasing demand and wider budgetary           action plan, setting out the measures which will be
constraints. However, whilst prevention rates           taken across Government, working with partners, to
remain high there are still far too many whose          address homelessness.
homelessness is not prevented and who are falling
through the net.
                                                        WELSH LANGUAGE
A Labour Government in Wales has invested
£1.6 million into shifting its focus from providing     Welsh Labour is committed to growing the Welsh
temporary, emergency accommodation to rapid             language and in government it has taken steps
re-housing solutions. In the context of rough           to enhance the status and health of the language
sleepers, this involves housing led solutions such as   across Wales.
Housing First, which is intended for those with the     The Welsh language now has official status;
most complex needs.                                     legislation is in place which provides rights for
The core of our legislation is prevention. True         Welsh speakers to receive Welsh-language
prevention requires a holistic response from across     services, and a Welsh Language Commissioner has
the public sector – it is not simply a housing issue,   been appointed to oversee the implementation of
it is a public services issue. True prevention means    these rights.
ensuring the homelessness legislation is seen, as       Through the Well-being of Future Generations
it should be, as the final safety net when all other    Act (Wales) 2015 specified public bodies covering
preventative actions have failed.                       the whole of Wales are required to work towards
To achieve this, our approach has to support both       seven well-being goals, one of which is ‘A Wales
those currently homeless into long-term, suitable       of vibrant culture and thriving Welsh language’;
accommodation, whilst also significantly reducing       and the system for planning Welsh-medium
the flow of individuals and families falling into or     education provision also has a statutory basis.
becoming at risk of homelessness.                       Welsh Government is under a duty to promote and
                                                        facilitate the use of Welsh and work towards the
We recognise we need to do more and to intensify
                                                        well-being goals.
efforts. The Welsh Labour Government has
published its strategic policy statement, which         But Welsh Labour wants to go further and has
provides the policy framework for everyone              shown leadership in setting an ambitious target
working with us to deliver our ambition.                for increasing the number of people able to speak
                                                        and use Welsh to reach 1 million by 2050 and in
The statement will be supported by an annual
                                                        developing a plan to take it forward.

language skills and are able to use the language
“	EVEN WITH 1 MILLION WELSH                           with confidence in all aspects of their lives by the
    SPEAKERS IN 2050, THE                               time they leave school.

    TO BE OFFERED THE CHANCE TO                         Welsh Labour has always understood that a vibrant
    LEARN THE WELSH LANGUAGE                            and empowered local democracy is essential to
    IN ORDER TO CREATE A TRULY                          ensuring that Wales remains a country where
                                                        people value their communities and the social
                                                        solidarity that active communities create.
                                                        Through an active local democracy people in
    COUNTRY.”                                           communities work together to create and develop:
 – Brecon and Radnorshire CLP                              - The care that we offer each other
                                                           - The schools that nurture our children and
 This is certainly a challenging ambition, but an            young people
 ambition that is worthwhile and necessary if Wales
 is to secure the vitality of the language for future      - The bio-diverse and attractive environments
 generations.                                                that support our well-being and foster high
                                                             quality economic activity
 Welsh Labour is committed to making the changes
 needed across education, training, public services        - The high quality, sustainable homes that we
 and industry to get there. Over the coming years            need
 Welsh Labour will focus on three strategic areas to       - The places, towns, villages and
 achieve this vision:                                        neighbourhoods in which we live, work and
   • Increasing the number of Welsh speakers                 enjoy each other’s company

   • Increasing the use of Welsh                           - The creative management of our waste so that
                                                             it is minimised and recirculated into productive
   • Creating favourable conditions – infrastructure        use by innovative local businesses
     and context
                                                           - The transport infrastructure that keeps us
 Welsh Labour is committed to supporting an                  connected in as active and sustainable manner
 increase in language transmission in the family and         as possible
 early introduction of Welsh to every child; through
 an education system that provides Welsh language       Welsh Labour believes that active and successful
 skills for all and through greater appreciation of     communities are built not by programmes handed
 Welsh language skills in the workplace.                down from above – but by encouraging local
                                                        councils to harness the energies of local people as
 At the same time, it is committed to supporting        they work with elected councillors and council staff.
 people to use Welsh socially, at work, and when
 accessing services.
 Welsh Labour is committed to increasing the            LOCAL ELECTIONS
 number of Welsh learners in statutory education        In 2022 Wales will have its first local elections
 and ensure that each learner develops skills in        in which 16 year olds will be able to vote. Welsh
 Welsh to a standard which will enable them to use      Labour will work with schools, colleges and
 the language in their everyday lives. In government    local communities to engage local people in the
 Welsh Labour will work with local authorities across   democratic process.
 Wales to effectively measure and meet the demand
                                                        These changes go hand in hand with the major
 for Welsh-medium education.
                                                        curriculum reform being undertaken in our schools
 Welsh Labour aims to ensure that by 2050 at least      where one of the four purposes of the new
 70 per cent of all learners develop their Welsh        curriculum is to ensure young people in Wales

                                                           HOUSING, WELSH LANGUAGE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT        11
become ethical and informed citizens, ready to             REGIONAL WORKING
 become citizens of Wales and the world.                    After much discussion the Welsh Government has
 Once created voting can become a life-long habit.          concluded that the existing pattern of unitary local
 It is Welsh Labour’s ambition to create a new              authorities represents as good a balance between
 generation of voters from 2022.                            local engagement and economies of scale as any
                                                            alternative; but only on the basis that systematic
 By a two–thirds majority local councils will also
                                                            regional arrangements were established where the
 be able to change their electoral systems and
                                                            need for regional working was identified.
 choose to adopt a Single Transferable Vote election
 system.                                                    The upcoming Local Government Bill will require
                                                            that Corporate Joint Committees will be established
                                                            in each region. These bodies are ‘corporate’ in that
 ELECTED COUNCILLORS                                        they are legal bodies which can enter into contracts,
 Welsh Labour values and respects those who seek            receive grants and employ staff.
 and gain elected office, ensuring that our local           The geography of the regions will be defined in
 services are connected to local people, responding         regulations, with local authorities invited to make
 to their needs and fully held to account.                  their proposals.
 Welsh Labour will continue to make the position of         The Bill will allow Ministers to require that local
 councillors attractive to people of all ages, genders,     authorities transfer the following functions to
 employment status, social and ethnic backgrounds.          regional CJC’s
 Once the Local Government Bill is enacted, the                - School Improvement (the responsibilities of the
 Welsh Government will be introducing regulations                existing consortia)
 which ensure that councillors have at least as
                                                               - Strategic Land Use Planning (The responsibility
 much access to parental leave as local government
                                                                 to provide a regional plan as defined in existing
 The Bill will introduce the opportunity for cabinet
                                                               - Transport
 positions in local councils to be filled on the basis of
 job-sharing, just one of a number of measures Welsh           - Economic Development
 Labour will take to encourage individuals from a wide      The members of a CJC shall be the leaders of
 and diverse background to stand for election.              the constituent local authorities. There will be
 The Bill will require that councillors can exercise        sub-committees for each function and they may
 digital participation in council meetings so that          consist of any nominated local councillor or other
 time spent travelling can be much reduced.                 nominated persons.
 The Bill places a duty on party leaders to maintain        Local authorities in each region may agree to
 standards of conduct among the members of their            transfer other functions to a CJC.
 party group in a local council.                            In the event of service failure Ministers may transfer
                                                            functions to ‘other persons’, including CJC’s.
                                                            The Bill will provide a process whereby local
                                                            authorities may choose voluntarily to merge.
    TO BE CHANGED.”                                         TOWN AND COMMUNITY COUNCILS
                                                            The Welsh Government has completed a review
 – Caerphilly CLP                                           of Town and Community Councils in Wales. It is
                                                            committed to linking together the work of local
                                                            authority and community councils more effectively
                                                            to enhance the contribution of this most local level
                                                            of government.

The Local Government Bill will provide enhanced       catering and other tourism-related business. Welsh
powers for town and community councils.               Labour will grow the tourism industry, particularly in
                                                      rural communities to support economic growth.

PUTTING A DECADE OF AUSTERITY                         As Baroness Andrews set out in her 2014 ‘Culture
BEHIND US                                             and Poverty’ report, the culture sector has a vital
                                                      role to play in tackling poverty and disadvantage.
Since 2010 there has been a Tory UK Government
with an ideological commitment to roll back the       Welsh Labour is committed to using every lever at
state. Public expenditure in the UK has fallen from   its disposal to enhance access to culture for those
45% of GDP in 2011 to 38% of GDP in 2019.             from the poorest backgrounds.

As a result, the block grant to the Welsh             The international landscape has changed
Government has decreased by over £800 million in      dramatically over the last three years and Welsh
real terms. Inevitably the money available to Welsh   Labour is committed to ensuring that Wales has a
local authorities has been squeezed.                  clear strategy for making sure its voice is heard.

Local authorities must be respected for the manner    Welsh Labour will take forward the International
in which they have sought to manage their services    Strategy it has developed in government. The
in the midst of such austerity. They have provided    priority goals set out in the plan include:
relative protection to key services such as schools      - Raising Wales’ profile internationally;
and social care but tough decisions have been
                                                         - Increasing our exports and encouraging
experienced in services such as planning, economic
                                                           inward investment, growing our economy
development, libraries, culture, sport, recreation,
                                                           and creating new jobs and opportunities for
roads and transport.
                                                           people in Wales;
When the Labour Party regains control of
                                                         - Showing the world what we are doing as a
government in Westminster we commit ourselves
                                                           globally responsible nation.
to invest again in the services and facilities that
allow us to support each other and contribute to      Welsh Labour will ensure that all departments in the
communities which enjoy economic success, an          Welsh Government have international engagement
enhanced environment and social solidarity.           as part of their work.
                                                      There are many Welsh people and organisations
                                                      at home and abroad who are interested in helping
                                                      to raise the profile of Wales and Welsh Labour will
Welsh Labour is committed to promoting and            harness that resource to add value to the efforts of
protecting our culture, our heritage and the          the Welsh Government in the international arena.
Welsh language. It wants to encourage people
across Wales to participate in the arts, sports and
recreation. Welsh Labour wants our nation to be       WALES: A NATION OF SANCTUARY
the most creatively active nation in Europe.          Welsh Labour is fundamentally committed to
The creative industries are a vital engine of our     equality and human rights and will make this a
economy - they contribute jobs and wealth and         central part of its work in government. Welsh
help to put Wales on the map, raising its image       Labour believes in fair treatment of every person,
world-wide. Welsh Labour will take forward an         especially those who are most marginalised by
exciting new plan for Creative Wales to help          social systems that prevent people from meeting
support the sector grow and expand.                   their basic needs.
Culture is at the heart of the new Wales brand,       Welsh Labour will build on the commitment it has
which aims to harness our creativity to reveal new    made to make Wales a Nation of Sanctuary so
stories that complement our country’s rich culture.   that refugees and asylum seekers are supported
Parts of the culture sector are very significant      to rebuild their lives and make a full contribution to
tourism attractions, boosting visitor numbers,        Welsh society.
generating demand for transport, accommodation,

                                                          HOUSING, WELSH LANGUAGE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT      13
7.                        Environment, Culture and the
                          Welsh Language XXXXXXXX

13449_20 Reproduced from electronic media, promoted by Louise Magee, General Secretary, Welsh Labour, on behalf of Welsh Labour, both at 1 Cathedral Road, Cardiff CF11 9HA.
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