How to make a Vision Board that works - Guaranteed! - Maxine King - Fresh Mindset

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How to make a Vision Board that works - Guaranteed! - Maxine King - Fresh Mindset
Maxine King

How to make
a Vision
Board that
works -
How to make a Vision Board that works - Guaranteed! - Maxine King - Fresh Mindset
Are you ready to
      power up your life?

    How to create powerful image of your future
    using a 5 step process with guaranteed

How to make a Vision Board that works - Guaranteed! - Maxine King - Fresh Mindset
Designing your Future
     Energise it into reality

     Set your Vision - get really clear on
     what you are wanting to manifest

     Declare - make a public declaration
     hold you accountable in achieving it.
     This carries some weight rather than
     just setting a goal.

     Letter - write a heartfelt letter to
     yourself declaring what you will be
     achieving and when it will happen.

     Scale up your resources - Check
     what steps you can take towards
     your vision ie book course, coach,
     join a club or group

     Have faith over fear - Adopt a new
     mindset to trust self to achieve
     whenever and however you get
     thrown off.

How to make a Vision Board that works - Guaranteed! - Maxine King - Fresh Mindset
Designing Your
     Vision Board
The most important part of creating your
vision board is to SPEND TIME picking
amazing pictures and words that really
speak to you. So when you look at
your board, you get a tingle of

1. FIRSTLY, decide whether your
vision board is going to BE SPECIFIC
to one area of your life, or whether you
incorporate all areas ie health,
relationships, love, holidays, ideal home,
dream car, hobbies you want to take up,                                     Sample Vision Board
training you are wanting to embark on -
anything that BRINGS YOU JOY, add            suggest you practise for 10 to 20         You will find with your brain now
to your vision board. Write it down.         minutes daily getting your dreaming       activated for dreaming, pictures and
                                             muscle working for you. Write down        words will start popping out at you in
Once areas of your focus are decided,        your findings and watch them grow         line with the images you have now
allow your brain to START DREAMING.          daily.                                    created in your mind.
Imagine yourself holding a magic wand
that will grant you anything your heart      Make it fun and take time dreaming up     Start checking out pictures and words
desires with NO RESTRICTIONS. - If           your perfect life. STRETCH YOUR           that INSPIRE you. That when you look
you are not used to allowing your            IMAGINATION and see where it takes        at you can feel the JOY welling up
IMAGINATION to run free, I would             you.                                      inside.

How to make a Vision Board that works - Guaranteed! - Maxine King - Fresh Mindset
Check out the internet, pin interest,        Take the time to make a neat and clear      When your Vision Board is complete,
magazines or pictures of your own.           board. You want it to be neat so as to      place it somewhere you can see it when
Make sure they give a sense of JOY,          prevent attracting chaos into your life.    you first wake up in the morning and
HAPPINESS, EXCITEMENT,                                                                   last thing at night. It’s important you
FREEDOM. How you feel generates a            It is important you energise this through   ENERGISE YOUR DESIRES during
higher vibrational frequency and it’s from   your intentional vibrational frequency.     these times since you will be taking
here you start MAGNETISING your              This is the language UNIVERSAL              these thoughts into your dreams last
imaginings into your world.                  ENERGY picks up on and will return a        thing at night and you will be setting up
                                             matching frequency to you. It’s the         your day with higher vibrational thoughts
Cut them out and start arranging.            higher vibrations that bring in the         first thing in the morning. To increase
ENJOY THE PROCESS of arranging               manifestations of joy, happiness and        frequency intensity, visualise it as if
these energised pictures and words           excitement.                                 already in your possession, smell it, feel
together on your board.                                                                  it, hear it and bring it to life in your mind.
                                                                                         In doing so, you may start hearing
                                                                                         resistances rising. This is completely
                                                                                         normal and a good sign that shifts are
                                                                                         happening. Just keep your focus on
                                                                                         the end goals.

                                                                                         2. COMMIT by declaring publicly what
                                                                                         you will achieve and when. This will
                                                                                         make you accountable for its

                                                                                         3. WRITE A HEARTFELT LETTER of
                                                                                         declaration to yourself which evokes
                                                                                         emotion from you. You will be looking
                                                                                         for goosebumps or a chill otherwise the
                                                                                         letter won’t be strong enough. Write it
                                                                                         congratulating yourself on your
                                                                                         achievement(s), when achieved, how
                                                                                         you nailed it and mention how proud
                                                                                         you are of yourself for how you
                                                                                         managed to nail it all.
How to make a Vision Board that works - Guaranteed! - Maxine King - Fresh Mindset

4. SPEND TIME working out what you can do to
become that person who achieves that vision. Take
steps towards your vision(s) ie sign up to a competition,
read a book(s), hire a coach, find an accountability
partner. Level up your resources so you can move in
the direction of your goals without delay. Strike while the
iron is hot.

When the fear creeps in, which it invariably does,
develop a STRONG MINDSET SELF of TRUST so you
can meet obstacles with certainty of you finding a way to
overcome any difficulties.

For further assistance, visit
and arrange a 121 FREE 15 minute 1st call.

How to make a Vision Board that works - Guaranteed! - Maxine King - Fresh Mindset
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