2019 HOLIDAY PROGRAMME 18 - 26 APRIL - Farm Cove Intermediate

Page created by Herman Cole
2019 HOLIDAY PROGRAMME 18 - 26 APRIL - Farm Cove Intermediate

    18 - 26 APRIL
2019 HOLIDAY PROGRAMME 18 - 26 APRIL - Farm Cove Intermediate
Get a $10
       discount per
       course if you
     book more than
      7 days prior to
        start dates.

                             S O A P M A K I N G (8+ Y R S)
                                TUTOR: JACKIE ZIEGLER

Join soap maker Jackie and we’ll get           24 APR
started brewing some beautiful soaps.          9:30AM -12:30PM
You’ll make your own soap and bath
                                               (WED)          $68
bombs which you’ll get to take home with
you. These workshops will be a great
opportunity to hand-make some gifts for
family and friends.
2019 HOLIDAY PROGRAMME 18 - 26 APRIL - Farm Cove Intermediate
Get a $10
                                                                       discount per
                                                                       course if you
                                                                     book more than
                                                                      7 days prior to
                                                                        start dates.

                    C R A Z Y CL AY - M A K E & GL A Z E ( 6 - 12 Y RS)
                                   TU TO R: R AEW Y N N EALE

Get ready to get messy! In the first session      (THU) 18 APR 9:00AM - 12:00PM AND
you will get to design and make lots of fun       (FRI) 26 APR   9:00AM - 10:30AM       $68
items. These will then be fired and when
you attend the second session you’ll get          (THU) 18 APR 1:00PM - 4:00PM AND
to glaze them with all your favourite             (FRI) 26 APR   11:00AM - 12:30PM $68
colours. The pieces will then get fired
again and they will be strong and usable.
2019 HOLIDAY PROGRAMME 18 - 26 APRIL - Farm Cove Intermediate
(PAREN TS & KID S )                            (8 + Y R S)
TU T OR: C H R IST IN E B E LL                 TU TO R: C H RISTINE BEL L

Mums or Dads get ready to spend a              What’s nicer than ‘edible art’? What’s nicer
beautiful day with your son or daughter.       than icing and cupcakes? Yummy! What
On completion you will take home a             an opportunity to learn this great life skill:
professionally iced and decorated cake         make fondant cake toppers (simple or

along with the skills and techniques           detailed) and you can decorate cupcakes
you’ve learned so you can ‘create again’.      for the whole family. Take home at least
You will cut, ice, colour and cover with       6 figurines on 6 cupcakes. What will yours
fondant and then make a wonderful              be? A monkey, octopus, bear, penguin,
‘picture creation’ for the ‘art on the top’.   dog, monster, owl or your own invention?

                                                                                 Get a $10
23 APR                                         24 APR                          discount per
9:00AM - 2:00PM                                                                course if you
                                               9:00AM - 12:00PM
                                                                             book more than
(TUE)            $89                           (WED)           $58            7 days prior to
                                                                                start dates.
2019 HOLIDAY PROGRAMME 18 - 26 APRIL - Farm Cove Intermediate
W I L D L I N GS P U P P E T M A SK S (6 - 12 Y RS)
                          TU TO R: C H O C O LATE LAN TER N THEATRE

Allow your imaginations to run wild
and come play with Chocolate Lantern
Theatre Company as we make some
Wildling Puppet Masks. These have been
inspired by the art work of Picasso and
Stasys Eidrigevicius and most importantly
there is no limit to how you can make
these funny fellas look. Just come join us,                                    Get a $10
                                                 24 APR                      discount per
have fun and gain some new skills, whilst
                                                 1:00PM – 4:00PM             course if you
you learn how to construct, and then how
                                                                           book more than
to bring to life these great puppets!            (WED)         $68          7 days prior to
                                                                              start dates.
2019 HOLIDAY PROGRAMME 18 - 26 APRIL - Farm Cove Intermediate
MASTERS S E RIE S ( 6 - 12 Y R S )              M A ST E R S SERIES ( 6 - 12 Y RS)
P ABLO PI C A S S O                             CL A U D E MON ET
TU T OR: JA N S IM M O N S                      TU TO R: JAN S IMMONS

Students will create bright, colourful          Students will create soft, pastel landscapes
self-portraits and portraits using cubism       from images of the natural environment
techniques, using Picasso as inspiration,       and using the dappled painterly effects
experimenting with oil pastels and paint.       of Claude Monet. Attention will be given
                                                to choices of colours put together, for
                                                example 3 x cool colours and 2 x warm.
                                 Get a $10      These will be explored using pastels and
                               discount per    paint.
                               course if you
                             book more than
                              7 days prior to
                                start dates.

23 APR                                          24 APR
1:00PM - 4:00PM                                 9:00AM – 12:00PM
(WED)           $49                             (WED)          $49
2019 HOLIDAY PROGRAMME 18 - 26 APRIL - Farm Cove Intermediate
Get a $10
        discount per
        course if you
      book more than
       7 days prior to
         start dates.

M AST E RS S E RIE S ( 6 - 12 Y R S)        M A S T ERS SERIES ( 6 - 12 Y RS)
SALVA D O R D A L I                         GE O R GIA O’ KEEF F E
T U T OR: JA N S IM M O N S                 TU TO R: JAN S IMMONS

Surrealism is explored, starting from a     Let’s play with ink and watercolours,
favourite animal or creature and evolving   acrylics and pastels to explore the
into a fantastical creature from another    wonderous colours of flowers, inspired by
imagined world. First we’ll observe and     artist Georgia O’Keefe. We’ll experiment
draw animals such as elephants, whales      with texture and colour while learning
dolphins, dinosaurs, cats or mice. We’ll    to observe and draw flowers on a larger
look at Dali’s elongated and exaggerated    scale.
legs, etc and then get started on their

24 APR                                      23 APR
1:00PM - 4:00PM                             9:00AM – 12:00PM
(WED)            $49                        (TUE)        $49
2019 HOLIDAY PROGRAMME 18 - 26 APRIL - Farm Cove Intermediate
Winky Wonky Donkey
           WEDNESDAY 17 APRIL $15
Craig Smith is a well Known Children’s author and singer songwriter of the
Award winning Wonky Donkey and he is heading back to UXBRIDGE Armed with
his guitar, a number of puppets and costumes, he is bringing his fun interactive
show with his favourite characters. This show is not to be missed! (2-9 year old)

Book early online and pay the earlybird prices.
35 Uxbridge Road, Howick, Auckland 2014
P.O. Box 38591, Howick, Auckland 2145
(09) 535 6467

info@uxbridge.org.nz / uxbridge.org.nz
2019 HOLIDAY PROGRAMME 18 - 26 APRIL - Farm Cove Intermediate 2019 HOLIDAY PROGRAMME 18 - 26 APRIL - Farm Cove Intermediate
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