Humboldt promotes: Help to support students with your donation - Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

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Humboldt promotes: Help to support students with your donation - Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
8 December 2020

Humboldt promotes: Help to support students with your
The corona pandemic also poses financial challenges for students at Humboldt-Uni-
versität. In order to be able to support an additional 30 HU students in the summer
semester 2021 with a Deutschlandstipendium, the fundraising campaign "Humboldt
promotes" is now starting. Even small sums are welcome in this crowdfunding cam-
paign, because every euro donated helps to finance the additional scholarships.
Through the Deutschlandstipendium, students receive monthly support of 300 euros
for at least two semesters. 150 euros of this is financed by the German government.
The other half comes from a wide variety of sponsors.

Donate now and support Humboldt sponsors

Research & Teaching
Join in: Survey on scientific travel

This semester, the Stiftung Humboldt-Universität's Germany Scholarship Theme
Class "Sustainability and Global Justice" is researching scientific travel: emissions,
compensation possibilities and reasons. The topic class asks researchers to participa-
te in a survey on this topic, which takes about ten minutes.

Participate in the survey

They all begin with one question: How to deal with global inequalities?

We live in a world in which there is still a huge gap between North and South, rich
and poorer countries, but also between social groups in these countries. Philipp
Dann, Professor of Public Law and Comparative Law, gives an answer from a legal
perspective to the question: How to deal with global inequalities?

Read the answer by Philipp Dann

Apply: Scholarships for the transition from university to doctorate

As part of its excellence strategy, Humboldt-Universität is once again awarding
Humboldt Research Track Scholarships. The six-month transitional fellowship is
aimed at outstanding Master's graduates and serves to prepare for a doctoral project.
The application period ends on January 15, 2021.

Learn more about the scholarship

Administration & Service

Appreciation: Sabine Kunst receives Special Award for leadership

HU President Sabine Kunst was presented with the Special Award for Higher Educa-
tion Management at the beginning of December, which was awarded by the CHE
Center for Higher Education Development and the weekly newspaper DIE ZEIT.
"Without the many people at HU who work with great commitment to implement
common goals, such visible successes are not possible. My thanks therefore go to all
Humboldtians," says Sabine Kunst. Ten years ago, as President of the University of
Potsdam, she was the first woman to be awarded the "University Manager of the
Year" prize. The Special Award was presented for the first time. Successful manage-
ment careers over such a long period of time at different universities are still excep-
tional individual cases, according to the jury's statement.

Learn more about the award on hu-berlin

Digital Christmas Party

Since the Christmas parties with the colleagues cannot take place this year for well-
known reasons, the students of CouchFM and the Department VIII invite to the first
radio Christmas party of the HU on 15 December, 5 to 6 pm. The theme is the well-
being of "body and soul". The program includes interviews with HU experts on ex-
pectations, mental health and nutrition during the dark season. There will also be a
lot of music and answers to the question: "What makes you think about Christmas
again and again? Anyone who would like to contribute their "experiences" on this
point should send a few lines to by 14 December. All
members of the university are cordially invited to the "WLAN party", regardless of
whether they are working in their home office or in presence until the Christmas

Go to the CouchFM website on 15 December

Between the years: Building, mailroom and printing plant remain

At the turn of the year all buildings (i.e. including branch libraries) will be closed
from December 24 to January 3, 2021. Those who would like to work between the
holidays and do not have a front door key or chip card should clarify this with their
superiors. The post office and the print shop will also be closed during this period.
The main building is an exception. Here, access during normal opening hours is con-
trolled by security and is only possible via the inner courtyard (except on public holi-
days and Sundays).

Exhibition: Science at the platform edge

Science communication of a special kind can be seen in the newly opened subway
station of line 5 "Unter den Linden". There, the Humboldt University presents an
exhibition on the interaction between nature and mankind - in the form of hidden
object pictures. On 16 panels measuring 6.2 by 1.8 meters, the Berlin graphic artist
Nele Brönner visualizes topics such as climate, migration and flight, which play a
role in the geological age of the Anthropocene in a wide variety of scientific fields.

Read more about the station of science at

Survey result: Awareness and relevance of gender equality measures

According to self-assessment, professors* feel rather well informed about concepts
and instruments for the realization of equal opportunities. On the other hand, re-
search assistants are only partially familiar with them. Women estimate the necessity
of equal opportunity measures significantly higher than men. These are the results of
a survey conducted by the office of the central women's representative on equal op-
portunities at the HU.

Learn more about survey results on the intranet

Café Digitale Lehre: new consulting and exchange format of the Task
Force Digital Teaching

How do I motivate my course participants* in video conferences? What are my ex-
periences with digital exams? During the current winter semester, teachers at the HU
can exchange ideas, concepts, and tools with colleagues via Zoom in the "Café Digi-
tale Lehre" every Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. 24 tips and tricks for the technical and didac-
tic implementation of digital teaching can also be found in the Advent calendar
"Digital Teaching" of the Task Force Digital Teaching until December 24.

Find an overview of the advisory services of the Task Force Digital Teaching

View Advent Calendar "Digital Teaching"

Advanced training courses on "repartee" and "Work and family in the
home office”

The vocational further training holds again new offers ready. For example, the online
workshop "Constructive and intelligent repartee", which takes place as a webinar
from Wednesday to Thursday, December 16 to 17, is all about communication and
competence development. On January 15, 2021, the webinar "Combining Work and
Family in the Home Office" will focus on the compatibility of work and family in
pandemic times.

View further offers of vocational training on the intranet
Lecture: President of the Deutsche Bundesbank speaks on the Corona

As part of the HU event series "Horizons", Dr. Jens Weidmann, President of the
Deutsche Bundesbank, will speak on the topic "Before a crucial test? On possible
long-term consequences of the corona crisis for the economy and monetary policy".
The speech will be broadcast live via zoom on December 16, 6 p.m. to 7.10 p.m.

Learn more and register for the lecture

"Friday after one...": Katrin Salomo talks about innovative research

In the current episode of "Friday after one..." Katrin Salomo, Director of the Rese-
arch Service Center, reports on innovative research and well-deserved awards.

Watch "Friday after one..." on the intranet

Committees & Representations

Elections: View election proposals for the Academic Senate/Council
and request a postal vote

On January 12, 2021, there will be committee elections, including the Academic Se-
nate and the Council. The election proposals for these two bodies can be viewed.
In view of the Corona pandemic, the Central Electoral Board points out the possibili-
ty of voting by postal vote. Postal ballot papers can be requested in writing or with
an electronic copy of the signed application via the personal university e-mail or via
the personal university e-mail electronically signed with a soft certificate issued by
the university until December 14, 3 p.m., from the respective local election

View AS/Konzil nominations

Download application for postal vote

Overview of local election committees
humboldt gemeinsam

Offer: Digital consultation hour for SAP implementation

Every Monday from 1 to 2 pm, the humboldt program team invites you to a digital
consultation hour on the subject of SAP. In December Christine Krug, Project Mana-
ger Accounting, and Christin Vater, Project Manager Procurement, will be available
to answer employees' questions and provide information on current topics.

The event takes place via Zoom.

Zoom-Link to the event

Quick dial-in with the telephone:

FAQ: More than 40 answers to frequently asked questions

Can I still buy my office furniture from Ikea? What is a "G1"? And when will the hi-
ring of personnel be handled via SAP? The intranet workspace "SAP: Help & Docu-
mentation" provides answers to frequently asked questions about the implementation
of SAP as well as information on specific use cases and possible stumbling blocks.

Join the workspace "SAP: Help & Documentation" in the intranet

Berlin University Alliance

Letter: The Board of Directors of BUA thanks all employees

The Board of Directors of the Berlin University Alliance takes stock on the occasion
of the first anniversary and thanks the employees of the four BUA partners by letter
for their commitment: "The Berlin University Alliance was founded to advance all
of us, our institutions and the research location Berlin - this can only be filled with
life through you and all of us", the letter says. In the new year, the Board of Direc-
tors invites all interested parties to a joint digital dialogue "Ask the BUA". The event
will take place on Monday, January 18, 2021, starting at 11.30 a.m. Further informa-
tion will follow in January.
Read BUA letter to employees on the intranet

Knowledge transfer: How perspectives flow back into research

"Bringing together different actors - researchers, entrepreneurs, politicians, artists or
other interested parties from a wide range of fields - sparks creativity and productivi-
ty," says Wolfgang Schäffner, Professor of History of Knowledge and Culture at HU
and member of the "Fostering Knowledge Exchange" Steering Committee of the
Berlin University Alliance. The focus is on new formats that can be used to create
innovation processes beyond the university's borders.

Read interview with Wolfgang Schäffner in the employee portal

Research Funding: Research Quality and Open Science

For the call "Research Quality and Open Science" project proposals from all discipli-
nes can be submitted. The projects should expand and network scientific expertise on
research quality and open science in the Berlin research area and include a concrete
implementation concept with specific measures. The call is open until 28 January

Learn more about the call for proposals


Anniversary: Sabine Nicklisch is 50 years at the HU

Sabine Nicklisch, technical assistant at the Institute of Biology, celebrated her 50th
anniversary on December 1. At the age of 19 she started working at the Institute of
Biology on the North Campus. Since 2014 she has been working at the chair of
"Structural Biology/Biochemistry" under Holger Dobbek, who was able to keep her
in the research group beyond retirement age due to her exceptionally extensive ex-
pertise and good teamwork via a third-party funded project. On December 31, she
will retire at the age of 69.

Award: J. Sanford Saltus Award for Anna Franziska Schwarzbach

Among the works of the sculptor Anna Franziska Schwarzbach is the monument to
the physicist Lise Meitner in the courtyard in front of the main building of the Hum-
boldt University. The artist has now been honored with the renowned international
award for medal art "J. Sanford Saltus Award" for the year 2020.

Learn more about the prize & artist at

Prize: Clara Immerwahr Award for Humboldt Fellow

Daria Galimberti, who was a Humboldt Fellow in Professor Sauer's research group
at the Institute of Chemistry until October, has been awarded the Clara Immerwahr
Award 2021 of the UniSysCat Cluster of Excellence.

Learn more about award and award winner

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                               Photo: Martin Ibold/Heike Zappe

                                Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
                                    Unter den Linden 6
                                        10099 Berlin


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