Hunting JOURNAL - giant' - Townnews

Page created by Debra Hughes
Hunting JOURNAL - giant' - Townnews
  JOURNAL                       2020
                                       Published by the
                                       Blue Mountain Eagle

‘The majestic

Ty Sharp recounts last year’s
bull elk hunt. SEE PAGE 8.
Hunting JOURNAL - giant' - Townnews
2 // Grant County Hunting Journal 2020 //

      r;mom7-‹Ŋ ub7-‹Ѷ-lŊƔrl                        l;u];m1‹!oolr;mƑƓo†uv

Hunting JOURNAL - giant' - Townnews // Grant County Hunting Journal 2020 // 3

            Welcome                                                                                                GRANT COUNTY
            to Grant County                                                                                      Hunting
    Stay safe while hunting                                                                                        JOURNAL
W                                                                                                                  Inside
               ith eight northeastern big game           RUZKHUHVRPHRQHFDQ¿QG\RX:HFDQ¶W¿QG
               units located either partially or         \RXLIZHFDQ¶WVHH\RX´
               fully within its borders, Grant               2. Have a plan. “Many of our calls for help           Local hunters photo gallery ..................................................................................................... 5, 10, 17 and 30
               County is a popular spot for bow          FDPH IURP QHUYRXV IDPLO\ PHPEHUV EHFDXVH            The first buck ...............................................................................................................................................................6
                                                                                                                   ‘The majestic giant’ ...................................................................................................................................................8
DQGULÀHKXQWHUV                                        WKH\ WKRXJKW WKH KXQWLQJ SDUW\ ZDV RYHUGXH         The Promise .............................................................................................................................................................. 14
    Prairie City is near the Strawberry Mountain         ZKHQLQIDFWWKH\ZHUHQRW´'REOHUVDLG³6HY-           ‘A precious tradition’ .............................................................................................................................................. 14
:LOGHUQHVV'D\YLOOHLVSRSXODUIRUGHHUVKHHS         eral hunting camps in Grant County were con-              The tag of a lifetime .........................................................................................................................................18-19
DQGHONKXQWLQJDVZHOODVXSODQGJDPHELUGV          WDFWHGDIWHUQHUYRXVIDPLO\FDOOHGIRU6$5RQO\          Shooting the Breeze: The blissfully ignorant ................................................................................................ 23
0W9HUQRQKDVSUHPLHUHPXOHGHHUDQG5RFN\                                                                       ‘Jumping up cow’ .................................................................................................................................................... 24
                                                         WR ¿QG RXW WKH HQWLUH LQFLGHQW ZDV SRRU FRP-      Meet Buck, Oregon’s only anti-poaching K-9 ............................................................................................... 28
0RXQWDLQ HON KXQWLQJ 0RQXPHQW LV NQRZQ            PXQLFDWLRQ6$5LVQRWDQDQVZHULQJPHVVHQ-               State considering requiring hunters to draw for archery tags ............................................................... 29
IRULWV¿VKLQJKXQWLQJDQGZKLWHZDWHUUDIWLQJ         JHUVHUYLFH6WLFNWRDFOHDUZULWWHQSODQDQG          2020 big game preview ....................................................................................................................................... 32
6HQHFD LV JUHDW IRU SURQJKRUQ 5RFN\ 0RXQ-         if you need to change it, call and agree on the
WDLQHONDQGPXOHGHHU/RQJ&UHHNLVNQRZQ                                                                                              1188 Brewing Co........................................................................................................................... 33
                                                         FKDQJHV´                                                                        1st Choice Auto Body.................................................................................................................. 21
for trophy mule and whitetail deer, along with
                                                             3. Get a satellite communicator.³'HYLFHV                                   Andy’s Plumbing & Sports......................................................................................................... 31
5RFN\0RXQWDLQHON                                                                                                                       Bare Bones ...................................................................................................................................... 27
    For more information about the county,               OLNH6327DQG*DUPLQ,Q5HDFKZRUNRIIVDW-                                       Blue Mountain Chiropractic ..................................................................................................... 21
                                                                                                                                          Blue Mountain Hospital ................................................................................................................2
YLVLWWKH*UDQW&RXQW\&KDPEHURI&RPPHUFH              HOOLWHVDQGGRQRWUHTXLUHFHOOSKRQHFRQQHFWLY-                                  Blue Mountain Eagle ................................................................................................................... 35
                                                         LW\´'REOHUVDLG³'HSHQGLQJRQZKLFKGHYLFH                                   Boyer’s Cash Store ........................................................................................................................ 20

                                                                                                                 advertising index
JFRUHJRQOLYHFRP RU FDOO  RU           you choose, you can pre-program the buttons                                      Burnt River Market ....................................................................................................................... 25
                                                                                                                                          Chuck’s Little Diner ...................................................................................................................... 27
                                            RQWKHGHYLFHDQGVHQGDQHPDLORUWH[WPHV-                                     Dale Store ........................................................................................................................................ 15
                                                                                                                                          Dayville Café................................................................................................................................... 20
                                                         VDJH GHSHQGLQJRQWKHGHYLFH WRVHYHUDOSHR-
          Stay safe while hunting                        SOH DW DQ\ WLPH 7KHUHIRUH \RX FDQ OHW \RXU
                                                                                                                                          Dayville Mercantile ...................................................................................................................... 25
                                                                                                                                          Dayville Mini Market.................................................................................................................... 35
                                                                                                                                          Depot RV Park (City of Prairie City)............................................................................................4
                                                                                                                                          Doug’s Motor Vehicle Repair .................................................................................................... 25
DQG 5HVFXH WHDP KDV DYHUDJHG DERXW WKUHH          EXWQRWD6$5RU\RXDUHLQWURXEOHDQGQHHG                                    DP Home Entertainment ..............................................................................................................9
calls per month for the last 18 months, accord-                                                                                           Duke Warner Realty ..................................................................................................................... 12
                                                         LPPHGLDWH KHOS 7KHVH GHYLFHV FRVW DERXW                                   Eastern Oregon Realty ................................................................................................................ 15
    %DVHG RQ ODVW KXQWLQJ VHDVRQ 'REOHU VDLG     $200 along with the annual monitoring fees                                       Ed’s Sinclair & Mobil ..................................................................................................................... 13
                                                                                                                                          Ferguson Surveying..................................................................................................................... 33
many of the problems were from miscom-                   IRUWKHHPHUJHQF\QRWL¿FDWLRQ
Hunting JOURNAL - giant' - Townnews
4 // Grant County Hunting Journal 2020 //

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 ...and much more                                                                         
                                                             S198855-1                                                                        S198434-1
Hunting JOURNAL - giant' - Townnews // Grant County Hunting Journal 2020 // 5

 Brenda Murphy       Ray Davis                               Tony Gardner

 Shanna Wright     Raney Anderson                              Tyler Stout

Samantha Gangler    Cash Madden                             Riley Robertson
Hunting JOURNAL - giant' - Townnews
6 // Grant County Hunting Journal 2020 //

                                                     The first buck
               By Rudy Diaz
            Blue Mountain Eagle
                                                            “I FELT EXCITED BUT NERVOUS AT THE SAME TIME BECAUSE

        t’s the magic number for many young
                                                            I DIDN’T HAVE A LOT OF PRACTICE SHOOTING. I WAS AFRAID I
        apply to hunt big game.
            When 13-year-old Olive Thunell    ell                                                                      —Olive Thunell
        hit the big milestone last year, she  he
was excited for the opportunity to begin pre-  e-
   She had experience helping her family       ly
pack out an elk or a buck, assisting in any   ny
way she could when they went hunting, but      ut
   Thunell said, upon drawing the tag, she    he
felt several emotions.
   “I felt excited but nervous at the same   me
time because I didn’t have a lot of prac-      c-
tice shooting,” Thunell said. “I was afraid   dI
   Thunell practiced shooting with her dad    ad
to prepare for the hunt. The preparation      on
reduced her nervousness and built excite-      e-
ment for the hunt.
   “I was afraid the gun would kick and hurt  urt
my shoulder, but my dad said, ‘Don’t think    nk
about it. It’s not going to hurt you, and don’t
go to close to the scope. Otherwise you’ll     ’ll
scope yourself,’” Thunell said.
   When the season came, she, her father       er
and her little brother set up camp on Mur-    ur-
derers Creek. After several days of hunting,   g,
Thunell had her chance to make personal         al
   “During the end of the day, right when     en
we were about to go home, we decided to go
on one more hunt before we left, and that’s   t’s
   When Thunell and her father saw the        he
deer, they got out of the truck and hiked     ed
up on a little hill to get a better shot due to                                                                                                             Contributed photo
bushes surrounding the animal.                       Olive Thunell shot her first buck in her first hunting season last year.
   She said she was standing about 100-150
yards from the animal. She had to calm her-          was bouncing up and down because he got           ot                               Contributed photo
self down before taking the shot with her            WRZLWQHVVP\¿UVWEXFN´                                                          Olive Thunell poses with
7mm-08.                                                 Her dad dragged the animal to the road so                                       her family and the prize she
   “I told myself don’t panic, stop shaking          it would be easier to load, and she worked       ed                                won from Pioneer Feed’s
and just calm down and be ready,” Thunell            with her father to load the buck in the truck.   k.                                big game drawing last year.
said. “I shot it, and it ran to the road because        Thunell said she was happy for the help        lp
it wasn’t far from the road, and it fell in the      her father gave her and learned to keep calm      m
ditch.”                                              when under pressure.
   When they caught up with the buck, she               “There shouldn’t be any pressure and just    ust
shot it again to complete the hunt.                  try and do your best,” Thunell said.
   “I was really excited and happy I got                7R WRS RII KHU ¿UVW \HDU RI KXQWLQJ VKH
what my goal was, which was at least a               ZRQ D  &UHHGPRRU ULÀH IURP 3LRQHHU      HU
three(-point),” Thunell said. “My little             Feed’s Third Annual Big Game Drawing             ng
brother (Mikey, 6) loves to go hunting with          ZLWKDSLFWXUHVXEPLWWHGRIKHUDQGKHU¿UVW    UVW
Hunting JOURNAL - giant' - Townnews // Grant County Hunting Journal 2020 // 7

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The helpful place.   John Day * 541- 575-0549
Hunting JOURNAL - giant' - Townnews
8 // Grant County Hunting Journal 2020 //

                          ‘The majestic giant’
Ty Sharp recounts last year’s bull elk hunt
                By Ty Sharp                                                                                                                                    through, so I snuck back and got into position.
        For the Blue Mountain Eagle                                                                                                                                The lead cow entered the bedding area. She

                                                                                                                                                               searched the area, making sure they were safe.
            his story begins like every summer  er                                                                                                             She came through followed by several more.
            as we hunters patiently await the   he                                                                                                             All but one had moved to the far side of the
            draw results to come out on June    ne                                                                                                             area.Then here he came up at 62 yards. With-
            20. I was hoping to be one of the   he                                                                                                             out a shot, I stayed patient (something my dad
            lucky ones to draw a coveted archeryry                                                                                                             never accused me of doing). I watched the bull
elk tag for one of the big three trophy units here                                                                                                             bed.
in Oregon so I could pursue a bull of a lifetime,                                                                                                                  At about 8:02 a.m., without having a shot, I
and like every year, I read the words unsuccess- s-                                                                                                            decided to try my luck at getting a little closer.
ful on my report.                                                                                                                                              Two hours and 40 minutes later, I had gained a
    That didn’t stop me from being excited to                                                                                                                  mere 7 yards. I never knew my hip could cramp
get out there and on an over-the-counter public  ic                                                                                                            from trying to sneak.
land tag to enjoy what I like doing the most.. I                                                                                                                   I tried videotaping him in his bed, which
live all year for every September to get another er                                                                                                            revealed my uncontrollable shaking of excite-
chance to chase rut-crazed bugling bull elk!    k!                                                                                                             ment. Then the only cow near me decided
And after thousands of practice arrows shot      ot                                                                                                            she needed to move. She stood up and started
throughout the summer, I was ready and Sep-     p-                                                                                                             toward the others, and I realized my opportu-
tember was here!                                                                                                                                               nity was coming fast.
    So on the morning of Sept. 18, 2019, I found
                                               nd                                                                                                                  I ranged the opening again: 55 yards. The
myself hunting alone. I always second guess      ss                                                                                                            giant rose up out of his bed. I hooked up my
myself when I hunt alone. So I pull up to the   he                                                                                                             Alpha release by B3 Archery, and he took the
closed road where I last heard the giants growl,
                                               wl,                                                                                                             three steps I needed to draw my bow, and he
I grab my bow and head out the ridge. I get in                                                                                                                 stepped into the opening. I remember I was
a good place where I could let out a location  on                                                                                                              going to hit him with a nervous grunt to stop
bugle, a place where it will travel down the    he                                                                                                             him perfectly, something I learned from Elk-
drainage but yet echo off the ridges up drainage.
                                               ge.                                                                                                             Nut, but the bull stopped on his own to look
    It’s cold and damp, not a lot of noise hap- p-                                                                                                             around as I tried settling my pin working
pening, so I rip off a loud, long locator usingng                                                                                                              through my shaking.
my Phelps Game Calls Blackout series No. 1                                                                                                                         &RQ¿GHQWO\ , VHQW WKH (OHPHQW $UFKHU\
diaphragm anticipating a response. I waited andnd                                                                                                              6WRUP VHULHV DUURZ RQ D PDMHVWLF ÀLJKW :KDW
waited but nothing, so I crank off another                                                                                                             took a fraction of time seemed like forever to
Still nothing. Filled with frustration I screamed
                                                ed                                                                                                             reach the bull. On impact, the bull whirled and
demanding him to answer but received nothing   ng                                                                                                              crashed off the mountain. I was immersed with
in return.                                                                                                                                                     excitement and nervousness. I doubted the place-
    So I then decide maybe he climbed out of                                                                                                                   ment of the shot, so I immediately backed out,
the drainage into the next. Back to the truck dis-
                                                 s-                                                                                                            not wanting to risk losing the incredible king of
appointed, I went into the next drainage. With   th                                                                                                            the
                                                                                                                                                               th mountain I was so patient to get a shot at.
no reply there either, I told myself he had to be                                                                                            Contributed photo     I discussed the placement with some bud-
there, so back to the closed road with low spir-i     Ty Sharp poses with the elk he shot last year.                                                           dies
                                                                                                                                                               di and hunting partners. We all agreed the
its and no expectations.                                                                                                                                       EXOO VKRXOG EH GHDG ,W KDG EHHQ ¿YH KRXUV
    I pulled up to the ridge and started back             I knew I was in great position. It was like       giant as I dogged his every movement, but with when we took up the blood trail, which
out it. It’s still cold and damp and pretty quiet     he was searching for me, the bull that just an        all the commotion it only drew more attention wasn’t very hard to follow, because the
as I walk alone down the road. I hear some-           hour before demanded his attention. But now           IURPZKDW,¿JXUHGZDVPRUHKXQWHUV7KHEXOO bull’s equilibrium was starting to fail from
thing and immediately stop to listen. It’s a low,     KH FDQ¶W ¿QG KLV RSSRQHQW DQG KH ZDV IUXV-   would only answer to my bugles as we put dis- the blood loss. His legs were really digging
earth-rumbling growl of the old warrior I was         trated that things didn’t go as he had planned.       tance between us and the others. Finally as we into the soft hillside as he stumbled off the
yearning to do battle with. There he was. I               With cows in sight, I was held in my posi-        approached the end of the ridge, I gained a lot steep slope. After about a 100 yards, the bull
couldn’t see him, but no hesitation, I knew that      tion, not seeing the bull. I searched with my         of distance cutting through a dark, cool, quiet decided to slow his pace.
voice!                                                eyes, trying to get a bead on the bull. When          saddle that smelt like the musty stank of a rut-       His tracks were now barley visible so I
    With a quick check of the morning thermals,       all of a sudden from up the drainage a horri-         ting bull. I thought to myself I’ve got him now, picked my head up to check my surround-
I was afraid I wouldn’t have a play on the old        ble-sounding attempt of a bugle rang out. It hit      but the tricky monster held quiet.                 ings. I spotted the bright blonde body tucked
smart king, but with a lot of luck the stormy         a switch, and as quick as I found him, the bull           I knew he had to be right there below me up next to some dark old growth trees, and
weather had brought in a wind that happened to        sent out a roundup bugle and the herd started         as I listened for any sound from the warrior. I with a shout, I sprinted to my bull of a life-
be in my favor. So down the draw I went, only         to move farther out the ridge about midway up         had a suspicious feeling that he was trying to time and turned to see the approval from my
gaining distance when the beast would growl.          the side.                                             give the slip and was circling the point of the older brother and uncle. We all were incredi-
Closer and closer. Louder and louder.                     Trying to slow the pace, I screamed at the        ridge heading back to his bedroom I just came bly impressed by the majestic giant!
Hunting JOURNAL - giant' - Townnews // Grant County Hunting Journal 2020 // 9

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Hunting JOURNAL - giant' - Townnews
10 // Grant County Hunting Journal 2020 //

                  Stephanie Holly                            Michal Madden          Nolan Madden

                  Mariah Moulton                             Emma Carniglia          Joe Madden

                  Frank Hansen                               Gary Langenfeld   Brogan and Cash Madden // Grant County Hunting Journal 2020 // 11

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12 // Grant County Hunting Journal 2020 //


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14 // Grant County Hunting Journal 2020 //

                 By A.K. Moss
                                                             THE PROMISE
                                                   day. I am excited for this one promise on one                     ning, he proceeds to wake me from my sleep                               grabs the fresh laundered camo I laid out and
          For the Blue Mountain Eagle              day, a promise that this anniversary would be                     on the couch and tells me his story of smell-                            prepares for his morning hunt. Apparently he

                                                   all about us. The romance of it, the forgiveness,                 ing fresh elk, seeing tracks and hearing distant                         had already told his hunting partner he would
           or the record, I love horses, and my a month of me doing all the chores, all of the                       mewing of cows. Then comes the request.                                  be ready at 4:30 a.m.
           husband loves hunting. This is how rerun hunting videos, all of the lonely evenings                           “Ummmm, babe, can I amend my promise?”
           our anniversary worked.                 and long weekends
                                                                eeeke ndss off aalone
                                                                   kend              lonnee ttime.
                                                                                     lo       ime.
                                                                                              ime    would
                                                                                                e. I w ould
                                                                                                       ouldd sset
                                                                                                               ett         llook
                                                                                                                         I lo  okk aatt hhi
                                                                                                                                           m, w  with       his
                                                                                                                                                    iitth hhi     eyeess ttwinkling
                                                                                                                                                               is ey
                                                                                                                                                                  eyes     wii
                                                                                                                                                                           w           with                 The anniversary
              Archery season 1998: Our anni- it all aside aand   n rrelish
                                                                 nd   elis
                                                                      el ishh in
                                                                         is     in tthe
                                                                                      h aaccomplish-
                                                                                      he   c om
                                                                                           cc  ompl i h-
                                                                                                    is                        excitement,
                                                                                                                                            nt, yeyyet
                                                                                                                                                     et myy hheart eart
                                                                                                                                                                   ea rt iiss a little bro-       4:30 a.m.: Alarm goes off. I wait for Tracy
           versary — 12 years — 12 success- ment of 12 years    years
                                                                  ears aand
                                                                         ndd sweet
                                                                                 weet et mem-
                                                                                         memem--                                          ken,
                                                                                                                                          ke n kknowing
                                                                                                                                            en,     noowi wingg I ccould
                                                                                                                                                                      ould nnot turn him
                                                                                                                                                                      ou                      to shut if off. He doesn’t. I roll over, and he is
ful years of marriage and an anniversary in the ories. The thought
                                                                  h ug
                                                                     ughth of  of himhiim                                                       ddown.
                                                                                                                                                do    wn.
                                                                                                                                                      wn       “What
                                                                                                                                                           n. “W Whaat do yyou propose        already dressed and ready to go. “Happy anni-
middle of archery season. What? You might looking mee iinn th         thee eyeeyes,
                                                                                 eess,                                                                  fforr an aamendment?”
                                                                                                                                                        fo              menn
                                                                                                                                                                        me                I   versary,” he whispers as he slips out of the
say: Married in the middle of archery season?      taking my hahand
                                                                 and dduring
                                                                         ur ingg
                                                                            in                                                                               aanswer
                                                                                                                                                             an   werr bback
                                                                                                                                                                 sw        ackk hoping he
                                                                                                                                                                           ac                 room. I hear the door close, and he is gone.
    Well, don’t judge too hard, for my husband a candle-litt dinner,                                                                                             would
                                                                                                                                                                 wo uldd at least take            I roll back over and go back to sleep. It’s
ZDVDULÀHPDQEHIRUHZHZHUHPDUULHG,ZDV the whisper      per of                                                                                              me to bbreakfast.          Saturday. I have all morning.
the one who bought him a bow for Christmas sweet nothings       things                                                                                                   “Well,
                                                                                                                                                                         “W          can I        11:30 a.m.: I have done the dishes, taken the
and well, here we are.                             in my ear — oh,                                                                                                    go huhunting in the     dogs for a walk, vacuumed and dusted.
    Years of diehard hunting, several seasons of the romancee of                                                                                                       morning?” He
                                                                                                                                                                       morn                       12 p.m.: Laundry folded put away.
tag stew and hundreds of complete rerun stories it!                                                                                                                     sounded like
                                                                                                                                                                        soun                      12:30 p.m.: Beds stripped and fresh linens
of that famous Elusive Almost Bull.                    5:14 p.m.:
                                                                m.:                                                                                                      a cchild asking      on bed made.
    The eve of our anniversary:                    I hear the                                                                                                            for a candy bar          1 p.m.: I call my mom and visit about her
    5:05 p.m.: Tracy is home from work, get- familiar sound     und                                                                                                      that lay within      day.
ting his camo on for the anticipated pickup at of his hunt-    unt-                                                                                                      his grasp. “I            1:30 p.m.: Packing a weekend bag to go see
5:15 p.m. So far this hunting season, it has not ing partner’s  er’s                                                                                                    will be home          my mom.
been very successful — no sign, no bulls call- pickup pulll up                                                                                                         by 111, I prom-            1:46 p.m.: Car loaded.
ing, just dry hot days and lots of miles hiking.   in the driveway.
                                                                way.                                                                                                  ise. Then we                1:47 p.m.: Phone rings as I am walking out
    Tracy is pulling his camo shirt over his head      Without         a                                                                                            can ddo the anni-         the door to leave. I debate whether to answer or
when he hears my voice. “So, do we have plans glance or second                                                                                                     versary thing. We          just go ahead and go the movies with my mom.
for our anniversary tomorrow?” I casually thought. my hus-                                                                                                       were so cclose, Kath,        I pick up the phone.
mention. I notice Tracy freeze, his head still band reaches      es for the                Contributed photo
                                                                                                                                                              so close,” he stated,               “Hey, Kath, I got an elk!” my husband states
in his shirt. I can tell his wheels are spinning door. “Make    ke it a day                        A.K. Moss
                                                                                                                                                          reinforcing tthe excite-            excitedly. “Umm, do you want to help us pack
IRU,QRWLFHKLVKDQGVFOHQFKLQD¿VWRIHPR- you won’t forget.” he says                                                                        ment of the hunt.                            it out?” He was quiet a moment, then as if to
WLRQ+HUHJURXSVTXLFNO\DQG¿QLVKHVSXOOLQJ as he walks      ks over the thresh-                                                           I have to smile. I don’t get                    sweeten the pot he said, “We are going to be
the shirt over his head, with a deer-in-the-head- old. He pauses
                                                               uses turns around wraps his                                      to see this man excited ver              very often and       using horses. We will come by and pick you
lights look.                                       bow-laidened ed arm around me for a half hug            hug,      know he has hunted hard — and to get that                                up.”
    I wait.                                        gives me a kiss on the cheek, “See you later,                     close. “OK,” I say, “as long as we get to go out                             I was quiet, weighing my options: mov-
    With one motion pulling on his shirt, he slips love ya,” as he heads to the awaiting vehicle.                    and get lunch or something.”                                             ies with my mom or an anniversary ride in the
his baseball cap on his head and scoops up his         I just have to grin as I shake my head, turn                      “I will take you to lunch,” he stated con-                           mountains with my husband — 12 years on that
hiking boots — um, I mean his hunting boots back into the now empty house and start to                               ¿GHQWO\ ³$UH \RX VXUH \RX¶UH QRW XSVHW"´ KH                     day I said “I do.” I have to smile. If only I had
— sitting down on the couch to pull them on.       come up with ideas for our special day, as I put                  asked cautiously.                                                        known what kind of monster I was going to cre-
    “I’ve been thinking about that, babe.” Sec- a load of camo clothes in the washer.                                    “No, I’m good” I stated, knowing he is usu-                          ate buying him that dang bow. “Alright, I will
onds tick by. “Tomorrow I thought we could do                                                                        ally back by 11 o’clock for a nap until midaft-                          catch my horse.”
whatever you wanted to. Just you and me.”                        Amended promise                                     ernoon or early evening hunt.                                                2:30 p.m.: My husband drives up and hands
    “Really,” I get excited, “anything?”               9:58 p.m.: Tracy comes strutting into the                         “Are you sure?”                                                      me a cold gas station burrito for lunch.
    +H¿QLVKHVW\LQJKLVERRWVVWDQGVXSWRJUDE house, playing with the excited dogs, who by                          “Yes, I promise.” I smiled, knowing after                                8:32 p.m.: Elk in cooler, unsaddling my
his bow and fanny pack, glances at his watch, the way are happy to have him home. Certainly                          this many years, this was his time of the year to                        horse.
three minutes to spare. “Anything.”                not the normal quiet-as-a-mouse man he had                        enjoy and have fun.                                                          9:15 p.m.: Cold roast beef sandwich for din-
    I grin. I have a whole evening to plan our been for the last 25 days. Adrenalin still run-                           He gives me a hug, “Thanks, babe.” He                                ner, a shower and clean sheets.

                                                                                                                                                                                  Trinyty Howard, the granddaughter of Neil and

       ‘A                                                                                                                                                                         Jan Bauer, shot this buck last year. Nissa Howard
                                                                                                                                                                                  wrote, ‘After what was seeming to be a dud buck
                                                                                                                                                                                  season, this boy ran across the highway in front

    PRECIOUS                                                                                                                                                                      of us heading right into the field where it was
                                                                                                                                                                                  clear to shoot. Trinyty barrelled out of the truck

                                                                                                                                                                                  with her gun and her Daddy right behind her.
                                                                                                                                                                                  She put one in the chamber as she crossed the
                                                                                                                                                                                  road and a within a minute or so the shot was
                                                                                                                                                                                  heard. A happy and grateful girl. Proud parents
                                                                                                                                                                                  and grandpa. Hunting in Grant County is a
                                                                                                                                                                                  precious tradition.’

                                                                                                                                                                                  Contributed photo // Grant County Hunting Journal 2020 // 15

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16 // Grant County Hunting Journal 2020 //

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                                                                                                                          S199043-1 // Grant County Hunting Journal 2020 // 17

Jesse Madden     Chad Lauer                                Arnold Fox

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18 // Grant County Hunting Journal 2020 //

 The tag of a lifetime
    Laci Wheeler bags
    bighorn alongside
    father and husband
                       By Rudy Diaz
                    Blue Mountain Eagle

                                                                                             Contributed photo
                   any try, but few succeed in getting a tag to   Laci Wheeler put in for tags for bighorn
                   hunt for bighorn sheep.                        sheep for years and made the most of the
                      Laci Wheeler got the rare oppor-            opportunity when she drew one in 2019,
                   tunity at 27 to hunt for an animal             taking the ram out in one shot.
                   that people spend a lifetime trying
    to get a tag for.
       Wheeler has been big game hunting since she
    turned 12. One of her favorite aspects of hunting
    has been working with her family.
       “Every big animal that I ever killed has been
    with my dad, and that provides some really spe-
    cial memories for me,” Wheeler said.
       After taking down animals, Wheeler and her
    family all pack out the big game together and pro-
    cess the meat together at home.
       “It’s the relationships and family values that
    come with it and being able to provide meat for
    my family, and it makes it a little bit cheaper in
    the long run,” Wheeler said.

                  The luck of the draw
       Luck plays a big part in getting a tag to hunt for
    a bighorn sheep. Wheeler said it is a lottery draw-
    ing each year for people hoping to get the tag.
       “You don’t have the preference points like you
    do with your normal deer and elk where you can
    build those points that can get you closer to get-
    ting a tag,” Wheeler said.
       Her father and grandfather have been putting
    in for this tag for most of their lives with no suc-
    cess. Wheeler put in for 15 years before she drew
    the tag.
       The day she learned she drew the tag, it felt
       “I was on the phone with my mom after get-
    ting the tag, and she was freaking out,” Wheeler
    said. “I was just a little bit scared because it’s a lot
    of pressure because it’s a once-in-a-lifetime tag.”

                 Preparing for the hunt
       Wheeler began preparing in June for the big
    hunt at Aldrich Mountain in September.
       She had the support of her family as they
    prepared by going out shooting together and

                                          See Tag, Page 19 // Grant County Hunting Journal 2020 // 19

Tag                                                   “GROWING UP IN GRANT COUNTY, BORN AND RAISED, WE LIVE IN SOME OF THE
                                                      BEST AREA THIS NATION CAN OFFER, AND WE HAVE SO MANY COOL ANIMALS
Continued from Page 18
                                                      AND SO MUCH TO ENJOY OUT THERE. PEOPLE SHOULD ENJOY IT WITH LOVED
scouting the area where they planned to hunt          ONES AND TAKE CARE OF IT SO WE CAN KEEP IT FOR FUTURE GENERATIONS
because getting close to a bighorn sheep is
YHU\GLI¿FXOW                                        LIKE MY SON. I WANT HIM OUT THERE WITH ME, MY DAD AND MY HUSBAND
   “My dad helped me a lot, and my aunts
and uncles helped with scouting, seeing     ng
                                                      KILLING HIS FIRST DEER.”
                                                                        DEER. —Laci Wheeler
“Most of my preparation was shooting and    nd
   After months of preparing, September      er

          The hunt of a lifetime
    The day Wheeler bagged the bighorn         rn
sheep she was surrounded by family who         ho
aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, par-      r-
ents, brother and husband were all at Aldrich  ch
    “Just having all that family surrounding   ng                                                                                                        Contributed photo/Tanni Wenger Photography
me that day just really made a cool moment,”    ,”                                                                                                  Laci Wheeler was pregnant with Owen
:KHHOHUVDLG                                                                                                                                       Wheeler when she went hunting for bighorn
    She was also seven weeks pregnant with     th                                                                                                   ssheep
                                                                                                                                                      heep last year.
Owen Wheeler, whom she had not told all of
    On opening day, Wheeler went out and       nd
saw some bighorn sheep but did not have a
was with her husband and father during the     he
    “It was nice having my family there, butt I
20 // Grant County Hunting Journal 2020 //

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                                                                           S198860-1 // Grant County Hunting Journal 2020 // 21

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22 // Grant County Hunting Journal 2020 //

                           67$ // Grant County Hunting Journal 2020 // 23

                                                                                 SHOOTING THE BREEZE

                                                   THE BLISSFULLY IGNORANT
                                                                                              —Dale Valade

              By Dale Valade                                                                                                                          hours stewing over ballistics charts, test-
        For the Blue Mountain Eagle                                                                                                                   ing every new “wonder bullet” that came
                                                                                                                                                      along in his meticulously prepared hand-
         ome years ago, I was elk hunting in                                                                                                          loads. He didn’t burn up boxes of ammo in

S        Umatilla National Forest up above
         Spray, and near the end of my stalk,
         I came upon an old skid road and
         decided to walk it out to the main road
where I could wait to be picked up by some-
one in our party.
   Nobody had cell phones
                                                                                                                                                      several agonizing hours shooting a veritable
                                                                                                                                                      howitzer off of a bench rest to prepare him-
                                                                                                                                                      self for that proverbial “last day at sundown
                                                                                                                                                      ‘sniper’ shot.” He spent no time reading
                                                                                                                                                      Kuiu, Danner or Havalon product reviews
                                                                                                                                                      and took no part in Black Friday sales nor
                                                                                                                                                      social media feuds.
back then, not sure they                                                                                                                                 +DUU\ ZDV LQ WKH ZRRGV QRW MXVW WR NLOO
would’ve worked up there                                                                                                                              VRPHWKLQJEXWWRHQMR\VRPHIUHHGRPIURP
even if we did. Not long                                                                                                                              the hustle and bustle of the world — yes,
after I had started down this                                                                                                                         even from the hunting world. Harry refused
road, I saw another hunter                                                                                                                            to exchange the simple pleasures of hunt-
exiting a thicket with the                                                                                                                            ing for any sort of edge (real or implied)
same idea. No matter, I                Dale                                                                                                           afforded him by all the modern gear and
wasn’t seeing anything to            Valade                                                                                                           gadgets. I see now that he really was on to
shoot at anyways. As I                                                                                                                                so
                                                                                                                                                      something there.
neared the fella, I waved to make sure he’d   ’d                                                                                                         By that time in my life, I had already
seen me, and he smiled and waved back in                                                                                           Contributed photo  read several grocery sacks — paper not
acknowledgment.                                    Dale Valade shot this buck on the last day of the season in 2018.                                  plastic — full of the various hunting and
   I could see he stood about 5-feet,                                                                                                                 shooting magazines. My young mind was
7-inches tall in his Army surplus “Mickey          largely unimpressed,
                                                                  p       saying,
                                                                            y g “When I was one of Harry’s        y folks wandered up on us in ¿OOHG ZLWK FKDUWV QXPEHUV PX]]OH YHORF-
Mouse” boots, was wearing wool pants               in the service,
                                                             vice, anything that big came on an old Dodge Ram pickup. Harr        Harry collected ities, sectional densities and ballistic coef-
DQGDUHGÀDQQHOMDFNHWDQGDIHOWKDWZLWK       wheels!”                                                                 punkin-chunker from ¿FLHQWV 1RW ROG +DUU\ +H ZDVQ¶W EXU-
                                                                                                                his prized punkin-chu
a shorter brim. It probably was a fedora at           After an awkward                                                 my youthfully ignorant dened with such information, or if he was,
some point, but it sure wasn’t anymore. He         silence, hee asked if                                                   hands and waved as he didn’t let it bother him too badly. Nope,
was girded about with a wide leather belt          I would like to                                                                climbed into the what he knew was there were elk in those
                                                                                                                               he climb
that had only a few old cartridges in loops        VHH KLV ULÀH
                                                                ULÀH                                                           cab, w wishing me KLOOVDQGKLVROGµZRXOG¿OOKLVIUHH]HULI
and a Ka-Bar knife dangling off of it.             Once I quickly
                                                              ckly                                                                 luck.
                                                                                                                                   luck               he got lucky and did his part. It must truly be
   Like everything else the old boy car-           wiped       the                                                                      All these EOLVVIXOWRMXVW³JRKXQWLQJ´
ULHGZLWKKLPKLVULÀHKDGVHHQPRUHWKDQ        drool from om                                                                     years
                                                                                                                                     yea       later,    It isn’t that cutting edge technology means
a few miles. I could tell it was a Winchester      my       chin,
                                                             hin,                                                                    I’ve come to nothing; it’s that it doesn’t mean everything. I
Model 94 but couldn’t tell which caliber. We       I     grasped
                                                              ped                                                                   UHDOL]H MXVW think we hunters and shooters of today get so
passed the short time with small talk in sort      WKH       ULÀH                                                                 how smart and caught up in the minutiae that we sometimes
of a half-whisper, betraying the fact that we      from Harry’s
                                                             arry’s                                                               how lucky old miss the big things. We literally can’t see the for-
both somehow still held out hope that we           extended hands                                                               Harry and others est for the trees, it would seem. We sometimes
might walk up on an elk. He was quite a            to give itt a look                                                        like him really are. get to thinking that the more money we invest
friendly chap. We will call him Harry. As          see. He warned
                                                             arned me that                                               He had probprobably hap- will not only make us more successful in the
we neared the main road, we came across a          it was loaded,
                                                              ded, and after                                            pily hunted all of his ¿HOGEXWPRUHKDSS\LQWKHKHDUW+DUU\XQGHU-
downed log and had a seat. It was there that       I had completed
                                                              pleted a short                         Contributed photo life with that old Win-        stood that it’s the little things about hunting, and
the real conversation took place.                  inspection, he asked me Columnist Dale Valade sights in his chester. Maybe it was life in general, that are of the most worth.
   ,ZDVDERXWWRLQTXLUHDERXW+DUU\¶VULÀH      what I thought. Although rebuilt .30-06 rifle in the spring of even a well-used hand-                 I never saw old Harry again, but I think
when he beat me to the punch and asked             old guns have always 2016.                                           me-down when he got about him every so often. He’d be 100 years
about mine. That day I was carrying a Rem-         interested me, I couldn’t                                            it. Possibly it was his old at least if he’s still around, lugging that old
ington 700 in 8mm Remington Magnum                 believe that anybody would willingly take RQHDQGRQO\ULÀHXQOLNHPRVWRIXVZLWKD .32 Winchester Special looking for elk in his
loaded with Sierra 220-grain Gameking              a .32 Winchester Special to go elk hunting. library of guns to choose from. He bought 0LFNH\0RXVHERRWVDQGHQMR\LQJHYHU\EOLVV-
handloads. As he looked it over, I spewed          What if he had to take a longer shot? Did his ammo at Wal-Mart, only when it was on ful minute of it.
ballistics and numbers like some guy read-         he even know his muzzle velocity? It didn’t sale, and darned his socks when they wore                      Dale Valade, a local country gent with a
ing the disclaimer at the end of an infomer-       HYHQKDYHDVFRSHMXVWEXFNKRUQVLJKWV         thin. Unlike me, he didn’t stew over laser            love for the outdoors, handloading, hunting
cial on TV. But despite my best efforts, it           Tragically, before I could inform him UDQJH¿QGHUV KLJKGROODU RSWLFV ZLWK FXV-                       and shooting, writes a regular column
ZDV QR VDOH +DUU\ KDQGHG EDFN P\ ULÀH    RIWKHPDQ\ÀDZVLQKLVFKRLFHRIZHDSRQ tom dials and mounts or spend countless                                    for the Blue Mountain Eagle.
24 // Grant County Hunting Journal 2020 //

                                ‘Jumping up cow’
   Jake Reynolds founded Reynolds Riflery building and customizing rifles on the
  ethics of hunting his late father Dennis Reynolds instilled in him and his brothers
                                              By Steven Mitchell                                                                              and
                                                                                                                                              an did you pay for it?’”
                                              Blue Mountain Eagle                                                                                 He said it was “empowering” that people

                                                                                                                                              w interested in what he had to say.
                                                s far back as Jake Reynolds cann                                                                  Reynolds said he did some soul searching
                                                remember, hunting season iss                                                                  and
                                                                                                                                              an decided to leave Portland and start work-
                                                what always brought his familyy                                                               ing
                                                                                                                                              in on the business. His mentor asked him what
                                                together.                                                                                     he could do 40 hours per week and be happy
                                                     His father, two-term Grantt                                                              doing.
                                 County Judge Dennis Reynolds who died lastt                                                                      “I thought to myself, living in Portland and
                                  year, taught him the importance oof ethicall                                                                working
                                                                                                                                              w         at this gym is not that for sure,” he
                                         hunting.                                                                                             said.
                                                                                                                                              sa “That was almost immediate to me.”
                                                   “A big emphasis of his    h hunt--                                                             Reynolds said he often stayed up late into
                                                    ing was how ethical yyou weree                                                            WKHQLJKWZRUNLQJRQULÀHVDQGHQMR\HGLW
                                                        with it when you  you’re har--                                                            -DNHVDLGKLVGDGZKREXLOWSUHFLVLRQULÀHV
                                                                         animal,” hee
                                                           vesting an anim                                                                    and
                                                                                                                                              an loved hunting as well, was supportive of
                                                              said. “You’re prepar--                                        Contributed photo his
                                                                                                                                              hi plan to start the business.
                                                                ing to take that ani- Jake Reynolds works on one of his custom rifles             “He would reach out to me and ask me a
                                                                          life, and it’s at his shop, Reynolds Riflery, in Canyon City.
                                                                   mal’s life                                                                 question about a gun, and I’d be like, ‘Wait,
                                                                    going to give its                                                         what?’” he said. “It was kind of one of those
                                                                     life to support and he discussed it with both his father and his times where the padawan becomes the master.”
                                                                       yours        and brother Beau.                                             Jake said he was 12 years old when he shot
                                                                        so yyou need        At the time, Jake said, he was working at a KLV ¿UVW EXFN RQ RSHQLQJ PRUQLQJ RI KXQWLQJ
                                                                         to be very gym in Portland after earning a degree in exer- season on his grandmother’s Prairie City ranch.
                                                                         smart and cise science from Western Oregon Univer-
                                                                         sma                                                                      Jake said he had practiced hunting side by
                                                                          treat it the sity. He said he was not happy in Portland and side with his dad and had yet to pull the trig-
                                                                          right way.”
                                                                          righ           found himself counting down the days to hunt- ger. He said they had practiced everything from
                                                                              T h e ing season.                                               shot angles, entrance wounds, exit wounds and
                                                                         set         of     Jake said he spent all of his time working, when to shoot and when not to shoot.
                                                                         moral stan- researching and educating himself on craft-
                                                                         mor                                                                      So when his father pointed out a buck that he
                                                                        dard Den- LQJ DQG FXVWRPL]LQJ ULÀHV %\ WKH WLPH KXQW- needed to go up the cut bank to shoot, he knew
                                                                       nis       Reyn- ing season rolled around, Jake said, he drew a to put the bullet in the animal’s front shoulder.
                                                                     olds        passed pronghorn antelope tag and bagged it with his             “After waiting 12 years to hunt, I didn’t
                                                                    down to Jake SUHFLVLRQULÀH                                              know what to do because I shot him and he
                                                                   and his brothers,        “So that was what kind of got me started,” came running right down the hill, and I was on
                                                                Beau and P    Percy, is he said. “You know I had gone full circle there the train tracks and the train wasn’t stopping,”
                                                              what pushed him to IURPWKHFRQFHSWLRQRIWKHLGHDRIDULÀHWKDW he said.
                                                          start building aand sell- was going to be able to perform, do what I                    Jake said he pumped his magazine into the
                                                       LQJFXVWRPULÀHV5               wanted to, a clean harvest.”                         deer before diving out of the way.
                                                    Jake said, he became federally          He said it was “cool and felt really good,”           Jake said, when he peeked over the bank, his
                                              licensed to operate his bbusiness, but deep down he knew he could do better on GDGZKRGLGQRWVD\PXFKVDLG³MXPSLQJXS
                                        5H\QROGV5LÀHU\                                 DQRWKHUFXVWRPEXLOWULÀH                           cow.”
                                     Jake recalled he was sick with gguilt after            +LV QH[W ULÀH KH VDLG KDV EHHQ XVHG E\     “I don’t know what that means,” Jake said.
                                 he could not recover a bull he shot. W      While he other hunters to bag both an elk and deer.                  $VKHJRWROGHUKH¿JXUHGRXWZKDWKLVGDG
                                 VDLG QRW EHLQJ DEOH WR ¿QG WKH DQLPD
                                                                       DQLPDO SURED-       “It’s amazing the performance that you can PHDQW HYHU\ WLPH KH WROG KLP ³MXPSLQJ XS
            Contributed photo    bly
                                 bl had
                                     h d more to  t dod with
                                                           ith his
                                                               hi shooting
                                                                    h ti than the JHWZLWKDSUHFLVLRQPDGHULÀH´KHVDLG                   cow.”
    Tanni Wenger Photography     VWRFNRYHUWKHFRXQWHUULÀHKHVWLOOZDQWHGWR          Reynolds said people started to take interest         It was his way, Jake said, of saying, “I’m
    Jake Reynolds                do more and treat the animals with respect.             ZKHQKHVKRWWKHULÀHDWWKHUDQJHDQGSRVWHG proud of you.”
    shooting at the range           “I wanted to do better,” he said. “I told photos of the gun on Facebook. He said he was                       ³,WZDVMXVWKRZKHVDLGWKLQJV´-DNHVDLG
    with a custom rifle he       P\VHOIWKLVULÀHFRXOGEHEHWWHUDQG,ZDQWWR proud of his work.                                          “He wasn’t ever the person that would tell you
    built.                       do more in order to ethically treat these animals          “All of a sudden, it was a little bit of a change directly that he was proud and that he loved
                                 that are gonna be giving their life, in order to in the sense that people were interested in what you, even though he did. He didn’t speak it that
                                 sustain my own.”                                        I was doing,” he said. “I would get questions, way.
                                    5H\QROGVVDLGKLVLGHDZDVWREXLOGDULÀH ‘Where’d you get that,’ or ‘How much was that,                   ³,WZDVMXPSLQJXSFRZ´ // Grant County Hunting Journal 2020 // 25

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28 // Grant County Hunting Journal 2020 //

                                                MEET BUCK
  Oregon’s only anti-poaching K-9
                     Blue Mountain Eagle                                                                                                return with a fou four-wheeler, they would load up the animal and

                                                                                                                                        be gone. He suspected
                                                                                                                                                        susp        they would try to get away with the ani-
           resh snow had just melted and the scent trail was                                                                            mal without taggtagging it because either they didn’t have tags and
           more than a day old when a yellow        low Labrador                                                                          were poaching from the start, or they had tags, but would high-
           retriever named Buck went in search of evidence                                                                                    grade. High grading, also called trading up, is when some-
           linked to an elk that had been poached  ached on                                                                                      one kills ana animal, but delays tagging it in hopes of get-
           March 19 near Cottage Grove. Time — and                                                                                                         larger one later. In those cases, the smaller animal
                                                                                                                                                   ting a la
snow — work against tracking dogs. Still, Buckk was                                                                                                  is often
                                                                                                                                                        ofte hidden and left to waste.
hot on the scent of gunpowder and shell casings.   ings.                                                                                                   When
                                                                                                                                                           W       Trooper Wolcott saw the man leave the
He found casings, also known as brass, among       ong                                                                                                  site in a hurry, he knew the race was on. He got
grass and twigs, invisible to the human eye.       ye.                                                                                                   in hhis pickup, started the engine and looked for
Three times Buck signaled his handler, Oregon       on                                                                                                    a rroad that would take him nearest the kill site.
State Police Fish and Wildlife Senior Trooper     per                                                                                                     But
                                                                                                                                                          Bu he was unfamiliar with the territory and
Josh Wolcott.                                                                                                                                             had to loop around, then hike in to where he
    )LQGLQJWKUHHFDVLQJVFRQ¿UPHGWKHVWRU\263  63                                                                                                   thought it was. When he got there, 30 minutes
F&W Senior Trooper Martin Maher had heard          ard                                                                                                   had passed, and there was no sign of the men,
from two suspected poachers, according to a press   ress                                                                                                the antelope or a four-wheeler. He thought he
release. Five shots had been reported throughh the                                                                                                    had llost them, and was going to give up, but Buck
                                                   G WZR                                                                                           started signaling that he was on a scent. Wolcott
elk were down. During his interview with members  mbers of                                                                                        followed Buck more than a mile across two ridges
the hunting party, the deceptions of that morning  ning came                                                                                          DQRWKHU FDQ\RQ HYHQWXDOO\ ¿QGLQJ WKH NLOO VLWH
                                                                                                                                                DQG DQRWK
out. First, the teenager claimed he had shot both elk. He                                                                                    Both men w    were loading the antelope onto a four-wheeler.
had a tag for one, and the other he had shot accidentally.
                                                    identally. How-                                                                      It had been ove over an hour, and the antelope still had not been
ever, his tag was for a different unit so it was invalid.
                                                    valid. Both kills                                                                   tagged. When th    the men saw Wolcott and Buck, they placed a
were poaching. The penalties would be severe..                                                                                          tag on the antelope.
                                                                                                                                                     antelo Wolcott cited them for failure to immedi-
    Then another member of the group confessed.    fessed. He had                                                                       ately tag their an animal.
poached the second elk in two shots, then picked   ked up his brass                                                  Contributed photo      Buck and Trooper
                                                                                                                                                         Tro       Wolcott will continue as a team, barring
to conceal evidence of the crime. They had not anticipated the Oregon State Police Fish and Wildlife Senior Trooper Josh the unexpected, until Buck reaches retirement age, which is
shots would be reported. Or that they would be approached Wolcott and anti-poaching K-9 Buck pose after patrolling about 9 years old. Part of Buck’s assignment, along with all
by Senior Trooper Maher, who would spot the second carcass during pronghorn antelope season.                                            Oregon State Troopers, is community development and rela-
nearby. And they certainly hadn’t anticipated that Buck, Ore-                                                                           tionship-building. A larger part is paws-on-the-ground nose
gon’s only anti-poaching K-9 unit, would be able to track the They were right. When Wolcott gave Buck the “show me,” com- work to detect poaching.
lowing an overnight snowfall.                                         RIDEXUQHGWXUNH\FDUFDVVDQGIHDWKHUVLQD¿UHSLW7KH\IRXQG ible evidence. For Buck, it is a game.
    Buck is just one resource in Oregon’s anti-poaching arse- deer bones in burn barrels. They thought they were done, but                  “He has the best job a dog can have,” says Trooper Wol-
nal. The culture of poaching is pervasive and entrenched, as %XFNVLJQDOHGD¿QGWR7URRSHU:ROFRWWLQIURQWRIDQROGRYHU- cott, “He’s doing what comes naturally to a dog like him and
demonstrated by the young elk hunter’s inauguration into the turned boat.                                                               then he gets to play.”
deceptive practice of hiding a wildlife crime.                           “We could smell something bad,” Trooper Wolcott said. “It          :KHQ %XFN FDWFKHV WKH VFHQW LW ORRNV OLNH D ¿VK RQ WKH
    The Oregon Hunters Association and Defenders of Wild- smelled like old rotten insulation.” Buck gave the signal that he end of a line. His grace changes to chaos as he whips his nose
life, a national conservation group, both lobbied for stron- had found what he was looking for. Trooper Wolcott and OSP high in the air, holding it in place to catch the scent. His body
ger legislation and prosecution against poachers. In January, F&W Trooper Jason Stone started looking. They found a par- ÀDLOVEHKLQGFKDQJLQJGLUHFWLRQLQPLGDLU7KHQLWVJDPHRQ
The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife launched a new tially decomposed buck deer under a blue tarp under the tran- He plunges to the ground and runs his nostrils along the turf
anti-poaching education and awareness campaign to teach som of the boat.                                                                like a vacuum, sucking up every morsel of scent. He is thor-
Oregonians how to recognize and report poaching. Because of              Buck started his career with OSP F&W and Senior Trooper ough if not methodical, sampling grass here, ground there,
Oregon’s vast land and water areas, assistance from the pub- Wolcott in 2018. They completed training in Indiana at the DQGWKHZLQGFRQVWDQWO\:KHQKH¿QGVWKHVFHQWKHVLJQDOV
lic is the only hope for unearthing crimes that are all too easy Canine Resource Protection School and began working as a by stopping, sitting and then looking over his shoulder expec-
to bury.                                                              team in May of 2019. Buck proved his worth immediately.           tantly at Trooper Wolcott.
    That’s where Buck comes in. Buck locates gunpowder res-              7KHLU¿UVWDVVLJQPHQWDVDQDQWLSRDFKLQJWHDPZDVDVDWX-         For Buck, the payoff for a job well done is straightforward:
idue, human scent and evidence trails that troopers would not ration patrol during pronghorn antelope season on Hart Moun- play time with Trooper Wolcott. Buck switches from working
¿QGYLVXDOO\6RPHWLPHVWKDWVFHQWOHDGVWRDGGLWLRQDOHYLGHQFH tain in Eastern Oregon. Trooper Wolcott positioned himself on the case to retrieving a ball in an instant. Watching Buck switch
6RPHWLPHVWKHVFHQWLWVHOIPDUNVDVSHFL¿FORFDWLRQ                  a high plateau and glassed the ridges and valleys around him. from working dog to playing dog is a transformation exemplary
    Earlier this year, OSP F&W troopers served a search war- He saw a pair of hunters aim for and kill an antelope buck. He of perfect work-life balance. He has mastered the art of com-
rant on a residence in Roseburg. Residents were suspected of continued watching, waiting for them to tag the animal. They partmentalization. When he runs fast after the ball, every ounce
poaching various bird and game species in the area. Troopers didn’t. He watched as one of the pair started hiking out of the of his purpose dedicated to the chase, he demonstrates what it
suspected the evidence had been burned or buried. Or both. kill zone. Wolcott knew what would come next: The man would means to live in the moment.
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