Victorian Shooter - SSAA Victoria

Victorian Shooter - SSAA Victoria
Sporting Shooters Association of Australia (Victoria) official magazine


Shooter                                                                   February 2019


A guide to shotgun
shooting with SSAA Victoria

• 2019 SSAA SHOT Expo coming to Melbourne
• CPM program gets a makeover
• PRS takes off in East Gippsland
Victorian Shooter - SSAA Victoria

                                            The future of
                                            duck season
SHOT Expo. P3
Meet Indi candidate. P4
                                            depends on us
                                                         e’re already full
CPM fair go policy. P4-5                                 swing into the
                                                         New Year and
PRS at Buchan. P6                           it’s nearly time for our
                                            hunters to go out and en-
Cooper’s Counsel. P8                        joy the cultural pursuit of
                                                                                           Denis Moroney
                                            duck hunting.
Eagle Park update. P9                          We’re lucky in Victoria         President SSAA Victoria
Hunters under fire. P10                     to still have a duck season
                                            and it is constantly under
True Grit at Single Action
                                                                                                                                    SHOT Expo Oct 19-20
                                            attack from the antis who use it as a political platform.
                                               Politicians are swayed by public opinion and that makes it important for us to
Nationals. P11                              show we are responsible hunters.
                                               So please take care on the wetlands this season and don’t be afraid to report
Shotgun special. P14-19                     wrongdoers who threaten the future of duck season.

Sustainable game
                                               SSAA SHOT Expo – the legitimate SSAA SHOT Expo – has moved to October
                                            19-20 (at the same Melbourne Showgrounds location) to take advantage of                 SSAA SHOT Expo back bigger than ever with a new date.
hunting. P21
                                            release of new products.                                                                           inchester, Swarovski Optik and       Mr Allendorf said the most pleasing       sports and we will try to make that
                                               A lot of products released in the US at SHOT Show and other major events early                  Polaris have signed up as Gold    aspect of liaising with the industry has     pathway as easy as we can.
Clubs and Branches. P22                     in the year take time to come to Australia.                                                        Sponsors for the SSAA SHOT        been the overwhelming support after             “We see the number of hunters and
                                               That means the decision to have the event in October gives distributors enough
Miltary Rifle Club                          time to get these new releases onto their SSAA SHOT Expo stands.
                                                                                                                                    Expo to be held in Melbourne on Octo-
                                                                                                                                    ber 19-20.
                                                                                                                                                                                 the former organiser, Exhibitions Group,
                                                                                                                                                                                 abandoned the event.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              firearms owners growing in Victoria
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              every year and that’s great news for the
Anzac Shoot and State                          It’s also a good time to be thinking about Christmas presents and we’re looking
                                            forward to a bigger and better Melbourne event this year.
                                                                                                                                      They will be among more than 150              “I think the response has shown that      future of the sport.”
Championships. P27                             Speaking of expos, SSAA Victoria will be bringing its five hunting clubs together
                                                                                                                                    exhibitors expected to display the latest
                                                                                                                                    in firearms, hunting and outdoor gear
                                                                                                                                                                                 the industry understands the stability
                                                                                                                                                                                 and sound management that SSAA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Tickets for the SSAA SHOT Expo are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              now on sale. You can find the link on the
                                            for the Wild Deer Expo which will be held on March 30.

                                                                                                                                    from more than 500 brands at the             brings to the event,” he said.      website.
                                               It’s a great opportunity to come along and see what we have to offer in the          Melbourne Showgrounds.                          SSAA Victoria CEO Jack Wegman said
                                            hunting space and a wonderful collaboration by the different hunting clubs.
                                               Our large 12m by 6m stand will show that we are a major hunting organisation
                                                                                                                                      SSAA SHOT Expo is Australia’s biggest
                                                                                                                                    and most popular firearms and hunting
                                                                                                                                                                                 he was looking forward to a successful
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Come see us at
The Victorian Shooter is a quarterly
                                            with many opportunities for hunters.
                                               Also coming up next month is the annual State Conference where delegates
                                                                                                                                    expo attracting huge crowds who want
                                                                                                                                    to see the biggest and best brands
                                                                                                                                                                                    “We have open channels of communi-
                                                                                                                                                                                 cation and are collaborating closely with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Wild Deer Expo

magazine produced by the Sporting           from each of our clubs and branches are invited to discuss the issues and hear          together in the one place.                   Level Up Events to ensure it’s even better             SAA Victoria’s hunting clubs
Shooters Association of Australia           from guest speakers.                                                                                                                                                                                                      will
(Victoria). Unit 3/26 Ellingworth Parade,                                                                                             “The industry response is always very      than before,” he said.                                 be coming together on Ma
                                               This year we have club administration expert and former Collingwood Football                                                                                                                                           rch
Box Hill 3128                                                                                                                       positive, and the new date has also             One of the focuses of the 2019                      30 for the Wild Deer Expo.
                                            Club chief financial officer Terry Dillon making a presentation on how to boost         been very well received,” said Michael       Melbourne SSAA SHOT Expo will be on                The five clubs include Dee
Editor and Graphic Designer:                participation.                                                                                                                                                                                                         rstalk-
                                                                                                                                    Allendorf from Level Up Events who is        new shooters with seminars and activi-          ers, Field Hunters, Duck Hu
Justin Law                                     Researcher Dr Suzanna Fay from the University of Queensland will also be                                                                                                                                            nters,
                                                                                                                                    organising the event in close partnership    ties designed to encourage more people          Working Gundog Associatio
                                            speaking at the event, as will my fellow board director Marion Barnes.                                                                                                                                                  n of
Disclaimer: The views expressed in                                                                                                  with SSAA Victoria and SSAA National.        to get involved with the shooting sports.       Australia and Big Game Rifle
some articles and by some contributers         Marion has been very effective at getting publicity for events at her Shepparton                                                                                                                                  Club.
                                                                                                                                      “October is that sweet spot when              “In our conversations with some who             They will be part of the
are not necessarily those of SSAA           Shotgun Club and will explain some of her methods.                                                                                                                                                                     SSAA
                                                                                                                                    new products that everyone saw online        conducted market research at previ-            Victoria stand at the expo to
Victoria.                                      It will be part of the State Conference program which is designed to assist our                                                                                                                                  be held
                                                                                                                                    during SHOT Show in the US come to           ous SHOT Expos, we were surprised              on March 30-31.
The Victorian Shooter online:               many clubs with administration and membership.                                          Australia.                                   to learn that 30 per cent of those who            It’s a great opportunity to see                             Our clubs represent the different disciplines offered by SSAA Victoria. At Nation-                                                                                                                                   how
                                                                                                                                      “It means the thousands of shooters        attend don’t have a firearms licence,” Mr      you can get involved in our
                                            al level we have appointed a professional manager to help support the disciplines                                                                                                                                   various
Email alerts: Subscribe to SSAA                                                                                                     and hunters who come to SSAA SHOT            Wegman said.                                   hunting disciplines and get mo
                                            so this should help our Association continue to grow.                                                                                                                                                                 re out
Victoria’s news alert. Email state_                                                                                                 Expo will get to see the very latest prod-      “This tells us that SSAA SHOT Expo          of your SSAA membership.                          Safe shooting                                                                        ucts fresh off the boat.”                    is seen as a pathway into the shooting
2    The Victorian Shooter                                                                                                                                                                                                              The Victorian Shooter           3
Victorian Shooter - SSAA Victoria
News                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  News

    SSAA member                                                                                   A fair go for CPM volunteers
    shoots for Indi                                                                               Mentor initiative to provide more CPM opportunities for properly accreditated SSAA members

                                                                                                        he Conservation and Pest Manage-

    This article was supplied by The Nationals
                                                                                                        ment program operated by SSAA
                                                                                                        Victoria has a new assistant manag-
                                                                                                                                                 CPM volunteer checklist
    Deputy Leader Bridget McKenzie.                                                               er and a new mentor initiative.                        ew CPM assistant manager Sav-       good news for our CPM volunteers,”

             spiring political candidate for the Fed-                                               Savvas Savva took on the role in                     vas Savva says the process of       Savvas says.
             eral seat of Indi Northern Victoria, Mark                                            January to fill the vacancy left by Rhys               obtaining a Section 37 permit         The steps for an experienced shooter
             Byatt has been a long-time member of                                                 Coote and says giving members a fair           required to use a firearm in National       to become an active SSAA Victoria
    the Sporting Shooters Association of Australia.                                               go is a policy he is continuing with the       Parks has been streamlined.                 CPM volunteer are:
    Mark was raised on a dairy farm at Cudgewa                                                    program.                                         A Section 37 is required along with         1.     Become a SSAA member.
    in far North East Victoria, where as a teenag-                                                  “The door to the CPM program is open         CPM accreditation before a SSAA               2.     Contact the CPM assistant
    er, shooting was part of a day-to-day rural life.                                             to all SSAA Victoria members with some         Victoria volunteer can participate in a     manager ( or
    In those times as a school student at Corryong                                                level hunting and shooting experience,”        CPM program.                                8892 2777)
    High, Mark recalls “shooting was also a regular                                               he says.                                         “It was an area that had been a little      3.     Attend an accreditation
    activity within the school sporting curriculum,                                                 “We want to provide opportunities for        slow in the past, but we have worked        course to prove competency.
    with regular clay target shoots at the Corryong                                               our members to hunt pests or take part         with Parks Victoria to ensure they            4.     Obtain a Section 37 from
    clay target range. It was a great experience for                                              in conservation programs to assist Parks       come through much quicker which is          Parks Victoria.                                CPM Assistant Manager, Savvas Savva.
    regional students of the day”.                                                                Victoria.
    Firsthand experience to impress                                                                 “We also want to ensure we are                Meanwhile, existing
    Mark has since had an impressive work career and involvement in leading key region-           delivering a professional service to Parks   active CPM volunteers          Controlling foxes is
    al development agencies and community associations. He was in local government as             Victoria, so we are developing ways to       have been going                a CPM objective.
    a councillor of eight years (including five years as Mayor) with the City of Wodonga.         bring those two goals together.”             through a reaccredita-
    Mark is now putting his hat in the ring for a seat in the Federal Parliament, endeav-           The CPM program commenced in               tion process to ensure
    ouring to win the Federal Electorate of Indi as the National Party of Australia’s pre-se-     2007 when the State Government               best practice is being
    lected candidate.                                                                             entrusted SSAA Victoria to provide           observed.
    Regional experience at the table                                                              skilled volunteers to control pest animals      Savvas says he has
    “I’m often asked, ‘Why politics?’ My response is that my heart is in the region, I am a       and achieve conservation outcomes on         been notifying active
    product of the region, the majority of my career has been in regional development,            Parks Victoria-controlled land.              CPM volunteers of the
    and I believe strongly in the potential of regional Australia as a key part of the nation’s     An updated accreditation course was        requirement to obtain
    future growth and prosperity agenda. I like to think I have something to offer at the         implemented in early 2017 and that           the current CPM card
    political table for the betterment of regional people”.                                       was revised last year with the practical     by completing a reac-
       Mark has extensive government, business and community networks. Importantly,               shooting component upgraded to better        creditation course.
    he has a very good understanding of all tiers of government, and has well established         replicate field shooting.                       “We have new CPM
    experience in advocating for a fair share across rural and regional Victoria including          The new mentor program will mean           programs starting in
    in multiple terms leading Regional Cities Victoria and Regional Capitals Australia. With      SSAA Victoria members will be able           May which will provide
    such a diverse and dynamic background, it’s amazing he finds time to run an Angus             to participate in a CPM program soon         hunting opportunities
    cattle farm with his wife, and still get the odd shot in eradicating feral pests.             after they have passed the accreditation     for properly accredited
    SSAA membership                                                                               course.                                      volunteers,” he says.
    Mark has been a member of SSAA since 1996 and is a long-term member of the                      The mentor program works by pairing           “So if you’re a new
    Antique and Historical Firearm Collectors Guild of Victoria. Mark says he has been            experienced CPM shooters with newly          member with some
    impressed with how the SSAA has responded to the expectations of modern society               accredited volunteers to ensure they are     hunting experience,
    with the development of sensible and workable policies and standards that balance             getting proper guidance.                     then sign up for the
    community outlooks and the needs of a diverse range of shooter cohorts. Mark says,              “A CPM operation is typically handled      next        accreditation
    “Responsible management of sports shooting has long been at the heart of the SSAA’s                                                                                                       adhere to the rules set out by Park Victo-    ing those animals before being consid-
                                                                                                  by a team of eight shooters and the          course.
                                                                                                                                                  “If you’re an existing active CPM volun- ria.
    charter, with great success. With feral pest numbers continually on the rise, I can                                                                                                                                                     ered for the CPM program.
                                                                                                  tendency has been to only select that
    see a day when pest management strategies and practices will routinely incorporate                                                                                                           It means that the volunteers selected        “CPM is not a training exercise or
                                                                                                  team from the ranks of those with previ-     teer who hasn’t done a reaccreditation
    the value of SSAA member shooters in practice. This largely volunteer cohort, if used                                                                                                     to   take part must demonstrate previous      education program,” says CPM assistant
                                                                                                  ous CPM experience,” Savvas says.            course within the last 18 months, then
    appropriately and within the best possible governance frameworks, can perform a                                                                                                           hunting    experience and marksmanship        manager Savvas Savva.
                                                                                                    “Our new mentor program will see           get in touch and we’ll ensure you’re
    valuable service to society, particularly in rural and regional communities”.                                                                                                             competency.                                     “SSAA Victoria does have training for
                                                                                                  newly accredited volunteers included in      right to go.”
    Enjoying a shot                                                                                                                                                                              Volunteers who successfully complete       those who want to improve their skills.
                                                                                                  that team of shooters so the experienced        The next course will be on April 14 and
    Now Mark enjoys time shooting with his son Mitcham (also a SSAA member), getting                                                                                                          the   accreditation course can hunt a full      “However, CPM demands a high level
                                                                                                  participants can show them the ropes.        another is scheduled for September.
    out occasionally for an afternoon or spotlighting excursion, although he admits to                                                                                                        variety of species from rabbits to goats      of skill and the practical component of
                                                                                                    “It means we can maintain a level of
    not allocating enough time to get out regularly. We suspect the schedule might get                                                                                                        to deer.                                      our accreditation course is designed to
                                                                                                  professionalism while ensuring those         Am I CPM material?
    even tighter if he is successful in the campaign for Indi! I’m sure many sporting clubs                                                                                                      However, they will need to show that       ensure we’re putting competent shoot-
                                                                                                  new to the CPM program will get equal        The Conservation and Pest Management
    would welcome him for a shoot down the track.                                                                                                                                             they   are capable of effectively dispatch-   ers on the ground.”
                                                                                                  opportunity to participate.”                 program is professionally run and must
4       The Victorian Shooter                                                                                                                                                                                                                        The Victorian Shooter         5
Victorian Shooter - SSAA Victoria
At The Range

PRS shooting takes off
                                                                                                                                                 Lead dust:
in East Gippsland                                                                                                                      Reduce the Risks
      recision Rifle Series (PRS) shooting
      is fast becoming the challenging
      new alternative to traditional target
shooting at SSAA East Gippsland’s Bu-
chan Rifle Range.
   The branch has hosted two official PRS
events which attracted around 40 shoot-
ers each time from throughout Australia.
   The popularity among the V19
members who shoot there has meant
that the branch is now holding its own
club-level shoots.
   Precision Rifle is a dynamic discipline,
challenging the shooter in different
                                                                                                                                        • Eating, drinking and
ways. This may include positional shoot-
ing off unusual and improvised rests and                                                                                                  smoking when shooting
barricades, long-range engagements,
movement between firing positions, all                                                                                                    can put you at risk.
on a time limit.
   The objective is to test marksmanship
and to challenge a shooter’s ability to                                                                                                 • Wash your hands and face
problem solve, improvise and adapt to
varying and changing situations.                                                                                                          after using firearms.
   “This is one of the most diverse styles
of shooting you will find,” says the PRS
   “One minute you may be shooting
                                                                                                                                       Any amount of lead exposure is harmful to         expose your family and children.
while laying prone, then next you'll be                                                                                                human health. People using firearms, handling     Your children are especially at risk
shooting from five different positions                                                                                                 ammunition or visiting shooting ranges are        Children are more vulnerable to the effects of
on a weird looking piece of timber, and                                                                                                at risk of inhaling or swallowing lead dust or    lead exposure. Extra caution should be taken
moments later you will be transitioning                                                                                                fumes, and to a lesser extent, absorbing lead     when attending the ranges. Ensure your body
from a pistol to a rifle to complete the                                                  month for general shooting, and the          through the skin.                                 and clothing are free of lead dust before em-
stage.                                                                                    first Sunday of each month for a black
   “The joy of PRS matches is the creativ-                                                powder shoot.
                                                                                                                                       Protect your family                               bracing children or handling toys and personal
ity and diversity of the stages. By not                                                      Qualified range officers are on hand to   Don’t bring lead home with you.                   effects. If you are pregnant, consider the risks
putting major restrictions on the match                                                   run shoots and assist the many members       Lead is ‘sticky’ and can be transported from      of lead exposure to yourself and your baby
director you could be encountering all                                                    from throughout the east of the state        a shooting range on your body, clothes and        and take appropriate precautions to minimise
sorts of things.                                                                          who come to shoot there.                     equipment, into a car and your home. It may       exposure to lead.
   “Firstly, the stages must be safe and                                                     Branch President Steve Waddell said
in some way mimic something you may                                                       they are always on the lookout for
encounter in a real world hunting envi-
   “Aside from that, it is pretty free rein     The 500m Buchan Rifle Range, where
                                                                                          people keen to take advantage of the
                                                                                             “We’re a pretty active branch and it’s
                                                                                                                                         Pregnant? Lead dust can affect
within the range rules, which is why this
has been so popular with such a large
range of shooters.”
                                              the branch holds its events, was recently
                                              refurbished and has 12 undercover
                                              shooting benches on a concrete floor.
                                                                                          great to see new faces at the range,” he
                                                                                             “We have regular meetings at Bairns-
                                                                                                                                              your unborn child
   SSAA’s East Gippsland branch has             To make it a social event, there is an    dale and those wanting to get involved
embraced the series and is looking at         undercover barbecue area with toilets,      are more than welcome.”                      SSAA Victoria: Promoting safe and responsible firearms use
increasing the number of club-level           plenty of shade and picnic tables.             The range is situated 65km east of                Visit for more information
events through the year to add to its           The range is open on the second           Bairnsdale on the Buchan-Bruthen Road.
calendar.                                     Wednesday and fourth Sunday of each            Visit for details.      These guidelines are detailed in Information for Gun Shooters: Managing Exposure
6    The Victorian Shooter                                                                                                             to Lead. State of Victoria, Department of Health and Human Services, October 2018.
Victorian Shooter - SSAA Victoria
News                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                News

    Here come the protestors                                                                                                                                                                                                          Eagle Park
H                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     roof update
             ere comes Duck Season 2019.
             And with it, the protesters.
               For hunters, it’s easy to get

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             he new 171m Main Range 1 roof

    angry with the abuse hurled by those
    who only seem to want the clash. While                                                                                                                                                                                                   is coming! But it has taken longer
    it’s hard to legally do something about                                                                                                                                                                                                  than we had hoped.
    it, there are ways to take these protes-                                                                                                                                                                                             Construction is expected to commence
    tors to task.                                                                                                                                                                                                                     by the end of March and take up to five
       The Wildlife Act 1975 has sections                                                                                                                                                                                             weeks to complete.
    which create offences against public                                                                                                                                                                                                 To explain how things have transpired,
    safety, but even if a protester was                                                                                                                                                                                               part of the roof was blown back by a
    charged, it would be weeks or months                                                                                                                                                                                              freak gust of wind on September 15 last
    before the case was heard in court.                Peter Cooper Lawyer                                                                                                                                                            year. The insurance company was imme-
       Instead, a banning notice pursuant to                                                                                                The yellow area shows the new subdivision’s proximity to Lake Connewarre.                 diately notified and an engineer assessor
    Sec 58 G of the Act only needs police                                                                                                                                                                                             was sent to determine whether or not
    and Game Management Authority
    officers to form a belief on reasonable
                                                  by what they are carrying, as what they
                                                  are carrying cannot be guaranteed to
                                                                                                  (Signed) as a Statutory Declaration.
                                                                                                  A Statutory Declaration is a very
                                                                                                                                            SSAA Victoria submission                                                                  the roof could be repaired or completely

                                                                                                                                            to council puts hunters first
    grounds that the offending conduct has        be under their control.                      formal document. It needs to be made                                                                                                      It took some weeks for that process
    taken place.                                     It follows therefore that a protestor     in front of a specified person (police/                                                                                                to be finalised and in November it was
       They can then immediately ban an           carrying a two-metre banner should           pharmacist/solicitor/JP) but it is simple                                                                                              finally agreed the roof needed to be

    offender from a wetland.                      have two metres added to the 10 metres       and compelling as evidence.                           SSAA Victoria submission has        the lake and that the council should not     completely replaced.
       A hunter can provide the authorities       to make 12.                                     I conclude by saying this is about                 helped an independent panel         take action if there were complaints.”          A demolition permit was acquired in
    with material that can be reasonably             An authorised officer should be asked     a mindset. As shooters and hunters,                   conclude duck season at the Lake      Part of the SSAA Victoria submission       December and the remaining roof was
    used to support a banning notice.             to direct the protestor back to where        particularly duck hunters, we have           Connewarre State Game Reserve should         was quoted in the final 101-page panel       removed before Christmas.
       Section 58 C of the Act refers to enter-   the extension does not create a risk to      accepted regulation grudgingly, but we       not be impacted by a nearby residential      report to the council, including:               It’s a bad time of the year to get
    ing and remaining in areas without the        the 10-metre separation.                     accept it.                                   development.                                   “The sound of firearms can be discon-      anything done because the building
    appropriate documents.                           Sec 58 E refers to hindering, obstruct-      The enforcement officers enforce             The panel was appointed by the            certing to those uneducated in their use     industry is out of action until mid January,
       This is the offence of being in the        ing, interfering and harassing.              regulations and the officers who are in      Geelong City Council to consider a range     and function.                                which is when the building plans for the
    wrong place (specified hunting area) at          All of these terms have broad legal       the prescribed hunting areas are often       of issues arising from the new residential     “A lack of understanding can lead to       new roof finally came through.
    the wrong time (during hunting hours).        meanings so we just need to create a         not there in the regulated times. It is an   land subdivision at Leopold, adjacent to     unnecessary and unfounded concerns              The good news was council approved
       If the person is not in possession of a    factual statement as to what the protest-    issue of resources.                          the lake.                                    about safety. The rezoning of farmland       the new plans. The bad news was that
    longarm licence and GMA game permit,          er has done.                                    Therefore, what we need to do is             Among the considerations was the          to General Residential Zone will bring       in them was the requirement for 84
    then they are committing an offence.             To issue a Banning Order the officer      disrupt the protestors. If the enforce-      potential for new residents moving into      many more people into hearing distance       concrete footings, which were not part
       If an authorised officer or police         does not need to have proof these            ment officers have less to do by merely      the subdivision to object to duck shoot-     of shooting activity.”                       of the original estimate.
    officer is not there at the time, a hunter    things happened. He just must honestly       issuing banning notices and they are         ing on the lake.                               As a result, the panel concluded              It has meant going back to the under-
    can take a description of the offender. It    believe it on reasonable grounds that        receiving a simple, concise, legally            SSAA Victoria was one of several          that the potential for land-use conflicts    writer to approve the additional cost.
    might be appearance, clothing and one         it took place. For a hunter to provide       admissible statement to assist them,         submitters who raised concerns about         between the proposed development                We expect that approval to come
    photo with a date and time signature.         evidence that it did take place, we          then they can act.                           potential conflict between duck hunting      and duck hunting activities was not suffi-   through in the second week of March.
       When the police or GMA officer             recommend they be prepared to make              If they do not act then your organ-       and the residential development.             cient to justify recommending against        After that, the builder can then
    arrives, they can then ask the offender       a simple, factual statement in the form      isation will have a large database of           “All too often we hear about people       the Amendment or the permit.                 commence construction hopefully by
    to produce their longarm licence and          of a Statutory Declaration.                  statutory declarations, which it can then    moving to an area where there is an            In other words, if the Geelong Council     the end of March.
    GMA permit. If the officer has a clear           For example:                              use for lobbying and making change for       established activity and then complain       adopts the panel’s recommendations,             The range will be completely closed as
    statement and a good description from         My name is ….                                the future. It’s a lot more effective than   it out of existence,” said SSAA Victoria     duck hunting on the Lake Connewarre          the new footings are installed. The range
    a witness they could form an honest and       My address has been provided to              getting angry.                               Hunting Development Manager David            State Game Reserve would be allowed          will then reopen in staggered sections
    reasonable belief that there are grounds      (authorised officer, eg. the police).                                                     Laird.                                       to continue without fear of protest from     and be fully reopened when the works
    for a banning order, even if the protes-         On (date) I was at (eg. Carpenters        Lawyer Peter Cooper has been SSAA               “So we wanted to make sure that           neighbouring land holders.                   are completed in early May.
    tor refused to show the documents.            Swamp).                                      Victoria’s counsel when it comes to          hunting on a State Game Reserve, which         “It’s a win for us because it shows           Main Range 2 will continue to be
       Sec 58 D of the Act refers to approach.       At 10:30am five people (eg. three         legal matters concerning firearms. His       was established by hunters, is not threat-   common sense can prevail at local            usedd during this process.
    It is often known as the 10-metre             men and two women) wearing clown             services are now available at State Office   ened by this new development.                government level,” Mr Laird said.
    offence.                                      costumes shouted “Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho;          in Box Hill.                                    “We said that the proposed develop-         “We are also pleased our submission
       It is often interpreted by police and      Duck Hunting has to go” for about five         Peter attends the office three days a      ment should not directly impact hunting      was given due consideration and used
    GMA officers by the drawing of a              minutes.                                     week and provides legal advice to Asso-      on Lake Connewarre, as the distance is       to argue for this outcome.
    10-metre line horizontally or across the         I have pointed them out to (name/         ciation members at a third off his normal    great enough to eliminate any possibility      “This is one of many submissions we
    ground between the hunter and the             number of police officer) at 10:45am.        rate.                                        of shot fallout.                             have made on various issues affecting
    protestor. However, I suggest that, the          I attach a single photograph with           To make an appointment, call Peter            “We also said that land purchasers        hunting and firearms use as we continue       The wind damage to the
    protestors’ distance needs to be judged       date and time notification.                  Cooper Lawyer on 0430 468 127.               should be told about duck hunting on         to fight for a fair go for our members.”      roof in September last year.
8      The Victorian Shooter                                                                                                                                                                                                                     The Victorian Shooter          9
Victorian Shooter - SSAA Victoria
News                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      News

Duck hunters
short changed
Shorter season, reduced bag limits and Liberal
MP attack puts duck hunters on back foot.

          uck season has been shortened         Victoria Parliament in December last year.
          and bag limits reduced in re-           The newly elected Member for Brigh-
          sponse to questionable science        ton attacked duck hunting in his speech,
about duck numbers in Victoria.                 but at the meeting with Mr Laird and Mr
   The declaration of a nine-week season        Law said that he did not support a ban of
with a bag limit of four birds on the first     duck season.
weekend and five per day for the remain-          “I wouldn’t use the B word (ban),” he
der of the season has been criticised by        told the SSAA Victoria representatives.
the Association.                                  Since then, Mr Newbury has shown
   Hunting Development Manager, David           support for a ban by posting a link to a
Laird, said that SSAA Victoria and FGA          animal activist commissioned poll which
had called for an unaltered season in           showed more than 50 per cent of Victori-
submissions to the GMA as they deliber-         ans wanted duck season stopped.
ated on the coming season.                        When SSAA members attempted to

                                                                                              True Grit on display at Eagle Park
   “Both Associations’ submissions were         point out Mr Newbury’s promise to not
reasoned and clearly demonstrated why           support duck season ban on his Facebook
a normal season should have been put in         page, their comments were deleted.
place,” he said.                                  “Animal activism seems to be the new
   “Those submissions were clearly              trend among the protest movement and
ignored. It is difficult to understand how      perhaps Mr Newbury is seeing some             Little River Raiders to host the country’s best at the Single Action National Championships
the decision to make the announced              political mileage in that,” Mr Law said.

changes has been reached.”                        “We can’t see why else a member of                amous John Wayne film True Grit is
   SSAA Victoria called for a change to         the Liberal Party, which has recently               the theme of this year’s Single Ac-         Single Action National Championship Program
the current arrangements in determining         been supportive of the shooting sports,             tion National Championships which           Wednesday, April 3-Sunday, April 7
the duck season and to make the process         would oppose duck hunting.”                   will be hosted by SSAA’s Little River Raid-       April 3: Long Range Rifle Events
much more transparent.                            The 2019 duck hunting season will           ers at Eagle Park April 3-7.                      Single Shot Blackpowder and Smokeless, Lever Action Rifle
   “It is difficult for hunters to accept the   be modified from 12 to nine weeks               National Party Deputy Leader Senator            Calibre, Lever Action Pistol Calibre and .22.
decisions being made where there is no          commencing on Saturday 16 March 2019          Bridget McKenzie will officially open the         Cowboy Clays (5-Stand); 3-Member Team Event using pistol,
clear scientific basis to them,” Mr Laird       and closing on Sunday 19 May 2019.            event which will attract competitors from         rifle and shotgun; and a Derringer Match.
said.                                             Hunters will be restricted to four game     around Australia.                                 April 4: Pat Garrett – 4 Stages
   “The GMA will not even disclose what         ducks per day on the opening weekend,           “We’re expecting more than 150                  Warm up Stages (3), Speed Events and Shotgun Alley.
its recommendations to the Minister are         with a five game duck per day bag limit for   competitors this year who come from all           April 5: Official opening
and on what basis they have been made.          the remainder of the nine week season.        the states and territories,” said Little River    6 stages of events for high-level competitors.
   “The Association expects decisions on        The hunting of Blue-winged Shoveler           Raiders’ Doug Berwick.                            April 6: Another 6 stages are shot today
game management to be based on facts            will again be prohibited throughout the         “A number of those competing also               Main dinner, including costume competition and raffles.
and science, not as it appears, on opinion,     entire season.                                compete in the Single Action Shooting             April 7: Top-Gun Shoot-off
prejudice or political expediency. We will        As per last year, hunting on the            Society (SASS) World Championships.               Raffle draws and presentations.
continue to work towards that goal.”            opening weekend of the 2019 season will         “That event, which is held in New
   This year’s season has also come under       commence at 9am on Saturday and 8am           Mexico, is called End of Trail and is the        still able to enter and participate in the   accuracy. Contestants shoot at metal            game, the contestants are dressed in
increased pressure from animal activist         on Sunday across the whole of Victoria        biggest single action event in the world.        world championships.”                        targets with pistols, lever-action rifles and   period costume accordingly. They also
groups and politicians, including, surpris-     as part of a two-year trial of opening the      “But that doesn’t mean you need to                The upcoming national event is held       shotguns in a variety of stages which are       have registered nicknames borrowed
ingly, the Liberal Party’s James Newbury.       season during daylight hours. For the         be a world beater to compete here. One           under the auspices of SASS, which is an      scripted in specifically designed scenari-      from the time to make it as much fun as
   SSAA Victoria Hunting Development            rest of the season, hunting times will        of the many good things about single             international membership organisation        os and shooting sequences.                      it is competition.
Manager David Laird and Communica-              revert to the standard period of half an      action, or cowboy action shooting, is            formed in 1987 to promote the sport of         The scenarios generally replicate ‘Old            For more information about the Little
tions Manager Justin Law met with Mr            hour before sunrise to half an hour after     there is no minimum ranking in SASS.             single action.                               West’ movies or historic events from US         River Raiders, visit www.littleriverraiders.
Newbury after his maiden speech to              sunset.                                         “So whatever your skill level, you are            Single action is a test of speed and      cowboy history and in the spirit of the
10     The Victorian Shooter                                                                                                                                                                                                                         The Victorian Shooter          11
Victorian Shooter - SSAA Victoria
Australia’s biggest
                                                    shooting sports,
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 The original and best is back!        • Educational talks and demos on the latest gear, equipment, techniques and more
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                                       • SSAA indoor shooting range for adults and children 12+ years
                                       • Archery range for adults and children of all ages
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                                                                                                 A U S T R A L I A’ S FAV O U R I T E H U N T I N G M A G A Z I N E
Victorian Shooter - SSAA Victoria
Feature                                                                                                                                        Feature

                             Give it a shot(gun)
                             We turn the spotlight on clay target shooting with a look at what
                             SSAA Victoria can offer at Eagle Park and Shepparton ranges

                                    ive-stand shooting is a great introduction to the clay tar-
                                    get shotgun sports but if you want to make it really chal-     Little River Sporting Clays
                                    lenging, Sporting Clays is where it’s at.                      Location: SSAA Victoria Eagle Park Range, Gifkins Road,
                                Sometimes described as “golf with a shotgun”, Sporting Clays       Little River
                             is designed to replicate field shooting for duck, quail or rabbits    Contact: Robert Matuch (treasurer)
                             and takes place on natural terrain.                                   Phone: 0439 717 183
                                SSAA Victoria’s Eagle Park range is home to Little River Sport-    Email:
                             ing Clays (LRSC), a club which hosts around 100 people for its        Facebook: @Littleriversportingclays
                             regular shoot each month.                                             Club Events
                                Sitting on top of the mountain, the shooting grounds are           Practice: 2nd Sunday of each month
                             unique with rises and gullies creating an environment to test         75-targets or 100-targets competition: 4th Sunday
                             the best shooters.
                                “It’s one of the best locations to have sporting clays anywhere   Rob says.
                             in the country,” says LRSC treasurer, Rob Matuch.                      “At LRSC, we have a famous target we call the Mixo Rabbit,
                                “The hills and small gullies mean you can throw targets from      which slowly rolls down the hill. Hitting that always gets a big
                             a great height or have them spring from low spots to make it a       cheer.”
                             different experience every time you shoot.                             One person in the squad is nominated the referee and they
                                “You’re not just throwing along flat ground, you can create a     will trigger the remote control to start the traps. They might
                             variety of challenging targets.”                                     come as singles or in pairs and a total of 50 or 100 (depending
                                A day at LRSC competition would start with you being allo-        on the competition) are thrown for each shooter.
                             cated to a squad of around five or six shooters.                       “We set the traps differently to create a new experience
                                The squad will move to eight stations set up along the course     every month,” Rob says.
                             (or ground, as it’s called) where clays are thrown from a series       “With the terrain we have and the size of the area, we’re also
                             of traps arranged in different locations.                            pretty lucky that we can set up two grounds for a day’s shoot.
                                “You can create high birds, low birds, quick birds or rabbits     That means we can get through twice as many shooters, so it’s
                             and other ground targets by where you position the traps,”           getting pretty popular.”
14   The Victorian Shooter                                                                                                       The Victorian Shooter        15
Victorian Shooter - SSAA Victoria
Feature                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Feature
                                                                                                                                                                                 What is clay target shooting?
                                                                                                                                                                                      here are many clay target shotgun competitions, which vary in the type of
                                                                                                                                                                                      targets thrown, the angle, height and speed at which they are thrown, and
                                                                                                                                                                                      the field layouts from which shooters shoot.

                                                                                                                                                                                 Sporting Clays
                                                                                                                                                                                 The area of clay target shotgun shooting that has shown the greatest growth world-
                                                                                                                                                                                 wide in recent years is Sporting Clays. This competition is usually set up in a natural
                                                                                                                                                                                 bushland setting, with the traps presenting clay targets that simulate hunting a variety
                                                                                                                                                                                 of game such as ducks, rabbits, quail and pheasants. The traps can be concealed in
                                                                                                                                                                                 the bush or on towers, with the targets only visible in cleared areas. The targets can
                                                                                                                                                                                 be shot over a course of six or seven ‘stands’, where shooters are shown targets in
                                                                                                                                                                                 singles or doubles of various sizes and colors, and shoot each station with their squad
                                                                                                                                                                                 of five or six shooters in turn. Most courses comprise 25 targets and the degree of
                                                                                                                                                                                 difficulty can vary from easy to extremely hard.

                                                                                                                                                                                 The SSAA has an interesting variation of Sporting Clays called 5-Stand. This is a clever
                                                                                                                                                                                 and space-saving way of achieving much the same as a traditional Sporting Clays
                                                                                                                                                                                 course, but in a much more economical space. 5-Stand has five shooting stands
                                                                                                                                                                                 or stations that are lined up in a straight line close to each other. The stands are
                                                                                                                                                                                 surrounded by six to eight numbered traps, which throw targets in every possible
                                                                                                                                                                                 direction, including from behind, towers, vertical shots and rabbits, with all targets
                                                                                                                                                                                 generally converging in an area in front of the stands. Competitors rotate through
                                                                                                                                                                                 the five stands and receive an identical mix of targets in a random order, with single
                                                                                                                                                                                 and double targets presented. This provides a real test of a shooter’s ability to read

Buying your first shotgun
                                                                                                                                                                                 targets quickly and shoot them before they get beyond the effective range of a
                                                                                                                                                                                    5-Stand is conducted with a computer and the course can be as easy or as devious
                                                                                                                                                                                 as the course-setter decides. One round comprises 25 targets, and because the
                                                                                                                                                                                 competition is compact and relatively quick to shoot, it can be very tempting to shoot
Keen clay shooter Marion Barnes offers tips for buying a shotgun.                                                                                                                five or six rounds in a day. There are several other versions of 5-Stand, including
                                                                                                                                                                                 COMPAK and Birdbrain, where the rules vary slightly.
Marion Barnes is a member of the
Shepparton Shotgun Club and a                                                         Shepparton Shotgun Club                                                                    Low Field
SSAA Victoria board member. She is                                                    Location: SSAA Victoria Shepparton                                                         Low Field (or Field) Shotgun is shot off pads that are either level with or 1m back
relatively new to the shotgun sports,                                                 Range, 1170 Midland Highway,                                                               from the front of the trap house. They may also be 1m either above or below the trap.
having started three years ago, but                                                   Shepparton                                                                                 There are 10 shooting pads, five on either side of the trap house, that are placed 1.2
says she is now fully hooked and a                                                    Contact: Geoff Morton                        to you which you’d prefer.                    to 1.8m apart. The shooting pads are 3 to 5m from the trap house. Squads of up to six
keen promoter of the clay target                                                      Phone: 0417 337 494                             Once you decide what type of shotgun       competitors shoot alternately from their designated positions. Competitors will rotate
disciplines. We asked Marion for                                                      Facebook: @ssaashepparton                    you want, you should try different            over the 10 positions, five at a time, until the competition is completed.
some advice for new shooters.                                                         Club Events                                  models and sizes to see what feels best.
                                                                                      Practice: 2nd Saturday of each month.        Each brand has different stock shapes         High Field

  love shooting sporting clays and when                                               5-stand, skeet and tower 10.30am             and sizes and will be in different barrel     High Field Shotgun has similar shooting positions and routines as Low Field; however,
  I bought my first gun I relied heavily                                              Sporting clays competition: 4th              lengths. Skeet guns might be 28 inches        the trap is located in a tower 10m above the ground, enabling competitors on both
  on the knowledge and expertise of the                                               Saturday of each month                       long while the most common for clay           sides of the tower to look up and backwards to sight the target as it leaves the trap.
person behind the counter.                                                                                                         and trap are 30 or 32 inches.
  I had received some good advice along                                               Left: Shepparton Shotgun Club                   To find which fits best, strike the pose   Trap and Skeet
the way but being able to try different                                               member Marion Barnes with her                for shooting and then mount the gun,          Many SSAA members enjoy participating in other variations of clay target shooting,
shotguns is really valuable in making a                                               beautiful Miroku 9000 shotgun, also          which is throwing it up to your shoulder.     including Trap and Skeet. In Trap or Down the Line (DTL), a trap is concealed in
good decision.                                                                        pictured above.                                 Look for how it comes up to the sweet      a house and throws rising and going away targets at unknown angles in front of
  There are some basics that can help                                                                                              spot in your shoulder, how much you           shooters, who shoot from handicap positions on five lanes radiating from behind
you before you get to the counter and                                                                                              can see down the barrel, does it sit flat     the trap house.
help you ask the right questions.            A slightly heavier shotgun will reduce   in front of you, that’s a different gun      and point well.                                 Skeet shooting is shot over nine shooting pads positioned in a semicircle between
  Firstly, knowing the different types     recoil making it more suited to sporting   again. You would probably use a trap            Stock fit is most important because a      a high tower trap 3m above ground on one side and a low trap at ground level
of shotgun. You can have a field gun,      clays because you can be a bit more        gun, which has a high rib down the           well-fitting gun is a beautiful gun to use    on the other side. The flight and speed of the targets is fixed, but as shooters move
which is lighter and more for hunting      accurate.                                  barrel to help you point.                    and means you can comfortably shoot           around the shooting pads, they are presented with a variety of single and double
because you’re carrying it around, but       Or if you are shooting down the line,      Some people successfully shoot all         all day. One that doesn’t fit so well can     targets at different angles.
the trade-off is you get more recoil.      where the clays are coming straight out    those styles with the same gun, so it’s up                       Continued Page 18

16     The Victorian Shooter                                                                                                                                                                                                           The Victorian Shooter           17
Victorian Shooter - SSAA Victoria
Feature                                                                                                                                                                                                  Feature
 From Page 17
 lead to poor aim and a sore shoulder!
     The shooters physique will determine the choice and the
 gun shop assistant will be able to help you there.
     You will generally find something pretty close and that
 might do if you’re on a budget, or you can get the gun
 professionally fitted up if you want to pay a bit extra.
     Once you’ve settled on your gun, you must understand
 how it shoots different ammo. There are lots of different
 types for different applications.
     I won’t go into them all but a few things I learned is that       This event was sponsored
 it’s not an exact science and you should pattern test your            by Intoshooting Shepparton.                                                 Above left: April Thompson and brother Chris Thompson won their
 gun. I can’t stress how important that is – it’s like sighting in                                                                                 grades. Above middle: Tom Bilney showed he is a top prospect after
 a rifle and will make all the difference to how you perform                                                                                       taking out the Juniors. Above right: High Gun Chris Brown.

                                                                                                                                                   Top shooters
 in the field.
     Especially if you’re a duck hunter, patterning is very import-
     What you’ll find is how your gun shoots in relation to how
 it fits and the ammo you use. It might be the stock is not quite

                                                                                                                                                   at Shepparton
 the right shape which can make you shoot high or low, so
 patterning will tell you if you need to get it adjusted.
     As for ammo, there are a lot of different shot sizes and
 speeds but for clay shooting 7.5 is very common.

     The faster the shot, the more recoil, so you need to figure                                                                                          he State’s top clay shooters   son, 2nd Shane O’Brien, 3rd Nap
                                                                                                                          Bianca Norris was
 out what you can handle on the day. You might put through                                                                                                came to the SSAA Sheppar-      Iranios;
                                                                                                                          second in Sub-Juniors.
 150 shots on a 100-target day, so it comes down to how                                                                                                   ton Range for the Victorian       B grade: 1st Matt Hipwell, 2nd
 much recoil you can handle on the day.                                                                                                             5-Stand Titles on February 23-24.    Stew Hopper, 3rd Steve Palmer;
     I use 1325ft/s (it goes as high as 1500) but I started out                                                                                          The more than 80 shooters          C grade: 1st Tony Carbone, 2nd
 with 1200s with 7.5 at 21 grams, which is a very light load                                                                                        included top class competitors       Peter Brown, 3rd Mick McKeller;
 and very slow.                                                                                                                                     such as Chris Brown, who won            Ladies: 1st April Thompson, 2nd
     A faster load means you don’t to lead so much and it comes                                                                                     High Gun, and Tom Bilney who         Vicki Johnston, 3rd Krystal Butler;
 down to how good you are at swinging the gun through the                                                                                            took out the Junior title. Other       Vets: 1st Trevor Beach, 2nd Ron
 target (gun speed) to choose which speed might suit best.                                                                                            results were:                      Purss, 3rd Bruce Duncan;
     Once I had my gun fitted properly, I could use a heavier                                                                                            AA grade: 1st Rhys McGauran,       Juniors: 1st Tom Bilney, 2nd
 load because I could handle the recoil better, so that has                                                                                            2nd Peter Hall, 3rd John          Xavier Russell, 3rd Harry Wilkie;
 helped me a lot.                                                                                                                                       Younger;                            Sub Juniors: 1st Dale Hunt, 2nd
     After that, if you want to get really good, you could try                                                                                            A grade: 1st Chris Thomp-      Bianca Norris.
 coaching. But even without it, smashing clays with a well-fit-       Above: AA grade winner Rhys McGauran.
 ting shotgun is loads of fun and I highly recommend it.              Below: Stephen Norris aims low.

                                                                                                              Vicki Anstice in action.             C Grade winner Tony Carbone with A Grade winner Chris Thompson.
18     The Victorian Shooter                                                                                                                                                               The Victorian Shooter        19
Feature                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Feature

Game hunting in Africa for a sustainable future
Hunting, conservation, economics and human welfare. SSAA Victoria Hunting Development manager David Laird on an African success story

          ost hunters understand that
          hunting in Africa has a valuable
          role to play in the conservation
of wildlife species and can be a strong                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Isaak and Marius
economic driver. That economic impact                                                                                                                                                                                                                      earn good
can have significant positive effects on                                                                                                                                                                                                                   money for their
human welfare.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             families thanks
   Unfortunately, emotion-driven ideol-                                                                                                                                                                                                                    to game hunting
ogy from anti-hunting groups tends to                                                                                                                                                                                                                      on the farm
drown out the positive messages.                                                                                                                                                                                                                           where their
   I have always understood the concepts                                                                                                                                                                                                                   village is located.
on an intellectual level and was fortunate
to experience and witness first-hand the
benefits of hunting in Africa in July last
   I booked my African hunt through
                                                                                                                                                                                   spread poverty every job that is created       incentives for the people of Africa to
Khomas Highland Hunting Safaris in
                                                                                                                                                                                   is enormously important.                       value and conserve the wildlife.
Namibia. This is a family-run enterprise
                                                                                                                                                                                      Currently Namibia is very supportive of        Namibia has a number of conservan-
operating mainly on the family’s 8500ha
                                                                                                                                                                                   hunting, though a recent ban on social         cies where groups of landowners get
farm located about an hour’s drive west
                                                                                                                                                                                   media posts relating to hunting demon-         together and cooperatively manage
of the country’s capital, Windhoek.
                                                                                                                                                                                   strates that the country is sensitive to       populations across larger areas. This
   The farm is on undulating country,
                                                                                                                                                                                   international criticism.                       leads to true sustainability, especially
rising to higher mountains. The land-
                                                                                                                                                                                        All credible information suggests         for the larger animals that tend to move
scape reminded me a lot of outback
                                                                                                                                                                                   that other African countries that have         across bigger areas of the landscape.
Australia, the major difference being
                                                                                                                                                                                   stopped hunting due to external pres-          Harvest levels can be set for individual
the wide variety of animals that were
                                                                                                                                                                                   sure are actually going backwards with         properties and for the region as a whole,
uniquely African that inhabit the area.
                                                                                                                                                                                   their wildlife populations and manage-         ensuring that all stakeholders benefit
   It’s a beef-producing farm but with
                                                                                                                                                                                   ment.                                          and that the resource is not over-exploit-
the hunting revenue it now generates,
                                                                                                                                                                                      Standards of living for all those who       ed.
the family has been able to reduce cattle
                                                                                                                                                                                   rely directly and indirectly on hunting           There is certainly a place for game
numbers over the years. This has allowed
                                                                                                                                                                                   have fallen and animals with no poten-         viewing and it is quite compatible with
the habitat to recover and allows more
                                                                                                                                                                                   tial economic value are not respected or       hunting. It is not a case of having to have
native wildlife to flourish.                  their costs in the future through hunting   Farm work, cooking, housework and           disposable incomes. If there was no          looked after. Wildlife is wiped out and        one or the other. The added benefit of
   Numbers of game animals have               and trophy fees.                            hunting-related activities keep people      hunting on the property there would be       replaced by cattle and goats which then        hunting which game viewing does not
increased significantly, ensuring popula-        The landowner has greater incentive      gainfully employed.                         less employment and a corresponding          degrade the environment when they              provide is protein. The local inhabitants
tions are sustainable. The added benefit      to manage wildlife for hunting because         The villagers have stability, accommo-   decrease in the standard of living for all   overgraze.                                     cannot eat a photograph!
is also felt by the other animals, birds,     they effectively get paid for the animal    dation, plenty of protein and money.        of the residents.                               The view of many western critics of            Properly managed wildlife allows for a
reptiles and insects that inhabit the area.   twice.                                      They have a stake in ensuring that            We have not yet considered any of the      hunting is that tourist dollars from game      stable base population that produces a
   The greatest threat to all species is         The hunter pays for accommodation        poaching does not occur on the farm as      other benefits for the entire country’s      viewing will provide enough revenue            surplus of animals each year which can
loss of habitat. Hunting that produces        and a trophy fee which entitles him or      that is effectively food and money that     economy as well. Hunting brings in           so that hunting is not necessary. That is      be harvested. Those animals generate
revenue allows landowners to preserve         her, and yes there are plenty of women      is being taken from them as well as the     huge amounts of foreign currency.            simply not the case. Tourists want to see      income and feed the population at the
and rehabilitate habitat which in turn        hunters, to hunt the animal and keep the    owner.                                        The administration of hunting by           the lions, giraffes and rhinos, and high       same time.
provides a home for all species.              horns and skins of any trophy.                 On my trip I mainly hunted with two      government departments creates signif-       animal concentrations.                            With so much of Africa politically unsta-
   The program has been so successful            The property keeps the meat. The         of the men who live on the farm in the      icant numbers of jobs. Having trophies          Some of the national parks provide          ble and the future of its wildlife insecure
that Farm Heusis is in the process of         meat is either used on the farm to feed     village. Isaak was a qualified master       prepared for shipping out of the country     these opportunities and do attract signif-     it was great to see a small example of a
reintroducing species that were once          the workers or sold to increase revenue.    hunting guide and knew the area and         or having taxidermy carried out there        icant numbers of tourists. The downside        model that is actually working on the
endemic to the area but were wiped out           If a farmer runs cattle, he only gets    the animals inside out. Our driver and      employs large numbers of people. The         of that is that they are struggling manag-     ground. The wildlife is benefiting, the
due to competition with livestock.            paid for the meat, so hunting revenue       assistant Marius was an orphan who had      sale and distribution of meat creates        ing the impacts of high concentrations         environment is benefiting, the economy
   There is no government incentives          enables a great system for the landown-     been able to really make something of       jobs, the hunting vehicle modification       of visitors. Smaller farms do not have the     is benefitting, the landowners are bene-
or support for these reintroduction           er and ultimately the wildlife.             himself with the opportunities he had       and maintenance industry creates jobs.       drawing power to attract those tourists        fiting, and the local people are benefit-
programs. Landowners do this because             There are also significant benefits      been given on the farm.                     The firearms and hunting equipment           yet account for much of the land.              ing.
they have a genuine desire to see the         for the local people. Farm Heusis has a        They both obviously loved hunting        industry creates jobs.                          Real sustainability for Africa’s wildlife      I am proud of the fact that the dollars
species reintroduced and know they can        village on the property and provides        and the lifestyle they got to live. They      The list is endless and in a continent     will only occur if wildlife is managed         I spent on my recent hunt in Africa have
afford to do it because they will recoup      employment to most of the inhabitants.      had a good standard of living and           with high unemployment and wide-             across all land tenures. There must be         contributed in a small way to this success.
20      The Victorian Shooter                                                                                                                                                                                                              The Victorian Shooter          21
Branches & Clubs                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Branches & Clubs
 Arms & Militaria
                                                                                                                                             organisations, governing bodies or                                                        targets using our amazing terrain to pro-
                                             the club before you join.
                                             The club arranges talks on hunting and
                                                                                               Benchrest Practice First Saturday
                                                                                                                  each month
                                                                                                                                             training providers, keeping members               Little River                            vide shooters with a great experience.

  Collectors Club                            gear selection at its meets, and each
                                             year there is free hunter training for            Little River Raid-    Third Sunday each
                                                                                                                                             informed about what’s happening in
                                                                                                                                             the hunting space.                                  Raiders
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       All levels of shooters are welcome, with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       many seasoned hands available to pro-
                                             members.                                          ers Single Action     month               •   FREE NSW R-Licence testing, nor-                                                          vide direction and advice.
The AMCC is a club that caters for people                                                                                                                                               Little River Raiders is a Single Action
                                             For more information contact the State            Pistol Silhouette     Fourth Sunday           mally $20.                                                                                We encourage our shooters to join our
who have an interest in older-type fire-                                                                                                                                                shooting club based at the SSAA Eagle
                                             Ofice on (03) 8892 2777.                                                each month          •   Organised hunting trips, including:                                                       club and become involved in setting up
arms and all associated memorabilia.                                                                                                                                                    Park Range, at Little River.
                                                                                               Little River Sport-   Fourth Sunday           Duck opening weekend shoot, duck                                                          the grounds.
We have a group made up of very                                                                                                                                                         Single Action shooting is a living history
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Please give us a call or send an email.
keen members who have an extensive                       Eagle Park                            ing Clay Shoot
                                                                                               Little River Sport-
                                                                                                                     each month
                                                                                                                     Fourth Sunday
                                                                                                                                             shooting as pest control on rice
                                                                                                                                             crops during November and Decem-
                                                                                                                                                                                        sport which uses the firearms of the
                                                                                                                                                                                        American ‘Old West’.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Our competition days are the fourth
knowledge of most firearms, books and
                                                           Range                                                                             ber, NSW R-licence hunts, weekly                                                          Sunday of each month, with nomina-
cartridges.                                                                                    ing Clays Shoot       each month                                                         Participants are required to adopt a
                                                                                                                                             organised fox drives during the cold                                                      tions opening at 9.30am and closing at
If you have the same hobbies then you                                                          - Competition                                                                            persona typical of the era and to dress
                                                                                                                                             months.                                                                                   10.30am.
must belong to a nominated collectors                                                          Rifle Competition*    Fourth Sunday                                                      accordingly, so a darned good sense of
                                             The Eagle Park Range caters for all disci-                                                                                                                                                All shoots at LRSC are open to all
club to obtain a collector’s licence.                                                                                each month          •     On top of this, members have direct      humour comes in handy for those who
                                             plines, pistol, shotgun and rifle.                                                                                                                                                        shooters.
We are based at SSAA Springvale Range                                                                                                          access to the club’s own Feral Animal    want to join in.
                                             The main range caters for all rifles, from                                                                                                                                                Contact: Robert Matuch (treasurer)
and meet on the first Thursday of each                                                     *Rifle competitions include Field Rifle,            Control Program, which has access        Club competitions are held on the third
                                             air rifles to the largest calibres. The                                                                                                                                                   0439 717 183,
month at 8pm.                                                                              Metallic Silhouette, 3-positional and               to a major area of prime hunting         Sunday of every month. We shoot coach
                                             range is approved to 500m, for all rifle                                                                                                                                                  Vicky Winship,
For further details, contact the State Of-                                                 novelty shoots.                                     throughout Victoria, all within two      guns (side-by-side shotguns), pistols,
                                             calibres.                                                                                         hours of Springvale.                     lever- and pump-action rifles.
fice between 9am and 5pm on 03 8892                                                                                                                                                                                                    2019 Calendar
                                             Opening hours:                                                                              If you’re thinking of getting into or back     Black powder – cartridge and percussion
2777 or email Robert Lemm at secre-                                                        Eagle Park Youth Training Scheme
                                             Friday 9am – 5pm                                                                            into hunting and want to get onto a vari-      pistol – is also a recognised category of       JAN    27    100-Target SCA State                                                                        The training scheme teaches juniors
                                             Saturday 9am – 5pm                                                                          ety of different properties on a monthly       Single Action. Our black powder shoot-                       Selection Shoot - Sporting
                                             Sunday 9am – 5pm                              firearm safety and correct shooting tech-
                                                                                                                                         or fortnightly basis then we are the club      ers add to the atmosphere with lots of          FEB    24    100-Target Shoot - Sporting
           Bendigo                           Monday 9am – 5pm                              niques. The Eagle Park Youth Training
                                                                                           Scheme meets on the third Sunday of           for you and your friends.                      smoke and noise to entertain all.               MAR    24    100-Target Shoot - Sporting
                                             Phone: 03 5283 1575                                                                         Our own Feral Animal Control Program           Shooter categories are established to
            Branch                                                                         the month.                                                                                                                                                Ken Newman Memorial
                                             The range is home to the following                                                          hunts provide a platform that offers guid-     cater for all age groups, both sexes, and
                                             clubs:                                                                                                                                                                                     APR    28    100-Target Shoot-Sporting
                                                                                                  Field Hunters
                                                                                                                                         ance and training to enhance member            different skill mixes.
                                             •  3rd Military District Shooting Sports                                                    skills and safety in the field. Since we       We also have long-range rifle competi-          MAY    26    100-Target SCA State
Location: Marong Rifle Range (20 min-
                                                Club                                                                                     introduced this platform members have          tions where speed is not as important as                     Selection Shoot - Sporting
utes west of Bendigo)
General shooting: First and third            •  Big Game Rifle Club                                                                      taken in excess of 1000 rabbits and 77         accuracy.                                       JUN    23    100-Target Shoot - Sporting
Sunday of each month from noon. $6 for       •  Little River Raiders Single Action         To help foster and develop hunter ethics,     foxes.                                         These events use single shot, lever- and        JUL    28    100-Target Shoot - Sporting
members. Undercover benches, target          •  Little River Sporting Clays                hunter training and opportunity.              On top of all of this the club has a closed    pump-action rifles ranging from .22 to
                                                                                                                                         Facebook group, just for members. This         big bore buffalo rifles.                        AUG    25    100-Target Shoot - Sporting
frames supplied. 25m, 50m, 100m, 200m.       •  Melbourne Benchrest Club                   To foster the sustainable use of game.
Safety and Family Firearms Educa-                                                          To improve hunting for the future.            is a great way for members to chat and         All matches are run under the rules of          SEP    22    100-Target Shoot
                                             •  Military Pistol Club/Military Rifle Club
tion (SAFFE) Program: Second Sunday                                                        The club was set up in the late 1980s         organise hunts among themselves, so            the Single Action Shooting Society.             OCT    27    Vince Panetta 100-Target
                                             •  Practical Pistol League of Australia
of each month from 10am to noon. $8                                                        by some enthusiastic SSAA members, to         you could soon find that you have too          Our shooting stages (scenarios) are                          Shoot - Sporting
                                             •  Victorian Muzzle Loaders Club                                                            much hunting available and not enough
(ammunition cost). Basic training for be-                                                  foster camaraderie among their fellow                                                        based on the ‘Old West’ – incidents out
                                             •  Metallic Rifle Silhouette                                                                                                                                                               NOV    24    100-Target SCA State
ginners of all ages. Club rifles supplied.                                                 hunters. The club offers a relaxed,           time to fit it all in.                         of history, our translation of classic West-
                                             •  Arms and Militaria Collectors Club                                                                                                                                                                   Selection Shoot - Sporting
Competitions: Rimfire, centrefire,                                                         friendly and casual environment, with         In the past few months the club has de-        ern movies or the old TV series.
handgun and shotgun. See the quarterly       •  Metallic Rifle Silhouette Club                                                           livered the following events to members:       Visitors are welcome to come along to           DEC    8     80-Target Xmas shoot
                                                                                           over 250 active members. Come along to
competition calendar at ssaabendigo.         •  Youth Training Scheme                      one of our general meetings to see what       •     Feral Animal Control Program hunts.      any of our competitions and, if they like,                   - Sporting
com, or contact Vic on 0438 353 425 for      Website:                 we offer and enjoy a drink at the bar or a    •   Mid-Year major raffle with a first prize   they may try their hand at Single Action
                                                                                                                                                                                        shooting under instruction.
a copy.
Contact: Branch President Vic Alexan-
                                             Schedule of events                            meal at Bruno’s Café.
                                                                                           General meetings are held on the first
                                                                                                                                             of $1500 for any hunting-related
                                                                                                                                             equipment.                                 The only thing you need is a desire to
                                                 Benchrest Practice First Saturday
der, 0438 353 425
                                                                    each month             Wednesday of every month except               •   Aussie Disposals discount night.           enjoy yourself and have fun with people
                                                                                                                                                                                        dressed in cowboy gear, using period
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Benchrest Club
                                                 Military Rifle        First Sunday each   January at the Springvale SSAA Range,         •   Weekly fox drives, held in South
Email:                                                             714-716 Princes Highway from 7.30 pm.                                                        firearms or faithful replicas.
                                                                       month                                                                 Gippsland.
Post: PO Box 1098			                                                                       We strive to provide members with both                                                       For further information please look us         Melbourne Benchrest Club’s (MBC) objec-
                                                 Little River Sport-   Second Sunday                                                     •   4WD training course
       Bendigo, VIC 3552                                                                   hunting opportunities and training. There                                                    up at or         tive is the development and encourage-
                                                 ing Clays Shoot       each month                                                        •   Field to Fork game meat tasting            contact the Secretary Buck Silverton on        ment of benchrest competition to achieve
                                                                                           are plenty of opportunities for members
                                                 - Practice                                                                                  night.                                     0423 052 942.                                  extreme accuracy in firearms, ammuni-
     Deer Stalkers
                                                                                           to get out and hunt. As a bonus, you
                                                 Little River Sport-   Second Sunday       meet like-minded hunters and often form       •   NSW R-licence pig and goat hunts.                                                         tion, equipment and shooting methods.
                                                                                                                                                                                             Little River
                                                 ing Clay Shoot        each month          lifelong friendships.                         •   Butchering and techniques.                                                                Shooters interested in developing their
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       accuracy and precision by shooting from
                                                 Big Game Rifle
                                                 Club/Military Rifle
                                                                       Second Sunday
                                                                       each month
                                                                                           If you are looking for an active hunting
                                                                                           club then look no further.
                                                                                                                                         •   Pistol shooting.
                                                                                                                                         So what are you waiting for, expand
                                                                                                                                                                                            Sporting Clays                             a benchrest are welcome to come and
The Deerstalkers Club meets on the                                                         Member benefits include:                      your hunting horizon and come see for                                                         participate or contact us for further
                                                 Muzzle Loaders        Third Saturday
third Wednesday of each month and                                                                                                                                                       Little River Sporting Clays is a sub-club      information.
                                                                       each month          •      Access to the FREE extensive hunt-     yourself.
welcomes new hunters and guests. It is                                                                                                                                                  of SSAA based at Eagle Park, Gifkins Rd,       MBC is a sub-club of SSAA Victoria,
                                                                                                  ing DVD library.                       Check us out at www.fieldhuntersclub.
our suggestion to come along for a few           Benchrest             Third Sunday each                                                                                                Little River.                                  based at the Eagle Park SSAA range. We
                                                                                           •      The monthly newsletter.      , where you can sign up and pay
meetings and see if you like the feel of         Competition           month                                                                                                            We aim to provide a wide variety of clay       hold monthly club shoots starting at 9am
                                                                                           •      Guest speakers from a wide range of    for your membership online.
22     The Victorian Shooter                                                                                                                                                                                                                   The Victorian Shooter              23
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