Hygiene Guidelines for Safe Operation During the COVID-19 Epidemic
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XFEL.EU SR-2020-002-01.6 SAFETY REGULATION Hygiene Guidelines for Safe Operation During the COVID-19 Epidemic February 2022 Safety and Radiation Protection (SRP) group at European XFEL European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Facility GmbH Holzkoppel 4 22869 Schenefeld Germany
Revisions Version Date Description 1.6 2 February 2022 Update by S. Plett 1.5 15 November 2021 Update by S. Plett 1.4 25 January 2021 Update by T. Haas 1.3 14 December 2020 Update by T. Haas 1.2 26 October 2020 Update by T. Haas 1.1 12 October 2020 Update by T. Haas 1.0 27 April 2020 First release XFEL.EU SR-2020-002-01.6 February 2022 Hygiene Guidelines for Safe Operation During the COVID-19 Epidemic 2 of 14
Contents Revisions ..................................................................................................................... 2 Contents ....................................................................................................................... 3 Preface ......................................................................................................................... 4 1 Personal behaviour that everyone should follow.......................................... 5 2 Organizational rules ......................................................................................... 8 2.1 Offices....................................................................................................... 8 2.2 Meeting rooms .......................................................................................... 8 2.3 Kitchens .................................................................................................... 9 2.4 Rest rooms ............................................................................................... 9 2.5 Laboratories ............................................................................................ 10 2.6 Instrument hutches and control rooms ................................................... 10 2.7 Rack rooms and balcony rooms ............................................................. 11 2.8 Elevators ................................................................................................. 11 2.9 Tunnels and shaft buildings .................................................................... 11 2.10 Workshops .............................................................................................. 11 2.11 Warehouse ............................................................................................. 12 2.12 BeamStop ............................................................................................... 12 2.13 Guest house ........................................................................................... 12 2.14 Social gatherings .................................................................................... 13 2.15 Short-term guests ................................................................................... 13 2.16 Training ................................................................................................... 13 3 Exceptions to these rules .............................................................................. 14 3.1 Room occupancy .................................................................................... 14 3.2 Other exceptions .................................................................................... 14 XFEL.EU SR-2020-002-01.6 February 2022 Hygiene Guidelines for Safe Operation During the COVID-19 Epidemic 3 of 14
Preface In view of the COVID-19 pandemic, the need to operate European XFEL (EuXFEL), while preserving the health and well-being of staff members, presents a considerable challenge. In this document, we present behavioural and organizational guidelines that support efforts of continuing operation but also minimize the risk to the health of staff members These guidelines are based on the current status of the transmission of the virus and vaccination status of the employees. All existing evidence suggests that the transmission of the virus occurs predominantly through the respiratory tract. Small droplets or aerosols containing the virus from an infected person can remain airborne for a considerable amount of time, in particular in enclosed spaces. Contact infection may also occur but seems to play a much smaller role. Also, the SARS CoV-2 Occupational Health and Safety Ordinance sets some rules and, with the modifications from September, the vaccination or recovery status of employees may be taken into account when determining the protective measures. As surveys conducted among EuXFEL employees in October 2021 and in January 2022 indicated that a large majority of staff members are fully vaccinated and many have already received a third vaccination dose. This information is taken into consideration in these guidelines. These guidelines are organized into three parts: The first part addresses general rules of conduct for all persons who spend time on the premises of EuXFEL: staff, guests, contractors, and users. The second part addresses organizational rules that should be implemented and enforced by the management, group leaders, and other members of staff with an executive role. The third part describes exceptions to these rules. XFEL.EU SR-2020-002-01.6 February 2022 Hygiene Guidelines for Safe Operation During the COVID-19 Epidemic 4 of 14
1 Personal behaviour that everyone should follow Everyone at European XFEL—staff members, guests, users, and visitors— should follow these personal behaviour guidelines: ◼ Campus access only with 3G: Access to the campus is allowed only if you are vaccinated (geimpft), recovered (genesen) or tested (getestet). For the option “tested”, only official tests (e.g. in a test centre) with the corresponding test certificate (antigen test: 24 h, PCR test: 48 h) or, for staff and guests only, supervised testing at VHH premises, are respected. ◼ For users and external participants in internal beamtime, some special rules apply. In general, for them, the 2G+ rule is valid (only fully vaccinated and recovered individuals can be authorized to participate in beamtime). The complete guidelines can be in Covid-19 User Operation, which is posted on the company website. ◼ Working in home office is mandatory unless operational requirements require presence on site. If you are unsure whether your presence is operationally needed, then please contact your supervisor ◼ If you have cold- or flu-like symptoms, you may not enter the campus. ◼ You are also not allowed to enter the campus if you have tested positive for SARS-COV-2 either with a PCR or an antigen test, or if you were sent into quarantine or isolation by the authorities. ◼ You should also avoid coming onto the campus if you have had a close contact (as defined by the Robert Koch Institut – RKI) with a person who was tested positive for SARS-COV-2 with either a PCR or an antigen test. If you are boostered, “freshly” double vaccinated (if vaccination is less than three months ago), vaccinated and recovered, or recently recovered (if infection is less than three months ago) you are allowed to come for operationally necessary tasks. Please coordinate with your supervisor. XFEL.EU SR-2020-002-01.6 February 2022 Hygiene Guidelines for Safe Operation During the COVID-19 Epidemic 5 of 14
◼ It is strongly recommended to perform a self-test at home before entering the campus. After entering the company’s premises, wash your hands. ◼ Frequently wash your hands for at least 20 seconds or disinfect them, using the products provided in the rest rooms. Follow the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO). ◼ Avoid touching your face. ◼ Sneeze into your elbow and away from any nearby person. ◼ Keep a safe distance of 1.5–2 metres from other people, also when working. ◼ Wear FFP2 or equivalent masks inside all buildings when moving around. ◼ It is allowed to remove the mask if you sit alone in an office or if you are in your assigned 2G room. For all other rooms, it is allowed to remove the mask if no more than three persons are in the room and the maximum occupancy of the room is respected. ◼ Colleagues who are assigned to an office together may share 2G information on a voluntarily basis. The respective office/lab/workshop may then be marked as a 2G room and used without masks and without observing the distancing rules by those who have shared their 2G information (also see Section 2.1). These rooms will be marked with a sign indicating the names of the occupants and their group association. 2G offices should be shared only in cases of operational necessity and only for operationally necessary activities. ◼ A person who has not shared their vaccination or recovery status is not allowed to enter a 2G room unless everyone in the room wears a mask or the person is alone in the room. ◼ Do not shake hands. ◼ If you are infected with SARS-CoV-2 and were on the company's premises at a time when you could have spread the virus, you must report this to the COVID-19 task force (health@xfel.eu) and your supervisor (or contact person at EuXFEL) without delay. XFEL.EU SR-2020-002-01.6 February 2022 Hygiene Guidelines for Safe Operation During the COVID-19 Epidemic 6 of 14
You may also call the following telephone numbers with the keywords “COVID-19/Corona”: — +49 40 8998-5550 — +49 151 63392903 XFEL.EU SR-2020-002-01.6 February 2022 Hygiene Guidelines for Safe Operation During the COVID-19 Epidemic 7 of 14
2 Organizational rules 2.1 Offices The offices at EuXFEL have no active air exchange, and hence any infectious material in the air has the potential to stay in the air for a long time. Hence, the potential of any infectious material in the air must be minimized. Office sharing is allowed only if the office is marked as a 2G office and shall only be used by several 2G occupants at the same time in cases of operational necessity and only operationally necessary activities shall be carried out. Also, sufficient ventilation must be observed. An office may be marked as a 2G room by those occupants who agree to share their 2G status and after they have shown the corresponding documentation to the supervisor. In case of office sharing by persons with different supervisors, all supervisors must be contacted. Only vaccines approved by the EU are to be accepted as the basis for 2G rooms. After verification of vaccination or recovery status by the responsible supervisor(s), the room must be clearly labelled with the form “Label for 2G rooms” which is provided on the COVID-19 Updates site on Alfresco. 2.2 Meeting rooms The meeting rooms in XHQ have active air exchange. For this reason, they may be used for small meetings. Due to the current situation, it is allowed to take off the masks in meeting rooms only if no more than three persons attend. The maximum occupancy numbers defined by the Technical Services (TS) and Safety and Radiation Protection (SRP) groups as indicated on the doors are still valid. The maximum occupancy is determined based on 3.2 m2 XFEL.EU SR-2020-002-01.6 February 2022 Hygiene Guidelines for Safe Operation During the COVID-19 Epidemic 8 of 14
per person (this is based on the rounding up calculation of the circle area with a radius of 1 m per person). With this calculation, it is possible to maintain the distance of 1.5 m, also with maximum occupancy of the room. The information of maximum occupancy is posted outside each meeting room. Meeting rooms in XTOB have no active air exchange. Therefore, they may not be used for meetings at the moment or only in cases where at least windows on two sides are opened. Only the large meeting room upstairs qualifies in this respected. For meeting rooms, no 2G option applies at the moment. 2.3 Kitchens Many kitchens are very small. Maximum occupancy is decided by TS and SRP and posted on the outside. The handling of food poses additional risks. Proper hand washing is very important and should be done regularly and immediately before handling food. Kitchen towels need to be replaced with paper towels. All kitchenware needs to be washed using the dishwashers. Manual washing is not allowed. In general, the time spent in the kitchen should be minimized. Use of the coffee kitchen with the Barista coffee machine is allowed with a mask and single occupancy. Coffee may be consumed outside the room in respective allowed areas. 2.4 Rest rooms The rest rooms are very small. Maximum occupancy is limited to a single person. Proper hand washing is mandatory upon entering and before leaving rest rooms. XFEL.EU SR-2020-002-01.6 February 2022 Hygiene Guidelines for Safe Operation During the COVID-19 Epidemic 9 of 14
2.5 Laboratories The laboratories in E0 typically have eight-fold air exchange. The same method of calculation as for meeting rooms (3.2 m2 per person) is used. The additional measure to wear a FFP2 mask if more than three persons are present is also valid for the laboratories. Maximum occupancy is posted outside the room/laboratory and needs to be integrated into the corresponding onsite training. If maximum occupancy cannot be observed or if more than three persons are present, all persons have to wear FFP2/KN95 masks. Laboratories may also made into 2G rooms. Staff members who use the laboratory as a 2G room may, on a voluntary basis, confirm their vaccination or recovery status to the responsible supervisor(s). Only if all persons working in the laboratory agree with the rules for 2G may the room be labelled a 2G room. Further rules, like sharing only for cases of operational necessity or operationally necessary activities and observing of sufficient ventilation, also apply. 2.6 Instrument hutches and control rooms The instrument hutches and the control rooms have air conditioning systems that have variable and sometimes very limited air exchange. Due to the current situation FFP2 masks must be worn if more than three persons are in one hutch or control room. This is valid independent of the maximum occupancy which is posted outside at the door. The maximum occupancy is calculated with the same method as for meeting rooms (3.2 m2 per person) and the numbers are posted outside of the rooms. The maximum occupancy is evaluated hutch by hutch (fixed installations such as desks, cupboards, stairs, etc. are deducted before the calculation). Instrument hutches and control rooms are excluded from the 2G option at the moment. XFEL.EU SR-2020-002-01.6 February 2022 Hygiene Guidelines for Safe Operation During the COVID-19 Epidemic 10 of 14
2.7 Rack rooms and balcony rooms The rack rooms have minimal air exchange. Hence, occupancy is limited to one person. If electrical or other hazardous work is carried out, this may not be done working alone. As an exception to the rule laid out above, such work may be carried out if all staff members in the room wear FFP2 masks. The same applies to the balcony rooms where the occupancy needs to be limited to a single person. Wherever only one person is allowed to work, hazardous work may not be carried out. 2.8 Elevators Maximum occupancy for elevators is posted on the elevator doors. In the elevators, FFP2 masks must be worn. 2.9 Tunnels and shaft buildings Activities in tunnels and shaft buildings shall be carried out with the minimum number of personnel required. Work sequences shall be planned sequentially and closely coordinated, so that the number of persons in a given tunnel is as small as possible and the distance between teams is as large as possible. Access to the tunnel is permitted only with a valid up-to-date work order. For all activities, FFP2 masks must be worn. 2.10 Workshops The workshops are spacious. Maximum occupancy is defined as in other rooms. Due to the current situation, FFP2 masks must be worn if more than three persons are in one room. This is valid independent of the maximum occupancy, which is posted outside at the door. For workshops excluding apprentice workshops, also 2G rooms may be implemented if all occupants XFEL.EU SR-2020-002-01.6 February 2022 Hygiene Guidelines for Safe Operation During the COVID-19 Epidemic 11 of 14
who wants to share a room confirm on a voluntary basis their vaccination or recovery certificate to the responsible supervisor(s). Further rules, like sharing only for cases of operational necessity or operationally necessary activities and observing of sufficient ventilation, also apply. 2.11 Warehouse The warehouse is spacious. Maximum occupancy is defined as in other rooms. To avoid staff members from the warehouse having to pass through all offices, a pickup area has been set up. As many different persons have to pick up staff members from the warehouse here, the implementation of a 2G room is not possible. 2.12 BeamStop ◼ Occupation of the BeamStop restaurant is limited. Only use present chairs and tables and do not (re)move any chairs or tables ◼ The general distancing rule must be obeyed while standing in line and at all other times. ◼ The salad bar needs to remain closed until further notice. ◼ Cutlery and glasses are distributed at the food counter by BeamStop personnel. 2.13 Guest house A negative PCR test result is required to stay overnight in the gues thouse. The swabbing for the test must not be older than 72 h before arrival on site. The result must be provided by 11:00 (via email) on the day of arrival. XFEL.EU SR-2020-002-01.6 February 2022 Hygiene Guidelines for Safe Operation During the COVID-19 Epidemic 12 of 14
2.14 Social gatherings Social gatherings on the EuXFEL campus are not allowed at the moment. 2.15 Short-term guests Short term guests are individuals who come to EuXFEL to carry out work and spend only a few hours on the premises. These guests need to follow the same rules as everyone else on campus. Since these guests are not registered, the EuXFEL contact person is responsible for recording the contact details of these guests using Safety Form 11, “Short-Term Guests: Hygiene Guidelines During the COVID-19 Epidemic”, available on Alfresco XFEL Docs. The Staff Note “Company guests and visitors”, which can be found on Alfresco XFEL Docs, remains valid. Short-term visits by guests coming from high risk or virus variant areas should be avoided. If a visit is unavoidable, an individual permission must be obtained by contacting health@xfel.eu. 2.16 Training All staff members who come on site need to follow an additional COVID-19 training that explains the rules in this document. This training should be added as a property to the DACHS areas European XFEL campus and European XFEL office buildings. The training is valid for six months. XFEL.EU SR-2020-002-01.6 February 2022 Hygiene Guidelines for Safe Operation During the COVID-19 Epidemic 13 of 14
3 Exceptions to these rules 3.1 Room occupancy Rooms may be used by more than three staff members or with more than the maximum occupancy if all persons wear FFP2 masks. 3.2 Other exceptions Staff members may request exceptions to these rules by stating their case to the COVID-19 task force by email (health@xfel.eu). They will be informed by email about the outcome of their request by a member of the task force. XFEL.EU SR-2020-002-01.6 February 2022 Hygiene Guidelines for Safe Operation During the COVID-19 Epidemic 14 of 14
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