Guide for Parents English version - La Petite Ecole Francaise

Page created by Don Bennett
Guide for Parents English version - La Petite Ecole Francaise
Guide for Parents

                                       English version

                                      Table of contents
What to expect from remote education ? ……………………………………………………………………….p.2

Technical aspects ………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………..p.5

Parental guide ……………………………………………………………………………….……………………………..…p.6

Acceptable Use agreement/ E-Safety Rules for Parents and Pupils IMPORTANT ……………..p.7

How to use Seesaw…………….………………………………………………………………….…………………….….p.9

Guide for Parents English version - La Petite Ecole Francaise
What to expect from remote education?

What should my child expect from immediate remote education in the first day or two
of pupils being sent home?

     •     The first day will be used as an inset day with the team to organize the new remote teaching
           protocol. Your child will therefore not have class on this first day. Each teacher will then
           send you a guide explaining the details and tools for remote learning as well as a schedule for
           video conferences. We will suggest parents come to school to collect some material and
           supplies as well as iPads if needed.

     •     We will be ready to start remote tuition the next day after the announcements of
           school/levels closure.

Following the first few days of remote education, will my child be taught broadly the
same curriculum as they would if they were in school?

     •     We teach the same curriculum remotely as we do in school.
                                                                                                      udy time
each day
How long can I expect work set by the school to take my child each day?

 Maternelle-aged            PS class: 30 min every day and 2 group sessions a week + 1h of work at
 pupils                     home.
                            MS class: 1h to 1h20 of videos conferences (2 sessions/day) + 1h of work
                            at home.
                            GS class : 1h20 to 2 h of videos conferences (2 sessions/day) + 1h30 of
                            work at home.

 Primary school-aged        CP class : 2 hours of videos conferences (2 sessions/day) + 1.5 to 2 hours
 pupils                     of work at home.
                            CE1 class : 2h15 min of videos conferences (2 sessions/day) + 1.5 to 2
                            hours of work at home.
                            CE2 class : 2h15 min of videos conferences (2 sessions/day) + 2 to 2,5
                            hours of work at home.
                            CM1-CM2 : 2h30/2h45 of of videos conferences (2 sessions/day) + 2 to 2.5
                            hours of work at home.

Each teacher will send you an email with :

-this guide;
-the consent form for the video conference sessions;
-schedule for video conference sessions and groups if necessary;
-links and password to access Zoom sessions;
-How and when daily planning will be sent to parents each day.emote education

Guide for Parents English version - La Petite Ecole Francaise
How will my child access any online remote education you are providing?

     •     Two mains tools are used: Zoom and Seesaw. Please see the ‘Technical aspect’ part of
           this document for more information.

If my child does not have digital or online access at home, how will you support them to
access remote education?
We recognize that some families may not have devices or printers at home. We take the following
approaches to support those pupils to access remote education:
     •     We can lend tablets to pupils.
     •     Families who can’t print material are invited to collect materials from school at the
           start of the lockdown or regularly if settings are open.
     •     The school blog provides technical options to create educational activities. Teachers
           will use its full potential to limit the need to print documents.

How will my child be taught remotely?
We use a combination of the following approaches to teach pupils remotely:
     •     live teaching (online lessons) on Zoom

     •     recorded teaching accessible on Seesaw

     •     activities to complete on Seesaw

     •     printed paper packs produced by teachers (e.g. workbooks, worksheets)

     •     textbooks and reading books that pupils have at home or lent by the school

     •     commercially available websites and TV programmes supporting the teaching of
           specific subjects or areas, including video clips or sequences
                                                                                                      ent and

What are your expectations for my child’s engagement and the support that we as
parents and carers should provide at home?

     •     We expect pupils to attend the videoconferences according to their parents’ availability
           to support the access.
     •     Attendance is monitored every day. Parents must tell the teacher if the child is not
           attending the videoconference.
     •     Teachers are sending an example of a daily plan every day. The daily plan can be
           followed or not depending on the parents/child availability to follow it. The essential
           activities can be done later in the week.
     •     Please read the ‘Parental Guide’ section below which sets out the school expectations
           regarding parental support, for example, setting routines to support your child’s

Guide for Parents English version - La Petite Ecole Francaise
How will you check whether my child is engaging with their work and how will I be
informed if there are concerns?

       •    Videoconference attendance is monitored every half day. Work is assessed every day
            by the teacher on Seesaw.
       •    Teachers will contact the parents if they have concerns about a child. We invite parents
            to communicate with the teacher regarding any issues or difficulties. We know that is
            not an ideal situation and we appreciate each household has different needs and expectations.
            The team is engaged and motivated to be as flexible as possible.

How will you assess my child’s work and progress?

       •    Pupils’ work sent via Seesaw is assessed every day via written or oral comments.
                                                                                                            rlar needs

How will you work with me to help my child who needs additional support from adults
at home to access remote education?
We recognize that some pupils, for example some pupils with special educational needs and disabilities
(SEND), may not be able to access remote education without support from adults at home. We acknowledge
the difficulties this may place on families, and we will work with parents and carers to support those pupils
in the following ways:

       •    Daily planning will be adjusted.
       •    Educational activities will be planned in consultation with the parents and the 1:1
            assistant. Some Zoom sessions will be held on a 1:1 basis.
       •    Zoom session with the class will be limited and chosen in accordance with the child’s
            abilities to follow them.
       •    Some SEN pupils will be invited to attend school (vulnerable group of pupils) to
            access education.

If my child is not in school because they are self-isolating, how will their remote
education differ from the approaches described above?
Where individual pupils need to self-isolate but the majority of their peer group remains in school, the
remote education provided will likely differ from the approach for whole groups. This is due to the
challenges of teaching pupils both at home and in school.

   •       For maternelle classes and CP, one zoom session a day is planned to keep social contact with
           classmates and teachers.

   •       For CE1/CE2 and CM1/CM2 levels : daily zoom sessions are organized.

   •       Essential work is shared daily with the family. Parents/child can post work on Seesaw to receive
           feedback from the teacher.

Guide for Parents English version - La Petite Ecole Francaise
Technical aspects
To ensure the pedagogical continuity, we need one of the following:

          -Smartphone, tablet or computer to be able to film and take pictures.
          -New Seesaw Class app with the new codes given by the teachers (see below);
          -Zoom app (see below);

If you don’t have one of the above, please inform the teacher so that she can do the necessary

 Pay attention ! You will have to download the new app - Seesaw Class to be able to post
 pictures for the teacher. You also need to update the IOS if you are using Apple.

 Go to on a computer. Or install the Seesaw Class iOS or Android

     1.    Tap “I’m a Student”.
     2.    Scan or type in your Home Learning code. (In the yellow book)
     3.    Post to your journal, respond to activities, and view class announcements.
     4.    Remember, this code is like a password. Keep it safe!

 Look how to access and post on Seesaw at the end of this document.

 To participate in the video conferences organised by the teacher, you will have to
 download the Zoom App. It’s very fast on a tablet!

 Afterwards, it is very simple! You will receive by email or Seesaw a link from your teacher
 to connect yourself at the right hour and let’s go!

 Pay attention please! On the iPad or Iphone, you will need to allow the access of the
 microphone and the camera.
 Go into « Settings »-« Zoom »– Allow the sound and the video.

Parental Guide

 Parental guide : how to help my child work at

1 / Make a daily schedule          2/ Preferably work in the
Children need a time frame.        morning
As the day goes on, the child      Although children wake up later
will be able to see where          because they are out of school,
                                   it is best to put them to work in
they are and what remains
                                   the morning. All of the child's
to be done. We recommend           cognitive functions are more
refering to the time frame         responsive at this time of day. We
over the course of a day so        also     recommend         stopping
that    the     child    can       activities after 4 p.m. because
contextualise.                     their     brain     has     already
                                   assimilated a lot of information
                                   during the day and will no longer
                                   be able to do so.

     3/ Set a working time per activity
     Be sure to follow the timing advice given by your child's
     teacher. Allow up to 30-40 mins for GS level depending on the
     concentration of each child. These times correspond to those
     of the school. Do not exceed more than 3 hours for the GS or
     beyond 4:30 for the CM! Beyond this working time, the
     children's ability to concentrate is weak and we no longer
     manage to get their attention. As in school, it is important to
     always separate work sessions with a break of a few minutes
     between each subject. This little break allows the child to clear
     his/her mind. Obviously, screens should be avoided during this
     temporary break because this will distract from the break.

     4/ If possible, take turns to    5/ Make the siblings work all
     help them work during            at the same time
     lockdown                         If you have several children and
     Taking turns is a great idea.    they have to work, it is best if they
     Indeed, it does not always       do it together at the same time.
     have to be the same person       This allows for a good working
     who helps the child with         atmosphere. The child will not be
     his/her school activities. Big   distracted by the brother or sister
     brothers or sisters who feel     who plays further. In addition,
     able to help them work can       they can ask for their help and
     also take turns with the         there is no better than one child
     parents.                         to help another.

6/ Set up small rituals           7/ Make activities and
        For maternelle, playing with      lessons fun
        finger   games,         nursery   The teachers will be full of fun
        rhymes or popular songs           ideas and materials to help you.
        before getting to work            However, don't hesitate to add
        allows you to start activities    your personal touch: you can
        in a fun and positive way         use real-life examples to illustrate
        and to ritualize the work         an activity, give examples or
        phase that will follow.           ‘role play’ the activities.

8/ Plan fun activities and free moments during the day
Just like in school, it is important for children to have free time to play.
During this time, the child must do what he/she wants. The length of this
free time is variable and depends on the needs of each child. Follow the
advice of your child's teacher to organize the schedule and optional
activities for the day. You can also suggest playing board games,
coloring, painting, cooking, playing with plasticine, or reading.

    9/ Arrange a dedicated work space
    Working from home, with parents and
    children together, requires organization.
    Not all children have a personal desk to
    work    on.    However,     arranging   a
    workspace that is always the same
    promotes efficiency, for example a corner
    of the sofa or a place on the living room
    table that remains the same. It can help
    keep a routine.

     10/ Support without stress
     There is no miracle method and no universal recipe to apply at
     home, each parent does its best. Not everyone is comfortable
     giving academic explanations, nor do they have the same time to
     supervise during the day. The idea is to support as much as possible
     without overloading yourself by wanting to become a substitute
     teacher. This is why teachers are available to discuss support and
     adjustments. For any questions or difficulties, your key contact
     remains your child's teacher. He / she is there to support you as best
     as possible whenever you need it.

Acceptable Use agreement/ E-Safety
          Rules for Parents and Pupils
           Remote teaching (GS class)

PS to GS Parents Acceptable Use Agreement/ E-Safety Rules

Please note these rules apply from home when a child works under the instructions of the Teacher.

Seesaw and learning platforms Acceptable Use

These rules are to keep your child safe whilst using Seesaw or other learning platforms and stop your child
doing anything that could be unkind to others, or break Seesaw or learning platforms.

• My child will only use Seesaw and school learning platforms for school purposes.
• We will keep my child’s Seesaw or learning platforms username, password or QR code secret.
• My child will only open/delete his/her own files.
• My child will only download, use or upload material to Seesaw or learning platforms when an adult from
school tells him/her he/she may.
• My child will not try to change anything that other people have put on Seesaw or learning platforms.
• We will not give personal details (like my child’s home address or mobile phone number), or the personal
details of any other person, to anyone by using Seesaw or learning platforms.
• We will be responsible for my child’s behavior when using ICT.
• We will make sure that all ICT contact with other children and adults is responsible, polite and sensible.
My child will be polite and understand that other people might have different views and opinions to my
own. My child will not use rude or unkind words.
• We will not deliberately look for, save or send anything that could be unpleasant or nasty. If we
accidentally find anything like this we will tell or contact the teacher immediately.
• We know that my child’s use of ICT can be checked, and school staff can contact the Headteacher if
concerned about my child’s e-Safety.
 • Discussions or video conferences will only be started by adults at school. My child will only use the
discussion areas for discussing things to do with his/her learning.
• If we see anything on Seesaw or learning platforms that breaks any of these rules, we will tell or contact
via Seesaw an adult at school immediately.
• We will not record, film or take screen shots of the videoconference sessions.

Please read these rules carefully. By logging on to Seesaw or any learning platforms instructed by the
Teacher of your class you are promising to keep all of these rules.

Acceptable Use agreement/ E-Safety
    Rules for Parents and Pupils for remote
             teaching (CP to CM2)

CP to CM2 Primary Pupil Acceptable Use Agreement/ E-Safety Rules

Please note these rules apply from School and from home when a child works under the instructions
of the Teacher.

• I will only use Seesaw, school learning platforms or my school email address for school purposes.
• I will not tell other people my ICT passwords or share my QR code.
• I will only open/delete my own files.
• I will make sure that all ICT contact with other children and adults is responsible, polite and sensible.
• I will not deliberately look for, save or send anything that could be unpleasant or nasty. If I accidentally
find anything like this I will tell or contact via Seesaw my teacher immediately.
• I will not give out my own details such as my name, phone number or home address. I will not arrange to
meet someone unless this is part of a school project approved by my teacher/parents and a responsible adult
comes with me.
• I will be responsible for my behavior when using ICT because I know that these rules are to keep me safe.
• I know that my use of ICT can be checked and that my parent/carer contacted if a member of school staff
is concerned about my e-Safety.
For CM2 Pupils
• I will only use my own school email address when emailing.
• I will only open email attachments from people I know, or who my teacher has approved.

Seesaw and Learning Platform Acceptable Use
These rules are to keep you safe whilst using Seesaw or other learning platforms and stop you doing
anything that could be unkind to others, or break Seesaw or learning platforms.

• I will only use my own username, password or QR code to log on to a learning platform or Seesaw.
• I will keep my Seesaw or learning platforms username, password or QR code secret.
• I will not give personal details (like my home address or mobile phone number), or the personal details of
any other person, to anyone by using Seesaw or learning platforms.
• I will only download, use or upload material to Seesaw or learning platforms when an adult at school tells
me I may.
• I will always look away while other people are logging on to Seesaw or learning platforms.
• I will not try to change anything that other people have put on Seesaw or learning platforms.
• I will be polite and understand that other people might have different views and opinions to my own. I will
not use rude or unkind words.
• Discussions or video conferences will only be started by adults at school. I will only use the discussion
areas for discussing things to do with my learning.
• I will not record or film the videoconference session led by the teacher.
• If I see anything on Seesaw or learning platforms that breaks any of these rules, I will tell or contact via
Seesaw an adult from school immediately.
• I will only use Seesaw or learning platforms to help me with my learning.
• Please read these rules carefully. By logging on to Seesaw or any learning platforms instructed by your
Teacher you are promising to keep all of these rules.

How to use Seesaw?

How to connect to Seesaw?

You will need the QR code provided by the teacher of the class.

How to post on Seesaw?

                         Pour prendre une photo en direct.

                                                                       Pour prendre une vidéo en direct.

                         Pour sélectionner une photo ou vidéo déjà prise.

You can also read