Seesaw: Student Driven Digital Portfolios

Page created by Scott Webster
Seesaw: Student Driven Digital Portfolios
Seesaw: Student Driven Digital Portfolios
 ~ A Returning Developer ~                         For further information contact…

                                                       Julia Reckord
                                                      Oscar J Pope Elem. School
                                                              2730 Maine Ave,
                                                     Lakeland FL 33801, Route D

                                        2018 - 2019 IDEA CATALOG OF EXCELLENCE

n PROGRAM OVERVIEW                                 n OVERALL VALUE                                 n MATERIALS
     What is Seesaw? Seesaw is an                       Seesaw is an app I found mainly                iPads, laptops, Seesaw app (free!),
AMAZING app that is a way for your                 used in regular education classes from          manipulatives, notecards, quiet recording
students to share what they are learning at        Kindergarten to 12th grade! This program        areas, microphones (optional), sight word
school. It provides a safe and creative way        empowers students to document their             template, Simon Spaces Out story, planet
for your class to document their learning          learning as it unfolds capturing their          template, manipulatives/counters, and
while practicing digital literacy skills in a      thinking and understanding. It develops         array template.
moderated environment. Each student                student’s writing, reflection and critical
has their OWN journal in which they will           thinking skills. Inviting families to join in
add photos, videos, drawings, and notes            the fun was one way I created a strong          n ABOUT THE DEVELOPER
to showcase their learning in authentic            community around learning. Parents
                                                   became excited and more interested in               Julia Reckord has a B.A. in English
ways. Seesaw opens the walls of your                                                               from the University of South Florida and
                                                   their child’s learning. Parents encouraged
classroom and allows communication                                                                 a Master’s in Education from Florida
                                                   their children to continue getting better
between not only the student and teacher                                                           Southern College. She is a 5th year ESE
                                                   and this overflowed into their learning in
but also between the teacher and families.                                                         Teacher of a separate class for students
                                                   the classroom.
    Seesaw can be accessed on almost                                                               with autism spectrum disorder at Oscar J.
                                                        Seesaw is not just any app. It’s one
any device and through a web browser.                                                              Pope Elementary School.
                                                   where the developers are constantly
Seesaw is a way for students to show               listening to it’s users and making it better.       Ms. Reckord has adapted three
their learning by drawing, recording               Recently, they added an Activity Library        Teacher to Teacher grants and one School
video or audio, typing, and showing                that contains ready to post assignments.        to School grant through the Polk Education
just what they’ve learned. Families                Seesaw of fers free professional                Foundation. Ms. Reckord is also the
can connect to their child’s journal and           development webinars they call “PD in           recipient of the Practicing Educator’s
receive notifications when something               your PJs.” Seesaw 101 is how I got started      Grant from the Retired Florida Educator’s
new has been posted. Families can make             and you can, too! They also have a devout       Foundation for the 2017-2018 school year.
comments directly on each assignment               Facebook group called Seesaw Teachers
and encourage their child to do their best.                                                              She has been a guest speaker for
                                                   and other grade level specific groups. Ask
Families can even contact their teacher            a question and there are teachers from          the Don Johnston First Author Writing
with questions or concerns.                        around the world who are ready to answer        Curriculum. Ms. Reckord enjoys tacos,
                                                   any questions you may have. I am also a         knitting, and thinking of out of the box ways
     Seesaw empowers students to                                                                   to help her students be successful in and
                                                   Seesaw Ambassador because I used it so
document their learning as it happens                                                              outside of the classroom.
                                                   much in my classroom!
in a safe, moderated environment. It
can develop students’ writing skills,
reflection skills, and critical thinking skills.   n LESSON PLAN TITLES
Teachers can create a strong community
around learning by involving families                  •    Hooray for Arrays                                       HHH
through newsletters, classroom activities,             •    Our Solar System
assessments, and conferences.
                                                       •    Sight Words Superstar
Seesaw: Student Driven Digital Portfolios
Seesaw: Student Driven Digital Portfolios” Julia Reckord
                                          Lesson Plan No 1: Hooray for Arrays

n SUBJECTS COVERED                           n DIRECTIONS                                  n EVALUATION/
Math                                              Teacher will create an anchor chart          ASSESSMENT
                                             with the class showing them how to                After taking a photo of their arrays
                                             show numbers in different arrays and          made with manipulatives, students will
                                             writing corresponding multiplication          create their responses within Seesaw
n GRADES                                     problems. Students will participate           by drawing and recording on top of
Three - Five                                 solving along with the teacher making         their photos. Students will describe
                                             their own arrays using the Seesaw             the different arrays they made. The
                                             drawing (whiteboard tool). Teacher            teacher may comment by giving specific
                                             will have already placed an activity          feedback.
n OBJECTIVES                                 template in their Seesaw activities folder.
                                             Students will login to their account, go to
Students will make/draw and explain
                                             Activities, choose the math activity and
multiplication arrays.
                                             access the template to complete the
                                             activity. Once done, the student will send    n ADDL INFORMATION
                                             the activity to the teacher to approve.           Teachers could assign a specific
n STANDARDS                                                                                strategy to use to solve. Teachers could
  FSS / NGSSS                                                                              provide visual templates for ESE or
3rd grade Access Point#                                                                    ELL students. Students could be given
    MAFS.3.OA.1.AP.1c                                                                      individual assistance to complete the
                                                                                           problem. Nonverbal students could be
      Use objects to model multiplication                                                  given verbal output devices to help them
      involving up to five groups with up                                                  record their responses.
      to five objects in each.
4th grade Access Point#
    MAFS.4.OA.2.AP.4a                                                                                     HHH
      Identify multiples for a whole
5th grade Access Point#
      Write a simple expression for a

  •   iPad
  •   Seesaw app (free)
  •   manipulatives
  •   notecards
  •   quiet recording areas
  •   microphones (optional)
  •   from a laptop, access Seesaw
      through the web at

                                       2018 - 2019 IDEA CATALOG OF EXCELLENCE
Seesaw: Student Driven Digital Portfolios
Seesaw: Student Driven Digital Portfolios” Julia Reckord
                                     Lesson Plan No 2: Our Solar System

n SUBJECTS COVERED                       n MATERIALS                                      n EVALUATION/
Science                                    •   iPad                                           ASSESSMENT
                                           •   access to the camera to take photos            Af ter students upload their
                                           •   Seesaw app (free!)                         responses, the teacher will be able to
                                           •   Simon Spaces Out story                     review their responses and comment
n GRADES                                                                                  on their posts, give constructive, specific
                                           •   from a laptop, access Seesaw
Three - Five                                   through the web at                         feedback about their answers.

Students will identify and explain the
                                                                                          n ACCOMMODATIONS
                                         n DIRECTIONS                                         The teacher could upload a template
relationship of the Earth and the sun.
                                              Teacher will read the story, Simon          that already has a picture of the solar
                                         Spaces Out, from the Unique Learning             system and students could circle their
                                         Systems curriculum. Explain to students          answers. The teacher could also limit
n STANDARDS                              that after hearing the story read aloud          the amount of choices to a field of three
  FSS / NGSSS                            their job is to identify what is at the center   pictures such as the sun, Earth, and
                                         of our solar system. Students will use           Venus.
3rd grade Access Point#
                                         the Seesaw app drawing tool to show
                                         their answer. Students could draw a
    Recognize that the Sun is the        picture or use the keyboard emoji’s to                           HHH
    closest star to Earth.               find a picture. Students will then either
4th grade Access Point#                  label their picture using the text tool or
    SC.4.E.5.In.3                        record an audio response to what they
                                         drew as their answer.
    Recognize that Earth revolves
    around the Sun.
5th grade Access Point#
    Identify that the Solar System
    includes the Sun, Earth, Moon,
    and other planets and their moons.

                                2018 - 2019 IDEA CATALOG OF EXCELLENCE
Seesaw: Student Driven Digital Portfolios
Seesaw: Student Driven Digital Portfolios” Julia Reckord
                                      Lesson Plan No 3: Sight Words Superstar

n SUBJECTS COVERED                            n MATERIALS                                 n EVALUATION/
ELA                                             •   iPad                                      ASSESSMENT
                                                •   Seesaw app                                 After students upload their activities,
                                                •   sight word template                   the teacher will be able to play back their
                                                •   microphones (optional)                recordings and check if students were
n GRADES                                                                                  able to read those assigned sight words.
                                                •   quiet place to record
Three - Five                                                                              The teacher can also comment on the
                                                •   from a laptop, access Seesaw
                                                                                          activity how many words read correctly.
                                                    through the web at
                                                                                          If a parent is connected to their child’s
                                                                                          journal, they will be able to comment
n OBJECTIVES                                                                              on the activity and see/respond to the
Students will independently read                                                          assignment.
common sight words by applying letter-
sound correspondences.
                                              n DIRECTIONS
                                                   After reviewing taught sight words,
                                              students will use their letter sound
                                              knowledge to read the words. Students
                                                                                          n ACCOMMODATIONS
n STANDARDS                                   will access the template under Activities       Teachers could extend this activity
  FSS / NGSSS                                 in their Seesaw account. Students           to older students by having them
33rd grade Access Point:                      will then circle and record themselves      spell the words, describe the meaning
    LAFS.3.L.1.AP.2c                          reading the words.                          of vocabulary words, use them in a
                                                                                          sentence, or write sentences with
    Use conventional spelling and                                                         appropriate grammar.
    spelling patterns (e.g., word families,
    syllable patterns, ending rules) in
    writing words.                                                                                        HHH
4th grade Access Point:
    Spell words correctly in writing,
    consulting references as needed.
5th grade Access Point:
    Spell words correctly in writing,
    consulting references as needed.

                                    2018 - 2019 IDEA CATALOG OF EXCELLENCE
Seesaw: Student Driven Digital Portfolios
Seesaw: Student Driven Digital Portfolios” Julia Reckord
                                                  Materials Budget

                                       Materials Budget
    SUPPLIER                   ITEM # AND DESCRIPTION                              COST     QUANTITY       TOTAL COST           iPad mini 2                                                180.00         2             360.00
   		                   Smartmic microphone                                         19.95         2              39.90

                                                                                              Subtotal        $399.90
                                                                                     Tax if applicable
            Julia Reckord
  Teacher__________________________________________                             Shipping if applicable
           Oscar J. Pope Elementary
  School___________________________________________                                          TOTAL
                                                                                           BUDGET             $399.90

                                2018 - 2019 IDEA CATALOG OF EXCELLENCE
Seesaw: Student Driven Digital Portfolios
RubiStar     Rubric Made Using:
               RubiStar ( )
   Seesaw: Student Driven Digital Portfolios” Julia Reckord
                               Rubric - Multiplication Array for Seesaw
                   Math - Problem Solving : Multiplication Array for Seesaw

         Teacher Name: Julia Reckord

Student Name________________________________________________________________
         Student Name:       ________________________________________

     CATEGORY            4                         3                         2                          1
  Mathematical           Explanation shows         Explanation shows         Explanation shows          Explanation shows
  Concepts               complete                  substantial               some understanding         very limited
                         understanding of the      understanding of the      of the mathematical        understanding of the
                         mathematical              mathematical              concepts needed to         underlying concepts
                         concepts used to          concepts used to          solve the problem(s).      needed to solve the
                         solve the problem(s).     solve the problem(s).                                problem(s) OR is not
  Use of                 Student always            Student typically         Student sometimes          Student rarely listens
  Manipulatives          listens and follows       listens and follows       listens and follows        and often \"plays\"
                         directions and only       directions and uses       directions and uses        with the
                         uses manipulatives        manipulatives as          manipulatives              manipulatives
                         as instructed.            instructed most of        appropriately when         instead of using
                                                   the time.                 reminded.                  them as instructed.

  Explanation            Explanation is            Explanation is clear. Explanation is a little        Explanation is
                         detailed and clear.                             difficult to                   difficult to
                                                                         understand, but                understand and is
                                                                         includes critical              missing several
                                                                         components.                    components OR was
                                                                                                        not included.

  Working with           Student was an            Student was an            Student cooperated Student did not work
  Others                 engaged partner,          engaged partner but       with others, but    effectively with
                         listening to              had trouble listening     needed prompting to others.
                         suggestions of            to others and/or          stay on-task.
                         others and working        working
                         cooperatively             cooperatively.
                         throughout lesson.

  Date Created: May 21, 2018 04:07 pm (CDT)

         Copyright © 2000-2007 Advanced Learning Technologies in Education Consortia ALTEC

                      To view information about the Privacy Policies and the Terms of Use, please go to the following web address:

                             2018 - 2019 IDEA CATALOG OF EXCELLENCE
Seesaw: Student Driven Digital Portfolios” Julia Reckord
  RubiStar     Rubric Made Using:
               RubiStar (Rubric     - Scientific Drawings:
                 )              Our Solar System

                              Scientific Drawings : Our Solar System
Student Name________________________________________________________________
         Teacher Name: Julia Reckord

         Student Name:   ________________________________________

    CATEGORY                           4                     3                      2                      1
  Labels                               Every item that       Almost all items       Most items (75-        Less than 75% of
                                       needs to be           (90%) that need        89%) that need to      the items that
                                       identified has a      to be identified       be identified have     need to be
                                       label. It is clear    have labels. It is     labels. It is clear    identified have
                                       which label goes      clear which label      which label goes       labels OR it is
                                       with which            goes with which        with which             not clear which
                                       structure.            structure.             structure.             label goes with
                                                                                                           with item.

  Date Created: May 21, 2018 04:17 pm (CDT)

         Copyright © 2000-2007 Advanced Learning Technologies in Education Consortia ALTEC

                     To view information about the Privacy Policies and the Terms of Use, please go to the following web address:

                          2018 - 2019 IDEA CATALOG OF EXCELLENCE
link at the bottom of this page.

   Seesaw: Student Driven Digital Portfolios” Julia Reckord
                                      Rubric - Sight Word Recognition

               Oral Presentation Rubric : Sight Word Recognition for Seesaw Rubric
Student Name________________________________________________________________
           Teacher Name: Julia Reckord

           Student Name:       ________________________________________

       CATEGORY            4                        3                         2                       1
    sight word             Speaks clearly and       Speaks clearly and        Speaks clearly and      Often mumbles or
    recognition            distinctly all (100-     distinctly all (100-      distinctly most ( 94-   can not be
                           95%) the time, and       95%) the time, but        85%) of the time.       understood OR
                           mispronounces no         mispronounces one         Mispronounces no        mispronounces more
                           words.                   word.                     more than one word.     than one word.

    - Please
    Choose -

   Date Created: May 21, 2018 04:13 pm (CDT)

   Finished with Your Rubric?

    Choose this option if you simply wish to create paper            If you choose this option, we will save your rubric data in
    copies of your rubric, or if you wish to save your rubric onto   our online database. Rubrics that are saved online may be
    your computer (download). The saved rubric will be in a          modified at a later date and will be viewable online. You
    format that can be viewed offline.                               may also use RubiStar to Analyze the Results of your
                                                                     rubric to aid in determining items that need further teaching
    Your rubric will not be saved in our database. Your              or explanation.
    data is gone once you Print your rubric or Download
    your rubric to disk.                                             Your rubric will be saved in our database and will be
                                                                     available online. Users who wish to use this option
                                                                     must have an existing account or create a new free
                                                                     RubiStar account.

                      QuizStar | TrackStar | NoteStar | Profiler Pro | More Tools                                    RubiStar en Español |
                      Copyright. © 2000-2008, ALTEC at University of Kansas

                             2018 - 2019 IDEA CATALOG OF EXCELLENCE
Seesaw: Student Driven Digital Portfolios” Julia Reckord
                       Additional Information

     ✔   See PowerPoint templates

     ✔   Seesaw Teachers groups on Facebook

     ✔   @Seesaw on Twitter

     ✔   PD in your PJ’s at

            2018 - 2019 IDEA CATALOG OF EXCELLENCE
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