Re-Opening Campus Policies and Procedures - for Parents and Students of St. Hubert Catholic School

Page created by Gilbert Hill
Re-Opening Campus Policies and Procedures - for Parents and Students of St. Hubert Catholic School
FALL 2020


     Re-Opening Campus Policies and Procedures
for Parents and Students of St. Hubert Catholic School
Re-Opening Campus Policies and Procedures - for Parents and Students of St. Hubert Catholic School
ST. HUBERT CATHOLIC SCHOOL                                   PAGE 2

the school day

Our goal is to provide a safe and healthy
environment while allowing students to
develop in their faith and their academics
within the classroom. Students will be        first day of school
cohorted with specialist teachers moving
into the rooms as much as possible instead
of students switching classrooms.

          HOW WE WILL
          We will have a Covid update
          page on our school website with
                                              9:00 AM
          up-to-date information. We will
                                                arrival time
          also communicate important
          updates via email.


                                              4:00 PM
          Students in grades 4 - 8 will
          access resources via Google
          Classroom. Students in grades K-3
          will access resources via SeeSaw.    dismissal time
Re-Opening Campus Policies and Procedures - for Parents and Students of St. Hubert Catholic School
ST. HUBERT CATHOLIC SCHOOL                                                                          PAGE 3

We have spent the past months preparing to safely welcome our students back for in-person learning. Even
though the new normal will look a little different, the heart of a St. Hubert Catholic School and Little Saints
Preschool education remains the same; a focus on our faith, our family, and our academics. Our initial reopening
procedures are contained in this booklet and identify the key strategies to mitigate health risks to our community
and continue with in-person learning.

In order to protect everyone in the community, all are encouraged to follow these steps:
    1. Wear a mask
    2. Wash your hands
    3. Practice social distancing
    4. Stay home if you are sick

                      A PHASED APPROACH TO RE-OPENING
             Should the need arise for a short-term school closure, all students will continue their learning through distance
             learning. Grades 4 - 8 will use Google Classroom and grades K - 3 will use SeeSaw.
             If building capacity needs to be reduced, St. Hubert can enact a hybrid model in which a portion of the students
             attend for 2 days per week and learn remotely for 3 days per week.
             This is the phase we will begin the 2020-2021 academic year. Most students will be in-person, while
             the option to continue with distance learning is available for those that choose to do so. Those
             students that need to stay home temporarily will be able to continue with distance learning.
             All students are back on campus with no option for distance learning. There will continue to be some restrictions to
             maintain a healthy environment and limit exposure.
             All students on campus without restriction of movement, masking, or spacing requirements.

                                                             PREPARING FOR FLEXIBILITY

                                                             St. Hubert Catholic School is prepared to
                                                             quickly move between the various phases
                                                             based on the current environment and
                                                             requirements from the Archdiocese. Should
                                                             the need to change phase arise, we will
                                                             update families via email and our school
Re-Opening Campus Policies and Procedures - for Parents and Students of St. Hubert Catholic School
ST. HUBERT CATHOLIC SCHOOL                                                                                                         PAGE 4

                 our shared commitment

                 HEALTH AND SAFETY
                 St. Hubert Catholic School is dedicated to the health and safety of its students and faculty
                 through routine cleanings and screenings. We will enhance our cleaning and sanitizing
                 procedures throughout the day. Teachers will remind students not to touch their face, to
                 demonstrate proper hand washing techniques, and to practice social distancing. Families are
                 asked to monitor the health of themselves and their children, taking temperatures before
                 coming to school, and staying home when sick.

                                                        OUR COMMITMENT:

   TEMPERATURE                             HAND                            RESPIRATORY                              FREQUENT                              NURSING
    SCREENINGS                            WASHING                           ETIQUETTE                              SANITATION                              STAFF
  Students will have temperature    Teachers will ensure all students   Cover coughs and sneezes with a         Established schedule for routine   School nurse will monitor students
screening when entering building.      wash hands with proper           tissue, dispose of tissue, and wash     cleaning & disinfecting of high-   and staff when symptoms become
                                                                          hands immediately afterward.        touch surfaces & shared equipment.           present at school.

                                                      YOUR COMMITMENT:

   FOLLOW HEALTH +                                STUDENTS WITH                                          PRAYER                                    RESPECT AND
     SAFETY PLAN                                    SYMPTOMS                                                                                         CHARITY
Parents will conduct daily COVID-19           Any person with COVID-19 related              Continued prayer for health & safety            United in faith and hope, we will
symptom monitoring for each student          symptoms or who tests positive for the         of St. Hubert family, as well as those         successfully navigate the challenges
    every morning before school                 virus will be required to follow              who are sick or may become sick.            presented & have a great school year!
                                                   quarantine procedures.
Re-Opening Campus Policies and Procedures - for Parents and Students of St. Hubert Catholic School
ST. HUBERT CATHOLIC SCHOOL                                                                 PAGE 5

           health screening

           DECISION TREE
           Now more than ever, it is important for everyone to conduct daily health checks before
           coming to school. Please use this decision tree in determining how to proceed for the day.

                                    EXPOSURE,                          HAS                      POSITIVE COVID-
                                   NO SYMPTOMS                      SYMPTOMS                     19 DIAGNOSIS

                                  STAY HOME AND                STAY HOME AND                    STAY HOME AND
                                  DO NOT ATTEND                DO NOT ATTEND                    DO NOT ATTEND
                                     CLASSES                      CLASSES                          CLASSES

                                      CONTACT                        CONTACT                        CONTACT
                                       SCHOOL                         SCHOOL                         SCHOOL

                                                                                              HOME FOR 10 DAYS
                                HOME FOR 14 DAYS                       HOME
                                                                                               AFTER POSITIVE
                                 AFTER EXPOSURE                        UNTIL
                                                                                                COVID-19 TEST

            10 DAYS AFTER FIRST SYMPTOMS                                             PERMISSION
                           &                                                        FROM DOCTOR
      NO FEVER FOR 3 DAYS (WITHOUT MEDICATION)                           OR         TO RETURN TO
                           &                                                           SCHOOL

                  Exposure                                                  Symptoms
       If you have been within 6 feet of             One of the following:              Two of the following
       an infected person for at least 15            1. Fever (+100.4) or chills   OR   1. Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea
       minutes starting from 48 hours                2. A new cough                     2. A new sore throat
       before the person began feeling               3. Shortness of breath             3. New muscle aches
       sick until the time the patient was                                              4. New loss of smell/taste
       isolated.                                                                        5. Congestion/runny nose
If you answer 'yes' to any of these screening questions, please stay home, isolate, and contact your health care provider.
Re-Opening Campus Policies and Procedures - for Parents and Students of St. Hubert Catholic School
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             putting policies into practice

             Before you leave for the day, make sure to do a health screening at home. If all is well with
             your child and your family, students can arrive anytime between 8:55 and 9:15 and will have
             designated doors to enter the school building. Throughout the day, students will be cohorted
             with movement throughout the building minimized as much as possible.

Classroom desks will face the Movement throughout the              Masks/face shields/neck         Preschool students will
  front of the room & will be      building will be limited.      gaiters will be required for   enter through door #8. K -
 arranged to ensure as much        Students will remain in              students K -8.              8 students will enter
 social distancing as possible      classrooms whenever                                           through doors #11 & #13.
    (minimum of 3 feet per       possible. Teachers will travel                                   Students will be screened
American Assoc. of Pediatrics). to classrooms when possible.                                            prior to entry.

  Hand sanitizing stations       Social distancing will take       Additional Masses have        Recess will take place with
      will be available           place in the lunch room           been added to allow all       classroom cohorts daily.
  throughout the building        and self serve items will be      students to attend Mass
   and in each classroom.                 removed.                    during the week.

 Per SSYO guidelines, there      Any large group gatherings         Transportation will be         Necessary visitors may
  will be no athletic teams          will be limited so that           based on district           enter the office upon
        during the fall.               appropriate social           availability, and will be       completing a health
                                   distancing is maintained,        communicated when            screening, sanitizing their
                                  and occupancy thresholds                 available.              hands, and with a face
                                 do not exceed 50% capacity.                                             covering.
ST. HUBERT CATHOLIC SCHOOL                                           PAGE 7

planning for the year

The Archdiocese has prepared a set of guidelines
for schools. St. Hubert Catholic School is fully
prepared to follow these guidelines and affirms our
commitment to maintain a safe and healthy
environment for in-person learning.

         Routine cleaning and disinfecting of
         classroom surfaces, restrooms,
         lunchrooms, meeting rooms and drop-off
         and pickup locations.

         Families, students and employees have
         been informed of and encouraged to self-
         monitor for signs and symptoms of
         COVID-19 through regular health checks.

         Parents, staff, teachers and all others in
         the school community have been
         educated on health and safety
         procedures for shared involvement and

SHOPPING LIST:           THERMOMETER               PERSONAL          MASK,
                                                  WATER BOTTLE   FACE SHIELD, OR
                                                                  NECK GAITER
ST. HUBERT CATHOLIC SCHOOL                                                        PAGE 8

          final notes

          FAITH + FAMILIES
Throughout human history, we have faced and overcome challenges that have
threatened our abilities to come together, and this current challenge is no
different. As we prepare to begin this new school year, we are confident in our
plans to allow for the safe return to school. Although no single strategy will take
away all risk, the series of protocols enacted at St. Hubert will work to mitigate
the risks associated with the spread.

A St. Hubert Catholic School education lays the foundation for a life of
excellence and service to others. The absolute best way to build that foundation
is through connection with our community. Working together, we will find new
and creative ways to continue building that foundation for all of our students
regardless of the challenges we face. Together, we will overcome.

Join us in praying Pope Francis' prayer to our Blessed Mother for protection:

  O Mary, you always shine on our path as a sign of salvation and of hope. We
entrust ourselves to you, Health of the Sick, who at the cross took part in Jesus'
 pain, keeping your faith firm. You, Salvation of the Roman People, know what
   we need, and we are sure you will provide so that, as in Cana of Galilee, we
   may return to joy and to feasting after this time of trial. Help us, Mother of
  Divine Love, to conform to the will of the Father and to do as we are told by
  Jesus, who has taken upon himself our sufferings and carried our sorrows to
lead us, through the cross, to the joy of the resurrection. Under your protection,
 we seek refuge, Holy Mother of God. Do not disdain the entreaties of we who
   are in trial, but deliver us from every danger, O glorious and blessed Virgin.

David Sorkin, Principal
Oona Myhre, Director of Little Saints Preschool
Emily Hillesheim, Academic Dean
Rob Schlegel, Director of Operations
                                                                        GET THE LATEST INFORMATION
Mitch Patterson, Director of Maintenance
Molly Ryan, Director of Administration
Karen Menzuber, School Nurse                                       We will have a Covid update page on our
Mandi Karasek, Parent, Sr. HR Director at Optum                        school website with up-to-date
Lindsey Drewiske, Faculty                                          information. We will also communicate
Ali Hanus, Faculty
                                                                        important updates via email.
Sara Hesse, Faculty
Nicole Kulbaba, Faculty
Erin Offerdahl, Faculty
Shannon Riegert, Faculty
8201 Main Street
                                     Chanhassen, MN 55317
                        WWW.SCHOOL.STHUBERT.ORG | 952.934.6003

                                       OUR MISSION STATEMENT
The Mission of St. Hubert Catholic School is to teach as Jesus did within the context of the teachings of the Catholic
 Church. As such, our mission is to educate the whole child. In a preschool through eighth grade Catholic setting,
    teachers, students, staff, and parents work together to build an all-inclusive educational and a spiritual
                                       foundation that will last a lifetime.
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