The Puggle Post' OUR SCHOOL VISION: 'The Puggle Post'

Page created by Matthew Andrews
The Puggle Post' OUR SCHOOL VISION: 'The Puggle Post'
24th February 2021
                                 ‘The Puggle Post’
                           OUR SCHOOL VISION:
 “Wandong Primary School … Making a difference by developing confident, independent
             and resilient learners who strive for personal excellence.”
The Puggle Post' OUR SCHOOL VISION: 'The Puggle Post'
Dear Families,
                                                 Current Restrictions
As per the directions of the Victorian Chief Health Officer from 11:59pm, Wednesday 17 February 2021:
School staff when not teaching and secondary school students aged 12 or older, must wear a face mask at school,
unless an exception applies:
     in all indoor spaces.
     in all outdoor spaces when 1.5metre physical distance cannot be maintained.
     Visitors to school sites must also observe this guidance.

We do ask families to be mindful of the social distancing limits and wear a mask when inside the school unless an
exemption applies. Drop off and pick up are so hectic that social distancing is near impossible and we once again
thank you all for the support that has already been afforded to us in this space.

                           Intervention – Learning Support – Tutor Learning Initiative
Our Learning Support team, alongside our amazing teachers and ES staff have been very rigorously assessing our
students to ascertain the needs in literacy learning across the school. I’m proud that we are running well ahead of
schedule and have already begun our program this week.

The focus of our Professional Learning Communities (PLC) is the learning catch up and extension priority. This
collaborative approach to developing interventions and extensions will allow us to support every child in the
classroom, not just those accessing our intervention program. Teachers will plan teaching and learning from an
evidence base to differentiate learning to meet the needs of all students.

Our hope is that short and sharp interventions will allow our team to pick up a greater number of children. Our
Learning Support team will provide targeted, specific skills and strategies for individual children and small groups.

                                                   Some Great Advice
I read an interesting article by Tim Elmore, titled “Three Huge Mistakes We Make Leading Kids”. Elmore concludes
by saying “So let them fail, let them fall, and let them fight for what they really value. If we treat our kids as fragile,
they will surely grow up to be fragile adults. We must prepare them for the world that awaits them. Our world needs
resilient adults not fragile ones.” - See more at:

                        Child Safe Standard Two: Statement of Commitment to Child Safety
Wandong is committed to child safety and wellbeing of all children and young people. We want children to be safe,
happy and empowered. We support and respect all children, as well as our staff and volunteers. We have zero
tolerance of child abuse, and all allegations and safety concerns will be treated very seriously and consistently with
our policies and procedures. We have legal and moral obligations to contact authorities when we are concerned
about a child’s safety, which we follow rigorously.

     Wandong Primary School is committed to preventing child abuse and identifying risks early, and removing and
      reducing these risks.
     Wandong Primary School has robust human resources and recruitment practices for all staff and volunteers.
     Wandong Primary School is committed to training and educating our staff and volunteers on child abuse risks.

We are committed to the cultural safety of Aboriginal children, the cultural safety of children from culturally and/or
linguistically diverse backgrounds, and to providing a safe environment for children with a disability. We have specific
policies, procedures and training in place that support our leadership team, staff and volunteers to achieve these
If you believe a child is at immediate risk of abuse phone 000.

Next term we wish Ms Hall every happiness and joy as she prepares to welcome a new addition to her family.
Preparing for parenthood is a crazy time which I’m sure Ms Hall will love, but undoubtedly 3/4H will miss her. We are
excited to welcome Josh Zerafa to our Wandong team, as he makes his move from Ballarat to Wandong to take on
this important role. Welcome, Josh!

                                      School Council- February meeting
On Monday night we held our February School Council meeting. We were delighted to announce our final school
council membership for 2021. We welcome Jessica Mortimer and Danielle Luciani as a new members. Jessica and
Danielle join our pre-existing members and those gaining another term on council- Kelly Morrow, David Warren,
Stephanie Pollock, Emma Brancatisano, Yvette Curlis, Justin Gomez, Susan Peake, Jennifer Mckeown and Dean

We elected our Office Bearers and I’d like to congratulate Dean Carmody (School Council President), Justin Gomez
(School Council Vice President) and Yvette Curlis (Secretary) to their respective appointments.
The Puggle Post' OUR SCHOOL VISION: 'The Puggle Post'
School Council members have a significant role within a school, which includes endorsing our Annual
Implementation Plan, tracking purchases and spending, reviewing school policies, overseeing school finance and
maintaining and improving school facilities. We greatly appreciate all of our members taking time away from their
families to support the school in this important capacity.

Our 2021 Annual Implementation Plan (AIP) was reviewed by school council and our key improvement strategies
and planned actions for the year were discussed. This AIP will guide the important work that our Leadership Team
does throughout the year to improve student outcomes and has direct links to our four year Strategic Plan for
school improvement. In 2021, our Leadership Team comprises Kelly Morrow, David Warren, Stephanie Pollock,
Amy Andrew and Jessica Woods.

                                    Does your child require some organisational HELP?
Parents often come to ask about how to improve their child’s personal organisation and I believe that this is an
essential achievement skill for children. Personal organisation refers to children’s ability to manage their time, their
environment and their work tasks. A structured, orderly, uncluttered environment at home and at school makes it
easier for children to be organised and in control.

   Routines take the worry out of remembering. Homework routines, morning routines, even after -
    school unpacking routines help children to be organised. For instance, an after-school routine may include
    unpacking a schoolbag, handing school notices to a parent and eating a snack.
   Have regular homework time. Establish a regular homework time and help your child to stick to it. If
    no formal homework has been set then use this time for reading.
   Have morning round-up. Remind children of the day’s events each morning so they can plan
   Use routines and structure. There are times when so much is going on in young people’s lives that
    they need structure and routine to help them get organised. Gentle reminders to pack lunches, take notices
    to school and even to dress appropriately can assist children when they are busy.
   Make use of a check list when it all seems too much. Place a list of routine morning activities by a
    child’s bed and insist that it be checked before he or she goes to school. Lists are one way to help children
    become better organised.
   Clear away the clutter. A regular clean-up of desks and work areas can help children regain control of
    their environment.
   Less is better. Encourage children and young people to bring home only the books that they will
    work on each night. Some children become overwhelmed when they have a bagful of books and they have
    difficulty knowing where to start.
   Use a diary to plan ahead. Encourage your child to place homework, social and school events in a

Parent Helper Training Sessions: We have held two Parent Helper Training Sessions this term. If you
would like to assist in your child’s classroom we would love to have you! All parent helpers need to provide a
Volunteer Working with Children’s Check card, which is free and are required to attend one of our 30 minute
training sessions. Please access this information on your Compass newsfeed.

Kelly Morrow - Principal
The Puggle Post' OUR SCHOOL VISION: 'The Puggle Post'
The Puggle Post' OUR SCHOOL VISION: 'The Puggle Post'
The Puggle Post' OUR SCHOOL VISION: 'The Puggle Post'
The Puggle Post' OUR SCHOOL VISION: 'The Puggle Post'
The Puggle Post' OUR SCHOOL VISION: 'The Puggle Post'
        Friday 26th           Parent Helper Training Session (9:30-10:00am)
        Tuesday 2nd           Division Swim Championships
                              PAFA Hot Dog Day (Foundation to Grade 2)
                                    FIA Girls on Track incursion consent due today
      Wednesday 3rd           PAFA Hot Dog Day (Grades 3 to 6)
      Wednesday 3rd           Essential Learnings parent session (6:00-7:00pm via WebEx)
         Friday 5th                 Wakakirri consent & payment due today
        Monday 8th            Labour Day Holiday (no students required at school)
                              FIA Girls on Track incursion
      Wednesday 10th          SWPB Parent Session (4:30 to 5:15pm)
       Thursday 11th          2021 School Photos
        Friday 12th           PAFA Annual General Meeting
       Tuesday 16th           Regional Swimming Championships
      Wednesday 17th                PAFA Jolly Soles Sock Drive orders & payments due today
        Monday 22nd           School Council Meeting
      Wednesday 24th          Open Evening for 2022 families (6:00-7:00pm)
        Friday 26th           Harmony Day
                                  5/6 Quantum Victoria consent due today
        Monday 29th           5/6 Quantum Victoria Lego Robotics (Group 1)
       Tuesday 30th           5/6 Quantum Victoria Lego Robotics (Group 2)
      Wednesday 31st          5/6 Quantum Victoria Lego Robotics (Group 3)
        Thursday 1st          End of Term 1 - school finishes at 2:30pm
        Monday 19th           Start of Term 2 - school starts at 8:55am
        Monday 23rd           Open Morning for 2022 families (9:30-10:30pm)
      Wednesday 28th          Open Morning for 2022 families (9:30-10:30pm)
        Friday 30th           Grade 5/6 Summer Sports Tournament

                    What’s gone home recently?                                                       PARENT
               The following notices/information was sent home between
                  Thursday 18th February to Wednesday 24th February:                               PAYMENTS
      FIA Girls on Track consent
      PAFA Jolly Soles Sock Drive ordering information                                            RECEIVED
      Meet the Teacher sessions - last chance to book in
       Parent Helper Training Session information
       Seesaw information for Foundation families
      Week Four Newsletter - Including: Meet the Teacher information and the
       planned Curriculum Day Friday
                                                                                          WANDONG PRIMARY SCHOOL
    The majority of information/notices that are distributed by the school                IS PROUDLY SUPPORTED BY
                     are now available through Compass.
    Should you have missed any details in relation to the items listed above
                                                                                           Wallan & Kilmore
           please speak to your child’s teacher or the school office.                      Community Bank®
                      Student Enrolment Information
 Please check Compass Student Enrolment information regularly to ensure your family
records are correct and up-to-date. If the information is incorrect please either amend
 via Compass or send a change of details email to
The Puggle Post' OUR SCHOOL VISION: 'The Puggle Post' The Puggle Post' OUR SCHOOL VISION: 'The Puggle Post'
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