ICL - Integrated Compressor Line - Proven zero-emissions compression for industry-wide applications

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ICL - Integrated Compressor Line - Proven zero-emissions compression for industry-wide applications
GE Oil & Gas

ICL — Integrated
Compressor Line
Proven zero-emissions compression
for industry-wide applications
ICL - Integrated Compressor Line - Proven zero-emissions compression for industry-wide applications
Smart, small & light
ICL is ideal for limited spaces industry-wide, including
offshore platforms and downstream facilities.
•   Enhance productivity
•   High reliability and availability
•   Low operating cost
•   Compact and lightweight configuration
•   High flexibility and wide operating range
•   Easy installation and low maintenance
•   Zero emissions and low noise

                                                        Single-stage version

GRT Gaz Etrez site, France. Photo by Philippe Dureuil
ICL - Integrated Compressor Line - Proven zero-emissions compression for industry-wide applications
Proven versatility & reliability
GE’s Integrated Compressor Line (ICL) is the ideal solution when
high efficiency, small footprint and low noise are important.                           10   Gas storage
The designs draw on more than 100 years of experience and
                                                                                             Gas export
innovation to deliver proven compression performance in                                      Subsea — Blue-C
upstream, midstream and downstream clean gas applications.                                   High molecular

                                                                       Pressure ratio
Instead of a combustion engine, ICL has a high-speed electric                                                   Multi-stage       Re
motor fully integrated with the compressor in a single sealed                            5                                           frig
casing. It’s a high-efficiency induction motor, proven by 4 million                                                                Na           an
                                                                                         4                                               tu             t&
hours of successful operation over 15 years. The rotor is levitated                                                                        ra                et
                                                                                                         Vehicle test                              lg          hy
by active magnetic bearings (AMBs) and a precision control                                                                                           as           len
                                                                                         3                                                                           e
system. This eliminates parts contact and wear, lube oil systems
and dry gas seals — so there are no fluids to leak or dispose of,                        2
and no depressurization required on shutdown.                                                                                 Single stage
These units have a much wider operating range than                                 1.1
conventional compressors: 35-105% of nominal speed versus                                    1       2       3       4       5    10                     20              30
the typical 70-105% — and the ICL’s efficiency remains high                                              Inlet flow rate x 1,000 m /h

and stable over the entire range. With 40% lower requested
maintenance than conventional compressors, ICL provides
exceptional reliability and availability no matter where it’s
installed. And it does all this while producing zero emissions.

     higher performance
              wider application
                         lower emissions

• Extended capability for mild/raw gas         In the offshore environment weight and                    accessible and approximately half the size
  - Up to 10% CO2                              footprint are limited. By saving up to 60%                of a conventional compressor. The motor
  - Up to 100 ppm H2S                          in space and footprint, the ICL can reduce                and compressor casing are flanged tightly
                                               structure cost, avoid additional deck                     together so the unit does not require
  - Water saturated
                                               space requirements or limit platform size                 three-point skid mounting. Removing
• New material validated for motor & AMB       requirements. The ICL runs on magnetic                    complex auxiliaries such as the lube oil
• Up to 100 bar suction pressure               bearings and avoids dry gas seals. Thus,                  system and dry gas seal panel reduces
                                               it does not require oil and does not have                 maintenance downtime, simplifies the
                                               continuous gas leakage. This dramatically                 noise enclosure design and reduces the
                                               improves safety by limiting the risk of fire.             amount of noise produced to meet even
                                               The ICL package design is simple, widely                  the toughest regulations.
ICL - Integrated Compressor Line - Proven zero-emissions compression for industry-wide applications
Innovation & integration
High-performance design                                              Electric motor & drive
                                                                     The compressor is driven by high-speed motor and high-frequency
The ICL combines our renowned centrifugal compressor                 drive technology from GE Power Conversion. The pressurized,
technology with an electric motor driver in a single, completely     induction motor includes a laminated rotor with a squirrel cage
sealed casing that provides an efficient, easily installed and       — a design proven by more than 4 million operating hours in
environmentally friendly compression solution for oil and gas        industry-wide applications. The drive is highly efficient over a
applications up to 15 MW.                                            very wide operating range, with the same hardware capable of
ICL’s small, lightweight yet powerful package is a result of GE’s    driving the motor at low speeds and all the way up to 300 Hz.
unique ability to bring together proven solutions from the oil
and gas, aviation and power generation industries. All these         Active magnetic bearings
technologies have been fully proven in the most demanding            With AMB technology, the rotor is levitated by a control system
conditions, and our well-known compressor technologies have          that precisely regulates the rotor spacing to avoid all parts
achieved many milestones for the production, transportation          contact and friction. This eliminates the need for lubricant
and processing sectors of the oil and gas industry.                  thereby solving the problem of leak-prone lube oil systems used
                                                                     with conventional bearings. The AMB design maintains rotor
Centrifugal compressor                                               levitation during starts, normal operation and stops including
Both the multi-stage and the single stage ICL compressor             emergency shutdowns. Ball bearing back-up allows the machine
casings are directly flanged onto the motor, avoiding any            to stop without damage.
alignment requirements. The single stage ICL compressor rotor
uses a single impeller, directly mounted on the motor shaft
through a hirth coupling. The multi-stage ICL compressor rotor
features a shaft on which up to 9 impellers can be stacked. The
rotor is connected to the motor through a flexible coupling,
eliminating the need for complex tuning of the bearing system
and simplifying future rewheeling of the compressor. The
ICL design incorporates GE Oil & Gas’s latest technological
advances, including our high-performance impeller design to
deliver the best efficiency, flexibility and operating range.

                                                                     6 MW, 8,000 hp, ICL with 4 stages in-line during factory acceptance test

Pipeline compression
The single-stage ICL offers a much wider       • Radial inlet and tangential outlet             Design pressure ratio
operating range than conventional              • Simplified package with no running             • 1.1 to 1.4 (up to 1.55)
centrifugal compressors. Our design              auxiliaries                                    • Rated up to 900 lbs
greatly simplifies the compressor and          • Standardized GE high speed motor
improves reliability through key features                                                       GE high-speed drive system
                                               • Minimal spare parts                            • 4 MW / 5,500 hp, 18,000 rpm
                                               • Axial thrust load-control device               • 6-8.5 MW / 8,000–11,000 hp, 12,000 rpm
•   Overhung single impeller                     (patent pending)                               • 13 MW / 18,000 hp, 10,500 rpm
•   Independent motor cooling                  • Motor cooling ensured at low
•   Lateral flange (10 x NEMA)                   pressure ratio
•   Easy lateral access — all preventive       • Flexible IGV option (sealed integrated
    maintenance possible without                 variable inlet guide vane)
    dismantling process piping
ICL - Integrated Compressor Line - Proven zero-emissions compression for industry-wide applications
Compressor            Gearbox          Electric motor
                                             Lube oil system
Minimized maintenance
Thanks to the AMB system that eliminates
parts contact and wear, as well as the
absence of lube oil systems and dry gas
seal, the ICL maintenance requirements               Gas seal panel
are significantly reduced. As a result,
the ICL boasts higher reliability and 40%
lower requested maintenance than a                                                                     High speed
                                                                                                       electric motor
conventional compressor.                                                                  Compressor

•   No wear parts
•   No gearbox
•   No lube oil                                                             Cooling gas
•   No seal systems

Zero emissions
The ICL is a clean approach to compression. There is no seal          Complete support
leakage from the completely closed case, no depressurization          GE’s highly skilled local engineers and technicians provide
is required on shutdown, and the AMBs require no lubrication,         on-site technical support for installation, commission,
so there are no lubricant leaks and no oil to dispose of.             overhaul, repair and maintenance. They are supported by the
• No venting on shutdown                                              engineering, design and analysis teams at our global Centers
                                                                      of Excellence, regional service shops, technical assistants and
• No bearing lube oil
                                                                      project managers.
• No seal leakage
                                                                      •   Full installation services
                                                                      •   Expert maintenance and ongoing OEM support
                                                                      •   Remote monitoring and diagnostics
                                                                      •   Contractual Service Agreements

Storage & other onshore
•   Power up to 13 MW/18,000 hp             ICL’s compact design greatly enhances             stations in remote locations. Producing
•   Pressure rating up to 1,500 lbs         brownfield upgrade possibilities by               about half the noise of a traditional
•   Flow up to 45,000 am3/h (26,000 acfm)   minimizing installation cost, time and            product, ICL is also a better fit with its
                                            space requirements. Once installed,               surrounding environment; and there’s
•   Multi-stage in-line or back-to-back
                                            it increases productivity through                 no oil or gas leakage, which further
•   Ideal for automated plants              significantly lower maintenance                   improves EHS performance. It’s extremely
•   Broad operating range                   requirements. There are no friction               flexible and efficient — one machine
•   High efficiency                         points, so the ICL can start and stop             performs both injection and withdrawal
                                            quickly, and it’s well suited for gas             — minimizing energy consumption while
                                            network management and unmanned                   producing no NOx or CO2 emissions.
ICL - Integrated Compressor Line - Proven zero-emissions compression for industry-wide applications

Global Headquarters                                                 Thermodyn S.A.S
The Ark                                                             480 allée Gustave Eiffel
201 Talgarth Road, Hammersmith                                      B.P. 119
London, W6 8BJ, UK                                                  71203 Le Creusot Cedex – France
T +44 207 302 6000                                                  T +33 (0)3 85 80 68 10
customer.service.center@ge.com                                      F +33 (0)3 85 80 68 11

The information contained herein is general in nature and is not intended for specific construction, installation or application purposes. GE
reserves the right to make changes in specifications or add improvements at any time without notice or obligation. GE, the GE Monogram, and
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ICL - Integrated Compressor Line - Proven zero-emissions compression for industry-wide applications ICL - Integrated Compressor Line - Proven zero-emissions compression for industry-wide applications ICL - Integrated Compressor Line - Proven zero-emissions compression for industry-wide applications ICL - Integrated Compressor Line - Proven zero-emissions compression for industry-wide applications
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