ICOMOS New Zealand NEWS - Te kawerongo hiko o te mana o nga pouwhenua o te ao - Icomos NZ

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ICOMOS New Zealand NEWS - Te kawerongo hiko o te mana o nga pouwhenua o te ao - Icomos NZ
Te kawerongo hiko o te mana o nga pouwhenua o te ao
May 2018                                         ISSN 0113-2237                                           www.icomos.org.nz

Scribblings from
the Chair
Ian Bowman

                   The honourable
                   editor of the News
                   has reminded me
                   that further
                   scribblings from
                   the chair are in
                   Unfortunately, no
overseas adventures to report on,
nor a naan in sight. However, I am
pleased to report that your
Executive Board (EB) continues to
work tirelessly to further the aims of
ICOMOS here and internationally.

A major milestone was passed at
our last meeting where, to much
fanfare and drum rolling, the
Strategic Plan was passed. Over
the last four years or so it has been
knocked into pretty good shape
by the EB and will “provide a focus
and measure for activities of
ICOMOS NZ for the next five
years”. It identifies our guiding
principles, strategic priorities and
who will do what by when. The
plan will be winging its way shortly
to all members

  New faces                       3
  Diary of a New Zealand
  SPAB Scholar                     9
  International Day 18 April      13
  Heritage@Risk                   15
  Training                        17     Beam me up! Stacy Vallis, deep in thought, hooks up Auckland board members to
  Heritage Legend: Pam Wilson     19     Wellington while Pamela Dziwulska beams in loud and clear from Winterthur, Switzerland.
                                         Stacy’s currently tinkering with technology to make board meetings more accessible for
  Heritage in the News            20
                                         those in far flung locations and to avoid the inevitable competition for weekend cheap
                                         plane seats with rugby fans.
ICOMOS New Zealand NEWS - Te kawerongo hiko o te mana o nga pouwhenua o te ao - Icomos NZ
already taken advantage of the             Greg Vossler, Amanda Mulligan
from the co-secretaries and I am     early bird registration fee.               and I had a meeting with David

hopeful it will be up on our website         t the Delhi GA, ICOMOS NZ          Parker, in his capacity of Minister of
shortly. We encourage                        was a co-sponsor, with             the Environment (he has many
all members to read it and to pass           ICOMOS Australia, of               other hats as well). We wanted to
on any suggestions for               ICOMOS Canada’s proposal to                express our support of the Labour
improvement.                         establish a working group (WG)             Party’s manifesto to explore and
                                     concerned with Indigenous                  implement a National Policy

     he ICOMOS International Day cultural heritage. This would                  Statement and to discuss how this
     for Monuments and Sites was     involve the development of                 might happen and what were
     celebrated in New Zealand on guidance on the theory and best               other alternatives. Prior to the
April 18. This year the theme was    practices related to the                   meeting our little group prepared
"Heritage for Generations" where     identification and conservation.           an issues and options paper (a
we celebrated and recognised         Towards the end of April,                  NPS, a National Environmental
the need to transfer knowledge       Christophe Rivet, ICOMOS                   Standard or National Planning
from the more experienced            Canada President, organised a              Standards or a combination of
professionals in the heritage field  skype meeting with those                   both), a brief background history
to emerging professionals, our next interested in contributing to the           of heritage legislation and an
leaders. The theme was               working group. The time                    update of an ICOMOS position
suggested at the ICOMOS General difference throughout the world                 paper on a National Policy
Assembly in New Delhi in             meant that it was a little difficult for   Statement that ICOMOS originally
December 2017 by the                 all to make that meeting.                  prepared in the late 1990s. We
international Emerging               However, I was able to skype with          spent between half and three
Professionals Working Group,         Ian Travers, ICOMOS Australia              quarters of an hour with the
which was enthusiastically           President, Christophe and another          Minister, who was obviously
embraced by all participants. Our Canadian. A further skype                     engaged with the subject. He
NZ Emerging Professionals Working meeting with others is planed                 gave us some homework – an
Group organised a number of          shortly. Some of the issues                eight to ten- page summary of the
events in Auckland and               discussed included                         history of heritage legislation and
Christchurch (there was also one     •     adequate funding (ICOMOS             what needs to change. So that
separately organised in                    Canada are likely to host the        was a very positive outcome and
Wellington), all of which were well        WG with a secretariat)               we anticipate having the
attended and thoroughly enjoyed. •         how best to further World            homework finished within the
Thanks to Stacy Vallis, Priyanka           Heritage listing of Indigenous       month and a return appointment
Misra, Rebecca Ramsay, Amanda              cultural heritage;                   to go through the paper with him.
Ohs and Jenny May for all their      •     there may be different

work in making the day very                approaches to cultural                        hessa Stevens and I had a
memorable.                                 heritage between indigenous                   meeting with Stefan
                                           groups;                                       Corbett, the new Manager
                                     •     there should be a broad              Heritage Policy, Ministry for Culture
Organising of the ICOMOS Suva              participation of as many ISCs        and Heritage. We were keen to
Conference “Culture: Conserving it         as possible and particularly         make ourselves known and how
Together”, is well under way and           with the Emerging Professional       we could help with policy settings
registration is open. As well as           Working Group                        and development. We covered a
being a major sponsor itself,          • ensuring that any conclusions          broad range of topics, particularly
ICOMOS NZ is approaching a                 should be shared within the          on protection of cultural heritage.
number of organisations for                ICOMOS community.                    This is clearly a (welcome) focus for
additional sponsorship. I            Christophe hoped that there                the Ministry given the statements
encourage as many NZ ICOMOS          would be a first meeting in                from the Prime Minister that she
members as possible to attend to     Canada towards the end of the              was keen to take up the Minister of
not only hear presentations but to year. So, all very positive initial          Culture and Heritage position to
also show our commitment to our      moves on a very worthwhile                 protect cultural heritage.
fellow ICOMOS members in the         subject.                                   Incidentally we have invited her to
Pacific. I will be going and have                                               open our AGM but have yet had a

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We are still waiting to hear about a
                                                     Individual Members
meeting with the Associate
Minister of Culture and Heritage to                  Jamie Jacobs
discuss NZ’s lack of progress with

World Heritage listing.                                   amie
                                                          Jacobs is
So mostly positive progress in a                          the
number of areas. I’ll keep you                       Central
updated on any further                               Region
developments in my next                              Director of
scribblings.                                         Heritage New

                                       New Members
Best wishes                                          Pouhere Taonga and has been in
Ian Bowman                                           the role since January of this
Chairperson                                          year. He holds a dual Bachelor’s
                                                     degree in History and the History of
                                                     Art & Architecture from the
                                                     University of Pittsburgh, a Master of
                                                     Architectural History from the
                                                     University of Virginia’s School of
                                                     Architecture, and a PhD in
                                                     American Studies from George
                                                     Washington University, a degree
                                                     that focused on architectural
                                                     history, urban history, historic
                                                     preservation, and material culture.

                                                     Jamie has 18 years of work
                                                     experience in the field of heritage
                                                     conservation, specifically
                                                     understanding, establishing, and
                                                     analysing the heritage values of
                                                     historic places and how these
                                                     values are represented through
                                                     built heritage and natural
                                                     landscapes. After arriving in New
                                                     Zealand from the United States at
                                                     the end of 2015 until starting in his
                                                     current role, Jamie worked as an
                                                     independent historian and
                                                     heritage consultant for Heritage
                                                     New Zealand, the Department of
                                                     Conservation, and Victoria
                                                     University of Wellington.

                                                     Prior to his relocation, he worked
                                                     for fifteen years in the United States
                                                     in Washington, DC, as an
                                                     architectural historian for two of
                                                     the principal heritage
                                                     conservation programmes within
                                                     the Federal government: the
                                                     Historic American Buildings Survey
                                                     (HABS) and the National Historic

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Landmarks (NHL) Program, both         (SAH), published in 2016. A current    of heritage areas and cultural
agencies within the US National       history project is investigating the   landscapes. He was a member of
Park Service. Founded in 1933,        urban development of the Te Aro        the Auckland Branch Committee
HABS is the US’s oldest federal       Flat area of Wellington.               of the New Zealand Historic Places
heritage programme and its                                                   Trust for 12 years.
largely self-produced collection of   Clare Kelly
measured drawings, photographs,                                              Jane and Antony Matthews

and written history documenting                                              established their architectural
American architectural heritage is                                           practice, Matthews & Matthews
housed at the Library of Congress                                            Architects Ltd in 2000, providing
where it is available online. The                                            architectural services and
                                     is a registered
NHL Program oversees the                                                     specialising in architectural
preparation of nominations for                                               conservation and adaptive re-use
                                     principal of
potential NHLs and facilitates the                                           of heritage buildings.
                                     Clare Kelly
rigorous process whereby the
                                     Architect, a Christchurch practice
nation’s most important historic                                          Antony has considerable
                                     specialising in heritage building
places are identified and                                                 experience in a range of
                                     assessment, conservation planning
recognised. From January through                                          architectural and conservation
                                     and interpretation design projects.
June 2015, Jamie was seconded                                             projects. He has been the project
to the position of Acting Branch                                          and conservation architect for a
                                     She also designs urban and rural
Chief of the NHL Program. He has                                          number of historic buildings,
                                     residential architecture and
also lectured at American                                                 successfully integrating the design
                                     interiors. In her core practice she
University in Washington, DC, and                                         of new components within the
                                     researches and documents
the University of Maryland, College                                       context of historic buildings and
                                     evidence for the heritage listing of
Park.                                                                     their surrounds.
                                     historic buildings, monuments and
                                     places and writes Assessment of
Jamie has lectured and published Effects Reports for Resource             Retaining heritage values with the
widely on a variety of topics. His                                        sensitive integration of new
                                     Consent applications for changes
book Detached America: Building to heritage listed buildings.             elements, seismic and services
Houses in Postwar Suburbia was                                            upgrading, as well as fabric repair
published by the University of                                            and conservation are important
                                     She also produces measured
Virginia Press in 2015. The study                                         components of the projects he has
                                     drawings of heritage buildings and
positioned the design and                                                 been involved with.
                                     prepare conservation reports and
marketing of houses during the       conservation plans.
postwar period (1945-70) as a                                             Antony was project and
principal outcome of a vast and                                           conservation architect for the
long-lived collaboration between Antony Matthews                          redevelopment of the Parnell
government and business—fuelled                                           Baths, the conservation and

by millions of middle-class                  ntony                        adaptive re-use of The Pah, for the
homeowners—that established the              Matthews                     TSB Wallace Art Centre in
financial mechanisms, consumer                                            Hillsborough and the structural
frameworks, domestic ideologies,     graduated with                       upgrading and adaptation of the
and architectural precedents,        a Bachelor of                        Warkworth Town Hall.
which permanently altered the        Architecture
geographic and demographic           from the School                      Recent projects include the
landscape of the United              of Architecture, University of       refurbishment   of the 1950s former
States. Other recent published       Auckland in 1987. He is a            Mt  Roskill Borough  Council
work includes an article in White    registered architect and an          Chambers     and structural
House History titled “The President, Associate Member of the New          upgrading at Pembridge
the Press, and Proximity: The        Zealand Institute of Architects.     Merchant House in Princes Street,
Creation of the White House Press                                         Auckland. Antony is providing
Center” (Spring 2015) and            Antony has studied at ICCROM in      ongoing advice to the contractors
historical essays in SAH Archipedia, Rome, completing the section of      for the Central Rail Link below the
an online publication of the         the Architectural Conservation       former Chief Post Office.
Society of Architectural Historians  Course focusing on conservation

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Currently he is working on the        project with Brian Allingham,            well-known architect, writer and
seismic upgrade and adaptation        setting up a tribal rock art trust and   historian.
of the Hastings Municipal Building    leading the initial development of
as a performing arts centre.          Te Ana, Ngāi Tahu’s rock art visitor     In the two years that she worked
Antony has prepared a number of       centre in Timaru.                        for Synaxon the practice was
conservation plans, heritage                                                   involved in the long-term care of
assessments, condition reports and   With a late 1980’s BA in                  some of the oldest houses in
urban heritage studies and has       archaeology from Otago, in 2004           Wellington. These included the
experience as an expert witness      Gerard returned to archaeological Colonial Cottage Museum (1858)
for Council and Environment Court    studies at the University of              on Nairn Street, and Chew
hearings.                            Auckland. His Masters research            Cottage (1865) on Ottawa Road.
                                     examined two South Island rock
Gerard O’Regan                       art sites as wāhi tapu, an idea that In the mid-1990s Moira worked for
                                     was extended to the North Island          Nash Parker Architects in London.

         erard                       as well  in his doctorate      “He  Ana,  Nash Parker was a small practice
         O’Regan                     He  Whakairo:     Examining      Māori    that specialised in obtaining
         (Ngāi                       Belief  of Place    Through    the        planning and listed building
Tahu), Post-                         Archaeological        Context    of Rock  consents. An early project involved
doctoral                             Art”.  Over   that   time  Gerard    also a row of four Robert Adams Grade
Research Fellow,                     served for nearly a decade as a           II* listed townhouses that dated
James Henare                         ministerial appointee to the Maori from the c.1770s. The houses and
Māori Research Centre, University Heritage Council of NZ Historic              mews had been converted into an
of Auckland.                         Places Trust. His current position as office building and conference
                                     a post-doctoral research fellow at centre, and all were in a poor
Gerard O’Regan has worked in         the University of Auckland’s James state. The practice worked on this
New Zealand heritage                 Henare Māori Research Centre              project for a number of years;
management for 30 years. Starting    focuses    on his  interests  in better   returning the buildings to into use
as a trainee Ethnology technician    recording    and    understanding         as houses, reinstating the party
and later as a collection manager,   Maori   rock  art  and   improving        walls, conserving the fine plaster
he cared for taonga Māori at the     Māori   heritage     outcomes     from    walls and ceilings, and protecting
then National Museum before          archaeological        endeavours.         the vulnerable (and valuable)
providing regional services to       These   are  both    subjects   of his    marble fire-places from damage
community museums and art            current   Royal   Society   of  NZ        and theft.
galleries in the lower South Island  Marsden     research    “Initiating   a
as the Otago Museum Liaison          Māori archaeology of threatened In 2003 she moved to a large,
Officer. At that time, he was        North Island rock art”.                   commercial practice called Rolfe-
active in the Māori museum                                                     Judd and specialised in traditional
workers network, served on the                                                 construction methods. She was
Museum’s Association council and Moira Smith                                   project architect for a number of
researched bicultural                                                          interesting projects including the

developments in New Zealand                                                    adaptive reuse of a Lutyens bank
museums.                                        oira is                        on Leadenhall Street, an addition
                                                a built                        to the Grade II listed Caledonian
Within Ngāi Tahu Gerard                                                        Club in Belgravia, and the
promoted heritage kaupapa            heritage                                  refurbishment of an 1839 Decimus
through his local rūnanga at         specialist with                           Burton building on Lower Regent
Moeraki, the iwi’s heritage policy   a background                              Street.
committee, a term on the tribal      in architecture.
council Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu                                                 Returning to Wellington in 2006 she
and as its first heritage manager in After graduating from Victoria            completed a master’s in Museum
the post-Treaty settlement tribal    University School of Architecture in and Heritage Studies at Victoria
administration. Gerard’s particular the early 1990s she worked for             University in 2014. From 2012 she
interest in Ngāi Tahu’s rock art     Synaxon Architects in Wellington.         worked for the Wellington City
heritage involved several years      Synaxon was owned by Martin               Council as a heritage advisor on a
managing the tribe’s survey          and Sallie Hill, and Martin was a         series of contracts, taking up a

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permanent position as Senior
Heritage Advisor in 2016. Her work
                                     Individual Members:                    Kate Jordan

at the council began as one of a     Emerging                                     ate Jordan
team of researchers that updated
the council’s heritage inventory.
                                     Professionals                                is a
Most recently she was part of the    David Batchelor                        currently
MBIE working group that prepared

                                                                            working on the
guidance on “Securing parapets              avid                            Suffrage 125
and facades on unreinforced                 Batchelor                       online
masonry buildings” following the            is an
                                                                            exhibition at
2016 Hurunui/Kaikōura                emerging
                                                                            Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for
earthquakes.                         heritage
                                                                            Culture and Heritage.
                                     professional in
Vanessa Tanner                       Wellington.                            After undergrad and honours in
                                     After                                  history at Victoria University of

        anessa                                                              Wellington, Kate completed her
                                     with a Master of Urban Planning
        has 20                                                              Masters at University of Auckland.
                                     from The University of Auckland
        years'                                                              Her thesis looked at home
                                     and a thesis on heritage
experience in                                                               gardening in New Zealand from
the field of                         legislation, he gained a contract      1945 to 1970.
cultural                             with Heritage New Zealand which
                                     brought him to Wellington. He then
heritage                                                                    After graduating, she worked in
                                     continued his studies in History and
management.                                                                 the magazine and publishing
                                     Public Management at Victoria
                                                                            industries, which provided a range
She qualified as an archaeologist    University of Wellington.              of skills in communication and
and worked variously for the                                                project management that are
Department of Conservation, the      Since studying, he was employed        incredibly useful in the heritage
                                     at Beca Ltd where he conducted
New Zealand Archaeological                                                  industry.
                                     heritage assessments for resource
Association and as a consulting
                                     consent applications. During this
archaeologist before taking the                                           After a few months working part-
archaeologist role at the Auckland   time he was also engaged with        time tour guide in Melbourne, Kate
Regional Council followed by the     various community groups and         realised she really like talking to
Auckland Council for a period of     local initiatives to improve and     people about history and historic
                                     convey heritage values to the
13 years.                                                                 buildings and returned to university
                                                                          to undertake a post graduate
Following four years working as a                                         diploma in Museum and Heritage
Senior Heritage Advisor at           Now employed at Cuttriss             Studies (MHST) at Victoria
Wellington City Council where,       Consultants Ltd in Lower Hutt as an University.
                                     Intermediate Planner, he
among other things she managed
                                     specializes in heritage              The theoretical side of the MHST
the Council’s Built Heritage
                                     management and promotion. He course gave Kate a sound base in
Incentive Fund for the
                                     is also the Director of Wellington   critical heritage theory and
conservation and seismic
strengthening of buildings,          Heritage Week, a community           assessing heritage values, while
Vanessa has just taken up the        sourced festival of heritage related the practical side ensured she
                                     events which aims to showcase        gained experience in a variety of
position of Manager Archaeology
                                     and empower local identities.        heritage organisations, including
at Heritage New Zealand Pouhere
                                     David seeks to further his           the Wellington Botanic Gardens
                                     involvement in heritage              and Wellington City Council. A
                                     management in Wellington.            highlight was completing a
                                                                            conservation plan for the New
                                                                            Plymouth Women’s Rest Rooms.

                                                                            Since finishing her post graduate
                                                                            diploma, Kate has worked as a

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contractor offering historic            heritage in virtual environments,
research and interpretation             aiming to capture both the
services. Projects have included        intangible and tangible elements
the Gordon Wilson Flats Oral            of the architecture; to ultimately
History Project, desktop research       enhance each user’s
for the Selwyn District Council         understanding of architectural
heritage list, and research work for    and heritage significance. This
the Waitangi Tribunal. In her           project was the first time Hannah
current role at MCH, she’s assisting    had worked on a digital heritage
with the creation of an online          project. It allowed her to apply her
                                                                                   ICOMOS New Zealand News is published by
exhibition commemorating the            skill set within a new way, where        ICOMOS New Zealand (Inc.) / Te Mana O Nga
125th anniversary of women              she had to consider the concept         Pouwhenua O Te Ao - the New Zealand National
receiving the vote in New Zealand.      of heritage within a virtual                Committee of the International Council on
                                                                                            Monuments and Sites
                                        environment - and how this
Hannah Rushton                          presents new opportunities within                    Editor: David Reynolds

                                        the field of heritage conservation.     Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of

       annah is                         This was an academic experience          the ICOMOS New Zealand Executive Board.
                                                                                        © 2018 ICOMOS New Zealand
       in her                           that has enriched her interest in
       fourth                           heritage and has further informed           Editorial contact: news@icomos.org.nz
                                        her understanding of heritage.              Secretariat: secretariat@icomos.org.nz
year at                                                                                    Web: www.icomos.org.nz
Victoria                                                                                International: www.icomos.org

University of                           Following the period of the
                                                                                   Postal: P O Box 90 851 Victoria Street West,
Wellington,                             scholarship research, Hannah co-                  Auckland 1142, New Zealand
completing her undergraduate            authored three papers. Each
study this year. She is working         discusses different topics within the
towards a Bachelor of                   digital heritage research. In her
Architectural Studies, majoring in      writing of these papers Hannah
Architecture; and a Bachelor of         focuses on the way modern
Arts, majoring in Art History.          architectural heritage is perceived
Throughout this degree Hannah           within the contemporary
has developed technical                 landscape - and how a virtual
architectural design skills and a       heritage experience can foster
theoretical understanding - both        understanding of this architectural
within art and architectural history,   period, to assist with preservation
and heritage theory.                    of these buildings, possibly within a
                                        wider context.
This past summer, Hannah was a
Summer Research Scholar at              For the duration of her degree,
Victoria University - which was an      Hannah plans to continue
opportunity to put her skills from      expanding her skills relating to her
University to use. She worked as a      interests in art history and
research assistant, within a group      architecture; and considering how
of fellow summer scholars who           these can be placed within the
were selected to work on the            wider context of heritage.
Gordon Wilson Flats Digital
Heritage Project. The work digitally
documented the flats, which are a
heritage listed building in
Wellington. Using a range of
recordings - 3D models, laser
scans, and photogrammetry - they
presented the experience of the
flats within virtual reality. The
research she was involved in
explored the representation of

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construction and repair methods
SPAB’S 2018 Scholars hit the conservation trail                             available today is out on site.

                                                                            The SPAB Lethaby Scholarship is
                                                                            awarded annually to up to four
                                                                            young architects, building
                                                                            surveyors or structural engineers
                                                                            who have completed their
                                                                            college-based training and have a
                                                                            demonstrable enthusiasm for
                                                                            historic building conservation. After
                                                                            spending the first six months as a
                                                                            close-knit group, they separate for
                                                                            the last three months of the
                                                                            programme, developing their own
                                                                            specific areas of interest relating to
                                                                            the life and culture of the British
                                                                            Country House.

                                                                            Former SPAB Scholars are among
                                                                            today’s leading UK conservation

     here is no parallel in the      and craftspeople working in            experts, caring for many of the
     architectural conservation      traditional ways. Their travels will   most significant buildings in Britain
     world to the annual SPAB        enable them to meet fellow             – some are cathedral architects,
(Society for the Protection of       architects, building specialists       some look after palaces, great
Ancient Buildings) Lethaby           and craftspeople working in            country houses, National Trust
Scholarship. The three newest        traditional ways. Starting with a      houses and English Heritage sites.
recruits to this long-established    week in the south east of England      Others care for lesser known gems
training scheme for young            they have visited projects at          of equal historic and architectural
architectural and building           Westminster Abbey and Hampton          interest. The Scholarship is a
professionals now join a roster of   Court Palace, as well as small-        prestigious and rigorous
talented individuals, many of        scale, domestic projects in central    educational award designed to
whom care for the most significant   London.                                foster excellence and promote
buildings in Britain.                                                       understanding of the unique skills
                                    The group will move further afield      and crafts that continue to
Architects Matt Loosley from        over the next nine months visiting      underpin our built heritage.
Manchester, Aucklander and          castles in the Inner Hebrides,
ICOMOS NZ Board member,             exploring the country’s cathedrals, For more information go to
Pamela Dziwulska, and George        building with mud in Cumbria and https://www.spab.org.uk/learning/
Hodgson from London, (pictured      visiting slate quarries in Wales. This scholarship
above), have embarked on a          highly regarded educational
prestigious nine-month programme scheme has run for more than 80
of site, workshop and studio visits years. Since 1930 it has set over 150
across the UK.                      young architecture and building
                                    professionals on the road to
                                    positions of great responsibility in
The aim is for SPAB’s Scholars to   the conservation sector.
gain hands-on experience of
building conservation in action     The Scholarship continues to have
guided by experts in the field and enormous relevance. With growing
to use this knowledge to inform     concern at the lack of skilled
their own approach in their         professionals with the knowledge
working lives. Their travels will   needed to deal sensitively with
enable them to meet fellow          historic buildings, SPAB knows that
architects, building specialists    the best way to learn about

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Diary of a New
Zealand SPAB
Pamela Dziwulska

   have been on the road for 8
   weeks now having travelled in
   and around London, the West
Midlands and the South-West of
England, and even North-West
Wales. We have seen churches,
chapels and cathedrals, palaces,
military batteries, barn houses,
medieval halls and thatch-roofed
cottages. The topics we’ve
covered include lime, plasters and
mortar; carpentry and
dendrochronology; lime; brick and
stone masonry; architectural
ironwork – did I mention lime?

It is difficult to describe everything
we cover – there is a lot! Some
days include 4 different sites across
a 12-hour day with note taking on
the go, seconds to complete a
sketch, and taking turns driving or
navigating (how did they manage
this before sat-nav?!). Other days
might be one site with several
smaller projects on the go. The
following are some examples of
our days.

April 5th 2018 – Whiteleaf Cottages,
Princes Risborough,
Buckinghamshire with Andrew

These cottages date back to the
Tudor era and over time have
been added to and altered. They
were damaged by a fire in the
thatched roof; a common
problem with this building
typology. We were asked to
investigate the building defects of
one of the three cottages,
whether pre-existing or caused by
the fires and suggest how we
might repair it.
                                         Photos: Pamela Dziwulska

ICOMOS New Zealand News May 2018                                    Page 9
ICOMOS New Zealand NEWS - Te kawerongo hiko o te mana o nga pouwhenua o te ao - Icomos NZ
April 18th 2018 – Hampton Court
Palace, Richmond upon Thames,
London, with Emma Simpson
(Brickwork Conservation Ltd,
Contractor), William Page
(Surveyor to the Fabric, Hampton
Court Palace) and Andrew Harris
(Martin Ashley Architecture).

Hampton Court Palace was built
by Cardinal Wolsey starting from
1515, then confiscated by Henry
VIII whom extended and
developed the building and
grounds for himself.

There are 3 parts to our day:

     irstly we look at brick and
     mortar repairs to the barracks
     by Simpson Conservation,
where we see the failures of the
brickwork due to poorly fired bricks
and hasty original construction.
Emma highlights the importance of
matching in the array of colours
evident in the bricks when
replacing defective bricks, and the
careful testing and matching of an
appropriate mortar for new
bedding and pointing.

ICOMOS New Zealand News May 2018       Page 10
     econdly, a tour of the Palace
     roof with William Page who
     shows us the development of
the grounds and the extent of the
roof details. The entirety of the roof
covering is code 8 lead sheet with
an extensive network of walkways
and steps installed for safe access.
The twisted chimney stacks are
actually Victorian replacements,
145 in total.

                                       stuck into practical work. Previous
                                       Scholars and Fellows built a lime

      astly a history and survey       kiln on the grounds as part of CAT’s
      exercise with Andrew Harris on array of examples of alternative
      architectural ironwork – the     building technologies. The site is on
Tijou Screens by French blacksmith an old Welsh Slate Quarry. We
Jean Tijou in the gardens are an       used a lot of slate over the week,
early example of Repousse              learning how to select and shape
Leafwork; a highly skilled method      the pieces we find to complete
of shaping wrought iron to make        the various improvements.
beautiful leaves that decorate the
                                       Tuesday, we start giving the kiln a
scrolling iron framework. Andrew is
                                       bit of TLC – clearing the
investigating the movements of
the screens and asks us to help
him investigate their fixing – or lack
of fixing – to their current plinths.

May 8th-11th – Centre for
Alternative Technology,
Llwyngwern Quarry, Machynlleth,
with Stafford Holmes

This week was all about lime.
Stafford Holmes, Architect and co-
author of Building with Lime, gives
us morning and evening talks, and
during the day we are

ICOMOS New Zealand News May 2018                                               Page 11
surrounds from overgrowth,
improving the slaking tank, tank         About SPAB:
covers and kiln covering. By                                                  The Fellowship started 1987
                                         The Society for the Protection of
Wednesday lunchtime we’ve lit
                                         Ancient Buildings was established    (available to carpenters, masons,
the kiln to dry it out. In the evening
                                         in 1877 by designer William Morris   painters [glass, wall painting]) to
we weigh our coke coal and
                                         and architect Phillip Webb. The      give craftspeople an insight into
limestone and place it in the kiln
                                         Scholarship began in 1930 to         the materials used adjacent to
for a day and two nights of firing.
                                         provide professionals (architects,   their own.
Friday morning, we take it out for
                                         building surveyors, engineers)
weighing and slaking but                                                      The SPAB Scholarships and
                                         early in their careers, the
unfortunately it hasn’t been                                                  Fellowships are open to everyone
                                         technical skills required to
successful – the lime is too                                                  internationally – contact them
                                         understand historic building
hydraulic, so the slaking takes a lot                                         should you be interested in
                                         construction and detailing
longer than Stafford would like. We                                           applying.
                                         methods in order to better
put it aside and use some
                                         understand how to protect them       Applications open in October
Quicklime that Stafford had on
                                         through the knowledge and skill      and should be submitted by
standby and get slaking. The lime
                                         of the craftspeople who built        December 1st.
putty made will be ready for
Stafford’s course the following

ICOMOS New Zealand News May 2018                                                                         Page 12
International Day for
Monuments and Sites

“Sharing stories and the transfer of
knowledge between generations
is a crucial step in cultural
development, characterising the
human experience since time

   COMOS International Day for
   Monuments and Sites is
   celebrated every year on 18 April,
following establishment by the 22nd
UNESCO General Conference in
1983. The theme for 2018 was
‘Heritage for Generations’, led by
the ICOMOS international Emerging
Professionals Working Group. An
Important aspect of the theme was
the intergenerational transfer of
knowledge to enable dialogue             Heritage Buildings as Social Media’ Walking Tour, Auckland
between generations of heritage                                                                             Photos: Stacy Vallis
practitioners, aided by the use of
social media and communications
technologies. The global ICOMOS          A number of events were organised
community was asked to consider          by ICOMOS New Zealand and                    Social Media’ Walking Tour and
the various digital technologies that    Heritage New Zealand Pouhere                ‘Careers in Heritage Q and A’ panel.
today facilitate the exchange of         Taonga, across Auckland,                    Panellists included Robin Byron, Dr
ideas, in the classroom, practice        Wellington and Christchurch. The            Gerard O’Regan, Myfanwy Eaves,
and in the field. ICOMOS New             ICOMOS NZ Emerging Professionals            Tanya Sorrell and George Farrant, all
Zealand participated in the              also collaborated with the University       of whom shared insight into the
international social media               of Auckland Archaeological Society          challenges and joys of working
campaign alongside our colleagues        (ArchSoc) and Heritage Now groups           within the field of heritage
from as far as Ireland, Spain, the       to present a ‘Heritage Buildings as         conservation. Both events were
Netherlands, India, the United States,                                               attended by university students,
Japan, and Argentina.

ICOMOS New Zealand News May 2018                                                                                    Page 13
heritage professionals and members    Photographs and livestream videos         Top: Careers in Heritage Q and A Panel’,
of the public.                        of the New Zealand events are             Auckland.                 Photo: Priyanka MIsra
                                                                                Centre: ‘Intergenerational Talks,
                                      available via the ICOMOSNZ
                                                                                Christchurch          Photos: Christine Whybrew
                                      Facebook page,
In Christchurch, a series of                                                    ___________________________________
intergenerational talks were
                                      OSNZ/) and the ICOMOS
organised by Jenny May and                                                      A panellist, as your assistance and
                                      international Facebook page
Amanda Ohs, involving                                                           insight was greatly appreciated! We
presentations by ICOMOS NZ’s                                                    were also thrilled to receive
                                      OSinternational/). Participating in a
‘Senior’, ‘Intermediate’ and                                                    messages of support from various
                                      social media campaign bolstered
‘Emerging’ professionals. A very                                                community groups. As we are
                                      visibility, as well as awareness of the
hands-on approach to enabling                                                   constantly looking to expand our
                                      key messages being shared by
knowledge transfer, was showcased                                               ICOMOS NZ Emerging Professionals
                                      generations of heritage
by the ‘Plaster Repair’ workshop,                                               membership base, please pass on
held at the Old Government                                                      this message and get in touch with
Buildings in Wellington and                                                     us!
facilitated by Paulette Wallace and   Special thanks go to our
Paul Cummack.                         collaborators, along with the Q and       Stacy Vallis (ICOMOS NZ EPWG)

ICOMOS New Zealand News May 2018                                                                                       Page 14
Heritage at Risk: Amanda Ohs
Brutalist Beauty: Former Wellington Teacher’s Training College, Karori

      uilt in two stages between     and Māori rights movement. The            “…it’s a most unfortunate word
      1966 and 1977, this complex    architectural value of the complex        to have been adopted by
      was designed by prominent      was recognised with a New                 architectural journalists because
Wellington architect Bill Toomath.   Zealand Institute of Architects           it has nothing to do with
                                     National Silver Medal in 1972, and        brutishness. It comes straight
Stanley William (Bill) Toomath       an Enduring Architecture award in         from the French “brut” and it
(1925-2014) is well recognised as    2005. The complex has high                simply means raw, without
an important New Zealand             integrity and authenticity and has        trimmings, without a surface
architect. As a student he was       seen little alteration over time.         covering of something else. It’s
part of the progressive group who                                              to do with honest and direct use
formed The Group (1946-1968),        Proposed for listing as a Category        of materials. This word
and after graduating he travelled    1 Historic Place by Heritage New          “brutalism” has done more
through Europe on a motorcycle,      Zealand earlier this year, the site is    damage than any other tricky
including a visit to Le Corbusier    one of the best examples of               phrase.”
(how cool is that?).                 Brutalism in the country. Its             (Moller with Dudding, ‘Interview
                                     heritage value was recognised as          with Bill Allington, Jim Beard, Bill
The Wellington Teacher’s Training    early as 2007 when it was                 Toomath and Derek Wilson’ in
College, along with the Toomath      proposed for heritage listing in the      Stratford, 4 Architects, 1950-1980,
Senior House (1948-49) and the       Wellington District Plan by               p.26)
Mackay House (1961) are some of      submission. The complex currently
his most notable works.              has no heritage protection.              Heritage@Risk
                                                                              In 2015 the ownership of the
The complex of multi-story                                                    College was transferred from the
buildings together with its          ‘Brut’ vs ‘Brutishness’                  Wellington College of Education to
landscape design reflects mid-       The complex typifies Brutalism with      Victoria University, and early the
twentieth century teacher training   its large – scale concrete               following year the complex was
reforms in response to the post      construction and varied use of           vacated by students and staff. In
World War Two ‘baby boom,’ and       exposed textured concrete.               December 2017 Ryman
is associated with some notable      Toomath acknowledged the                 Healthcare purchased the
contributors to New Zealand’s        difficulty with the term ‘Brutalism’     complex from Victoria University,
educational system, arts sector      and public perceptions:                  and in April this year the owners

ICOMOS New Zealand News May 2018                                                                           Page 15
Take Action                          ●       Write to the Wellington City
                                       The Architecture Centre Inc. has             Council
                                       been carrying out a letter and               councillors@wcc.govt.nz
                                       press release writing campaign -             asking for them to enable the
                                       see http://architecture.org.nz/.             Karori Teachers’ College site
                                                                                    to be adaptively re-used for
                                       The Architectural Centre Inc.
                                       suggests the following ways to get
                                                                             ●      Write to the Wellington City
                                       ●   Contribute to the “Barbican of           Council
                                           the South” Project. Write a              councillors@wcc.govt.nz
                                           poem, draw a drawing,                    asking for the Karori Teachers’
                                           confound Photoshop, do a                 College to be heritage-listed.
                                           concept plan for an
                                           apartment. Details at            Photos: The Architectural Centre:
                                           the“Barbican of the South”
applied for a Certificate of
Compliance for the demolition          ●   Send them to the Architecture
of a number of buildings on the            Centre Ltd at
campus. The certificate is likely to       arch@architecture.org.nz so
be granted and will be valid for 5         they can add them to their
years.                                     website.

ICOMOS New Zealand News May 2018                                                                                                  Page 16
Training 2018      The Archaeology of War
                                   Sydney, June 22-23 2018
                                                                      Points of Departure: 2018 APT
                                                                      22-27 September, Buffalo,
                                   On June 22-23 2018 the Australian
                                   National Maritime Museum will host New York
                                   a two- day event that will
                                   investigate the relationships        Registration open
                                   between public remembrance           Join 600+ conference participants
                                   and archaeology.                     as we come together to celebrate
                                                                        Association for Preservation
                                   The conference will look at the role Technology’s (APT) 50th year and
                                   of archaeology in a variety of       look towards our future!
                                   conflict-related themes, including
                                   the repatriation of human remains Buffalo was the sixth-largest port in
                                   and bringing closure to those        the world in 1906. By 1951 it was
                                   affected by war. It will explore     the 11th-largest industrial centre in
                                   archaeology’s commemorative          the country, the largest inland
                                   function, its role and importance in water port, the second-largest
                                   the investigation of past conflicts  railroad re and the 15th-largest city
                                   as well as the use of new (and       in the country. It was literally and
                                   future) technologies.                physically one of the most
                                                                        important points of departure on
                                   The conference will also raise       the continent. As APT looks forward
                                   questions about how archaeology to our “Next 50,” we find ourselves
                                   might reveal the effects of past     at our own significant “point of
                                   warfare on society and what role it departure.”
                                   might play in understanding loss
                                   and grief and shaping ways of        For more information and to
                                                                        register, visit the conference
                                   Read the full two day program

ICOMOS New Zealand News May 2018                                                                     Page 17
pleased to announce its fifth
                                       version on Impact Assessments to
                                       be held in October 2018. This
                                       year, the course is also linked to
                                       the World Heritage Leadership
                                       programme in order to expand its
                                       focus on all forms of Impact
                                       Assessments (SEA, EIA, HIA) and
Training on Heritage Impact            also the promote the benefits of
Assessments                            linking nature and culture in
                                       managing heritage.
                                                                          CULTURE: Conserving it
15-26 October, 2018
                                                                          Together Conference,
Shanghai and Jiangsu
                                       For more information and to apply, Suva, Fiji, 1-5 October 2018
Zhenze, China
                                       visit the WHITRAP website.
                                                                              Australia ICOMOS and ICOMOS
Application deadline: 15 July 2018                                            Pasifika are pleased to announce
                                       Download the Heritage Impact
                                       Assessments course Application         a joint planned conference to
Organizers                                                                    share knowledge, celebrate the
World Heritage Institute of Training                                          rich culture of the Pacific and
and Research for the Asia and the                                             discuss common issues on heritage
Pacific Region under the auspices                                             conservation across the region.
of UNESCO, Shanghai Centre
(WHITRAP, Shanghai); International                                            Registrations are open for the
Centre for the Study of the                                                   CULTURE: Conserving it Together
Preservation and Restoration of                                               Conference, Suva, Fiji, 1-5 October
Cultural Property (ICCROM)                                                    2018
Zhenze Town Government                                                        Supported by ICOMOS New
                                       ICOFORT International
                                       Conference                             Click here for information
The UNESCO World Heritage              23-26 October 2018, Hikone,
Committee has observed that            Japan                                  The
many activities, such as tourism,
infrastructure development, new
                                       Following the series of ICOFORT
buildings, urban renewal and           conferences organized by local         Scholarship
changes to the land use being          ICOFORT organizations during the       Since 1930 the SPAB’s Lethaby
undertaken in and around World         last years, the Japanese ICOFORT       Scholarship has offered an
Heritage sites, may have negative      subcommittee of Japan ICOMOS           unrivalled training opportunity to
impacts on the Outstanding             will hold a conference in Hikone in    architects, surveyors and engineers
Universal Value (OUV). While           cooperation with the Municipality      in the early stages of their career
recognising the vital role of such     of Hikone. Hikone is a historic city   to travel countrywide together,
activities for providing benefits to   with a castle, which is designated     learning on site from architects
the society, the Committee has         as National Treasure, situated 70km    and specialist craftspeople
stressed the need to undertake         east of Kyoto.                         working in building conservation.
Impact Assessment studies, in                                                 Many Scholars are now among the
order to assess the potential          The theme of 2018 ICOFORT              leading conservation experts in the
negative and positive impacts on       Hikone is “Fortification and           UK and overseas, looking after a
heritage sites. As part of its         Defensive City”. The presentations     wide range of historic buildings
mandate to build capacities of         will be allocated into the issue-      and sites.
State Parties to the World Heritage    based interdisciplinary sessions.
Convention, WHITRAP together           Full details at                      Funding
with ICCROM has organised four         https://icoforthikone.wixsite.com/in Three or four Scholarships are
training courses in the past and is    fo                                   awarded each year, depending

ICOMOS New Zealand News May 2018                                                                           Page 18
on funding. There is no course fee       visa, information can be found on         recognition and protection of a
and Scholars will receive a bursary      the government website.                   wealth of historic places throughout
in the region of £8600 to cover                                                    Canterbury and the West Coast.
basic travel and living costs.           Contact SPAB for further
Supplementary finance is usually         information at info@spab.org.uk or        Pam was instrumental in saving
required. Running between March                                                    many historic places in Canterbury
                                         online at
and December, the nine-month                                                       and the West Coast, including the
                                                                                   Nurses' Memorial Chapel and the
full-time programme is highly            us
                                                                                   Edmonds Factory Gardens. She sat
rewarding but intensive (including
                                                                                   on many trusts, including the
some weekends) and it is not
                                                                                   Riccarton House and Bush Trust and
possible to combine it with work or
other forms of study.
                                         Heritage Legend:                          the Ngaio Marsh House and
                                                                                   Heritage Trust, and was on 'cup of
                                         Pam Wilson                                tea and biscuit' status with all of the
Programme                                                                          Category 1 owners of Canterbury's
The majority of the nine-month                                                     large homesteads. She was also a
programme is undertaken on site                                                    very astute negotiator and would
through visits guided by experts,                                                  front to developers and tell them
with support from a SPAB mentor.                                                   how important historic places were.
There are no formal lectures or
essay submissions, though Scholars                                           By the time of her retirement in 2007,
are required to make periodic                                                Pam’s office had been in the NZHPT
verbal reports and to submit a                                               offices in Gough House on Hereford
selection from their sketchbook at                                           Street. Practically every file we open
the end of the programme. The                                                in the Christchurch office has her
first six months of the Scholarship                                          handwriting or other mark of her
follow a programme arranged by                                               involvement, and even after she
the SPAB. The final three months                                             officially retired, she helped with
                                                                             work on research and registrations,
(the Plunket Scholarship) give
                                                                             such as the Kate Sheppard House in
Scholars the opportunity to explore
                                                                             Ilam. Like the rest of us, she was
in depth a theme of their choosing
                                                                             devastated about the loss of so
relating to the history, arts and                                            much heritage in the Canterbury

allied crafts of the country house.         am Wilson began work for the quakes of 2010 and 2011 but
                                            New Zealand Historic Places      rejoiced in what has been able to
Scholars observe and experience             Trust (NZHPT, now Heritage New be saved.
traditional techniques and            Zealand) after being on the branch
sympathetic repair in situ and visit committee for some years in the         Pam was an absolute legend and
structures of every age, size and     early 1980s. She worked on the         her deep knowledge, kind and
style. The SPAB favours a hands-on Women’s/Promotions Committee,             gentle manner, curiosity and
approach, giving Scholars chance focusing on advocacy for heritage           dedication is widely recognised,
to try skills such as timber framing, conservation, raising money to help both within Heritage New Zealand
thatching, blacksmithing and          with projects and elevating the        and in the wider community.
stone masonry, and to travel from     profile of the organisation generally,
time to time with the SPAB Fellows including gaining more members.            In 2007 she received two
                                                                             distinguished awards – the
                                      In January 1989 Pam began work as Christchurch City Council’s Civic
                                      the NZHPT Regional Officer for         Award and the New Zealand Order
Please note that the offer of a       Canterbury, based first in a tiny      of Merit for services to heritage
SPAB Scholarship is subject to the    office in what was then the            conservation.
applicant providing evidence of       Peterborough Centre, administered
their right to live and work in the   by the Arts Centre. The office                                       - Robyn Burgess
UK. The SPAB cannot guarantee         moved for a short time into the                                Heritage    New Zealand
that it will be able to sponsor any   Cranmer Centre and then to the
applicants with their visa            former Canterbury Provincial Council
applications. Applicants should first Buildings. Gradually other staff
consider their eligibility for a UK   joined Pam and, with her leadership,
                                      the team made huge strides in the         Photo: Heritage New Zealand, December 2006

ICOMOS New Zealand News May 2018                                                                                   Page 19
Northland war defence story
                                           Heritage in the News is                    rediscovered: https://www.radionz.co.
                                           compiled by the Kairangahau                war-defence-story-rediscovered
                                           Tāhuhu Kōrero, Heritage
                                           Assessment Advisor at       Northland's wartime history uncovered
                                           Heritage New Zealand        from secret
                                                                       documents: https://www.nzherald.co.
                                           Pouhere Taonga, Auckland
               Heritage in the News                                                   nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&object

                                          Spotlight on Coromandel’s
                                          heritage: http://www.voxy.co.nz/natio

                                          Posthumous decoration for North
                                          man: http://www.oamarumail.co.nz/c
                                                                               Breakthrough on McLean's Mansion -
                                                                               rescue work could start within
                                          Heritage site status                 weeks: https://www.stuff.co.nz/the-
                                          marked: https://www.odt.co.nz/region press/news/103406250/breakthrough-
                                          s/queenstown/heritage-site-status-   on-mcleans-mansion--rescue-work-
                                          marked                               could-start-within-weeks

                                          Bungy bridge, Chinese village               Future of Wellington's Dominion
                                          become landmarks in                         Museum
                                          Queenstown: https://www.stuff.co.nz/t       uncertain: https://www.radionz.co.nz/
                                          he-press/news/103372378/bungy-              news/national/355998/future-of-
                                          bridge-chinese-village-become-              wellington-s-dominion-museum-
                                          landmarks-in-queenstown                     uncertain

                                          Maori sites ideal for heritage              Pompallier Mission coffee house open
                                          landmarks                                   all
                                          programme: https://www.waateanew            winter: http://www.voxy.co.nz/nationa
                                          s.com/waateanews/x_news/MTg5NTk/            l/5/309271
                                          %20heritage%20landmarks%20progra            Engineer's call to prop up hall goes
                                          mme                                         nowhere
                                      ·                                               fast: https://www.radionz.co.nz/news/
                                      ·   Tree planting initiative to honour fallen   national/356091/engineer-s-call-to-

                                          soldiers: https://www.maoritelevision.c     prop-up-hall-goes-nowhere-fast
                                          om/news/national/tree-planting-         ·
                                          initiative-honour-fallen-soldiers       ·   Mair's Landing added to heritage
                                      ·                                               list: http://www.voxy.co.nz/national/5/
                                      ·   Whanganui District Council says             309382
                                          overseas owner will repair Hallenstein's
                                          building veranda                            Mair's Landing officially recognised as
                                          "urgently": https://www.nzherald.co.nz      a place of heritage
                                          /whanganui-district-                        significance: https://www.stuff.co.nz/a
                                          council/news/article.cfm?c_id=150448        uckland/local-
                                          7&objectid=12036319                         news/northland/103451695/mairs-
                                          Selection of historic trail tours across    place-of-heritage-significance
                                          Tairawhiti: http://gisborneherald.co.nz/

ICOMOS New Zealand News May 2018                                                                                    Page 20
The Elms: Tauranga's historic house and   https://www.tvnz.co.nz/shows/te-         Researchers reveal history through
garden: https://www.stuff.co.nz/life-     karere/home/k_ngitanga-movement-         exhumation of Otago graves:
style/homed/garden/103349309/the-         prepare-for-160-years-celebration        https://phys.org/news/2018-04-reveal-
elms-taurangas-historic-house-and-        Parking concerns raised with             history-exhumation-otago-graves.html
garden                                    development plans for The Elms:
                                          https://www.nzherald.co.nz/bay-of-       'Eyesore' hotel given facelift on
                                          plenty-                                  mayor's dime:
                                          times/news/article.cfm?c_id=1503343      https://www.odt.co.nz/regions/west-
                                          &objectid=12040624                       coast/eyesore-hotel-given-facelift-
                                          Southland museum closed to public by
                                          earthquake risk:                         Specialist Northland firefighting
                                          https://www.radionz.co.nz/news/natio     museum opens in new premises in
                                          nal/354545/southland-museum-closed-      Kaikohe:
                                          to-public-by-earthquake-risk             http://www.nzherald.co.nz/the-
                                          Emotional attachment to Vogel            ectid=12030340
                                          grandparents' $5 million former home:
                                          https://www.stuff.co.nz/business/prope   Owners of historic Christchurch
Photo: One News screenshot
                                          rty/102931638/emotional-attachment-      building seek demolition consent for
                                          to-vogel-grandparents-5-million-         hotel project:
Unfinished waka uncovered on Pūhoi        former-home                              https://www.stuff.co.nz/the-
motorway site:                                                                     press/news/103018473/owners-of-
http://www.newshub.co.nz/home/ne                                                   historic-christchurch-building-seek-
w-zealand/2018/04/unfinished-waka-                                                 demolition-consent-for-hotel-project
site.html                                                                          New details emerge for inner-city
Most read story: Ten metre-long waka                                               https://www.stuff.co.nz/southland-
believed to have been uncovered                                                    times/news/103056457/new-details-
during motorway excavation work                                                    emerge-for-innercity-hotel
north of Auckland:
                                          Photo: Google Street View
https://www.tvnz.co.nz/one-                                                    Planned Whanganui aviation museum
                                        148-year-old Christchurch cob cottage nearing take off:
ten-metre-long-waka-believed-have-                                             http://www.nzherald.co.nz/wanganui-
                                        to be repaired:
been-uncovered-during-motorway-                                                chronicle/news/article.cfm?c_id=1503
excavation-work-north-auckland                                                 426&objectid=12026787
Managing Totara bit of everything:                                             Living history of Arrowtown and Russell
https://www.oamarumail.co.nz/comm                                              reveals one helluva story:
unity/managing-totara-bit-of-                                                  https://www.stuff.co.nz/travel/destinati
                                        Wrecking ball looms for much of
everything/                                                                    ons/103005603/living-history-of-
                                        Wellington's Karori Campus:
                                        https://www.stuff.co.nz/business/10298 arrowtown-and-russell-reveals-one-
A first peak into the newly refurbished
                                        2269/wrecking-ball-looms-for-much-of- helluva-story
Nelson Centre of Musical Arts:
https://www.stuff.co.nz/nelson-                                                Century-old schooner uncovered by
                                        Exhumation at old Lawrence cemetery shifting sand at Muriwai beach:
the-newly-refurbished-nelson-centre-                                           https://www.stuff.co.nz/auckland/loca
                                        reveals surprising finds:
of-musical-arts                                                                l-news/nor-west-
                                        times/news/103030698/exhumation-at- news/104287301/centuryold-schooner-
First look at Bastion Point's excavated                                        uncovered-by-shifting-sand-at-
tunnels:                                                                       muriwai-beach
                                        Cemetery dig answering questions:
Kīngitanga Movement prepare for 160
years celebration:

ICOMOS New Zealand News May 2018                                                                                 Page 21
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