Small Business - BUSINESS How to Grow Your - Small Business Administration

Page created by Willard Banks
Small Business - BUSINESS How to Grow Your - Small Business Administration
Small Business
                 ILLINOIS 2019-2020

              resource guide

How to
Grow Your
in Illinois
Small Business - BUSINESS How to Grow Your - Small Business Administration
Small Business - BUSINESS How to Grow Your - Small Business Administration
Illinois Edition 2019-2020

                             Local Business                             Funding
                             Assistance                                 Programs
                               8    National Success Story              26     National Success Story
                                    Rebecca Fyffe launched Landmark            Jennifer and Jeff Herbert’s
                                    Pest Management with the help              meadery has expanded into a
                                    of the SBA-supported Women’s               multimillion dollar enterprise
                                    Business Development Center.               thanks to SBA assistance.

                             11 Local SBA Resource 		                   29     SBA Lenders
                                                                        33     Need Financing?
                             15     Your Advocates
                                                                        34     Go Global with
                             16		   Write Your Business Plan                   International Trade

                             18     Entrepreneurial                     36		   R&D Opportunities for
                                    Opportunities                              High Growth Startups

                             19     Opportunities for Veterans          38     National Success Story
                                                                               Cheeseburger Baby owner
                             20		   How to Start a Business                    Stephanie Vitori persevered
                                                                               through a financial storm and a
                             24     Local Success Story                        natural disaster.
                                    Cornelius Griggs was able to grow
                                    his business by setting a firm      42		   Surety Bonds
                                    foundation with expert business
                                    guidance from the SBA.
                                                                        44     National Success Story
                                                                               Jennifer Rahn steers the course
                                                                               for Admiral Engineering,
                                                                               succeeding as a small business

                                                                        47		   Government Contracting

                                                                        48     SBA Certification

                                                                        49     Woman-Owned Small
                                                                               Business Certification

                             ON THE COVER Cornelius Griggs,
                             photo courtesy of the SBA

Small Business - BUSINESS How to Grow Your - Small Business Administration
Let us help
    give voice
    to your

      SCOPE OF SERVICES                               We have all heard the phrase “content is
                                                      king.” Creating rich, engaging, and inspiring
                                                      content differentiates your brand in the
       Brand Voice         Catalogs                   marketplace. But who has time to focus on
         Articles        Visitor Guides               anything other than running their business?
                                                        Narrative works with you to develop
          Blogs             Books
                                                      the tools to tell your story across all
     Website Content      Copywriting
                                                      media platforms. Powerful and authentic
    Social Media Posts   Photography                  storytelling helps you stand out. It inspires
      Email Content         Videos                    action. It creates an emotional impact and
        Brochures                                     forges enduring relationships. It separates
                                                      you from the competition.

                                          To schedule a meeting or to learn more, contact
                                          Buddy Butler at
                                          or call 304.615.9884.
           BY NEW SOUTH M E D I A

Small Business - BUSINESS How to Grow Your - Small Business Administration
Small Business - BUSINESS How to Grow Your - Small Business Administration

                            New South Media, Inc.
                           304.413.0104 |

    Nikki Bowman,

    Pam Kasey,
    Jess Walker,

    Hayley Richard,

    Holly Leleux-Thubron,

    Heather Mills,


    Kelley McGinnis, Bryson Taylor

    Copyright: New South Media, Inc. Reproduction in part or whole is strictly prohib-
    ited without the express written permission of the publisher.


    The U.S. Small Business Administration’s Office of Marketing & Customer Service directs
    the publication of the Small Business Resource Guide under SBA Contract #SBAHQ-
    17-C-0018. SBA publication summer 2019 national edition #mcs-0089.

    Becky Bosshart
    (202) 205-6677
    Paula Panissidi Tavares

    The SBA’s participation in this publication is not an endorsement of the views,
    opinions, products or services of the contractor or any advertiser or other participant
    appearing here. All SBA programs and services are extended to the public on a nondis-
    criminatory basis.
    Directory listings do not constitute or imply an endorsement by the SBA of any
    opinions, products, or services of any private individual or entity.

    Printed in the United States of America.

    While every reasonable effort has been made to ensure that the information con-
    tained here is accurate as of the date of publication, the information is subject to
    change without notice. The contractor that publishes this guide, the federal govern-
    ment, or agents thereof shall not be held liable for any damages arising from the use
    of or reliance on the information contained in this publication.

Small Business - BUSINESS How to Grow Your - Small Business Administration
SBA Illinois District Office
500 W. Madison St., suite 1150                                             Springfield Office
Chicago, IL 60661                                                          3330 Ginger Creek Road, suite B-East
(312) 353-4528                                                             Springfield, IL 62711
Fax (312) 886-5688                                                         (217) 793-5020 x114
@SBA_Illinois                                                              Fax (217) 793-5025

District Director Letter                                         District Director           Supervisory Business      Area Counsel

                                                                 Robert “Bo” Steiner         Development Specialist    John Baker
             elcome to the 2019-2020 edition of the U.S. Small   (312) 353-5031              Rosalyn Putman            (312) 886-0833
             Business Administration’s Illinois Small Business      (312) 353-5037  
             Resource Guide. Whether you’re a dreamer with                         
an idea in Chicago or a seasoned entrepreneur in Peoria,         Deputy District                                       Attorneys
the SBA Illinois District Office supports your small business    Director                    Business Development      Andrea Button-Ott
at every stage in the business lifecycle. The SBA is the only    Mark Ferguson               Specialists               (312) 886-0704
federal agency dedicated to helping our 30 million small         (312) 353-5430              Lolitha McKinney          andrea.button-ott@
businesses start, grow, expand, and recover after a disaster.       (312) 353-5850  
The Illinois district works with an extensive network of                                     lolitha.mckinney@
                                                                                                                       Michelle Chesebro
business advisers and lenders to help Illinois’s 1.2 million     Public Affairs Specialist
                                                                                                                       (312) 353-8274
small businesses. Across our state in the last year, we          Jessica Mayle
                                                                                             Ron Miller                michelle.chesebro@
empowered small businesses to:                                   (312) 886-0409
                                                                                             (312) 353-7076  
   • Find an ally, advocate or mentor at over 60       
      locations of our SBA Resource Partners, which                                                                    James Howard
                                                                 Supervisory Lender          Don Pellico               (312) 353-4514
      includes SCORE chapters, Small Business
                                                                 Relations Specialist        (312) 353-3962  
      Development Centers, and Women’s Business
                                                                 Robert Esquivel   
      Centers, all powered by the SBA.                                                                                 Kate O’Loughlin
                                                                 (312) 353-6557
   • Access over $1.1 billion in SBA-guaranteed loans                                                                  (312) 353-9098
                                                            Lead Economic
      using local banks, credit unions, community-based                                                      
                                                                                             Development Specialist
      lenders, and microlenders. These 2,300 businesses          Lender Relations            Carole Harris
      that qualified for SBA financing have hired                                                                      Paralegal
                                                                 Specialists                 (312) 353-4003
      thousands of new employees, bought needed                                                                        Margie Pascual
                                                                 Patrick Piorkowski
      equipment, and built or renovated facilities.                                                                    (312) 353-5481
                                                                 (312) 353-5060
   • Gain more than $1 billion in federal contracting awards.                                                          margaret.pascual@
                                                                 patrick.piorkowski@         Economic Development
Small businesses employ 2.5 million Illinois residents, or                                                   
45% of all workers in the state. If you want to be your own                                  Stephen Konkle
                                                                 Charles White
boss, Illinois is a great place to launch a small business.                                  (312) 886-4208
                                                                 (217) 793-5020 x105
    Stay up to date on SBA events near you and get                                 
valuable Illinois business information by following us
                                                                                             Phyllis Shelton
on Twitter at @SBA_Illinois. Register for email updates          Administrative Officer      (312) 353-4519
at Use our Small Business Resource              Sheila Bartolomei 
Guide to power your American dream here in Illinois.             (312) 886-1022
                                                                 sheila.bartolomei@          District Support
                                                                                             Luz Rodriguez
                                                                 District Support            (312) 353-1825
Robert “Bo” Steiner                                              Lenore Rodgers
Illinois District Director                                       (312) 353-4385              Senior Investigator
U.S. Small Business                                          Counsel
Administration                                                                               Mary Beth Cvengros
                                                                                             (312) 353-4663

Small Business - BUSINESS How to Grow Your - Small Business Administration

 How We Did It

to Last
Joyce and Jerado Reynolds used SBA
support to succeed.
Written by Micaela Morrissette

                                     COURTESY OF SHANA SURECK PHOTOGRAPHY

Small Business - BUSINESS How to Grow Your - Small Business Administration

R                                                                                                                           5
               eynolds Welding &

                                                                                                                                        Tips for
               Fabrication has grown
               steadily, building a loyal
               customer base, since
               Jerado Reynolds founded
the company in 2005.                                                                                                                    Success

                                                                                   COURTESY OF SHANA SURECK PHOTOGRAPHY
   “At first the company was just Jerado,”
recalls his wife and co-owner, Joyce
                                                                                                                            Find a great business mentor.
Reynolds. “Then it was him and me part                                                                                      To find your local SBA office and
time.” During the day she worked as a                                                                                       resource partners in your area, visit
nurse and spent her evenings doing all                                                                            
the company’s paperwork. The Reynolds
sank everything they earned into the
business—money, time, and energy. She                                                                                       Have a healthy view
remembers with pride helping Jerado
                                                                                                                            of competition.
weld a stair railing at a local school. Her
                                                                                                                            We’re not always competing.
son later attended that same school,
                                                                                                                            We’re a competitor, but if a similar
and she watched her child and others                                                                                        business has extra work, they’ll send
                                              SBA Resource Partner, where “from day
using the rail, benefiting from the                                                                                         it to us and vice versa. That’s the
                                              one it was, Eureka! Everyone wanted
hard work the couple did together. It                                                                                       relationship to have.
                                              to see us win.” Women entrepreneurs
was then Joyce decided as much as she
                                              receive essential business counseling and
loved her day job, she wanted to devote
                                              training from this national network of
herself full time to the family business                                                                                    Record everything you do.
                                              community-based centers. Most helpful
in Windsor, Connecticut. She wanted                                                                                         Navigating business relationships
                                              was the detailed personal attention
to work side-by-side with her husband,                                                                                      in this age means keeping an email
                                              available through free one-on-one
fully focused on administration and                                                                                         record of everything you do. Leave a
                                              business counseling. Joyce also learned
business growth. As they both hoped,                                                                                        clear paper trail.
                                              about workshops offered by providers like
word of mouth spread; clients made
                                              the Metropolitan District, a Connecticut
referrals. Joyce was soon overwhelmed
                                              nonprofit municipal corporation offering
with paperwork. They brought on two
                                              water and sewer services. At a meet-                                          Sacrifice to ensure quality.
employees—doubling up in the busy                                                                                           We don’t cut corners. Sometimes you
                                              and-greet, Joyce understood how much
seasons. They were able to maintain four                                                                                    have to lose money to do quality work—
                                              the SBA could help her business. An
full-time employees by 2009. After this,                                                                                    it’s rough, but nothing is more important.
                                              SBA professional walked Joyce through
Joyce says, they saw that “things were
                                              the extensive paperwork and, crucially,
not moving.” She wanted to scale up.
                                              helped her register the company in
                                              the System for Award Management
                                                                                                                            Seek SBA assistance to
The company wasn’t growing in part            (, positioning the company for                                        see if you qualify for
because it wasn’t certified with the          new federal contracts.                                                        business certifications.
state department of transportation or            “Resources like the Entrepreneurial                                        We used to look for jobs. Now that
prequalified with the Connecticut State       Center and the SBA will train you from                                        we’re on the SBA Subcontracting
Department of Administrative Services,        bottom to top,” Joyce says. “They have                                        Network database, SubNet, and
Joyce says. She decided to tackle the         finance classes that open your eyes                                 , we have a continuous flow
                                              regarding taxes. You'll learn how to                                          of contractors reaching out to us.
certification problem full time, leaving
her nursing career. This was the change       register your business. They’ll help
she'd been wanting to make, but since         with a contract or your website or                                          on two bridges—a lifelong dream. Joyce
her background was in health care,            accountability statements. Everything!”                                     continues to move forward, getting
Joyce didn’t feel fluent in the languages        Before the SBA, Reynolds Welding                                         Reynolds qualified for the SBA 8(a)
of construction or business. Joyce            attempted the DOT certification on five                                     Business Development Program, which
wanted to learn, and she had incentive:       separate occasions, always falling short                                    provides free business development
they needed the certifications to bid         because the process was so complicated.                                     education to small businesses so they
on bigger jobs. “Never be afraid to ask       Joyce secured the certification with SBA                                    can better compete in the public sector.
questions,” she says. Joyce needed to         guidance on the first attempt.                                              “When I came on full time, I set a goal
find people with answers.                                                                                                 for what I would like for the company,
                                              Benefit                                                                     and I’ve achieved 80% of that,” Joyce
Solution                                      Reynolds Welding now employs more                                           says. When she secures 8(a) certification
She and Jerado connected with the             than 15 workers, constructing stairs,                                       for Reynolds, she’ll have hit all her
University of Hartford Entrepreneurial        rails, structural beams, and columns                                        objectives. Then, she admits, she’ll
Center & Women’s Business Center, an          throughout the region. Jerado is working                                    probably come up with some new ones.

Small Business - BUSINESS How to Grow Your - Small Business Administration

   SBA Resource Partners
   No matter your industry, location, or experience, if you have a dream, the SBA is here to help you achieve it. Our SBA
   Resource Partners offer mentoring, counseling, and training to help you startup and thrive at all stages of the business
   life cycle. These independent organizations operating across the United States and U.S. territories are funded through SBA
   cooperative agreements or grants.

                                                  SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTERS

                                                  Achieve your dream of business ownership and remain
                                                  competitive in an ever-changing global economy with assistance
                                                  from your local SBDC. Access free counseling and free or low-
                                                  cost training on topics like regulatory compliance, technology
        Small Business                            development, and international trade. Find an SBDC adviser at
        Development Centers


                                                  Join the ranks of other business owners who have experienced
                                                  higher revenues and increased growth thanks to SCORE, the nation’s
                                                  largest network of volunteer business mentors. Experienced
                                                  executives share real-world knowledge to fit your busy schedule.
        SCORE chapters                            SCORE mentors are available for free as often as you need, in person,
                                                  via email or over video chat. Find a mentor at

                                                  WOMEN’S BUSINESS CENTERS

                                                  Women entrepreneurs receive essential business counseling and
                                                  training from this national network of community-based centers.
                                                  Each center tailors its services to help you navigate the challenges
                                                  women often face when starting or growing a business. To learn
                                                  about SBA resources for women visit
        Women’s Business

                                                  VETERANS BUSINESS OUTREACH CENTERS

        20 +
                                                  Veteran and military entrepreneurs receive business training,
                                                  counseling, and referrals to other SBA Resource Partners at
                                                  a Veterans Business Outreach Center, Receive
                                                  procurement guidance to better compete for government
                                                  contracts. VBOCs also serve active duty service members,
        Veterans Business                         National Guard or Reserve members, veterans of any era, and
        Outreach Centers                          military spouses.


Our Local SBA
Resource Partners
SBA’s Resource Partners are independent organizations funded through SBA cooperative
agreements or grants.

                                                             Visit to start working on your
                                                             business goals. Contact your local office to
                                                             schedule an appointment.

                                                             Chicago Chapter
                                                             500 W. Madison St., suite 1150
                                                             (312) 353-7724

                                                             Decatur Chapter
                                                             Millikin University
                                                             224 N. Fairview, room 108
                                                             (217) 424-6297

                                                             Fox Valley Chapter
                                                             1120 E. Diehl Road
                                                             (630) 692-1162

                                                             North Cook and Lake Counties Chapter
                                                             1954 First Ave., suite 193
                                                             Highland Park
                                                             (224) 372-3432

                                                             Peoria Chapter
                                                             403 NE Jefferson
                                                             (309) 676-0755

                                                             Quad Cities Chapter
                                                             331 W. Third St.
                                                             Davenport, IA
                                                             (309) 797-0082

                                                             St. Louis Chapter
                                                             1222 Spruce St., suite 10.103
 Arthur and Sandra Johnson, owners                           St. Louis, MO
 of 21 Short Stop in Georgia, received
 assistance from their local Small Business                  (866) 726-7340
 Development Center and SCORE chapter.             


                                                                      For your nearest Women’s Business
                                                                      Center, visit

                                                                      Women’s Business Development
                                                                      Center Chicago
                                                                      8 S. Michigan Ave., suite 400
                                                                      (312) 853-3477

                                                                      WBDC Aurora
                                                                      43 W. Galena Blvd.
                                                                      (630) 896-3115

 Illinois Small Business
 Development Centers
 Illinois SBDC State Office        Champaign County EDC               College of DuPage
 Department of Commerce and        1817 S. Neil St., suite 100        535 Duane St.
 Economic Opportunity              Champaign                          Glen Ellyn
 500 E. Monroe St.                 (217) 378-8535                     (630) 942-2771
 Springfield                       Don Elmore                         Ute Westphal
 (217) 524-5700                     
 State Director Mark A. Petrilli        Chicagoland Chamber of Commerce    College of Lake County
                                   410 N. Michigan Ave., suite 900    19351 W. Washington St.
 Bethel New Life                   Chicago                            Grayslake
 1140 N. Lamon                     (312) 494-6790                     (847) 543-2750
 Chicago                           Stacey Caldwell                    Mitch Bienvenue
 (773) 473-7874          
 Curt Roeschley      Danville Area Community College    Economic Strategies
                                   141 Jobst Hall                     Development Corp.
 Bradley University                2000 E. Main St.                   1843 S. Carpenter St.
 141 Jobst Hall                    Danville                           Chicago
 1501 W. Bradley Ave.              (217) 442-7232                     (312) 733-2287
 Peoria                            Carol L. Nichols                   Gabriela Perez
 (309) 677-4989                      
 Kevin Evans


Far South CDC                           Lincoln Land Community College   SIU-Edwardsville East St. Louis
9923 S. Halsted St.                     Montgomery Hall                  satellite office
Chicago                                 5250 Shepherd Road, room 1171    601 James R Thompson Blvd., building D,
(773) 941-4833                          Springfield                      room 1017
Kathryn Jackson                         (217) 786-4530                   (618) 482-8329                 Kevin Lust
                                                                         Starved Rock Country Alliance
Greater Englewood CDC                                                    350 Fifth St., suite 262
815 W. 63rd St., fourth floor           McHenry County College           Peru
Chicago                                 4100 W. Shamrock Lane            (844) 369-8898
(773) 651-2400                          McHenry                          Amy Lambert
Tamora Hughes                           (815) 479-7677                                Mark Butler
Greater Southwest Development Corp.
                                                                         305 Seal Hall
2601 W. 63rd St.                                                         1 University Circle
                                        Rockford Chamber of Commerce
Chicago                                                                  (309) 298-3040
                                        8500 E. State St.
(773) 436-1000                                                           Jim Boyd
                                        (815) 316-4301
Andrew Fogaty                                                  
                                        Mike Mastroianni
                                       WIU-Quad Cities
36 Squared satellite office                                              3300 River Drive, complex C, room 1420F
3636 S. Iron St.                        Sauk Valley Community College
                                        173 IL Route 2                   Moline
Chicago                                                                  (309) 762-3999 x62243
(312) 933-6556                          Dixon
                                        (815) 835-6244                   Ann Friederichs
Andrew Fogaty                                                             Stacy McCaskill
                                     Waubonsee Community College
Harper College
                                                                         18 S. River St., room 268
650 E. Higgins Road, suite 18N          Shawnee Community College
Schaumburg                              8364 Shawnee College Road
                                                                         (630) 906-4143
(847) 925-6570                          Ullin
                                                                         Harriet Parker
Tom Cassell                             (618) 634-3231
                                                                             Brett Whitnel
                                           Women’s Business Development Center
Illinois Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
                                                                         8 S. Michigan Ave., suite 400
222 Merchandise Mart, suite 1212        Southeastern Illinois College
Chicago                                 3575 College Road
                                                                         (312) 853-3477
(312) 425-9500                          Harrisburg
                                                                         Maura Mitchell
Silvia Bonilla                          (618) 252-5001
                                                                                  Lori Cox
Illinois Wesleyan University                   Women’s Business Development Center
State Farm Hall 354                                                      South Suburbs
                                        South Suburban Economic          4137 Sauk Trail
1402 Park St.
                                        Growth Initiative                Richton Park
                                        1920 W. 174th St.                (312) 853-3477
(309) 556-3490
                                        East Hazel Crest                 Tasha Brown
Karen Bussone
                                        (708) 232-3161         
                                        Vicki Brown
Industrial Council of NW Chicago    Little Village Chamber of Commerce
320 N. Damen Ave., suite 100                                             3610 W. 26th St.
Chicago                                 SIU-Carbondale                   Chicago
(312) 433-2373                          1740 Innovation Drive            (312) 853-3477
Merly Thomas                            (618) 536-2424                   Blanca Berthier             Greg Bouhl             
Joseph Business School                                                   YWCA Metro Chicago
7600 W. Roosevelt Road                  SIU-Edwardsville                 6600 S. Cottage Grove
Forest Park                             Alumni Hall 2126                 Chicago
(708) 697-6234                          (618) 650-2929                   (773) 496-5659 x2659
Melissa Brown                           Jo Ann Di Maggio May             Vince Williams                  


                                                                                    Export-Import Bank
 International Export                                                               Midwest Regional Director Michael Howard
                                                                                    (312) 353-8093
 Trade         Assistance                                                 
                                                                                    SBA Acting Director International Trade

 Centers                              Illinois State Trade and
                                      Export Promotion
                                                                                    Patrick Hayes
 Bradley University                   Director Margo Markopoulos                    (216) 522-4731
 1501 W. Bradley Ave.                 (312) 814-3116                      
 141 Jobst Hall             
                                                                                    U.S. Commercial Service
 (309) 677-3471
 Jim Foley                            U.S. Export                                   Office Director & International Trade

 Champaign County
                                      Assistance                                    Elizabeth Ahern
                                                                                    141 Jobst Hall
 1817 S. Neil St., suite 100
                                      Centers                                       1501 W. Bradley Ave.
                                                                                    (309) 671-7815
 (217) 378-8535                       Chicago                             
 Mariel Huasanga                      U.S. Commercial Service                    Office Director Hovan Asdourian
                                      (312) 886-8094
 College of DuPage
 535 Duane St.
 Glen Ellyn
 (630) 942-3041
 Jean Lin

 Industrial Council of NW Chicago
 320 N. Damen Ave., suite 100
 (312) 433-7656
 Lauro Arias

 Joseph Business School
 7600 W. Roosevelt Road
 Forest Park
 (708) 697-6289
 Brian Butler

 College of Lake County                 O'Connor Belting, a Delaware
 19351 W. Washington St.                family-owned business,
                                        expanded with the help of an
 Grayslake                              SBA-guaranteed 7(a) loan.
 (847) 543-2306
 Kevin Kim
                                        Veterans Business
 Alumni Hall 2126
 (618) 650-2452
                                        Outreach Centers
                                        Veteran entrepreneurs or small business owners can receive business training,
 Silvia Torres Bowman                   counseling and mentoring, and referrals to other SBA Resource Partners at a Veterans                       Business Outreach Center, This is also the place to receive procurement
 WIU-Quad Cities                        guidance, which can help your business better compete for government contracts.
 3300 Riverfront, building C, 1420H     Wisconsin Women’s Business                  Veterans Business Resource Center
 Moline                                 Initiative Corp.                            (314) 531-8387
 (309) 762-3999 x62243                  (414) 263-5450                    
 Ann Friederichs              


Your                                                                                         To report how a proposed federal
                                                                                             regulation could unfairly affect you,

                                                                                             find your regional SBA advocate at

                                                                                             To submit a comment about how
                                                                                             your business has been hurt by an
                                                                                             existing regulation, visit
The SBA’s offices of advocacy and ombudsman are                                    
independent voices for small business within the
federal government.

When you need a voice within the federal        »» when you need economic and small               »» seek remedies when rules are
government for your interests as a small          business statistics                               inconsistently applied
business owner, the SBA’s regional advocates    The SBA’s Office of Advocacy also                 »» recover payment for services done by
are here to assist. The advocates analyze the   independently represents small business and         government contractors
effects of proposed regulations and consider    advances its concerns before Congress, the
alternatives that minimize the economic         White House, federal agencies, federal courts,    Make your voice heard by participating in a
burden on small businesses, governmental        and state policy makers.                          Regional Regulatory Enforcement Fairness
jurisdictions, and nonprofits. Find your                                                          Roundtable or a public hearing hosted by the
regional advocate at          Ombudsman                                         SBA’s national ombudsman. These events
                                                Entrepreneurs who have an issue with an           are posted periodically on the ombudsman
Your advocate helps with these small
                                                existing federal regulation or policy can         website,
business issues:
                                                receive assistance from the SBA’s national           To submit a comment or complaint through
»» if your business could be negatively         ombudsman.                                        the online form, visit
  affected by regulations proposed by the                                                         comments. Your concerns will be directed to
                                                The ombudsman’s office helps you:
  government                                                                                      the appropriate federal agency for review. The
»» if you have contracting issues with a        »» resolve regulatory disputes with federal       SBA will collaborate with you and the agency
                                                  agencies                                        to help resolve the issue.
  federal agency
                                                »» reduce unfair penalties and fines


 Write your
 Business Plan
 Your business plan is the foundation of your business. Learn how to write a business plan with the help
 of an SBA Resource Partner.

                                                                         TRADITIONAL BUSINESS
                                                                         PLAN FORMAT
                                                                         When you write your business plan, you don’t have to stick to the
                                                                         exact business plan template. Instead, use the sections that make
                                                                         the most sense for your business and your needs.
                                                                         Executive Summary
                                                                         Briefly summarize your company and why it will be successful.
                                                                         Include your mission statement, your product or service, and basic
                                                                         information about your company’s leadership team, employees,
                                                                         and location. You should also include financial information and
                                                                         high-level growth plans if you plan to ask for financing.
                                                                         Company Description
                                                                         Go into detail about the problems your business solves. Be specific
                                                                         as to audience and location. List out the consumers, organizations,
                                                                         or businesses your company plans to serve.
                                                                            Explain the competitive advantages you have that will make your
                                                                         business successful. Are there experts on your team? Have you found
                                                                         the perfect location? Your company description is the place to boast
                                                                         about your strengths.
                                                                         Market Analysis
                                                                         Demonstrate a solid understanding of your industry outlook and tar-
                                                                         get market. This is where it pays to partner with an experienced busi-
                                                                         ness counselor from your local Small Business Development Center,
                                                                         SCORE, Women's Business Center, or Veterans Business Outreach
                                                                         Center—all these SBA Resource Partners provide free or low-cost
                                                                         business assistance. Competitive research will show what other busi-
                                                                         nesses are doing and their strengths. In your market research, look for
                                                                         trends and themes. What do successful competitors do? Why does it
                                                                         work? Can you do it better? Now's the time to answer these questions.
 Business plans help you run your business.
 A good business plan guides you through managing your business.         Organization and Management
 You’ll use your business plan as a roadmap for how to structure, run,   Explain how your com-
 and grow your new business.                                             pany will be structured
    Business plans can help you get funding or bring on new              and who will run it.
 business partners. Investors want to see a return on their                  Describe the legal            Want to see an
                                                                         structure of your busi-
 investment. Your business plan is the tool you’ll use to convince
 people that working with you—or investing in your company—is            ness. State whether you
                                                                                                           example of a
 a smart investment. Brain storm with a business counselor (visit        have or intend to incor-          business plan?
 one of our SBA Resource Partners detailed on page 8) and write          porate your business as     View examples of business plans
 a traditional business plan, which uses a standard structure            a C or an S corporation,
 and detailed sections. Once you've got it all down, you can then        form a general or limited
 condense it to a lean startup business plan, which typically            partnership, or if you're a
 contains key points on only one page.                                   sole proprietor or limited
                                                                         liability company.


                                                                           LEAN STARTUP PLAN FORMAT
                                                                           Write a lean startup plan if requested from an investor, or if your
    ❒ Executive summary                                                    business is relatively simple or you plan to regularly change and
                                                                           refine as you go.
    ❒ Company description
                                                                              Lean startup plans use more visual organization tools and only a
    ❒ Market analysis                                                      handful of elements to describe your company’s value proposition,
    ❒ Organization and management                                          infrastructure, customers, and finances. They’re useful for visualiz-
                                                                           ing your company's fundamental facts. Your business counselor can
    ❒ Service or product line
                                                                           help you edit down into the Business Model Canvas, used here—the
    ❒ Marketing and sales                                                  most well known style, or another lean startup template.
    ❒ Funding request                                                      Key Partnerships
    ❒ Financial projections                                                Note the other businesses you’ll work with--suppliers, manufactur-
                                                                           ers, subcontractors, and similar strategic partners.
    ❒ Appendix
                                                                           Key Activities
                                                                           List the ways your business will gain a competitive advantage.
  Use an organizational chart to show the hierarchy. Explain how
                                                                           Will you sell direct to consumers or use technology to tap into the
each person’s experience will contribute to the success of your
                                                                           sharing economy?
venture. Consider including CVs of key members.
                                                                           Key Resources
Service or Product Line
                                                                           List resources you’ll leverage to create value for your customer.
Describe what you sell or what service you offer. Explain how it ben-
                                                                           Your most important assets include staff, capital, or intellectual
efits your customers and the product lifecycle. Share your plans for
                                                                           property. Leverage business resources that might be available
intellectual property, like copyright or patent filings. If you're doing
                                                                           to women, veterans, Native Americans, and HUBZone–certified
research and development for your service or product, explain it.
Marketing and Sales
                                                                           Value Proposition
Your marketing strategy should evolve and change to fit your needs
                                                                           Make a clear and compelling statement about the unique value
in each context.
                                                                           your company brings to the market.
   Describe how you'll attract and retain customers. Show how a
sale will actually happen. You'll refer to this section later when you     Customer Relationships
make financial projections, so be thorough.                                Describe how customers will interact with your business. Think
                                                                           through the customer experience from start to finish. Is it auto-
Funding Request
                                                                           mated or personal? In person or online?
If you're asking for funding, outline your funding requirements.
Specify whether you want debt or equity and the terms you'd like.          Customer Segments
Your goal is to clearly explain how much funding you’ll need over          Name your target market. Your business won’t be for everybody;
the next five years and how the investment will be used.                   it’s important to have a clear sense of who you serve.
    Specify if you need funds to buy equipment or materials, pay           Channels
salaries, or cover specific bills until revenue increases. Explain how     List the most important ways you’ll talk to your customers.
you'll pay off the debt.
                                                                           Cost Structure
Financial Projections                                                      Will your company focus on reducing cost or maximizing value?
Supplement your funding request with a prospective financial               Define your strategy, then list the most significant costs you’ll face.
outlook for the next five years. Show how your business will be a
                                                                           Revenue Streams
financial success.
                                                                           Explain how your company makes money: direct sales, member-
   If your business is already established, include income state-
                                                                           ships fees, selling advertising space? If your company has multiple
ments, balance sheets, and cash flow statements for the last three to
                                                                           revenue streams, list them all.
five years. List collateral you could put against a loan.
   Include forecasted income statements, balance sheets, cash
flow statements, and capital expenditure budgets. For the first
year, be even more specific and use quarterly—or even monthly
—projections. Make sure to clearly explain your projections and               LEAN STARTUP PLAN CHECKLIST
match them to your funding requests.                                          ❒ Key partnerships                ❒ Customer segments
   Use visual organization tools--graphs and charts—to tell your
                                                                              ❒ Key activities                  ❒ Channels
business's financial story.
                                                                              ❒ Key resources                   ❒ Cost structure
Here you'll attach supporting documents or other requested                    ❒ Value proposition               ❒ Revenue streams
materials. Common items to include are credit histories, CVs,                 ❒ Customer relationships
product pictures, letters of reference, licenses, permits, patents,
legal documents, and other contracts.


 Regional Innovation Clusters
 Create jobs and grow the economy through an SBA Regional
 Innovation Cluster.                                                    Online Resources
                                                                        Find free short courses and learning
 Who should join
 Small businesses driving innovation in one of these tech industries:   tools to start and grow your small
 • advanced composites                                                  business at The
                                                                        free SBA Online Learning Center is a
 • agTech
                                                                        great resource for every entrepreneur,
 • bioscience
                                                                        especially rural business owners looking
 • food processing
                                                                        for easy access to vital business training.
 • data sciences
 • medical sciences                                                     Courses include:
 • power and energy                                                     • writing your business plan
 • unmanned aerial systems                                              • buying a business
 • water tech                                                           • financing options
 • wood products                                                        • digital and traditional marketing to win customers
                                                                        • disaster recovery
 How it works
                                                                        • understanding your customer
 Each industry cluster is based in a geographic region. Your small
 business must be located in or near that region in order to join the
 cluster. For example, the AgLaunch Initiative cluster, which focuses
 on agricultural technology, is located in the Tennessee area. A
 small agTech business in or near Tennessee will connect with
 other agTech suppliers, service providers, and related institutions
 through that innovation cluster.
                                                                           Native American
 How it benefits you
 Network with other industry innovators and connect with
 resources that will help your small business find funding. You’ll
                                                                           Tribal enterprises and business organizations
 also receive guidance on how to better compete for government
 contracts and other opportunities so you can grow and expand.             can receive training at an SBA Entrepreneurial
 Receive free technical and legal assistance to develop your tech          Empowerment Workshop. These workshops
 and get it to market for government and industry buyers.                  cover business concepts important for starting,
 Get involved                                                              growing, or expanding a small business. RedWind
 Find an SBA Regional Innovation Cluster near you by visiting              instructors identify and help participants avoid Select the regional innovation clusters          common pitfalls. Learn how to prepare a business
 on the drop-down menu.
                                                                           plan, gain access to capital, and basic book
                                                                           keeping. Request a workshop in your area by


                                                                                                 Need financing?
                                                                                                 Loan Fee Relief
                                                                                                 To encourage lending to members of the
                                                                                                 military community who want to start
                                                                                                 or grow their business, the SBA reduces
                                                                                                 upfront guarantee fees on select loans. That
                                                                                                 means the cost savings will be passed down
                                                                                                 to you, the eligible veteran or qualifying

                                                                                                 military member. Ask your local SBA district
                                                                                                 office or SBA Lender about the Veterans
                                                                                                 Advantage program.
                                                                                                 Have an employee who was called to
                                                                                                 active duty?
                                                                                                 You may receive funds that enable your
                                                                                                 business to meet ordinary and necessary
                           HOW THE SBA HELPED US SUCCEED                                         operating expenses when an essential
     Margot Adam Langstaff, left, and Elisa Hamill, right, sought assistance from their          employee is called up to active duty in the
     local Veterans Business Outreach Center, which helped them better compete for               military reserve. Ask your local SBA district
     government contracts. LifeHealth of Littleton, CO has expanded to more than 30              office or SBA Lender about the Military
     states with offices in Washington, DC and San Antonio, TX. Their clients include the        Reservist Economic Injury Disaster Loan.
     Department of Defense, the National Guard, and the Indian Health Service. They
     also expanded their business using an SBA-backed line of credit for $350,000. Margot        Interested in contracting?
     started her career as an Army medic, eventually running one of the largest outpatient       Veteran-owned and service-disabled
     clinics in the Northeast at Ft. Devens, MA.                                                 veteran-owned small businesses interested
                                                                                                 in federal contracting receive training from

                                                                                                 the Veteran Institute for Procurement,
                                                                                                 which offers a platform with three
                                                                                                 training programs to assist veterans. Visit

                                    for Veterans                                       
                                                                                                 VIP Start
Members of the military community can start and grow their small                                 Enter the federal market and become ready
                                                                                                 for procurement. Nearly 200 veteran-owned
businesses with the help of SBA programs.
                                                                                                 businesses from 29 states plus Washington,
Need entrepreneurship training?                   For women veterans                             DC have graduated from the program.
In Boots to Business, you explore                 Receive entrepreneurial training geared        VIP Grow
business ownership and other self-                toward women veterans, service members,        Strategize to expand and operate within
employment opportunities while learning           and spouses of service members through         the federal marketplace. More than 700
key business concepts. You will walk away         these SBA-funded programs:                     veteran-owned businesses from 42 states
with an overview of entrepreneurship                                                             plus DC and Guam have graduated from
                                                  »» Veteran Women Igniting the Spirit of
and applicable business ownership                                                                this program.
                                                    Entrepreneurship in Syracuse, New York
fundamentals, including how to access
                                                  »» LiftFund in San Antonio, Texas              VIP International
startup capital using SBA resources.
                                                                                                 Enter or expand your federal and commercial
Boots to Business is conducted on all
                                                  For service-disabled veterans                  contracting opportunities overseas.
military installations as part of the
                                                  Learn how to start and grow a small business
Department of Defense’s Transition                                                               Get certified
                                                  using these SBA-funded programs:
Assistance Program.                                                                              Learn about the service-disabled veteran-
                                                  »» Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for Veterans      owned small business certification program
Who’s eligible?                                     with Disabilities in Syracuse, New York      on page 49.
Service members transitioning out of
                                                  »» Veterans Entrepreneurship Program at        For more assistance
active duty and military spouses.
                                                    the Riata Center for Entrepreneurship,
Are you a veteran or member of                                                                   Veteran and military entrepreneurs
                                                    Spears School of Business, Oklahoma
the National Guard or Reserve or a                                                               receive business training, counseling, and
                                                    State University in Stillwater, Oklahoma
military spouse? Boots to Business:                                                              referrals to other SBA Resource Partners
Reboot teaches this entrepreneurship              »» Veteran Entrepreneurship Jumpstart at       at a Veterans Business Outreach Center,
curriculum off base and in local                    St. Joseph’s University in Philadelphia, For veterans business
communities. Register for either B2B                Pennsylvania                                 information visit
program at             »» Dog Tag Inc., affiliated with Georgetown
                                                    University in Washington, DC


                                                                                                                                COURTESY OF THE SBA
   Adriana Medina, owner of
   Fuerte Fitness, in Seattle, WA,
   received counseling from a
   SCORE mentor and a Women's
   Business Center adviser.

  How to Start a Business
  in Illinois
  Thinking of starting a business? Here are the nuts & bolts.

                                    Filter your
 The Startup Logistics                                                                    Name Registration
                                             search by business type and location to
 Even if you’re running a home-based                                                      Register your business name with the
                                             view data on your potential customers,
 business, you will have to comply                                                        county clerk where your business is
                                             including consumer spending, and a
 with many local, state, and federal                                                      located. If you’re a corporation, also
                                             summary of existing businesses, available
 regulations. Do not ignore regulatory                                                    register with the state. When the business
                                             as a map and a report.
 details. You may avoid some red tape                                                     name is different from the owner’s full
 in the beginning, but your lack of                                                       legal name(s), the “Assumed Name Act”
 compliance could become an obstacle
                                             Business License & Zoning                    requires sole proprietorships and general
                                             Licenses are typically administered by a
 as your business grows. Taking the time                                                  partnerships to register the business
                                             variety of state and local departments.
 to research regulations is as important                                                  name with their county clerk’s office.
                                             It is important to consider zoning
 as knowing your market. Carefully
                                             regulations when choosing a site for your
 investigate the laws affecting your                                                      Taxes
                                             business. Contact the local business
 industry. Being out of compliance could                                                  As a business owner, you should know
                                             license office where you plan to locate
 leave you unprotected legally, lead to                                                   your federal tax responsibilities and make
                                             your business. You may not be permitted
 expensive penalties, and jeopardize                                                      some business decisions to comply with
                                             to conduct business out of your home
 your business.                                                                           certain tax requirements. The IRS Small
                                             or engage in industrial activity in a        Business and Self-Employed Tax Center,
                                             retail district. Learn more about Illinois
 Market Research                                                                , offers information on
                                             business registrations, licenses, and
 Need to do research on your clients and                                                  a variety of topics including: obtaining an
                                             permits at:
 location? View consumer and business                                                     Employer Identification Number, paying
 data for your area using the Census                                                      and filing income tax, virtual workshops,
 Business Builder: Small Business Edition,                                                forms, and publications.



                                                                                          An O’Fallon Casting Inc. employee at
                                                                                          work in O’Fallon, MO. Owner Vince
                                                                                          Gimeno grew his business thanks to
                                                                                          expert SBA business counseling.

    As the IRS continues to implement some        Peoria                             Marion
of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act provisions, your     2415 W. Cornerstone Court          2309 W. Main St., suite 114
tax obligations may change. Visit the Tax         (309) 621-7273                     (618) 993-7650
Reform Provisions that Affect Businesses          Quincy                             Rockford
page on for the latest tax reform         3701 E. Lake Centre Drive          200 S. Wyman St.
updates that affect your bottom line.             (217) 224-8208                     (815) 987-5210
»» IRS Tax Assistance Centers                     Rockford                           Springfield
       To make an appointment at any center,
                                                  4920 E. State St.                  Willard Ice Building
       call (844) 545-5640.
                                                  (779) 500-6808                     101 W. Jefferson St.
       Bloomington                                                                   (800) 732-8866 or (217) 782-3336
                                                  Schiller Park
       301 S. Prospect Road
                                                  5100 River Road
       (309) 556-5196
                                                  (847) 737-6688
                                                                                   Social Security
                                                                                   If you have any employees, including
                                                  Springfield                      officers of a corporation but not the
       310 W. Church St.
                                                  3101 Constitution Drive          sole proprietor or partners, you must
       (217) 398-5210
                                                  (217) 993-6783                   make periodic payments, and/or file
       Chicago                                  »» State Taxes                     quarterly reports about payroll taxes
       230 S. Dearborn St.                                                         and other mandatory deductions.
       (312) 292-4912                                                              You can contact the IRS or the Social
       Decatur                                                                     Security Administration for information,
                                                  James R. Thompson Center-
       306 W. Eldorado                                                             assistance, and forms, at (800) 772-1213
                                                  concourse level
       (217) 619-7459                                                              or visit
                                                  100 W. Randolph St.
                                                                                   You can file W-2s online or verify job
       Downers Grove                              (800) 732-8866
                                                                                   seekers through the Social Security
       2001 Butterfield Road                      Des Plaines                      Number Verification Service.
       (630) 493-5291                             Maine North Regional Building
       Fairview Heights                           9511 Harrison Ave.               Employment Eligibility
       380 Fountain Office Court                  (847) 294-4200                   Verification
       (618) 589-7399                                                              The Federal Immigration Reform and
                                                  Fairview Heights
       Orland Park                                15 Executive Drive, suite 2      Control Act of 1986 requires employers
       14479 John Humphrey Drive                  (618) 624-6773                   to verify employment eligibility of new
       (708) 873-8310                                                              employees. The law obligates an


 employer to process Employment Eligibility
 Verification Form I-9. The U.S. Citizenship
 and Immigration Service offers information
 and assistance through
 central. For forms call (800) 870-3676. For
 the employer hotline call (888) 464-4218 or
    E-Verify, operated by the Department
 of Homeland Security in partnership
 with the Social Security Administration,
 electronically verifies the Social Security

                                                                                                                                       COURTESY OF THE SBA
 number and employment eligibility
 information reported on Form I-9. It’s the
 quickest way for employers to determine          Reeves Clippard used the business
 the employment eligibility of new hires.         knowledge he acquired in the SBA
 Visit, call (888) 464-4218 or       Emerging Leaders program to grow
                                                  A/R Solar in Seattle, WA.

 Health & Safety                                For health insurance options, call the Small     Child Support
 All businesses with employees are required     Business Health Options Program at (800)         Employers are essential to the success
 to comply with state and federal regulations   706-7893 or visit          of the child support program and are
 regarding the protection of employees, visit   businesses/employers.                            responsible for collecting 75% of support for information. The Occupational         Department of Labor Association Health        nationwide through payroll deductions.
 Safety and Health Administration provides      Plans allow small businesses, including          The Office of Child Support Enforcement
 information on the specific health             self- employed workers, to band together by      at Health and Human Services offers
 and safety standards used by the U.S.          geography or industry to obtain healthcare       employers step-by-step instructions
 Department of Labor. Call (800) 321-6742 or    coverage as if they were a single large          for processing income withholding
 visit                                employer. For information, visit        orders for child support. Download the
     The Illinois Department of Labor           general/topic/association-health-plans.          fact sheet about the Employer’s Role
 promotes and protects the rights, wages,
                                                                                                 in the Child Support Program at the
 welfare, working conditions, safety and        Environmental                                    Office of Child Support Enforcement’s
 health of Illinois workers through the         Regulations                                      website at >
 administration and enforcement of more         State assistance is available for                employer responsibilities. You can also
 than 20 labor and safety laws.                 small businesses that must comply                find information about other employer
 »» Chicago                                     with environmental regulations                   responsibilities and tools that can make
   Michael A. Bilandic Building                 under the Clean Air Act. State Small             meeting those responsibilities easier,
   160 N. LaSalle, 13th floor                   Business Environmental Assistance                such as electronic income withholding
   (312) 793-2800                               programs provide free and confidential           orders and the Child Support Portal.
                                                assistance to help small business                Send questions to employerservices@
                                                owners understand and comply with      
   Regional Office Building
                                                complex environmental regulations and
   2309 W. Main St.
   (618) 993-7090
                                                permitting requirements. These state             Intellectual Property
                                                programs can help businesses reduce              Patents, trademarks, and copyrights are
   Springfield                                  emissions at the source, often reducing          types of intellectual property that serve
   900 S. Spring St.                            regulatory burden and saving you money.          to protect creations and innovations.
   (217) 782-6206                               To learn more about these free services          The United States Patent and Trademark
 The Illinois On-Site Safety and Health         visit             Office is the federal agency that grants
 Consultation Program helps Illinois                                                             U.S. patents and registers trademarks.
 businesses meet the federal OSHA               Accessibility and                                For information and resources about
 health and safety regulations. For a free      ADA Compliance                                   U.S. patents and federally registered
 consultation for your small to medium sized    For assistance with the Americans with           trademarks consult Call the
 businesses, visit      Disabilities Act, call the ADA Center at (800)   patent and trademark office help center
 rules/safety.                                  949-4232 or the Department of Justice at         at (800) 786-9199 or visit the Elijah J.
                                                (800) 514-0301. Direct questions about           McCoy Midwest Regional Office in Detroit,
 Employee Insurance                             accessible design and the ADA standards          Michigan,
 Check with your state laws to see if you are   to the U.S. Access Board at (800) 872-2253,          A patent for an invention is the grant
 required to provide unemployment or workers’   TTY (800) 993-2822,          of a property right to an inventor, issued
 compensation insurance for your employees.     or visit                       by the U.S. patent office. The right


   conferred by the patent grant is the        from those of others and to indicate the
right to exclude others from making,           source of the goods/services. Trademarks       Economic
using, offering for sale, or selling
the invention in the United States
                                               and service marks may be registered
                                               at both the state and federal level. The
                                                                                              Businesses and entrepreneurs can receive
or importing the invention into the            U.S. Patent and Trademark Office only
                                                                                              assistance through programs and services
country. For information visit uspto.          registers federal trademarks and service
                                                                                              offered by the Illinois Department of
gov/inventors.                                 marks. Federally registered trademarks
                                                                                              Commerce and Economic Opportunity,
   There are three types of patents:           may conflict with and supersede those
                                                                                     If you’re looking to
 • Utility patents may be granted to           registered only at the state level. Visit
                                                                                              locate or expand in Illinois, check out the
    anyone who invents or discovers any
                                                                                              Enterprise Zone and High Impact Business
    new and useful process, machine,              Copyrights protect original works of
                                                                                              designations, tax increment financing, and
    manufacture, or composition of             authorship including literary, dramatic,
                                                                                              other recruitment and training resources.
    matter, or any new and useful              musical and artistic, and certain other
                                                                                              Innovators and minority entrepreneurs
    improvement.                               intellectual works. Copyrights do not
                                                                                              also can receive business assistance.
 • Design patents may be granted to            protect facts, ideas, and systems,
    anyone who invents a new, original,        although they may protect the way they         100 W. Randolph St., suite 3-400
    and ornamental design for an article       are expressed.                                 Chicago
    of manufacture.                               For general information contact:            (312) 814-7179
 • Plant patents may be granted to                                                            TTY (800) 785-6055
                                               »» U.S. Copyright Office
    anyone who invents or discovers and                                                       500 E. Monroe St.
                                                 U.S. Library of Congress
    asexually reproduces any distinct and                                                     Springfield
                                                 James Madison
    new variety of plant, other than a tuber                                                  (217) 782-7500
                                                 Memorial Building
    propagated plant or a plant found in         101 Independence Ave. Southeast
    an uncultivated state.                       Washington, DC
A trademark or service mark includes             (202) 707-3000 or toll free (877) 476-0778
any word, name, symbol, device, or     
any combination, used or intended to
be used to identify and distinguish the
goods/services of one seller or provider

local success story

                                   PRESIDENT/CEO, GMA CONSTRUC TION GROUP
                                                      Chicago, IL

Cornelius Griggs starts            • What challenge did you have? I launched GMA Construction Group in 2009 out
every building project with          of a home office, but I’ve always had big goals focused on full-service contracting
a preconstruction phase              and community service. I have a military background, so I needed business training
that lays the foundation for         to excel in one of America’s greatest cities for construction and growth. Once we
successful completion—               firmly established ourselves in Chicago, I also needed to secure financing to grow.
on budget, on time, with             Traditional lenders are not always receptive to new entrepreneurs.
added value. He duplicated
this idea and discipline in his    • What was the SBA solution? I graduated from the SBA Emerging Leaders program in
business growth, setting a firm      2016 after receiving business training and networking opportunities that really accel-
foundation with expert business      erated the growth of my small business. I feel like Emerging Leaders contributed to
guidance from the SBA.
                                     making me a force for good in my community, in addition to giving me seven months
   Cornelius, a military veteran
                                     to develop a strategic growth plan for GMA.
and Army Commendation
                                        When I needed financing assistance for business growth, I worked with an expe-
Medal recipient, grew up
in Chicago’s west side
                                     rienced SBA Lender to secure two SBA-backed 7(a) loans. The SBA guarantees loans
neighborhoods as a ward of           made by lending institutions to small business that would not otherwise be able
the state. That experience           to obtain financing. These loans in 2016 and 2017 allowed the company to upgrade
continues to drive his efforts       software and office space. I also used the funds to create jobs and build my workforce.
to make a difference in              I hired project-specific personnel and invested in training resources to comply with
underserved communities.             industry standards.
Cornelius understands the
importance of providing            • What benefit did this have for you? Today, GMA provides construction and design-
opportunities for minorities,        build services in several sectors, including education, health care, and affordable
women, and veteran business
                                     housing. We occupy a 5,000-square-foot office in Chicago’s Bridgeport neighborhood
owners. He is committed to
                                     and have more than 80 employees.
achieving the highest levels
                                        My dream came full circle when I was able to then give back to my community in
of minority participation
on projects.
                                     the form of professional skills development. We established the Create Program in
                                     partnership with a local school to encourage student interest in engineering careers
                                     through mentorship, classroom studies, and hands-on industry experience. I’m also the
                                     chairman of a local college’s construction management program. I’m proud to say that
                                     over 100 students have graduated from this program and 15 have been hired at GMA.

When I needed
                      financing assistance
                      for business growth,
                      I worked with an
                      experienced SBA
                      Lender to secure two
                      SBA-backed 7(a) loans.”
                      Cornelius Griggs

                      President/CEO, GMA Construction Group

                               Financing Your Small Business

 How We Did It

Crafting a
SBA-backed financing helped Superstition Meadery expand
into a multimillion dollar enterprise.
written by Becky Bosshart
                                                               COURTESY OF SUPERSTITION MEADERY


            ennifer and Jeff Herbert’s                                        Solution
            home-based brewing has                                            Thanks to guidance from an SBA
            expanded into a global,                                           Resource Partner, the Small Business
            multimillion dollar                                               Development Center at Yavapai
            enterprise thanks to SBA                                          Community College, Jennifer and Jeff
assistance. Using Arizona honey and                                           learned about financing that worked

ingredients they’ve sourced from                                              for them. The SBA guarantees loans
around the world (such as Tahitian                                            made by lending institutions to small

                                                                                                                                           Tips for
vanilla and Moroccan saffron), the                                            business that would not otherwise be
Herberts are selling nearly 30,000                                            able to obtain financing. Their small

gallons annually of their honey-based                                         business qualified for two SBA-backed
fermented beverage. They operate a                                            loans totaling more than $600,000. The
downtown Prescott, Arizona tasting                                            Herberts’ first SBA-backed loan allowed
room and state-of-the-art production                                          them to acquire commercial property to
facility, creating jobs and building                                          design and build their mead production            Get guidance.
a local craft industry. The Herberts,                                         facility. Their second SBA-backed loan            Develop a working relationship with
founding members of the American                                              provided the funding for professional             an SBA Resource Partner (see page 8)
Mead Makers Association, have                                                 brewing equipment to complete their               to help you find the funding that works
traveled around the world hosting                                             7,450-square-foot production space. The           best for you.
pairing events and pouring at craft                                           Herberts recently purchased a historic
beverage festivals.                                                           building in downtown Phoenix, Arizona
                                                                              to open a mead-pairing restaurant.                Define your lending needs.
                                                                                                                                Determine if a loan is right for you. Is
The Herberts wanted to scale up their                                         Benefit
                                                                                                                                this the right time? How much do you
meadery while also staying true to                                            The Herberts started with two
                                                                                                                                need? What are you going to use it for?
their values of quality ingredients and                                       employees and now have over 20
craft process. It is often difficult for                                      producing 29,000 gallons this year.
new entrepreneurs or unique concepts                                          From a homegrown setup, Jennifer and
                                                                                                                                Talk to multiple lenders.
like a meadery to get traditional                                             Jeff are now charting revenue in excess
                                                                                                                                See who best matches you and your
financing, even though they knew                                              of $2.6 million and distributing to 37
                                                                                                                                business. Has the lender successfully
they had a great idea, the backing                                            states, across Europe and Southeast
                                                                                                                                worked with other businesses in
wasn’t there to expand. They say that                                         Asia. They have plans for another                 your industry?
choosing to do something new breaks                                           expansion, including a shipping
the mold, which can be uncomfortable                                          warehouse to manage their online retail
for traditional lenders.                                                      and wholesale orders.
                                                                                                                                Check all options.
                                                                                                                                Consult with your lender to see if
                                                                                                                                you’re eligible for SBA financing
                                                                                                                                programs, determined by your
                                                                                                                                industry & experience; collateral;
                                                                                                                                credit score; and the relationship &
                                                                                                                                transparency you develop with the
                                                                                                                                lending agent.

                                                                                                                                Be ready for the ups
                                                                                                                                and downs.
                                                                                                                                Your entrepreneurial endeavor will
                                                                                                                                be a roller coaster ride filled with
                                                                                                                                challenges and successes. The path
                                                                                                                                is all consuming so make sure that

                                                                                                                                you love what you do. Passion is the
                                                                                                                                price of admission.

                                       Jeff & Jennifer Herbert, owners of Superstition Meadery, completed their 7,450-square-
                                       foot production space and opened a tasting room in Prescott, AZ with the assistance of
                                       SBA-backed financing. See their story on YouTube by searching for the 2019 National
                                       Small Business Persons of the Year.

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