Industrial Marketplace - FFeeaattuurriinngg:: TTeessttiinngg && RReemmeeddyy - Scott Electrical

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Industrial Marketplace - FFeeaattuurriinngg:: TTeessttiinngg && RReemmeeddyy - Scott Electrical

Featuring: Testing & Remedy
Industrial Marketplace - FFeeaattuurriinngg:: TTeessttiinngg && RReemmeeddyy - Scott Electrical
Welcome... the first full publication of our April
  Industrial Marketplace Magazine.
                                                                  IN THIS ISSUE
                                                                  ARTICLE - Test and Remedy - Electric Motors                           03
  Bi-monthly we will bring interesting and relevant
  articles on a wide range of subjects across the                 ARTICLE - The Cost of Ignoring Maintenance & Testing                  04
  industrial and commercial sectors, that may
  provide solutions for you and your customers.                   ARTICLE - We Need to Talk About Cyber Crime                           06

  In this issue we are covering Testing and Remedy                INFORMATION - Schneider Electric 56 Series                            08
  - there are a number of interesting articles dealing
  with this and other topical subjects.
                                                                  ADVERTORIAL - A True Vibration Analyser at your Fingertips            12
  Powerbase members consistently carry a greater
  range and volume of stock than the industry                     ADVERTORIAL - Enlisting UV-C in the Fight Against Disease             14
  average and because each owner deals with
  suppliers, they are not reliant on centralised supply           SUPPLIER PROFILE - Rotating Machinery Supplies                        15
  hubs or third-party supply channels.
  Every Powerbase business is 100% New Zealand                    CASE STUDY - Emergency & Exit Lighting                                16
  owned and operated and focused solely on
  meeting their customers' needs.                                 CASE STUDY - Energy Distribution & Monitoring                         18
                                                                  ARTICLE - Can Digital Tools Give Your Business an Edge?               22

                                                                  LIFESTYLE - Basketball                                                24

                                                                  ARTICLE - VSD Preventative Maintenance & Repair                       26
  Kevin Lynn
                                                                  LIFESTYLE - Rugby League                                              30
  Commercial manager

                                                                  SMOKO BREAK                                                           31

To read Industrial Marketplace
online, visit:

   2 | Industrial Marketplace
Industrial Marketplace - FFeeaattuurriinngg:: TTeessttiinngg && RReemmeeddyy - Scott Electrical

Energy costs are a major part                           cannot, however, confirm that                as turn-to-turn weakness, making it
of the operating expenditure for                        a motor is in good condition, as it          clear that surge testing is essential if
any plant or facility, and in almost                    does not test the entire insulation          incipient winding faults are to
                                                        system.		                                    be detected before they lead to
every case, electric motors are
                                                     3. Polarization Index (PI) test - the PI        complete failure of the motor.
among the largest consumers
of energy. Properly implemented
testing and monitoring of motor
                                                         test is a 10 minute test that is used
                                                         to measure/quantify (interfacial)        WHY TEST AT HIGH
performance, which will help to
                                                         polarisation effects occuring in the
                                                         ground wall insulation of a motor or     VOLTAGES?
improve reliability and extend                           generator.                               Questions are frequently asked about
the life of motors, is therefore an                                                               the voltages applied to motors during
                                                     4. DC Step voltage test - This test is
excellent investment, as it will                         typically performed at twice line
                                                                                                  testing. Why, for example, should a 415V
reduce overall operating costs.                                                                   motor be subjected to a 2,000V test?
                                                         voltage plus 1,000 volts. The
                                                                                                  The answer relates to the large voltage
To be truly effective, condition monitoring              voltage is increased in steps -
                                                                                                  spikes that motors see during starting and
must include not only tests like vibration               ideally five steps or more - and
                                                                                                  stopping. A typical 415V motor, particularly
analysis, oil analysis and thermography,                 the leakage current plotted. Good
                                                                                                  if it is started direct on line, can see
which mainly detect mechanical problems,                 insulation to earth will show a
                                                                                                  voltage spikes of up to 2,000V. To ensure
but also structured testing regimes for                  linear plot whereas a non-linear
                                                                                                  motor reliability, therefore, testing needs
electrical faults. All too often, other than             plot suggests contamination or an
                                                                                                  to be carried out at similar voltage levels.
the basic tests, electrical testing is deemed            insulation weakness at that voltage.
                                                                                                  International standards, including those
unnecessary. This is unfortunate as studies              A DC step voltage test provides
                                                                                                  from the IES, IEEE, NEMA and EASA,
have shown time and again that after                     considerably more information than
                                                                                                  apply to all of these tests.
bearing failure, electrical winding faults are           a DC hipot test (see next point)
the most common mode of motor failure.                   and is therefore recommended for         Electric motors are the almost indefatigable
A structured electrical testing regime is,               in-service motors.                       workhorses of industry and modern motors
therefore, not simply an optional extra - it's a                                                  are exceptionally reliable. Nevertheless,
                                                     5. The hipot test simply applies a
vital requirement for achieving plant reliability.                                                when a motor does fail without warning,
                                                         voltage, measures leakage current
                                                                                                  consequences can be costly and disruptive.
The insulation resistance test - which                   and calculates insulation resistance.
                                                                                                  Condition monitoring provides insurance
is often called a Megger test: after the                 If the insulation resistance is higher
                                                                                                  against such failures, by giving advance
trademarked name of one of the most                      than the accepted minimum, the
                                                                                                  warning of developing fault conditions.
popular instruments used to perform it - has             motor passes.
                                                                                                  This gives time to plan the required
long been the tool of choice for engineers,          6. Surge test - This final test is used to   maintenance or motor replacement. To
and this simple test is often the only                   verify the turn-to-turn, coil-to-coil    be truly effective, however, condition
electrical test performed on a motor. There's            and phase-to-phase insulation            monitoring must include 'the missing link' -
no doubt that this test has a valid role, but it         condition and is typically performed     electrical tests.
is simply not capable of detecting all of the            at twice line voltage plus 1,000
faults that can occur within the windings of             volts. It can detect weak insulation
a motor.                                                 both between phases and within
Let us now look in more detail at electrical             one phase, dead shorts, loose
tests that should form part of an effective              connections, and unbalances
motor condition monitoring program.                      caused by incorrect winding. When
                                                         motors start and stop, high voltage
STATIC MOTOR TESTS                                       spikes are generated and, over
                                                         time, these spikes can damage
Static, or offline, motor tests should ideally be
                                                         winding insulation, as can the
carried out in the sequence shown below:
                                                         effects of heat, contimination, and
1. Winding resistance test - This test is                the movement of the windings due
    used to detect loose connections and                 to magnetic forces they experience
    dead shorts.                                         during motor starting. Of all the
2. Insulation resistance (Megger) test -                 tests described, the surge test is
                                                         the only method of detecting the
                                                                                                  Article supplied by Avo New
     this test will show if the motor is wet or                                                   Zealand's General Manager Sales
     contaminated, or if it has a dead short             resulting weakness in turn-to-turn
                                                         insulation. As studies have shown,       & Marketing, Daniel Hurley.
     to earth. An insulation resistance test
                                                         80% of electrical failures start

                                                                                                                                        By Powerbase | 3
Industrial Marketplace - FFeeaattuurriinngg:: TTeessttiinngg && RReemmeeddyy - Scott Electrical
ARTICLE                        SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC

Companies are continually                   a strong correlation between the level
being tasked by management                  of maintenance and the reliability of the      CREATING AN ELECTRICAL
to increase revenue and reduce
expenses. In many instances,
                                            Breakdowns may also put workers in
                                                                                           PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE
operating expenses are targeted,            harm’s way to repair equipment. Planned
                                            maintenance activities provide fewer
which can actually have a                                                                  Step 1: Assess the Current State
                                            opportunities for workers to improvise.
negative financial impact on the                                                           of the Electrical System
bottom line.                                Facility managers should know what the
                                            monetary impact of an unplanned outage         Prior to initiating a preventive maintenance
A well-administered Electrical Preventive                                                  program, have a short circuit analysis and
                                            means to their respective operations.
Maintenance program reduces accidents                                                      a time current coordination study of all of
                                            However, when an event happens, the
and minimizes costly breakdowns and                                                        the power distribution systems to ensure
                                            focus is usually on restoring power as
unplanned outages. Impending troubles                                                      equipment is properly rated, set and
                                            quickly as possible and at all costs. Often,
can be identified, and solutions applied,                                                  labeled.
                                            the tangible and intangible costs are not
before they become major problems
                                            accounted for during the event.                Additionally, an up-to-date single-line
requiring more expensive, time-consuming
                                            The generally-accepted industry ‘rule of       diagram of the electrical system provides
                                            thumb’ states that reactive maintenance        clear and precise information concerning
The ultimate goal of a preventive                                                          the exact interconnections of all electrical
                                            is three to four times more costly than
maintenance program is ensuring that                                                       equipment.
                                            preventive maintenance. However, a ‘rule
all electrical equipment and components
                                            of thumb’ statistic can be hard to sell to
operate safely and reliably as originally
                                            management when budgets are tight.
designed and intended. Studies of
electrical equipment maintenance show

4 | Industrial Marketplace
Industrial Marketplace - FFeeaattuurriinngg:: TTeessttiinngg && RReemmeeddyy - Scott Electrical

Step 2: Clearly Communicate                  » Monitoring equipment                        The recommended maintenance and
Expectations to the Service                  » Protective relays                           testing interval for outages may need to be
Provider                                                                                   altered if any of these factors exist:
                                             » Circuit breakers
A comprehensive preventive maintenance                                                     • Potential of safety equipment failure
                                             » Panelboards
and testing program should incorporate                                                     • High repair cost equipment installed
detailed policies, procedures, and           » Transformers
                                                                                           • Extreme operating environment
maintenance activities for the entire        » UPS systems
electrical power distribution system,                                                      • Poor equipment condition
regardless of the manufacturer.              » Optional stand-by generators
                                                                                           • High operating load and ratings
The facility’s management needs to clearly   » Metering equipment
                                                                                           • High cost of downtime to production
communicate to the service provider:         » Service-entrance switchgear
                                                                                           • Performance history of equipment.
• Which equipment is included in the         » Switchboards
   maintenance program.
• The specific order the electrical
                                             » Motor control centers                       CONCLUSION
                                             » Automatic transfer switches                 Lowered reliability, especially in the realm
    equipment should be removed from
                                                                                           of electrical systems, increases the risk of
    service for maintenance.                 » Busway
                                                                                           both employee safety and of downtime-
• The detailed scope of work for each        » Bonding and grounding systems.              related lost business productivity.
    piece of equipment or component,
                                             Step 3: Planning for Outages                  Not servicing or maintaining your
    such as:
                                                                                           equipment at worst is dangerous, and
                                             With FEW exceptions, electrical equipment
»    Electrical testing (insulation and                                                    at best is pushing larger costs out to a
                                             should NOT be cleaned, inspected,
     current path)                                                                         later date. Guidance can be found in the
                                             maintained, serviced, or tested while it is
»    Mechanical testing (functionality and                                                 standard AS/NZS 3019:2007 Electrical
     sequencing)                                                                           Installations – Periodic Verification.
                                             • When planning for an outage, ‘critical’
»    Visual inspection to ensure proper         equipment should be identified and
     set-up and function                        scheduled.
»    Control and protection schemes          • Arrangements for temporary electrical
     to verify proper sequencing and             power should be made, if needed.
     automated operation.
                                             • Above all, it is management’s
Following are recommended items or              responsibility for onsite personnel
equipment to incorporate into a Preventive      safety, whether for in-house or third-
Maintenance Program:                            party electrical workers.

                                                                                                                               By Powerbase | 5
Industrial Marketplace - FFeeaattuurriinngg:: TTeessttiinngg && RReemmeeddyy - Scott Electrical

This isn’t a topic that is often            remarked that the users appear to            SonicWall collects data from 214
talked about until it’s too late. If the    operate with a hive mind mentality when      countries and uses deep learning AI
door on your office wasn’t closing          launching attacks. Some attacks are          to respond rapidly to emerging threats
properly, it would be addressed             done for traditional financial gain but      which ensures 80% of cyberattacks are
instantly. If a CCTV camera feed            often, these cyberterrorists will attack a   resolved in 2 seconds. SonicWall has
went out, you’d investigate straight        high security target purely to see if they   several advanced features that use AI to
away but online protection seems            can. 4chan hackers were responsible for      protect against the most evasive threats,
to be the elephant in the room.             the iCloud photo leak when thousands         allowing you to analyse captured
Perhaps it’s because most people            of private photos, including nudes, from     threats in a quarantined environment,
don’t feel they’re tech savvy enough        celebrity iCloud accounts were posted        as well as see what threats are trying to
to have that conversation. No one           online. They’ve also hacked politicians’     compromise in real time.
wants to look like the “boomer” in          emails and even caused Apple stock           SonicWall also believe in sharing their
the room so we tiptoe around the            prices to plummet. In today’s world,         knowledge to make everyone safer
subject, but with 2020’s events             cybercrime is organised and the rest of      and host webinars to help customers
forcing the workforce to shift to           us are scrambling to just keep up.           understand cybersecurity better.
various remote working models,
                                            SonicWall are network specialists that       You may not ever be as savvy as the
businesses can no longer afford to
                                            know exactly what threats are faced and      cybercriminals but with SonicWall
avoid the topic.
                                            the outlook isn’t good. Data collected       you can be sure you’ve got the best
Here’s some good news - if you              from SonicWall threat protection             protection possible so you can get back
don’t really understand threats in the      software found malware variants              to business.
digital world, you’re not alone. In fact,   increased 62% in 2020 and instances
most people don’t really understand         of malicious office files being detected
cybersecurity. Most people know the         were up 172%. There’s no reason to
terms like malware, hack, phishing,         expect those numbers to not rise even
end-to-end encryption, etc; but very        higher in 2021.
few people understand what all that
means. Ask someone you know, “How
does end-to-end encryption protect
against a sophisticated phishing attack
and how can you defend against social
engineering?” and you’ll find most of us
are stumbling around in the dark.
Hackers could answer those questions
though. They could most likely tell you
a whole host of workarounds to the
solutions as well.
The world has never been more
suited to hackers. People all over
the world have been forced into
remote working scenarios regardless
of computing ability. They’re being
made to adapt quickly to the world of
remote teams, Zoom meetings and
VPN’s without “lunch room learning”
to help them adapt as they would to a
new technology in a traditional office
Hackers have lived in this world for
years. Through online message boards
like 4chan, they’ve connected with
likeminded cybercriminals all around
the world allowing them to share             HILLS IS AN OFFICIAL SUPPLIER OF SONICWALL
knowledge, develop new tools and             NETWORK SOLUTIONS.
even coordinate cyberattacks. Those
                                             FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT
familiar with these sites have often

6 | Industrial Marketplace
Industrial Marketplace - FFeeaattuurriinngg:: TTeessttiinngg && RReemmeeddyy - Scott Electrical
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YO U C A N R E LY O N H I L L S                                         By Powerbase | 7
Industrial Marketplace - FFeeaattuurriinngg:: TTeessttiinngg && RReemmeeddyy - Scott Electrical

Make the right choice
Don’t judge 56 Series by its colour

PDL 56 Series is tough and offers both IP66 and UV resistance, however did you know it is the only
product of its type that offers ‘real resistance’ to general chemicals or neutrals, acids and alkalines?

    Chemical-Resistant Orange (RO),                         56 Series Grey (GY)
    Chemical-Resistant White (RW)                           General industrial use, neutral chemicals.
    Resistance to acid-based detergents & chemicals,        Resist effects of high impact, long exposure to UV.
    petroleum based products, oils/grease found in          Ideal for:
    automotive workshops and long exposure to UV.           • Indoor and outdoor use
    Ideal for:                                              • Plant rooms, warehouses, assembly plants,
    • High-visibility (RO)                                    aquatic centres.
    • Hygienic aesthetics (RW)                              • Dusty/damp environments
    • Indoor and outdoor use                                • Areas subjected to low and high temperatures
    • Water treatment plants, citrus fruit processing,

     Chemical-Resistant Grey (CG)                            WilcoROWCO Metal Clad
     Resistance to alkali-based chemicals/                   Cast aluminium toughness for high impact
     foaming caustic and cooking oils.                       & heavy duty environments.
     Ideal for:                                              Ideal for:
      • Food processing environments                         • Vandal prone areas
      • High temperature & pressure wash-down                • Higher temperatures (80ºC)
        areas such as abattoirs, dairies, chicken            • Higher impact resistance
        processing plants.
      • Indoor applications only (not UV stabilised)                                            Life is On | PDL by Schneider Electric

8 | Industrial Marketplace
Industrial Marketplace - FFeeaattuurriinngg:: TTeessttiinngg && RReemmeeddyy - Scott Electrical

Application Guide
Product Selector
Application                 Environment                                                              Best                Better             Good
Maintenance workshop        Indoors, ambient air temperature, low UV levels, cutting fluids,
                            oils, no or minimal exposure to rain.                                     Neutral               Acid              Heavy

Tool room or                Indoors, ambient air temperature, low UV levels, cutting fluids, oils.
general fabrication                                                                                   Neutral               Acid              Heavy
workshop                                                                                                                                       Duty

Plant rooms                 Indoors, 0 °C to 40 °C, low UV levels, possible moisture/condensation,
                            no or limited chemicals or detergent exposure.                            Neutral               Acid              Heavy

Pedestrian                  Indoors or outdoors, ambient air temperature, outdoors may be
traffic areas               subjected to high UV levels and rainfall, indoors low UV and              Neutral               Acid              Heavy
                            moisture, no or minimal chemicals or detergent exposure.                                                           Duty
                            May be prone to vandalism.

Staff lunchroom             Indoors, 0 °C to 40 °C, low UV levels, some exposure to water,
                            mild detergents or household cleaners. No or minimal exposure              Acid                Neutral           Alkaline
                            to rain. No alkaline cleaners.

Public eating area          Indoors or outdoors, ambient air temperature, outdoors may be
                            subjected to high UV levels and rainfall, indoors low UV and moisture,    Heavy                Neutral            Acid
                            some exposure to water, mild detergents or household cleaners. No          Duty
                            alkaline cleaners.

Cool room for perishable    Indoors, -10 °C to 15 °C, low UV levels, possible moisture or
storage                     condensation, no or minimal chemicals or detergent exposure,              Neutral               Acid              Heavy
                            no or minimal exposure to rain.                                                                                    Duty

Warehouse                   Indoors, ambient air temperature, low UV levels, no exposure
                            to rain, possible impacts from handling equipment. No or minimal          Neutral               Acid              Heavy
                            exposure to rain.                                                                                                  Duty

Assembly plant or           Indoors, ambient air temperature, low UV levels, no exposure
fabrication area            to rain, possible impacts from handling equipment. No or minimal          Neutral               Acid              Heavy
                            exposure to rain.                                                                                                  Duty

Alkali's washdown           Indoors, 5 °C to 25 °C, low UV levels, foaming alkaline cleaners,
area (boning rooms, food    75 °C high pressure cleaners, prone to condensation.                      Alkaline
processing area)

Detergent washdown (fast    Indoors, 5 °C to 25 °C, low UV levels, mild detergents or mild
food preparation)           household cleaners, washdown with water, prone to condensation.           Alkaline             Neutral            Acid

Acids or citrus based       Indoors or outdoors, ambient temperature of -5 °C to 70 °C, low to
cleaners (wineries,         high UV levels, acidic chemicals or products, possible exposure to         Acid
breweries, coal wash plant) citrus cleaners, washdown with water, no to high exposure to rain or
                            water. No alkaline chemicals or cleaning agents.

Bottle or vat sterilising   Indoors, 5 °C to 40 °C, low UV levels, exposure to detergents or
                            sterilising agents, washdown with water, prone to condensation.           Alkaline

Exposure to cooking Oil     Indoors, 5 °C to 40 °C, low UV levels, exposure to cooking oils,
(chip friers etc.)          exposure to detergents or alkali cleaners, washdown with water,           Alkaline
                            prone to condensation. No acid based cleaning agents                                                                                Life is On | PDL by Schneider Electric

                                                                                                                                           By Powerbase | 9
Industrial Marketplace - FFeeaattuurriinngg:: TTeessttiinngg && RReemmeeddyy - Scott Electrical

 Product Selector
 Application                Environment                                                                  Best                 Better            Good
 Minerals processing or     Indoors, 0 °C to 75 °C, low UV levels, No or minimal exposure to moisture,
 Furnaces                   possible heavy impacts from handling equipment.                               Heavy                  Acid            Neutral

 Outdoor storage            Outdoors, ambient air temperature -15 °C to 75 °C. High UV, possible
 tanks or ponds or silos    exposure to acidic chemicals or chlorine, direct exposure to rain.                                                    Heavy
                                                                                                           Acid                 Neutral
                            Not DIP or EX.                                                                                                         Duty

 Despatch or vehicle       Indoors/outdoors, ambient air temperature, low to high UV levels,
 loading or transport area no to high exposure to rain, possible impacts from handling equipment.                               Heavy
                                                                                                          Neutral                                 Acid

 Staff or public car park   Indoors or outdoors, ambient air temperature, low to high UV levels,
                            no to high exposure to rain, may be prone to vandalism.                       Heavy                 Neutral           Acid

 Toilets/wet areas          Indoors, 5 °C to 40 °C, low UV levels, exposure to detergents or alkali
                            cleaners, washdown with water, prone to condensation.
                                                                                                          Alkaline              Neutral           Acid
                            No acid based cleaning agents.

 Office                     Indoors, 0 °C to 40 °C , low UV levels, minimal moisture or condensation,
                            no or limited chemicals or detergent exposure.
                                                                                                          Neutral                Acid

 Food preparation area      Indoors, 5 °C to 25 °C, low UV levels, mild detergents, citrus based or
 or kitchen                 household cleaners, washdown with water, prone to condensation.
                            No alkaline cleaners.

 Rooftop plant platforms    Outdoors, ambient air temperature -15 °C to 75 °C. High UV, direct
                            exposure to rain.
                                                                                                          Neutral                Acid

 Bottling plant             Indoors, ambient air temperature, low UV levels, no exposure to rain ,
                            possible impacts from handling equipment. No or minimal exposure
                            to rain.

 Swimming pool or           Indoors/outdoors, ambient air temperature -10 °C to 50 °C, low to
 growing pond               high UV levels, no to high exposure to rain, may be prone to                                                          Heavy
                                                                                                          Neutral                Acid
                            vandalism, presence of chlorine.                                                                                       Duty

 Boat washdown              Outdoors, ambient air temperature -15 °C to 75 °C. High UV, direct
                            exposure to rain, exposure to salt water.                                     Heavy                 Neutral           Acid

 Conveyor belt              Indoors or outdoors, ambient air temperature, low to high UV levels,
                            no to high exposure to rain, may be exposed to impacts. Not DIP or EX.        Heavy                 Neutral           Acid

 Outdoor BBQ's              Outdoors, ambient air temperature -15 °C to 75 °C. High UV, possible
                            exposure to animal fats or cooking oil splash, direct exposure to rain.       Heavy                 Neutral           Acid
                            May be prone to vandalism.                                                     Duty

 Outdoor lighting           Outdoors, ambient air temperature -15 °C to 75 °C. High UV, direct
                            exposure to rain. May be prone to vandalism.                                  Heavy                 Neutral           Acid
                                                                                                           Duty                                                                                 Life is On | PDL by Schneider Electric

10 | Industrial Marketplace
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The VA3 Pro vibration analyser
from Adash offers an array                        Record the whole signal and                    Save money with Ultrasound
of modularly based vibration
diagnostics features all packaged
                                                  not miss a thing                               as a supplement to
in a robust portable unit. Its user
                                                  The VA3 can contain a recorder module.
                                                  It enables recording of the raw signal
friendly interface and FASIT mode                 for analysis later in the office. It is very   This module enables the ability to detect
mean it is a favoured model                       convenient in moments when you only            compressed air leaks which can be very
in most factories with critical                   have a short time for measurement and the      expensive. Also, you can measure the
                                                                                                 bearing condition and lubrication. You can
machinery/motors, let's explore                   machine run is available only the one time.
                                                  Typically it is the run-up, when the machine   even detect corona discharge and other
why...                                                                                           failures in high voltage systems.
                                                  then will be running for many months.
Modules for both beginners                        You have only one chance for reading,
                                                  you cannot repeat it. After recording you      Built in Stroboscope and IR
and experts                                       can replay the signal and look at any
                                                  measurement you want. One record can           Thermometer
It contains many modules, which are
                                                  contain up to 100 hours of raw signal!         A contactless IR thermometer and
prepared to do special jobs. The analyzer and
                                                                                                 stroboscope is built in to the unit, which
route are the main two of them. There are
also very specialised modules, for example        Run up measurement                             can also be used as a torch.
the recorder.
However with the VA3 you choose what
                                                  The VA3 run-up module offers many
                                                  functions for run-up and coast-down            Faster readings with Triaxial
modules you want and only purchase those.
You can buy just the base unit first and build
                                                  measurements. It essentially collects
                                                  repeated readings very fast. This collection
                                                  can be controlled by speed change (e.g.        The VA3 is a 3 channel unit enabling
it up by buying the next modules later as                                                        the use of a triaxial sensor. But you can
                                                  reading only when the speed changes by
required.                                                                                        also use three individual sensors for
                                                  30 RPM compared with the last reading

VA3 makes you the expert                          speed) or by time interval (make the
                                                  reading every second) or both together.
                                                                                                 measurement on three different points.

All VA3 units contain the FASIT (Fault
Source Identification Tool) module. This
expert system analyses the signal and gives
                                                  One and two plane balancing
an indication of the severity of basic failures
such as unbalance, misalignment, looseness
                                                  included                                        For more information contact your
                                                  With the balancer module you can do one         Powerbase branch or call AVO
and bearing failure. Whilst this serves to aid    or two plane balancing of rigid motors.
                                                                                                  New Zealand today!
non-qualified staff, the VA3 also enables
all measurements required by the CAT IV
Vibration analyst.

12 | Industrial Marketplace
Online Machine
Condition Assessment
with the Adash VA3 Pro

Proudly bought to you by
AVO New Zealand

¢ A true vibration analyzer - real
  time FFTs, time waveforms etc.

¢ Modularly based - buy only
  the modes you need, including

¢ User friendly interface - graphical
  balancing mode

¢ Built in Stroboscope

¢ Expert mode to guide user to
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                                                    By Powerbase | 13
ADVERTORIAL                  PHILIPS

 UV-C ultraviolet radiation has              how does it work as a disinfectant?                 2.   The final level of disinfection is
 been proven to be highly effective          GUV refers to the use of UV-C, the                       always a combination of time and
 against bacteria and viruses for well       wavelengths in the photobiological                       intensity that varies depending on
 over a century.                             UV spectral band ranging from 200 to                     pathogen and environment.
 It was 1877, when British physiologist      280nm (nanometres). Unlike UV-A and                 It is for these two reasons that proven,
 Arthur Downes and scientist Thomas          UV-B, UV-C can be up to 99.99 percent               certified products and solutions must
 Blunt noticed that when putting             effective when it comes to breaking                 be the priority when implementing any
 solution-filled test tubes outside          apart DNA/RNA, rendering bacteria,                  UV-C/GUV solution.
 that sunlight could kill or inhibit the     viruses, fungi, mould, and spores inert,
                                             therefore harmless. This is because                 There are a few reputable companies
 development of pathogenic bacteria.
                                             Earth's upper atmosphere blocks most,               specialising in UV-C applications, many
 Some 25 years later, the German
                                             if not all, of the UV-C coming from                 in very specialist areas such as Air
 Ophthalmologist Ernst Hertel built on
                                             the sun. Due to this, pathogens have                Conditioning and Water Treatment. They
 this knowledge, determining that light
                                             evolved few if any defences to UV-C/                typically provide a design service that
 in the UV-C wavelength, rather than
                                             GUV.                                                treats each application as a project with
 UV-A or UV-B, is the most effective
                                                                                                 pre-implementation and post validation
 for killing micro-organisms. This is the    With most infections either entering the            tests to guarantee safety and efficacy.
 basis of all modern commercial UV-C         body directly or indirectly via the eyes,
 solutions.                                  nose or mouth it is no surprise that                One such company is Signify (formerly
                                             UV-C is being employed to disinfect                 Philips Lighting), who have been
 But there is a catch; when used
                                             both surfaces and airspaces.                        designing and manufacturing UV-C
 incorrectly UV-C or GUV (germicidal
                                                                                                 solutions for over 40 years. Recently
 ultraviolet radiation) can be incredibly    There is a lot of misleading information,           Signify engaged the National Emerging
 dangerous. That said, according to the      and even some unscrupulous                          Infectious Diseases Laboratories
 US Illuminating Engineering Society’s       companies, pushing false claims around              at Boston University in the US to
 Photobiological Safety Committee, the       UV-C. No matter the product or claim                specifically validate the effectiveness of
 dangers of GUV are, “manageable and         two universal truths about UV-C are                 their UV-C light sources against SARS-
 minor compared to potential infection       always true:                                        CoV2 and COVID-19. If you need any
                                             1.    UV-C exposure to humans is                    further information, please reach out to
 Although it has been used and relied              damaging and exposure needs                   your local wholesaler or Philips Account
 on for decades, the general public                to be eliminated or carefully                 Manager.
 are generally unaware of the GUV’s                controlled.
 unique abilities as a broad-spectrum
 disinfectant. It was first used in the
 late 1800’s to sterilise surfaces, then
 water in 1910 and air in the 1930’s.
 The application and technologies are
 so well developed that UV-C/GUV is
 a standard component of the World
 Health Organisation’s tool kit in dealing
 with Tuberculosis and many other
 bacteriological/viral pathogens. In fact,
 UV-C is generally effective against all
 known pathogens, the dosage being
                                              1.                        2.                                     3.
 the variable. From Tuberculosis to
 Ebola and now Covid19, UV-C has              1. Portable air disinfection unit - Air is drawn in at the bottom of the unit and passed over four
                                              UV-C emitters which disinfects the air before blowing it out the top. It is effective in reducing the
 been a key weapon in increasing safety
                                              particulate count of pathogen carrying aerosol droplets.
 in environments.
                                              2. Wall mount (top) and ceiling mount UV-C air disinfection devices - Designed to control
 With the technology proven effective         the spread of pathogens, such as tuberculosis in medical settings, this specific technology is
 and coupled with recent interest due to      recommended by the World Health Organisation.
 Covid-19, opportunities in healthcare,
                                              3. UV-C disinfection chamber - This device disinfects items placed inside it, such as mobile
 hospitality, gyms, childcare, and aged       phones and up to large sized garment disinfection. Bespoke room-based systems employing
 care are growing exponentially.              the same technology are possible via project based
 Before we get into some of the specific
 solutions available, let us get back
 to basics. What is UV-C/GUV, and

14 | Industrial Marketplace

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The emergency and exit lighting                  When asked why upgrading to XT Hive            expanding the network to the remainder of
installed was manually tested,                   was the best option financially – Yi Ding      the building."
halogen and fluorescent fittings                 commented: "We had a limited budget
                                                                                                The server and controller have been
                                                 so we couldn't do the whole building in
with NiCad batteries which had                                                                  located in the engineering office at the
                                                 one installation. With HIVE though we can
poor energy efficiency and were                                                                 base of the building, there are several
                                                 begin with the infrastructure and a limited
expensive to maintain and test.                                                                 exit and emergency fittings nearby to
                                                 amount of fittings and then incrementally
                                                                                                establish the mesh network to the rest of
With the goal of achieving a low                 upgrade the building as fittings fail. This
                                                                                                the building.
cost of ownership and full site                  was an essential feature and XT Hive is
testing compliance, the Novatel                  the best value in achieving a bulletproof,     Daniel Garden the assistant chief engineer
Sydney Central Chief Engineer,                   low cost of ownership, monitored system.”      on the site goes on to say, ”The BMS and
                                                                                                the XT HIVE server are on a separate
Yi Ding, was looking for a                       When asked why he agreed with Yi Ding’s
                                                                                                dedicated network allowing remote
solution.                                        recommendation of the Clevertronics XT
                                                                                                access” this will enable the Clevertronics
                                                 HIVE solution, the installing contractor
In August 2019, Clevertronics were                                                              ALS team to assist in supporting the site
                                                 – Trent Cumines from Disc Electrical, a
invited to the AccorHotels NSW/ACT                                                              remotely as the staged upgrade continues
                                                 leading Sydney based electrical contracting
Engineering Managers meeting to present                                                         towards a fully monitored building.
                                                 business with extensive experience in
on all things emergency lighting, including
latest innovations, technology and meeting
statutory compliance requirements. It
                                                 hotels and commercial markets upgrading
                                                 emergency and exit lighting said: “There       Results
                                                 are some challenges with the wiring            In March 2020 the initial installation of
was during this presentation Yi Ding was
                                                 onsite. We have worked with other RF and       the first stage of the upgrade including
introduced to the Clevertronics XT HIVE
                                                 powerline monitored systems before, but        100 fittings, controller and server, was
monitored system; and the solution to his
                                                 due to the wiring/infrastructure on site,      completed, on time and to budget with
site challenges became apparent.
                                                 none of these were suitable. I did look at     no disruption to hotel activities with the

Challenges                                       some other RF systems on the market,
                                                 however they were more expensive from
                                                                                                commissioning of the system concluded
                                                                                                in a matter of minutes. The remaining
When asked about the challenges                  an installation standpoint and due to the      older NiCad fittings will be replaced
currently facing them with manually testing      building layout were not suitable to get       incrementally as they fail or as part of
the emergency lighting in the building Yi        effective communication to all areas.” “XT     the planned site upgrade works. Due
Ding said; “Testing now is difficult and         HIVE with its meshing was the only reliable    to each XT HIVE controller being able
expensive, we have to test out of hours so       solution”                                      to manage 1000 fittings, no additional
the contractor needs to come in at 4:30                                                         backbone hardware is required on site. The
                                                 Also from a support perspective, he
in the morning and switch the lights off                                                        Clevertronics Advantage ALS program will
                                                 wanted to use a brand that he could
(not all circuits have test switches due to                                                     now begin on this site, offering ongoing
                                                 be confident had a proven reputation
the age of the building) we also have to                                                        support for the life of the system.
                                                 to support the system whole of life. XT
pay extra staff to be here at that time”. In
                                                 HIVE backed by Clevertronics Advantage
addition, the existing baseline data that
                                                 Lifetime Support (ALS) was the clear
our compliance testing contractor has
relating to circuit and switchboard details is
incomplete and inadequate.”                      “We have worked with all manner of
                                                 systems in the past, however the XT HIVE
Coupled with this was the high failure
                                                 technology is backed by the best after
rates of the existing fittings resulting in
                                                 sales support in the market which means
unacceptable ongoing maintenance cost.
                                                 we can execute the project with absolute

Solution                                         certainty that our client will get the best
A Clevertronics XT HIVE Monitored
                                                 We have 100 fittings installed onsite which,
System – One single HIVE controller and
                                                 with its meshing commissioned in less time
base fittings were installed as part of an
                                                 than it took to get a coffee, we can now
incremental upgrade of the site emergency
                                                 perform emergency exit light testing and
& exit lighting.
                                                 certification safely without affecting the
                                                 day to day running of the hotel, before

16 | Industrial Marketplace
ADVERTORIAL                            NHP LTD

         Are you wired in preparation for the updated
         It is critical that electrical installations are protected and comply with the updated standards and wiring rules

            In residential installations, all circuits will now be required to be protected by 30mA Residual
            Current Device (RCD).
            This now includes hard wired devices such as hot water systems, ovens and air conditioning
            NHP have you covered with a complete range of Residual Current Circuit Breakers (RCBO)
            and RCD devices to suit these needs with the NHP MOD6 range offering:

            •   6kA fault level
            •   6A to 40A current ratings RCBOs
            •   40A to 63A current ratings RCCBs
            •   10mA & 30mA sensitives
            •   1P, 2P and 3P&N
            •   Switched neutral and un-switched neutral options.

            Not only have requirements for residential installations changed but there are also changes
            for non-residential installations. Formerly, socket outlets and lighting up to 20A required
            RCD protection, however this has now increased up to and including 32A. All fixed wiring
            equipment up to and including 32A should now have a 30mA RCD fitted.
            To ensure these requirements are met, NHP have complete range of RCBO and RCD devices
            with the NHP DIN-T offering:

            •   6kA and 10kA fault levels
            •   6A to 40A current ratings RCBOs
            •   40A to 125A current ratings RCCBs
            •   10mA, 30mA, 100mA & 300mA sensitives
                                                                                                               The MOD6 range is purpose designed for domestic and commercial
            •   1P, 2P, 3P and 3P&N
                                                                                                               installations, providing the perfect complete switchboard solution.
            •   Switched neutral and un-switched neutral options.

      Simplify installation with wiring solutions from NHP

      The NHP MOD6 range of consumer switchboards and circuit
      protection consists of a flexible and extensive range of products
      for the ever changing demands of switchboard design.

      To complement this comprehensive circuit protection suite,
      NHP offers an extensive range of DIN wiring accessories,
      making installation quick and simple.

      Wiring accessories range includes:

      • Busbar comb
      • Buscomb end cap
      • Buscomb tee-off caps [yellow]
      • DIN contactors
      • DINT dummy MCB
      • MOD6 surge protection
      • Terminal pin
      • Terminal way neutral link

      The MOD6 range is purpose designed for domestic and
      commercial installations, providing the perfect complete
      switchboard solution.

9FLY_Circuit Mag_Update.indd 1                                                                                                                                                  21/01/2021 |15:15:58
                                                                                                                                                                           By Powerbase       17

Le Riseria is expanding its                     renovations and expansion of the rice mill,         is a switchgear manufacturer that usually
production facilities in Ticino,                the first installation of this digital innovation   relies on low-voltage products from ABB
Switzerland. This company, owned                by ABB, in Switzerland.                             for its projects.
by Migros, Switzerland's largest                EDCS is a cloud-based software solution             ABB Ability™ EDCS was new territory for
retail company, is pursuing a                   that records, analyses and optimises                Quadranti, a switchgear manufacturer,
comprehensive sustainability                    energy flow within the energy supply                who are not necessarily a specialist
                                                system. Plant operators can retrieve data           in software protocols and firewalls. To
program. La Riseria relies on
                                                anytime, anywhere, via smartphone, tablet           connect the low-voltage distribution to
ABB's digitally monitored low-                  or PC.                                              EDCS, there are two options: an integrated
voltage distribution system, a first                                                                plug & play solution via the Ekip Com Hub
for Switzerland.                                PRECISE MONITORING                                  plug-in module for the Emax 2 central
                                                                                                    circuit breaker or an external solution via
In Switzerland, rice consumption is growing     "Originally, we were looking for a
every year, currently at around six kilograms                                                       the Ekip E-Hub mounted on an A4 rail.
                                                conventional low-voltage distribution
per person, per year. Thirty years ago, only                                                        This collects all the data of the system
                                                system for the new production plant,"
a quarter of today's volume of rice was                                                             and transmits it to the cloud. La Riseria
                                                explains Roberto Galati, sales engineer of
imported into Switzerland.                                                                          preferred the integrated solution and
                                                ABB Switzerland in Ticino. "However, in the
                                                                                                    with some support from ABB, Quadranti
A considerable part of that imported            first conversation, executives of La Riseria
                                                                                                    ultimately implemented it without any
rice - around 15,000 tons per year - is         were very interested in this digital solution
processed in the largest Swiss rice mill: La    in order to comprehensively monitor
Riseria in Taverne, which now forms part of
                                                energy consumption, even though it had
                                                not yet been installed anywhere else in             IN OPERATION SINCE
                                                The ABB Ability™ EDCS is not only able
                                                                                                    SUMMER 2018
                                                                                                    Two low-voltage distribution boards were
In its commitment to sustainability,            to monitor consumption at the main
                                                                                                    installed and commissioned in summer
M-Industrie set ambitious targets for 2020      power distribution system switches, but in
                                                                                                    2018 and use the CMS-700 circuit
with further visions for 2040. One of the       combination with ABB's circuit monitoring
                                                                                                    monitoring control units and sensors.
ten areas of action is resource efficiency.     system CMS-700, it is also able to track
The key point here is to improve energy         consumption right down to the lowest                The rice mill was expanded and underwent
efficiency.                                     consumption branch of the electrical                renovations in 2019. Currently, the two
                                                system, such as the building's lighting.            new low-voltage distributions supply the
In the course of this commitment to                                                                 existing installations.
sustainability, La Riseria has decided to       La Riseria decided to take advantage of
rely on the digitally supervised low-voltage    both and entrusted Quadranti Bruno e
distribution solution ABB Ability™ Electrical   Figlio SA to install ABB Ability™ EDCS for
Distribution Control System (EDCS). This        both production and the overall building
forms an integral part of its planned           infrastructure. This family business in Ticino

18 | Industrial Marketplace
                                         The CMS system is an ultra-compact and
                                         high-performance multichannel measurement
                                         system for AC and DC branch monitoring.

    MONITORING                           It is a complete solution for monitoring electrical

                                         parameters in distribution panels, enabling
                                         power monitoring and energy efficiency analysis
                                         in buildings and critical power applications.


Easy MCB-mount sensors   Easy retrofit        Minimum space               One sensor for all
   saves up to 30% of    and upgrade       requirements due to           currents – DC, AC, or
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                                                                                      By Powerbase | 19
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ARTICLE                        SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC

How will you rise to this                         Can you accompany your customers             maintenance that will prolong equipment
challenge and connect your                        on a connected journey where you, the        life, ensure uptime, and optimise
customers' site to ensure                         contractor, become their trusted adviser?    performance as well as present an
                                                                                               opportunity for contractors to generate
remote access to meaningful                       Take maintenance for example. Thanks
                                                  to new digital tools, contractors can        repetitive busines through offering digital
data for your customers' and                                                                   services.
a continuous revenue flow                         enable automatic task reminders, provide
                                                  guidance for an efficient resource           Predictive maintenance is the way forward.
for yourself? Is the COVID-19
                                                  allocation, keep historical maintenance      IoT connected sensors on a customer's
pandemic the most significant                     logbooks and easily generate meaningful      site can send data in real time to the cloud,
digital transformation catalyst                   inspection and activity reports.             thereby enabling preventative maintenance
we've seen in decades?                                                                         work that is timely, accurate, and more
                                                  Another example is the use of QR codes
And, if so, what can contractors do right         on switchboards and other electrical         efficient. New technology and digital tools
now to survive, recover, thrive and be ready      gear that allows contractors and their       such as EcoStruxure Facility Expert can
for the 'new normal'? The world we know           end users to access and share important      help expand contractor's services and
today is going through an unprecedented           technical documents such as drawings         provide customers with cutting edge digital
transformation as measures are being              and datasheets by simply scanning the QR     solutions. Facilities can be managed more
taken to let people stay, and if possible,        code through a secure mobile application.    effectively by connecting buildings and
work from home. This has resulted in a            Routine maintenance and troubleshooting      equipment, as well as teams, using cloud
huge surge in internet traffic as people          becomes easier to plan and execute,          services via smartphones or tablets.
and businesses learn to work, operate and         making the contractor's operations more      And it doesn't have to end there.
collaborate virtually.                            reliable, efficient, and cost-effective.     Contractors can even become their
Similarly, since the start of the pandemic,                                                    customers' trusted adviser by furthering
customers are looking for partners who            Expand your service offering                 their services through analytics, whether it
                                                                                               would be through helping their customers
can deliver cutting-edge digital solutions        The total cost of ownership is minimised
that will allow them to improve building                                                       view the energy data of multiple sites on a
                                                  when equipment maintenance is done
performance, ensure business continuity                                                        simple platform and benchmark them, or
                                                  at proper intervals, which for a typical
by acting fast, even remotely, and ideally                                                     collating their critical alarms from their site
                                                  installation means 12 months. The
prevent instead of having to react to issues                                                   at their fingertips.
                                                  operational phase of an electrical asset
on site whilst optimising cost.                   is around 20 - 30 years. Therefore, some
The demand to control and monitor                 of the most significant cost reduction
requires new skills to integrate cloud            opportunities for the owners of the assets
applications, Internet of Things (IoT) and        are found by opting for preventive
smart devices. This brings an opportunity
for contractors to step up and engineer a
solution that provides their customers the
needed information anytime, anywhere, at
their fingertips through a mobile app or a
web portal - whether it be alerts and alarms
from their critical assets all the way to their
energy data.
Furthermore, the lockdown and changing
priorities impacts many contractors who
are now struggling to generate business
and have clarity on a future work pipeline.
So, the question becomes, how can you
leverage this "new normal" to learn new
skills and transform your business by
providing digital solutions allowing your
customers to convert data into meaningful
insights that drive actions?

22 | Industrial Marketplace
Eaton - Discover Eaton’s extensive range of electrical products.

Good design
Stands the test of time
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             •   Eaton have over 50 years of experience in Australasia with circuit protection
             •   Eaton’s proud heritage includes Moeller, Cutler-Hammer & Westinghouse
             •   Eaton deliver reliable, efficient & safe power where it is needed, with
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                                                                                                 Charlisse Leger-Walker in action for the
                                                                                                 Tall Ferns in Fiba international play.

In 23 years of the WNBA just one
                                                                                Kiwi women are riding the crest of
New Zealander has made it into
the rarefied air of the world’s                                                 a wave in US college basketball. As
greatest women’s basketball                                                     MARC HINTON reports, that could
league. That was Megan Compain                                                  soon see New Zealand’s WNBA
all the way back in the inaugural                                               drought come to a welcome end.
season of this showcase of
women’s hoops in 1997.
                                                “Charlisse has the quickness, the IQ, the           Leger-Walker is not the only Kiwi on the
But that could soon be about to change          skillset, the playmaking ability … and she          right path in the American college game.
if highly regarded Washington State             can guard as well,” said Ethridge who went          Even on a landscape pared back a little
University mentor Kamie Ethridge is             all the way to New Zealand (twice) and              by the Covid virus, there are still 17 Kiwi
any judge. And you better believe this          Mongolia to scout the young Kiwi. “Some             women playing division one hoops. Some of
56-year-old former collegiate all-American      day we’re going to watch her play in the            them at a very high level.
at the University of Texas at Austin, 1988      WNBA, and not only play, but I think she’ll         Leger-Walker’s sister, Krystal, is having
Olympic gold medallist and now highly           be a great player in the league.”                   the best season of her career alongside
respected coach knows her stuff.
                                                Leger-Walker, for her part, isn’t getting           her sibling as a starter at WSU (10.3
Ethridge’s best player on her Washington        ahead of herself. She has goals at the              points a game and 4.8 assists). Amiee
State team making some real noise in the        collegiate level she wants to tick off and          Book (California State Fullerton), Kendall
loaded Pac-12 conference of division one        a game that can still be honed among                Heremaia (Fordham) and Akiene-Tera
NCAA hoops in the US just happens to            the intensity and competiveness of the              Reed (Virginia Commonwealth University)
be New Zealand’s premier young player,          university game.                                    are all also starting for quality teams, and
Charlisse Leger-Walker (below).                                                                     performing at an elite level.
                                                “I’m just super humbled and proud to be
Walker, who first played for the Tall Ferns     part of a team that’s proving to be better          Book was averaging 14.9 points and nearly
as a 16-year-old, was having herself a          than everyone thought,” she says from               5 rebounds a game at Fullerton as the
sensational freshman (first-year) season        Pullman, Washington. “Just coming over              season drew to a close, Heremia wasn’t far
with the Cougars in one of American             here and having a sense of purpose, and             back of that (12.6 points, 6.9 rebounds) and
women’s college hoops most loaded               something to really focus on has been really        Reed is also delivering for VCU, with 12.1
conferences. Entering the last week of          good for me. I’m loving it. Every game in this      points, 4.9 rebounds and 3.5 assists. All
the regular season the 19-year-old from         league is so tough. But that’s why I came           shape as future Tall Ferns.
Hamilton was averaging 19.7 points, 5.4         here – to see where I stood among the very          Throw in younger performers such as
rebounds and 3.3 assists and leads the          best athletes”.                                     Tayla Dalton (St Mary’s), Helen Matthews
entire Pac-12 in scoring, total points, field
                                                Of course, though, this daughter of Tall            (Wofford College), Emme Shearer
goals made, free-throws made, 3-pointers
                                                Ferns great Leanne Walker, and a student            (Portland), Kaylee Smiler (BYU) and
made and steals. No freshman has ever led
                                                of the New Zealand game, knows the story            Charlotte Whittaker (Colorado), who have
this conference in scoring in its history.
                                                of Megan Compain only too well and would            had impressive cameos as they look to
Ethridge anticipates having Leger-Walker        love to end the long wait for another Kiwi to       establish themselves at the collegiate level,
around for a few more years yet to build        play in the WNBA.                                   and it’s been arguably New Zealand’s most
her programme around, but has no doubts                                                             impactful season at this level.
                                                “It’s become more of a reality, seeing the
that the New Zealander will one day find
                                                pathway a bit more clearly,” she says. “It’s a      There are some big things in the pipeline
herself in the WNBA where she will get to
                                                huge goal and a really hard thing to do. But        for New Zealand women’s basketball. It’s
showcase her abilities among the very best
                                                I’m on the right path to get there.”                as well. There is a wave of talent hungry for
players on the planet.

24 | Industrial Marketplace
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