The review North American edition

Page created by Dale Hudson
The review North American edition
the review                       North American edition

The resilience of air traffic demand • Transit-oriented development goes rural
              Is Hyperloop shooting for the stars? • NYC’s citywide ferry study

                            Maracanã takes shape for Soccer World Cup

                                                       Issue 11 - November 2013
The review North American edition
welcome november 2013

Welcome                                                                                                                                                                                               New faces
Hello and welcome to the latest                                                                                                                                                                                     Stefan Reul                                          Tim McQue
edition of our North American Review.                                                                                                                                                                               associate                                            associate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Stefan joins our Boston office                      Tim joins us as Head of
This year Steer Davies Gleave is                                                                                                                                                                                    as an Associate. He brings over                     Technical Due Diligence
celebrating working in North America                                                                                                                                                                                eight years experience at CDM                       having previously worked
for over 20 years. As you can see from                                                                                                                                                                Smith (formerly Wilbur Smith Associates) where      for Leigh Fisher, Capita Symonds and
all the new faces and the number of                                                                                                                                                                   he was responsible for project management           Halcrow. He is a civil engineer whose               Events
people presenting at conferences, we                                                                                                                                                                  and technical delivery of toll-road, managed-       lengthy career includes ten years delivering
have grown a lot – from one person in                                                                                                                                                                 lanes and travel demand modeling studies.           Lenders’ Technical Advisory and due                 Rail~Volution 2013                                                                            ACT Canada Sustainable Mobility Summit
a serviced office in Vancouver to now                                                                                                                                                                 Before moving to the United States, Stefan          diligence services. Tim has excellent               Seattle, Washington. 20-23 October                                                            Calgary, Alberta. 27–30 October
nearly 50 full time staff. Our growth                                                                                                                                                                 worked for over eight years as a consultant         global experience having worked on due
and continued success is the result                                                                                                                                                                   in Munich and Stuttgart, Germany with a             diligence commissions in the UK, Germany,           Once again, Steer Davies Gleave is proud        This year’s speakers from SDG include:        Steer Davies Gleave is pleased to
of our most valued assets – you…our                                                                                                                                                                   focus on transit and rail planning projects.        Slovakia, India, Turkey, Portugal and India.        to be involved with the Rail~Volution                                                         be attending this year’s ACT Canada
clients, partners and affiliates.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             conference, helping to shape the                Stuart Anderson, speaking on “The
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Sustainable Mobility Summit in Calgary. If
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              organization’s current conference program       role of TDM in station area plans”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Pete Lowson                                          Chris Hoskin                                                                                                                       you are planning to attend, keep an eye out
At SDG, we continue to pride                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  and provide input into its future.              Peter Piet, presenting “The                   for the following staff from our Vancouver
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    associate                                            associate
ourselves as being ‘thought leaders’                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Our participation in Rail~Volution, led         transformation of Walworth Road in            and Toronto offices who will be presenting
across the full spectrum of the                                                                                                                                                                                       Pete joins our aviation team                     Chris joins SDG us as the                                                              London from a corridor to a place”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              by our representatives on the National                                                        on recent projects and experience:
transportation industry – challenging                                                                                                                                                                                 as an Associate. He brings                       new Head of Rolling Stock.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Steering Committee, Tim Baldwin and
assumptions, bringing our global                                                                                                                                                                                      extensive management                             Chris began his career                                                                 Alan Jones, presenting “Downtown              Geoff England, presenting on goBerkeley:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Jean Sanson, fits well with SDG’s goal of
perspectives to local challenges and                                                                                                                                                                  experience within the aviation sector in blue       designing automated condition monitoring                                                            Mississauga’s Movement Plan”                  Integrating TDM and Parking Management
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              working with communities worldwide to
then following through to support our                                                                                                                                                                 chip organizations across Europe, the Middle        equipment for AEA Technology Rail. Having                                                           Ashley Curtis, speaking on “Delivering        in Downtown Berkeley, California
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              help develop integrated transportation
clients by providing strategic advice                                                                                                                                                                 East and North America including senior             worked across the rail industry in Europe,                                                          BRT and Transit Oriented Development in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              solutions that make our cities and urban                                                      Nithya Vijayakumar, presenting on
underpinned by technical excellence.                                                                                                                                                                  management positions at Virgin Atlantic, Delta      he moved to Sydney in 2006 where he                                                                 the UK and lessons for North America”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              areas better places to live, work and play.                                                   Market Segmentation: Exploring
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Air Lines and Gatwick Airport. For the past six     worked as a rolling stock consultant for
                                                                                                                                                                                                      years he has been working as a management           Halcrow working across Australasia.                 Rail~Volution plays an important role in        Jean Sanson, moderating a panel on “Transit   the various approaches to
We sincerely hope you enjoy
                                                                                                                                                                                                      consultant specializing in aviation transactions,                                                       shaping policies and procedures related         and the Urban Realm”, a discussion on         understanding your TDM Market
the Review and if you have any
                                                                                                                                                                                                      feasibility studies, and airport investment.                                                            to linking land use and transportation.         “International BRT: Experience, Corridor
questions, please do get in touch.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Justine Clift, presenting on TDM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Laura Vina-Arias                                                                     Planning and Cultural Differences”,           Planning in Auto-Oriented Environments:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         senior consultant                                                                    and a lunchtime ideas exchange on
                                                                                                                                         Jon Bottom                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         The San Diego Experience
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Mark Feldman                                        Laura joins our Boston                                                                suburban transit-oriented development
                                                                                                                                         Head of SDG USA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    principal consultant                                office as Senior Consultant.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Tim Baldwin, moderating a panel on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Mark joins our Boston office                        She recently graduated
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              “First Mile, Last Mile, Whatever It Takes:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    as a Principal Consultant. He         from Massachusetts Institute of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Non-Motorized Station Access”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    joins from Citilabs in Hartford,      Technology with a dual Master’s degree
                                                                                                                                         Ian Druce                                                    where he developed traffic models in Cube           in Transportation and City Planning, and
                                                                                                                                         Head of SDG Canada                                           Voyager. Mark has seven years of experience         holds a B.S. in Civil Engineering from
                                                                                                                                                                                                      in travel demand forecasting and transit            the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez.            CUTA Fall Conference                                                                          IBTTA Annual Meeting and Conference
                                                                                                                                                                                                      ridership models, and will continue to work         She is skilled in travel demand models              Calgary, Alberta. 23–27 November                                                              Vancouver, British Columbia. 22–25 September
                                                                                                                                                                                                      in those areas at Steer Davies Gleave.              and system dynamics modeling.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              SDG will again be prominent at the 2013         This year’s speakers from SDG include:        Steer Davies Gleave Associate David
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Canadian Urban Transit Association                                                            Cuneo attended the conference and gave a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Dennis Fletcher, a member of the CUTA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Fall Conference in Calgary AB. This                                                           presentation on seasonal toll rates using the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Board of Directors and Business Members’
                                                                                                         the re
                                                                                                                                                                                  The Review is       Project update: SDG street design in Moscow gets Mayoral approval                                       year’s conference theme: Transforming
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Executive, will provide insight into          Chesapeake Expressway as a case study. The
                                                                             Can good
                                                                                                                                                                     an edition

                                                                                                                                                                                  read by over                                                                                                                the Customer Experience, gives us an                                                          International Bridge, Tunnel and Turnpike
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              innovative ways of dealing with big data

            the review
                                                                                  Findin design save

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          received mayoral go ahead and was opened
                                                                                        g your
                                                                                               way in money? •

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            SDG has been
                                                                                                     the world    Using
                                                                                                               • Don’t ‘Smarter Choice
                                                                                                                             the Europes’ to suppo
                                             North American Edition
                                                                                                                                       an Rail~V rt TDM

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              opportunity to highlight interesting projects

                                                                                                                                                                                  8,000 transport                                                                                                                                                                                                           Association is the worldwide association of
                                                                                                                    A vibra
                                                                                                                  than     nt city
                                                                                                                       the sum     is great
                                                                                                                                 of its     er
      An interview with Daniel Brand • Open access across Europe                                                                        parts

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          in late Spring this year. Nikolskaya street
                              By rail or by air? • The next big thing

     Northeast Corridor: Best hope for high speed rail?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                            working with PwC                                                                  across the country from complete streets        Ian Druce, our Head of Canadian
                                                                                                                                                                                  professionals                                                                                                                                                                                                             toll facility owners and operators and toll-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Moscow on strategic           stretches from Lubyanka Square up to
                                                                                                          07 Octobe
                                                                                                                         steerdav   r 2011

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Business will be presenting our recent

                                                     Issue 06 July 2011

                                                                                                                                                                                  around the world.                                                                                                           planning to data intensive planning                                                           related business. Their 81st annual conference
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            urban realm work to           the Red Square and our designs have                 analysis and GIS applications.                  work on TransLink’s Transit-Oriented
If you would like to receive                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                was held in Vancouver, British Columbia.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            reconnect and reclaim         transformed it into a pedestrian zone.                                                              Communities Design Guidelines
a free subscription visit:                                                                                                                                                                                                  Moscow’s city streets,                                                                                                                                                                                                                         To read our previous North American Review                                                         Matt Lee will be presenting with Strathcona
                                                                                                                                                                                                      squares and public spaces for pedestrians.           article about SDG’s Moscow Street Design project
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              County on the use of GIS in transit
                                                                                                                                                                                                      One of the streets that we developed                 visit:
                                                                                                                                                                                                      visualizations for, Nikolskaya street,               insights/upping-the-pace-in-Moscow

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The review North American edition
Louisville - Southern Indiana Ohio River Bridges Project

Bridging the funding gap
                As our transportation              backlog of $121 billion for all U.S. bridges.   tt Brent Spence Bridge (Cincinnati,

                                                                                                                                                                      The resilience of air traffic demand
                system ages, there                 It is therefore imperative that viable forms       OH / Covington, KY)
                is a growing need to               of funding are found. The $12.8 billion that    tt Mid-Currituck Bridge (Currituck, NC)
                                                   FHWA notes is currently spent annually on       tt Champlain Bridge (Montreal, QC)
                repair, rehabilitate,
                                                   bridges represents only about 60% of the
                and in some cases
                                                   annual investment actually needed, and the      Depending on the stage of the project                                               Throughout its                   The constant, though modest, growth in U.S.        fig. 1: air travel demand vs economic growth
                add capacity to our                situation could further deteriorate with the    development, our traffic and revenue                                                history, the U.S.                air traffic observed in the last few years can             % Change enplanements   % Change GDP
                infrastructure. This               elimination of the Highway Bridge Program       forecasting has been tailored to serve                                                                               be attributed to several factors, most notably
                                                                                                                                                                                       airline industry has
need is arguably at its greatest where             as part of the MAP-21 transportation bill.      different purposes. For example, SDG is                                                                              industry consolidation, rapid growth of low

                                                                                                                                                                                       proven itself to be                                                                 8%
bridges are concerned.                                                                             actively involved in several elements of the                                                                         cost carriers (LCCs), and market liberalization.
                                                                                                                                                                                       highly dynamic,
                                                   To add to the already long list of issues       LSIORB Project. This is an interesting bi-state                                                                      Though consolidation has resulted in fewer
                                                                                                                                                                                       continuously                                                                        2%
By David Cuneo                                     described, future funding could be hampered     project which involves the rehabilitation                                                                            flights and higher fares on some routes,
                                                                                                                                                                                       adapting to changes                                                                 0%
                                                   by the anticipated shortfall in the Highway     of one bridge and the construction of two                                                                            many routes between major airports have            -2%                9/11

In 2012, the Federal Highway                       Trust Fund, the primary federal fund used       new bridges: one in the downtown area
                                                                                                                                                                      in regulatory, economic, and                      seen significant increases in traffic, due to      -4%

Administration (FHWA) designated a                 to pay for highway and bridge projects.         and one in the eastern end of the Louisville                       competitive environments.                         the introduction of LCC service. At the same
quarter of all U.S. bridges as functionally        The main source of replenishment for the        Metropolitan area. Indiana and Kentucky are                                                                          time, legacy carriers have been deploying

obsolete or structurally deficient.                fund is from the federal fuel tax. But real     each responsible for financing and building                        By Laura Viña-Arias                               capacity more efficiently, which has led to
                                                   tax receipts are lagging, due to a tax rate     one of the crossings, and toll revenues will be                                                                      increased yields and record load factors.
Recent high profile events, including the          which has not increased since 1993, and         shared evenly. SDG developed the traffic and                       Despite recent years being some of the            As a result, enplanements at major U.S.            economic growth will drive corresponding
bridge collapses on I-35W in Minnesota             the increasing fuel efficiency of vehicles.     revenue forecasts being used by Kentucky                           most troubled in the history of air travel,       airports have been growing faster than total       growth in air traffic, both in the U.S. and
and I-5 in Washington (the latter initiated                                                        in its plan of finance and presented these                         this demonstrated resilience—along with           enplanements. At the same time, market             worldwide. If history tells us anything, it’s
by a semi-trailer collision with the bridge),      Given the needs of our infrastructure           forecasts to the rating agencies and USDOT                         the promise of steady economic growth—            liberalization has stimulated competition          that the airline industry is unpredictable
have served to highlight the problems              and this lack of funding, many locations        in preparation of bond issuance. We are also                       points to commercial air traffic returning to a   on international routes, giving passengers         in the short term. Over time, however,
bridges in the U.S. are currently susceptible      have been turning to tolling as a way to        working with the tolling body, composed of                         sustained trajectory of robust growth in the      more choices and generally lower fares.            economic growth has always led to growth
to – and their potential consequences.             help finance bridge projects - including        members from Kentucky and Indiana, to set                          near future.                                                                                         in air traffic, and by this measure, the
With some estimates suggesting that every          repair and maintenance projects and the         the initial and future schedule of toll rates,                                                                       It is worth noting that this continued upward      future—in aviation terms—is bright.
day U.S. commuters take over 200 million           development of new bridges to take the          and have been involved in the later stages                         Looking back at historical U.S. air traffic       trend contrasts sharply with that of auto
trips across deficient bridges, it is clear        pressure off existing infrastructure.           of the environmental justice assessment.                           volumes, it is evident that growth in demand      travel in the U.S., which has plateaued                  To find out more contact:
that maintenance and repair works must                                                                                                                                for air travel is closely tied to economic        and even begun to decline in recent                      Laura Viña-Arias or Paul Cresswell
be carried out to ensure their safety.             Steer Davies Gleave has recently prepared       As the funding needs of our nation’s bridges                       growth (see Figure 1). Between 1990 and           years. Though both modes are helped                      e
                                                   traffic and revenue forecasts for several       continue to grow, we therefore anticipate                          2000, passenger air traffic grew by 4.1%          by the increased face-to-face interaction                e
Unfortunately, as bridges continue to fall         toll bridge projects, including:                continuing in this important role of providing                     annually. Demand fell sharply following the       demanded by a growing and increasingly
into disrepair, more money is required                                                             the traffic and revenue forecasts required                         9/11 terrorist attacks, but between 2003 and      global economy, the key difference is that         Our aviation team leverages global
to fix them, but the sources of funding            tt Dominion Boulevard Bridge                    on many more toll bridge projects.                                 2007, it increased 4.3% annually, returning       many fewer substitutes exist for high-speed        experience to help clients evaluate the
are becoming scarcer. In the 2010 Status              (Chesapeake, VA)                                                                                                to pre-9/11 levels by 2004. It decreased          long-distance travel than for local travel.        business and policy implications of
of the Nation’s Highways, Bridges and              tt Louisville-Southern Indiana Ohio                To find out more contact:                                       again with the global financial and economic                                                         the ever-evolving aviation sector. Our
Transit: Conditions and Performance, FHWA             River Bridges (LSIORB) (Louisville,             David Cuneo                                                     crisis, and has since experienced slow            Looking forward, there is consensus among          capabilities include traffic and revenue
anticipates that it will cost $76 billion to fix      KY / Jeffersonville, IN)                        e                                      growth, resulting in current traffic about        major industry stakeholders—including              forecasting, strategy and policy review,
all of the structurally deficient bridges in       tt New South Norfolk Jordan                                                                                        2.7% below the peak observed in 2007.             Boeing, Airbus, and the FAA—that continued         transaction support, and market research.
the U.S. and that there is a total investment         Bridge (Chesapeake, VA)

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The review North American edition
News in Brief
Transportation Study of Pearson
                                                    Is Hyperloop simply
Airport Area, Ontario, Canada
Steer Davies Gleave have been appointed
by Metrolinx, the regional transportation
                                                    shooting for the stars?                                                                                                                   Hyperloop conceptional design rendering                           Gull wing doors                                                                    The Hyperloop

agency for the Greater Toronto and Hamilton
Area, to develop a transportation plan for
                                                                     In August 2013, the          of approximately 1½ hours by plane or 5½         to 1/1000 normal air pressure. This is about                                             it is claimed can work at speeds of up to                          and even a reduction in air pressure to
Toronto’s Pearson Airport, focusing primarily                        entrepreneur Elon            hours by car. But system capacity is also a      250 times greater than the differential air                                              Mach 1.1 with very low friction. This would,                       only 1/10 of atmospheric pressure would
                                                                     Musk proposed                critical consideration. At a proposed 840        pressure in a commercial aircraft at altitude,                                           however, require smooth joints, extremely                          provide benefits through a significant
on transit and non-car solutions. During
                                                                     a novel transport            passengers per hour, Hyperloop would             so Hyperloop doors and their seals will                                                  accurate alignment of the tube over long                           reduction in comparative friction resistance
the 18-month study we will evaluate the
                                                                     system called                offer capacity equivalent to only one or two     need to be extremely robust to prevent                                                   distances, with compensation for the sag                           (see graph). At very high speeds, providing
current and future transportation needs of
                                                                                                  high speed trains per hour. Overall system       catastrophic depressurization of a pod.                                                  of the tubes under self-weight, and very                           energy to the vehicle can be a problem as
travelers, airport employees and employees                           Hyperloop to
                                                                                                  costs must therefore be kept proportionally                                                                                               gentle transitions into and out of curves.                         traditional overhead electric contact wires
of the surrounding area. Then, working                               transport passengers
                                                                                                  lower than its high speed rail competitor        The unique environment creates new                                                                                                                          get worn very quickly. This would suggest
with municipal and regional agencies we             and possibly vehicles the 354 miles           to be affordable and attractive. While           safety challenges such as evacuation                                                     To avoid scraping the sides of the tube at                         a battery-based or contactless solution
will develop a short, medium and longer             between Los Angeles and San                   we note that the estimated Hyperloop             from the pods in an emergency. Although                                                  near-supersonic speeds, the air cushion                            such as maglev. Even at a lower average
term strategy and implementation plan               Francisco in only 35 minutes.                 project costs are low relative to HSR, our       the Hyperloop report suggests that pods                                                  would need to be inherently stable and yet                         operating speed of say, 300 mph, an
which meets the objectives of the regional
                                                                                                  initial assessment suggests that these           would normally complete their journey in                                                 react rapidly enough to maintain the same                          enclosed, low pressure atmosphere Maglev
transportation strategy, The Big Move.
                                                    By Julian Sindall                             estimates may be somewhat optimistic.            emergencies, the system would almost                                                     narrow gap under any conditions, even if all                       system would still be highly competitive
                                                                                                                                                   certainly need to be designed to handle                                                  power failed or under emergency braking.                           in terms of travel time (Los Angeles to
                                                    The system is envisaged as a near-vacuum      A modified environment                           situations where this is not possible.                                                   The differential expansion and contraction                         San Francisco in around 75 minutes) with
                                                    tube containing pressurized pods moving       One of the main problems with increasing         With a close fitting tube, the ‘gull wing’                                               of the tubes and supporting towers as a                            lower energy costs than existing maglev
                                                    at up to 760 mph and floating on air          speed on existing rail systems is that           door designs shown in the report’s                                                       result of the movement of sun and shade                            systems. It would also facilitate longer
                                                    bearing skis. The idea has generated much     aerodynamic resistance is generally              illustrations would make it difficult to                                                 on the structure over the day would further                        trains carrying 3-6 times more passengers
                                                    publicity, and challenged conventional        considered to be proportional to the             exit within the tube. One option could be                                                complicate the job of maintaining these                            per hour than the Hyperloop pods.
                                                    wisdom on high-speed transport, but will      square of the speed (see graph) while the        to have internally sliding ‘plug doors’,                                                 tolerances throughout the operational day.
                                                    it work or is the founder of the SpaceX       traction power required increases with           or end doors, and frequent emergency                                                                                                                        Musk offers us an exciting vision of what
                                  Pearson Airport
                                                    program simply shooting for the stars?        the cube of the speed. Some suggest              escape hatches to a continuous walkway                                                   Could it work?                                                     the transport of the future might look like,
                                                                                                  that in practice this is not quite the           along the outside of the tube.                                                           There are many other issues to overcome, as                        but today’s highway, railroad and aviation
Rail study in Denver, Colorado, U.S.                Steer Davies Gleave has a long and            case, but there is nevertheless a rapidly                                                                                                 would be the case with any new technology.                         systems have evolved over many decades
SDG will be working with Denver’s Regional          accomplished record of evaluating the         increasing energy price to be paid by            Air skis                                                                                 The Hyperloop idea highlights the residual                         and it is likely that advances towards his
Transportation District (RTD) on a study            engineering feasibility and providing         going faster through air and it is this          Maglev systems, now operating at over                                                    problems associated with increasing speed                          proposals will be in steps rather than leaps.
to examine potential rail connections               technical due diligence on new transport      that tends to create a practical limit to        300 miles per hour, use complex electronic                                               using conventional rail technology, but                            History suggests that to provide the assured
between downtown Denver and the new                 projects. While we typically help clients     the normal operating speed of trains.            stability systems to maintain a stable                                                   perhaps a hybrid solution borrowing from a                         level of reliability and safety that we have
East Rail Line scheduled to open in 2016.           with projects employing conventional                                                           gap between track and train. Hyperloop                                                   range of ideas might provide a step forward                        come to expect from our transportation
The study will examine both light rail and          technologies including high-speed             So higher speeds are possible but rapidly        would operate at just over 750 miles per                                                 but be more achievable in the near term.                           systems, such a revolutionary new
streetcar options and a variety of alignment        rail (HSR), Hyperloop presents a              become very costly. The Hyperloop proposal       hour, more than twice as fast, with an air                                                                                                                  technology is likely to be many years way.
alternatives to help determine the best way to      technological leap that introduces some       is to create a special environment (the tube)    cushion of only 0.02-0.05 inches between                                                 Reducing the aerodynamic resistance                                It is unlikely that we will be abandoning
serve downtown Denver and the Five Points           new challenges for transport engineers.       where the air pressure is artificially lowered   the wall of the tube and special skis, which                                             would be the quickest way to add value,                            our highways, railroads and airports
neighborhood, northeast of downtown. Using                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     anytime soon, but Hyperloop may serve
a performance-based evaluation system we            The fundamental differences                   suggested hyperloop route map                           friction resistance vs speed                                                                                                                         to inspire the next generation of transport
will examine development potential, multi-          between Hyperloop and its nearest                                                                                         1400
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               planners and engineers to turn their minds
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       © Steer Davies Gleave
modal connectivity, and traffic impacts of all      cousin, high speed rail, are:                                                                                                                                                                                                                              to revolutionary new modes of travel.
potential alignments. The project is expected       tt the number of passengers per

to be completed by the summer of 2014.                 vehicle (pod vs. train)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Musk may not reach the stars with this

                                                                                                                                                   Friction Resistance (kN)

                                                    tt the creation of a modified                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ambitious idea, but if he reaches the
                                                       atmospheric environment and                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Moon that will be a feat in itself. We
                                                    tt the removal of the wheel-rail interface.                                                                               600
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Aerodynamic resistance, C (kN)                       will continue to watch the development
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Friction from moving parts of motor, B (kN)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               of this project with interest.
                                                                                                                                                                              400                                                                         Rolling resistance, A (kN)
                                                    Capacity and cost                                                                                                                                                                                     Total resistance, A+B+C in normal
                                                    Speed, or more specifically travel time, is                                                                               200                                                                         atmospheric pressure (kN)                               To find out more contact:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Total resistance with 1/10
                                                    a key factor in travel mode choices and                                                                                     0                                                                         atmospheric pressure (kN)                               Julian Sindall
                                                    hence competitiveness. Hyperloop’s 35                                                                                                                                                                                                                         e










                                                    minutes compares with existing travel times   (map courtesy of Google Maps)
                                   RTD Light Rail                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            All images:

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The review North American edition
joyfuldesigns /
                                                                                                       Attending bicycle-skills training can encourage long-term bike use                                                                                                                                           Sound Transit, Seattle

Helping Millennials get from A to B                                                                                                                                         It’s all about the timing
                 Research shows                    study of travel trends in Great Britain found     the UK’s national bike training program, has                                           Fixed guideway transit                Transit organizations would benefit              alignment design can limit how successfully
                 that young people                 similar trends of less license holding,           found that elementary students receiving                                               operations planning                   from considering operations earlier in           a system will operate. The symptoms of poor
                 are starting to learn             later car adoption, and lower car use,            bike skills training are more likely to ride                                           and scheduling is as                  their project planning, and by doing so,         design can manifest themselves differently;
                 to drive later than               and a wide range of factors suggesting            their bikes to high school. In universities,                                           complex as it sounds.                 uncovering possible underlying issues            for example, the system could fail to meet
                 ever, and driving                 that the trend might continue.                    studies of commonly-employed universal                                                 Nevertheless, a great                 with system design sooner. Adjusting a           passenger demand. To redesign a schedule
                 less than ever. What                                                                transit pass programs show strong links                                                deal can often be                     design in the early stages of a project will     that truly complements the available
                                                   What does this mean for TDM practitioners?        between U-Pass use and lifetime transit                                                                                      cost far less than making adjustments to         infrastructure, it is essential to know the finer
                 does this mean                                                                                                                                                             accomplished with
                                                   This has a number of implications                 use. Students who regularly commute via                                                                                      design and scheduling after construction is      details of certain designs, and by doing so, be
for practitioners of transportation                                                                                                                                         even the smallest change.
                                                   for those of us working in TDM.                   transit are more likely to use transit and to                                                                                complete and the system is in operation.         able to predict their possible ramifications.
demand management (TDM)?                                                                             make TDM-supportive choices later in life,
By Justine Clift                                   First, the task is no longer one of getting       adjusting where they live, work and shop                               By Laura Sidi                                         Steer Davies Gleave believes in building         It is also a matter of finding an equilibrium
                                                   young people out of their cars but rather of      based on convenient access to transit.                                                                                       this type of operational analysis into           between competing factors affected
The age at which the Millennial Generation,        showing them that there are alternatives                                                                                 Operational timing conflicts can cause                every study we do. Our work on the City          by minor changes to schedules. Issues
those born between 1980 and 2000, learn to         to needing to have one in the first place.        To support millennials who are interested in                           numerous complications including ineffective          of Edmonton’s Northwest LRT Concept              ranging from capacity shortfalls and
drive is increasing. The Frontier Group and the    This suggests that we should focus on             more than just travel time and cost savings,                           network convergence points or inability to            Plan involved analyzing the scheduling of        platform crowding to fleet maintenance
U.S. PIRG Education Fund, recently released a      reinforcing existing positive behaviors rather    practitioners must also continue to encourage                          meet capacity demands. It requires an honest          multiple services through a tunnel, as well as   scheduling or modifications to operator
report, “A New Direction”, which shows that        than discouraging existing negative ones.         and highlight the less apparent benefits                               and sometimes painstaking look at all of              overall travel time options and intersection     agreements can all potentially be solved
these “millennials” are also driving less. In      Innovative products, messages and services        associated with alternative travel modes that                          the available scheduling options to prevent           analysis. The study gave clear indications       with careful adjustment of timetables.
fact, the share of those aged 14-34 without a      which demonstrate the alternatives to taking      are aligned with millennial values: an active                          such issues from occurring. Doing so can              about how the line may function when it
driver’s license rose from 21% in 2000 to 26%      up car ownership will be key in achieving this.   lifestyle; easy access to goods and services;                          help prevent future costs such as building            becomes operational. Future stages of work       SDG has solved a range of operational
in 2010, and the number of average annual                                                            and community building opportunities.                                  new infrastructure or purchasing new transit          can continue to build on and refine this         challenges for transit agencies, such as
vehicle miles traveled by those aged 16-34         Second, the focus will need to broaden                                                                                   vehicles. While it can be a meticulous process        information as more details become available.    Sound Transit in Seattle which contributed
fell by 23% between 2001 and 2009. Market          from car commuting to the wider range of          Sustainable modes are becoming the                                     to configure and reconfigure timetables, it is                                                         to reducing the need for costly interventions.
research has also found that just 27% of new       journeys millennials may make as they             modes of choice for large numbers of                                   usually worth the effort to extract the most out of   Over time, transit services will inevitably      Even with network bottlenecks or platform
cars in the United States are sold to those aged   advance in their careers and start families.      young people and students across North                                 what is available.                                    undergo some transformation to meet              restrictions, simple changes, such as
21-34, compared to a peak of 38% in 1985.          If even a small proportion of young adults        America. We need to help those that would                                                                                    passenger demand and serve new                   redistributing station dwell times or
                                                   are seen to manage their lives effectively        rather not drive by ensuring the provision                             Horse before the cart                                 areas. Planning ahead is therefore               reducing slack in the timetable can
“A New Direction” also found that in               with little or no regular dependence on           and visibility of real alternatives offering                           Operations and scheduling are often no more           essential, as constantly evolving                potentially allow for quick improvement.
2009, those aged 16-34 took 24% more               a car, others are likely to follow and in         a convenient, effective and feasible                                   than afterthoughts considered, at best, late          operations can help transit agencies
bike trips, and travelled 40% more miles           the longer term children could adopt the          transportation solution. We also need to                               in the concept design phase of a project,             avoid sudden, costly upgrades.                   Breaking down the issues at hand to find
on transit, than in 2001. It would appear          same arrangements as their parents.               highlight the benefits of an attractive lifestyle                      at worst during the detailed design phase.                                                             the right balance can be challenging, but
that freedom, for many of today’s youth,                                                             and easy access to goods and services.                                 But, paying attention to how fixed guideway           Understanding the problem                        the payoff can be incredibly beneficial.
means a universal transit pass, or a               This long-term approach to TDM should also                                                                               services might be run in the future, including        To find an effective solution to fixed
bike, rather than a driver’s license.              provide more children with the opportunity           To find out more contact:                                           service frequency, potential maintenance              guideway operations and scheduling                  To find out more contact:
                                                   to walk or bike safely to school, so that they       Justine Clift                                                       facility location impacts, and the effects of         issues, it is essential to have an extensive        Laura Sidi
Similar findings are emerging from Europe.         will continue these behaviors as they grow           e                                        converging with services from other lines             understanding of the root problem causing           e
The comprehensive 2012 “On the move”               up. In schools, our work with Bikeability,                                                                               will help embed flexibility into a project.           them. Occasionally, a poorly thought out

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The review North American edition
successful event management

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Top 10 tips
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Allan Gooch, our             6   share your plans
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   new Director of              If other key stakeholders do not
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Sports and Major             understand your plan, then you do
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Events, shares his           not have a plan. Ensure that all those
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   recommendations              affected understand the plan to lower
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   for the delivery of          the risk of others doing something that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   successful events.           does not fit with the overall objective.

                                                                                                                                                         Concept design of a new pedestrian bridge linking São    1 agree roles and responsibilities            7  remain flexible
                                                                                                                                                        Cristóvão station to the Maracanã Stadium complex
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 as early as possible                           Things WILL change. Event times,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 The longer different organizations             locations, even the type of event

Maracanã, a World Cup legacy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 linger over who is responsible (and            will change through the planning
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 paying) for different elements of              process, requiring changes to the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 the overall transport strategy, the            transportation plan.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 more valuable time will be lost.
                                                                                                                                                     community, improving pedestrian safety
                 The Maracanã                    to be reconsidered to ensure a safe and        movement strategy and recommendations for                                                                                                                       8   transferability
                                                 comfortable environment for all users. Our     improvements to the public realm, principally        and enhancing the local environment                            integrate the transportation plan           Take care when transferring data
                 Stadium was built                                                                                                                                                                               2
                                                 work also specified the number of turnstiles   along the routes linking the stadium with         tt A wayfinding report setting out wayfinding                  Event transportation operations                gathered from one event for the
                 to open the 1950                                                                                                                    principles and sign design including:
                 Soccer World Cup                and security screening areas necessary for     the key transport hubs in the surrounding                                                                        can impact upon a wide range of                planning of another. Some aspects
                                                 the upcoming stadium and major events.         area. Our recommendations included:                  schematic sign family, sign location,                       other ‘functional areas’ (e.g. crowd           will be similar, but others will be
                 and still holds the                                                                                                                 sign content and a major event overlay
                                                                                                tt Changes to the pedestrian access                                                                              management, city operations and                wildly affected by the different
                 record attendance                                                                                                                tt Accessible routes for persons
                                                 Following the internal crowd movement study,      strategy for the stadium                                                                                      venue management). All these                   geography, culture or transportation
                 for a World Cup Final           EGP-Rio (the State of Rio de Janeiro’s Major                                                        of reduced mobility                                         individual elements must work in               infrastructure available in different
                                                                                                tt New pedestrian infrastructure and junction/
                 of almost 200,000               Projects Department) commissioned Steer                                                          Once the proposals had been developed                          harmony to achieve a good outcome.             cities. The key is to understand what
                                                                                                   crossing design modifications to reduce
spectators. The stadium, currently               Davies Gleave to develop a pedestrian access                                                     to sufficient detail, we created a suite of                                                                   can and cannot be transferred safely.
                                                                                                   pedestrian/vehicular conflicts significantly
undergoing major renovations, will               and movement strategy for the stadium and      tt Changes to local traffic operations            pedestrian microsimulation models to help                      3  it won’t be perfect
host the Brazil 2014 FIFA World                  surrounding area. EGP-Rio is responsible for      and highway modifications                      visualize and analyze the impact of spectator                  With the inevitable budget and political        9 have consistent operational plans
Cup Final, Rio 2016 Olympic and                  overseeing and coordinating the renewal        tt Improvements to the public realm               movement on the proposals. Another key                         constraints, there will come a time when       Keep your operating plans and policies
Paralympic Games and other major                 masterplan of the area around the Maracanã,                                                      requirement of the study was to consider                       you must accept “you’ve got what you’ve        as consistent as possible across all
events in legacy.                                principally focused on ensuring a lasting      Creative outputs and recommendations              the anticipated overlay and operational                        got” and you need to work with it.             your venues. This makes staff training
                                                 legacy for the city, but also ensuring the     from the study included:                          strategies proposed by the event organizing                                                                   more efficient and provides greater
By Mike Nicholson                                safe and comfortable movement and              tt Conceptual design of two pedestrian            committees for the planned major events.                        4 have a single source of truth               resilience should you need to transfer
                                                 circulation of large numbers of spectators        bridges connecting the stadium with the                                                                       Put effort into creating a single set          staff from one venue to another.
In December 2010 Steer Davies Gleave was         during the upcoming major events.                 local metro, train and bus stations            Our multi-disciplinary approach enabled                        of transportation demand forecasts
commissioned by Consórcio Maracanã 2014,                                                        tt Design of two public plazas to the west        us to explore a variety of operational and                     that everyone then uses. Keep a log            10  stay close to security
led by Odebrecht Construction, who are           We began with a detailed review of the            and northeast of the stadium, creating         design strategies for new infrastructure                       of all the assumptions and update              Security plans often change late in the
responsible for the stadium construction         existing conditions of the surrounding            safe and attractive spaces for spectators      and temporary overlays (e.g. positioning                       them as event details are firmed up.           planning process to reflect changes
project, to analyze crowd movements within       area, examining all areas such as                 and residents to enjoy, and at the same        of concessions) and evacuation, etc. The                                                                      in the threat level. Transportation and
the stadium and to advise on the architectural   pedestrian footways, crossings, desire            time creating much needed space for the        final proposals are helping to ensure that                     5  involve stakeholders early                  security plans must remain mutually
proposals to ensure that the stadium would       lines, signage, street furniture, lighting,       overlay demands of the major events            the investment in the 2014 World Cup and                       This includes the local council, police        compatible to avoid traffic congestion,
meet with national and international best        vehicular traffic and parking. Our review      tt A full streetscape design for the route        the 2016 Olympic Games will bring an even                      and transportation operators. You              particularly at venue entrances.
practice. The study helped inform the detailed   also considered the impact of existing            connecting the stadium with São Francisco      bigger legacy to the city of Rio de Janeiro.                   can’t do it on your own. You’ll need
design of key areas such as the seating          proposed projects for the area.                   Xavier. These proposals aim to improve                                                                        their help in the heat of the event.
bowl, circulation areas and exit routes, and                                                       spectator distribution and at the same            To find out more contact:
demonstrated that the overall ingress and        Once we had identified the key pedestrian         time, by addressing the car/pedestrian            Mike Nicholson
egress strategy for the stadium needed           routes, we developed a pedestrian                 balance, provide a real legacy for the local      e                                   To find out more contact: Allan Gooch | e

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The review North American edition
ZipRail                                                                                                           Commuters at 30th Street Station, Philadelphia

‘Zipping’ through the Midwest                                                                                                                         The Northeast Corridor –
  Minnesota might
  soon be able to
  look forward to rail
                                                  between the Twin Cities and Rochester has
                                                  steadily increased. Most visitors currently
                                                  drive on US 52, the only major highway
                                                                                                    a 435-mile corridor from the Twin Cities to
                                                                                                    Chicago. Moreover, SDG will soon begin
                                                                                                    work on forecasts for a new passenger rail
                                                                                                                                                      an opportunity for investment
  travel that is much                             connecting Minneapolis with Rochester.            service under consideration in the 155-mile                       The rail system of the     collaboratively with the 12 states served      that combines new build and upgrade,
  quicker, thanks to a                            Rail service was discontinued over 50 years       corridor between Minneapolis and Duluth.                          Northeast Corridor         by the NEC and other stakeholders, it          blended to maximize return on capital
                                                  ago, but if ZipRail goes forward, a brand new                                                                       (NEC) is the busiest       developed a Masterplan to bring the            investment and to capture public support.
  proposed 100-mile
                                                  greenfield rail line will be built, providing a   All these projects support Minnesota’s                            railroad in North          infrastructure to a state of good repair
  rail project called                             fast, convenient, safe and reliable connection    goal to develop “a passenger rail system                                                     and to provide some valuable incremental       In the longer term, with increased capacity
		‘ZipRail’.                                                                                                                                                          America, providing
                                                  between the two metropolitan areas.               that offers business and leisure travelers                                                   service improvements. Amtrak also              available, it would be possible to see new
                                                                                                                                                                      475 miles of railway
                                                                                                    shorter travel times, additional train                                                       recognized that attainment of the corridor’s   market entrants providing services on the
By Lucile Kellis                                  Olmsted County Regional Rail Authority            frequencies, and connections between
                                                                                                                                                                      line which connects        full potential would require additional        NEC, offering competition and customer
                                                  commissioned Steer Davies Gleave as               urban centers and smaller communities”.           the major U.S. east coast cities of        capacity with much faster travel times. It     choice. It would also become possible,
The project aims to link Minnesota’s Twin         part of a multi-disciplinary planning team,                                                         Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia,       accordingly proposed to develop a new          with an established system of track
Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul, the state’s   led by Parsons Brinckerhoff, to define,              To find out more contact:                      New York and Boston.                       high-speed rail system called NextGen.         access fees, to introduce private sector
economic and administrative center, with its      evaluate, and prioritize future passenger            Lucile Kellis                                                                                                                            funding with commercial returns being
southeastern economic hub in Rochester.           rail investment in the ZipRail corridor. SDG         e                   By Masroor Hasan                           Both upgrading and building new intercity      earned on an availability payment basis.
                                                  is analyzing demand and revenue potential                                                                                                      passenger infrastructure adds capacity
Rochester was originally just a stop on the       for options that include possible services        proposed location of ziprail project              The NEC serves the nation’s                that can be used for more commuter             The wider challenge will be to seize
stagecoach route between St. Paul and             to activity centers at the Minneapolis-Saint                                                        largest economic region with a             and freight rail. So there are choices.        the opportunity to have passenger rail
Dubuque, Iowa. However, the arrival of the        Paul International Airport, the Minneapolis                                                         population of 50 million, expected         The challenge is to get the balance of         play a much more substantive role
railroad in the 1860s brought increased           Interchange (a multimodal transportation                                                            to rise to 70 million by 2040.             new build and upgrade right, and to            across the whole of the NEC. This will
development, and in 1863 Dr. William W.           hub), and Union Depot in St. Paul on the                                                                                                       specify a feasible staging of the works.       require the capacity and capability
Mayo settled there. He initially worked as a      north end of the corridor, and Rochester                                                            Amtrak has 76% of the air/rail market                                                     that contemporary high-speed rail can
physician screening Civil War draftees, but       International Airport and downtown                                                                  between Washington and New York, but       If Amtrak is to make real progress with        provide, as well as an enhanced set of
came into prominence leading medical relief       Rochester on the south end of the corridor.                                                         the corridor is still dominated by car     NextGen, it needs to identify an initial       commuter rail operations in each state.
efforts after a tornado destroyed much of                                                                                                             travel with 88% share of all travel over   segment of new alignment that would
Rochester in 1883. The Mayo Clinic developed      Even though a Twin Cities-Rochester rail                                                            75 miles. Can Amtrak do more to tackle     showcase a genuine high-speed capability          To find out more contact:
gradually from his family medical practice        service can operate as a self-sufficient                                                            the congestion that affects all of the     and allow full testing of 220 mph operation.      Masroor Hasan
and is today among the largest and most           segment, ZipRail is part of a larger effort to                                                      transportation systems in the NEC?         Increasing speed on the existing railroad         e
well-respected medical facilities in the world.   develop faster and more cost-effective rail                                                                                                    does nothing for line capacity and widens
                                                  services in the Midwest. It complements                                                             Amtrak has developed two responses         the speed mix between different train
As Rochester has grown into an international      the plans of the Midwest Regional Rail                                                              to this challenge. In 2010, working        types. What is needed is a program
health care destination, demand for travel        Initiative, a multi-agency effort focusing on

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The review North American edition
The value of time
                                                                                                                                                                                      How much do                 Second, our work usefully sheds light on
                                                                                                                                                                                      travelers value             the characteristics of the transportation          Four interesting
                                                                                                                                                                                      their time and how          market in general and provides
                                                                                                                                                                                      much would they             complementary information which is                 findings of our research
                                                                                                                                                                                      be willing to pay for       very valuable to our clients, such as the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  socio-demographic profile of travelers.
                                                                                                                                                                                      a better and faster                                                            Which countries have higher VoT?
                                                                                                                                                                                      transportation link?                                                           Our research shows that road users
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Our knowledge of VoT estimates has
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     in Canada and Brazil value their
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  grown considerably in recent years, both
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     time the highest. However, the key
                                                                                                                                                                 By Lorenzo Casullo                               in places that are traditional recipients
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     determinant of VoT is not the country,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  of transportation investment and in
                                                                                                                                      Ferries in New York City                                                                                                       but rather the local context: urban
                                                                                                                                                                 For many years Steer Davies Gleave has been      developing countries and cities where
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     users traveling to work on congested
                                                                                                                                                                 at the forefront of research into travelers’     we have pioneered this type of research
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     routes will be willing to pay the most

The Citywide Ferry Study
                                                                                                                                                                 behavior in an effort to answer these            for new transport projects. We have
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     for transportation improvements.
                                                                                                                                                                 crucial questions. Since the early 2000s,        carried out an internal research project
                                                                                                                                                                 we have interviewed hundreds of people in        as part of our Research and Innovation
                                                                                                                                                                 different countries, and we have analyzed        Hub to consolidate this knowledge.                 Does VoT grow as income grows?
                     Over forty-five years           The City of New York recently began the East     This mandate extends beyond identifying                    their preferences with the objectives of first                                                      Not necessarily. Our results suggest
                     ago, passenger                  River Ferry (ERF) service, serving rapidly-      locations with high potential commuter                     understanding users’ behavior and second                                                            that the direct relationship between
                     ferry service in                growing Brooklyn and Queens waterfront           and leisure ridership. We are also tasked                  estimating ‘values of time’ (VoT).               countries where sdg has estimated value
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     VoT and GDP does not hold when
                     New York harbor                 neighborhoods such as Williamsburg and           with calculating various “external” effects                                                                 of time in recent years (2008-2013)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     developing countries are included
                     had disappeared                 Long Island City and providing rapid service     including the economic growth that could be                VoT is a key input for both the transportation   north and central america: Canada, Guatemala,      in the sample. Income disparities,
                     with the notable                to Lower and Midtown Manhattan. These            engendered by a service; road network and                  models and the cost-benefit analyses             Honduras, Mexico, Panama, USA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     high inflation and dynamic job
                     exception of the                neighborhoods have seen spectacular              subway decongestion; environmental costs                   that we develop to advise our clients.                                                              markets also play an important role.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  south america: Brazil, Chile, Colombia
                     Staten Island Ferry.            growth, as the traditional manufacturing         and benefits, and overall system redundancy.               Estimating VoT is usually a long process
                                                     land use has been replaced by residential,                                                                  which involves designing and rolling out
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  europe: Albania, France, Greece, Italy, Poland,    Does VoT change over time?
By Pierre Vilain                                     leisure and entertainment uses. These            Waterfront redevelopment is a principal                    surveys, collecting and processing the           Portugal, Spain, UK
                                                     same neighborhoods have also been                feature of New York City’s current evolution.              data received, and building analytical                                                              Having surveyed certain locations
The rapid development of road and rail capacity      relatively disadvantaged in terms of             It is clear that passenger ferry service will              models to extract monetary results.              cis and asia: India, Indonesia, Russia             over time, we can see that VoT
across the East and Hudson rivers suggested          subway access, given their historic land         play a crucial role in facilitating the process,                                                                                                               tends to grow in line with the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  africa and the middle east: Ivory Coast, Jordan,   macroeconomic changes outlined
that ferry services had a limited role to play. By   use, making the provision of ferry services      both for commuting and for making New                      This process is increasingly required            South Africa
the 1980s, however, there was a revitalization       even more beneficial. A case in point is         York a city that takes full advantage of the               by both private investors and public                                                                above. However economic shocks
of private ferry services in New York Harbor:        Williamsburg, where an underutilized             leisure benefits of its expansive waterfront.              organizations, and it has several benefits.                                                         (such as the ones seen in Greece)
Independently-financed ferry routes sprung up        industrial waterfront has been replaced                                                                                                                      The findings illustrated to the right are only     and evolving attitudes to travel
as niche providers for markets experiencing          with some of the City’s greatest residential        To find out more contact:                               First, estimating VoT through fieldwork          the tip of the iceberg of our experience in        (including environmental concerns)
road congestion or with few attractive               densities outside Manhattan.                        Pierre Vilain                                           provides more accurate results than simply       behavioral research which we use to develop        also affect VoT over the years.
transportation alternatives. In several cases, the                                                       e                            carrying out a review of existing data such as   VoT estimates across the world and across
provision of ferry services went hand-in-hand        In two years the ERF has achieved average                                                                   case studies or reports to make assumptions      modes. While new research is necessary             How do trucks and cars compare?
with the development of residential density          ridership levels of over 4,300, more than        ferry service in new york harbor
                                                                                                                                                                 about people’s values. Such literature           to update and validate past estimates,             Across our sample, the VoT of truck
along the waterfront, notably in the towns           double early estimates. New York City is                                                                    does not even exist in some countries,           Steer Davies Gleave can build on this              operators is consistently higher than
of Jersey City, Hoboken and Weehawken.               looking to expand passenger ferry service                                                                   and further assumptions would need to be         knowledge base by providing benchmarks             the VoT of car drivers, and by a fixed
                                                     to enhance waterfront development further                                                                   made by looking at international data.           to understand any new results. We are ready        range of ratios. This indicates that
Excluding the Staten Island Ferry, current           for residential and leisure uses as well as to                                                                                                               to advise clients who invest in infrastructure     truck operators are willing to pay more
New York Harbor ferries carry close to 33,000        increase accessibility to certain locations.                                                                                                                 projects in fast-growing markets, and              for transportation improvements, as
passengers a day. For the most part, the                                                                                                                                                                          governments assessing the feasibility              a result of their punctuality targets
operating costs of these ferry routes are            Given the dynamic changes on the waterfront,                                                                                                                 and the impacts of new transport links.            as well as the ability to spread
completely covered by fare revenues, which           comprehensive transportation planning is                                                                                                                                                                        costs along the supply chain.
is unique in North America. The formula              essential. Steer Davies Gleave was appointed                                                                                                                    To find out more contact:
for this outcome is typically to serve short         to help define a clear expansion strategy for                                                                                                                   Lorenzo Casullo or Serbjeet Kohli
routes serving densely populated waterfront          ferries in the Harbor. The ERF was explicitly                                                                                                                   e
communities with accessibility to dense              priced competitively to maximize ridership,                                                                                                                     e
employment centers proximate to the                  and the resulting fare subsidy, low by
waterfront, such as Lower Manhattan.                 transit standards, imposes constraints.

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The review North American edition

Transit-oriented development goes rural
                  Is there a place for
                                                highway. The introduction of a 38-mile BRT
                                                line between the two cities will connect
                                                                                                   As RFTA launches its BRT service in September
                                                                                                   2013, it is one step ahead in planning for a
                                                                                                                                                       Identifying the right people
                                                                                                                                                       for TDM programs
                                                the handful of towns within the valley and         well-integrated transit-land-use system. Yet
                  (TOD) in small                is expected to provide a more convenient,          questions remain. Will tourists visiting the
                  rural mountain                reliable, and faster way to travel. Bells and      Aspen-Snowmass area - one of the world’s
                  towns of the West?            whistles for the $46 million BRT service           most upscale ski resorts - be drawn to the
                  The Roaring Fork              include new branded low floor vehicles, use        convenience of BRT? Quite possibly. Will                          Residential                       mapping can then be used to supplement          positive attitudes towards sustainability,
Transportation Authority (RFTA) in              of HOV lanes, traffic signal priority, real-time   the thousands of workforce commuters                              outreach to promote               this data by layering in the transportation     and positive attitudes towards local
Colorado believes so as it launches             traveler information, and branded stations.        traveling through the valley use BRT? Most                        sustainable modes                 network, land-use characteristics, behavioral   shopping and fresh produce may indicate
the nation’s first rural Bus Rapid                                                                 definitely. And will developers see BRT                           of travel is always a             data and other elements that influence          households that are more likely to try cycling.
                                                Coordinating this major investment                 as a springboard for new development                              challenge, especially             travel behavior to develop a well-rounded       Understanding where, geographically,
Transit (BRT) system this fall.
                                                with well-designed transit-supportive              opportunities? RFTA believes and hopes so.                                                          picture of local neighborhoods.                 these segments with a high propensity for
                                                                                                                                                                     when engaging with
                                                land uses has the potential to mitigate                                                                                                                                                                sustainable modes are may influence which
                                                                                                                                                                     citizens in previously
By Jean Sanson                                  development pressures in the rural areas           Ultimately, whether adjacent to an upscale                                                          We have recently used this segmentation         neighborhoods are chosen for residential
                                                of the valley and provide a more efficient         ski village or an aging subdivision, each
                                                                                                                                                       untouched neighborhoods.                        approach on a variety of projects including:    TDM programs. Beyond that, it may also
Steer Davies Gleave is working with             provision of services. Growth management           BRT station has the potential to provide                                                            tt High level transportation demand             influence what modes to promote and
RFTA and its partner agencies to assess         is not a new concept in the valley, nor is         convenient access for all modes and, in             By Geoff England                                   management (TDM) program planning for        how to communicate with those residents
the potential to focus higher-intensity         mixed use. Surrounded by mountains,                select cases, the added benefit of catalyzing                                                          the San Diego Association of Governments     (maybe they are also significant users of
mixed-use development around their              the constrained geography of the valley            compact, walkable, and vibrant development.         Typical questions that often emerge             tt Residential marketing neighborhood           social media or owners of smartphones).
new VelociRFTA BRT stations, the thought        makes for a variety of development types           The Roaring Fork Valley will not only host the      at the planning stage include: Which               prioritization for the City of Ottawa
being that promoting TOD creates a win-         within close proximity to each other. Places       first rural BRT system in the country, it will      neighborhood should be targeted, What              as part of an LRT TDM construction           By analyzing cities or regions at the
win situation for both the transit agency       like downtown Basalt and Carbondale                also become a model for how to incorporate          types of people should be targeted,                mitigation program and                       household level, it becomes possible to
and the local towns. TOD could offer            are vibrant areas with a mix of uses and           the principles of TOD into a rural setting.         What types of incentives should be used,        tt Residential individualized marketing         make more educated decisions about where,
built-in ridership for the BRT system and       activity. Over the past several years, live-       Steer Davies Gleave will be working with            and, What kinds of communications                  and community-based social                   how and who to market your residential
orderly concentrated development for            work developments have sprouted up in              RFTA and its member jurisdictions over the          messaging should be employed?                      marketing for UK cities and regions          TDM programs to. Using detailed market
towns that desire managed growth.               these rural towns, as have New Urbanist            next few months to develop this unique                                                                 including Cambridgeshire, the West           segmentation also helps develop an
                                                communities. TOD has the potential to              approach to TOD planning, with the aim of           To help answer these questions, Steer Davies       Midlands, and the South Coast.               informed judgment of where best to provide
Over the last few decades, the entire Roaring   build on this precedent for mixing uses.           producing templates and typologies that the         Gleave frequently delves into the world of      The advantage this type of analysis can         incentives, resources and messaging, which
Fork Valley has experienced tremendous          To do so successfully however, and to              towns up and down the Roaring Fork Valley           geo-demographic market segmentation using       provide is a greater understanding of which     can significantly increase the likelihood
development pressure created by a               garner support by the local communities,           can use to guide their future development           publically available commercial data sets       segments and therefore which types of           of higher participation rates, mode shift
burgeoning tourism industry, an influx of       TOD must be designed to complement,                in an orderly and beneficial way.                   to shed some light. Segmentation is a way       households are more likely to travel by         and ongoing travel behavior change.
new businesses, and the lure of mountain        rather than compete with, the existing                                                                 to categorize individual households based       sustainable modes such as transit, cycling,
living. Not surprisingly, State Highway 82      character of these unique places. And it              To find out more contact:                        on a range of criteria including location,      walking and ridesharing. For example,              To find out more contact:
between Aspen and Glenwood Springs has          should do so in a scale that is appropriate           Jean Sanson                                      demographics, consumer purchasing habits,       segments with characteristics such as low          Geoff England
become Colorado’s most congested rural          to the rural character of the region.                 e                       and travel characteristics, among others. GIS   vehicles per household, short commutes,            e

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