Page created by Carmen Diaz
        F O R U N D E R G R A D U AT E S T U D E N T S

      Information available on Student Finance for 2018/19, Funding FAQ’s, NHS Funding,
         Additional funding for Social Work Students, Care Leavers Support Packages and
                                details on Student Loan Repayment.

Debbie, International Maritime Lawyer

STUDENT FINANCE FOR 2018/19 - WELSH DOMICILED STUDENTS                                                                    STUDENT FINANCE FOR 2018/19 - WELSH DOMICILED STUDENTS


The funding arrangements for Welsh students are due to                      MAINTENANCE LOAN AND WELSH                                                 PARTIAL CANCELLATION OF MAINTENANCE LOAN
change from 2018/19. At present, we do not have definitive                  GOVERNMENT LEARNING GRANT
guidance but have provided as much detail as possible below.                                                                                           Welsh funded students can also apply for a one-off partial cancellation
                                                                            From 2018/19, all students living away from home will be                   of up to £1500 on their Maintenance Loan.
For the most up to date information, we advise you visit our                entitled to £8,100 towards there maintenance costs, and all
                                                                            students living in the parental home will be entitled to £6885.            To receive this cancellation, students will have to make a minimum
webpage:                                                                                                 early repayment of £5 towards their Maintenance Loan debt. The
studentloansandgrants/wales/                                                These awards will be made up of both Maintenance Loans
                                                                                                                                                       cancellation can only be applied once and is taken from the current
                                                                            and Grants.                                                                balance that has been paid to the student. Therefore, it is advisable
                                                                                                                                                       that students wait until they have received at least £1500 of
TUITION FEE LOAN                                                            All students will be entitled to a minimum grant of £1000,                 Maintenance Loan funding before making the early repayment.
                                                                            and potentially more depending on household income.
Students living in Wales who are starting their studies at
Swansea University in academic year 2018/19 can apply for                   The grant award will then be topped up with a loan to a
a Tuition Fee Loan to cover the full cost of tuition fees (subject to       maximum support of £8,100 (or £6,885) to ensure all students
terms and conditions). They can do this by applying to Student              receive the same amount of funding towards their living costs.
Finance Wales (SFW).
                                                                                              MAINTENANCE                      TOTAL MAINTENANCE
                                                                                                               LOAN – LIVING
                                                                                             GRANT AMOUNT                       SUPPORT PER YEAR
                                                                                                              AWAY FROM HOME
                                  AMOUNT PER ACADEMIC YEAR                   Highest Grant
                                                                             Amount (Low
       Tuition Fee Cost                   Up to £9295*                                          £8100               £0              £8100
  Tuition Fee Loan (Maximum)              Up to £9295*                       Income)
                                                                                              Sliding scale    Sliding scale
                                                                             Middle Income   between £1000     between £0           £8100
                                                                                               and £8100       and £7200
Tuition Fee Loan payments are made directly to the University
upon confirmation of your attendance each term, therefore no                 Lowest Grant
                                                                             Amount (High
up-front payment is required.                                                Household
                                                                                                £1000             £7100             £8100

                                                                            Maintenance payments are paid directly to you in 3
   *The Welsh Government has announced intentions to increase the
                                                                            instalments. Your 1st instalment will be paid after you
   maximum tuition fee in 2018-19 for full-time undergraduate degree
   programmes in line with inflation. This may mean the maximum             have enrolled and collected your ID card (the subsequent
   tuition fee for 2018-19 could be set to increase from £9,000 to          2 instalments will be paid on the 1st day of the Spring and
   £9,295 per annum.                                                        Summer terms).

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STUDENT FINANCE FOR 2018/19 - ENGLISH DOMICILED STUDENTS                                                                                                                                     STUDENT FINANCE FOR 2018/19 - ENGLISH DOMICILED STUDENTS

                                                                                                                                                   ADDITIONAL MAINTENANCE LOAN                                              Depending on your household income, you can apply for up
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            to 85% of your actual childcare costs during term time and
                                                                                                                                                   Students who meet the eligibility criteria may be entitled to            holidays. Students applying for the Childcare Grant will need
                                                                                                                                                   a higher rate of Maintenance Loan to help cover their living             to complete a CCG1 form in order to apply, followed by a
                                                                                                                                                   costs. This additional loan entitlement has replaced the Special         CCG2 form later in the year, which evidences the actual cost
                                                                                                                                                   Support Grant. It is advised that you use the Student Finance            of the childcare you have utilised.
                                                                                                                                                   England calculator for a detailed estimate as to how much

STUDENT FINANCE FOR                                                                                                                                Maintenance Loan you will be entitled to:

2018/19 ENGLISH DOMICILED STUDENTS                                                                                                                 SUPPLEMENTARY GRANTS (GRANTS FOR DEPENDANTS)*

                                                                                                                                                      *Please be aware that the details below are only applicable for
                                                                                                                                                      students funded via Student Finance Wales or Student Finance
We are still awaiting exact figures to be published for                   MAINTENANCE LOAN
2018/19, but there are no significant changes expected
to the figures detailed below for 2017/18.                                The amount of Maintenance Loan you are entitled to will be               The maximum amount of Supplementary Grants you are
                                                                          dependent on where you live and your household income, as                entitled to will differ depending on whether you are applying
                                                                          demonstrated in the table below. For a more detailed estimate,           to Student Finance Wales or Student Finance England for your
TUITION FEE LOAN                                                          please use the Student Finance England calculator                        funding.
Students living in England who are starting their studies in
                                                                                                                                                                                  STUDENT FINANCE     STUDENT FINANCE
academic year 2017/18 can apply for a Tuition Fee Loan                                                                                               SUPPLEMENTARY GRANT               WALES             ENGLAND
                                                                                               MAINTENANCE LOAN ENTITLEMENT
to cover the full cost of tuition fees (subject to terms and
                                                                                                   MAINTENANCE LOAN -        MAINTENANCE LOAN -       Childcare Grant (1 Child)    £161.50/week        £159.59/week
conditions). They can do this by applying to Student                        HOUSEHOLD INCOME
                                                                                                 LIVING IN PARENTAL HOME   LIVING AWAY FROM HOME
Finance England (SFE).                                                                                                                               Childcare Grant (2 or More
                                                                                                                                                                                   £274.55/week        £273.60/week
                                                                                £25,000                  £7097                    £8430                       children)
                                                                                £30,000                  £6499                    £7825             Parental Learning Allowance     £1557/year           £1617/year

                                 AMOUNT PER ACADEMIC YEAR                       £35,000                  £5901                    £7220               Adult Dependant Grant         £2732/year           £2834/year
                                                                                £40,000                  £5303                    £6615
       Tuition Fee Cost                  Up to £9295*
                                                                                £42,875                  £4959                    £6266
  Tuition Fee Loan (Maximum)             Up to £9295*                                                                                              CHILDCARE GRANT
                                                                                £45,000                  £4705                    £6009
                                                                                £50,000                  £4107                    £5404            You can apply for the Childcare Grant if you are a full-time
Tuition Fee Loan payments will be made directly to the                                                                                             undergraduate student and at the beginning of the academic
                                                                                £55,000                  £3509                    £4799
University upon confirmation of your attendance each term,                                                                                         year you:
therefore no up-front payment is required.                                      £60,000                  £3124                    £4193
                                                                                £62,187+                 £3124                    £3928            • Are a UK student
                                                                                                                                                   • Have at least one dependent child under 15 and in
  *The Welsh Government has announced intentions to increase the
  maximum tuition fee in 2018-19 for full-time undergraduate degree
                                                                                                                                                     registered or approved childcare; or
                                                                          Maintenance payments are paid direct to you in 3 instalments.
  programmes in line with inflation. This may mean the maximum            Your first instalment will be paid after you have enrolled and           • Have at least one dependent child under 17, who
  tuition fee for 2018-19 could be set to increase from £9,000 to                                                                                    has special educational needs and is in registered
                                                                          collected your ID card (the subsequent 2 instalments will be
  £9,295 per annum.                                                                                                                                  or approved childcare.
                                                                          paid on the 1st day of the Spring and Summer terms).

                                                                      4                                                                                                                                                 5
STUDENT FINANCE FOR 2018/19 - ENGLISH DOMICILED STUDENTS                                                               PREVIOUS STUDY

                                                                       PREVIOUS STUDY

You can apply for the Parental Learning Allowance if you are
a full-time undergraduate student with dependent children. This
allowance helps with the extra costs associated with being a
parent and a student. You do not need to be paying childcare
to be eligible.                                                        Usually you can only receive Student Finance for your first degree.
                                                                       If you have taken a higher-education course in the past (Degree,
The amount you can get depends on your household income,               HND, HNC, Foundation degree etc) this is likely to affect any future
which is the income of your husband, wife, civil partner or            entitlement to Student Loans and Grants, even if you only attended
partner (if you have one) and any dependants. Students will            one day of an academic year. This still applies even if you have not
need to apply to their main funding provider (e.g. Student             accessed Student Finance.
Finance Wales). It will be assessed based on the information
you’ve given in your main application for student funding but          Under current previous study rules, you can only receive support from
Student Finance may require more evidence to support your              the Student Loans Company for a limited number of years. Simply
application.                                                           put, students have entitlement to funding for the length of their course
                                                                       plus one additional year. This ‘plus one’ year is intended to cover any
                                                                       false starts or transfers. So, if you are studying on a 3-year course
                                                                       your entitlement would be: 3 + 1 = 4 years.

You can apply for the Adult Dependants’ Grant if you are a full-       Previous study rules can be very complex and depend on many
time undergraduate student and have an adult who depends               different factors. If you have previous study it is advised that you
on you financially. The adult can be a partner or another adult        contact Money@CampusLife to discuss your individual
who depends on you financially. Grown-up children do not               circumstances with an advisor.
qualify as adult dependants.

The amount you can get depends on your household income,
which is the income of your husband, wife, civil partner or              COMPELLING PERSONAL REASONS (CPR)
partner (if you have one) and any dependants. Students will
need to apply to their main funding provider (e.g. Student               If you have to repeat a year of your studies as a result of CPR,
Finance Wales). It will be assessed based on the information             you may be able to access an additional year of funding
you have given in your main application but Student Finance              without affecting your +1 year. CPR can include health-related
may ask for more evidence to support your application.                   issues, disability, family problems or bereavement. This list is not
                                                                         exhaustive, and you should seek advice from your university/
                                                                         college if you think this applies to you.
                                                                         For more information please contact Money@CampusLife
Usually in three instalments, one at the start of each term              to speak with an advisor.
directly into your back account, along with any other
maintenance funding (loan and grant) you receive.

                                                                   6    7

What is involved in the   All eligible full-time students get a basic level of financial help, but the total you are entitled to will depend on   How much will it cost to   For more information on the cost of living and likely course costs you may incur, visit our webpage:
Income Assessment?        your household income. If you apply for the ‘income assessed’ element of the Student Finance package an                 study in Swansea?
                          assessment will be done to calculate the exact amount you can get.

                                                                                                                                                  Who is an Independent      A   student will be considered independent if:
What is Household         Household Income is the total amount your family earns each year before Tax and National Insurance are
                                                                                                                                                  Student?                   •    You are 25 or over before the start of the current academic year
Income?                   deducted. It is based on earnings for the tax year 2016/17 for the academic year 2018/19.
                                                                                                                                                                             •    You have been married or entered into a civil partnership before the start of the current academic year
                          Whose income is assessed depends on whether you are classified as a dependent or independent student.                                              •    You have care of a child/children
                                                                                                                                                                             •    You have financially supported yourself for at least 3 years before the start of your course.
                                                                                                                                                                             •    You have no living parents or you are permanently estranged from your parents.
What if my Household      Maintenance Grants are only available to students living in Wales. You will still receive a Maintenance Grant of                                   •    You are a Care Leaver (i.e. 24 or under and in care a minimum of 3 months before the age of 16)
Income is higher than     £1000 and will be entitled to the maximum maintenance Loan of £7,200.
the Grant threshold?

                                                                                                                                                  I am interested in         At present, student loans are not considered to be sharia compliant. For more information, please visit our
                                                                                                                                                  Sharia compliant           webpage on sharia compliant funding:
What if I’m not sure      You need to indicate what your first choice university and course will be. If you change your mind later, you           funding, can you help?
which university I will   can change these details. We would advise you apply for funding this way, to ensure that your assessment
go to or what course I    is completed before the start of term. If you apply after receiving your A-Level results you are unlikely to have
want to study?            funding in place for the start of the course, which may cause difficulty in paying rent and living costs.
                                                                                                                                                  I am a student carer, is   Swansea University has a dedicated support package for students who have caring responsibilities whilst at
                          Don’t worry if you change your mind about attending university as your application can always be cancelled              there any support for      University, which includes a named contact and a £500 bursary.
                          at a later date.                                                                                                        me?                        For more information, please visit:

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EXCELLENCE SCHOLARSHIPS                                                 We believe that family income should not be a barrier to
                                                                        education, and we have introduced significant additional
£3,000 will be awarded to all students who achieve AAA at               financial support for students from lower income backgrounds.
A-Level (or equivalent). Achievement of an equivalent grade in
the Welsh Baccalaureate Advanced qualification is recognised            The financial support consists of a Progression Bursary,
for the purposes of the award.                                          payable in instalments over the duration of your study.

Each Scholarship will be worth £3,000 over three years (paid            The table below illustrates how the bursary will be awarded.
in three equal instalments - with £1,000 paid in the first year,
£1,000 paid in the second year and £1,000 paid in the third
year).                                                                      HOUSEHOLD INCOME         PROGRESSION BURSARY (TOTAL VALUE)
                                                                               up to £15, 000                     £3000

MERIT SCHOLARSHIPS                                                           £15,001 - £25,000                    £2000
                                                                             £25,001 - £30,000                    £1000
£2,000 will be awarded to all students who achieve AAB at
A-Level (or equivalent). Achievement of an equivalent grade in
the Welsh Baccalaureate Advanced qualification is recognised
for the purposes of the award.

Each Scholarship will be worth £2,000 over three years (paid
in three equal instaments - with £670 paid in the first year,
£670 paid in the second year and £670 paid in the third


Swansea University has a strong track record of widening
access, ensuring that as many talented people as possible have
the opportunity to participate in higher education regardless of
their geographic, social and economic background.

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CARE LEAVERS SUPPORT PACKAGE                                                                                                                 STUDENT LOAN                                                                    SALARY

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             AMOUNT OF SALARY FROM WHICH
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 9% WILL BE DEDUCTED

                                                                                                                                             REPAYMENT                                                                       £30,000
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             £40,000                       £19,000                            £142.50
WHAT IS IT?                                                              WHAT DO I NEED TO DO?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             £50,000                       £29,000                            £217.50
Swansea University offers extra support for students who have            • Get in touch ASAP! Let us know your plans and the support         WHAT DO I REPAY?
been in care. We have a package of support measures which                  you would like to access.
we hope will help students to settle in, focus on their studies          • Confirm you are a Care Leaver on your UCAS application            Student loans are available to UK and EU students studying                 HOW ARE REPAYMENTS MADE?
while they are with us and graduate successfully.                          and we will contact you with the relevant details.                at university (subject to eligibility criteria). The loans that you
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Loan repayments will be deducted from your salary, normally
                                                                                                                                             receive during your studies will need to be paid back after you
                                                                         • Provide a letter from your social worker, confirming your                                                                                    through the PAYE tax system.
                                                                                                                                             leave University.
                                                                           status. Once we have this, all the support is available to you.
                                                                                                                                             Your student loan is made up of two parts:
• Care Leavers Grade Reduction Scheme (T&C’s apply)                                                                                          • Maintenance Loan.
                                                                            This package has been designed for Care Leavers whose                                                                                       HOW MUCH INTEREST WILL I BE CHARGED?
• £1000 Bursary per year                                                    permanent residence is in the United Kingdom and who             • Tuition Fee Loan.
• Financial assistance in attending open days at                            are UK students for fee purposes.                                                                                                                        INCOME                              RATE OF INTEREST
  Swansea University
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         While you’re studying and up
• Help applying for University and obtaining your                           Applicants who are not UK students are welcome to                WHEN WILL I START REPAYING MY LOAN?                                         until the April after you leave    Rate of Inflation (Retail Price Index) plus 3%
  Student Finance.                                                          contact Money@CampusLife to discuss any support                                                                                              college or university
                                                                            needs they may have.                                             • You only start to repay your loan once you are earning                    £21,000 or less                                  Rate of Inflation
• All year round accommodation                                                                                                                 over £21,000.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Rate of Inflation plus up to 3%
• A named contact whilst you study – for those times when                                                                                    • Repayments will start at the beginning of the tax year                    £21,000 to £41,000
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        (on a gradual scale)
  you aren’t quite sure what to do or where to get help!                                                                                       (the April after you leave university).                                   £41,000 and over                             Rate of Inflation plus 3%
• A direct referral service for the Wellbeing Service, Disability                                                                            • If your salary drops below £21,000 (for example if you
  Office and Centre for Academic success, if required.                                                                                         take a career break or are unemployed) repayments will
                                                                                                                                               stop. Repayments only start again when you earn
                                                                                                                                               over £21,000.                                                               Any grants, bursaries or scholarships paid to you during
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           your time at university do not need to be paid back.
• Be aged 25 or under when you start the course and
                                                                                                                                             HOW MUCH WILL I HAVE TO PAY?                                                  It is expected that only a very small proportion of students
• Have been in local authority care for at least 13 weeks since                                                                                                                                                            will repay their loans in full. Therefore it may be helpful to
  the age of 14 and                                                                                                                          • You repay 9% of whatever you earn above £21,000.                            view this as a 30 year ‘tax’ and not as a loan that needs
• Have been in local authority care at school leaving age (16)                                                                               • Your repayments will be the same regardless of how much                     to be repaid in full.
  or after that date.                                                                                                                          you borrow, as the repayment is calculated based on how
                                                                                                                                               much you earn; not how much you borrowed. However, if                       Student loans are not recorded on credit files, so having a
If you are unsure if you meet the criteria above, get in touch                                                                                 you borrowed more you’ll spend longer repaying the loan.                    student loan will not have an effect on your credit rating.
and discuss your circumstances with one of our named                                                                                         • After 30 years, regardless of how much of your loan has
contacts.                                                                                                                                      been repaid, the remaining debt is cancelled.

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NHS FUNDING                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 NHS FUNDING

NHS FUNDING                                                                                                                                         Please be aware that
                                                                                                                                                    the first instalment of
                                                                                                                                                     NHS funding is not
                                                                                                                                                    usually paid until the
                                                                                                                                                    end of the 2nd month
WHAT COURSES ATTRACT NHS FUNDING?                                         If you choose this funding route and fail to work the required 2             of your course.
                                                                          years after graduation, or decide to leave your course early, you
If you are studying Nursing, Midwifery, Paramedic Science or              may be asked to repay all of the NHS funds you have received.
one of the Healthcare Science courses, you are able to choose
whether you wish to apply for the NHS Wales Bursary Scheme                It is advised that you read the Bursary FAQ’s available from the
funding package, or a standard Student Loan package.                      NWSSP website:

To receive funding from the NHS Wales Bursary scheme, students            WHAT FUNDING IS AVAILABLE VIA THE NHS WALES
will need to commit to working in Wales for up to 2 years                 BURSARY SCHEME?
following the completion of their course.
                                                                          TUITION FEES
Once you have chosen your funding route, you will not normally
be allowed to change this, so it is important to be confident about
                                                                          Tuition Fees are charged at £9000 per year but are covered in
which route is best for you.
                                                                          full by the NHS so no tuition fee payment is required.


In this case you will need to apply to student loans as detailed          NHS Funding is also available in the form of a non-means tested
on pages 2 and 3. However you will still need to register your            NHS grant of £1,000 and a means-tested NHS bursary up to
decision on the NWSSP Student Award Services Welsh Health                 £4491. The actual amount of bursary you will receive will be
Education Registration System, otherwise you will not be able to          dependent on the length of your course and your household
receive your full student finance entitlement.                            income.
                                                                                                                                              Students Awards Services implements the NHS Wales Bursary           MAINTENANCE LOANS 17/18
                                                                          In addition, students can apply for a number of additional          Schemes, which provides funding for healthcare students on NHS
If you have previous study within Higher Education and wish to                                                                                funded courses in Wales. If you are considering a professional     We are yet to receive the 18/19 rates but in 17/18 students
apply for student loans and grants, it is advised that you contact        supplementary grants if they meet specific criteria. These grants
                                                                          are means tested and are:                                           career in health care and would like to know more about the        were also able to access a reduced rate non-means tested
Money@CampusLife and speak with an advisor as this will affect                                                                                financial support you will get during your training, then please   Maintenance Loan of £3392 (Wales) or £2324 (England).
your funding entitlement.                                                                                                                     contact the Student Award Services on:                             Applications will need to be made to Student Finance Wales
                                                                          Dependants’ Allowances*
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 or Student Finance England.
                                                                          Parent Learning Allowance*
OPTION B                                                                                                                                      BURSARY ENQUIRIES
                                                                          Childcare Allowance*                                                                                                                   Students who have previous study or already hold a degree
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 qualification WILL still be able to receive this loan.
                                                                          *Please see                  Tel: 02920 905380
You should apply for your NHS bursary as soon you have firmly              for up to date figures                                             Email:
accepted an offer from your chosen university. The latest date for        Student Awards Services implements the NHS Wales Bursary
applying for funding is six weeks after commencing the course.                                                                                Website:

                                                                     14                                                                                                                                      15
FINANCING YOUR SOCIAL WORK DEGREE                                                                                                                                                                S T U D E N T S W I T H A D D I T I O N A L C O N S I D E R AT I O N S

FINANCING YOUR                                                                                                                       STUDENTS WITH
SOCIAL WORK DEGREE                                                                                                                   ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS
As a Social Work student, you are eligible for full Student Loan package                                                             At Swansea University we are aware that students may
and may be entitled to further specific Social Work funding.                                                                         have additional considerations which can present specific
                                                                                                                                     challenges whilst studying. We aim to focus our resources
For information relating to English domiciled Students,                                                                              to ensure we tailor our advice and support to meet your
please visit                                                                                  circumstances and overcome any financial issues. Students
                                                                                                                                     with additional considerations include:

                                                                                                                                     • Being a Care Leaver
                                                                                                                                     • Being Estranged from your Family
                                                                                                                                     • Being a Carer
                                                                                                                                     • Being a Student Parent
                                                                                                                                     • Having a Disability/Specific Learning Difficulty
                                                                                                                                     • Students with Wellbeing issues
 Social Work Bursary          Social Care Wales offer a number of Social Work Bursaries worth £2,500 per year.
 (Welsh domiciled             To be eligible to apply you must be ordinarily resident in Wales and not be receiving a financial
                                                                                                                                     For more information on the specific support provided
 students)                    incentive to train from an employer. The University will ‘nominate’ a selection of students who will
                                                                                                                                     for students with additional considerations please visit:
                              be invited to apply for the Bursary via their online application.
                              For more information, please visit:

                                                                                                                                       If you do not fall within any of these groups but feel
                                                                                                                                       you have different considerations that will affect the
 Practice Learning            The PLOA provides a contribution towards placement expenses that Social Work students incur as           level of Student Finance you are entitled too, please
 Opportunity                  an integral part of their qualifying training. Students who receive the social work bursary              get in touchwith Money@CampusLife on 01792 606699.
 Allowance (PLOA)             are also able to apply for this additional funding.

                                                               16                                                                                                                                17
WHERE BRIGHT                                    TIPS ON MANAGING YOUR
FUTURES BEGIN                                   MONEY AT UNIVERSITY
    Recognising your academic,
    sporting and musical talents                    Budgeting is vital for all students! Whether you use an              Planning on watching or recording live TV? Make
                                                1   app, a spreadsheet or a piece of paper, it’s vital to           6    sure you get a TV license. This applies no matter what
                                                    ensure you can make the most of your money whilst                    device you’re watching on (e.g. TV sets, laptops,
                                                    at University.                                                       mobile phones, tablet etc.)

    £3,000 Excellence Scholarships
         for AAA at A Level*                        Don’t know where to start with a budget?                             Plan your meals and do a big shop once a week
                                                2   Check out our online budgeting module:                          7    instead of ‘topping up’ from smaller, more convenient
                                                                      shops which can be more expensive. Never go
                                                                                                                         shopping when you’re hungry!

      £2,000 Merit Scholarships
                                                    Make sure you have applied to all of the student
         for AAB at A Level*                    3   funding you are entitled too. Have you been means                    Make a packed lunch instead of buying lunch
                                                    tested? Are you entitled to the University bursaries?           8    everyday and invest in a thermos instead of
                                                                                                                         buying takeaway coffees.

£3,000 Sporting Excellence Scholarships         4
                                                    Worried about your finances when you start? Follow
                                                    our Money Advice and Support Office on Social                        If you can walk or cycle - do it! It’ll save you money
                                                    Media for loads of information and top tips throughout          9    and get you fit.
                                                    the year.

£1,000 Musical Excellence Scholarships                                                                                   Buy a bus pass! If you are making regular journeys on
                                                    Open a student bank account and ensure you get one              10   the bus, it’s usually a lot cheaper to buy a bus pass at
                                                5   that works for you! Check the small print and don’t just             the beginning of term.
                                                    go for the best freebie.

           *Terms and conditions apply,
      please visit

                       18                                                                                      19
For more information,
please contact

Tel: 01792 606699



     Swansea Money.CampusLife


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CampusLife Reception on
01792 602000
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