Page created by Ralph Nichols
                                    RESOURCE CONSENT
                                TAKE OR USE SURFACE WATER
                             (FROM A RIVER, STREAM, SPRING, LAKE OR DAM)

When you submit your application to                  If the effects of the proposed water
the Northland Regional Council “the                  take are minor, then the council is likely
council” for a resource consent to take              to process your application without
water from a surface water body such as              public notification provided written
a river, stream, spring, lake or an                  approvals are gained from all parties
impounded area behind a dam or weir                  that may be adversely affected by the
structure, you need to ensure that                   water take. Details of the consultation
sufficient information is supplied in                required are presented later in this
support of your application.                         document.

The council has specific forms to help               If you are unable to supply the necessary
you supply the required information.                 written approvals from the affected
When applying to take surface water,                 parties, or if the effects of the take are
please ensure all the relevant questions             more than minor, then the council must
in AEE 1 are answered fully. Supplying               publicly notify the application. This can
this information will enable the council             result in significant delays in the
staff to assess your application in terms            processing of your application and
of the Resource Management Act 1991,                 additional processing costs.
and any relevant resource management
plans.                                               If you have any doubt as to who you
                                                     need to provide written approvals from,
If all the necessary information is not              or what information should be supplied
supplied with the application then the               with your application, then you should
council may return your application or               contact council staff to discuss the
request further information (pursuant                matter.
to Section 92 of the Resource
Management Act 1991). This will lead to              The following information relates to the
delays in the processing of your                     questions asked in AEE 1 and is provided
application.                                         to assist you with answering the
A – Description of the Proposed                             Question A.2
    Activity                                                The quantity of water you are applying
                                                            to take should be specified. If you are
In this section you should answer all the
                                                            applying for a replacement consent,
questions between A.1-A.13.
                                                            please check your existing consent to
Question A.1                                                see if the quantity stated will meet your
                                                            current (and likely future) needs, or if
If your application is a replacement of an                  you now require less water.
existing consent, the easiest way to find
out the name of the water body from                         Note: 1,000 litres = 1 cubic metre (m³)
which you take water is by checking                               1 Gallon     = 4.5 litres
your existing resource consent. If you
are unsure of the name of the water                         Question A.3
body, please contact a council staff                        All applications to take water must
member who will be able to assist you.                      include information and/or calculations
                                                            that justify the amount of water being
                                                            applied for. There are a number of ways
                                                            that this can be done. Some examples

              Water Use Type                             Water Allowances Commonly Used
     Pasture Irrigation*                   30-40 cubic metres of water per day per hectare of irrigated
     Outdoor Horticultural Irrigation*     25 cubic metres of water per day per total hectare planted;
                                           30-40 cubic metres of water per day per canopy hectare
     Indoor Horticultural Irrigation       5 litres per square metre of plants per day
     Household Water Supply                180-220 litres per person per day
      Dairy Cows (In Milking)             70 litres per head per day
      Other Cattle                        45 litres per head per day
      Nursing Ewes                        9 litres per head per day
      Fattening Lambs                     2.2 litres per head per day
      Pigs                                22 litres per head per day
    *Note:   If you are applying to take more than 500 m³/day for irrigation purposes, you will need to submit
             a water balance sheet that estimates average daily water needs for each month, and estimates
             peak requirements. The water balance should take into account rainfall, soil types,
             evapotranspiration and soil moisture deficits and how these variables change over the irrigation

2                                                                                       AEE1 MAY 2021 (REVISION 5)
Question A.4                               Question A.8
Specify the typical number of hours that   Many existing water takes have a meter
you would be taking water and the          installed that can be used to measure
maximum number of hours during the         the amount of water taken per day. If
“worst case scenario”.                     you have a water meter installed, tick
                                           the Yes box.
Question A.5
Most water takes are via a motorised
                                           Question A.9
pump (e.g. electric, diesel, tractor       Most intakes have a screening device
mounted), however, some utilise            located on the end of the pipe that sits
gravity.                                   in the water. This screen has two main
                                           functions. Firstly, the screen reduces
Question A.6                               the likelihood of weed and debris
The type and model of pump that you        clogging the pump. Secondly, the
are using to take water can usually be     screen (if designed properly) will
determined by looking on the housing of    prevent fish and other aquatic
the pump, or from irrigation and/or        organisms being sucked from the water.
reticulation installation records.         The easiest way to check if a screen is
                                           fitted is to lift the intake pipe out of the
Question A.7                               water and examine the end of the pipe.
                                           The screen will be obvious as it usually
There are a number of ways that the
                                           consists of a round or square metal or
rate of taking can be measured or
                                           rigid structure with holes or slots in it.
estimated. Many of the manufacturers
can supply “pumping curves” that show      Question A.10
the rate of pumping relative to the
pressure head against which the pump       If you have a screen installed, examine it
is working. The rate can also be           as described above and make a sketch
calculated by multiplying the emitter      drawing of it (attach the drawing to the
rate by the number of emitters used. In    application on a separate sheet). Use a
some cases the pump’s capacity can be      ruler or tape measure to work out the
varied and if this is the case then the    dimensions, paying particular attention
maximum pumping rate should be             to the size of the holes or slots and the
specified. If you are unsure of the        number of these per unit area. Contact
pumping capacity or how to calculate it,   the council if you require assistance with
a council staff member can assist you.     this. If the screen is poorly designed for
                                           the purposes described in A.9 the
                                           council will require you to replace it.

AEE1 MAY 2021 (REVISION 5)                                                           3
Question A.11                                the types of water bodies and will help
                                             you answer the questions.
Tick the appropriate boxes. You will
note that two lines are given. The           Question B.1
months in which you usually take water
should be ticked along the top row, and      River or Stream Take
the months in which you occasionally
                                             The first four questions are self-
take water ticked along the bottom row.
                                             explanatory but the measurements
Question A.12                                should reflect the conditions of the
                                             water body during the summer months
Indicate what time of the day you            (i.e. when flows and depths are at their
propose to take water.                       lowest). The flow velocity can be
                                             estimated by measuring the time it
Question A.13
                                             takes a stick or other floating object to
For this question you need to tick the       travel a set distance downstream.
box which corresponds to the use for
which the water is taken, and answer all     The design minimum flow (DMF) of the
the questions below that activity. This      river or stream is the flow considered
information is required as it provides       necessary        to      be     maintained
justification for the volume sought and      downstream of your take point to allow
also provides evidence that the water is     the aquatic organisms (e.g. fish and
being used efficiently.                      insects) to survive. In many cases the
                                             DMF will be equivalent to the flow in the
If you require any assistance or any         river during a drought that occurs every
clarification of the questions asked,        5 years (i.e. a 1 in 5 year drought event).
please do not hesitate to contact a          In other cases the DMF may be the
council staff member.                        mean annual low flow in the stream.
                                             The type of river or stream that you are
                                             proposing to take water from will
B – Water Resource Description
                                             dictate which figure needs to be
This section covers the characteristics of   calculated. Council staff can assist you
the water resource that you are              with making this determination.
proposing to take water from. It is
                                             If your application is a replacement
important that you supply a map
                                             application, the DMF may well have
showing the items listed on the
                                             already been calculated and if so, will be
application form. You should then tick
                                             recorded on your file. You will need to
the box that corresponds to the type of
                                             contact the council to find out whether
water body from which you are
                                             or not it has been calculated. If your
proposing to take water and answer all
                                             application is for a new consent, you will
the questions below that box. The
                                             need to calculate the DMF. There are a
following discussion relates to each of
                                             number of ways that the DMF can be
                                             calculated and this may involve manual
4                                                                    AEE1 MAY 2021 (REVISION 5)
flow measurements at the point of            filled. Again, some lakes have streams
taking. You may need to hire a               flowing into them whereas others are
consultant for this, please contact the      filled up mainly from rain falling directly
council for advice.                          on the lake’s surface or through runoff
                                             from surrounding land.
Spring Take
An estimate of the minimum flow from
                                             Man-made Reservoir behind a Dam
the spring needs to be given. This can       or Weir
be estimated a number of ways. The           This section relates to water being taken
time taken to fill a bucket of a known       from an impounded area behind a dam
capacity (e.g. 10 litre) is called a         structure (including weirs).
volumetric estimate. If this method is to
be used then the measurement should          The volume of impounded water behind
be done a number of times and the            the dam structure needs to be stated. If
average used. The council may be able        you are taking water from behind a
to measure the flow accurately using         minor weir, then you will still need to
either a portable v-notch weir or a          estimate the impounded area during
current meter.                               summer months.

You must also supply details on how you      See the section on River or Stream Takes
are proposing to “tap” the spring flow       (above) regarding the design minimum
and distribute the water to its point of     flow (DMF). You need to state how the
use.                                         water from the dam or weir is released
                                             to maintain flows downstream. This
Natural Lake Take                            may be via a pipe or over the structure.
The first question is self-explanatory. If   In many cases the dam or weir will have
you know how deep the lake is, then          a separate resource consent. If yours
write it down. If you are unsure of the      does have one you should tick the yes
depth of the lake, then contact the          box. If you do not have a resource
council as there may have been studies       consent for the structure, you will need
done on the lake you are proposing to        to contact the council to determine if
take from. You need to note whether or       one is actually required.
not the lake has a natural outlet. Some
lakes (e.g. many of the dune lakes) do       Some dam and weir structures are
not have a natural outlet, whereas           required to be constructed so that they
others have a stream flowing from            specifically allow for the migration of
them. You also need to describe the          certain fish species (these structures are
main mechanism by which the lake is          called “fish passes”).

AEE1 MAY 2021 (REVISION 5)                                                            5
Question B.2                                Question C.1
Tick the boxes that characterise the land   You need to consider whether your
use in the area of your proposed water      proposed water take will have any effect
take. You may wish to also include a        on the availability of water for other
description of the land uses on the map     users. This will depend on the volume of
that needs to be supplied with your         water you propose to take relative to
application.                                the size of the water body and the
                                            distance downstream to the next inflow
                                            of water (i.e. where the next stream or
C – Assessment of Effects on the
                                            tributary joins the water body you
    Environment                             propose to take from).
In this section you need to consider        If written approvals are obtained from
what the effects of your proposed take      all parties that may be affected by the
will have on the environment. For the       water take and the effects of your
purposes of this section, you need to       proposed water take are minor, then
consider the effects of your proposed       the council may decide to process your
take under the “worst case scenario”.       application on a non-notified basis.
For most water takes, the worst case
scenario is when the quantity of water      Question C.2
being taken is greatest and this
                                            The items listed in this question are
coincides with flows in the river, stream
                                            those that are commonly affected by
or spring being the lowest (or for lakes
                                            water takes. You need to consider if any
when the lake level is at its lowest).
                                            of these are present in the vicinity of
If you are proposing to take water from     your proposed take and if they are, then
a river or stream and you wish to reduce    you will need to discuss how your
the flow downstream of your point of        proposed take will affect them.
taking to below the design minimum
                                            Some water takes can lower the water
flow (DMF), then you will need to
                                            levels of the water body (e.g. the taking
contact the council as there are
                                            may reduce the depth of water in a
additional information requirements
                                            stream downstream of the point of
that need to be provided with your
                                            taking). This will depend on the type of
                                            water body from which you are taking
The word “environment” includes the         and the amount of water you are
water body itself, downstream water         proposing to take, as well as the actual
users, and local iwi. The information       pumping rate.
below will help you answer the
questions of this section.

6                                                                  AEE1 MAY 2021 (REVISION 5)
Question C.3                              Question C.6
The Resource Management Act 1991          The amount of monitoring likely to be
requires applicants to consider           required will depend on a number of
“alternatives” and discuss why they       factors such as the quantity of water you
have made the choice they have made.      are proposing to take, the size of the
Alternative water sources include:        water resource, and the pressure on the
                                          resource.     A consent holder will
 Groundwater                             commonly be required to measure the
 Water storage dams that collect         quantity of water they take on a daily
  water during winter to be used          basis and submit “water use records”.
  during the summer months                In other cases, downstream flow
 Rainfall runoff collection systems      measurement recording, water quality
                                          and/or biological monitoring may be
Question C.4
The council promotes the use of
technologies and water management         Question C.7
techniques that minimise water            Tick the boxes that correspond to the
wastage. Indicate what measures you       parties with whom you have consulted
propose to implement or use that will     regarding your proposed water take.
ensure efficient water use.               The council can advise you of those
                                          parties considered to be “affected” and
Question C.5
                                          can also supply you with a list of
There are a number of possible            appropriate iwi contacts.
“positive” effects that water takes can
result in. These can include economic
benefits to the community (e.g. jobs),
secure water supplies to households,
and many others.

AEE1 MAY 2021 (REVISION 5)                                                       7
If you have any queries relating to information requirements, please contact the
Northland Regional Council.
    Northland Regional Council offices:
    Whangārei Office      Dargaville Office     Kaitāia Office        Waipapa Office
    36 Water Street       100 Victoria Street   192 Commerce Street   Shop 9
    Whangārei 0110        Dargaville 0310       Kaitāia 0410          12 Klinac Lane
                                                                      Waipapa 0295
    P     0800 002 004    P      09 439 3300    P      09 408 6600    P     0800 002 004

8                                                                        AEE1 MAY 2021 (REVISION 5)
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