Here is your digital LeoMap! - For a correct visualization, lock the screen rotation of your smartphone and turn it sideways - Leolandia

Page created by Felix May
Here is your digital LeoMap! - For a correct visualization, lock the screen rotation of your smartphone and turn it sideways - Leolandia
Here is your digital LeoMap!
For a correct visualization, lock the screen rotation
     of your smartphone and turn it sideways.
         The 1st theme
         park in Italy
Here is your digital LeoMap! - For a correct visualization, lock the screen rotation of your smartphone and turn it sideways - Leolandia
Click on the selected box or on the >> icon for   Select your preferred themed area to learn more about its at-
             further information.                 tractions, services, refreshment points and shops!
 SAFE and FUN-FILLED experience                    Minitalia e Animali               PJ Masks City
                                                   Riva dei Pirati                   La Foresta di Masha e Orso
 Detailed Map
                                                   Cowboy Town                       Bing e Flop
                                                   Terre di Leonardo                 Miraculous
 News and offers                                   Expo 1906                         Il Trenino Thomas
 Calendar                                          La Baia dei Piccoli Surfisti
Here is your digital LeoMap! - For a correct visualization, lock the screen rotation of your smartphone and turn it sideways - Leolandia
Before your visit, please read our safety rules: help us to observe them and offer you a
                              SAFE and fun-filled experience!
LIMITED NUMBER OF VISITORS                                           SAFE DISTANCE                                                      E-PAYMENTS
Thanks to the reduction in the maximum                               We will help you to remember to keep the right                     These forms of payment are accepted and
capacity of the park, you can enjoy your day in                      distances to access the ticket offices, the park                   encouraged
Leolandia in relaxation.                                             entrance, the attractions, the common areas.
                                                                     You can see our outdoor shows with calm,
                                                                     thanks to floor markings that indicate where
BODY TEMPERATURE SCREENING                                           you can stop. On the attractions, each family will                 THE LEOSTAFF CARE FOR
                                                                     have a dedicated car/space so that you can stay                    YOUR SAFETY
At the entrance, our LeoGuests temperatures
                                                                     together, in compliance with safety standards.
will be measured. Only guests with temperature                                                                                          All the staff of the park are equipped with proper
below 37.5° will be permitted access to the Park.                                                                                       protective equipment: just before your park
                                                                     SANITATION MEASURES                                                visit, we will check the body temperature to
                                                                                                                                        allow access only to guests with a temperature
FACE MASKS                                                           We will ensure the regular sanitation of
                                                                                                                                        below 37.5°. The LeoStaffwill help you to protect
                                                                     attractions, restaurants, bathrooms and
We will check that our Guests from the age of                                                                                           yourself and remember the simple actions to
                                                                     common areas, as well as numerous hand
6 years comply with the regulations in force                                                                                            live your day in Leolandia with cheerfulness
                                                                     sanitizer stations, which will be available in such
regarding face masks during your visit.                                                                                                 and relaxation.
                                                                     areas for LeoGuests.
                                                    The Leostaff are training to show you their best smile even with just the eyes to
                                                    make your day even more fun!
                 Please refer to the detailed park rules for more information. You can find them on, at the reception desk and Info Point.
Here is your digital LeoMap! - For a correct visualization, lock the screen rotation of your smartphone and turn it sideways - Leolandia
                                                 Click on the logo or >> icon for detailed information
         Some attractions, shows and refreshment points may be subject to closures or cancellations according to current COVID-19 regulations
                                                                                                                    CLICK HERE
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Il Cortile di Masha
      CLICK HERE                                                                                                                                                                                                               Vroom
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Il Bosco di Orso                      CLICK HERE
                                                                                                                                                                              Teatro della
                                                                                                                                                                                               Vagone Ristorante
                                                                          Wester                                                                                                                                                                                             Museo
                                                                                                                                                       Area Relax                                                                                                                                                    CLICK HERE
                                       Tren8         Palco Cowboy                                Piratingioco                                                                                                                                    Gufaliante
                                                         Town                                                                  Torcibudella                                                                                  Minitalia
                                                                                                                                                                    Serra Italia                                                                                                          Sprayground
                                                                                                   Primo Soccorso Sentinelle                                                                                                                             Playground
                                                                                                                                   all’Arrembaggio                                                                                                                     Laghetto
                                                                     Avvoltoi                                                                                                      Zattere                                                                                                Faro
                                                                                     Botti Boom
                                        Gold River
                                                                                 Bettola di Capitan       Galeone          Palco Pirati
                                                                                            Le Dolcezze del                                                                                                                                              LeoCoaster
                                                                                                Porto                          Info Point
                                                        Mine Train
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     CLICK HERE
                                                                     Ruota dei                                                      Pirati alla
                                                                                                                                     Deriva                                                            Palco Minitalia                                             Spegnilfuoco
                                                                                                                                       Gommoni                               Caffè Minitalia           Miraculous
                                                                                                       Promo Point
                                                                      La Tana dei         Giostra Cavalli                                                                                                                         Pizzeria Da Pinuccia
                                                                       Trapper                                                                                                                                                                                              Electrospin
                                                                                                                Scilla e Cariddi                                                                                                                              Teatro Expo
CLICK HERE                                                           Sgulavià                                                                                  ENTER                                                                                                           Donna Cannone
                                                                                                                                       Rettilario               EXIT                                                                        Sedie Ballerine                                                           CLICK HERE
                                                                                 Bici Da VInci                                                                                                                                                                              Twister Mountain
                                                           LeoArena                                                                   Acquario
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Strabilia Kong
                                         Rapide di Leonardo
                                                                                            Il Trenino
                 CLICK HERE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            CLICK HERE
Here is your digital LeoMap! - For a correct visualization, lock the screen rotation of your smartphone and turn it sideways - Leolandia
LEGEND                                                      ATTRACTIONS
                                                                Up to 89 cm                           105 cm and above         25   Farm
                                                                90 cm and above                       120 cm and above         26   Relax Area and Playground                       from   4 to 8 years
                                                                Minimum height if                     Minimum height, ride
                                                                accompanied                           alone                    28   Minitalia
                                                                No restrictions if accompanied                                 29   Zattere                                                    120
                                                                InfoPoint                             Public toilets           30   Reptile House
                                                                First aid centre                      Dog area                 31   Acquarium
       25                                                       (no medicines are administered)   N   Shop                     9
                                                                                                                                    Meet Leo and Mia
                                                                                                  T   Tobacco shop             42   Meet Ladybug and Chat Noir
                                                                Cash machine                          Here you will get wet!
                                                                Drier                                 Memory picture
                                                      28        Ticket windows                        Prize games
             26                                                 Picnic area                           Smoking Area
                                                           R    Refreshment point                 C   Stands
                                                                Baby changing table           Stroller rental
                                                                Attractions suitable for expectant mothers                                   REFRESHMENT POINTS
                                                                Nursery facilities
                                                                                                                                    R6   Caffè Minitalia
                                                                                                                                    Hot dishes, stuffed sandwiches, pasta, salads, fruit
                                                      F                                                                             salads, breaded chicken fillet strips, chips and gluten free
                                                                                                                                    products. In addition,tastybreakfastwithfresh croissants.
                                       N11   E   42
                        9                                                                                                           R5   Serra Italia: piadine e gelati
                                                                                                                                    Freshly prepared Romagna’s Piadina with whole-
             T         ENTER                                                                                                        wheat flour. In addition, dessert, piadina with Nutella
                        EXIT      D
     30 N7                                                                                                                          and ice cream croissants are served.
                                                           N7   LeoShop                                                                                 GO BACK TO..…
      31                                                   N6   Il Tesoro di LeoTritone                                        START SCREEN                    LEOMAP              SHOWS
Here is your digital LeoMap! - For a correct visualization, lock the screen rotation of your smartphone and turn it sideways - Leolandia
LEGEND                                                      ATTRACTIONS
                                                   Up to 89 cm                           105 cm and above         17   Raganelle Sentinelle                                 90
                                                   90 cm and above                       120 cm and above         19   Bucanieri all’arrembaggio                            105
                                                   Minimum height if                     Minimum height, ride
                                                   accompanied                           alone
                                                                                                                  24   Mediterranea         recommended from 90 cm          120
                                                   No restrictions if accompanied
                                                                                                                  41   Meet Bing and Flop
                                                                                                                  14   PiratinGioco                              min 90 max 150
                                                   InfoPoint                             Public toilets
                                                   First aid centre                      Dog area                 16   BottiBoom                                     90     105
      14                                           (no medicines are administered)
                                                                                         Shop                     18   Torcibudella                              min 90 max 130
                                     18            PromoPoint
15                                                                                   T   Tobacco shop             21   Pirati alla Deriva           ride photo       90     120
                                         C6        Cash machine                          Here you will get wet!
                      17                                                                                          22   Gommoni                                       90     120
 16   C4                                           Drier                                 Memory picture
                               41                                                                                 15   Trinchetto                                   105 105
                N5                       19        Ticket windows                        Prize games
                                                   Picnic area                           Smoking Area             20   Galeone                                      105 120
                                              R    Refreshment point                 C   Stands                   23   Scilla e Cariddi                             105 105
                                                   Baby changing table           Stroller rental
                                                                                                                                REFRESHMENT POINTS
                           C                       Attractions suitable for expectant mothers
                20                                 Nursery facilities
                                                                              SHOPS                                      R3   Bettola di Capian Polpetta
                                                                                                                        Hamburgers, breaded chicken fillet strips, hot
                               21                                                                                       dog, doner kebabs, salads and chips. Here you can
                                                                                                                        find only 100% Italian beef products.
                                              N4   La Perla del Mediterraneo
                                                                                                                         R4   Dolcezze del Porto
                                                                                                                        Sandwiches, doughnuts, croissants, Nutella
                                                                                                                        crepes, waffle, ice cream and many more!
                                              N3   Emporio dei Mercanti
                                              N5   Grotta dei Pirati                                                                     GO BACK TO..…
      24                                           Share a photo with Bing and Flop
                                                   and discover their themed items!                               START SCREEN                 LEOMAP             SHOWS
Here is your digital LeoMap! - For a correct visualization, lock the screen rotation of your smartphone and turn it sideways - Leolandia
LEGEND                                                   ATTRACTIONS
                                    Up to 89 cm                           105 cm and above
                                                                                                   2   Carovana Western                              120
                                    90 cm and above                       120 cm and above
                                    Minimum height if                     Minimum height, ride
                                                                                                   3   Tren8 West                                    90
                                    accompanied                           alone                    7   Ruota dei Pionieri                            120
                                    No restrictions if accompanied                                 6   Mine Train                              90    105
                                    InfoPoint                             Public toilets           4   Wild Avvoltoi                           105   105
                                    First aid centre                      Dog area
                                    (no medicines are administered)
                                                                                                   5   Gold River                 ride photo   105   120
                                                                      N   Shop
                          2         PromoPoint                        T   Tobacco shop
         A                          Cash machine                          Here you will get wet!
                                    Ticket windows
                                                                          Memory picture
                                                                          Prize games
                                                                                                               REFRESHMENT POINTS
3                                   Picnic area                           Smoking Area
                               R    Refreshment point                 C   Stands
                                    Baby changing table           Stroller rental
             C1       4
                                    Attractions suitable for expectant mothers
5   N1
                                    Nursery facilities
                  6                                            SHOPS
                  7                                                                                    R2   La Tana dei Trapper
                          R2                                                                           Freshly prepared sausage skewers, salamella
                                                                                                       (Italian pork sausage) sandwiches and chips.
                                                                                                                      GO BACK TO..…
                               N1   Miss Daisy
                                                                                                   START SCREEN             LEOMAP             SHOWS
Here is your digital LeoMap! - For a correct visualization, lock the screen rotation of your smartphone and turn it sideways - Leolandia
LEGEND                                                      ATTRACTIONS
                                     Up to 89 cm                           105 cm and above         8    Giostra Cavalli                                120
                                     90 cm and above                       120 cm and above                                                             120
                                                                                                    10   Sgulavià
                                     Minimum height if                     Minimum height, ride
                                     accompanied                           alone                    11   Bici da Vinci                           90     105
                                     No restrictions if accompanied                                 12   Rapide di Leonardo                      120    140
                                     InfoPoint                             Public toilets           13   Il Trenino Thomas                               120
                                     First aid centre                      Dog area
                                     (no medicines are administered)   N   Shop
                                     PromoPoint                        T   Tobacco shop
                                     Cash machine                          Here you will get wet!
                                                                                                                 REFRESHMENT POINTS
                                                                           Memory picture
                                     Ticket windows                        Prize games
                                     Picnic area                           Smoking Area
                                 R   Refreshment point                 C   Stands
                                     Baby changing table           Stroller rental
                                     Attractions suitable for expectant mothers
                                     Nursery facilities
     B   10                 C3
                                                                                                         C3   Granitù
                                                                                                         Fresh granitas, smoothies, frapshake, crepes, fruit
12                                                                                                       skewers and many more.
                                                                                                                          GO BACK TO..…
                                                                                                    START SCREEN                LEOMAP           SHOWS
Here is your digital LeoMap! - For a correct visualization, lock the screen rotation of your smartphone and turn it sideways - Leolandia
LEGEND                                                    ATTRACTIONS
                                                Up to 89 cm                           105 cm and above         33   Spegnilfuoco         recommended from 90 cm           105
                                                90 cm and above                       120 cm and above         32   LeoCoaster                                    90      105
                     40                         Minimum height if                     Minimum height, ride
                                                accompanied                           alone                    38   Strabilia Kong                                90      120
                                                No restrictions if accompanied                                 36   Twister Mountain             ride photo       105     120
                              C10               InfoPoint                             Public toilets           37   Sedie Ballerine                               105     105
                                                First aid centre                      Dog area                 34   Electro Spin                                  120      120
                                                (no medicines are administered)   N   Shop
                                                PromoPoint                                                     35   Donna Cannone                                 120      120
                                                                                  T   Tobacco shop
                                                Cash machine                                                   39   Faro                                          da 3 a 12 anni
                                                                                      Here you will get wet!
          32                                    Drier                                 Memory picture           40   Laghetto                                      da 3 a 12 anni
                                                Ticket windows                        Prize games
                                                Picnic area                           Smoking Area
                    33                     R    Refreshment point
                                                Baby changing table
                                                                                  C   Stands
                                                                              Stroller rental
                                                                                                                            REFRESHMENT POINTS
                                                Attractions suitable for expectant mothers
                         34                     Nursery facilities
R8                       35
     37                   36
                                                                                                                    R8   Pizzeria da Pinuccia
               38                                                                                                   Slices of pizza, chips, salads, family size pizza,
                                                                                                                    desserts and fruit salad.
                                                                                                                                     GO BACK TO..…
                                          N12   Twister shop                                                   START SCREEN               LEOMAP                  SHOWS
Here is your digital LeoMap! - For a correct visualization, lock the screen rotation of your smartphone and turn it sideways - Leolandia
LEGEND                                                    ATTRACTIONS
                                        Up to 89 cm                           105 cm and above         27    Il Teatro della Foresta
                                        90 cm and above                       120 cm and above
                                                                                                       43    Il Cortile di Masha                              90
                                        Minimum height if                     Minimum height, ride
                                        accompanied                           alone                    44    Il Bosco di Orso                                 90
                                        No restrictions if accompanied                                 45    Vroom                        ride photo   90     120
                                        InfoPoint                             Public toilets           46    Incontra Masha e Orso
                                        First aid centre                      Dog area
              C8                        (no medicines are administered)   N   Shop
                    N9   45             PromoPoint
                                        Cash machine
                                                                          T   Tobacco shop
                                                                              Here you will get wet!
                                                                                                                    REFRESHMENT POINTS
        N8                    44        Drier                                 Memory picture
                   43                   Ticket windows                        Prize games
                                        Picnic area                           Smoking Area
                                   R    Refreshment point                 C   Stands
27 46        R9                         Baby changing table           Stroller rental
                                        Attractions suitable for expectant mothers
                                        Nursery facilities
                                                                                                            R9   Il Vagone Ristorante
                                                                 SHOPS                                      Different types of stuffed French toast and fruit ice
                                                                                                            lollies with no artificial colours or preservatives.
                                                                                                            C8   Uno Spuntino nel Bosco
                                   N8   Le Sorprese di Masha                                                Meatballs in tomato sauce, special sandwiches and
                                                                                                            hot dogs. Then refresh your day with fruit smoothies
                                                                                                            and ice cream.
                                                                                                                              GO BACK TO..…
                                   N9   L’Officina nel Bosco                                           START SCREEN                LEOMAP              SHOWS
LEGEND                                                      ATTRACTIONS
                                   Up to 89 cm                           105 cm and above         48   Museo                                            from 6 years
                                   90 cm and above                       120 cm and above         49   Gufaliante                                          120
                                   Minimum height if                     Minimum height, ride
                                                                                                  50   Spray Park                                       from 6 years
                                                                                                  51   Parco Giochi                           from 3 to 8 years old
                                   No restrictions if accompanied
                                   InfoPoint                             Public toilets
                                   First aid centre                      Dog area
                                   (no medicines are administered)   N   Shop
                                   PromoPoint                        T   Tobacco shop
                                   Cash machine                          Here you will get wet!
                                                                                                                REFRESHMENT POINTS
                                   Drier                                 Memory picture
                                   Ticket windows                        Prize games
                48 47 N15
                                   Picnic area                           Smoking Area
                              R    Refreshment point                 C   Stands
          C11                      Baby changing table           Stroller rental
                                   Attractions suitable for expectant mothers
          N14                      Nursery facilities
     51                                                     SHOPS
                             N14   City Super Shop
                             Take a ride on the Owl Glider and discover
                             PJ Masks-themed merchandise.                                              C11   Butta la Pasta
                                                                                                       Tasty first courses, ice cream, smoothies and coffee.
                             N15   PJ Masks Photo & Souvenir
                             After meeting PJ Masks heroes, visit the retail
                             shop offering you themed items. Don’t forget to
                                                                                                                         GO BACK TO..…
                             collect your souvenir photo!                                         START SCREEN                LEOMAP             SHOWS
Click on the star     or on >> icon and find out where the show will be taking place. Please refer to the map, more speci-
fically to the themed area. Check out the following page to find out meet & greet times!
                                                                                                                          10:00      11:00    12:00   13:00    14:00    15:00     16:00   17:00
 Benvenuti a Leolandia!                                         D Piazza d’Ingresso                                        PARK
 Masha e Orso: il Circo della Foresta                          27 Teatro della Foresta    10 minutes
                                                                                                                                     11 am    12 am            2:30pm 3:30pm 4:30pm
 Meet them after their show and share a photo with them!
 Gioca con Bing e Flop!                                         C Palco Pirati            15 minutes                                11:30am                             3:15pm
 Leo e la Pietra Magica                                         E Palco Minitalia         10 minutes                                          12 am
 La premiazione di Ladybug e Chat Noir                          E Palco Minitalia         8 minutes
                                                                                                                                                       1 pm     2 pm              4 pm    5 pm
 Meet them after their show and share a photo with them!
 Le Miniere di Cowboy Town                                      A Palco Cowboy town      10 minutes                                                   1:40pm
                                                                   LeoArena              25 minutes
 Favola: Viaggio nelle Terre Lontane                            B (max 250 guests)                                                                             2:30pm            4:30pm
 La Spada di Admir                                              C Palco Pirati            10 minutes                                                                    3:50pm
 Il Bottino di Cowboy Town - Babydance                          A Palco Cowboy town      10 minutes                                                                              4:40pm
 LeoArena and Teatro della Foresta (Woodland Theatre) opens 15 minutes before show start time.                                                                  GO BACK TO…..
 If the theatre reaches maximum capacity, access will not be allowed.
 The Management reserves the right to cancel or change the schedules of shows, entertainment programmes without prior notice.
                                                                                                                                               START SCREEN               LEOMAP
      Not scheduled on “No shows” days. Please check the dates on our calendar.
     Click on the circle                   or on >> icon and find out where the event will be taking place by checking out the map!
                                                                                                                        10 am    11 am   12 am    1 pm   2 pm     3 pm   4 pm    5 pm
Meet Bing e Flop                                41   Grotta Pirati                                                              11:45am 12:30am 1:15pm   2pm     3:30pm 4:15pm   5pm
Meet PJ Masks                                   47   You can meet them and share                                                 DURING THE DAY                 DURING THE DAY
                                                     a photo throughout the day!
Meet Leo e Mia                                  9    You can meet them
                                                     throughout the day!
                                                                                                                                                         GO BACK TO…..
 The Management reserves the right to cancel or change the schedules of shows, entertainment programmes without prior notice.             START SCREEN             LEOMAP
  Celebrate the park’s 50th anniversary with us!                                                                                                  BIRTHDAY PARTY
 Leolandia celebrations are about to kick off!
 Celebrate with us, there are new experiences
 for you to enjoy! The park offers new shows
 and mini live entertainment. Get ready for
 new adventures with Ladybug and Cat Noir,
 join the fun with new games with Bing and                                                                                          Celebrate your birthday with us! Hurry up and go to the
 Flop and much more to celebrate an unfor-                                                                                          Info Point.    Let yourself be tempted by a wide range
 gettable anniversary with us!                                                                                                      of offers and organise your exclusive birthday party!
You’ll have DOUBLE the fun in 2021                                                                         Brighten your day with Exclusive Experiences!
 Buy your 2021 tickets* and you can get free                                                          Make your day even more special with ULTIMATE offers, magical and engaging activities
 admission to come back within 90 days after your                                                     and you’ll be in the middle of the magic!
 first visit on one of green** days of the calendar                                                   For further details, please visit the Info Point .
 you can find on next page. For more information,
 visit the PuntoPromo (Promo Point).
 * School tickets, tickets for Summer Camps, Park+Hotel deals, afternoon tickets, free rain tickets
                                                                                                                                                                GO BACK TO…..
 and other kind of passes are not eligible for this promotion.
 ** The first consecutive day after the 1 st visit is excluded from this promotion.                                                             START SCREEN             LEOMAP
                                      CALENDAR   2021
                 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31                                                                                  In partnership with
       June                                                                                    S S                              S S
        July              S S                             S S                         S S                            S S                                S
    August S                                S S                          S S                            S S                              S S
                              S S                               S S                         S S                          S S
                     S S                              S S                        S S                            S S                                S S
 November                               S S                           S S                          S S                              S S
 December                     S S                               S S                         S S                                 S
January ‘22 S S
   Regular Season                              HalLEOween                   Natale Incantato                  Closed             No shows
   10:00 - 18:00                               10:00 - 18:00                10:00 - 18:00                                        Shows and meet & greet
                                                                                                                                 with characters are
RETURNS AND SEASON PASS              BORDER COLOR                                                                                always on schedule.
                                                                                                                                                                     Via Vittorio Veneto, 52, 24042 Capriate San Gervasio (BG)
   Green days                                                         Red days
   in cui è consentito il rientro gratuito del secondo giorno         NON è consentito il rientro gratuito del secondo giorno
                                                                                                                                                                 02 9090169          342 3452798     
                                                                                                            Opening hours are subject to change.
                                                                                                                                Updated to August 31st, 2021   Follow us on:                          #Leolandia #LeoEmozioni
                                                                                                                                                                                           GO BACK TO…..
                                                                                                                                                                     START SCREEN                        LEOMAP
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