InSCight - Science for a sustainable future - Inspiring stories from the Faculty of Science - The University of Auckland

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InSCight - Science for a sustainable future - Inspiring stories from the Faculty of Science - The University of Auckland
Inspiring stories from the Faculty of Science   ISSUE 14 | DECEMBER 2020

Science for a
sustainable future
InSCight - Science for a sustainable future - Inspiring stories from the Faculty of Science - The University of Auckland
Inspiring stories from the Faculty of Science
December 2020

Maya Breen
                                                   A word from the Dean
Dominique Behn, Maya Breen
                                                   WELCOME TO THE 2020 edition of inSCight.                   People such as our PM’s Chief Science
FEATURE WRITERS                                    This edition is themed ‘Science for a sustainable     Advisor Juliet Gerrard, COVID-19 modeller and
Owen Poland (OP Media Ltd),                        future’. We will be exploring many of the ways        Director of Te Pūnaha Matatini, Shaun Hendy,
Dominique Behn, Maya Breen                         in which the faculty has been contributing to         and science communicator Siouxie Wiles, all
DESIGN                                             and adopting sustainability and sustainability        Auckland Science staff, have been instrumental
Jacinda Torrance                                   practices.                                            in providing that advice and commentary.
(Verso Visual Communications)                            This time last year, I wrote an opinion piece        Further crises are inevitable. Climate
                                                   for Newsroom, encouraging those of us who do          change is the most obvious, but potential
Dean Carruthers                                    science to recognise the inconvenient truth that      disruption in the food, materials, information,
                                                   many of our practices, notably our addiction to       energy, and transport domains1, will all strike at
EDITORIAL CONTACT DETAILS                          conference travel and air conditioning, mean          the nature of what work is, what education is for,
inSCight                                           that we do not tread lightly on the planet, and       and how society functions and is governed.
Faculty of Science Communications                  encouraged colleagues to look at how we change             As scientists we need to be ready to
and Marketing
                                                   those practices.                                      provide sound leadership, trusted advice, and
University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019                                        I need to be careful of what I wish for, as     graduates who can understand and meet the
Auckland 1142, New Zealand                         this year has seen an enforced change of such         resulting challenges.          behaviours that none of us would have wanted.
                                                         I am very mindful that the relatively mild
KEEP IN TOUCH                                      inconveniences to our way of life we have faced
If you are a Faculty of Science graduate and       here at the University of Auckland are not
have a story to tell about your experiences or
                                                   replicated elsewhere and that many of you are
achievements, please get in touch. We also
welcome feedback and suggestions about this        doing it tough. My heart goes out to those of you
publication. If there’s something you would        in such circumstances.
like to see in the next issue, don’t hesitate to
contact us.                                        Science steps up
To ensure that you continue to receive inSCight,   Nevertheless, COVID-19 has thrown into
and subscribe to @Auckland, the University’s       perspective how a major crisis, such as a
e-newsletter for alumni and friends, please        pandemic, can deeply impact society and the
update your details:
                                                   value of having clear scientific voices providing
Email:                   expert advice to public and government on both
                                                   the nature of those impacts and how they can
SUSTAINABLE                                        be mitigated.
The ‘plastic’ used to wrap inSCight is 100
percent degradable and recyclable. This
magazine was printed by Soar Printing.
inSCight is available digitally – please email
us if you would prefer to receive the magazine
in this format in future.                   In this issue
A new take on Darwin’s ‘Tree of Life’, this        4 	Racing against the climate clock                  16 	The show must go on
photo shows an oak tree overlaid with a                 Climate science and researching the                   Sustainability events on eco-anxiety and
diagram of 3000 species, as a celebration               impacts of climate change is more                     river futures powered on in the time of
of Earth’s biodiversity. It was a finalist              important than ever before.                           COVID-19.
in the 2019 Royal Photographic Society
(RPS) Science Photographer of the Year             6 	Kaitiaki of the Waipā River                       18 	Giving biodiversity the best chance
(SPOTY) competition, recently on display at                                                                   We explore a research initiative looking
                                                        A joint research project from two
an exhibition at the Museum of Transport
                                                        academics investigates how Māori could                at “sneaking biodiversity into cities” and
and Technology (MOTAT) in Auckland.
SPOTY showcases outstanding images                      have a greater voice in river management              how the Predator Free 2050 project is
demonstrating science in action and telling             and decision-making.                                  progressing.
stories behind scientific exploration and
application. View this and other photos from       10 	Greening our food production and                   REGULAR SECTIONS
the exhibition at and see                supply chains                                    8 Our alumni for more about the competition.           Green chemical science is unlocking ways         	Science alumni Rachel Brown and Fletcher
                               Cover photo:             to reduce and reuse the food we waste.                Sunde share insights into their careers.
                               The Tree of Life,
                               Homage to           14 	The psychology of sustainability                 20 	Our students
                               Darwin by Carol          Professor Niki Harré examines the                	We celebrate the achievements of two of
                               Ballenger                importance of motivational hope in                 our students in their undergraduate and
                                                        creating a sustainable world.                      postgraduate studies.

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Leading by example                                    scientific thinking as Associate Professor Karen
                                                      Fisher and Dr Meg Parsons from the School of
Sustainability, one of the most immediate             Environment have been doing in their research on      “Sustainability… is
challenges, is an area we have considerable
strength and impact in as a faculty and
                                                      fresh water management – working with iwi, local
                                                      councils and the regional farming community,
                                                                                                              an area we have
University.                                           managing the environment in relation to the             considerable strength
      This is reflected in the University topping,    environmental health of the Waipā river and in
for the second year running, the world University     relation to a Māori perspective of stewardship          and impact in as a
Impact Rankings by Times Higher Education.
      The rankings measure how universities
                                                      (see page six).                                         faculty and University.”
                                                            The sustainability and resilience of our
worldwide are performing against the United           cities has been challenged by COVID-19, but
Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).        Associate Professor Margaret Stanley from
                                                      Biological Sciences has been exploring the flip        of sustainability, in particular, how to engage
Research for a                                        side of this – nature in cities and how it returned    people in creating a more sustainable and
                                                      during lockdown periods. Meanwhile, Associate          equitable society (see page 14). Niki has also
sustainable world                                     Professor James Russell, from Biological               championed the introduction of a sustainability
So in this issue, we, of course, look at research     Sciences/Statistics and Dr Brendon Blue from           module of three courses taught across Science
on climate, headlined by our new Professor of         Environment, have been heavily involved in the         and Arts, instilling a sustainability mindset in our
Climate Physics, David Noone, who got into            Predator Free 2050 movement to eliminate               students.
atmospheric physics to help him be a better           introduced pest species from Aotearoa                        This and more, including student and
sailor, but whose work now informs global             (see page 18).                                         alumni features, are covered in this issue.
climate models helping us to determine how                  Making processes more sustainable yet            I do hope you enjoy it.
to navigate our future.                               efficient is a major thrust of the Green Chemistry
     He complements ongoing work in the               initiative in Chemical Sciences, including             PROFESSOR JOHN HOSKING
School of Environment by Dr Murray Ford and           reducing and reusing food waste (especially            Dean of Science, University of Auckland
Dr Emma Ryan, who have been looking at                from fresh produce), on the road towards more
the impact of climate change on our Pacific           sustainable food production and supply chains
neighbours, particularly coral atolls (see page       (see page ten).
four).                                                      Professor Niki Harré from Psychology brings
     Closer to home, we have much to learn            a social sciences dimension to the issue of            1 R ethinking Humanity, Five Foundational Sector
                                                                                                              Disruptions, the Lifecycle of Civilizations, and the
by blending traditional Māori mātauranga              sustainability and resilience with her impactful        Coming Age of Freedom, James Arbib & Tony Seba,
notions of stewardship of natural resources with      research on the social and psychological aspects, June 2020

In memoriam: Sir Vaughan Jones
New Zealand’s most celebrated mathematician,               Sir Vaughan spent his career in the United
Sir Vaughan Jones, the only New Zealander to be       States but gave generously of his time to the
awarded the maths equivalent of the Nobel Prize,      University and to New Zealand mathematics
the Fields Medal, passed away in September this       more widely, offering courses and lectures each
year, aged 67.                                        summer to encourage and mentor younger
      A mathematician of international standing,      mathematicians. Sir Vaughan also supported
when Sir Vaughan accepted the Medal in front          the in memoriam Judy Paterson Mathematics
of the world’s leading mathematicians at the          Education Scholarship.
International Congress of Mathematicians in                He co-founded and led the NZ Mathematics          Photo: Akram Aldroubi/Vanderbilt University
1990, he wore an All Blacks rugby jersey.             Research Institute (NZMRI) to promote and
      “He was a very proud Kiwi,” says friend and     foster high quality mathematics. The Royal             two different types of RNA are from the same
long-time colleague Distinguished Professor           Society’s Te Apārangi Jones Medal, awarded for         source,” Professor Conder says.
Marston Conder from the University of Auckland’s      outstanding achievement in the mathematical                  “That was an outstanding achievement
Department of Mathematics.                            sciences, is named after him.                          because from theoretical mathematics, his
      “He was very down to earth, someone you              His most celebrated work was on knot              discoveries had real significance in an entirely
could have a relaxed chat with over a drink, with a   polynomials, the study of everyday knots of the        different field.”
great sense of humour, and who did a lot for New      type used in sailing. His discovery of what is now           In 2002 Sir Vaughan was made a
Zealand mathematics.                                  called the Jones polynomial had origins in the         Distinguished Companion of the NZ Order of
      “For many years he wasn’t just the only New     theory of von Neumann algebras.                        Merit (DCNZM) (later re-designated Knight
Zealander to receive the Fields Medal, he was the          “That work in theoretical mathematics,            Companion KNZM).
only Fields Medallist in the Southern Hemisphere.     which basically helps distinguish one knot                   He died after suffering complications
This was a huge achievement, awarded only to          from another, had application in biological            resulting from a recent severe ear infection.
brilliant mathematicians under the age of 40.”        science, enabling scientists to identify whether       He is survived by his wife and three children.

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Racing against the climate clock
The more we can learn about climate change and its impacts, the greater chance we have of living through it.
CLIMATE CHANGE is one of the biggest threats           science research as we build towards a more              temperature changes, and determining which
our world has ever faced. As David Attenborough        sustainable future. Professor David Noone was            requires careful accounting of the way in which
said in his first feature film which he describes as   appointed this year in a leading role as Buckley-        minute cloud droplets form and evaluating the
his ‘witness statement’, David Attenborough: A         Glavish Professor of Climate Physics at the              wind patterns near cloud,” he explains.
Life on Our Planet, “This is not about saving our      University and is Director of the Centre, which                “We’re trying to understand these physical
planet, it’s about saving ourselves” – a warning       is in its founding stages. David hopes it will be        processes, principally because we don’t know
that the natural world will survive without us and     a “nationwide academic alliance in climate               the right way to code these into the climate
not the other way around.                              change”.                                                 models,” he says. “It’s clearly an area where
      As the boiling point of the climate crisis              His research is on water, clouds and              models need to be improved and so by doing
speeds towards us, with experts predicting             changing global wind patterns while he also              the observational component parallel to the
the disastrous impacts of climate change will          helps build and use climate models in predicting         theoretical side in the modelling, that’s where
be at our doorstep by 2050, we need to work            future climate change. Referring to one of his           we can achieve progress.”
together to reduce global warming and create           research projects, David explains, “we’re working
a sustainable way of life so there is a future         to understand how pollutants in the atmosphere
to live in. Science expands our fundamental            change the characteristics of clouds, in two             National Science Challenge:
understanding of the world but it is equally           parts – how efficient clouds are in raining and          Resilience to Nature’s
important that this knowledge informs the              how bright the clouds are, both of which are
decision-making on how we must adapt to                quite central to understanding how reliable
climate change and its challenges.                     future climate model projections are”.                   The National Science Challenges began in 2014
                                                              David’s work involves oceanic clouds that         and with over $680 million in Government
Unifying climate science                               are prevalent in the Eastern Pacific, which have         funding over ten years, a team of scientists
research                                               some similarities to clouds around New Zealand.
                                                       “These clouds happen to be disproportionately
                                                                                                                are collaborating on the country’s most urgent
                                                                                                                science-based issues.
This is one of the aims of the Climate Science         important for the global planetary temperatures.              Dr Murray Ford and Dr Emma Ryan from the
Research Centre initiative, to unify climate           Clouds can act to either amplify or limit                School of Environment are both working in the

                                                                                                           Buckley-Glavish Professor David Noone and Dr Murray Ford

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team for the Coastal research programme within
Resilience to Nature’s Challenges, to understand
how New Zealand’s coast has changed over
the past 80 years and what this means for
future coastal change. The programme is led
by University of Auckland Associate Professor
Mark Dickson and Dr Rob Bell from the National
Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research.
      Emma has been part of this Challenge for
four years, and its overarching aim is to improve
the country’s resilience to current and future
natural hazards, one area of which is coastal
hazards such as flooding and shoreline erosion.
She says one part of the Coastal programme,
which began its second round of funding in
2019, explores how New Zealand’s shorelines
have changed over the past 80 years, shaped
by erosion or accretion. They employ historical
aerial and satellite imagery and shoreline change
mapping techniques to help form this picture.
      The project will continue until 2024
and at this stage they have nearly completed
shoreline change mapping in Northland. “The                                                                Dr Emma Ryan
combination of that shoreline change mapping
work we are doing and the decision support
tools that will be developed by other colleagues
in the Challenge, will be really important parts of
                                                      “ can walk up and                                   In 2021, the Climate Science Research
                                                                                                           Centre may bring research on climate, whether
research, information and guidance for coastal          see them and there’s                               past, present or future climate, and the
managers and decision makers around the
country.”                                               not many examples of                               knowledge being uncovered about the impacts
                                                                                                           of climate change, together. “The spirit of the
                                                        those types of exposed                             Centre and of climate science that is being
Shoreline change in the                                                                                    done in Auckland is in finding these interaction
Western Pacific
                                                        fossil coral reefs that                            points,” David says.

Aside from the Coastal programmes project,
                                                        are Holocene in age,                                     He suggests taking a “warehousing
                                                                                                           approach” to the range of climate science and
Murray’s individual research is primarily focused       thousands of years old,                            climate change related research being done,
on the formation, evolution and dynamics of                                                                to bring together different research projects
low-lying atoll islands in the Pacific, which           in the world.”                                     across disciplines that are endeavouring to
are particularly susceptible to impacts of the         – DR EMMA RYAN                                      provide the knowledge and tools to help us in
climate crisis. Murray’s previous research has                                                             our efforts to survive the global climate crisis.
shown islands have not experienced widespread
erosion as is frequently predicted. “However,
                                                      Coral reefs as climate archives                      “How do we utilise all of that information to
                                                                                                           empower ourselves to make the right decisions,
we’ve just scratched the surface with our             “They’re quite amazing little pockets of             the decisions we need to make about adaptation
understanding of how atoll islands respond to         information,” says Emma of coral reefs. Her          and mitigation strategies?” he questions. “There
sea level rise,” he says. Currently, Murray and       research project, funded by the University of        is an underlying theme to these disconnected
others have been working to expand their island       Auckland Faculty Research Development Fund,          components, but we’re actually all looking at the
mapping across the Pacific as well as recently        involved reconstructing past environmental           same problems from different directions, and
building scale models of islands in wave tanks        changes in fossil coral reef systems on Kiritimati   there is a common need for rigorous science to
to test how these islands can grow vertically,        (Christmas) Island, situated in the Republic         provide evidence-based solutions.”
potentially keeping pace with sea level rise by       of Kiribati in the Pacific Ocean.
changing shape and accumulating sand.                       Describing the reefs there, Emma says,
      “The future for [atoll islands] is certainly    “they extend for kilometres and these amazingly      Learn more:
not positive,” Murray explains, noting that           preserved fossil corals are just sitting on the
although his past research “paints a slightly         surface – you can walk up and see them and           scienceprogrammes/coastal-theme/
more optimistic picture for the geological            there’s not many examples of those types of
persistence of the islands. But as societies,         exposed fossil coral reefs that are Holocene in
economies and cultures, they’re still faced with      age, thousands of years old, in the world.”
all those challenges along with all the other               Through documenting the paleoecology
climate impacts – they’re not only faced with sea     of these reefs, Emma can gain an insight into
level rise. When I lived in the Marshall Islands,     what the past environmental conditions were
the biggest impact was drought caused by more         like there, such as the water quality and
intense El Nino events.”                              changes in sea level. “This work provides
                                                      important context about past climatic and sea
                                                      level changes, within which current and future
                                                      changes in coral reef systems can be evaluated.”

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Kaitiaki of the Waipā
The Waipā River system is on the pathway to restoration, and making sure iwi
involvement is embedded in every aspect of the process is critical to its success.

THE REVELATION that Māori grew taro at pā            A slippery slope
sites in the middle of the Waikato’s largest peat
lake was one of many surprises for the School of
                                                     Unravelling the historic processes that led to the
                                                     decline of the Waipā River system was critical
                                                                                                          “I do think that
Environment researchers delving into the history
of the Waipā River as a case study in freshwater
                                                     to understanding the environmental changes,            they provide a way
                                                     and the relationships with communities, that
                                                     underpin contemporary initiatives to restore the       forward that’s
      Located 20 kilometres south of Hamilton,
Lake Ngaroto’s polluted waters are in many
                                                     waterways. “The key question was why is the
                                                     Waipā River so degraded?” says Meg.
                                                                                                            beneficial for all
ways symbolic of the degradation that began
when European settlers drained the surrounding
                                                           For Ngati Maniapoto, the Waipā was a             New Zealanders
                                                     ‘waterscape’ of connected rivers, lakes, streams
wetlands to make way for large scale farming.
                                                     and wetlands that had been occupied for 500            and for the
      “It’s going to be generations before it will
be up to a quality that people will be able to
                                                     years and became a place of great prosperity           environment.”
                                                     with an abundance of food that was being
safely use it again,” says Dr Meg Parsons, who
                                                     exported before any significant European              – ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR
jointly led a Marsden-funded research project
                                                     settlement.                                             KAREN FISHER
with Associate Professor Karen Fisher into
                                                           However the Māori wars and subsequent
how Māori could have a greater voice through
                                                     invasion and confiscation of land brought with
the establishment of co-governance and co-
                                                     it a European view that the wetlands were
management arrangements.
                                                     unproductive and should be drained, against
      “I do think that they provide a way forward
                                                     the wishes of iwi who saw them as a regulating
that’s beneficial for all New Zealanders and for
                                                     mechanism in times of flooding.
the environment,” says Karen, who believes                                                                 Above: Meeting of the waters,
                                                           Increased contamination and pollution of
that while the potential exists for iwi to have a                                                          the Waipā River (left), joining the
                                                     waterways, including run-off from dairy farming       Waikato River (right) beneath the
powerful role in decision-making “it hasn’t quite
                                                     and discharges of raw sewerage from townships         Hakarimata Range, Ngaruawahia,
played out as they would have hoped”.                                                                      Waikato District, Waikato Region.
                                                     along the river, have added to the environmental
                                                                                                           Photo: Rob Suisted
                                                     injustices faced by iwi who have fought various

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issues through petitions to Parliament, legal
action and claims for compensation from
drainage boards.
      Understanding the relationship between
water and health is a key issue. Not only is
human waste considered tapu, but Māori believe
that contaminants diminish the life force of the
river – as evidenced by a huge decline in fish
numbers and increased health issues which
local authorities have preferred to blame on
poor hygiene standards rather than exposure to
contaminated water supplies.
      As kaitiaki (guardians) of the Waipā, Meg
says that Ngati Maniapoto have historically
struggled to get their voices heard – and their
values recognised. Lawyers and judges often
misinterpret kaitiakitanga because they see it
from a very Euro-centric perspective, and she
says that local authorities have “consistently
                                                     Associate Professor Karen Fisher                     Dr Meg Parsons
refused to take action” well into the present
century to address ongoing complaints about
sewage discharges.
      It’s against that context that current co-     practices are limiting the effectiveness of          of a healing process for the ecosystem and
governance and co-management arrangements            these co-governance and co-management                for those tangata whenua (people of the land)
are now playing out and, perhaps not                 arrangements”.                                       who were displaced by colonisation and have
surprisingly, Karen says that “everyone is still           While there is goodwill and good intentions,   possibly lost touch with their iwi.
figuring out how to make it work”.                   Karen says the reality is that iwi involvement             “Through being involved in these sort of
                                                     is prescribed by a single piece of legislation       restoration projects they’ve started learning the
                                                                                                          language” says Meg, “they’ve started learning
Breaking new ground                                  and “they are being forced to operate within a
                                                     colonial structure that doesn’t necessarily afford   about their whakapapa and re-establishing their
Established in 2010, the Waikato River               them the kinds of rights that they might have        relationships with each other as well as their
Authority (WRA) was created as a Crown-Iwi           had if there was no colonial structure in place”.    river.”
organisation to oversee Te Ture Whaimana o                 Maintaining the status quo also extends              For Karen, being Maniapoto has made it a
Te Awa Waikato (Vision and Strategy) for the         to restoration work. “There’s a reluctance to        very personal journey that stretches back eleven
improved health and wellbeing of the Waikato         actually think about new ways of doing things,”      years to her very first hui in 2009 to discuss
and Waipā Rivers.                                    says Meg, pointing to the focus on building          the future of the Waipā River. As her current
      However the linkage between the Waikato-       bigger and better stop banks and pumping             research nears completion, the big question is
Tainui and Ngati Maniapoto treaty settlements        stations as flood defences – rather than planting    what happens next?
as they relate to both rivers is complex. While      native trees and restoring wetlands which act as           “What I’m taking from the research is a
there is a lot of ‘sign-posting’ between the         sinks to absorb water.                               much better understanding of the complexity
legislation, there are also differences in terms           Limitations on funding for restoration is      of what post-settlement reality looks like and
of how Waikato-Tainui view their river as an         another sore point. The annual Treaty funding        the challenges that are confronting different
‘ancestor’ whereas Ngati Maniapoto view the          round is contestable and that creates tensions       groups.”
personification of the Waipā as the taniwha,         between iwi who are forced to compete for                  The three-year project will culminate in a
Waiwaia.                                             settlement money that they believe is theirs.        book, co-authored by doctoral candidate Roa
      Nevertheless, Karen says the legislation             Added to that says Karen, is the focus on      Crease and published by Palgrave MacMillan
recognises the special relationship that each        major projects like sediment control versus          toward the end of 2020. Entitled Decolonising
iwi has to their respective rivers and “this is an   smaller projects that might be about cultural        Blue Spaces in the Anthropocene, it will be a
assertion by Māori of their desire to be actively    identity. “Measuring sediment isn’t something        milestone for the research team, but – for Ngati
involved in decision making over the Waikato         that’s going to enable a taniwha necessarily         Maniapoto – Karen says the challenge remains
and Waipā Rivers”.                                   to thrive.”                                          “how can we make this better?”
      But while Ngati Maniapoto have
representation on the WRA, Karen says that
“doesn’t necessarily trickle down to the flax
                                                     Making progress
roots level”. For instance, there’s frustration      However there are many positives, including the
that iwi management plans simply become part         creation of a Cultural Assessment Framework
of a box-ticking exercise for councils dealing       to help kaitiaki better understand the
with multiple interests and iwi “feel like they’re   environmental issues facing Maniapoto marae
just another stakeholder rather than a joint         and whānau.
management partner”.                                       Jointly developed by the Maniapoto Māori
      Interpretation of the legislation is           Trust Board and NIWA, the initiative will develop
an ongoing issue, and Meg says that iwi              new ways to assess the health of the Waipā
are constantly having to educate officials           River and incorporate Mātauranga Māori into
and consultants about the meaning of                 restoration efforts.
concepts such as Mātauranga Māori (Māori                  Being involved in restoration work such as
knowledge). According to Meg, “institutional         tree planting has also been an important part

                                                                                                                            December 2020 / inSCight 7
InSCight - Science for a sustainable future - Inspiring stories from the Faculty of Science - The University of Auckland

Taking care of our coastlines
Marine Science alumnus Fletcher Sunde is instilling a respect for the environment in young minds,
fueled by his lifelong passion for the marine world.
FLETCHER ALWAYS wanted to be
either a marine biologist or a pilot.
      “I always spent a lot of time
fishing when I was younger on the
Manukau Harbour with my dad and
brother. We used to see all sorts
of things, like sharks and dolphins,
so that was probably the start of
      In school, he was always good
at science, especially chemistry
and physics but during his
university years biology became
his passion and he’s never looked
      He graduated in 2008 with a
Bachelor of Science in Biology and
Marine Science. Two years later he
completed a Postgraduate Diploma
in Science (Biology) after which he
went further, gaining a Master of
Science in Marine Science in 2012.
      “Uni is such great fun and you
make such good friends. I did a
field study across the Hauraki Gulf
intertidal and got to survey about      Fletcher Sunde
30 sites, including places like
Green Island, which is completely
off limits to anyone without a          get my hands dirty and support        What sustainability-focused           “You have to
permit.”                                our programme managers,               behaviours and processes
                                        coordinators and interns to           do you hope will be the norm            give people the
Where have you been
working since you
                                        deliver our grassroots actions in
                                        communities across Aotearoa,
                                                                              in 5–10 years?                          tools to connect
                                                                              There is a big opportunity to
graduated?                              dealing with plastic pollution and    incorporate indigenous wisdom           with nature
After my Master of Science I took       freshwater restoration.
off to South East Asia for nearly             You have to give people
                                                                              into how we see the world and
                                                                              I hope this will start to happen
                                                                                                                      for themselves
four years, where I went from
science intern to project leader
                                        the tools to connect with nature
                                        for themselves and from there,
                                                                              more, as it already is here in          and from there,
at the Tropical Research and            conservation action will follow.                                              conservation
Conservation Centre (TRACC)                                                   What motivates you to
on Pom Pom Island in Malaysia,          What has been the highlight           contribute to a more
                                                                                                                      action will
                                        of your career so far?
working on coral reef restoration                                             sustainable world?                      follow.”
and turtle conservation.                My experience working at TRACC        Put simply, hope. Positivity breeds
      I also spent a year attempting    in Borneo was one of the best         positivity. That me simply being
to start up my own NGO (Project         times in my life. The project was                                            Finally, tell us something
                                                                              positive and hopeful can actually
Lautan) in Sumbawa, Indonesia           based on a tiny island straddling                                            about yourself that we can’t
                                                                              stimulate others to do the same
with a uni friend and learned some      the Celebes and Coral Seas. We                                               learn by Googling you!
                                                                              and therefore create positive
hard lessons along the way before I     conducted coral reef restoration      environmental choices, is a very       I’m in the middle of restoring my
returned to Auckland to work with       work, surveyed turtles and            powerful thought and motivating in     boat! A 1961 Lapworth 50 and
Sustainable Coastlines.                 translocated turtle eggs to protect   its own right.                         the first of her kind, designed by
                                        them from poaching.                         It’s about providing hope and
What do you do in your                                                                                               William C. Lapworth and built by
current role at Sustainable             Where do you see your career          inspiration to people, which then      Choey Lee in Hong Kong.
Coastlines?                             heading? What else would              puts them on a more sustainable
                                        you like to achieve?                  and regenerative pathway. Instead
As Operations Director, I lead                                                of telling people why they should
our team in delivering our three        One day I’d really like to get back   do something, it’s more powerful if
conservation programmes on the          into research. There’s something      you show them.
ground: Love Your Coast, Love           really awesome about discovering
Your Water and Litter Intelligence.     new things, no matter how small
I love this role because I can still    they might be.

8 inSCight / December 2020
InSCight - Science for a sustainable future - Inspiring stories from the Faculty of Science - The University of Auckland

The business of making business greener
Geography alumna Rachel Brown has been a leader in sustainable business for almost two decades.

AS THE CEO and founder of the          such as organics, green buildings
Sustainable Business Network,          and renewable energy, but it was
Rachel has been a force in             disconnected and small in number.
sustainable business for nearly        So we set up the Sustainable
twenty years and was awarded           Business Network in 2002 to bring
the New Zealand Order of Merit         these like-minded people and
in 2018 for her achievements in        organisations together to see if we
this area.                             could reframe the role of business
      Having completed her             in society.
Bachelor of Science majoring in
Geography in 1991, Rachel says,        How has the general attitude
“I have always been really             of companies towards being
interested in systems and how one      sustainable changed?
action impacts on another. I think     Attitudes have changed
that is the magic of Geography         phenomenally over the years.
– connecting humans to nature.         Twenty years ago businesses
It involves land use, pollution,       were donating to good causes
climate change and much more.”         and talking about good corporate
      A major inspiration for her      social responsibility (so they had
chosen work was the late Jeanette      a licence to operate).
Fitzsimons (former co-leader                 Today the pioneers are
of the Green Party) who ran the        creating fabulous new purpose-
environmental studies course at        led businesses and thinking
the University during Rachel’s time    about the role they play in moving
there.                                 their sectors to become more
      “She introduced us to global     regenerative and fairer for people    Rachel Brown
thinkers, she challenged us and        by being redistributive.
she introduced a values-led style of
thinking. She was a phenomenon         What is the biggest
and certainly a highlight for me.”     sustainability problem for
                                       New Zealand right now?
What is the Sustainable                Our disconnection with each other
                                                                             honoured to have it. It has made a
                                                                             difference to how we are seen and
                                                                                                                     “Our purpose is to
Business Network all about?            (many of us live in social bubbles    listened to here in Aotearoa. I still     empower business
The SBN is now the largest             with little appreciation of the       have no idea who nominated me
and longest running network            diversity within our own country)     for this so if you are reading this,      so that people and
of organisations working on            and particularly the disconnect
                                       with nature.
                                                                             thank you!                                nature prosper
sustainability. Our purpose is to
empower business so that people                                              What motivates you to make                and we focus on
                                       What has been the highlight           a difference in the world?
and nature prosper and we focus
on climate action, regenerating        of your career so far?                My parents were both science
                                                                                                                       climate action,
water (or nature), and moving to a     Probably being a part of 24 Hours     teachers, environmental and social        regenerating
circular economy.                      of Reality with Al Gore in 2012.      activists, who always pushed us
     Most importantly we               At that time I represented New        to learn and to be curious. They          water (or nature),
act, we build capability within
organisations and broker business
                                       Zealand in a 24 hour marathon on
                                       climate change. It was completely
                                                                             brought me and my siblings up to
                                                                             look out for the ‘underdog’, for the
                                                                                                                       and moving to a
to build a more sustainable supply     out of my comfort zone but            voiceless, for the environment.           circular economy.”
chain.                                 was extremely good for my own         With that in my bones I really
                                       confidence to be a part of that       always wanted to do something
What drove you to create it?           global action.                        that was about equity and
SBN has been a lifetime in the                                               restoring nature.
making. After my studies I travelled   How did you feel when you
the world seeing pollution and         were awarded the New                  Finally, tell us something
levels of poverty that shocked         Zealand Order of Merit?               about yourself that we can’t
me to the core. I recognised that      I honestly was shocked by the         learn by Googling you!
business was where the power, the      nomination! But then I recognised     In my spare time I am an avid
speed and the biggest opportunity      that an award like this might open    maker, doer and fixer of things.
for positive impact might be.          doors and give our network more       I do this because I treasure ‘stuff’
     In the late 1990s, there          of a hearing and therefore more       and I spend time altering/fixing
was an emerging network of             opportunity to influence. So I        things so they don’t become
businesses focusing on issues          accepted the ONZM and feel very       waste!

                                                                                                                         December 2020 / inSCight 9
InSCight - Science for a sustainable future - Inspiring stories from the Faculty of Science - The University of Auckland

                                                                     Greening our
                                                                   food production
                                                                  and supply chains
                                                                             The team at the Centre for Green
                                                                           Chemical Science is finding new ways
                                                                              to make the food we eat more

NEARLY ONE IN ten people in the world                Keeping fresh food                                    that can slow down these processes,” Ivanhoe
experienced severe levels of food insecurity in
2019. Meanwhile, a third of all food produced        fresh for longer                                      explains.
                                                                                                                 “Millions of tonnes of fresh produce and
globally (around 1.3 billion tonnes) is wasted,      More than 20 percent of fruits and vegetables         cut fruits are being thrown away every year, so
each year. It may be thrown out by consumers         produced globally is lost between harvest and         if we could regulate the ripening and browning
and retailers or spoiled during harvesting or        retail, according to the UN Food and Agriculture      processes, we could help make agriculture more
transportation.                                      Organisation. Significant quantities of food are      sustainable,” he says, reducing the food being
     These are statistics highlighted by the         also going to waste in retail stores and after        thrown away because it overripened during
United Nations, which aims to reduce food            purchase.                                             transportation and was damaged.
waste along production and supply chains by                Ivanhoe is exploring a specific way of
2030, as part of its Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs).
                                                     reducing fresh produce waste by slowing down
                                                     the ripening and browning processes of fruits and
                                                                                                           Frozen food gets damaged too
     At the University of Auckland, the Centre       vegetables so they stay fresh for longer, whether     Viji’s research is currently targeting ways of
for Green Chemical Science led by Professor          during transport, on our supermarket shelves or       preventing the loss of a part of frozen food that
James Wright, aims to support these SDGs. The        benchtops at home.                                    you may not even realise is being lost, but you’ve
individual research projects of its four Deputy            The two research projects, funded by            probably tasted it. As frozen food products
Directors share a common goal to contribute to       Marsden Fast-Start Fund grants, involve studying      thaw, drip loss occurs, causing nutrients to be
the solution of precisely this global problem.       plant enzymes that control these processes in         lost along with the fluid which adversely affects
     Dr Ivanhoe Leung, Dr Viji Sarojini, Associate   fruits and vegetables, to learn how the plant         flavour and texture too.
Professor Jon Sperry and Dr Cameron Weber are        regulates the ripening and what natural products             “When you freeze something, naturally
finding new ways to reduce food waste or reuse       could be used to slow this process down.              ice crystals form, and when you thaw it, the
that which is currently considered food waste.             Learning more about the browning process,       ice crystals melt, which causes some of the
But importantly, these ways involve developing       that is when a cut piece of fruit slowly turns        ruptured cell contents to ooze out along with
chemical products and processes which are            brown over time, and potentially controlling it, is   the water,” Viji explains. With meat being one of
sustainable and harmless to the environment.         especially applicable to prepared fresh fruit and     New Zealand’s major exports, she says, “there’s
     The Centre’s team of 25 members                 vegetables, which have a more limited shelf life.     a lot of product recall from exported frozen meat
from across multiple faculties, carries out                “Our aim is to understand the biological        because of drip loss, among other things”.
interdisciplinary research on other issues too,      processes at the protein level that are involved             Viji is studying how anti-freeze peptides
such as pollution elimination and sustainable        in ripening and browning, and to use our              (small proteins) can be used to potentially
energy production.                                   understanding to design and develop chemicals         minimize freeze-thaw damage in frozen meats,

10 inSCight / December 2020

fruits and vegetables. “We look at what is in                                                                         Cameron will commence research on this
nature and as synthetic peptide chemists, we                                                                     project too, exploring different sustainable
can come to the lab and make our own peptides
that imitate the function of naturally occurring,
                                                            “...if we could regulate                            methods to break the chitin down to unlock
                                                                                                                 valuable compounds, but by using alternative
more complex anti-freeze proteins.”                           the ripening and                                   solvents or mechanical energy rendering heating
      In collaboration with AgResearch, her                                                                      processes unnecessary. “Then we could use
PhD student on this project, Charles Kong who                 browning processes,                                those processes to see if we can make smaller
graduated in 2016, synthesized these peptides
and tested them on a range of fruit and
                                                              we could help make                                 molecules from chitin which hopefully could
                                                                                                                 then be converted into some of the small
vegetables, where he found freeze-thaw                        agriculture more                                   molecule products that Jon mentioned,” he
damage from large ice crystals was minimized.                                                                    says.
This helped to reduce drip loss and the loss of               sustainable.                                            This is where Cameron’s current research
nutrition, says Viji.                                                                                            on forestry waste may help him in his future
                                                              – DR IVANHOE LEUNG
                                                                                                                 work on chitin. “Often for forestry waste, high
Let nothing go to waste                                                                                          temperatures and highly acidic or highly basic
                                                                                                                 processes are used to extract things out and you
As Ivanhoe and Viji’s respective research focuses           you can sell it as chicken grit, to put in chicken   get a lot of decomposition and degradation as a
on ways of reducing food waste, Jon’s research              feed to help with their bone development but         result. We’re trying to approach it at preferably
is centred around how to extract things of value            it just has really low value applications at the     low temperatures using non-hazardous
from food waste products. Specifically, he is               moment.”                                             materials,” he says.
studying crustacean shell waste, as these shells                  But why crustacean shells? “The shell waste         “Some of these approaches can then also
have a valuable component called chitin, a                  is really accessible because there’s about ten       be applied to things like food waste, as chitin
biopolymer that contains nitrogen.                          million tons of that produced annually every         structurally is quite similar to cellulose so there’s
      “The reason it’s very valuable is because             year,” he says.                                      the potential that some of these processes could
it has atmospheric nitrogen which has been                        Funded by MBIE catalyst grants, Jon’s been     also be applicable to other areas as well.”
biologically ‘fixed’ or converted into molecular            working together with the National University             As it lays down the green and clean pavers
compounds – so nature itself has fixed that                 of Singapore to find ways to break down the          in the pathway to a sustainable world, the
nitrogen into a usable form,” says Jon, whereas             chitin component in the shells in an energy          Centre’s research has never been more vital
artificially fixing nitrogen is very energy intensive.      efficient way.                                       than it is today and alongside this, it focuses on
“The man-made version of doing this is the                        So far, the team has published findings        connecting with industry, public outreach and of
Haber Process, where nitrogen gas, which is                 that show chitin can be degraded down into           course, teaching its students.
very inert, is converted into ammonia which is              one particular chemical that is very useful.              Ivanhoe says they prepare their
used to basically feed the planet – it’s the base           “You can subsequently convert that chemical          undergraduate chemistry students to think
chemical for fertilizer production.”                        into a variety of interesting products that you      broadly, beyond the scientific issues in
      Currently, these chitin-rich shells are               would not be able to get any other way.”             sustainability. “We get them to think about the
thrown away as waste, often ending up in landfill                 Currently they are determining what            social side as well as the economical side of
or back in the ocean. In animals such as insects            these new products could be used for                 things – because it won’t work if you only have a
and crustaceans it is chitin that gives strength            through biological testing. Some are powerful        scientific solution that is economically viable but
to their exoskeleton, which for some consists of            antioxidants, but they are not sure yet if they      not socially acceptable.”
a shell. Jon says the current uses for shellfish            are safe for consumption. “This is an antioxidant
waste are limited. “You can grind it down and               that we can basically get from a waste shell
because it has a lot of calcium carbonate in it,            product.”                                            Learn more:

Above: (from left) Associate Professor Jon Sperry, Dr Ivanhoe Leung, Dr Viji Sarojini, Dr Cameron Weber and
Professor James Wright.

                                                                                                                                   December 2020 / inSCight 11

Initiatives from the Faculty of Science
Sustainability Network
The network is coordinated by Associate Dean Sustainability
Gillian Lewis and consists of professional and academic staff from
across the Faculty of Science who care about flourishing people
and thriving ecosystems, and the role our faculty and the
University can play in nurturing both.

                                              Network Research Awards
                                            Each year, the Faculty of Science Sustainability Network
                                      grants ten awards, of up to $2,000 each, to support eligible science
                                       students undertaking sustainability-related research projects with
                                      their living costs. To learn more visit:

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
The SDGs came into force in 2015 and set a 15-year agenda for all countries to end poverty,
fight inequalities and build peaceful, just and sustainable societies by 2030.
To learn more about research in the University that contributes to these goals visit:

12 inSCight / December 2020

                                                                               Ways YOU can live
                                                                               more sustainably
                                                                               ● Use biodegradable or re-usable items
                                                                               ● Use recycled printing paper
                                                                               ● Have shorter showers
                                                                               ● Wait until dishwashers are full before using them
                                                                               ● Use energy-saving modes on your electronic
                                                                               ● Walk or cycle to work or use public transport
                                                                               ● Take part in tree planting activities
                                                                               ● Choose products that have fewer
                                                                                  environmental impacts

                                          Teaching sustainability
                                      In collaboration with the Faculty of Arts, General
                                     Education course SUSTAIN 100G Sustainability and
                                    Us is open to all students, as well as a Sustainability
                                            Module for Science and Arts students.

                                       waste disposal
                                    Compost, recycling and landfill
                                      bins have a place in all staff
                                    tearooms in the Science Centre
                                         and Biology building.

                                                                             The University launched Te Kūaha,
Green laboratories                                                           a new interactive mobile app for staff,
Reducing waste, power and water                                              students and alumni to understand
  usage, and encouraging eco-
 friendly alternatives within lab                                            more about te ao Māori.
     spaces at the University
                                                                             Available on iOS, Android and Windows
           of Auckland.

                                                                                                       December 2020 / inSCight 13

The psychology of sustainability
Many of us acknowledge wanting to do something about climate change, but there are various reasons why
we feel stunted in our ability to help. Professor Niki Harré examines the psychology of sustainability, how we
can start making changes and keep ourselves motivated.

                                                                                                           Professor Niki Harré

IT WAS IN 2006, after attending a series of           will own a keep cup, refillable water bottle and     ruined and that nobody’s doing anything about
seminars and workshops, that psychologist,            do our best to recycle. However, these can seem      it. This becomes paralysing. What’s the point
Professor Niki Harré, became increasingly aware       like token gestures when the planet is on the        in taking action if most people are ignoring the
of climate change as an issue that “is about all of   line. How do we encourage more of us to adopt        problem?”
us right here and right now”.                         sustainable practices?                                     She explains that the key to combatting
      A year later, she published her first book                                                           this paralysis is motivational hope. One way of
on the topic in collaboration with Professor          Stop the press – creating                            creating motivational hope is to pass on stories
Quentin Atkinson, a colleague in the School of                                                             that offer practical, evidence based information
Psychology. Carbon Neutral by 2020: How New
                                                      positivity and hope                                  instead of catastrophic clickbait. Niki urges us
Zealanders Can Tackle Climate Change covered          Melting glaciers, unstoppable bush fires and         to question how passing on the latter will help
solutions from specialists across a broad             waterways full of plastic – media outlets are full   build constructive responses to the issue.
spectrum of subjects who were grappling with          of daily horror stories about the effects we are           She suggests that we reframe the way
climate change in their own fields.                   having on our planet. This constant negative         we think about climate change. “Yes, there’s
      Fast forward to 2020, and Niki believes         messaging can easily overwhelm even the most         lots happening to the physical planet, but all
that we’ve made limited progress in changing          positive person.                                     over the world politicians, corporations and
how we use physical resources but have                     This year, with the advent of the COVID-19      community groups are responding to this issue.”
achieved a huge change to our collective              pandemic and its daily presence in news cycles,      In Aotearoa most of us have heard of the Green
attitudes to climate change. “There’s almost          the impact of news on our mental health has          Party of Aotearoa New Zealand, School Strike
nobody now who isn’t aware of this issue and          become undeniable.                                   4 Climate Action NZ and Extinction Rebellion
that is very hopeful,” she says.                           Niki, who has been researching the              NZ, but there are also countless community
      Most of us agree that climate change is         psychology of sustainability for over a decade,      organisations in our own backyards taking
something our species has exacerbated and that        says we are caught in an “apocalyptic double         collective action.
it’s something we’re worried about. Many of us        play. We are told both that the planet’s being

14 inSCight / December 2020

The benefits of
collective action
All this activity doesn’t mean there is no place
for us in the movement for change.
      Ultimately, the real issue is whether we
want to take part.
      Niki uses the example of elections to
explain: “Years ago I came across research about
the reason people vote in general elections.
It isn’t because they think their vote makes a
difference. It’s because they want to be part of
the process.”
      By taking action on climate change you’re
a participant in a crucial collective movement,
even if your actions are insignificant by
      At the moment, Niki is particularly
interested in core human values and how we put
them into practice, how to create sustainable
organisations and how to inspire activism and
keep it going.
       As part of her research, Niki runs
workshops with community groups and schools.          introduced. Passing this Act with cross-party
For the past 13 years she has been part of a          support means that climate change has become
project at Western Springs College/ Ngā Puna
O Waiōrea in Auckland to help the school
                                                             Niki uses a topical example to explain:
                                                                                                             “Change is more likely
create and sustain a sustainability culture. She      “Jacinda Adern talks about having socialised             to occur as increasing
and Dr Daniel Hikuroa, from the Department            masks. What she means is we’ve now got enough
of Māori Studies in the Faculty of Arts, also         people wearing them and who are ready to wear            numbers of people are
recently ran a five-week workshop with 23
community participants focused on identifying
                                                      them, that we can mandate masks on buses, for            unhappy with business
                                                      example. Social readiness almost always has to
shared values and practicing them in their            proceed legislative change.”                             as usual.”
communities.                                                 Even though we now have a social readiness
      She says that there are many ways to feel       to take action on climate change, there will            – PROFESSOR NIKI HARRÉ
part of the sustainability movement. If you’re        always be a relative, work colleague or neighbour
uncertain of what to do, Niki encourages us           who is sceptical. Niki says that nagging them is
to examine our own lives. “Think about your           probably a waste of your time and may damage
context, your interests and capacities, how           the relationship.
much energy you’ve got. If your contribution                 “There’s a big difference between bullying
is to try protect the Māui dolphin, thank you.        or bossing people into change and setting up
If you make art installations that draw people’s      structures that encourage change. It’s like riding a
attention to climate change, thank you.” All          wave. You don’t have to boss people into getting
action is a step in the right direction.              on the wave. You just have to constantly stay on
      Once you’re taking positive action, it starts   the wave yourself and draw attention to it.”
to become easier to make more environmentally                It’s encouraging to be reminded that we’re
friendly decisions. She explains: “For those of       not alone, and that our actions – individual or
us who are increasingly aware of these issues,        collective – can influence others. Niki says that
environmentally friendly decisions start to be        it all comes back to positivity and hope.
compelling, simply because they feel right. I very           “Human beings have to be able to imagine
rarely drink coffee from a disposable cup, for        something better. Positivity makes us broader
example. I’m not doing that to make a change. I       thinkers. If you have positivity and hope, and you
now look at the cup and think I’m drinking from a     feel like others share your core values, then you
piece of rubbish. Why would I want to do that?”       can cooperate.”
                                                             We may not all agree on what action to take
How to provoke change                                 on climate change, but we can probably all agree
                                                      that the world would be a better place with more
Niki acknowledges that many people are                hope.
frustrated by the slow speed of change, but also
says that this frustration is useful. “Don’t try
and get rid of the frustration. It’s a frustrating
situation. Change is more likely to occur as
increasing numbers of people are unhappy with
business as usual.”
     She believes that we are in a better place
in Aotearoa since the Climate Change Response
(Zero Carbon) Amendment Act 2019 was

                                                                                                                            December 2020 / inSCight 15

     The show must go on
In a time of COVID-19, many on-campus events in 2020 had to be postponed or held online as we exercised
physical distancing requirements under the various Levels set by the Government. But adapt we did.

THE EVENTS WE normally took for granted                  Speakers from the University of Auckland        change is we can’t actually do that, and so we
being able to enjoy in large gatherings became     and AUT shared their research and discussed           might go into denial which is trying to get rid
live-streamed webinars or recorded Zooms           how to respond to eco-anxiety. These                  of the emotion itself,” said Niki, noting how
and through this we retained the sense of          presentations included Facing the apocalypse:         the media can perpetuate feelings of fear,
togetherness that events bring, listening and      Emotions and climate change from Professor            anger and anxiety. She explained we should
sharing knowledge and ideas. There were            Niki Harré School of Psychology, University           approach global issues like climate change with
upsides to this remote way of gathering too,       of Auckland; Eco-anxiety in the therapeutic           motivational hope – that people all around the
such as being able to tune in to an event from     space: A clinician’s perspective presented by Dr      world are working towards solving this problem
our homes, sending through questions via chat      Jackie Feather Department of Psychology and           and we can play our part too.
and having a recording to view later.              Neuroscience, AUT; and Nurturing hope in young              Jackie spoke on how our relationship to
      A number of recent events took place         people: From climate change worriers to eco-          the natural world is not only a socio-political or
from August to September, highlighting the         warriors by Dr Sally Birdsall Faculty of Education,   economic issue but linked to our psychological
importance of sustainability, learning about our   University of Auckland. Nikhil Gosai and Jarren       and physical wellbeing. She said eco-anxiety
natural world and how we can best respond to       Iuvale from De La Salle College, participants in      essentially means “we are scared of what is
the challenging global situations we are facing.   Auckland Council’s Young Leaders Programme,           happening to the environment and we probably
                                                   also each shared a personal perspective.              all share that at some level” but that it is not
                                                         Speaking on the psychology of emotions,         yet known how much people are affected by
Perspectives on eco-anxiety                        Niki said certain kinds of emotions propel us         this. She said we need to remember to take
The Sustainability Network hosted a seminar in     to certain actions. Research by the USA based         care of our own wellbeing too, whether that
September on eco-anxiety. The constant stream      professor, Barbara Fredrickson, suggests              means spending time in nature or practicing
of news on the threats of climate change can       negative emotions produce ‘action tendencies’         mindfulness. “We can’t save the world alone,”
sometimes seem overwhelming, resulting in          that drive us to want to solve a problem quickly.     she said, reminding us to do what we can to be
anxiety about the future of our planet.            “What’s really tricky about big issues like climate   part of collective action.

16 inSCight / December 2020
You can also read