Insight Technology Enabled Care - November 2018 - TEC Scotland

Page created by Lucille Griffith
Insight Technology Enabled Care - November 2018 - TEC Scotland
November 2018

Enabled Care
Insight Technology Enabled Care - November 2018 - TEC Scotland
Young Scot Observatory - Technology Enabled Care


    Introduction                                              4

    Background                                                5

    Co-Design Process                                         6

    A Summary of Key Concepts for                             7
    Technology Enabled Care

    Health & Wellbeing Priorities for Young People            8

    Young People’s Use of Digital Technology                  9

    Building on the Healthier Scotland Key Themes           16

    Key Concepts for Technology Enabled Care                20

    Next Steps                                              22

    Appendix 1                                              22

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Insight Technology Enabled Care - November 2018 - TEC Scotland
Young Scot Observatory - Technology Enabled Care

    Introduction                                                                                                            Background

    The Technology Enabled Care Programme commissioned Young Scot to bring young people from across                         In December 2016, Young Scot’s Healthier Scotland Youth Investigation Team delivered their report on
    Scotland together to look at how digital technology could improve young people’s health and wellbeing.                  “Creating a Healthier Scotland” to the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport.

     As a generation who have grown up with digital              to support young people in the future. These insights      This project gave young people the opportunity to explore    The Youth Investigation Team created 34 key actions for
    technology, young people are well placed to bring their      and ideas will hopefully go on to inspire the Technology   what really matters to them about health and social care,    the Cabinet Secretary and the Scottish Government to
    knowledge and experiences to the co-design process, and      Enabled Care Programme to develop new solutions which      and to make a positive contribution to the shaping of        consider, however they didn’t specifically address the role
    eager to adopt and integrate digital technology into the     will improve the health and wellbeing of young people in   policy and service delivery.  The Youth Investigation Team   digital technology could play in supporting and enabling
    ways they access healthcare and health information.          Scotland and look into how existing Young Scot services    considered the Scottish health system as a whole and         these key themes. This provided an opportunity for
    This report provides a series of insights into how and why   can support this.                                          identified four key themes to be tackled:                    young people, Young Scot and the Technology Enabled
    young people use digital technology, alongside their ideas                                                                                                                           Care Programme to collaborate to explore how digital
    and suggestions for how technology could be used                                                                                                                                     technology can be used to support these themes.

                                                                                                                                       change the delivery, structure and

                                                                                                                                     content of personal, social and health
                                                                                                                                      education, and physical education in
                                                                                                                                       schools to ensure all young people
                                                                                                                                     are equipped with the knowledge and
                                                                                                                                           tools to live healthy lives.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Relationships with
                                                                                                                                                                                             health and social care professionals in Scotland
                                                                                                                                                                                             should improve their relationships with young
                                                                                                                                                                                                people through more accessible services
                                                                                                                                                                                                     and effective communication.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       tools to live healthy lives.

                                                                                                                               introduce a zero tolerance system
                                                                                                                            where young people are equipped with
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Eating and fitness
                                                                                                                            the knowledge they need to understand
                                                                                                                                                                                                 effectively communicating to young
                                                                                                                                mental health, wellbeing and the
                                                                                                                                                                                                people how healthy eating and fitness
                                                                                                                                   negative effects that stigma
                                                                                                                                                                                                     affects their body and aim to
                                                                                                                                            can have.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   encourage healthy lifestyles and
                                                                                                                                                                                                           behaviours early.

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Young Scot Observatory - Technology Enabled Care

    Co-design Process                                                                                                               A Summary of Key Concepts for Technology Enabled Care

    Young Scot’s co-design process takes young people through four stages of idea development, explore,                             The key concepts created at the Ideas Development Session are explored in more detail later in the
    create, reflect, and recommend (Appendix 1). To obtain a range of views to inform the final recommendations,                    report, but this is a brief summary of the ideas.
    Young Scot delivered a series of engagement workshops in Edinburgh, Inveraray, Wishaw and then in
    Edinburgh again, involving 36 young people from a range of backgrounds, aged between 11 and 23, and
    with a variety of health experiences.                                                                                             Augmented Reality App                                     Health & Wellbeing Online Resources
                                                                                                                                      Key issues this is addressing: Lack of exercise, poor     Key issues this is addressing: Access to mental health
    During these engagement workshops, Young Scot guided              Following the engagement workshops, Young Scot brought          mental health, social isolation                           support, reducing stigma around mental health,
    the participants through the explore and create stages            together a panel of young people from different workshops                                                                 healthy eating, poor mental health, lack of exercise,
                                                                                                                                      This is an app which allows users to download and
    of the co-design process. The young people worked on              at an Ideas Development Session. The Ideas Development                                                                    worry about visiting the doctors, study pressure
                                                                                                                                      apply different augmented reality maps over the
    a series of activities to define the most relevant health         Session was a chance for the young people to reflect on the     street map on their mobile phone to encourage             A development of the Young Scot health and
    and wellbeing issues for young people, considering how            issues and ideas generated at the engagement sessions,          users to increase their level of physical activity and    wellbeing information platform, the website
    different life experiences can impact health and wellbeing.       and to evaluate and combine ideas to come up with a             explore their community to increase fitness and , which is tailored specifically for young
    They explored the technology they use, why they like              number of key concepts and recommendations to pass on           improve mental health, with links to Young Scot           people and co-designed with them to provide easy
    and dislike certain technologies, and what the future of          to the Technology Enabled Care programme for further            Rewards and ‘Connect Your Tech’ capability.               to understand information and guidance on a wide
    technology could mean for young people’s health and               consideration and development.                                                                                            variety of mental and physical health topics, acting
    wellbeing. These explorations led into the create phase                                                                                                                                     as a one-stop-shop for young people.
    of the project, with participants across the sessions                                                                             Digital Doctors Surgery
    contributing almost 100 ideas for using digital technology                                                                        Key issues this is addressing: Worry about visiting the
    to support young people’s health and wellbeing.                                                                                   doctors, barriers to healthcare
                                                                                                                                      This is a website which provides multiple functions
                                                                                                                                      to enable easier access to frontline health care,
               Kick-off Event                                     Explore                             Create                          including comprehensive information on every GP
                                                                                                                                      surgery, online appointment booking, and remote
                                                                                                                                      video appointments.

                                                                                                                                      Mental Health Chat Service
                                                                                                                                      Key issues this is addressing: Access to mental health
                                                                                                                                      support, reducing stigma around mental health
                                                                                                                                      This multi-platform service would provide a digital
                                                                                                                                      live chat service to young people where they could
                                                                                                                                      connect with a mental health professional to talk
                                                                                                                                      about their mental health and receive guidance and
                                                                                                                                      support, potentially building on Young Scot’s Infoline
                               Panel                               Reflect &                  Ideas Gathering                         service and with input from the Young Scot Youth
                            Presentation                          Recommend                              2018                         Commission on Mental Health.

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    Health & Wellbeing Priorities for Young People                                                                       Young People’s Use of Digital Technology

    During the engagement workshops, participants were asked to identify the key issues affecting their, and             Young people use a wide variety of digital technology in their daily lives for a wide range of purposes.
    other young people’s, health and wellbeing. A wide range of topics were covered through this process,                It is important to bear in mind throughout this report however, that a significant minority of young people
    but the most frequent topics raised by the young people are summarised below.                                        struggle to access digital technology, and many who do have access may struggle with digital literacy.

    Across all the workshops, young people identified a greater                                                          This is especially noteworthy as those young people who
    number of barriers to achieving good mental health, and       Physical Health                                        do not have access to technology may also be the most
    no-one mentioned barriers to physical fitness specifically    Barriers to good physical health were mentioned        vulnerable, experiencing homelessness or poverty, and thus
    (such as lack of access to sports equipment), which           fewer times in total, but most young people did        potentially in need of greater mental and physical health
    suggests that the underlying reasons behind young people      mention one or two issues, including:                  support that young people in more secure circumstances.
    not exercising are more complex.
                                                                       Not eating healthy food / unhealthy
                                                                                                                         In this section we will explore what technology young people
                                                                       snacking habits
                                                                                                                         are using and for which purposes, what they like and dislike
       Mental Health                                                   Lack of time to eat better                        about tech, and how they find out about new tech.
       There were a number of key issues raised by almost
                                                                       Fast food
       all of the young people, with a focus by many on peer
       relationships (or lack of) and the pressures they are           Eating disorders
                                                                                                                            What tech do young people use?                              Mobile phone technology
       under from various places to look, act or behave in a           Alcohol use / abuse                                  When discussing digital technology with young               Mobile phones have become an essential part of
       certain way. The key issues around mental health                Addiction                                            people, the vast majority of technologies used              a lot of young people’s daily life. In this section we
       raised were:                                                                                                         are mobile phone applications (apps). However, in           will summarise the ways in which the young people
                                                                                                                            addition to mobile phones and their apps, which will        used their phones and the apps on them.
            Peer pressure                                              Lack of/disrupted sleep
                                                                                                                            be discussed below, young people use the following:
            Bullying                                                   Stress and anxiety
            Loneliness or social isolation                             Abuse (physical or sexual)
                                                                                                                                 Tablet devices and associated tech
            Unsupportive or negative friendships
                                                                  In addition to the above factors, your people also             (e.g. Apple pencil)
            Anxiety or social anxiety/shyness
                                                                  identified some of the larger issues which may                 Computer games consoles (PlayStation, Xbox)
            Pressure from social media                            contribute to poor physical health, such as poverty,           Wearable tech (Apple watches, Fitbits,
            Exam stress and pressure to do well at school         homelessness, living in a deprived area, and funding           sphygmomanometers)
            Poor school environment                               cuts to social services.                                       Video conferencing tech (webcams, speakers,
            Lack of support or encouragement                                                                                     Skype, Facetime)
            Poor family or home relationships                                                                                    Virtual assistants (Siri, Alexa)
            Discrimination                                        Other Factors                                                  Smart televisions
                                                                  The young people also identified barriers which                Virtual reality devices
       Additional issues that young people cited included         could affect both physical and mental health:
                                                                                                                                 Cameras (non-mobile)
       concerns about body image, low self-esteem, lack of
                                                                       Not knowing where or how to get help                      Drones
       confidence, and feeling like people are judging you.
                                                                       Difficulty getting appointments                           E-books / E-readers
                                                                       Misconceptions about what being healthy
                                                                       is or how to be healthy                              Computers and table devices, along with mobile
                                                                                                                            phones, were the most frequently cited technology
                                                                       Information about and quality of services
                                                                                                                            used by young people, which is unsurprising given
                                                                       Lack of training for health professionals
                                                                                                                            their fundamental necessity for many of the activities
                                                                       on some topics
                                                                                                                            young people are involved in (school, college,
                                                                                                                            university, work, volunteering).
                                                                  These factors can be seen as primarily about
                                                                  access to services and information.

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     Connecting with other people                                                                                                        Information
     The social connections that digital technology can facilitate      between young people and people in the public eye. Some          When young people use their mobile phones to access                There is another way that young people use information
     is one of the most important elements for young people.            platforms may also facilitate communication between              information, it is largely a function of necessity. They           on their phone, most obviously with health related apps,
     Connections can be between existing friends and family             learners and teachers, colleagues, or young people and           might check the bus times or weather before leaving the            which is to store and access information about themselves.
     members, between members of a digital community, or                services they engage with.                                       house, download a boarding pass to an airline’s app, check         This could be tracking nutrition, recording running routes,
                                                                                                                                         their bank balance on the go, or find a good deal at their         working through a stepped exercise programme, or
       Function                                 Examples of apps used by participants                                                    favourite online stores. For young people in education,            learning how to cope with anxiety.
                                                                                                                                         there are more reasons to seek information on their phone
       Private messaging, video calls           Skype, iMessage, Facetime, text messaging, Yammer, WhatsApp, Kik, ASKIP,                 – revision notes, class timetables, learning aids and so on.
                                                Facebook messenger, Discord, Houseparty, Mydol, Tinder, Hangouts

                                                                                                                                           Function                                Examples of apps used by participants
       Social media                             Snapchat, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Letterboxd, Sarahah, tumblr,
                                                Whisper, Amino
                                                                                                                                           Internet browser, search engine,        Google, Wikipedia, Bing, Safari, Internet Explorer, BBC, Daily Mail, weather
                                                                                                                                           information point, news
       Message boards                           4chan, Reddit, Yahoo Answers

                                                                                                                                           Travel, events                          Bus timetables, Google Maps, Stagecoach, RyanAir, Ticketweb, Ticketmaster
       Communication                            Gmail, phone, MSN

                                                                                                                                           Banking                                 Royal Bank of Scotland, TSB, Apple wallet

                                                                                                                                           Education, work, volunteering           Glow, MySQA, Google classroom, LinkedIn, No Fear Shakespeare, BBC Bitesize,
     Mobile phones can provide a wealth of entertainment for            peers or the internet at large to engage with. Alongside                                                   Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, Egenda, Mathletics, Duolingo, Children’s University
     young people. Some entertainment is consumption based,             mobile gaming, these forms of entertainment are not static                                                 e-Passport, Linguascope, Firefly, Showbie, Speak Out
     such as watching TV programmes or listening to music, but          resources, but platforms to facilitate creativity, connection,
     many others are used by young people to actively create            and skills development.
     images, videos, fiction, reviews, and other content for their

       Function                                 Examples of apps used by participants

       Film, television, videos                 YouTube, Viki, Netflix, Amazon Prime, Sky Go, ITV Hub, LUSHxpressions,
                                                NowTV, YouNow

       Photography, image manipulation,         Instasize, Video Star, iMovie, TikTok, YouTube, camera, ArtGrid, YouNow
       video making, drawing
       Reading, writing                         Wattpad, Archive of Our Own, Quotev, notes, Google Docs, Word

       Shopping                                 PrettyLittleThing, Missguided, eBay, Just Eat, Amazon, Boohoo, Adidas, J
                                                oom, Lush, Superdrug, Wish

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            What tech do young people                                                                                                      What do young people like and
            currently use to support their                                                                                                 dislike about the technology
            health and wellbeing?                                                                                                          they use?

     In addition to the mobile phone apps related to health and      Many young people though, use a variety of technology for      Young people at the engagement workshops were asked                Usability
     wellbeing that young people used, and the fitness related       self-management. This includes a wide range of behaviours,     to rank the technology they used from their most to least          Usability was by far the biggest deciding factor in whether
     wearable tech such as Fitbits, young people frequently          such as listening to music to relieve stress or improve mood   favourite, and then to tell us why they liked or disliked          young people liked the technology they used. The many
     mentioned that they use other tech to support their health      when feeling down, consuming media and playing games to        certain pieces of tech. As is reflective of the predominance       issues raised under usability indicate that app design needs
     and wellbeing. This kind of support can be instructional,       keep the mind occupied or distract oneself from feelings of    of mobile phone apps in the list of technology young               to be well thought out and tested by a young audience
     social, or about self-management.                               anxiety, or writing thoughts and ideas down as a method for    people use, many of the issues raised relate to                    to work through bugs before launch. After launch an app
                                                                     self-reflection and expression. One young person mentioned     mobile apps.                                                       needs a dedicated team of staff working behind the scenes
     Instructional exercise or workout videos on YouTube             that they listen to autonomous sensory meridian response                                                                          to create seamless updates without changing fundamental
     were one of the most popular suggestions here, with             (ASMR) videos to help them sleep, and another mentioned        The favoured pieces of tech varied from individual to              aspects of the app design and keep on top of feedback from
     some others pointing to Instagram as a good source of           reading on their Kindle as a way to maintain happiness.        individual, but three key areas emerged from this activity.        users about difficulties, likes and dislikes, and crash reports.
     information, inspiration and suggestion for exercise and        Finally, some young people talked about using technology
     healthy eating. Others sought out instructional videos on       that supports time management and organisation, such
     topics such as make-up application or hairstyling. Especially   as calendars, email, and banking apps. Keeping on top of         Factor                                  Positives                               Negative
     for young women, learning and practicing these kinds of         responsibilities made them feel less stressed and more able
     skills allows them to be more successful in their social        of managing their schedules.                                     Usability                               Fast, attractive design, efficient,      Google, Wikipedia, Bing, Safari, Internet
     circles, increasing popularity and bolstering social standing                                                                                                            reliable, easy to work out how to        Explorer, BBC, Daily Mail, weather
     and friendships. This kind of skill acquisition therefore                                                                                                                use, kept up to date, convenient
     plays an important role in supporting mental health and                                                                                                                  for you when you need it, versatile,
     preventing social isolation.
                                                                     Instructional exercise or workout videos                                                                 free, accessibility.
                                                                     on YouTube were one of the most popular
     For some, the social networks that tech can support were        suggestions here, with some others
     more important, with many young people mentioning the           pointing to Instagram as a good source of
     way that messaging technology and apps like Snapchat allow
                                                                     information, inspiration and suggestion
     you to keep in contact with support networks and ask for
     help when needed. For others, access to online communities
                                                                     for exercise and healthy eating.
     based around shared interests was a way of not feeling so
     alone and of connecting with people around the world.

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     The next factor which got a lot of feedback was usefulness.
     The usefulness of an app reflects whether it serves a                                                                                  How do young people find out
     valuable function to users that is genuinely more convenient
                                                                                                                                            about new technology?
     that other ways of doing the same thing. Young people were
     keen that technology helps them in some way, while also
     being wary of apps that can be turned to negative uses in
     a way that is detrimental to individuals. This indicates that
     thought will need to go in to functions provided by new tech
     to determine what is genuinely useful for young people, and
     what could make their lives easier. Attention should also be
     paid to data collection, with young people increasingly wary
     of sharing personal data without good reason or trusted
     security measures in place.                                                                                                      There were a variety of ways in which young people said     The list of avenues through which young people had found
                                                                                                                                      they found out about new technologies, but the most         out about tech suggest that they absorb information from
                                                                                                                                      frequently mentioned avenues for hearing of new tech was    a wide-variety of sources, and therefore any advertising
       Factor                                   Positives                              Negative                                       through recommendations from friends or peers. This was     campaign to promote a new piece of technology should
                                                                                                                                      followed by social media and internet based advertising     aim to cover different media and information outlets.
       Usefulness                               Relieves stress, has a functional      Can be used negatively (e.g. YikYak), steals   (e.g. YouTube adverts) or awareness raising (e.g. through
                                                purpose, learn something with it,      your information, doesn’t really have a        reviews on other websites).
                                                keep in touch with people, connect     point, social media can push negativity and
                                                with people all over the world, save   make you unhappy, too much hassle when
                                                and share memories, access to          there’s another way of doing things, has               Friend recommendations / word-of-mouth
                                                knowledge, help you to relax and       incorrect information.                                 Social media (e.g. Facebook, Instagram)
                                                cope with poor mental health, can
                                                express your feelings, help you to                                                            Internet adverts
                                                understand class work, record                                                                 Websites
                                                what you’ve been up to.
                                                                                                                                              Adverts before videos on YouTube
                                                                                                                                              TV adverts
                                                                                                                                              Adverts before movies
     Enjoyability                                                                                                                             Self-initiated search
     The final factor that was raised by young people was                                                                                     Through the news
     enjoyability. This can link in with good design but is also                                                                              Reviews
     about an app being entertaining or allowing young people
                                                                                                                                              Billboards or posters
     to do something novel and fun. Information needs to be
     presented in an engaging way, with intuitive design allowing                                                                             Press conferences
     users to navigate in a way that doesn’t frustrate or bore                                                                                Through using other technologies
     them. This indicates that the content and functions of an                                                                                Class
     app could be co-designed by young people so that the                                                                                     Scottish Government
     language, style, and design and youth friendly, engaging
     and easy to understand and use.

       Factor                                   Positives                              Negative

       Enjoyability                             Funny, entertaining, good variety,     Boring, annoying, rage inducing
                                                you can make cool movies/videos

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     Building on the Healthier Scotland Key Themes

     In 2016, Young Scot worked with a group of young people to look at the future of health and wellbeing
     in Scotland. The young people involved in that project co-designed a series of recommendations                                      Physical Education                                                 Awareness Raising and Education
     showcased in the “Creating a Healthier Scotland” report published by Young Scot in 2016.                                            Digital technology could support fitness by enabling young         Digital tech could be a powerful tool in raising awareness of
                                                                                                                                         people to use things learnt in lessons after school. Suggestions   mental health disorders and common symptoms, or a guide
     The young people taking part in the Technology Enabled           Games for Learning                                                 include the ability to add exercises that have been learnt in PE   to what language to use to talk about mental health. Tech
     Care project built on this work by looking at how they           In fact, using games was a big theme across the board,             for use at home, logging your physical activity and recording      could provide basic, clear, easy-to-access information about
     could take the four themes identified in the report in a         with young people suggesting using games or quizzes (such          personal bests, or a structure personal fitness programme          mental health, could teach people how to detect signs of poor
     new digital direction. Within each theme, young people           as Kahoot!) to find out information in a fun way, to check         which encourages planning future learning. Fitness apps could      mental health in others and suggest tips and advice on how to
     identified a number of topics that technology could              learning, and provide tangible benefits from in-game rewards       also be incorporated into PE lessons, with teachers supporting     support them. Such tech should be available to key figures like
     help address:                                                    being exchanged for real life rewards. Game playing could          people to navigate a new app and learn how to make the             teachers to provide them with guidelines on how to promote
                                                                      replace traditional homework activities, or act as a ‘brain gym’   most of it. School technology such as TV screens and email         mental health in class or tackle mental health related bullying
             Education – healthy eating, games for learning,          style warm-up at the start of lessons. Young people could be       bulletins should also be used to raise awareness of local          or misinformation.
             study support, physical education, mental                directly involved in creating such technology, linking up with     sports clubs and classes.
             health                                                   other subject areas at the same time.                                                                                                 Greater Availability of Support
                                                                                                                                         Mental Health                                                      Many ideas for tackling stigma were about accessing sup-
             Stigma – reducing the gender gap, awareness
                                                                      Study Support                                                      Digital tech to support learning about mental health could be      port services and supporting self-management, suggesting
             raising and education, greater availability of
                                                                      Digital technology could support independent study with apps       deployed in a similar way to those mentioned above, acting         that reducing stigma might mean normalising the use of
             support, public awareness
                                                                      for mind-mapping or revision support, and teachers could           as a source of information, providing games and knowledge          mental health services and growing these services exten-
             Relationships with professionals –                       use digital platforms such as chat rooms to provide support        checks, and guiding young people through a programme of            sively. Specific ideas include online groups chats to gain
             demystifying appointments, accessing services            and answer questions, allowing people to study from home.          learning. Tech could also be used in school to provide direct      support from people with similar experiences, video calls
             Eating and fitness - personal tracking and               Artificial intelligences could even act as teaching supports,      support to students with a digital chat service that students      with counsellors or therapists, and the ability to access
             support, gamification, access and inspiration,           able to offer help with homework and revision, or even used        could access privately during moments of need, or perhaps          support anonymously - whether one-to-one or in a group
             information                                              in class. Virtual Reality devices were another form of tech that   using like read aloud technology to allow an anxious student       format. For self-management, young people emphasised
        These topics are explored in more depth below.                could be used as a learning aid to understand the effects of       to communicate with a teacher without having to speak.             apps that can teach distraction techniques or coping
                                                                      drugs and alcohol on the body, or to see physical exercises                                                                           mechanisms, or tech that facilitates self-exploration to
                                                                      demonstrated by a virtual instructor.                              Stigma                                                             allow young people to gain insight into their thoughts
     Education                                                                                                                           For the reducing stigma theme, there were two main                 and emotions.
     Many of the ideas that came out of the education theme           More generally, tablet devices could be used during class          areas that young people made suggestions about, one was
     revolved around using digital technology as teaching aids,       to provide access to useful tools, and young people should         widening access to services and the other was promotion            Public Awareness
     especially in a way that encouraged young people to use the      be allowed to type instead of writing by hand, especially          of mental health. Young Scot and the Scottish Association          It noted by a few young people that the general public
     tech at home as well as at school.                               during exams. This was one aspect of a desire for educational      for Mental Health (SAMH) are currently supporting a Youth          also need to be targeted when taking measures to reduce
                                                                      experiences that utilised interactive technology more,             Commission on Mental Health whose findings, when                   stigma. Any of the tech that serves to educate and raise
     Healthy Eating                                                   such as using digital voting or surveys to hear from young         published, will further illuminate this topic and provide a        awareness needs to be rolled out to adults across society,
     Young people suggested some simple idea like emailing            people anonymously about topics like mental health or              wealth of ideas for consideration.                                 and that partnerships with the media can be forged to raise
     healthy food recipes to students and parents, or working         healthy behaviours. The results of such a survey could spark                                                                          awareness too. There may be different challenges in
     through video tutorials in food technology classes and sharing   interesting discussions and allow educators to target gaps         Reducing the Gender Gap                                            changing the perceptions of the general public, so work
     these for use at home. Other suggestions included tech to        in people’s knowledge.                                             Multiple people suggested that digital services should make        should be done with different populations to look at the
     assist young people to plan healthy meals on a budget, a diary                                                                      more of an effort to promote or tailor themselves to boys and      messages and information that would appeal to them.
     like feature for recording meals, and games to match foods up                                                                       young men. There was wide acknowledgement that boys and
     with food groups or learn about labelling.                                                                                          young men have greater difficulty expressing their emotions
                                                                                                                                         and seeking help, and that this translates into a higher suicide
                                                                                                                                         rate. Apps and services that are targeted at boys and young
                                                                                                                                         men, and co-designed with them, could be one way to
                                                                                                                                         tackle this issue.

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     Relationships with professionals                                                                                                       Eating and fitness
     When it came to relationships with professionals, the main           Demystifying Appointments                                         Encouraging healthy eating and fitness is a complex task,         Access and Inspiration
     concern was making it easier to access services and getting          For some, attending an appointment with a health                  but young people have identified a number of ways that            Digital technology could enable those who want to exercise
     professionals to embrace the channels of communication               professional can be a cause of anxiety of uncertainty, so         technology could help motivate people to work better at it.       to find sports clubs or fitness classes using an interactive
     that young people use.                                               suggestions were made to use digital tech to raise awareness                                                                        map or by making recommendations based on personal
                                                                          of what happens when someone seeks help and support.              Personal Tracking and Support                                     interest. For a cheaper option, digital tech could support
     Accessing Services                                                   This could include descriptions of different health services,     For both fitness and healthy eating, young people                 a multimedia home workout programme, providing free
     For many young people, being able to chat to professionals           how referrals work, what an appointment will be like, what        emphasised the ability of digital technology to be tailored       videos, podcasts, tutorials, and voice guidance for different
     via instant messaging or video conferencing software would           you will be asked about, what confidentiality policies health     to the individual. A fitness app could build up fitness at your   exercises. Having famous sports or fitness people promoting
     be incredibly useful, and there was some call for being able to      professionals abide by, and so on.                                pace, keep track of your activity, and help set achievable        exercises or activities can act as inspiration for people
     access digital support services like group chats and one-to-                                                                           goals for the future. Similarly, for health eating a diary-like   to get active, and digital tech could offer a platform for
     one’s anonymously. Online chat services were a popular idea          There was a desire by young people to know the health             tracker could let young people record what they’re eating,        collaboration with individuals like this.
     for accessing mental health support workers as well as GPs.          professional they would be seeing ahead of a meeting, so they     make suggestions for ways to improve diet, and suggest
     Young people wanted some digital support services to be              feel prepared and comfortable. Digital tech could facilitate an   healthy recipes or ways to plan a balanced meal.                  Information
     available on demand, especially for crisis help, but also for less   introductory meeting or conversation, or provide information                                                                        Healthy eating can be a confusing topic and digital tech
     urgent things like booking an appointment. In general, young         about staff at a health centre, so that the person they will      Gamification                                                      could tell you what food or meals are healthy and allow you
     people wanted health professionals to communicate with               see is not a stranger. This could even be a group chat online     Young people wanted to make fitness more fun by                   to scan barcodes to find out the nutritional value of food
     them on platforms young people already use, and for these            ahead of a one-to-one appointment. Another benefit of this        incorporating games and rewards into activities. People           you are buying. Misleading or conflicting information about
     platforms to be accessible, for example using Talking Mat            kind of intervention is to reassure young people that health      could receive virtual or real-life rewards for achieving          things like sugar or popular diets can be tackled via tech to
     software to enable people to communicate using                       professionals will be familiar with the issues young people       goals, they could be presented with new and fun fitness           enable young people to make better decisions about their
     pictures instead of words.                                           face and that they will receive appropriate care from             challenges to work on by themselves or with friends and           food. A number of young people brought up so called ‘pro-
                                                                          a supportive and understanding source.                            family, potentially tapping into trends such as the ‘Bring        ana’ (pro-anorexia) websites that promote eating disorders
                                                                                                                                            Sally Up’ workout challenge popular on YouTube.                   and wanted reliable information to raise awareness of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                              dangers of disordered eating.
                                                                                                                                            Fitness challenges could take people out of the house, with
                                                                                                                                            young people drawing inspiration from the augmented               Tech could also provide information about cheap food,
                                                                                                                                            reality game ‘Pokémon Go’ to suggest a game where people          where to buy cheap ingredients, and recipes for making
                                                                                                                                            move around their outdoor environment to find rewards.            healthy meals on a low budget. Whatever the topic, young
                                                                                                                                            Games like this could take on a social dimension with             people emphasised that the way information is presented
                                                                                                                                            competitions or even collaborations to unlock certain goals.      needs to be engaging and interactive to a younger audience.
                                                                                                                                            Fitbits or smart watches could be linked up to this game to
                                                                                                                                            enable people to track their movements and activity.

18                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             19
Young Scot Observatory - Technology Enabled Care

     Key Concepts for Technology Enabled Care

     Following the engagement workshops and armed with the information in the previous section, a final                            Mental Health Chat Service                                   Health & Wellbeing Online Resources
     ‘Ideas Development Session’ was run with young people. During this session the young people examined                          Key issues this is addressing: Access to mental health       Key issues this is addressing: Access to mental health
     the issues that had been raised, evaluated all the ideas from the engagement sessions, and decided on a                       support, reducing stigma around mental health                support, reducing stigma around mental health, healthy
     final set of key concepts to present in this report.                                                                                                                                       eating, poor mental health, lack of exercise, worry about
                                                                                                                                   This multi-platform service would provide a digital live     visiting the doctors, study pressure
                                                                                                                                   chat service to young people where they could connect
       Augmented Reality App                                       Digital Doctors Surgery                                         with a mental health professional to talk about their        Young Scot’s website,, is Scotland’s
       Key issues this is addressing: Lack of exercise,            Key issues this is addressing: Worry about visiting the         mental health and receive guidance and support. This         online youth information platform and is tailored for young
       poor mental health, social isolation                        doctors, barriers to healthcare                                 service would run from 9am-9pm to be accessible when         people and to provide easy to understand information
                                                                                                                                   young people need it. By providing preventative support      and guidance on a wide variety of topics, including mental
       This is an app which allows users to download and           This is a website which provides multiple functions to          and a listening ear, this service could reduce the waiting   and physical health. The Young Scot website is the perfect
       apply different augmented reality maps over the             enable easier access to frontline health care. The website      list for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services and     platform for such an online resource to be developed and
       street map on their mobile phone to encourage users         would provide comprehensive information on every GP             help many young people to avoid reaching a crisis point.     co-designed with young people, and content can be co-
       to increase their level of physical activity. The app       surgery including details about the doctors professional        This service would be promoted to all young people           created with different organisations to develop a knowledge
       could also support mental wellbeing, not only through       experience, any specialities they have and perhaps a            via school and other avenues, and Young Scot’s Infoline      base and key signposting information. Using the existing
       getting people out of the house but also by providing a     blurb about them. This will enable young people to find                                                                      resource The Lowdown, available at
                                                                                                                                   advice service could be developed in alignment with
       distraction for people who are experiencing a particular    out more about who they will be seeing ahead of time,                                                                        the-lowdown/, and the expertise of the Young Scot team,
                                                                                                                                   NHS services to deliver such a platform.
       low. The app could incorporate music related to your        allow them to pick a doctor best suited to their needs,                                                                      health and wellbeing content can be provided in a range
       current mood, incorporate gamification aspects (e.g.        and reduce anxiety about walking into a GP appointment                                                                       of formats and targeted to different key groups of young
                                                                                                                                   In addition to the ‘service on demand’ nature of this
                                                                                                                                                                                                people.  The Young Scot app in particular, currently
       ‘Zombies, Run!’ app) to increase use, and a implement       without knowing who they will be seeing. Other health           platform, the digital format would allow young people to
                                                                                                                                                                                                in development, will further enhance the reach and
       rewards system for achieving goals potentially linked to    professionals operating out of the surgery would also be        speak to someone without having to talk on the phone,
                                                                                                                                                                                                usability of the Young Scot information platform.
       the Young Scot card. Young Scot users can currently take    included in this package of information.                        and to do so in private from any location. Not having to
       part in a programme called ‘Connect Your Tech’ which                                                                        physically attend an appointment or call on the phone        The Young Scot website would act as a one-stop-shop
       allows them to sync their wearable fitness devices          In addition, there would be two key functional elements         can reduce anxiety and to address their mental health        for young people, signposting them to useful apps, NHS
       or mobile phone apps to the Young Scot Rewards              to this web service; booking online appointments, and           in a physical location that they are comfortable in. To      services, third sector organisations, Local Authority
       programme. Young Scot Discounts could also play a           remote video appointments. The online booking service           be useful to those young people without wi-fi or data        services, or even opportunity providers. The platform
       part in such a service, making young people aware of        would allow people to see the availability of appointments      on their phone, an offline service provided by a pre-        would demystify services, explaining how to access them,
       discounts on goods or services near them which could        and self-select a time that is convenient for them. As well     programmed AI could offer tips, advice and signposting.      how long you might have to wait, what your rights are
       support their health and wellbeing.                         as increasing efficiency, the online booking system will                                                                     around confidentiality and service standards, and what
                                                                   also be easier for young people to navigate as many dislike     Young Scot and SAMH’s Youth Commission on Mental             to expect when you get there.
       Different augmented reality maps could be coordinated       speaking on the phone and don’t have the flexibility or         Health are currently exploring mental health service
       between different services and organisations, for           time to make an appointment in person.                          provision in depth and their recommendations and             In addition to basic information explaining different health
       example See Me, VisitScotland, Google Maps, Local                                                                           proposed actions will provide a key source of information    conditions and options for support, the platform would also
       Authorities, and sports and fitness providers. Users        Remote video appointments would be conducted by                 for developing digital mental health services. The Youth     provide information on healthy lifestyles as a preventative
       could follow art trails around their local area, discover   a doctor and/or nurse specifically scheduled to be              Commission’s report should be available in early 2019 for    measure. This could incorporate easy-to understand
       playlists or reading lists related to places they are       dealing with online appointments in a consulting room           analysis and further action.                                 information about healthy eating and fitness, in-built
       visiting, find out about local history, discover nature     at the surgery. They would work regular practice hours,                                                                      games (e.g. to learn about food groups, food labelling,
       walks or outdoor gym equipment, and much more.              potentially with an after hours on call service, or a regular   This service could work to address a variety of specific     quick exercises), tracking or diary functions (to keep track
       A social aspect could be introduced to encourage            after hours service. Video appointments would enable            issues in addition to its basic functionality, including     of things like what you eat, fitness or mood), and tailored
       people to work together or share their achievements.        people to access health care without travelling to their        tailored support for young men, rehabilitation support       recommendations for healthy recipes, local sports facilities,
                                                                   surgery in person, which can be difficult if you do not have    for people recovering from addiction, and a focus on         or even meal budgeting.
                                                                   access to convenient personal or public transport, would        accessibility (e.g. using emojis or pictures to start a
                                                                   find it hard to get to the surgery within opening hours,        conversation about mood or feelings).                        This platform would be interactive and reactive,
                                                                   or would have to miss large chunks of school or work in                                                                      responding to current issues such as exam stress,
                                                                   order to attend. The digital service would be framed as an                                                                   eating disorders, self-harm, or diet fads. As a trusted
                                                                   ‘initial consultation’ or only for specific health problems,                                                                 source of advice and information, young people
                                                                                                                                                                                                would be informed and given the tools to manage
                                                                   as the importance of a physical examination is obviously
                                                                                                                                                                                                an array of health and wellbeing needs.
                                                                   fundamental for some ailments.

20                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              21
Next Steps

     Following on from the potential solutions to supporting young people’s health and wellbeing in
     Scotland outlined above by the Technology Enabled Care project participants, it would be valuable for
     the Technology Enabled Care Programme to consider taking a selection of these ideas forward to a
     developmental stage.

     In line with the Technology Enable Care Programme’s belief
     that technology become integrated into health and care
     services, the ideas outlined above provide a jumping off point
     for future collaborations between young people, industry
     experts, designers, and healthcare providers. Where there
     are ideas to build upon Young Scot’s existing services, Young
     Scot would be willing to discuss these and explore future

     Appendix 1

     Young Scot has extensive experience in engaging with Scotland’s young people to seek their views
     and input in the development of the services they use. Young people have a significant role to play in
     encouraging organisations and communities to adopt a more collaborative culture, focusing resources
     to effectively meet the needs of individuals and communities.

     Our co-design service involves young people systematically
     creating, designing and delivering solutions in collaboration                      Explore
                                                                        Define by uncovering the issues through
     with organisations. Young people are involved much earlier in     gathering insights and genuine experiences
     decision making process through a highly participative approach              from/by young people
     developing informed insights, ideas, recommendations and
     solutions for policy and practice.
                                                                         Generate ideas and co-produce solutions
     Supporting people to co-design ideas has been shown to have a               with/by young people
     radical impact on service innovation. We know using a co-design
     approach enables a more distributed, decentralised approach
     to innovation that supports Scotland’s ambitions to cede power                     Reflect
                                                                       Consider the future impact and sustainability
     and responsibility directly to young people.
                                                                                  of the ideas produced

     This approach ties into key policy areas including:
                                                                            Produce influential ideas/solutions
              United Nations Conventions on the                                    with young people
              Rights of the Child
              Public Service Reform/Christie Commission
              Community Empowerment Act                                               Implement
                                                                            Implementation of ideas/solutions
              Getting It Right for Every Child                                    with young people

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Young Scot Enterprise is a Scottish registered charity (SC029757) and is a
company limited by guarantee (202687) with its registered office at:
Rosebery House, 9 Haymarket Terrace, Edinburgh, EH12 5EZ
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