Engaging disabled people in sport and physical activity - A guide for County Sports Partnerships to support their engagement with disabled people.

Page created by Henry Douglas
Engaging disabled people in sport and physical activity - A guide for County Sports Partnerships to support their engagement with disabled people.
Engaging disabled
people in sport and
physical activity

A guide for County Sports Partnerships
to support their engagement with
disabled people.
Engaging disabled people in sport and physical activity - A guide for County Sports Partnerships to support their engagement with disabled people.

Purpose of the resource                                              5

The need                                                             5

Our commitment to positive engagement of disabled people             7

Definition of disability                                             7

Reaching the market                                                  8

Why is it important to understand the national picture?              10

Active people survey figures                                         11

Understanding the national picture for children and adult services   11

Physical activity and health sector                                  12

Health - current position                                            12

Health & fitness good practice - inclusive fitness                   13

The importance of engagement                                         14

Hints and tips - methods of communication                            16

Services/organisation matrix                                         17

County or sub-country level                                          18

A selection of national level organisations                          28

National sport and leisure services                                  34

Acknowledgements                                                     39

Engaging disabled people in sport and physical activity - A guide for County Sports Partnerships to support their engagement with disabled people.
Purpose of the Resource

“ Forming new relationships                                                      This guide has been developed by the English Federation of Disability Sport (EFDS)
    with new partners which have                                                 in partnership with the County Sports Partnership Network (CSPN) to support County
                                                                                 Sports Partnership (CSP) employees to strengthen public sector engagement with
    not been approached before                                                   disabled people. It provides both a guide for organisations to improve the engagement
                                                                                 process as well as demonstrate examples of good practice from which lessons can be
    can not only help to access                                                  learned or replicated.
    more participants, but it also                                               While the guide’s title refers to engaging       The resource was developed with the
    reaches out to new channels                                                  disabled people, successful engagement           support of interested parties including
                                                                                 needs to also involve disabled people            disabled people, family members of disabled
    for volunteering, promotion                                                  themselves, their families, guardians, carers    people and organisations that support
                                                                                 and assistants of disabled people, people        disabled people. Many of these partners
    and funding...
                  ”                                                              who work for disabled people’s organisations
                                                                                 in a paid or voluntary capacity, public
                                                                                 advocates, academics and others with an
                                                                                                                                  have many years of experience working and
                                                                                                                                  supporting disabled people.

                                                                                 active interest in disability issues.

                                                                                      The Need
                                                                                 Four out of five disabled people are currently not active, but seven in ten want to increase
                                                                                 the amount of physical activity they take part in. This highlights a latent demand for more
                                                                                 opportunities and ways to enjoy being active.

                                                                                 There is great need to understand disabled       It has been recognised by CSPs that more
                                                                                 people’s needs in sport and physical activity    professionals working in the sport and
                                                                                 and use that knowledge to develop new            physical activity sector would benefit from
                                                                                 routes to market. The sector needs to            resources including toolkits to enable them
                                                                                 provide additional, alternative and innovative   to positively engage with disabled people.
                                                                                 ways to engage disabled people, so there         Forming new relationships with new partners
                                                                                 is a range of opportunities, which provide       which have not been approached before can
                                                                                 more choice and encourage disabled people        not only help to access more participants,
                                                                                 to participate.                                  but it also reaches out to new channels for
                                                                                                                                  volunteering, promotion and funding. Some
                                                                                                                                  of these new partners include those based
                                                                                                                                  in the non-sports sector and those that work
                                                                                                                                  and support disabled children and adults.

4                      Engaging disabled people in sport and physical activity                                                                                                   5
Engaging disabled people in sport and physical activity - A guide for County Sports Partnerships to support their engagement with disabled people.
Our commitment to positive
                                                    engagement of disabled people
“ The resource hopes to teach professionals
    how to effectively engage services that   Sport England has invested £10 million into projects targeting disabled people through
    support disabled people...
                                              the Inclusive Sports Fund. It is stated within their new strategy ‘Creating a sporting
                                              habit’ that National Governing Bodies of Sport (NGBs) need to demonstrate a ‘growth in
                                              participation by people who have disabilities, including the most talented’.

                                              This resource is aimed at those people              Examples of good practice are included
                                              working within CSPs who either have a direct        alongside a table of organisations that need
                                              or indirect responsibility for sport for disabled   to be considered for positive engagement
                                              people, to help increase the participation          and successful sports development for
                                              of this under-represented group. The                disabled people.
                                              resource hopes to teach professionals how
                                              to effectively engage services that support
                                              disabled people so that they can have the
                                              choice and opportunity to participate in sport
                                              and physical activity.
                                              Within this resource, you will be given a basic
                                              understanding of some key national policies
                                              to demonstrate the effect and opportunities
                                              that these strategies can bring to counties.
                                              It also highlights the importance of effective
                                              engagement and how to effectively engage
                                              disabled people.

                                                    Definition of Disability
                                              A clear definition should help clarify the target audience you seek to engage:
                                              ‘a person that has a physical or mental impairment that has a ‘substantial’ and ‘long-term’
                                              negative effect on their ability to carry out normal daily activities’.
                                              (Equality Act 2010, Legislation.gov.uk) (Not applicable to N.Ireland)
                                              EFDS and its partners support the social model of disability, which says that disability is
                                              caused by the way society is organised, not by an impairment. The social model looks at
                                              ways of removing barriers that restrict life choices for disabled people. When barriers are
                                              removed, disabled people can be independent and equal in society, with choice and control
                                              over their own lives.
                                              Disabled people developed the social model of disability because the traditional medical
                                              model did not explain their personal experience of disability or help to develop more inclusive
                                              ways of living.

6                                                                                                                                                7
Engaging disabled people in sport and physical activity - A guide for County Sports Partnerships to support their engagement with disabled people.
Reaching the Market

    Disabled people have the same right as everyone else to be active, wherever and
    however they wish to take part. The following statistics gives a picture of the number
    of disabled people in the UK and their reasons for not participating in sport and active
    recreation. Included is some impairment specific data which can provide a bigger picture
    of particular groups within the disabled population.

    • There are over 11.2 million people with         • 1 in 7 people in the UK (9 million) are
      a limiting long term illness, impairment 		       Deaf or hard of hearing in the UK (14%)
      or disability and who have a significant 		       RNID
      difficulty with day to day activities
      in Great Britain. The prevalence of 		          • Restricted growth is believed to affect
      disability rises with age, 5.2 million are 		     between 4,500 and 6,000 people in the
      adults of working age, 5.2 million are            UK with one in 10,000 babies born
      over state pension age and 0.8 million            with Dwarfism.
      are children.                                     DAAUK
       Office for Disability Issues updated 		        • 1 in 400 children are born with cerebral 		    • Disabled people remain significantly less        Barriers to participation can be split into
       Department for Work and Pensions 		              palsy (estimated 30,250 in UK) with 1,800        likely to participate in cultural, leisure and   three main groups:
       estimates based on Family                        babies being diagnosed with the condition        sporting activities than non-disabled 		         Physical: Adaptions and changes needed to
       Resources survey 2009/10                         each year.                                       people. Latest data shows disabled 		            support participation are not available/have
                                                        SCOPE                                            people are more likely to have attended 		       not been implemented.
    • Only 17% of disabled people were born                                                              a historic environment site, cinema,
      disabled. The majority (83%) of disabled        • There are about 1.5 million – (2.4%)             museum or gallery than in 2005/06. 		            - Facility
      people acquire their impairment during 		         – in the UK who have a learning disability.      However disabled people are less likely          - Equipment
      their working lives.†                             Papworth Trust -                                 to have participated in moderate intensity       - Health and safety
      Papworth Trust -                                  www.papworth.org.uk/downloads/		                 level sports or attended a library over the      Logistical: Adaptations have been made but
      www.papworth.org.uk/downloads/		                  disabilityfactsandfigures2010_                   same period.                                     have not been implemented effectively.
      disabilityfactsandfigures2010_                    100202152740.pdf                                 Office for Disability Issues updated
      100202152740.pdf                                                                                                                                    - Geography
                                                                                                         Department for Work and Pensions Taking          - Expense
                                                      • There are approximately 450,000 adults
    • The majority of impairments are not 		                                                             Part Survey 2010/2011                            - Support of others
                                                        with Autistic spectrum disorders in
      visible – less than 8% of disabled people         England, around half of whom have a 		         • Just over half (54%) of non-disabled 		          - Communication
      use wheelchairs.                                  learning disability.                             adults said they suffered at least one barrier   - Suitability
                                                        Department of Health.                            to playing sport compared to almost three        Psychological: Attitudes, opinions and
       NHS purchasing and supply agency 2000
                                                                                                         quarters (72%) of disabled adults.               perceptions preventing participation in sport.
    • There are around 1.2 million wheelchair         • 1 in 4 British adults experience at least 		     Life Opportunity survey 2009-2011
      users in the UK, roughly 2% of                    one diagnosable mental health 			                                                                 - Personal attitudes of disabled people
      UK population.                                    problem in any one-year, and one in six                                                           - Attitudes of non disabled people
      NHS purchasing and supply agency.                 experiences this at any given time.

    • There are 1.86 million people in the UK
      with sight loss that has a significant impact
                                                        The Office for National Statistics
                                                        Psychiatric Morbidity report 2001.                  “ Psychological barriers are the most
      on their daily lives. Almost one in thirty
      people in the country.
                                                                                                                 influential. Changing attitudes is the
                                                                                                                 key to increasing participation...
      RNIB Sight Loss UK 2012 report

                                                                                                                 EFDS qualitative research into barriers to participation April 2012.

8                                      Engaging disabled people in sport and physical activity                                                                                                             9
Engaging disabled people in sport and physical activity - A guide for County Sports Partnerships to support their engagement with disabled people.
Why is it important to understand                                                                          Active People Survey Figures
     the national picture?                                                                                Non disabled people                                                                                           People with a limiting illness or disability

                                                                                                                % who participate once a week                                                                                            % who participate once a week
     It is important to recognise the changes to children and adult care services at a national                 % who participate in any sport                                                                                           % who participate in any sport
     level as this can determine the ways in which the personal budgets of disabled people                      % who do not participate in any sport                                                                                    % who do not participate in any sport
     are organised and spent. Sport and physical activity needs to be an essential part of
     a disabled persons social, health and wellbeing. By understanding these changes a                    80%
     professional can make positive partnerships with the organisations providing care across




     all three sectors – this is a revolutionary step for these services.



     Health will become a key player in this

                                                        It will be essential for CSPs to make available




     process and potentially could be the most          the information on services and activities        40%


     promising sector to engage with for the            targeted at disabled people. Whilst there


     development of physical activity opportunities

                                                        are many sports opportunities available for



     and funding. There are so many programmes          disabled people, in some cases disabled


     that both health and the sports sector could       people do not access them. One of the main        10%

     potentially work together on to fulfil both        reasons for this is because the activity is not
     national and local outcomes.                       advertised to them in a way that they can                   Oct 05 - Oct 06                             Oct 07 - Oct 08                                 Oct 08 - Oct 09                             Oct 09 - Oct 10                                 Oct 10 - Oct 11                                 Oct 11 - Oct 12

     The national governance will also indicate to      readily access and understand. The Local
     a certain extent the way in which services at a    Offer should solve this problem by advertising    Sport England Active People Survey Data 2013.

     sub county will develop and be commissioned        directly to the intended targeted audience
     in the future. It is certain that commissioning    and therefore this could lead to increase in
     for disabled children and adult services will be   participation levels.
                                                                                                                Understanding the national picture
     a joint process; this will prevent duplication
     and ensure sustainable quality delivery of
     services. CSP employees working locally
                                                                                                                for Children and Adult Services
     need to be aware of this process and use it to
     the benefit of sport development.                                                                    The Government’s Green Paper for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
                                                                                                          - Support and aspiration: A new approach to SEN (published in March 2011) proposes
     There will also be a directory called the ‘Local                                                     moving away from “special education needs”. It proposes identifying the needs and
     Offer’ – the government’s strategy will require                                                      bringing together the support children, young people and their families rely on across
     all local authorities to publish information on                                                      education, health and social care.
     services and provision across education,
     health and social care for children and young                                                        The main points from the Green Paper include:
     people aged 0 - 25 with special educational
                                                                                                          • Supporting 0-25yr olds with disability or 		                                                                                       • Partnerships – in and across agencies,
     needs and disabilities (SEND). The purpose
                                                                                                            special educational needs                                                                                                            communities and the Voluntary and
     of a local offer is to enable parents and carers
                                                                                                          • Introducing a single education, health and                                                                                           Community Sector
     and young people to have easy access to the
     information they need.                                                                                 care needs assessment and delivery 		                                                                                              • Parental participation at an individual and
                                                                                                            plan that would replace both the statutory                                                                                           strategic level
                                                                                                            SEN assessment and statement (for under                                                                                            • Structural and cultural change necessary
                                                                                                            16s) and the Section 139a Learning
                                                                                                            Difficulty Assessment (for over 16s)                                                                                               • Focus on outcomes
                                                                                                          • Personal budgets will be an option to 		                                                                                           • Currently there are 20 Pathfinders who are
                                                                                                            families by 2014                                                                                                                     piloting the changes. National role out of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 this programme will be effective from
                                                                                                          • Early (and earlier) intervention and 		                                                                                              September 2014.
                                                                                                          • Joint working between health, social care
                                                                                                            and education
10                                     Engaging disabled people in sport and physical activity                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      11
Engaging disabled people in sport and physical activity - A guide for County Sports Partnerships to support their engagement with disabled people.
Physical Activity and Health Sector                                                                         Health & Fitness Good Practice
                                                                                                                 – Inclusive Fitness
     In the past disabled people have had limited experiences of freely participating and
     choosing general activities. Research tells us the majority of disabled people have not                The Inclusive Fitness Initiative (IFI) has been established for over 10 years, with a national
     participated in any sport or physical activity.                                                        coverage of 400 IFI Mark gym facilities. The project funded by the Department of Health
                                                                                                            and managed by the English Federation of Disability Sport (EFDS) has been fundamental
     Many have not had opportunities or positive         Society’s attitudes and values have improved       in addressing inequality in physical activity; reaching inactive populations, raising
     experiences of sport and they may have              and continue to improve over time. Nationally      awareness of the benefits of exercise and creating demand.
     been isolated for large periods of time in their    there is an increased number of strategies
     lives. There is a need to recognise that more       that now have specific targets to improve          IFI Mark facilities engage within their local     The IFI advocates this type of good
     providers should engage with those people           the inequalities in physical activity and sport.   communities to promote participation among        practice and since the changes in the local
     who are who are currently not participating in      This inevitably cuts across into the Health        the inactive populations not only through GP      commissioning structure earlier this year
     any form of physical activity. For most people      strategies which brings with it opportunity,       referrals but through proactive engagement        two more counties are looking to follow this
     getting fit means enjoying informal activity        some resources and funding to help improve         and outreach to disabled people, disability       example of a joined up approach to promote
     with a social element and this is also true for     this situation. CSPs need to take advantage of     charities organisations and other services that   the health benefits of physical activity.
     disabled people.                                    this change to develop new ways of working         they may access in the local community.
                                                         and new partnerships. These will help improve
                                                         the engagement of disabled people 16 plus in       The most successful IFI Mark facilities, in
                                                         physical activity.                                 terms of encouraging disabled people to
                                                                                                            use their facility, are those that have
                                                                                                            specifically appointed or written marketing to                                                     Provisional Level
                                                                                                            disabled people into a member of staff’s job
                                                                                                            description and embedded inclusion in their
     Health – Current Position                                                                              marketing plan.                                                                         This fitness facility
                                                                                                                                                                                              the Inclusive Fitness
                                                                                                                                                                                           recognising our com
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          has been awarded
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Mark at Provisiona
                                                                                                                                                                                                               mitment to improved
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            l Level;
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     customer service,
                                                                                                            More recently the IFI have teamed up with                                          policy and provision
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    of accessible physical
                                                                                                                                                                                           At this facility you can
                                                                                                            Instructability – a programme delivered by                                     • Helpful, friendly staff
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     expect to find:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      who are disability awar
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                e and have a positive
                                                                                                                                                                                              welcoming attitude to
                                                                                                            YMCA fit and Aspire to train disabled people                                  • At least one member
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      inclusion                                         and

     Public Health England is now the responsible national body for overseeing and addressing               to become fitness instructors - to provide
                                                                                                                                                                                             to disabled users; ensu
                                                                                                                                                                                          • A functional level of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      of fitness staff trained
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ring safe and effective
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               to induct and prescribe exerc
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  physical activity

     the inequalities in public health and the budgets to deliver the targets now sit within local
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   access; approach to the
                                                                                                                                                                                             signage and route to the                           facility, entrance, recep
                                                                                                            marketing and outreach training to their                                                                      changing facilities and                         tion,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    fitness suite
                                                                                                                                                                                         • Allocated accessible
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    parking bays

                                                                                                            delegates and 12 week work placement                                         • Accessible toilet and
                                                                                                                                                                                        • A minimum range of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    changing facilities
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  accessible fitness equip

                                                                                                            opportunities at IFI Mark facilities.
                                                                                                                                                                                            allows a full body worko                           ment and an environme
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         nt that
     It will be key for CSPs to be involved in the       as there could be several in an area and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ut for both disabled and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   non-disabled people
                                                                                                                                                                                        • Accessible marketing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   , targeting disabled peop
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                le to use the facility

     Heath and Well Being Boards that sit at             most CSPs may not have the time to sit             In 2010 - Lincolnshire County Sports                                                               For further informa
                                                                                                                                                                                                          please speak to a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            member of staff.
     a county and district level as they will be         on each one.                                       Partnership teamed up with the NHS                                                                   or visit www.efds.co.u

     responsible for delivering some of the public
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Accreditation Expiry

                                                         There will also be a responsibility for the        Lincolnshire, District Councils and the 17
     health targets. Please note that health boards      Health and Wellbeing boards to ensure that         leisure facilities across the County and were
     and structures may vary in each region and                                                             successful in securing £340k funding from                                  erybody.
     therefore it is advised that each CSP look
                                                         all targeted and universal services for disabled                                                        Exercise shaped for ev
                                                         people are advertised and/or marketed to           the Health and Wellbeing fund to promote
     into which board is most appropriate to have        disabled people through the ‘Local Offer’ –        physical activity to disabled people and
     sports representative. The health boards will       (Local Authorities may choose to call it           increase participation among this group.                                            re membership at YourGy
                                                                                                                                                                  Enjoy the benefits of a leisu
     be an effective way to influence the agenda         another name). The ‘Local Offer’ will exist        The project resulted in 800 disabled people           from just £19.95 per  mon  th.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         We are your nearest
     on physical activity and how this is targeted       in the 20 pathfinders by April 2014 and            becoming members of their local gyms with             • No joining fee & no
                                                                                                                                                                                        minimum contract
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     inclusive fitness facil
                                                                                                                                                                                           gyms, pools &                                   For more information visit
     at disabled people. It should help make new         will roll out across all other authorities from    an average increase of £17,000 in revenue per
                                                                                                                                                                  • Anytime access to our
                                                                                                                                                                    group exercise classes                                                   www.yourgym.co.uk
                                                                                                                                                                                        on     other                                                 56789 or
     partnerships and potentially open new funding       September 2014. The’ Local Offer’ will be          facility per annum.
                                                                                                                                                                  • Up to 30% discount
                                                                                                                                                                    non-member activities
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Contact us on 01234
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            dial 18001+number
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 (for text relay)
                                                                                                                                                                   • FREE entry for an accom                                                        gym.
     streams.                                            one of the most effective marketing toolkits                                                                personal assistant if requi
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 or email info@your

                                                                                                                                                                                              in large   print and braille upon reque
                                                                                                                                                                   Information also available
     Physical Activity could also be commissioned        to ensure that opportunities are targeted at
     directly from Clinical Commissioning Groups         the correct people.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            d centre.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Your IFI Mark accredite
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         M1 2AB
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Station Road, Manchester

     (CCGs) – this could prove difficult to infiltrate

12                                      Engaging disabled people in sport and physical activity                                                                                                                                                                                         13
Engaging disabled people in sport and physical activity - A guide for County Sports Partnerships to support their engagement with disabled people.
The Importance of Engagement
     To ensure effective future development a good understanding of baseline opportunities
     and the local landscape is essential.                                                               Potential to increase Funding and Investment
                                                                                                         - Increasing financial resources
     The benefit of having this understanding enables the sign posting of partners and participants
     to existing opportunities to help meet demand and current KPIs as well as avoid unnecessary         • New cross sector partnership may lead to new money and investments.
     duplication. Secondly, through understanding the local landscape CSPs can not only develop a        • More sustainable opportunities created.
     mechanism to consult and identify local needs but to develop the local infrastructure and enable
     them to have the ability to connect to more disabled people on a regular basis, thus improving
     communication between sport and people.                                                            The impact to effective engagement in the above areas are demonstrated below
     To effectively engage you need to think about the following four themed areas:                     – see good practice section for examples

       Gaining Local Insight and Intelligence                                                            1. Gaining Local Insight and Intelligence
       - Understanding the needs of the market                                                              - Understanding the needs of the market
       • Explore and investigate the needs of disabled people to gain a better understanding.           • Increased desire and take up by disabled people to take part in sport and physical activity.
       • Clearly define the target market – this is very important as you do not want to raise          • Better resourcefulness in promotion of activities.
          aspirations if they cannot be met.
                                                                                                         • Improved connectivity with parents, carers and individuals through consultation.
       • Consultation with groups on how best to deliver the opportunity/activity – they may have
          alternative and more effective ideas.
                                                                                                         2. Improved Communication and Market Reach
        Improved Communication and Market Reach                                                             - Connecting with disabled people
       – Connecting with disabled people                                                                 • Achieving the right messages to different target groups.
       • Find out what groups are out there and what they want to achieve – there could be joint        • Disabled people are aware of where opportunities to participate exist and actively help
          outcomes achieved for both organisations.                                                         promote them.
       • Like most people, disabled people need inspiration to participate – concentrate on what        • Disabled people are inspired to be active through sport.
          is possible rather than what is not possible!
       • Try to understand how and where to promote opportunities and disseminate information
          – key to the success.
                                                                                                         3. Workforce Development
                                                                                                            - Building capacity in the workforce
       • Utilise existing communications systems – i.e. Voluntary Support Bureaus, School Sport
          Networks and Local Authority Networks as a starting point.                                     • Better skilled, and more informed workforce delivering sport for disabled people.
       • Find local role models appropriate to the target audience you are trying to engage in          • Greater confidence in delivering sport for disabled people.
          order to inspire them.
                                                                                                         • Greater capability within the sector.
                                                                                                         • More volunteers and support workers to support the delivery of sport for disabled people.
       Workforce Development                                                                             • Increased numbers of disabled people becoming coaches and leaders.
       - Building capacity in the workforce
       • Pair up coaches and volunteers with those skilled in supporting disabled people on a           4. Funding & investment
          regular basis.
                                                                                                             - Increasing financial resources
       • Recruit volunteers and support workers from the ‘disability community’ into the delivery
          of sport and physical activity for disabled people.                                            • The potential for increased investment into disability sport.
       • Encourage disabled people into becoming coaches and leaders so they can inspire and            • Greater availability of resources through improved efficiency and partnership working.
          raise the aspirations of all others.                                                           • Increased opportunities developed.

14                                   Engaging disabled people in sport and physical activity                                                                                                              15
Engaging disabled people in sport and physical activity - A guide for County Sports Partnerships to support their engagement with disabled people.
Hints and Tips -                                                                                  Services/Organisation Matrix
     Methods of communication
                                                                                                  This matrix has been developed to assist those development workers who need to make
                                                                                                  contact with the organisations and services that currently engage the disability community.
     It is useful to remember that there are various methods of contacting and building           To cut down on time and resources the matrix has been colour co-ordinated to assist
     relationships with sporting and non sporting organisations. The Playground to Podium         development workers to approach the organisations that will best suit their needs.
     Programme supported by the CSPs researched and identified ways of connecting and
     marketing to various organisations.
                                                                                                         Services highlighted in GREEN are services that will predominantly exist
     These methods, which are highlighted below, may sound obvious and some are more readily
                                                                                                         in each county and will support a large number of disabled people of all
     used than others. However, a reminder may be helpful and some of them useful, especially
     if they have not been used before. Different organisations will be more responsive to some
     methods than others.                                                                                There will be key members of staff within the service that development workers
                                                                                                         should be able to link with. Therefore if you want to advertise a number of events or
                                                                                                         sports opportunities to a generic audience, these organisations will be key.
     The more creative one is, the more chance of being noticed!
     • Letters
                                                                                                         Services highlighted in AMBER will also be a good source of support.
     • Phone calls
                                                                                                         However their numbers may differ as they are a mixture of national and county
     • Flyers / posters / postcards
                                                                                                         level services. They could be an impairment specific service and/or particular to
     • Information packs – make your own                                                                 a geographical area and therefore are not standard services across the whole of
       pack for distribution or include a flyer                                                          England. It is good to approach these organisations if you have impairment specific
       in another organisations pack                                                                     opportunities or want to develop talent pathways in partnership with an impairment
     • Emails                                                                                            service.
     • W
        ebsites – feature an article, advert,
       competition or web link to partners
                                                                                                         Services highlighted in RED are national services and therefore it maybe
                                                                                                         hard to find a key person who can directly help.
     • Word of mouth
                                                                                                         Alternatively the other services in red are county-based but have many outlets i.e.
     • E-newsletters and traditional newsletters                                                         school and children centres so it maybe hard to pinpoint a key worker. Engaging with
       – many charities have them and send                                                               any of the red services could be time consuming.
       them out to members
     • Local press
     • Radio - especially local radio stations
     • Regional workshops/seminars in
       partnerships with schools and
       community partners
     • Roadshows within school and community,
       use local fetes and galas where numbers
       of people gather
     • Highlight case studies of athletes that have
       progressed through the pathway
     • Utilise role models
     • Network sessions – regional / national level
     • Social networking – start your activity
       trending! #engagement

16                                     Engaging disabled people in sport and physical activity                                                                                                   17
Engaging disabled people in sport and physical activity - A guide for County Sports Partnerships to support their engagement with disabled people.
County or Sub-County Level
     Name of        Service               Sector     Route of contact                    Benefits              School          Provide advice        Health    There should be a             School Nurses come
     Service       Description                                                                                 nursing         and information                 School Nursing Manager        into direct contact with
                                                                                                               service         on range of health              for a geographical area       parents and carers of
                                                                                                                               issues within                   who could signpost to a       disabled children as well
 Health and      Role is to lead         Health    Through the local County      Develop a joint Health
                                                                                                                               schools, including              specific school nurse.        as those professionals
 Wellbeing       and advise on                     Council or first tier         and Well-being Strategy
                                                                                                                               special schools                                               working with children
 Boards          work to improve                   authority.                    with physical activity                                                        Every primary school
                                                                                                                               and Pupil Referral                                            who have Statement of
                 the health and                                                  being targeted.                                                               should have a school
                                                   Website for example                                                         Units.                                                        Educational Needs.
                 wellbeing of the                                                                                                                              nurse associated with
                 population through                www.derbyshire                Developing closer
                                                                                                                                                               it although she/he may
                 the development                   partnership.gov.uk/           working relationships
                                                                                                                                                               not be based at the
                 of improved and                   thematic_partnerships/        between Public Health
                                                                                                                                                               school full time.
                 integrated health                 health_wellbeing/             England, NHS, local
                 and social care                                                 government, Director                                                          Secondary schools are
                 services.                                                       of Public Health and                                                          more likely to have a full
                                                                                 GP consortia.                                                                 time school nurse as
                                                                                                                                                               the main point of
                                                                                 Provide a framework
                                                                                 for commissioning plans
                                                                                 for the NHS, social care,
                                                                                 public health and other       General         First point of         Health   The NHS Choices               The commissioning
                                                                                 services to best meet         Practitioners   contact for                     website www.nhs.uk            organisation for the local
                                                                                 health and wellbeing          (GPs)           health services.                has details of all local      area may have mailing
                                                                                 needs.                                        Will see children               GPs.                          lists that can be utilised
                                                                                                                               with obesity or                                               by sports professionals.
                                                                                 Ensure that services                          disabilities and refer          If contacting a GP directly
                                                                                 improve health and                            them on to more                 send information to the       Local GP surgeries may
                                                                                 reduce inequalities.                          specialist services             Practice Manager who          display information/
                                                                                                                                                               could then disseminate        posters in waiting room
                                                                                                                                                               it to a number of GPs         or in some practices will
 Clinical      Group of GP               Health    Currently it is hoped         Similar benefits to the
                                                                                                                                                               working in the same           pass on information direct
 Commissioning Practices that are                  that each CCG will have       above – Health and
                                                                                                                                                               building.                     to families.
 Group (CCGs) responsible for                      a website and a CCG           Wellbeing Boards.
               commissioning                       lead on the Health and
               most health and                     Wellbeing board.                                            Child           The centres see        Health   British Academy of            The centre will have
               care services for                                                                               Development     children with a                 Childhood Disability          an area that supplies
               patients.                           It is not clear what the                                    Centres (CDC)   range of disabilities.          (BACDIS) www.bacdis.          information to parents
                                                   route of contact will be.                                                   Usually a CDC is                org.uk has a directory of     and carers.
                                                   This could also vary                                                        a base for a range              Children’s Development
                                                   from county to county.                                                      of different health             Centres online but it is      There may also
                                                                                                                               professionals (eg.              very dated (2006) so          be specific clinics
                                                                                                                               physiotherapists,               phone numbers may             for children with a
 Clinical        Commissioning           Health    Each county should have       This service should have
                                                                                                                               occupational                    have changed.                 diagnosis and there
 organisations   organisations in                  a website and central         a list of contacts that may
                                                                                                                               therapists,                                                   may be opportunities for
 (health)        each area (often                  contact point. In some        be able to disseminate
                                                                                                                               paediatricians etc)             Alternatively the local       development officers to
                 called NHS                        counties there is a Patient   information via a central
                                                                                                                               who see children                PALS service could give       attend to promote the
                 Nottinghamshire,                  Advice and Liaison            mailing list for cascading
                                                                                                                               for diagnosis and               you the contact details.      activities on offer.
                 NHS Brighton and                  Service (PALS).               to frontline workers who
                 Hove etc.) They                                                 work with families.                           treatment.
                 commission health
                 services centrally.

18                                     Engaging disabled people in sport and physical activity                                                                                                                            19
Local hospital   Hospitals run            Health      All hospitals have a           Out patients waiting       Disabled        Provides advice        Statutory   These teams sit within      For each disabled child
 out patients     clinics for children                 website or are on              areas may be willing to    Children’s      and assistance                     the Local Authorities and   that wants support
                  with epilepsy,                       the website of a local         display information.       Team            to families with                   therefore contact should    from this team they
                  diabetes and                         hospitals or health                                                       children who                       be made through the         will have to undertake
                  these can vary                       services trust. PALS           Specialist nurses may                      have severe                        main customer service       an initial assessment.
                  from hospital to                     would be a good point          be keen to encourage                       and complex                        number of the LA.           The assessment will
                  hospital. Some                       of contact to find out is      exercise and could pass                    disabilities.                                                  determine whether they
                  hospitals also have                  there are specialist clinics   on information when                                                                                       meet the threshold for the
                  specialist nurses                    and nurses.                    talking to families and                                                                                   teams support.
                  covering particular                                                 young people.
                  conditions for                                                                                                                                                                Therefore information
                  example ADHD                                                                                                                                                                  on opportunities may be
                  and ASD.                                                                                                                                                                      able to be disseminated
                                                                                                                                                                                                to these families.
 Wheelchair       NHS wheelchair/          Health      www.wheelchair                 An outlet for passing on                                                                                  This team is a good
 Services or      disablement                          managers.nhs.uk/               opportunities direct to                                                                                   starting point to find out
 Disablement      services offer                       services.html                  a targeted market – i.e.                                                                                  and ask for the contacts
 Services         assessments to                                                      wheelchair basketball,                                                                                    of people who provide
                  determine what                       The above link to the          Boccia etc.                                                                                               short breaks to disabled
                  type of wheelchair                   National Wheelchair                                                                                                                      children.
                  or mobility                          Managers Forum details
                  equipment people                     each wheelchair service
                                                       across the England.                                       Adult Social    These teams            Statutory   These teams sit within      Teams will come into
                  may be entitled to                                                                             Care Team       support adults (18                 the Local Authorities and   contact with disabled
                  on the NHS.                                                                                    – variations    years and above)                   therefore contact should    adults through the
                                                                                                                 include Adult   who have social                    be made through the         various services they
 Childrens        All Local                Statutory   Local Authority                The local authorities      Contact Team    care needs. Many                   main customer service       both provide and
 Disability       Authorities (LA)                     customer services main         use this database as                       children that meet                 number of the LA.           commission to support
 Register         have a statutory                     contact details would be       a way of passing on                        the thresholds for                                             disabled adults.
                  obligation                           the first contact point.       relevant information to                    Disabled Children’s
                                                                                                                                 Team will transition                                           This would be the first
                  to provide                                                          families – there is an
                                                       In most cases the                                                         to Adult Social                                                contact point to explain
                  information                                                         opportunity for CSPs to
                                                       register will be held by                                                  Care when they                                                 the opportunities that
                  to families of                                                      have discussions with
                                                       the Disabled Children’s                                                   turn 18 years.                                                 are on offer and to ask
                  disabled children                                                   the LA on how they
                                                       Team.                                                                                                                                    for the contacts of the
                  (children from                                                      can use this database
                                                                                                                                                                                                providers of services
                  birth to 18                                                         to specifically target
                                                                                                                                                                                                that this information and
                  years). Therefore                                                   families of disabled
                                                                                                                                                                                                potential partnership
                  they must hold                                                      children.
                                                                                                                                                                                                working would be best
                  a register of
                  these children
                  – the register is
                  voluntary therefore
                  will only capture
                  some families with
                  disabled children
                  in the locality.

20                                       Engaging disabled people in sport and physical activity                                                                                                                             21
Families        FIS provides             Statutory   These teams sit within        FIS supply all families      Portage         Portage is               Statutory   These teams sit within        Direct contact with
 Information     a range of                           the Local Authorities and     including those with         Teams           a scheme                             the Local Authorities and     families of disabled
 Service (FIS)   information on all                   therefore contact should      disabled children lots of                    for teaching                         therefore contact should      children – excellent
                 services available                   be made through the           information on childcare,                    pre-school children                  be made through the           opportunity to have
                 to parents, to help                  main customer service         events, activities and                       with special                         main customer service         discussions with the team
                 support children                     number of the LA.             short breaks.                                educational needs,                   number of the LA.             about the promotion
                 up to 25 years                                                                                                  new and useful                                                     of healthy activities for
                 with a disabled                      FIS establish close links     They will pass on                            skills in their own                                                disabled children and if
                 child. FIS also hold                 with children’s centres,      information and signpost                     homes.                                                             they would be prepared
                 up-to-date details                   Jobcentre Plus, schools,      to opportunities if                                                                                             to help disseminate that
                 of local childcare                   careers advisers, youth       supplied to them in a                                                                                           to families.
                 and early years                      clubs and libraries.          variety of formats.
                                                                                                                 Parent          Every Local              Statutory   Most PPS’ have their          These services come
 Youth Service   Offer a                  Statutory   These teams sit within        Working in partnership       Partnership     Authority has to                     own website.                  into contact with many
 (may have       wide-ranging,                        the Local Authorities and     with the youth services      Service (PPS)   provide funding                                                    families of disabled
                                                                                                                                 for a PPS, to give                   The National Parent           children. This is an
 a dedicated     exciting and                         therefore contact should      they are in direct contact                                                        Partnership Network
 Disability      engaging                             be made through the           with disabled young                          impartial advice,                                                  excellent opportunity
                                                                                                                                 information and                      website have details of all   for information to be
 Support Team)   programme of                         main customer service         people.                                                                           county services
                 activities that                      number of the LA.                                                          support about                                                      passed on through
                 build young                                                        They do promote                              education issues to                  www.parentpartner             their service, direct to
                 people’s skills and                                                activities to disabled                       parents and carers                   ship.org.uk                   families.
                 confidence.                                                        young people on a                            of children with
                                                                                    regular basis.                               special educational                                                They may have website
                                                                                                                                 needs and                                                          whereby they can
                                                                                                                                 disabilities living in                                             promote opportunities
 SureStart       The centres              Statutory   www.gov.uk/find-              Surestart Children’s
                                                                                                                                 the area.                                                          and a regular newsletter.
 Children’s      are open to all                      sure-start-childrens-         Centres cater for
 Centres         parents, carers                      centre - search facility      children aged birth to                                                                                          Most PPS services run
                 and children. They                   for local children’s          12 years. The CSP can                                                                                           a helpline service and
                 provide help and                     centres.                      build up a partnership                                                                                          each call is logged with
                 advice on child                                                    with local centres to                                                                                           basic family details
                 and family health,                   Children centres may be       provide opportunities                                                                                           these numbers can run
                 parenting, money,                    run by Statutory, Health,     and help promote                                                                                                into thousands in each
                 training and                         or VCI sectors however        existing activities.                                                                                            area.
                 employment.                          all Local Authorities
                                                      will have details of all      The real benefit is that                                                                                        Most PPS’ are in
                                                      children’s centres in their   each child is registered                                                                                        contact with local
                                                      locality. Therefore use       and each centre should                                                                                          Parent Support Groups
                                                      the LA website or main        be able to identify those                                                                                       therefore another
                                                      customer telephone            children registered who                                                                                         avenue direct to families.
                                                      number.                       have a disability.

22                                      Engaging disabled people in sport and physical activity                                                                                                                                23
Schools –        Responsible              Statutory   Local Authorities will        Most likely the CSP are    Targeted   Targeted             Statutory   Local Authorities will     By making the
 including        for providing                        have details of all schools   already engaging with      Support    Support Teams                    have details of targeted   teams aware of the
 Special          the National                         on their website and          schools, however it is     Teams      are specialist                   support teams on their     opportunities through
 Schools and      Curriculum to                        therefore contact should      still worth mentioning                services whereby                 website and therefore      flyers, posters etc they
 Pupil Referral   all school age                       be made through the           that they have there own              professionals are                contact should be          will be able to promote
 Units            children.                            main customer service         internal and external                 pooled together in               made through the main      this to families. They will
                                                       number of the LA.             communications systems                locality teams.                  customer service number    do this by sending direct
                  The majority of                                                    i.e. websites, e-news,                                                 of the LA.                 to families or by using the
                  disabled children                    There is also a search        text systems that could               These services are                                          internal communication
                  will attend a                        facility via the following    be utilised.                          for those children                                          tools they have available
                  mainstream                           link www.gov.uk/                                                    and young people                                            to them.
                  school, only those                   schools-admissions/           Partnerships between                  who are vulnerable
                  children with more                   choosing-schools              local schools and clubs               both in and out of
                  complex needs will                                                 could be strengthened                 school which could
                  attend a special                                                   by establishing bridging              cause them to
                  school.                                                            clubs. This type of                   be anti social and
                                                                                     club would sit well with              become at risk of
                  Some schools also                                                  the schools Extended                  offending later on
                  have enhanced                                                      Services agenda.                      in life.
                  resource units
                  that specialise in a                                               Many parents led groups               These teams vary
                  specific diagnosis                                                 are based in schools as               from county to
                  for example                                                        the venues are free and               county but many
                  Autistic Spectrum                                                  therefore sustainable –               disabled children
                  Disorders or Deaf                                                  worth asking the local                and young people
                  and Hearing                                                        school if they have such              with complex
                  Impairments.                                                       groups operating.                     emotional and
                  Pupil Referral Units                                                                                     difficulties for
                  – these Units will                                                                                       example Autism
                  have children with                                                                                       and ADHD may
                  more emotional                                                                                           potentially access
                  and behavioural                                                                                          these teams.

24                                       Engaging disabled people in sport and physical activity                                                                                                                     25
Local         Sports                   Statutory     Local Authorities will      Within most Sports       Inclusive          These are             VCI   Web search with key    There are many disabled
 Authority     Development Units                      have details of the         Development Units        Living Centres     organisations               words and the county   people that either work
 Sports        vary in size. Sport                    Sports Development          there will be an         – names            made up of                  i.e. Devon Inclusive   in these centres or are
 Development   is classed as an                       Unit on their website and   SDO whose role is        vary across        disabled people.            Living Centre.         members of the centres
 Service       enhanced service                       therefore contact should    part responsible for     different          They work to                                       and they could help in
               and therefore                          be made through the         overseeing Equity,       Locations.         apply disabled                                     distributing information
               budgets fluctuate.                     main customer service       alternatively in well                       people’s own ideas                                 to others.
                                                      number of the LA.           resourced units there    Exist in some      and experience
               Sports                                                             might be an SDO          counties but not   to developing                                      These centre may
               Development                                                        whose main role is       necessarily all.   services and public                                also help you contact
               Officers (SDOs) are                                                Inclusion/Disability.                       policies.                                          with other groups and
               responsible for the                                                                                                                                               disabled people.
               local development
               of sport and                                                                                                                                                      The centres could assist
               recreation to                                                                                                                                                     the CSP on consulting
               the residents                                                                                                                                                     disabled people on
               there LA serves.                                                                                                                                                  matters of physical
               They will operate                                                                                                                                                 activity and sport.
               all community                                                                                                                                                     The centres rely on
               activity and leisure                                                                                                                                              volunteers and this is
               facilities.                                                                                                                                                       also a good source of
                                                                                                                                                                                 support when trying
 Parent Led    Groups that are          Voluntary,    This will vary in each      The number of                                                                                  to engage disabled
 Groups        establish out of the     Community     county.                     parent/carer led                                                                               volunteers in sport.
               needs of families.       and                                       groups will vary from
               Therefore parents        Independent   The local Families          county to county, due
               and carers tend          Sector        Information Service will    to the way in which
               to be the main                         know of many of these       services are delivered
                                        (VCI)         groups.
               people who would                                                   and dependent upon
               establish these                        If there is a Self Help     the need of families.
               support sessions                       Association in the
               for parents and                                                    These groups are
                                                      County they will have       an excellent way of
               some may lead
                                                      a list of all VCI parent    promoting activities
               to develop activity
                                                      sector groups.              direct to families as
               sessions for
               children.                                                          they are the ones that
                                                      PPS services will also
                                                                                  are delivering
                                                      have connections to
                                                                                  the support.
                                                      local Parent Groups and
                                                      networks.                   Many of these groups
                                                                                  are in need of support
                                                                                  from other agencies
                                                                                  – the CSP lead for
                                                                                  disability could link
                                                                                  the families to local
                                                                                  club opportunities.

26                                    Engaging disabled people in sport and physical activity                                                                                                               27
A Selection of National Level Organisations
     Name of       Service              Sector     Route of contact                  Benefits            Mencap   Mencap is the          VCI   Mencap,               Nationally most of these
     Service      Description                                                                                     leading voice of             123 Golden Lane,      charities have dedicated
                                                                                                                  learning disability.         London                websites, newsletters
                                                                                                                  They provide a               EC1Y 0RT              and social media
 British        Exists to promote      Health    BACCH,                       Could promote nationally
                                                                                                                  variety of services                                accounts that members
 Association    and protect the                  5 – 11 Theobalds Road,       via their newsletter and                                         Tel: 020 7454 0454
                                                                                                                  to support people                                  (i.e. families) will
 for            good health of                   London                       e-news.
                                                                                                                  with a learning              Fax: 020 7608 3254    interact with or receive.
 Community      children and their               WC1X 8SH
                                                                                                                  disability, and                                    Therefore contacting
 Child Health   families in their                                                                                                              Email: information@
                                                 Email:                                                           their families and                                 the person within
 (BACCH)        communities.                                                                                                                   mencap.org.uk
                                                 bacch@rcpch.ac.uk                                                carers.                                            the Public Relations/
                                                                                                                                               Web:                  communication
                                                 Telephone:                                                                                                          department will be
                                                 020 7092 6082/6084                                                                            www.mencap.org.uk
                                                                                                                                                                     useful especially if you
                                                 Web:                                                                                                                are targeting a specific
                                                 www.bacch.org.uk                                                                                                    group of disabled
 British        An organisation       Health     BACDIS,                      BACDIS produce a                                                                       Most of the national
 Academy of     for all professionals            5 – 11 Theobalds Road,       newsletter four times a                                                                charities have regional
 Childhood      working in the                   London                       year.                                                                                  arm or local branches
 Disability.    field of childhood               WC1X 8SH                                                                                                            that offer a range of
 (BACDIS)       disability, including                                         CSPs could feature                                                                     support to families. It
                consultant                       Tel: 020 7092 6083           specific disability or                                                                 would be advisable
                paediatrics,                                                  inclusive activities                                                                   to ask if there is one
                                                 Fax: 020 7092 6194           so that interested
                specialist nursing,                                                                                                                                  in your area and ask
                speech and                       E-mail:                      paediatricians and other                                                               for a contact, this
                language therapy,                bacd@rcpch.ac.uk             health professionals                                                                   is a effective way
                physiotherapy,                                                could be updated and                                                                   of promoting local
                                                 BACDIS has regional          have be informed of a
                occupational                                                                                                                                         opportunities.
                                                 representatives across       contact person.
                                                 the county – their details                                                                                          Many of these charities
                psychology and
                                                 are not on the website                                                                                              maybe looking to
                                                 but you can email the                                                                                               provide further sport
                                                 main BACDIS office and                                                                                              and physical activity
                                                 presumably they could                                                                                               opportunities to their
                                                 forward the email or                                                                                                members, therefore
                                                 details of the regional                                                                                             there maybe the
                                                 representative.                                                                                                     potential for new
                                                 The regional represen-                                                                                              partners, programmes
                                                 tative may be able to                                                                                               and funding streams.
                                                 suggest useful local
                                                 contacts within health to
                                                 promote disability sport.

28                                   Engaging disabled people in sport and physical activity                                                                                                     29
National        NAS are the         VCI           The National Autistic     The benefits of contacting   Scope            Provide                VCI   Scope,                     The benefits of contacting
 Autistic        leading UK charity                Society,                  this organisation are                         opportunities for            6 Market Road,             this organisation are
 Society (NAS)   for people with                   393 City Road,            similar to those that are                     disabled people              London                     similar to those that are
                 autism (including                 London                    listed in the ‘Mencap                         with complex                 N7 9PW                     listed in the ‘Mencap
                 Asperger                          EC1V 1NG                  Benefits entry’ as most                       needs and their                                         Benefits entry’ as most
                 syndrome) and                                               of the national charities                     families.                    Tel: 0808 800 3333         of the national charities
                 their families.                   [Administrative offices   work in very similar ways                                                                             work in very similar ways
                                                   only]                                                                   They offer                   Email:
                 They provide                                                to each other.                                                             response@scope.org.uk      to each other.
                 information,                                                                                              practical support
                                                   Tel: 020 7833 2299                                                      – from information
                 support and                                                                                                                            Web:
                 pioneering                        Fax: 020 7833 9666                                                      services to                  www.scope.org.uk
                 services, and                                                                                             education and
                                                   Email: nas@nas.org.uk                                                   everyday care.
                 campaign for a
                 better world for                  Web:
                 people with autism.               www.autism.org.uk                                      Action for       Action on Hearing      VCI   Action for Hearing Loss,   The benefits of
                                                                                                          Hearing Loss     Loss offers a                19-23 Featherstone St,     contacting this
                                                                                                          – formally       range of services            London                     organisation are similar
 RNIB            RNIB offers             VCI       RNIB Headquarters,        The benefits of
                                                                                                          RNID             for people who               EC1Y 8SL                   to those that are listed
                 support and                       105 Judd Street,          contacting this
                                                                                                                           are deaf or hard                                        in the ‘Mencap Benefits
                 advice to blind and               London                    organisation are similar                                                   Tel: 020 7296 8000
                                                                                                                           of hearing and                                          entry’ as most of the
                 partially sighted                 WC1H 9NE                  to those that are listed
                                                                                                                           provide information          Textphone:                 national charities work
                 people in the UK,                                           in the ‘Mencap Benefits
                                                   Tel: 0303 123 9999                                                      and support on               020 7296 8001              in very similar ways to
                 helping people                                              entry’ as most of the
                                                                                                                           all aspects of                                          each other.
                 who have lost their               Email:                    national charities work                                                    Fax: 020 7296 8199
                                                                                                                           deafness, hearing
                 sight to find their               helpline@rnib.org.uk      in very similar ways to
                                                                                                                           loss and tinnitus.
                 lives again.                                                each other.                                                                Web:
                                                   Web: www.rnib.org.uk                                                                                 www.actionon
 Leonard         Leonard Cheshire VCI              Head Office,              The benefits of
 Cheshire-       Disability supports               Leonard Cheshire          contacting this              Enable           Enable Housing,        VCI   EHA and ECHS               The benefits of contacting
 Disability      thousands of                      Disability,               organisation are similar     Housing          Care and Support             Registered Office,         this organisation are
                 disabled people                   66 South Lambeth Road,    to those that are listed                      Group. Provide               Enable Group,              similar to those that are
                 in the UK. They                   London                    in the ‘Mencap Benefits                       a wide variety of            Ellen House,               listed in the ‘Mencap
                 help people                       SW8 1RL                   entry’ as most of the        (There are
                                                                                                          variations on    housing, support,            Heath Road,                Benefits entry’ as most
                 with physical                                               national charities work                       care, activities and         Holmewood,                 of the national charities
                 impairments,                      Tel: 020 3242 0200        in very similar ways to      these private
                                                                                                          companies        training for people          Derbyshire                 work in very similar ways
                 learning difficulties             Fax: 020 3242 0250        each other.                                   with learning                S42 5RB                    to each other.
                 and long-term                                                                            across the UK)
                 health conditions,                Email:                                                                                               Tel: 01246 599999
                 as well as their                  info@LCDisability.org
                                                                                                                                                        Fax: 01246 599980
                 carers, friends and
                 families.                                                                                                                              Email: info@

30                                     Engaging disabled people in sport and physical activity                                                                                                                31
Downs             The charity gives       VCI       Langdon Down Centre,       The benefits of contacting   BILD           Help develop the       VCI   British Institute of          The benefits of contacting
 Syndrome          support to children               2a Langdon Park,           this organisation are                       organisations that           Learning Disabilities,        this organisation are
 Association       and adults with                   Teddington,                similar to those that are                   provide services             Campion House,                similar to those that are
                   Downs Syndrome                    Middlesex                  listed in the ‘Mencap                       to disabled people,          Green Street,                 listed in the ‘Mencap
                   and their families.               TW11 9PS                   Benefits entry’ as most                     and the people               Kidderminster                 Benefits entry’ as most
                   They provide                                                 of the national charities                   who give that                DY10 1JL                      of the national charities
                   various types                     Tel: 0333 1212 300         work in very similar ways                   support.                                                   work in very similar ways
                   of support from                   (not premium rate)*        to each other.                                                           Tel: 01562 723010             to each other.
                   telephone and one                 Email: info@downs-                                                                                  Email:
                   to one support.                   syndrome.org.uk                                                                                     enquiries@bild.org.uk
                                                     Web: www.downs-                                                                                     Web:
                                                     syndrome.org.uk                                                                                     www.bild.org.uk

 MIND              Mind is the mental      VCI       15-19 Broadway,            The benefits of              The National   NAFIS is a             VCI   Anthony Ellison,              The benefits of
                   health charity.                   Stratford,                 contacting this              Association    registered charity           NAFIS Manager,                contacting this
                                                     London                     organisation are similar     of Family      that supports, links         Family and Childcare Trust,   organisation are similar
                   They provide                      E15 4BQ                    to those that are listed     Information    and promotes                 2nd Floor, The Bridge,        to those that are listed
                   support and advice                                           in the ‘Mencap Benefits      Services       Family Information           81 Southwark Bridge Rd,       in the ‘Mencap Benefits
                   for all those people              Tel : 020 8519 2122        entry’ as most of the        (NAFIS)        Services (FIS) in            London                        entry’ as most of the
                   with a Mental                                                national charities work                     Great Britain                SE1 0NQ                       national charities work in
                   Health issues.                    Fax: 020 8522 1725
                                                                                in very similar ways to                                                                                very similar ways.
                                                     Email :                    each other.                                 They are working             Tel: 0845 872 6260
                                                     contact@mind.org.uk                                                    in partnership with          (020 7940 7510)
                                                                                                                            the Daycare Trust.
                                                     Web:                                                                                                Fax: 020 7940 7515
                                                     www.mind.org.uk                                                                                     Email:
 Motability        Over the past 30        VCI       Web:                       The benefits of                                                          www.daycaretrust.org.uk
                   years Motability                  www.mobility.co.uk         contacting this
 Local branches    has helped over                                              organisation are similar
 of this company   three million                     Branches vary – refer to   to those that are listed
 in counties.      people get mobile                 website.                   in the ‘Mencap Benefits
                   by exchanging                                                entry’ as most of the
                   their mobility                                               national charities work
                   allowance for                                                in very similar ways to
                   a brand new                                                  each other.
                   car, scooter
                   or powered

32                                       Engaging disabled people in sport and physical activity                                                                                                                33
National Sport and Leisure Services
 Self Help UK   Self Help UK is        VCI     Intuition Communication Ltd,   This searchable                Name of         Service Description              Route of contact                  Benefits
                a free service                 3 Churchgates,                 website could identify         Service
                provided                       The Wilderness,                many local parent led,
                by Intuition                   Berkhamsted,                   charity/voluntary sector
                                                                                                           British Blind   British Blind Sport is a         British Blind Sport,       British Blind Sport realise
                Communication                  Herts                          organisations for specific
                                                                                                           Sport           registered charity and the       Pure Offices,              the value of building and
                Ltd, specialists               HP4 2UB                        disabilities in your local
                                                                                                                           leading voice of sport for the   Plato Close,               maintaining relationships
                in health care                                                county in which you can
                                               Web:                                                                        blind and partially sighted in   Tachbrook Park,            with key partners and
                publishing on                                                 make direct contact.
                                               www.self-help.org.uk                                                        the UK. The charity was set      Leamington Spa,            organisations within the
                the Internet.
                                                                                                                           up to enable VI people to        Warwickshire               visually impaired sector in
                They provide
                                                                                                                           participate in a full range of   CV34 6WE                   order to achieve improved
                a searchable
                                                                                                                           sporting activities.                                        connectivity with the VI
                database of over                                                                                                                            Tel: 01926 424247          community.
                1,000 self help                                                                                            BBS believe in the many
                organisations,                                                                                             benefits that sport can offer    Email: info@               BBS also understand
                patient support                                                                                            visually impaired people,        britishblindsport.org.uk   that connecting these
                groups and                                                                                                 including improved health        Web: www.                  communities to NGB
                charities across the                                                                                       and mobility, broadening         britishblindsport.org.uk   programmes and
                UK that provide                                                                                            horizons, making new                                        interventions is key to
                support, guidance                                                                                          friends, and becoming more                                  ensuring sustainable
                and advice to                                                                                              independent.                                                outcomes of increased
                patients, carers                                                                                                                                                       participation.
                and their relatives.                                                                                       BBS try to encourage as
                The groups and                                                                                             many blind and partially                                    Each National Disability
                organisations                                                                                              sighted children and adults                                 Sports Organisation will
                that are covered,                                                                                          as possible to participate                                  or should have good
                embrace many                                                                                               in sport at all levels, from                                partnerships with the
                medical conditions,                                                                                        ‘grassroots’ to Paralympic                                  organisations that provide
                diseases and                                                                                               representation.                                             non sporting services for that
                treatments.                                                                                                                                                            impairment group.
                                                                                                                           In addition BBS try to provide
                                                                                                                           help and support to the                                     For example British
                                                                                                                           many professionals working                                  Blind Sport will have
                                                                                                                           with VI people, particularly                                stronger communication
                                                                                                                           within leisure and recreation,                              and partnerships with
                                                                                                                           sports development,                                         organisations such as RNIB
                                                                                                                           education and social                                        that support blind and
                                                                                                                           services.                                                   partially sighted people.
                                                                                                                                                                                       Therefore if specifically
                                                                                                                                                                                       targeting an impairment
                                                                                                                                                                                       group these NDSOs should
                                                                                                                                                                                       have good connectivity with
                                                                                                                                                                                       disabled people and the
                                                                                                                                                                                       organisations that support
                                                                                                                                                                                       them and should be a
                                                                                                                                                                                       priority contact.

34                                 Engaging disabled people in sport and physical activity                                                                                                                           35
Limbpower      A registered charity that       Limbpower,            Limbpower can provide           CP Sport   Cerebral Palsy Sport is the       CP Sport,               We provide sporting
                supports developments in        Whitecroft,           advice and support on the                  country’s leading national        Unit 5,                 opportunities for children,
                sport for people who have       Tandridge Lane,       development of amputee                     disability sport organisation     Heathcoat Building,     young people and adults
                lost limb/s.                    Lingfield             sports opportunities.                      supporting people with            Nottingham Science      to enjoy We achieve this
                                                Surrey                                                           cerebral palsy. Our vision is     Park,                   through providing disability
                                                                      Limbpower runs an annual                   that everyone with physical       University Boulevard,   sports, such as football,
                                                Tel: Kiera Roche      event programme at                         disabilities are able to access   Nottingham              swimming, athletics, Boccia,
                                                (Chair) 07502276859   Stoke Mandeville Stadium,                  a sport(s) of their choice. Our   NG7 2QJ                 table cricket and adapted
                                                                      Aylesbury for all ages aiming              mission is to improve quality                             sports. We also offer expert,
                                                Email:                to provide new amputees                                                      Tel: 0115 925 7027
                                                kiera@limbpower.                                                 of life of people with physical                           specialist support to parents,
                                                                      opportunities to have a go at              impairments through the                                   support workers, teachers,
                                                com                   a variety of sports.                                                         Email:
                                                                                                                 provision of appropriate          info@cpsport.org        coaches, physiotherapists,
                                                Web:                                                             sport and recreational                                    occupational therapists,
                                                www.limbpower.com                                                activities. Our aims are          Web:                    sport providers and other
                                                                                                                 to increase participation,        www.cpsport.org.uk      professionals on how to
                                                                                                                 raise aspirations, promote                                adapt sports for people with
                                                                                                                 inclusion and help fulfil the                             cerebral palsy.
 WheelPower     WheelPower, the national        WheelPower,           WheelPower can provide                     potential of children and
                charity for wheelchair sport,   Stoke Mandeville      advice and support on the                  young disabled people.                                    CP Sport have established
                provides opportunities,         Stadium,              development of wheelchair                                                                            strong partnerships with
                facilities and equipment to     Guttmann Road,        sport opportunities. The                                                                             non-sporting organisations
                enable disabled people to       Stoke Mandeville,     charity has a number of                                                                              who work with people
                participate in sport and lead   Buckinghamshire       education resources such                                                                             with cerebral palsy such
                healthy active lives.           HP21 9PP              as ‘coaching manual                                                                                  as Hemihelp, Hemichat,
                                                                      wheelchair users’ and                                                                                Cerebra and Scope. We also
                                                Tel: 01296 395995     ‘promoting your session/                                                                             connect with the Association
                                                Fax: 01296 424171     club’. WheelPower can also                                                                           of Paediatric Chartered
                                                                      support the development of                                                                           Physiotherapists and their
                                                Email:                bespoke resources.                                                                                   network of over 2000
                                                info@wheelpower.                                                                                                           physiotherapists.

 Dwarf Sports   DSAuk promotes grass            Dwarf Sports          DSAuk provides the
 Association    roots participation for         Association UK,       expertise to those trying to
 UK             those people with a form        PO Box 4269,          develop opportunities. They
                of Dwarfism or restricted       Dronfield             have resources to help
                growth. They seek to            S18 9BG               the development of sport
                increase the number                                   for those with Dwarfism.
                of participants and             Tel: 01246 296 485    Organise a number of
                opportunities on offer at       Web:                  events for both grassroots
                both grassroots through to      www.dsauk.org.uk      and talented athletes to
                podium.                                               participate.

36                                 Engaging disabled people in sport and physical activity                                                                                                              37
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